Judy Brownlee Alleged Falsified Documents (Part 2) - Ethics Complaint for Barnes Sutton and Brownlee

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Judy Brownlee Alleged Falsified Documents (Part 2) - Ethics Complaint for Barnes Sutton and BrownleeV. Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group was a company owned by Judy Brownlee (top aide of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton) and the company did not have a business license. The “real problem” with this company involves the fact that Judy Brownlee received payment as a consultant while employed as an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and DeKalb County. We view such a process as a “Conflict of Interest” which violates Georgia Law 36-1-4, 22A (c) (4, 7 & e). a. How did Empowerment Planners qualify for a contract from Watershed and/or Public Works without a business license/corporation papers?b. Who is M. Walker, a partner listed under purchase order numbers 683523 and 638003?c. How did Empowerment Planners and M. Walker qualify for contracts totaling over $42,000.00?d. Is M. Walker related to any of the Walkers named in the Grand Jury investigation?e. Brownlee was deceptive in her application for employment to work in Commissioner Barnes Sutton office by stating she had never been employed with DeKalb County government.f. Red Bullet Point - On April 3, 2015, we submitted an Open Records Request for copies of the contracts assigned to Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group. We presented seven out of ten requisition numbers in hopes of reviewing several contracts. To our surprise, we did not receive “one” contract and noted:i. The payment terms were immediate.ii. The contracts were prepaid.iii. The requester for the private company was an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and she also picked up the check.iv. A couple of the purchase orders had “multiple requestors”.v. We were not given any original documents. The document we received are alleged to be fabricated, falsified and fraudulent.vi. The bottom of these purchase orders show Scott Callan’s signature; however, he did not work for DeKalb County during 2008-2009.vii. The email addresses shown on these purchase orders were not in existence in the years of 2008-2009.