Curry Team Just checking it out!

Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

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Page 1: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

Curry Team

Just checking it out!

Page 2: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

“Confusion” “Discomfort” “Intrigue” “Doubt”

“Hope” “Scepticism” “Curiosity”

All common reactions after seeing and hearing new ideas about how to make

money and learn new skills.

This Research Guide is designed to save you some time in discovering

"what's this really all about!?"

It answers questions, explains the concepts again and points you towards

where you can find out more.

It contains…





Case Studies



So let’s

Page 3: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

Let’s start with the end in mind...

What could happen if you decided to use these ideas, principles and systems and

they actually worked!? This is a list of some things other people have done –

People use their businesses to add value,

in lots of individual ways.

What you choose to do with extra money

and skills is completely up to you!

OK, now it’s time for some

Paid off their mortgage

Quit working for a boss

Learned how to lead teams

Travelled the world

Built their confidence

Paid for education

Got themselves well

Bought a house

Learned people skills

Helped family

Followed a passion

Read more books

Taken friends on trips

Gone to live in the country

Became a full-time parent

Started their own business

Bought investment property

Wiped out their debts

Gone back to school

Went on adventures

Played more music

Bought toys

Cared for elderly parents

Learned new skills

Improved communication skills

Founded an orphanage

Built a legacy

Planted a forest

Page 4: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

We use the strengths of two highly successful

companies, the first of which is the Amway Corporation -

Page 5: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

And now some facts about the products …

Page 6: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

The second successful company we use is


Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients

worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information, and to develop

personally and professionally as people with integrity who add value to others.”

Visit n21corp.com for more detail about the continued success of Network 21 around the world.

In 1989, a small group of people who had already proven their ability to build strong, sustainable Amway businesses combined forces to establish Network 21.

The experience and training of these Australian and American leaders bridged the gap between amateur

results and professional business behaviours and outcomes.

25 years later, 100’s of thousands of Amway Business Owners in 35 countries benefit from learning about which business principles work consistently and are duplicatable.

Page 7: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

Remind me again - how does this work and what do you actually do?

If you just want to get products that are great value for money and environmentally responsible, then you just register with the Amway Corporation so that you can order whatever you choose at wholesale prices. (Like all blue circle households in the diagram). That’s all you do.

On the other hand, if you want to make additional money, you learn how to build and lead your own consumer network. (Like the red circle people in the diagram)

The business development process is the oldest and most successful method in the world - word of mouth. Sharing their own positive experiences comes very naturally to people and when this is done with honesty and integrity, it can be a lot of fun!

Over time, you and the other active business developers find other people who are prepared to try out the products, the learning and development program or the well-proven business building process. It is not a matter of persuading people, it is a process of finding others who are open to thinking outside of the box and happy to just give things a go! There is no profit to be shared if there is no turnover of goods and services, but as the number of people who are using the products grows, so does the amount of trade and the amount of profit that can be shared with Amway business owners. As the products are high quality, consumable and value for money, many people stay loyal to them over the years and re-order when they have run out. Making profit on the ‘re-ordering of consumables’ is how the business becomes an ongoing income stream.

Like every other good

business, profit increases as

the amount of trade increases.

Page 8: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

Okay, now for 20 "Frequently Asked (or just

thought about) Questions"...

1. Isn’t Amway a pyramid or something?

It’s good to get this urban myth out of the way early! Amway is not, and never has been, a pyramid scheme. When Amway’s business model turned out to be successful, a lot of mutations (claiming to be “just like Amway but better”) sprung up which were pyramids and which caused great confusion. The main characteristics of a pyramid scheme are –

Money is made from recruiting people, not from the genuine sales of product or service to customers.

They ‘front-load’ participants by requiring them to buy a lot of inventory up front.

The product available, if any, is not competitive in the market and has no loyalty.

Participants cannot make more money than those who joined before them.

There is often a compulsory minimum spend.

None of these apply to Amway, and never have. To remove any doubt, the Federal Trades

Commission ruled in 1979 that the Amway business plan was a legitimate marketing plan. Since

that time the legal and regulatory bodies of over 90 other countries have agreed.

2. I’m very busy, how much time will it take?

Time is our most valuable currency, and even though many successful people have enough money, they are ‘time bankrupt’. Those of us who choose to build an alternative income to regain control of our time, do it with just a few hours a week fitted in and around our other commitments. This flexible approach, together with good time and priority management, means that anyone who wants to can build a business.

3. How much money do Amway people really make?

Most ‘Amway people’ make only a rebate on their own purchases and occasional small bonuses. This is because the vast majority of people are members but not active business builders. Averaging out income across all members regardless of whether they are active or not gives a completely inaccurate picture. It would be like averaging out the weight loss of everyone who has ever joined a gym or started a diet – just silly. Amway is scrupulous about the accuracy of the reported income for people who do build businesses, and these are outlined in the business plan. For example, people at Founders Platinum level make an average of $38,000 per year, plus incentive bonuses and trips. (“Founders” means that the business is steady and holds at that level every month.) Founders Diamonds make an average of $250,000 per year.

Page 9: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

4. Is the training and education program compulsory?

No, it is optional. That said, it is highly recommended by all of the people who have built an ongoing income as they recognise the critical importance of learning from other successful people.

5. Do you have to sell things to your friends and family?

There are no “have to’s” in the Amway business. The people who want to build an Amway business typically try the products themselves, find out the benefits and then share what they have found and learned with others. People will then choose to do nothing, purchase for themselves as a client or become a member and purchase at wholesale. ‘Hard selling’ or bugging friends and family is unprofessional, unsuccessful and offensive but sharing

benefits in a helpful way is fun and interesting.

8. Do Network 21 people make money from the sale of training material and seminars?

In an Amway business, there is a strategic principle that states ‘Width provides profitability and Depth provides stability’. The Amway business plan rewards better for width than for depth but because depth is still very important, Network 21 provides small monthly rebates to compensate business leaders for supporting new people in depth. The costs of travel, accommodation, administration, etc. when supporting numbers of new IBOs who are deep in the team and often in other cities, states and countries can be significant. The rebates help balance these costs and mean that all new employees in depth are properly supported.

As can be seen from the very low price of functions and training materials when compared to market, Network 21’s focus is on teaching people how to make money from the Amway business, not from selling ‘business support materials’ and the business support rebates provided to business leaders are minor compared with the Amway income.

6. What if I don’t like the products and don’t want to buy any of them myself?

The bottom line is that if this is really the case you can’t build an Amway business. Fortunately, the width of the product range, the quality and the value for money of the products means that this is not an issue. Successful business people with integrity are always loyal to the product or service they are recommending.

7. If Amway has the product and pays the money, why is Network 21 necessary?

Amway is an exceptional company that employs many talented, hard-working people. None of them, however, have built Amway businesses. This means that while Amway employee's understand and have skills in the mechanics of the Amway business, they do not have experience in growing and developing the teams of independent business owners who make up a successful Amway business.

Network 21 was formed by a group of very successful Amway business owners who teach the business development principles and methods that have been shown to work over many decades and in dozens of countries. The experiences in the marketplace in the years before Network 21 was formed clearly showed that both elements, the business vehicle and training in successful business development, are both critical.

Page 10: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

9. What if I don’t know anyone? Do I have to talk to strangers about this?

If you just want to be a member and get products at wholesale, you never have to share the business with anyone. But if you want to build an income, then the way we increase our trade is by sharing information about the positive experiences we have had. Some ways to do this are much better than others, and because we work in teams then new people rely heavily on more experienced leaders. Also, we have many methods of getting information to people that don’t involve you doing lots of talking!

10. What types of people are successful at this?

The human kind! A staggering variety of people of different backgrounds, countries, education levels, colours, ages and income levels have built strong, profitable Amway businesses. What makes the difference are attributes like preparedness to learn and grow, consistency, drive and people skills – all of which can be learned and improved. If they are prepared to work, learn and stick at it, anyone can build an Amway business - just come to a monthly Business Development Seminar and you will see for yourself!

11. If I get to a certain level, will I stay there and continue to make the same money?

Yes, if your levels of trade stay at the same level you will receive the same income from profit

share. Just like other businesses, Amway makes profit on the sale of goods and services. The

more sales, the more profit it can share. If your levels of trade go down, so will your income.

This is why it is important to build it in a sustainable manner, which is where Network 21’s

experience from hundreds of thousands of people comes in.

12. Where do I find all the people?

The good news is that you don't! The majority of

the people who join your business will be found

by other people. If you are a business builder,

you will want to play an active part in the

development of your business. Network 21 and

your upline team have immense experience in

how to meet and provide other people with

information. They will decide for themselves

whether they will take it further.

13. How did Amway become so much bigger than other similar companies?

There are several reasons. Firstly, the product range, quality and value for money. Secondly, the

fairness and sustainability of the business plan. Thirdly, the 100% track record of paying bonuses

on time and in full. Fourthly, the number of countries in which they operate. And lastly, because

well-trained Network 21 business owners are successfully developing other business leaders

around the world.

Page 11: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

14. Aren’t the products quite expensive?

Amway does not aim to be the

cheapest, it aims to be the best

value for money. There is a big

difference. Only a few people buy on

price, most buy on value.

Concentrated, well-researched, high

quality products with a 100%

satisfaction guarantee are the foundation of the business. Once people understand the value,

customer loyalty is exceptional. The "Nothing Compares Fact Sheets" which demonstrate the

value can be found at amway.com.au/nothingcompares.

15. Where do the Partner Stores fit in?

Partner Stores are companies who have made arrangements with

Amway to supply or service Amway business owners at preferential

rates. The buying power of tens of thousands of people mean that

Amway can negotiate excellent arrangements which typically also

include points which add to the monthly points total.

Because the profit on products from Partner Stores has to be also

shared with a third party, the point value is not as high on Amway

manufactured product, but all points are good!

16. Why do people seem to avoid mentioning Amway when first talking with new people?

In the past, some people's behaviours while building Amway businesses have been

unprofessional. Some have been pushy, over promising and manipulative. This behaviour led to

criticism of the company and damaged their reputation. In response, Amway tightened its Code

of Conduct, enforces it vigorously and now works very closely with Network 21 in the quality

control of training and support. Other people, especially those who lived through the 1970s, are

still confused about the whole pyramid thing.

This all means that people who have had or, more often, have just heard about a negative past

experience tend to have a cautious or closed attitude. This is frustrating when you have had a lot

of good experiences, but fortunately it is becoming less and less prevalent, especially amongst

younger people.

Page 12: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

17. So if I Amway what will I find out?

A mixed bag, like you do with all large and high

profile organisations. It ranges from the

genuine website with verified facts to

grumbling blogs with unverified stories of

people who have been unsuccessful because

Amway is such an “evil, immoral trickster”.

As time goes on, this hysterical nonsense is

steadily dying out as more and more people

have good experiences and look to the broader future, not a narrow slice of the past.

18. I’m not sure…what do I actually have to do?

Most people aren't completely sure about it all when they decide to 'just give it a go to see what

will happen'. There is a period of 'discovery' for a couple of months. This is why there is a 3

month money back satisfaction guarantee in place on both products and system materials, to

make it easy for people to explore.

Activity levels depend on how much

you want to make and learn, and how

quickly. This varies from person to

person and an experienced team

member will be able to match your

expectations with what your activity

should be.

Associating with the team, listening to

successful people's experiences and

advice on audio, trying out some of the products and seeing the business through the eyes of

some of the people you know are the best ways to discover whether this is for you.

19. If I want to find out if this is for me, what should I do next?

Visit amwaytoday.com and n21corp.com. If you

haven’t already, download the Network 21

CONNECT app so that you listen to some more


Get together with an experienced person in

the team who can help you get started

properly, and start thinking about what you would be able

to do with extra time and money. Your own goals are the

only drivers in this - you do not have a boss!

Page 13: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

20. Ok, I'm ready to give it a crack! What can I expect over the next few months?

The very best way to check it out is to participate for one business cycle, or ‘semester’. It’s a bit like doing a first semester at university. You get to know the people, you experience the routines, you learn new jargon, you try things out and you see how it all feels. And along the way, you start making progress!

This is an idea of what a first semester could look like -

A good quality first “Semester” or “4 month business cycle” -

Activity Time $ What happens Outcome $ Income

1. 2 x “Launch meetings”

5 hours Nil Explains the concept to others and provides them with a chance to take part if they wish, at any level they prefer.

5+ personally sponsored

If worked as a 'team player' then this activity and outcomes should result in the level of 9% Leaders Club with an income of about $250 per month, and be growing.

2. Attend 3 - 4 of the monthly

Business Development

Seminars (BDS’s)

4 hours a month

$20 each


See and hear first-hand from people who are at all stages of business growth.

Gain understanding of the business scope and potential.

3. Develop a Product Plan

2 hours, once

Saving money

Through a process of risk-free trial, identify a group of products that you enjoy and consider to be good value. Buy at wholesale.

Product confidence.

4. Come to some team training meetings and

Business Previews

2-3 hours a week

$5 per session

Team training in small groups on the specific skills of the business. The weekly Business Preview can be used to invite others to hear the business plan presented by an Executive Platinum or above.

Improved business skills and understanding of how to use the meeting program.

5. Listen to a 35 min. audio each day

Overlaps other

activities – driving, exercise


$40 per month

The Continuing Education Program (CEP) from Network 21 provides audio files on CD or MP3 to deliver training, success models, leadership development etc.

Significantly enhanced understanding of the business and the opportunity for learning.

Page 14: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,

And, here’s a sample of who’s in the

Page 15: Just checking it out! · 2020-02-07 · Mission Statement “We exist as a team to support Network 21 clients worldwide through quality support materials, meetings and information,