Jungle Rule of Project Teams All of us love Projects! Every project is unique. Each one challenges us; pushes us and make us to learn the hard way! The moment we mention Project, two aspects cross our minds. Time and Budget. One of the Murphy’s laws of Projects is “If a project is on time, it is twice expensive; if it is on budget, it is already late!” So every review focusses on Time and Money! In a Project management scenario, every component is “non - living” Even project management tool treats all Human beings as “Resources”! We forget, many a times, so called Resources are a team made of people with Six senses (some with seven too!!). We always have a Resource plan and not a Team Plan!! Right mix of team members with right set of “Attitudes” is as critical as, Deadlines and Budgets, for a Project to succeed. We all know, Project execution means: 1. Doing 2. Telling what we are Doing When I was trying to map them with team attitude, I got into this 2x2 “Jungle”! High Low Doing

Jungle Rule

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Team management

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Jungle Rule of Project TeamsAll of us love Projects! Every project is unique. Each one challenges us; pushes us and make us to learn the hard way! The moment we mention Project, two aspects cross our minds. Time and Budget.One of the Murphys laws of Projects isIf a project is on time, it is twice expensive; if it is on budget, it is already late! So every review focusses on Time and Money!In a Project management scenario, every component is non -living Even project management tool treats all Human beings as Resources! We forget, many a times, so called Resources are a team made of people with Six senses (some with seven too!!). We always have a Resource plan and not a Team Plan!!Right mix of team members with right set of Attitudes is as critical as, Deadlines and Budgets, for a Project to succeed.We all know, Project execution means:1. Doing2. Telling what we are DoingWhen I was trying to map them with team attitude, I got into this 2x2 Jungle!Let us discover our friends from Project Jungle!


Tigers: They perform well on tasks and Roar well too. They are focussed and they take pride in telling what they are doing, how they are meeting all the objectives, how they kill the challenges and all. In a meeting, they are very vocal and drive their points. Horses:They work hard; Very focussed. If you speak ten sentences to them, they respond with one. During every review, they demonstrate a body language to gallop out of the meeting, to get to the project task ASAP! You give a task to them, consider it is done! If somebody rubs them on wrong side, they kick violently too. Frequent pats and Rub on right sides keep them running for ever.Swans:They mind their own business. They are neither too happy nor too sad. They bring peace to the project. They get motivated only with work... Rest are all transient phases of life for them. They paddle hard beneath water, but always maintain elegance on surface!Peacocks:They take lot of pride in Telling. They can sell anything to anybody. They can convince all, on how their small action in project stopped WW III! They dance. They walk with pride. A good Peacock will build nice communication packages. As every project needs constant communication to Stakeholders, we need Peacocks to do the same in our team. Caution to be exercised to limit their Dancing to avoid risk of overselling!Rats:They are global delegators. They are Teflon coated and are very careful that no task is sticking to them. They were busy running everywhere so that no task can be assigned to them! They steal all resources and frequently hide into their holes! They maintain poor visibility in the team for survival.Best way to handle rats is to execute a perfect Rodent Control!

So how the Appraisal Normal Curve looks like for this Jungle?ExcellentPoor

It is in line with your expectations, right?Sometimes Telling team overtakes Doing Team! Peacocks overtake Horses and run alongwith Tigers!!Keeping our team motivated is important task. When Tigers and Horses run for pride, Swans need continuous work challenge; Peacocks need Reward Rains; Finally Cuckoos You know what they deserve!Have a Great Time with Right Jungle Team!
