Judicial Affidavit Rape Case Jet

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  • 8/17/2019 Judicial Affidavit Rape Case Jet


    Republic of the Philippines

    Regional Trial Court

    Branch 38Iloilo City

    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPIE!"Plaintiff" Cri#inal Case o$ %3&3'%

      For( Rape


    +ohn Lenon Bangsa#oro"


    CO.PL,IT) ,FFI/,0IT


     Tingson +u-icata !af 

    This +u-icial ,ffi-a*it of Tingson +u-icata" the co#plainant" is e1ecute- to ser*e as his


    This +u-icial ,ffi-a*it is being offere- to pro*e(

    ,2 ,ll the allegations in the Petition inclu-ing all anne1es appen-e- thereto an- hichere alrea-y #ar4e- as e1hibits -uring the Pre)Trial of this case5

    B2 ,ll other relate- #atters" facts an- circu#stances rele*ant an- #aterial to this case$

  • 8/17/2019 Judicial Affidavit Rape Case Jet


    This +u-icial ,ffi-a*it as ta4en at the office of Prosecutor +ethro 0illaruel at the Iloilo Hall of

    +ustice" ,*ancena street" Iloilo city$

    6uestions ere propoun-e- by Prosecutor +ethro 0illaruel an- these 7uestions are nu#bere-consecuti*ely an- each 7uestion is folloe- by the anser of the itness$

    $ 6( /o you sear to tell the truth an- nothing but the truth9

      ,(I -o$

    :$ 6( ,re you aare that you #ay face cri#inal liability for false testi#ony or per;ury if youill not tell the truth9

      ,(I a#$

    3$ 6( Please state your na#e" age a--ress an- occupation9

      ,(I a# Tingson +u-icata !af" &: years ol-" #arrie-" an- resi-ing at :: !t Peter !t" Iloilo


    '$ 6(/o you 4no the accuse- in this case" +ohn Lenon Bangsa#oro9

      ,(" :?'9

    I as -rin4ing together ith +ohn Lenon Bangsa#oro ;ust outsi-e !af@s resi-ence AHappy hour2$

    =e ere tal4ing about girls an- he #entione- that he li4es #y -aughter$$


    >$ 6(=hat happene- thereafter9

      ,(=hen e ere about to go ho#e" e ha- separate- ays but i -eci-e- to ;ust stay at a

    nearby store to s#o4e an- I sa the accuse- +ohn Lenon Bangsa#oro instea- of going ho#e

  • 8/17/2019 Judicial Affidavit Rape Case Jet


    entere- our house so I -eci-e- to follo hi# but he notice- #e folloing hi# an- he

    i##e-iately threatene- to 4ill #e$ He tie- #e after an- he -ragge- #e insi-e our house$

    %$ 6(=hat e1actly -i- he -o after you ere tie- up by the accuse- 9

      ,( ,s a result #y -aughter risty ent outsi-e her roo# because of the noise an- thereafter

    he as hit by the accuse- an- rape here in #y presence$

    $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    ,ffiant further sayeth naught$


    Tingson Judicata Saf 


    !B!CRIBE/ ,/ !=OR to before #e this:th of .arch at Iloilo City Hall of +ustice "

    ,ffiant e1hibiting to #e her Passport bearing o$ !!:3'&>%8 issue- on 8DD: an- e1piring on


    /oc o$ 5

    Page o$ 5

    Boo4 o$ 5

    !eries of $


    I hereby state" un-er oath" that I faithfully recor-e- the 7uestions I as4e- an- the correspon-ing

    ansers that the itness ga*e an- that neither I nor any other person present or assisting #e hascoache- the itness regar-ing the latter@s state#ent$

      PROSECUTOR Jethro Villaruel

    !B!CRIBE/ ,/ !=OR to before #e this : th of .arch :?' at Iloilo City Hall of

    +ustice" ,ffiant e1hibiting to #e his -ri*er@s license bearing o$ )8:)?3?&%3 e1piring on


  • 8/17/2019 Judicial Affidavit Rape Case Jet


    /oc o$&'&'&

    Page o$ &%>%

    Boo4 o$ ?8?8

    !eries of (8%%8%

      Prosecutor +ethro 0illaruel La 3),