© C rown copyrigh tand da tabase righ t2020 . A llrigh ts reserved . O rdnance Survey L icence number100046668 . Con ta ins SNH in forma tion licensed underthe Open Governmen tL icence v3 .0 0 1 2 3 4 5 K ilome tres Access to A rgy ll& Bu te (A83)P ro ject Rou te Corrider Op tion 10 Corridor10 , He lensburgh - Cowa l- Ca irndow 2km Corridor Ou tline No te :A 2km w ide study area as shown on th is draw ing is norma lpractice a tth is stage o fscheme deve lopmen t.

JU$ WRVVHFF$ UHLUGUR& WHXR5 ZRGLQUD ......ABI 7 Inverlau dmore 202 • Rosneath ove Kilcreggan Cove A880 Kilmun Strone Point \rdn dam Hunter's Quay Kempock GOUROCK Point Kirn 30 point

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  • © Crown copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100046668.Contains SNH information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

    0 1 2 3 4 5Kilometres

    Access to Argyll &Bute (A83) ProjectRoute CorriderOption 10

    Corridor 10,Helensburgh -Cowal -Cairndow2km CorridorOutline

    Note: A 2km wide study areaas shown on this drawing isnormal practice at this stageof scheme development.