June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader

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  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    Shortly aftron of Michll

    Gordons third oortnants ga birthto a baby, th Dpartmnt ofHalth and Hygin socdGordon with 53 lad rlatd iola-tions. Sh was th landlord andth iolations wr alid. Confsdon how bst to rmo ths iola-tions and lad-basd thrats facinghr tnants and slf, Gordon ntallybroght hr confsion to th doorstps ofNighborhood Hosing Srics of Ja-maica.

    Thr, Gordon got hlp. That sam wNHSJ administrd a ris assssmnt onGordons proprty and NHSJ placd Gordon in afr Lad Prntion Sminar. I wnt to NHSJ foradic and larnd mor abot lad, said Gordon.I attndd a lad training class that was ry infor-mative and I received a certicate at the end. Shortlyaftr, I rcid my grant.

    Th sminar ga Gordon a bttr ndrstanding of how toprsr hr instmnt proprty. Th grant paid for hr proprty tob pristin of lad. And, th princ strngthnd both Gordon and th Jamaicacommnity against th thrat of lad-basd paint poisoning in th borogh.

    fundingthe good fight

    why funding the housing preservation initiative matters

    the READER


    contd on page 3


    ANHD is planning a half-dtraining on th CommnityRinstmnt Act (CRA)on Wdnsday, Jn 30thfrom 9:30 AM ntil 1:30 P

    Th training is dsigndfor organizrs and ado-cats who ar intrstdin larning abot th CRAand stratgis for tilizingto hold bans accontablto rsidnts and nighborhoods.


    Oriw of CRA How fdral and stat

    Ban Rglators qalloans, instmnts ansrics for CRA crd

    How to oic yor opiion on a bans CRAprformanc incldingcommnt lttrs, commnity contacts, mings with ban ladrship and dirct action

    JUNE 9 2010

    Volume XXXV Number 12

    age: ebsouce

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    3 JuNe 9, 2010vOLuMe xxxv, NuMBeR 12

    the good fight contd from cover

    Lead paint, loan modication, and spiking foreclosures top Queens list of theboroughs most bedeviling housing preservation ghts, according to NHSJ. In re-spons to ths prasi problms in thir catchmnt ara, NHSJ administrda lad paint-rlatd sminar or forclosr prntion worshop on arag ofonce every four days last scal year. Indeed, according to NHSJ Executive Direc -

    tor Cathy Micns, From Jly 2009 to Jn 2010, w condctd 13 lad smi-nars to 176 popl, 21 otrach sminars [training th trainrs] to 705 popl; 72foreclosure workshops to 1,422 people, and 19 rst-time homeownership trainingsto 269 popl. In all, Micns rconts that ths arios trainings wr admin-istrd by NHSJ or 125 tims to an adinc of mor than 2,000 popl. Anaccomplishmnt worthy of prais by any yard stic!

    In addition to proiding dirct srics, NHSJ is also intnt on dcating policymars abot hosing-rlatd problms facing woring class Nw Yorrs. Wwere also able to bring staff members from the FDIC on a bus tour to see rst-hand

    just how hard foreclosure hit Queens, says Mickens. These activities and achieve-mnts wold ha bn impossibl withot fnding from th Hosing PrsrationInitiati (HPI).

    Simply statd, HPI is a City Concil-fndd program that is focsd on hlpingneighborhood-based not-for-prot organizations to identify and confront threatsto affordabl hosing within Nw Yor City. Micns plains how HPI fnding iscentral to supporting the core work of NHSJ. She says, HPI is exible, project-ll spport. It allows s to do so mch li administr or sminars, contractwith a lawyr to proid lgal srics, or rspond qicly to hosing nds in ornighborhood.

    For ANHD Inc., th princ of NHJS in proid-ing dcational sminars and addrssing th rootcass of th nighborhoods forclosr crisis ills-trats th powr and ffctinss of a program liHPI. Indeed, when ANHD Inc. rst fought to get HPIfndd in 2007, w intndd th program to b corfnding for organizations woring on th grond todal with hosing prsration isss across NwYor City. HPI was mant to incras th ability ofnighborhood-basd grops to rspond to a arityof problms in thir own grassroots way.

    The beauty of HPI is its exibility, says ANHD executive Director BenjaminDlchin. If yo ta a loo at how this mony is bing spnt, yoll s this pro-gram has pron itslf to b highly ffcti. Indd, from organizing tnants inNYCHA dlopmnts in Brownsill, to langag accss and translation sricsin Chinatown, to dirct consling to at-ris homownrs in Th Bron, to sp-porting th Brath Pilot Program on asthma, to partnring with local mdia top hosing prsration information abzz in commnitis, HPI is a targtdresource that exibly supports activities beyond bricks and mortar approaches tohosing prsration in th city.

    Ths fnds hlp s trmndosly, in trms of otrach and gtting th word ot,says Cabiria Hylton, a Program Dlopmnt Spcialist at Wst Harlm Grop As-sistanc (WHGA). Sh says, W ha 12,000 nits across Harlm. each dlop-mnt has or logo; th nam Wst Harlm Grop Assistanc with a grn swooshon the top, yet, during our outreach...mailings and iers, people come to us andtll s w didnt now yo offrd ths othr srics. With th assistanc of thHPI, w ha bn abl to rach or 600 clints.

    Gtting th word ot is part of what HPI fnding is all abot. A fw yars ago,WHGA sd thir HPI fnds to otrach byond thir typical catchmnt ara.

    Whn A N H Dpshdth City Concil toadopt th HPI as astapl discrtionaryitm, th goal wasto gt mor in-ndnighborhoods ad-equate funds to ghtnighborhood hos-

    ing thrats with grass-roots soltions.

    Sinc, 2007, 19 ANHDgrops ha consis-tntly rcid HPIfnds to sric idn-tied catchment areasacross this city in waysthat ar grassroots.

    If yor organizationhas yt to spa with

    yor city concil rp-rsntati, downloadthis HPI fact-shtand incld it in yorconrsation.

    Its oprational monywithot strings. [HPI]allows s to do thingsthat w coldnt do if walon rcid, lts say$1million.



    contd on page 5

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    In Jy, when Daid Shfer opens the front doors ofYoth Ministries for Peace and Jstice and enters for therst time as its new Eectie Director, it wod be as if

    hed traeed f circe to get there before the start of hisday.YMPJ is ocated in the Soth Bron, says Shfer. [Its]the organization where I rst began doing commnity workbefore joining the staff of ANHD.

    The mission of YMPJ is to rebid the neighborhoods ofBron Rier and Sondiew/Brckner in the Soth Bronby preparing yong peope to become prophetic oices forpeace and jstice. To YMPJ Shfer wi retrn, with a ofthe eadership skis, reationships and eperience that hesacqired and ehibited whie at ANHD.

    In my new position at YMPJ, aso an ANHD member orga-nization, I wi maintain cose ties with ANHD and with a ofyo, says Shfer, noting that he ooks forward to workingwith many of his coeages again in his od capacity ght-ing for jstice. Shfer spent 6 years at ANHD, as Director

    of the Initiatie For Neighborhood and Citywide Organiz-ing (INCO), where he nrtred the 20 member organiza-tions receiing INCO fnds and took etra time incbatingthe capacity and commnity organizing wherewitha of asmany as ANHDs 100 ps members who needed it oerthe years.

    I hae earned a ot, says Shfer. And Im more com-mitted now to be the change I wish to see in the Bron andin the word.Join ANHD in a ceebratory farewe to Shfer on Friday,Jne 11, 2010 at the of the Mad Hatter at 360 3rd Aenein Manhattan, between 26th and 27th Streets.

    5 JuNE 9, 2010vOluME xxxv, NuMBER 12

    Member News

    ANHD INC. is a not-for-protsocia wefare organizationwhich adocates on behafof New York City commnity-based non-prot hosing or-ganizations and the neighbor-hoods they sere.ANHD INC. adocates forcomprehensie, progressiehosing poicies and programsto spport affordabe, orish-ing neighborhoods for a NewYorkers, especiay or owerincome residents.The ANHD Inc. Reader(ISSN: 2150-5292).The ANHD Inc. Reader is

    pbished 26 times per year(bi-weeky) by ANHD INC.,which is ocated at 50 BroadStreet, Site 1125, New York,NY10004.

    Phone: (212) 747-1117.Fa:(212)747-1114.


    Daid HanzeCopy Editor

    David KeneProdction-layot

    David KeneContent Contribtors

    visit: www.anhdinc.org

    visit: www.anhd.org

    Becase of sch otreach efforts, WHGA has many Harem-heping stories toshare. One sch story Hyton recas, inoes a famiy of 7 who was iing at theConent Aene Famiy liing Center. WHAG staff rged the famiy to take adan-tage of WHGA homeownership casses and worked with awyers and enders to gettheir oan docments in order. Within two years, the famiy went from homeessnessto homeownership--a remarkabe feat!

    last year, 21 organizations, 19 of which are ANHD members, receied HPI fndsin neighborhoods across the city. To assist neighborhoods crrenty not sered byHPI and tacke new hosing preseration chaenges citywide, namey nderem-poyment and oereeraged properties, the need to epand HPI fnding is eidentANHD Inc. is working with eadership of the City Conci, incding Conci MembeErik Martin Dian, to epand the program to $2 miion, which wod aow 8 addi-tiona neighborhoods to be sered.

    To earn more abot ANHDs bdget adocacy efforts or nd ot what yo can doto spport HPIs epansion, pease ca Benjamin Dchin at (212) 747-1117 17 ore-mai him at [email protected]

    DaviD Shuffler to m (YMPJ) YotMnsts o Pc & Jstc

    Aboe, Daid Shfer

    In many ways, theCenter for neighborhoodleadership is a contin-ing tribte to Daids com-mitment to oca comm-nity empowerment andprogress throgh organiz-ing. The Center eistsbecase of the eperi-ence and essons earnedfrom INCO. ThanksDaid for yor ision,dedication and eader-ship. I ook forward to orftre coaborations.

    -Hector Soto

    Director,Center for

    Neighborhood leadership

    Daid, yo wi be soreymissed here at ANHDand INCO bt I haezero dobt that yo wimake a major impact asED of Yoth Ministriesfor Peace and Jstice(YMPJ). Were a eryecited for yo and thenew chaenge..

    -Ken InadomiDirector

    New York Mortgage Coaition

    the good fight contd from page 5

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader



    COmmUNity SErviCESBlOCk GrANt trAiN-


    The Ofce of CommunitySrics (OCS) within thAdministration for Childrnand Familis (ACF) an-noncs that compting ap-plications will b accptd

    for a nw grant to spport aclaringhos for th Com-mnity Sric Bloc Grant(CSBG) Ntwor and othrstaholdrs focsing onactiitis and sric dli-ry mchanisms and poli-cis and procdrs maingmaningfl and masrablprogrss toward alliatingth cass and conditionsof porty and incrasingself-sufciency among low-incom indiidals, familis,

    and commnitis.

    This thr-yar coopra-ti agrmnt will fnd onCSBG Stat PrformancManagmnt Claring-hos (SPMC) to sr asth cntral gatway to in-formation and rsorcs, in-clding rsarch and al-ation prodcts that promotidnc-basd mplarypractics and commnica-tion among th CSBG Nt-


    Th primary mission of thSPMC is to spport th Na-tional T/TA Stratgy for Pro-moting emplary Practicsand Ris Mitigation, whichis dsignd to stimlat andstrngthn accontabilitywithin th CSBG program.Th prpos of th SPMCis to bild th long-trmcapacity of th CSBG T/TA

    program by improing ac-css to qality T/TA infor-

    mation and rsorcs (i..idnc-basd, idnc-informed, eld tested, ex-mplary, and/or promisingpractics) to hlp StatCSBG Lad Agncis sp-port CSBG actiitis andsrics and impro pro-gram otcoms.

    Th cor fnctions of thSPMC ar Wbsit Dl-opmnt and Maintnanc;Information Collction and

    Rsorc Managmnt;Cstom T/TA Srics andRfrrals; and InformationDissmination. Th top-ics cord by th SPMCinclude ve major focus ar-as: 1) employmnt-rlatdSrics; 2) Asst Dl-opmnt; 3) Administrati,Program, and FinancialOprations; 4) Commnityeconomic Dlopmnt;and 5) Ris Mitigation andAssssmnt. It is pctd

    that th SPMC will act as arpository and distribtioncntr and oprat a wb-sit that will sr as anon-lin library of informationand resources on the vemajor focs aras.mOrE DEtAilS ON tHiS GrANthttp://www.acf.hhs.go/grants/opn/foa/iw/HHS-2010-ACF-OCS-eT-0009



    NYC Hosing Athority isrqsting ndor sricsto dlop, cstomiz (ona limitd scal) and impl-mnt an on-lin 360 dgrassssmnt for NYCHAsstaff. Th slctd ndorwill wor with NYCHA`s H-man Rsorcs Dpartmntto dlop th assssmnt..

    mOrE DEtAilS ON tHiS GrANtHttP://A856-iNtErNEt.NyC.GOv/NyCvENDOrONliNE/vEN-


    NOtiCE Of HUDSfiSCAl yEAr (fy) 2010NOtiCE Of fUNDiNGAvAilABility (NOfA)POliCy rEqUirEmENtSAND GENErAl SEC-tiON tO HUDS fy 2010NOfAS DiSCrEtiONAryPrOGrAmSDeADLINe: N/A

    This notic proids pro-spcti applicants forHuDs comptiti fnd-ing with th opportnity tobcom familiar with thGnral Sction of HuDsFY2010 NOFAs, in adancof pblication of any FY2010NOFAs. It also dscribschangs to HuDs policyprioritis basd on its nwStratgic Plan for FY2010-2015, as wll as sbmissionrqirmnts for FY2010.This information is proiddto assist prospcti appli-cants in planning sccssflapplications. THeRe IS NOFuNDING OR APPLICA-TION ASSOCIATeD WITHTHIS POSTING.mOrE DEtAilS ON tHiS GrANthttp://www07.grants.go/sarch/sarch.do?&mod=vIeW&oppId=54989titlE 9 Of tHE 1993ENvirONmENtAlPrOtECtiON ACtDeADLINe: JuLY 12

    Nw Yor City economic

    NYS Ofce of Parks, Rec-ration and Historic Prsr-ation is offring a matchinggrant to mnicipalitis andnot-for prot organizationswith an ownrship intrstin th proprty to apply forfnds ndr Titl 9 of thenironmntal ProtctionAct of 1993 for th acqisi-tion, dlopmnt and im-promnt of pars, historicproprtis and hritag ar-as, and for th planningof sch projcts. Compti-

    ti applications to rciaid ar rqird and will b

    accptd throgh Jly 12,2010 for grants mad aail-abl ndr ths programsGrant rcipints will b -pctd to proid at last50 prcnt match to thsawards, nlss th projct isin a location with a portyrat (according to th 2000cnss) of tn prcnt orhighr, in which cas grantrcipints mst proida minimm of 25 prcntmatch.

    mOrE DEtAilS ON tHiS GrANt



    Th Dpartmnt of Com-mrc economic Dl-opmnt Administration issoliciting applications forpblic wors, planning, locatchnical assistanc, andconomic adjstmnt assis-

    tanc to addrss prssingconomic rcory isssparticlarly in conomicallydistrssd rgions.

    Th planning program hlpsspport planning organiza-tions in th dlopmntimplmntation, rision orrplacmnt of comprhn-si conomic dlopmntstratgis to crat andrtain highr-sill, highr-wag jobs, particlarly forth nmployd and ndr-

    mployd.mOrE DEtAilS ON tHiS GrANthttp://www07.grants.go/sarch/search.do?&mode=VIEW&ag2006=fals&oppId=48106

    7 JuNe 9, 2010vOLuMe xxxv, NuMBeR 12

    new grant oPPortunitieS in June

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    affordable aPartMentS on June liStHundredsof apatmt reMAIn availabl i City hoig lotty

    Rsourcs -Apartmnts8 JuNe 9, 2010

    vOLuMe xxxv, NuMBeR 12

    One hundred and fty-ve of these units arehosd in Th NorthrosSit D and F (in thMorisannia sction ofTh Bron); two modr-at-incom apartmntcompls managd byAtlantic DlopmntGrop and crrntlybing bilt ndr NwYor City Dpartmntof Hosing Prsra-tion and Dlopmnts(HPD) Mlti-Family NwConstrction Programand th Nw HosingOpportnitis Program(Nw HOP) of th NwYor City Hosing D-lopmnt Corporation(HDC).

    Dadlin to apply forapartmnt nits in SitsD and F ar Agst 15.

    Althogh incom gid-lins may chang,applicants, dpndingon nmbr of occ-pants and apartmntsiz, mst ma at last$37,680, and no mor

    than $115,830.each application no-tic will contain a chartof incom gidlinsspecic to the apartmentin focs. Clic wadrtismnt abo forspecic details.

    Architctral rndring of 507 ast 161st Strt in th Morrisania sction of Th Bron.IMAGe SOuRCe: ATLANTIC DeveLOPMeNT GROuP

    uPDATe - For low- and modrat incom arnrs sing an apartmnt in Nw Yor City, applications for hn-drds of affordabl apartmnts ar still p for grabs. until Jly 20, th amont of affordabl nits aailabl onHPDs crrnt lottry list stands jst abo 182. According to this crrnt list, Bron and Manhattan crrntlyoffr apartmnt 155 and 27 affordabl apartmnts, rspctflly. Sinc May, th Bron has offrd th largstamont of acant affordabl nits, with abot 500 total affordabl nits crrntly aailabl.

    J Cl plc cl- free. el : .k@c.

    1 1CElEBrAtiONJoin ANHD in a clbra-tory farwll to DaidShufer on Friday, June11, 2010 at th of th MadHattr at 360 3rd Anin Manhattan, btwn26th and 27th Strts.

    1 2frEE SEmiNArSJoin Bridg Strt Dl-opmnt Corporation andegypt from WBLS OnSatrday, Jn 12th from10am-4pm at Rstora-tion Plaza for an informa-ti day of dcation andmpowrmnt. Or wor-shops will cor prada-tory lnding, forclosrprevention, loan modica-

    tions, rrs mortgags,insranc options, idn-tity thfy and mor! Bringyor qstions and mtor commnity mmbrs!Rstoration Plaza1368 Flton StrtCall For Yor Frsh Start& RSvP Today:718-636-7596 14

    23 ANNUAl mEEtiNGOn Wdnsday, Jn 23,PACC will clbrat its 46thAnnal Mting. Th mt-ing will ta plac at 6:30pmat Soth Oford Art Spac.

    27wAlk fOr CAmPOn Thrsday, May 27St. NiCkS AlliANCEstaff & spportrs will Wal

    for Camp to rais mony foractiitis at St. Nics Alli-anc and School SttlmntAssociation Smmr DayCamps. Th wal will bginat 11 Cathrin St, Williams-brg, Broolyn.(rain dat Friday, May 28)

    30 CrA trAiNiNGANHD is planning a half-day training on th Com-mnity Rinstmnt Act(CRA) on Wdnsday, Jn30th, from 9:30 AM ntil1:30 PM.Th training is dsigndfor organizrs and ado-cats who ar intrstdin larning abot th CRAand stratgis for tilizing itto hold bans accontablto rsidnts and nighbor-hoods. (See COveR)

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    Host a Free Workshop to Help Your CommunityMembers Improve Their Credit and

    Manage their Debt!

    Habitat for Humanity - New York City is providing free workshops for New York Cityconsumers on the details of new credit card reforms, how to understand their credit reports,tips for improving their credit scores and where to go for help when they face a credit crisis.Well give members of your congregation, school, or community group vital information about creditcards and debt, including:

    - Free and trustworthy local credit counseling services you can turn to;- What affects your credit report;- How your credit score affects you;- Pitfalls to avoid when choosing a credit card;- Steps you can take to improve your credit score;- What you need to know about recent credit card reforms.

    Habitat-NYC Loan Rangers provide:

    - A short presentation on credit and debt issues, given by trained volunteers;- Fact sheets and flyers with useful information and a list of helpful free resources;- Details on services available to New Yorkers struggling with debt;- Information about affordable homeownership opportunities through Habitat for Humanity-

    New York City.

    This is a FREE service for congregations, schools, community groups and other venues thatcan provide space for a presentation and an audience of 10 or more people.

    All inquiries are welcome. For more information or to schedule a presentation for your

    group, please contact Tristan Dreisbach at [email protected] or 212-991-4000 x318.

    For additional materials, or to learn more about other financial issues, please visit:http://www.habitatnyc.org/advocate .

    Habitat-NYCs Loan Rangers:Educating New Yorkers About Credit

    9 JuNe 9, 2010vOLuMe xxxv, NuMBeR 12

  • 8/9/2019 June 9, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    COmmUNityHEAltH wOrkEr

    Northrn Manhattan Im-promnt Corporation(NMIC), is sing a fll-timCommnity Halth Worrwho will b rsponsibl forproiding commnity-widasthma dcation and idn-ties, enrolls, and supportsfamilis of childrn withpoorly controlld asthma for

    th priod of on yar. Inparticlar, CHW offrs fami-lis indiidalizd asthmadcation, asthma manag-mnt spport, triggr rdc-tion stratgis, and lins toclinical and social srics.

    CHiEf OPErAtiNGOffiCEr

    Nighborhood HosingSrics of Nw Yor City,Inc. has an citing oppor-tnity for a Chif Oprating

    Ofcer. Qualied applicantsar ncoragd to sbmit acor lttr, rsm and sal-ary rqirmnts to: SarchCOO, Nighborhood Hos-ing Srics of NYC, Inc.efa; (646) 383-9325/email: [email protected]/ Fa: 212-242-6680


    Th Coopr Sqar MtalHosing Association is loo-ing for somon who can ba prdnt boopr with asocial conscinc.

    Job Listings

    Plac your want ads in our job listings or fRee. email: [email protected]

    10 JuNe 9, 2010vOLuMe xxxv, NuMBeR 12


    Th Coopr Sqar MtalHosing Association is alsolooing for somon whocan rport to th ectiDirctor as an Administra-ti Assistant.

    To apply to ithr posi-tion, snd yor rsm tovalrio Orslli, ecti

    Dirctor of Coopr SqarMtal Hosing Associa-tion, 59-61 east 4th Strt,3rd Floor, Nw Yor, NY10003. Yo may also sndyor Rsm ia -mail [email protected] or iafa to: (212) 477-9328


    NICe ss a fll-tim So-cial Srics Coordinatorwill b who will b rspon-

    sibl for coordinating thrprimary programs withinNICe social and dca-tional srics: 1) th eSOLthorgh Ciic Litracy Pro-gram 2) Immigrant FamilySrics 3) Parnt Wor-shopsApplicants shold snd arsm and cor lttr tovalria Trs, ectiDirctor at [email protected] and Patricia Ba-tista, Social Srics Coor-dinator at [email protected]. Call 718-205-8796 if yo ha any qs-tions.

    5 non-Profit houSing grouPS want You!

    L, Cl, a a jbStAff AttOrNEy

    Nighborhood Hosing Sr-ics of Jamaica (NHSJ)islooing to hir a Staff Attor-ny to wor closly with thNHS Forclosr Consl-ors and Lgal entitis andcollaborat with NHSJ in thSbprim Forclosr Pr-ntion Program to assisthomownrs facing forclo-sr.

    Sh/h will sr as an in-trmdiary btwn NHSJamaica, th forclosr cli-nt and th lndrs to n-sr timly procssing andoutcome of les and cases.Wor closly with ariosGornmnt agncis.

    PRIMARY DuTIeS: Screen foreclosure client,review le and screen loandocmnts for complianc inaccordanc with lgal statlnding laws. Research and investigateth facts of cass and nsrthat all rlant information isconsidrd and prpard forlawsits. Identify appropriate laws,

    jdicial dcisions. Lgal ar-ticls and othr matrials thatis rlant to th assigndcass. Prepare written reports tos in dtrmining how cas-s shold b handld. Prepare legal arguments,drafts pladings and motionsto be led with the court, ob-tain afdavits, and assist at-tornys dring trials.

    Organize and track les oall important cas docmntsand ma thm aailabl andasily accssibl. Draft complaints to variousagncis affcting th cas.Work closely with NHS Foreclosr Conslors in captring and docmnting all lgaaspcts of th cas to nsrfollow-p and otcom.Enter all case informationinto Conslor Ma data sys

    tm in a timly and accratmannr to allow for accratcas tracing and rporting.Support outreach activitiesinclding attnding ntsorganizing worshops, condcting ot-bond calls, andorganizing dirct consltations btwn sricrs andborrowrs.Uphold the respect andrptation of NHSJ and dmonstrat profssionalism andexibility while maintaininga good woring rlationshipwith tam mmbrs, partnrsand gornmnt agncis.Assist Executive Directoand Program Dirctor on varios projcts.

    Candidat mst b prience and procient in the following aras:

    Law Degree with minimumtwo yars princ in lgastting. Knowledge of Departmenof Hosing and urban Dlopmnt rglations. Excellent verbal and writtencommnication and intrprsonal sills. Must be able to multi-taskand intrfac with gnrapblic. Strong knowledge of Microsoft Ofce.


    PLeASe SuBMIT ReSuMeAND COveR LeTTeR TO:[email protected]



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