To The Nines! July Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3

July Newsletter

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Division 9 Key Club newsletter! This one features all things ICON and summer activities :D

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Page 1: July Newsletter

To The Nines!

July Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3

Page 2: July Newsletter

Table Of Contents

Page 3- Greeting

Page 4- Governor’s Greeting & Editor’s Greeting

Page 5- Secretary’s Greeting

Page 6- International Convention

Page 8- Service Spotlights

Page 10- Facebook Group & Upcoming Events

Page 11- Paperwork Status Chart

Page 12- Contact Info

Page 3: July Newsletter

My Wonderful Division 9~

Hello, all! I hope you guys have been enjoying your summer vacation and spending that time well.

Hopefully, you haven’t been relaxing too much to forget your Key Club! We are still active, active, active!

Take advantage of the nice weather and vacation to stop by one of our events! We have plenty planned

for the rest of the summer with a combination of both fun and beneficial events for the community. If

you’re feeling extremely jealous of all the fun we’ve had, may this newsletter be the salt in your wound as

you become increasingly jealous now that I have published official documentation of the memories we’ve

made. Wake up and smell the sunshine, key clubbers! Let this be a wake-up call to all of you who haven’t

been with us this summer! I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful, smiling faces!

Yours in the Spirit of Service,

Helen Wong

Division 9 LTG

[email protected]

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Hello New York District Key Clubbers,

This is Governor Daniel Ivan Lin and I hope you are all having an amazing summer. Just a few weeks ago,

I had the honor of representing the New York District with more than fifty other Key Clubbers at this year’s

International Convention. The experience was nothing short of great as we celebrated the merits of our

organization and all that we have accomplished in a service year. With the election of our new international

board, I would like to congratulate Jack Vielhauer in his election as international trustee. If you haven’t done so

already, please subscribe to the district mailing list. You can do so through the district website. There’s more to


Yours in the Spirit of Service,

District Governor Daniel Ivan Lin

[email protected]

Hello New York District Key Clubbers,

I am your District Editor Holy Cheong and I am thrilled to say this summer has hit off to a good start!

Although I would like to be bombarded with emails of service spotlights and articles I am glad to say I received

several for the summer issue of The Empire Key. Be prepared fellow Key Clubbers! This newsletter may knock you

off your socks.

Keep in mind that service spotlights are very important. They give key clubbers the chance to tell everyone

what they have done to help their community and we want to acknowledge and thank them for their hard

work. With that said, please send me service spotlights! Not only will they be published in the newsletter but they

will also be posted on the District website.

Yours in the Spirit of Service,

District Bulletin Editor Holy Cheong

[email protected]

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Hey New York District Key Club,

The New York District has just come back from having a great and memorable time in Orlando, Florida for

the 2012 International Convention. It was not only a memorable experience, but also an acknowledging

experience as I brought back so many wonderful ideas to share with all of you. I will soon be releasing a video

on the ICON experience within next month.

With that said, I have a few reminders for everyone, especially club secretaries. All election report forms

are due on August 5th, 2012. Please speak to your Lieutenant Governor about this or contact me. Also, all

monthly report forms are due the seventh of each month. Please do not forget to submit those; Key Club does

continue during the summer. I have recently released a newsletter for secretaries, welcomed to be read by all

Key Clubbers. It is called “The Secretarial Periodical”. Please refer to this link: http://tinyurl.com/c2bhmbm.

Secretaries should be on a lookout to be invited to a Google email group based on their election report form so

if you don’t want to miss this out, don’t forget to submit them. Don’t forget to be on the lookout for new minutes

and videos! Hope you are all having a wonderful summer.

Yours in the spirit of purity and service,

Amber Lee


[email protected]

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ICON stands for International Convention, which describes what it’s mainly about: a convention with

members from all over the world. But what the name doesn’t do is stress the importance of it. What it

doesn’t do is show how momentous an occasion every single ICON is. It doesn’t tell the story of the

international board elections, nor can it put into words the bond that was forged between people

thousands of miles away. ICON is so much more than a convention. It was a celebration. An annual

celebration of all the work that we’ve done and all the friendships that we’ve made. And all celebrations

require work to be put into it. I would like to thank the Florida District for hosting a magnificent and

unforgettable ICON. The caucuses, workshops and events would not have been well organized without

your hard work. You have made my own experience unforgettable. I don’t think bonding could have

been done at a more wonderful place! I loved pin trading with other districts and listening to all of their

cool cheers! The coordination of all the other districts as they wore light-up sunglasses in the dark, foam

crabs on their heads, and bumblebee antennas showed exactly the fun that everyone had preparing for

ICON and enjoying themselves at it. I loved the recognition session! We saw some of Key Club’s most

talented members sharing their talent with the rest of us. At the recognition session, our IP LTG Helen Chen

received the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor award! Congratulations to her! I hope that

this may inspire you to start saving up for the next ICON! Next year’s ICON will be in Washington D.C.! ICON


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received the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor award! Congratulations to her! I hope

that this may inspire you to start saving up for the next ICON! Next

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Service Spotlights

On July 22, Key Clubs of Division 9 gathered together for the CPC Walkathon. We walked from Columbus

Park across the Brooklyn Bridge, and back to Columbus Park. Although it was a particularly humid day, it

was very fun to spend time with fellow Key Clubbers! I thought that it was great to be walking with other

key clubbers for the CPC. We paused often to take pictures around the very beautiful scenery of the

Brooklyn Bridge, and there was a nice breeze above the water! Although tiring, it was great exercise and

lots of fun with Division 9!

-Sandy Mui

Brooklyn Technical High School

On the 22nd of June of 2012, members of Key Club prepared to walk for the CPC Walkathon that

was ahead of them. Members from Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn Technical High School,

Midwood High School, and James Madison High School participated in this wonderful event that helped

the community and the community’s future. An event that brought everyone together, the walkathon

surely made Key Club a big and happy family. It was a scorching hot day, but the members of Key Club

were not discouraged. As cameras flashed and sweat began to drip, the Key Club members got ready to

march ahead to serve the community. At 10:30 A.M, the Key Club members happily got to their feet and

started to walk the walkathon for *our future.* Walking to the beat of a drum, and following a Chinese

dragon held up by workers, the walk was merry and festive. The walkathon aroused happy feelings and

gave everyone a wonderful mood, even the elderly that were walking to serve the community. The CPC

Walkathon is a biennial fundraiser and community event. It is a walk for *our future,* and taking a part in

this event has aided the fundraiser. A walk held by Chinese-American Council, Inc. Key Club has happily

participated in, It is truly a walk and experience that nobody will ever forget. Key Club was as happy as

ever, shining with beaming smiles and glad to be serving the community. Not a single frown was seen, and

the experience was heartwarming. One wouldn’t give up the chance to go walk another walkathon with

Key Club. An experience that one would never forget, the walk was fun and a fundraiser as well. Crossing

the Brooklyn Bridge and crossing it again, the members of Key Club happily walked and marched in

laughter, joy, and in gladness that they were serving the community. As the members of Key Club rested at

Cadman Plaza, more group photos were taken, revealing beautiful smiles. Water and sodas were

Page 9: July Newsletter

distributed, fueling our active walkers that were helping the community. Laughs were shared, friendships

were made, and every member of Key Club was very happy to be walking and serving the community.

When the CPC Walkathon was over, the Key Club got to rest and relax. However, the day was not over yet! The

Community Service Family Day Fair after the marathon was even more fun, with special speakers and prizes.

There was even a speaker who showcased her own poetry! More fun awaited the Key Club members, and

even more smiles were shared. The Key Club members definitely enjoyed this bonding and fundraising event.

The experience was beautiful, giving off such a happy mood. The day ended with the members heading on to

their own matters, but their memories of the beautiful day will be forever in their minds. The memory of helping

out the community will be forever in all of the members’ hearts. This experience was a great one for the

members of Key Club, and it is hoped that there are many more fun events to come. Smiles, happiness, and joy

were circling around these members the entire day. An experience like this will be remembered without a

doubt. An experience that truly warms one’s heart, this Key Club event helped to serve the community and

aided the CPC Walkathon fundraiser. Bonding like a family, Key Club seemed exactly like one. However, Key

Club wasn’t just any ordinary family but a big, happy, and smiling family that had unbreakable bonds that will

last forever. Each member shined like a star in a night sky, participating in this wonderful and fundraising

walkathon. This experience will be unforgettable, and its memory will be as bold as ever. A Key Club

experience is truly like no other. The Key Club members were happy to help out the community and to walk the

walkathon for *our future.* Serving the community, the Key Club members will remember this event for eternity.

-Anne Li

Edward R. Murrow High School

Key Club International has taught me so much about friendship, kindness, and caring for each other, at Key

club I have experienced many great moments where complete strangers came together to help others who

were in need. This year two events stood out to me, it was the beach hangout, and the summer field day. At

the District 9 beach hangout I met many new people from other clubs, and I learned how other clubs work. But

the most important thing was we all came together and had fun. At the summer field day District 9 clubs came

together and help CPC mange a day full with fun and games for children of all ages. These events bring us

together, and I hope that there would be more events just like these.


Jessica Chen

John Dewey Key Club Secretary 2012-2013

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Find Out the Latest News!

Join our Facebook group!


Join the District Mailing List! To join, go to the official New York District Key Club website. http://www.nydkc.org/

On the right, you should see Mailing List. Click Subscribe! and fill in your name and email. You should receive a

mail shortly to confirm your subscription. This is a great way to get direct emails from the district!

Upcoming Events

As I have promised, I will be keeping you busy throughout the summer!

August 4th- Summer Streets!


August 10th- Manhattan Beach Hangout


August 18th- Inter-Divisional (For Select Officers Only!) For more information, please contact me.

TBD- New York City Aquarium Trip

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Paperwork Status Chart




X X x

Brooklyn Tech X X x X x

E.R. Murrow X X X X

Fort Hamilton

James Madison X X X X X

John Dewey X X X x x

L.M. Goldstein x X

Midwood X x x x X

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Contact Us!

My Information:

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 1-(347)-856-3339

Address: 47 Bay 22nd Street

Brooklyn NY, 11214


[email protected]

Executive Assistants:

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


Leonard Gioia

Phone Number: 1-(646)-642-5345

Email Address: [email protected]