" •»' TRIBE h AND GOUVERNEUR. RERALD-TIMES. .*e>A VOL. VI. *i - v^r TIMES EMTAHL15H gb 1AAJL .-eOUVERNEUR, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1892. NOHTHVKW TKfHFMK K>tiDUBUKU lhat J J'KSVlHfcdiOllI •• II •• nw BH RACV RJCMVILLE LOCALS. ymr»*juml\j F«JIJMH1 by the Tribune % Cor .1 l-*r tDWARO^^iLLC^yfc-TEMS. HERMON HAPPENSG^. QUARRIEP MARBLE OUb Kr H»ru Mi liurifvtl H K ; L, Ik- v ^< w <x> uuueocfi 1 teach in ^ r school last Moods \ t>ept. 2o. —Prof. Bauui who *AJ called home la*t week by the srrioii' lllnes© of hia brother, rrturne^i to re- same hi* wrboui dutie* uti Fr*.i.iy During his absence h:f place wh- nc eeptably tilled by 1W. H. U^Iurd ^ - v.\ri> Mis© Deal M. Hn fe ' ^ e-r S\ r*wii.M- ''*»*• K !w«tr<U formerly cierk in the I'. V iiere, * in >uce«-i»* to l.im town for an extendi v;»:t. MaL> Thf U r u nu Mrs. i f J. Ame* farm. old time friends note her coining with L ' D ** M:!e below F/Jward*vlBt, wa* pleasure. . *^u«'k by lightning U»t Tbur>day Mr. * n a Mn. Geo* M. Petri* of! ei sh* and burned R> the grvund with douver^V, were In towu la*t week l *^ 1 »*• content*. The main part of th* the guesta*f their daughter Mrs. A. . °* ri * w W «*<1 tilled with hay and C. BrtstoJ* * grain. It was insured to the amount A new* gad asa*onaN# aitraction at ot t^* which only partly cover* the wa&f fls>d situwof WiHJaio Walker! ****• * * expects to relmHd iaaaedi- le young j at «"T» j Mrs, Carolina Ames ha* returned ! home after an extended vi*it with ! friends in Lisbon and Ogdeuaburg. School opened in the Mitchell di*- tfict las* Monday with Mis* Conroy as teacher. I Mrs. Jass Pop*, of Pope 1 * Mills, i m bufieid it* Edwardsville cemetery last ^^ ~^- w Wtl$«4iy^ £bewaa quitsaged asid by^e7br^t5e7Ma#ter^eo. WbweTl f**« * * * amift«i-tor somt fme with*) paralysis Miss Laura Capron intends going east Uj Kftfif 1 spa** Afoatjw with rela- tives * ^ t H a * K < * _ ,, Tbe4s4lUe*»tWst7 El-church met with Mn, WBL Vanschaik last Thaw- da^ Xhey intend to give a eociaj.at tb» ie*4ae^Vaf «*x MiteWUvaode and, expect JtoWtair auction two very t>rtttj qtrtftic r »iid Th« t *4i»J New* VtUfYt frvB Ut«( If u*t firpteuabt-r ,'• Ldalie Pitts, of Johmaowu Mr*. IVnn., u vuitiug her man> •iid- A h'.-^ w u r'. Wifbatiu, Mr. Will- lition to Rich- ville society,. for, hkse tke roods be handles he is all WooLaiyi a yard wide Mrs. W. H. Gardner, who hasbee'u making a brief visit to her parents at >'ewpo*t >*. Y^ joined her husband hem o# f>e|Ay. && M &cc+mQa*ipd and both are heartily greeted by their friends. Re?, G. W . ^ ^ M e s * r t t a M tfcm his sad jourpey<ttjf ^sMM^J^ Y t in time to oocupyTbiii pofplt Iaat Saobath, Our friend and eo-work«\ Rev. HewyvQ, Mfvpoa, 4orm^rij of Mfi^tJ frffl speaVta Merrlthew n*n, Txrtiflar evening. Sept K f | | tb^labeflsjs^of ti|ej Order of Forresters, Edwards road, was burned in the 4 Kichville cemetery Monday afternoon. T*rfineraV »^!^im.^Mid, by the Rev. T. T. Davis at the Con- A 9t«t« Lr«fj«« R#pabllc&n Clate Org»a- Ued-Other >>w»y Note*. The campaign wa« openedThefe with gregadotUl^rtsht^ «W9fll*m£skU^P9$i^^ 4- J. been in failing health for the past year and her physician* have given little eneo^sag^tnent. fibe lestvee a husband and four children, tha ekieat of whom is twelve years, t6 nrSrinf hir lose. The young lady friend visiting Miss Godard should have been printed Miss Gertrude Smith of of Miss Woodcock of Aitbp&vk thank oar friend the "city local". Is it possrfUa the In* of the Listener ia«et- U£gHifll^r eeeletvAiaVtea. \ ^ p^ TTfMi^i ^r«M^^.f^#H^iy QODpanr h a s pitebed it* tent towards Richville and wQi appear under canvas in our vill- age next Thursday evening. There was a pleasant gathering at the residence of S. W. Phelpe, 2nd. iMt ThurjKiay evening. The occasion being * dime nodal given by tee ladies of the Baptist chureh, The room* were fllTed with a happy wm- pany an<i all enjoyed the programme presented. Bountiful refresh men utware served and the collection box ever- flowed with dimes cheerfully contrib- uted. CATO. fe-pWosber Zi. n Black Lake road I uietly. The crop wa> -ed, and growers *re ; Mic! rfUnvee in this vdlage. A £ood price. ( i^^. oibtoui ha* ja*t bui; sidewalk >m tbe Healy lot It .- improvement U) the» proj>erty. ) Tbe Harrboc ami Reed bann* r !!ung to the breeze Monday. Leon B. Clark, Wife and dau^> , of DeKaib Junction, were in t j with tbalr parent*. Mr. and Mi> J Clark, Sunday. 1). R. P. Parker and E. A. Conant were tn Bouverueur Monday. The deoorationa in the M. were exeeated by George stead of George Maine, as the type made as say last week. May Kellogg vinited friend* tn Pree- cott Friday. Roda Hewitt left for Wisconsin Fri- day. Pearl Xtojse? Jfifca bean engaged to make a ne*t triad af cheeee at Fish Creek oeax Bvjperster Oorner\ and left for tjxa« htrt^W«d*y. Mrs. Osear^rewti Wateon spent in Watertown, ax^^Or^haeed a titrg* stock of fall a»* WttfW Miyi^ery^ 1 rmuA fiiirlrmw Mr». K. }> Whitney r^iw in Wttu-rtown a fi»w day» : Wt«*-k t \i«*i LUMJ attended the f* Ti.ur*«lay f^reuooa * lla ;• :.K wtu killtnl Itt this } -^ =l.ui- »t tbe 8 L Lawrence. Ptnillp*. tbf sageol the quar-\ .u>* that wir-n w!kl game If » y.*i.'.'>*. i\jnd Uimtr in the falls** early A^J M- %er» wiuter in variably follow v \\V ]*c»(H> )ou are away osThl your j red:t tiuna Mart. Fred Love has moved from the Bur $*** hou>e to part #f Mrs, J»»rian^ bouse both on Parke* etreei. Mr E. church j Lov* is preparing *> w«Hd * residence. Miner io-joa his tot oft HaOesboge street th^ coming snainiirr, A wailei aoatainin^beiweeD |:;> *tnd 9i5 wae pieke4 up by Freak Shirtraw one day last week n#ar Use St. Law- rence. Mr. Sbirtraw handed his find to Ward Prteat wi^h the request that U b* advertised; rut II wai learned at tha VanBsp^ bouse Jhat the wallet beieMMl tsrA Krt. QftsMTt of Harris- •y- ••• - t ^Be^wW»a<lviaTt#yae quarry that lOiS 5r^aUf5a^, so tk ^sjalert in care of J. B. Van ^Wfri& ptht**«PlL U i f c t haa>^no o^o^^recerrefl her iprfaerty before hthiac i^hflftersearwha*leand Wm, »a«» TV«n thf CHI A InMk C30£NS8vRG LOCALS. J M»nln t'!*fk s<i.t to the .i»>lDrti Tht- **.r (i|.ru» Willi Guutl %*r»lhrr , S e p t e t U-r .'? | M , * * Ciark the approprin'.^ r ' ' r ;x^i>l»**' gootif, h*j$ bee*: ; ^ :. . ::**e<! liiRKJie V, V »rietHeal H'lthor T> **-ut to tbr stAtf J-..^jnUv ' r Tr»'Ani»ent. A > 'iutf infa/it w;v» found one moru- ..jg 1—*: »*eek on the ^tej»« of the con Vt»cT i. the Wfe»t .»»ide. Investigation ;r<Nrd that tbe child belonged t^« <H Mr* Marshall, and the unnatural mother \m* l»een arrested. j Our (i. A. K. frieud> are returning from Washington. Mayor McC^aar ' two * oi tD « tio «^ SPltDV MOLLV G r+mt+»i MHr KT«rM«d«l t >orth«ru X»w> Varl. \ Wb^n A Corbm .'r entered Mo! * hi <i for Gvuvcrr.cur o fikitc*>t clii**. .' A:^1 th a plain, inij-^vut. vir.* »phi*tJ , .at'*d MI king :in;!ntil j'»iTg»-i altvpd> | U-fore th»« grand ;*tHnd. b'>rst*cneii » i'.»oked on m runnz«'inent. and th< RQCKAWAXJI^rf:' tH, *^ Terrlblr tt-th4 «<«Bm i a a l l r saej B. R^Jtertth returned ffom,,5al?alor>"0tlej money two last Thursday evening. M T. Stock- ing wae cooeen chairman. Leslie Pease gwve a vent inslroative» lecture which wae Uatened to with great at- tention. Arttiough a young man Mr. Pease is bright, and all who heard him speak .of Jam wit a wenh» oi,pratssx A state Mg^¥e^nM4asn clcrb wa%v>- hfed with J^oberl Akin* president, _ B. Brown" secretary, M. R. Martin Fat tiia ldp*Vs pt*V<& w%>ave^fireaaurer. About seventy name* were UksJt wejek *nd is visiting b Talcville, Mrs, Prank Kfaser and family left Monday to joia her kuaband in Ma- looe. The health offieer made hie appear- ance last week, cell i eg on and serving notices to dean up and renovate their premises. We have tbe right man tri the right place. Thomas Chilton returned from Washington Saturday, where be bat been in attendance at the G. A. JL encampment. He reports a pi suesnt time. enrolled. Hrs. J. fl. Fev.of Fort Oovingtoti, add Mibs IdVUadley, of Madrid, spent j a week vjaitimj friends here.. Minnie Rea has been visiting in Syracuse for two weeks past. The foundation to tbe new church is laid and the carpenters are at work. They expect to have the outside done before cold weather. Tbe Y. P. S. C. E. will bold a har- vest supper at the Nichols house, Fri- day evening. A short program, good music, both vocal aud instrumental. Meawa £<x>tt, Lyeth and Brown had a good time in »tbe woods; each returned with a deer. Mr. Lyetb and DEKALB DOsNQS. A &T**xj L*tUr frost * HJUUUAS C«rr»* September 26. The late heavy rains have remintred some of our cttizens of the necessity of a dry shelter and tbe reenlt is that many are shingling their houaea At the basement of tbe Congrega- tional church Friday evening, the Good Templars will hold an open lodge. The program consists of read- ing and epeaking after which a pump- kin pie social will be held for tbe ben- efit of the lodge. Mrs. Peter Lawrence who has been employed during thesummer at South Canton, has returned to her home. A game of base bail between Lekaib j and Depeyster hoyg was played here '. Saturday. Mrs. L. W. Wilson and Mrs. Ara J. Moore visited friend^ in L^bon iaM I week. Win. Holt and wife, of Last Brook doat likewise the agoHhad rfOordinK angej in giving won Id have been j him as ion** % mark *«jhe has surely given poor but honestJorank Shirtraw. , *mt* • • • »^f't;e MUSIC HATH family go to thefr home in Nyaek to- \ field. Maas, visited his mother, Mrs. NORFOLK NEWS. I*tl*ad Wait* lv>«r*4.—A Breezy Itadr* »C *f Vmt>mA HappvalagA. % Sept. 26.—Republican lecture last Wednesday evening addressed by Les- lie Peaae, l o r wood. 8. Sbeean, who was to have spoken was detained at home by sic knees, Mr. Pease prored himself a staunch reptbtican and alsa morrow. R. H. Keyes and wife are^ recovering from their sickness. Rev. Henry i^ going to » w York thiis week for a ^ort rest. There will be services next Sabbath. Y. P. S. C. E. service in the evening at seven. X.. FOWLER- Sept. 26. The quarterly meeting of t^e F. B. tbergtxiety is to be held in this piare* be power of pleasing and interesting his j ginning Friday. Sept. 30, Many dele 1 audience. Leiand- WaHe was quite serionaly Ujiretf lasi Week by hie borei^eft»m| frightened %y tbe ears and becoming unmanageable. Tbe horse dragged him for some distance apd then fell-on JW * ) l r 'I r ( i i r fr' Miss Minnie LockwoodT' Kdrid: •peat the Sabbath in town, also Mr. aadMra Mr. list. gates are.'erpected. At-the special scheol meeting bead eeeWtlw H NsiM<lscfeed^^rte'HmeTt vilte a branch school. Mies Mabel Austin of Gouveroeor. assumes her duties there today as teacher. | A=dail^'wae^da^UM^yhib^ajie House, Friday evening. A email but rough crowd is reported. ! Marvin Holt. Fred A. Holland. Ara J Moore arM ; Frank >". Decker attended the fair at Malone last Thursday. At the society grounds of the Meti> i odist church last Saturday a gather ! ing of eighteen men assembled to com ! plete tbe work on tbe sheds which was left unfinished last falL The ladies did their part with commenda ble real in serving a bountiful dinner at the residence of E. McOellan. John E. Whipple who sneceaaful*y in the mercantile trade last Tfca F«r*tH*U)e C»me>.|P—d ^rar«A^ Tbe PariahviUe Oorae^band gave a free-ooooert! Saturday^fatu&g, fl^Lj 17. For the past thirty^ays tht Miasee; Maud Dnkett, Mamie DaaA and &ra Cole bare been cii iniMsH«gf sabeettp^ tion papers for tiie bebe^lof the beifteX. the girl getting thw ipgrgest sum of money on her pap* 1 " P&*# cntftled to f an elegant gold watehrfalned at|CL. The hall was filled with sin expectant audience and while the committee, X. W. Bartlett, F. Ik <Mfaa<M* and P- J. Clark, were^onuttaslClre money <<ae band discoursed some tthsnuaic Ret. W. F. Tooke made a tii<§ remarks antf then Mr. Bartlett s^pounced tbe amount obtained by Mtit* girl; Vflm Eva Cole, $ai28; Miss Jhrnie &>ock+ $45.75: Mise Mand Bfjfek H&W, #^ total of 1148.88. By theitWiuoas ef- forts of Messrs. Tooke and Bartiett and others in tbe hall tbe sum wee in- creased to $22 40 more upon peesing the hat, which pays the uniform debt to within a small amount. The band thought that it would be hardly fair to allow the two I second beet in the contest to be unre- 1 warded and so procured two solid gold rings for those who should be second and third, and after presenting the watch to Miss Ihikett the rings were presented to the Misses Oele and j , Bouck. This contest w:!! belong re-f i iueujberet 1 bv the band as Jt shows I who reached home laat Friday esti- mates the number of strangers in Washington laat week to be 2XX0GV, of whom 100.000 were old soldiers* Lightning has had apparently, a l>eculiar affinity for the Maple City the present aeaaon. During July and August seven buildings were struck in this place and many others in the vicinity. In the storm of last Sunday night the ferry ateamer Henry Plumb, was set on fire and her upper works and cabin consumed. The boat h said to have been insured for about $5000. At about the same time lightning •truck tbe eenter pole of a tent wbieh had been erected by some strangerr] on the fair ground. The ownera, a ytranr man and hie wife, were aeJeap in the tent at the tftae* and akboogb the tent was blown down and thfngi| badly mixed up, the occupants es- caped witboot serknet injury. Anoihei sjs tfjilplg Kst of casuali- ties in 1 coupling cars occurred at tbe R. W. & O. depotv Friday last The victim was a brake man named Fred Oake&r . . , - - A hurricaaa. wbicn almost reached thf diJtpitrjpf a cysjone,, atruck dur ci^r yesterday afternoo% This is the fiarHuay oi our fair, and notwiibatandiqg the gsbomy weathf> of yesterday ,k tsje cloud! have decklsd toxliaappear, the sun Is shining bright and clear, and people are coming froai far and near to take in* the Ogdeofc- burgfair." CHRISTOPHER. FULLERV1LLE NOTES. Coiild>rt^U £*rlt«i»e»t Over tbe I>l»«pp«»raiie« of m Mmn Who K«tara«d. Sept. 26.—Luther Kiock attended tbe G. A. R encampment at Wash- ington last week. Mrs- Castelle has been tbe guest of Mrs. W. B. Sprague the past week. R. 8. Spicer and daughter Looa have returned home from ParishviUe w here they have been visiting relativ- es. The ladies had a box social last Sat-1 der Boy in winter at Moore's, has again returned of tbe people *• tbe town is ***ong Uvs to tbe same field of labor. the Parisbville band." Bi»rrs. £Ua W. Fisk visited at Depeyster last week in the family of Clinton urday evening. Proceed* *4 00. Mr. and Mrx Hoel Merithew are re- joicing orer tl*e advent of another girl in their family. E. D. Blackburn, of Gouvemeur, is building a new house having all the modern improvementa, on his farm in them just what the people think of i Piteairn. *ucb an organization in town. The i There was considerable excitement band procured uniforms July 4th of ; here last week over the disappearance this year at an expend of $325. A ; of one of our business men. . Report Dew band wagon has been bought and other incidentals bringing tbe total to over |400. The uniform debt if paid ail but about $5, and the band wiH SOOD pay the balance they owe 4C in toto" and start in square again. Owing to the efficient management of manag- er A. R Allen the band has done bet- ter than ever before. The i FrNB. [fa. Pembertejnrand son of Pots-J -Mr. rand Mr*. VanBuren; H axel Son U \S1 f I ft /I ' ' ? # >ff* «d Mra^/opiar $an>ee ^ a Cbarlea Jndson is on the sick i peet to attend tue 6gdanaburg fair. pect to attend tbe Ogdanaburg j Frank Johnson has bought a part of Mr. Winifred Jpdaon entered^upon j bis father's far*2 and ixanmenced the AM Woodcock h*d tb* m f misfortune JcsaaBpiifi,wisahae a setter** nrsn^eanaar ia died tbe 13th. -- " Geo. W^E^6^of ibt 5L yieboias, is made hajgqr by Cbe birth oi aaoa s TiatUasj m Coi- JtrsvB. 'W. WeUt inteode vMttag Mr- f^nrbar, of Martia#- Wsa TS4EY AslE &EOURE. his <|ai| s^safsfefsf T^ wii ies^sefflast day oa the Irian Ridge. - ha tats si also ass as by tbe faQure of their j While chopping a stick flew and hit Many are not even dig- j it. A Irterary entertainment was given e a' at tbe church Saturday evening by It tbe I. 0. G. T. Thanks are doe to tbe masnberi of tbe SpratTaeviile lodge, who kindly eajae and assisted After tbe programme an old fashioned spell- ing was beid. Jessie Austin received tbe prize tbat was offered tat tbe one that stood up longest. >'gw COR, Sept «. Saturday n*ght the I O. G. T. j for of tbb fOoW of Fowler gare a literary enter- j a£W to ride o c l by Joass* tatoxaact at tbe ebureb with tbe assss-j Mr. and . MM*^ w. --aaas^ajasDberi of the Spragae- ; took. baroed*Ttfst Iqrsjs, if "^ery ec^yabie tim* wW* Denning V* twhi^ * After tbe ex^ases were Mis. Afeasa e?iki£ a«>c: son ^ c money can be aai: msnraae* oc ^Te^ tbey bad ax oid !a«^*ooed rp^i; A ioipb ;nt«&d vtr'trng &** -e^t.Tf* *i rt/vkf or any fag iowik *od :be prtxs, a s>er io- in 5-ew York CTTT sooc ^rart-.f* tbat is roo4 people ee» X r VHTX brMw J^aw Aaitii A pseasaac party was beid s; "V ** *T ^ **? ^* % A ** Wert JL :b# ra..rosKi » peoe^sw.ag £ASC PIUSBTD ebesse BMSery Frviar ,-mj^i <^ oc by ts< ao; a# fast as sxycav wf^o baj so e « t - Mft Vasoe mm^m^ the m~?*T A *&% t~ r + : * ** *.I>* *nawl r«*:w**-i .*,*•» %z*>t A^^-c Mrs. M.. Perry of Richville, visited raiaiirs* here rsoenfly. Dr. CL C. VanWaSera. of stenssssner Fafia was la town SosseMy. » s • EAST WfTCAIRst. Ssptamber^a A box social vaajiaki by the aid so- ciety at tbe M. JL chmxah Wednesday night Reeeipts saasanted to «22.50. sir aadMM. 1* W; Jraaaeti wssfted frteads and reiatrve* tn RasttnoDd sad f scxais.Park last Septambet 24. Mortimer Sulifran and ehlMssn <M j Buffalo, mi% vlatting bis nsstbsr, Item ! Betsey SaUrvaa. ! Lizzie Griffin is in New /Tart tor styles tn fail xnttlineTy ] Miss Jennie Spicer was marrierrtfce 17th inst to Mr. Adams of Masse ebuaetu, and left rmmed istaiy for her business men. said he had left for parts unknown. Sunday he returned. He had been on a visit to friends in Lewis county. It i gruii^rrb v if wed her with expression.-* of bynipiilhy. E*peviiilly when it b^^aiue k n o s n ihal she nad U^eii ; take*n from the jxi*tur^ but two l we*ks before. Wise people with vague revotlec footed Dan, v- ^t/, and tbe game Harry Laird, t^^t*. and other fast ones previously owned by Mr. Corbin were prepared for what foliow*ed, but very few of the average spectator* expected to see her go to the front in the third beau and finiah a close second to Winifred 1 in the next, in 2:24±. On Friday last MoHie G. disting- uished herself by winning a great race in Watertosm, over sot oi the fastest horses tbat have appeared m in the circTiit this season. After drawing 6th position and Kit- ting tbe word raany lengths behind, j she out down the field one by «*x and finished close to tbe greatWifkes stallion Anstides in the fast time of Xawithsiandtfsx the hat page she want aha Ural beak abe oarae back ex* beat AristWee 1h a neok aodl neck race sumosi frptn start to fixiisb io iiQi^ th# ttusi&t ii>aft ever trolted i^araceo^sr the^ feiyesside eoaraaj and tha iastsat errw troited on aay track m Wortbe«*Je*e Yartt* - - When young VanValkenburg, a ptrpfl of the skiH^.me^fa^c^TKrw known as "Old Van^ appeju^d wttiu Molke G. for the UuribessV thetnariH and driver mat with as owatten wbioti startled botfti The distinction of havirig made th^^ fastest track record and tt^reAy winning the spejcial |i00 prixe, ip ad* ditioa tothe tHK) purse, was a lea- ther in tbe cap of the yowogr driwer which he has a right to be prtfcrtt of:' The two last beats were won in the easJests of jogs by Mollie G. in 2&i aud2J?e. MoUie G waa sired by Piokst,a son of Aberdeen, and out of a mare by Sir Charles, and was bred by Gorge Forsyth, of New Jersey. The fastest previous records made over the Riverside course since George M. Patchen beat Harry Olay in 1S6S in 2:27} % was made by Lysan 1S7S when he scored a record of 2.23*, which was cut down by Erwin Harris with Julia C. to 2:&H in 1KS€. It is the belief of good judges that il MoLho G. had not been driven out so fast in the first heat that ebe would have trotted the second in 2 IS, which is equivalent to 2 15 over a modern kite abap^d track. * ^.« COLTON. OM LifV trsVJ * ROCK.AWIT, N. T. dia«t»tr\'U» con] ed ibia after *rvenJ hours *wLir :t fttremtd ailhon^ll tbe fire w yotvi all hum#a control, aaft ^heg" belief w«j that it would sara whOe waa mAierial to feed it- ^ w ^u^-^| The f^lowiag If a usassaflMdCtbtj ings destroyed; Kingslaad's easfno, 1 ner's hotel, Ctltor %> betsy ^gssti; * hotel and iron nisr, SfaiysdB 1 ! hU<aj, 1 FUso's bot«l, . liiisjas'Sj^ssbs? bssaij I son^s bakery, tbsflk 1 *s«S» SSSsi, 0 Bureau's g r w i v r koiT » hotel, Muriisoanaawssa * Th^otily kisses lssi.a%.ssaaassal eertaiBed b Mra pruprktor oti str-rear-old ing in which tbe denlydid toe woman could The woman moment, wailasss onaH sklea iamivbatsbe tbe mjursd. The loss is •s»,000 to •l.iOtyatXVJ mates place t ^ V f S ^ ^ ^ fts^aa amoonu THE OHOUriifi^CljN^ He » w C M b H l w tth^SSSI KrwYoi bulletin tbat have F.R sasin, sad thenesscT^ as editor ef ****** ^'^mmnmms WkrmcmJL leve^ pusjtiti' in tbeoounUj^aaa o vnlver. The wounded seised tbe pistol boys then wersdrownsd. wy Shavor. aged seeen^fiye^ iiliMslslai a window was streak \jr tl&btia&' t 0f weeks ago, part4alr/< wtto a scsrtct circtefla' last night then wa* a thunder, and Jar. on almost tbs-sa struck T^sfort " Sept i» Several weddings occurred last week is strange bow stories do start and j Tuesday Jack Donohue the velocity with which they travel. { QI^ meTt ni^rrj^ ^^ WEOATCHtE. 36. Oar school is progressing finely un- der the management of Miss Psrsona Nearly all our. farmers have their grain threshed. - - - Dan Cotajrhlin expeots to move to i The prohibition club wtj bold their next meeting at Kennedy Stories. ; A grand Ha^rtSDn and Reid banner was fl^mr to tie breeze^dasBrdaj^-wi X^armssjfiiftpL a F i^mmaa^M^ *>g s th^vina^basiness. Icia. WxtfhtJhk <tnoeti improved b> beaith. I S A. W :J MAWUC w?rt»£. and Mary Wednesday Daniel 0*Mallery aad Mary Daily foi- lowed suit. Lee Casey goes to New York today where be wfH begin tbe study of medi cine. Frank Wilson and Iris friend Charles Stevenson returned to New York to- day. Mrs. J. P. Hows, of Canton viatssd Mxs. M. D. BsAwtthssst wwek sssasal daya * £. E. Brand deaier in feed has fitted up his store under the towz* hall and pur in a lias of groceries. Benjamin Kendnak oae of tbe old est residents ef this rflsaga died last S s a o r d a y az\arsM>oa His hsoan held at H a M. K swureb Saaaay r # o o^AoalL X * a ^slllOOftJ^riC PUAPQM; The Good tbe Seef * jm the republican paid, W«ttt Lo3^oa^sft. m^beProeideasjBoaa sssociasisD, to teams sassnsl swslss si trinleta, witba good dhwaors, ' fattier tJa; twins lets, srr Pofm-ajro, Or., grand lodswst grand stre C fT depaty Toek; Sewark, K. J^ Lsidlaw have tbe *?«d afry of eccr Fnoay ij af M Harwars water sx^-Kt* A Tbe UHMT* of saving and loan eiatkvas W as a#a> an UL p^ossfbSfty a s any thing can be owing, not on!y^ tbe aafertkartOa t b e b e t of tbe state owl <* dosaw i M *+ m rseatvad is property tS* fisUii1al»oa of :^ >o large axr.r>r..-.: remsMDt lur u tLe baof * •' sxy ode*? &c k t re Mr and Mn. Jerry Merrfthew. of Riehtills are tisiting af Taffies 1T61- land a Cbarlea Bttrnhait wbt has beet spefKiissTO^saaasg A Canton, .has j!? g^g* ^ Terapt« wfH -a^^tTuSlF pumpkin r^sc>e1a!Intbetfto^robm; "BecauseJKTW as evarmore, unun st J^akalb, JRnday s-rsaiaa, ; aba robbsr tariff isatbiagof tbs ssvt ! Wasrwa Cesr. of Bsbwarda is vMtsog aad repubi^an pmttnfinaism is as bs? sister. Mrs WBL MRlsr XX. | ^ * 4 ** African aisrvery. ibe s>q>o i cratie law and jg^pei stands."—2/ba • ty Wo&ermm is LomteriZZe Camfiet . -? "BL MRlsr CAsmor a€ c^*a«> ax.y tLiue iXk %7 lOeaJ appHwattottt as risMti tb^ jaw asi d partloa of tbe Tbeve is oa l y eaw v i ? tn e-am asid tVsat If by -r?i^d>* , a T^«*ae«i is . z. *aeae^? "^ec^i: t -"*& >' •--* l"t»: -rr-t - - * * -• f*: ba^» * rtrfeV*r*g wv^r*-: ^ Ls«tariai i *c^» p^^s»^rv> zx *c:se3AS>;£.g a^ w-* "a g:*od -at^t ^ * *^ J^..

K L, v V,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070441/1892-09-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · tribe h and gouverneur. rerald-times. .*e>a vol. vi. times emtahl15h gb 1aajl .-eouverneur*i - v^r

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Page 1: K L, v V,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070441/1892-09-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · tribe h and gouverneur. rerald-times. .*e>a vol. vi. times emtahl15h gb 1aajl .-eouverneur*i - v^r

" • » '



VOL. VI. *i - v^r T I M E S EMTAHL15H g b 1AAJL


J J'KSVlHfcdiOllI •• II •• nw BH


ymr»*juml\j F«JIJMH1 by the T r i b u n e % Cor .1 l-*r


K r H » r u Mi

l iur i fv t l

H K ; L ,

• Ik-v ^<

w <x> uuueocfi 1 teach in r school last Moods \

t>ept. 2o. —Prof. Bauui who *AJ called home la*t week by the srrioii' lllnes© of hia brother, rrturne^i to re-same hi* wrboui dutie* uti Fr*.i.iy During his absence h:f place wh- nc eeptably tilled by 1 W . H. U^Iurd ^ - v . \r i>

Mis© Deal M. Hn f e'^ e-r S\ r*wii.M- ''*»*• K !w«tr<U formerly cierk in the I'. V iiere, * in >uce«-i»* to l.im town for an e x t e n d i v;»:t. MaL> Thf U r u nu Mrs. i f J. Ame* farm. old time friends note her coining with L'D** M:!e below F/Jward*vlBt, wa* pleasure. . *^u«'k by lightning U»t Tbur>day

Mr. * n a Mn. Geo* M. Petri* of! e i s h * and burned R> the grvund with d o u v e r ^ V , were In towu la*t week l *^1 »*• content*. The main part of th* the guesta*f their daughter Mrs. A. .• °*ri* w*« W«*<1 tilled with hay and C. BrtstoJ* * grain. It was insured to the amount

A new* gad asa*onaN# aitraction at ot t^* which only partly cover* the wa&f fls>d situwof WiHJaio Walker! ****• * * expects to relmHd iaaaedi-

le young j at«"T» j Mrs, Carolina Ames ha* returned !

home after an extended vi*it wi th !

friends in Lisbon and Ogdeuaburg. School opened in the Mitchell di*-

tfict las* Monday with Mis* Conroy as teacher.

I Mrs. J a s s Pop*, of Pope1* Mills, i m bufieid it* Edwardsville cemetery last

^ ^ ~^-w W t l $ « 4 i y ^ £ b e w a a quitsaged asid by^e7br^t5e7Ma#ter^eo. W b w e T l f**« * * * amift«i-tor somt f m e with*)

paralysis Miss Laura Capron intends going

east Uj Kftfif1 spa** Afoatjw with rela­tives * ^ t H a * K < * _ , ,

T b e 4 s 4 l U e * » t W s t 7 El-church met with Mn, W B L Vanschaik last Thaw-d a ^ Xhey intend to give a eociaj.at tb» i e * 4 a e ^ V a f « * x MiteWUvaode and, expect JtoWtair auction two very t>rttt j qtrtftic r

»iid Th« t *4i»J N e w * V t U f Y t f r v B Ut«( If u*t

firpteuabt-r ,'• Ldalie Pitts, of Johmaowu Mr*.

IVnn., u vuitiug her man> • i i d -

A h'.-^

w u r'.

Wifbatiu, Mr. Will-

lition to Rich-ville society,. for, hkse tke roods be handles he is all WooLaiyi a yard wide

Mrs. W. H. Gardner, who hasbee'u making a brief visit to her parents at >'ewpo*t >*. Y^ joined her husband hem o# f > e | A y . && M &cc+mQa*ipd

and both are heartily greeted by their friends.

Re?, G. W . ^ ^ M e s * r t t a M tfcm his sad jourpey<ttj f ^ s M M ^ J ^ Y t

i n

time to oocupyTbiii pofplt Iaat Saobath, Our friend and eo-work«\ Rev.

HewyvQ, Mfvpoa, 4orm^rij of Mf i^tJ frffl speaVta Merrlthew n*n, Txrtiflar evening. S e p t Kf | | tb^labeflsjs^of ti|ej Order of Forresters,

Edwards road, was burned in the 4

Kichville cemetery Monday afternoon. T*rf ineraV » ^ ! ^ i m . ^ M i d , by the Rev. T. T. Davis at the Con-

A 9 t « t « Lr«fj«« R#pabl lc&n Clate O r g » a -U e d - O t h e r >>w»y Note* .

The campaign wa« openedThefe with gregadotUl^r t sh t^ « W 9 f l l * m £ s k U ^ P 9 $ i ^ ^

4- J .

been in failing health for the past year and her physician* have given little eneo^sag^tnent. fibe lestvee a husband and four children, tha ekieat of whom is twelve years, t6 nrSrinf h ir lose.

The young lady friend visiting Miss Godard should have been printed Miss Gertrude Smith of of Miss Woodcock of Aitbp&vk

thank oar friend the "city local". Is it possrfUa the In* of the Listener ia«et-U£gHifll^r eeeletvAiaVtea. \ ^

p^ TTfMi i r«M^ .f #H iy QODpanr has pitebed it* tent towards Richville and wQi appear under canvas in our vill­age next Thursday evening.

There was a pleasant gathering at the residence of S. W. Phelpe, 2nd. iMt ThurjKiay evening. The occasion being * dime nodal given by t ee ladies of the Baptist chureh, The room* were fllTed with a happy w m -pany an<i all enjoyed the programme presented. Bountiful refresh men utware served and the collection box ever-flowed with dimes cheerfully contrib­uted. CATO.

fe-pWosber Zi. n Black Lake road

I uietly. The crop wa> -ed, and growers *re ; M i c ! rfUnvee in this vdlage. A £ood price. ( i ^ ^ . o i b t o u i ha* ja*t bui;

sidewalk >m tbe Healy lot It .-improvement U) the» proj>erty.

) Tbe Harrboc ami Reed bann* r !!ung to the breeze Monday.

Leon B. Clark, Wife and dau^> , of DeKaib Junction, were in t j with tbalr parent*. Mr. and Mi> J Clark, Sunday.

1). R. P. Parker and E. A. Conant were tn Bouverueur Monday.

The deoorationa in the M. were exeeated by George stead of George Maine, as the type made as say last week.

May Kellogg vinited friend* tn Pree-cott Friday.

Roda Hewitt left for Wisconsin Fri­day.

Pearl Xtojse? Jfifca bean engaged to make a ne*t triad af cheeee at Fish Creek oeax Bvjperster Oorner\ and left for tjxa« h t r t ^ W « d * y .

Mrs. Osear^rewti Wateon spent in Watertown, ax^^Or^haeed a titrg* stock of fall a » * WttfW Miyi^ery^

1 rmuA fiiirlrmw

Mr». K. }> Whitney r^iw in Wttu-rtown a fi»w day» : Wt«*-k t\i«*i LUMJ attended the f*

Ti.ur*«lay f^reuooa * l l a

;• :.K wtu killtnl Itt this }-^ =l.ui- »t tbe 8 L Lawrence. Ptnillp*. tbf sageol the quar-\ .u>* that wir-n w!kl game If » y.*i.'.'>*. i\jnd Uimtr in the falls** early A^J M-%er» wiuter in variably follow v \\V ]*c»(H> )ou are away osThl your j red:t tiuna Mart.

Fred Love has moved from the Bur $*** hou>e to part #f Mrs, J»»rian^ bouse both on Parke* etreei. Mr

E. church j Lov* is preparing *> w«Hd * residence. Miner io - joa his tot oft HaOesboge street th^

coming snainiirr, A wailei aoatainin^beiweeD |:;> *tnd

9i5 wae pieke4 up by Freak Shirtraw one day last week n#ar Use St. Law­rence. Mr. Sbirtraw handed his find to Ward Prteat wi^h the request that U b* advertised; rut II wai learned at tha V a n B s p ^ bouse Jhat the wallet beieMMl tsrA Krt. QftsMTt of Harris-

•y- ••• • - t ^ B e ^ w W » a < l v i a T t # y a e quarry that lOiS 5r^aUf5a^, so tk ^sjalert in care of J. B. Van

^Wfri& ptht**«PlL U i f c t haa>^no o^o^^recerrefl her iprfaerty before

hthiac i^hfl ftersearwha* leand Wm,

»a«» TV«n thf CHI A I n M k


M » n l n t ' ! * f k s < i . t t o t h e . i»>lDrt i Tht-* * . r ( i | . r u » W i l l i Guut l % * r » l h r r ,

S e p t e t U-r .'? | M , * * Ciark the approprin'.^ r '

' r ;x i>l»**' gootif, h*j$ bee*: ; ^ • :. . ::**e<! liiRKJie V,V »rietHeal H' l thor T>

**-ut t o t b r s tAt f J-..^jnUv ' r Tr»'Ani»ent.

A > 'iutf infa/it w;v» found one moru-..jg 1—*: »*eek on the tej»« of the con Vt»cT i. the Wfe»t .»»ide. Investigation ;r<Nrd that tbe child belonged t « <H Mr* Marshall, and the unnatural mother \m* l»een arrested. j

Our (i. A. K. frieud> are returning from Washington. Mayor McC^aar ' t w o * oi t D « tio«^


r+mt+»i MHr K T « r M « d « l t > o r t h « r u X»w> V a r l . \

Wb^n A Corbm .'r entered Mo! * hi <i for Gvuvcrr.cur o fikitc*>t clii**. .' A:^1 th a plain, inij-^vut. vir.* »phi*tJ , .at'*d MI king :in;!ntil j'»iTg»-i altvpd> | U-fore th»« grand ;*tHnd. b'>rst*cneii » i'.»oked on m runnz«'inent. and th<

RQCKAWAXJI^rf:' tH, * ^ Terrlblr

t t - t h 4

«<«Bm i a a l l r saej

B. R^Jtertth returned ffom,,5al?alor>"0tlej money two

last Thursday evening. M T. Stock­ing wae cooeen chairman. Leslie Pease gwve a vent inslroative» lecture which wae Uatened to with great at­tention. Arttiough a young man Mr. Pease is bright, and all who heard him speak .of Jam wit a wenh» oi,pratssx A state M g ^ ¥ e ^ n M 4 a s n clcrb wa%v>-

hfed with J^oberl Akin* president, _ B. Brown" secretary, M. R. Martin

Fat t i i a ldp*Vs pt*V<& w%>ave^fireaaurer . About seventy name* were

UksJt wejek *nd is visiting b Talcville, Mrs, Prank Kfaser and family left

Monday to joia her kuaband in Ma-looe.

The health offieer made hie appear­ance last week, cell i e g on and serving notices to dean up and renovate their premises. We have tbe right man tri the right place.

Thomas Chilton returned from Washington Saturday, where be bat been in attendance at the G. A. JL encampment. He reports a pi suesnt time.

enrolled. Hrs. J. fl. Fev .o f Fort Oovingtoti,

add Mibs IdVUadley, of Madrid, spent j a week vjaitimj friends here..

Minnie Rea has been visiting in Syracuse for two weeks past.

The foundation to tbe new church is laid and the carpenters are at work. They expect to have the outside done before cold weather.

Tbe Y. P. S. C. E. will bold a har­vest supper at the Nichols house, Fri­day evening. A short program, good music, both vocal aud instrumental.

Meawa £<x>tt, Lyeth and Brown had a good time in »tbe woods; each returned with a deer. Mr. Lyetb and


A &T**xj L * t U r f r o s t * HJUUUAS C«rr»*

September 26. The late heavy rains have remintred

some of our cttizens of the necessity of a dry shelter and tbe reenlt is that many are shingling their houaea

At the basement of tbe Congrega­tional church Friday evening, the Good Templars will hold an open lodge. The program consists of read­ing and epeaking after which a pump­kin pie social will be held for tbe ben­efit of the lodge.

Mrs. Peter Lawrence who has been employed during thesummer at South Canton, has returned to her home.

A game of base bail between Lekaib j and Depeyster hoyg was played here '. Saturday.

Mrs. L. W. Wilson and Mrs. Ara J. Moore visited friend^ in L^bon iaM

I week. Win. Holt and wife, of Last Brook

doat likewise the agoHhad

rfOordinK angej in giving won Id have been j

him as ion** % mark *«jhe has surely given poor but honestJorank Shirtraw.

, *mt* • • • »^f't;e


family go to thefr home in Nyaek to- \ field. Maas, visited his mother, Mrs.


I*tl*ad W a i t * l v>«r*4 .—A B r e e z y Itadr* »C * f Vmt>mA HappvalagA. %

Sept. 26.—Republican lecture last Wednesday evening addressed by Les­lie Peaae, l o r wood. 8 . Sbeean, who was to have spoken was detained at home by sic knees,

Mr. Pease prored himself a staunch reptbtican and alsa

morrow. R. H. Keyes and wife are recovering

from their sickness. Rev. Henry i going to » w York

thiis week for a ^ o r t rest. There will be services next Sabbath. Y. P. S. C. E. service in the evening at seven. X..


Sept. 26. The quarterly meeting of t^e F. B.

tbergtxiety is to be held in this piare* b e power of pleasing and interesting his j ginning Friday. Sept. 30, Many dele1

audience. Leiand- WaHe was quite serionaly

Ujiretf lasi Week by hie borei^eft»m| frightened %y tbe ears and becoming unmanageable. Tbe horse dragged him for some distance apd then fell-on

JW * ) l r ' I r ( i •i rfr' Miss Minnie LockwoodT' Kdrid:

•peat the Sabbath in town, also Mr. aadMra

Mr. list.

gates are.'erpected. At-the special scheol meeting bead

eeeWtlw H NsiM<lscfeed^^rte'HmeTt vilte a branch school. Mies Mabel Austin of Gouveroeor. assumes her duties there today as teacher. | A = d a i l ^ ' w a e ^ d a ^ U M ^ y h i b ^ a j i e House, Friday evening. A email but rough crowd is reported.

! Marvin Holt. Fred A. Holland. Ara J Moore arM

; Frank >". Decker attended the fair at Malone last Thursday.

At the society grounds of the Meti> i odist church last Saturday a gather ! ing of eighteen men assembled to com ! plete tbe work on tbe sheds which

was left unfinished last falL The ladies did their part with commenda ble real in serving a bountiful dinner at the residence of E. McOellan.

John E. Whipple who sneceaaful*y in the mercantile trade last

Tfca F«r*tH*U)e C»me>.|P—d ^rar«A^

Tbe PariahviUe Oorae^band gave a free-ooooert! Saturday^fatu&g, fl^Lj 17. For the past thirty^ays tht Miasee; Maud Dnkett , Mamie D a a A and &ra Cole bare been cii iniMsH«gf sabeettp^ tion papers for tiie bebe^lof the beifteX. the girl getting thw ipgrgest sum of money on her pap*1" P&*# cntftled tof

an elegant gold watehrfalned at |CL. The hall was filled with sin expectant audience and while the committee, X. W. Bartlett, F. Ik <Mfaa<M* and P -J. Clark, were^onuttaslClre money <<ae band discoursed some tthsnuaic Ret . W. F. Tooke made a tii<§ remarks antf then Mr. Bartlett s^pounced t b e amount obtained by Mtit* girl; Vflm Eva Cole, $ai28; Miss J h r n i e &>ock+ $45.75: Mise Mand B f j f e k H&W, # ^ total of 1148.88. By t h e i t W i u o a s ef­forts of Messrs. Tooke and Bartiett and others in tbe hall tbe sum wee in­creased to $22 40 more upon peesing the hat, which pays the uniform debt to within a small amount.

The band thought that it would be hardly fair to allow the two

I second beet in the contest to be unre-1 warded and so procured two solid gold •

rings for those who should be second and third, and after presenting the watch to Miss Ihikett the rings were presented to the Misses Oele and j

, Bouck. This contest w:!! be long re-f i iueujberet 1 bv the band as Jt shows I

who reached home laat Friday esti­mates the number of strangers in Washington laat week to be 2XX0GV, of whom 100.000 were old soldiers*

Lightning has had apparently, a l>eculiar affinity for the Maple City the present aeaaon. During July and August seven buildings were struck in this place and many others in the vicinity. In the storm of last Sunday night the ferry ateamer Henry Plumb, was set on fire and her upper works and cabin consumed. The boat h said to have been insured for about $5000.

At about the same time lightning •truck tbe eenter pole of a tent wbieh had been erected by some strangerr] on the fair ground. The ownera, a ytranr man and hie wife, were aeJeap in the tent at the tftae* and akboogb the tent was blown down and thfng i | badly mixed u p , the occupants es­caped witboot serknet injury.

Anoihei sjs t f j i l p l g Kst of casuali-ties in1 coupling cars occurred at tbe R. W. & O. depotv Friday last The victim was a brake man named Fred Oake&r . . , - -

A hurricaaa. wbicn almost reached thf diJtpitrjpf a cysjone,, atruck dur ci^r yesterday afternoo%

This is the fiarHuay oi our fair, and notwiibatandiqg the gsbomy weathf> of yesterday ,ktsje cloud! have decklsd toxliaappear, the sun Is shining bright and clear, and people are coming froai far and near to t a k e in* the Ogdeofc-burgfair." CHRISTOPHER.


C o i i l d > r t ^ U £ * r l t « i » e » t Over t b e I>l»«pp«»raiie« of m Mmn W h o K « t a r a « d .

Sept. 26.—Luther Kiock attended tbe G. A. R encampment a t Wash­ington last week.

Mrs- Castelle has been tbe guest of Mrs. W. B. Sprague the past week.

R. 8. Spicer and daughter Looa have returned home from ParishviUe w here they have been visiting relativ­es.

The ladies had a box social last Sat-1 der Boy in

winter at Moore's, has again returned of tbe people *• tbe town is ***ong Uvs to tbe same field of labor. the Parisbville band." Bi»rrs.

£Ua W. Fisk visited at Depeyster last week in the family of Clinton

urday evening. Proceed* *4 00. Mr. and Mrx Hoel Merithew are re­

joicing orer tl*e advent of another girl in their family.

E. D. Blackburn, of Gouvemeur, is building a new house having all the modern improvementa, on his farm in

them just what the people think of i Piteairn. *ucb an organization in town. The i There was considerable excitement band procured uniforms July 4th of ; here last week over the disappearance this year at an expend of $325. A ; of one of our business men. . Report Dew band wagon has been bought and other incidentals bringing tbe total to over |400. The uniform debt if paid ail but about $5, and the band wiH SOOD pay the balance they owe 4Cin toto" and start in square again. Owing to the efficient management of manag­er A. R Allen the band has done bet­ter than ever before. The i


[fa. Pembertejnrand son of Pots-J -Mr. rand Mr*. VanBuren; H axel Son

U \ S 1 f I ft / I ' ' ? # > f f * « d Mra^/opiar $an>ee ^ a Cbarlea Jndson is on the sick i peet to attend tue 6gdanaburg fair. pect to attend tbe Ogdanaburg

j Frank Johnson has bought a part of Mr. Winifred Jpdaon entered^upon j bis father's far*2 and ixanmenced the

A M Woodcock h*d tb* m f

misfortune JcsaaBpiifi,wisahae a setter** nrsn^eanaar ia died tbe 13th. - - "

Geo. W ^ E ^ 6 ^ o f ibt 5L yieboias, is made hajgqr by Cbe birth oi a a o a

s TiatUasj m Coi-

JtrsvB. 'W. WeUt inteode vMttag Mr- f^nrbar, of Martia#-



his <|ai| s safsfefsf T wii ies^sefflast day oa the Irian Ridge. -

ha tats si also ass as by tbe faQure of their j While chopping a stick flew and hit

Many are not even dig- j it. A Irterary entertainment was given

e a' at tbe church Saturday evening by It tbe I. 0 . G. T. Thanks are doe to tbe

masnberi of tbe SpratTaeviile lodge, who kindly eajae and assisted After tbe programme an old fashioned spell­ing was beid. Jessie Austin received tbe prize tbat was offered tat tbe one that stood up longest. >'gw COR,

Sept « . Saturday n*ght the I O. G. T. j for

of tbb fOoW of Fowler gare a literary enter- j a£W to ride o c l by Joass* tatoxaact at tbe ebureb with tbe assss-j Mr. and

. MM*^ w. --aaas^ajasDberi of the Spragae-; took. baroed*Ttfst Iqrsjs, i f "^ery ec^yabie tim* wW* Denning V * t w h i ^ * After tbe ex^ases were Mis. Afeasa e ? i k i £ a«>c: son ^ c money can be

aai: msnraae* oc ^Te^ tbey bad ax oid !a«^*ooed rp^i; A ioipb ;nt«&d vtr'trng &** -e^t.Tf* *i rt/vkf or any fag iowik *od :be prtxs, a s > e r io- in 5-ew York CTTT s o o c ^rart-.f* tbat i s

roo4 people ee» X r V H T X b r M w J^aw A a i t i i A pseasaac party was beid s ; "V ** * T ^ **? ^ * % A

** Wert JL :b# ra..rosKi » peoe^sw.ag £ASC PIUSBTD ebesse BMSery Frviar ,-mj^i < ^ oc by ts< ao; a# fast as sxycav wf^o baj so e « t - Mft Vasoe mm^m^ the m~?*T A *&% t~r+ : * ** *.I>* *nawl r«*:w**-i .*,*•» %z*>t A^^-c

Mrs. M.. Perry of Richville, visited raiaiirs* here rsoenfly.

Dr. CL C. VanWaSera. of stenssssner Fafia was la town SosseMy.

» s •


Ssptamber^a A box social vaajiaki by the aid so­

ciety at tbe M. JL chmxah Wednesday n igh t Reeeipts saasanted to «22.50.

s ir aadMM. 1* W; Jraaaeti wssfted frteads and reiatrve* tn RasttnoDd sad f scxais.Park last

Septambet 24. Mortimer Sulifran and ehlMssn <M

j Buffalo, mi% vlatting bis nsstbsr, Item ! Betsey SaUrvaa. ! Lizzie Griffin is in New / T a r t tor styles tn fail xnttlineTy ]

Miss Jennie Spicer was marrierrtfce 17th inst to Mr. Adams of Masse ebuaetu, a n d left rmmed istaiy for her

business men. said he had left for parts unknown. Sunday he returned. He had been on a visit to friends in Lewis county. It


gruii^rrb v if wed her with expression.-* of bynipiilhy. E*peviiilly when it b^^aiue k n o s n ihal she nad U^eii ; take*n from the jxi*tur^ but two l we*ks before.

Wise people with vague revotlec footed Dan, v- ^t/,

and tbe game Harry Laird, t ^ ^ t * . and other fast ones previously owned by Mr. Corbin were prepared for what foliow*ed, but very few of the average spectator* expected to see her go to the front in the third beau and finiah a close second to Winifred 1 in the next, in 2:24±.

On Friday last MoHie G. disting­uished herself by winning a great race in Watertosm, over sot oi the fastest horses tbat have appeared m in the circTiit this season.

After drawing 6th position and Kit­ting tbe word raany lengths behind, j she out down the field one by «*x and finished close to tbe greatWifkes stallion Anstides in the fast time of

Xawithsiandtfsx the hat page she want aha Ural beak abe oarae back ex* beat AristWee 1h a neok aodl neck race sumosi frptn start to fixiisb io iiQi^ th# ttusi&t ii>aft ever trolted i^araceo^sr the^ feiyesside eoaraaj and tha iastsat errw troited on aay track m Wortbe«*Je*e Yartt* - -

When young VanValkenburg, a ptrpfl of the skiH^.me^fa^c^TKrw known as "Old Van^ appeju^d wttiu Molke G. for the UuribessV thetnariH and driver mat with as owatten wbioti startled botfti

The distinction of havirig made th^^ fastest track record and tt^reAy winning the spejcial |i00 prixe, ip ad* ditioa tothe tHK) purse, was a lea­ther in tbe cap of the yowogr driwer which he has a right to be prtfcrtt of:' The two last beats were won in the easJests of jogs by Mollie G. in 2&i aud2J?e.

MoUie G waa sired by Piokst,a son of Aberdeen, and out of a mare by Sir Charles, and was bred by Gorge Forsyth, of New Jersey.

The fastest previous records made over the Riverside course since George M. Patchen beat Harry Olay in 1S6S in 2:27}% was made by Lysan

1S7S when he scored a record of 2.23*, which was cut down by Erwin Harris with Julia C. to 2:&H in 1KS€.

It is the belief of good judges that il MoLho G. had not been driven out so fast in the first heat that ebe would have trotted the second in 2 IS, which is equivalent to 2 15 over a modern kite abap^d track.

— * .« COLTON.

O M LifV trsVJ * ROCK.AWIT, N. T.

dia«t»tr\'U» con] ed ibia after *rvenJ hours *wLir :t fttremtd ailhon^ll tbe fire w yotvi all hum#a control, aaft ^heg" belief w«j that it would sara whOe waa mAierial to feed it- ^ w ^ u ^ - ^ |

The f^lowiag If a usassaflMdCtbtj ings destroyed; Kingslaad's easfno, 1 ner's hotel, Ctltor%> betsy ^gssti; * hotel and iron nisr, SfaiysdB1! hU<aj, 1 FUso's bot«l, . liiisjas'Sj^ssbs? bssaij I son^s bakery, tbsflk1 *s«S» SSSsi, 0 Bureau's g r w i v r koiT » hotel, Muriisoanaawssa *

Th^otily kisses lssi.a%.ssaaassal eertaiBed b Mra pruprktor oti str-rear-old ing in which tbe denlydid toe woman could The woman moment, wailasss onaH sklea iamivbatsbe tbe mjursd.

The loss is •s»,000 to •l.iOtyatXVJ mates place t ^ V f S ^ ^ ^ f t s ^ a a amoonu

THE O H O U r i i f i ^ C l j N ^

He » w C M b H l w tth^SSSI

KrwYoi bulletin tbat have

F .R

sasin, sad thenesscT^

as editor ef

****** ^'^mmnmms: WkrmcmJL

leve^ pusjtiti' in tbeoounUj^aaa o

vnlver. The wounded seised tbe pistol boys then wersdrownsd.


Shavor. aged seeen^fiye^ i i l iMsls la i a window was streak \jr tl&btia&'t0f weeks ago, part4alr/< wtto a scsrtct circtefla' l a s t night t h e n wa* a thunder, and Jar. on almost tbs-sa struck T sfort "

Sept i» Several weddings occurred last week

is strange bow stories do start and j Tuesday Jack Donohue the velocity with which they travel. { QI^ meTt n i^rrj^ ^ ^


36. Oar school is progressing finely un­

der the management of Miss Psrsona Nearly all our. farmers have their

grain threshed. - - -Dan Cotajrhlin expeots to move to

i The prohibition club wtj bold their next meeting at Kennedy Stories. ; A grand Ha^rtSDn and Reid banner

was fl^mr to t i e breeze^dasBrdaj^-wi X^armssjfiiftpL a F i^mmaa^M^

*>g s th^vina^basiness. Icia. WxtfhtJhk <tnoeti improved b>

beaith. I S A. W

:J MAWUC w?rtȣ.

and Mary Wednesday

Daniel 0*Mallery aad Mary Daily foi-lowed suit.

Lee Casey goes to New York today where be wfH begin tbe study of medi cine.

Frank Wilson and Iris friend Charles Stevenson returned to New York to­day.

Mrs. J. P. Hows, of Canton viatssd Mxs. M. D. BsAwtthsss t wwek sssasal daya *

£. E. Brand deaier in feed has fitted up his store under the towz* hall and pur in a lias of groceries.

Benjamin Kendnak oae of tbe old est residents ef this rflsaga died last Ssaorday az\arsM>oa H i s hsoan held at H a M. K swureb S a a a a y r # o o^AoalL

X * a ^slllOOftJ^riC P U A P Q M ;

The Good tbe Seef

* jm the

republican paid,

W«ttt Lo3^oa^sft. m^beProeideasjBoaa

sssociasisD, to teams sassnsl swslss si trinleta, witba good dhwaors,' fattier tJa; twins lets, srr

Pofm-ajro, Or., grand lodswst grand stre C fT depaty Toek; Sewark, K. J^

Lsidlaw have tbe

* ? « d afry of eccr

Fnoay i j af M Harwars

water sx^-Kt* A

Tbe UHMT* of saving and loan eiatkvas W as a#a> an UL p^ossfbSfty as any thing can be owing, not o n ! y ^ tbe aafertkartOa tbe b e t of tbe state

owl <* dosaw i M * + m rseatvad is

property tS* fisUii1al»oa of :^ > o large axr.r>r..-.: remsMDt lur

u tLe baof * •' sxy ode*? &c


t re

Mr and Mn. Jerry Merrfthew. of Riehti l ls are tisiting a f Taffies 1T61-land a

Cbarlea Bttrnhait wbt has beet spefKiissTO^saaasg A Canton, .has j ! ? g ^ g * ^

Terapt« wfH - a ^ ^ t T u S l F pumpkin r^sc>e1a!Intbetfto^robm; "BecauseJKTW as evarmore, unun st J^akalb, JRnday s-rsaiaa, ; aba robbsr tariff isatbiagof tbs ssvt!

Wasrwa Cesr. of Bsbwarda is vMtsog aad repubi^an pmttnfinaism is as • bs? sister. Mrs WBL MRlsr XX. | * 4 ** African aisrvery. ibe s>q>o i

cratie law and jg^pei stands."—2/ba • ty Wo&ermm is LomteriZZe Camfiet . -?

"BL MRlsr

CAsmor a€ c^*a«>

ax.y tLiue iXk

%7 lOeaJ appHwattottt as risMti tb^ jaw asi d partloa of tbe Tbeve is oa l y eaw v i ? tn e-am asid tVsat If by -r?i^d>*,a T^«*ae«i is . z. *aeae^? " ec i: t -"*& >' • - - * l " t » : -rr-t - -** -• f*: ba^» * rtrfeV*r*g wv r*-: ^


„ i *c^»


z x *c:se3AS>;£.g a ^ w-* "a g:*od -at^t

^ • * *^ J ^ . .