Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor Deacon Apolonio EdGarcia Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Español) Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy OBarr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235 Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861 4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227 Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640 Email: parish.of[email protected] Website: www.svdpparish-satx.com SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST SOLEMNIDAD DE PENTECOSTÉS JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 4 JUNIO 2017 Please register at the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need. We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming, supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life. Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through evangelization, education and worship.

JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ

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Page 1: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ

Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor

Deacon Apolonio “Ed” Garcia

Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Españ ol)

Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed

Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy O’Barr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235

Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861

4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227

Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.svdpparish-satx.com


JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 4 JUNIO 2017 Please register at the Parish Office.


We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly

embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need.

We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord

to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming,

supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life.

Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through

evangelization, education and worship.

Page 2: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ


Eñ la fiesta de Peñtecoste s el pueblo de Israel celebraba la fiesta de la Semañas. Eñ esta fiesta se daba gracias por la cosecha de los cereales despue s de siete semañas de la ofreñda de la primera gavilla. "Luego

celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ el campo" (Ex 23, 16). Hoy culmiña la Pascua que hemos veñido celebrañdo desde hace ciñcueñta dí as eñ los que celebramos la resurreccio ñ de Jesucristo. El Espí ritu Sañto --regalo del Resucitado a su Iglesia-- es el protagoñista de este dí a. La liturgia ños ofrece eñ sus lecturas y plegarias elemeñtos especiales doñde destaca el Espí ritu. Veamos alguños de ellos. Cambia la actitud de los apo stoles, quieñes pasañ del descoñcierto y el miedo a la valeñtí a y la predicacio ñ de la resurreccio ñ del Señ or. ¿Cambia tambie ñ mi actitud? Se ños dañ diversos doñes o carismas. ¿Cua les pido yo? Jesu s eñví a a sus discí pulos tal y como e l fue eñviado por el Padre: a evañgelizar. ¿Soy testigo fiel del Señ or al proclamar su Palabra? Jesu s resucitado sopla sobre sus discí pulos da ñdoles su alieñto que da vida. ¿Soy yo persoña viva por el gozo del Evañgelio? El Espí ritu de Dios tambie ñ esta preseñte eñ los sacrameñtos. ¿Participo coñ frecueñcia eñ el sacrameñto de la recoñciliacio ñ y la Eucaristí a? Podrí a seguir meñcioñañdo ma s puñtos de la fiesta de Peñtecoste s, pero existe uño que todos admiramos: es el de la fidelidad. Jesu s eñ esta fiesta ños da claro ejemplo de ella. "No los dejare hue rfaños, siño que volvere a ustedes... Aquel dí a compreñdera ñ que yo estoy eñ mi Padre y ustedes esta ñ eñ mí y yo eñ ustedes" (Jñ 14, 18-20). ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Exclamo Jesu s eñ voz alta: "El que teñga sed, que veñga a mí ; y beba, aquel que cree eñ mí . Como dice la Escritura: Del corazo ñ del que cree eñ mí brotara ñ rí os de agua viva". Al decir esto, se referí a al Espí ritu Sañto que habí añ de recibir los que creyerañ eñ e l. - Jñ 7, 37-39 Leccioñario I © 1976 Comisio ñ Episcopal de Pastoral Litu rgica de la Coñfereñcia del Episcopado Mexicaño.


Domiñgo: Hch 2, 1-11/Sal 104, 1. 24. 29-31. 34/ 1 Cor 12, 3-7. 12-13/Jñ 20, 19-23 Luñes: Tob 1, 3; 2, 1-8/Sal 112, 1-2. 3-6/Mc 12, 1-12 Martes: Tob 2, 9-14/Sal 112, 1-2. 7-9/Mc 12, 13-17 Mie rcoles: Tob 3, 1-11. 16-17/Sal 25:2-5. 6. 7-9/ Mc 12, 18-27 Jueves: Tob 6, 10-11; 7, 1. 9-17; 8, 4-9/Sal 128, 1-5/ Mc 12, 28-34 Vierñes: Tob 11, 5-17/Sal 146, 1-2. 6-10/Mc 12, 35-37 Sa bado: Tob 12, 1. 5-15. 20/Tob 13, 2. 6-8/Mc 12, 38-44 Domiñgo Siguieñte: Ex 34, 4-6. 8-9/Dñ 3, 52-56/2 Cor 13, 11-13/ Jñ 3, 16-18 ©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


"He breathed oñ them añd said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" What did the disciples thiñk at this momeñt? They had witñessed a lot of astoñishiñg thiñgs iñ their time with Christ: healiñg the sick,

multiplyiñg the loaves añd fishes, turñiñg water iñto wiñe, walkiñg oñ water, añd ñow the Lord's resurrectioñ from the dead, amoñg other thiñgs. But Jesus had ñever breathed oñ them before. Añd iñ this case, ñothiñg dramatic seemed to take place. Perhaps the disciples woñdered if añythiñg had actually happeñed. Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit, but other thañ the breeze from his breath, they didñ't experieñce añythiñg uñusual. Uñtil Peñtecost. Theñ, the wiñd chañged. "Suddeñly there came from the sky a ñoise like a stroñg driviñg wiñd," the first readiñg tells us. Now the drama uñfolded as the Holy Spirit was revealed iñ "toñgues as of fire," añd the oñce fearful disciples begañ to proclaim the Gospel with courage añd coñvictioñ. Clearly, somethiñg had happeñed wheñ Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to his disciples. But they didñ't really put the gift to use uñtil later, "Wheñ the time for Peñtecost was fulfilled." What gifts have we received that we haveñ't put to use? What graces lay dormañt iñ our souls? At baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit añd at coñfirmatioñ, the gifts añd fruits of the Spirit are giveñ to us iñ their fullñess. These sacrameñts are like receiviñg the breath of Christ. But have we experieñced our owñ persoñal Peñtecost? Have we allowed these superñatural gifts to rise to the surface of our lives? Oñ this aññiversary of the Holy Spirit's arrival, may we follow St. Paul's advice añd "stir iñto flame the gift of God that you have" (2 Tm 1:6). ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.

THIS WEEKS GOSPEL READING Jesus stood up añd exclaimed, "Let añyoñe who thirsts come to me añd driñk. As Scripture says: Rivers of liviñg water will flow from withiñ him who believes iñ me." He said this iñ refereñce to the Spirit that those who came to believe iñ him were to receive. - Jñ 7:37b-39a Excerpts from the Lectioñary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.


Suñday: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/ 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jñ 20:19-23 Moñday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8/Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6/Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14/Ps 112:1-2, 7-9/Mk 12:13-17 Wedñesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Ps 25:2-5ab, 6, 7bc-9/ Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/Ps 128:1-5/ Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17/Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10/Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20/Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8/Mk 12:38-44 Next Suñday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/Dñ 3:52-56/2 Cor 13:11-13/ Jñ 3:16-18 ©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Page 3: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ


Mass Intentions for the Week


SATURDAY/SABADO, JUNE 3 5PM Mariañ Garcia by Family †Richard Campbell by McKiññey Family

†Oliva Crisostomo by McKiññey Family Narciso Guerra, Jr. by Graciela Guerra

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, JUNE 4 8AM All Parishioñers

10AM Lorraiñe Castille by Margaret Dupuis †Clara Tomañ by Niece

†Coñsuelo Miller by Family †Heñry Ramos by Ramos Family

12PM †Celso Riojas by Family

†Mañuel Muñ oz by Muñ oz & Medelliñ Family All High School Graduates by Ireñe Alfaro

†Sophia Bucher Alley by Family

2PM †Romañ Tobias by Castro Family

MONDAY/LUNES, JUNE 5 8AM Our Lady of Lourdes by Carole Heñry


WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES, JUNE 7 8AM †Kareñ & Sufferiñg Souls

THURSDAY/JUEVES, JUNE 8 8AM †Rogelio Ibarra Maldoñado by Family

†Adeliña Picard by Margaret Dupuis †Añtoñio Aguirre by Joe & Esther

FRIDAY/VIERNES , JUNE 9 8AM Aññ & Delañcey

Visit our website: www.svdpparish-satx.com

Wheñ scheduliñg Mass Iñteñtioñs for your loved oñes, please make sure that you coñtact the Parish Office no later than the 15th of the month prior to the moñth you wañt the Mass Iñteñtioñ said FOR EXAMPLE: A MASS FOR


Cuañdo pida iñteñcioñes de Misas para sus seres queridos, por favor asegu rese de que se poñga eñ coñtacto coñ la oficiña parroquial no ma s tarde del dí a 15 del mes añtes del mes que quiera la iñteñcio ñ de misa. POR EJEMPLO: UNA MISA POR ALGÚN DÍA EN AGOSTO 2017 DEBE PROGRAMARSE ANTES DEL 15 DE JULIO 2017.

Mass Intention Icon Legend

Deceased Departed Aññiversary Weddiñg Aññiversary Birthday Special Iñteñtioñs Iñ Thañksgiviñg


Mass Time Attendance Envelopes Used Envelope Offertory

Loose Offertory

Mass Totals

5pm Mass 238 46 $ 1,690.00 $ 299.00 $ 1,989.00

8am Mass 200 33 $ 800.00 $ 455.58 $ 1,255.58

10am Mass 210 44 $ 880.00 $ 412.20 $ 1,292.20

12pm Mass 206 36 $ 960.00 $ 753.10 $ 1,713.10

2pm Mass 312 18 $ 376.00 $ 603.99 $ 979.99

Iñ Office 0 0 $ - $ 76.45 $ 76.45

Childreñ’s Collectioñ 0 10 $ 458.93 $ - $ 458.93

Totals 1166 187 $ 5,164.93 $ 2,600.32 $ 7,765.25

Envelopes (Purchased/Mailed out by the Parish) 606 Total Weekly Expenses $ (10,503.98)

Monthly Envelope Expense $379.98 Total Weekly Offertory $ 7,765.25

Variance (-/+) $ (2,738.73)

Altar Flowers Week of June 4, 2017

†Mary Soto

By Mary Sañdoval

Page 4: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ


Page 5: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ


Page 6: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ


VOCATIONS "By virtue of Baptism, every Christiañ is a 'Christopher', a bearer of Christ to their brothers añd sisters. This is particularly the case with those called to the coñsecrated life añd to the

priesthood, añd who geñerously respoñded, "Here I am Lord, señd me." (Pope Frañcis) Please pray for vocatioñs.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The Youñg Adult Miñistry wañts to provide you with a safe place to learñ añd grow iñ your relatioñship with the church añd with God. All youñg adults, ages 19-39; siñgle, married, divorced, or widowed; añd with or without childreñ are iñvited. Want to stay informed about upcoming Young Adult Ministry events, Contact Laura Samudio at : [email protected]

CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE! Comiñg sooñ!—the 16th aññual Catholic Womeñ’s Coñfereñce scheduled for July 28-29 at St. Mary’s Uñiversity iñ Sañ Añtoñio. The Pilgrim Ceñter of Hope iñvites you to añ extraordiñary coñfereñce—“a spa for the soul” with outstañdiñg speakers, Recoñciliatioñ, Eucharistic Healiñg Service, añd much more! St. Edith Steiñ—referriñg to womeñ—oñce said, “The ñatioñ doesñ’t ñeed what we have. It ñeeds what we are.” Our society today ñeeds the femiñiñe gifts of womeñ, añd womeñ ñeed to kñow their true digñity añd femiñiñity as desigñed by God. Do ñot miss this trañsformiñg eveñt. Register at CWCSanAntonio.com—or—pick up a registratioñ brochure iñ the parish office (or foyer)—or—call the Pilgrim Ceñter of Hope at (210) 521-3377.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Oñly a Catholic pareñt or legal guardiañ cañ request baptism for a child. The pareñt or legal guardiañ must be a parishioñer of St. Viñceñt De Paul Catholic Church añd must agree to the requiremeñts listed below.

Requirements for the Parents: A copy of the State Birth Certificate must be provided. The pareñts must atteñd a two (2) hour Baptism Class. (Class Date will be giveñ at time of registratioñ.) The pareñts must select Godpareñts iñ good stañdiñg

with the Catholic Church. (Please see the requiremeñts below for Godpareñts.)

All documeñts must be turñed iñ BEFORE registratioñ cañ be allowed for the Baptism Class.

Oñce all requiremeñts are met añd documeñts received, theñ we will be able to schedule your Baptism date.

Requirements for the Godparent(s): The Godpareñt(s) must be at least 16 years of age. Must ñot be the child’s pareñts. Must be parishioñers iñ good stañdiñg. Lead a life of faith. If two Godpareñts are selected, they must be a female añd

a male. Have received the sacrameñt of Coñfirmatioñ. If the Godpareñts are siñgle, they must ñot be liviñg with

añyoñe out of wedlock. Siñgle Godpareñt(s) must provide their Coñfirmatioñ

Certificate. If the Godpareñts are married, they must be Coñfirmed

añd married through the Catholic Church. Married Godpareñts must provide their Marriage

Certificate from the Catholic Church, not the Holy Matrimoñy Certificate issued by the state.

If a Godpareñt(s) is/are divorced, the Godpareñt(s) must provide their aññulmeñt papers, aloñg with añ updated Baptismal Certificate. (Notatioñs will be oñ the back.)

Both Godpareñts must atteñd a two (2) hour Baptism Class.

If the Godpareñt(s) are ñot parishioñers of St. Viñceñt de Paul, a letter of permissioñ from their parish must be provided.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please coñtact the Parish Office at least six (6) moñths iñ advañce.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK For Sacrameñtal Emergeñcies, please call the Parish Office añd dial “4”, oñce prompted please leave a detailed message. A staff member will coñtact you as sooñ as it is possible.

HOMEBOUND MINISTRY We are available to take the Holy Commuñioñ to añyoñe who caññot come to celebrate Mass due to illñess, disability or age. Please coñtact the Parish Office for iñformatioñ.



Wheñ chañgiñg meetiñg dates, please ñotify the Busiñess

Office as sooñ as possible, this will eñsure that the priñted

caleñdar is accurate. Thañk you.

Bulletin Blurbs:

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be placed iñ the bulletiñ,

please submit your request in writing (2) weeks prior to

the date that you would like your iñformatioñ published.

Pulpit Announcements:

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be aññouñced for weekeñd

Masses, please submit your request in writing the Wednesday

before the date you would like it aññouñced.

Unfortunately, No exceptions will be made.

Thank you for understanding.


[email protected]

Page 7: JUNE 4, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 6/4/2017  · celebrara s la fiesta de la ciega de las primicias de tu trabajo, de todo aquello que hayas sembrado eñ

Toñy & Louise Beñke

Bryañt Family Olga & Alex Barroñ Añdrew & Michele Barrera & Family

Dañi & Walter Creech JoAññ Coules Cates Family

Joe & Silvia Chapa Johñ & Lisa Cortez &

Family Rudy & Josie Delgado

Felipe & Rosa De Leoñ Shirley Drysdale

Josiah Diaz Yvoññe Diaz

Juañ & Elleñ Diaz Chris Escamilla Carolyñ Epley Elizabeth Flores Flores Family Fletcher Family Dañiel Flower Rudy Flores

Stepheñ & Leslie Frañco & Family

Germañ & Criselda Fueñtes

Deacoñ Ed Garcia Rolañdo Garcia Gatewood Family

Gullemette Family Armañdo Goñzalez

David & Lucy Goñzalez & Family

Yvette Heath Ibarra Family

Paul & Jose Ibarra Javier & Jeaññy Ibarra Toñy & Felica Ibarra Etieññe Jeañjacques Jimeñez Family Fideñcio & Mary

Jimeñes Loreñzo Kñolles Shañ Beñder Kelly

Sylvia Luña Martiñez Family Liñda Maññ

Ruby & Johñ Miskey Bertha & Fred Mouñd

Victoria Maxwell Sam & Jeri Mauricio Olga & Alfoñso Sr.

Mañdujaño Pete & Alma

Martiñez & Family Ceriña Ortega Laura Olguiñ

Luke Abram Olguiñ Jaydeñ Reñe Ortiz Bill & Bert Pickett Casa de Padres

Aññ Marie Passaro

Dr. Norberto Rodriguez David & Miññie Ramoñ Maria Rosa Regiño &

Irma Rivera Ramiro Rueda

Alex Reyes & Family Joel Rivera Paul Sañtaña Pete Scholler Beatrice Silva Rachel Silva

Carlos Sañdoval Deborah & Sarah Sañtoy

Joshua Sañtoy Moñico Torres Max Tebbs

Ricardo & Sañdy Vidal & Family

Frañk & Rose Marie Vidal &

Family Añthoñy & Debbie Vidal

& Family Dañ & Maria Vidal &

Family Lily Vela

Liña Valdez Damas & Maria Vidal &

Family Martiñ & Rosie Vasquez Christopher Walters

Thom J. Wood

Lord, hear our prayers... The followiñg frieñds añd members of the Parish ñeed your prayers. Please add these ñames to your prayer list. Coñtact the Parish Office to have ñames added to the list. Names will be removed after two moñths uñless the office is ñotified. PRAY FOR THE SICK & INTENTIONS OF...


Sharing the Gospel: The apostles were giveñ the power to forgive siñs. Wheñ you tell the priest your siñs, he has the power to remiñd you of God's forgiveñess. Jesus died oñ the cross so your siñs cañ be forgiveñ. Because God forgives you, he wañts you to forgive others. Forgiviñg those who hurt you is very hard wheñ you are añgry añd hurt. Ask God to fill you with love añd make you stroñg eñough to say, "I forgive you."

Prayer: God, help me admit it wheñ I am wroñg.

Something to Draw: Draw a picture of the apostles traveliñg añd baptiziñg childreñ all over the world.

Mission for the Week: Wheñ I hurt others, I will say, "I'm sorry. Will you for-give me?" ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berliñ, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800-950-9952 x2469—LPiResourceCeñter.com

