Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile Troy Tu’le Lean Agile Coach KanFlow.com troy@kanflow.com @troytu:le KC PMI Professional Development Days

Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

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Page 1: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile

Troy  Tu'le  Lean  Agile  Coach  KanFlow.com  [email protected]  @troytu:le    

KC  PMI  Professional  Development  Days    

Page 2: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Minimum Viable Agile

Borrowing from the Product Development concept of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort."

What is it?

Page 3: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Minimum Viable Agile

Minimum Viable Agile is a search for Agile practices and ceremonies, informed by Lean and Agile theory, that produces the maximum amount of customer value, with the least amount of effort.

(Or Just Enough practices and ceremonies to be effective).

What is it?

Page 4: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Agile Is…?

Burn  Down  Charts  

SEcky  Notes  

Card  Walls  

Kanban  Boards  Standup  MeeEngs  


Pair  Programming  


Sprint  Planning  

Planning  Poker  Velocity  Story  Points  

User  Stories  

Release  Planning  


Team  Room  

DefiniEon  of  Done  

WIP  Limits  

Page 5: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Agile Is…

(Actual  Google  Search,  BTW)  

Page 6: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

The Agile Dysfunction Spiral

Detailed  sprint  planning  

Formal  sprint  commitment  

Work  the  sprint  Unfinished  work  

We  need  to  get  be:er  at  

planning  sprints  

Coaching  to  help  improve  sprint  planning  

Sprint  planning  takes  longer  

Management  Applies  pressure  

Culture  of  Blame    creeps  back  in…  

Team  works    overEme  

Are  we  really  just  aVer  be#er  sprints?  

Page 7: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Cargo Cult (Agile)

Many  early  Agile  a:empts  simply  installed  pracEces  (recipes).  

Warning!  Following  recipes  leads  to  Cargo  Cult  Agile  

Page 8: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Mob Programming

Page 9: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Mob Programming: The original MVA?

No  Stand  up  meeEng  

Product  Owner  engaged  

Driver  –  Navigators  –  15  min.  rotaEons  

Everyone  takes  a  full  lunch  break!  

All  the  needed  experEse  in  same  room  All  the    

Brilliant  People   Working  on  the    same  problem   At  the  same  Eme  

On  the    same  computer  

Page 10: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Mob Programming: The original MVA? Reduces  or  Eliminates:      1.  Standup  or  other  alignment  meeEngs  2.  Detailed  planning-­‐only  sessions  3.  The  need  for  esEmates  4.  Context  Switching  5.  Burn-­‐down  charts  for  performance  tracking  6.  Code  Reviews  

Increases:      1.  Quality  2.  CollaboraEon  3.  ProducEvity  4.  SaEsfacEon    

Page 11: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Mob Programming: Why does it work? Sample  Emeline  of  a  user  story  or  requirement.  

Time  2  

=  wait  Eme  

weeks   =  touch  Eme  


4  -­‐  10   4  -­‐  10   2  

Customer  Request  

PrioriEzed  in  Product  Backlog  

Backlog  Grooming  Planning  Into  a  Sprint  

Story    Completed  

(tacit  knowledge  decay)  

Page 12: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

The Essence of Agile



Simplicity   (The  art  of  the  work  not  done.)  

(CollaboraEon  is  an  outcome.)  

(Feedback  loops  enable  improvements)  

Customer  Value   (We  wouldn’t  be  here  otherwise.)  

Page 13: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

The Essence of Agile

Focus   Learning  

Simplicity   Customer  Value  

•  Visualize  work  •  WIP  limits  •  Cadence  

•  RetrospecEves  •  Small  batches  •  ATDD  and  CI  •  ConEnuous  Delivery  

•  Measurement  based  planning  •  Emergent  Architecture  

•  Track  progress  of  Value,  not  tasks  •  Customer  based  metrics  

Page 14: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Visceral Reaction Disclaimer

We  might  cover  some  “controversial”  topics.  

Page 15: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Minimum Viable Agile

Let’s  take  a  closer  look  at  some  tradiEonal    Agile  pracEces  in  need  of  improvement.    

1.  Story  Point  based  Velocity  2.  Sprint  Burn  Downs  

Page 16: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Story Points based Velocity

Page 17: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Story Points based Velocity

Courtesy  of  Bennet  Vallet  

Director  of  Development    

Siemens  Health  Services  

Expected  DistribuEon    Actual  DistribuEon    

Page 18: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Story Point based Velocity (refactored)

Page 19: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Planning in the world of MVA

OpAon  #1  Hours-­‐long  tradiEonal  sprint  planning  meeEngs  spent  playing  planning  poker  and  a  team  arguing  about  the  difference  between  2’s  and  3’s.      

OpAon  #2  Short  story  slicing  meeEng  where  the  focus  is  on  understanding    and  slicing  large  stories.      “Do  we  understand  this  story?  If  not,  let’s  keep  slicing.”  

1   2   3   5   8   13   21   40   100  

Right-­‐sizing  the  work  

Page 20: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Planning in the world of MVA

Input  Q   Design   Develop   Test   Done  


1 2







Cycle Time



14  days  from  this  point  

5  stories  per  week  

Page 21: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Sprint Burn Downs

Why  do  we  assume  this  is  the    wrong  place  for  this  team  to  be?  



Page 22: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Nature of the Work

Manufacturing  =  repeatable  processes  Product  Development  =  one  Eme  processes  

One-­‐Eme  processes  are  non-­‐determinisAc  in  nature  

Page 23: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Nature of the Work

DeterminisAc  Approach  

Project  Start  


“Complete”  Planned  AcEvity  

Non-­‐determinisAc  Reality  

Project  Start  


“Complete”  ?  

What  Customer  Really  Wants  Be:er  Knowledge  

Project  Managers  in  the  middle,    pulling  out  their  hair  

Page 24: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Sprint Burn Downs

This  is  a  problem.  What  exactly  do  we  do  now?  



It’s  not  acAonable!  

Page 25: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Sprint Burn Downs (refactored)

AcAonable  InformaAon!  

Page 26: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Sprint Burn Downs (refactored)

(from  Ac.onableAgile.com)  



AcEonable  InformaEon!  

Page 27: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Coaching Minimum Viable Agile

•  Training teams on estimation techniques or schemes.

•  Focusing on making fixed scope, fixed time, commitment-based sprints work.

•  Teaching teams how to use burn-down charts. •  Teaching teams to use Velocity to plan releases.

Less  of:  

Page 28: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Coaching Minimum Viable Agile

•  Coaching teams to Limit their WIP to achieve better focus.

•  Using simple and pragmatic time-boxes for better risk management.

•  Teaching teams how to visualize their work. •  Coaching teams to conduct retrospectives and

adopt continuous improvement. •  Planning releases based on historical


More  of:  

Page 29: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Where does Agile go from here?

The first 15 years of Agile prompted us to ask:

“What  are  all  the  pracEces  we    need  to  adopt  to  be  successful?”  

Minimum Viable Agile prompts us to ask:

“Now,  what  pracEces  do  we  change  or  discard  to  be  successful?”  

Page 30: Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile€¦ · of MVP or Minimum Viable Product. "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum

Just Enough: Minimally Viable Agile

Troy  Tu'le  Lean  Agile  Coach  KanFlow.com  [email protected]  @troytu:le    

KC  PMI  Professional  Development  Days    

Thank  you!