June 2010 St. John UCC Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God ST. JOHN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1010 S P ARK B LVD ~ F REEPORT , IL www.stjohnuccfreeport.org The TIDINGS

June Tidings

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Church Monthly Newsletter

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St. John UCC

Bringing the Healing Love of Christ

To Our Community for the Glory of God


1 0 1 0 S P AR K B L V D ~ F R E E P O R T , IL








OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is

the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


On May 14-15, a group of us from St. John went to Sinsinawa Center, Sinsinawa, Wis. for another of our twice-a-year spiritual retreats. We spent time meditating on Psalm 92, where upon the Spirit of God led me to reflect on a portion of the opening verse: ―proclaim (God‘s) love in the morning, (God‘s) faithfulness in the night...‖ I continue with my


What a model for prayer: to begin each morning with an awareness of God‘s love and to end each day with a reflection on God‘s faithfulness to us throughout the day. Each day beginning with the knowledge and assurance of God‘s love for us. Each night being mindful that God has been faithful to us throughout the day. Each day we would come to look for and find God‘s faithfulness, and each night we would come to look forward to awaking to God‘s love.

Each day, then, would become filled with promise and gratitude. Each morning would remind us of the love we receive and in which we are called to live each day. Each evening would lead us to appreciation for the day just completed.

Just imagine the effect it would have upon our spirit and our lives. We would begin each day with the conscious embrace and action of declaring God‘s love for us. How might that impact our day and our greeting and relationships to people and tasks throughout the day?

Just imagine, also, that awareness of God‘s faithfulness to us throughout the day, when we arrive at night time, it would significantly reduce our anger, resentment, bitterness and jealousy toward the people and events of the past day.

We would grow in our conscious awareness of God‘s presence, faithfulness and love.

Imagine the strength of spirit and self this would develop in us - to consciously remember and proclaim God‘s love for us each






OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is

the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


On May 14-15, a group of us from St. John went to Sinsinawa Center, Sinsinawa, Wis. for another of our twice-a-year spiritual retreats. We spent time meditating on Psalm 92, where upon the Spirit of God led me to reflect on a portion of the opening verse: ―proclaim (God‘s) love in the morning, (God‘s) faithfulness in the night...‖ I continue with my


What a model for prayer: to begin each morning with an awareness of God‘s love and to end each day with a reflection on God‘s faithfulness to us throughout the day. Each day beginning with the knowledge and assurance of God‘s love for us. Each night being mindful that God has been faithful to us throughout the day. Each day we would come to look for and find God‘s faithfulness, and each night we would come to look forward to awaking to God‘s love.

Each day, then, would become filled with promise and gratitude. Each morning would remind us of the love we receive and in which we are called to live each day. Each evening would lead us to appreciation for the day just completed.

Just imagine the effect it would have upon our spirit and our lives. We would begin each day with the conscious embrace and action of declaring God‘s love for us. How might that impact our day and our greeting and relationships to people and tasks throughout the day?

Just imagine, also, that awareness of God‘s faithfulness to us throughout the day, when we arrive at night time, it would significantly reduce our anger, resentment, bitterness and jealousy toward the people and events of the past day.

We would grow in our conscious awareness of God‘s presence, faithfulness and love.

Imagine the strength of spirit and self this would develop in us - to consciously remember and proclaim God‘s love for us each


morning, and to consciously remember and declare God‘s faithfulness at night. We would come to know that whatever tomorrow brings, God will love us and be faithful to us. Whatever lies before us.

Now, we may say we know this is in our heart, mind, and spirit, but wouldn‘t it be powerful - a gift of vigor and strength - to remember and declare it, daily?

Begin a new spiritual practice: Proclaim God‘s love in the morning and declare God‘s faithfulness at night!

ST. JOHN MISSION TRIP 2010 June 19th they leave for a week long mission trip to Metarie Louisianna. Attending the mission trip are Donnley Dutcher, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Perry Cowan, Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Carol Ahrens, Denise Dykstra, Ionia Rice, Krista Hille, Jeanne Koch, Clyde & Jeannie Cross, Michelle Cross, Kelsey Zettle, Logan Kuntz, Markel Carroll and Wes & Joyce Robinson. It will be a week full of hard work but a rewarding experience. Please include these people in your prayers as they prepare for this up coming experience. There will be a Commissioning Service to bless them on their journey June 13th.

Kevin’s Korner…..

The Strength of Christ

So many of you know I've been on this life changing journey. Some of you have just started the same journey I began over two years ago. I've had some difficult times over the last few years and my choices about my health and fitness were definitely not God's will for me at all times. I don't always put Christ First in my life although I try to. Many of you struggle with your weight and health. Some of you stumble when you try to do the right thing. One thing that I have found is that

when I fall Christ is right there to pick me back up. Sometimes He is revealed to me through the people I work with, the friends I have in this congregation or the family I love. God also has been revealed to me through those he has placed in my life to help me along my weight loss journey. I see Christ working in my life and I so desperately want to share that joy with everyone. I want the joy I have found in placing Christ First to be yours.

My mentor and weight loss group Leader, Diane told Kirsten recently that what frustrated her the most about leading a group was my reluctance to workout the first year. I truly didn't "move it to lose it". I cut my calories and just gave God what I was comfortable with. Exercise just wasn't part of it for me. Diane always suggested that I do it but I was busy, lazy, full of excuses. One day I finally listened to Christ, revealed through Diane. She wanted me to get off my butt and move. So I did. I walked around the block, a few days later I walked to work. Then I started to lift weights, and I began to restore this Temple for God. So that I might be used to reveal God's will in others lives.

Something crazy happened today that got me thinking about the strength of God. I've recently started to add a little running into my walking times. I didn't think I could do it and I had every excuse building a wall in my mind. Today God showed me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). God helped me break through the excuses in my head and I ran over 3 miles without stopping or walking. Christ gave me the strength to do something I have never done before. I'm blessed every day when I put Christ First.


morning, and to consciously remember and declare God‘s faithfulness at night. We would come to know that whatever tomorrow brings, God will love us and be faithful to us. Whatever lies before us.

Now, we may say we know this is in our heart, mind, and spirit, but wouldn‘t it be powerful - a gift of vigor and strength - to remember and declare it, daily?

Begin a new spiritual practice: Proclaim God‘s love in the morning and declare God‘s faithfulness at night!

ST. JOHN MISSION TRIP 2010 June 19th they leave for a week long mission trip to Metarie Louisianna. Attending the mission trip are Donnley Dutcher, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Perry Cowan, Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Carol Ahrens, Denise Dykstra, Ionia Rice, Krista Hille, Jeanne Koch, Clyde & Jeannie Cross, Michelle Cross, Kelsey Zettle, Logan Kuntz, Markel Carroll and Wes & Joyce Robinson. It will be a week full of hard work but a rewarding experience. Please include these people in your prayers as they prepare for this up coming experience. There will be a Commissioning Service to bless them on their journey June 13th.

Kevin’s Korner…..

The Strength of Christ

So many of you know I've been on this life changing journey. Some of you have just started the same journey I began over two years ago. I've had some difficult times over the last few years and my choices about my health and fitness were definitely not God's will for me at all times. I don't always put Christ First in my life although I try to. Many of you struggle with your weight and health. Some of you stumble when you try to do the right thing. One thing that I have found is that

when I fall Christ is right there to pick me back up. Sometimes He is revealed to me through the people I work with, the friends I have in this congregation or the family I love. God also has been revealed to me through those he has placed in my life to help me along my weight loss journey. I see Christ working in my life and I so desperately want to share that joy with everyone. I want the joy I have found in placing Christ First to be yours.

My mentor and weight loss group Leader, Diane told Kirsten recently that what frustrated her the most about leading a group was my reluctance to workout the first year. I truly didn't "move it to lose it". I cut my calories and just gave God what I was comfortable with. Exercise just wasn't part of it for me. Diane always suggested that I do it but I was busy, lazy, full of excuses. One day I finally listened to Christ, revealed through Diane. She wanted me to get off my butt and move. So I did. I walked around the block, a few days later I walked to work. Then I started to lift weights, and I began to restore this Temple for God. So that I might be used to reveal God's will in others lives.

Something crazy happened today that got me thinking about the strength of God. I've recently started to add a little running into my walking times. I didn't think I could do it and I had every excuse building a wall in my mind. Today God showed me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). God helped me break through the excuses in my head and I ran over 3 miles without stopping or walking. Christ gave me the strength to do something I have never done before. I'm blessed every day when I put Christ First.


When we get out of God's way and allow His will for our lives to be transformative, we are blessed. Today as you navigate along your journey consider how much you trust in God's will for you and how much you are willing to listen to his guidance. Where in your life today are you allowing God's strength to help you in your journey. How can you give God more control in your life today?

Consumed by the Call, Kevin Eckert

GRADUATES There will be a Graduate Recognition on June 13th for all of those who are graduating (high school, college, etc.) please inform the office of your graduate so that we can recognize them by name during worship on Sunday, June 13th. Email the office at [email protected] or call (815)235-2824.

COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS St. John UCC has money available for college scholarships through the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply for an award. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application in the church office. Once completed, they should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked ―College Scholarship‖. You will also need to submit an acceptance letter or fall schedule from your school, plus a written paragraph or two, stating your intended course of study and what your career plans are once you have graduated from college.


Psalm 71:17 ―Since my youth, O God, You have taught me and to this day, I declare your marvelous deeds.‖

I ran across a devotion by Daniel Schantz the other day and it


When we get out of God's way and allow His will for our lives to be transformative, we are blessed. Today as you navigate along your journey consider how much you trust in God's will for you and how much you are willing to listen to his guidance. Where in your life today are you allowing God's strength to help you in your journey. How can you give God more control in your life today?

Consumed by the Call, Kevin Eckert

GRADUATES There will be a Graduate Recognition on June 13th for all of those who are graduating (high school, college, etc.) please inform the office of your graduate so that we can recognize them by name during worship on Sunday, June 13th. Email the office at [email protected] or call (815)235-2824.

COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS St. John UCC has money available for college scholarships through the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply for an award. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application in the church office. Once completed, they should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked ―College Scholarship‖. You will also need to submit an acceptance letter or fall schedule from your school, plus a written paragraph or two, stating your intended course of study and what your career plans are once you have graduated from college.


Psalm 71:17 ―Since my youth, O God, You have taught me and to this day, I declare your marvelous deeds.‖

I ran across a devotion by Daniel Schantz the other day and it


brought back memories that I want to share with you.

He says ‗children are voracious learners‘. Would you agree with that? They aren‘t out there to pursue a degree or earn a six figure salary, they just

want to know how things work!

When I was a small child, my mom had a treadle Singer Sewing Machine. That machine had the neatest little drawers. My mom filled those drawers with many colorful spools of thread. While she sewed, she let me play with the drawers. I would take them out of the machine, put them on the floor and tie a string to the little knobs. This was my ‗automobile‘ and I had a lot of hauling to do! My mom had patience that never ended. By the end of the day, I had a PHD in ‗spools of thread‘. Then, I probably moved on to being a loving mommy to my doll or maybe go climb a tree to see how high I could go before mom came out and ordered me down ―before you fall and break your neck!‖

Children have such curious minds and that‘s what is so wonderful about watching them at play. I love how their minds work and the innocent ways they express their thoughts.

I believe if we slow down a little (and I have a hard time with that one) we can be surprised by God and our child-like ways just might return. We don‘t know what God has planned for us each day - we just have to be open to learning something every day. Age has a way of dulling one‘s curiosity and isn‘t that a shame?

Daniel Schantz ends his devotion with these words ―Lord, give me the eyes of a child and tickle my imagination so that I can see the potential in ordinary things.‖

Keep a child-like mind and be curious about all things.

Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator of Laycare Ministry


Applying Bible Principles

God's Word has more to say about money and material possessions than about heaven and hell combined. Obviously,

how we as His children handle what God has entrusted to us is a very important subject to Him.

Money is also the only subject about which God says, in essence, "Prove Me.

Trust Me. Try Me." He does not issue that challenge concerning any other aspect of our Christian walk of faith. Not about prayer; not about sharing our faith with others; not even about salvation. Just money.

God said to Malachi, the prophet, "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test . . . see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing."

Some promises in the Bible are unconditional in nature. They are going to be fulfilled, regardless of what we might or might not do. Others could be described as "if . . . then" promises. If we will do our part, then God will do His part. This passage from Malachi 3:10 is one of the latter. If we will bring our tithes to God's storehouse, then He will open for us the windows of heaven and pour out for us such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.

The question is whether we really believe God when He makes a promise like this. If we do, we will take Him at His Word. We will accept His challenge and "test" Him by giving to Him as He direct. And if we do that by faith, then we can be confident that God will meet that "test" by providing all we need ‹ and more.



brought back memories that I want to share with you.

He says ‗children are voracious learners‘. Would you agree with that? They aren‘t out there to pursue a degree or earn a six figure salary, they just

want to know how things work!

When I was a small child, my mom had a treadle Singer Sewing Machine. That machine had the neatest little drawers. My mom filled those drawers with many colorful spools of thread. While she sewed, she let me play with the drawers. I would take them out of the machine, put them on the floor and tie a string to the little knobs. This was my ‗automobile‘ and I had a lot of hauling to do! My mom had patience that never ended. By the end of the day, I had a PHD in ‗spools of thread‘. Then, I probably moved on to being a loving mommy to my doll or maybe go climb a tree to see how high I could go before mom came out and ordered me down ―before you fall and break your neck!‖

Children have such curious minds and that‘s what is so wonderful about watching them at play. I love how their minds work and the innocent ways they express their thoughts.

I believe if we slow down a little (and I have a hard time with that one) we can be surprised by God and our child-like ways just might return. We don‘t know what God has planned for us each day - we just have to be open to learning something every day. Age has a way of dulling one‘s curiosity and isn‘t that a shame?

Daniel Schantz ends his devotion with these words ―Lord, give me the eyes of a child and tickle my imagination so that I can see the potential in ordinary things.‖

Keep a child-like mind and be curious about all things.

Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator of Laycare Ministry


Applying Bible Principles

God's Word has more to say about money and material possessions than about heaven and hell combined. Obviously,

how we as His children handle what God has entrusted to us is a very important subject to Him.

Money is also the only subject about which God says, in essence, "Prove Me.

Trust Me. Try Me." He does not issue that challenge concerning any other aspect of our Christian walk of faith. Not about prayer; not about sharing our faith with others; not even about salvation. Just money.

God said to Malachi, the prophet, "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test . . . see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing."

Some promises in the Bible are unconditional in nature. They are going to be fulfilled, regardless of what we might or might not do. Others could be described as "if . . . then" promises. If we will do our part, then God will do His part. This passage from Malachi 3:10 is one of the latter. If we will bring our tithes to God's storehouse, then He will open for us the windows of heaven and pour out for us such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.

The question is whether we really believe God when He makes a promise like this. If we do, we will take Him at His Word. We will accept His challenge and "test" Him by giving to Him as He direct. And if we do that by faith, then we can be confident that God will meet that "test" by providing all we need ‹ and more.



Praise & in the Park

Sunday June 13th On Flagstaff Hill in the large shelter

Praise service at 11:00am & Picnic at noon, Lots of fun for all—good food, Frisbee Golf and Fellowship. Bring your Frisbees if you have them or we will supply them. Bring your own table setting and a dish or two to pass.

Relay for Life is just around the corner. The dates are June 18th and 19th, Father‘s Day weekend. Kickoff is at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 18th.

We are looking for members to join our team, come out and have some fun with us, or just walk a few laps. We all know of someone or have someone in our families that has been touched with cancer. What a wonderful way to honor them, and come out for one evening to walk for a cure. Join our team by going on the internet

to www.relayforlifestephenson.com and follow the quick and easy steps. We will have a sign-up table in the narthex after church beginning June 6th to get the information out and help you sign up for the team.

If you have any questions, please call Pam Wessel in the office. We will need to know that you have signed up and get your fund raising packets to you. We hope to see a great turnout again this year!



Help make our church beautiful this spring and summer! The landscape and grounds need your tender love and care; be sure to sign up for an area to care for. You don‘t have to be a master gardener to put some love into a much needed commitment. A little weeding, planting and trimming is all it takes to make St. John a beautiful place inside and out.


Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items. Please bring your donations to church. We will also be receiving monetary

donations on June 6th for the FACC emergency fund. $286 was collected in May.

CHANGE FOR LIFE For all of you who picked up a baby bottle Mothers Day or in the month of May,....Please remember to fill it with your pocket change, currency or checks to help the Freeport Pregnancy Center and the

families they serve. Please return your filled bottle by June 20th, Father‘s Day.



We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Detective Stories from the Bible‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us.


Praise & in the Park

Sunday June 13th On Flagstaff Hill in the large shelter

Praise service at 11:00am & Picnic at noon, Lots of fun for all—good food, Frisbee Golf and Fellowship. Bring your Frisbees if you have them or we will supply them. Bring your own table setting and a dish or two to pass.

Relay for Life is just around the corner. The dates are June 18th and 19th, Father‘s Day weekend. Kickoff is at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 18th.

We are looking for members to join our team, come out and have some fun with us, or just walk a few laps. We all know of someone or have someone in our families that has been touched with cancer. What a wonderful way to honor them, and come out for one evening to walk for a cure. Join our team by going on the internet

to www.relayforlifestephenson.com and follow the quick and easy steps. We will have a sign-up table in the narthex after church beginning June 6th to get the information out and help you sign up for the team.

If you have any questions, please call Pam Wessel in the office. We will need to know that you have signed up and get your fund raising packets to you. We hope to see a great turnout again this year!



Help make our church beautiful this spring and summer! The landscape and grounds need your tender love and care; be sure to sign up for an area to care for. You don‘t have to be a master gardener to put some love into a much needed commitment. A little weeding, planting and trimming is all it takes to make St. John a beautiful place inside and out.


Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items. Please bring your donations to church. We will also be receiving monetary

donations on June 6th for the FACC emergency fund. $286 was collected in May.

CHANGE FOR LIFE For all of you who picked up a baby bottle Mothers Day or in the month of May,....Please remember to fill it with your pocket change, currency or checks to help the Freeport Pregnancy Center and the

families they serve. Please return your filled bottle by June 20th, Father‘s Day.



We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Detective Stories from the Bible‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us.



Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer

work! June 24th we will assemble The Tidings.


June 21st at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall


Will not be meeting in June. See you July 3rd.


Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship.. You won‘t always get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring cookies, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 4 dozen to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. Thank you!

YAHOOS WILL CHAIR IN JUNE—Coffee Hour the 1st Sunday only during June/July/August

6/6— Dwight & Diane Peterson, Royce & Janet Piefer, Donna

Polhill, Gary Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Kelly & Dale Priewe, Betty Pruitt, Rodney Pruitt


7/4— Kristin & Trent Rademaker, Steven & Jeanette Rafferty, John & Paula Rawleigh, Marilyn Rawleigh, John & Debra Rice, Shaun & Erin Rice, Floyd & Marsha Roberts, Doris Roberts


Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office.


June 6 – Stan & Carol Smith June 13 – Jane Lehman & Carole Robieson June 20 – Tim & Lisa Ebbers June 27 – Vivian & Floyd Schlickman WELCOMERS

June 6 – Gina Bertram & Doris Last June 13 – Royce & Janet Piefer June 20 – Thelma Neberman & Claire Biesemeier June 27 – Evelyn Dworak & LaVonne Wagenknecht NURSERY

June 6 – Kirsten Eckert & Rachel Roemer June 13 – Paula Rawleigh & VOLUNTEER NEEDED June 20 – Ebbers family June 27 – Anita & Rachel Bicksler


6/06 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew

6/13 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith



Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer

work! June 24th we will assemble The Tidings.


June 21st at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall


Will not be meeting in June. See you July 3rd.


Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship.. You won‘t always get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring cookies, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 4 dozen to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. Thank you!

YAHOOS WILL CHAIR IN JUNE—Coffee Hour the 1st Sunday only during June/July/August

6/6— Dwight & Diane Peterson, Royce & Janet Piefer, Donna

Polhill, Gary Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Kelly & Dale Priewe, Betty Pruitt, Rodney Pruitt


7/4— Kristin & Trent Rademaker, Steven & Jeanette Rafferty, John & Paula Rawleigh, Marilyn Rawleigh, John & Debra Rice, Shaun & Erin Rice, Floyd & Marsha Roberts, Doris Roberts


Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office.


June 6 – Stan & Carol Smith June 13 – Jane Lehman & Carole Robieson June 20 – Tim & Lisa Ebbers June 27 – Vivian & Floyd Schlickman WELCOMERS

June 6 – Gina Bertram & Doris Last June 13 – Royce & Janet Piefer June 20 – Thelma Neberman & Claire Biesemeier June 27 – Evelyn Dworak & LaVonne Wagenknecht NURSERY

June 6 – Kirsten Eckert & Rachel Roemer June 13 – Paula Rawleigh & VOLUNTEER NEEDED June 20 – Ebbers family June 27 – Anita & Rachel Bicksler


6/06 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew

6/13 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith


6/20 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman

6/27 Lee & Nancy Otte, & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch,


June 6 – Mike Smith 297-9092 June 13- Don Valkema 235-7395 June 20 – Lucille Lee 232-5581 June 27 – Jack Criddle 233-2304

If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!


5/02 - 180

5/09 - 180

5/16 - 192

5/23 - 125


HOSPITALIZED: Dorothy Albrecht, Carla Meyer, Dick Clark

PRAYER CHAIN: Meghann Talbot, Kelly & Steve, Mary Bicker, Danita Bruce, Dick Clark


6/20 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman

6/27 Lee & Nancy Otte, & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch,


June 6 – Mike Smith 297-9092 June 13- Don Valkema 235-7395 June 20 – Lucille Lee 232-5581 June 27 – Jack Criddle 233-2304

If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!


5/02 - 180

5/09 - 180

5/16 - 192

5/23 - 125


HOSPITALIZED: Dorothy Albrecht, Carla Meyer, Dick Clark

PRAYER CHAIN: Meghann Talbot, Kelly & Steve, Mary Bicker, Danita Bruce, Dick Clark

June Scripture Readings

01 Luke 10:25-37 17 Genesis 48:1-22

02 John 13:1-38 18 Genesis 49:29-50:14

03 John 21:1-25 19 Genesis 50:15-26

04 Romans 12:1-21 20 Psalm 112

05 Romans 13:1-14 21 Acts 1:1-11

06 Romans 14:1-23 22 Acts1:12-26

07 Psalm 33 23 1 Corinthians 4:1-21

08 Deuteronomy 1:1-18 24 Numbers 27:12-23

09 Deuteronomy 24:5-22 25 Joshua 1:1-18

10 Genesis 42:1-38 26 Joshua 2:1-24

11 Genesis 43:1-34 27 Joshua 23:1-16

12 Genesis 44:1-34 28 Joshua 24:1-28

13 Genesis 45:1-28 29 Ezekiel 3:12-27

14 Genesis 46:1-27 30 Joel 2:28-3:8

15 Genesis 46:28-47:12 31 Acts 2:1-13

16 Genesis 47:13-31



May 10, 2010

Members Present: John Hendren, Bruce Dykstra, Daryl Tessmann, Mary Arnold, Lisa Ebbers, Carla Meyer, Ulan Price, Jeanne Cross, Ben Lee, Perry Cowan, Patty Weik, and Pastor Dutcher.

President Perry Cowan called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Pastor Dutcher opened with prayer.

Minutes: The April Council minutes were approved as presented.

Financial Reports: The financial reports were reviewed. Daryl thoughtfully went through the layout of the financial reports for the benefit of the new council members, and all of us. Thank you, Daryl. Carla Meyer moved, and Ulan Price seconded a motion to accept the financial reports as presented. Motion carried.

Ruth raised some concern and brought to our attention that there are some checks that haven‘t been paid out, and wants to know if she should stop-issue on the checks in question. The payments were approved

through the Missions Ministry. Pastor Dutcher will look into this.

Boiler Fund to Money Market?: The Endowment Board doesn‘t want the $10,000 put back into their investments, because we actually lost money the last time we did that. Since we need the money to be accessible, Ruth suggested putting the money into a money market account. Ben Lee made a motion to move $10,000 from the Boiler Fund to be put into a current money market account. Mary Arnold seconded. Motion carried. The remaining $12,000 in the Boiler Fund will be given back to Property Management, so the Boiler Fund account can be closed. Career Tech Question: Pat Maley, coordinator for Career Tech, called Pastor Dutcher to ask if we plan to raise their cost of renting the facilities next year. With all of the cuts being made by the state, they are very

concerned about losing funding for their program, and want/hope to keep the program alive. They are currently renting three rooms from us. Pastor Dutcher recommended we not raise their rent at this time. We have a very good relationship with the people associated with Career Tech, and it is good to have the space being used. Council approved not to raise the rates.

Special Fund Drive: Pastor Dutcher has gotten positive feedback from the various ministries in relation to proposing a fund drive to purchase new pew cushions, update furniture in Chapel Hearth, and air conditioning for Chapel Hearth. The pew cushions will cost approximately $13,000-14,000 dollars. The office staff is working on the cost to update the furniture in the Chapel Hearth, and Keith Hinrichs is getting a bid from Mechanical to put air conditioning in the Chapel Hearth. The proposed funding for the projects would come from Property Management, Endowment, Stewardship, and the congregation. The three ministries have already approved their financial support of these projects. Stewardship has noted there are some memorial gifts that have been unused for nearly ten years, and felt the families who gave those memorials would appreciate seeing the money put to good use. This proposal will require a congregational meeting.

Lisa Ebbers made a motion to go forward with the fund drive. Ulan Price seconded. Motion carried.

Pastor Dutcher suggested July 11th for the congregational meeting. This will give the Stewardship Ministry time to approach the families about approving their memorial gifts for this project. Daryl suggested letting the Stewardship Ministry ―sponsor‖ this project. It is important to note that no project will begin until the money is there to pay for it. The three projects will be prioritized, with the pew cushions likely to be the first project completed, and will be done as the money comes in. “If The Church Were Christian” : Pastor Dutcher led discussion of the Introduction and Chapter I.

PRESI DE NT Perry Cowan V ICE PRES I DE NT Daryl Tessmann SECRET ARY Patty Weik T REAS UR ER Ulan Price CHR IST I AN ED. Lisa Ebbers CHURC HGR OWT H & MEM BERS HI P John Hendren FELL OW S HI P Carla Meyer M ISSI ONS Bill Condie PROPERT Y MANAG EM ENT Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra ST AF F REL AT I ONS Jeanne Cross ST EW AR DS HI P Ulan Price WOR S HI P Patty Weik Mary Arnold



May 10, 2010

Members Present: John Hendren, Bruce Dykstra, Daryl Tessmann, Mary Arnold, Lisa Ebbers, Carla Meyer, Ulan Price, Jeanne Cross, Ben Lee, Perry Cowan, Patty Weik, and Pastor Dutcher.

President Perry Cowan called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Pastor Dutcher opened with prayer.

Minutes: The April Council minutes were approved as presented.

Financial Reports: The financial reports were reviewed. Daryl thoughtfully went through the layout of the financial reports for the benefit of the new council members, and all of us. Thank you, Daryl. Carla Meyer moved, and Ulan Price seconded a motion to accept the financial reports as presented. Motion carried.

Ruth raised some concern and brought to our attention that there are some checks that haven‘t been paid out, and wants to know if she should stop-issue on the checks in question. The payments were approved

through the Missions Ministry. Pastor Dutcher will look into this.

Boiler Fund to Money Market?: The Endowment Board doesn‘t want the $10,000 put back into their investments, because we actually lost money the last time we did that. Since we need the money to be accessible, Ruth suggested putting the money into a money market account. Ben Lee made a motion to move $10,000 from the Boiler Fund to be put into a current money market account. Mary Arnold seconded. Motion carried. The remaining $12,000 in the Boiler Fund will be given back to Property Management, so the Boiler Fund account can be closed. Career Tech Question: Pat Maley, coordinator for Career Tech, called Pastor Dutcher to ask if we plan to raise their cost of renting the facilities next year. With all of the cuts being made by the state, they are very

concerned about losing funding for their program, and want/hope to keep the program alive. They are currently renting three rooms from us. Pastor Dutcher recommended we not raise their rent at this time. We have a very good relationship with the people associated with Career Tech, and it is good to have the space being used. Council approved not to raise the rates.

Special Fund Drive: Pastor Dutcher has gotten positive feedback from the various ministries in relation to proposing a fund drive to purchase new pew cushions, update furniture in Chapel Hearth, and air conditioning for Chapel Hearth. The pew cushions will cost approximately $13,000-14,000 dollars. The office staff is working on the cost to update the furniture in the Chapel Hearth, and Keith Hinrichs is getting a bid from Mechanical to put air conditioning in the Chapel Hearth. The proposed funding for the projects would come from Property Management, Endowment, Stewardship, and the congregation. The three ministries have already approved their financial support of these projects. Stewardship has noted there are some memorial gifts that have been unused for nearly ten years, and felt the families who gave those memorials would appreciate seeing the money put to good use. This proposal will require a congregational meeting.

Lisa Ebbers made a motion to go forward with the fund drive. Ulan Price seconded. Motion carried.

Pastor Dutcher suggested July 11th for the congregational meeting. This will give the Stewardship Ministry time to approach the families about approving their memorial gifts for this project. Daryl suggested letting the Stewardship Ministry ―sponsor‖ this project. It is important to note that no project will begin until the money is there to pay for it. The three projects will be prioritized, with the pew cushions likely to be the first project completed, and will be done as the money comes in. “If The Church Were Christian” : Pastor Dutcher led discussion of the Introduction and Chapter I.


Spiritual Health Fair: Pastor Dutcher briefly talked about a spe-cial event that Church Growth is working on. On November 13th, Church Growth would like to host a Spiritual Health Fair. This event will be open to the community and offer participants a mind, body, spirit experience, involving Jin Shin Do, Art and Spirituality, Christ First 4 Health, Meditation and Spirituality. This wonderful idea already has commitments from several individuals willing to share their expertise in these areas. More information to come, later. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm Secretary, Patty Weik

************************************************************************** Thank you for your support of Chicago, United, and Eden Semi-naries. Thank you for making theological education a vital minis-try of your congregation. –Kiely Todd Roska ************************************************************************** Thank you for your generous continued support. You truly are a blessing in many ways. Our food pantry is servicing approx. 900 people each month. –Charlotte Nold, St. John Church, Chicago ************************************************************************** Habitat for humanity of Freeport, IL would like to express our sin-cere gratitude for your generous donation of $400 for our on go-ing projects in Freeport and Stephenson County. - Barbara Green ************************************************************************** The flowers on May 16th were a token of our appreciation for your church members‘ participation in the Meals on Wheels pro-gram. A special thanks to your coordinators James and Sherrill Spaide—Kay Brooks Director of FHN Volunteer Resources ************************************************************************** Thank you for your generous donation of $400 to the Salvation Army. With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to help many families and individuals not only to meet es-sential daily needs, but to work toward a brighter future. –Major Dennis M. Hale, Corps Officer


Beginning Balance January 1,2010 $28,364.92 05/01 General Fund Beginning Balance $34,590.15 05/03 GF Income $5629.50 05/10 GF Income $4,997.10 05/17 GF Income $4,396.32 Less 05/21 GF Payroll & Compensation $10,174.82 05/21 GF Other Checks $3,705.86 05/21 GF Current Bills Outstanding $1,132.02 05/21 Ending Balance $34,600.37 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $29,559.65 05/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance $17,381.28 05/03 BD Income $293.00 05/10 BD Income $505.00 05/17 BD Income $295.00 Less 05/21 BD Checks $280.00 05/21 BD Current Bills Outstanding $0.00 05/21 Ending Balance $18,194.28 ___________________________________________________ 05/21 Boiler Fund Balance $22,753.84


Spiritual Health Fair: Pastor Dutcher briefly talked about a spe-cial event that Church Growth is working on. On November 13th, Church Growth would like to host a Spiritual Health Fair. This event will be open to the community and offer participants a mind, body, spirit experience, involving Jin Shin Do, Art and Spirituality, Christ First 4 Health, Meditation and Spirituality. This wonderful idea already has commitments from several individuals willing to share their expertise in these areas. More information to come, later. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm Secretary, Patty Weik

************************************************************************** Thank you for your support of Chicago, United, and Eden Semi-naries. Thank you for making theological education a vital minis-try of your congregation. –Kiely Todd Roska ************************************************************************** Thank you for your generous continued support. You truly are a blessing in many ways. Our food pantry is servicing approx. 900 people each month. –Charlotte Nold, St. John Church, Chicago ************************************************************************** Habitat for humanity of Freeport, IL would like to express our sin-cere gratitude for your generous donation of $400 for our on go-ing projects in Freeport and Stephenson County. - Barbara Green ************************************************************************** The flowers on May 16th were a token of our appreciation for your church members‘ participation in the Meals on Wheels pro-gram. A special thanks to your coordinators James and Sherrill Spaide—Kay Brooks Director of FHN Volunteer Resources ************************************************************************** Thank you for your generous donation of $400 to the Salvation Army. With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to help many families and individuals not only to meet es-sential daily needs, but to work toward a brighter future. –Major Dennis M. Hale, Corps Officer


Beginning Balance January 1,2010 $28,364.92 05/01 General Fund Beginning Balance $34,590.15 05/03 GF Income $5629.50 05/10 GF Income $4,997.10 05/17 GF Income $4,396.32 Less 05/21 GF Payroll & Compensation $10,174.82 05/21 GF Other Checks $3,705.86 05/21 GF Current Bills Outstanding $1,132.02 05/21 Ending Balance $34,600.37 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $29,559.65 05/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance $17,381.28 05/03 BD Income $293.00 05/10 BD Income $505.00 05/17 BD Income $295.00 Less 05/21 BD Checks $280.00 05/21 BD Current Bills Outstanding $0.00 05/21 Ending Balance $18,194.28 ___________________________________________________ 05/21 Boiler Fund Balance $22,753.84