JULY 2012 After the Myanmar/Burma cyclone, this family received a new house at no cost built by Every Home for Christ.

July 2012 Newsletter

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July 2012 Newsletter

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JULY 2012

After the Myanmar/Burma cyclone, this family received a new house at no cost

built by Every Home for Christ.

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The other night I was lying in bed thinking of all my family and friends who have died and wondering if it was time for me to give - up too?

Or has God kept me alive for a purpose...

and why has God kept any of us alive?

Young or old...

Yes, most of the people I spent my teenage years with have disappeared and possibly many of them have died. Certainly many of my "best friends" have gone...Sunday school teachers, the preachers I admired so much, my mother and two sisters died of cancer, they are all gone.

Then what is God's purpose for keeping me alive?

Yes, like many other Christians, it has been

a life long journey, putting my flesh to death but still living in my body and having Galatians 5:16-17 as my goal where Paul says "Live by the spirit" V 22-23 "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control."

This is the life as believers we want to live.

This is the kind of life that enables us to match our words with our lifestyle and bring the people we love the most to know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. This lifestyle we want to live at home as well as at church. It makes the big difference in the life of our family if we do.

But what about the rich young ruler in Matthew 19 who asked Jesus V 16-17

From the desk of Eric Leach

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"Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

"Why do you ask me about what is good?"

Jesus replied "There is only one who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

V 20 "All these I have kept, " the young man said. "What do I still lack?"

Here is someone who is almost perfect, keeping the commandments, but still there is something lacking. After we have been Galatians 5 people with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, maybe there is something missing? "What do I still lack?" the rich young ruler asked.

Then Jesus goes on to deal with the question of money because here is the big one that stumbles us in our Christian life.Mostly Christians are middle class... they have been wise with their money and this is commendable but Jesus is saying something radical here. He tells the rich young ruler V 21"If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come, follow me."

It may seem I am taking "this opportunity" to use the rich young ruler with regard to money since Every Home for Christ raises money for the poor and this is to Every Home for Christ's advantage. Yes, all that is true but it is more than that because you are involved with God too - and it is not just to meet Every Home for Christ's need to help the poor, it has to do with you and God as it had to do with the rich young ruler and Jesus.

Jesus is still saying the same to us.

"If you want to be perfect give to the poor."Matthew 19:22 says " When the young man heard this, he went away sad because he had great wealth."

V 23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Eric and Lorraine Leach

It is truly hard to give an explanation of this text because most of us are rich in comparison to the rest of the world.

For me the tithe is questionable as it was an Old Testament standard to be given to the Levities and we have no Levities today.Nevertheless, I tithe personally because it gives me an idea of what God expects although I do not believe it is a must for everyone. If a person is truly, truly poor I don't believe they should give what they cannot afford, not even a tithe.

V 25 When the disciples heard Jesus say "It is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" they were greatly astonished and asked "Who then can be saved?"

The eternity question comes up here because we all have to die, that is if Jesus doesn't return soon and catch us up into the clouds, but in V 26 "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

It is possible for a rich man or woman not to do all that is required of them and to enter eternal life...that is possible with God.

Salvation is given to us by faith in Christ, not in our good-works or how much money we have donated but we will enter Heaven poor. Nevertheless, Jesus said V 26" With Man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Peter said to Jesus V 27 "We have left everything to follow you! What then will

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there be for us?"

Jesus said V 29 "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

Money and prestige is important in this life and even though we think it is not important to us, if we look deep down we must know what is important and we must not neglect to do something about it.

But it is more than money...it is a life long journey walking in the Spirit, not gratifying the desires of the flesh as Galatians 5 puts it.

Not living to be secure and comfortable but living the Bible way. We cannot live submitted to the Spirit and at the same time gratify the flesh because these two "are opposite to each other."

Now while most of us will never be involved in the acts of sinful nature as outlined in Galatians 5:19 "Sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft: hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like." If we compare our life to Galatians 5:22 we know that we have missed in fulfilling God's perfect plan when we learn what the fruit of the spirit is..."Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control." It's now that we understand we haven't put to death our sin and lived by the Spirit.

But when we decide - to put to death - to crucify - our flesh, we are choosing the alternative, the way of the Spirit. You are leaving one life to join another. Yes, choosing the Spirit will undoubtably have its problems. At times we will choose to follow the desires of flesh, even though we left that path a long, long time ago.

Walking with the Holy Spirit is up hill and ,while difficult, sometimes you are moving in the right direction leaving behind anger, self indulgence, love of money, and immorality.

This is a decision everyone must make.

In 1 Corinthians 12:31 Paul says "I will show you the most excellent way."

Here is something more than money to consider. Another side! Money is not everything.

As 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 says, even if we are "Workers of miracles, having gifts of healing, those able to help others, " still Paul says "And now I will show you the most excellent way."

1 Corinthians 13:2-8 says "If I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but I have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, it always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Love is the key...

And the kind of love the Bible talks about is not the love that you and I can muster up in our own strength. It is love that comes from the Holy Spirit..."The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us." Romans 5:5.

The Holy Spirit is a person like Jesus is a person and the person of the Holy Spirit witnesses with our Spirit, convicts us and leads us to do whatever God wants us to do. The Holy Spirit is here with us to accomplish God's purposes and help us.

Jesus said "It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counsellor (the Holy Spirit) will not come to you: but if I go, I will send Him to you." John 16:7 NIV . Jesus was with the disciples for three and a half years but "It is better that I leave you" Jesus said "and the Holy Spirit comes to you."

After the disciples had lived with Jesus for three years and had witnessed the miracles

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Every Home for Christ Office Christmas Partyand heard him speak the greatest words they

had ever heard, it was difficult for them to understand that someone greater than Jesus was coming. Someone who could indwell and direct individuals, multitudes of people at the same time and so Jesus said it was better for Him to go away so that they would have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is with you now. Ask Him for His leadership.

Pray He will guide you into all truth. Pray He will show you how to live out your life - how to be in a good relationship with your children and family, how to decide what money you should give to the Lord's work. The Holy Spirit is the Counsellor; ask Him everything, He is witnessing in your Spirit, He is with you , He is a person. Ask Him. Luke 11:13 says "How much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

You can't love others like you want to...You can't love your family as you want...you can't love your enemies, none of us can, but the Holy Spirit can "shed abroad love in our hearts." Romans 5:5.

Ask Him. Jesus said that it is better that I leave you and the Holy Spirit comes to you "The Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you." John 16:15.

Treat the Holy Spirit as a person just like you understand Jesus to be a person and He will guide you into God's perfect will for you.

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GHANA AFRICAUpdate from National Director for Ghana, Karl Menyah

We give God thanks for His mercies, loving-kindness, protection and preservation that He has bestowed upon us! He has kept us alive, healthy, strong and kicking. We are especially thankful for the partners who help us reach those who have never heard the Good News that Jesus can transform their lives. You are helping save Ghana for Jesus!

We are equally thankful to the Lord for His goodness in the areas of home-to-home visitation, school-to-school outreaches and the involvement of volunteers who engage in soul-winning activities in the more remote and deprived communities of our land. Few Christians are willing to visit these depressed areas.

Our workers are seeing God’s healing miracles in those who are sick and demon-possessed. This issue is serious in our part of Africa. In a recent home-to-home outreach, 20 people were delivered from demonic oppression! That same month, many hundreds gave their lives to Christ. Only your prayers and support caused this to happen.

One of our primary focuses is to share the Word to the multitudes of people who live in the slums of Ghana’s capital city, Accra. The dwellings are in a truly deplorable condition—often with no drainage to carry away wastewater, which creates breeding grounds for mosquitoes and

disease. I am sure you would weep if you saw these conditions. It is not uncommon here to see an extended family of 50 or more squeezed into several tiny rooms with poor ventilation.

It is into these horrible circumstances that Every Home for Christ’s dedicated volunteers become involved in regular home-to-home evangelism. Their commitment is truly amazing. I wish you could join them. You would weep many tears. They share the love of Jesus and bring peace to these troubled and destitute families. Most of these slum dwellers never enjoy clean water and sometimes cannot afford even one good meal a day. It has become our duty to visit hundreds of these homes every week, despite the many obstacles!

Recently, my wife and I ventured into one of these slums. We came upon a large compound that had 20 different families living in the same structure. I am sure it was more than 100 people altogether. We began witnessing to each family. As we explained how the power of Christ can change lives, a family of five gathered and listened attentively. My wife then offered to pray the sinners’ prayer with any who wanted to receive Christ as Saviour. Soon, a very sick woman who was bedridden was brought to her. My wife laid her hands on the woman and she was instantly healed! To the amazement of onlookers, the old woman actually stood up

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GHANA AFRICAUpdate from National Director for Ghana, Karl Menyah


KARL MENYAH Ghana National Director

I was born of Muslim parents and was educated at a Muslim school until by divine arrangement my mother took me to stay with my grandmother. In my new school, my Christian teacher had a strong desire to share Christ with all of his pupils. Soon I had surrendered my life to Jesus and I made it my strongest desire to preach the Gospel to everybody. I formed a group to distribute Christian literature to every home until my father stopped me, saying I was too young and should go to school. I went to school, and there was a great revival as a result of introducing the Holy Spirit. After school I worked for three years and then stopped to pursue my dream of becoming an evangelist. I have worked with Every Home for Christ in Ghana since 1976. My wife, Elizabeth, and I reside in Accra and have three grown children.

and began walking.

This astonished everyone. Praise God for such a wonderful miracle confirming the power of Jesus in that poverty-stricken home!

Beyond those slum areas, in just one three-month period, a total of 39,599 homes were reached with the Gospel throughout Ghana. This has resulted in 19,900 decisions and responses for Jesus! We are also involved in a prison outreach to the notorious Nsawam Prison with the goal to distribute gospel messages, along with follow-up Bible correspondence courses and New Testaments to all 2,000 inmates! This is a vital part of our Ghana EHC “Every Cell Campaign” to reach not only every home in our nation but every dwelling, including every prison cell, where people are waiting for the Good News of Jesus.

I am very glad for the favour God has bestowed on us in giving us strength and energy to visit hundreds of thousands of homes over all these years where the neglected, sick and elderly live so we can tell them about Jesus.

God has been so faithful. The Change the World School of Prayer by Dick Eastman has mobilised more people to pray in Ghana than any other ministry I know of in all of Ghana’s history. The Schools of Prayer are still being taught all across Ghana. Many thousands have been taught to pray during these sessions.

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MYANMAR/BURMAWe heard powerful testimonies of changed lives and deliverances.

Myanmar saw gospel messages distributed in eight provinces utilising ten volunteers. As a result, no less than 160,720 households were visited and 14 new Christ Groups were planted! Nearly a thousand people have responded to the Gospel over Easter.

Yet, obstacles to the work are many. Pioneer missionaries must seek shelter in each project area. Often they must find the only Christian family in a neighbourhood and request a place to sleep for the night. Another challenge is transportation, especially considering the long distances between one place and another. But praise the Lord, pioneer missionaries have been known to be given bicycles, motorcycles, and even cars so

they can accomplish more in less time!

At one point along the road, EHC workers were attacked by two men who looted their belongings. An old woman saw what was happening and become enraged at the men and chastised them for what they were doing. The robbers fled and the workers were able to continue their work freely. Another man, a heavy drinker, repented of his sins and later requested a follow-up Bible course.

So, despite a hot sun during the day and heavy rains at night, Myanmar EHC pioneer missionaries continue walking from house to house, serving the Lord with joyful hearts. Entire families accept Jesus as Saviour and every home is targeted, no matter how remote, and reached for Jesus Christ!

Every Home for Christ / Every Home Global Concern Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738

New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738www.everyhome.org.au [email protected]

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“He places the lonely in families…” (Psalm 68:6)

My life has been very hard, and sometimes I thought death would be better than to keep going. I am not even ten years old yet, and my father and mother have both died of AIDS. I have no brothers or sisters, so after my father died I was all alone. During the Christmas season, some men from EHC found me and told me about Jesus. I accepted Him as my Saviour, and I felt Him fill my loneliness. Later, some Christians came to me and gave me money for school and a uniform for me to wear in class. They also told me they would pay for me to visit the doctor if I am ever sick. I have no family, but Jesus has made me feel like I have a family again.

Nigel Gebeyahu, Ethiopia

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my giftfor the poor

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in His presence whenever our hearts condemn us.

- 1 John 3:16-20

See the enclosed gift slip for lots of opportunities to help the poor!