Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 18th June 2013 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 PO Box 486, Helensvale 4212 Ph: 07 55028566 Fax: 07 55028522 Email: [email protected] Web www.jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au Important Dates to Remember Friday 21st June State of Origin Meal Deal *See Tuckshop Section for Details Friday 21st June School Reports Sent home with students Monday 8th July First Day of Term 3 Monday 8th July Naidoc Week Koomurri Experience Prep-7 Tuesday 9th July 7.00pm P & F Meeting Jubilee Centre Wednesday 31st July Athletics Carnival Field Events Friday 2nd August Athletics Carnival Track Events Friday 20th September Last Day of Term 3 @JubileePrimary Your Family’s Prayers From: Pastor Neil Johnson – Southland Christian Centre www.slcc.net.au At Southland we are about to begin a new season looking at the value of prayer in our lives. With big issues facing our nation, in church on Sunday one of our Pastors, Ps Angel Adrian said with great conviction, “Like never before, it is time to pray. And it’s time to pray like never before”. The trouble is, when it comes to prayer, we sometimes like to leave it to people who we think really know how to pray. But what about prayer and your family? Will our children learn to pray if we don’t? This might surprise you, but prayer is natural, easy, and a pleasure, when we know that God is listening, that He wants the best for us, and that there is a purpose in our prayers. There are two especially important things for us as parents when we think about how we raise children with faith in God: We lead our families from the dinner table. A ship’s captain steers a ship from the bridge. At home, the bridge is the family table. As the kids get older we seem to have more TV dinners, but when we are at the table, the TV is off and we are there for one another. It’s a little bit like a “Reset button for reality” where parents have their rightful place and we steer the family direction. It’s when we say “Grace” at the table, that we teach our children how to pray and the value of prayer. Saying a prayer thanking God for his provision, and asking for His blessing on our lives is a powerful way of inviting His presence into our conversation, our family conflicts, and our family’s direction. One of the important things in our family’s prayer is that we expect good things from God. Jesus taught the disciples, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Matt 7: 7-11 NIV) If you recognise a need in learning to pray, or if you have a prayer need. At Southland we make an opportunity each week in church, where our trusted leaders will take time to pray for you. Additionally there are prayer opportunities in a couple of special prayer meetings each week, and leaders of our “Life Groups” will pray for needs at weekly gatherings, usually on Wednesday nights. It’s in those groups that you will be able to participate in discussion about prayer. Sometimes when issues become overwhelming, there is nowhere else to turn. Often it’s at those times that God meets us wonderfully, and it’s often in response to prayer. Take a moment now to pray for your family, and for Jubilee Primary School. Pastor Neil Southland Christian Centre 60 Gaven Arterial Road, Pacific Pines/Maudsland. Services on Sundays at 8.00 am, 10.00am, and 6.00pm Gospel Nights. All Welcome. www.slcc.net.au

Jubilation - jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au 2 Week 1… · The trouble is, when it comes to prayer, ... Monday 8th July First Day of Term 3 ... Raising the Flag;

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Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 18th June 2013

34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211

PO Box 486, Helensvale 4212

Ph: 07 55028566

Fax: 07 55028522

Email: [email protected]

Web www.jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember

Friday 21st June

State of Origin Meal Deal *See Tuckshop Section for Details

Friday 21st June

School Reports Sent home with students

Monday 8th July

First Day of Term 3

Monday 8th July

Naidoc Week

Koomurri Experience Prep-7

Tuesday 9th July 7.00pm

P & F Meeting

Jubilee Centre

Wednesday 31st July

Athletics Carnival

Field Events

Friday 2nd August

Athletics Carnival

Track Events

Friday 20th September

Last Day of Term 3


Your Family’s Prayers From: Pastor Neil Johnson – Southland Christian Centre


At Southland we are about to begin a new season looking at the value of prayer in our lives. With big issues facing our nation, in church on Sunday one of our Pastors, Ps Angel Adrian said with great conviction, “Like never before, it is time to pray. And it’s time to pray like never before”. The trouble is, when it comes to prayer, we sometimes like to leave it to people who we think really know how to pray. But what about prayer and your family? Will our children learn to pray if we don’t?

This might surprise you, but prayer is natural, easy, and a pleasure, when we know that God is listening, that He wants the best for us, and that there is a purpose in our prayers. There are two especially important things for us as parents when we

think about how we raise children with faith in God:

We lead our families from the dinner table. A ship’s captain steers a ship from the bridge. At home, the bridge is the family table. As the kids get older we seem to have more TV dinners, but when we are at the table, the TV is off and we are there for one another. It’s a little bit like a “Reset button for reality” where parents have their rightful place and we steer the family


It’s when we say “Grace” at the table, that we teach our children how to pray and the value of prayer. Saying a prayer thanking God for his provision, and asking for His blessing on our lives is a powerful way of inviting His presence into our

conversation, our family conflicts, and our family’s direction.

One of the important things in our family’s prayer is that we expect good things from God. Jesus taught the disciples, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Matt 7: 7-11 NIV)

If you recognise a need in learning to pray, or if you have a prayer need. At Southland we make an opportunity each week in church, where our trusted leaders will take time to pray for you. Additionally there are prayer opportunities in a couple of special prayer meetings each week, and leaders of our “Life Groups” will pray for needs at weekly gatherings, usually on

Wednesday nights. It’s in those groups that you will be able to participate in discussion about prayer.

Sometimes when issues become overwhelming, there is nowhere else to turn. Often it’s at those times that God meets us wonderfully, and it’s often in response to prayer. Take a moment now to pray for your family, and for Jubilee Primary


Pastor Neil

Southland Christian Centre

60 Gaven Arterial Road, Pacific Pines/Maudsland.

Services on Sundays at 8.00 am, 10.00am, and 6.00pm Gospel Nights. All Welcome. www.slcc.net.au

Jubilee Primary School

Principal’s Weekly News

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of Jubilee,

Could try harder . . . always does her best . . . lacks concentration . . . easily distracted . . . a pleasure to teach . . . Do these comments, taken from a batch of student reports sound familiar? Student reports bring mixed feelings for parents. Pleasure and pride if they are performing well, but considerable angst when children are not progressing as you hoped. Reports can mean anxious times for children too. Will my parents be disappointed or proud? This is the main concern of most children. Kids of all ages take their cues from their parents, so your reaction to their school report can affect the way they see themselves as learners and as people. Before you rip open the sealed envelope containing the report do a little self-check to see if you are in the right frame of mind: 1. Are your expectations for your son or daughter realistic and in line with their ability? Expectations are tricky. If they are too high then kids can be turned off learning. Too low and there is nothing to strive for. Pitch your expectations in line with your child’s abilities. A quick check of your child’s last report cards may provide you with a good yardstick. 2. Do you believe that children learn at different rates? There are slow bloomers, late developers and steady-as-you-go kids in every classroom, so avoid comparing your child to siblings, your friends’ children and even yourself when you were a child. Instead look for individual progress. 3. Are you willing to safeguard your child’s self-esteem rather than deflate it? Self-confidence is a pre-requisite for learning, so be prepared to be as positive and encouraging as possible. School reports come in different formats. Some are prescriptive while some use grading systems such as A, B, C, etc. with room for teacher comments. Re-gardless of the format school reports should provide you with an idea of your child’s progress in all subject areas, their attitude and social development. Here are some ideas to consider when you open your child’s report: Focus on strengths. Do you look for strengths or weaknesses first? The challenge is to focus on strengths even if they are not in the traditional 3Rs or core subjects. Take into account your child’s effort and attitude to learning. If the report indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that, regardless of the grading. Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child’s progress as a member of a social setting. How your child gets along with his or her peers will influence his happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to his future. The skills of independence and co-operation are highly valued by employers so don’t dismiss these as unimportant. Take note of student self-assessment. Kids are generally very honest and will give a realistic assessment of their progress. They are generally very per-ceptive so take note of their opinions. Discuss the report with your son or daughter talking about strengths first before looking at areas that need improvement. Ask for their opinion about how

they performed and discuss their concerns.

After reports are read and discussed, celebrate your child’s efforts with a special activity or treat. In this way you will recognise progress and remind them that

the holidays are just around the corner when they can forget about assessment, tests and reports for a while.


From the beginning of Term 3 we will be changing our Assembly structure to the following:

Monday Mornings (8:40am - 9:00am): Whole School gathers directly in the BCA where we set up for the week by:

Raising the Flag;

Singing the National Anthem;

Celebrating Birthdays;

Delivering messages for the week;

Then students and teachers go directly to class.

(These will begin on Monday, July 15, 2013 – Wk. 2, Term 3).

Friday Afternoons (2:10pm – 2:40pm): Alternate weeks P-3 then the following week 4-7 gather in The Jubilee Centre for their own P-3 or 4-7 Assembly where

we affirm and acknowledge the fortnight for each cluster by:

Celebrating a class Virtue Prayer Presentation;

Acknowledge student achievement by presenting the Student of the Week Awards;

Affirm other achievements and efforts of our staff, students and school community.

(These will begin with a P-3 Assembly on Friday, July 12, 2013 – Wk. 1, Term 3 and then a 4-7 Assembly on

Friday, July 19, 2013 - Wk. 2 Term 3 alternating each week thereafter).

As a Leadership Team, we have actually been looking at and discussing the format of our weekly assemblies for sometime now. In these changes to the way

in which we gather, we aim to decrease the amount of ‘sitting’ time of the children, whilst still gathering as a whole school at least once a week and not losing

our ability to acknowledge and affirm our achievements.

Principal’s Weekly News

ARL Gala Day Today, Troy Parsons and Anthony Hannah took a number of selected students to the ARL Gala Day held at Helensvale Hornets ground. The day was a huge success with all Jubilee teams playing well. A big thank you to Troy for his commitment to our newly formed Jubilee League Academy and in ensuring that today was a success. JUBILEE TRIVIA NIGHT – THANK YOU! What a great night was had by all at Friday Night’s Trivia Night! Linda Vayro, Kim Seed, Rhonda Verheijen, Jo Riddell and particularly Brian Mason ensured that all had a quality and fun-filled night. I particularly enjoyed the environment in which the night occurred – where people didn’t take themselves too seriously! Well done to all!

THANK YOU STAFF This Term has been a very busy one! I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each one of our dedicated staff for the contributions they make to the Jubilee School Community. The children in our care, rarely, if ever realise the countless hours and efforts our staff make to ensure that the education we provide for them is one of quality, vigour and fun.


"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise."

Oscar Wilde


How Long Does A Storm Last

By Catherine Pulsifer ©

I sat on our swing watching the clouds move in. I was thinking about some of the challenges in our life right now. The dark clouds looked like some of the issues facing us at this time. Then a patch of blue sky appeared in the clouds, the sun was trying to come out. I smiled as I saw the patches of blue sky; it focused my thoughts on all the good things that were in our life right now. When you see those patches of blue sky you feel better, your attitude changes, you realise that while there are challenges there is also a lot of positive in your life. The weather is a good analogy to our lives. We all have experienced the sunny days, the stormy days, and the overcast days. In our lives, the sunny days represent good times. The storms are the challenges we all face, and the overcast days are days when things are just mediocre. We need the storms, the over-cast days to help us appreciate the sunny days. If it was sunny every day then we would start taking it for granted. In our lives, we need the challenging times to make us appreciate the good times, and they help us grow and learn. And, on the overcast days we can see the sun trying to peek through the clouds and we can focus on the hope that the storm is breaking up, or we can chose to focus on only the clouds. Well, our lives all have storms, but the most important thing is that we have hope for sunnier days. Our attitude will determine what we see, and more importantly, what we focus on. If our focus is only on the storm we will not get beyond it. But, if we focus and hope for a sunnier day then our attitude can become one of moving forward, getting beyond where we are now. There is a solution to every problem. Sayings like, "this to shall pass", or, "every problem has a gift for you in its hand", are ones we need to remember for the stormy days in our lives. How long the storm lasts in our lives depends on our own attitude and focus; the more positive our attitude, the shorter the storm. While we can't control the weather, we can control our attitude and focus.

God bless you and best wishes for the week ahead.

David Sewell

APA Weekly News

with Brian

G’day everyone. Welcome to the final week of Semester 1. We can look back over a very active and productive term with a sense of community pride in all that was achieved and we can also look forward to the holiday break when the children and staff can relax and recharge themselves for a little while. Arts Alive Showcase: Last Friday week (7th June) we celebrated another wonderful Jubilee event, The Jubilee Arts Alive Show-case which was held in the Jubilee Centre. An amazing array of students shared their many impressive talents in singing, dancing, hip hop, magic and humour and instrumental performances on the Jubilee Centre stage. We congratulate every student who performed and we offer our sincere thanks to the amazing Mr Shane Parry, our Mr Music one-man-band who co-ordinated, compered and accompanied the performers in what was a very entertaining evening. School Photos: Our school photo day last Thursday ran very successfully and we managed to get through all of our leadership, class group and individual photos on the day. I’d like to offer special thanks to Mr Troy Parsons, who co-ordinated the process on the day, all of our class teachers and school officers and the great team from MSP Photography for all their efforts on the day. I’d also like to thank you, our parents and carers, for assisting us in sending the children to school in correct school uniform on the day, especially those whose children normally wear sports uniform on Thursdays. We will be booking a second photo day, most likely late in Term 3, we will have photos taken of interest and representative groups such as our Junior and Senior Choirs, Readers’ Cup Team, Sporting Teams, etc. I will advise you of this date once it is finalised.

Jubilee Trivia Night: Last Friday night saw the greatest gathering of superheroes, arch villains, law enforcement agents, criminals, spies and comic book tragics ever assembled in one place on the Gold Coast ! We offer our sincere congratulations and thanks to Linda Vayro, Kim Seed and the P&F team, who did an amazing job of promoting the event, organising the fabulous array of prizes and preparing the Jubilee Centre for the night! Dave and I really enjoyed hosting the night and, from what I could see, all present had a great time, but my “spidey-senses” tell me that some of our heroes and villains would have been somewhat less heroic or menacing first thing last Saturday morning !

Student, Parent and Visitor Arrivals and Departures: An important reminder to all parents, carers and visitors. It is extremely important that all visitors to our school come in and out of the school via the school office. It is part of our workplace health and safe-ty responsibilities and our duty of care. It is also vital that any students who arrive late or depart early are dropped off or collected via the school office as well. We seek your assistance in this regard at all times please. Have a great Week 10 and an even better holiday break everyone ! Cheers,

Brian Mason, APA

Jo’s APRE Weekly News

Have a great week everyone,

Yours in faith

Jo Riddell

A Children’s holiday club will be run again at St James Biggera Waters from Monday June 24 to Friday June 28. It’s for Grades 4-7 and includes games, craft, singing, food and other

activities. Each session runs from 9am to noon and costs $3.

For more info or to register please phone me on 0417 190 817.

(Revd) Ron Bundy

Celebrations of the Religious Life of the School

Friday’s Assembly this week will be Yr. 2L

Week Term 2

10 2L

‘Children are a blessing….’ Psalm 127:3 CEV

If you've forgotten how well off you are to have your family, read this: 'I'd finally had it. The children were loud, irritable and impossible. I was tired and fed up. My wife was tired and fed up. So I decided to run away from it all and have a day just for me; a day in which I did what I wanted. I was going to live it up and be as greedy as I pleased. I wasn't going to tend to anybody but myself. I zoomed out of the house with $50. "There, I did it." I said to myself as I drove to the highway and headed north. Well, I went to a shopping centre, had a great time in a bookstore and bought the collected poems of Walt Whitman. After-wards, I drove to McDonald's and ordered two hamburgers, my own large fries and my own large cola. I ate everything without being interrupted, without wiping anyone's mouth, nose or bottom. Then I ate the biggest chocolate ice cream I could find. I was free! I was out of town! So I drove to the cinema and watched a film without buying popcorn, without someone sitting on my lap, without escorting someone to the bathroom. I was a free man. I was living it up - and I was miserable. By the time I returned home, everyone was asleep. As I slipped into bed my wife whispered, "We missed you." I answered, "Me too." I never ran away from home again!'

Resource Centre News

Student Borrowing

No borrowing this week as we are stocktaking all overdue loans. Please assist us by returning all library books now. If your child receives an overdue no-tice, please look for it and return the book so that everyone can begin Term 3 with a “clean slate”. All Home Readers also need to be returned to class teachers now.

Book Covering

If you can assist us by taking books home in the holidays to cover, it would be really helpful!! We have recently catalogued many new library books and curriculum resources. It would be great to have them all covered ready to be used at the beginning of Term 3!

New Book Requests

One of our new and very popular initiatives is our “New Book Request” system. Students fill in a written book request, stating reasons why they would like our library to have a particular book or more books on a specific topic. If we end up purchasing their request, they are the first to borrow them and they receive a bookmark. If we already have the book, they receive feedback stating where they can find it. Students love this as it gives them a feeling of own-ership of their library. It also helps our purchasing- we make sure we have books the children love to read!

Readers of the Week Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Reader of the Week in their classes last week!

PREP F: - 3L: Andrew Verheijen 6F: Brodie Monaghan

PREP L: Coby Proctor 3U: Olivia Waiwiri 6L: Giorgia Brown

PREP U: Sienna Hassett 3F: Joanna Teefy

PREP J: Tazmyn Robertson

1F: Joshua Brand 4F: Thomas Knight 7L: Ashleigh Duffy

1U: Charli Radford 4U: Luke Gray 7F: Laura Alcott

1L: Kiarah Kasker 4L: Dylan Hill

4J: Jake Binns

2L: Evie Phelan 5F: William Griffioen

2U: Sean Webber 5L: Hera Chun

2F: Riley Lundin

Our Reader Raffle winners this week are:

Darcy 3U, Brodie 6F, Shanae 2F & Savanah 4F.

Deb Sketcher

Learning Enhancement News

Eagle Snake Kangaroo Frog

Dolphin Giraffe Lion Fish

Monkey Bear Dog Iguana/Lizard

Raccoon Owl Spider Parrot

It has been a very busy term for all of us in Learning Enhancement, with all of us new to our roles at the start of the term. We have meet with parents and worked with children to support the diverse learning needs of the students here at Jubilee. We started our Parent Support Library, attended the federal government initiative four day inservice to support students with ASD. We have tested all the children from year two to year seven for reading comprehension and worked with teachers and school officers to support the needs of the learners here at Jubilee.

Next term sees me take the first five weeks of term as Long Service Leave and two new projects starting. We have our Early Birds Reading Program and a lunch time Chill Out Zone which will offer children in years 1-7 the chance to play in a quieter lunchtime play area. We will have board games, iPods and a chance to play our new Wii as well as craft and construction activities. Entry will be via a pass which entitles the student to bring a friend with them. Teachers will have passes to give to children either as a reward or as time out from the business of our other playground areas. If you have any queries while I am away

please direct them to our school APRE Mrs Joanne Riddell.

Happy Holidays

Carolyn Stewart and the Learning Enhancement Team.

As part of the Learning Enhancement Program, students in Year 1, 2 and 3 are learning different strategies to improve their reading and comprehension. Each strategy has a different animal to help the students remember it. Students love reading

with the different soft toys, although we don’t have the full collection.

If you have any of the following soft toys that you are happy to donate, we would much appreciate it.

Soft toys WANTED!

Our first day back for Term three should be a very exciting one! As part of NAIDOC week we are very pleased to announce that KOOMURRI Education and Entertainment group will be leading our day on Monday July 8. The KOOMURRI group are ‘Australia’s number one for Education and Entertainment in Aboriginal culture’. We will be taking part in a range of activities including Aboriginal Song and Dance, Face Painting, an Artefact Show, Boomerang Throwing as well as an opening and closing ceremony. Students will arrive to their classes in the morning as usual, where their teachers will mark the roll and make their way to the Jubilee hall for our ‘Welcome Ceremony’ at 9am. Normal lunch breaks and dismissal from students’ classrooms with class teachers will also take place. Jubilee School has funded this special day and there will be no cost to families. I wish you a very safe and enjoyable holiday break and look forward to this wonderful day on our return back to school next term.

Kind regards,

Bianca Stenton

Specialist Support Teacher

Early Bird Reading Program

The Early Bird Reading Program is a new initiative at Jubilee Primary School that aims to enhance students’ reading across the whole school. Like anything, practise makes perfect. The more children read, the better readers they will become. The Early Bird Reading Program provides students with another opportunity to practise their reading strategies and skills.

Who can participate in the Early Bird Reading Program?

All students, from Prep to Year 7 are invited to participate in the Early Bird Reading Program, reading with either a Reading Mentor or silently on their own.

What is a Reading Mentor?

Reading Mentors will read with students each morning to support them in their reading and enhance their strategies and skills. We are looking for parent volunteers to become Reading Mentors. Volunteers will be invited to attend a Reading Workshop to enhance their strategies to support students when reading. Year 6 and 7 students will also be trained as Reading Mentors and will listen to and support younger readers.

How can I become a Reading Mentor?

At the beginning of Term 3, we will conduct half hour workshops to inform parents of the reading strategies used throughout the school. Workshops will be in Week 2 and 3 of Term 3, details will be in the newsletter next term. Volunteers must have complet-ed the Volunteers Induction. Parents who have not completed this will have an opportunity early in Term 3.

When will the Early Bird Reading Program take place?

The Early Bird Reading Program will take place each morning, before school from 8:10 – 8:30 am.

Where will the Early Bird Reading Program take place?

The Early Bird Reading Program will be in the Jubilee Resource Centre. Students can be dropped there in the morning, with their school bag.

What will students read?

In most cases, students will read their home reader to a Reading Mentor, so it is important that students remember to bring their reader to school each day. Younger students may also like to practise their sight words with a Reading Mentor. A selection of additional books will be available for the rare occasion that students do not have a home reader. Those reading independently can read their home reader, the book they have borrowed from the library or a book of their choice. Students will not be able to borrow from the library at this time.

Why should students participate in the Early Bird Reading Program?

There is enormous variation in the amount of independent reading that students do outside of school. We must ensure that every child has the opportunity to read and be read to, every day. The Early Bird Reading Program is another opportunity for students to read in their day. The more students read, the better readers they will become; the better readers they become, the more they will enjoy reading; the more they enjoy reading, the more they will read.

Weekly Update with Alistair Davies

Year 4 AFL Shine Program concluded yesterday at Metricon Stadium. All Year 4 students were involved in a Participation Carnival with other Gold Coast Schools. The Gold Coast Suns, AFL Queensland and The Gold Coast City Council provided 4 weeks of skills, healthy living profi les, surf awareness and water safety at the beach. Yesterday’s carnival day was a great opportunity to tour the Metricon Stadium together with learning more about healthy living, sport and


Cross Country Tops please check for any outstanding sports tops, most have been returned from the Catholic Carnival Day, however, there are still a few


Running Club Term 3 (Year 3-7 only) recommences Wednesday 10th July at 7.35 am. Most weeks during Term 3 we will train on Wednesday and Friday morn-ings with additional days being added in the lead up to carnival days. A note will go home to all Running Club members at the beginning of Term 3 outlining all

formal training days. This should be kept at home for easy reference and to ensure that students don’t turn up on days that may be rest days.

District Athletic Trials will be held in early August and all standards will be advertised in week 1 of Term 3. Please note that the Gold Coast District North Trial is not a carnival and only those with minimum standards will be permitted to enter. These trials are for students turning 10, 11 or 12 years old during 2013. Any

students who wish to apply for these trial positions will need to achieve the standards that are advertised. Please see Mr. Davies for further information.

Jubilee Athletics Carnival field events are Wednesday 31st July (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) and Track Day is Friday 2nd August. Full details will come out early in

Term 3.

Individual and Team achievements in sport are always taking place outside of school. So that we may recognise these wonderful achievements, I encourage

parents and students to email me any details so that I may publish them in the Jubilation Weekly Newsletter.

Congratulations to Chloe Brown who recently achieved her 5th consecutive state selection in the Queensland Roller Skating Team. Chloe trains extremely

hard and thoroughly deserves her selection. We wish Chloe all the very best as she prepares for the National Titles later during 2013 in Perth.

Yours in Sport/HPE

Alistair Davies

Parents & Friends Association



Jubilee P&F Executive Team – [email protected]

President – Rhonda Verheijen 0419 728745; Vice President – Nancy Carter 0412 438184;

Secretary – Heidi Roberson ; Treasurer – Sharon Hutchison 0423 841068

Postal Address: PO Box 486, Helensvale, QLD 4212

P&F MEETING – TUESDAY 9th July @ 7pm Today we held the last of our “trial” day meetings. We will be voting on whether to continue these meetings at July’s P&F Meeting which will be held on Tuesday 9th July (second day back of term 3). If you can’t be at this night meeting but would like to cast your vote for continuing alternating between day (9am) and night (7pm) on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, please send an email to [email protected] (only written votes will be accepted prior to this meeting). TRIVIA NIGHT SUCCESS This year's Hero's and Villains Trivia Night was a resounding success! Our Jubilee community came together in a grand way, with approx. 200 people attending, over 40 prizes awarded, 110 questions answered (some even correctly) and lots of laughs with friends. The night was made extra special due to our fabulous MC's Brian Mason and David Sewell. The questions were expertly planned by Brian Mason and we sincerely thank him for this. Special thanks to the organisers Linda Vayro, Brian Mason and Kim Seed who's planning beforehand resulted in a smoothly run event. P&F would like to also thank the parents who helped with set up and Jo Riddell for support with scoring on the night, Mr Parry for sound, lighting and projection support, the administration ladies for collection of bookings and to our P&F Treasurer whose support is invalua-ble at all P&F events. The Trivia night has made a profit of approx. $1800. Thanks to all who attended and made this night a highlight on the Jubilee calendar. HELP NEEDED - Father’s Day Stall & Track Day Sausage Sizzle Coordinator We are looking for some parent volunteers to help run these 2 upcoming events, our Father’s Day Stall and a Track Day Sausage Sizzle Coordinator. We also want to run a “Father’s Day Event” like our “Mother’s Day High Tea” so if you are able to help coordinate this event or have any great ideas then please email the P&F.

SILVER SPONSOR FOR FFD It is with great excitement that we share that Stockland Pacific Pines has re-joined us as one of our Silver Sponsors for this year’s Family Fun Day. A huge thank you to Sharon Gambrill for securing this sponsor for us again this year. CENT AUCTION DONATIONS We are now calling for donations for our Cent Auction which is one of our feature events of our FFD. If you have a business that you’d like to promote but don’t want to hold a stall then why not donate an item to our cent Auction. All prizes will be listed in our Program on the day so a great way to promote your business. Also calling all parents who are holding a stall if you could please get your cent auction donation to the school before the School Holidays that would be very much appreciated.


Anne Nash Book Stall Co-ordinator (0401 000 910)

The bankers 101.5

Happy Days 101

What Tha 99

Jubilee Mafia 97.5

Beauties & Bandits 97

Holding out 4 a hero 96

Mason Mob 96

Cops & Robbers 1 95.5

Cop It Sweet 95

Keystone Capers 93

Quietly Heroic 91.5

Last Chance 91

Justice League 90.5

Avenging Parents 90

Blazing Saddles 89

Handmade Heroes 88.5

Caped Crusaders 87.5

More Villians than Heroes 87.5

OSHC Justice League 84

Super Mums 2 82.5

Super Mums 80

Holy Bat…. 79.5

Batettes 77

Super Jubilee Mums 74

Lyndsey Snowden & Justin Allan

On the birth of Macy Allan

Sister of Ava Allan in Prep F

Congratulations to the Dougherty Family

On the birth of Suzannah Kaye

a new daughter and sister for Lucinda, Laurence & Griffen

Congratulations Congratulations

Using Mine craft in the Classroom News from Class 4J Reporters Charli, Ethan, Jazmin & Jake

Maths: Writing times tables in blocks. Digging blocks out of the ground, creating buildings using times tables as a structure. If you get your times table right, you get one extra block to build with OR if you are a Maths genius, you add all the answers together and have that amount of blocks to create with. Religious Education: Use Mine craft to design a social story or retell a parable like The Good Samaritan. You can write a flying sentence about just actions that 'fly' across a scene, showing preferred actions or correct actions. Science: Use the sink holes to show layers in the soil. Tress and roots showing life cycle in different worlds. Different worlds show different climates – desert, ice and snow and forests. 4J LOVE using Mine craft in the classroom.

Tuckshop & Uniform Shop


Wednesday 19th June

Kim Roebig

Thursday 20th June

Tracey Fearn

Friday 21st June

Tiffany Tyler

Karen Storer

Saturday Sunday

Term 3

Monday 8th July

Kathleen Dias

Term 3

Tuesday 9th July

Janelle Prendergast

Term 3

Wednesday 10th July

Sue Hillberg

Term 3

Thursday 11th July

Anne Nash

Term 3

Friday 12th July

Tracey Flower

Anita Bland

Uniform Shop Opening Hours: Tuesday’s 8.00am - 10.00am

Thursday’s 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Orders email to [email protected]

Tuckshop Roster We are now seeking volunteers to assist in the Tuckshop for Term 3. If you are able to assist, even if only for a few hours please email Helen who will add your name to the Term 3 roster [email protected]

Friday, Last Day of Term 2

$5.00 Meal Deal Maroon’s $5 Meal Deal

1 Pkt Ovaltinees

1 Red Aroona Drink

1 Pluto Pup Hot-Dog

Blues $5 Meal Deal

1 Pkt Sumo Crackers

1 Blue Aroona Drink

1 Chiko Roll

Jubilee Advertisers & Services

To Advertise your business or services here

contact [email protected]