No. A-60011/29/2015-Admin (P&T) Government of India Ministry of MSME Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) (P&T Section) Nlrrnan Shaw an New Delhi Dated: 29.03.2016 Office Memorandum Subject: Details of Govt. Servant who were invalidated with less than 10 years of qualifying service and invalid pension was granted by relaxation of ruleS-Reference from Attorney General of India with reference to Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011- regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A- 38011/2/2015-HR Section dated 23 March, 2016 on the subject cited above and to state that in so far as Headquraters office, office of DC (MSME) is concerned no Govt. Servant were invalidated with less than 10 years of qualifying service and inval id pension was granted by relaxation of rules. Hence the desired information may be treated as nil. In so far as information pertaining to subordinate institutes are concerned the same is being obtained and will be sent as and when received. To: Shri L Haokip Director Ministry of MSME Udyog Bhawan New Delhi ju_UIM/ (Surende7 Kumar) Dy. Director (Adrnn) Copy along with M/o MSME's O.M No. A-38011j2j2015-HR Section Dated 23 March, 2016 to: /' All Directors/Deputy Director(i/C),MSME-Development Institutes, Brs, TCs,TSs &TIs with a request to provide requisite information immediately for onward transmission.

ju UIM/ - DC(MSME · Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section

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Page 1: ju UIM/ - DC(MSME · Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section

No. A-60011/29/2015-Admin (P&T)Government of IndiaMinistry of MSME

Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME)(P&T Section)

Nlrrnan Shaw anNew Delhi Dated: 29.03.2016

Office Memorandum

Subject: Details of Govt. Servant who were invalidated with less than 10 yearsof qualifying service and invalid pension was granted by relaxation ofruleS-Reference from Attorney General of India with reference toSupreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section dated 23 March, 2016 on the subject cited above and tostate that in so far as Headquraters office, office of DC (MSME) is concerned no Govt.Servant were invalidated with less than 10 years of qualifying service and inval idpension was granted by relaxation of rules. Hence the desired information may betreated as nil.

In so far as information pertaining to subordinate institutes are concerned thesame is being obtained and will be sent as and when received.

To:Shri L HaokipDirectorMinistry of MSMEUdyog Bhawan New Delhi

ju_UIM/(Surende7 Kumar)

Dy. Director (Adrnn)

Copy along with M/o MSME's O.M No. A-38011j2j2015-HR Section Dated 23 March,2016 to:

/' All Directors/Deputy Director(i/C),MSME-Development Institutes, Brs,TCs,TSs &TIs with a request to provide requisite information immediately foronward transmission.

Page 2: ju UIM/ - DC(MSME · Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section

s_~ 9 V<r- '----~.

( ~, ---J Most Immediate

No.A-38011/2/2015-HR S'ectionlGovernment of India

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises(HRSection)*********

Room No, 429-C, Udyog BhavanNew Delhi, dated, Q.]March, 2016.

Office Memorandum

Sub: Details of Govt. Servant who were invalidated with less than 10 years ofqualifying service and invalid pension was granted by relaxation of rules­Reference from Attorney General of India with reference to SupremeCourt order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.PNo. © No. 20339/2011-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Pension andPensioner's Welfare's O.M No. 21/1/2016-P&PW(F) dated 16.03.2016 (copyenclosed). Requisite information in respect of Office of DC(MSME)may please be

provided immediately.


Tele No. 23061431


Director (Admn)Office ofDC(MSME)Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

Page 3: ju UIM/ - DC(MSME · Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section

·/ )

/ .


NO.21/1/2016-P&PW{F)Ministry of Personnel, PG'& P~nslons

Department otP~n~ion:& Pensioners' Welffire'Desk-F

3r<.1Floor, Lok Nayak Bnavan,Khan Market, New Delhi-110003

Dated ~March, 2016.OFfiCEMEMORANDUM

Subject: Details of Govt .. servants Whowere invalidated with less than 10 years' of qualifyingservice and invalid pension was granted by relaxation of rules- Reference fromAttorney General of India with 'reference to 'supreme Court order dated ·22/02/2016hS.L.P No. (C) No. 203.3912011-regarding.

Kindly refer to this Department's OM of even number dated the l6th March 2016 in whichMinistries/Departments .of t.he G'oyemment India were requested to furnish [nformatlon/detalls ofGovt. servants who were invalldated with less than 10 ¥.ears of qualifying service ;/lnd invalidpenslon was granted by relaxing the rules. This information was required to be fumlsbed .byMlnh3trieslDepa.rtments by 23r.! March 2016. If the Ministries,fDepartr'nents have no 'Information ontbe subject to furnish, a NIL Information is also required to be furnished by theMlnlstriesfOepartments. This il')fonnatlon is required i.n connection with Supreme Court order .dated i2.~.2b16, fn SLP No, 2033912011 and Is to be.fu.mlsh~<:Ito the Attorney Gener:?llof India by~8,3·.2016. .2. It II) once. a~aln recuestec that the informatiori/detaiis in resp'.~~ of yourMinistry/Department may 'be fumished latest by 12,00 noon of 28.3.201'6 by retum fax ( Fa)(No,24624802 or 2463246~. If the information In respect of your MinlstrytPepartment is NIL, a nilfnformatJon ma,y be fumlshe.d.

~~(Vanda'na sharme)

Joint SecretaryT(!I,No.24·S25541)Fin: 24-6-~~4S3

To,Secretaries of Govt. of India( as p~r list) .

. '" .._----------

Page 4: ju UIM/ - DC(MSME · Supreme Court order dated 22/02/2016 in S.L.P No. 20339/2011-regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of MSMEs O.M No. A-38011/2/2015-HR Section

! R~C'eiptNo: 86755/2016/JS- SME File No.A-38011/2/2015-HR Section,<',".' \..) )~ \...



No2:!112016·P&PW(F)Gov~mlIncmtof India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment Pension and Pensioners' Welfare

RNo.310, Lok Nayak Bhawan,Khan Market. New Qe:lhi-110003,

Dated: 16 ''March, 2016

Sub Details of Govt. Servants WIIO were invalidated with less than 10 years ofqualifying service and Invalid pension was qranted by relaxation of rules -Reforence from Attorney Ccneral of India witt, reference to Supreme Court orderdated 22i02/2016 in S L F' No, (C) NO.20339120·11 ., regarding,

Under Rute ;3{) of f1ension) Rules. Invalid pension is granted to CentralGovernment employees mvauo pension rnay be 9ranted if a Government servantretires from service on accoum of any bodily or mental infirmity, which permanentlyincapacitates the: Govt servant from service /\5 per Rule 49(3) of CCS (Pension)Rules. a minimum '10 years qua!lfyin9 sorvice is roquired for earning pension, includingII'lvalid pension

2. With reference to Supr(;rTlu Court order dated 22/02/2016 in SLP Nos2033~)/2011 in the matter of Unl')n of India Ors Vs PA Thomas, tile Attorney General ofIndia has sought the details of cases III which Invalid pension was granted to Govt.~tt! vtlnl wilh ;~~~ ,t li:'J \ iG yt;;(;n··;·.)\:')f S"'=::i·"i~:".sby' le'clAa-tiGii Gr Rules. i;"niOking Rule es cfCCS(Pension) Rutes

;'\ Aclrnini~W,'ltlveMinistm~s/[JeparlrnDnts in trle Govt. of India are requested toIurrnsh the above inforrn~ltioli to this .IJppartrJ1E:Hl\irnrnedrately, latest by 2:"d March,2016, If the. Administrative Ministry/Deparlrnent has no information to furnish, a nilinformation may also be furnished

J.J!l",f)..).W(Vandana Sharma)

Joint SecretaryTol: 24625540

Fax: 24632463


Secretaries of Govornmont of India(as per list)