PW 61-2012 June 5, 2012 Niagaraw Region REPORT TO: Public Works Committee i ' SUBJECT: Registered Charity WasteIRecyc|ing Exemptions RECOMMENDATION 1. That landfill tipping fee exemptions BE APPROVED for registered charities that 3. have a primary function of accepting goods for reuse for the purpose of raising funds or donation to assist others, as per the procedure outlined in Appendix 1. 2. That unlimited curbside recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection BE APPROVED for registered charities outside the Designated Business Area (DBA) on a request basis only, at the 2012 quoted price of $101 per stop, excluding HST. 3. That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, doing business as Emterra Environmental, BE PREPARED by the Director of Legal Services to incorporate the changes to the scope of work as outlined in this report. 4. That the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, doing business as Emterra Environmental, on behalf of the Corporation. 5. That the Waste Management Services By-Law 04-2012 BE AMENDED to reflect the registered charity service level as approved by Council. 6. That the landfill tipping fee exemptions BE IDENTIFIED through the 2013 operating budget and onwards in a transparent manner. PURPOSE . Establish new or revised policy, by-law or service standard The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the updated landfill tipping fee exemption process and unlimited curbside recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection, on a request basis only for eligible charities. 1

June Niagaraw Region - Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada · That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, ... Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee ... textiles,

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Page 1: June Niagaraw Region - Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada · That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, ... Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee ... textiles,

PW 61-2012 June 5, 2012

Niagaraw Region

REPORT TO: Public Works Committeei


SUBJECT: Registered Charity WasteIRecyc|ing Exemptions


1. That landfill tipping fee exemptions BE APPROVED for registered charities that 3. have a primary function of accepting goods for reuse for the purpose of raising

funds or donation to assist others, as per the procedure outlined in Appendix 1.

2. That unlimited curbside recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection BE APPROVED for registered charities outside the Designated Business Area (DBA) on a request basis only, at the 2012 quoted price of $101 per stop, excluding HST.

3. That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, doing business as I

Emterra Environmental, BE PREPARED by the Director of Legal Services to incorporate the changes to the scope of work as outlined in this report.

4. That the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, doing business as Emterra

Environmental, on behalf of the Corporation.

5. That the Waste Management Services By-Law 04-2012 BE AMENDED to reflect the registered charity service level as approved by Council.

6. That the landfill tipping fee exemptions BE IDENTIFIED through the 2013 operating budget and onwards in a transparent manner.


• Establish new or revised policy, by-law or service standard

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the updated landfill tipping fee exemption

process and unlimited curbside recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection, on a request

basis only for eligible charities.


Page 2: June Niagaraw Region - Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada · That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, ... Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee ... textiles,

PW 61-2012 June 5, 2012


The Region currently exempts approved charities from landfill tipping fees. ln 2011, the

cost of these exemptions totaled $153,262 at Regional landfills and $6,837 at the Walker

Environmental Drop-off. lt is anticipated that an updated approval process and criteria for

landfill tipping fee exemptions for eligible charities will result in an annual incremental loss

in tipping fee revenue of approximately $12,340 to the Region.

Based on 398 eligible organizations and the cost of curbside collection of $101 per stop,

the upset limit to provide unlimited recycling and organics (Green Bin) to registered

charities would be approximately $40,198 (2012 price, excluding HST). However, it is

estimated that only a subset of eligible charities would need to request this service,

considering the inquiries received to date.

Given a mid-year implementation date for the updated tipping fee exemption and the

limited requests anticipated for the curbside exemption, the projected cost in 2012 of

recommendations included in this report can be accommodated within the approved 2012

Budget. Funds that were budgeted for the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&l)

clear bag pilot, which was not approved as per report PW 47-2012, would be applied to _

the cost of the exemptions. The full annual cost of the exemptions will be included in the

2013 operating budget.


Staff reviewed the Region’s current charity tipping fee exemption process and investigated

potential curbside exemption options based on requests made by charities. The following

three options were considered:

1. Continue to provide landfill tipping fee exemptions for eligible charities with a

primary function of accepting goods for reuse for raising funds or donations to

assist others, subject to the completion and approval of a "LandHl| Tipping Fee

Exemption Application".

2. Allow charities outside the Designated Business Areas (DBAs) to place unlimited

amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to the curb for collection on a

request basis only.

3. Allow charities outside DBAs and using curbside garbage collection to purchase garbage tags and place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to

the curb for collection on a request basis only.

ln each option, the organization must be a registered as a charity with the Canadian

Revenue Agency (CRA).

Only those registered charities outside DBAs were considered for Options 2 and 3 as there are additional or enhanced senrices for lC&l properties in DBAs.


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PW 61-2012 June 5, 2012

The costs and advantages/disadvantages associated with each option are outlined in

Appendix 2.

Policies in Other Jurisdictions A sunrey of 14 municipalities was conducted to determine their policies with regards to garbage tags, recycling/organics collection and Iandtill tipping fee exemptions and other

waste disposal or diversion subsidies for charities. The sunrey results are found in

Appendix 3.

Recommended Options Based on the practices in other jurisdictions, costs and advantages/disadvantages

associated with the three options outlined above, staff recommend implementing both

Options 1 and 2. Option 3 is not recommended.

Option 1- Landfill Tipping Fee Exemptions

Option 1 is to continue to provide landfill tipping fee exemptions for registered charities that

have a primary function of accepting goods for reuse for raising funds or donation to assist

others. This would be subject to the completion and approval of a "LandfilI Tipping Fee

Exemption Application". Staff have updated the eligibility requirements and prepared

terms and conditions for landfill tipping fee exemptions for registered charities. The

eligibility requirements and terms and conditions are found in Appendix 1.

The Region already provides exemptions for approved charities at the Region’s landfill

sites or Walker Environmental Drop—off Depot. An excerpt from PWA 206-2000 is found in Appendix 4 and explains the current exemption in further detail.

There are currently 35 organizations approved to receive landfill tipping fee exemptions. In

2011, 28 of these organizations brought in 1,805 tonnes of waste to Regional landfills and

the Walker facility. A list of the current organizations exempt from tipping fees and tonnages brought into the above sites in 2010 and 2011 is found in Appendix 5.

Organizations that currently have landfill tipping fee exemptions, but do not meet the

eligibility requirements set out in Appendix, 1 will be grandfathered in.

Special clean-ups organized by community groups or other organizations will be handled

based on the current practice, as per Appendix 6

Option 2 - Unlimited Curbside Recycling and Organics (Green Bin) Collection

Option 2 allows registered charities outside the DBA to place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to the curb for collection, on a request basis. The

charity sector currently receives the same base collection sen/ice as |C&l properties. The

current senrices and proposed changes are listed in Appendix 7.

A small subset of properties will likely request the proposed unlimited curbside recycling and organics collection service based on the inquiries received to date.


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PW 61-2012 June 5, 2012

The diversion program is made more convenient under this option and other material can be directed to the landfill site by those charities eligible for the tipping fee exemptions.

Waste Management Planning Steering Committee (WMPSC) Input

On April 30, 2012, WMPSC received a report parallel to PW 61-2012 and supported the report recommendations. In addition, WMPSC passed a motion that the following recommendation be added:

‘That landfill tipping fee exemptions are identified through the 2013 operating budget

and onwards in a transparent manner.’

REPORTS PERTINENT TO THIS MATTER PWA 206-2000 — Tipping Fees for Residential Self-Hauled Waste, Commercial Haulers, Contractors and Businesses, Public Works and Utilities Committee, September 26, 2000.

Submitted by: Approved by:

,. / ` '

[5 Kenneth J. Brothers, |. Eng. FIWA Mike Trojan

Commissioner of Public Works Chief Administ . = OfhcerE

Appendix 1 — Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee Exemptions Guidelines Appendix 2 — Option Costs and Associated Advantages and Disadvantages Appendix 3 — Policies in Other Jurisdictions Appendix4— Excerpt from PWA 206-2000 — Tipping Fees for Residential Self-Hauled

Waste, Commercial Haulers, Contractors and Businesses

Appendix5 - 2010-2011 Garbage Tonnages from Charities Receiving Landfill Tipping

Fee Exemptions Appendix 6 - Practice for Special Clean Ups Organized by Community Groups or Other


Appendix 7 - Current and Proposed Services for lC&| Properties Inside DBAs

This report was prepared by Sherri Tait, Program Manager and reviewed by Catherine

Habermebl, Acting Director Waste Management Services and Glen Cowan, Associate

Director Public Works Finance.



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Niagarai, Region PUBLIC WORKS

Appendix 1

Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee Exemptions Guidelines

The Niagara Region currently provides landfill tipping fee exemptions to eligible registered charities in Niagara Region. These guidelines outline the eligibility requirements, approval process, non—e|igib|e materials and roles and

responsibilities of the Region and registered charities receiving a landfill tipping fee exemption. Revisions to these guidelines may be undertaken by Niagara Region, on an as needed basis, to maintain the integrity and intent of the landfill tipping fee exemptions.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible charities must:

a) Have a primary function of accepting goods for reuse for the purpose of raising funds or donation to assist others in the community; and

b) Be registered as a ‘charity’ with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Request Submission Requirements

Registered charities, seeking a landfill tipping fee exemption, must submit a

completed ‘LandfiI| Tipping Fee Exemption App|ication’, outlining the activities undertaken in the Region for the benefit of others. The application must contain the following information:

a) Organization name, a description of the organization, the programs

operated in Niagara Region, the location and staffing of their facility (or facilities).

b) Contact name, number and email address. This person will act as the

liaison between the Region and the organization.

c) Their CRA registration number. The registration number will be verified with CRA using their on-line search tool. lf the registration number cannot be found, a copy of their declaration by the Canada Revenue Agency as a

charity will be required.

d) A description of the type and estimated quantity of tonnes (or kilograms) of materials to be disposed of on an annual basis.

e) A description of the organization’s diversion programs and processes in place to ensure materials are properly sorted as per the Region’s Solid

Waste By-Law, and to ensure only non-recyclable materials are disposed of in the landfill at no charge.

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f) Table listing the type of materials received for reuse or diversion (e.g.

reusable goods, textiles, tires, electronics, etc.) and weight by each material category for the previous calendar year (January 1 to December 31). This data is needed for submission to Waste Diversion Ontario to calculate the Region’s annual residential waste diversion rate.

g) Notwithstanding the above, Niagara Region, may, from time to time, request additional information in support of the application.

Audit Requirements

Registered charities requesting landfill tipping fee exemptions may be subject to periodic audit of material being brought in the Region’s landfills or Walker’s Drop-

off Depot to ensure only non—recyclab|e material is being disposed of.

Landfill Tipping Fee Exemption Approval (or Denial)

Niagara Region will review all requests for landfill tipping fee exemptions and determine whether the registered charity is eligible for the exemption.

The Associate Director of Waste Disposal Operations will notify registered

charities seeking landfill tipping fee exemptions, in writing, whether their request

has been approved or denied. Organizations that receive approval will be directed to a Regional Landfill unless othewvise noted in the letter of approval that the organization can use Walker’s Drop-off Depot.

For non profit organizations receiving approval, these guidelines for tipping fee exemptions will be sent and the letter, when co-signed and returned to the Associate Director of Waste Disposal Operations, will form the basis of the agreement for eligibility for the landfill tipping fee exemption.

Registered charities denied approval for a landfill tipping fee exemption, may reapply for consideration once the noted reasons for denial have been addressed.

Landfill Tipping Fee Exemption Renewal

All registered charities must reapply every year to retain their exemption from landfill tipping fees. The Region will send a reminder letter to each approved registered charity, prior to the expiry of the exemption.

Re-submission should be directed to the Associate Director of Waste Disposal Operations at least two (2) months prior to the expiration of their exemption to avoid delays in re—approva|.

Annual renewal is not guaranteed.

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Exemption Termination

Niagara Region reserves the right to cancel the exemption to a registered charity

at any time, should the original condition(s) of their request no longer apply, they contravene the Region’s Solid Waste By-Law, recyclable material is not

separated from waste and it is disposed of with garbage or unacceptable material is brought into the Region’s landfill or Wa|ker’s Drop-off Depot.

Notice will be given one (1) month ahead of termination to the exemption. lf

termination is a result of contravening the Region’s Solid Waste By-Law, recyclable material not being separated from waste and being disposed of with

garbage or disposing of unacceptable material, the organization will be given

time to rectify any issues. lf any issues are not rectified in a timely manner the exemption will be terminated with a final notice letter.

Non-Eligible Materials

Landfill tipping fee exemptions will not apply if garbage is not properly separated

from recyclable material as per the Region’s Solid Waste By-Law. This is to

ensure only garbage and bulky goods (i.e. non-recyclable) as defined in the

Region’s Solid Waste By-Law are disposed of at the landfills. Recyclable

material includes Blue Box and Grey Box Material, White Goods, Scrap Metal, Brush, Leaf and Yard Material and Green Bin Material, as defined in the Region’s

Solid Waste By-Law and other divertible material including tires, batteries or electronic equipment accepted as part of the Region’s WEEE program.

Registered charities may be subject to fines if the Region’s Solid Waste By-Law is contravened as outlined in Schedule B Part 1 Provincial Offences Act Short Form Offences and Set Fines.

Registered charities will not be permitted to bring in the following materials:

a) hazardous waste which is corrosive, flammable, toxic, explosive or

biomedical or as defined in Ontario Regulation 347, R.R.O. 1990, under

the Environmental Protection Act or any successor legislation;

b) prohibited material as defined under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, or any successor legislation;

c) pathological waste, as defined and regulated in Ontario Regulation 347, R.R.O. 1990, under the Environmental Protection Act or any successor


d) solid and liquid waste material or substances which contain or could

contain pathogen bacteria or micro-organisms that may be hazardous or dangerous;

e) live animals or fowl, or carcasses, or part of an animal or other creature;

f) septic or holding tank pumpings or raw sewage;

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g) material of any kind or nature that may be explosive or combustible or may cause fire including hot coals, ashes, oil-soaked or gaso|ine—soaked rags, papers, cloths or similar material;

h) gaseous, semi-liquid or liquid waste including liquid industrial waste as defined in Ontario Regulation 347, R.R.O. 1990, under the Environmental Protection Act or any successor legislation;

i) sealed metal drums or barrels;

j) other material as prohibited in any relevant Certificate of Approval issued

by the Ministry of the Environment under the relevant legislation;

k) Sharps;

I) other material As Designated;

Landfill tipping fee exemptions will only apply to garbage, bulky goods and Leaf and Yard Waste. Blue and Grey Box Material, tires, electronic equipment and batteries are accepted free of charge from all ICI properties.

Landfill tipping fees as outlined in the Region’s By-Law to Establish Fees and Charges for Services and Activities Provided by the Regional Municipality of Niagara and for the Use of Its Property will be applied for the following material:

a) Clean and/or Contaminated Soil

b) Concrete (no re-bar) and Asphalt

c) Shingles

d) Asbestos


The registered charity is required to train staff and volunteers on proper waste diversion. The Niagara Region can provide a free training workshop at an agreed upon time and location which the contact must be present to review the requirements set out in these guidelines.

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Appendix 2

Option Costs and Associated Advantages and Disadvantages

Part A - Option Costs

1) Provide landfill tipping fee exemptions for eligible $6,656 (excluding HST) for charities that have a primary function of accepting material disposed of at

goods for reuse for the purpose of raising funds or Walker’s and $165,600 in

donation to assist others, subject to the completion lost revenue from landfill

and approval of a "LandfiI| Tipping Fee Exemption tipping fees in 2012 Application".

2) Allow charities outside the DBA to place unlimited $40,198 (excluding HST) amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bins) to the per year

curb for collection on a request basis only.

3) Allow charities outside the DBA and using curbside $69,600 (excluding HST) garbage collection to purchase garbage tags and per year

place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to the curb for collection on a request

basis only.

In each option, charity must be registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

The price for Options 2 and 3 is based on $101 and $175 per stop per year (2012 price, excluding HST and annual adjustments), respectively, provided by the Region’s collection contractor, Emterra Environmental.

Part B - Advantages and Disadvantages

Option 1 - Provide landfill tipping fee exemptions for eligible charities that have a

primary function of accepting goods for reuse for the purpose of raising funds or donation to assist others, subject to the completion and approval of a "LandfilI Tipping


Fee Exemption AppIication".


• Allows eligible charities to cost effectively dispose of large items, non—recyclable

construction and renovation material and other non—divertib|e materials which are

received as part of their primary business function. • Provides an outlet for materials that are not part of the curbside collection program. • lt is a continuation of an existing practice with the addition of a more formal

application process, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions for landfill tipping fee exemptions.

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• The potential for an incremental increase in the amount of tonnages brought into the Region’s landfills and cost to the Region for waste brought into the Walker

facility from registered charities.

• Additional administrative time for the maintenance of a database with charities

registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and that are eligible for this

exemption, in addition to the application form review and approval process.

Option 2 - Allow charities outside the DBA to place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bins) to the curb for collection


• Aligns with the principle of maximizing diversion and maximizes the associated

benefits of diversion e.g. the conservation of resources, etc.

• Reinforces and promotes 3Rs behaviour amongst staff and volunteers in the registered charities in a manner that is consistent with behavior in the home.

• There is a potential to reduce costs to the charities in the case of organizations that

cannot comply with the current recycling and/or organics limits and must arrange

for private collection services.

• Offers additional diversion collection services to those organizations that are

benefiting residents of Niagara and beyond. • There is a potential to reduce the amount of garbage placed at the curb if allowed

unlimited recycling and organics (Green Bin).


• The additional collection costs associated with allowing unlimited recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection to registered charities. Region has no baseline data

for the number of charities using the Region’s curbside collection programs and potential impact of this additional service, however based on the number of inquiries received, it is likely that the majority of organizations are managing within

the current collection services/limits.

• Additional administrative time for the maintenance of a database with charities

registered with the Canada Revenue Agency that are eligible to place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to the curb.

• There is potential for the perception of unfairness and lack of service consistency

across the ICI sector.

Option 3 - Allow charities outside the DBA and using curbside garbage collection to purchase garbage tags and place unlimited amounts of recycling and organics (Green

Bin) to the curb for collection.

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• Allows registered charities to conveniently and cost effectively dispose of additional

garbage and recycling and organics (Green Bins) above the current limit. • See Option 2 for advantages related to unlimited recycling/organics collection



• The additional collection costs associated with extending the use of garbage tags and unlimited recycling and organics (Green Bin) collection to registered charities.

• Additional administrative time for the maintenance of a database with charities

registered with the Canada Revenue Agency that are eligible to purchase garbage tags and place unlimited amount of recycling and organics (Green Bin) to the curb.

• Region’s collection contractor will require regular updates to the list of eligible

charities to determine if garbage tags and unlimited amount of recycling and organics (Green Bin) are allowed at a particular property.

• Region has no baseline data for the number of charities using the Region’s curbside collection programs and potential impact of this additional service.

• There is potential for the perception of unfairness and lack of service consistency across the ICI sector.

• A potential for decreased use of recycling/organics programs if properties can

purchase garbage tags. • The Region is mandated by the province to provide curbside waste collection

services to the residential sector; however, the Region has extended curbside

waste collection services to small to medium ICI properties that can stay within the limits. By allowing the purchase of garbage tags, larger ICI properties that would be better sen/ed by private companies (i.e. front end bin collection) could start to use the curbside service.

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Appendix 3 Charity Exemption Survey

Landfill Exemption Information

. . .

lsithem allalndflllltransferistatlonitlpplng Definition ofeinon-profitlcharity organization

Mumclpallty fee exemptlonisprovldediito mm- Y (eligible to receive an exemptionsif( applicable)


Yes, Whitby allows the Salvation Army to dispose of items that are not reusable at Whitby Salvation Army only Iandhh

. Yes, special consideration given at landfill and Must be a registered non-profit organization as Essex-Windsor . .

transfer station defined by Canada Revenue Agency

Non-profit must operate reuse programs from

facilities located in Halton Region and be classed as

a ‘charitabIe’ organization as defined by Revenue Canada

Yes, non—profits/charities may apply for a 'grant' for tipping fees. No charge up to a . . .

certain amount, then invoiced at a discounted Delelmmed by Commumly SBNICBS


London Yes" tlppwlg fees ale vllalved at landml for non- Must be a registered non-profit organization profit/charity organizations

Yes, non-profits/charities are allowed to drop . .

. No formal policy in place — done on a case by case off recyclables at public drop off depots at no

basis charge

N¤¤h Bav N/A

Owen Sound No N/A

Non-Profit Community Agencies are defined as agencies that perform a function of benevolence,

Yes, non-proht organizations are allowed to vocational training, charity or organize community

dispose of that portion of material collected in activities such as an agricultural fair, parade, festival

Peel only at the Region’s Waste Management and/or celebrations such as Canada Day picnics, sites. Multi-Cultural Day and Communities in Bloom.

Agencies must be involved in programs that assist or improve the community of Peel Region.

Simcoe County No N/A

Yes, an exemption for federally registered

charities at the City‘s Transfer Stations where Federally registered charities receive exemption Toronto . . . . . .

registered charities receive free disposal and (policy not bylaw).

recycling services.

Waterloo Region Yes, tipping fees are waived Mug bea leglsteled Challly Ol not for pmlll verification



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Appendix 3 Charity Exemption Survey

Landfill Exemption Information

. . C .

lslthere a Iandml/transfer statlontlppmg Definition ofsnon-profitlcharity organization

Mumclpamy fee exemptmnlprovlded to mm- (eligible toereceivesan exemption if applicable)

profitlcharity organizations? ‘


Of the 14 municipalities surveyed: - 9 or 64% provided exemptions to non- profit organizations including: Of the 9 municipalities surveyed which provide - Tipping fee waived (London, Toronto, exemptions or special services to non-profit

Peel, Markham & Waterloo) organizations: - Tipping fee waived for Salvation Army - 6 require non—profits to be a registered charity only (Whitby) - 1 is not defined

Summary - Partial tipping fees waived for non-profits - 1 stated non-profits must be agencies that (Hamilton, Essex-Windsor) perform a benevolence, vocational training, - Diversion Credit- if waste diverted non- charity or organize community activities (i.e. profit organization will receive a subsidy parade, festival, etc.)

(Halton) - 1 or 10% stated only Salvation Army in Whitby - Allowed to drop off recyclables at drop off receive an exemption

depot at no charge (businesses not usually allowed to use drop-off depots) (Markham)


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Appendix 4

Excerpt from PWA 206-2000 — Tipping Fees for Residential Self-Hauled Waste, Commercial Haulers, Contractors and Businesses

The most recent description of the exemption process is found in the following excerpt from PWA 206-2000 dated September 26, 2000, page 4 under Issues that Were Addresses in Developing the Proposed Tipping Fees:

Community Organizations

There are several non—profit organizations within the Region of Niagara. Based on previous usage at local landfill sites, it was determined that only certain non-profit

organizations require access to the sites. Therefore, it is recommended that non-profit community organizations with a volunteer base and who accept goods for the purpose of raising funds or assisting others in the community will be exempt from landfill tipping fees, pending the completion and approval of a "Landfi|l Tipping Fee Exemption App|ication".

Application forms will be made available at Regional Headquarters, Public Works Department. The exemption will be valid for one year and each organization would have to renew the application after one year. These organizations could include, but are not limited to, Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, and Salvation Army.

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Appendix 5

2010-2011 Garbage Tonnages from Charities Receiving Landfill Tipping Fee Exemptions

Regional Landfill Sites/Drop-Off Depots

Non-Profit Organization 2010 Tonnages 2011 Tonnages

Beamsville Bibles for Mission Thrift Store 8.88 17.87

Canadian Diabetes Association 1.55 5.58

Christian Benefit Shop - St. Catharines 58.48 52.11

Christian Benefit Shop — Hartzel Road 1.24_ Christian Benefit Shop - Welland 24.08 24.14

Community Care St. Catharines/Thorold 0.54 2.23

Community Care West Niagara 10.54 18.83

Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln 5.91 12.96

Community Living Port Colborne and Wainfleet _ 0.16

Community Outreach Program Erie 13.83 16.52

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Goodwill Industries Niagara 908.38 993.96

Grimsby Benevolent Fund 170.39 143.17

Grimebv Merine Rescue

Habitat for Humanity Reuse Store 98.71 79.48

Help a Child Smile 0.68 0.88

Hope Furniture Bank 9.19 10.61

lntercede International 4.82 1.24

Mennonite Central Committee

Multi-Cultural Centre Casa EI Northe 20.07 12.28

Niagara Training & Employment Agency lnc. 35.78 27.95

Niagara Warehouse of Hope 8.38 6.12 .

Open Arms Mission 6.88 14.1

Port Colborne District Labour Council

Redeemed Goods 59.4 62.98

Salvation Army - Fort Erie 77.25 85.09

Salvation Army — Niagara Falls 25.96 10.41

Salvation Army — Port Colborne 18.7 27.39

Salvation Army - Welland 35.78 60.94

St. Vincent De Paul- Welland 0.34 0.42

St. Vincent De Paul- Fort Erie 12.66 15.36

St. Vincent De Paul- St. Catharines

West Lincoln Community Care 3.59 0.14

Total Tonnage 1,622.01 1,702.92

Lost Revenue S 145,980.90 $ 153,262.80

Walker Environmental Drop-Off Depot

Non-Profit Organization 2010 Tonnages 2011 Tonnages

Canadian Diabetes Association 14.42 34.48

Salvation Army - Niagara Falls 58.31

Salvation Army — St. Catharines 0.41 6.61

Total Tonnage 73.14 102.73

Total Cost (excluding net HST) $ 4,868.20 S 6,837.71

Page 16: June Niagaraw Region - Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada · That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, ... Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee ... textiles,

Appendix 6

Practice for Special Clean Ups Organized by Community Groups or Other Organizations

Material collected during special clean ups are generally left at the clean-up location

and either the Region’s Collection Contractor or Municipal/Regional Works Crew will collect the materials. ln some cases, the organization takes the material directly to the landfill site and tipping fees are waived.

Page 17: June Niagaraw Region - Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada · That an amending agreement with Halton Recycling Ltd, ... Niagara Region Registered Charity Landfill Tipping Fee ... textiles,

Appendix 7

Current and Proposed Services for IC&l Properties Inside DBAs

Base Service lC&I Properties Inside the Designated Business Areas


Garbage 4 containers (bags/cans) limit per property (no garbage no change

rccrr Ee

Or|anics 4 Green Bins limit unlimited

Unlimited recycling/organics collection is already provided to the IC&l sector inside the


M:\MSWORD\PWCOMMITTEE\WASTE MANAGEMENT\PW REPORTS\Appendix 7 - PWC June 5 Current & Proposed Servicesdocx