July 11, 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 July 11, 2009


    Concentrated Photovoltaicsradically reduced energy costsBy William Mook

    It costs about a dollar a square

    inch for a wafer of silicon.

    Expose that silicon to sunlight and

    youd need about eleven square

    inches to make one watt of power

    in full sunlight. This translates to

    over fifty-cents per kilowatt-hour

    of energy, about seven times more

    costly than electricity you buy

    from your local utility. Even

    though there is no fuel burned in

    the process.

    Others have attempted to

    reduce the cost of solar panels by

    reducing the cost of that square

    inch. Using surplus silicon taken

    from the consumer electronics

    industry has cut costs in half,

    while limiting the amount of

    silicon available for solar use.

    Using less costly polysilicon

    also reduces costs, but the

    efficiencies are reduced as well.

    This achieves costs of one-third

    that attained by using wafer

    silicon. Yet, new uses of

    polysilicon in manufacturing

    MEMs devices and HDTVs has

    caused a rise in prices of

    polysilicon as solar use grows.

    Companies like Nanosolar

    have taken silicon dust mixed in a

    binder to create printable solar

    panels that have the potential to

    lower costs to one-fifth the cost of

    wafer silicon systems.

    I have been working for

    fifteen years on another idea.

    What if we could concentrate

    light to a tiny spot and build a

    photocell to convert light to

    electricity at that tiny spot? How

    inexpensively could solar panels

    be made if we did that? The

    answer is, less than a penny a

    peak watt!! This is hundreds of

    times less costly than any system

    now contemplated, and changes

    the paradigm of solar from one o

    many high-cost alternatives to

    existing energy systems, making

    solar the primary energy of the

    twenty-first century capable of

    replacing fossil fuels while

    lowering energy costs overall.

    2009 marks fifteenyears experience indesigning and buildingCPV (Concentrated

    Photo Voltaic) systemsthat produce electricalpower at substantiallyreduced cossts whencompared toconventional photovoltaic systems.MKENERGY hasachieved costs ofseven cents per peakwatt. At these priceshydrogen is made at$0.11 per kg andgasoline from CO2 for$0.20 per gallon.




  • 8/14/2019 July 11, 2009


    Balance of System Costthe other cost center

    Electricity is a high-value

    commodity. So why use it to make a low

    value fuel that when burned makes heat?

    AC electricity available on demand

    is certainly a high-value commodity. But,

    what about DC electricity available only

    when the sun shines? That is not so

    valuable. In fact, considerable processing

    of DC electricity is needed to make

    practical use of it at all.

    To work efficiently, a solar panel

    must be tied to a balanced load. Too

    much load, and you have a brown out.

    Too little load, and you have a burn out.

    So, energy load, and energy source must

    be balanced to work efficiently and safely

    To achieve this balance requires a

    substantial investment in balance of

    system costs. So, even if solar panelswere free along with solar energy, these

    costs make solar energy non-competitive

    with even todays energy prices.

    Is there a solution?

    Certainly! Dont use DC electricity

    to make AC electricity. Use DC

    electricity instead to make hydrogen from

    water. Why hydrogen? Because

    hydrogen can be used to make fuels we

    use today at less cost than we pay today.

    Solar cheaper than oil?our society is built onlow-cost energy

    From 1850 through 1950 the cost of

    primary energy decreased from an

    inflation adjusted $150 per barrel to $2

    per barrel!! Over this period a society

    built on low-cost energy arose to replace

    a society based on slavery. Since 1950the price of oil has risen to exceed $50

    per barrel and social progress has ended.

    Despite massive computerization,

    automation and extensive use of

    robotics, the rising cost of energy has

    stalled the rise in living standards

    enjoyed through the 1950s and has put

    on permanent hold many of the

    futuristic dreams of the 1950s. At

    present, alternatives to fossil fuels are

    expected to cost far more than fossil fuels

    while lowered expectations are sold as a

    natural consequence of environmental

    concerns. Meanwhile, more people work

    more hours for less, while energy

    companies report record profits which is

    a direct consequence of higher cost


    Why are energy costs rising?

    Because the amount of fuels our industry

    is set up to use are limited. If you believe

    the energy companies there are no good

    alternatives. This is not true. Why

    would the energy companies lie to us?

    Because it benefits them for energy coststo rise. They sell a commodity that is in

    short supply. The only way they can

    maintain high profits is to sell what they

    have at high prices. Low cost alternatives

    break this cycle. Thats why low-cost

    alternatives have been routinely ignored

    and marginalized. In 1956 King

    Hubbert chief geologist for Shell

    reported that he was able to compute the

    logistic curve for oil production in the US

    and throughout the world. All geologists

    know about the logistic curve. It applies

    to anything you look for. Whether

    quarters in a change jar, or oil in the

    ground. In 1956 enough data wasavailable to know conclusively that oil

    production in the USA would peak in

    1970 and oil production would peak in

    the world in 2015. Thats why in 1956

    Louis Strauss, said to science reporters

    during questions asked at a press

    conference that, By 1970 power would

    be too cheap to meter Who was Louis

    Strauss? Director of the Atomic Energy

    Commission. Dr. Strauss was replaced

    later that year by Eisenhower.

    Since that time Hubberts findings as

    well as low-cost nuclear, have been

    marginalized while alternatives like solar

    are approached in ways that avoid or

    ignore their potential to lower overallenergy costs. Before the 1990s CPV

    wasnt even considered a viable

    alternative because many felt wrongly it

    was impossible to increase intensity on

    PV cells to more than 2x ambient.




    Hydrogen at $110 permetric ton makes gasoline,diesel fuel, and jet fuelfrom coal at $0.20 pergallon today while buildinga hydrogen infrastructurethat does away with oil andcoal altogether in less thanten years.

    William Mook, founder MKENERGY

    Electrolytic Hydrogen

    Fifty-two megawatt-hours of DC solar electricitymakes a metric ton of hydrogen from ninemetric tons of deionized water when the sunshines at less than $110.

    US Primary Fuel Production

  • 8/14/2019 July 11, 2009


    9,800 square miles of ultra-low-cost solar panels

    installed on a handful of abandoned mine lands in

    the US West is sufficient to produce 300 million tons

    of hydrogen gas from 2,700 million kiloliters ofwater each year.

    The 300 million tons is piped to all of the

    nations 1,036 coal fired power plants. There, 180

    million tons of hydrogen is burned to replace the

    1.14 billion tons of coal now burned at these plants.

    Meanwhile, another 120 million tons of hydrogen is

    combined directly with the coal at each of these

    plants to produce 7 billion barrels of liquid fuel

    products, including gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel.

    For an assured supply of hydrogen gas under all

    weather conditions and seasonal variations, a 100

    day supply of hydrogen gas is stored in spent oil

    wells across the nation. This process mobilizesimmobile oil now trapped underground. This oil,

    added to conventional oil production allows the

    United States to export two billion barrels of liquid

    fuel products even while consuming 6.8 billion

    barrels of liquid fuels each year.

    Since this approach to energy requires the

    production, storage and distribution of massive

    quantities of hydrogen gas, the development of a

    hydrogen economy is a natural consequence of this


    Eliminating the burning of coal reduces

    Americas carbon footprint by half. The

    development of hydrogen sources from sunlight and

    water sets up the beginnings of a hydrogen economy

    which eliminates the balance of fossil fuel use

    throughout the world with hydrogen exported from

    the USA.

    The USA today has the capacity toarrange its existing resources so that itbecomes the worlds largest exporter of

    oil products.William Mook

    USA as an energy exporterCoal water and sunlight





    Solar panels costingless than $28 persquare yard feedinglow cost variable loadelectrolyzers producehydrogen at less than$110 per metric ton.

    Low cost hydrogendelivered by pipeline toAmericas 1,036 coalfired power plants is

    burned instead of coaleliminating most of ourcountrys carbonemissions.

    The stranded coal isconverted at the coalfired power plant intogasoline, diesel fueland jet fuel inquantities largeenough for the USA toexport these fuels toAsia.

    Add water to sunlight and get low-costhydrogen. Send that hydrogen to coal firedpower plants to be burned to eliminate half ourcarbon footprint. Convert the unburned coal to

    gasoline to eliminate our oil import problem.Export excess along with hydrogen to balanceour economy.