K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potential Tudor P˘ adurariu MIT June 23, 2020

K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

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Page 1: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with


Tudor Padurariu


June 23, 2020

Page 2: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Table of Contents


Hall algebras

K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potential

Page 3: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Definition of quivers.

A quiver is a directed graph.Q = (V ,E , s, t : E ! V )Examples: Jordan quiver

For k a field, the path algebra kQ is the k-vector space with basispaths in Q and multiplication given by concatenation of paths.Example: kJ = k[x ].

Page 4: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Representations of quivers.

Let d 2 NV be a dimension vector. Representations of the path

algebra can be described as follows:

The stack of representations of Q of dimension d is

X (d) =Y



v2VGL(dv ).

Page 5: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Table of Contents


Hall algebras

K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potential

Page 6: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Classical Hall algebras

(Steinitz ⇠ 1905, Hall, Ringel ⇠ 1990)Let Q be a quiver, k a finite field with q elements, v = q


The Hall algebra HQ is the C-vector space with basis isomorphismclasses of Q-reps over k and multiplication encoding extensions ofsuch representations.

Consider the subalgebra HsphQ ⇢ HQ generated by dimension

vectors (0, · · · , 0, 1, 0, · · · , 0).

Theorem (Ringel-Green)

Let Q be a quiver with no loops with corresponding Kac-Moody

algebra g. ThenH

sphQ = U

>v (g).

Page 7: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

From classical Hall algebras to preprojective Hall algebras

The algebra HsphQ can be categorified (Lusztig) by a category C(d)

of constructible sheaves on the stacks X (d). Multiplication isdefined by m = p⇤q

⇤, where

X (d)⇥ X (e)q � X (d , e)

p�! X (d + e)

(A,B/A) (Ad⇢ B

d+e)! B .

Consider the singular support functor:

C(d)! DbC⇤Coh(T ⇤

X (d)).

Grojnowski proposed the study of algebras defined usingD

bC⇤Coh(T ⇤

X (d)).

Page 8: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Preprojective/ 2d Hall algebras

(Grojnowski 1995, Schi↵mann-Vasserot 2009, Yang-Zhao 2014)For a quiver Q, define




0 (T ⇤X (d)).

Example: for J the Jordan quiver, T ⇤X (d) is the stack of sheaves

on A2 with support dimension 0 and length d .


Let Q be an arbitrary quiver. Then

KHA(Q) = U>q (cgQ),

where Uq(cgQ) is the Okounkov-Smirnov quantum group.

Page 9: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Hall algebras for CY 3d categories.

(Kontsevich-Soibelman 2010)Conjecturally, for any Calabi-Yau 3-category one can construct aHall algebra. When the category is DbCoh(X ) for X a Calabi-Yau3-fold, the number of generators is expected to be given byenumerative invariants of X .

Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers withpotential. In this situation, one can construct the Hall algebra.

This construction generalizes the preprojective/ 2d KHA for aquiver Q.

classical HAsa�nization������! 2d KHAs ⇢ 3d KHAs.

Page 10: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Table of Contents


Hall algebras

K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potential

Page 11: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Quivers with potential.

A potential W is a linear combination of cycles in Q.Example:

Define the Jacobi algebra

Jac(Q,W ) = CQ/


@e, e 2 E


Example: Jac(Q3,W3) = C[x , y , z ].

Let J (d) be the stack of reps of Jac(Q,W ) of dimension d . Wehave that

J (d) = crit (TrW : X (d)! A1).

Example: T ors (A3, d) = crit (TrW3 : gl(d)3/GL(d)! A1).

Page 12: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Definition of KHAs for quivers with potential.

Consider the NV -graded vector space

KHA(Q,W ) =M


K0(Dsg (X (d)0)) =M


Kcrit(J (d)).

Here Dsg (X (d)0) = DbCoh (X (d)0)/Perf (X (d)0) is the category

of singularities of X (d)0 = (TrW )�1(0) ⇢ X (d).

Theorem (P.)

KHA(Q,W ) is an associative algebra with multiplication

m = p⇤q⇤, where X (d)⇥ X (e)

q � X (d , e)

p�! X (d + e).

Page 13: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Relations between 2d and 3d KHAs.

For any quiver Q, there exists a pair ( eQ, fW ) such that

KHA2d(Q) = KHA

3d( eQ, fW ).

Example: For the Jordan quiver J, the pair is (Q3,W3) and the

algebra is the positive part of Uq



Page 14: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Representations of KHAs

Theorem (P.)

For any pair (Q,W ), KHA has natural representations constructed

using framings of Q.

Example: KHA(Q3,W3) acts on



K0(Dsg (X (1, d)ss0 )) =M


Kcrit(Hilb (A3, d)).

Theorem (P.)

For a pair ( eQ, fW ), KHA has natural representations constructed

using Nakajima quiver varieties.

Example: KHA(Q3,W3) acts on


d2NK0(Hilb (A

2, d)).

Page 15: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

PBW theorem for KHAs.

Let Q be a symmetric quiver.

Theorem (P.)

There exists a filtration F•on KHA(Q,W ) such that

gr KHA(Q,W ) = dSym (F 1).

The first piece in the filtration is

F1 =

MK0(M(d)) ⇢ KHA(Q,W )

for some natural categories M(d) ⇢ Dsg (X (d)0).

Page 16: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

Sketch of the proof of the PBW theorem.

The proof follows from semi-orthogonal decompositions in the zeropotential case

Db(X (d)) = hp⇤q

⇤ ⇥M(di ),M(d)i,

where the summands on the left are generated by multiplicationfrom non-trivial decompositions d = d1 + · · ·+ dk .

The category M(d) is the subcategory of Db(X (d)) generated byOX (d) ⌦ V (�), where � is a dominant weight of G (d) such that

�+ ⇢ 21

2sum [0,�] ⇢ MR.

The above semi-orthogonal decomposition induces correspondingsemi-orthogonal decompositions of Dsg (X (d)0).

Page 17: K-theoretic Hall algebras for quivers with potentialtpad/KHAtalk.pdfenumerative invariants of X . Locally, these algebras are expected to be modelled by quivers with potential. In

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