© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation Building eSmart Schools A Cultural & Behavioral Change Approach Judi Fallon: Manager, eSmart Schools Child Online Safety & Protection Conference March 2014

Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

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Judi Fallon, eSmart Schools Program Manager, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation delivered this presentation at the 2014 Child Online Safety & Protection conference in Sydney. The need to protect children online is at the forefront of parents and teachers minds. The prevalence and use of social media tools is rising and with it comes a wide range of issues which have the potential to impact our future generations. The Inaugural Child Online Safety & Protection Conference focused on policies, programs and practices for protecting children’s privacy rights and ensuring their safety online. For more information about the event, please visit the conference website: http://www.informa.com.au/childonlinesafetyconference14

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Page 1: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Building eSmart Schools – A Cultural &

Behavioral Change Approach

Judi Fallon: Manager, eSmart Schools Child Online Safety & Protection

Conference March 2014

Page 2: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Page 3: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

The Foundation’s Vision, Mission and Values

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation is a national charity protecting children from violence and its devastating effects.

Keeping children safe from violence The Foundation's vision is that every child will live in a safe and supportive environment Caring, friendliness, valuing difference, including others, respect and responsibility




Page 4: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

The Foundation’s Patrons and Ambassadors

Founding Patron and Co-Founder Walter Mikac

National Patron The Prime Minister of Australia

International Patron Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark

Ambassadors Aaron Blabey Robert ‘Dipper’ Di Pierdomenico

Page 5: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Three focus areas

3. Advocacy 2. Prevention 1. Care

Refuge Therapeutic Support Program

Children Ahead

Buddy Bags National Centre Against Bullying

eSmart Homes (in development)

eSmart Workplaces (in development)

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Our program reach

Page 7: Judi Fallon, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation: Building e-Smart Schools – A Cultural and Behavioural Change Approach

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation


Cyberbullying refers to bullying that is carried out using digital technologies. For example: • harassment via a mobile phone • setting up a defamatory personal website • deliberately excluding someone from social

networking spaces. Cyberbullying can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private, and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying.

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation


Types of behaviours:

• Setting-up images

• Video-clips

• Text messages

• Masquerading

• Prank calls

• Rumours

• ‘Sham’ sites

• Hate sites

• Voting sites

• Repeated insults

• Mass blocking


• Mobile phones

• Email

• Websites

• Chat rooms and blogs

• Instant messaging

• Video sharing sites

• Social networking sites

• Games

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Social networking

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Almost all young Australians are online with 90 per cent of 16 to 29 year olds using the internet daily. • 90 per cent of 13 to 17 year olds, and

• 97 per cent of 16 to 17 year olds, use Social Networking

Services (SNS) * Nielsen, 2010

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Video uploads

In a recent Monash University study, an average of 38.5

per cent of students reported that they posted videos


The proportion rises to 69.8 per cent for year 10 students.

* Monash University, SNS and Risks (2011)

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

The social media revolution

See link

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

• Equips everyone in the school community with the skills and knowledge they need for smart, safe and responsible use of technology so they become good digital citizens.

• Provides a roadmap to the best available cybersafety and wellbeing resources and curriculum.

• Is a system for schools to track their implementation of cybersafety and wellbeing and report on their progress.

• Schools work towards achieving eSmart status.

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The eSmart Schools Framework

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Supports development of: • Protective behaviours

• Supportive and relationship building behaviours

• Reporting of incidents.

Incorporates: • Wellbeing issues (e.g. values/relationships/self-esteem)

• e-security (e.g. scams, spam, viruses)

• Ethics (e.g. downloading, plagiarism)

• Criminal activity (e.g. sexual harassment, predation)

Is under-pinned by smart use of technology.

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The eSmart Schools Framework

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

eSmart program components

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Effective whole school strategies

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

• Clear definitions of bullying, cyberbullying etc

• Policies, programs and procedures regularly reviewed

Reporting mechanisms are known by all

• Report management processes are managed effectively

and staff roles are clearly understood

• Survey students regularly to monitor issues and progress

• Teach students specifically about social skills, positive and

responsible use of technology

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Domain 2: School plans, policies and procedures

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

● Creating whole-school policies and procedures

● Whole-school behaviour management plan and procedures

● Acceptable Use agreements.

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Support: • Resources • Case studies • Tools.

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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/ [Accessed: 9/3/12]

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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

http://www.thinkuknow.org.au/site/ [accessed on 9/3/12]

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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/ [Accessed on 9/3/12]

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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

http://www.dbcde.gov.au/easyguide [Accessed 13/3/12]

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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

http://safely.yahoo.com/ [Accessed 9/3/12]

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Suggested resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Bully Stoppers website •Advice sheets for students, parents and schools on sexting and pressure pix


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Suggested resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Bully Stoppers website •Interactive Learning Modules for parents on Cybersafety and Social Media •See Wendy at the following link;


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Cybersafety resources

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Where is Klaus? Cyberbullying EU

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Domain 6: Partnerships with parents and the local community

© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

● Parent involvement in the eSmart school

● Parent education about bullying, cybersafety and smart use of technology

● Links with community organisations.

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

eSmart in action…

• Digital citizenship programs

• Cross-age mentoring workshops

• School-wide technology integration

• Learning e-portfolios (for staff and students)

• Reverse mentoring technology sessions

• E-Learning and cybersafety committees

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

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© 2012 The Alannah and Madeline Foundation

Visit our website www.esmart.org.au