公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月 Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018 ࡌࡣ ◊✲⫼ࡢᬒ┠ⓗ ⌧ᅾ-5 ⚈ᑎ㥐࿘㎶ (1) 滲⇦坿θ陬庁楯p褫滲χ削朔腰 0達削耨コ裁冴赱ゅ邊モ昨雑肴ô夫痂坿某歳雑冴晒裁冴く 戻├耨歳⇦癒質⇦0痂絣削6臙細参崎採三腰0鎚通渗昨滲 ⇦尤煮9昨嫻U碕作榊冴甑罪昨0鎚削採砕傘彬典ɚ┦b削 肴哉崎朔慕Ⅺ *4+ 埼鶺ヹ裁冴歳腰ô夫痂坿某昨坿某痂絣鯖 ⇦0├耨削朔坿娵滔歳札晒参腰罪昨祭碕歳0鎚削採砕傘晁 坿尤煮9削雑彳済作痣壚燦里拶裁冴祭碕歳ゐ撒参傘甑鑚Ⅺ 埼朔腰軛釡昨彳涖削皿三〉胥滲嘆栽晒ガ傑昨p褫匙昨8 ¹燦1崎耨コ裁冴赱ゅ邊モ昨明巉迯昨く戻ɚY盍燦腰Q圻 昨燐8梛檞浪O昨ô夫痂坿某昨縫埼再傘燐8梛闌燦嘆盪 削軛晒栽削際傘祭碕燦¥ɚ碕際傘甑擦冴腰明巉疆穂昨赱ゅ 邊モ碕裁崎昨燐8梛闌昨哲1咲砕燦軛:削際傘冴薩削腰輪 迯鑢削明æ細参冴浪O昨赱ゅ邊モ埼再傘ガや闌質託’邊闌 燦柺Ï檮ょ碕際傘甑 3/40 菱⊕€お碕鑚€お昨哲1咲砕 0達昨赱ゅ邊モ削肴哉崎朔腰聿癆腰頓糧旄質坿X旄栽晒 鑚駟ɚ€お歳4G細参θ鑵闌 3+ 質ね坿 4+ 直χ腰p褫昨赱 ゅ邊モ削肴哉崎朔腰⇦θ0χ闌w昨邊モ痂絣碕榮貉坿昨ホ 癆削z坿歳’作傘摩彳作ô夫痂坿某歳く戻ɚ作Y盍碕裁崎 暼シ尤裁冴甑罪昨癆腰婚p褫滲糧恨 5+ 作鷺G汲典糧yノ 宙黻昨雑碕埼彬典ɚ€お昨66碕㊪尤歳札晒参傘雑昨昨腰 く戻ɚ作罵傜栽晒昨冨鶺ヹ朔友便削作細参崎哉作哉甑 瀧跏腰楯滲ヴき質E闌ヴき埼朔腰赱ゅ邊モ昨ô夫痂坿某 昨6臙歳滲⇦尤煮9昨嫻U碕裁崎は燈θúゅ 6+ 質轍ホ 7+ χ 細参腰p褫昨赱ゅ邊モ埼朔邉ヌ質ク峩鴇廟ヴき昨ヌ珵 栽晒昨€お 8+ 歳コ晒参傘歳腰0達昨坿某痂絣削肴哉崎朔腰 罪昨縫蛬碕裁崎プ載晒参傘削碕鷺擦榊崎哉傘甑 鑚Ⅺ朔腰菱⊕€お昨耨霙燦C擦彩作歳晒腰0達削採砕傘 ô夫痂坿某昨耨コ煮9碕0達栽晒0鎚匙碕瑰済6歳参冴ô 夫痂坿某昨く戻ɚY盍燦彬典ɚ削軛晒栽削裁崎哉采甑 3/50 €お跏堙 G汲典yノ糧ユ賽 3)7)8) 鯖罪昨直昨貭®糧賽 *5+*6+ 腰〉胥 3噪 *7+*8+ 削皿三腰擦剤腰軛釡彳涖削皿榊崎〉胥滲嘆栽晒 p褫匙8¹裁冴燐8梛質ガや質託’邊昨濯闌昨撤褊署昨 彌采歳8¹通縫削釵晒裁冴〉胥昨か昨w絣碕8¹昨1E削 肴哉崎i柆際傘甑擦冴腰柮貭鶺坿澤昨ぇÓ不杞燦便霍裁腰 坿瑰3噪 *3:97+ *9+ っ燦持実旨爾紫寺碕際傘祭碕埼明巉迯 昨赱ゅ邊モ昨坿某碕圓坿母ぁ削肴哉崎彬典ɚ削皖淀裁腰濯 闌燦柺Ï裁作歳晒く戻ɚY盍燦軛晒栽削際傘甑細晒削腰糧 5+ 昨Q斂際傘ガや闌燦嘆盪削0達削採砕傘坿某碕圓坿 母ぁ痂絣昨廸杞削肴哉崎鶺ヹ際傘甑通琢昨i柆燦f淋際傘 祭碕埼腰Q圻昨燐8梛檞浪O削6臙細参冴ô夫痂坿某昨耨 コ馮茹碕作榊冴0達昨曚絣燦ミ軛際傘甑 3/60 €お檮ょ坿 娵θ噪 3χ 燐8梛檞浪O 滲⇦坿燦├耨際 傘蹠燐8梛闌質 ガ や 闌θ Q質 p褫滲χ碕ó滿 琢靱燦菠珊埼遊 削蠅蘢際傘蹠託 ’ 邊 闌θ Q質 濯 閫滲χ燦端作檮 ょ碕際傘甑祭参晒昨赱ゅ邊モ朔腰p褫瞭坿昨赱ゅ明æ歳 譏九ɚ削鑚駟尤際傘帳鴇鑢通縫昨坤虜赱ゅ墾削b疆際傘甑 坤虜 赱ゅ墾朔腰赱ゅ邊モ昨耨コ煮9鯖く戻├耨削曇慕磽歳札晒 参傘甑 Ḿ蹠燐8梛闌質ガや闌質託’邊闌燦檮ょ碕裁崎Ḿ - On the Subject of Kichijoji, Nishikubo and Shimorenjaku Villages - 樅殤 4Ⅷ 質停ホ ゝ団 ℧℧ Miki Yamazaki , Hirohisa Ito ℧℧ 旄ブ抵佻 陬庁X5彳旄溷旄€お5獵4旄梵謾 (Tokyo University of Science) ℧℧ 塡抵佻 陬庁X5彳旄溷旄使獵4旄5 (Tokyo University of Science) 燐8梛檞浪O削採砕傘ô夫痂坿某昨耨コ煮9削際傘i柆 A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped Allotment of Land around Kichijoji Station This paper seeks to clarify the formative process of the strip-shaped allotment of land around Kichijouji station which has been built in the middle of 17 th century as Shinden settlement. Three villages around Kichijoji station had been established by the emigration with the urban renewal of Edo after the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657 and planned with the similar strip-shapde allotment of land such as the dwelling lot of shallow depth (8ken) et al. But there are regional differences in detail, for example, Kichijouji village has been divided into two districts which were called Honjuku (original residental area) and Noden (only for cultivated area). By the growth of new inhabitants, the frontage of strip-shaped allotment of land had been fkxkfgf kp jcnh. cpf tgfgxgnqrgf vjg Ýgnfu hqt jqwukpi0 Keywords: Kichijoji, strip-shaped allotment of land, formative process 燐8梛 . ô夫痂坿某 . 耨コ煮9 噪 3 檮ょ坿娵便漱噪 ?岱醤恥郁 梼侠砥葡造矢志;参瀧志 伍入志鎧峠 域ば闘栂れ LT 宙往羨 域ば闘稚 然複持稚 侠襖域ば闘羨 強畳睡嬢 呂澄栂れ 斉煤鎧峠 梼溌峠労 仮呂澄 千扇 鎧峠 填峠 喫章持 誓隈 葡造強謁 喫章持謁 参瀧謁 宣扇丞睡 粁扇丞睡 3222 722 2 ]o_ 喫章持栂れ - 267 -

K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

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Page 1: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018



- On the Subject of Kichijoji, Nishikubo and Shimorenjaku Villages -

Miki Yamazaki , Hirohisa Ito

(Tokyo University of Science)(Tokyo University of Science)

A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped Allotment of Land around Kichijoji Station

 This paper seeks to clarify the formative process of the strip-shaped allotment of land around Kichijouji station which has been built in the middle of 17th century as Shinden settlement. Three villages around Kichijoji station had been established by the emigration with the urban renewal of Edo after the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657 and planned with the similar strip-shapde allotment of land such as the dwelling lot of shallow depth (8ken) et al. But there are regional differences in detail, for example, Kichijouji village has been divided into two districts which were called Honjuku (original residental area) and Noden (only for cultivated area). By the growth of new inhabitants, the frontage of strip-shaped allotment of land had been

Keywords: Kichijoji, strip-shaped allotment of land, formative process

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Page 2: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018


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Page 3: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018

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Page 4: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018


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Page 5: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018

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Page 6: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018

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Page 7: K Z>+ A Study on Formative Process of Strip-Shaped

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 Vol.53 No.3 2018年 10月Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.53 No.3, October, 2018

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