1 Lower Extremity Overview M.Pizzimenti, Ph.D. Reading: MA 314-360 Objectives: Identify the borders of the femoral triangle and canal. Outline the anatomical relationships of the contents and pathways taken by the occupying structures. Describe the muscles of the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh. Generalize about anatomical issues related to the compartments of the lower extremity: motor and sensory enervation, blood supply and venous drainage, muscle actions Construct a dermatome map of the lower extremity and identify cutaneous nerves that would supply these regions. Lower Extremity Compartments Thigh Anterior Thigh - Muscle group: - Primary actions: - Nerve supply: Medial Thigh - Muscle group: - Primary actions: - Nerve supply: Posterior Thigh - Muscle group: - Primary actions - Nerve supply Leg Anterior Leg - Muscle group: - Primary actions: - Nerve supply: Lateral Leb - Muscle group: - Primary actions: - Nerve supply: Posterior Leg - Muscle group: - Primary actions - Nerve supply Gluteal - Muscle group: - Primary actions: - Nerve supply: MA325

June 25th

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Lower Extremity Overview

M.Pizzimenti, Ph.D.

Reading: MA 314-360


• Identify the borders of the femoral triangle and canal. Outline the anatomical relationships of

the contents and pathways taken by the occupying structures.

• Describe the muscles of the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh.

• Generalize about anatomical issues related to the compartments of the lower extremity:

motor and sensory enervation, blood supply and venous drainage, muscle actions

• Construct a dermatome map of the lower extremity and identify cutaneous nerves that would

supply these regions.

Lower Extremity Compartments


• Anterior Thigh

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions:

- Nerve supply:

• Medial Thigh

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions:

- Nerve supply:

• Posterior Thigh

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions

- Nerve supply


• Anterior Leg

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions:

- Nerve supply:

• Lateral Leb

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions:

- Nerve supply:

• Posterior Leg

- Muscle group:

- Primary actions

- Nerve supply


- Muscle group:

- Primary actions:

- Nerve supply:




Blood Supply

Extensions of the common iliac a.

• Determine the similarities to what we have

seen in the upper extremity

Anterior Thigh

Nerve supply: Femoral n.

Thigh Muscles


- Actions

- Blood supply


- Actions

- Blood supply

• Quadriceps


- Actions

- Blood supply

Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt - Jun 25, 2010 1:25 PMFemorla nerve levels L2-L4
Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt - Jun 25, 2010 1:26 PMActions: flexor
Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt - Jun 25, 2010 1:27 PMVastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius are all parts of the Quadriceps Femoris
Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt - Jun 25, 2010 1:27 PMAction: Flexor


Hip Muscles


- Actions

- Blood supply

Attachment Map

Use the map to help you understand muscle actions

Femoral Triangle


• Adductor Magus (medial compartment m.)

• Sartorius m.

• Inguinal Ligament

Contents (lateral to medial, NAVEL)

• Femoral n.,

• Femoral a.

• Femoral v.

• Empty space

• Lymphatics

Adductor Canal



Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt - Jun 25, 2010 1:29 PMActions: One of the most powerful hip flexors


Medial Thigh

Nerve supply:

Obturator n.

Medial Thigh Muscles

Adductor Longus

- Actions

- Blood


Adductor brevis

- Actions

- Blood supply

Adductor magnus Obturator Externus

Actions Actions

Blood supply Blood supply


- Actions

- Blood supply

Adductor Hiatus



Superficial Veins

Great saphenous

Small Saphenous

Cutaneous Nerves and


Anterior Thigh

Medial Thigh

MA = Moore, KL and Agur, AMR. 2007. Essential Clinical Anatomy (3rd

Ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

MD = Moore, KL and Dalley, A. 1999. Clinically Oriented Anatomy (4th

Ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

GD = Tank, PW, 2005. Grant’s Dissector (13th Ed), Lippincott Williams

& Wilkins

GA = Agur AMR and Dalley, A 2005. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy (11th

Ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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