June 2020 Class 7B

June 2020 Class 7B - Amazon S3

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June 2020 Class 7B

Page 2: June 2020 Class 7B - Amazon S3


Dear Parents,

Greetings to all !!

Late March, every year, we look forward to commencing our new academic year.

The school prepares to welcome a horde of thundering students to its halls. This

is where one hears the laughter of children ring through and fill the corridors with

shouts and cheers. The way our schooling is set up, it puts us in a “State of Flow”

and makes us genuinely want to learn about self-respect, responsibility, sensibility,

adjustment, and healthy competition.

In our world, school is not about just learning, it is also about meeting friends and

classmates, sharing stories, chatting, and enjoying free time together. But this

year, an unprecedented and shocking global situation brought our world to a


We have two options now, to be fearful and scared, or rise above these challenges

and emerge stronger.

OPG World School has always been about building character. And it is in these

times that the whole community- students, teachers, parents, and the

administration have come together with a “can-do” attitude in a remarkable way to

ensure the well-being and continuity in students’ education.

Instead of going to school and sitting at our desks, we are now learning in a virtual

class which is bringing an innovation in learning and is a welcome change. The

teachers are not only managing lessons plans and the administration of the

school, but like everyone else, also managing the house and their families.

The words of Lou Holtz, “How one responds in the second half, will determine

what they become after the game. As we cross the finish line, we will all be

stronger, smarter, better and more resilient because of this journey.”

This experience will no doubt teach our students the “grit” that it takes to succeed

in tough times such as these with COVID-19.

We, class VII B present to you a fine collection of creative writing, informative and

inspirational articles, and artwork detailing the journey of our contributors during

these times.

Editorial Team

It doesn’t matter where you were planted or in which way you grow, all that matters is you bloom

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Experience as a student editor…..

My experience as a student editor

was delightful. As my first step, I

contacted all the people in my group

by calling them, followed by making

a WhatsApp group with them for

easy communication. To be honest,

it was very easy to agree to being a

student editor but in reality, it was a

tough job. I had to run after my

groupmates to contribute something

and then edit it. Then when they

contributed, I had to convert

everything into one document which

was a tough job for me as I am not

very tech-savvy. Still, it was fun

editing the articles. I had a great

experience at being a student


- Jaanvi Ganatra


My experience as a student editor was

fun. It started with me getting a surprise

call from my teacher asking if I can play

the role of student editor for my group.

I immediately said “Yes” as I felt it was

a good opportunity to interact with my

classmates. I started off by logging onto

the e-mail ID that was provided by my

teacher and started looking for any

submissions by my team members.

I was a bit surprised to see that none of

my teammates had sent anything. I

reported this to my teacher, and she

gave me the individual email Id’s of my

group members to follow up. I wrote a

small note and reminded them about

the submissions. After my reminder,

three of them submitted their

contributions but contributions from the

remaining team members were still

missing. While following up with my

team, I forgot about my own

contribution. Therefore, I sat down and

worked on a poem on Covid -19 as it

has become the biggest challenge for

humanity right now. Overall, it was a

challenging task to be a student editor

but I enjoyed it immensely. I thank

Shubhangi Ma’am for the opportunity.

- Aarav Sharma


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Experience as a student editor…..I was made an editor for the first time

by my teacher. When I started

working, I thought it would be tough to

find mistakes in every document, edit

it and then send it. I also thought that

it would be very tough and time

consuming to coordinate with my

teammates and getting their work. I

procured two of my old writings as

sample documents and tried to edit it.

I had done this because I was editing

for the first time. Later, I learned to

edit my own article and my

teammates’ articles as well. I was

having fun in coordinating with my

teammates, editing their work. I am

thankful to my teacher for making me

a student editor and having faith in

me. I also thank my teammates for

their coordination and support in

providing their work on time. I wish to

be a student editor again.

- Yash Kumar


Who in the world will not be happy

being an editor in his/her early years?

Being a student editor gave me a

feeling of being a responsible boy and it

improved my management skills. I got a

call from my teacher saying that I have

been chosen as one of the student

editors of my class. It was hard for me

to believe this. I was delighted to get

this chance in which I could improve my

leadership qualities. Also, it was fun

instructing the students about

submitting their work on time just like

our teachers do. I edited all the

contributions such as the articles if they

had something wrong or casual. Also, if

they were copied from the internet, I

simply rejected those articles and asked

them to do it again. Being a student

editor was fun and it came with a lot of


- Bhavya Thakur


One day, I received a call from my class teacher, who asked me if I could be a

student editor for my class. My happiness knew no bounds as I couldn’t believe that I

was getting an opportunity and exposure to test and enhance my skills. I immediately

started working on the E-magazine and got in touch with my teammates. Initially I

thought that it would be an easy job, but being a student editor means to be on your

toes all the time. I had to struggle a lot to get the contributions from my teammates.

However, I got a lot of support from my parents and teachers. I also wrote a poem for

the e-magazine. I had a lot of fun as I discovered my talent of writing poetry. I thank

my school and my teachers for showing faith in me.

- Prakriti Sharma, VII B

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Humanity has failed againShame! Shame! Shame on humanity

Natural disasters in 2020In this hard time of Corona Virus, many

things have happened in the world.

There were natural disasters such as an

earthquake, cyclone, etc. Delhi had

multiple earthquakes. I was on my bed

when the earthquake occurred. It was

so strong that my bed vibrated. I was so

scared at that time.

During the same time, a cyclone named,

Amphan, occurred in West Bengal and

Odisha. It also affected countries like Sri

Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

We don’t know what else does the year

2020 have in store for us!

- By Yash Kumar, VII B


pineapple filled with firecrackers in

Kerala. I must say that humanity has

failed again. Several celebrities and

many people demanded actionagainst animal cruelty and demanded

justice for animals. I just hope that

people who were responsible for this

are punished as it's heart breaking

and shocking for me.

- By Rudransh Bansal,


I am shocked

to know that a

group of

people caused

the death of a


elephant by

feeding theelephant with a

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Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. He imagined

that all people are treated equally. Our freedom

fighters dreamt of an independent India. Today, our

country is free. Our Prime Minister Mr P.M Narendra

Modi has a dream of building a “New India”. Today I

dreamt about the days where I was playing with the

friends just like we used to.

Many daydreams come true! When we dream, we

realize what we want to do with our lives. Everyone

has the right to dream. So, continue to dream big,

believe in your dreams and make them happen!

- By Jihaan Israni, VII B7

Diary of a 7th Grade DreamerWhat are dreams? Have you ever wondered why we

dream? Are they stories, images or feelings and

thoughts that our mind creates when we are asleep?

Or are they just our memories? Imagine what the

world would be like if no one had any dreams or

ambitions? Our dreams always try to tell us

something, but do we understand the true meaning of

our dreams?

When we have a pleasant dream, we wake up happy. But when we have dreadful

dreams, we wake up with a bad feeling. Nightmares can be horrifying, disturbing,

terrifying or they can be just weird. One day I had a very strange dream about flying

away on a cloud. I was flying towards the sun. I wanted to keep floating away, but I

was afraid of falling.

We also have daydreams. Dreams have no limits. They can be limitless. We dream

about being the best guitarists, fast bowlers, going to space, living on Mars, saving

our planet, having puppies, having a house made of ice-cream and candy. Some are

just fantasies, other are hopes and ambitions. Daydreams can be friendly, exciting,

interesting, sweet and cheerful. Dreams play an important role in our lives and can

motivate us. They can also bring confidence and happiness.

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One step taken by the government to

protect us is lockdown because this virus is

spreading from one person to another

whenever he or she comes in contact with

any other person. Lockdown is the

precaution but not the remedy as a long

lockdown is sadly, resulting in financial

crisis. Therefore, the government of every

state has decided to lift the lockdown in

phases so that our economy can recover

from this loss. But all of us have to maintain

the guidelines issued by the government to

prevent ourselves from this deadly virus.

I hope we get rid of this scenario soon. I

can’t wait to go back to school and meet

my friends and teachers.

- By Shaurya Tyagi, VII B


The outbreak of coronavirus has made

each one of us wonder about our survival

on this planet. The spread of such a deadly

disease is something which was


There are some precautions or guidelines

from the government for protecting

ourselves from Covid-19 and few of them

are to maintaining a social distance from

each other, cleaning our hands at regular

intervals using a soap or a sanitizer and

using masks and gloves every time we go

outside. We are also advised to keep our

home and our surroundings clean.

A Deadly Disease

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ज िदगी ‘REWIND’ या ‘FORWARD’ मोड म नही ि, बलकि ‘PLAY MODE’ म ीना चाजहए...... I आ

परी दजनया को कोरोना वायरस क कारण लॉकडाउन जकया गया ह। हर एक मनषय सबह- शाम

मतय क डर म ी रहा ह। भारत, अमररका, चीन, यरोप हर गह बस मौत का डर ह। एक ही

जवषय पर फसबक, इिटरनट, अखबार, टी० वी०, वाटसऐप पर खबर आती ह......’मतय’।

मौत का डर जवशवभर म फला हआ ह; लजकन कया आपन कभी सोचा ह जक लोग तो पहल भी मर रह

थ? कोई बीमारी स, कोई गरीबी या भख स, कोई जकसी कार या उडान दरघटना म हताहत हो ही

रहा था; परि त डर का ो माहौल आ दजनयाभर म वयापत ह, वह पहल कभी नही ि था। जवचार सपषट

ह : मतय तो कवल एक पल क जलए ह, जकि त मतय का डर ीवन भर का ह। यह डर इिसान को

कमजोर बनाता ह, ज िदगी क ीवित ततोि को समापत कर दता ह। आ क आधजनक तथा वजञाजनक

तथय भी इस बात को नाकार नही ि सकत जक हम न तो अपनी इचछा स नम लत ह और न ही अपनी

म ी स इस शरीर या सिसार को तयाग सकत ह। चार जदन की ज िदगी ह जबना डर क इस ज िदगी को

उतसाह स ीन वाल को ही एक बहतर और खशहाल ीवन, ीवित परसकार क रप म जमलता ह।

हमारी मतय तथा ीवन दोनोि ही परमशवर क हाथ म ह। हमार हाथ म तो कवल आ का ‘सिदर पल’

ह, इस पल को खलकर ीना सीख; जबना जकसी डर क, जबना जकसी भय क। इस चार जदन की

ज दिगी का हर आनिद तथा अनभव ही आपका सचचा सख ह।

- जीहान इसरानी VII B

चार दिन की जििगी

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Don’t let corona change your persona

Don’t let people die

Help them now, when they need it the most,

Or they might change into ghosts.

Talk to them, help them out

Do everything you can possibly do

Keep them safe from this situation

For your great nation.

Try your best, god will do the rest

So that we can go back to our normal lives

Don’t let corona change your persona

- Aarav Sharma, VII B

Be true, be honest,

do as you promise.

Who will always prevent you from

being scolded?

with all the lies you unfolded.

Your truth should be steady,

and you should always be ready

Lies seem to shine like gold,

but you have to remember what

you’ve been told.

Honesty is, you’re told,

always made of gold

With no rusting and no bursting,

you follow that, that’s the thing

Be honest be true,

that’s what I teach you

Remember, honesty is the best

be true, be honest.

- Bhavya Thakur, VII B

Don’t Let People DieBe True Be Honest

Funny Dreams

Some dreams are so funny,

Like confusion between who’s

a rabbit and who’s a bunny?

I can float in the sky,

From where did I get these wings to fly?

I can drive a car as a child,

Won’t my parents get wild?

Some dreams are so funny,

Like confusion between who’s

a rabbit and who’s a bunny?

- Keshvi Jaswal VII B

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Water Water Everywhere

But if you want to see it in future,

You better be aware.

You cannot act like an amateur.

We are lucky here at school,

to have clean water to keep us cool.

People should start caring about water,

Or the lives of the future generations will be


- Prakriti Sharma, VII B

Water Water Everywhere !!

Bit by bit,

Day by Day,

I let one go, every day,

That strand of fear,

That lives in me,

One, held my hand,

Another, killed a dream.

Like Balloons, freed in the sky,

I wish I get to release them all,

And watch them fly

- Jihaan Israni VII B

Strings of Fear

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Nature is the most important

part of our planet Earth. Nature

includes animals, human beings,

and all the other living and non-

living things on our planet. It

also helps us and calms down our

mind. This is one unique power

of nature.

Destruction is the worst side of

nature. On one hand, nature

looks very peaceful, but on the

other hand, it showcases its

immense power through cyclones,

earthquake, floods, volcanos,

thunderstorms causing death,

injuries and loss of lives.

We humans have always been ‘takers’ and never been ‘givers’

when it comes to protect our environment. The beauty of

nature is depleting because of our never- ending greed for

money and power. International agencies like the United

Nations and various countries have taken several measures to

save and protect the environment. So, we should also take one

step ahead and we must save these little animals, plants, water

and stop polluting nature.

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Explore The World

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La Tour Eiffel (The Eiffel Tower)

La Statue de la Liberte(Statue of Liberty)


The copper Statue of Liberty in New Yorkis known to all. But, do you know that itwas gifted to the USA by the French,commemorating the alliance of Franceand the USA during the AmericanRevolution? The person who built it wasnone other than Gustave Eiffel, who alsobuilt the Eiffel Tower!

Everyone can recognize the Eiffel Towerbuilt by Gustave Eiffel. It was built to markthe 100 years of French Revolution. But doyou know that it was the tallest man-madestructure for 41 years? It was falsely soldon 2 occasions as scrap metal by anAmerican man named Victor Lusting.

Savez-vous?- Deeva Mehta

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La Jaconde (Mona Lisa)

M’aidez (Mayday!Mayday!)

Mona Lisa’s smile has inspired many. Thisbeautiful painting which has its ownroom in the Louvre Museum is said tohave been painted by Leonardo da Vincifor the Italian Francesco Del Gicondo whocommissioned the painter to paint hiswife, Lisa Gicondo. That is why thepainting is also known as La Gicondo inItalian and La Jaconde in French.

The international distress call ‘Mayday’comes from the French M’aidez whichmeans ‘Help me’. This was coined byFrederick Mockford, a senior radioofficer. He thought this distress call couldbe understood by all pilots and groundstaff, as most of the traffic at the time wasbetween Croydon airport in London andLe Bourget airport in France.

Savez-vous?- Deeva Mehta


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Paris is called ‘the city of light’ for 2 reasons. In the 18th

century, during the age of Enlightenment, Paris was thecenter of education of ideas. Therefore, it was referred toas the city of light or Ville Lumiere.

Paris was the first city to use street lights in the second halfof the 19th century. The street of Champas-Elysees in Pariswas lit up with gas lamps and hence the name of Paris asVille Lumiere was again emphasized.

Paris,Ville Lumiere:

The omnibus was the firstorganized public transportsystem in a city which startedin Paris in 1662. The omnibuswas a large horse drawncarriage used for passengertransport before the inventionof motor vehicles.


- Deeva Mehta

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La baguette:

Le minitel:


This long French bread owes its elongated shape to Napoleon Bonaparte. He ordered that loaves of bread should be made thin and long so that the French soldiers could carry them easily when they went to war

Before anyone had even heardabout the internet, France wasinteracting via a little box connectedto the telephone. It was calledMinitel and was introduced in1982. It made online bankingservice, travel reservations etc.possible, in a similar way to themodern internet. 30 years after itslaunch, it was overtaken by theWorld Wide Web and has nowbecome redundant. - Deeva Mehta

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Agampreet Sehgal

Abhinav Arya

Jihaan Israni

Jihaan Israni

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Anushka Garg

Jihaan Israni

Anushka Garg

Abhinav Arya

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Art Gallery-Brilliant Brushes


Jayshree Sarraf 7B

Time spent with cats is never wasted

Every Sunset is an opportunity to RESET

Anushka Garg 7B

Pleasure in the job putsperfection in the work.

Abhinav Arya 7B

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Art Gallery-Brilliant BrushesFrom little seeds grow mighty trees.


Nature always wears the colours of the spirit

Anushka Garg 7B

Happiness is buying plants

Anushka Garg 7B

Anushka Garg 7B

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Art Gallery- Brilliant Brushes

Arnav Singh 7B

Jayshree Sarraf 7B

Agampreet Sehgal 7B

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Art Gallery- Brilliant Brushes

Anushka Garg 7B

Abhinav Arya 7BLife has its up’s and down’s, keep on swinging


Editorial Team

Jaanvi Ganatra, Prakriti Sharma,

Aarav Sharma, Bhavya Thakur,

Yash Kumar.

Design Team

Jihaan Israni, Anushka Garg,

Keshvi Jaswal, Raajarshi Singh