A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 ● 734.453.6464 www.fpcp.net In Covenant Agreement with Mtenthera CCAP Church in Malawi Regular Worship Times: Sanctuary - 9:00 AM Upper Room - 10:35 AM A Family of Faith We are a family of faith, called to celebrate God’s message of love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Guided by the living Word of God, we nurture one another through worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship. Led by the Holy Spirit, we reach out with hearts and hands to those in need, seeking to inspire hope in an ever-changing community and world. (FPCP Vision Statement) Rev. Emily Riley Campbell Associate Minister Rev. Anne Schaefer Interim Senior Minister Rev. Linda Cochran Assistant Minister July 30, 2017 Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias

July 30, 2017 Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthiasfpcp.net/wp-content/uploads/07.30.2017.pdf · 7/30/2017  · SERMON Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

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Page 1: July 30, 2017 Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthiasfpcp.net/wp-content/uploads/07.30.2017.pdf · 7/30/2017  · SERMON Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 ● 734.453.6464


In Covenant Agreement with Mtenthera CCAP Church in Malawi

Regular Worship Times: Sanctuary - 9:00 AM Upper Room - 10:35 AM

A Family of Faith

We are a family of faith,

called to celebrate God’s message

of love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

Guided by the living Word of God, we nurture one another

through worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.

Led by the Holy Spirit, we reach out

with hearts and hands to those in need,

seeking to inspire hope in an ever-changing

community and world.

(FPCP Vision Statement) Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

Associate Minister

Rev. Anne Schaefer

Interim Senior Minister

Rev. Linda Cochran

Assistant Minister July 30, 2017

Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias

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The Lord’s day in Worship

at First Presbyterian Church, Plymouth, MI

PRELUDE “He Hideth My Soul” Arr. Mark Hayes

Sharon Smith, Pianist



*HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 82 “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”




PRAYER OF CONFESSION Be gracious to us today, our Lord, for we are in need of your mercy. We are often quick to doubt and

slow to pray. We are tempted to let go of faith when we need to hang on. We are discouraged by wrong when we need to be encouraged by your Spirit. O God, our loving Lord, give us strength to trust in you all the days of our lives. This we pray in your name and for your sake. Amen.

(Time for silent prayer and reflection)


RESPONSIVE SONG NO. 373 “Change My Heart, O God” Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart, O God, may I be like you. You are the

Potter, I am the clay; mold me and make me, this is what I pray. Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart, O God, may I be like you.


SCRIPTURE LESSON John 12:1-7 and Matthew 26:14-16



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

OFFERING OUR GIFTS TO GOD (Members and Visitors, please take this time to sign and pass our friendship pads which are located in the book rack of your pew.)

OFFERTORY “For the Sake of the Call” Steven Curtis Chapman

Shannon Abernathy, soloist

*DOXOLOGY NO. 34 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”


*HYMN NO. 500 “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”


SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 26:42-50 and 27:1-10

SERMON Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias Rev. Emily Riley Campbell AFFIRMATION OF FAITH

In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God: preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives, teaching by word and deed and blessing the children, healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted, eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel. Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition, Jesus was crucified, suffering the depths of human pain and giving his life for the sins of the world. God raised this Jesus from the dead, vindicating his sinless life, breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal.

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*HYMN NO. 422 “Amazing Grace!”



POSTLUDE “Fourth Movement, Symphony #1” Brahms

*All who are able are invited to stand +++Please be seated

Worship Schedule August 2017

Teaching Discipleship *indicates communion

Sanctuary Aug. 6 Teaching Discipleship: All the Rest Rev. Cochran preaching, Wanda Monks, Flautist Aug. 13 Mission Trip Sunday ONE SERVICE @10:00 a.m. ONLY, Rev. Campbell preaching, Bekah Greenman, soloist Aug. 20 Teaching Discipleship: Stephen Rev. Schaefer preaching, Lisa Meyer, soloist Aug. 27 Teaching Discipleship: Paul Rev. Schaefer preaching, Karen Roberts, soloist

Upper Room Bekah Greenman, Worship Leader Aug. 6 Teaching Discipleship: All the Rest Rev. Cochran preaching Aug. 13 No Upper Room Service. Please join us at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Followed by all-church Picnic at 11:00 a.m. Aug. 20 Teaching Discipleship: Stephen Rev. Schaefer preaching Aug. 27 Teaching Discipleship: Paul Rev. Schaefer preaching

Dear FPCP,

Thank you very much for the lovely pitcher, flowers (very pretty!) and generous gift card to

Barnes and Noble.

I will miss working with the kids and seeing you every Sunday. Thank you for the privilege of

serving our church for so long.

God bless you,

Victoria Barkoff

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Today’s Music Opening Praise: “How Great Is Our God” “Lord I Need You”

Offering Praise: “In Awe”

Closing Praise: “Oceans” “Stronger”

Order of Worship The UPPER ROOM

Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias

Ushers this morning : Craig & Ailsa Blunk

Service Leader: Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

Worship Leader: Bekah Greenman

Worship Team: Grant Marmaduke, Percussion

Amy Marmaduke, Piano

Emily Thompson, Cello

Today’s Service Elements

Scripture Lesson: John 12:1-7 & Matthew 26:14-16 Matthew 26:42-50 & 27:1-10

Sermon: Teaching Discipleship: Judas & Matthias Video: Matthias

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Barb Mason Cal Mason

Nancy Morman Bryn Gerich Renaldi

Patti Wert Sharon Winkler

Family & Friends of Members

To Mr. Labani Chafulatira, Mtenthera CCAP partnership chair, whose wife, Loness Chafulatira passed away

To the family of longtime member, Jean Bacheldor, who passed away on July 16, 2017

To the family of Nancy Camp, who passed away on July 8, 2017

Praise & Thanksgiving

7/7 Please pray for Kyle Medaugh and his family as he begins a six month deployment to the Middle East, beginning July 4th.

Church Wide Concerns

Our Deacons of the Day are: Kathleen Meldrum & Lisa Maceratini Our Ushers at 9:00 are: Lynn Walgenbach, Ed & Jean Pritchard and Janet Sibbold

Counting Team this week: Wayne Krupin, Kathleen Barker and Steve Renaldi

Prayer Concerns Please pray for the following church members and friends who are in special circumstances. In the listings below members’ names will be printed in bold type. The names of family & friends will be printed in italic. Questions or concerns about the prayer list should be directed to [email protected]. Names are only left in the bulletin for 3 weeks unless you call again or the office is aware of the


John Hubbel, friend of Cynthia Hartsig

Dave Terrill, brother of Bev Girard

Kelly Van Such

Sage Wilder, nephew of Kurt Wilder

Leah Marchand, friend of Jen Van Hala

Peggy Miller, mother of Ervin Miller

Ervin “Paul” Miller, father of Ervin Miller

Kim Strube Scartelli, daughter of Jan Strube

Please continue to pray for our family & friends serving in the Military.

Our Sympathies

7/20 Dear Church Family, Thank you so very much for all your prayers and support during my recent major heart surgery. I am on the road to recovery working towards returning to the choir again.

Love, Janet Townsend


Lisa Benages Shirley Cashero Luvy Corrigan Chris Danke Sally Evans

Lindsey Jones Betty Morrow

Dave Richards Beth Walch

The flowers today are given to the GLORY OF GOD and In loving memory of … Sara Evans, in honor of her birthday on July 31 and in

memory of Megan Elizabeth Danish, by their loving family and...

In memory of her mother, Sarah McQuillan, and in honor of her brother, David P. McQuillan IV, by Tina Frescoln

Cynthia Alexander Ralph Bonser Nancy Forsyth

Elizabeth Gribble Meera Martin Don Morgan

Members Receiving Long-term Care

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Planning ahead for Sunday School: August 6 - Summer Club - volunteers needed!

August 13 - No Summer Club - Youth Sunday

August 20 - Summer Club


9:00 Summer Club: children begin in worship

Parables of the Kingdom

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Sunday School News

Youth Ministry News

Middle School and High School Sunday School dates:

August 20 & 27

10:30 a.m. in the Middle School Room

August Youth

Group Dates: 2: MS & HS Youth Group

9 MS & HS Youth Group

(water balloon night!)

16 MS & HS Youth Group

17: Senior Bonfire Night @Imboden’s House

23: MS & HS Youth Group

Join us Sunday, August 13,

2017 at one combined

worship service at 10:00 AM

in the Sanctuary .

Our Youth Mission trip

volunteers will use this time to

share their experiences from

their recent trip to CA.

Except for August 17,

Youth Group will meet

at the Marmaduke


Middle School will meet

from 6 - 7:30 pm

High School will meet

from 7:30 - 9 pm-ish

(ish means we officially

end at 9pm, but

students are welcome

to stay until 10 pm.)

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Life Long Learning

Youth Ministry News & Announcements

Presbyterian Women Bible Study

Monthly, September 2017 - May 2018

Second Tuesday of each month, 7PM in the Youth Room

Cloud of Witnesses

The Community of Christ in Hebrews

By Melissa Bane Sevier

You are invited to join the Presbyterian Women in the study of Hebrews, where we will

explore nine major themes, relating them to parts of our faith tradition and tie them together

with the overarching motif of community.

Our prayer is that the study of community in Hebrews will help us strengthen our own


Sign up on the bulletin board next to the elevator on the first floor.


We need your College Student’s new address. The Deacons send out gift cards twice a year to our College Students. Please don’t have your students miss out on Free Food!

Please email any address updates to [email protected] as soon as possible. The Deacons thank you! Your students will also thank you!

Early Word Bible Study Begins the study of the Reformation

On Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Come join Early Word at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays for an 11- week study of the reformation. What does “Protestant” mean? What are the differences in worship among Protestants? Who were the Huguenots? What does the Reformation mean for us today?

In an easy-to-use question-and-answer style, Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers highlights the key facts, people, and theologies of the Protestant Reformation, as well as major legacies of the historical movement. As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, this study will help us understand a critical moment in Christian history that still deeply affects who the church is today. Questions: contact Sue Kage at [email protected].

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News & Announcements

FPCP Self Study Survey Update Survey of July 16, 2017

Thank you for your participation in the post card survey conducted on July 16 that asked you to “List up to 5 desirable traits of a new Senior Pastor”. There were 190 survey cards returned (63%) with 854 traits mentioned. Many traits were listed multiple times and most often relating to personal, people, preaching, and leadership aspects as follows:

Personal – Christ-centered, strong faith, loving, well educated, strong bible and theological knowledge, truthful and humble.

People Skills – Compassionate, outgoing, welcoming, friendly, sense of humor, approachable, good communicator, and relatable.

Preaching – Powerful sermons and delivery, meaningful, traditional, bible-based, story teller, relevant, and inspirational.

Leadership – Visionary, good listener, good administrator, good financial knowledge, active supporter for mission, family, kids’ programs, and community involvement.

Your voices heard through our surveys and small group meetings are vital to our church Self Study and help to prepare the way for the next chapter in the life of FPCP and what God is calling us to become. Your participation in this survey and on-going support is appreciated. Blessings, FPCP Self Study Committee Nancy Sullivan, Johanna Kissel, Bev Girard, Charles Evans, Curt Rager, Sandy Dodge, Darlene Maginley, Rick Williams, Tom Brady

The Chancel Choir Roster is being finalized for this fall. If you enjoy singing and have choral experience,

this should be your place of ministry! Our first rehearsal is Thursday, September 7 at 7:30 PM in Knox Hall, but you need to reserve your place! Call Jerry Smith, Director of Music (734-453-6464) to reserve a place; and discover the delight of serving the church with a talented and dedicated group of people!

Calling All Gardeners (and shoppers!) Once again we have the opportunity to help families within our community by donating fresh fruits and vegetables to Northville Civic Concern. If your garden has an abundant crop, please consider sharing. Whatever you bring in and leave on the produce stand in the Narthex will be delivered to Civic Concern. Each week they donate groceries and produce to local families that may otherwise go without. If you do not have a garden but would like to contribute, store bought produce is also accepted. The Local Mission committee is so thankful for your generosity. We will be collecting produce through the end of September.

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Local Mission

FPCP is working more closely with our Presbytery and its program for the 13,000 children in foster in Michigan. Our prayer ministry can help by praying for a special child each month. This month we are praying for16 year old Jason.

Jason has military aspirations and wants to become a strategic officer in the Marines. Jason likes everything about the military including its history, weapons and wars. “He has military history in his family.” Jason’s list of favorite things include pizza, food, and wolves. In addition to his family’s military background, Jason takes pride in his family’s Native American heritage. Spanish 2 is his favorite subject.

More info on Jason can be found at Mare.org. If you are interested in helping with our foster care projects, please call Peggy at 734.953.1044. Right now, we

are collecting school supplies and backpacks. Beginning this fall (Monday, October 16), FPCP will be hosting the foster care meetings for Western Wayne and Oakland County.

As you and your family make plans for the summer, mark off Saturday, August 5th and Sunday, August 6th as special days, when FPCP Local Mission will sponsor a meal at the Crossroads Soup kitchen in Detroit. There are several opportunities to volunteer. Saturday August 5th, we will meet here in our own FPCP kitchen between 8:30-11:30 to prepare the

meat and cheese for the Sunday crews. Sunday August 6th, two groups will go to Crossroads located on West Grand Blvd. in Detroit:

The meal preparation team works between 8:30-11:30 making sandwiches and preparing soup. The serving team works between 11:15-3:30 bagging and serving lunches.

Please consider making time for this rewarding and important mission project. It provides a nourishing meal for 600 people. Sign-up sheets can be found on the Local Mission Bulletin Board. If you have questions, please contact Kris Black 734-927-7793

FPCP is helping to support foster children in Wayne County by collecting school supplies and backpacks.

The greatest need is for backpacks for grades 6-12.

There will be a supply list in the narthex and on the church web site. Items may

be placed in the collection area downstairs. Thank you for helping 2,000 children start the new school year with a smile on their face.

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Presbyterian Women

Read Any Good Books Lately? Presbyterian Women are seeking suggestions for their upcoming Book Discussions for the 2017-2018 church year. Our theme for this year is peacekeepers. Things to consider when suggesting a book: --Why should this book be discussed in a church setting compared to a neighborhood book club? --How or why was a character in this book considered a peacekeeper? --What part did faith play in this book? --How was your faith affected by this book? Titles under Consideration: “Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir, “’Tis: A Memoir” or “Teacher Man: A Memoir” by Frank McCourt “Desert Queen: The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell: Adventurer, Adviser to Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia” by Janet Wallach “Hillbilly Elegy” by J. D. Vance “Homegoing” by Yaa Gyas “I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity” by Izzeldin Abuelaish “Strength in What Remains” by Tracy Kidder “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali “The Paris Architect: A Novel” by Charles Belfoure “The Train to Crystal City” by Jan Jarobe “The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead “The Zookeeper’s Wife” by Diane Ackerman “Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race” by Debbie Irving Your suggestion??? Please email your suggestions and/or comments to Ailsa Blunk, [email protected] or Susan Kage, [email protected]. Thank you!

Experience the Wonders of SpringHill Camp… The weekend of Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2017 Presbyterian Women will journey to SpringHill Camp in Evart, Michigan for a Women’s Retreat. Here is your chance for a life-affirming, faith-renewing opportunity to feed your body and soul. The SpringHill Women’s Retreat will rejuvenate through encouraging messages, uplifting music, challenging and practical workshops, thrilling activities and meaningful connections with other women. You’ll also get some quiet time for personal reflection. This year’s speaker is popular author, Liz Curtis Higgs. She is a must see!!!! Liz has 3 abiding passions: encouraging sisters in Christ, exploring the stories of women in the Bible, and writing novels set in Scotland of old. When she's not traveling, speaking, or spinning a story, she connects with readers online, take copious photos, and reads historical novels. Liz say she is a lame housekeeper, a marginal cook, and a mediocre gardener, but home is still her favorite place to land. Cost is $180.00. More details can be found at the link listed below. Price includes housing, meals and the weekend program (plus shared gasoline costs). There is a sign-up sheet on the Presbyterian Women bulletin board. We hope you will be able to join us for this relaxing and renewing weekend. https://www.springhillcamps.com/experiences/retreat-events/michigan/womens-retreats

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This Week at Our Church

Use this QR code

to check out the FPCP website

Use this QR code to check out the FPCP calendar

Use this QR code to sign in with

visitor information

Did you know….God always had a plan for you? From the very beginning He knew you! Even before

He formed you in the womb! (See Jer. 1:5a). And He doesn’t forget you either. When the Israelites were taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, He assured them with these words: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not the harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11 Learn more; join a Bible Study. Lord, I know you a little; I want to know you more. Amen.

Sunday, July 30 - 5th Sunday/Deacon’s Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service, Summer Club 10:30 a.m. - MS/HS Sunday School, Middle School Room 10:35 a.m. - Upper Room Service, NO Summer Club, 11:45 a.m. - Self Study Small Group Conversations, Hearth Room Monday, July 31 7:00 p.m. - Christian Nurture Committee Meeting, Calvin Room Tuesday, August 1 - 10:00 a.m. - Upper Room Staff meeting, Hearth Room 11:00 a.m. - Staff Prayer & Meeting, Hearth Room Wednesday, August 2 7:30 a.m. - Early Word Bible Study, Hearth Room 4:30 p.m. - Youth Worship Practice, Knox Hall 6:30 p.m. - Youth Group, Off-site, Marmaduke’s house Thursday, August 3 9:30 a.m. - American Sewing Guild, Dining Room Friday, August 4 - Church offices close at 1:00 PM 1:00 p.m. - Contemporary Music Rehearsal, Knox Hall Saturday, August 5 8:30 a.m. - Crossroads Food Prep, Kitchen Sunday, August 6 8:30 a.m. - Crossroads Food Prep & Serving, Off-Site, Crossroads in Detroit 9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service, Summer Club 10:30 a.m. - MS/HS Sunday School, Middle School Room 10:35 a.m. - Upper Room Service (NO Summer Club)

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First Presbyterian Church, Plymouth

Our Community Alcoholics Anonymous American Red Cross Benevolence Fund Kids Hope USA Plymouth-Canton Clothing Bank Plymouth Salvation Army Adopt-an-Angel/Gift Tree Bell Ringing Food Drives Thanksgiving Box Assembly United Way Collaborative Fund FPCP Matching Scholarship, for Mission Trip Attendees New Hope Center for Grief Support Vista Maria

Our Surrounding Area Ann Arbor Campus Ministries Calvin East Presbyterian (Detroit) Cass Community Service Community meals for homeless Crossroads Faith Communities Coalition Foster Children First Step - Domestic Violence Shelter Flint Child Health Fund Fort Street Open Door Soup Kitchen assistance Financial Assistance Clothing Drives

Our Nation Supporting our Presbyterian Church (USA) Connectional Ministry through our Benevolence Budget to these governing bodies: Detroit Presbytery Synod of the Covenant General Assembly Causes Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Our World Church World Service Care Kits Colina de Luz Orphanage Compassion International Sponsoring Children Kids Against Hunger PW Least Coin Malawi Matters Malawi Hunger Relief Marion Medical Mission Mtenthera CCAP (Our Sister Church in Malawi) Drinking Well & Storage Tank Bibles & Hymnals Prayer House Roofs Nursery School Supplies Women’s Guild Church Pews Eyeglasses PC(USA) Hunger Ministries One Great Hour of Sharing Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Veritas College, Malawi Presbyterian Colleges and Seminaries: Princeton Seminary Rev. Phil Magee Endowment

Hope Medical Center Kingdom Builders - Pontiac Northville Civic Concern Pearls of Great Price Coalition (Human Trafficking) Presbyterian Women Faith Goal Relay for Life Samaritan Counseling Second Mile Center

Presbyterian Thrift Shop 331 North Main Street


Hours are: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays

10 AM - 2 PM Wednesdays 6 PM - 8 PM Saturdays 10 AM - 2 PM

First Presbyterian Church. Plymouth ● 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 phone 734-453-6464 ● fax 734-453-6492 ● www.fpcp.net

Anne Schaefer - Interim Senior Minister

[email protected]; ext.112

Emily Riley Campbell - Assoc. Min. [email protected]; ext.113

Linda Cochran - Asst. Min. for Family Development

[email protected]; ext. 117

Victoria Barkoff - Dir. Of Children’s Min.

[email protected]; ext. 110

Josh Imboden - Dir. of Youth Min. [email protected]; ext. 120

Stewart Dodge Church Business Manager [email protected]; ext. 116

Susan Underhill

Communication Administrator [email protected]; ext. 111

Julie Thompson

Information Administrator [email protected]; ext. 115

Audrey Goodison

Childcare Coordinator [email protected]

Jerry Smith Director of Music

[email protected]; ext.119

Bekah Greenman, Upper Room & Youth Music Director

[email protected]

Susan C. Scott Organist

Sharon K. Smith



Ministry Administrative Music