Kana Kares Kana Kares Kanahooka High School Email: [email protected] PO Box 302, Dapto NSW 2530 Web: www.kanahooka-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Phone: 4261 4011 Fax: 4261 4700 Term 2 - Week 6 29 May 2015 KANAHOOKA HIGH SCHOOL IS A PROUD MEMBER OF THE DAPTO LEARNING COMMUNITY News from the Deputy’s Desk It’s All Happening with Stage 4 Oh what a night it was at the recent Merit Assembly. It was such an honour to be able to present the awards to the dedicated and hardworking students of Stage 4. They were all dressed up in their Kanahooka High School uniforms, smiles beaming and proudly accepting recognition for their efforts in class. It was wonderful to meet and greet so many parents and caregivers who supported their children by attending; re-enforcing the importance of recognising and rewarding the excellent efforts of the students. There are more positive things to come for Stage 4 students. A Stage 4 Student Wellbeing Day is well underway for early next term, as well as a Questacon presentation for Year 7 students. Teachers are busy writing Semester 1 Reports that I look forward to reading very soon before they are distributed at the end of the term. Keep an eye out for them in the bottom of your child's bag over the next few weeks. If you haven’t seen it by the end of the term, ask your child where it is. If they don’t have it to give to you, call the school because every student will have their report before the school holidays. Stage 4 Parents and Caregivers – Please HELP!!! Year 7 and 8 students are a wonderful bunch of kids! They are polite and friendly students who work hard as a whole in all their classes. They are so friendly that some of them love “mucking around” with each other. It’s the catch cry of so many of the students that we have to discuss accidents and incidents of bullying with. When I ask the boys why they’ve tripped over their mate in the corridor…”I was just mucking around.” The girls doing prank calls tell me, “we were just mucking around” the boys who have been separated in the playground as a fight is about to break out assure me “it’s just mucking around.” Parents and caregivers of our beautiful students… HELP!!!! I tell our students day after day, week after week, every student should expect and demand a happy and safe environment at Kanahooka High School, however, “mucking around” is having a detrimental effect on the happy, safe environment of a number of our Stage 4 students. Please help our dedicated staff in creating a carefree environment for all of our students. It would be great if you could chat with your child about the negative side of just “mucking around”. Point out the harm, the dangers, the emotional impact it has on people. Explain about the break up of friendships that can result from “mucking around.” Perhaps even point out that “mucking around” in a work place, that some of them will be joining over the next few years as casual employees, is regarded as work place harassment. Let’s work together to ensure your children continue to learn in a happy and safe environment. Mr J Philpot Stage 4 Deputy Principal UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday 2 June Athletics Carnival Wednesday 3 June Principal for a Day Monday 8 June Queens Birthday Public Holiday Wednesday 10 June Photo Day P&C Meeting 7pm Common Room Tuesday 16 June Photo Catch Up Day Friday 19 June Zone Athletics Carnival Tuesday 23 June Mathemagicians Club 2.30-3.30pm Room 713 Wednesday 24 June Reports distributed Years 7 to 11 Friday 26 June Last day Term 2

Kana KaresKana Kares - kanahooka-h.schools.nsw.gov.au · Burners News At the Burners we learnt about liquid nitrogen and dry ice. The first experiment we did involved dry ice. It

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Kana KaresKana Kares Kanahooka High School Email: [email protected]

PO Box 302, Dapto NSW 2530 Web: www.kanahooka-h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Phone: 4261 4011 Fax: 4261 4700 Term 2 - Week 6 29 May 2015


News from the Deputy’s Desk It’s All Happening with Stage 4

Oh what a night it was at the recent Merit Assembly. It was such an honour to be able to present the awards to the dedicated and hardworking students of Stage 4. They were all dressed up in their Kanahooka High School uniforms, smiles beaming and proudly accepting recognition for their efforts in class. It was wonderful to meet and greet so many parents and caregivers who supported their children by attending; re-enforcing the importance of recognising and rewarding the excellent efforts of the students. There are more positive things to come for Stage 4 students. A Stage 4 Student Wellbeing Day is well underway for early next term, as well as a Questacon presentation for Year 7 students. Teachers are busy writing Semester 1 Reports that I look forward to reading very soon before they are distributed at the end of the term. Keep an eye out for them in the bottom of your child's bag over the next few weeks. If you haven’t seen it by the end of the term, ask your child where it is. If they don’t have it to give to you, call the school because every student will have their report before the school holidays.

Stage 4 Parents and Caregivers – Please HELP!!!

Year 7 and 8 students are a wonderful bunch of kids! They are polite and friendly students who work hard as a whole in all their classes. They are so friendly that some of them love “mucking around” with each other. It’s the catch cry of so many of the students that we have to discuss accidents and incidents of bullying with. When I ask the boys why they’ve tripped over their mate in the corridor…”I was just mucking around.” The girls doing prank calls tell me, “we were just mucking around” the boys who have been separated in the playground as a fight is about to break out assure me “it’s just mucking around.”

Parents and caregivers of our beautiful students…HELP!!!! I tell our students day after day, week after week, every student should expect and demand a happy and safe environment at Kanahooka High School, however, “mucking around” is having a detrimental effect on the happy, safe environment of a number of our Stage 4 students. Please help our dedicated staff in creating a carefree environment for all of our students. It would be great if you could chat with your child about the negative side of just “mucking around”. Point out the harm, the dangers, the emotional impact it has on people. Explain about the break up of friendships that can result from “mucking around.” Perhaps even point out that “mucking around” in a work place, that some of them will be joining over the next few years as casual employees, is regarded as work place harassment. Let’s work together to ensure your children continue to learn in a happy and safe environment. Mr J Philpot Stage 4 Deputy Principal

UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday 2 June Athletics Carnival Wednesday 3 June Principal for a Day Monday 8 June Queens Birthday Public Holiday Wednesday 10 June Photo Day P&C Meeting 7pm Common Room Tuesday 16 June Photo Catch Up Day Friday 19 June Zone Athletics Carnival Tuesday 23 June Mathemagicians Club 2.30-3.30pm Room 713 Wednesday 24 June Reports distributed Years 7 to 11 Friday 26 June Last day Term 2

Burners News At the Burners we learnt about liquid nitrogen and dry ice. The first

experiment we did involved dry ice. It was put in a large measuring

cylinder with an unknown chemical, which looked a lot like the colour of

apple and blackcurrent juice. When the dry ice was added it began to

change colour, from purple to blue to green and then finally yellow.

The next experiment saw dry ice placed into an ice cream container filled

with water. A soapy dish cloth was used to make a bubble seal across the

top of the container. This created a large bubble full of fog.

After that we used liquid nitrogen, which is around -196˚C, and smashed

certain materials. First material to be smashed was bread, then a flower,

then a bottle of cordial and finally, a banana. Liquid mercury was then poured into a gingerbread man

mould, it was frozen with liquid nitrogen and left in a fume hood to melt.

It was now time to go outside to explode a watermelon and pumpkin. A bottle with dry ice and water

was placed inside each, until the pressure got so great that they exploded with a massive BANG!

For the final experiment, a large amount of liquid nitrogen was poured into boiling water. This created a

blanket of icy cold fog across the ground, which we all got to run and play in. After a really cool (no pun

intended) afternoon of fun and learning, it was time to leave. The Burners is great and I can’t wait for

the next session.

Makalah Whittaker-Davis


Zone Cross Country The Zone Cross Country was held on Monday 18 May at Integral Energy Park, West Dapto. All students were well behaved and co-operative.

Standout results include;

12 years Boys Tony Krstevski - 5th place

13 years Girls Emily Mulqueeney - 6th place

15 years Boys Jamie Powell - 6th place 17 years Girls Shaina-Lea Johnson - 2nd place 17 years Boys Jake Gates - 2nd place 18+ years Girls Kaitlyn Kelly - 4th place 18+ years Boys Joshua Bell - 2nd place These students will be invited to compete at the Regional Championships on Friday 29 May at Cambewarra. We wish them every success. Mrs A Sutherland Cross County Organiser

Netball Cake Day Fundraiser A HUGE THANK YOU to the students and staff at Kanahooka High

School for supporting the netball girls at their cake stall on Wednesday 20 May, where we raised $365.10! As parents we really

appreciate the support. Debbie D'Amato

English Debating Competition On 18 May 2015 Kanahooka High School Year 9 and 10 Debating

Team, attended Dapto High School to debate the proposition that

“The news is a good source of information”. Despite a very

disrupted week of preparation, students Imogen Clarke (from Year 7

- recruited at late notice), Tamarah Walton-Issa and Kiana Elford

(from Year 10) and Sophia Poole (Year 9 – also recruited at late

notice) gave the debate their very best. They overcame any nerves

and spoke with great conviction and persuasiveness. Although narrowly defeated by the Dapto debating

team, the girls did Kanahooka very proud and received a cheque for $300.00 generously donated by the

Rotary Club of Dapto. The day served as excellent preparation for future debates against other schools in

our area and hope to return victorious very soon.

The following day (19 May), the Kanahooka High School Year 9 and 10 Debating Team travelled to Albion

Park High School to debate the proposition that “School sport should be abolished”. The girls were

allowed an hour’s preparation before having to each speak for 6-8 minutes in front of an audience of

approximately 20 students and teachers. The team presented strong arguments in favour of

banning school sport. Particularly pleasing was the ease and conviction with which Kanahooka students

spoke in public – a very valuable skill in their future careers. Unfortunately the girls were defeated by the

more experienced team from Albion Park High School. However, all girls benefitted from the experience

and are clearly growing in competence at the art of debating.

The team will take part in two more debates next month against Lake Illawarra High School and Dapto

High School. We wish them every success and know that they are excellent representatives for our school.

Mr G Francis


PDHPE Class Practical Students in all years are involved in practical PE lessons. A reminder to parents and carers that when

students attend practical lessons they are required to bring a change of clothes to participate. The change

of clothes can be either the Kanahooka High School Sports Uniform (which is the preferred option) or a

pair of shorts and a T-shirt suitable for a school PE lesson. At the conclusion of the lesson the students

will change back into their school uniform. The reasons for the necessary change of clothes for practical

PE lessons are for personal hygiene and to protect school uniforms from damage and from getting dirty

and smelly. The recent wet weather has made our grounds very muddy and clothing can easily become

very muddy and dirty during games. To avoid staining to white school tops it is very important that

students change from their school uniforms.

During the cooler winter months, students may wear tracksuit pants and tops for practical PE lessons if

they prefer, however, these must be different to the clothing they have worn to school for the day.

The PDHPE Faculty would greatly appreciate the support of parents and carers in ensuring that all

students bring a change of clothes for practical PE lessons.

Ms T Cannon Relieving Head Teacher PDHPE

Credit Card phone payments and EFTPOS

available at the school office.

School Photo Day Individual student envelopes were distributed to students on Wednesday 13 May. If your child did not receive theirs, please collect one from the school office. Students are requested to wear full school uniform on Photo Day, either clean white/school shirt or school tunic.

Kanahooka High School After School Tutorial Centre

All welcome and it’s FREE!

Held in the School Library with Teacher supervision.

Refreshments provided.

Every Tuesday & Wednesday from 2.30 to 3.30pm

Come along and get help with your

homework, assignments and assessments.

Breakfast club is open every Tuesday.

All students welcome! Open: 7:30-8:20 am

Location: Room 301 Banana Pancakes, Cereal, Juice & more

P&C News The next meeting of the P&C will be held on Wednesday 10 June in the Common Room commencing at 7.00pm. Judy Bertinato P&C President

Host Families Wanted

An exciting opportunity to meet someone new and share our Australian lifestyle!

Japanese students will be visiting us in Term 3 and we need host families to take them in.

Please see Mrs Ursino in the HSIE staffroom or contact by phone on 4261 4011 if you are interested.

Dance Festival We are thrilled to announce that Kanahooka High School has once again been selected to perform in the South Coast Public Schools Dance Festival. Performances take place on Wednesday 10 June and Thursday 11 June at 6.30pm and Saturday 13 June at 12.00pm at the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre. Tickets cost $33 for adults and $17 students/concession and are available from the IPAC.

Merit Assembly Semester 1 Merit Assembly

celebrated the achievements of students in Years 7-12. It was held in the School Hall on Tuesday 19

May. Light refreshments were served at the conclusion of the


A big congratulations to all award recipients.

Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea

Kanahooka High School SASS staff held a Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea for all staff outside in the glorious sunshine on 27 May. Congratulations

to Mrs E Ursino, who not only took out 1st prize, but also 2nd prize in our

raffle. Many thanks to the SASS staff who supplied such a wonderful array of delightful goodies and to everyone who supported this event. $386 was raised for this very worthwhile cause.