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June 2013 issue 23

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Online magazine to enrich, inspire and encourage one sentence at a time.

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Issue 23Issue 23 June 2013June 2013

Photo by Phil Nielsen

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4 Are You Feeling Stuck? 6 Taking the High Road 8 Conversations with Mother

10 My Dirty Little Secret 13 Rune of the Month - Uruz 18 Jettison 19 Energy 101 - Journeying On 16 Heart's Door 17 Morning Song 17 Restrung 14 Free Range Edibles - Red Clover

20 A Journey Through the Elder Futhark - Pertcha

23 Claim your Warrior/Warrioress of LOVE 24 Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - June 28 Good Grief 31 Essential Oil - Hinoki 32 Power Animal - Black Panther 33 Angel Message for June 34 The Sacred Order of the Magi 35 Our Sponsors

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Welcome to June fellow Nourish readers! I always leave the “welcome” to the last bit I do before putting each issue to bed. Normally this is a very easy write, but this month it just does not want to come forth. So I have been sitting here for a cou-ple hours racking my brain, asking my gang for guidance and waiting for the words to spring forth. Yet there are so many words that I am having a hard time focusing them onto paper. Love is floating around in there… love yourself … all of you… know you are worthy of this love and de-serving to receive all the love you can give yourself. Find something to love in each of your activities. Simple is another word that comes to me… as in Keep it Simple… it does not have to be hard, yet so many of you are struggling trying to make your life right. To work out all the kinks that seem to stay no matter how much ironing (tapping, meditating, chanting, positive mantras, etc.) you do. It really is a simple matter of doing what makes you happy. Well that is the start; if you can start there you can iron out anything. Fun … get out and have some fun this month as the weather (hopefully) warms up. Take some walks with loved ones; borrow a dog if you don’t own one and take it for a walk. Take a day and visit some-where in your city that you consider a “tourist trap”. Have an ice cream cone on the hottest day, and savor each lick without thought to how many calories each lick is worth. Find a fair and go on the bumper cars, laugh as you bump into others and they bump into you. Laugh often this month!! Rest…take time to rest, perhaps find a great spot to spread a blanket and watch the clouds float by. While you are resting dream, dream big, dream silly, dream small, just dream. Read a book or just take a nap, find time to rest this month and don’t feel guilty! Enjoy… enjoy this month’s magazine. It is filled with love, advice, things to make you think, and make you laugh. I hope you enjoy the articles as much as I have… let me know! Emails are always welcome.

Have a joyful June!! Marlene

www.nourishpublication.com All content ©2011 - 2013

by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.

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Are you feeling stuck? You know stuck, as in cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel kind of stuck. It could be your marriage lost its zing long ago, you are in a crappy job, your body is giving you grief for whatever reason, or you don’t know what to do next, you are truly stuck. May-be you feel like you need to get your creative juices flowing and just can’t find the inspiration. Maybe you would like more vitality in your life. Being stuck usually stems from fear. How can I say that? If it stemmed from love you would not feel like you were stuck and you would know the way out. Or at least you would be comfortable in that place. You

know you have fear, even if you are not ready to ac-cept that internally. Your fears stem from: fear of the unknown, fear of change that must take place, or fear of failure. You might even have a fear of succeeding and achieving your dreams. We have all been at this point at some time in our life. Have you ever had the thought “what will I have to give up in order to have this? What does it mean and how will it affect my life if I accept this into my life?” Each of us has within us a comfort zone. For the most part this zone keeps us safe and protects us but it also holds us back. We embrace the comfortable and fa-miliar of our life. We also get caught up in the thought,

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Marlene Cobb

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that if we step outside of our comfort zone; things might never be the same again. Probably true, but until we experience something out of our comfort zone, we will never know if it is better than what we have. Have you ever just decided to dive right into your fear? I mean really dive in. Perhaps you have done so under peer pressure. It could be as simple as going on a ride at the fair that terrifies you. Do you recall the feeling of exhilaration? Oh, there was fear mixed in with it as well, but in facing your fear, did you not feel like the king of the castle? I am not saying you should jump in with both feet at the first sign of being stuck, but rather come to the un-derstanding that the only way to get through it is to go through it. You need to come to either a place within you, where you are going to accept what is or you are going to change what is. Often that is the hardest de-cision to make, and I say this, because accepting can be a lifelong commitment whereby you are ok with your choice and are ok with any consequences that come because of that decision. Next time you feel stuck, instead of just going along with that feeling, dive into it. What are you actually feeling? Can you get to the root of why you are feel-ing stuck. Is it because you are not getting your way? Or is there a valid reason for feeling that way. Maybe you just don’t want to be inspired to create something, and that is ok. By facing our “suffering” (let’s call it what it is) head on we are acknowledging it. From that point on, we can get to the heart of it and be able to make some decisions on how to get unstuck, or out of feeling like we are stuck. Look at it as turning on a light in a dark room to illumi-nate it so you do not bump into the furniture as you walk around. By exploring how “your situation” makes you feel, how resisting making the necessary changes makes you feel, and what do you feel like when you look at and acknowledge why you are staying in that “situation”. From those simple explorations you are facing the underlying fear head on. When you face the fear head on, does it disempower the hold it has on you? Next time you are feeling stuck, angry, or terrified, take a moment and look at it head on. See if you can find the root fear that is placing you in the emotional situa-

tion. Then, instead of resisting it, try facing it head on. Let your fear know that you are not going to feed it power willingly but are going to say “bug off! I am go-ing for it!”

Connect with Marlene at www.merrlina.com or email at [email protected]

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Things are not always what they seem. I remember in the early nineties feeling strongly that the most im-portant attribute we needed to develop as we moved into the next millennium was the power of discern-ment. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern if a teacher, healer, or leader truly operates from integrity. Do they practice what they preach? Is there a con-sistency in their teachings or their principles? As we evolve to expanded levels of awareness, our powers of discernment will be tested. As we move into deeper levels of integrity, places where we might be out of alignment with that integrity become glaringly obvious. Our own discomfort around the dissonance between what we believe, and what we are, is one of the most powerful motivators for change. It is only our own self-honesty that will get us to that place. I recently experienced a shocking example of incon-gruity. While driving to an appointment, flipping radio stations, I came upon the infamous radio psychologist. She purports to advocate all that is good, right and true. The lines she draws between what is acceptable and not acceptable are very sharp and clear, often judgmental and dishonoring of certain segments of the population. “Do the right thing is her motto.” I have often thought she must have the word ‘right’ capitalized.

On this particular day, a couple phoned in. They had produced five children, aged one to fourteen years, after which the husband had a vasectomy. He had a brief extramarital affair in the past year. Recently, the wife also had a brief affair, which resulted in a preg-nancy. They asked the media psychologist what to do. Terminating the pregnancy was out of the question for all concerned, and the couple had considered giving the child up for adoption. What was the good doc-tor’s advice? First, she expressed regret the biological father had been told of the pregnancy. Secondly, she suggested the couple tell everyone that prior to the husband’s vasectomy, some of his sperm had been preserved, and as they had been struggling in the marriage, thought another child might help the situa-tion So she had artificial insemination with her hus-band’s sperm. The child would be raised as their own biological child. You can likely already see several obvious problems with this scenario. Is it fair to lie to a child about his pa-ternity to preserve your image? Is it appropriate to fab-ricate a huge lie to cover your error in judgment? If a couple was faced with this dilemma, I truly would not judge them, regardless of the decision they made. I would guess they were doing the best they could in their situation.

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Gwen Randall-Young

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What I have a real problem with is a professional, with millions of listeners, advocating the creation of a bold lie to make it look like everything is above board. That is the old way. What a profound opportunity for an evolutionary leap in consciousness. This was a Christian family, with strong Christian values. What if they sat down and told their children that Mom and Dad had both made some big mistakes, and hurt each other in the process? They could explain the pregnancy was a consequence of both parents straying from what they know is true and right. The importance of taking re-sponsibility for one’s actions could be emphasized, along with the importance of a human life. They could explain they learned deeply from their mistakes, but now would work together to raise this child in love. The children would likely respect their parents for their hon-esty, and for taking responsibility for what their actions created. They would admire their father, for accepting this child as his own. They would see that a child is a gift from God, however it arrives. The new addition to the family would not have to live life as his or her parent’s lie. Discernment requires that we see into the heart of things, honoring the highest truth we can perceive. Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to take such a high road. But those challenging situations are precisely the ones which allow us to take leaps in consciousness,

which ultimately contribute to moving the entire spe-cies forward. The radio doctor had an amazing opportunity, to influ-ence the consciousness of millions, guiding them to align with truth, and showing the way to authentic, reverent living. Instead, she advocated lying, dishon-esty, shame, manipulation, and deception, which, among other things, would leave these people with a lifetime of guilt, to say nothing of the devastation when the child one day learned the truth. This is out of integrity, and irresponsible, especially given the num-ber of listeners tuned in. The radio doctor missed a golden opportunity to model alignment with truth. How much better it would have been if she had made the choice practice what she teaches. I would chal-lenge her to re-think her advice, and to ‘do the right thing.”

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For per-mission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit www.gwen.ca

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I awoke at 5:00am one morning in May. The birds were performing their dawn chorus, the cat stretching lazily at my feet, yawned and went back to sleep. No such luxury for me. Lately I seem to wake at silly o’clock (anywhere from 4-6am) and usually I am tossing and turning and getting cross, in an attempt to snatch a little more much-needed-these-days beauty sleep. As I lay watching the sky turn pink I felt the by now familiar stream of loving words forming in my heart, so I decided that communion with Mother was requested. I admit, I fret sometimes about whether or how I am to explain this phenomenal energy, but I am assured that it needs no explanation. Writing and sharing the wisdom will be re-ceived by those who need to hear it. Those who don’t can cheerful-ly bin it. Everyone’s a winner! …and so, as I listened quietly to the still, small place in my heart, the Infinitely Divine Mother of All Creation offered these words: From the moment you enter the physical world you are seeking re-union with the Love from whence you came. Many of you think you have to find your perfect match but I say this to you. Always you will find your perfect match, and this is one of the myths I would like to explore with you to clarify what you know as romantic love. Your physical body is filled with energetic vortices. Some call these points meridians or chakras. They relate to various energy frequen-cies within your physical/spiritual state, because all energy requires a positive and a negative charge in order to elicit a reaction… or in other words, in order to activate the thing so that inertia is not the natural state. Mastery of the knowledge of these energetic points will bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself. For every energy impulse that is experienced as a wave frequency emitted from your physical apparatus, or unit, there is a ‘mirror’ of your actions, reactions and of your soul. Not all dimensions have this nor do they need this. Earth and other planetary bodies like it support duality and dimensionality in a dens-er form, so that the soul or spirit form of yourself can feel the various and innumerable energies that cause the Womb of Creation to expand further. When you are in a physical dimension, you Know that you come from pure, divine Love. The physical body acts as a kind of barrier to this incredibly refined system and as such, the search begins for your mirror of your soul, for that is usually and more commonly the mode of experiencing and learning about this physical world. As you begin to become aware of your energetic state of being or your natural state, in other words, you begin to become aware of the activity or vibrational nature of your being also. Mirrors of your soul will begin to emerge more strongly, and you will begin to feel that you recognise certain aspects of your Self through these mirrors or reflectors of your current state of energetic frequen-cy.

At rudimentary level, you believe you have seven or eight of these chakra points when indeed there a hundreds of them, unseen tiny turbines or distributors, all working in harmony to keep the body vehi-cle moving and activated. When these energy channels become dysfunctional, for instance, you experience a disharmony in the physical body. You call it illness or sickness. It is simply your body reflecting your state of imbalance. Each of you seeks love in which ever form is acceptable to you. For some it may be same gender. For some it may be that you are con-tent to love your cat, dog or other creature. And for others they may not rest until they have found someone that mirrors their state of being. This is why it is so important for you to realise that your authenticity is your best guide. Being true to your self, and being vigilant about what your current authenticity is each day, you will emit frequency of vibration that will then seek to align with or reunite with the same frequency. As your frequency refines and increases in speed, so to speak, you become a clearer focus or magnetic point of attraction. Thus, all around you also becomes clearer to you. And so you be-come even more aware of your journey back to Love. When you meet another and you form a union, marriage or relation-ship, you are in an energetic state of being able to see where you are in relation to your journey back to Love. When your energetic energy is operational in the denser frequen-cies, they run a little slower and so you will not be able to see or feel those things that are vibrating at a higher frequency. You say, ‘if only I could find my perfect match’, when in truth you always find your perfect match. Vibrationaly and energetically speaking that is. Romantic love is beautiful for you to feel because it serves to remind you of Love, and the place of origin… your Source, in other words. Within the womb of Creation, infinite possibilities and infinite conno-tations occur constantly and continuously. There is no ‘right’ way or ‘wrong’ way. There are just billions of ways for you to choose to ex-perience yourself and all aspects of Me. Eventually all will return to Me. It is always your choice upon which level of frequency you settle, so to speak. Many are not content until they know so much about themselves and they call this state Ascension or Enlightenment. I call it a return to Mother! Return to the Womb of Creation. Many happy returns! Let us look at it from your point of view. You are operational at the base level of energetic frequency, which then determines how the next level will also interact and operate. Basement level is the need for basic survival and incorporates the pro-creational need, drive and force. This is your will to generate your human selves and replicate, which is also one of the ways in which a ‘soul’ or an infinite possibility energetically, can manifest

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Conversations with Mother by Jay Atkinson

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itself into being in a physical world. There are so many ways, you cannot imagine. Which is why I said, ‘my house has many man-sions’… you will note these words have been given to you as ‘My Father’s house has many mansions’… feel the difference! And so your energy frequency vibrates at the base level (root chak-ra) causing you to seek a mate with whom to procreate or build a home, or a relationship. You may call this romantic love that you are seeking, or it may be even baser than that. The attraction at this level is usually expressed in a sexual manner. As with all things, sexual energy is productive and creative or if utilised in a lower frequency vibration, can also be counter-productive and even destructive. When I share these observations with you I share the knowledge in pure love and without attachment to the why, how, when, where or who you choose to experience with. All is simply that. Experience. Physical worlds are extensive playgrounds and some are more en-joyable than others. Some are filled with those who wish to remain operational at the higher frequency levels and others choose to experience other things within denser frequency physical environ-ments. Let us say you begin by feeling your need to find your match. You have effectively disconnected from Love, from your true Source of origin - temporarily of course - and the urge within is to seek align-ment or reunion with that love again. You find a partner who seems to match your requirements and ini-tially all in the garden is rosy, but then you begin to observe some things that surprise you. You are now aware that this other person is not perfect and is simply mirroring your frequency. When I say to you that all of my creations are perfect, I tell you that I only create per-fection. How you choose to perceive the illusions around you is your choice and is your free will in operation. I know you will all return to Love. Of that there is no doubt. It is why I rejoice when one of you returns to Me because you have trusted that I will never desert you and you have continued to seek Me. As infants you seek the love of your physical Mother and Father and you seek love from others in your immediate family circle and then later you become aware of the wider range of choices. As you ma-ture and become more aware of your sentient nature, you seek out those things which reflect your current state of equilibrium or imbal-ance. This continues throughout your life experience, as you seek persons and situations, jobs, travel, love, etc… and some of you believe that ‘this is all there is’ and so, for many of you, there will be an existence in a state of inertia or stasis, because your frequential operational energy has become fixated or stuck in a rut like a record with grooves that has a tiny mark upon it. You play and replay over and over again until you finally become aware that all is not feeling good, and then you have a choice to stay or to jump the mark and move on to the next frequency. When this occurs, those around will again reflect your current emissions and choices. What you believe to be the truth about your self is how you energeti-cally interact with all of creation. And so if your base energy vortex/chakra is resonating along the frequency of need because you feel the need to survive physically, you will then magnetize to you and draw yourself towards those things that are a perfect match. Your physical world is the way in which you perceive yourself and choose to perceive other ways of being and interacting. In short, the return to Love is what you seek, whether it is via a rela-tionship with another or through some other expression. Many of you find great joy in the work that you do and so do not seek a physical partner. Many of you wish to express this search for union via physi-cal relationships with other human beings or through interaction with the animals of land, sea and air. All creations are mine.

No way is “wrong’. That belief will not be acceptable for some of you, but infinitely speaking, there is ONLY experience and the need to return and reunite with Me Your energy vortices will either be in a state of stability and full func-tionality or they may be imbalanced. If your base centre for exam-ple becomes stuck in a groove, and ill at ease, this will have a dom-ino, knock-on effect on the other centres of energy, which then try to compensate for the loss of energy in the basement. Some of these centres may be more developed, much like muscles, thus for a while they are strong enough to deal with the imbalance at the other levels… eventually all imbalance will reveal itself physically. There is always a way in which you can bring your energetic state back to balance and equilibrium, thus enabling your physical state to recover. However, if the state of imbalanced frequency at base level is ignored, mis-treated, undiagnosed or tolerated for too long, the condition of imbalance will become chronic, thereby eliciting a need for intervention and physical compensation. Physical expression as a form of experiencing what the soul state of you requests is one of the myriad ways of a soul experiencing itself. All experience adds to the Whole. Incidentally when you don’t feel Whole you feel a Hole in your Soul! You can fill this hole with Love, and seek to be ever more loving thereby plugging your own gaps so to speak or you can choose to keep seeking and searching outside of your physical self to fill the void. In this way, you will feel as if you have become a black hole, needing to fill the void with energy from anywhere and everywhere, yet still feeling the hunger of loss. A black hole is nothing less than this energetic counterpart manifested physically in your space/time. Emitting no light of it’s own, imploding upon itself with massive ener-getic need… get the picture? I will speak more of black holes for you need to know that a Black Hole is not the end. It is the begin-ning… ‘and out of darkness came the light’, remember? Once you are in mastery of your energetic frequencies, which is what many of you are learning to do right now, hence your awak-ened state globally, you are then making available to your physical experience many additional miracles although they are not per-ceived as miracles from the non-physical aspect. They are simply the true state of being. Levitation of physical material, including your body/unit, is not a miracle, it is an inevitable conclusion to the un-derstanding of how energy and frequency work. Your example set by the advanced expression of Me, you called Tesla, knew this to be fact. The ability to disassemble your physical apparatus and reas-semble it somewhere else is not the miracle of teleportation, it is simply the expanded knowledge of all you are and your realisation of your ability and capability for exercising every aspect of your being… Illusion is simply that which you choose to believe over that which is true. When your mind is opened to Infinite Possibility, you will see that nothing is miraculous and yet All is a miracle of Love. Love is infinite and cannot change. Love is not unlike honey in that it stands the test of time. It is the abiding, indestructible energy force that binds all in unity. I am your Mother and I say to you, strive to be happy at all times. Whatever you do and however you feel, there are always ways in which you can improve your outlook and your lot. Settle for only as long as it takes for you to catch a breath before moving on and experiencing ever more of the wonder of You. With infinite love from the Mother of all Creation With all my love, Jay 'Granny' Atkinson


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“Just the facts ma’m-just the facts.” These are the words I hear as I struggle to write this. I am still coming to terms with my behavior and of the cause and af-fects of it. This story is one that I refer to as my “dirty little secret”. That is what I decided I would call it, when I spoke publically about it or wrote about it. “It” could be about any number of things. Everyone has or had something that they would prefer to re-main hidden, something that doesn’t fit the vision they have of themselves or that they think others have of them. My something was smoking. In the late 1990’s I quit smoking. I don’t remember the exact date or even the year. It just seemed the natu-ral next step for me to take. At the time, it was a fairly easy step to take. Smoking became something I did in

another time and place which I had no intention of revisiting- ever. Fast forward to the end of February last year. My hus-band and I had spent a month in Laguna Beach sans our puppy and the related responsibility and renewed our tired relationship. There is nothing new in this story which many married couples are familiar with. Often it becomes the same old, same old and you find your-self in a well worn and familiar rut. It may be comfy but it isn’t very exciting. While in California we visited some touristy places, in-cluding Disney Land and Venice Beach. In Venice Beach I noticed some organic cigarettes in a corner store. I picked up a pack for my son who was an oc-casional smoker. I stashed them in one of my suitcases

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so that I wouldn’t forget to bring them home and promptly forgot they were there-for a time. Our time there was lovely. I remember clearly one day while hiking in the hills overlooking Laguna, thinking that our marriage was back on track. I was in love with my husband again. Sunsets enjoyed on the patio, morning walks on the beach and afternoon cuddles slowly drew us back towards the love we had for each other. Our time there was coming to an end and my hus-band and I were to drive back to Vancouver togeth-er. Unfortunately at the last minute he had to attend a dealer show. He is a manufacturer’s sales rep in the RV industry which gives him the flexibility to manage his time, but also has it’s own responsibilities. He left La-guna a few days before me to drive to the show and I made arrangements to fly home. I was disappointed and a little angry. I was looking forward to the drive home with him. I wasn’t looking forward to getting my-self home. Call me selfish if you like but there it was. I am nothing if not flexible. I will make the best of that which comes along. So, alone, on one of the last eve-nings in our rental I opened a beer and sat on the pa-tio to watch the sun go down. Towards the end of that very tasty beer, I thought to myself; I have ciga-rettes, maybe I will have one. Up until that moment it had never crossed my mind, in all those years, to in-dulge in a cigarette. I certainly had opportunity but it wasn’t a choice I even considered. That evening, something made me choose differently. I chose to have one and then another and another along with some more tasty beer. Organic cigarettes are different. They taste better-no added chemicals taint the virgin tobacco. No chemi-cals equated healthier in my mind. You see I believe that everything is energy and how we view something alters the energy of said viewed. In my mind this was an important point-a very im-portant point. Initially I thought, “this time, I will be an occasional smoker”. That would be a no. Then I thought “I will just smoke in the evening”. That was also a no. And my final frontier; “I will never smoke in the morning”. That quickly fell by the wayside.

As the year went by I noticed that, to my dismay, my body was rejecting my newly rediscovered activity. My cough was out of proportion to the amount I was smoking. (I never did reach the previous count of a pack a day) I found myself feeling embarrassed and ashamed of my cough. This was a new feeling for me and in turn I became obsessed with quitting-it was al-ways on my mind. However, I found myself feeling afraid of quitting my habit. This was new to me. Why was I afraid? What was there to be afraid of? I began to use all the tools I had at my disposal to sort through and combat the fear, in order to find the place where quitting was the next natural step again. I was angry that I couldn’t make this okay and boy did I try to make this okay. After all it is just en-ergy! A couple of weeks ago, after asking for help from all quarters for this, I followed an impulse and booked a BARS session. Some very interesting things came up in that session and I felt like I had been prepped for a next step. The next day I made an appointment with my massage therapist who facilitates Thai Stomach Massage. Our session was wonderful and more energy was shifted. I felt like I was making headway. The fol-lowing day I booked an appointment with a medical intuitive. More energy was shifted. Bingo! I quit smoking the next day. Those are the facts. What is not just a fact is the im-pulse that led me to my first appointment. What is not just a fact are the feelings that teased me forward to another appointment and another and the order in which I booked them. I felt like the order was as im-portant as the appointments. What is not just a fact is that something happened to tip the energetic scale. I believe that I was consciously following an energetic path that I laid down for myself before I even landed on planet earth. I knew I was on to something but at the time I didn’t know what it was and I still am not ex-actly sure what happened. All I know is that quitting was the next natural step for me. What I hadn’t expected was the sadness and anger that bubbled up in the days that followed. I am still sorting through that. There is the obvious loss of a “friend” and only someone addicted to cigarettes would understand that. But, this was different, be-

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cause I wasn’t thinking about smoking. So if I were to guess I would tell you that the smoking was, well I just don’t know and this is where I get stuck. I have no guess for you or for me. A dear friend suggested I was angry because I had to choose. There might be something in that. If I was such a magnificent creator why couldn’t I make this okay? Why couldn’t I smoke without any sig-nificant consequences? It is all just energy! I find myself sleeping a lot recently. I know I have been healing this experience in my dream time. My body is continuing to heal from the effects of smoking and the cold that was entangled in the same time frame. Sleep has always been a balm for my soul. It calls to me and when it does, it is always a release of this reality and an opportunity to resolve my emotions through and in an-other reality. And so there is nothing seemingly simple in my story of addiction revisited or in the release of it once again and yet if I could see from a different perspective I know that I would be saying aha and so that is what it was-how simple and how is it that I didn’t get that?! The Group is telling me that it is all just energy and in a different time and place it would be of no conse-quence. In a different time and place it would be a non issue and in another different time and place it would be just a story told to great –great-great-great-great grandchildren about silly beings who forget who they are. There are so many stories that unfold on the different time lines. There are so many different ways to resolve the items you deem an issue in your reality. They are al-ways done in the reality that you exist in. Many of you have memories of places where you could create in-stantaneously. Whatever and whoever you desired to be could be created in an instant. You could experi-ence and release within moments. None of it is a powerful as the experiences that you have on planet earth in your current reality. You are gatherers of experiences. You are gatherers of possibili-ties. You are gatherers of energy and each time that you resolve to accomplish what you set your mind and heart to, each moment that you use to untangle the energies that have been inadvertently entangled you are mastering the beings you have chosen to be on planet earth, now-in the time and place you find your-selves.

There are powerful stories that are unfolding and not all of them are clear in the moments that they occur. We watch and cheer you on as you come to grips with the experiences you have placed yourselves in. We watch and love you as you remember who you are. The energies that you play in are large and many of the stories have been told and retold so many times with research to back up the conclusions, that it has only cemented things in place that were not meant to be cemented in place. It would take a master to have some things be of no consequence. Our advice would be to steer clear of some of those playgrounds unless you want the experience. There is the story of overcoming that is told. There is the story of never giving up in order to give up and surrender into well being. There is the story of impulses and energies to be told that just might inspire another to create their story. Oh the stories we have witnessed-magnificent stories, heart wrenching stories, stories of love and courage and a willingness to never give up. You are magnificent beings of light and love-don’t let anyone tell you other-wise. Go For The Joy Linda and The Group’

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“I am expanding

beyond limitations

into joy and freedom!”

Photo by Phil Nielsen

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The rune I drew for the month of June is Uruz. It represents the vital force and energy of the wild ox. The auroch which ranged over the same territory as the Northern Tribes symbolized strength and virility to these peo-ple, hence Uruz is an indicator of good health and strong natural powers of re-sistance. Where health is an issue, it indi-cates a speedy recovery. This is a forceful, driving, masculine rune. Uruz rules over change, usually the unexpected kind that compel you to draw from within yourself, that force of honest, raw strength that only this rune can supply. These changes are natural and should not be avoided. You may be called upon to give up those things that no longer serve you. In questions of finance or business, this rune indicates an eventual improvement but only after diligent application of your resources and much effort. Uruz sometimes heralds a promotion or a career change, usually with added responsibilities. In this case Uruz shows that you have the strength to deal with them. It is a rune of raw, archetypal force. Reversed, Uruz shows that you are about to fail or have already failed to take ad-vantage of the situation. Search your mem-ories. Have you passed up on an opportuni-ty because of petty worries, fear, or low self-esteem? Sometimes this rune can indicate weak will power. It can manifest as a lack of motivation or as a desire to let someone else, someone you may consider to be a “stronger individual,” dictate your beliefs and tell you how to live your life. As Uruz is a primary rune of health, when it is reversed it can show a low vitality or a minor illness that will soon have to be faced. For a male, it can suggest problems, whether psychologi-cal or physiological, of a sexual nature. Even reversed, Uruz can still indicate surprise changes. Depending on the other runes in the cast it can also show that you should just let the changes happen for it will only bring you trouble. Some changes may not ones you will like very much while other times it may turn out for the best, especially if Uruz falls in an otherwise positive cast.

Phil Nielsen

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Photo by Phil Nielsen

“Mind over matter – matter over mind”

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We women know how men tend to over identify with their lawns. I’ve actually seen grown men stand and gaze in admiration at a neighbor’s perfectly manicured, emerald green lushness. Because I grow most of my own medicinal herbs, as well as a large vegetable patch pesticides or chemical fertilizers of any kind are verboten, much to The Husband’s chagrin. Conse-quently our lawns have a lovely meadow-like quality with flowers poking up between the blades of grass here and there……..well actually it’s more like singular blades of grass poking up amongst the weeds and flow-ers…..what ever! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I love our meadow-like, bee loving lawns and The Husband has come to terms with the fact that his lawn will never be gazed upon with envy. Which brings to mind a most lovely, plentiful and familiar edible plant, Red Clover (Trifolium pratense). Although all clovers originated in Europe, Asia and Northern Africa, you’d be hard pressed to find a place on earth (excluding the Sahara) where clover can’t be found. They all grow their leaves in groups of three and the leaves have a white-ish V on them. The blossoms range from a pretty pink to purple. The white clover blossoms can be substituted for red in many uses. As a child I spent lazy afternoons in the sun lounging amongst the clover looking for four leafs and munching on the sweet nectar drawn from the flower pet-als…….mmm! Little did I know that many years later when menopause hit I’d be downing Red Clover with a vengeance to alleviate those dreaded hot flashes!

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Red clover has long been known to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones that act like estrogen in the body. It has been used for hot flashes, PMS, and breast milk production, to improve urine production, blood purifier, calm bronchial spasms, to treat skin conditions and eczema and has a history in herbal medicine in the treatment of cancer. In times past Clover was believed to ward off evil spirits, and it has been regarded as a symbol of luck since ancient times. Red Clover contains many valuable nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, vitamin C and is very rich in protein. Yet an-other example of a nutritional, medicinal power house right under foot! The fresh or dried flowers make a lovely tea just on their own or part of a mixture. I always include lots in my Winter Tonic tea blend. The young leaves can be tossed into salads and eaten raw. Once the flowers appear the leaves may not taste quite as nice, but the blossoms are wonderful in salads. You can dry the flowers and then grind them into a protein rich flower too. Clover blossoms and leaves can be stir fried or steamed and the high protein content is a welcomed addition to casseroles and just about anything else you can think of. This Red Clover Rice dish is so pretty, economical and nutritious.

Red Clover Rice 2 cups rice, brown or wild 2 cups Red Clover flowerettes, plucked out of the flow-er heads ½ cup butter 1 tsp salt

1. Cook rice in 6 cups water until done. 2. While the rice is still hot, mix in Clover flowers, butter and salt. 3. Serve hot. You could add a ½ cup honey and some chopped nuts to make this a sweet dish. qYou can also try ui-noa or other grains instead of rice for this recipe. But why stop there? I just couldn’t help myself, I have to include this amazing Pink Clover Mead recipe too. I haven’t tried this, but I’m going to get The Husband right on it, I’ll pick, he brews awesome combo! Pink Clover Mead This mead (honey wine) can be made quite suc-cessfully with the deep red or white clover bloom or any color in between. 3 quarts pink clover heads (or any clover)

1 gal of water 2 pounds clover honey (any honey will work the clo-ver just adds more clover flavor) 2 lemons 1/2 cup strong, fresh made tea yeast Pour the boiling water over the clover bloom, in a kettle, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for half an hour. Strain this infusion onto the honey, thin sliced lemons and tea. Cool to lukewarm and add yeast. Let it work in a fermentation jar that you can put fer-mentation locks on, (which should be available at any wine making shop or online) for three months, by which time it will be a clear lovely pink, and ready to bot-tle. As always please be careful where you pick your clo-ver avoiding places where it may have been sprayed with pesticides, too near roads (car exhaust) and of course any place where man’s best friend has access!

Visit Marilyn at www.BodySoulApothecary.com

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Poems by Margie Kivel

Heart’s Door

Glimpses of

fleeting spirits,

peripheral ghosts




into form… knocking, tapping

at heart’s door.


Margie Kivel 24 Nov. 2009

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Morning Song The piercing clarity of the early morning wood thrush penetrates through limb and leaves into my being. soul stirrings with each trill and echo… layers lifting to magical passes, healing waves invisible to the eye.

light fills and expands spirits forest, the song of water caresses rock and fish, as my earth toes dabble in the stream of forgetfulness. sounds evoke and stir genetic memories of other places other times. margie kivel

Restrung I watch as they descend and ascend Jacobs’s ladder, escalator of dreams, the barter of bliss. Spirit comes down bringing pure luminance as atman ascends, seeking transcendence. Hand of goddess plays us like crystal bowls, singing bodies into new forms of energy’s blue. With downward sweep of angel wings all return, breathing the light of compassion’s power into the earth. Margie Kivel 17 January 2010

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Jettison Can I change the weave of my cloth of experience; perhaps move on the diagonal instead of the horizontal? How will this seemingly simple act change the pattern of my life and open me to new forms? The grand choice poses itself in my field of vision, and I, as diver, prepare to explore the woven depths. It is a razor-quick movement along the time lines that facilitates the shift into other living cosmic waters. I am letting go of all attachments and anchors of who I am now, but will not be again. Today, the approaching crest of this unknown life fabric brings the anticipation of a new view, a different touch. Margie Kivel

Poem by Margie Kivel

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So, dear ones….do you begin to see what I mean when I say that in order to have peace on this planet, in this universe, we must begin with ourselves? Emotion is energy in motion. Our thoughts help to create our emotions and when we have thoughts that reflect our fears rather than reflecting our love we create an energy that is not something we would wish to unleash on the planet. Most of us have seen the car-toons that show powerful be-ings hurling masses of energy around causing great destruc-tion. It may be hard to believe, but our negative thoughts cre-ate the same type of energy. The intensity of the emotion is directly related to the mass of energy we send out. This is as true of love and joy as it is of anger or fear. I believe that most people would choose to send out joy and love rather than fear and anger. I have brought up awareness in these lessons over and over again. Becoming aware of our

thoughts, aware of our feelings, our emotions, is critical to our achieving personal peace. This can only be done with gentle-ness, with love. We talk about judgment. Our judgments of ourselves are as harsh if not harsher than those we have of other people. That is why I have asked you to begin your journey of personal awareness. As you practice and become adept at recog-nizing and responding with gentleness to those less-than-kind thoughts about yourself, you will find yourself moving through your days happier and more content. Love will radiate from you and people will be drawn to you. You will also begin to notice when your friends and family, your co-workers, your fellow life travelers are experiencing pain in their treatment of them-selves. And at this point, dear ones, you will begin to teach them what you know. You will begin to offer them the tools that you have used with such

success. Some of them will be able to use them, others will not be ready. It is not up to us to say when someone is ready to begin their work in this area. In-deed, they may already be working, just not in a way that we recognize. This month continue to expand your love of your self, of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Continue to practice being aware. Be pa-tient with yourself. This is a life work you have begun. It is not something begun one month and finished the next. But as your awareness grows you will notice that the loving energy that surrounds you is pulsing out into the universe. Peace, ex-panding. Until next month, Namaste Contact Vera at [email protected]

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One day Odin and Loki were wandering throughout Midgard in search of adventure when they came up-on an otter consuming huge quantities of salmon at the edge of a waterfall. Now this was no ordinary ot-ter; he was the size of a hay barn. Loki turned to Odin and said, “If I can kill this beast, its meat and pelt will feed and clothe al l of Asgard for eternity.” Odin laughed in assent as Loki picked up a sharp rock and hurled it with such force and accuracy that the monster died instantly. Almost as suddenly, the giant Hreidmar appeared as though out of nowhere. “My son,” he cried, “Who has murdered you?” “How can that be?” Odin mused. “How could some-one like you have an otter for an offspring?” “Well, he certainly was a ‘giant’ otter,” commented Loki, which caused both gods to break into uncon-trollable laughter. “He shapeshifted himself,” Hreidmar tearfully explained, “all the better to eat more salmon. Now he has come to such a sad end.” Overhearing their father’s grief, Hreidmar’s oafish sons, Fasolt and Fafner, hurried to join him. “This is no laugh-

ing matter,” Fasolt angrily scolded Odin. “Our brother has been killed. By the very runes you yourself carved on your staff and by which you have ordered the en-tire universe, you must ransom your lives or lose them! Defy the law and the Ragnarok will swoop down to consume your fair family.”

All Father knew Fasolt spoke the truth, so he promised to pay compen-sation for the dead giant. “What is the penalty?” The giants conferred among themselves, and eventually thought of a payment that was too steep for even the gods to pay so that Odin and Loki could be legally executed when they defaulted. “We have decided,” Fafner an-nounced: “Your lives will be redeemed upon receipt of enough gold to completely fill our brother’s corpse.” “There is not that much gold in all the world!” Loki exclaimed. But Odin gestured for him to be silent. “We accept your demand, against

which our lives are pawned. This I swear by my rune staff.”

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Phil Nielsen


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On that oath, the gods were free, but only on the con-dition that they return with the promised gold. When they were far enough from the giants, Loki wondered why Odin had agreed to such an impossible bargain. “They would have rightfully killed us then and there,” Odin explained. “Besides, I have heard rumors… We must go to the White Lady to learn more.” The two gods travelled to the ends of Midgard, where ceaseless freezing winds made all life impossible. There, at the foot of a great mountain, they came up-on a broad opening in the rock face. Odin stood at the threshold as he called into the cave, “Wake up Pertcha, from your long sleep I summon you! Pertcha, eternal spirit, from your depths, I conjure you! I am your awakener. All-knowing, and wise Pertcha, awake!” As he uttered this incantation, a bluish haze glowed faintly in the dark recess and became an incandes-cent cloud of azure light into which the form of a woman arose. “Who disturbs my sleep with such an irresistible power?” she spoke as though in a trance, her eyes closed. Her hair was as wild as tangled tree roots, but she wore a mantle of pure white snow about her shoulders. “Only I, All Father, am strong enough to call you.” “Why have you done so?” she asked wearily. “Let me sleep!” “You are the All-Knower, wiser than Mimir, owner of the well of knowledge.” “For which he will lose his head, as you have lost your eye,” she muttered. “What price wisdom now?” “My life is the price! I need enough gold to fill the body of Hreidmar’s son as ransom for his death, or else I for-feit not only myself but also the universe.” Pertcha was silent for a long while as though dream-ing, before she responded. “Deep under the surface of Niflheim is hidden an evil dwarf named Alberich, who has enslaved his fellow Niflheimers, forcing them to become miners. His plan is to mine enough gold to buy the mercenary services of the giants. They are to be his paid dupes for the storming of Asgard. After its destruction, he will rule the world, something his peo-ple have been scheming for a long time.” “The dwarf has all the gold you will need. Take it. But he also possesses a ring you may not keep. That small circle of gold is the source of his power over his fellow dwarves. Alberich stole it from the Rhine maidens. To accomplish the theft, he had to forswear love—not a difficult thing for such an unlovable creature. But in doing so, he placed a curse on the ring. Anyone who wears it wields ultimate power, but is doomed. Seize the gold, but avoid the curse, Odin! Return the ring to its rightful if inept guardians!”

Without committing himself to such a request, All Fa-ther thanked Pertcha for sharing her secret wisdom, then gently allowed her to sink back into subterranean sleep. He and Loki flew down to Niflheim where they seized Alberich, bound him in chains, and carried him back to Hreidmar, who was still waiting by the side of his dead son with Fasolt and Fafnir. “Summon your people here! Have them bring all the gold they have mined or, by Odin’s staff, you will die a most miserable death.” Loki threatened the cringing dwarf. Alberich reluctantly muttered a gruff command over his ring and the earth opened and a throng of dwa-rves pulling wagonloads of gold pushed innumerable bars into the giant otter’s corpse… Eventually the body seemed entirely full, which was lucky for Odin and Loki, because every scrap of gold had been stuffed into the gigantic carcass. “Wait!” Fasolt commanded the departing Aesir. “Not so fast! The ransom has not been paid in full. My poor brother has not yet been filled with gold, as you prom-ised. Look here,” as he showed them a tiny opening in the creature’s maw. “That is easily filled,” Odin said as he grabbed the ring from Alberich’s finger. “There, that should do it,” as he placed the cursed ring in the otter’s mouth. Angered that the gods had done what they had thought impossible, they had no choice but let them go. The gods more than won their freedom; their enemies destroyed each other, just as Pertcha had foreseen. Hreidmar claimed the ring but subsequently became a victim of parricide at the hands of Fasolt, who in turn was murdered by his brother, who turned himself into a dragon. He was then killed violently, a hero’s blade in his breast. And so the ring’s curse went, from victim to victim, until it helped bring about the end of the world. Pertcha, also known as Perthro, is concerned with mys-teries of all kinds—occult, hidden things, buried or con-cealed valuables; the unknown. The appearance of her rune means a secret is about to be disclosed, an undiscovered or suppressed truth revealed. Something lost is about to be found. It also promises new opportu-nities. The energies associated with her are almost al-ways positive, although the information revealed may be disturbing. Her rune suggests that memories, feel-ings, and urges that are unintentionally or deliberately forgotten, are surfacing for good or ill. There is a differ-ence between the thrill or satisfaction of discovery and the shock or embarrassment of exposure. Disclosure may be public or private, and possibly be traumatic.

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Her rune, after all, represents the mouth of a cave, such as the one that Pertcha appeared to Odin. It sig-nifies things that are open or opening. On a material level, it can herald unexpected finan-cial gains, even unearned income—such as an inher-itance, a lucky gambling streak, the winning of mone-tary prizes, or great wealth. Yet, at the time of its ap-pearance, it also cautions against making investments or granting loans, especially if a friend is involved. Pertcha is theurgic: It is the manipulation of spiritual power in the material world. McVan writes that Perthro represents “intellectual knowledge and divination” Pennick agrees, saying that “it gives us access both to the inner secrets of the human world and also to the inner-workings of nature. It empowers us with the abil-ity to distinguish things of value from those that are worthless…it exposes things that previously were con-cealed, turning potential into physical reality.” Psy-chometry, psychokinesis, remote viewing, and all man-ner of psychic abilities are open to the person who draws her rune—but, like the ring’s curse, such abilities are to be used wisely and fairly, or the consequences of abuse may be particularly unpleasant. As the White Lady, it is only fitting that Pertcha belongs to the White land of Landvidi, the Norse equivalent of Capricorn, Dec. 21- the winter solstice- to Jan. 19. Her gemstone, white onyx, likewise symbolizes the purity of her wisdom. This is further enhanced by her color, black, signifying mystery. Until Next month …

Phil is passionate about many things in life. Having been a free wanderer all his life he has gained wisdom on many topics he is passionate about. Wanting to have a deeper under-standing of his roots, Phil started to delve into his family background. His grandparents immigrated to Can-

ada from Denmark. This passion has led him to ex-plore the history and lore of runes which he shares with you here. If you wish to contact Phil please email him at [email protected]

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Photo by Phil Nielsen

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Here I sit in my favourite cafe. As I drop down into my heart center a quiet peace and stillness de-scends over me, enveloping me like a warm pink cozy blanket. As it envelops me it brings me a sense of love that makes me tear up in a good way. Stepping toward me is an angel and my ancestral warrioress guide Emma. They reach out to me and embrace me in a hug. Settling down together, I listen as they begin to speak… “Dear ones you are powerful!!! Now is the time to bring forward your warrior /warrioress of love !!! This is not to war, fight or battle, that is not the purpose of this era in time. The purpose is to bring forward your warrior/warrioress of love so they may guide and teach you strength, courage, fortitude and the power of using love to stand your ground, step up to yourself and your power as was dis-cussed in last month’s chan-nel. Using the power of love in this way is an art, for love does not always have to be hearts, ros-es and softness. Sometimes it is passionate, fierce and stands its ground saying I am love and you will not make me yield in fear, anger, frustration or any myriad of other emo-tional illusions. Do not misun-derstand us these are useful emotions to bring forward your faulty perceptions, ideas and beliefs etc., however once those gems are discov-ered, it is time, with the power of love, to shift and transform them. Let’s look at mothers for a mo-ment, those that find a great

feat of strength to save their child who is pinned under something too heavy for even the mother to lift nor-mally. Her adrenaline and warrioress kicks in and she lifts the object off her child in a fierce passionate act of love saving her child’s life. Lifting your illusions, shadows, and faulty perceptions is that fierce act your warrior/warrioress of love can help you release and let go in love. Look for moment at Gandhi and Neilson Mandela; they are marvellous examples of warriors of love. They stood their ground and stood up for themselves with the power of love. This is the time to bring your fierce, passionate power of love forward to pierce all your illusions, faulty beliefs,

perceptions and ideas. Use your power of love to ex-plode them into a million pieces of love and star dust that will move you, humanity, the world and all of creation forward and expand the love energy of the world. This is the time to stand your ground in the power of love!! This is the time to work with your warrior/warrioress of love, for in doing so you claim your vast fierce passionate power of love and when partnered with the soft gentle kind of love innate within you nothing can stop you. For love is the most powerful force in this universe ,All of Creation and You !!! “ With passionate fierce love like none other… The angels and WhiteStar Eagle’s ancestral warrioress Emma

contact me for more information please visit my blog Whitestareagle or email me at [email protected].

Michelle Hayes

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JMonthly Astro Tid Bit Long Term Forecast for une 2013 Mercury has fast tracked again and moved from Gemini on June 16th to Cancer on May 31st , and will stay in Cancer until well into August. As Mercury trav-els through Cancer we are presented with the oppor-tunity to express or communicate our emotions. Have you been avoiding any heart to heart talks? Let your loved ones really know how you feel (but do it before the retrograde starts). We have another Mercury Ret-rograde starting on June 27th be sure to back up your computers and electronic devices before the 19th. Venus moves to Cancer on June 3rd . Venus in Cancer is perfectly depicted in the “Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli (1486). In the Venus Myth, she was born from the watery foam of the sea shore. She rules beauty, charm, good fortune, sexuality, love, fertility and our values or what we consider valuable (tangible and intangible). When Venus transits the sign of Cancer we see her softer more intuitive side, she also has a very protective shell that can be used if needed, she will happily share this with young ones. If your Venus is in Cancer or if she is linking into your personal chart you may find yourself needing to re-establish or re-connect to your feelings regarding the things she rules (see above list). Reflect these changes in your home by surrounding yourself with the comfort and beauty that you deserve. This is a great time to clear out the closets to see what really has value to you and what you can let go of.

Mars moved into Gemini May 31st. Using your words as a sword or a weapon, take care … that could be a double edge sword and you don’t want to cut your-self. Strategic planning would be a better use of this energy.

J une 6th we have no exact aspects, this is where the planets are not communicating with each other all day. Take care by checking in with your core and center often throughout the day. Checking in with your core and centering allows you can stay aware and work in a more skilled level of energy … if not you may find your day has run A-muck (Origin of MUCK …. Middle English muk, perhaps from Old English -moc; akin to Old Norse myki dung. First Known Use: 13th century … 1.Sticky Dirt 2.Rubbish 3.Manure

JSummer Solstice (Sun enters Cancer) on une 20th. Celebrate and create balance by inviting more light into your life. We are now half way through the year. Plan to go for a walk in nature to investigate your ener-gy, use the initial ½ hour to observe and contemplate your energy as it moves through your body. Notice

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Tamira has over 20 years’ experience working in the “Arts” She holds a BA in East West Traditions/Religions/Astrology and is NCGR Certified Level III, and loves to share with you her insights into your Transpersonal path. Other interests include: Certified Yoga Teacher and a practicing Usui Reiki Master (since 1996) and a Registered Karu-na Reiki® Master through the International Center for Reiki Training; and a Meditation Teacher she is a dedicated Energy Worker. Certified Level II with Dolores Cannon Method in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing

Email: [email protected] for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help

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any changes or shifts that could make your energy run smoother. See yourself releasing what you no longer need. Ask and allow your energy to be filled to the brim, balanced and stabilized watch as your body moves forward … one step at a time.

New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the night sky, when we do this we in-herently connect and recognize genetic/clan and collective habits and patterns of those that came be-fore us and of which we carry the environmental sig-natures.

JThe transiting New Moon in Capricorn une 8th at 8:56am This is an extremely Social New Moon, a great time to make plans for the upcoming summer months, plant the seeds to enJoy each and every day. This is the time to take risks … Shake it up! Go ahead … Do It! Sponta-neity is the key.

JThe transiting Full Moon in Capricorn une 23rd at 4:32 am This moon is more about allowing your Spirit to shine through and less about those daily habits and patterns that you have so deeply engrained into your life. You may find the number of choices in your life over-whelming right now … watch that you are not indulg-ing … just because you can ;-) … smile … choose wise-ly and with confidence. “Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change” (unknown au-thor). In the following monthly individual horoscope you will find a combination of solar and lunar energy for each sign. Combine your Sun, Moon and Ascendant into one fabulous guide for the month. Ride the wave to set new goals and re-evaluate com-pletion of old goals as you move forward in the month. Writing down your goals is an important step, but be-ing passionately connected to each goal is vital to achieving them.

Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the June 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as June 29th and 30th (until noon)

Go for a walk in your neighborhood – see what is go-ing on … what can you contribute to your local com-munity? … You also might just find a new way to in-crease in your income.

It is time to evaluate and develop healthy balanced patterns in your close relationships this month – both personal and business.

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) New goal setting opportunities are on the June 4th and 5th It is time to review what you value or what “things” you really want to surround

yourself with. Once you have a firm idea of what you really need you will be able to bring a new sense of balanced awareness into your work, long term health which will ultimately filter down you’re your physical body. You will end up with more “working capital” but doing less to achieve it.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) New goal setting opportunities fall on the June 7th and 8th The year ahead has possibilities of in-credible explorations of “self”

Creative self-exploration, self-development, self-expression. This month is about balancing your ego/identity with your Spirit and creatively expressing this to the world as a whole being. Remember your physi-cal body is a part of spirit too. Take care that you actually “action” or implement … not just “think” about it. Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) New goal setting opportunities rise on the 9th and 10th (until 2pm)

#Your 1 goal this month is bring balance into your home. Meditation is a must so set up a schedule and a sacred space to

achieve this goal. No space? Create a simple porta-ble “meditation kit” cushion/candle/music and find a great wicker basket to store your special tools. As you are deepening your practice – remember that you are your own worst critic (sometimes even enemy) … at the start of each meditation release your expec-tations and just allow yourself to float. Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months.

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Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) New goal setting opportunities fall on June 12th and 13th  

Get ready to get social and EnJoy being the center of attention this month. Go

Qto BB ’s, Parks, Beach wherever you can to meet and experience other like-minded peo-ple. You may even create a few new interests and find a local group for support. Remember you do not need to change your own values in order to be “in” the crowd. The key is to keep your communication in balance, working on relaying your ideas in a way that brings other family members into the loop with your new found interests.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) New goal setting opportunities fall on the 14th and the 15th as well as ½ day on the 16th Get ready to be in the spot light this month, when that light shines down …

make sure you put your best foot forward. Just keep in mind when you are in full exposure the paparazzi (both public and family) catches every moment. How you present yourself physically, emotionally, intel-lectually … be aware of the whole picture you are creating. It is important for you to balance your books this month, in order to create a stability and security as you move through your day.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New goal setting opportunities are on the June 17th Check out restorative retreats (local or

international) or perhaps you will find a summer course you would like take. … reach out and up! We know you can give but can you also allow others to give to you? Learning to balance how to give and take, not just give … give … give, for it to really work you must allow it to be reciprocal.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New goal setting opportunities are on June 18th (afternoon) and 19th Your intuition is at an all-time high this month sometimes it is a little bit discon-

certing to be able to reach into such depths of know-

ing … don’t get stuck in the ice … open to allow the communication to flow. Lean on your relationships if you are struggling to cre-ate a balanced structure with healthy boundaries. This will build confidence around your innate ability to “tune in”.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from the June 21st and 22nd You have opportunity to truly grow

your personal or intimate relationships into new levels. Are you ready to recognize what you are attracting into your life? Do you like what you see? This month is about creating balance between your “acquaintances” and your true friendships, and rec-ognizing the difference. It is nice to be able say that we belong to a large social group, but that being said – take a look at what patterns you are creating in your social life. Are they all healthy for you?

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the June 23rd and 24th Delegate at work and bring focus on

your health, is there something “physical” that you have always wanted to achieve? Such as run a mara-thon, learn to kayak or skydive? Let others shine in the office while you shine in great out-doors. This is your challenge as well as your strength- you will need to find a healthy balance between your health or body in play and your great leadership drive and ambitions.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) New goal setting opportunities are on June 25th You may find added stress or responsi-bilities on your shoulders so it is im-

portant to create balance between control and trust-ing as an observer. This means that you need to cre-ate balance in your life by letting go of ridged pat-terns you have created and moving to a more skilled level of being. Yes that means letting go of control and dropping the big huge bag you are carrying – you don’t need it – just let it go ;-) Try to add a little more fun and play into your life espe-cially over the next month. If you have a partner – spice it up and be spontaneously romantic, if not get out there and have some dating fun.

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Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) New goal setting opportunities are on June 27th and 28th If you have been working on .. or

thinking about a home based business – this will be a great month to move that plan into further action. If this is not of interest focus this energy into projects around the house – especially if they are outdoors like building a new deck – or creating a new garden. You can bring more balance into your life by letting go of patterns of fear and anxiety around an aspect (or person) that has outlived its usefulness. Take this into your meditation/contemplation for more details and solutions.

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For more information [email protected]

Photo by Phil Nielsen

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Good grief, it’s been a month now since Dad left planet earth! In the midst of his hasty exit, he left me with his parting gift: a look at dying from inside out and upside down. And as he winged his way into his new adventure, he also left me 5 rainbows. I will get to that amazing part later. With your permission I’d like to share my recent ex-perience and the lessons I learned in the past 30 days about death and grief. Each person’s experience of losing some-one important to them in their life is unique and different. Beyond that, however, there are some shared lessons. I also believe we are evolving a new or it may well be returning to a past awareness about leaving our 3D bodies and journey-ing onward to new adventures. For this moment I want to share with you what my father taught me as he lay ever so aware, alert and impa-tient in hospice waiting to die - while his four children and his grand and great grandchildren stood a shaky, tearful, and frequently laughing last watch. Mind you, this is very hard for me to write about, and tears are falling even as I type this. But I believe he intended for me to share what he and his spiritual team taught me about transitions and death.

Let me put a context around this. Dad was heading into his 88th birthday, had lost his wife of nearly 60 years just before his 80th. To my surprise, a year following her death, he had found his completion partner Pat. She played piano at one of the jazz clubs he attended and within months, she’d convinced Dad to get back to his music: he played sax and clarinet in the big band era and music was his love. But with 6 mouths to feed, accounting put bread on the table and he had put his sax away for a good 50 plus years. But not his love for big band music. With Pat’s urging he picked up the sax again; he and Pat started playing gigs at the Yacht Club, they made a few You tubes and created a CD called “Goodies for Old-ies.” When they weren’t playing music they were listening: concerts, jazz clubs, cafes. Each week I called and he would run through their schedule. It was so robust it made me feel, well, lazy! So you begin to see that Dad didn’t buy into old in any way, even in his eighties. Now for the tough parts. Dad and I were fire and air – in that order. Mom used to say she had to mediate and translate between and for us. We were Leo and Aquarius,

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which meant we were also each other’s shadow. It was noisy being around us as we’d try to communicate! That is an understatement. Over time we mostly learned not to talk about serious stuff – because he was the accountant and doer, and I was the visionary and always creating change somewhere! I had no interest in touring big yachts and he had no interest in peeking around the veil! OK, now let’s go back to a month ago. I had just finished a days’ worth of research on some of the medica-tions Dad was taking for blood pressure and other stuff and was convinced I’d found the problem that was making him so dizzy: the side effects of his medications. I sent this re-search to my sister who lives near him. That evening she called telling me that Dad fell and was taken to the ER. The emergency CAT scan revealed advanced cancer through-out his body. HOW CAN THAT BE? He’d been relentlessly pursuing doctors to get to the bottom of the dizziness and not a one of them found anything amiss. But following his fall, he was told by the ER doctor he had a week to a month to live. He refused any treatment. Within hours, Dad was transferred into hospice, and I was hopscotching from plane to plane crossing the conti-nent from Vancouver to Florida. When I arrived it was close to midnight and I went immediately to his bedside. Thanks to his granddaughter’s suggestion, his favorite big band mu-sic played in his room quietly in the background 24-7. The music created a gentle space that soothed me, and I’m sure Dad and the others, during the time I was there. Dad, despite not having his hearing aids in said he could hear the music playing. I could tell it was important to him to have the music there. Dad looked so vulnerable lying on the bed covered up to his chin, but he immediately knew I was there. I hugged him and we said our farewells. I told him he’d been a great father to me and it was ok for him to leave when he was ready. I’d learned that dying people often need per-mission to leave from those with whom they are close. The Lesson is Delivered The lesson for me was delivered as the ‘death bed vigil’ played out over the next three days. In the light of the next morning, shock began to set in for me. He was growing emaciated and weaker as the hours passed. When I en-tered his room, I walked up to him and kissed his forehead asking if he had any pain. His voice was losing its strength but we figured out what he had just said in response to my question. ‘Only four!’ The corners of his mouth raised in a sly smile. Slowly laughter rippled through the room as we real-ized he meant us, his four children. The lesson had begun! For the remainder of the time, although he fell into sleep and awakeness, he became our stand-up comedian, or what we lovingly referred to as ‘the lying down comedian.’ He seldom initiated conversation, except to ask what day and time it was and bemoan the fact that he was still here. But he always responded to us when we spoke to him, and frankly I was fascinated because he needed double hearing aids and wasn’t wearing any. Yet he could hear me set my purse on the floor and hear what was being whispered at the end of the bed.

As he continued to offer funny one-liners that made us laugh, I began to see something was very different with him. Even the grandsons were surprised by his sudden play-ful one-liners. I overheard them talking between themselves, sharing their admiration for him. He never complained, and claimed he had no pain other than us kids. I noticed some-thing else. He spoke but he never moved his body extremi-ties, yet only three days earlier he had been living more or less independently, and we had been assured he had not had a stroke. Slowly the shock dimmed and I started to track the lesson. The realization came through an inner joke. I have used ‘Merlin’s Granddaughter’ as my art business name for years because, well, I am Grandpa Merlin Siler’s grand-daughter. I liked the joke of it. But the joke now was on me because, little Gail, guess what! Your father is Merlin’s son! And he’s here now showing that to you. Yes, Dad was defi-nitely more than just my Dad all of a sudden. The instant I ‘got it’ something changed inside of me. There was his high-er self, doling out the lesson and I swear I could almost see that higher self, standing beside or behind him talking with me soundlessly making sure I was learning the lesson he was offering. I saw why he had been the kind of father he had with me, I saw the contract we had and in acknowledging that we seemed to share in the understanding that it had been the right lesson for him to offer me, and it had pushed me to where I needed to be. Instantly all the history of our disagreements, our opposite and polar views of things slid into resolution and understanding. I mean it was instantane-ously shifted and resolved! Dad’s higher self was also showing me how to die: how to make the transition out of this physical existence into a spiritual and disembodied one. He was showing me how the chrysalis cracks and opens and the butterfly eases out and dries out his wings just before he flies away. He was also making us laugh and drawing our awareness to a way of dying that is positive. “See, this is how it’s done,” he was as much as saying as he lay there, moving quickly from one stage into the next. Each day he remained completely alert, but slept more and became weaker in his physical body. It was like watching something in fast forward….I could see his body giving up his form and his energy shiver-ing as it quietly moved further and further out of his body. It reminded me of third stage labor where intense inner focus is required to attend to the birthing at hand. The closer he got the more inner time he required. The hospice staff was help-ful in showing us how to give him that space. I’d come to say farewell to Dad and been surprised to receive a very important lesson on moving from the physi-cal life easily into the spiritual life. The lesson was that it is pos-sible to unzip yourself out of your body and it doesn’t need to be painful or full of suffering. And it surely isn’t the end. It truly is a transition, and once again the Butterfly was teach-ing a better way. On day five of Dad finding out he had cancer, he left this earth space and his body behind. I had to leave ear-lier that day to return to BC. I was sitting in the back seat of my friends’ car as they were taking me home from the air-port when I saw a rainbow against or just outside of my win-dow. (It was dark outside!) My mind hop-scotched all man-ner of rationalizing trying to figure out what was making it

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happen. The rainbow flashed on my window five times in about as many minutes! Even the man driving the car saw the rainbows! We both concluded simultaneously that it was Dad saying “farewell.” Once inside my house, there were phone messages telling me that Dad passed earlier in the evening. But he’d already told me through the rainbows on the car window a few minutes earlier. And it was a joyous message. You see, when he was younger, he played his saxophone in the big bands at ‘Rainbow Gardens!’

Good grief indeed! Dad had changed the dying process for me; he’d explained how to do it and taken the fear out of it too. Dad was now joyfully playing his saxo-phone for a whole new audience!

?Those of Us Who Stay Behind: What is our lesson When someone we are close to leaves us, those left behind grieve for the loss. We all know that, and also have evolved a ‘grieving process’ with stages we are told that are necessary in order to clear out our grief. Kubler-Ross de-fined five stages known as DABDA: Denial, Anger, Bargain-ing, Depression and finally Acceptance. The grief process lies behind many kinds of loss: death; divorce; break ups; substance abuse losses; crises due to climate changes: (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes) for example. The theory is that we have a series of emotions we must go through and process in order to heal ourselves. Dad’s lesson as he died taught me to look behind or with wider eyes at what is going on. We, as a group in socie-

ty agree we are evolving a new way of living on earth, and moving our energies upward as of the end of 2012. I person-ally believe that even the grief process is changing and Dad and his higher Self was giving me a look at that new process. I am going to need some time on this, but I have a strong sense that the new form of grieving is going to be more from a half full not a half empty perspective. In other words, instead of looking at what we are losing, we are go-ing to be starting to look at what we gain by processing this experience and what the experience is here to teach us. What can we reflect upon and notice that if we realign with-in ourselves, we can gain more awareness, increase our per-sonal energy frequency and grow forward more into the light stream. It’s all part of the lesson in returning to whole-ness, one individual at a time. From an energy perspective, when someone dies, or rather leaves this 3D visual level they don’t disappear, we just can’t see them and they move their energy to a higher frequency. At that higher frequency they interact with a whole new crew of people and have a whole new bunch of adventures and experiences. From our point of reference they leave an energy hole in us, and the shock and grief are the emotional re-sponse to suddenly having the energy of that person torn from us, or leave us. We form a cord of energy like an umbili-cal cord with everyone in our lives who is important to us. It’s most strong with parents, and especially mothers. But so it is also with fathers, as well as with people who have been guides, advisors, caring individuals, role models, close friends, etc. We have in invisible link with them energetically and when that is severed as it is with death or trauma, for exam-ple, we are sent reeling out of balance. Often times that cord we have with them has served as an anchor for us or to us: the energy moving from one person to the other in out of balanced relationships. The energy flowing smoothly back and forth in more balanced and loving relationships. This is what we have felt and what we call the grief process. But as we grow our energy upwards, we are learning to process all of our life experiences. That being the case, I believe we will not have such a traumatic death process. We will evolve a kinder and gentler passage from one dimension to another, from one experience to another, whether we are the one leaving or staying here. If we think about it we are really creating a new change process. One in which we experience transitions more as win: win adventures, instead of the typical warrior model of win:lose. (In the win:lose model the one who doesn’t die, for example is viewed as the loser, the one who is fired is the loser.) But in our evolving newer model, both sides of the equation are winning, and they are being invited to participate in a new adventure. Coming back to my father’s recent transition, I am working on finding out what my new freedom will look like and what new adventures will open for me now as I move forward without my father here in this physical life. Good grief!

Connect with Gail www.Decodingthebutterflypromise.com Facebook counseling and workshops

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I got my first bottle of this essential oil in April and I find myself drawn to use it almost every day. Dis-tilled from the wood of the Hinoki tree, it has an aroma that is a bit like being in a piney forest on a warm day. I would very much like to be in Japan, in a hinoki forest when the air is full of this delicious scent!

Native to central Japan, this tree is so prized that the essential oil can only be distilled from trees that have fallen or already died. It is one of the five trees decreed sacred in the great Kiso Forest during feudal times. The wood is a natural insect repellent and deters rot, making it a valuable resource when building shrines, temples and buildings that will be used as bathing structures.

The oil is said to bring about feelings of peace and relaxation. At the end of a long, stressful day a few drops of Hinoki essential oil in the bath helps to repel the toxic energies from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Just imagine what your sleep will be like after you have treated yourself to that bath!

The quiet, serene energy of this oil makes it a wonderful addition to blends. It is not overpowering and can easily be used with floral scents. Use it in massage to help balance and stabilize your client. In any practice, use it to cleanse your treatment room, detoxifying the energy left by one client prior to treat-ing the next.

The possibilities are endless with an essential oil as versatile as Hinoki. It is valuable as a decongestant both of the respiratory and of the lymphatic system, and is effective for relieving congestion in the sinus cavities. Use it on cuts and abrasions – if you have skin sensitivities use it diluted, otherwise it is a gentle oil and can be used neat.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please go to the web- site:


Please remember to use only 3rd party certi-

fied therapeutic grade essential oils.

Vera Contact Vera at

[email protected] for more information.

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Reclaiming your power within

As I asked what animal would like to speak to us this month my black panther stalked up on me pouncing me, licking my face and purred. So with no further need to ask I dis-entangled myself from him laughing and settled down with his head in my lap to listen to the message black panther wants to share with us this month. “Following the thread of the channel this month I have stepped forward to speak to you. The power is within you!! In darkness is where we are born the womb of creation and the mother in warmth and dark. It is the void of creation as the baby grows in the womb so does your manifestations, ideas and dreams. Both come from the darkness into light. Let there be light and there was piercing the darkness. So dear ones step up to the darkness and the unknown within and bring to light your power. Then like me stalk and discov-er your dreams, your gifts, your passions and your most mar-vellous exquisite powerful selves.” With the power of love bring darkness into light Black Panther

Michelle Hayes, offers reiki, reflexology, intuitive heal-ing, intuitive/ angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. If you have any ques-tions, comments or would like to contact me for more information please visit my blog Whitestareagle or email me at [email protected]. I look for-ward to hearing from you!

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This morning as I sit down to connect with the angels for the June message, I am being given: I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change And breakaway This is the chorus from the Kelly Clarkson song Breakaway. With its beautiful melody playing in my mind the angels come forth and start to speak; There is much going on right now and has been since the begin-ning of the year. All of you have been given the opportunity to “breakaway” from the self you knew and step into a self that you are creating as you go along day by day. This calls for great cour-age and we offer our support and assistance to you now as you define a new you. We salute you for you are all doing a marvelous job of staying in the flow. We know this is not always easy for hu-mans to do while change is happening. Oh, we have seen how some are struggling with not being able to see, know, or feel what is expected of them, and yet from our view we see only greatness, perseverance and courage coming forth. We see you reaching for better solutions. You are reaching for the sky with very little to go on other than what you are feeling in each moment. It truly has been a time of spreading your wings and releasing the old while embracing the new. Do not fear that you are missing out on something. Everything is exactly as it should be. You have not missed the boat, ship or plane; you are charting a new course, mapping it as you go. Do not limit yourself by past experiences or perceptions. You are currently rewiring yourself through love of self. This is opening up your heart center so that you are able to view everything from a place of love. By doing this simple thing and accepting yourself in all your glory, foibles and quirks, you are extending this out into the universe and creating unity. You are shifting from the current dual-ity mode and are no longer separating yourself from those around you or the world. One Love is the key and it starts with you. Con-tinue to work towards loving yourself unconditionally and the world stage will open up new possibilities that you could never imagine. The time has come, dear ones, to step out from behind your own curtain of unworthiness, of being unlovable, being without cour-age, of being flawed, or the victim. You are the one who has hid-den who you truly are behind this curtain. Step out in the knowledge that you are a powerful being, the past no longer needs to define you for you have been given the wonderful gift of “breaking away” from that which holds you back. Burn the curtain dear ones and let the world see your light in all its glory, your time to shine has arrived. Love yourself first and the rest will fall into place, trust that you are the best person to love yourself uncondi-tionally. The sky is not beyond your reach, make a wish, take a chance and change will happen for the better. If you feel unable or do not know where to start... reach out to us angels and we will gladly help you on your journey as you spread your wings and reach for unlimited potentials. The angels through Marlene Cobb

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A wonderful new book by Dianne Pegler

Order on Amazon here This story is about those three Men of Mystery, The Magi. It is a story known to most of you since your earliest days. Indeed some of you may have had the privilege of being a 'King' in a Nativity play wearing the statutory tea towel on your head. But what do we actually know about Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar ? Well, we know they came from the East follow-ing A Star to find the Infant Jesus; that they brought him Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh; that they met with Herod which led to the hasty departure of The Sacred Family from Jerusalem to the safe haven of Egypt. The last we hear of The Magi is that they too departed Jerusalem in haste hav-ing been warned of Herod's murderous intentions in a dream.

?And then what How is it that these enigmatic Men of Mystery still feature so prominently in the Christmas story to this day, over two thou-sand years later when they seemingly returned from whence they came and disappeared never to be heard or seen again. The Sacred Order Of The Magi story is channelled through my guide Merlin, The Alchemist in his previous incarnation as Melchior, Member of The Magi, and known to Jesus or as he was called then, Yeshua Ben Joseph as Melchior, The Be-loved. Within this story, Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar come to life. You will come to know them as Yeshua, Mary and Joseph, Yeshua's Mother and Father and another very significant character, Joseph of Arimathea, knew them. The Magi did not simply disappear, for they came to Bethle-hem not only to honour Yeshua but to protect him. Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar knew of one another but did not know one another until that momentous time in history when indi-

vidually they plotted their paths to follow The Star to find the Messiah who had been prophesied within their cultures for thousands of years. They found The Messiah, The Saviour Of The World and Son Of God in the form of a beautiful, dark haired baby with the longest eye lashes which fanned his peachy coloured cheeks nestling in the arms of his very lov-ing young mother. From the moment they saw Yeshua, the bond of The Magi was irrevocable; Three became One and the Spiritual Securi-ty Service was formed. They vowed to protect Yeshua and his Sacred Family with their lives and their very first mission was to escort The Sacred Family to Egypt once they be-came aware of Herod's jealousy and plot to kill the baby, Yeshua. Balthazar protected the Sacred Family and escort-ed them to Egypt while Melchior and Caspar returned home by separate routes to distract and confuse Herod's Army. So while it may have seemed that The Magi disappeared, noth-ing was further than the truth. They just went underground and became The Secret Sacred Order Of The Magi. The Sacred Order Of The Magi is a Secret Order much the same as The Freemasons and has run parallel to that Order for most of the two thousand years however the Sacred Or-der Of The Magi has remained unknown until now. NOW is the TIME to reveal its existence. It was destined to be so. The Sacred Order Of The Magi have prevented humanity getting into even worse situations than the catastrophic ones it has lived through during those two thousand years howev-er we are now being called to bring about what Yeshua Ben Joseph came to Earth to do and that is live our lives in Peace, Love and Harmony with Abundance and Equality for all - not just the few and The Sacred Order Of The Magi are now revealed to be with us during this momentous time of Yeshua's second coming or as it is commonly known as The Ascension. The members of The Sacred Order of The Magi have worked on their own or in a small group with some members never knowing the others. For some families, it was a dynasty which encompassed some, but not always all family members. For the main, the Sacred Order of The Magi has never been infil-trated however power is a charismatic concept and some members have succumbed to living their lives without the integrity and compassion required. The Vow that The Sacred Order Of The Magi make in their Hearts is to uphold the Truth of Yeshua Ben Joseph's mission. You will discover how these Three Wonderful Men of Love, Light, Unrelenting Integrity and Bravery and with overwhelm-ing sadness decided what they had to do to ensure that Yeshua understood His destiny and what role He was to play within the spiritual fibre of this beautiful planet. The revelation of the Sacred Order Of The Magi was always destined to be NOW so that YOU can ask yourself

?Am I A Member Of The Sacred Order Of The Magi Do I Have The Integrity, Passion and Compassion To Do All That It Takes To Bring About What Yeshua Began

?And Finally Bring Peace On Earth and Good Will To All


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My inspirations are varied when creating, I Am drawn to Crystals and Gems and feel the energy from each

while working with them. keeping the harmony of each Gem in mind when combining into Window Keepers, Pen-dants, and all other Creations so each sends out it's own unique energy. All Crystals and Gems are kissed by the Moon and ready for Your Love. I feel privileged to be creating something that brings others happiness in

small but powerful ways Blessed be Us...Creation's by Colleen Mae

[email protected] o604-832-3999

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Photo by Phil Nielsen