On Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 am, Kahului Hongwanji members will gather to celebrate the Autumn O- Higan Festival. We refer to the onset of Spring and Fall with the term “equinox” because during these times the days and the nights are of equal length. Ancient peoples understood that nature was in perfect harmony during these seasons, as contrasted to the extremes of summer and winter. Because of this, O-Higan is a time during which we can reflect on the profound harmony and oneness of the universe, a harmony that is apparent when we are able to see beyond our limited, self-centered views. The word higan means the “other shore” of enlightenment. Traditionally, the Autumn O-Higan is a week- long observance, during which the Bodhisattva Path of the Six Paramitas or “six perfections” (selfless giving, discipline, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom) are studied and practiced. During O-Higan, we can bring these perfections to mind and consider how they relate to our own lives. These Six Paramitas are part of the path of the Bodhisattva, one who vows to leave behind self-centeredness and practice perfection in order to become a Buddha for the sake of all beings. Since Buddhism teaches us, first and foremost, to transcend our limited self, the Bodhisattva path—seeking perfection and enlightenment for everyone—is the true Buddhist path we must all follow. For Shin Buddhists, our living the Nembutsu life is itself the Bodhisattva practice of Perfection. As Shinran Shonin taught, Nembutsu is the mind of Amida, perfect Wisdom and Compassion. Normally, our lives are de- fined by a lack of perfection, by disharmony, and struggle. Shinran himself struggled throughout his life and re- alized that perfection, which is limitless, could never be achieved through his own limited efforts. He learned that it is only through total reliance on Amida, the true reality of Wisdom and Compassion, that we can under- stand the meaning of perfection in our lives. During this O-Higan period, let us reflect deeply on the Six Perfec- tions. Though we are limited beings, the Six Paramitas are truly realized through the heart and mind of entrust- ing faith; in this way we are brought to perfection through the working of Amida’s Compassionate Vow. The fourth day of O-Higan, traditionally called Shunki Higan-e, is the time for us to gather together as a Sangha to praise Amida Buddha. Our temple’s celebration of Shunki Higan-e (on September 22) is a time when we express the harmony of this season by joining as a community to praise the Buddha and to hear the Dharma. May this observance help to bring true harmony and peace into the world and may all beings be happy! Namu Amida Butsu. With hands together in reverence, Rev. Richard Tennes OCEAN OCEAN Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Volume 7, Issue 9 Path of Entrusting - Live the Teachings! September 2013 The Other Shore By Reverend Richard Tennes ANNOUNCEMENT To be a Buddhist means that we always seek to understand ourselves and our lives ever more deeply. We all need to wake up to Life and Buddhism is the Path of Awakening. On this Path, we are always growing, always questioning everything we think we know, and opening ourselves to deeper understanding. The old- est tradition in Shin Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu) is the O-Ko, the gathering of Nembutsu followers to discuss their spiritual path, to learn from, and to support one another. Though most people have come to associate Buddhism with funerals and memorial services, such rituals are really a very minor part of what Buddhism is about. What is most important is that we gather together to learn and appreciate the Buddha’s wonderful teaching. (continued on next page)

Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

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Page 1: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

On Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 am, Kahului Hongwanji members will gather to celebrate the Autumn O-Higan Festival. We refer to the onset of Spring and Fall with the term “equinox” because during these times the days and the nights are of equal length. Ancient peoples understood that nature was in perfect harmony during these seasons, as contrasted to the extremes of summer and winter. Because of this, O-Higan is a time during which we can reflect on the profound harmony and oneness of the universe, a harmony that is apparent when we are able to see beyond our limited, self-centered views.

The word higan means the “other shore” of enlightenment. Traditionally, the Autumn O-Higan is a week-long observance, during which the Bodhisattva Path of the Six Paramitas or “six perfections” (selfless giving, discipline, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom) are studied and practiced. During O-Higan, we can bring these perfections to mind and consider how they relate to our own lives. These Six Paramitas are part of the path of the Bodhisattva, one who vows to leave behind self-centeredness and practice perfection in order to become a Buddha for the sake of all beings. Since Buddhism teaches us, first and foremost, to transcend our limited self, the Bodhisattva path—seeking perfection and enlightenment for everyone—is the true Buddhist path we must all follow.

For Shin Buddhists, our living the Nembutsu life is itself the Bodhisattva practice of Perfection. As Shinran Shonin taught, Nembutsu is the mind of Amida, perfect Wisdom and Compassion. Normally, our lives are de-fined by a lack of perfection, by disharmony, and struggle. Shinran himself struggled throughout his life and re-alized that perfection, which is limitless, could never be achieved through his own limited efforts. He learned that it is only through total reliance on Amida, the true reality of Wisdom and Compassion, that we can under-stand the meaning of perfection in our lives. During this O-Higan period, let us reflect deeply on the Six Perfec-tions. Though we are limited beings, the Six Paramitas are truly realized through the heart and mind of entrust-ing faith; in this way we are brought to perfection through the working of Amida’s Compassionate Vow.

The fourth day of O-Higan, traditionally called Shunki Higan-e, is the time for us to gather together as a Sangha to praise Amida Buddha. Our temple’s celebration of Shunki Higan-e (on September 22) is a time when we express the harmony of this season by joining as a community to praise the Buddha and to hear the Dharma. May this observance help to bring true harmony and peace into the world and may all beings be happy! Namu Amida Butsu.

With hands together in reverence, Rev. Richard Tennes


Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple

Volume 7, Issue 9 Path of Entrusting - Live the Teachings! September 2013

The Other Shore

By Reverend Richard Tennes

ANNOUNCEMENT To be a Buddhist means that we always seek to understand ourselves and our lives ever more deeply. We all need to wake up to Life and Buddhism is the Path of Awakening. On this Path, we are always growing, always questioning everything we think we know, and opening ourselves to deeper understanding. The old-est tradition in Shin Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu) is the O-Ko, the gathering of Nembutsu followers to discuss their spiritual path, to learn from, and to support one another. Though most people have come to associate Buddhism with funerals and memorial services, such rituals are really a very minor part of what Buddhism is about. What is most important is that we gather together to learn and appreciate the Buddha’s wonderful teaching. (continued on next page)

Page 2: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of


ANNOUNCEMENT (continued from previous page):

Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of Makawao Hongwanji Mission) will begin an exciting learning adventure, a six session introduc-tion to Shin Buddhism entitled “Embraced by Great Compassion”. Our class/discussion group will meet each Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon (October 12 through November 16). Class will be held at Ka-hului Hongwanji Mission. Please join us! (reading materials and refreshments will be provided!) ALSO: Beginning September 9, join Rev. Tennes on Monday mornings at 8:00 a.m. in the Kahului Hongwanji Hondo for a short morning chanting meditation followed by “Dharma Discussion and Coffee.” A great way to start the day! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

President’s Corner

The week of August 12-18 was an active one filled with positives for Kahului Hongwanji. A coffee hour to introduce Rev. Tennes to the public and to members saw eighteen people have a chance to either meet Rev. Tennes or get to know him and his wife, Parinya, a little better. It was outstanding to have two Maui Police Department community police officers accept our invitation. The community police officer for Kahu-lui was the first line of communication with the MPD during the thirteen months Kahului Hongwanji did not have anyone on the premises. We were and are still thankful for this connection. Wednesday through Friday of the same week saw numerous people involved (Thank you! Thank you, eve-ryone!) in preparations for the joint Chow Fun Sale and Yard Sale held on that Saturday. The function was a first in having a fundraiser connected with the Yard Sale. This Chow Fun event was in place of the Chicken Hekka pick-up (usually held in June) that was re-evaluated and re-formatted this year. Such is change.


Change is guaranteed to happen in life. Change in itself is neither “good” or “bad.” It is what we make of it. The difference from “what was” to “what is” depends on how we view the change, how we react to it, and how we take charge of what direction it takes on down the road. It is like being in a car with several differ-ent ways to get to our destination. Fundraising is a given for our temple. We need to have revenue. What we do, how we do it, when we do it are the variables and the variables are susceptible to changing times. One thing we cannot do without, what we must have, is the continuing support of our current members and the support of new members. Change happens in small ways, too. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. It can be as ordinary as tweak-ing our daily routine just a little, changing our brand of coffee or tea, re-ordering priorities to make time for exercise, sometimes taking a different route, learning to do something new, memorizing a meaningful quote, taking time to enjoy the sunrise, sunset and sunshine. After having our previous minister for eleven years and going thirteen months without a minister, Kahului Hongwanji is most fortunate in having a new minis-ter. Members and minister will be working together to adjust schedules and procedures to reflect the slightly different ways necessary for a dynamic future.


Members have a month of relative calm and relaxation before the Maui Fair, our next big event. October 3-6 will mark our last fundraiser until next March. Chicken Hekka is the name of the game and for the third year we will be offering taco salad as an additional offering. Once again we need the support of everyone. Kahului Hongwanji is so fortunate in that we have the very best of members and supporters.

In Gratitude…. Janet

Page 3: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

3 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Mark Your Calendar!

Service Responsibilities

September 1 Jr. YBA September 8 Dharma School September 15 BWA September 22 Kyodan—Ohigan September 29 Jr. YBA

Dates to Remember!

October 3-6 Maui Fair with KHM’s famous Chicken Hekka Sale! October 7, Morning Service 8 a.m.— 21 & 28 Dharma discussion follows October 12, Adult Dharma Class— 19 & 26 10:30 a.m.-12 noon October 20 4H Sunday October 26 Senior Fair BWA Fundraiser October 26 Hojukai October 27 Dharma School Halloween Party


Hosha means to give or to help as an ex-pression of one’s gratitude. In the spirit of hosha, let’s all consider working for the temple to be a privilege.

Please come and help!

September 7, 7:30 a.m. September 21, 7:30 a.m. Window cleaning—Jr. YBA

Happy Grandparents’ Day

Sunday, September 8, 9 a.m.

Grandparents please join in to celebrate your special day. The morn-ing starts with temple ser-vice at 9 a.m. followed by refreshments and BINGO!

Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii

2014 Calendar Challenge Deadline: Monday, September 9

Submit art media depicting the theme, “Path of En-trusting: Share Peace” for possible inclusion in the HHMH calendar for 2014. Further details were in the July and Au-gust Ocean issues or call the temple office at 871-4732.

VIDSTA Dharma School Camp Theme: The Golden Chain of Love

September 14-15

Dharma School students and families will be joining students and families from the other temples’ dharma schools for a fun camp! Cost is $10 per person. Please

come and enjoy the fellowship, food, and outdoor activi-ties. Call the temple office for details.

KHM Autumn Ohigan Service Sunday, September 22, 9 a.m.

Members and friends of Kahului Hongwanji are cordially invited to attend the Ohigan service. Ohigan service is conducted during the spring and autumn equinoxes. At this time the weather is neither too warm nor too cold, and the days and nights are equal in length. Har-mony pervades throughout the universe. Buddhists gather before the sacred shrine of Amida, reflect on the harmony of nature, and devote themselves to the realization of the harmony in their inner lives. Please come and listen to Rev. Tennes’s dharma talk!

Maui Hongwanji Council Nembutsu Seminar Makawao Hongwanji Mission

Saturday, September 28 - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, September 29 - 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The seminar features Rev. LaVerne Sasaki addressing the topic, “Jodo Shin Buddhism—The Easy Path to Bud-dhism.” For more information call the temple office at 871-4732.

Page 4: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

4 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Welcome New Member

Dharma School

Can you clap your hands and tap your feet? Kahului Hongwanji is currently looking to add members to its organist pool. Teachers are available so take the challenge. No experience is necessary, so please take advantage of this offer. Please call the temple office at 871-4732 and leave a message for Diane Lee if you are interested.

The summer vacation went by in a flash and the new school year has started. First day of KHM Dharma School was on August 11 when the children helped make pizelles and pretzel treats to be sold at the yard sale on August 17. The children all did a great job of making the treats! Speaking of the yard sale, the Dharma School teachers would like to thank all those who donated items to be sold at the yard sale. The proceeds will help with future Dharma School activities. Dharma School students are in charge of service on September 8, which is also Grandparents’ Day. They hope many grandparents and children will be there, since games and door prizes are planned for that day! VIDSTA camp is on September14–15 at Camp Olowalu. Attendees can look forward to lots of fun in the sun!

Learn to Play the Organ

Kahului Hongwanji Mission extends a big aloha and welcome to the newest member of our Sangha: Ken Hidani

Recipe Corner

BROCCOLI SALAD Shared by Susan Emura

4 c broccoli flowerets, cut to bite size 1 c celery, chopped ½ c raisins 1/3 c toasted sunflower seeds 8 slices bacon, fried to crisp and crumbled ¼ c green onions, chopped ½ c Spanish peanuts


1 c mayonnaise 3 T white vinegar 1/3 c sugar

Recipes Welcome Please share a favorite recipe with our sangha. Send a copy to the temple office or send it via email to [email protected]. Please email your picture and we will gladly insert it in the Recipe Corner. Mahalo!

Toss together. Put dressing on salad when ready to serve. For ease and/or in a rush: simply use broccoli flowerets, Kirkland Fruit & Nut Mix (from Costco) and bacon bits.

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5 Volume 7, Issue 8 OCEAN Page


Setting up at 6 a.m. - Full of sleepy smiles - We’re

ready for business!

Page 6: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

6 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Shooting Stars

Obon season has already ended. How quickly time flies when we’re having fun! The 4H club members were in charge of the game room during the KHM Obon. Everyone worked together to pre-pare and organize the event for a successful game


This year I was in charge of taking photos of the activities. I hope that my photos captured the fun that we experienced that night. The older girls were in charge of running the event, of course, with the supervision of the adults. I feel that eve-rything went well, and everyone had lots of fun. I

cannot wait until we do it again next year.


4H Reporter/Historian

Page 7: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

7 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page


Aloha! I apologize that you were not informed of everything that was going on this year with the Jr. YBA. I recently took over being the advisor for Kahului and Maui United. It has been a huge learning process for me. We had eight members at Kahului Hongwanji this year. The officers were as follows: President Trent Hori, Vice President Brennan Wells, Secretary Kailani Searcy, Treasurer Reece Yokote, and Historian Mi-chelle Suyama. A few of our members were also Maui United officers: Erica Wells, President; Reece Yo-kote, Vice President; and Kailani Searcy, Historian. We had a total of 24 Maui United members. Although there are a few advisors who have been around a long time, many of us were new and had much to learn. I attended a Federation meeting/get together on Oahu in January with Reece Yokote and Brennen Almeida. We learned that making udon from scratch was very hard work. Maui United had a car wash in Makawao on Sunday, February 10. We attended service, washed members’ cars (a beautiful day) and had our monthly meeting. We also had a statewide beach clean-up day on Sunday, March 17. In May, the Maui United had a graduate dinner at IHOP and bid farewell to four seniors. We also elected our Maui United officers for the upcoming year: President Trent Hori, Vice President Layke Yamauchi, Co-secretaries Donna Ikeuchi and Macie Nakahashi, Treasurer Brennan Wells, Historian Michelle Suyama, Councilors Layce Yamauchi and Brennen Almeida, and Sgt. at Arms Rip Pahukoa. The year wrapped up in June with the Jr. YBA convention in Hilo. At the convention, Reece Yokote was recognized as an Out-standing Jr. YBA member. Erica Wells was voted as the Vice President for the Hawaii Federation of Jr. YBA. She recently attended a meeting on Oahu to help create a 3-year plan. There is much to accomplish and I welcome anyone (7th – 12th grade) who would like to join Jr. YBA this upcoming year! I have not scheduled our first meeting as of yet, but if you are interested in joining, please contact me or email the temple office at [email protected]. Wendy Wells

Above: Jr. YBA activities. Left: Reece is awarded Outstanding Jr. YBA mem-ber at the State Jr. YBA convention held in Hilo. Right: Erica is the Vice President of the Hawaii Federation of Jr. YBA and Brennan is the treasurer of the Maui United Jr. YBA.

Page 8: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of



Wrap forks with napkins.


Get fair booth ready for inspection. Measure and bag raw sugar and salt. Transfer shoyu from 5-gal buckets to smaller plastic jugs. Check on woks, burners, equipment.


Fair booth ready for inspection. Reefer delivered to fairgrounds. Reefer line to be buried. Gas line ready for connection. Wash buckets for salted cabbage.


Salt cabbage. Wash, cut, and bag round and green onions.


Wash, cut, and bag round and green onions. Wash, parboil, and pack bamboo shoots. Bag mushrooms. Boil, cut, and package long rice. Assemble batches for Thursday and take to reefer. Transport tables, chairs, fans, food containers, warmers, etc.

Evening Crew (5:30 p.m.-9 p.m.)

Complete processing –green, round onions. Assist with preparing ingredients for taco salad.


Assemble batches for Friday and take to reefer. Finish round and green onions, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and long rice. Cook rice. Deliver to booth. Prepare ingredients for taco salad—Wash and dry lettuce, pack sour cream and salsa into portion cups.

Fair Opens!

Transport and receive equipment from fair booth at close of fair.


Wash items brought from booth from Thursday night. Assemble batches for Saturday and Sunday and take to reefer. Cook rice. Deliver to booth. Transport and receive equipment from fair booth at close of fair.


Wash items brought from booth on Friday night. Prepare items and take to booth for Saturday morning opening. Cook rice. Transport and receive items from booth at close of fair.


Wash items brought from booth. Cook rice. Take equipment back to booth for Sunday morning opening. Arrange for pickup of cooked chicken hekka by members who cannot go to fair. Receive items from booth at close of fair on Sunday night.


Clean-up of everything used!

Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Your help is urgently needed!

Call the office or just come.

Morning sessions will start at 8:00 a.m. Come

when you can, at the time you can. You are

welcome at any time. Bring a friend!

Can you work on the following team(s)?

Cooking, A.M. cleaning, Ingredients prep,

Booth crew, Pick-up at temple, Clean-up Mon-

day after, Transport after last shift of each

night, Cooking for workers, Posters/Publicity,

Runners (need truck), Finance, Tickets distri-



Page 9: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

9 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Highlights of Kahului Hongwanji Mission Board Meeting Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Members Present: Rev. R. Tennes, J. Shimada, M. Emura, S. Emura, S. Higa, G. Hironaka, D. Lee, N. Okumura, C. Suyama, D. Toyama, H. Toyama, C. Wilkinson, A. Yoshimoto, I. Matsuda


Solar Panels Report – All panels have been installed. Haleakala Solar will “fine tune” the system and educate designated person(s) at the temple regarding the interpretation of information provided by the me-ter that monitors operations. Maui County needs to conduct final inspection also.

Obon – An evaluation was submitted by Nelson Okumura and will be filed with the minutes. Thanks were expressed to Nelson for chairing the event and to Susan Emura for working with the Preschool on their dance presented on Friday night.

Repair/Maintenance of Minister’s Residence – Day to day operating funds have not been used; CIP and Eitaikyo Funds have been used for this project. Materials and time have been donated by temple members, as well as by non-members and local businesses.

Newsletter – Labeling help needed – Staff is still looking for help in this area. The labeling for mailing is usually done during the time of the monthly Kyodan Board meeting.

Maui Fair – October 3-6, 2013 – Application has been submitted to the Fair Committee. Permits from the County need to be secured.

NEW BUSINESS Nomination Committee –Help is needed to produce a slate for the next 2 year term for the Kyodan Board.


Dharma Education Service Responsibilities/Window Cleaning Helpers October (proposed) October 6 No service – Maui Fair October 13 Dharma School October 20 BWA October 27 Kyodan Window cleaning on 10/19 - Scouts

Preschool – The director is interviewing for a part-time teacher. Participation in QRLS continues. Funds from QRLS have made it possible to add sand to the playground and to send personnel to workshops and conferences. The director attended a national conference in June in San Francisco and 2 teachers and an aide will attend a conference in Washington D.C. in November.


Help is requested to help keep Lumbini Hall clean after each usage by any group or organization.

Organizations will be working together to again attempt to simplify the refreshments on Sundays, following service. Less variety and smaller quantities of food are being requested to ease the work for the groups. Refreshments after special services, however, will consist of more dishes, including rice, as has been the pattern in the past.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Page 10: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

10 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Grateful Acknowledgments As of August 11, 2013


In memory of Patsy Kinoshita (Inurnment) Bryan & Audrey Nishimura Ed & Edith Ichiriu In memory of Chizuko Kawamoto (49day/Burial) Miyuki Kawamoto In memory of Sunao & Suzue Morimoto (Urn removal) Harumi Hashimoto (c/o Kumika Soga) Nancy Kiyabu Tama Makishima Yoshiko Seki In memory of Shizuko Fujimoto (7 year) Fujiko Tanaka In memory of Kiyoshi Hamasaki (3 year) Jack Kulp & Rene Hamasaki Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hamasaki Samuel & Marion Morikawa Esther Nakano Unknown In memory of Kiyoshi & Yoshiko Hamasaki Edward & Judy Nakano Fred, Carol & KYM Kawagoe


In memory of Satsu Kawano (50 year), Yukie Aroyan (17 Year) & Edith Fujiye (13 year) John Aroyan In memory of Yoshie Jean Kanemoto Nobuo & Kikue Kanemoto


Kimie Hozaki Tokio Kakiuchi Clyde Kamimoto Satsue Kanechika Teruko Yamashita Kosuke Yoshioka Darlene Fuke & Lori Yokote Alton Nakagawa & Shirley Tsukiyama Harold & Masue Okumura Fumiko & Yasuo Sorayama H. & R.S. Taira Mrs. Lillian Uno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCall Mr. & Mrs. Guy Muraoka

Kohama Family (c/o Yoshio & Yukie Kohama) In memory of the Kohama Family Yoshio & Yukie Kohama In memory of Mume & Yokichi Nishimura Michael & Ethel Magata In memory of Hideo Hiranaga George & Pat Borg In memory of George Kondo, Mr. & Mrs. Otokichi Kondo Reiko Kondo In memory of Zenichi, Takayo & Yoshiaki Hozaki Yutaka Sorayama In memory of Ruth Yoshioka Kosuke Yoshioka


Larry & Joan Yokoyama Bernadine Tagomori


Harold & Irene Teraoka


Robert Takata Henry Nakamura Harold & Irene Teraoka In memory of Yokichi Nishimura & Mume Nishimura Toshio & Yvonne Kishi

NEWSLETTER Arthur & Sandra Osaki


Yukie Kohama Satsuko Hiyakumoto Kaila & Kena Takamori Tihada Audrey Harding Shirley Takahashi Kumika Soga Harold & Fumie Teraoka Patsy Saki Kiku Kanemoto Mikiko Gushi Cheryl Cruel Joan Yokoyama

Thank you for your most generous donations. Kahului Hongwanji depends greatly on the support of its members. We are sorry if we have omitted or misspelled your name. Please assist us by calling the office (871-4732) so we can make proper corrections. Also, if you prefer your listing to be ‘Anonymous,’ please let us know by indicating this desire on your check. Mahalo.

Page 11: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of



1 YEAR (2012) Hiranaga, Kimie, 85 September 1 Matsuda, Humiko, 90 September 3 Morimoto, Suzue, 94 September 20 3 YEAR (2011) Onaga, Takehisa Sam, 85 September 24 7 YEAR (2007) Tokunaga, Susumu, 99 September 9 13 YEAR (2001) Lee, Kevin Katsumi, 20 September 17 Kobayashi, Kazumi, 70 September 25 17 YEAR (1997) None 25 YEAR (1989) Nishimura, Hisako, 80 September 2 33 YEAR (1981) Kobayashi, Edwin Sadato, 23 September 11 Fujimura, Hatsuyo, 71 September 17 Shimizu, Itoyo, 86 September 26 50 YEAR (1964) Edo, Humihiko, 86 September 6


1 YEAR (2012) Takamura, Clara, 87 October 28

3 YEAR (2011) Nagamine, Yasuo, 91 October 10

7 YEAR (2007) Morimoto, Munaki, 91 October 8 Kimura, Ralph Kazumasa, 90 October 12 Tanaka, Humie, 86 October 29

13 YEAR (2001) Okada, Elton Hisashi, 51 October 3 Hashiro, Iwao, 97 October 12 Yoshida, Hideo, 83 October 20 Miyasato, Kama, 101 October 24 Doi, Fujiye Edith, 80 October 30 Kawamoto, Masayoshi, 74 October 31

17 YEAR (1997) Shimazu, Toshimi, 99 October 13 Shimano, Sayoko, 83 October 30

25 YEAR (1989) Murakami, Norman Naoyuki, 42 October 23 Sugi, Shige, 88 October 30 Ota, Robert Naoto, 46 October 31

33 YEAR (1981) None

50 YEAR (1964) Kanemoto, Suematsu, 89 October 2 Kitaguchi, Rin, 81 October 8

Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Memorial Listing


Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple extends deep sympathy and condolences to the family of the following member who passed away recently:

Tadayuki Takamatsu, 90—August 3, 2013

Memorial Service

A memorial service is held in gratitude for the compassion of Amida Buddha and the life of Nembutsu. It is a time for family members and friends to gather together on behalf of the de-parted person, to share their memories, and to express thankfulness and gratitude.

To make arrangements for a memorial ser-vice, please call the temple office at 871-4732.

Page 12: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of


Highlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii HEADQUARTERS UPDATE

1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Phone: (808)522-9200 Fax: (808)522-9209

Web: www.hongwanjihawaii.com Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page


In 2007, through the efforts of the Hawaii Federation of Jr. Young Buddhist Associations and other dedicated supporters, Hawaii became the first state to recognize Peace Day. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21st. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The followings are the two major events planned by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. We encourage all of you to take this op-portunity to reflect on how we can strive for the Peace in our own lives and in the community.

The 7th Annual Parade and Festival for the United Nations International Day of Peace

Parade and Festival -- Saturday, September 21, 2013, 4 p.m.

Honokaa, Big Island of Hawaii hosts the premiere Peace Day event in the State of Hawaii, and the only event of its kind worldwide, a parade and festival demonstrating unity in support of peace, compassion and awareness of interdependence. New this year, parade steps off at 4 PM on Saturday, September 21, 2013. Hundreds of participants from over 30 groups will perform or exhibit in a unique parade, described as a “moving stage.” The festival which follows will include entertainment and over 40 vendors and exhibi-tors including an appearance by Mr. Masahiro Sasaki, brother of Sadako Sasaki, and Mr. Yuji Sasaki, nephew of Sadako.

2013 Peace Day Interfaith Service

An interfaith celebration will be held on Friday, September 20, 2013 beginning at 7:00pm at the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin at 1727 Pali Highway. This annual event is sponsored by the Pacific Bud-dhist Academy, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii and Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin and other community organizations.

The service will feature speakers and musical performances from a variety of religious and spiritual tradi-tions. The event will be a moving and memorable celebration of peace.

Mr. Masahiro Sasaki will be a featured speaker at the celebration. Mr. Sasaki is the brother of Sadako Sa-saki, whose extraordinary life was recounted in the children’s book “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes”. Mr. Sasaki will be accompanied by his son Yuji Sasaki who will perform a musical number. The Sasaki family has long been advocates for cultivating peace in our world.

Contact Rev. Blayne Higa for more information. 532-2649. [email protected].


An Intergenerational retreat sponsored by the End-of-Life Committee, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Ha-waii for family and friends to listen and reflect on our elder’s wishes and concerns ~ Health, religious, cultural ~ to support them as they enter the twilight of their lives.

Date: Saturday, September 28, 2013 Time: 8:30am – 2:00pm Place: Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission (1067 California Avenue, Wahiawa)

Cost: $20 / $10 for students … includes refreshments and lunch

Bus transportation from Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin (1727 Pali Hwy, Honolulu) to Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission will be provided on a first come-first served basis at a cost of $5.00. The bus departs at 7:30am. For more detailed information and registration, please see the attached file. Registration deadline is September 20, 2013.

Page 13: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of

13 Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page

Highlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii————continuedcontinuedcontinuedcontinued


On the evening of August 6, 2013, Pacific Buddhist Academy’s Campus was host to a larger than ex-pected crowd of new and returning students and parents, faculty and staff, supporters, friends and trustees of the school and the newest addition to our Hongwanji Ohana, the new Head of School for PBA, Mr. Robert Cody and his Family. At 5pm, the sounding of the bell welcomed everyone to the Installation Ceremony for the new Head of School.

The special ceremony in the Hawaii Betsuin Hondo included traditional elements of liturgy and mes-sages by Bishop Eric Matsumoto, PBA Trustees Chair Joel Determan and new Head of School Rob Cody. During the ceremony, special gifts from Hawaii Kyodan, students, the Board of Trustees, teachers, and parents were presented.

To quote from the PBA Website, “I’m deeply honored to present this trophy to Mr. Cody as a symbol of teamwork and effort,” said senior Kate Sclabassi, who presented the new principal with a green dragon tro-

phy that was once used for Sports Day festivities.

When school finally opened on August 7, PBA welcomed seventy-three students - the largest population

in its young history. The increase in students sent a buzz throughout the campus.

“It’s a lot bigger,” junior Candis Imanaka said excitedly. “It’s good that PBA expanded a lot - it gives

me an opportunity to meet new people and to practice my social skills.

“It’s good to meet Robert Cody, too, because he seems like a good guy and he will be a great principal

at PBA.”


The Foodland Give Aloha Program honors its founder, Maurice J. Sulli-van, and his generosity in giving back to the community. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match donations up to a total of $350,000 for all participating non-profit organizations. This program allows you to leverage your precious donations into an even greater donation. As an example, last year’s par-ticipants received approximately 24% in “matching” contributions. In other words for every $100 donated, an additional $24 went to the organization. Once again, Hawaii Kyodan will participate in the Foodland Give Aloha Program as a means to grow the Ministerial Training Fund. We humbly ask that your make a donation to the Ministerial Training Fund, which we hope to grow and be able to support local aspirants without drawing from our operating budget. Here’s how you can participate:

1. Between Sep 1 and 30, go to any Foodland or Sack ‘n Save store with your Maika’i Card; only donations

made with a Maika’i Card will be matched. If you don’t have a Maika’i Card, you can sign up right there---it’s free.

2. Tell the cashier you would like to make a Give Aloha donation.

3. Give the cashier our Organization Code 78644 or they can look up Honpa Hongwanji.

4. Let the cashier know the amount of your donation. You can make a donation of any amount but only dona-tions up to $249 per person will be eligible for matching. (You can make donations to multiple organizations and they all will be eligible for the matching up to the $249 limit. The Pacific Buddhist Academy (78393) and Hongwanji Mission School (77603) are also participating, as well as some temples.) Once the transaction is complete you will be given a receipt for your tax purposes. If you would like to have your donation acknowledged by Hawaii Kyodan, please bring or send your receipt to the Kyodan office and we will send you an acknowledgement letter. We hope you will consider making a donation to the Ministerial Training Fund or other Hongwanji or-ganizations through this program. If you can’t make it to a Foodland store, you can donate through our web-site at https://sites.google.com/a/honpahi.org/hhmh-donation-page/ although these donations will not be eligi-

ble for matching. You may call the Headquarters office business manager for more information.

Page 14: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of



In response to several requests, the HQ Bookstore has brought in some items that you may purchase. The following items are available:

Through a special order to the Hongwanji Headquarters in Kyoto, we also have the Amida Buddha’s Scroll and the small Butsudan with scroll. The back side of the scroll and the Butsudan are printed with the current Go-Monshu’s name and stamps.

“Embraced by the Buddha ~ from Christian to Buddhist~” By Toshiko Kawamura ($2.50) The Author of this book, Mrs. Toshiko Kawamura, who passed away in Jan. 2013 in Yamaguchi, Japan, at age 92, grew up in a Christian family. She graduated from a university in Tokyo and soon after her marriage, she had to move from Tokyo to her husband’s hometown of Hagi in Yamaguchi during the war to escape the bombings in Tokyo. This book is her story of how she turned from Christian to Buddhist. In it she praises her mother-in-law who devotedly took refuge in the teachings of Amida-Buddha. This book (English Version) was first printed by the Nembutsu Press Los Ange-les. Later, it was reprinted by Rev. Bert Sumikawa for the Kapolei Buddhist Sangha and now is in its third printing by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Headquarters.

*If you are interested in any of these items please stop by Bookstore at HQ office or contact Bookstore clerk, Yoshiko Umitani at (808)522-9202 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you.

Volume 7, Issue 9 OCEAN Page


You can now make a donation to Honpa Hongwanji through online with your Credit Card. Please visit our website at www.hongwanjihawaii.com and click “Donation to Honpa Hongwanji” on the main page. Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowable by law.

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Small Uchishiki for Family Altar (Butsudan) Red with Sagarifuji ($10.00) White with flowers ($10.00)

← ← ← ← Hibiscus Shikisho (Hawaii BWA design) $40.00

Highlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HawaiiHighlights of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii————continuedcontinuedcontinuedcontinued

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September 2013








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Page 16: Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Kahului Hongwanji ... · 08/09/2013  · Beginning Saturday, October 12, Rev. Richard Tennes (of Kahului Hongwanji Mission) and Rev. Sol Kalu (of


September Calendar of Events

Kahului Hongwanji Buddhist Temple 291 South Puunene Avenue Kahului, Hawaii 96732

Address Service Requested

Office: (808) 871-4732 Fax: (808) 877-2640

Email: [email protected] Website: http://kahuluihongwanji.org

Resident Minister

Reverend Richard Tennes

Kyodan President

Janet Shimada

Office Secretary

Sharon Higa

Office Hours: Sunday-Thursday

8 am—12 noon


Nokotsudo hours: daily 8 am—5 pm

Sunday Family Service

Sundays, 9 a.m. ....

Grandparents’ Day Activity

Sunday, September 8 after refreshments ....

Autumn Ohigan Service

Sunday, September 22, 9 a.m. ********

Dharma School

Sundays after service **********


Saturdays, September 7 & 21, 7:30 a.m. **********

VIDSTA Dharma School Camp

September, 14-15 Camp Olowalu


BWA Meeting Saturday, September 21, 8:30 a.m.



September 28, 8:30 a.m. **********

Maui Buddhist Council’s

Nembutsu Seminar

September 28-29 at Makawao Hongwanji **********

Scouts Meeting

Contact Denise Tanaka ***********

4-H Meeting

Wednesday, September 18, at 5:30 p.m. ***********

Yoga Class

For schedule contact Kallie Keith-Agaran

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage



Kahului, Hawaii