«>iyi"ljii'iamiwii|iii ijjtji iiiiji.iNiijiiiiiinyn H if 1 s,- r-v.. §•/• fr *• I f I b ' t I I,- f r r •f v ...Inam Chief Survive, Y W Of Peril, »jr;ucv. rATEicK OCONNOK f Wtti[ JlSfJtf*... M e * . ^SSSESj aam-ftaanglt f i e past sear m*M%m,<-lite wnrtved b$r sijelij «0MN|», Jfoniajty, and de^jtiori|s$ '•"•f Vv ftp'*£<?.•*? J. \ «4 t*^h $KJ \ gym \ ** * Vl* *-n '^i?* # !>.•»•» HA» TH1G rBOHLEMS; _.^fetl!W(|.out NgpgjjrA *fvef t#to liSKef mMtoi«-m% Ww»B»pa«tKsoDlnhDkm, i the (fcrder «t€ St. Benedict, « w iMafe*.* ti« M**a*w.-«rie$>i ' Uwwlktlne Abbey In Bel| ' -•Sea thV Genev. Confc. w»rw. ***§•* vm-tm'M wmi&S. He AM hfeM pttWfk! df^ » yews welter wJwtf m : sttqulsred tfcw reputstfon for Iflf IwnHiaf Paris lnd^p*)*$?s WrterV pliiri for mmmSiar Viitejdm tat it tias hoi s^|ie%' Vieo'learne the tt&mfn$Hw'aar Fwjpter by Bao Uai, 1ftetttam% 's;j Chlel « I Starte, Ngo DWi 1 ) 1 ^ ; ftrmihteM^, Rf» a«cny thaf *^«>«*^i ^._es l 'en-J5ormea~.liitft,- t divisltt otn ibssente*" CWef at Sfaftf,'1 wai tfiwate«ea from' thfe ^iiiji . t^jr « wUdtorftoti*'' ewnrntthlst 1 «#• gime auppttea by Commtmlsf ehlna-^iid aiwctecHJy^3q»irts ' JBfe'^aalSa otftce onx^ « ,,...„„ «J-ital^^ft(^f|y^^n«fe'-wp)*^ : «rounar.ani| Sttrihi^ tof F r 4 % ^mi^/'tt'ctSBiia,,' vt •#$ -Si'^lf G»p.J»ijit'| tl c--*_• .- ."-., - _-...........' llclilIyntuiral-butatbeatitwM wonblgfpuout, N o concrete evidence a^V«w*P^fivl$3*acIiig •3pet»1lIon» wKiyiiicwioilwswiy pr^Bjfth^ayea. " B?i.5%c(6|; ha«e> 4e*«t©d tm Xuy<-n *j»j HoiuBao, hat m hire core of <£«%. reftei iorce JO^th^nipMS mm&tfSLi aisst fcit)o«# paor Dalst j»?litr?jai-ieiiigj. Hyew?at, Mete ^w dtvoot CaJbdfe'-j^pi^^, . ' :fltt»" /j^|ii»' 'n!^',''|i»ailB-.'iC'JMt| ^'"feasfatiUslj)^ 1ft aTceas'where ,!B)ttpyjt Ift-jMivet tii«|p'ajpsclal tateMCtol-nuniik organfeailous secret- : «BIJ'~'T|tBMBIft"' lite -taken though thef ConSmDtiiat- troops ,-J^S»#" «ttfat«»tij^£r]l«^ dfih&riaitod;: ArtenobVat stJU to be Ihstltatea. 'm. He^^MsjAimiibeft- a Pfcggram' Bji* especially" fij ttift 0<rilent of jagrlcultuial wlorma, > wljere nothJi^g m<ieeias iilfe sue- '.. p i | piy^niwejit lias «ccom- ceHs; i yeae <jMiirvlVat ; 'and pi*g- plisfi# K gotiSl' 4(aT with Anietf' j«8s against odda' may weir >e jjajfiajf.l^^ttajijg the refugees, fol^wed by a year of greater ,b#t actilfUy th.e country and, gov galtu ' • erxufjjedt asre Inaebteft-tq the refr ...„,,..H..„O-v..-,— ugees %;"% esilraordln'aryex- AuHwrnw Dtea At » SSSSSS^* ** d * VOt ' 0 " ^' dc ' 1 - ( NC) - Katharine ^Hfc. W h e f ^ e , government* * uth *»*» *«» J w w «v, * f fe!ttigil*efa3wi« tft inrviw, the «» »•?«• «* P 6 *^ c ha»e ( ha» ' f ^ n ^ v ^ P M ^ W . . - f i J e y t t - ^M*tNe«?tO!» Abbot at the atge •••••• -•••''" rf;.fju..t.»«-. ,<;.. i r-y A ..its-; -.-. ...» - <; '"- ia'*TteN^T# „.. s«SB«it_Jlef( 'ipnaas-^iiaclsf' *hm m ^tw*i ito wa««: o*rt h »e* tens ea^erjh?.ii«tah<j(axft Jtew, *he BethlehennjSfeel ID, included a-Maw. iArchbJaho^Cuahinj MH*& Writers, erected %* f |^nt>|ife»tfr u)a| I p M ^ I P f #^«a*rlng:to0,i reprfwtita^ f ;!|Jite-.MWlne Carp&teKjUh^ >f I """ Ive^nibn.11te4itfril«tiw*i» .psttcuow lat>jrthe*fta7PioH'W Moi)^ .€o«ftomtl6n -*no7% » l^ehlftL-s^ei - eonw4'ti<w» 0* mim-m-ptok -veutwl^ln ^H» «d$ ''fe^'fiBpOSasiJIAN f d r , t h « : ^ |^g : ^orflo^^61ftisal^^^ (ftif hwge:,4etid»~<pwB«tt»l*le;t(> a$fc-HBMr« *>,»biBr%^gi rwoi# beglln wlthlp A ie>jdiyir. x^Ehe un^t,wBl be tal<orjj^(je*P$«! feganJk off Cape Cod,^fWe«(«|^ , M »rvft.a»- the fiflrt jitiftj^the ^coastal defense nefevcirfcrof.-radar •wiatti'- '•;,:*•***(*:$ \.'$tt> -plans-were ^m'm^atelsf aalra- nounqed |or rellg\ottr > <**i'^c«» aboard thfe"pTant aftef ith»»i)*(!rt placed, out' to 'lea..' dre*»» -jri'lto talnlng the statioti wi|i-ie *llg«a to rema(n pn the'lslaud/qjrjo'n'g periodl of time and' ih* _ljrofe^hle ^Js r n QJrK ~j V- ^" T.^-*i .,.,( ?KV} 3 A m f %*\v . MeJtlco City - ( N O - C»tho- 'llca^prtfcercd *i the 41e«»opoU- .taa Cathedral here to honor the Image of the "Senor del ye]g^of (The Poisoned Christ), »' d*»|.-''K ur « ot Christ which haa'a^itrmnfe legend »fct»ched _ ^ 1 1 told Uwt nuny year* lgora|i-ArchbUhop who Hved lr» ib« ^jpltail was beloved T»y the de?i&.but bated by a iroup .of_e«iH«W. , ., , T .,. ... r , ..,„«.' 'fflp|£.hiter, knowlni; ttiat Be part, was held at tfte ^^sJrtp ; - J >w»a*iWed a particular linage Mothethouie here. %* ^.^^Ss^flijipnicllled caiitet, wnear Maryknoll Siiten Leave For Msfioni iMaieylmoll,- -it.tgl^MfrfM: algnedtp wprk ^ W ^ | ^ e r j M and South £wmiU$p!&^W Ialanda and A(rlca,,56 Maryknoll Stotem will le»ve *f*i'W«#i(lfi : th^;Sumnier. A.^p^i^f ui - monjr in which '~& iK ~" J a mm In flitgo—His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Itcago, blesses three mew members of the International Putt*; •- ojkrAutfllarles after the: women" tooti their final oath of fidelity to this unique foreign mission aspostolate. They are, left to right: Roaelyn Kulzer of Mclarose, Minn,; Cecily Lewis of Sheffield, England; and Vlrginla'-'Leary of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mlaa Lewis has been assigned to the mission field in Formosa, while the> other two awaitt their assignments. The auxiliaries wear no dJEaffnctlve dress or habrit and are trained for work as nurse*, , doctflra, teachers, social workers, home economists arid sociol- ogists in foreign mlBslonis. Members dedicate their Uvea to the formation of a native Catholic laity In mission countries. (ENS Photo) Strange legend Attached WMexictm Christ Statue ed a powerful poison on the feet of- the image, hoping Oaat when he hissed It, the Archbtah- op would die. However, the tradition says, It did not turn out Out way. Nothing, happened to Me Arch- bishop, but the flgoe of ttw Poisoned Christ turned almost Wack. ,\ r .' . - J The faithful here insist tfaat the Fotaotwd Christ has tlgored- In acorea of miracles for fee- Uevers, and each year it tat* monies, been revered in special cere- .«ci .«-.'""?•,h. . JSm to!b| f ;ind|# r ||p)g.' Inline Mlnt«t«r -Jawa%latf, Buenos Aires—(NC)—After eight months of dramg 1 tunnnfl, the Chuwh-stete *itaiati«» & A*gen*iait "^^ have entered a IKW ana cs»lro^,"^# ,m& see" "* Tne Peron regime's active p$r« jecutlon of the Church in Argen- tina has given way to a state of truce, but Catholic leaders hatve still to be convinced that this will be followed by a real peace. THIS CAUTIOUS attitude was reflected in a pastoral letter fil- med by HIa J^lnenee Santiago Luis Copello, Archbishop of Beu- nos Aires, and ordered read at Sunday Masses In all the church- es of the country. The Cardinal declared that 'peace and harmony among our utiens is our greatest aspiration," but he warned:. "These noble longings for union and peace can inly be realized if toe causes which have created discontent and have divided our citizens are elimlnatedfromamosg.ua." Apparently anxious to avoid giving the Peron regime any pre- text for reviving its anti-Church campaign, the Cardianl repeated an Instruction of last December in which he said "the faithful should not participate in acts purporting to be- ot a religious nature if they have riot been pre- viously approved by Church au- thorities." Instead he urged Catholics to intensify their prayers and sacri- fices for the welfare of the Church and country, The Cardinal's pastoral was the second since the June 16 revolt. Shortly after Its release, how- ever, groups of Catholics staged successive days, ON ABGENTIN13 Independence Day CJEuly 9) aeveral thousand persona marched through the streets chanting antl-Ppron slo- gan*. Church authorities, fearing' a demonstration. . had earlier, called off the traditional Inde- pendence *pay Te'DOum in the cathedral here, the following day another' demonstration was held by people comlrig out of the cathedral. Scores of arrests were made. The cuff^'f's^^'m^^ Holiness Pope Pius XII mads headlines in tfte national pleats of India.- .-.,- /. , * <. .<<>*>i'i The leading itory^;ii» ^tiWl.'. ^' l ^ e s of India was ia djbipa|e|it, ' from tf» asjptf •* tour.MtfM^ pendent from jte^ajMs^|H|, ,<. the meeting of the. Pope aajd . journalists permitted huMla the Vaacan, tli#n**^;Jih*r»y >. correspondent saki tne Vaticasn authorities relaxed tocoi rule* to allow theni lnahl*); the room. - ' -Vi.^vW The correspondent n«elarw|' v ' the Pope's toll unp^Ugrfi|*p| v - and his klndJiy,-schola^JWili;v left a profound impresslpa * » . . the Prime Rtlnliter..., . ? _.'(,,^ ? . sued a few dayi after. Prjealdeint" Juan D. PeronJiad bipoi^it •*•«'. _ nationwide -address --lai$e|^f^»r...^ "open hand" to fmUflca^opfie* hents. .. -" '* , -**.'^-. i ->^"--4-.f'-' ' "We are looking 1 p^im^kf 'v ence and haimonyv^'.^rJloS^v SSSSSS! Dnst " JnonSon ^difficult to reach. i ^ r d | ^ h | t j ^ r , . would make less difficult ana'- - sterile the fight we havf bessn w/aglng^ , * V. ' The Pwaldent nmde iif* fefierv . ence whatever to. hli campaign against the Ghurch, -despitt t3ii - fact that two .dayV'earuaV''C*rdi. nal Copellot-lh Hlsirat pc^t-.^ volt 'paafSrW^jJii^eM^^ •s^fof'AVMn^tifjp^, •' the '•act*.'ot'1»«is^^ •^i^i';;.:: enced by the. Clmrxh atrica.lii^;: IJ , . .... . ,..., . .. . , _ ; ..^r „•*';• ^'•-^•>>»t NOW! with our convenltnt Lay-Awoy Wart- yot^t^tt^uii^ysiJl-itiir.^!;"^^- f : U|; * ' -.'V -/• . /• , t'Vi *-* . \ •* ... ~ , : , •.,-. ,-.,r V '.- 'r : ; ft : ''* $ , ,...-..,..,.,-• . .... - <r~^ r- ,~, •< - 1 * ^w«JJM»^«MavuUwrfM.UAwkMfc^Mio-<te^wwaa^tePitt^i1l^'A^ ^wnaM^J _L V It For fall it's the tweedy check fn this flattering style fully gored in back with a double V yoke. Zibeline and Chatham checks in grey, ke blue, rosewood, beige, royal blue. Sizes 8 to 18. J. Flared style" with frbnt and batk yoke, wing collar, -' "-widely "cT3ffe«r sleeves. Grey, peaiock, hupe, rose- wood. -Sizes-8 to 18. J. Lovely coat fashion of sol't Zjbeline fleece with Cavalier stitched shoulder, roll collar Grey, peacock, taupe, rosewood. Sizes 8-18. 4. Here's a coat that's sure to beiome, a wardrobe favorite in Zibclrnc fleece or check of grey, beige, rosewood, peacock. Sizes 8 to 18. J. Smart choice for city or towrr! Widely- cuffed coal w ith interesting shoulder detail. Grey, ice blue, taupe, peicoik, bci^e. Sizes, 8 to 18. e. Zibeline wool fleece with interesting yoke, detail on, front and back. Large cuffs. Grey, peacock, beige, rosewood. Sizes 8 to 18. COAT DEPARTMENT, SIBLEY'S BASEMENT ~H 4 » - ! WWfJ'O* 'mm i . H ^ | ^ 4 ^ ( f c tachailerl OK INferprii. W1 S&SS&XZSZ^i^»^!^£S2&#&S&13^^ s^^s^^^aa^^^^S^^^i^ifJsss^^^aa (tn aurrsundin B N w n i l . . . SIBLEY, LINDSAY ft CUM CO. **#^xi&tifol&0Q^ ^^'^^w^.f^^f^*^^2*^£*=*^^«U»^4#i#i#J^ia^^^ Mm•*>- *..*.,*-**». ^ . A rtXJift -atfjw** . J

^Js Inam Chief Survive, YW Of Peril, r n QJrKlib.catholiccourier.com/1955-catholic-courier-journal/catholic-courier... · «>iyi"ljii'iamiwii|iii ijjtji iiiiji.iNiijiiiiiinyn H if

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Page 1: ^Js Inam Chief Survive, YW Of Peril, r n QJrKlib.catholiccourier.com/1955-catholic-courier-journal/catholic-courier... · «>iyi"ljii'iamiwii|iii ijjtji iiiiji.iNiijiiiiiinyn H if

«>iyi"ljii'iamiwii|iii ijjtji iiiiji.iNiijiiiiiinyn

H if


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...Inam Chief Survive, Y W Of Peril, »jr;ucv. rATEicK OCONNOK

f Wtti[ JlSfJtf*... M e * . ^SSSESj aam-ftaanglt f ie past sear

m*M%m,<-lite wnrtved b$r sijelij «0MN|», Jfoniajty, and de^jtiori|s$

'•"•f Vv ftp'*£<?.•*?

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t*^h $KJ \ gym \

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_. fetl!W(|.out NgpgjjrA

*fvef t#to liSKef mMtoi«-m% Ww»B»pa«tKsoDlnhDkm, i

the (fcrder «t€ St. Benedict, «w „ iMafe*.* ti« M**a*w.-«rie$>i

' Uwwlktlne Abbey In Bel| ' -•Sea thV Genev. Confc. w»rw. ***§•* vm-tm'M wmi&S. He AM hfeM pttWfk! df » yews welter wJwtf m

: sttqulsred tfcw reputstfon for

Iflf IwnHiaf Paris lnd^p*)*$?s WrterV pliiri for mmmSiar Viitejdm tat it tias hoi s ^ | i e % ' Vieo'learne the tt&mfn$Hw'aar Fwjpter by Bao Uai, 1ftetttam% 's;j Chlel « I Starte, Ngo DWi 1 ) 1 ^ ;

ftrmihteM^, Rf» a«cny thaf * «>«* i ._esl'en-J5ormea~.liitft,-tdivisltt

otn ibssente*" CWef at Sfaftf,'1 wai tfiwate«ea from' thfe iiiji . t jr « wUdtorftoti*'' ewnrntthlst1 «#• gime auppttea by Commtmlsf ehlna-^iid aiwctecHJy^3q»irts

' JBfe' aalSa otftce onx^ « ,,...„„


«rounar.ani| Sttrihi^ tof F r 4 %

^mi^/'tt'ctSBiia,,' vt •#$ -Si' lf

G»p.J»ijit'|tlc--*_• .- ."-., - _-...........'

llclilIyntuiral-butatbeatitwM wonblgfpuout, No concrete evidence

a^V«w*P^fivl$3*acIiig •3pet»1lIon»

wKiyiiicwioilwswiy pr^Bjfth^ayea.

" B?i.5%c(6|; ha«e> 4e*«t©d tm Xuy<-n *j»j HoiuBao, hat

m hire core of <£«%. reftei iorce

JO^th^nipMS mm&tfSLi aisst fcit)o«# paor Dalst j»?litr?jai-ieiiigj.

Hyew?at, Mete ^w dtvoot CaJbdfe'-j^pi^^, . '

:fltt»" /j^|ii»' 'n! ',''|i»ailB-.'iC'JMt| '"feasfatiUslj) 1ft aTceas'where ,!B)ttpyjt Ift-jMivet tii«|p'ajpsclal tateMCtol-nuniik organfeailous secret-

: «BIJ'~'T|tBMBIft"' lite -taken though thef ConSmDtiiat- troops

,-J S»#" «ttfat«»tij^£r]l«^ dfih&riaitod;: ArtenobVat stJU to be Ihstltatea. 'm. He ^MsjAimiibeft- a Pfcggram' Bji* especially" fij ttift 0<rilent of jagrlcultuial wlorma, > wljere nothJi g m<ieeias iilfe sue-'.. p i | piy^niwejit lias «ccom- ceHs; i yeae <jMiirvlVat;'and pi*g-plisfi# K gotiSl' 4(aT with Anietf' j«8s against odda' may weir >e jjajfiajf.l^^ttajijg the refugees, fol^wed by a year of greater ,b#t actilfUy th.e country and, gov galtu ' • erxufjjedt asre Inaebteft-tq the refr ...„,,..H..„O-v..-,— ugees %;"% esilraordln'aryex- AuHwrnw Dtea At » S S S S S S ^ * * * d*VOt'0" ^ ' d c ' 1 - (NC) - Katharine

^Hfc. W h e f ^ e , government* *uth*»*» *«» J w w «v, * f fe!ttigil*efa3wi« tft inrviw, the «» »•?«• «* P 6 * ^ cha»e( ha» ' f ^ n ^ v ^ P M ^ W . . - f i J e y t t - ^M*tNe«?tO!» Abbot at the atge •••••• -•••''" rf;.fju..t.»«-. ,<;.. i r-y A ..its-; -.-. ...» - <;

'"- ia'*TteN^T# „.. s«SB«it_Jlef(

'ipnaas- iiaclsf' *hm m ^tw*i ito wa««: o*rt h »e*

tens ea erjh?.ii«tah<j(axft Jtew,

*he BethlehennjSfeel ID, included a-Maw. iArchbJaho^Cuahinj

MH*& Writers, erected %* f

|^nt>|ife»tfr u)a| I p M ^ I P f

#^«a*rlng:to0,i reprfwtita^ f ;!|Jite-.MWlne • Carp&teKjUh^ >fI """ Ive^nibn.11te4itfril«tiw*i» .psttcuow lat>jrthe*fta7PioH'W Moi)^ .€o«ftomtl6n -*no7% » l ehlftL-s^ei - eonw4'ti<w» 0* mim-m-ptok -veutwl ln H» «d$ ''fe^'fiBpOSasiJIAN fdr , th«:^ |^g : ^orf lo^^61f t i sa l^^^ (ftif hwge:,4etid»~<pwB«tt»l*le;t(>

a$fc-HBMr« *>,»biBr%^gi rwoi# beglln wlthlp A ie>jdiyir. x Ehe un t,wBl be tal<orjj^(je*P$«! feganJk off Cape Cod, fWe«(«| ,M »rvft.a»- the fiflrt jitiftj^the ^coastal defense nefevcirfcrof.-radar •wiatt i ' - '•;,:*•***(*:$ \.'$tt> -plans-were m'm^atelsf aalra-nounqed |or rellg\ottr><**i' c«» aboard thfe"pTant af tef ith»»i)*(!rt placed, out' to 'lea..' dre*»» -jri'lto talnlng the statioti wi|i-ie *llg«a to rema(n pn the'lslaud/qjrjo'n'g periodl of time and'ih*_ljrofe^hle

^ J s

r n QJrK

~j V- " T.^-*i .,.,(

?KV} 3 A mf %*\v

. MeJtlco City - ( N O - C»tho-'llca^prtfcercd *i the 41e«»opoU-.taa Cathedral here to honor the Image of the "Senor del ye]g^of (The Poisoned Christ), »' d*»|.-''Kur« ot Christ which haa'a itrmnfe legend »fct»ched

_ 1 1 told Uwt nuny year* lgora|i-ArchbUhop who Hved lr» ib« jpltail was beloved T»y the de?i&.but bated by a iroup

.of_e«iH«W. , ., ,T.,....r , ..,„«.' 'fflp|£.hiter, knowlni; ttiat Be

part, was held at tfte ^sJrtp;-J>w»a*iWed a particular linage

Mothethouie here. % * ^.^^Ss^flijipnicllled caiitet, wnear

Maryknoll S i i t en Leave For Msf ioni

iMaieylmoll,- -it.tgl^MfrfM: algnedtp wprk ^ W ^ | ^ e r j M and South £wmiU$p!&^W Ialanda and A(rlca,,56 Maryknoll Stotem will le»ve *f*i'W«#i(lfi:

th^;Sumnier. A . ^ p ^ i ^ f u i -monjr in which '~&iK~"J




flitgo—His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Itcago, blesses three mew members of the International Putt*;

•- ojkrAutfllarles after the: women" tooti their final oath of fidelity to this unique foreign mission aspostolate. They are, left to right: Roaelyn Kulzer of Mclarose, Minn,; Cecily Lewis of Sheffield, England; and Vlrginla'-'Leary of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mlaa Lewis has been assigned to the mission field in Formosa, while the> other two awaitt their assignments. The auxiliaries wear no

• dJEaffnctlve dress or habrit and are trained for work as nurse*, , doctflra, teachers, social workers, home economists arid sociol­ogists in foreign mlBslonis. Members dedicate their Uvea to the formation of a native Catholic laity In mission countries.

(ENS Photo)

Strange legend Attached WMexictm Christ Statue

ed a powerful poison on the feet of- the image, hoping Oaat when he hissed It, the Archbtah-op would die.

However, the tradition says, It did not turn out Out way. Nothing, happened to Me Arch­bishop, but the flgoe of ttw Poisoned Christ turned almost Wack. ,\r.' . - J

The faithful here insist tfaat the Fotaotwd Christ has tlgored-In acorea of miracles for fee-Uevers, and each year it tat* monies, been revered in special cere-

.«ci • .«-.'""?•,h.

. JSm to!b|f;ind|#r||p)g.' Inline Mlnt«t«r -Jawa%latf,

Buenos Aires—(NC)—After eight months of dramg 1 tunnnfl, the Chuwh-stete *itaiati«» & A*gen*iait "^^ have entered a IKW ana cs»lro^,"^# ,m& see" "*

Tne Peron regime's active p$r« jecutlon of the Church in Argen­tina has given way to a state of truce, but Catholic leaders hatve still to be convinced that this will be followed by a real peace.

THIS CAUTIOUS attitude was reflected in a pastoral letter fil­med by HIa J^lnenee Santiago Luis Copello, Archbishop of Beu-nos Aires, and ordered read at Sunday Masses In all the church­es of the country.

The Cardinal declared that 'peace and harmony among our utiens is our greatest aspiration," but he warned:. "These noble longings for union and peace can inly be realized if toe causes which have created discontent and have divided our citizens are elimlnatedfromamosg.ua."

Apparently anxious to avoid giving the Peron regime any pre­text for reviving its anti-Church campaign, the Cardianl repeated an Instruction of last December in which he said "the faithful should not participate in acts purporting to be- ot a religious nature if they have riot been pre­viously approved by Church au­thorities."

Instead he urged Catholics to intensify their prayers and sacri­fices for the welfare of the Church and country,

The Cardinal's pastoral was the second since the June 16 revolt.

Shortly after Its release, how­ever, groups of Catholics staged

successive days, ON ABGENTIN13 Independence

Day CJEuly 9) aeveral thousand persona marched through the streets chanting antl-Ppron slo­gan*. Church authorities, fearing' a demonstration. . had earlier, called off the traditional Inde­pendence *pay Te'DOum in the cathedral here, the following day another' demonstration was held by people comlrig out of the cathedral. Scores of arrests were made.

The cuff^'f's^^'m^^

Holiness Pope Pius XII mads headlines in tfte national pleats of India.- .-.,- /. , * <. .<<>*>i'i

The leading itory^;ii» tiWl.'. ' l ^ e s of India was ia djbipa|e|it, ' from tf» asjptf•* tour.MtfM^ pendent from jte^ajMs^|H|, ,<. the meeting of the. Pope aajd .

journalists permitted huMla the Vaacan, t l i#n**^;Jih*r»y >.

correspondent saki tne Vaticasn authorities relaxed tocoi rule* to allow theni lnahl*); the room. - ' - V i . ^ v W

The correspondent • n«elarw|'v' the Pope's toll unp^Ugrfi|*p|v-and his klndJiy,-schola^JWili;v left • a profound impresslpa * » . . the Prime Rtlnliter..., .?_.'(,,^?.

sued a few dayi after. Prjealdeint" Juan D. PeronJiad bipoi^it •*•«'. _ nationwide -address --lai$e|^f^»r...^ "open hand" to fmUflca^opfie* hents. . . -" '*,-**.' -.i-> "--4-.f'-' ' "We are looking1 p^im^kf ' v ence and haimonyv^'.^rJloS^v

S S S S S S ! D n s t " J n o n S o n ^ d i f f i c u l t to reach. i^rd |^h | t j^r , . would make less difficult ana'- -sterile the fight we havf bessn w/aglng^ , * V. '

The Pwaldent nmde iif* fefierv . ence whatever to. hli campaign against the Ghurch, -despitt t3ii -fact that two .dayV'earuaV''C*rdi. nal Copellot-lh Hlsirat pc^t-.^ volt 'paafSrW^jJi i^eM^^ • •s^fof'AVMn^tifjp^, •' the '•act*.'ot'1»«is^^ •^i^i';;.:: enced by the. Clmrxh atrica.lii^;: IJ

, . .... . ,...,. .. . , _ ; . .^r „•*';• ^'•-^•>>»t NOW! with our convenltnt Lay-Awoy Wart- yot^t^tt^uii^ysiJl-itiir.^!;"^^- f : U | ; * '

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^w«JJM»^«MavuUwrfM.UAwkMfc^Mio-<te^wwaa^tePitt^i1l^'A^ ^wnaM^J


It For fall it's the tweedy check fn this flattering style fully gored in back with a double V yoke. Zibeline and Chatham checks in grey, ke blue, rosewood, beige, royal blue. Sizes 8 to 18.

J. Flared style" with frbnt and batk yoke, wing collar, - ' "-widely "cT3ffe«r sleeves. Grey, peaiock, hupe, rose­

wood. -Sizes-8 to 18.

J. Lovely coat fashion of sol't Zjbeline fleece with Cavalier stitched shoulder, roll collar Grey, peacock, taupe, rosewood. Sizes 8-18.

4. Here's a coat that's sure to beiome, a wardrobe favorite in Zibclrnc fleece or check of grey, beige, rosewood, peacock. Sizes 8 to 18.

J. Smart choice for city or towrr! Widely- cuffed coal w ith interesting shoulder detail. Grey, ice blue, taupe, peicoik, bci^e. Sizes, 8 to 18.

e. Zibeline wool fleece with interesting yoke, detail on, front and back. Large cuffs. Grey, peacock, beige, rosewood. Sizes 8 to 18.



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S&SS&XZSZ^i^»^!^£S2&#&S&13^^ s^^s^^^aa^^^^S^^^i^ifJsss^^^aa

(tn aurrsundinB Nwni l . . . SIBLEY, LINDSAY ft CUM CO.

**#^xi&tifol&0Q^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ w ^ . f ^ ^ f ^ * ^ ^ 2 * ^ £ * = * ^ ^ « U » ^ 4 # i # i # J ^ i a ^ ^ ^ Mm•*>-*..*.,*-**». ^ . A rtXJift -atfjw** . J