12 F aculty Of Management MGT300 “Human Resources Management Phase One “JUHAYNA Company” To: Dr. Moustafa Kamel And Ms. Marwa Hassouna Done By: Mai Zeyad Mahmoud

Juhayna Project Mgt300

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“Human Resources Management”

Phase One

“JUHAYNA Company”

To: Dr. Moustafa Kamel

And Ms. Marwa Hassouna

Done By:

Mai Zeyad Mahmoudo 083361

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JUHAYNA is a dairy and fruits Company that its main object is to develop,

manufacture, and market its products in order to offer the best value to its customers.

Its Name was selected from the Arabian-saying “Juhayna has the sure news” for the

sake of reflecting the mission of the company and the shareholders of the company

because it used to reside in the top positions in mountains and valleys inspecting

enemies and exposure them back to the top leader about the expected threats to make

the suitable decisions and reactions.

JUHAYNA’s products are dairy and fruits products such as:

Milk products:

1. White milk: which is a healthy product that contains vitamins, minerals and

calcium; it helps to strengthen the body bones, and prevent osteoporosis, the

disease of debilitating bone, and increases the mass of the bone early.

2. Bekhiro milk: it’s a light excellence UHT dairy that is formed in 1 liter, 200

packs, 200 ml small bag, and 500 ml small bag.

3. Mix: it’s existed with many flavors like chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, banana,

and caramel. It contains all the milk benefits in addition to the taste of each


4. Rayeb: it’s a manufactured dairy with the natural fat existed and it’s suitable

for the ones who are seeking for natural taste of the cow dairy.

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Yogurt products:

1. JUHAYNA Yogurt: it gives person the satisfaction and aliments needed for the

day. It’s available in plain and light yogurt.

2. Bekhiro Yogurt: it’s a full cream yogurt that is existed to enrich the product

line of Yogurt products. It includes all aliments needed proteins, carbs, and


3. Zabado: it’s a fruit yogurt existed in many flavors and it provides a person

with all satisfaction, aliments, energy, and drink needed for the day in 1 pack.

It could be drunk during or after meals.

Juice products:

1. Fruit drinks: it’s a juice existed in many flavors such as orange, apple, cocktail,

guava, wild berries, pineapple, mon cherry, pina colada, red grapes, and


2. Pure: it’s a juice existed in four flavors, orange, apple, pineapple, and red

grapes, and it’s an unsweetened juice. It’s preferred to drink it after workouts.

It contains less calories and full aliments needed.

Whipping cream: it’s a cream need to be whipped for 2 minutes to give its value,

it’s a cow-milk used to produce a normal cream that is cheaper than the

imported ones. It contains a fat with 35%; it has better value than other

competitions. It could directly be added to soups, desserts, dressing salads and


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Cooking cream: it’s a cream could be added to your cook in order to have an

additional flavor.

Sour cream: it’s a tasty cream with a sour taste that could be added to any dish to

makes it taste better.

Desserts: JUHAYNA Creme, it’s a pudding formed in many flavors such as

chocolate, raspberry, creme caramel, and black currant. It’s a very tasty dessert

that could be having during or after meals with stunning sauce.

JUHAYNA Company was established in 1983 with capital of 1.296 m pounds, and in

2001, it raised its capital by 60 m pounds to reach 100 m pounds and for that action its

production capacity has increased to the double. It’s also modernized its R & D center in

order to expedite the establishment of the new products and brands that are existed to

meet all the customers’ desires and demands in JUHAYNA products.

Presently, JUHAYNA Company exports dairy and fruits products to the United States

of America, Europe, and the Persian Gulf.

Segmentation: JUHAYNA Company concentrates on all ages and genders in its region,

and that all people classes can afford its products with normal income, in order to

achieve its goals.

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The Challenges facing the recruitments are:

I. Globalization; which is the tendency of companies to broaden their products

to new markets in foreign countries. According to JUHAYNA, it’s expanded its

sales to other countries such as USA, Europe, and the Persian Gulf for the sake

of increasing its profits.

Competition; since JUHAYNA seeks to expand its sales in other countries, it

has also put into consideration its competitors like al-Rabeea’, Baity, and

many other companies that produce dairy and fruits products by giving the

management and staff self-support an extensive trainings, and working as a

teamwork, and describing the employees as the most important resource for

the company, and making the customers as the first priority are all reasons

that make JUHAYNA in the top of other competitors.

II. Technology; since JUHAYNA is a customer oriented, and influenced by

technology and engineering orientation, and attached with world class built-

up. And it has developed a new state-of-art that centralize “Quality Assurance

Laboratory” by implementing the newest mechanisms and techniques that

control the quality and the assurance in the production stages beginning from

the pre-production stage till the storage, warehousing, and selling stages.

JUHAYNA has also renovated its R&D to produce the new products with the

new suitable packages that could satisfy their customers’ demands and


III. Nature of work; since JUHAYNA is a customer oriented, it gives its customers

the priority, so it look first for their demand and desire and then maintain its

products to meet these requires. In addition, JUHAYNA’s employees present

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really hard working individuals in teamwork to achieve the main goals of the

company. JUHAYNA offer to its employees’ continuous extensive trainings for

their staff autonomy, scientists, engineers, and technologists, to have the

chance to achieve their personal goals beside the company’s goals.

IV. Workforce demographic trends; JUHAYNA prefers encouraging and giving the

chance to its workers to get the promotions and have a higher positions, and

achieve their own personal objectives.

The real constraints facing JUHAYNA and any other dairy company in case of

recruiting, is the lack of the specialists, scientist, engineers, and technologists in dairy

industries, there is a need for these workforce with experiments. Keeping the company

in-the-top of the dairy markets and competition put a heavy pressure on it.

In case of vacancy, JUHAYNA prefers the internal recruitment and looking for the best

worker for the job from inside the company before recruiting for outside the company,

since it gives its employees the trainings needed continuously and create for them the

best environment to have their opportunity to achieve their personal goals, and get

promotions and high benefits for their good work. It often uses personnel records of

their employees and their skills bank and job posting as well by making interviews with

them and knowing their reasons and abilities they have to be recruited as the best

person for the job. In case the job position is a top manager position, JUHAYNA looks in

the records of its best managers and their skills banks that could be the right one, and

after making intensive interviews; the best one for the job will be selected, all this is a

part from the company succession planning. But it doesn’t prefer rehiring former

employees because JUHAYNA cares about offering best environment for its employees.

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When there is no candidates for the empty position from inside the company,

JUHAYNA tends to look for outside candidates through advertising and employment

agencies. It often uses blind ads when searching for job candidates, since JUHAYNA is

considered as one of the most well-known companies in dairy industry, and therefore,

it’s better to get candidates who are not applying for the job because of the company’s

position, but for the job itself. JUHAYNA also look for candidates in employment

agencies in public agencies since it is considered as the most important source of

workers; an employer can look in workers CVs and interview the ones with the most

relevant CVs. In addition, these agencies offer to the employer many services such as

recruitment services, tax credit information, training programs and access to local and

national labor market information, and the employer can also end-up with the applicant

who are not willing to work properly. Sometimes JUHAYNA goes for private agencies to

look for candidates when it has no time to make interviews with many applicants, and

when it needs to find a qualified applicants in an easy way, even though this type of

agencies could dismiss skilled applicants and let unqualified ones to pass the primary

stages or recruiting, and therefore, the company should fill specific and accurate job

description and make sure that the process of the primary stage of selecting is done in

the right way, and keep screening and checking the agency and the people that couldn’t

pass or have passed the interviews in order to make sure that the suitable applicants

haven’t been missed.

In my opinion, I believe that JUHAYNA is going in the right track, that it cares about its

employees and encouraging them to produce the superior high quality products, and

meet the customers’ demands and desires, and at the same time it offers for its

employees the best environment to achieve their own goals, and this is just a perfect

way to let them have a stronger commitment to the company and to increase their

morale. Recruiting from inside the company rather than outside the company, is good to

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increase their ambitions and creativity in their work, but interviewing process cost time

and the unqualified applicants could become dissatisfied, and therefore, won’t do their

jobs properly. I recommend that it is better not to offer the job for everyone, but to look

deeply into the employees records and skills bank, and observe their works intensively

and view their judgment about the empty position, and then select the best one that is

right for the job.

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Selection and Screening Process

Selecting the best candidate so careful is an important step, since going through all

this searching, interviewing, testing, comparing and contrasting, and finally selecting the

suitable one, is a costly process, legal obligations such as busting an employee with a

criminal records, and/or suing the employer for a discriminatory actions, and because

going through all this is because of searching for the one with the best qualifications and

skills needed for the job.

In JUHAYNA, the selection and screening process starts with reading, and observing

the applications applied for a certain position, and then the related application and that

contain the most related qualifications are considered and the rest will be disqualified.

After that the HR department ask for those applicants to come for an interview and

according to the position, the suitable interview will be made-up for it in order to select

the suitable person for the job.

The interviews that are usually used in JUHAYNA are unstructured interviews where

is the interviewer ask indirect questions and questions that depends on the interviewee

responses and these questions could differ from an interviewee to another, and for

some positions they use the structured interviews where the interviewer ask a set of

direct questions in which all interviewees that are related to the position they’re

applying for. They often use the unstructured sequential interviews in which each

interviewer ask the applicants different questions and then each of the interviewers

made his or her own independent opinion about the interviewee, and at the end, the

manager, who is going to hire one of the applicants, compare and contrast between

them, and decide who is the best one to be hired, and at JUHAYNA, the panel and mass

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interviews are not favorable because they believe that such interviews could make the

interviewers miss certain information or point that he or she has to know it.

A mixed type of questions are used in the interviews that are made at JUHAYNA, but

not all the time, sometimes situational interview are used in order to observe how the

interviewee could behave in a certain situations, sometimes behavioral interviews are

made-up in order to know the reactions the applicant made in some past situations, and

some other times job-related interviews are used so the manager interviewing the

candidate could figure out his or her actions according to his or her experience in the

past, and to figure his or her ability to know whether he or she can handle this job

correctly or not.

The stress interviews are not favorable in JUHAYNA, because they think that such

type of questions could make the candidate leave even if he or she could be the suitable

person for the job and even after accepting him or her, but since he or she didn’t feel

comfort with the interview, so he or she could believe that all JUHAYNA’s stuff could be

like that, and so it will not come back for this company.

A work sampling technique tests, achievement tests, personality tests, physical tests,

and cognitive abilities such as intelligence tests, some of those tests are sometimes

applied in selecting candidates and that’s for the sake of testing their abilities, especially

in the cases where the need of testing is required to verify the candidate abilities on

handling the job, such as the technologists and the engineers, they must be tested all

the described tested and work sampling techniques so as to discover if they’re capable

of handling this job or not. And the scientists must be tested for achievement and

cognitive abilities to settle their abilities. And for all employees, JUHAYNA imposes a

health checks and physical examinations, since it’s a dairy company and thus it should

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be serious in such situations and should keep away the infected people from the factory,

otherwise it would lose its reputation and position among other dairy companies and

customers will repel its products if any mistake or disease has passed to JUHAYNA’s


Reference checks are not favorable in JUHAYNA while screening and searching for a

suitable employee, because they believe that such methods might not be a good and

trusted provider that could provide them with information about the applicants, and

therefore, they can get the information needed from tests and interviews and all other

methods that could discover all the abilities of the candidates, and so, the need to use

the employee reference check would not be necessary.

The probationary period for the new employees extends from one month to three

months, and that is to test their abilities and their efficiency in their jobs, and if they

were suitable and effective elements and handle their jobs professionally, then their

probationary period ends and they become a permanent employees, and if not they will

be repelled, and start searching for better candidate for the job.

At JUHAYNA, they do offer inducement training for their new employees in order to

make them feel familiar with others by introducing them to everyone there, and get

them to know the basic rules and policies of JUHAYNA and the whole system and how to

deal with each matter there. The HR department is the one responsible of performing

and preparing for such trainings, that they’re trained to know how to put the new

employees at ease, learn him or her it’s role, his responsibilities and duties, and his

authority, and the objectives they have achieved and are about to achieve, and learn

them about the company’s past, present and future.

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According to JUHAYNA’s methods and tools in selecting and screening for the best

candidates, I think they are processing these steps in the best way that it could be done

to a dairy company, but thinking of making unstructured interviews with some

candidates is not fair, since some of the interviewee could vote for a candidate

according to his or her look, and according to its first impressions, or when applying a

structured interviews with a set of questions, and overestimating a candidate because

of the unqualified candidates that came before him or her. All these reasons could be

solved if the interviewee are trained very well and have a full aware of how the

interview should be managed and apply fair interviews among the candidates in order

to select the right suitable candidate for the job. All the tests that JUHAYNA applied for

its employees and candidates are appropriate and useful for mostly any job position,

and that is a fair way to observe their best applicant.