COMMERCIAL. EiVASKAH MARKET3. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i SiTAC-UH, Gju, March JR), 4P. M 1 ttox—The market was ijuiet at quotations. r was a little better iaquiry aud more tUM | , and ntr. Stocks offering are small, and are t ty 'veil held. The total sales for the day I ,re 542 bales. On 'Cnanga at the otiealng j;], a: 10 a. m., the market was r-ported quiet jir. 1 unchanged, with sales oi 59 hales. At the [ocond call, at 1 p. m., it was quiet, the sales leins Ed bales. At the third and last call, at 'j p m.. it closed qaiet and unchanged, w.th fur- r sales of 29 hales. The following are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Ex change: Middling fair Nominal On >d mi Idling 11 Midlling ........ hJ IC-li hjw mitiling 10 it; ~ eid ordinary 9 lA-16 Sen /sinads—The market continues rery dull and nominal in the absence of sales. Good stapled seedy cotton @22l^ Gjn l raediutn 2*)s Melio n tine .23 ®?3!i Fme K ara fiat) ...24 ©2lt. C io:ee 25 ®45Vq Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Experts and Stock on Hand March 20, 1890, and rou the Same Time Last Year. 1889-90. ISSB-89. 7;mndJ^ anrf i l^d\ V P land Stock on hand Sept. 1 I* Q6O. 8,6 :8i W 7,1C6 Received 10-day .... 025 * .... li-7 Received previously j 31,617, STO,*IOI 28,874, 757.467 Total 32.186! 879,574 28.934! 764.820! Exported to-day j *1 2,789 1,023 j Exported previously t| 30,216! 852,584' 28,U15| 7J0.C99! Total I 30,21 fi 1 655,378 SBw3lb> 717,722 ~~T" StocK on hand and on ship-' "• ; i b. ard to-duy ..., l.oio, 24,2 i noj 47,108 Kice--There was nothing doing, the pinrket 1-'ing duH and unchanged. At Board of Trade the market was t reported firm at the fallowing official quotations Small job lots are held at ft&ftc higher: * Fair *, .3% (rood 4 ((J4*4 Prime,., Fa icy 5 <gp^ Head .../—SftfySft Rough— Norm al— Country lots ~ $ 79 Til awater 90(2H 0) Naval Stores—The market for spirits' tur- pentine was quieter, and prices declined. There was a slow and indifferent demand, with free offerings. The sales reported during the dav were 60 casks at 40c. for regulars. At the Board of Trade oh the opening call the piarket was hi 1 Helmed firm at 40c for regulars. At the second call it closed firm at 40c for regulars. •Busin—The market was quiet*and steady at jthe quotations. The sales during the day were 6* barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported firm at the fol- lowing quotations: A, B, C, D and E§l 20, F $1 25, G Si 30, II Si 40. 1 $1 65, K Si 90. M $2 A N 32 60, window glass. S2 85, water white $3 04.* At the last call it closed unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 1,947 73,092 Received to-day 130 1.462 Received previously 181,139 <350,030 Total .* 183.216 740,584 ~JT*- ♦- I l xported to-day ; i - ~.. 383 3.571 Exported previously 179,043 677,201 Total.. . /. 179,926 680,772 Stock on hand and oh shipboard ~ today 3,290 59.812 Receipts same day last year —.. 164 1,453 Financial— Money is in active demand. Domestic Exchange—Steady. Banks and bankers buying sight drafts at par and selling at ft(&ftc per cent premium. foreign Exchanje—T he market is steady. (Commercial demand, $1 85; sixty days, $1 82; ninety days, $4 80^4; francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, Swiss, $5 2444; marks, sixty days, 94 ftc. Securities—The market coatimies quiet with a fair inquiry for all classes, of stocks and short date bond:?. * Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds—Atlanta 6 per cent long date, 106 Did, 114 asked; At- lanta 7 pty cent, 112 bid, 3IS asked; Au- gusta 7 per cent long date, 105 bid, li&ft a>ked; Augusta b i>dr cent longdate. 104 bidt :t7 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. .104 bid, asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 115 asked; no\f Savannah 5 per cent, quarterly April coupons, lOoft bid, 1064 asked; new Sa- vannah 5 per cent, >lky coupons, 105*4 bid, 105 4 askeel. *• state Bonds —Georgia nawpercent, 118 bid, 119 asked; ‘Georgia 7 per cent gold .quar- terly coupons, 102 bid, 103 asked; Georgia 6 per qpnt coupons, January and July, maturity 1800. Jl6 bid, 118 asked. Railroad Stocks—Central common. 124V4 bid, 125 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 percent guaranteed, 143 bii, 145 asked; Georg.ii com- mon, ~o3ft bid. asked; Southwestern7 (>er •lent guaranteed, bid. Cen- tral 0 per cent certificates, A’anta and West Point railroad stock, bid. 10914 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 1(H) bid, 101 asked. Jiailroad Bonds— Savaunah, Florida and ''• ♦•stern Railway Company g-iieral mortga ie, * percent interest, coupons October, 110 bid. 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage, consolidated 7 per rant*coupons January and 1 i!y, maturity 1897. 113 ild, 114V6 asked; entral Railroad and Banking Oompany collateral gold, ss, .100 bid. .101 asked; Cen- trai consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 10564 bid, 1H) 1 } asked; Savannah and Western Maiu‘<>a4 5 p r cent, indorsed ijy Central railroad, 97J4 bid, asked; Savannah, Americas, and Mont- gomery 6 per cent, 96 bid, 98 asked; *eorgia railroad 6 per cent. 1897, :05® HI bid, asked;* Georgia South- ern and Florida first- mortgage 6 per cent, 97tj bid, 98^6ashed; Covingten anaßlfcon first mort- gage '1 per cept, £2.V£ bid, iflfcked; 3lontgom- ery and Eufauia firftt mortgage C per cdkt, in- dorsed bv Central railroad* bid, 109fb asked; Marietta a.ud North Georgia railway , fj 1, oKi, 9.>U asked; Marietta and North Georgia ial- 1 .d r s; mortgage 6. per**cent, 105 bid, '. asked; Charlotte, 4 Columbia and Augusta mortgage, *llO bid. 11l asked; Char- 'tte. Columbia and Augusta second mortgage, 118 asked; ChaHotle, Columbia and Augusta, general mort '.ige, 6 par cent, 109 'I- asked; Western Alabama second - rigago, indorsed 8 per, cent, 104 bid, 105 bid, 129 asked; SouUi Georgia and Flor- ! 1:1 second mortgage. 116 bid; 318 asked; Au- trustaand Knoxville first mortgage, 7percent, '•tuoiM, first moH-gagHt •asked; Gainesville. Jofft:>on and Southern guaranteed, id-; bid. 110 psked; Ocean aiusrup 6 per c *nt bonds, guarautead by ■’rai railroad, lOl'G bid, lu*iJ4 asked; Gaines- •’ouersou and SoulJiern second ttior(*gAg -. 114 bid, 110 asked; Columbus ■vi'l Rome first mortgage indors 'd by . :tr al railroad, 106J4 bid, 197 Cos 1 urn- "is and Western 6 per neat, guaranteed, f 110 asked. City -aiul Suburban railway in-si, percent, bid, l!2 asked, . A: Slot's —Fi.-m v Southern Bank of V State of Georgia. WO bid. 300 asked; Mer- -1 r iants ?>atioual '•avannah Bank and Trust Oompony, 118 bid, ! National Bank of savannah, 132 /.* 135 asked* Oglethorpe Savings ana Trtet " n Pany, 121 bid. asked; Citizhnn* Bank. JI •* aiked; Chatham Redi Estate and imroviMuout C>mpany, 53 bid'll asked. s Nfoc^—Suvaunah (las Xiglit stocks, abH 25 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, c‘ Electric Light and Jpowor Compjy, old no asked. oon Market finu and culvanning; fair do " 1,11 ‘ihoki'd clear rib rides, shoulders, . : ‘.v -malted clear rib fdi. b. 4 long clear. 'N uclUoo, 5/4g; !iuul lers, shauiH, 11>4 . dAmnNo and TANARUS; :h Tiie ;uarkot fs nominal. ' il ia* 014 *; *' 5%4 I^. .’*• ,U *I •*■{ urdiug lobiatii i * lrhUadd bagging very scares lvfttjo Uj-r; cotton (lagging, nom*: prte*K ’;‘; ‘al; u mooes. V\ mifaVVfcrwXtor \ y* cucaxi*. Jroti Ties v-t **s4i --Id p r mb.*, according i 0 quantity Bafghig ad. .; V 1 ***** !"* *ft fraoi m bjgutv .1) **T dull; fair demand:, rl r t )* gdtod*tn cruuniery,' UAiUK -Nuudmtl; H<raV. ' utiiiHir. 4iar..et fn<r tint nan J 9ft Maik**t i.lrany' and advanemu: Veu u,r ***■> ,rr - 1 S ! Hried 1-R--IT—Apples, evap rair !. I*-; cr.:n- -mo. be. IVache*. peeled, lii; iS?" Currants. 7c. Citron.'.‘sc. i Drt <K.os--Tlie nnrket Is quiet and stsa lv. Prm.s : iQ ' ! 4c; <>.>or/ia br>i*a bhlrtinc. S-i Sjc; .-Edo 8c; 4-1 nrorrn sueetin7. <;■; wtiu o : „abu r: T*. check*. ssVje; yarns. or the e' t broiru drill.nt. JISH—Market nominal. We quote full weixhts: Se k iw* 1 v I ' o '> 1' i' aif bsrre! *-.nominal. $-J ft) ft Woo: .A°' *• *. herring. So. 1. ,ic: Rcakri, Sic. Cod, Multat, naif bar rcls, $ > 00. fauiT—Lemons—Fair demand. Choic?, ?100: fancy, ft 60. A ppl-si .oor and scarce, Al 75tfi 4 00. 6 lon ia o-ances in moderate supply and good demand. Si j 7 V box. . rtfdK— Marketver. arm. Extra, $440; family, $4Sd; tancy. Si IK*; patent, So Vi): choice )i.at -nt > >5; sprmg wneat, best. Si 51; bax-rs' mixt- ure, $, li ■Grain—Corn—Market steady. White corn * retail lots. 5jC; joo lots, 54c; carload lots. 5 .<■; mixed corn, retail lots, 56c; job lhta, ste; oa■- ka l. lots, 51c. Oats-R-tail lots. 40c; iob lot- * A-c; carload lots. :18c. Ura : -Retail lots. St ix>; job lot.. Ode: carload lots, B">c. Meal, peir . p.-r barrel, Sd TO; per sack, $1 25: c ty ground, S’ 10. Pearl grits, per barrel, ;*;0; oer sack. Si Si: gnts. Si SOper sac*. Hay—Market lira. Wentern, in retail lots, $105; job lots. 9Tc; carload lot*. 95c. Hides, WdoL, Etc.—Hides—Market, very dull, receipts light; dry Hint, .•; sa'.ted, 4c; nrv butcher, tie. Wool—Market nominal; prime. 2Jc- b irry, 10© 15c. Wax. SO. Tallow, to. IW skins, Hint, SSC; salted, *>. Otter bk ns, 50c(ii $1 00. . J ** Iron—slarket firm; Swale. 414334; re- fined, S'.;C. Laud—Market steady; in tierces,. 50-lb tins. sJic. Ijme, Calcined Plaster and Cement -Chew- .acala lump lime in fair demand and sedins at hi V 1 i>er barrel; Georgia and Shelly. $1 S5 per barrel; bulk and carload lots special; calcined plaster, So p-r barrel: hair. 4uise; Rosendalj cement, <1 40®1 50; Portland come jt, S3 00. * Liquors—Qui o: moderate demand. Whisky, per gallon, rectified. $1 o%at S', according to urool'; choice grades, J 1 50®'4 00; straight, $1 0.'34 00; blended. $S 00if46 00. Wtnei—• Domestic, i>ort, sherry and catswba. low grades, 60(3s:>e; fine grades. Si California, light, muscatel and angihea. $1 50 @1 75. Nails—Market steady; fair demand; 3d, S3 36; 4d and sd, $2 55; 6.1. $2 75; Hd, $2 CO: lUJ, S3 45: 12d, $2 33; s>l to Wi, $3 00; 20d to 40d, $2 45. , v . I Ni'rs—Almonds—Tarragona, lS@2oc: Ivicas, 16@18c: walrtuts, French, 15c; Naples, 10e; liecans, 10c; brazil, 10c; tilb 'rts, 10c; cocoanuts, llarracoa. $1 50 per 100; assorted nuts. 50-!b and 25-1 b boxes. 13c per Ib. Onions—Domestic sprouting badlr; per bar- rel, $5 00 0 5 50; per crate, $1 75; Spanish crates. S'2 00. Oils—Market firmer; "demand fair. Signal, 49fiJ50e; West Virginia black, 12i$15c; lard, 57c; kerosene. 10c; ncatsfoct. 6'"■■; machinery, 25@80e; linseed, raw, 65c; boiled, 6Sc; mineral seal, 18c; homelight, 15c;Itnardian. !4e. Potatoes—Eating, §2 00®2 23; seed, $2 50@ $2 ,5. Raisins—Demand light; market steady.. M#iaga layers, S'i 00 per bgx; London layers, new, $3 7)0 pet box; California London layers, $2 5p per box; loose, $2 30. Salt—Tee demand is moderate an 1 market quiet; carload lots, 19c, f. o. b.; job lots, So ©99c Shot—Drop, $1 20; buck, $1 45. Sugar—The market is st rong aud advancing. Cut loaf, i-yc; cubes, VlQc; powdered, granulated, fi%n- confectioners', B'lgc; stand- ard A. 6hc; off ’A, 6'.,,c; white extra C. 6%c golden C, 55rc; velloa’, s>^o. Syrup—Florida and Georgia staady*t OO'g.JSc: market quiet for sugarhouse at 30tf840c; Cuba straight goods, 30c; sugarhouse molasses. l*J2oe. Tobacco—Market quiet and steady; fair de- •munand. Smoking, sound, 224h(5p30c; tair, 30(7t15c: medium, 38@50c; bright, fine'fancy, 8.3@90c: extra fine, fOcFcSl 10; bright navies, 33^450; dark navies. 3oc. Lumber—There is a steadily increasing de- mand from all quarters. Mills are all full of work for some time ahead, and prices are linn, with an upward tendency, especially for the more difficult sizes. We quote: Ordinarysizes. $1? 75©16 50 Difficult sizes 15 006A25 00 Flooring boards 16f)0(a2l 50 Hhipstuff* 17 00@S5 IX) Timber—Market dull andmommal. We quote: 700 feet awe; age $ 9 0)@11 00 800 *■ * 10 eoSII 00 9-0 •> . n Uo®l2 00 I.ooo' , 12 00iai4 OO Shipping timber in the raft- -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 oft 800 •• 7 00® 800 900 •• 8 00® 9no 1,000 ~. 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 belpw these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—Cpartwise—The arrivals continue fuliy up to shippers’ requirements. Loading berths are wed filled, and the demand, is easy for tonnage bo arrive. Rates may bo Mooted within the range of $S 75@T 00 from this pott to Daltimore, Philadelnbia, New \ork and sound, ports, with 25®5'ic additional if loaded at nesr by Georgia ports. Timber 50c®$l Oy higher than lumber ..rates. To the West Indies and Windward, ■nominal; to Rosario, $23 007121 00: to I’.uenos Ayres or Montevideo, $lB 00: to Rio Janeiro,* sl9 no> to Spanish and MeJltcrrahean ports, sll 0005714 50; to United Kingddm for orders, nominal at f. .f timber, i!5 '.(Ls standard; lumber, £5 10s. S'eam—To New York, $7 ft); to Phila- delphia, $7 09; to Boston, $8 00;. to Balts more, $6 50. Naval. Stores—N ery firm. Foreign —Cork, etp., for orders, Spot vessels, rosin, 3s, and Is 3d; to arrive, 3s tad, and 4s fid; spirits, Adriatic, rosin, 3s 9d; qleuoa, Ss 6d; South America, rosin, 8} 10 jier barrel of 28u pounds. Coastwise—Steam—To Boston. 10c per 100 lhs on l-osip. 90c on sr'ifits; to New York, rosin, 7K,c per lOOlbs: spirits, ft.lc; to Piiiladel- phia, rosin, 7Uc per 100 tbs: spirits, 80c; to Bal- timore, rosim 30c; spirits, 70c. Coastwise, quiet. Cotton—lsy steam—The market is steady. Genoa 13-3*l Bremen 23-64d Barcelona 27-04d Liverpool via New York Ifl 8) sfj-tild Havre via New York $ lb ...- 11-lfic Bremen via New York fl tb %r, Bremen via Baltimore V-iod Koval via New York T 9 It) ..... 7-10d Genoa via New York 29-64,1 Amsterdam via New York § 1 03 Antwerp via New York., Boston 1? bale $ 1 25 Sea island $ bale 1 25 NeSv York 19 bale 1 u0 Sea inland V bale 1 Ift). Philadelphia ?! bale 1 00 , Sea islaud |4 bale 1 00 uale ! v -e—, Providence bale .. -g By sail— Genoa.: 25-B4d Kick—by steam— New York. f! barrel .30 Philadelphia 19 barrel 50 Baltimore \i barrel. .. .r, 50 Boston 19 barrel , 75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls l? pair $ 65 ® 70' Chickens, 34 grown, V pair 50 ®; (0 Chickens, W grown, y pair 46 ® 55 Turkeys, ft itir ’■ '3 50 ®3 50 (loese, pair. ; Ift) ®! 25 Ducks, EngHsh. 14 pair. 80 04 75 Ducks, Muscovy', I 1 pair ft> ®1 Oft Chickens, dressed, undrawn, ft lh 1 ; Vy '3 15 Chickens, drawn, Turkeys, dressed, undrawn, F lb. 15 ® 16 Turkeys, dresiod, <tr:iwn,%U )8 ® Geese, orone Isi fit lh 10 ® 1214 Ducks, dressed, v Tt> 15 ® 2u Eggs, country, 19 dozen 13 ® 15 Peanuts, fnnpy, h. p. Ya., 19 1b... 784® JJ PeaHiils, hhud pici.-e 1. (4 lb.. _■■■. t>K <4 7 Peanuts, small, handpicked, Ib. 6 ® Peanuts, Tennessee. *. *' ® _'%• Sweet potatoes, white yams . 35 13 50 ■Sweet potatoee, yellow yaffi) 45 ® I.S . roui.TßV—Masket firm; "dlmaud fully Rule plied. Kuos—Market unsettied, stock ample, and inrxierato (lemand. I’eanut.sx-FuII stock 7 demand moderate; prices steady. Sugar—Goorgia apd Florila nominal; nono in market. ,, Honey- Demaud manitml. Sweet Potatoes—Market steady; amply 3up plied. ' , 1 alAlt Izgi'-o i.Y TgiLos-iii riv.l (DIAL. Ni w York. Ma-eh 20, aioo*-Stocks dull but firm. Money >aiy ♦. 31; ®4 tor cent. Exchango—long. #!■);; saor . -1 ;®| s 1 Government boiids neglected,, State do ids duil '"'dHowing were the n in sto -k quotniioas: Erie ... ft’ 1 1 Kichm Jat A. I':. C l'ißgo't No-'-e-IWzi Terminal 21 Ijs e.d io e \V S'efj Uaza... N0r.,.2 W. prof. 5:05 p. iu,—ICxcldiago c'.os*. I quiet i*ut strong / fv j r*4 ... *< OJV ta *at A'ffs 4 fK*r cn Sub treasury balancs*—Coin. .ft)); cur rouev ' ill'M) Government b.nfls dull o.< Mgi‘; fMiriier ovlF lz ; four usd a half per cent, coupon* 104 > Sfte bonus 4u.. .oal Tw stock mark, is istenssiy ami * >•**.*• out Cos) <Uy. Tii r* *. and iimg III.) k.ok er iM.riloii pt roe d> . * drooping ivießmcy iu in' * ,4 ***., v # i ti is. F, *g ~ .„! ia o. lev. lull I wHWig f l>> a ' “**, S '*• •ri.*"* ] enpis.ii a, 4 4*i tee s'ddS .rviu WMMI pe pie, though it yielded only slightly. Mis sown Pacific was alio preood for sale, and haded off to a slight estcnl, whili of the other i timid shares 'Vest ti Uitlon ahei ** shivs 1 ant life, an l that was w.-a.. lqsujg n -arly : jiercent after selling ex-dividend, Ftigur Kciinen.M M‘a, the special feature, and it move 1 up a! first on expectation that p-rinHstoii to declare dividend 1 "ould be granted this morning; but when the decision was reserved it again fell a wav. later. , however, the belief tliat there has been an un 1 ders atiding between the North Kiver Refinery people and offieeiwor the Sugar Trust, aud that all opposition lias tieen withdrawn, led to an improventent, and the stock closed at last night's figures. In the regular list, only Tennes- see Coal and \Vheeling and L ike Brig stocks showed any reai strength, and the first named moved up from 51 to 5Fk. the rumor being that > the Bri e-Timaias party had acquired a large block of stoc'x, uEpl that the late depression has been for th purpose of accumulating stock. Wheeling .uni Lake Erie’ preferred rose 21$ per cent, and reacted 1 Hi percent., but closed with niaterial ftnprovemejt. The market finally dosed dull and steady at insignificant changes for a great majority of the list, the only im- portant differences bring a lvauces or per emit- in fences see (’.nt and 1t H percent, iu X\ heeliu ' and 1-ike Erie pleferred, aud a loss "f Hg percent, in Colorado Coal. Tue sales of stocks aggregated 90,000 shares. The following werotne closing quotations: Ala.o ass A.3 ta *. 107 Hi N O.Pa'flclstmort 9U4 Ala.c.ass B, 5... 11l N. Y. Central 106^, Georgia 7s, mor,.. WO4 . Nor. Ar W. pref.. ftp N.Caro.ioacons s.l-5 Nor. Basilic no '.4 N.Faro.i a cats ,s nfi pre, 72^ So.-Caro. .Brown Pacific Mail. 37 conso.s) WOfiq Reading 10 Tennessee6s 109- Rcdin.md’i Ae’.. 22 5s Riel lin'd i W. Pt. Tennevsees) 35... 73 a Terminal 2) e Vlrgn.als ."0" Roc: Pdaftl.. *95 4a. fis eo-is dl to 1. 35 bt. Paul 68*4 Ches. & Ouio nreferre i.. 118 Northwes b u 1 IdVr Texas i'aeii . . lft>4 .preferred. .141 T mi. Coal & Iron. 63 Deia. auj Lacs.. Kfie 25.4 N. .4. 1 s n; r al 12) East Tenueis e.. s ■> Missouri Pa.dtlc 7284 I.ake Store.... v . 19# l i Western Union... t'l 's LVille k Sail). ... Cotton II oerti). 2?4 Memphis AC.a -. 51 Rru'swi-k . 28'^ Mobile 2 Ohio— 14 Mobiles Ohio 4). 58 Nash, t L'aatt'a.. 10.’ •Bid. lExdiv. torrox. Live it’oof- March 20, noon.—Cotton quiet; limited inquiry; \. i Tieen middling 6 l-0d; sales 6,009 b l vs, of .which 500 ifere for specilaMon and exDoit; rdceipts 1,000 bales—American 2,3 0 bales. P’utures-A-re ican mdilitg. ow middling clause, March and April delivery —; April and May delivery 6 3414d; May and June de- livery (3<eUt®6 (i liddd; June and July delivery 6 0-t;?7i,6 7-64J; July and August delivery 6 8 6kl. Market qmet out steady. 2p. m. of the' day Included 5,200 tales of American. American good middling 6 5-I‘id, middling 6 l-l!ki. low middling 5 15-10d, good ordinary 513 l*j j. ordinary 59k<t? Futures— Alt) -ncAn middling, low middling clause, March dedvefy 6 3- I4d, sellers; Marchand April delivery 03 Old, seller.,; April and May de- livery 6 3to4d, buyers: May and Jnue delivery (76-6 hi, sellers; June and July .1 ■!ivory 6 7-64d, buyers; Jijiy and August delivery 6 9 041, sellers; August delivery 0 904 J, sellers; August aud September .delivery 6 Odd. sellers; September delivery 0 0-iild, sellers; September and October delivery 555-Old, sellers; October and November delivery 5 47-04d, sellers. Market quiet but steady. 4:00 p. in ntu -es: A 11-ri ;an iniMlin *, ’ow mkldl.ngcm ise. March delivery 0 3-:i4d. sellers; March and April and livery 65 04!, sellers; April and May deli\ cry 0 4-61d. Imyors; May an.l June delivery 0 7-Oid; sail-*rs; June aud July delivery 0 8-04d. buyers: July and Ann st delivery 6 9-Old, buyers; August delivery 0 ID-Old, sellers: Augustand September deliverv 0 Odd, bu\ers; September delivery 0 6-641, buyers; September and October delivery 5 5.5-Old. value. Market closed flrtn. New York, March2o, nom.—Cotton opened steady; middling uplands 117-10 c; miudling or cans 11 11-lfic; sales2Bl bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with “ales as follows: .March delivery 11 2 c; April delivery 1125 c; May delivery 1 \ 30c; June ueiiverv 1114 c; July delivery 1139 c; August delivery 11 3Se. 5:00 p. m.—Cotton closed dull; middling up- lands 11716 c, middling Orleans 11 n 16c; net receipts at this port to-day 4,505 bales, gross 3,059 bales; sales 259 bales. Futures—The market doted steady, with pa es of 83,500 bales, as f -Hows: March delivery 11 30@H 31c, April delivery 11 33c, May delivery -II 37® 11 38c, June delivery 11 42t01l 43c, July delivery 11 45®11 47c, ftugust dehvei-y 11 45® 11 40c, Sept-mber de- livery 10 i7®lo 7Soi October delivery 10 47® 10 4 c, November delivery 10 3J®lu 81c, i>e- cember delivery 10 29®t0 30c, January delivery 10 3u ,u,lO 31c- The Nun's cotton review says: “Cotton futures opoued a little unsettled lu tone, though ip some cases slightly dearer. Liverpool re- ports proved much better than anybody ex- pected, and a quick advance of T®j 8 points for this crop \ras toe result, with the next crop im- proving less. Then the market became quieter, and the best prices of the day were not paid until near the close, wheD small port receipts were bulletined—little more than 3,0il bales. The close, however, was barely steady. Cotton on snot was 1-lfic higher.” Galveston, March 29. Cotton quiet; mid- dling 10 15-jtic; not receipt! 727 bales, gross 727; Hales- hales: stock 11,843 bales: exports, ' coastwise 1,932 bales. Norfolk, March 20.—Cotton steady; ml Idling 10 15 16c; net receip.s 3)6 bale), gr..-s 550; sales MS bales; stock 83,510 bales; exports, coastwise 810 bales. .altiwork, March 2.l.—Cotton nominal; mid- dling llJq'fillfKie; net receipts bales, gross 18; talcs bales; stock 4,697 bales; exports, to the continent 222 bales. Boston. March 20. —Cotton quiet; middling ll)4c; net rec rots 101 bales, gross 252; sales noue: stock none; exports, to Great Britain 010 bales. >v iLuisoxi.v. March 20. —Cotton quiet but steady; middling lhjie; ue; receipts 32 bales, gra-ss .12; sales none ; stock 12,415 bales. I’ntLidiL' HiA, March 20.—Cotton quiet: mid dliag 11 1116 c; na. receipts 260 bales, -.rots 266; st'oc < 17,897 bales. New Orleans, March 29. Colton market firm; middling lOJtic; net bales, gross 461; sales 1,760 Pales: stock bait* Futures The market closed stea ly, with sales of 24,7 ftbiles. as follows: March delivery 10 Otic, April delivery 10 98c. May delivery 11 ft)o, June delivery 11 12c, July delivery 11 19c. August delivery 11 03c, September delivery 10 360, October delivery .10 02c, < .vein' er de- livery 9 90c. Decernbft delivery 9 90c, January delivery 9 96c. Mobile, March 20.—Cotton dull: middling net rec opts 47 biles, g ess 47; sales 1&) bah'st stock 10,161 bales; exports*, coast- wise 315 bales. MERVSfs, March 20.—Cotton quiet; middling 1 10%c; recei .ts 310 bales; shipineuts BJO bales; sale* 1,043 bales; stock :Wl5O ba es. Augusta. Mardli 2i). Cotton quiet but firm, middling xofic: receipts 205 bales; sn pint-ms 135 bains; bales; stjelv 12,10' bales. u kh. .ks ; >n, j 20. otton unrket fi cm; held higbef; m and net rece.p s *.5 baled, *rruss Vo; -a 25 bales; sioc, 9,172 balesf coast wise BJI bales. Atlanta. March 2<). Cost<*o firm; middling o<K, March 20. Vvisoli atel ret re- ceipts at .it cotaon to-day were 3,033 ..ai *.s;, trx ii'c at ilrv.*iri 1,780 bales, to'tbe continent I,■ §i bales. t> France stoc!: utaH pur.# Dales. ftc. March 20, nooo.—VTbriat steady; and >dr;• lioUers Offer niGd„*ri*tely. (/ora quiet; etnaud por)i*. Niv* Voas, .vlarc i 2-1, nc>oii.—Flour quiet and unchanged’ \\ steely. Corn quiet, but lii>ucr. 1* firm at 4 10 ftt S‘i 50. l-ref rliU steady. 5;i jj v. ni.—Flobr v *soutbem firmer butffyiet, Wheat, si^oWiuirbut,firm; No. 2 re<i in elevator; options moJerateiy. active and No. v r id, March delivery # April* delivery May delivery Jucc deliverys(7’tc. Corn, spot atronier and /airly active; No. -V- c.vib,‘3s'sCF l MOc Id elevator; options dull- but tirni- Marcii delivery Ai-rii delivery 37f6a, MaJ delivery Oats str9ngc.- and fairlyactive; options active, am£ lirm—March delivery 2Je. April do l i foj-y 2 (;tc, May deity cry 27Vc. -} I ops i a-v a .and q jiL; State, new 13.r$i0c;-oki. Ooffeo -options closed Mafch deliver)' T 7 Ki r.Y, vat>: April delivery Fi 15(/3 17 15c; May deliver r 16 t/5 <&l7 ”*>c; spot Flo about steady :i:id quiet—lair Cargoes steadv an\ quiet: lair refluihtf t 3-l|kj; t antri u- i)/- test..'* i j*l6c; reffned closed di-.Rer and rftois> active —C mould 4 Oii!idari A coulwlLionor*' A ft 13-iddL powdered Mniassefc Foreign qui t test at. 22 -c; # -.ew Oriel,it eiosed su adjr -<Joimpr)ii to f/inc fk 61 Patrideuin i*i*ss4i sum Wl JJ7 2 g CotUm oil firm i*>r crude. Wool- JJbm -slh tl tyQfrte. polled T x*fi a\ Pork quiet but *y. ii e/firru and ;j„ j.- active, l>- -f ham* iVrccd i>* I' ouief; city cxrt India* m ** Cut IrsG irdiiMs pi ‘. a?d . K*,ju4itertt c, f icklcd hfin* ftW/0 jc 'I and des laii; 4*uirt o,osr i> 3- 1/irJ cioshi dtlil; wes 4'f!! aa, <W '!>A S ) 4iVg [A W; fl >r--Viy -!<d v *rv +*• ->L 6 44. diiverjr WUK Fr*-/hts t> Hood/; coUoo, per iML-n. lisiei d/ircU ’MI fi wbrit tra/liu/ wiii Ur/*-, and fid w*rjte( at (lai wcwj. A imomiuMot l> aJ (rod*r a b/avy ou>rr, and ; Hii KiSZvl Zdtf. mo* *vi4 *d -owl y M j hH *-* *♦*•** fMv uMimproo at m |t* nf o/ raiwr boa Ur,;a *uxu I THE MOENING NEWS: EIi!DAY. MAIK’K 2!. 18110. caused a suorp fepurf tr* the Tn"rVer, and he!je l to carry prices to the outsido poic,!. There was good <n ouuuie aa-uuat. T e market op*nwi lower than .ve.s{|ria -, s ei swii ', which wo# the iowv*: v> tur day. quit* -iv develop,n? s’ r* j unOer ai-Ci te l wtaieii carried prices up f6r then eased off ruled steady, and 1 .about tyc higher Uan vesterdaW. Interest centereri ki Mav, awl lfia<3e was for rbis futur% th%iifor July, wiu.u Jutif (oiViaevl prerty chikelyvWatK.dice for ><hPr. which assisted to urinv about tbisDharp ad- vano* were Large clewy-snoesftof ffopr fu*m >ca- >oartl porta, an 1 the proitcCons arMh.-tr tb<* lookiincs t>f wheat wilt tie largo soon Tne wove merit of winter wheat a* i.tor nts 01 first h nuts is ivpiro\Higbt. uu wncr wheat miiiers from several aVuite tb it tii y have great dtlftcnpy hi getting wneat tb keep their mills running. azain rep >rt rain. Crop aeAs continue to b> contradictory. Most reports continue to n*>te from winter killing. Corn was fa riy •dive and firtner; a very ia r isquirv existing for May and Juiy os off*riQ>*v \m-e not targe, the l>*oal crowd beiuj' niuatly Fellers, v>*Vcs qF*Fe a lwtucej, T:ie market opeued at about the prices f yestrnlay; FiWflrai and gradually advaio- i ft became quiet and maciftv. changed but 'lut e, am! dosed (ban Vestonlav. In oats there was a decided Ihcrf a e in trailing in tli> inarkf‘t. and during tttost of the s ssi *1 an exoiteddeelin# exited, ana pm>*s tluctuat *d sharply. The recent slokvbocs lb the inarki*t induced heavy fchorv seilin*? /or Vlny, and the market became gyersoid. JUchtrarrivals and small stocks m\AUkl eqpsi ioratd*,' uneasi- ii‘*ss any Mi/ baa s-Ohd an atujmp; to c >ver re- sulted iu a rmcennd*iucreas * in twe vulihi. * of trading and an u.Waiice of ftc in prtcßi. In p >rk was oiiiy tuoderiMc, anT'the fetdqij? rather si Opeain< were ma>te*at 6c decline, hut a l^tt| k e.inqtUry from short interest caused an Advance f blOtS. letter of/crinjr* were slightly increased, a kcal ipanufactimT selling adoptT-.tJJO'barrels, rtn g recovered s<&J*o, and tue market dosl Meady at a re dpetien. tn fard only a faif* traJi* was reported anti the feeliugr was steadier. Opening sal *s were made at hut a b tier i^- fnand and a marlcer. crev.died later, and prtc(is.\verp adeapeed Toward th' close the feeling was easier, and tne (market closed at about medium Azures. In short rib sides tra iih ; wits more jjtale, . : were few chan*res ro nor**. 1 ' Cash quotations were as follows: FFmr was quiet but drift; 4,**ftlorjS askinir IOC .>dva*we. Wheat—No. 2 spring No. 2 red wheat '•*>)%(& uorn 2, 28 w(dl Oats—No. 2, 21 Mes; pork su> 7 v /10 k. 1 .ard at *0 10. Short rib s.d.-s, s.:. oo^ 5 10. Dry salted shoulders at ;M 25r./4 jo. Short clear sides, boxed, $3 ei 02. Leaamiri'ut ;rjs ranged as follows; nUhCoes Closing. N'r>. ? W T— m .March delivery. 79l 498 % 90's May deliverv... K ( r 's V < It.N, -Sa). 2 April delivery. fi) fOVfJ ,l s May delivery.. 2'J% 30' s 30 l UTS. So. J # March delivery 21% 21 -i May delivery.. FfaK Marchdelivery.slo 2714 $lO 35 *lO 2ri6 May delivery... 10 45 * 10 50 10 42)4 AHD, fVr 1 lbs March delivery $H 05 $0 15 $• OJ’MS ;*iay delivery... 6 * 6 15, 0 12*^ uoutKcus. PerPMloi— " March delivery $5 02ft $5 02,j $5 o v H^ May delivery.. 502 j| 5 St. Lons, March 20.—Flour Arm and unchanged. Wheat closed hiKhi j r; Nft 2 red, cash 78c; options—V!ay delivoiy July delivery asked. Corn higher; .N't*. 2 uiixe i, cash options—May delivery 2tiy(j((#2t)>Sc. July delivery 2ift(fy27 >c. <Oats very active an i higher; No. 2 cash 23W:,May uelivery 2*2J4c. Whisky steady at $1 02. Provisions very quiet, and only small joo trade done. Pork at $lO 50. Lard—prime steam nominal at Sfs 50. Dry salt meats—boxed shoulders sl, lonffs and ribs $5 15(3c5 25, short clear $5 30(23 5 37bjC. Bacon—shoulders $150, ribs *5 (>5(2:5 70. Cincinnati. March 20.—Flour closed strong. Wheat stronger; No. 2 79ft qß<)c. Corn strong and higher; No. 2 mixed 32c. Oats ste|oly;Ne. 2 mixed 24(&2lftc. Provisions —Pork steady at Lard Hulk meats quiet. Bacon closed quiet. Whisky active at $1 02. Hogs easy. Louisville, .March 20.—Grain and provisions unchanged. Baltimore, March 20.Flour dull; Howard street and Western superfine $2 o<)q/2 50; extra $4 75(?£3 09; family $3 brands, extra $4 20<gb4 40. VVhcAt—Southern Fultz 80@85c; Longberry c; No. 2 southern 85^87c; Western steady; No. 2 winter red, on spot and March delivery 834£(2-H4c. Corn—Southern active and about steady; white 30(&33c; yellow Western steady. NAVAL qX^rtEH. Liverpool, March 29, noon. -Spirits turpen- tine 31s Cd. Nkw foiu. March 20,noon.—Spirits steady at 43ftc. rcos u steady at $1 1 20. s:oj p. m —Rosin quiet at $1 mon to good strained. Spirits turpentine quiet but steady at 43*^c. Charleston, March 20. Spirits turpentine auiet at 40c asked. Rosiuiirm; good strained at $1 13. Wilmington, March 20. Spirits turpentine firm at soo. Ho.-uu firm; strained $1 10, good strained $1 15. Tar firm at $1 35. Crude tur- pentine firm; yollow dip $2 20, virgin $2 20. RICE New Yo ik. March 20.Rice fairly active and firm; domestic 4>£(&oHc. Market Report by the Flori la Fruit Exchange. Jacksonville, Fla.. M%rch 20.—Tlie orange market continues to improve, bot i as to de- mand and prices, and wilt in all probability re- main in this condition of short supply, stroll? demand and high values throughout the re- mainder of the seas >n. Telegraphic reports from the miction sa’es of the Florida Frui'. F.xchange on H show a maximum of $1 1 , a minimum of s:i, and an an average of $3 20on everything offered. Fancy fruit brings from $3 50 to s“>; brights from $2 75 to $3 75; i xira r.issets. $! aO to $ J 50; ordinary russets, $2 25 to Goo-X navels, gl to SO. Grape fruit is a little slow, Except for very fancy, and that is wanted at goo 1 prices. Mandarins and tangerines are sure, to do well. SIIIIMMN^IVrKLLIURNCk. -VIL'JIATJxIj: AL>I\N*VJ-r.£:S O\Y. Sun Rises rt:00 Sun Bars ; 6:tw High Watxr at Savannah .8:13 am 8:24 i m Friday, M irch 21, 1890. ARRIVED YEiTERDAV. Steamship City of Birmingham, Berg, New York—C G Anderson. Btcamship Orbo (Bd, Ilughes, Liverpool via Fayal, in ballast—Wilder A (Jo. St amer Bellevue, Bal l.vm. Beaufort, Port Royal and Biuffton —J G Mcdlock. Agt. Bceamer St Nicholas. Usina, Feraandina—C Williams, Agent. ARRIVED UP FROM TYBEE YESTERDAY. Bark (Nor . Anderson, to load for Cadiz—Chr G Dahl <A Cos. kaT YRi S) Yriri!pvf. Bark Srojßa I’ G*no. r 4’ater- son, D >wning & Cos. Bark So|Rriqr (8w), Larseji, St Petor*btirg, (new O Dab I A :o. DEPARTED AY. Steamer EtheL Carroll, OwnnV BJuff and wav landing# -wTuibson Wtna^d;*. Steamer St Nlbholai. Jfeniamlina—C Wiiiiauis, AgqrAt, 8 S \ILED Y ju > I’dRDAY. * Bark P wenoa. s tit Jem < fiatvmnJm} I ScJir iilaucii Hopkins, Coosaw, S C. MEMORANDA. Buenos Ayres, March 41—Arrived, bark M I) Rucker (Her), r Fayal, Marcu 0 -A rri'O st.*a=u~mr* Orbo (Br), Hughes, Liverpool for snvartiialf (partita re- pair boiler an . priW-ksltd 1 J * Grimsby, MarchHauV/Toivo(Nor>, Andefsen. Pensaolft. Montevideo, March t 6—■ Arrived. bi r k High j ■mmm (Non, Bavannalk Tiiest-q March 11-Aftlv-d. ia*k r (fugßjJmo Carlo Stanford <ltaij. Srartf . Savaiwmi). ? N**w B**dford, March 18 brig Eunice H Advint, F</riham. P*Hdif'yal, H(;(wriler . i BjJtifu r *. Marc rwii .and, scdis Norm w, 1 HsndßTAfttt. Sav imwi/i ; j 5 *i; i**l V I; niaji. PH ltq.v i- <1 a it* M i ' t., i \V*tj'.,iA i|.u*ro i-f* 'Y <| > ] ] * Fw uijwi4, bar .-Ft- * -tr ffi.rf-T | JluiUt/, I'iuri * Awl)u Ky Wait. It lurch II '•rflv-l Miiira |J>. M 1 HAOCA. duulelt Gqruaftl, - iar* i h%S4 itaff !||w. | kiuM, (iur.ib Aptl-ifti! ’bjy *N3hr is.fiu, >#• i Ujr TQTI. lu Vnumte : Ha >-Ari tefc; Mat- /a*'’*! a Msv, hiUiVi J ( f'imWsMiyr * !•' *^ v i. /iupur HUck, lU*) al N, -wwl t lev, Fisher, I arten for Wilmington, I>?1 (see M is*. ('leirM, sobr 0 IKvker, Wicks, Buck*- viil. to ioatl ftr rcrt Jefter'-oa. SniliMl. stoam yacht KaiuUier. Jacksonville CV> >saw, s C. Marea 17—Arrived, mclir Auna T Ebeuor. Springy* Savannah. Brunswick.^Jffitvh 17—Failed. l>*u*k Fare we'l (Gen, Hamburg: bri*:s ob*er\a<tur tSm, Ai*- | cant**: Isaoelita iS|> Malaga: soiir Wm F tirfea A: Son. New H*<lford. March 7—Cleared, bark N S del Carmine Utal), Gtuamlo, Whitehaven i leared Jlareh lb, harks 11 Wrotltall. Pa r ero, i Naples: Caterimi Accamr vital >, Cakleri>oe, Ore mock: (’hr Kmulscn (Non. Nielsen, Sutton ' Bridge. New York. March 2W—Arrived out. steamship Ijihn for Bremen. Bremen, Mareli IS—Arrived, ship Crusader (Bn. Hutchinson. Savaunah. Duugeuess, March IS Fassevl, Iwirk Defensor (Nor>, O!eo, Fensacula for Tyne. Gibraltar. March 4—Sailed, hark Kmma(Aus), Guiia (from Savannah*. kieesa, without re- Pntnouth, March IH—Arrived, steamship Vir- ginia (Bn, Knott, Port Royal, S C (see 3Usm MARITIME MISCELLANY. Arrived at Tf bee yesterday an unknown Rus- sian hark, supposed Tahti, from Barcelona. Baltimore, March JS~>chr St Johns, of Bel fast. Me, from Jacksonville, with a cargo of lumber for Baltimore, is ashore at llatteras anti lull of water; one man drowned. Charleston, SC, March 1H Scar Lucie Wheat ley. from Darien for Wilmington, Iwd, which arrived here to-day, encountered a severe north- west jgal* 80 miles south of Charleston on Sun- day night. Carried away fore mast head with all attached: lost muintopmast, headsal). mainsail and split toptuuU; Capt Fisher and crow well. Beaufort, N C, March 17— Pilots report several buoys out of position. The w reck of steamer Ah *rlft Jy Bay Invisible in five fathoms at low- water ou the outer Diamond. Coasters should keep a sharp lookout whoa rounding Ca;>o Lookout. London, March 18—Stmr Orbo (Br), Hughg s, from Liverpool Fob 26 lor Savannah, arrived at Fayal March G, where sho made repairs to boiler ami proceeded. Steamer Virginia (Br), Knott, al Plymouth from Port Royal, SC, put into St Micha dson March H with decks swept away and boats smashed, steering gear disordered, and in Aaut of coal. * SPOKEN. Ship Crusader (Br), Hutchiuson, Savannah for Bre men March 10, no lat, etc. NOTICE TO MARINERA A branch of the WniteA States Hydrographic office has b *eu established in the Custom House at Savannah. Notice to manners, pilot charts and all nautical informatio i will h * furuished masters of vaueH free of chargo. Captains are requested to call at the office. Lin r F II Sherman, In charge Hydographic Station. RECEIPTS. Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fernaiidina 1 box.books, JO uhls spirits turpentine, iso bids rosin. 2 baled cotton. 1 bills hides, 1 ease hats, 59 cow hides, 1 bbls lools, 5 eases shoes, 1 sewing michine, 2 bbls syrup, 1 box tools. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. March •JO—]24 bales cotton, ’7BB bbls rosin. 98 bbls spirits turpentine, 5 bales hides, 4 eases tools, 0 bbls syrup, 2.4 cars lumber, 2 cars ties. I cur rail. 4 cars wood, 10 pkgs furniture, 1 car axl s, 220 bales hay, 2 eases cigars. 5 cars rock, 1 horse, 1 mule, 25 pkgs mdse, 8,989 bbls oranges, ■l7 bbls oranges. 438 Ikxes vegetables, 49 bbls vegetables, 8 refrigerators. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. March 20—4 ears bbls, 25 bids Hour, *ll drums oil, 17 sacks cotton seed. 1 box w iron, 1 bdl oil clotli, 1 box clothing, 2 cars wood, I ear coal, 7 bills steel, 2 boxes h h goods, 1 ert s machines. 5 b.xs r r signals. 5 bales waste, 10 sacks i>eamits, 5 pkgs 25 hf caddies tobacco. 10 boxes tobacco, 2 bbls clocks, 9 crates doors. H w' screens, 1 tank c oil, 4 cases cigarettes, 119 tons coal, 20J sacks fe.rtiliz 'rs, 2 cars rock. Per Central Railroad, March 20—287 bales cot* tojj|n 47 bales hides, 110 bales domestics, 9 bills hides, 1? rolls leather, 18 bdls paper, 75 bdl* to bacco, 25,1,00 lbs bacon, 175 lbs lard, 10 bbls grits, 5 i>kgs plows, 87 bbls spirits turpentine, 015 bbls rosin, 1,200 bushels oats. 500 hales hay, 1 cur beer, 40 bbls wldgky, 15 hf bbls whisky, 57 pkgs furniture, 8,720 bushels corn, 25 cars lumber, 150 bbls Hour, 25 cars lumber, 250 bushels rice, 5 I cords wood, 8 bbls syrup, 25 baes twine, 25 ctlses liquor, 300 bbls vegetables, 8 k and carriages, 275 pkgs mdse, 81 bales paper stock, 4 cars brick, 2) empty bills. 1 car cotton seed, 25 boxes soap. 2 cars cotton seed meal, 24 boxes hardware, K cars p oak EXIMRT3. Bark Srocna I* (Aus), for Genoa—3,3ll bbls resin, weighing 1/21,003 pounds—Paterson, Downing & C >. Per nark Superior (Sw). for St Petersburg (new harbor)—l,oso bales upland cotton, weigh- ing 809,911 poumls. Per schr Annie Bliss, for Baltimore—2o3,ol6 feet p p lumber—Dale, Dixon & Cos. PASSE N lERS. Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fornanlina— Mrs M A White, Capt O F McAdams, Mrs Paine Biglow, Miss Essie Sutton, A Harris, A Ryais, and 6 deck. Pcrst“amsh p City of Birmingham, from Naw York—Mrs Isambert, I) B English und wife, E Blunt, .Mr< Blount, Miss A Blunt, L Mayer, A Ingram, Mrs Golden, if C Weed, 0H Bp Ivy, C A Rode, S W Sheppard,*!’ B Snyder, E 8 Williams, wife and inft, Mrs M L McLftws, Mrs J L Will- iams, M D Lawrence, W E Woodford. K M Walsh, U J Whuleu, J W llainor, und 2 steer- age- ; CONSIGN FKS. Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fernandina— Lee Roy Myers & Cos, < > S S Cos. (’ 1? Ji, (‘has A Sav R K, L Gignilli.it, Ellis, Y & Cos, Sarah Rob erm. Peacock, II & Cos, WW Gordon & Cos, J P Williams & Cos. Per haHeston and Savannah Railway, March 2A—I F Torrent, B kcr A: if, Tidewater (til (Jo, H M Corner & Cos, Wm Casey, Brown Bros, H A Ulmo. Lev - A: (5, 'V E Keabrook, 11 C Haskell, J D Weednit Cos, Standard Oil (?■>, Geo Schroder, A If Champion's Son. G Davis & Son,Lloyd A A, J E Grady & Son, .1 H Loakum, Mutual G L Cos, Lee Roy Myers & Cos. Kava amfh & B. Per Savannah. Florida and Wegeru Railway, 3iarch 20—McDonough A Cos, E B Hunting & Cos, Darned1A S. Dale, D A Cos, S, K& W liy, ii G Ward, C O Haines, VV C Jackson, E T Roberts, J P Williams A Cos, Peacocv, H A (Jo, Order Moore, il & Cos. Ellis. YX Cos, ChesnuttA O’N, CL Jones, A G Rhodes A Cos, Woo<ls, G & Cos, Jno Flannery A Cos, W W Gordon A (Jo. Mrs L Hutc iins, Butler AS, Stubbs AT, D Y Dancy, 31 Y Henderson, G W Tiedernan A Bro,J H Hen riessy. Savannah Grocery (Jo, Standard Oil Cos, Meirioard Bros A Cos, Smith Bros, Baldwin A Cos, M Y A D 1 Mclntyre, S Guckenheimer A Son. J I* Byingt >n, M Holey A Sou, J D Weed A 00, 8 M Roach, Lippman Bros A Ehrlich A Bro, G J Bald via, Roy Myers A Cos, Keppard A Cos, A II Champion's Sn, b rank A Cos. Per Central Railroad, Aiarch 20—F M Farley, Woo<i-. G & Cos, Montague A Cos, Stubbs, T ACif M Mad -an A Cos. Warren A A.H 31 Comer A Cos. WW Goiuon A Cos, Herron A (4, J 8 Wood A Bro. Jno Flannery A Cos. 31 YA D I Mclntyre, G A Whitehead, .Savannah P Cos, Thos West. D J Morrison, Moore A J, N Lang, Lippman Bros, IXA Schwarz, Brush E L& P Cos, J ißeiter, A fc 3faokayv Cohpn, A S Nichols, J S Silva. M T Tavior. .1 Darsey. G W Tiedemkn A Bro, C 8 Ukiuruond, 'ix?opioACo, J D Weed A Cos, AJ. Fioou, M Y Hendereorf, A S Echberg, J RGrilllo, S L Newton, G W l’arish, Lloyd A A, 'Thomas Henderson, X>b' Kumiuau, Lee Roy .Myers A Cos, w arnock, if £ Cos. Fretwell A N, Cornwell A C, kE Lovell s Sons, Strauss Bros, W I Miller, Henry SavanaatJQfrocery Cos, Title Granite Cos. A icmley, Anon. Williams, A Leflier A Son, J D 'narrlton, A J Jdiller A Cos, TTckman A V*, James Jone*, Epstein A W, l?pstein A W, Nathan Bros. ianV: A (Jo, S Guckenheimer A Son, L Putzel, Smith Bros, Jus Douglas, Meyer, ii J Cub- oedgj!, Hamrndnd, II A Co,#loore, il A (-o, G P Jordin. Savannah BeeC C>, Peacock, IIA Cos, Kavanhugh A B, Savannah 14ro*mg (&. Per steam >hip City of Bimuugharti. from New York A UMlLtJirtyer A Cos, Apj>el AS. Bvcli Bros, E S iiyck A Cos, f^Bluesteln, K Brmvii.JlrS K lipown, S W Branch, R uiiftler. J 11 BaVr, Jiriish E Ij A P Cos, Byek,A S. J hi Collitjs AkCo. j W G Cootter, A H (Jhtimpion a 8v ,J - Colfjx BH)s. C teiiwetfA CT C RU A Bktf Cos. Im S<jto Gotel, ! das Douglass, Bavin Bros. K DiiWald A Cos. 3fru ]j Desmj nil lorn*, Edgiiian A V, A Ehrlich A Bro, VV, J R Einstein. Eliis, V' A Cos, “led* Ebberwem, 31 Ferst’a Souk A 06, A Falk A Sons, Frank A Cos, Fleischnian A Cos, P J (Ji>ideii. Mns PJ (J Okieft, J K Grady a: Son. A IF<Rrarden u, JGa dfter, 1 (iutuiao S (4uclp *r A Son. BSi Gor/unk , Hex ter AKJ MJ> Hlr’ich, B Hyiued. I(i IJaaK. A B Hull A ilanna AJ, A Hanley, (’M Hill.sirriri, A Jo6qn, Ko|fkforii AM, K J Kenopdy, A L*(tle*A sou, N’ \ 4ang, Ji tl Lrvv & Bro. Llpumau Bro*. f *>yell A L, il , l/sgan, Jo Ly*ut A Cos, i* ivil jrL. D B D rtur. E ixnelt hSoii4. LUavlc. A. j P L.*rii- Pird, Juudnay A M, AG, McGifiHa: R. 1 Mo>iaough A Cos. R D Mcpopil. G S McAipiu. : J . A Cos. Mor/lvm, F A Cos, L Meyer. .Meiobajrd Bron A Co.*!*>•* Uy M o-j b A C*t, S Newton. Mutual (Jo op A-*o*o. VV BMoiiACJu, j < >rd**r Mo f*, i( 4i :w Or- itur J Lut/, Palmar Hdw t ‘o. i* il A (Jo, favannnb Guano Cos. | C D Rogeiv. i A W iiy. Kbotomon ( hava ioah P Cos, tutu* & Go, Jnoisuiitvau, ! I* Bbprm/er. FT hmiianip v pro, J¥, Hdva.i; ] ro-url. * 1 L oiif r. Hf? yvmi HotM' Bro, I D Hiiukiae. Slllll4 JiriM, 1 oWwai/r Oil Cos. j 'i . pln A Cos, H ETuoiupwwi K J ji VIXU4, J D VVeod A 4 0 A >1 A C VV UVVw4ry M K ! tmreh. G A WnU4pe4ul, A JBo J* 0 \ r Kfti nt, I .<9 po *mr, Ga 4 l**e J 8 B Cos, Mr f> .14U JUTU K* < V IVr oui .u'nt/ Wet fro kHlUttp*- A 1 AUa4 mf Cos, G w Afk* EJI AbTAMMu MI \t*,H *, IJ.4M* k JO Bo*4 f.dt A htrti . i . 1 m. i. ,t . 11 inifW 1, . 1 H '1 , Cleveland, Cornwell A C, (J U It V. Bkg Cos, W G Co4;*er. Clarke & D, Decker & F, Jan Douglas. A. I>oyle, Dryfuw Bros. M J Doyle, FpsU*iti Al VV, Kckinau .A V, Kill*, V.V (Jo. (1 Eckstein A (Jo, Empire Bargain (’ >, L Fried, l Fried. J F Free- man, 31 Ferat’H Sana & Cos. Fretwell &. N, J M Fleming, W &Guerard, HGuckoaheimer & Son, Holdt &. S. Hester ft K. A Hanley. Haines Si J>, A B Hull & Cos. J Jiiine* A Cos, B H Levy & Bro, (’ O Haines, I G Haas, Kolborn 8: M, Lovell & la, S K l>evrin, Lloyd A A, N Lang. Lippman Bros, Jno Lyons & Cos, Launey &G, A I>efller & Hfb, D B liOder, ID A Hon, Limway A 31. E ls4veli ,s Sons, J F I>aFar, .1 McGrath A Cos, J Lawton. McOlllis &H, W B Mull £ (Jo, Miilis £ Cos, J W Moore, Moore .t J. Nathan Bros, A F Mack ;y, Nostrum A H, A S Nichols. J O’Brien. Neidllnger & It, (riler Fu ol .A 00, Order Jnlieu Schley, Order Lloyd A A, Order Moore, 11 A Cos. <irder A Ehrlich A: Bro, Order J J Dale, Postal TH Cos, Peacock, H & Cos, OVV Parish, SC Par* sons, Pa:mer Bros. A G Rhodes A Cos. *tr Kate*, Solomons & Cos. L(J Strong, J S Silva, steamer Bellevue, Savannah Grocery Cos, S, F & W Ky, E A Schwarz, .1 T Shuptrine .t Bro. Savannah P Cos, Southern Ex Cos, ii Solomon X. Son. if 31 Selig, DH Schuinan, Savannali Furniture Cos. Savannah Steam Bakery, .1 H ToomasHon, J T Thornton, G W Tiedernan £ Bro, Teeple & Ct>. B FUlmer. J Vo asUi X Son. M Watson, H F Willink, MY X D I Mclntyre, Thos West, L3l Warfield, J 1* Williams X Cos, J D \V4mI X i'o. MIOES. rR!I TI H fe) Take n* *h4es unless J.J\U j Isj fin VV li. Douglas’ name and lwi\i pr | C(, ari . Nlaiii|>rd 011 iho hottonl. If Ihe dealer cannot Niimily you, send direct to factory, eitcloing uavcrlLcd price. $ 3 S HO E OPNTUTCMBN. Fine Unir, llf.vy l>/ired Urnln anil < ret-d* moor Watprproof. Beat In Ilia worll. Fvnmlna hi. A.(M> i:F..\I INK II IVIABWKI) HIIOK. Mil.lMl II Wn-HKWKII WPT.T KSIOK. I#:i.r. I'<H.IUI. AMFAK>IKRH’ SIIOK. k2..11> KXTK\ V VI.I II CiUFHHOF. ti‘t 25 A WOBKIMiMFV* H||or>. @2 OO and #1.75 UOVh’ Hf 11001. hIIOKH. All maila in Ounirre*H, Hutton apd I.aco- S3 & m SHOES i,adib& #1 75 HHOK FOH AIIKhKK lit -1 Material Il< i Style. Ili .t 1 ittlnte. W. !.. Itouii! a., BriH’ktou. Alunn. bold by BYCKBEOS. E.S.BYCS&CO FOUR FORFEITS. FORFEIT OFFER O FORFF.ET OFFER JVO.I. no, We will forfeit the For feet that are i Xu sum of Fire l)ol- pinched all out of k lars for each and shape by ill-fittinj? erery l' ir R shoes, we offer the Three Dollar Shoes Q Acme of case and that fail of aatis-5, jfcoinfort in our 83 50 faction. R Ladles’ Bhoe. \ I OUR FOR F EET OFFER FORFEIT OFFER E fORFEET OFFER >ro. w. I isro. i. T ko:i nr and Vm* will forfeit KLKOANCK no Another fire Jf any- j-y offal tlie heat line of ouo cmi duplicate Pain os on the murk- *, Eet: the U at to wear as ifell as* the h*t offer It. TD Xu n| i* whig, brti.Eii k Muimissi<:v, li-t) it IU l ura 1 t'L’< f* Mi'. L A. MCCARTHY, 4,'i. If AJIVAItO HTitKEJ', i Under Kidi.'.u a! l ythia* HaU). PLI JIBJMi AND (IAS urnsa '.run HEATIKS A SriXULTY. ROOFING. jBp&SEr jm* are the Stand mid Paintsfor Structubai. Purposes, and aro composed'of pure lin- seed oil and the highest grade of pigments. , They are prepared ready for use, in newest shades and standard colors, and, on account of thoir parity anil great covering proper- ties, they aro the most durable and ECO- NOMICAL Paints ever produced. One gallon will covor from 10 -76 sq. ft., two coat*. Samples and Descriptive Pride List free by mail. IL W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING COMPANY SOLE MANUFAdTURERS OR H. W. Johns’ Asbestos Roofing. Fire-Proof Paints, Building Kelt, Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering), Asbestos Steam Packings, Gaskets, etc., Vulcabeston Moulded Kings, Waihers, etc. 8 T Maiden Lane, Now York. uardwakh. PALMER HARDWARE COMPANY HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Builders’ Hardware, agricultural implements, CLARK’S CUTAWAY HARROWS, RUBBF.K AND LEATHER BELTING, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, FISHING TACKLE, RODS AND REELS, RAILROAD AND MILL SUPPLIES, GUNS, RifLEH AND AMMUNITION, Tinware, Woodenware, etc Prices as low as any house in the South. Savannah, Georgia. til’NS AMMUNITION, ETC. C‘ A. L L AND SEE THE NEW world wmm ONLY sls 00. QAN LEARN TO WRITE RAPIDLY -IN A FEW DAYS. # ' .* * G. S. McALPIN, AGE3STT. 31 WHITAKER STREET. It! \ L ESI AT El •1. PJ. Ir'i: LT( > N Real Estate and Gerieral Collecting Agent, DKAYT'i.N street. SPF. 1 1 51. attention given to the colloctioa of rent- ai.T tie- > are of mat estate, i’atro j- age reap -elfally .ti<!l <-d, (,’AIUUAGE WORKS. SANBURQ & CO., M, Juluta. i imxuii* tfi-l Houitfoiafy >k4MU 3* HytJamil Wm f*om u vim yuoU* i*m imA wvrg.n our lift* UlliUv UiY, 1I \ MO!US. .: KW ELB\ . ETt M. STERNBERG Sc BRO. 157 BROUGHTON. JVI. STERNBERG Sc BRO. THE JEWELRY PALACE THE JEWELRY PALACE. DIAMONDS. SILVERWARE.~ PRESENTS OPERA. GLASSES. FOR WEDDINGS. BRONZES. FOR birthd AYS. FOR ANNIVERSARIES. ART GOODS. FOR ANY OCCASIONS. INSTAI.LMEXT HOUSE. THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS. J. W. TEEPLE & CO. An UKADEKS,bcoauie they sell EVEHYTHINO to furnish a house with. All kinds of Furniture, Crockery, Stoves, Mattings Shades, Carpets, Wail Paper, Sewing Machines, Etc., No matter what you want. Come and see. K verything on iintallments. 193 to 199 Broughton Street, . SAVATSTMAII, OKOItOrA jutt ijoons. MILI IT 8 cv CO . Our stock now complete in every detail, Ihe latest novel- ties and most desirable things in Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ruchings, Mus- lin, Silk Lisle and Balbriggau Underwear, Jewelry, Leather Goods, Shirts, Collars and CidFs, Scarfs, Ties, Parasols, Sun- shades, White Goods, Linings, etc., etc. Polite Attention and a desire to Please our motto. The much desired “DRAWN WORK” just received. M I I j I TI S&CO. 7

k 7;mndJ^ Statement. MILI€¦ · COMMERCIAL. EiVASKAHMARKET3. OFFICE OFTHE MORNING NEWS,i SiTAC-UH,Gju, MarchJR), 4P. M 1 ttox—Themarketwasijuiet at quotations. r wasa littlebetteriaquiryaudmoretUM

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Page 1: k 7;mndJ^ Statement. MILI€¦ · COMMERCIAL. EiVASKAHMARKET3. OFFICE OFTHE MORNING NEWS,i SiTAC-UH,Gju, MarchJR), 4P. M 1 ttox—Themarketwasijuiet at quotations. r wasa littlebetteriaquiryaudmoretUM



ttox—The market was ijuiet at quotations.r ■ was a little better iaquiry aud more tUM

| , and ntr. Stocks offering are small, and aret ty 'veil held. The total sales for the day

I ,re 542 bales. On 'Cnanga at the otiealngj;], a: 10 a. m., the market was r-ported quiet

jir. 1 unchanged, with sales oi 59 hales. At the[ocond call, at 1 p. m., it was quiet, the salesleins Ed bales. At the third and last call, at

'j p m.. it closed qaiet and unchanged, w.th fur-r sales of 29 hales. The following are the

official closing spot quotations ofthe Cotton Exchange:

Middling fair NominalOn >d mi Idling . 11Midlling ........hJ IC-lihjw mitiling 10 it;~ eid ordinary 9 lA-16Sen /sinads—The market continues rery dull

and nominal in theabsence of sales.Goodstapled seedy cotton @22l^Gjn l raediutn 2*)sMelio n tine .23 ®?3!iFmeK ara fiat) ...24 ©2lt.C io:ee .. 25 ®45Vq

























































47,108Kice--There was nothing doing, the pinrket

1-'ing duH and unchanged. At Board ofTrade the market was t reported firm at thefallowing official quotations Small job lotsare held at ft&ftc higher: *

Fair .

*, .3%(rood

.. 4 ((J4*4Prime,.,Fa icy 5 <gp^Head .../—SftfySft

Rough— Norm al— *

Country lots ~$ 79

Tilawater . 90(2H 0)

Naval Stores—The market for spirits' tur-pentine was quieter, and prices declined. Therewas a slow and indifferent demand, with freeofferings. The sales reported during the davwere 60 casks at 40c. for regulars. At the Boardof Trade oh the openingcall the piarket washi 1Helmed firm at 40c for regulars. At thesecond call it closed firm at 40c for regulars.•Busin—The market was quiet*and steady atjthe quotations. The sales during the day were6* barrels. At the Board of Trade on the firstcall the market was reported firm at the fol-lowing quotations: A, B, C, D and E§l 20,F $1 25, G Si 30, II Si 40. 1 $1 65, K Si 90. M$2 A N 32 60, window glass. S2 85, water white$3 04.* At the last call it closed unchanged.


Stock on hand April 1 1,947 73,092Received to-day 130 1.462Received previously 181,139 <350,030

Total .* 183.216 740,584~JT*- ♦- I

l xported to-day ; i - ~.. 383 3.571Exported previously 179,043 677,201

Total.. . /. 179,926 680,772

Stock on hand and oh shipboard ~

today * 3,290 59.812Receipts same day last year —.. 164 1,453

Financial— Money is in active demand.Domestic Exchange—Steady. Banks and

bankers buying sight drafts at par and sellingat ft(&ftc per cent premium.

foreign Exchanje—T he market is steady.(Commercial demand, $1 85; sixty days,$1 82; ninety days, $4 80^4; francs, Paris andHavre, commercial, sixty days, Swiss,$5 2444; marks, sixty days, 94ftc.

Securities—The market coatimies quiet witha fair inquiry for all classes, of stocks and shortdate bond:?. *

Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds—Atlanta 6per cent long date, 106 Did, 114 asked; At-lanta 7 pty cent, 112 bid, 3IS asked; Au-gusta 7 per cent long date, 105 bid, li&fta>ked; Augusta b i>dr cent longdate. 104 bidt:t7 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. .104 bid,

asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 115asked; no\f Savannah 5 per cent, quarterlyApril coupons, lOoft bid, 1064 asked; new Sa-vannah 5 per cent, >lky coupons, 105*4 bid,1054 askeel. *•

state Bonds —Georgianawpercent, 118bid, 119 asked; ‘Georgia 7 per cent gold .quar-terly coupons, 102 bid, 103 asked; Georgia 6per qpnt coupons, January and July, maturity1800. Jl6 bid, 118 asked.

Railroad Stocks—Central common. 124V4 bid,125 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 percentguaranteed, 143 bii, 145 asked; Georg.ii com-mon, ~o3ft bid. asked; Southwestern7 (>er•lent guaranteed, bid. Cen-tral 0 per cent certificates,A’anta and West Point railroad stock,bid. 10914 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 percent certificates, 1(H) bid, 101 asked.Jiailroad Bonds—Savaunah, Florida and

''•♦•stern Railway Company g-iieral mortga ie,* percent interest, coupons October, 110 bid.112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage,consolidated 7 per rant*coupons January and1 i!y, maturity 1897. 113 ild, 114V6 asked;‘ entral Railroad and Banking Oompanycollateral gold, ss, .100 bid. .101 asked; Cen-trai consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, couponsJanuary and July, maturity 1893, 10564 bid,1H) 1 } asked; Savannah and Western Maiu‘<>a4 5p r cent, indorsed ijy Central railroad, 97J4 bid,

asked; Savannah, Americas, and Mont-gomery 6 per cent, 96 bid, 98 asked;• *eorgia railroad 6 per cent. 1897, :05®HI bid, asked;* Georgia South-ern and Florida first- mortgage 6per cent, 97tjbid, 98^6ashed; Covingten anaßlfcon first mort-gage '1 per cept, £2.V£ bid, iflfcked; 3lontgom-ery and Eufauia firftt mortgage C per cdkt, in-dorsed bv Central railroad* bid, 109fbasked; Marietta a.ud North Georgia railway, fj 1,oKi, 9.>U asked; Marietta and North Georgia

ial- 1 .dr s; mortgage 6. per**cent, 105 bid,'. asked; Charlotte, 4 Columbia and Augusta

mortgage, *llO bid. 11l asked; Char-'tte. Columbia and Augusta second mortgage,

118 asked; ChaHotle, Columbia andAugusta, general mort '.ige, 6 par cent, 109

'I- asked; Western Alabama second- rigago, indorsed 8 per, cent, 104 bid, 105

bid, 129 asked; SouUi Georgia and Flor-! 1:1 second mortgage. 116 bid; 318 asked; Au-trustaand Knoxville first mortgage, 7percent,

'•tuoiM, first moH-gagHt•asked; Gainesville. Jofft:>on and Southernguaranteed, id-; bid. 110 psked; Ocean’ aiusrup 6 per c *nt bonds, guarautead by

• ■’rai railroad, lOl'G bid, lu*iJ4 asked; Gaines-•’ouersou and SoulJiern second ttior(*gAg -.

114 bid, 110 asked; Columbus■vi'l Rome first mortgage indors 'd by. :tr al railroad, 106J4 bid, 197 Cos 1urn-"is and Western 6 per neat, guaranteed,f 110 asked. City -aiul Suburban railwayin-si, percent, bid, l!2 asked,. A: Slot's—Fi.-m v Southern Bank of‘ V State of Georgia. WO bid. 300 asked; Mer-

-1 r iants ?>atioual'•avannah Bank and Trust Oompony, 118 bid,

■ ! National Bank of savannah, 132/.* 135 asked* Oglethorpe Savings ana Trtet

" n Pany, 121 bid. asked; Citizhnn* Bank.‘JI •* aiked; Chatham Redi Estate and

imroviMuout C>mpany, 53 bid'll asked.s Nfoc^—Suvaunah (las Xiglit stocks,

• abH 25 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock,c‘ ElectricLight and Jpowor Compjy,old no asked.

oon Market finu and culvanning; fair do" 1,11• ‘ihoki'd clear rib rides, shoulders,

. : ‘ ‘.v -malted clear rib fdi. b. 4 long clear.'N uclUoo, 5/4g; !iuul lers, shauiH, 11>4

. dAmnNo and TANARUS; :h Tiie ;uarkot fs nominal.'il ia*014*; *' 5%4 I^.

.’*• ,U *I •*■{ urdiug lobiatiii * lrhUadd bagging very scares

lvfttjoUj-r; cotton (lagging, nom*: prte*K’;‘; ‘al; u mooes. V\ mifaVVfcrwXtor \

y* cucaxi*. Jroti Ties v-t **s4i --Id p rmb.*, according i 0 quantity Bafghig ad..; V 1 ***** !"* *ft fraoi ■m bjgutv

.1) **T dull; fair demand:,rl r t)* gdtod*tn cruuniery,'• UAiUK -Nuudmtl; H<raV.

' utiiiHir. 4iar..et fn<r tintnan J 9ftMaik**t i.lrany' and advanemu: Veu

•u,r***■> ,rr- 1

S •__

! Hried 1-R--IT—Apples, evap rair !. I*-; cr.:n--mo. be. IVache*. peeled, lii; iS?"Currants. 7c. Citron.'.‘sc.i Drt <K.os--Tlie nnrket Is quiet and stsa lv.Prm.s: iQ ' !4c; <>.>or/ia br>i*a bhlrtinc. S-iSjc; .-Edo 8c; 4-1 nrorrn sueetin7. <;■; wtiuo: „abur:T*. check*. ssVje; yarns.or the ‘e't broiru drill.nt.

JISH—Market nominal. We quote full weixhts:Sek iw*1v I' o'> 1' i'aif bsrre!*-.nominal. $-J ft)ftWoo: .A°' *• *. herring. So. 1.,ic: Rcakri, Sic. Cod, Multat, naif barrcls, $ > 00.

fauiT—Lemons—Fair demand. Choic?, ?100:fancy, ft 60. A ppl-si .oor and scarce, Al 75tfi4 00. 6 lon ia o-ances in moderate supply andgood demand. Si j7 V box.. rtfdK— Marketver. arm. Extra, $440; family,$4Sd; tancy. Si IK*; patent, So Vi): choice )i.at -nt”

> >5; sprmg wneat, best. Si 51; bax-rs' mixt-ure, $, li■Grain—Corn—Market steady. White corn *

retail lots. 5jC; joo lots, 54c; carload lots. 5 .<■;mixed corn, retail lots, 56c; job lhta, ste; oa■-ka l. lots, 51c. Oats-R-tail lots. 40c; iob lot- *A-c; carload lots. :18c. Ura : -Retail lots. St ix>;job lot.. Ode: carload lots, B">c. Meal, peir . p.-rbarrel, Sd TO; per sack, $1 25: c ty ground, S’ 10.Pearl grits, per barrel, ;*;0; oer sack. Si Si:gnts. Si SOper sac*.

Hay—Market lira. Wentern, in retail lots,$105; job lots. 9Tc; carload lot*. 95c.

Hides, WdoL, Etc.—Hides—Market, very dull,receipts light; dry Hint, .•; sa'.ted, 4c; nrvbutcher, tie. Wool—Market nominal; prime. 2Jc-b irry, 10© 15c. Wax. SO. Tallow, 8® to. IWskins, Hint, SSC; salted, *>. Otter bk ns, 50c(ii$1 00. . J **

Iron—slarket firm; Swale. 414334; re-fined, S'.;C.Laud—Market steady; in tierces,. 50-lb

tins. sJic.Ijme, Calcined Plaster and Cement -Chew-

.acala lump lime in fair demand and sedins athi V 1 i>er barrel; Georgia and Shelly. $1 S5per barrel; bulk and carload lots special;calcined plaster, So p-r barrel: hair. 4uise;Rosendalj cement, <1 40®1 50; Portland come jt,S3 00. *

Liquors—Qui o: moderate demand. Whisky,per gallon, rectified. $1 o%at S', according tourool'; choice grades, J 1 50®'4 00; straight,$1 0.'34 00; blended. $S 00if46 00. Wtnei—•Domestic, i>ort, sherry and catswba. lowgrades, 60(3s:>e; fine grades. SiCalifornia, light, muscatel and angihea. $1 50@1 75.

Nails—Market steady; fair demand; 3d,S3 36; 4d and sd, $2 55; 6.1. $2 75; Hd, $2 CO: lUJ,S3 45: 12d, $2 33; s>l to Wi, $3 00; 20d to 40d,$2 45. , v . I

Ni'rs—Almonds—Tarragona, lS@2oc: Ivicas,16@18c: walrtuts, French, 15c; Naples, 10e;liecans, 10c; brazil, 10c; tilb 'rts, 10c; cocoanuts,llarracoa. $1 50 per 100; assorted nuts. 50-!b and25-1 b boxes. 13c per Ib.

Onions—Domestic sprouting badlr; per bar-rel, $5 000 5 50; per crate, $1 75; Spanishcrates. S'2 00.

Oils—Market firmer; "demand fair. Signal,49fiJ50e; West Virginia black, 12i$15c; lard, 57c;kerosene. 10c; ncatsfoct. 6'"■■; machinery,25@80e; linseed, raw, 65c; boiled, 6Sc; mineralseal, 18c; homelight, 15c;Itnardian. !4e.

Potatoes—Eating, §2 00®2 23; seed, $2 50@$2 ,5.

Raisins—Demand light; market steady..M#iaga layers, S'i 00 per bgx; London layers,new, $3 7)0 pet box; California London layers,$25p per box; loose, $2 30.

Salt—Tee demand is moderate an 1 marketquiet; carload lots, 19c, f. o. b.; job lots, So©99c

Shot—Drop, $1 20; buck, $1 45.Sugar—The market is st rong aud advancing.

Cut loaf, i-yc; cubes, VlQc; powdered,granulated, fi%n- confectioners', B'lgc; stand-ard A. 6hc; off ’A, 6'.,,c; white extra C. 6%cgolden C, 55rc; velloa’, s>^o.

Syrup—Florida and Georgia staady*tOO'g.JSc:market quiet for sugarhouse at 30tf840c; Cubastraight goods, 30c; sugarhouse molasses.l*J2oe.

Tobacco—Market quiet and steady; fair de-•munand. Smoking,sound, 224h(5p30c; tair, 30(7t15c: medium,38@50c; bright, fine'fancy, 8.3@90c:extra fine, fOcFcSl 10; bright navies, 33^450;dark navies. 3oc.

Lumber—There is a steadily increasing de-mand from all quarters. Mills are all full ofwork for some time ahead, and prices are linn,with an upward tendency, especially for themore difficult sizes. We quote:Ordinarysizes. $1? 75©16 50Difficult sizes 15 006A25 00Flooring boards 16f)0(a2l 50Hhipstuff* • 17 00@S5 IX)

Timber—Market dull andmommal. We quote:700 feet awe; age $ 9 0)@11 00800 *■ “ * 10 eoSII 009-0 “ •> . n Uo®l2 00

I.ooo' “ “

, 12 00iai4 OOShipping timber in the raft--700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 oft800 •• “ 7 00® 800900 “

•• 8 00® 9no1,000 “ • ~. . 9 00®10 00

Mill timber $1 belpw these figures. *

FREIGHTS.Lumber—Cpartwise—The arrivals continue

fuliy up to shippers’ requirements. Loadingberths are wed filled, and the demand,is easy for tonnage bo arrive. Rates may boMooted within the range of $S 75@T 00 fromthis pott to Daltimore, Philadelnbia,New \ork and sound, ports, with 25®5'icadditional if loaded at nesr by Georgiaports. Timber 50c®$l Oy higher than lumber..rates. To the West Indies and Windward,■nominal; to Rosario, $23 007121 00: to I’.uenosAyres or Montevideo, $lB 00: to Rio Janeiro,*sl9 no> to Spanish and MeJltcrrahean ports,sll 0005714 50; to United Kingddm for orders,nominal at f. .f timber, i!5 '.(Ls standard; lumber,£5 10s. S'eam—To New York, $7 ft); to Phila-delphia, $7 09; to Boston, $8 00;. to Baltsmore, $6 50.

Naval. Stores—N ery firm. Foreign —Cork,etp., for orders, Spot vessels, rosin, 3s, andIs 3d; to arrive, 3s tad, and 4s fid; spirits,Adriatic, rosin, 3s 9d; qleuoa, Ss 6d;South America, rosin, 8} 10 jier barrel of 28upounds. Coastwise—Steam—To Boston. 10c per100 lhs on l-osip. 90c on sr'ifits; to New York,

rosin, 7K,c per lOOlbs: spirits, ft.lc; to Piiiladel-phia, rosin, 7Uc per 100 tbs: spirits, 80c; to Bal-timore, rosim 30c; spirits, 70c. Coastwise,quiet.

Cotton—lsy steam—The market is steady.Genoa ... .. 13-3*lBremen 23-64dBarcelona 27-04dLiverpool via New York Ifl 8) sfj-tildHavre via New York $ lb ...- 11-lficBremen via New York fl tb %r,Bremen via Baltimore V-iodKoval via New York T 9 It) .....7-10dGenoa via New York 29-64,1Amsterdam via New York § 1 03Antwerp via New York.,Boston 1? bale $ 1 25

Sea island $ bale 1 25NeSv York 19 bale 1 u0

Sea inland V bale 1 Ift).Philadelphia ?! bale 1 00, Sea islaud |4 bale 1 00

uale !v ... -e—,Providence bale . . -g

By sail—Genoa.: 25-B4d

Kick—by steam—New York.f! barrel .30Philadelphia 19barrel 50Baltimore \i barrel. .. .r, . 50Boston 19barrel , 75

COUNTRY PRODUCE.Grown fowls l? pair $ 65 ® 70'Chickens, 34 grown, V pair 50 ®; (0Chickens, W grown, y pair 46 ® 55Turkeys, ft itir ’■ '3 50 ®3 50(loese, pair. ; Ift) ®! 25Ducks, EngHsh. 14 pair. 80 04 75Ducks, Muscovy', I 1 pair ft> ®1 OftChickens, dressed, undrawn, ft lh 1 ‘; Vy '3 15Chickens, drawn,Turkeys, dressed, undrawn, F lb. 15 ® 16Turkeys, dresiod, <tr:iwn,%U ..

)8 ® ..

Geese, oroneIsi fit lh 10 ® 1214Ducks, dressed, v Tt> 15 ® 2u■ Eggs, country, 19 dozen 13 ® 15Peanuts, fnnpy, h. p. Ya., 19 1b... 784® JJPeaHiils, hhud pici.-e 1. (4 lb.. _■■■. t>K <4 7Peanuts, small, handpicked, Ib. 6 ®

Peanuts, Tennessee. *. *' ® _'%•Sweet potatoes, white yams . 35 13 50■Sweet potatoee, yellow yaffi) 45 ® I.S

. roui.TßV—Masket firm; "dlmaud fully Ruleplied. *

Kuos—Market unsettied, stock ample, andinrxierato (lemand.

I’eanut.sx-FuII stock 7 demand moderate;prices steady.

Sugar—Goorgia apd Florila nominal; nonoin market. , ,

Honey- Demaud manitml.Sweet Potatoes—Market steady; amply 3up

plied. ' , ' 1alAlt Izgi'-o i.Y TgiLos-iii

riv.l (DIAL.

Ni w York. Ma-eh 20, aioo*-Stocks dullbut firm. Money >aiy ♦. 31;®4 tor cent.Exchango—long. #!■);; saor . -1 ;®| s 1Government boiids neglected,, State do ids duil

'"'dHowing were the n in sto -k quotniioas:Erie .

... ft’ 1 1 Kichm Jat A. I':.C l'ißgo't No-'-e-IWzi Terminal 21Ijs e.d io e \V S'efj Uaza...N0r.,.2 W. prof.

5:05 p. iu,—ICxcldiago c'.os*. I quiet i*ut strong/fv j r*4 ...

*< OJV ta *at A'ffs 4 fK*r cnSub treasury balancs*—Coin. .ft)); currouev ' ill'M) Government b.nfls dull o.<Mgi‘; fMiriier ovlF lz ; four usd a halfper cent, coupon* 104 > Sfte bonus 4u.. .oal

Tw stock mark, is istenssiy ami *>•**.*•

out Cos) <Uy. Tii r* *. and iimg III.)k.ok eriM.riloii pt roe d> . * drooping ivießmcy iu in'*,4***., v# i ti • is. F, *g ~ .„! ia o. lev. lull

I wHWig f l>> a ' “**, S '*• •ri.*"* ]enpis.ii a, 4 4*i tee s'ddS .rviu WMMI

pe pie, though it yielded only slightly. Missown Pacific was alio preood for sale, andhaded off to a slight estcnl, whili ofthe otheri timid shares 'Vest ti Uitlon ahei ** shivs 1 antlife, an l that was w.-a.. lqsujg n -arly : jiercentafter selling ex-dividend, Ftigur Kciinen.M M‘a,the special feature, and it move 1 up a! first onexpectation that p-rinHstoii to declare dividend 1"ould be granted this morning; but when thedecision was reserved it again fell awav. later.

, however, the belief tliat there has been an un1ders atiding between the North Kiver Refinerypeopleand offieeiwor the Sugar Trust, aud thatall opposition lias tieen withdrawn, led to animproventent, and the stock closed at lastnight'sfigures. In the regular list,only Tennes-see Coal and \Vheeling and L ike Brig stocksshowed any reai strength, and the first namedmoved up from 51 to 5Fk. the rumor being that

> the Bri e-Timaias party had acquired a largeblock of stoc'x, uEpl that the late depression hasbeen for th purpose of accumulating stock.Wheeling .uni Lake Erie’ preferred rose 21$ percent, and reacted 1 Hi percent., but closed withniaterial ftnprovemejt. The market finallydosed dull and steady at insignificant changesfor a great majority of the list, the only im-portant differences bring a lvauces or peremit- in fencessee(’.nt and 1tH percent, iuX\ heeliu ' and 1-ike Erie pleferred, aud a loss"f Hg percent, in Colorado Coal. Tue sales ofstocks aggregated 90,000 shares. Thefollowingwerotne closing quotations:Ala.o ass A.3 ta *. 107Hi N O.Pa'flclstmort 9U4Ala.c.ass B, 5... 11l N. Y. Central 106^,Georgia 7s, mor,.. WO4 . Nor. Ar W. pref.. ftpN.Caro.ioacons s.l-5 Nor. Basilic no'.4N.Faro.i a cats ,s nfi pre, .. 72^So.-Caro. .Brown Pacific Mail. 37

conso.s) WOfiq Reading 10Tennessee6s 109- Rcdin.md’i Ae’.. 22‘ 5s Riel lin'd i W. Pt.

Tennevsees) 35... 73 a Terminal 2) eVlrgn.als ."0" Roc: Pdaftl.. *95 ‘

4a. fis eo-is dl to 1. 35 bt. Paul 68*4Ches. & Ouio “ nreferre i.. 118Northwes b u 1 IdVr Texas i'aeii . . . lft>4“ .preferred. .141 T mi. Coal & Iron. 63Deia. auj Lacs..Kfie 25.4 N. .4. 1 s n; ral 12)East Tenueis e.. s■> Missouri Pa.dtlc .. 7284I.ake Store.... v .19# l i Western Union... t'l 'sLVille k Sail). ... Cotton II oerti). 2?4Memphis AC.a -. 51 Rru'swi-k . 28'^Mobile 2 Ohio— 14 Mobiles Ohio 4). 58Nash, t L'aatt'a.. 10.’

•Bid. lExdiv.torrox.

Live it’oof- March 20, noon.—Cotton quiet;limited inquiry; \. i Tieen middling 6 l-0d; sales6,009 b l vs, of .which 500 ifere for specilaMonand exDoit; rdceipts 1,000 bales—American2,3 0 bales.

P’utures-A-re ican mdilitg. ow middlingclause, March and April delivery —; Apriland May delivery 6 3414d; May and June de-livery (3<eUt®6 (i liddd; June and July delivery6 0-t;?7i,6 7-64J; July and August delivery 6 8 6kl.Market qmet out steady.

2p. m. of the' day Included 5,200 talesof American.

American good middling 6 5-I‘id, middling6 l-l!ki. low middling 5 15-10d, good ordinary513 l*j j. ordinary 59k<t?

Futures— Alt) -ncAn middling, low middlingclause, March dedvefy 6 3- I4d, sellers; MarchandApril delivery 0 3 Old, seller.,; April and May de-livery 6 3to4d, buyers: May and Jnue delivery(76-6 hi, sellers; June and July .1 ■!ivory 6 7-64d,buyers; Jijiy and August delivery 6 9 041,sellers; August delivery 0 904J, sellers;August aud September .delivery 6 Odd.sellers; September delivery 0 0-iild, sellers;September and October delivery 555-Old, sellers;October and November delivery 5 47-04d,sellers. Market quiet but steady.

4:00 p. in • ntu -es: A 11-ri ;an iniMlin *, ’owmkldl.ngcm ise. March delivery 0 3-:i4d. sellers;March and April and livery 6 5 04!, sellers; Apriland Maydeli\ cry 0 4-61d. Imyors; May an.l Junedelivery 0 7-Oid; sail-*rs; June aud July delivery0 8-04d. buyers: July and Ann st delivery6 9-Old, buyers; August delivery 0 ID-Old, sellers:Augustand September deliverv 0 Odd, bu\ers;September delivery 0 6-641, buyers; Septemberand October delivery 5 5.5-Old. value. Marketclosed flrtn.

New York, March2o, nom.—Cotton openedsteady; middling uplands 117-10c; miudlingor cans 11 11-lfic; sales2Bl bales.

Futures—Market opened steady, with “ales asfollows: .March delivery 11 2 c; April delivery1125c; May delivery 1\ 30c; June ueiiverv1114c; July delivery 1139c; August delivery11 3Se.

5:00 p. m.—Cotton closed dull; middling up-lands 11716c, middling Orleans 11 n 16c; netreceipts at this port to-day 4,505 bales, gross3,059 bales; sales 259 bales.

Futures—The market doted steady, withpa es of 83,500 bales, as f -Hows: *

Marchdelivery 11 30@H 31c, April delivery 11 33c,May delivery -II 37® 11 38c, June delivery11 42t01l 43c, July delivery 11 45®11 47c,ftugust dehvei-y 11 45® 11 40c, Sept-mber de-livery 10 i7®lo 7Soi October delivery 10 47®10 4 c, November delivery 10 3J®lu 81c, i>e-cember delivery 10 29®t0 30c, January delivery10 3u ,u,lO 31c-

The Nun's cotton review says: “Cottonfutures opoued a little unsettled lu tone, thoughip some cases slightly dearer. Liverpool re-ports proved much better than anybody ex-pected, and a quick advance of T®j8 points forthis crop \ras toe result, with the next crop im-proving less. Then the market became quieter,and the best prices of the day were not paiduntil near the close, wheD small port receiptswere bulletined—little more than 3,0il bales.The close, however, was barely steady. Cottonon snot was 1-lfic higher.”Galveston, March 29.Cotton quiet; mid-

dling 10 15-jtic; not receipt! 727 bales, gross727; Hales- hales: stock 11,843 bales: exports,

' coastwise 1,932 bales.Norfolk, March 20.—Cotton steady; ml Idling

10 15 16c; net receip.s 3)6 bale), gr..-s 550;sales MS bales; stock 83,510 bales; exports,coastwise 810 bales.

.altiwork, March 2.l.—Cotton nominal; mid-dling llJq'fillfKie; net receipts bales, gross18; talcs bales; stock 4,697 bales; exports,to the continent 222 bales.

Boston. March 20. —Cotton quiet; middlingll)4c; net rec rots 101 bales, gross 252; salesnoue: stock none; exports, toGreat Britain 010bales.

>v iLuisoxi.v. March 20. —Cotton quiet butsteady; middling lhjie; ue; receipts 32 bales,gra-ss .12; sales none ; stock 12,415 bales.

I’ntLidiL' HiA, March 20.—Cotton quiet: middliag 11 1116c; na. receipts 260 bales, -.rots 266;st'oc < 17,897 bales.

New Orleans, March 29.Colton marketfirm; middling lOJtic; net bales,gross 461; sales 1,760 Pales: stock bait*

Futures - The market closed stea ly, withsales of 24,7 ftbiles. as follows: March delivery10 Otic, April delivery 10 98c. May delivery 11 ft)o,June delivery 11 12c, July delivery 11 19c.August delivery 11 03c, September delivery10 360, October delivery .10 02c, < .vein' er de-livery 9 90c. Decernbft delivery 9 90c, Januarydelivery 9 96c.

Mobile, March 20.—Cotton dull: middlingnet rec opts 47 biles, g ess 47; sales

1&) bah'st stock 10,161 bales; exports*, coast-wise 315 bales.

MERVSfs, March 20.—Cotton quiet; middling 110%c; recei .ts 310 bales; shipineuts BJO bales;sale* 1,043 bales; stock :Wl5O ba es.

Augusta. Mardli 2i). Cotton quiet but firm,middling xofic: receipts 205 bales; sn pint-ms135 bains; bales; stjelv 12,10' bales.

u kh. .ks ;>n, j 20. otton unrket fi cm;held higbef; m and net rece.p s *.5baled, *rruss Vo; -a 25 bales; sioc, 9,172balesf coastwise BJI bales.

Atlanta. March 2<). Cost<*o firm; middlingo<K, March 20. Vvisoli atel ret re-

ceipts at .it cotaon to-day were 3,033..ai *.s;, trx ii'c at ilrv.*iri 1,780 bales,to'tbe continent I,■ §i bales. t> Francestoc!: utaH pur.# Dales.

ftc.March 20, nooo.—VTbriat steady;

and >dr;• lioUers Offer niGd„*ri*tely. (/oraquiet; etnaud por)i*.

Niv* Voas, .vlarc i 2-1, nc>oii.—Flour quiet andunchanged’ \\ steely. Corn quiet, butlii>ucr. 1* firm at 4 10

ftt S‘i 50. l-ref rliU steady.5;ijj v.

ni.—Flobrv *soutbem firmerbutffyiet, Wheat, si^oWiuirbut,firm; No. 2 re<i

in elevator; options moJerateiy.active and No. v r id, March delivery #April* delivery May delivery Juccdeliverys(7’tc. Corn, spot atronier and /airlyactive; No. -V- c.vib,‘3s'sCF l MOc Id elevator;options dull- but tirni- Marcii deliveryAi-rii delivery 37f6a, MaJ deliveryOats str9ngc.- and fairlyactive; options active,

am£ lirm—March delivery 2Je. April dol i foj-y 2(;tc, May deity cry 27Vc. -}I ops i• a-v a .and q jiL; State, new 13.r$i0c;-oki.Ooffeo -options closed Mafch deliver)'T 7 Ki r.Y, vat>: April delivery Fi 15(/3 17 15c; Maydeliverr 16 t/5 <&l7 ”*>c; spot Flo about steady:i:id quiet—lair Cargoes

steadv an\ quiet: lair refluihtf t 3-l|kj; t antri u-i)/- test..'* i j*l6c; reffned closed di-.Rer and

rftois> active—Cmould 4 Oii!idari A coulwlLionor*'A ft 13-iddL powderedMniassefc Foreign qui t test at. 22 -c; # -.ewOriel,it eiosed su adjr -<Joimpr)ii to f/inc fk 61

Patrideuin i*i*ss4i sum WlJJ7 2 g CotUm oil firm i*>r crude. Wool-JJbm -slh tl tyQfrte. polled T x*fi

a\ Pork quiet but *y. ii e/firru and;j„ j.- active, l>- -f ham* iVrccd i>* I'ouief; city cxrt India* m ** Cut

IrsG irdiiMs pi ‘. a?d. K*,ju4itertt c, f icklcd hfin* ftW/0 jc'I and des laii; 4*uirt o,osr i> 3- 1/irJ cioshidtlil; wes 4'f!! aa, <W '!>A S ) 4iVg [A W;fl >r--Viy -!<d v *rv +*• ->L ’ 6 44. diiverjrWUK Fr*-/hts t> Hood/; coUoo, periML-n. lisiei

d/ircU ’MI fi wbrit tra/liu/wiii Ur/*-, and fid w*rjte( at(lai wcwj. AimomiuMot l> aJ (rod*r a b/avy ou>rr, and ;Hii KiSZvl Zdtf. mo* *vi4 *d -owly M j

hH*-* *♦*•** fMv uMimprooat m |t*nf o/ raiwr boa Ur,;a *uxu I

THE MOENING NEWS: EIi!DAY. MAIK’K 2!. 18110.caused a suorp fepurf tr* the Tn"rVer, and he!je lto carry prices to the outsido poic,!. There wasgood <n ouuuie aa-uuat. T e marketop*nwi lower than .ve.s{|ria-,s ei swii ',which wo# the iowv*: v> tur day.quit* -ivdevelop,n? s’ r* j unOer ai-Ci te l wtaieiicarried prices up f6r then easedoff ruled steady, and 1 .about tychigher Uan vesterdaW. Interest centereri kiMav, awl lfia<3e was forrbis futur% th%iifor July, wiu.u Jutif (oiViaevlprerty chikelyvWatK.dice for ><hPr.which assisted to urinv about tbisDharp ad-vano* were Large clewy-snoesftof ffopr fu*m >ca->oartl porta, an 1 the proitcCons arMh.-tr tb<*lookiincs t>f wheat wilt tie largo soon Tne wovemerit of winter wheat a* i.tor ~ nts 01first h nuts is ivpiro\Higbt. uu wncr wheatmiiiers from several aVuite tb it tii yhave great dtlftcnpy hi getting wneat tb keeptheir mills running.azain rep >rt rain. Crop aeAs continue to b>contradictory. Most reports continue to n*>te

from winter killing. Corn was fa riy•dive and firtner; a very ia r isquirv existingfor May and Juiyos off*riQ>*v \m-e not targe, the l>*oal crowdbeiuj' niuatly Fellers, v>*Vcs qF*Fe a lwtucej, T:iemarket opeued at about the prices fyestrnlay; FiWflrai and gradually advaio- i ft

became quiet and maciftv. changed but'lut e, am! dosed (ban Vestonlav.In oats there was a decided Ihcrf a e in trailingin tli> inarkf‘t. and during tttost of the s ssi *1an exoiteddeelin# exited, ana pm>*s tluctuat *dsharply. The recent slokvbocs lb the inarki*tinduced heavy fchorv seilin*? /or Vlny, and themarket became gyersoid. JUchtrarrivals andsmall stocks m\AUkl eqpsi ioratd*,' uneasi-ii‘*ss any Mi/ baa s-Ohd an atujmp; to c >ver re-sulted iu a rmcennd*iucreas * in twe vulihi. * oftrading andan u.Waiice offtc in prtcßi. In p >rk

was oiiiy tuoderiMc, anT'the fetdqij?rather si Opeain< were ma>te*at 6cdecline, hut a l^tt|k e.inqtUry from short interestcaused an Advance • f blOtS. letter of/crinjr*were slightly increased, a kcal ipanufactimTselling adoptT-.tJJO'barrels, rtn g recovereds<&J*o, and tue market dosl Meady at a redpetien. tn fard only a faif* traJi* was reportedanti the feeliugr was steadier. Opening sal *swere made at hut a b tier i^-fnand and a marlcer. crev.died later,and prtc(is.\verpadeapeed Toward th'close the feeling was easier, and tne (marketclosed at about medium Azures. In short ribsides tra iih ;wits more jjtale, . : werefew chan*res ro nor**. 1 '

Cash quotations were as follows: FFmr wasquiet but drift; 4,**ftlorjS askinir IOC .>dva*we.Wheat—No. 2 spring No. 2 redwheat '•*>)%(& uorn 2, 28 w(dlOats—No. 2, 21 Mes; pork su> 7 v /10 k.

1 .ard at *0 10. Short rib s.d.-s, s.:. oo^5 10. Dry salted shoulders at ;M 25r./4 jo.

Short clear sides, boxed, $3ei 02.

Leaamiri'ut ;rjs ranged as follows;nUhCoes Closing.

N'r>. ? W T— m.March delivery. 79l 498 % 90'sMay deliverv... K (r 's

V < It.N, -Sa). 2April delivery. fi) fOVfJ - ,lsMay delivery.. 2'J% 30's 30

l UTS. So. J—


March delivery 21% 21 -iMay delivery..

• FfaKMarchdelivery.slo 2714 $lO 35 *lO 2ri6May delivery... 10 45 * 10 50 10 42)4

AHD, fVr 1 lbsMarch delivery $H 05 $0 15 $• OJ’MS;*iay delivery... 6 * 6 15, 0 12*^

uoutKcus. PerPMloi— "

March delivery $5 02ft $5 02,j $5 ovH^May delivery.. 502 j| 5

St. Lons, March 20.—Flour Arm andunchanged. Wheat closed hiKhij r; Nft 2 red,cash 78c; options—V!ay delivoiy Julydelivery asked. Corn higher; .N't*. 2uiixe i, cash options—May delivery2tiy(j((#2t)>Sc. July delivery 2ift(fy27 >c. <Oats veryactive an i higher; No. 2 cash 23W:,May uelivery2*2J4c. Whisky steady at $1 02. Provisionsvery quiet, and only small joo trade done.Pork at $lO 50. Lard—prime steam nominal atSfs50. Dry salt meats—boxed shoulders sl,lonffs and ribs $5 15(3c5 25, short clear $5 30(235 37bjC. Bacon—shoulders $150,ribs *5 (>5(2:5 70.

Cincinnati. March 20.—Flour closed strong.Wheat stronger; No. 2 79ft qß<)c. Cornstrong and higher; No. 2 mixed 32c. Oatsste|oly;Ne. 2 mixed 24(&2lftc. Provisions—Porksteady at Lard Hulk meatsquiet. Bacon closed quiet. Whisky active at$1 02. Hogs easy.

Louisville, .March 20.—Grain and provisionsunchanged.

Baltimore, March 20.Flour dull; Howardstreet and Western superfine $2 o<)q/2 50; extra$4 75(?£3 09; family $3brands, extra $4 20<gb4 40. VVhcAt—Southern

Fultz 80@85c; Longberry c; No. 2southern 85^87c; Western steady; No. 2 winterred, on spot and March delivery 834£(2-H4c.Corn—Southernactive and about steady; white30(&33c; yellow Western steady.

NAVAL qX^rtEH.Liverpool, March 29, noon. -Spirits turpen-

tine 31s Cd.Nkw foiu. March 20,noon.—Spirits

steady at 43ftc. rcos u steady at $1 1 20.s:oj p. m —Rosin quietat $1

mon to good strained. Spirits turpentine quietbut steady at 43*^c.

Charleston, March 20. -Spirits turpentineauiet at 40c asked. Rosiuiirm; good strainedat $1 13.

Wilmington, March 20. Spirits turpentinefirm at soo. Ho.-uu firm; strained $1 10, goodstrained $1 15. Tar firm at $1 35. Crude tur-pentine firm; yollow dip $220, virgin $2 20.

RICENew Yo ik. March 20.Rice fairly active and

firm; domestic 4>£(&oHc.

Market Report by the Flori la FruitExchange.

Jacksonville, Fla.. M%rch 20.—Tlie orangemarketcontinues to improve, bot i as to de-mand and prices, and wilt in all probability re-main in this condition of short supply, stroll?demand and high values throughout the re-mainder of the seas >n.

Telegraphic reports from the miction sa’es ofthe Florida Frui'. F.xchange on H showa maximum of $1 1 , a minimum of s:i, and anan average of $3 20on everything offered.

Fancy fruit brings from $3 50 to s“>; brightsfrom $2 75 to $3 75; i xira r.issets. $! aO to $ J 50;ordinary russets, $2 25 to Goo-X navels, glto SO. Grape fruit is a little slow, Except forvery fancy, and that is wanted at goo 1 prices.Mandarins and tangerines are sure, to do well.


Sun Rises rt:00Sun Bars ; 6:twHigh Watxr at Savannah .. .8:13 am 8:24 i m

Friday, M irch 21, 1890.ARRIVED YEiTERDAV.

Steamship City of Birmingham, Berg, NewYork—C G Anderson.

Btcamship Orbo (Bd, Ilughes, Liverpool viaFayal, in ballast—Wilder A (Jo.

St amer Bellevue, Bal l.vm. Beaufort, PortRoyal and Biuffton—J G Mcdlock. Agt.

Bceamer St Nicholas. Usina, Feraandina—CWilliams, Agent.

ARRIVED UP FROM TYBEE YESTERDAY.Bark (Nor . Anderson, to load for

Cadiz—Chr G Dahl <A Cos.

kaT YRi S) Yriri!pvf.Bark Srojßa I’ G*no.r4’ater-

son, D>wning & Cos.Bark So|Rriqr (8w), Larseji, St Petor*btirg,

(new O Dab I A :o.

DEPARTED AY.Steamer EtheL Carroll, OwnnV BJuff and

wav landing# -wTuibson Wtna^d;*.Steamer St Nlbholai. Jfeniamlina—C

Wiiiiauis, AgqrAt,, 8

S\ILED Yju > I’dRDAY. *

Bark P wenoa.s tit Jem < fiatvmnJm} IScJir iilaucii Hopkins, Coosaw, S C.

MEMORANDA.Buenos Ayres, March 41—Arrived, bark M I)

Rucker (Her), ■ rFayal, Marcu 0 -A rri'O st.*a=u~mr* Orbo (Br),

Hughes, Liverpool for snvartiialf (partita re-pair boiler an . priW-ksltd 1 J *

Grimsby, MarchHauV/Toivo(Nor>,Andefsen. Pensaolft.

Montevideo, March t6—■ Arrived. birk High j■mmm(Non, Bavannalk

Tiiest-q March 11-Aftlv-d. ia*kr (fugßjJmoCarlo Stanford <ltaij. Srartf . Savaiwmi).? N**w B**dford, March 18 brig EuniceH Advint, F</riham. P*Hdif'yal, H(;(wriler . i

BjJtifu r *. Marc rwii .and, scdis Norm w, 1HsndßTAfttt. Sav imwi/i ; j5 *i; i**l VI;niaji. PH ltq.v i- <1 a it* M i ' t., i\V*tj'.,iA i|.u*ro i-f* 'Y <| > ] ]


Fw uijwi4, bar .-Ft- * -tr ffi.rf-T |JluiUt/, I'iuri * Awl)uKy Wait. It lurch II '•rflv-l Miiira |J>. M 1

HAOCA. duulelt Gqruaftl, - •iar* i h%S4 itaff !||w. |kiuM, (iur.ib Aptl-ifti! ’bjy

*N3hr is.fiu, >#• i Ujr TQTI. lu

Vnumte : Ha >-Ari tefc; Mat-/a*'’*! a Msv, hiUiVi J

(‘ f'imWsMiyr *

!•' * v̂ i. /iupurHUck, lU*) al N, -wwl t

lev, Fisher, I arten for Wilmington, I>?1 (see

M is*.('leirM, sobr 0 IKvker, Wicks, Buck*-

viil. to ioatl ftr rcrt Jefter'-oa.SniliMl. stoam yacht KaiuUier. JacksonvilleCV> >saw, s C. Marea 17—Arrived, mclir Auna T

Ebeuor. Springy* Savannah.Brunswick.^Jffitvh 17—Failed. l>*u*k Fare we'l

(Gen, Hamburg: bri*:s ob*er\a<tur tSm, Ai*- |cant**: Isaoelita iS|> ,

Malaga: soiir Wm FtirfeaA: Son. New H*<lford.March 7—Cleared, bark N S del

Carmine Utal), Gtuamlo, Whitehaveni leared Jlareh lb, harks 11 Wrotltall. Par ero, i

Naples: Caterimi Accamr vital >, Cakleri>oe,Ore mock: (’hr Kmulscn (Non. Nielsen, Sutton 'Bridge.

New York. March 2W—Arrived out. steamshipIjihnfor Bremen.

Bremen, Mareli IS—Arrived, ship Crusader(Bn. Hutchinson. Savaunah.

Duugeuess, March IS Fassevl, Iwirk Defensor(Nor>, O!eo, Fensacula for Tyne.

Gibraltar. March 4—Sailed, hark Kmma(Aus),Guiia (from Savannah*. kieesa, without re-

Pntnouth, March IH—Arrived, steamship Vir-ginia (Bn, Knott, Port Royal, S C (see 3Usm

MARITIME MISCELLANY.Arrived at Tfbee yesterday an unknown Rus-

sian hark, supposed Tahti, from Barcelona.Baltimore, March JS~>chr St Johns, of Bel

fast. Me, from Jacksonville, with a cargo oflumber for Baltimore, is ashore at llatteras antilull of water; one man drowned.

Charleston, SC, March 1H Scar Lucie Wheatley. from Darien for Wilmington, Iwd, whicharrived here to-day, encountered asevere north-west jgal* 80 miles south of Charleston on Sun-day night. Carried away fore masthead with allattached: lost muintopmast, headsal). mainsailand split toptuuU; Capt Fisher and crow well.

Beaufort, N C, March 17—Pilots report severalbuoys out of position. The w reck of steamerAh*rlft Jy Bay Invisible in five fathoms at low-water ou the outer Diamond. Coasters shouldkeep a sharp lookout whoa rounding Ca;>oLookout.

London, March 18—Stmr Orbo (Br), Hughg s,from Liverpool Fob 26 lor Savannah, arrived atFayal March G, where sho made repairs toboiler ami proceeded.

Steamer Virginia (Br), Knott, al Plymouthfrom Port Royal, SC, put into St Micha dsonMarch H with decks swept away and boatssmashed, steering gear disordered, and in Aautof coal. * ™

SPOKEN.Ship Crusader (Br), Hutchiuson, Savannah for

Bremen March 10, no lat, etc.

NOTICE TO MARINERAA branch of the WniteA States Hydrographic

office has b *euestablished in the Custom Houseat Savannah. Notice to manners, pilot chartsand all nautical informatio i will h * furuishedmasters of vaueH free of chargo. Captains arerequested to call at the office.

Lin r F II Sherman,In charge Hydographic Station.

RECEIPTS.Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fernaiidina

1 box.books, JO uhls spirits turpentine, iso bidsrosin. 2 baled cotton. 1 bills hides, 1 ease hats, 59cow hides, 1 bbls lools, 5 eases shoes, 1 sewingmichine, 2 bbls syrup, 1 box tools.

Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway.March •JO—]24 bales cotton, ’7BB bbls rosin. 98bbls spirits turpentine, 5 bales hides, 4 easestools, 0 bbls syrup, 2.4 cars lumber, 2 cars ties. Icur rail. 4 cars wood, 10 pkgs furniture, 1 caraxl s, 220 bales hay, 2 eases cigars. 5 cars rock,

1 horse, 1 mule, 25 pkgs mdse, 8,989 bbls oranges,■l7 bbls oranges. 438 Ikxes vegetables, 49 bblsvegetables, 8 refrigerators.

Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. March20—4 ears bbls, 25 bids Hour, *ll drumsoil, 17sacks cotton seed. 1 box w iron, 1 bdl oil clotli,1 box clothing, 2 cars wood, I ear coal, 7 billssteel, 2 boxes h h goods, 1 ert s machines. 5 b.xsr r signals. 5 bales waste, 10 sacks i>eamits, 5pkgs 25 hfcaddies tobacco. 10 boxes tobacco, 2bbls clocks, 9 crates doors. H w' screens, 1 tank coil, 4 cases cigarettes, 119 tons coal, 20J sacksfe.rtiliz 'rs, 2 cars rock.

Per Central Railroad, March 20—287 bales cot*tojj|n 47 bales hides, 110 bales domestics, 9 billshides, 1? rolls leather, 18 bdls paper, 75 bdl* tobacco, 25,1,00 lbs bacon, 175 lbs lard, 10 bbls grits,5 i>kgs plows, 87 bbls spirits turpentine, 015 bblsrosin, 1,200 bushels oats. 500 hales hay, 1 curbeer, 40 bbls wldgky, 15 hf bbls whisky, 57 pkgsfurniture, 8,720 bushels corn, 25 cars lumber, 150bbls Hour, 25 cars lumber, 250 bushels rice, 5

I cords wood, 8 bbls syrup, 25 baes twine, 25ctlses liquor, 300 bbls vegetables, 8 k and carriages,275 pkgs mdse, 81 bales paper stock, 4 cars brick,2) empty bills. 1 carcotton seed, 25 boxes soap.2 cars cotton seed meal, 24 boxes hardware, Kcars poak

EXIMRT3.Bark Srocna I* (Aus), for Genoa—3,3ll bbls

resin, weighing 1/21,003 pounds—Paterson,Downing & C >.

Per nark Superior (Sw). for St Petersburg(new harbor)—l,oso bales upland cotton, weigh-ing 809,911 poumls.

Per schr Annie Bliss, for Baltimore—2o3,ol6feet p p lumber—Dale, Dixon & Cos.

PASSE N lERS.Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fornanlina—

Mrs M A White, Capt O F McAdams, Mrs PaineBiglow, Miss Essie Sutton, A Harris, A Ryais,and 6 deck.

Pcrst“amsh p City of Birmingham, from NawYork—Mrs Isambert, I) B English und wife, EBlunt, .Mr< Blount, Miss A Blunt, L Mayer, AIngram, Mrs Golden, if C Weed, 0 H Bp Ivy, C ARode, S W Sheppard,*!’ B Snyder, E 8 Williams,wife and inft, Mrs M L McLftws, Mrs J L Will-iams, M D Lawrence, W E Woodford. K MWalsh, U J Whuleu, J W llainor, und 2 steer-age- ;

CONSIGNFKS.Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fernandina—

Lee Roy Myers & Cos, < > S S Cos. (’ 1? Ji, (‘has ASav R K, L Gignilli.it, Ellis, Y & Cos, Sarah Roberm. Peacock, II & Cos, W W Gordon & Cos, J PWilliams & Cos.

Per haHeston and Savannah Railway, March2A—I F Torrent, B kcr A: if, Tidewater (til (Jo,H M Corner & Cos, Wm Casey, Brown Bros, H AUlmo. Lev - A: (5, 'V E Keabrook, 11 C Haskell,J D Weednit Cos, Standard Oil (?■>, Geo Schroder,A If Champion's Son. G Davis & Son,Lloyd A A,J E Grady & Son, .1 H Loakum, Mutual G L Cos,Lee Roy Myers & Cos. Kava amfh & B.

Per Savannah. Florida and Wegeru Railway,3iarch 20—McDonough A Cos, E B Hunting & Cos,Darned1A S. Dale, D A Cos, S, K& W liy, ii GWard, C O Haines, VV C Jackson, E T Roberts,J P Williams A Cos, Peacocv, H A (Jo, OrderMoore, il & Cos. Ellis. Y X Cos, ChesnuttA O’N,CL Jones, A G Rhodes A Cos, Woo<ls, G & Cos,Jno Flannery A Cos, W W Gordon A (Jo. Mrs LHutc iins, Butler AS, Stubbs AT, D Y Dancy,31 Y Henderson, G W Tiedernan A Bro,J H Henriessy. Savannah Grocery (Jo, Standard Oil Cos,MeirioardBros A Cos, Smith Bros, Baldwin A Cos,M Y A D 1 Mclntyre, S Guckenheimer A Son. JI* Byingt >n, M Holey A Sou, J D Weed A 00, 8M Roach, Lippman Bros A Ehrlich A Bro, G JBald via, Roy Myers A Cos, Keppard A Cos,A II Champion's Sn, b rank A Cos.

Per Central Railroad, Aiarch 20—F M Farley,Woo<i-. G & Cos, Montague A Cos, Stubbs,T ACifM Mad -an A Cos. Warren A A.H 31 Comer A Cos.W W Goiuon A Cos, Herron A (4, J 8 Wood ABro. Jno Flannery A Cos. 31 YA D I Mclntyre,G A Whitehead, .Savannah P Cos, Thos West. DJ Morrison, Moore A J, N Lang, Lippman Bros,IXA Schwarz, Brush E L& P Cos, J ißeiter, A fc3faokayv Cohpn, A S Nichols, J S Silva. M TTavior. .1 Darsey. G W Tiedemkn ABro, C 8Ukiuruond, 'ix?opioACo, J D Weed A Cos, AJ.Fioou, M Y Hendereorf, A S Echberg, J RGrilllo,S L Newton, G W l’arish, Lloyd A A, 'ThomasHenderson, X>b' Kumiuau, Lee Roy .Myers A Cos,w arnock, if £ Cos. Fretwell A N, Cornwell A C,

kE Lovell s Sons, Strauss Bros, W I Miller, HenrySavanaatJQfrocery Cos, Title Granite Cos.

A icmley, Anon. Williams, A Leflier A Son, J D'narrlton, A J Jdiller A Cos, TTckman A V*, James

Jone*, Epstein A W, l?pstein A W, Nathan Bros.• ianV: A (Jo, S Guckenheimer A Son, L Putzel,Smith Bros, Jus Douglas, Meyer, ii J Cub-oedgj!, Hamrndnd, II A Co,#loore, il A (-o, G PJordin. Savannah BeeC C>, Peacock, IIA Cos,Kavanhugh A B, Savannah 14ro*mg(&.

Persteam >hip City of Bimuugharti. from NewYork A UMlLtJirtyer A Cos, Apj>el AS. Bvcli► Bros, E S iiyck A Cos, f^Bluesteln, K Brmvii.JlrSK lipown, S W Branch, R uiiftler. J 11 BaVr,Jiriish E Ij A P Cos, Byek,A S. J hi Collitjs AkCo. jW G Cootter, A H (Jhtimpiona 8v ,J - Colfjx BH)s.C teiiwetfA CT C R U A Bktf Cos. Im S<jto Gotel, !das Douglass, Bavin Bros. K DiiWald A Cos. 3fru]j Desmj nil lorn*, Edgiiian A V, A Ehrlich A Bro,

VV, J R Einstein. Eliis, V' A Cos, “led*Ebberwem, 31 Ferst’a Souk A 06, A Falk A Sons,Frank A Cos, Fleischnian A Cos, P J (Ji>ideii. MnsPJ (JOkieft, J K Grady a: Son. A IF<Rrardenu,JGa dfter, 1 (iutuiao S(4uclp *r A Son.BSi Gor/unk , Hex terAKJ MJ> Hlr’ich, BHyiued. I(i IJaaK. A B Hull A ilanna AJ,A Hanley, (’M Hill.sirriri, A Jo6qn, Ko|fkforiiAM, K J Kenopdy, A L*(tle*A sou, N’ \ 4ang,Ji tl Lrvv & Bro. Llpumau Bro*. f *>yell A L, il ,l/sgan, Jo Ly*ut A Cos, i* ivil jrL. D B D rtur. ’E ixnelt hSoii4. LUavlc. A. j P L.*rii- ’Pird, Juudnay A M, AG, McGifiHa: R. 1Mo>iaough A Cos. R D Mcpopil. G S McAipiu. :J . A Cos. Mor/lvm, F A Cos, L Meyer..Meiobajrd Bron A Co.*!*>•* Uy M o-j b A C*t, SNewton. Mutual (Jo op A-*o*o. VV BMoiiACJu, j< >rd**r Mo f*, i( 4i :w Or- itur J Lut/, PalmarHdw t ‘o. i* il A (Jo, favannnb Guano Cos. |C D Rogeiv. i A W iiy. Kbotomon (hava ioah P Cos, tutu* & Go, Jnoisuiitvau, !I* Bbprm/er. F T hmiianip v pro, J¥, Hdva.i; ]ro-url. * 1 L oiif r. Hf? yvmi HotM' - Bro, I

D Hiiukiae. Slllll4 JiriM, 1oWwai/r Oil Cos. j'i . pln A Cos, H ETuoiupwwi K J ji VIXU4,J D VVeod A 4 0 A >1 A C VV UVVw4ry M K !‘ tmreh. G A WnU4pe4ul, A JBo J* 0 \

r Kfti nt, I .<9 po *mr, Ga 4 l**e J 8 B Cos, Mrf> .14U JUTU K* < V

IVr oui .u'nt/ Wet • fro kHlUttp*-A 1 AUa4 mf Cos, G w Afk* EJI AbTAMMu

MI ♦ \t*,H *, IJ.4M* k JO Bo*4 f.dt A htrti . i. 1 . m. i.

...,t . 11 inifW 1, . 1 H '1 ,

Cleveland, Cornwell A C, (J U It V. Bkg Cos, W GCo4;*er. Clarke & D, Decker & F, Jan Douglas.A. I>oyle, Dryfuw Bros. M J Doyle, FpsU*iti Al VV,Kckinau .A V, Kill*, V.V (Jo. (1 Eckstein A (Jo,Empire Bargain (’ >, L Fried, l Fried. J F Free-man, 31 Ferat’H Sana & Cos. Fretwell &. N, J MFleming, W &Guerard, HGuckoaheimer& Son,Holdt &. S. Hester ft K. A Hanley. Haines Si J>,A B Hull & Cos. J Jiiine*A Cos, B H Levy & Bro,(’ O Haines, I G Haas, Kolborn 8: M, Lovell & la,S K l>evrin, Lloyd A A, N Lang. Lippman Bros,Jno Lyons & Cos, Launey &G, A I>efller& Hfb,D B liOder, I D A Hon, Limway A 31.E ls4veli ,s Sons, J F I>aFar, .1 McGrath A Cos, JLawton. McOlllis &H, W B Mull £ (Jo, Miilis £Cos, J W Moore, Moore .t J. Nathan Bros, A FMack ;y, Nostrum A H, A S Nichols. J O’Brien.Neidllnger & It, (riler Fu ol .A 00, Order JnlieuSchley, Order Lloyd A A, Order Moore, 11 A Cos.<irder A Ehrlich A: Bro, Order J J Dale, PostalTH Cos, Peacock, H & Cos, OVV Parish, SC Par*sons, Pa:mer Bros. A G Rhodes A Cos. *trKate*,Solomons & Cos. L(J Strong, J S Silva, steamerBellevue, Savannah Grocery Cos, S, F & W Ky,E A Schwarz, .1 T Shuptrine .t Bro. Savannah PCos, Southern Ex Cos, ii SolomonX. Son. if 31Selig, D H Schuinan, Savannali Furniture Cos.Savannah Steam Bakery, .1 H ToomasHon, J TThornton, G W Tiedernan £ Bro, Teeple & Ct>.B FUlmer. J Vo asUi X Son. M Watson, H FWillink, MY X D I Mclntyre, Thos West, L3lWarfield, J 1* Williams X Cos, J D \V4mI X i'o.


rR!I TI H fe) Take n* *h4es unlessJ.J\U j Isj fin VV li. Douglas’ name and

■ lwi\i pr|C(, ari. Nlaiii|>rd 011 ihohottonl. If Ihe dealer cannot Niimily you,send direct to factory, eitcloing uavcrlLcdprice.

$ 3 S HO E OPNTUTCMBN.Fine Unir, llf.vy l>/ired Urnln anil < ret-d*

moor Watprproof.Beat In Ilia worll. Fvnmlna hi.

A.(M> i:F..\I INK II IVIABWKI) HIIOK.Mil.lMl II Wn-HKWKII WPT.T KSIOK.I#:i.r. I'<H.IUI. AMFAK>IKRH’ SIIOK.k2..11> KXTK\ V VI.I II CiUFHHOF.ti‘t 25 A WOBKIMiMFV* H||or>.@2 OO and #1.75 UOVh’ Hf 11001. hIIOKH.

All maila in Ounirre*H, Hutton apd I.aco-

S3 & m SHOES i,adib&#1 75 HHOK FOH AIIKhKK

lit -1 Material Il< i Style. Ili .t 1 ittlnte.W. !.. Itouii! a., BriH’ktou. Alunn. bold by


JVO.I. no,

We will forfeit the For feet that are• i Xu

sum of Fire l)ol- pinched all out ofk •

lars for each and shape by ill-fittinj?erery l' ir R shoes, we offer the

Three Dollar Shoes Q Acme of case and

that fail of aatis-5, jfcoinfort in our 83 50

faction. R Ladles’ Bhoe. \ IOUR FOR F EET OFFER


Tko:i nr and

Vm* will forfeitKLKOANCK no

Another fire Jf any-j-y offal tlie heat line of

ouo cmi duplicate

Painos on the murk-, ■ *,

Eet: the U at to wear.

as ifell as* the h*toffer It. TDXu n| i* whig,

brti.Eii k Muimissi<:v,li-t) it IU l ura 1 t'L’<f* Mi'.


iUnderKidi.'.u a! l ythia* HaU).




are the Standmid Paintsfor Structubai.Purposes, and aro composed'of pure lin-seed oil and the highest grade of pigments.

, They are prepared ready for use, in newestshades and standard colors, and, on accountof thoir parity anil great covering proper-ties, they aro the most durable and ECO-NOMICAL Paints ever produced. One gallonwill covor from 10 -76 sq. ft., two coat*.

Samples and Descriptive Pride List free by mail.


H. W. Johns’ Asbestos Roofing.Fire-Proof Paints, Building Kelt,

Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering),Asbestos Steam Packings, Gaskets, etc.,

Vulcabeston Moulded Kings, Waihers, etc.

8 T Maiden Lane, Now York.




Builders’ Hardware,agricultural implements,




Tinware, Woodenware, etcPrices as low as any house in the South.

Savannah, Georgia.til’NS AMMUNITION, ETC.



world wmmONLY sls 00.


# ' • .* *



•1. PJ. Ir'i: LT( > NReal Estate and Gerieral Collecting

Agent,DKAYT'i.N street.

SPF.1 1 51. attention given to the colloctioa ofrent- ai.T tie- > are of mat estate, i’atro j-

age reap -elfally .ti<!l <-d,


M, Juluta. i imxuii* tfi-l Houitfoiafy>k4MU 3* HytJamil

Wm f*om u vim yuoU* i*m imA wvrg.n ourlift* UlliUv UiY,

1I \ MO!US. .:KW ELB\ . ETt .








An UKADEKS,bcoauie they sell EVEHYTHINO to furnish a house with. All kinds of

Furniture, Crockery, Stoves, Mattings Shades, Carpets, WailPaper, Sewing Machines, Etc.,

No matter what you want. Come and see. K verything on iintallments.

193 to 199 Broughton Street,. SAVATSTMAII, OKOItOrA

jutt ijoons.

MILIIT 8 cv CO .

Our stock now complete in every detail, Ihe latest novel-ties and most desirable things in Laces, Embroideries, DressTrimmings, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ruchings, Mus-lin, Silk Lisle and Balbriggau Underwear, Jewelry, LeatherGoods, Shirts, Collars and CidFs, Scarfs, Ties, Parasols, Sun-shades, White Goods, Linings, etc., etc. Polite Attentionand a desire to Please our motto.

The much desired “DRAWN WORK” just received.M I I j I TI S&CO.