Plmusfrrtrnta. v,r i'\r\;"i *\ VaN AMBURGH rplL uAU^-J^Oj k\,^JC*\mm COMPABT J- ««-eii hir.Bg aud Priuceiie. ,,. h t i >i M;iM. III,I, I" r. as. p.rf. I.r- R.u atS| tad <| P-». , ... week ol Ibe ta.iweetoime.p ^.^ Ot THK FVI'MIV HOMR IN 1111. PAI.ACE OF NErTlMS. Pt i I_\_ i.s li a. AT '¦<»' 'vV.w,,, HKW ARRIVAI. OF RABB W II I ABIBAi-j KNEp -a|B OP BACTRIA.N CAMKlv .OtB« 0_ 0, OB HOBB»»' F* HORFB PAIK <>K R''K!;lCK». AFBICA* FOBCl FiNKS.. R.-WN ¦IM-KANKVl»hM4»l>KI.K* CUANK.* BAH "»«. BoRRBYB. _*. Btu H. K H IB1 LlOSa VaN AMBUBOH A t" < . "^f-i^ng OoH,,.. Inf.nl F..H. T.» Thuml, Flepbint. WWJS^QilL Z.lumroe Arfr. and Zo- ,_st,;..rf..LiT.ugl,kelelo..F.HJabr,6.. ffii&$-#.*^&J£a' cmDaK5 USDEB . Mr leelek'alke ...tnn'l.r.nl of PALB JANKT , Or, \ T&\'o%"o¥""> M 1BBH FAUM.-__. 4jk_T_\v.yORK CIRCUS. J> Foi.rteet.ti, at.. aaaaaMl Ac*le-» **_ "aata..Mrtctor. * a*»aat.MA-'n'.-aEKs Ai'ij.'. .a i 'm 11 am) sa"i rpat. tbh .._ 0ft1ik (.rand comic pantomimk, .ed THF MT8KR <>K BAOPAP, THK MlftRB oF BAGPAD. t tre. repre.-ei,'.»ti..ii »'ith ._.. ^ BllOCla ul I VI 011TEB AND APPLALSK! Piaiiaa to tlie pin' PA M'PKRB COf.I.KCTION OF MVKI.s'HI.l) ACT8 IN THE AKEKA, . Ul of ___,_.__ THK l.Nt OMPARABLB CirtCt'3 TROUPH, IV PKAT8 iiK llORSKMASRHIP AND WxNl.l.lt** (.1- ACKOtiAllC SKII.L. I.^-St 11 THEATER. _ __n 11 1 KATKMVN, I.EKSFF, ANT> DIRICTOR, RATCRDAY KVFNINO. Jan- 11. I.R TEsTAMKM HK CKNAR C.IHOPOT, tnd IA COMUK KKNalBUJ, -tth Jle. ReiMei. Mine. Larmet, Jte. kla al the Theater ao.l No. 7i>1 Bmidarar. KI T< >RI..MrtriV Anl^hiotre.TO-NIG HT. 1IKATIU. FRA.NCAI«..Libi.ij aod Rirettor.J. GRAU. }Vrlr:i.tnea nf MAKIR ANTOINKTTR commennee tt 7} oVlork. gKaVa t-r MAKIK AMDINKlTK «n be aeeured at fikhirmer't Ul ..mlore. No ToI Broaiiwar. aud tt tha Frenrh Theater. L*r M'.IITS OK MARIE ABTOINRTTB THII WBFK: W KONI.SP W. .Iah. 8, and PiUI>AT, Jan. 10, AND MATINKB ON IATVRDAT, Jao. 11. APKLAIPB RI8TOB1 AS MAR1K ANT01NETTB._ o a-RIE ANTOINETTE MATINEE. RISTORI MATINKB, SATl'RDAY. Jin. 11. ADKLA1PK RIsTOBI AS MARIR AN lolNKTrB. Prtrata Boxef ran bow be leenrcd. LiMPIC THEATER." \v 'i'wef.b week nf Shakeareare'i "A MIDSI MMER NIClirS PRKAV " 'The a>tt corapVte in.i heiutiful raalltatiea ot THIfl i¦'.... ISITK PAIRY SPECTACI.R arer ptftited opon tny al i.e, or In anv eountrr. <., bmutr. ii. I n memorihle p'oln.-tinn are t,. u entictl urciei. lud bare won for it i proil (Tei.eral recogi itioti aa l.ADINQ ATTRACTION -Of o-irert-loetnr metrooolla. M u. 1. PbX.aa.TtOTTOM. A re.i.irkahle tad l.nlliaLt eipoi.tion .' tma Sliak*-aperian kaaBAW. >I». BOSA t OOKK..aa.0-.BAMB. Ani a loleuUid cut. 1 ENT COMEniAN Vr. VT. Pariuge. 0*en Marlow. C. K. Koi. O. U Koi. F. F".nki. Hlnd. \V»'...e. Mlea 1 ,i «. Ilawt orBJ. Mra, \\ . ire, Miater Willie Taaafa, Mri. li.lu.uud*, il.u U^rriaou, Mibt C. JeJeraon, Mitt Clira V MAT1BRI AT 1, KVKRY SATlHIlAY. P.vira opa*B at 7; l*e£.u» at R. _ /"ALLACK '. -t... a.,1 Mtaaftr.Mr. 11 aTBB WALLACR. TLe VKbK LAJT. mtb tue nearpt .n of tlie l'KESS. it eElirely tuij.^uded. oi.iv BR TM I8T .M.l' T"" 'T'K NIUliT-i MORE. UKIM.>1.AV. Jan .¦attlhe preiented, »ht RT, CuMPIFTK APPOIBT* N'UVEL EFFKi l- 1'ixu.afroiu CHAULKS DlCKRBn l>eau;ir;' Lon-.e itory of OIIVKR TVVIST. lt ia r. .i-ertfu!lr tnr.or:... ;l t »1K. I.1STFR WAI.I.ACK *;U mtke blt FIHST APPBABANCR nn f.aelt-e inontLi) on MO.NUAY BVBR1NO, Jan. 13. TWO COMKDIRB »r» u i.re; ant on for the aacatkaa, at of » l.rh h»i rot l*en jileyed fur Jre >iai», tlie olbet wi tbe KIK»T TIMh lir.rth. 1UB liOX BOOK UjrMr. Wallark'l JTigbU rj Now ''.. n open at Tl; Pe*f t rl. VVAjLLACK* T T EXTRA AN.VOl NCEMRNT. t^ BMapBaaaa wlth the r»«itie«t ot wtnj faralliea, it reapettfullr tn- C -. .. « be in.en on 6.VILUDAY. JANl'ARYH, *i OI.1VER TWIBT MATINKB. J'o.-a ..r-en at 1 ..>.!.>.. Perfonntnre cuimetiret at l| ik f.-r tbe ihete M .lin.e now optn. VliH.o> GARDEN. X* Mr. VJVbciUe. thal tliti TLetter \vti.r. RKMAIN li i>>r tome few drri, la eon.e ie - of tLe titeniirepTeptrBtlontr.eeeMiry *4o t..e »ro '." t ..'. .( NKWKAlKl Sl'-t rACI laAB PANTOMIMK KXTRAVAGA5ZA. , #*.titled the WHITE PAWN, Xa whieh »i!l iipeir, aaaei t atkn itt-a.-t...-1. JAUK...T lt I AI.VltK S CBLVBRATRD BALLBT TROCPF. The rt.>» Offl-e. for ll e aale of Keacrred SeaU. will he open TO MuR- tiJW (Tbnra-ajr), al 8 rtVloek, i m.. aud tbe Ki»at Nighti of TiiK Wllllr: FAWB an.ianrel la tbe Pipen of TIIUIWDAT. 1.ARNEY Vfill.UM8* Broadway Theater. > 11AUY 8TIAKT ul Mra U. P. BOWB-B, FOR A FBVV MORE BIOHTB ONLY, IVl.eu il itutt bowittdraAa fct tl.e i r-. |.,.t...n of tm v n.vY. TRTIlAT. BrXKUT of Mra. T>. P. P.OWFRS. Vlra. Eo'.V RR8 ti .". K I. HAKAlTEKS. SV^TRPAY, RROCLAR BOVVKRB FAMIL1 MATINKB. WORRELL SI8TERS' NEW-YORK THEA- TK!t, Not ~U i" 7 «. Broadway. OBPBR 'I IIK (iASMOHT. tef-T-tit tintll furtt.er aaBea, inl on Situr !it afternor.n, with Ite rtilrOA- atataiio;., tnd tht ether acei.ee of life aud iort lu ti j arreAl eitr. ,-«a!a aee ired ili flirt ln BrtTtice. Mlt.uee e.err SATrRPAY lt 1_ w WAaJ-aXK". OLIV ALLACK*. OLIVKR TWaST MATI5EK. BATl'RIMY. J.b. II. OLIVFR TWIST MVTINER. IATTJRDAT. Jin. II. w Wallackt TT 0 ALLACK1*. OUVER TWIST MATINKB. IAT0RUAT, Jaa 11. OLIVER TWIST MATINKB. MATl'RUAY. Jin. 11. \VrAl>I.ACK,i TT 01 OLIVFR TWIST MATINKB. BATl'UfiAY, Jan. 11. BANVARD*OPERA HOU8E AND MU8EUM. BROADWA1 BBd THIRTIBTH-BT. BKTIRN TO ANTRVVAK PRICaB. CENKRAI. ADMIfiBlON IHJ BVBRYTHIBO 35 CRBTB. V KRaKBYBlJ BRATB. IBCIBRD ANY T1ME, 30 CBNTa MA1 INF.K T<> I'AY AT 2 NIGHTI.Y. tNIIv. K i. .11111 '-'iTICK, DIC-MS1- ^.KKA'l I'KAMA Ol |{ Ml TIAI, FltlKNU. TUR FKOST KINO VKRY HOOX. MAkt-tOTM CAVR OPEN ALL TIMEB._ I>lKE,a <.)l'i:i;\ lI<ir.Si;-Twe_ty-tu_d-f*t. Iiiaiigural lea.on nf Ihe I.A QBAXOE-HklGNOLI-ITALIAS OPBRA. I.rai PIBri OPKRA HOC«R T<> Vi.l.-ROW (Thnradiy) EVENINO, IL TRwVA'lOKK. KRIPW pHfONIi OPRRA NIOHT-50RMA. KDAY. MA1INKK _a__aa1aaalB);R>M ,.t> ertra; Rme.. *I2 ind »»S. a;,,;. ,, , . .,'.. No. 701, t_d ttMtcor'i. No. 114 atdwBv, f,.r . t..er ..t the trat four ni/l.ta_ s MLLIARDfeL. > ORANI) MATCII BBTvaaa JOHN M' I K VI II i i.Ait,|,ion of America, B71LLIAM i.oLDTHWAIT. »or fyjli.1 _K) priii U, Car,,., > ¦¦. , four pu'aet t»lle, lt Cooper In- fcuiute V KNINO, Jan Ai.uiae.ou ai. Tteke. ta *m aad at all laa pr.ncipal botela tad LU- Bar.l ro .... k:.t ' r. al "l ¦. o. k. jQRAND CONCERT of tlu NATluNAL COBanTATOBl OP MTJ8IO, N... tii MaditoB-art., At IrrlBg Tt«n. RATlRIiAY KVRMM,, Jan. 11. Tleeft! w.lb Beaerted heat, 41 Pupii. fi.e. X)!\ 50, aiul 73 centa A**l, A'1..;...on V. thal (1RANH and POPl'I.AB RIIOW, "1IIK IIIXH'.IM.' Full bouaea and deligl TUKtfim aad BATCRUAY al * B. m.. tnd EVERY EVF.NI>, at I. Hrlng tli »oar enem;ee 10.11* reronriied. fVUl- NEW-YORK COaNSERVATORY lol JL HOBJO. Bo. M FIFTH-AVR ...rnerofKourleenlb.t., Su. o-AlBKOAUVVAY, aaa BajS. !W. 1*> 8Bd I-'i2 COCBT-BT r.ROOKI.YN, K. Y. TERMs. Ke^niar t a..»a, 81H \«-t V'arler._ WlLLlAM MA.Si»N aml T11EODORE .UOMA8' COBBF.RVATORT OK Mt'SIC. No. 129 Fiftb-ire., tetr TweLt t at. C.a».ei foriued dail> for tblldreB iad i.lriuceAl papilt .Micni lUrmonv 1 ..: 0. IIa-; V ,- ¦:. n,d ill other iBttruiBinU.Bad tlByiig Cniartad M-tlC. I'op-.iar E.enienUrj. Choral tad OrtbttUtl ;iA_e»a ." .-- 4>rmir,r <iB.e kean from a a. to 3 p. m._ I7IRE DEPARTMENt BALL. BJ TUlliiYMMll ANNCAL BALL lu i..l of tbe WIPOVVS' ANI> OuHlANS' FYJBD Of tba * NKWTORK (VOl.C.NTFI \\, PTBJ 1/l.PABTMbNT, 4t 1 - ACAPKMY OF MISIC, o* M05PAT RVKNINO Jin. » 18G*. 11. KRTB, HVK Iiul.LAlUi, _d_utt n 1 rentleain tnd tere KX1-KA LADIR* TICRRTR.TWO DOI.LAKS. f'aa he obtaiued fruoi r ll.,r uf Ibe B>eiul*ri of Uie Coumittee. er froa tbe oBrer. JAN. F WI BMAB, i're.ileul, No. 144. Pat_i_. JOHN J. VV _,sTRA Y, riecreurr. No. 1 WIILaai-tt. ALOBZO BLOTR Treaa. No. I. Fulton-it Pnaweni.a aad Fir.t I Irele Boiea r_n be obtaiued on appll atloa tn r JAMEJ4_F. WKNMAN, Pr.-»M.-nl. If... 14o 1'earl it. ^CAHEiiTOF MUBIC. THIRO AlfNrAL ORANU MAsglKRAPE BALL CIRCLB FRABC_W 1>K I/HARMON1E. thuraSOay evkhibo, Jib. Ba Tlekeu tad Boxea at aVMrtier't, Be. *Jl, ChiekerlBg'i, Jfo. 683, and Baoi'i, N.* 112 aud 114 Broadwar._ ll.K.ANXA DKNSMOlvE55 MKDICAL LET- \) 1LBB8. tl BIBYAN HALL. UNION-S^L'ARK. Flrtt I^etore, to both aein NATI'RUAT, Jib. II, at 1? m.. and to Lt- .eaotiir oalbefoi.owing Mor«l»r, We.li.eadtT. tnd Fnday, at Sk p.m. Tiekevi fur Um Ooeree. Bl M. AdtnleiloB »*e-to ba bad wftb Pro-% rrataan at Foad'i, Boa. id7 and Kfci llroadair _ma. Iieaorett't, Not. 813 atul .I broad wa; 1 BL BidioUi .d Fiftb Aeea-e UoUla, aad tt tbe 1W1MAS BALL'- ~ l.f.al Marble I'ortrail BTATCB of FDVTIB FORRF«*T u CAlUI BARCKb . O-IOLABL'B, ea »ibit,Ul.*n tt Be. «l] Broadwa;. Peen ayafivau 10a._t._ll 10,. au Adaill-Bte 2J eeate- A ^mnsfmrrrtf. PMU8IC. CAHOLINB UK'HINO".MrerT-at. K.M.I.ISH OPKRA THIS (Wedneider) KVKNINO, Jaa. I, W iii br praaaitaB thr ei t pupular UUIIKUIAN QUUi i-.ypnELL. CASTI.R. M..I1N. Wll.IK. Sll.s.s BICHIBQB, MIW. J. A. AliNOLD, Oi THE CAST. To-u>orrow nljht at tbe 1 BBOOKLYB ACIDKMY, KltA UIAVULO. FUIDAT, Jan. 10. Jrat tirue IN AJIKKICA OP W.U.T.ACRS Dl..aBBT FI.OWKK. Tlnt ibeet for tbe lala of Be. nrrd .rate now npea at Reer fc 8rhinner'i, y#o 7i,I Dmadwayi Macor'a, No. 114 Hroadway^aid at thr AaadOaBT. rTHEATRE PRJiNCAI8_POUBTEENT_:-ST. X TIlt'ftSDAY KVKNINO. Jan. 9. EX'lttA hMil.ISII COilKDY NIOIIT, (¦n wblrb aecaatoB MISS BKI.l.K BOTD, Of Virrttiia. will rnake 1IRR FIRST AFFKAKANCB IN NEW YOBK, in tbe admlrabla Comedy of_ THR HOXETMOO*. tyiiANA .TIFII.V. BOTD UUI_ ABAN/.A.Mr- K. JOllKSToli Kupported by A FULL AXTJ EFTICi_NT DFAMATTC COMPART. AfV>r wbirb tbe rtarmlng eomedletta of FAIBT IIF.ART Nl'.VHP. WOR FAIR I.ATtT. Tbe full gtand ercbeitra of tbe Ri.tori performancn, under tba Jiree- tlOD Of >1R. RODKRT STOKPEL. Box off.ce now open. ' ,_ Tirkrti boxei, aud fe.enrail aeati raa be oMkinrd at tbe boi ofllce of tbe Frrncb Theater, and at all tba Blateri tirli 1 offlr-es. Omeral almiaaton. 15ceuts; parp ettr, *¦!. w.th r.-serred arat; pr|- vata boiea ai a.i lo locatlaa; fatally elrrle, 50 coata._ T_E NEW-YORK CON8ERVATORY ol Ml'- JL MC, Bo. Hi F.ftb-arr., rorner of Fuurieenth it.: No. WO Br.i.l- war and Noa. 128 130, and lfi Conrt. cornrr of Slate-.t., Biooklyn, N. Y. PROFBSaOBA ria.a;,. rokTB. R. B. MTf.r.S. Af.OHF. T.rMMf, p KtRPAI. 1IKNKY MO|,| i-NHAl'KR, Ilarr VOR NARDROFF, M4KK HAI.I.AM, BUOBUfl Bt. sfiMNACHBR. CAItl. BI9REB, 11 I'KRABF.AC. OOTTFBIRD CAB.IKBKB, K. KKINKIMC F. A. OKBLACB, BOBRRT BTBIBIIACB, B. MoI.LKNHAl Kli, W. OoTliKMAYEH. ' M* I'AOLO U10KZA. TIOUB Ain VIOLOBCBLLO. KnWARnMnr.I.FNllAlfcit, BKBRABD ustfmay FBITZ I.IMKMAN, IIERRY MOl.t.KNM AL'EB, AUOUBT BOBBBLRB, H. MOI.LK.MIAlKlt. THBOKT aSD COBPiiHITIof. MAX BHAUR, WILI.1AM K. liASSl Htl'. Tocau 8ig. I'AOLO OIORZA, Big. USBIOO HBBBIBa oaruw. WII.LIAM K. BAB8FOED. «. X ORISWOLD.Treiar. KI'WAKI) MoJ.l.KNHALF.U, 1 v.,.1-1 J. ORTOIEB, ),__ Al.ohsF. I.Uh'th. > ,.Tr , C. G1LCHRIRT, J, UKNUY MOLLBNllAUER, ) """Wi: C MAVBBtCK. )**"**'_ Mi;. CHARLE8 DICKEN8*R"EAl)IN(~;s IX BROOKLYR..lt bt nopertfnlly nnaonnced that Mr. (IIAKI.KS DICKKRRwIll road FOUR TTalKB ta ri.YMotTll OIH'KCii, Brook- ln.. aa followi: On THCRMIAI. Jan. 16. b.i CIIKISTMA.S CABOLand TtIK TKIAI. FBOM PICKWIt'K; on FRIDAY. Jan. 17, h:» DAVID (-OPl'l IBFIBLD ji..l MI!. BOB SAWY1 rl'fl PARTY (froai Pukwlrk); on HORDAY, Jaa W. bia DO47T0B MAKIOoLD aml THK TKIAI, FRoM PICKWIt'K: oaTCRSDAY, Jaa. tl, bia Nli'lH I.AS NICK- Br. rioueeri'i Sehool) and BOOTS AT THK HoM.Y TRCK INN. Tba Raadlr.ga will cinirenre at 8 o'clock. and he o,i,i>,.i,-d wlll ln ho, hn ra Tba aadioaee i. aaraaatlp riqaaattd i.e ..-.nil t. n nui.n-r. baforaUa eaaiBieaoeaiant of ihe Raadtaf. Reaerre.1 Seata, a>2 eicb. 1 - ...:. .; t.rk'ta for ibe Coaraa of Kour Tlea I ng. oalf will take place at Plvnoi.thChnrrh oaTBUBBOAY RBXT.Bm S_of /aaaarv, ro-junenc- bm| at R a. n, BhoaM anv lirketi rrinaic uciuld, thry will 1>« di.pvird of the folloWiBg day, at thr aainf ti-oe iml place._ MU. Cl!.\i:l.i;s" UTCKEN.S'M[iEAT)INGS.- LAAT BBAjiIKO but O.N'K ia New-Tork prevn.ui to Mr. DICKKNf; S toar Ib thi ITaited Matea II Ii reapottfally a,tn,.,inced that Ul CHABl BR l/ICKKNS will t-ld at.'. o'rh. k. in kbo Steinaar llail. ouTHI KaHAY. JannaryD. bia" DOOTOR MAB10OL.D" (for Ua aaoaaai tlma iB Aiueriea) a ,1 ,rTHBTUlAI, FROM PICKWK K ." and on F.DAY, Jan. in hia "RICHOMS NICKI.EHY" («t Mr. I».inrer'« Sc!,.h,Ii, and "Mit BOB SAWVKKS PABTT" (fr,;u Picbwwk). BaBBIiad aaad for anr of the abore ReaJinra. a*. heati ean ba p'.r rhaaedatthe Baa OBea, Sl.iuivar Hill. dailv, frnra !' a. » to 4. p. rc. M];. (HAHLKS DICKENS'" READING8.- '¦lilHTiiR MAHIiiOI.I,"(f. r thr aecaJ tlme in Ami-rlea). . th- "lltl \I. FRtiM PICKWK .." at Sieinaay llail on THURJiDAI RBXTal I o'rloek. Re,erre.l aeata *2 eaeh._ MttTcHARLE3 V K' K KNS'» laat REAOINGS. RKSKltVKl) bKATS f .r Mr DICKXKr* IAST KK.tlilNOS ,n New York ean ba ptoenred, at a »i.«Lt aiivania orer th, regular pr.re. it tbe THBATRR TlCKBT ol'FlcF, No 114 BroadwaT. and W. II BROWRB'B, Il.rt.t. No '.*:. Broadw.r. JJATIONAL ACAUEMY OF DESIGN. bBtaa am baalaaadbbUI TH~UJPAT.»tk Imt., r,kee n w.n - with thr additioti of New H THR ANRRICAH PIC1 IM.PTTJRRS FitOM THK I'Al.'la I.MVI.r- f. KXPOSITIO.f. T. Al>l)lf*OR I'lOHAttHB. ( or. Scc r N A Mi;. GEO. VANDENHOPP arill reail from Rbakrapeara ai.d ln.'keaa lt Do,lworth Hill. Xo 8X3 Broa l«ar. on WKhM.MiAY KVBBIBO, J«:i. 10, and tbe teofolloalBg '¦tb aad I7ih. _- i?IRST BALL'of the ITALIAN RIFLE AS- I IATION. attbeR Y. Aiaeinhly Boomi. N». I.N) Bindwar, on FlilKAY H'KMVU. Hithmat Haff of Ua BOt praeood. roted f. r :.... baBOBH .¦' thr aroaaded (.» » Tkkota <¦-'. lUoaiaa aad two BkBaa, ta ba kai at tha 4aar aa tha aaaataa; of ___^_ aTiREAT PRIZE 8KATING MAT( 11, \SM AT OATMAVB FIKiHAVK BKATIRO 1','NK. Eaat «i'»of Ki'tl. ave., hetwe-n Fiftr elgblb and F't. »,.!,«'« A SPLERUID O.il.f) MKDAL wiil be girrn for Ue brit LAL.Y SKA'l Kll ln the I'aitad SUtaa "r Caaada. OR WKIiNK.aDAY, JAN ». A Full Band ot Murc wlll be in attaudaaca. Tba Pond will ba illuinl nat.-l . ;'¦!». A Btaaoa t»r limii SBe, T.a a. and CWI Iraa, ?'.- Coot. lUati f..r tbe I'nia will arod In their na_n by 12 o'clock on tbat dar. PJSSESGERS ARR1 VF.D. PBOM CHAUI.BVTON. Jan. I.Ia itriimt. r <h.rle«tor.A. 0. J rtegar, J. Benaon, Jobi K(aa, Mra. Uwarda, W. I'r-.tt K. Stuart, M. Harrett, J. BaWabaa, Wm P.yna, and otb.ri in tbe iieernge._ MiMAII KK ALMARAC Bun Rlaei. 7:^1 Suu Krti. 4 H Mooa Srti.S ~ Hi'.a. W ATRH TH." i>Aa. Bandr Hook. C.00 <i...'. lataad... B:SB| Hrll Uaie. *.31 MBlFtiMO ISXMLUQEMCM. PoltT OF RBW-YORK.Ja!» X CIEARrtn. Ptean.bip llliaBa fltr ). Cuttiug, Lirerpool. Ratlonal St.aroNa.! p 5aratoga, Klng, Norfolk, City Point ai,d Richiu.r,d. R. I.. MeC'read. 4. < .. MraBi»i.p l>id.n (Hr). Martrn, I.lverr.".'!. K. Conard Btcaaeuip Bootla (Br._ Wfataoa, l.ivnpool K. Oaaaid RteaBibip Cleopatra. PbilBpa, huanuah. Murray, Frrrn k Ce. HKwak \> Thaujr.. PrLt.lBgton. Savat.nab. 11. la.adeu Btaaanafa p Y.roo. H-lgea, Noif.dk, N L MrCrraly k Co. ll Nrreua, R'arae, B>.«ton. W. P. Clrrle, Kark BtOlla iHrrm ) Hleen^rafr. Itrernen. II. Koon It ("a. Hr g Wolfville (Hr.), Kariaon. Havre. II J l)e Wi.lf l o Bng M T. Tt.BBB (Hr ). ThaaMBaa, Bt Joba, N. F Prntaton k Co. Brig Knriaueta (Npau.), Brunal. Valrnria. llng Af.autictllr.i. Werck. Raaaan. B. V. H II. Olerl. l<o. I jnebe (Hr). Hean. Urerpowl, N. %., Mort.M i I'h.i.pa. 8rl;r. ltarriet I'.raw.Ur, (ioodale. Marae.ilra. J.u.r. Hr.r. Mr, i PaUaar, BaiaK, IIaaaam. R- K«we. h'l.». J,a. Horjr, Homrri, Kaj;oa, (ioliltbwa.te lt Orerton. Babr. llalliiu<re, Johnaon, Nrw llaran, M. Hri.g. 4. Oa. K. hr. .1, ,ia (Br.), Plaatia, Klnaaton, Jao, Henrv d' (ordara fc Co. Hchr. Kllen Nanrr (Hr), Wood. Coniwallii. <r»nd»li, L'mphi.j k Co. 8, hr. W. II J.o.r.. l.iue. Fertiandina. A Abboll bebr. Ntlhe li.oomfirld, liubbie Mt.u.h.ri. AUKIVKI). BteiBi.blpCbarle.toii, Berry, Chirlratoa M ho:in. wlth mdaa. and piai. to II. K. Morgan fc. Co. wbUa off Cape May. BfBB r.l a hark wilb yel ow ajyaal (rrd renter), ataerlng R. (Tba C. arrirrd y-.t.dar). h't, au.-i. p Jan.ri 6. Oreen, luinan. Alriandria. witb _dac. and paaa. to Jamei Ifand. BtaajasbiB N:agara, Biakeman, Korfolk, witb mdie. and paaa. to N. I.. MaCraad Ip Cbeaapeake, Jobnaoa. Portlaad. wlth mdae. and raaa., to J. P.ABM8. Pteairihlp Perit, I.elinor, Oalreiton Dae. ». and Kay Hut Jaa. 7, witb Mdae md pa.a. to Bpofford, Tlleittou fc ('.. Btbc Devkl Wi.aou, Loekwood, Elixabetbport, witb eoal for Port Cbeatar, B.I r. Chnrlei L Malor, Maloy, PbiUdrlpbia for Boaton. t<. hr. B laa S Rol'and, RotthporV h.hr Kliiahatb. Ilr..«n Nnr:1 p. rt. laadtai Bree.e. Rav, Falr Ilaren. hrhr. Raaa C. Latbatn, Hurke, Fair Hbtib. Schr. Ruth Tt.T*. IHrlge. Fail Kirrr. Babr. Mair llauilion. Orrec Raw-BaTOB. Bebr. B. B Carke, Clark.. Fail Kiver for Baltimora. Srtr. Cblef, Johnaon, Ne* llaven. Bebr. Ma;l, Mrad, (irreualrh. Bebr. M B. Il.ni.tt Hrown. Rlker"! laland. rVl.r. R. S. I'rvn. IV.k. Fail Rirer for Ualtimore. Annie. Katon, Elixahrthnort, witb coal f.,r (llen C,.e lloaeaBter Hodraon, Elltabetl.port, witb eoal for Nrw Ilaren. Helaa, RallaaA lat.aott, bloou Jobu Adauia, Uallock, Kliaabethport, wiU iron. BAILBD. fitein.Mpa Helretia, lor I.iverpool; lowa, for Oaaaga-- Clropatra . f..r .aaiiunab: Raraloga aud Yatoo, foi BarWa| Nerrui. for Doalot, Oiprey. for Fill Rliar. NOTICK TO MARINKRS. rvimn .T.TBa or *««aii;»-nu«T uf i«wj«»iii FivbFaimijB lia.aa..OfUcial lnforvj.atlon hai bean re< eivod at tbll OBratluton and after Jai.uarr 3. 18*8, tbe Fire Fath..u liank Ugbl 8b:n will he tahatlUtad bj a relief, ib'>wni| two llgbti. wlth hull pamt'd rallow dav marki rrd No. "*)' on tba etern, an.l "bive lath..iu Ban*' «Beacbilda. Br order: W H. Karni'. r. Ch.ln.ian. Tuamrp DiliBiaaial. Offct IAjht-Ilovie UuarU, HoiAuiylon, i».C.. Jtaaary i. l«t«. BPOKKV. Bark-rPr,»A (_r ), fr0m Maracaibo for New-York, I>«c. 13, in (rooked laland ra^ga. DOMKSTIC POUTS. Bo«tow. J*, 7_Arr.ve,t, ... jiuihipi Oeo. Appold, fron Ualtimore; Rormau. from »biladelphta. OMBBIB Xjort-®laibin'0 Jlolitr. Bt.tb or HfwYokb, J rNaiT-WaRnaW Orxita, Ro. 13 Williaro-at 1 NOTICE 1r hoNby invon, in iwconlaiico \i b BMttoa 4 of tbe Art Xor* April ll, lHf)*, entitled " Aa Aet... ltr..i,an!ie tba Wardnia' Offi.\0f |ki I'ort of N.-w York," to all pertoaa lntrrrit-1 lu, or barir.g barg. .f ihe luhjert taatt»r of ¦ ,. b im1'iirr, eiiniiuation or anrrer, tbat the t|;.«n g ri.arll arr now uudrr eian.ina- Haa hv the Port Wanlrin, and tl-».||, _nl mrrrvi or eiwi.uiatiOBl will ba coraplated wilhin ten daya seil LC.cdiug Ibii notur. ou board aaU raaaalt: hteaw.blp Cbarle.ton.3 R. R. Kleam.Lip Kllen « T.rry.U S. K. Meaaiahip Albeinarle.37 N. R. Kbip Harveit yuoeu.Kajjire. Mdp Cbarlotte.M K. R. I.ark Johu (.rlSn.V01H|ru_ fc, Ki.l.tiaon'a. Brig Franklla.). K. R. Brlc Otara.!» K R. H< hr. ( arrie S Wehh.Ilaff'a. S. br. Taapieo.. ..10 K. K MI.YliiOll.Nb ICtni'lilNo, 1'rraidaat. J. Aoo'i IIbbbiha*. Becretarr. The Fort SmitU Jlerald rcports: Tho CLcro- Vco Couiicil haji buen ln acnaion for aevcra. daya. Tha Cbuncll haaalectt'd all af their exfcutlve «n.i jarliciul ufficera, and moat of thoae ebpeted are Bouthirn t'fiero- kefa. Scvrral aalutary laws have been puuacd, ind oth- era are rnjudiDg before tbo Councll. Aaaaaf tboto tbat bave beeii jmaaed are tbe lawa for tbe admiaalon if mo- chanlca aod latrorera ln tbia cotiTitry. Tbe lawa are aoinp; faitlifullY executed tliroucbotit tbe Nation. TBaaa >.i,- ple are lfvlnR tojretber ln baruiony aml iwace, and ita,t- tera tbrougbout tbe B'utlon nre uiovIdk itlotiK liarui<>M- otiaJv-all tlie iiiilmiia littviiiBTHcUlcil dowu aud k<"<« *. work. Tboy bave n,.t enjoysd aa tauch poace aa tbty Btai bave for thuty yeara. REAL BSTATB. Nrw-Yof.k, Tuetday, Jan. 7, l^". We noto no nmterial clutnge iu tlio niarket today, rery little haviDir. bern done. Tho mt>«t lntereat- Ing cveut of tho day waa tho nale of proporty ln Lirooklyn for unpald watcr rentaof l-v.9. The aale took plaoe ln tho IU'Klstrar'a Offlco, Mr. Oamallel King, Proal- dent of tho Doard of Watcr C'ommiaaiouora, actlng aa auctloiioer. Tho act atithorlztne; auch eala " to any pemon or peraone who will tako the «»mo for the lowrat tcrm of ycara, atid pay the amovnt of eald regular water renta, with default and expenaea thereou," waa flrst read, aud the announceinent made that the owner Bhoiild havo the prtviletfe of redcemlnir tho proieprty wlthln two years on irpaying the amount that waa due, with 13 per eent Intereat, after whlch tho lota were rapldly kuookod down to ona or two Kontle- men who havo lud former experionce ln thla klnd of buaineaa. Tho Ma BRM wero ln the flrat Blx warda., and ab>.rut twr>third» of the plerea offerod were dlspoaed of. Tho RRBOB.ta duo ratig.d from 71 ceuta to 1-44. Kour hiitulred and aevcntyflTo pierea of prop¬ orty ln tho rlty are to be aold f.ir the taxoa of 1859; 873 fin- tliose of 1360; o.o fur tboso of 18C1 ; l.rwi for 1862. and l,8At for 1863. The Mea*ra. Johnaon k Mlllcr will offer at aurtlon to-niorrow (the 8th. » uutnlior uf ralu.ible lota in tho v lulnity of rros-pect l'ark. THI WbbT. Wt are dally reorlrlug rojOttl frOBI all pnrta of the Wt-t aa to tho nmiiber of luiiltlinira ererte.l durln-r the year lxC7,ruid ln nlniost every city or town from which wi- iiiiv.- keaid, tha nmt haa baan aaa of Baaqsali d ae_~« Ity. In ('lileatro, 7,ooo bulldiiiRa, at a cost of tnorn than t$jtOAj$Bm\ wero eractiil.not ao many lu BB-BB8B1 iih duriiiir UM, but f.ir BJBalBI Bl value, A-BbMMJ tho a*_00_NM projected for the ronilnr year ln the Flrst ITatlOBal H.mh edlflee, wlileh Is to o.cti^r a lot on thi- I'orm r af Btata and Waa__BfltiM44t- wTUnha aztMrptlOB Of tho tnarble vvoik fot Iho BBta.BM it la to BB built of Atliena atoaa aml will be fi feet front on V'adi- iiu-ton-Ht. by aa fei t iirt'j' on BBataat, aad flvo fuii Bhxfaa in liiATtit above the li.is. l.ii :it Itoiy, HB-B-Bg an elevation of Bl feet aPove the aiilewnlk. The Ityle, whifli la knowti as the .'enrhhed Italian" ia now belnir (wtciiaivcly u«eil m lYuiiie, and f-.-t.eiinily in Turla. The coat of thU ".trticture is to be about MOVMO, aiid it la to bo ready for occitpntlon in tht* F.ill. Tho cost of builtllncra erccted ln Punkfr Ilill, III.. d-Tlag the year waa BhtB, 100. Of thia B_BBBBt %^,'"r) waa for IWBBaMBBI pnrpos.-.-; f-Jim.ooo for dwa-U-tfR, and 115,000 for out-buildlnpi. One thoip-aud three hunilrcd and eiRhty-elplit bulldinira t^ero erecteil lu Mllwaukeo latt yi ar, at n ro-t of MMiJM, Tlic Htreet Inioiuvi;- iiienta OBat llTO.Ooo. Milwaukio la to havo a uow Td'atir diiritur tho preaent year, or rather the Old Clmn b BB-tO-Bg on tne 8804*00 of Mllwuukee an.l WhRMOBBBaaha, i* to aa overlunkd, an addillou bulit OB for a proaii'iiliini, and tlie Int^rlor of t'.io Bt-ldlnjr. t4> uiodelcd. Tho exprtiaea of tlio chanKCS wiil BB BhOBt |15,(HiO. The total v.iliiatloti of property in Miniii'.ipnlis for laat year v Bl «:.:. Ll M, BB !ii<na*.e of f'.no.foo ovi-r tlm year U-forc. Tho nuinher of biiililitiKt ercited in PoObbBI t. t, Mii.ii., duriiij,' tlic paet year waa l.ti, at a eoet ttMMf ¦- BEf OBDED TB aJtBl-Bt OF ___X EaT.YTE. RBW-TOBB CITY. V.' -.keraf. N., lm . . ii fi. w. of Ureeu tt.. J?il00. C rrh-at, No 117 ?:i7S. n _,iotWS. aaa. nantea attata. fSilOti. ¦¦' 1. -rn.at. N... ti:i. ll.'., 117. i"¦>.',,:.. <. nvaai I.... Bo. Aii7,Ktu Ward), na;., eiute .N. W. *4t,ir.eia-it. M.TBI n . No. 141, VQi-. 1,,-'J<' .t. w . «_« «. ii. efPriBC. . 24.'"W No 1 :!..«..'¦. fi a ..I II a .: J, ¦¦ . 4.800 ¦ \ . B.Jfl .'a -ia_ 13. 18.8811 1" at u. .., H tt e of Arenue P. tOrrtM 9. .. ii ... 37l> f|. e. of lat ire im r . . | a f iie.. ¦."¦'¦mj.1 '.. i.i .t.,a e.,211 ft. w ..f . *>>" tli at n. i, 2.«i ft e .r M.ui.on a.e 1 ... ft W ,.f LUI, ..- . I 4.ld-it ,n. . 17.'. fv e eftdtr. ieO&tlJ4l. Matat. iLduth tra. t l eat tStlOOS. 1- 181 .Wf..A.a. lMft. w. otfth"... . ¦' Mth .L, a. a B5 w. ofSlhare -..' > tl " .. an .. . . ... rt w i itt. . ; ana-at aad M-itb., a. e. rer., 1 >'.¦" i. IlltL at 18.1ft . M a - B>ll00 11 . I"" lutii tt.ai l i n r Bfatl ii .- 117th il b. . 121ft e .! llSatl lietbtt.aa, 2t_8ft. a.ef ati i.i o.ii . "¦*' m.t.t.a a. aaa e afiiu^Ta,7>ti8aii....i 11 i-l, at a. a. U'.ft. «. ..f Mti, a,r :-,..i., II... J. 8.7SO I ll.HIILl Of lutha.e l.ADilla-1.11.. J . - > II. J.IW l-t «¦ a. .'-'.. t-.-t BM N are e . . .' .'I a.e e ll BB Mare.,«. a-.eatj . . A,c 11. No 1 fclll .. ' . 1 «.- Bawttr, Bo. BB\aar. lat-at. I yaw . par rr.r oi/am r..., .. (Haiataaj Jtal. Ba ¦ I ¦¦ » .-.,.. litk a" .' ' a 1 . .<, Aae-C.Ka . .;.-' ¦¦*' I ';1 . . >,.t 10 IBd 1- . al. *¦/! Ml.llllKII . Ml Iledford and Neweaitie liovl.'M a ree + ra. . 43Ji tur* oii f.at r.id Ri . .. tJ.aai . 7 1" B ki H nai H-raB. U\ Ba 74, Pennil Jurca. B . 8 . 8 TT. iiia..it . 4 . 818 I .t V. :¦> *. '. . 1u <i W. ( .. 1 MAwaaoia. (. a Itoal, w a, Ma.IHaava .* a. r-i. fl IM aiTTT r* »4**~* Firtn IauI, Sjirealer .->ae j. -. . f7M *. e >.. a al i. a. Ilirieu !Ia. road, K Wir¦!..:: BSttret. B1.950 III ao. mi i.b. ntaah Bl. -*.**> ITl.ll !¦, Lot V* IBt, touthbaif. M r..MT. .. Mak ti. a i traali|i*i. '*--'*-. 1 >.¦> i « aa. a tiL. «..i U4 He. D, aiil- . . !>' ¦aa . i > Hr.alwir, a. . Hrl.nd'i. . I._B Multll.,." .. . -a I > . t.Sii *i't »ib»i f.o'a Ba> Ml 4a1M. toeh-., u.ip. 4 4'-."^ U4R 4i, Powell Kann, 7'i n. I4i waan MB.reK. Lot Xo. 3, MAi.of()lin..lle, Ba I, I08tl3l.. 4'»J u,ini r__.aa ,.r w. a K » -...'."«'» i Miiii i,t No. Rt,BhiMa . BI.4--0 IU DBa.B .... M V. liaiiue.*. »! n t ofCl"ill, tear Kva.r . [.retu.tei, 3l.'l«fl. $V» WK.r BOBOIBB. I .1 e | 4: 4 I i. oi'.il. II 't'4. 87?f>« a d.'.il, at a «. oor IHIB.MB l-it, a.i.'.ti, .t, *. m eor..lJt»J.t 147,-x* -. ., L.freie. afOardwa-al., IO1IOB.S Cuuril.i.lt at., l.-la Vu - earh.i \1 <m Palleede-ere . LoU Boe. 21 ind « . ¦ ., l-.'.ia.-n li,.! lolBl Deaott'i fara, ITJt jaa.1. laatBa. lt, bi..ek M, faBtCi e.tate . K>j w,.ai h |..iii.. BB. L.bertret.,e. a, lot Tfo. 411, I.I . W > ..ITT. Williare at., lo'.a .N'oa. 33. 34, L..rk i. MaMS. 4.SO0 <M,,1TI. 1'ii.e at a $., M a I.ef j.'.t-.1 Wi i. aVAl L/aiHi nu. Weal.aalieD lt., e I 2'll"0. 1,,;", i oob r, n. j. aj 81.BPI8I >i W;nmi'l premi-ea I17 11U aer.« . faiar) .S«»aik a.d I'ou |.i..u Ul e. a adjolalef 8eBarfeaber|'., 6dll00. 3.6od .ii. i-.i. Bel'Bout tre., w. i., iiC.'eet S.due, .t t8tl8l. 0700 IM.I. Miln lt, n. i 4'i fr,t 1*0. 03.4OJ ¦awtaa. Baak-at.l » l. 07 feet n w. M..rr.a-.l.. liilOO. 8 I .MS t.i.n .1 li I 4'J feet . J.7. ri . IJBI Ka.t Vl.raet-al, n a I :! f.-ei 1 ¦¦ ¦ . 1>B w. I., M feet IL, -a. ¦< BBM. M I tlirt,,,, an e. l 4-aift 1 «... !rl .1. foi l-al. 3"U Ml . a r.ir, -t, .' l .;. TM Barravat, «. a, 188 fl Ki . I."*'5 B,. an, at lei,te-aL. 1 iM. W0 l.-.i ,s... 4 onOfdea ilij.. lHn.'-M. 7 188 I, u Be !.' li eor. La»»bardyaad AlltalU-aU., Msl48. Ri MilW. 4"i Udahaa ¦ tt,aaar43ai8Baaai IVaaaaataM, ObbBB. UBH Rrwklnn %a\ f.tWit for Salt. DRfJOKLYN PROPEBTY a BPECIALTY.- J > kkAI. BBTA K liou.l.t, lakL a..d Kt. kaaaatV Baaaaa md Mtorea Lti.iid. K«lu aeUaoted. Meaa r afan red ei Bead aad Vn.rta-aj-e. ln ,i A 1111 K< .'A. No 7u i Vlar at ra Y. DKSIKADLE BKOOK'LlfN L0T8.One on Cl ntou at., near Ariotr (Blr«_a_ Paiement); nue on Aiuitr, M»r CilLtou. l.roaBatoue bouara idjulnii.ir; tr.t rlna neiKhhorhood. MABTIB, Bo in Kr...' it, R T. IJK)R SALE.The two-story attlo aad bnae- iu. nt llin.**K (fraoM, llled «ith i.ntk. I.rl.-k haaeaent) and |..t, >o 174 RaaaH i' Urooklm, ISniinutei walk from Ku!l.,u Lnr. Ilouaa u rentel f..r *,,:>.. for jerTBt, addreae V. J. C, II n.N.l. 17"0K SALE LOW A _mt.il two-atorr Phila- 8alpk_ fraal Brlek HOUBR, l#,»i. "t.t.e tr.uiu.iina, niodeu lui- ¦jrofeiueuL, !.i»l i«e B< j '". , . ., II MACOMBsR *. h.iV, No Bl PuItoB are Bm ,V rt aOREAT BATTGAIN..Hoaae, S_opJ full Lot, \ R iu llroollrn; r. i.N M BIBttj f ¦aUr, k*l P'lee, ?«.»««; ,.I ttaoBBldowi IjaqBlreefJ l-l i at._ l ]¦;. WOODliKIDGE, No. r>- Piae-at._ia now »It afarlaa RRBIDtRI RS »' '- " '¦.'""' ¦«-¦ .'''f"''''w ,'',,,V;,'7"T' pUre \V,-t Wa!|.-:4. on ttr) fair UliBt. A.lo.LOLHIUl BBakV |l] Sl tnd I Al M.s._. 0UO8PECT PARK. BR001U.YN..Three flaa 1 LiiTM eotBtT Blttb-ttt ..ii:. 'ti.t Beaaatal vla«i i it i-.a- uot be u ilra le Will be told lei La. than tn.'ir r«lne. AppP W TOB R8BBU v. 8RARB, .<... IU I.i t..u at Raaai No. 7. $utfion Sulti of $cftt tf t<a!f. j. laaaaaa, Jr, A.irtioiair. 1>Y JOHKSON <V M ILLER > Al l.TIONERRei AKP BRAL BNTATB BRoKBBB. Be. aft flAa.AriT.. eoa. Cbbab it Maw Tnat. Beatae Itor.i. LoU. 4 oentrr fleeti inl F»r»i, be-|U ..Id renlti! e«- ekaaied I.e.aa neaeliated. *o«li..a Mieief ft^ek. t-.rr.ttra V.'"e Ke. Av i,.M .1 Bl IU .*r:t ABeltnBeer 1>Y ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, 80N k Co., J> n. ni fdn it ¦ _rul" .. VALCABI.E C.m.M.K IROPKRTt >AC1.SU tT AMIl.Vf.TOX- BOUARE WWKRLY I'LACB H. W < "»' B ICPOI.OAL «T -The Iwo Terr Ttlutl.ie a,.J deiirtble J alorr bilk aloup tad bteeaect Ir.rk l,..tM_.Bl iou. N.-i. M aad 100 Watari) ulace toatb we.t e..n.er of SI..-.I. Bfil^.L I Wutan.toB eqntre) I: a | rop.-rt? ta Ib n .-. irt tbe n.|ri,u.i, .. mt *m WirerlT pUte, bj WI tm , . Tblt la oae .1 t..« i-o'it I -a ra' la ...ee uoe oJerad la Ibliell biiy* ud |>. i". e .ari it No. 7. LeOef tt> ^uitioiT Salts of JRral tbi*. Peremptory Sale at Auction, By E. H. Ludlow & Co., Auctioneers, No. 111 Broadway, On Tuesday, 4th February, 1868, at 12 o'clock. M.. In Partition of the Jay and Banyer Estates. 7/* k xaH0WA_a 1. The aWe ploi, on tfo'edttter of IlroaJway ani Canal Street, 62 fccl 1 inert on Broadway, 07 127 fcct on Canal Street, subfect to a lcase to Patrick Dickie, expiring ist May, 1868, eon- taining 10,170 svh'arf. feet.that is to say, opwards of four city lo_. 2. The loton fftwAmt adioining, on the north. 24 feet 10 inches fronr, subject to a lease to Cornelius McLcan, expiring ist May, 1868. The Title to the said lots has been in the Jay family since the last century. Tue Saxe will bc peremptory, and without reserve, to the highest bidder. TERMS. Tm prr cttrX cash on day of sale, the balanee on 10th March, when the deeds will be de- livirred. Sixty per cent may remain on bond and mortgar,e. The sale will bc under the direc- tioa of JOHN Jay and Jouv F. liurrpwoRTir, 248 Canal Street, under the wills of William Jay, ICaria I.anyer, and Ann Jay, and of I'hilo T. Ruoglf.s, Kcfcrcc, 39, ^Vall Street, New-York. For furthcr particiilars apply to the counsel for said estates, F.dgar S. Van Winki.e, 48 W_fl Street. Fpwis T. GaBBBTTBON; b6 Hrnnd Sfrret. or Wit.t.tAM T\Y, 248 Canal Street V (itg £t_l .eialt for Mr. \FINE STORE In Water-afc» batwaen Coen- tinaid olJ «:u, For mi.i loat itorioa, (aodaaUac. ,i.,,ri> Arp!' to Hd.MKB MOHOAN, Mn. 7 PinMt ACANT L0T8 >-i,» IALB TT JI'iJIhK MOROt*. v.. i l_M lt.. N.-w York. FIPTlt ATBBCB, Bilaiai BlkMimi ... -, sonoo iror»ltkat.,»loti. : ofl IU >t I l.'.i . J1 ." ¦: . UM . * _.£_ Ratoaoa at ¦'¦. ..« -' loti. 4-""° H..IM.I!.. ¦..;.. 1T.'"° I .-.IHU AM-XI K, C r-.ro'n-.t.Il.'.... "~J I ornrr of 119th ot.. ptrrrl.B. ».«¦» ,tih .i z a..i aoeBoa. ,'.'". ta. i.t to Ii:: au, U i.u. (on .t. .;.."..;;;. .* JS Ntar UialnptiUr .r 16 |..i. Obola froai k 8 Laci loU lOO.OuO MADI.SOB AVl.M K, . ,,rf«.-lh.t.4;,t.. «."» . 12 . "J"! IBI . <*"? . ,;,^_ . S-H iM. S*'.000 4 .. r..' M' ¦¦aa-.arr 1 .. t. JMJ , . ,,...r,r..,r .Tl,'.. g.«J . ti_5 < f . 3r,u,;| . * ll *. . ' J ' ,i. ¦ .i ;.i ,t. ...t .""' Mi b,mm ..'. . .'.'"" . t.,1 l04«. "."¦ i-t at, aaar kb-ata., IS ¦:. . . - Tlotl .[_¦ 6latat,MiarMadi»i>Bava.ll.>t . ¦ . Bad ..- i i«t.. t%i*U .1 fail i-rk.U ,nta . . . . . .. aar llh-ara :¦. ¦oardl . . .. * Aa:|,r. i . *. t ¦.p-'t' ''¦.". < *04*al I'.ik. oi, l!.- n»« Atyly toHoMBB MOBOAB s I -v »t B. 4. iIii.m afonntrir _tul _itatr fct Salr. 4 Ii l.N I l»»N!-Cli« M»' FAKM .''"! PRUl. il I isii< VIU.AOl U»TH WATKB POWBBJ f-r BALB al ..-.... ''/¦ ""'; l.nipia.arl . wnl#r aoft aad lara: ao fc»of aaa F.r crcB.n , , v IMI.T. A»»nt .1 Brtckl'.ar|-_ \ torangeTn.j.-villas, VILLASITES _V ..4KJ.HUK. a r'«at v.r aH\ koaatif.f utoaUd. eaa b".r from Baw-Vark br SALB U«. Alaa. i aoa4ra ri.ata «r.d lloaaaa TO Ul for t!.a iraaon vra/, br BUl kWhl.U k Silllll Ha. I4J llr.aJwa/. N«» K.i. 9 W> ll a n. Oraaaa, e«.riirt Main aad Caao-rta.. * to A _ 4 DEHIUABLE COUNTKY RESIDENCE, _A. »,iU 4" arr-a of Iai.1 m ta>, a tt bw b"I !.t.. n-*i dooad ou .. i,o'ir f.-mn t! ' '.iv, li olrrrJ at a bar<ni_ M A Kl l.AM) Nn i B.km.r lt, Bow-1 > \BEA_TIFUL HOME oii the HadaoD, jrood | . . :. « 'a.- paO'" '''«.' k-rapl. »uJ >.nBr»iu caa bc »,-u at J. k>. tAOOD- IT NEW-HKUXSWTCK-4 CottajCM, from _\ alBattaBS.WB; . iaa liouaai aol Utt, froio # 4 iplrtuiid Baatdaaoro-Bn.W, «¦ ;,'«>. a>l. o-.i, ai BU tM; j alagaul .^.U ona 4 acral, aM1.u<W; ona t arr»i. * 11.SU0; OBO I acrai, OL.fiac .. II ...--.'. r....,.,.. #.12.0,10; 3 lloteuv 4 M..r-a. J «, FKBOl'SOX V .. >'., N Etaai Bo. ?4._ HAKHMNS IN IAKMS NEAR NEW- Hill N-itVK'K..Ti a'rr., «|'lrii.|i,l Parto. ui<*!rrn Bull'l n».. in I || ftluMf |>, ai-rrioa IU* Kar.taa. wiaitnllraBt Bnildlnp. a>J.i,o(W; ti.,'... twaaiUaaooura»4ko, Bli B-ldiaaa, BM«»l M «'.». «.. ¦Haa. a-4-rato_M.raaa.U, B 11.000; 10 adbara abooa. J r». KKHOt M. N k » ¦>., Nn- . .,aa.au »t R.Mim 5o ?4._ 4fifil''N-| liY RErTlDENCE at u BARGAIN. V^F..r"4l.H bbLBT .,r KVi'IIAM.K-A l«r-fratoo t...uaa, In g.K>d orl^r conta «ln« 3" r.».m.. w tt, .n aafaalnaMd, ..ti.toJlBa.inall t ,. t vl iaaa l.t Falr:.* Co., Oooa., oa IM Baa of tBO 5avrllaraa Ballroadi »all ealralatrd far a katal, Bnauaer boardlp{baa^.o»«aail- n.rv, B,r .1,1 Ullru, . I. haU-BUOl ^rt»_ J«__J !_i2rtpif ,.., i ikorl ¦:.'.." Bo_ mlioad ,1. p..t «,r itaaiaboal laodlna. Kor - MfBaalan laaaiiaai J. DAVtM'uuT, Fulum ara., omir of .¦¦.¦_ I iE_lRABI.E C(»rN'TKY SllAT-t^acrcs ;i<l- 17 iU| ( Itrol Barllajrtoa, N J., ..'tna »¦.>. "..wW:..* r_pb\m«..J blackbatOaa, fi* owh «... l"» It.^a «*)rliolra arapa viara, Olv o. 1 .pplr orrhard. rnanr I'.prrior cbrrrf ... doabli .,..,.,:-::.)«.. laolrokadoi a,u, l-a-bjinM, ranaofa-booaa, ea tool-ko.a, .waaaa iaaaa. twa' MfjO l,.f. .BdBBinrt -'.ir.i«..fa!lda!...in.- .*H.0r>0.af -l,irh*l.«.<,ic.nm.,ain ouuiorM,.*^ 11 MABTllI !»a il l-mnt vt. Nrw-tork, or Kli\|r>n MOKKIB, N J. DEfllRABLE KARMS on line of Morrii and | Ballroad. aad v.. Jtrwi, .tt,u!.m prlf'i, tarBALB bj BBAltFII H «. BOKB. HcraU BulMinj, Dtoa-lwa;, B- i . 1 No. ,i \\ tt Ka< ii k N J._ |A)R SA1.K. al lUVKI.llKAI). !.. I..A FARM L of IB actaa ol ^,m.J l.tn.I. I_ kOWO a naat e..tU«-, with li n.oina baii.la v,a.triri, r....k ro,u, an,t bitt, ru,m. Thr out'iiiililinji arr a tarn, eo*-h..air, wi,'.,n l,..'iar, atora h..i.«. »«mI bo'ia*. and Icr b.,u.a. Tba irrouDaiirouurl tba bouaa arr laa<itifull/ ibfiad witb ftnit aarl f-'r-at tir.a A.m, iiacrraof I.AND adjoluio| tb« atora farut. For partlca- lin, ln,|'i:ra of II II (,KI»-rlMi. No. W CourtUnJt at., Naw-Yotk ; or tfJOBB BOWBl I' -l'«i I. I._ I'OR SALE- A PLACE. 80 milea from Naw- \ork auJ»fr..m llatlrin l!ai.n.a.|, o'l2a.T.-i.,f rholcala eoaaioa wltk frail trr*a, lBclodiB| about 400 g, at. -I ai t.l.. trrra, wi'.lt o...h, prar. ai.l MlaOl trr,.. at. I a «.>n.l rarlrtr af imall frt.il-. »o.hI . ,.., aaJaafar-filllag .trrim uf watrr at t M |a ,r, bari aad ot! rr oatl ulldtofi ia i.1 oMrr. in a firal ratr n«lKh- batrbaad Halaaar ajoadtaaooli i.i.e leaaouabla and aud trrmiaaa/. Adlrni K. « I.A.SK. S. < M,.«\ K. V._ I r»OR 8ALE.ln tho Town of Oyater Bay, _' 1. i Iilat;.l, a BOABO MU.r, la pattM worklnrf nrdrr, rrr,(..l PB(Ua batW. boallof aafcHaoa aad 1-arJ MMHfa, b.-w ai.d wrii llai aai ol iba b..v A itoad* koad al wat; r ..f ,rarpowrr. Fnr fartbtr partlrolara applr ta BOBT. FBAM' .u-r, No. M Ilrav.r-A, New Y..tk, oi oa tha prruii.ai, at l.o- n.»l Vallar. _________________ -0 ftt IANAL-ST. PROPERTY to LET. or «_y j r ,vK -Ba, 3in Canal .1 e-ar IVoplr'i P.ok; N... 5«) Canal-it, MIM afBawalB. Iiii,i,r«..f MII.I.KU U l'», ,N. :i Unt.a ..juatr. Ro4ti) aai Jftooms.^_ DOABD WANTED.Foi h MAN and V> IFE, J> j, .Nrw-York. T.ikilllr.llarl.in.i.r lli.M.klrn. wlth plr." auJ in a pliaaant f.iuilr, wbrre tba r,vinf,rta of a boiue an t>a anj-yrd. Trrina i',iit ba rravmabla, an.l pavtural w II prmipt. Addrraa l,,,Ai:l>l H, Tnl.iino Ofl'-a, de« r h ii( ¦". and vla'lni trtma. \T() 1(12 Eaat 'lliiit y^sfcond _t., oewly furnwhed i\ R..mi. witn .'.">! "''ari' ln,| .ln-a, aliovr.Ut. 1.. ilmlon 4. M ,m IfABrUUTD A\D ViituiNlA BTATB T.ink...Tho Caiumlioid-e-«ppoint4Mt by tlu. Lnctolktanc ol the two BUteo b»ve foJlfO to Mttlo tlm lmi^ BBBdi-i buuiitlary Qtiratiiro. ThtSnenrtiiUllhUldmmt " 1l.li Virirliiifi('i'ii.ini'«vi<'ii<'ra.rl.iiiii tho lin." lOt-B rroni Jmbch'o M.imI llitht toBtulth . Potat, whllothji lUrjrUM ConiinlB«loiier» iuMot that tht- w-lero "f IheCbeupeaka ¦houltl tf ilivuliil ti. tw.'.ii Iba two stitt.'.-liy tln-AliorUttt nnd iii«)ht dlrcct lin*. from tli« wmtli-weatcni iioliit_ <»f ,i ,,m.'1 Coutity, i,.'.»r iv.lar Btrslta, t.. Hmitl. 11 ..int. nrtnofoaythreomileoand flvr iKtitlmtui the K.^t ,.!.!, .-liiue iiil*. verinn* to the kmuo i».ni.t at the Potoniac, could not ti- r- ¦iiiiril, il. Ji'-t here perluiM thoinoel vai uuhi.tiilo Witttraiii the Ojrotor ItiteivKtnof tli«- Imy nri' to b.i foutid. and Imtli Stat.-a BTU. nu<\ perlmpe for an Indon- i,Mi'!.!:>ttli OftlBM h:ive .'i.Joj.'tl, UM bBMit,BB«flB niit'.iiK tlii' "tli.T'a rlplit. "Tl.art fulltnfcT to COBM to nn ai"cem.>nt ae to a llna ynaj th,< beaapeake, tbe CMnmlaalon in; will raport to l, ih. I.",'>l:itni, nantl awall th«*lraotlortlntbe eVftulaoA lu the mean tlme we ouppoae tbe inhabltanta ,,f tt ttb StBteo ii.-ur aald \Mttera wlll COBtlnM tti.tr uceua UlUiuU U8« BUal boll'Ut " J » TERSA L RE VES UE. REPORT OF TTTF. Iioy. DAVIT) A. WKf-LS, bl'EtlAL COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE. TBBABBBT DBrABa-.bt, > OFt'ICE OFSrECHI.Ci)MMI-"iIi)5EK.)KTIIEKEVKVrK,> fv*AS_IBOTOB, I>. C, Junuary. 19.. ) 7/,m. BlTOI KcCULLOCH. Secretary of the Trenmry. Sik: Ab Spocial Coninii.-.sioncr of the Reve- noe of the U-lted Statea, I hova UM honor to atibmit to y.uiinv rt.11.1ni iiiiiiual iitllcliil report, nnd would reiiueat tbal Um Mtne, if approvcd, may bo presented to Con*reee fur niislilriatl.il). Tbe law eeUbltohlBB the offlce of Spoelal CommisMonor of the Bevenne aeq-trea tbat he siiu'.i lnv».stiKate the loartN ol iiutjonal revoime. tho liciitnu-thode of collect- Ini r.v.'iiin-, Um ailmiiitotrattOO of existin»<revenun lawa, ui.il Um relutionaof foreifB trado to douieatlc ludustry; aod tbe diaebarge al laeeo dutlea _M<3o_B_MtonerbM been a, Uvely and unlnterroptedly eaaaaed aince thead- Ji.ui-ntii.'iit ..f tba XXXIXth CoBfreea, a portlon of the BBM hitvmif li.'i-n dovoted, iimler tlie directJoua of the N vretary of tbc Trr.i-.iiry, to a pernouiil exanilnatlon of tbe rei (nu,-.v.-.ti-ui'. andinduatriul conditions existinjfiu (iri'.it Britaioood aOBMBI tbe loudinif statea of CoiiU- oental Burope. The Comnilaaiooer repeata thp statementa relatlve to tbe am »uni ol tlie National Debt Bad rmte of ita fundiujc aod rrilu, tion, wblcb were fully atatcd ln the repotiB of Him ntirv MeCulloi-h. He BtBteetlM amoimt, re.iulred to provide for tbe intereat oo tbe VatiotuU DbM on Nov. l, 1WI7, to be ln ciilii, $I0b,$BBJ$B1 in ciirrency, $29,6.,71H. Thtohefoota bb to BUMoat to $134,307/... [i2u<Ty, the flr-r Miin luiiiL' in roin and tba MOOOd lu eunency, what ii tho tliinl l-Kn.J Hy fiuiillnt,'tl;oililit bearini'iurreiiiy tlio ainouiH to be provlded for ycarly would be I 1723. Tbe averago annnal evprndlturesnf the Oovernment other than for lotereai were, for the ten yeara ciyling i-io, *l 01 pereapita; 1M<», $1 BI lxr <ap.; U6& ll «3 per cap.; l--¦.<>. $a M per cap., iu gold, v,!ii!e f..r tlie flve yeara M6T to UUBtbey were 114 32 par cap., bb increase of .$._0B cent The foUowini* tntile exhibiteaeoBipartoaBef the avor- ,u'i' .mi u.il expendltorea of tba (iow rninent.detail and ajrarrea;Kt*.for tbedeeade, iksi-oi aod thcactualvxpcu- diain m for the Baeal year endiiiK June 30,1*7 : fl Tl 1S66-7. AtOtafB annnal At,.al annaal (<....!) irmrrucy) raitliona. u.il'tona. rortka Civii Borrtoe.UB.fi W-il For Peoaiooa. Lll afcJI Kor Iii.li.iii.i. 3.3J 4.>-.4 For N.tvy. 12 34 31.04 1 ,,r War, cxcuLaive ol Boutities MJI *J-K* Total ordinarv exp.nditurea 57.87 I'Jl.SI Ii.i. n al on Publta Debl. IM 143.7S huuutii'8 to Boldiera. **-.*** Total. .xelimlve of pavnient-. ) for redeuptloo of Publlo > 60.0S 316.73 DbM.S Th.- followlnn' tatilo ahows tho n<ri_"«,4Tate and apeciflc reoeipta of natloiukl raveooe for tho _»c_l y.aroeudlUer June 30,18M and ibfl7, reopeetlvely lhflfl. 1SH7. From Inteinal K.'venue....$niiV.md,,.'-4 17 J|2'«,W),d74 «3 *-1..in Cuatoroa (cotn). 119ftt*Ml na.tn.sio 88 From Poblio Landa. 6..->,"ii 03 . i,i«;),376 ri.,i,i Mi.,, ii.ui. oui ooorei a. BT,ll»^BB 91 d2,«24.852 so PromlmeetTaxea. I.974.7M U 4,200,231170 Tnlal.tWJJ 12,71)0 81 |4'JO,fl2«,<H7 49 Tho rtmtoms havlng BVBBBfB- for thirty montha 1170,- ooo.iaio in ifoid per ouoom, there la oo .ause to doubt that thi \ wi.i amply nteet tbe deioand of 1130,000,1. forcoia liit.T.)>t on tho debt Tiiaf the Natlonol (ioven.mont cau eonduct Ita bualiwaa Bt tho prcaeot toao wlth Um bbbm ratio of .-in'itditu.-e to populutioii that lt did diirini; the deeodt prior to the worla ool to ba expwted. Tbeereo- tion nf i. d. l.t, nf a new rtyrtt.in uf nteiiue, tho larjco iu- ..ii-.i-e ,f HM iii'iny. iviid of peoatoM the ubuonnal cmidi- tion of a pot tton tn tba eoootry, aud tlio ^tmeral lucreaae ol m looa, all oontribote to reoderaaeb a reaolt impo.ihle; but tbat an abeohite neoeaaity hai exlated f.>r looreaalog tho ordinary expcndlturea of the lact llscal year (lo. 7> aod p.-r eeot,or $139,000,000 above Um axpeoaea of tbe flaool y.-.ir (180041), iifji7 per nt aiuive tbe avera§a of the do- ende, from IBSl to ISal, may ts.-il bt doabted. Tbe axpeoaea of iba Btate DeportoMOt, .l,S4S,S89, have n.,t larif.-ly loeTMaed siui-e IHrJi, and aro not oxcc.lve. Aa there are BOrOOO i.i,|,liiatiousou nio for p«<u*ioi_, in- ereaaed appruprlatlona ioay beexpected tberefor. The Ooouolaaioiter reommeiida the reductlou of tho aruiy aud navy to tbe niiiuiiiuni; no new public works to be bniit aa.ve fr.mi orajaut aaeeaaltT, oo cUlaaa fur duuiatjca by the Rebelllon to be paid; reirenohmeat; uo mouey to ba appropi latod to buy foreku territory. ImuilKi-atiou la tlotviiiK Into tlie I'oiuitry at the rate of over 300,000 per auuiim, adduiK lisu.ooo.o. to our prodoo- Iiik oapacltr. IM thin aet over aad uih'nc what they add toi.ur eooeuming eapaeitjr f-Eo.] luvontiona aro de- reloplns our Induatry. lo..7 poUou ha,vino; iteeu Krantvd diirli.K the y. ar. onrcropa aro incrcaaiiiK lu (iitautlty aodvalue.aad maoatBetoxca aro adrwc.«. ou the lafter lu ad Um ('.,iiiinlsMoii.'r rejiorts an followa : In the manufaoture of eottoo, the amount of iuarhinery at preaentin the country, ikodwhMh ls aubstaiitiuily ao- caated in tbe muk ol produettoo. la frotu 13 to 20 percetit more iii.iu exiated at the baa-UUBB of tho war, wblle the oxpoit trade In coarne fottonn, foriuerly tbefore tho war), l.iin'e, but atterward aliiio^t eiitucly loat, ia now recover- liiK wlih KiafifyliiK ropi.lity. In tho d. iurtmciit of woolen loduatry, notwithataudinK the recent uuusuul de- preaaion ol tbia lotareet, tbe ereettoa ol now nniu baa coiitiiiii.-.I, witb a repoarted Keneral luiprovement in the obaraeter of the produota. iu record to tiiln latter polnt, tbeBaeretary of tho Natiooa) AaaocUUoool Anianeau Woolen Maiiiifii.tureirt, lu bia annual report lOetOber, IBOT). naoa Iba foiiowluK buwoaco: "The vaat improvo- lueiit iii woolaafooda, exblblted tbe preeeat yaar, to tho aiibject of aolveraad eommeol aud aaafaioa witb m.r- riiiii. »." Aud, iiK.'tin: "Our pfOfCraaBhBB not biM-n liiniied to Improvi uii'iit of old fabi lt a, iu otyla or eoooomlo^ pro- diu tum; inany new fabrlia havo been ati.-ci'H»tuily ii.'iu' v,'d." Tho rrtetit lotroduotlon of ImportaBt im- proveaMatB f,,r maoufaeturlni oertala deaetiptlooa ol wimli-n L'noili by power, fotmorly luado wholly by haud uud Import. ,1, H alao dted. Aiiotlu r authority 011 tlila Btitijoct (The h'ev-York Eeonomisti. also mutb: " lt aaa truly be aant of our (woolen) naaufnetarara tiil* oeatson. "ihi-y havo Btade wooderfol progreaa over last yar.' Buch continaed UoproTemeuU m tho mitoul-ctare of wooleu fOOdl wlll 80011 ptoflB us beyond tha naiiio of rlY.a* an.l obbm our produota to be eouuoted Um wniid over; aaour moat eboi, e itytoaaod Haiabieput- laraa aro Um reaolt »f Imerloao i;i»,Miuity, botb iu oolor- ln.ifaadrttyic." .., I., the deportaaaot of iron ladnatn the ntimtxr of luaat fhrnaeea for tbe atoaufoetore of i<*k Iroo, lo operatiou dorino tba paat yeor, baa beaa la exeaaa of that 01 uuy foniiiT perlod. while ao OonaoaUy L.'go number of uew fui-na.-i - are noa In proeeaa of couatructioo. D-iiiiiir tba aame perlod the roliiuv; niilluof tne eountry were RDiieraiiy m contlnuoua operotk.; new eaUt.luh- inent.-. ol tbia obaraeter, aod new aad extenalve woriu for tho iiiiiiiiifiu'tuio of Beaaeioer ateet have alao beaa eneiiil; while a lii.uked linieaio iu tho A.ei.cau pro- duct of orduiaiy ateel to reported. The Cooituiaaiouer would alao, ln this eonncetlon, enll atteiitiini tothe fuet tbat, Betwltbataudloa tbe elmoel eootlnued reported depreaaion of tbe Iron lutoreat tu tne t'uited Btob t*. the avenkft« aoaoal loereaae iu the do-tee- ite. prodoet ol pig iron ia re.arbahly uuifoim.and BtaaUjr la exeeea of tbe rotM of the iii.teiit.eof p<.piiiMtiou-fbe annual ratlo ot 111. reaat. «,f piJI iroo, lrom IBM 1060, harUurbeen lu exe.. of « per couttiu, wlule that if Dooutotion from in. to 1BBB waa about atpor eentj or, ititU'ddifrcretitlv. tne loereaae lu the iuo.lu.tlou of i>\u Iron fioiulHlo to lt<^, WM '-'mITI |h.-i. cent. while. that of popiitotlou waa 4in per cent Toe annuolrotlo of lo- cr.n-e in tbe pi.xim t of piffiron 111 the Ualteddtateoaluoe 18U baa alao boeo j-reatcr uuo ln Urool Britala. The loereaae m the prottuctlooof aotbracitecoal(wbloB may be takea aa a RMaaure trl tbe producUon of all Amerieanoo*l) durinxtbe raar isai, wua about 3.ooo,(itW of tOM over the pn.iluct of 1*'^, 011 a Kio»a retnvti BNf Ibe foiiiier real >»r li._uj.747. Tbia iMiaordiuaryiucrease ,in referred ut the tlme in part to a apecutoUve iwivai of trade and luduatry auoeoedlua tlie termlnatton ol Um war, aud alao to tbe attmulua ol m iy biKh prtoea. Tbeea atlmulante, howerer, if they were. reeny liiiiuontial, have OtoaaTly not ouoratcd lu uuy tXvgiKK duitug tho paat yviM, and yet the trrota prodnct of anthnuMte coal aent to tnar- katlaaa not luatcriaily diminiwlirol, tli»- <i.-n,-ii".i*_ y, up 10 tbe ::.,i li of N.,\. inbajr. W,~, lu the a-f_regate of c.ml a. nt eaatwar.l from Pe_aarlrania, bavluK tx.-eu only IT8y84l tiina, aacoiini.ir.-.l with tho moveuaent of tha Oa^rraapoaaV niK iH'iiod of l8G»i; while tha alock oa buud at tho vartoiia aaanata avallable for ronaiiiujition, at the cloae of tha acaaoii ot 1MS7, waaeatiuiated ut leaa by .<>,ftoo tuus tha* tht- B404. on hitiiil al tho elOOO of ti.o two preceallug ycana, It se.-ni*,, thcrcfole.ccrtain that Ut- COUdiUouaof ainlily Ul conaunie-whl-h condltlous are inainly InduatrUl-liava not beconie liupalred durtng the pitat year; 80, in uther wurda, tho in.luatry of tho couutry haa dcveloi*. U ilunug th.- paat y.-ar to aach an extent, aa to n u.i. r wi*_t u, i-o,e acciiicd nbnormal und uncitaiii, uow lrA{itli_.il<: aud pcnnanent. The record of the export trade la I'ctrol. um for tha lost threo jc.ua haa alao hOOB very simUar to th tt ol ooal. Thua, for thc reara thaa and lHto, tho aaaaal cxaort oi iM*tr.,l.)Utn, Wlta tha iol'. Hiita. e of a lunii pr.-iiiiiiiu ou Kol.l, averuned aliout 30,1100,000 gallona; bul during the year 1864 tho exporta huddcnly io.->e to an atfgicgatc of overes.iaw.ooo; ai.il thia e.\tiiior<iiiiary laereaaa, whlch oriKlnally niiKlit have acemcdapeeulative aud teiniMirury, haa duriUK th** paat year becu auliataiillally uiairita.u. .1. In tho dcpartiui-ut of Coiiimerce aad Navigatiou tba Coiniui-tsioner report* an Incfaaaa of tuunagc upon tha Northcm lakea and other inhiud watera iu exceaa of that of any foruier poriod, the lucifiise ot tuuna,e eugagtd iu eommerce upou the lakea diinng the BMt JTOai la-iiikt. «u- niatod ut fnlly 15 per i'«ut, or ubout du.noo tuna. axcl-alra of vcaaola of BBJall capaoty. Aceor.ling t<> tho returua of the Chicaao Board of Trade, tho iurtca.c, iiuil.r tho new claaat-i'utlou, iu rcaaela aud tunnaKe. upon tho lakea for thoyoareadidbjMarehtl, IBtT,ovot tuo aornoaiondtBg period iu lacl, waa as followa : l«6t.fa.BB_ c.d .Tunnago a-W.SOt lsar).Ycsscla »>7.Tunuaae 281,071 The American comnioice ettPlojed upon tbe oceaa haa alao rooon ri d lo o di artMi, dunug tho aaat y..ui, from ita i.. aal extreme dapnaaloB. Tho roturus of tho leadn.g railroadaof tlie country f»r tlieteninoiithseuiiiiiK October 31, 1847, al»o ludlcato aa iuerciiae of coninicrcial nioveiuent over the eorreaponalaic period of 1866; the abholuto iinn asc lu thc uet earninga of aeveuteeu of tho priucipal lin«-a liaviug been ci|ual durlng thia period to 111 per mile, or l.&i per centum. The uionth of October, 1847, la reported aa piolubly tlio most prosperoua of any recorded uiouth iu tuc hiat^ry uf American laihoada. Thc aggregate buaineaa of tho country for thc flaral year 18C7, aa mcaaured by the returna of the latCI IBl Kcvei.ue, f'oui tlio aaaaa on aalea aud apeelal taxoa (_aoa__*_), doce not, luoreovcr, indk-ato auy faiiiii« olf aa compaied witlt the procedlng year, but on the lontraiy a alight lacaTOaaa. The Coniinlssiunera argucthat when the countty waa expeudiug, froru 1*61 to 1866, an averuge of |71a",UOO,uuo imt anniiiu iu tho war, uotwRhalandiutc il i_n iu debt for ncarly the wliolc uiuount, btill thera waa a wlthdrawal from tho Ltborli.g aud pro- ductive ludiiatnea to that cxtent, vlz., 4:i 07 per head, aud aajra: But hoatilltiea have now n _:tl tud peace ha.i retiirned; aud with auch a ehaBRB in tl.e con¬ dition of uffaira this queatiou becouica botii o.-ninent aud autrgeative: if a pairtlon of tho touutry could contributa of it~ aurplus labor and capiUl au auuual value of 121 0T por capita, for deatriictire purposea, will ll not be eaar fur tho whole couutry, with ita lalwir aud capftal laatatBi to pioductive euiplo_iuenta,to contribute 18 73 por capita for tho payuieut of iutoroat, expenaea, aud tho n-.luction of debt! Audyct the payiuent of thla huui will luect at preeent an annual expi-ndlture of llto.iaxi,- ooo for ordiuary oxpeuaoe, 41jo.ooo.000 for nu. r- eat, and 4.'a>,ooO,0(Xi for tbo redaciiou of tha prtnclpal of the debt; and. if tlie aanio rate of por capita taxatiou be coutlnued for the future, lt will txtiiiKiiiah the ontiro priucipal of tlie debt iu leas than 40 y. ara, I'veu if it bhall becomo ucceaoary to add to the aimva eitimate of 41*0,000.0o0 for ordiuary eXBCiBBBa a auiu eijU.il to ti per lieail ou the uveraafe annual Iucrease of ieuiiuia- tion, which averaKo lucreaae may be oxpecicJ aua;- nieut thc populatlon of tho United StaUa. by tlio y.ar ItJKd, to iieariyel-ty uiillious (i»,oof),0oo.| Kurtiiermore, thla propoaed rate of 48 73 per capita, whieh only about thre*;-fourlhs of the rate ol taxatiou pald iu DhjO, after rcducingthe rate of that yoar to gold, caobc obtuiued without u recottrae to any of the utaraal taxaa aalea matenaily lmpede production, as will be elaewhcre de- motiBtiatcd; aud, aa all paat experieuco showa that tha wealthof thla country lncreasea luamuch more rapid ratlo thaa populatlon, the burden of the uuifonn rata of $8 73-per cupila will becomo auuuaiiy ita aud lca_ onerouj. But uotavithatandina; thia exhiblt, there are many iier- aoua, both ln publlc and private siaUons, who, cither in- timidated Jiy tUelr owu BpB8M_NMBMBM4, or mlsled by their own I... - <»f informatiou, couaidcr it to be their pi .-¦*. ut miasiou to magiufy the bur.lcu of Iho Natiuual, Mala. aiid local d'-bta of the country, aud to prcdict for tho nation au luabillty to eithcr cany or eitlUa-aiaR them. Tho data pnwentcd aulficieutly provea, howuvcr, that ao far as tho niatcii.il etreugth and development of tho country aro duuceriiod, theao gloomy anticipatlona havo littlo or no fouudatiou; and ia rcept-ct to Ihe largeet ab- ?x.lute d.-btof any one of tho Htaiea. vii.. tbat of New- York, which baa icceutly been dlsouajcd ln au olMilal report, lu auch a maiimr aa tenda to create O-tttraal aud impair credit. tho C'ouimiasloucr would cali -tlontiou to the fact, that tho estiuiati-d pica.-nt averugo aunual valuo of the tipjiles aloiie, aeut to markcl from oiKht ot tha slxty coiintiea of that Btate, via., It.ikin.ooO to 45,000,uoo, >m suttlcient to pay thc intereat on the entire debt, und add about ati.OOo.'aX* auuually to tho alnking fund; or ln othef worda, lf all other forma of luduatry or pr.xluctlon in tha State of New-York ahould ceaaa to coutnbuta to tha biata debt, but the appla-tra-ea iu the eight countioa rtierred lo ahould coutiuuc to grow aud produce, their annual pio- duct, lf devotcl to thia purpoae through Ihe patriotUm cf tbeir owacrs, would in leaa t.'iau tcu yeam etti.igui-h tho whole d.-Pt. lncludlng the praaonl unliu.uidated coal (fis,iioo.ooo; of the .rie Caual. Tiirning now from the further Immediato conahleratlon of data ilrawn from domeettc aourcea to a oompariwu of the tlnancial condition of the United Htatea, preaent aud proape.tive, with that of other rountnea.our compeera lu wealth, pouulatMn audciviluatioii.we are led iu lba following coucluaioua: That the Unltod Hfataa li the ouly one of thc leadiug uatious of the world whlch Ia, at prea¬ ent, matcnally dimiulshlng its debt aud reduclutt ita taxoaj aiul tlie only one, moreovor, whlch ottcra any subatau- ti.U evlil.iice of ita ability to pay ita debt wltbln auy dett- tute perio.1, or evcu autlcipatia tha" probabiiity of au/ auch oceurreuce.* Tbe CominUaioner bere preeenta a atatement of tha condition of the debt of Auatria, Italy, BBBBBB, Pi uaala, Spalu, aud Turkey. Tho Commlwaloucr aaya that tba caBaoa of our cAimmercial d<pre*alon are general aud nol local, coufiued to no oue couutry, aud the reault of a nat- ural and not uuexpected reaction from apenod of h.gh piue*.. ajKH-ulution, and ovcrproductiou. In fact, tha- people of the L'uitcd Statea have great cause of congratu- lation tbal tho wave of commeiclal depreaiaiou wl.l. h, siuce thu tormiuationof their war, haa awept over tha commcrcial ceutera of tne whole ctvlllzed woild baa brougbt ao Uttle uf diaaatcr to thelr Intereata, itia-tiitich a*i th.-re is not to-day a couutry ln Kurope ln whlch the puralysla of industry la not gi-eater, the fallures more liuiueroua, and the proapect of an early return of. onnuer- clal proaperity aud acuvlty laaa eucouragtug thau la the Uuitoil SCates. , ,. . Tbe Couituiaeioiier oomparea thoprlcea of lcauing pnxl- ucu this year aud htat, toshow that we are aimpiy leluru- iug to 8ouiid and healthy prlcea, to the advantage of all. Roviewlng tho eventa of the pa*t rear, lt would aeetii, furthermore, that so far from there liavlng tieeu any ad- verae intlueuco exerted upon prices through a coutractioa of tho currency, the teudency, lu truth, ha« been eiitlrely iu the oppoatie directlou; for it cannot be doubted that * fall of luiccs eiiuivnlent, on tha whole buviueaa of the country, to at leaat teu i*er ceut, miut have becu eipnva- lent to a Urge addlfion to the machluery of exchange lx- foro exlstmg. Wliat the practieal lucreaae of tho curr.-ncy effected lndireetly ln thla manner haa amouuted to, ¦¦..u- not bo deflnitely Vated; but, ln the oplulon ot the O.ui- uiiaaiouer. it haa not been leaa, durlng hc laat twelva montha, than one hundred mllllons of dollara Iu the nrevioua report ot the Commlssiouer it was proved that while uo to the commencemeut of the year 1W,7, tlia averaare adraaaa of coiumodltiea was about M per ceiit, that of wam« waa not lu exteaa of «o per cei.t. Nov- bowever, tha caac la being entiiely reveraed; commotllUca have fiillen so uiuch m..re rapldly, that tlie p.iichii^lug oower of wafBO, even when redm -d, is probably great«-l it the praaaut tlme than when they had attalned t.iclf maxluititu. Tho conditiou, then-fore, of domi-atic lmlua- tiy, when BBOO rovlvedtbrough thoromoval of taxoa, will proliably coutluue to lmprove with great rap.'llty, foi production will rapldly follow conaumptlou. aud pniduc- Uoa in tuin ia tho Kieal legitiuute aouico of both uutloual. wealih and natioual revenue. H.-lative to the tax ou dlatilled apirlta, he reporte: Firtt: The tax has been placedat auen :i rate aa to coo- stitute iu ltaelf so great a temptaiion to fraud,, that nver- agehumaiiiiature, a*. lt cxlata la thc UBltad I tate., M uot able to raaiat it. Aud aecoudly, tho ayatem timter whlch tho olMccra have beeu acleclcd to collect the t.ta aud aup»-rvi>e the uianuI_A.tuic. h.is BOt, thua far, r.-co>riii/.ed /(..ii.Aiy. inltUiytrnct, aml businttt fujxirity aa tho.fi/*., o»i/»i, and BBMBIAMB uuailtlcatloua for apiAjtol- 'tIic Oorernment haa nevercol'.ccted qmta B30,iXiO,')00 oa a production of &o,ooo,iJuu gallona, or on one galluu lu tun-a of all that haabeeu manuf.ictuied. Ile adrocatea tae i>- ductiou of the tax to 5o ceuu, a gallon, ai.d tne coll. oti«n of the tax ut tho place of luauiifacture. abolifchiug all bonded warchoiiM*. This tax, hc tuliika, will yleld . revenue of ov.-r l-isooo.ooo. He advocatea arepeal ol tlie apeelal Of licenee tax, and buPetitution of a tax of from I to 3 ao. ceiit ou aulca, and of 10 centa per gallon oa epirltt The tax oPtaliied from fermented IBBB8BB Baa toorouaed Ulltler thc aianip ayaleiu, and »lll r.-aeli MrOOO^OO. 1 iu olle. iiou of the tax ou toba< co ia atul more .1 ra- COlt thaa oa dlatilled apinta. It U evaded, by tho dla- boueaty of o«oera,tby cmtnterf.-it branda, by imijh inaia-cted i.aekagea a aeeoud tlme. by aub*tltut«n_ tlia blK-er tiu-.l for the lower tax.-il tobaooo, bjr naowlnf aalea of oinall .juanut.ea wlthout inapat.tlon tn.ii Re, b]T lu- a.lc.iu.ite bonil-.. A....VC Adoptlng thc L'.mimii-louora c-.iiiu.iua wouldrcault he thm_a iu the tollowiug rova- "^rroui di.-tlllcl apirlta (new ayatem).»V).ik)O.O0O li,.iii f.-niici.tcit Uauora. 6.000,000 11,111 lolnicco aud ils uiJUUf-A.'turca. 'JU.UW.oOO from uicoiiie. w.uio.otio Praaa ataaBBa.17.ooo.iaio I i,,iii _ga4_ea and aucoeaaioua. j.'aaj.itaj iri.in banka, ruiliou.te, dto. Pi.noo.tAB hroinsiilartea. I.'«W.(ioO Klolll RT888 re.eipfs. .,410.i«X) 1 H.111 inlhceliaiitous (M-hcIule A, Ac.)..., a.PK'.OoO 1 11,111 Iluoa, poualtica. _c. l.tOO^at Total.Hv.-.ixxi.i^i Aeeopting thejabovc eatlinatea aa eoirct. Ilier- tlien reuiaiuato be provlded for from s.iuio otUir sourcc*. a dedcieucy of |i8,iaa».ooo aieaaaari to make up lba ra> oiim d **nm of IKO.ooo.OOO, wilh a.ieh addUiolial amoilBl a- ui.iv ba proviilonaliy requlred to mcet uuexpeclcd or citi'.iordinary eoulinga-uiiea. Aaa BMNtaaof refonBlBB the rotlertiain af n .*enue, ne i-.mmeudaa Board of i-omiimaloiiera to exaia plicauts for revenue ofttcera, aad niahe ruloa for lug rovotiue. Thia Hoard ehoiiul contiat of nu .. aecretury of the treuaury, (ciiairuiam, a comwiaalOAief of iuti-rual rerenue, a commiaaioucr of cuatoiu-), aud two aolicitois. Itwaaorkim.lly tlie lnt.-ntion of the Comnilsaionrr lo dia.-u.ta. ln coniiectlou with thla report. the »7j_^a,t__ the pic-ent fartlTto revenue and dnineatlo lii.li1.1rry, iii» pi.K-n,.il.illly ofcotivertllUAdutleS now ajl vaauit n1 1 ..lo apecttc, aud tlie re^ulta of a compariaon of tlu P«y»« Uabor and of raw matciial, aud of thc couditioua, of l"" di.ttio.i in Ihe United Btatt-, and ln to» MRWJ spaaa baa, howovor, becu ocoupied by ^.^^ai^tha pYc-nt. d tbat hc haa thoi.Afht II "J^Ri^^Swrt! MlbJeaU now pttaaed tm 1¦thebaaiaof »¦'«''.« « "l WK en*eclnily m aotne furthcr tlme U ne^aaar) to rtu.ior tbelr exhiblt more oomplett and *i'l;.;ftor*- t ,,Ha-|.. A review of the revenue O/aleBia "V"^attnUeV4. ."?. Fran.-e.aud I'ruaaia will. ]f^ , ', ' , £,Iu, pendu to thi.- report marked t. « n.i 1 V--^ \ bara tba hooot to be. r»**4W ^ ,;(\\ "Vcvcuua. DaviuA. W-LI>, r-lH'Cial <.-omioitaionei ot UIC W-u-- Jvdirea TapnaZ V"'"! £ ."'H:a_;vill°l"',u the lelOMklYU U- W BWl l«-l IUUIB- Pail JlVBUB*.

JRral AMBURGH A Peremptory Sale Auctioneers,VVAjLLACK*''.. nopen at Tl; Pe*ft rl. T T EXTRAAN.VOl NCEMRNT. t^ BMapBaaaawlth the r»«itie«t ot wtnj faralliea, it !

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Page 1: JRral AMBURGH A Peremptory Sale Auctioneers,VVAjLLACK*''.. nopen at Tl; Pe*ft rl. T T EXTRAAN.VOl NCEMRNT. t^ BMapBaaaawlth the r»«itie«t ot wtnj faralliea, it !

Plmusfrrtrnta.v,r i'\r\;"i *\ VaN AMBURGHrplL uAU^-J^Oj k\,^JC*\mm COMPABT

J- ««-eii hir.Bg aud Priuceiie.,,. h t i >i M;iM. III,I, I" r. as.

p.rf. I.r- R.u atS| tad <| P-»., ... week ol Ibeta.iweetoime.p ^.^Ot THK FVI'MIV HOMR IN 1111. PAI.ACE OF NErTlMS.

Pt i I_\_i.s li a. AT '¦<»' 'vV.w,,,HKW ARRIVAI. OF RABB W II I ABIBAi-j KNEp


FiNKS.. R.-WN ¦IM-KANKVl»hM4»l>KI.K*CUANK.* BAH "»«. BoRRBYB. _*. Btu


. "^f-i^ng OoH,,.. Inf.nl F..H.T.» Thuml, Flepbint. WWJS^QilL Z.lumroe Arfr. and Zo-

,_st,;..rf..LiT.ugl,kelelo..F.HJabr,6..ffii&$-#.*^&J£a' cmDaK5 USDEB

. Mr leelek'alke ...tnn'l.r.nl of PALB JANKT , Or,

\ T&\'o%"o¥""> M 1BBH FAUM.-__.4jk_T_\v.yORK CIRCUS.J> Foi.rteet.ti, at.. aaaaaMl Ac*le-» **_ "aata..Mrtctor.* a*»aat.MA-'n'.-aEKs Ai'ij.'.

.a i 'm 11 am) sa"i rpat.tbh .._

0ft1ik (.rand comic pantomimk,.ed


t tre. repre.-ei,'.»ti..ii »'ith ._..^ BllOCla ul I VI 011TEB AND APPLALSK!Piaiiaa to tlie pin'PA M'PKRB COf.I.KCTION OF

MVKI.s'HI.l) ACT8 IN THE AKEKA,. Ul of ___,_.__


AND WxNl.l.lt** (.1- ACKOtiAllC SKII.L.



-tth Jle. ReiMei. Mine. Larmet, Jte.kla al the Theater ao.l No. 7i>1 Bmidarar.

KI T< >RI..MrtriV Anl^hiotre.TO-NIG HT.1IKATIU. FRA.NCAI«..Libi.ij aod Rirettor.J. GRAU.

}Vrlr:i.tnea nf MAKIR ANTOINKTTR commennee tt 7} oVlork.gKaVa t-r MAKIK AMDINKlTK «n be aeeured at fikhirmer't

Ul ..mlore. No ToI Broaiiwar. aud tt tha Frenrh Theater.L*r M'.IITS OK MARIE ABTOINRTTB THII WBFK:

W KONI.SP W. .Iah. 8, and PiUI>AT, Jan. 10,AND MATINKB ON IATVRDAT, Jao. 11.




ADKLA1PK RIsTOBI AS MARIR AN lolNKTrB.Prtrata Boxef ran bow be leenrcd.



'i'wef.b week nf Shakeareare'i"A MIDSI MMER NIClirS PRKAV "

'The a>tt corapVte in.i heiutiful raalltatiea otTHIfl i¦'.... ISITK PAIRY SPECTACI.R

arer ptftited opon tny al i.e, or In anv eountrr.<., bmutr.ii. I n memorihle p'oln.-tinn

are t,. u entictl urciei. lud bare won for iti proil (Tei.eral recogi itioti aa

l.ADINQ ATTRACTION-Of o-irert-loetnr metrooolla.

M u. 1. PbX.aa.TtOTTOM.A re.i.irkahle tad l.nlliaLt eipoi.tion .' tma Sliak*-aperian kaaBAW.

>I». BOSA t OOKK..aa.0-.BAMB.Ani a loleuUid cut. 1

ENT COMEniANVr. VT. Pariuge. 0*en Marlow. C. K. Koi. O. U Koi. F. F".nki. Hlnd.

\V»'...e. Mlea 1 ,i «. Ilawt orBJ. Mra,\\ . ire, Miater Willie Taaafa, Mri. li.lu.uud*, il.u U^rriaou, Mibt C.JeJeraon, Mitt Clira V

MAT1BRI AT 1, KVKRY SATlHIlAY.P.vira opa*B at 7; l*e£.u» at R.


/"ALLACK '.-t... a.,1 Mtaaftr.Mr. 11 aTBB WALLACR.

TLe VKbK LAJT. mtb tue nearpt .n of tlie l'KESS. it eElirely tuij.^uded.oi.iv BR TM I8T

.M.l'T"" 'T'K NIUliT-i MORE.

UKIM.>1.AV. Jan.¦attlhe preiented, »ht RT, CuMPIFTK APPOIBT*

N'UVEL EFFKi l- 1'ixu.afroiuCHAULKS DlCKRBn

l>eau;ir;' Lon-.e itory ofOIIVKR TVVIST.

lt ia r. .i-ertfu!lr tnr.or:... ;l t»1K. I.1STFR WAI.I.ACK

*;U mtke blt FIHST APPBABANCR nn f.aelt-e inontLi) onMO.NUAY BVBR1NO, Jan. 13.

TWO COMKDIRB»r» u i.re; ant on for the aacatkaa, at of » l.rh h»i rot l*en jileyed furJre >iai», tlie olbet wi tbe KIK»T TIMh lir.rth.

1UB liOX BOOKUjrMr. Wallark'l JTigbU

rj Now''.. n open at Tl; Pe*f t rl.

VVAjLLACK*T T EXTRA AN.VOl NCEMRNT.t^ BMapBaaaa wlth the r»«itie«t ot wtnj faralliea, it !» reapettfullr tn-

C -. .. « be in.en on6.VILUDAY. JANl'ARYH,


OI.1VER TWIBT MATINKB.J'o.-a ..r-en at 1 ..>.!.>.. Perfonntnre cuimetiret at l|

ik f.-r tbe ihete M .lin.e now optn.VliH.o> GARDEN.X*Mr. VJVbciUe. thal tliti TLetter

\vti.r. RKMAIN lii>>r tome few drri, la eon.e ie - of tLe titeniirepTeptrBtlontr.eeeMiry*4o t..e »ro '." t ..'. .(NKWKAlKl Sl'-t rACI laAB PANTOMIMK KXTRAVAGA5ZA. ,

#*.titled theWHITE PAWN,

Xa whieh »i!l iipeir, aaaei t atkn itt-a.-t...-1.JAUK...T lt I AI.VltK S

CBLVBRATRD BALLBT TROCPF.The rt.>» Offl-e. for ll e aale of Keacrred SeaU. will he open TO MuR-

tiJW (Tbnra-ajr), al 8 rtVloek, i m.. aud tbe Ki»at Nighti ofTiiK Wllllr: FAWB

an.ianrel la tbe Pipen of TIIUIWDAT.

1.ARNEY Vfill.UM8* Broadway Theater.> 11AUY 8TIAKT ul Mra U. P. BOWB-B,

FOR A FBVV MORE BIOHTB ONLY,IVl.eu il itutt bowittdraAa fct tl.e i r-. |.,.t...n of

tm v n.vY.TRTIlAT. BrXKUT of Mra. T>. P. P.OWFRS.


WORRELL SI8TERS' NEW-YORK THEA-TK!t, Not ~U i" 7 «. Broadway.


tef-T-tit tintll furtt.er aaBea, inl on Situr !it afternor.n, with ItertilrOA- atataiio;., tnd tht ether acei.ee of life aud iort lu tij

arreAl eitr.,-«a!a aee ired ili flirt ln BrtTtice.Mlt.uee e.err SATrRPAY lt 1_





wWallacktTT 0


IAT0RUAT, Jaa 11.





MA1 INF.K T<> I'AY AT 2NIGHTI.Y. tNIIv. K i. .11111 '-'iTICK,

DIC-MS1- ^.KKA'l I'KAMAOl |{ Ml TIAI, FltlKNU.


I>lKE,a <.)l'i:i;\ lI<ir.Si;-Twe_ty-tu_d-f*t.Iiiaiigural lea.on nf Ihe




_a__aa1aaalB);R>M ,.t> ertra; Rme.. *I2 ind »»S.a;,,;. ,, , . .,'.. No. 701, t_d ttMtcor'i. No. 114atdwBv, f,.r . t..er ..t the trat four ni/l.ta_s MLLIARDfeL. > ORANI) MATCII

BBTvaaaJOHN M' I K VI II i i.Ait,|,ion of America,

B71LLIAM i.oLDTHWAIT.»or fyjli.1 _K) priii U, Car,,., > ¦¦. , four pu'aet t»lle, lt Cooper In-fcuiute V KNINO, Jan

Ai.uiae.ou ai. Tteke. ta *m aad at all laa pr.ncipal botela tad LU-Bar.l ro .... k:.t .« ' r. al "l ¦. o. k.


N... tii MaditoB-art.,At IrrlBg Tt«n. RATlRIiAY KVRMM,, Jan. 11.

Tleeft! w.lb Beaerted heat, 41 Pupii. fi.e.

X)!\ 50, aiul 73 centaA**l, A'1..;...on V. thal (1RANH and POPl'I.AB RIIOW,

"1IIK IIIXH'.IM.'Full bouaea and deliglTUKtfim aad BATCRUAY al * B. m.. tnd EVERY EVF.NI>,

at I.Hrlng tli »oar enem;ee 10.11* reronriied.

fVUl- NEW-YORK COaNSERVATORY lolJL HOBJO. Bo. M FIFTH-AVR ...rnerofKourleenlb.t.,


BajS. !W. 1*> 8Bd I-'i2 COCBT-BT r.ROOKI.YN, K. Y.TERMs. Ke^niar t a..»a, 81H \«-t V'arler._

WlLLlAM MA.Si»N aml T11EODORE.UOMA8' COBBF.RVATORT OK Mt'SIC. No. 129 Fiftb-ire.,

tetr TweLt t at. C.a».ei foriued dail> for tblldreB iad i.lriuceAl papilt.Micni lUrmonv 1 ..: 0. IIa-; V ,- ¦:. n,d ill other iBttruiBinU.BadtlByiig Cniartad M-tlC. I'op-.iar E.enienUrj. Choral tad OrtbttUtl;iA_e»a ." .-- 4>rmir,r <iB.e kean from l« a a. to 3 p. m._I7IRE DEPARTMENt BALL.BJ TUlliiYMMll ANNCAL BALL

lu i..l of tbeWIPOVVS' ANI> OuHlANS' FYJBD

Of tba *



M05PAT RVKNINO Jin. » 18G*.11. KRTB, HVK Iiul.LAlUi,

_d_utt n 1 rentleain tnd tereKX1-KA LADIR* TICRRTR.TWO DOI.LAKS.

f'aa he obtaiued fruoi r ll.,r uf Ibe B>eiul*ri of Uie Coumittee. er froatbe oBrer. JAN. F WI BMAB, i're.ileul, No. 144. Pat_i_.

JOHN J. VV _,sTRA Y, riecreurr. No. 1 WIILaai-tt.ALOBZO BLOTR Treaa. No. I. Fulton-it

Pnaweni.a aad Fir.t I Irele Boiea r_n be obtaiued on appll atloa tnrJAMEJ4_F. WKNMAN, Pr.-»M.-nl. If... 14o 1'earl it.



CIRCLB FRABC_W 1>K I/HARMON1E.thuraSOay evkhibo, Jib. Ba

Tlekeu tad Boxea at aVMrtier't, Be. *Jl, ChiekerlBg'i, Jfo. 683, andBaoi'i, N.* 112 aud 114 Broadwar._ll.K.ANXA DKNSMOlvE55 MKDICAL LET-\) 1LBB8. tl BIBYAN HALL. UNION-S^L'ARK.

Flrtt I^etore, to both aein NATI'RUAT, Jib. II, at 1? m.. and to Lt-.eaotiir oalbefoi.owing Mor«l»r, We.li.eadtT. tnd Fnday, at Sk p.m.Tiekevi fur Um Ooeree. Bl M. AdtnleiloB »*e-to ba bad wftb Pro-%rrataan at Foad'i, Boa. id7 and Kfci llroadair _ma. Iieaorett't, Not.813 atul .I broad wa; 1 BL BidioUi .d Fiftb Aeea-e UoUla, aad tt tbe


l.f.al Marble I'ortrail BTATCB of FDVTIB FORRF«*T u CAlUIBARCKb . O-IOLABL'B, ea »ibit,Ul.*n tt Be. «l] Broadwa;. Peenayafivau 10a._t._ll 10,. au Adaill-Bte 2J eeate-



THIS (Wedneider) KVKNINO, Jaa. I,W iii br praaaitaB thr ei t pupular


Oi THE CAST.To-u>orrow nljht at tbe1 BBOOKLYB ACIDKMY,

KltA UIAVULO.FUIDAT, Jan. 10. Jrat tirue


Tlnt ibeet for tbe lala of Be. nrrd .rate now npea at Reer fc 8rhinner'i,y#o 7i,I Dmadwayi Macor'a, No. 114 Hroadway^aid at thr AaadOaBT.


(¦n wblrb aecaatoBMISS BKI.l.K BOTD,Of Virrttiia. will rnake



DFAMATTC COMPART.AfV>r wbirb tbe rtarmlng eomedletta of

FAIBT IIF.ART Nl'.VHP. WOR FAIR I.ATtT.Tbe full gtand ercbeitra of tbe Ri.tori performancn, under tba Jiree-


Box off.ce now open.'

,_Tirkrti boxei, aud fe.enrail aeati raa be oMkinrd at tbe boi ofllce of

tbe Frrncb Theater, and at all tba Blateri tirli 1 offlr-es.Omeral almiaaton. 15ceuts; parp ettr, *¦!. w.th r.-serred arat; pr|-

vata boiea ai a.i lo locatlaa; fatally elrrle, 50 coata._T_E NEW-YORK CON8ERVATORY ol Ml'-JL MC, Bo. Hi F.ftb-arr., rorner of Fuurieenth it.: No. WO Br.i.l-war and Noa. 128 130, and lfi Conrt. cornrr of Slate-.t., Biooklyn, N. Y.

PROFBSaOBAria.a;,. rokTB.






«. X ORISWOLD.Treiar. KI'WAKI) MoJ.l.KNHALF.U, 1 v.,.1-1J. ORTOIEB, ),__ Al.ohsF. I.Uh'th. > ,.Tr ,C. G1LCHRIRT, J, UKNUY MOLLBNllAUER, ) """Wi:

C MAVBBtCK. )**"**'_Mi;. CHARLE8 DICKEN8*R"EAl)IN(~;s IX

BROOKLYR..lt bt nopertfnlly nnaonnced that Mr. (IIAKI.KSDICKKRRwIll road FOUR TTalKB ta ri.YMotTll OIH'KCii, Brook-ln.. aa followi: On THCRMIAI. Jan. 16. b.i CIIKISTMA.S CABOLandTtIK TKIAI. FBOM PICKWIt'K; on FRIDAY. Jan. 17, h:» DAVID(-OPl'l IBFIBLD ji..l MI!. BOB SAWY1 rl'fl PARTY (froai Pukwlrk);on HORDAY, Jaa W. bia DO47T0B MAKIOoLD aml THK TKIAI,FRoM PICKWIt'K: oaTCRSDAY, Jaa. tl, bia Nli'lH I.AS NICK-

Br. rioueeri'i Sehool) and BOOTS AT THK HoM.Y TRCKINN. Tba Raadlr.ga will cinirenre at 8 o'clock. and he o,i,i>,.i,-d wlll lnho, hn ra Tba aadioaee i. aaraaatlp riqaaattd t« i.e ..-.nil t. n nui.n-r.baforaUa eaaiBieaoeaiant of ihe Raadtaf. Reaerre.1 Seata, a>2 eicb.1 - ...:. .; t.rk'ta for ibe Coaraa of Kour Tlea I ng. oalf will take place atPlvnoi.thChnrrh oaTBUBBOAY RBXT.Bm S_of /aaaarv, ro-junenc-

bm| at R a. n, BhoaM anv lirketi rrinaic uciuld, thry will 1>« di.pvird ofthe folloWiBg day, at thr aainf ti-oe iml place._MU. Cl!.\i:l.i;s" UTCKEN.S'M[iEAT)INGS.-

LAAT BBAjiIKO but O.N'K ia New-Tork prevn.ui to Mr.DICKKNf; S toar Ib thi ITaited Matea II Ii reapottfally a,tn,.,inced thatUl CHABl BR l/ICKKNS will t-ld at.'. o'rh. k. in kbo Steinaar llail.ouTHI KaHAY. JannaryD. bia" DOOTOR MAB10OL.D" (forUa aaoaaaitlma iB Aiueriea) a ,1 ,rTHBTUlAI, FROM PICKWK K ." and on

F.DAY, Jan. in hia "RICHOMS NICKI.EHY" («t Mr. I».inrer'«Sc!,.h,Ii, and "Mit BOB SAWVKKS PABTT" (fr,;u Picbwwk).BaBBIiad aaad for anr of the abore ReaJinra. a*. heati ean ba p'.r

rhaaedatthe Baa OBea, Sl.iuivar Hill. dailv, frnra !' a. » to 4. p. rc.

M];. (HAHLKS DICKENS'" READING8.-'¦lilHTiiR MAHIiiOI.I,"(f. r thr aecaJ tlme in Ami-rlea). .

th- "lltl \I. FRtiM PICKWK .." at Sieinaay llail on THURJiDAIRBXTal I o'rloek. Re,erre.l aeata *2 eaeh._MttTcHARLE3 V K' K KNS'» laat REAOINGS.

RKSKltVKl) bKATSf .r Mr DICKXKr* IAST KK.tlilNOS ,n New York ean ba ptoenred, ata »i.«Lt aiivania orer th, regular pr.re. it tbe

THBATRR TlCKBT ol'FlcF,No 114 BroadwaT. and

W. II BROWRB'B, Il.rt.t. No '.*:. Broadw.r.

JJATIONAL ACAUEMY OF DESIGN.bBtaa am baalaaadbbUI TH~UJPAT.»tk Imt., r,kee n w.n

- with thr additioti of New HTHR ANRRICAH PIC1 IM.PTTJRRSFitOM THK I'Al.'la I.MVI.r- f. KXPOSITIO.f.

T. Al>l)lf*OR I'lOHAttHB. ( or. Scc r N A

Mi;. GEO. VANDENHOPParill reail from Rbakrapeara ai.d ln.'keaa lt Do,lworth Hill. Xo 8X3

Broa l«ar. on WKhM.MiAY KVBBIBO, J«:i. 10, and tbe teofolloalBg'¦tb aad I7ih. _-

i?IRST BALL'of the ITALIAN RIFLE AS-I IATION. attbeR Y. Aiaeinhly Boomi. N». I.N) Bindwar,on FlilKAY H'KMVU. Hithmat Haff of Ua BOt praeood.roted f. r :.... baBOBH .¦' thr aroaaded (.» » Tkkota <¦-'.

lUoaiaa aad two BkBaa, ta ba kai at tha 4aar aa tha aaaataa; of___^_


Eaat «i'»of Ki'tl. ave., hetwe-n Fiftr elgblb and F't. »,.!,«'«A SPLERUID O.il.f) MKDAL wiil be girrn for Ue brit LAL.Y

SKA'l Kll ln the I'aitad SUtaa "r Caaada.OR WKIiNK.aDAY, JAN ».

A Full Band ot Murc wlll be in attaudaaca. Tba Pond will ba illuinlnat.-l . ;'¦!».A Btaaoa t»r limii SBe, T.a a. and CWI Iraa, ?'.-Coot. lUati f..r tbe I'nia will arod In their na_n by 12 o'clock on tbat


PJSSESGERS ARR1 VF.D.PBOM CHAUI.BVTON. Jan. I.Ia itriimt. r <h.rle«tor.A. 0.

J rtegar, J. Benaon, Jobi K(aa, Mra. Uwarda, W. I'r-.tt K.Stuart, M. Harrett, J. BaWabaa, Wm P.yna, and otb.ri in

tbe iieernge._MiMAII KK ALMARAC

Bun Rlaei. 7:^1 Suu Krti. 4 H Mooa Srti.S ~

Hi'.a. W ATRH TH." i>Aa.

Bandr Hook. C.00 <i...'. lataad... B:SB| Hrll Uaie. *.31


CIEARrtn.Ptean.bip llliaBa fltr ). Cuttiug, Lirerpool. Ratlonal St.aroNa.!

p 5aratoga, Klng, Norfolk, City Point ai,d Richiu.r,d. R. I..MeC'read. 4. < ..

MraBi»i.p l>id.n (Hr). Martrn, I.lverr.".'!. K. ConardBtcaaeuip Bootla (Br._ Wfataoa, l.ivnpool K. OaaaidRteaBibip Cleopatra. PbilBpa, huanuah. Murray, Frrrn k Ce.HKwak \> Thaujr.. PrLt.lBgton. Savat.nab. 11. la.adeuBtaaanafa p Y.roo. H-lgea, Noif.dk, N L MrCrraly k Co.

ll Nrreua, R'arae, B>.«ton. W. P. Clrrle,Kark BtOlla iHrrm ) Hleen^rafr. Itrernen. II. Koon It ("a.Hr g Wolfville (Hr.), Kariaon. Havre. II J l)e Wi.lf l o

Bng M T. Tt.BBB (Hr ). ThaaMBaa, Bt Joba, N. F Prntaton k Co.Brig Knriaueta (Npau.), Brunal. Valrnria.llng Af.autictllr.i. Werck. Raaaan. B. V. H II. Olerl. l<o.

I jnebe (Hr). Hean. Urerpowl, N. %., Mort.M i I'h.i.pa.8rl;r. ltarriet I'.raw.Ur, (ioodale. Marae.ilra. J.u.r. Hr.r.Mr, i PaUaar, BaiaK, IIaaaam. R- K«we.h'l.». J,a. Horjr, Homrri, Kaj;oa, (ioliltbwa.te lt Orerton.Babr. llalliiu<re, Johnaon, Nrw llaran, M. Hri.g. 4. Oa.K. hr. .1, ,ia (Br.), Plaatia, Klnaaton, Jao, Henrv d' (ordara fc Co.Hchr. Kllen Nanrr (Hr), Wood. Coniwallii. <r»nd»li, L'mphi.j k Co.8, hr. W. II J.o.r.. l.iue. Fertiandina. A Abbollbebr. Ntlhe li.oomfirld, liubbie Mt.u.h.ri.

AUKIVKI).BteiBi.blpCbarle.toii, Berry, Chirlratoa M ho:in. wlth mdaa. and

piai. to II. K. Morgan fc. Co. wbUa off Cape May. BfBB r.l a hark wilbyel ow ajyaal (rrd renter), ataerlng R. (Tba C. arrirrd y-.t.dar).

h't, au.-i. p Jan.ri 6. Oreen, luinan. Alriandria. witb _dac. and paaa.to Jamei Ifand.

BtaajasbiB N:agara, Biakeman, Korfolk, witb mdie. and paaa. to N. I..MaCraad

Ip Cbeaapeake, Jobnaoa. Portlaad. wlth mdae. and raaa., toJ. P.ABM8.

Pteairihlp Perit, I.elinor, Oalreiton Dae. ». and Kay Hut Jaa. 7,witb Mdae md pa.a. to Bpofford, Tlleittou fc ('..Btbc Devkl Wi.aou, Loekwood, Elixabetbport, witb eoal for Port

Cbeatar,B.I r. Chnrlei L Malor, Maloy, PbiUdrlpbia for Boaton.t<. hr. B laa S Rol'and, RotthporVh.hr Kliiahatb. Ilr..«n Nnr:1 p. rt.

laadtai Bree.e. Rav, Falr Ilaren.hrhr. Raaa C. Latbatn, Hurke, Fair Hbtib.Schr. Ruth Tt.T*. IHrlge. Fail Kirrr.Babr. Mair llauilion. Orrec Raw-BaTOB.Bebr. B. B Carke, Clark.. Fail Kiver for Baltimora.Srtr. Cblef, Johnaon, Ne* llaven.Bebr. Ma;l, Mrad, (irreualrh.Bebr. M B. Il.ni.tt Hrown. Rlker"! laland.rVl.r. R. S. I'rvn. IV.k. Fail Rirer for Ualtimore.

Annie. Katon, Elixahrthnort, witb coal f.,r (llen C,.elloaeaBter Hodraon, Elltabetl.port, witb eoal for Nrw Ilaren.Helaa, RallaaA lat.aott,

bloou Jobu Adauia, Uallock, Kliaabethport, wiU iron.BAILBD.

fitein.Mpa Helretia, lor I.iverpool; lowa, for Oaaaga-- Clropatra. f..r .aaiiunab: Raraloga aud Yatoo, foi BarWa| Nerrui.

for Doalot, Oiprey. for Fill Rliar.NOTICK TO MARINKRS.

rvimn .T.TBa or *««aii;»-nu«T uf i«wj«»iiiFivbFaimijB lia.aa..OfUcial lnforvj.atlon hai bean re< eivod at tbll

OBratluton and after Jai.uarr 3. 18*8, tbe Fire Fath..u liank Ugbl8b:n will he tahatlUtad bj a relief, ib'>wni| two llgbti. wlth hull pamt'drallow dav marki rrd No. "*)' on tba etern, an.l "bive lath..iu Ban*'«Beacbilda. Br order: W H. Karni'. r. Ch.ln.ian.Tuamrp DiliBiaaial. Offct IAjht-Ilovie UuarU, HoiAuiylon, i».C..

Jtaaary i. l«t«.BPOKKV.

Bark-rPr,»A (_r ), fr0m Maracaibo for New-York, I>«c. 13, in (rookedlaland ra^ga.

DOMKSTIC POUTS.Bo«tow. J*, 7_Arr.ve,t, ... jiuihipi Oeo. Appold, fron Ualtimore;

Rormau. from »biladelphta.OMBBIB

Xjort-®laibin'0 Jlolitr.Bt.tb or HfwYokb, JrNaiT-WaRnaW Orxita, Ro. 13 Williaro-at 1

NOTICE 1r hoNby invon, in iwconlaiico \i bBMttoa 4 of tbe Art Xor* April ll, lHf)*, entitled " Aa Aet...

ltr..i,an!ie tba Wardnia' Offi.\0f |ki I'ort of N.-w York," to all pertoaalntrrrit-1 lu, or barir.g barg. .f ihe luhjert taatt»r of ¦ ,. b im1'iirr,eiiniiuation or anrrer, tbat the t|;.«n g ri.arll arr now uudrr eian.ina-Haa hv the Port Wanlrin, and tl-».||, _nl mrrrvi or eiwi.uiatiOBl willba coraplated wilhin ten daya seil LC.cdiug Ibii notur. ou board aaUraaaalt:

hteaw.blp Cbarle.ton.3 R. R.Kleam.Lip Kllen « T.rry.U S. K.Meaaiahip Albeinarle.37 N. R.Kbip Harveit yuoeu.Kajjire.Mdp Cbarlotte.M K. R.I.ark Johu (.rlSn.V01H|ru_ fc, Ki.l.tiaon'a.Brig Franklla.). K. R.Brlc Otara.!» K R.H< hr. ( arrie S Wehh.Ilaff'a.S. br. Taapieo.. ..10 K. K

MI.YliiOll.Nb ICtni'lilNo, 1'rraidaat.J. Aoo'i IIbbbiha*. Becretarr.

The Fort SmitU Jlerald rcports: Tho CLcro-Vco Couiicil haji buen ln acnaion for aevcra. daya. ThaCbuncll haaalectt'd all af their exfcutlve «n.i jarliciulufficera, and moat of thoae ebpeted are Bouthirn t'fiero-kefa. Scvrral aalutary laws have been puuacd, ind oth-era are rnjudiDg before tbo Councll. Aaaaaf tboto tbatbave beeii jmaaed are tbe lawa for tbe admiaalon if mo-

chanlca aod latrorera ln tbia cotiTitry. Tbe lawa are aoinp;faitlifullY executed tliroucbotit tbe Nation. TBaaa >.i,-

ple are lfvlnR tojretber ln baruiony aml iwace, and ita,t-tera tbrougbout tbe B'utlon nre uiovIdk itlotiK liarui<>M-otiaJv-all tlie iiiilmiia littviiiBTHcUlcil dowu aud k<"<« *.work. Tboy bave n,.t enjoysd aa tauch poace aa tbtyBtai bave for thuty yeara.

REAL BSTATB.Nrw-Yof.k, Tuetday, Jan. 7, l^".

We noto no nmterial clutnge iu tlio niarkettoday, rery little haviDir. bern done. Tho mt>«t lntereat-Ing cveut of tho day waa tho nale of proporty ln Lirooklynfor unpald watcr rentaof l-v.9. The aale took plaoe lntho IU'Klstrar'a Offlco, Mr. Oamallel King, Proal-dent of tho Doard of Watcr C'ommiaaiouora, actlngaa auctloiioer. Tho act atithorlztne; auch eala" to any pemon or peraone who will tako the «»mo for thelowrat tcrm of ycara, atid pay the amovnt of eald regularwater renta, with default and expenaea thereou," waa

flrst read, aud the announceinent made that the ownerBhoiild havo the prtviletfe of redcemlnir tho proieprtywlthln two years on irpaying the amount that waa due,with 13 per eent Intereat, after whlch tho lota were

rapldly kuookod down to ona or two Kontle-men who havo lud former experionce ln thlaklnd of buaineaa. Tho Ma BRM wero ln theflrat Blx warda., and ab>.rut twr>third» of the plerea offerodwere dlspoaed of. Tho RRBOB.ta duo ratig.d from 71 ceutato 1-44. Kour hiitulred and aevcntyflTo pierea of prop¬orty ln tho rlty are to be aold f.ir the taxoa of 1859; 873fin- tliose of 1360; o.o fur tboso of 18C1 ; l.rwi for 1862. andl,8At for 1863. The Mea*ra. Johnaon k Mlllcr will offer at

aurtlon to-niorrow (the 8th. » uutnlior uf ralu.ible lota intho v lulnity of rros-pect l'ark.

THI WbbT.Wt are dally reorlrlug rojOttl frOBI all pnrta of the

Wt-t aa to tho nmiiber of luiiltlinira ererte.l durln-r theyear lxC7,ruid ln nlniost every city or town from whichwi- iiiiv.- keaid, tha nmt haa baan aaa of Baaqsali d ae_~«Ity. In ('lileatro, 7,ooo bulldiiiRa, at a cost of tnorn than

t$jtOAj$Bm\ wero eractiil.not ao many lu BB-BB8B1iih duriiiir UM, but f.ir BJBalBI Bl value, A-BbMMJtho a*_00_NM projected for the ronilnr year lnthe Flrst ITatlOBal H.mh edlflee, wlileh Is to o.cti^r a

lot on thi- I'orm r af Btata and Waa__BfltiM44t- wTUnhaaztMrptlOB Of tho tnarble vvoik fot Iho BBta.BM it la to BBbuilt of Atliena atoaa aml will be fi feet front on V'adi-iiu-ton-Ht. by aa fei t iirt'j' on BBataat, aad flvo fuii Bhxfaain liiATtit above the li.is. l.ii :it Itoiy, HB-B-Bg an elevationof Bl feet aPove the aiilewnlk. The Ityle, whifli la knowtias the .'enrhhed Italian" ia now belnir (wtciiaivcly u«eilm lYuiiie, and f-.-t.eiinily in Turla. The coat of thU".trticture is to be about MOVMO, aiid it la to bo ready for

occitpntlon in tht* F.ill.Tho cost of builtllncra erccted ln Punkfr Ilill, III..

d-Tlag the year waa BhtB, 100. Of thia B_BBBBt %^,'"r) waa

for IWBBaMBBI pnrpos.-.-; f-Jim.ooo for dwa-U-tfR, and 115,000for out-buildlnpi. One thoip-aud three hunilrcd andeiRhty-elplit bulldinira t^ero erecteil lu Mllwaukeolatt yi ar, at n ro-t of MMiJM, Tlic Htreet Inioiuvi;-iiienta OBat llTO.Ooo. Milwaukio la to havo a uow

Td'atir diiritur tho preaent year, or rather theOld Clmn b BB-tO-Bg on tne 8804*00 of Mllwuukee an.lWhRMOBBBaaha, i* to aa overlunkd, an addillou bulit OBfor a proaii'iiliini, and tlie Int^rlor of t'.io Bt-ldlnjr. t4>uiodelcd. Tho exprtiaea of tlio chanKCS wiil BB BhOBt|15,(HiO. The total v.iliiatloti of property in Miniii'.ipnlisfor laat year v Bl «:.:. Ll M, BB !ii<na*.e of f'.no.foo ovi-r tlm

year U-forc. Tho nuinher of biiililitiKt ercited in PoObbBIt. t, Mii.ii., duriiij,' tlic paet year waa l.ti, at a eoet ttMMf¦-


V.' -.keraf. N., lm . . ii fi. w. of Ureeu tt.. J?il00.C rrh-at, No 117 ?:i7S.

n _,iotWS. aaa. nantea attata. fSilOti. ¦¦'

1. -rn.at. N... ti:i. ll.'., 117. i"¦>.',,:.. <. nvaaiI.... Bo. Aii7,Ktu Ward), na;., eiute .N. W. *4t,ir.eia-it. M.TBIn . No. 141, VQi-. 1,,-'J<'

.t. w . «_« «. ii. efPriBC. . 24.'"WNo 1 :!..«..'¦. fi a ..I II a .: J, ¦¦ . 4.800

¦ \ . B.Jfl .'a -ia_ 13. 18.88111" at u. .., H tt e of Arenue P. tOrrtM 9.

.. ii ... 37l> f|. e. of lat ire im r .. |

'¦ a f iie.. ¦."¦'¦mj.1 '..

i.i .t.,a e.,211 ft. w ..f . *>>"tli at n. i, 2.«i ft e .r M.ui.on a.e

1 ... ft W ,.f LUI, ..- . I4.ld-it ,n. . 17.'. fv e eftdtr. ieO&tlJ4l.Matat. iLduth tra. t l eat tStlOOS. 1- 181.Wf..A.a. lMft. w. otfth"... . ¦'Mth .L, a. a B5 f» w. ofSlhare -..' > tl " ..

an .. . . ... rt w i itt. . ;ana-at aad M-itb., a. e. rer., 1 >'.¦" i.IlltL at 18.1ft . .¦ M a - B>ll00 11 . I""lutii tt.ai l i n r Bfatl ii .-

117th il b. . 121ft e .! llSatllietbtt.aa, 2t_8ft. a.ef ati i.i o.ii . i» "¦*'m.t.t.a a. aaa e afiiu^Ta,7>ti8aii....i11 i-l, at a. a. U'.ft. «. ..f Mti, a,r :-,..i., II... J. 8.7SO

I ll.HIILl Of lutha.e l.ADilla-1.11.. J. - > II. J.IW

l-t «¦ a . .'-'.. t-.-t -¦ BMN are e . . .'.'I a.e e ll BBMare.,«. a-.eatj . .

A,c 11. No 1 fclll .. ' .

1 «.-

Bawttr, Bo. BB\aar. lat-at. I yaw . par rr.r oi/amr..., ..(Haiataaj Jtal. Ba ¦


» .-.,.. litk a" .'' a 1. .<,

Aae-C.Ka . .;.-' ¦¦*' I ';1. . >,.t 10 IBd 1- . al. *¦/!

Ml.llllKII . MlIledford and Neweaitie liovl.'M a ree +

ra.. 43Ji

tur*oii f.at r.id Ri . .. tJ.aai

. 7 1"B ki H nai H-raB.

U\ Ba 74, Pennil Jurca. B . 8 . 8 TT.iiia..it

. 4. 818

I .t V. :¦> *. '.. 1 u <i

W. ( .. 1

MAwaaoia. (.a Itoal, w a, Ma.IHaava .* a. r-i. fl IM

aiTTT r* »4**~*Firtn IauI, Sjirealer .->ae j. -. . f7M

*. e >.. a al i. a.Ilirieu !Ia. road, K Wir¦!..:: BSttret. B1.950

III ao. mi i.b.

ntaah Bl. -*.**>ITl.ll !¦,

Lot V* IBt, touthbaif. Mr..MT. ..

Mak ti. a i traali|i*i. '*--'*-. 1 >.¦>i « aa. a tiL. «..i

U4 He. D, aiil- . . !>'¦aa . i >

Hr.alwir, a. . Hrl.nd'i. . I._BMultll.,." .. . -a I > . t.Sii

*i't »ib»if.o'a Ba> Ml 4a1M.toeh-., u.ip. 4 4'-."^U4R 4i, Powell Kann, 7'i n. I4i

waan MB.reK.

Lot Xo. 3, MAi.of()lin..lle, Ba I, I08tl3l.. 4'»Ju,ini r__.aa

,.r w. a K » -...'."«'»i Miiii

i,t No. Rt,BhiMa . BI.4--0IU DBa.B .... M V.

liaiiue.*.»! n t ofCl"ill, tear Kva.r . [.retu.tei, 3l.'l«fl. $V»

WK.r BOBOIBB.I .1 e | 4: 4 I i. oi'.il. .¦ II 't'4. 87?f>«

a d.'.il, at a «. oor IHIB.MBl-it, a.i.'.ti, .t, *. m eor..lJt»J.t 147,-x*-. ., L.freie. afOardwa-al., IO1IOB.S

Cuuril.i.lt at., l.-la Vu - earh.i \1 <mPalleede-ere . LoU Boe. 21 ind « . ¦


l-.'.ia.-n li,.! lolBl Deaott'i fara, ITJtjaa.1.laatBa. lt, bi..ek M, faBtCi e.tate . K>j

w,.ai h |..iii.. BB.L.bertret.,e. a, lot Tfo. 411, I.I . W

> ..ITT.Williare at., lo'.a .N'oa. 33. 34, L..rk i. MaMS. 4.SO0

<M,,1TI.1'ii.e at a $., M a I.ef j.'.t-.1 Wi i. aVAl

L/aiHi nu.Weal.aalieD lt., e I 2'll"0. 1,,;",

i oob r, n. j.aj 81.BPI8I >i

W;nmi'l premi-ea I17 11U aer.« . faiar).S«»aik a.d I'ou |.i..u Ul e. a adjolalef 8eBarfeaber|'., 6dll00. 3.6od

.ii. i-.i.

Bel'Bout tre., w. i., iiC.'eet S.due, .t t8tl8l. 0700IM.I.

Miln lt, n. i 4'i fr,t 1*0.03.4OJ¦awtaa.

Baak-at.l » l. 07 feet n w. M..rr.a-.l.. liilOO. 8 I .MSt.i.n .1 li I 4'J feet . J.7. ri . IJBIKa.t Vl.raet-al, n a I :! f.-ei 1 ¦¦ ¦ . 1>B

w. I., M feet IL, -a. ¦< BBM.MI tlirt,,,, an e. l 4-aift 1 «... !rl .1. foi l-al. 3"UMl . a r.ir, -t, .' l .;. TMBarravat, «. a, 188 fl Ki . I."*'5B,. an, at lei,te-aL. 1 iM. W0l.-.i ,s... 4 onOfdea ilij.. lHn.'-M. 7 188I, u Be !.' li eor. La»»bardyaad AlltalU-aU., Msl48.

Ri MilW. 4"i

Udahaa ¦ tt,aaar43ai8Baaai IVaaaaataM, ObbBB.UBH

Rrwklnn %a\ f.tWit for Salt.DRfJOKLYN PROPEBTY a BPECIALTY.-J > kkAI. BBTA K liou.l.t, lakL a..d Kt. kaaaatV Baaaaa md MtoreaLti.iid. K«lu aeUaoted. Meaa r afan red ei Bead aad Vn.rta-aj-e.

ln ,i A 1111 K< .'A. No 7u i Vlar at ra Y.

DKSIKADLE BKOOK'LlfN L0T8.One onCl ntou at., near Ariotr (Blr«_a_ Paiement); nue on Aiuitr, M»r

CilLtou. l.roaBatoue bouara idjulnii.ir; tr.t rlna neiKhhorhood.MABTIB, Bo in Kr...' it, R T.

IJK)R SALE.The two-story attlo aad bnae-iu. nt llin.**K (fraoM, llled «ith i.ntk. I.rl.-k haaeaent) and |..t, >o

174 RaaaH i' Urooklm, ISniinutei walk from Ku!l.,u Lnr. Ilouaa urentel f..r *,,:>.. for jerTBt, addreae V. J. C, II n.N.l.

17"0K SALE LOW A _mt.il two-atorr Phila-8alpk_ fraal Brlek HOUBR, l#,»i. "t.t.e tr.uiu.iina, niodeu lui-

¦jrofeiueuL, !.i»l i«e B< j '". ,. .,II MACOMBsR *. h.iV, No Bl PuItoB are Bm ,V rt

aOREAT BATTGAIN..Hoaae, S_opJ full Lot,\ R iu llroollrn; r. i.N M BIBttj f ¦aUr, k*l P'lee, ?«.»««;,.I ttaoBBldowi IjaqBlreefJ l-l i at._l ]¦;. WOODliKIDGE, No. r>- Piae-at._ia now»It afarlaa RRBIDtRI RS »' '- " '¦.'""' ¦«-¦ .'''f"''''w ,'',,,V;,'7"T'pUre \V,-t Wa!|.-:4. on ttr) fair UliBt. A.lo.LOLHIUl BBakV|l] Sl tnd I Al M.s._.0UO8PECT PARK. BR001U.YN..Three flaa1 LiiTM eotBtT Blttb-ttt ..ii:. 'ti.t Beaaatal vla«i i it i-.a-

uot be u ilra le Will be told lei La. than tn.'ir r«lne. AppP WTOB R8BBU v. 8RARB, .<... IU I.i t..u at Raaai No. 7.

$utfion Sulti of $cftt tf t<a!f.j. laaaaaa, Jr, A.irtioiair.


BRAL BNTATB BRoKBBB.Be. aft flAa.AriT.. eoa. Cbbab it Maw Tnat.

Beatae Itor.i. LoU. 4 oentrr fleeti inl F»r»i, be-|U ..Id renlti! e«-

ekaaied I.e.aa neaeliated. *o«li..a Mieief ft^ek. t-.rr.ttra V.'"e Ke.

Av i,.M .1 Bl IU .*r:t ABeltnBeer

1>Y ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, 80N k Co.,J> n. ni fdn it ¦ _rul" ..


WWKRLY I'LACB H. W < "»' B ICPOI.OAL «T -The Iwo Terr

Ttlutl.ie a,.J deiirtble J alorr bilk aloup tad bteeaect Ir.rk l,..tM_.Bliou. N.-i. M aad 100 Watari) ulace toatb we.t e..n.er of SI..-.I. Bfil^.LI Wutan.toB eqntre) I: a | rop.-rt? ta Ib n .-. irt tben.|ri,u.i,.. mt *m WirerlT pUte, bj WI tm

, . Tblt la oae .1 t..« i-o'it I -a ra' la ...ee uoe oJerad la

Ibliellbiiy* ud |>. i". e .ari it No. 7. LeOef tt>

^uitioiT Salts of JRral tbi*.

Peremptory Sale at Auction,By E. H. Ludlow & Co., Auctioneers, No. 111 Broadway,

On Tuesday, 4th February, 1868, at 12 o'clock. M..

In Partition of the Jay and Banyer Estates.

7/* kxaH0WA_a

1. The aWe ploi, on tfo'edttter of IlroaJway ani Canal Street, 62 fccl 1 inert on Broadway,07 127 fcct on Canal Street, subfect to a lcase to Patrick Dickie, expiring ist May, 1868, eon-

taining 10,170 svh'arf. feet.that is to say, opwards of four city lo_.2. The loton fftwAmt adioining, on the north. 24 feet 10 inches fronr, subject to a lease

to Cornelius McLcan, expiring ist May, 1868. The Title to the said lots has been in the Jayfamily since the last century.

Tue Saxe will bc peremptory, and without reserve, to the highest bidder.

TERMS.Tm prr cttrX cash on day of sale, the balanee on 10th March, when the deeds will be de-

livirred. Sixty per cent may remain on bond and mortgar,e. The sale will bc under the direc-tioa of JOHN Jay and Jouv F. liurrpwoRTir, 248 Canal Street, under the wills of William Jay,ICaria I.anyer, and Ann Jay, and of I'hilo T. Ruoglf.s, Kcfcrcc, 39, ^Vall Street, New-York.

For furthcr particiilars apply to the counsel for said estates, F.dgar S. Van Winki.e, 48W_fl Street. Fpwis T. GaBBBTTBON; b6 Hrnnd Sfrret. or Wit.t.tAM T\Y, 248 Canal Street


(itg £t_l .eialt for Mr.

\FINE STORE In Water-afc» batwaen Coen-tinaid olJ «:u, For mi.i loat itorioa, (aodaaUac.

,i.,,ri> Arp!' to Hd.MKB MOHOAN, Mn. 7 PinMt


JI'iJIhK MOROt*.v.. i l_M lt.. N.-w York.

FIPTlt ATBBCB,Bilaiai BlkMimi ... -, .» sonoo

iror»ltkat.,»loti. :

ofl IU >t I l.'.i . J1 ."

¦: . UM . * _.£_Ratoaoa at ¦'¦. ..« -' loti. 4-""°

H..IM.I!.. ¦..;.. 1T.'"°I .-.IHU AM-XI K,

C r-.ro'n-.t.Il.'.... "~JI ornrr of 119th ot.. ptrrrl.B.».«¦»,tih .i z t« a..i aoeBoa. ,'.'".

ta.i.t to Ii:: au, U i.u.

(on.t. .;.."..;;;. .* JSNtar UialnptiUr .r 16 |..i. Obola froai k 8 Laci loU lOO.OuO

MADI.SOB AVl.M K,. ,,rf«.-lh.t.4;,t.. «."»

. 12. "J"!

IBI . <*"?. ,;,^_. S-H

iM. S*'.000

4 .. r..' M' ¦¦aa-.arr 1 .. t. JMJ, . -¦ ,,...r,r..,r .Tl,'.. g.«J

. ti_5< f . 3r,u,;|

. * ll *..« .

' J '

,i. ¦ .i ;.i ,t. ...t .""'

Mi b,mm ..'. . .'.'"". t.,1 l04«. "."¦

i-t at, aaar kb-ata., IS ¦:. .. - Tlotl .[_¦

6latat,MiarMadi»i>Bava.ll.>t . ¦. Bad ..- i i«t..

t%i*U .1 fail i-rk.U ,nta . .

. . . *«.. aar llh-ara :¦.

¦oardl . . .. *

Aa:|,r. i . *. t ¦.p-'t' ''¦.". < *04*al I'.ik. oi, l!.- n»«

Atyly toHoMBB MOBOAB s I -v »t B. 4. iIii.m

afonntrir _tul _itatr fct Salr.4 Ii l.N I l»»N!-Cli« M»' FAKM .''"! PRUl.il I isii< VIU.AOl U»TH WATKB POWBBJ f-r BALB al

..-.... ''/¦ ""';l.nipia.arl . wnl#r aoft aad lara: ao fc»of aaa

F.r crcB.n

, , v IMI.T. A»»nt .1 Brtckl'.ar|-_\ torangeTn.j.-villas, VILLASITES_V ..4KJ.HUK. a r'«at v.r aH\ koaatif.f utoaUd. eaa b".r from

Baw-Vark br SALB U«. Alaa. i aoa4ra ri.ata «r.d lloaaaa TO Ul fort!.a iraaon o» vra/, br BUl kWhl.U k Silllll Ha. I4J llr.aJwa/.N«» K.i. 9 W> ll a n. Oraaaa, e«.riirt Main aad Caao-rta.. * to A


4 DEHIUABLE COUNTKY RESIDENCE,_A. »,iU 4" arr-a of Iai.1 m ta>, a tt bw b"I !.t.. n-*i dooad ou

.. i,o'ir f.-mn t! ' '.iv, li olrrrJ at a bar<ni_M A Kl l.AM) Nn i B.km.r lt, Bow-1 >

\BEA_TIFUL HOME oii the HadaoD, jrood| . . :. « 'a.- paO'" '''«.'

k-rapl. »uJ >.nBr»iu caa bc »,-u at J. k>. tAOOD-

IT NEW-HKUXSWTCK-4 CottajCM, from_\ alBattaBS.WB; . iaa liouaai aol Utt, froio #4 iplrtuiid Baatdaaoro-Bn.W, «¦ ;,'«>. a>l. o-.i, ai BU tM; j alagaul

.^.U ona 4 acral, aM1.u<W; ona t arr»i.* 11.SU0; OBO I acrai,OL.fiac .. II ...--.'. r....,.,.. #.12.0,10; 3 lloteuv 4 M..r-a.

J «, FKBOl'SOX V .. >'., N Etaai Bo. ?4._HAKHMNS IN IAKMS NEAR NEW-

Hill N-itVK'K..Ti a'rr., «|'lrii.|i,l Parto. ui<*!rrn Bull'l n».. in

I || ftluMf |>, ai-rrioa IU* Kar.taa. wiaitnllraBt Bnildlnp. a>J.i,o(W;ti.,'... twaaiUaaooura»4ko, Bli B-ldiaaa, BM«»l M «'.». «..

¦Haa. a-4-rato_M.raaa.U, B 11.000; 10 adbara abooa.J r». KKHOt M. N k » ¦>., Nn- . .,aa.au »t R.Mim 5o ?4._

4fifil''N-| liY RErTlDENCE at u BARGAIN.V^F..r"4l.H bbLBT .,r KVi'IIAM.K-A l«r-fratoo t...uaa, In g.K>dorl^r conta «ln« 3" r.».m.. w tt, .n aafaalnaMd, ..ti.toJlBa.inallt ,. t vl iaaa l.t Falr:.* Co., Oooa., oa IM Baa of tBO 5avrllaraa

Ballroadi »all ealralatrd far a katal, Bnauaer boardlp{baa^.o»«aail-n.rv, B,r .1,1 Ullru, . I. haU-BUOl ^rt»_ J«__J !_i2rtpif,.., i ikorl ¦:.'.." Bo_ mlioad ,1. p..t «,r itaaiaboal laodlna. Kor- MfBaalan laaaiiaai J. DAVtM'uuT, Fulum ara., omir of


I iE_lRABI.E C(»rN'TKY SllAT-t^acrcs ;i<l-17 iU| ( Itrol Barllajrtoa, N J., ..'tna »¦.>."..wW:..* r_pb\m«..J blackbatOaa, fi* owh «... ^» l"»

It.^a «*)rliolra arapa viara, Olv o. 1 .pplr orrhard. rnanr I'.prrior cbrrrf

... doabli .,..,.,:-::.)«.. i» laolrokadoi a,u, l-a-bjinM,ranaofa-booaa, ea tool-ko.a, .waaaa iaaaa. twa' MfjOl,.f. .BdBBinrt -'.ir.i«..fa!lda!...in.-

.*H.0r>0.af -l,irh*l.«.<,ic.nm.,ainouuiorM,.*^ 11 MABTllI !»a il l-mnt vt. Nrw-tork, or

Kli\|r>n MOKKIB, N J.

DEfllRABLE KARMS on line of Morrii and| Ballroad. aad v.. Jtrwi, .tt,u!.m prlf'i,

tarBALB bj BBAltFII H «. BOKB. HcraU BulMinj, Dtoa-lwa;, B- i

. 1 No. ,i \\ tt Ka< ii k N J._|A)R SA1.K. al lUVKI.llKAI). !.. I..A FARML of IB actaa ol ^,m.J l.tn.I. I_ kOWO l» a naat e..tU«-, with li n.oina

baii.la v,a.triri, r....k ro,u, an,t bitt, ru,m. Thr out'iiiililinji arr a tarn,

eo*-h..air, wi,'.,n l,..'iar, atora h..i.«. »«mI bo'ia*. and Icr b.,u.a. Tba

irrouDaiirouurl tba bouaa arr laa<itifull/ ibfiad witb ftnit aarl f-'r-at

tir.a A.m, iiacrraof I.AND adjoluio| tb« atora farut. For partlca-lin, ln,|'i:ra of II II (,KI»-rlMi. No. W CourtUnJt at., Naw-Yotk ; or

tfJOBB BOWBl I' -l'«i I. I._

I'OR SALE- A PLACE. 80 milea from Naw-\ork auJ»fr..m llatlrin l!ai.n.a.|, o'l2a.T.-i.,f rholcala

eoaaioa wltk frail trr*a, lBclodiB| about 400 g, at. -I ai t.l.. trrra, wi'.lto...h, prar. ai.l MlaOl trr,.. at. I a «.>n.l rarlrtr af imall frt.il-. »o.hI

. ,.., aaJaafar-filllag .trrim uf watrr att M |a ,r, bari aad ot! rr oatl ulldtofi ia i.1 oMrr. in a firal ratr n«lKh-batrbaad Halaaar ajoadtaaooli i.i.e leaaouabla and aud trrmiaaa/.Adlrni K. « I.A.SK. S. < M,.«\ K. V._I r»OR 8ALE.ln tho Town of Oyater Bay,_' 1. i Iilat;.l, a BOABO MU.r, la pattM worklnrf nrdrr, rrr,(..l

PB(Ua batW. boallof aafcHaoa aad 1-arJ MMHfa, b.-w ai.d wriillai aai .¦ ol iba b..v A itoad* koad al wat; r ..f

,rarpowrr. Fnr fartbtr partlrolara applr ta BOBT. FBAM'.u-r, No. M Ilrav.r-A, New Y..tk, oi oa tha prruii.ai, at l.o-

n.»l Vallar._________________


«_y j r ,vK -Ba, 3in Canal .1 e-ar IVoplr'i P.ok; N... 5«) Canal-it,MIM afBawalB. Iiii,i,r«..f MII.I.KU U l'», ,N. :i Unt.a ..juatr.

Ro4ti) aai Jftooms.^_DOABD WANTED.Foi h MAN and V> IFE,J> j, .Nrw-York. T.ikilllr.llarl.in.i.r lli.M.klrn. wlth plr."auJ in a pliaaant f.iuilr, wbrre tba r,vinf,rta of a boiue an t>a anj-yrd.Trrina i',iit ba rravmabla, an.l pavtural w II b» prmipt. Addrraal,,,Ai:l>l H, Tnl.iino Ofl'-a, de« r h ii( ¦". and vla'lni trtma.

\T() 1(12 Eaat 'lliiit y^sfcond _t., oewly furnwhedi\ R..mi. witn .'.">! "''ari' ln,| .ln-a, aliovr.Ut. 1.. ilmlon 4. M ,m

IfABrUUTD A\D ViituiNlA BTATB T.ink...ThoCaiumlioid-e-«ppoint4Mt by tlu. Lnctolktanc ol the twoBUteo b»ve foJlfO to Mttlo tlm lmi^ BBBdi-i buuiitlaryQtiratiiro. ThtSnenrtiiUllhUldmmt" 1l.li Virirliiifi('i'ii.ini'«vi<'ii<'ra.rl.iiiii tho lin." lOt-B rroni

Jmbch'o M.imI llitht toBtulth . Potat, whllothji lUrjrUMConiinlB«loiier» iuMot that tht- w-lero "f IheCbeupeaka¦houltl tf ilivuliil ti. tw.'.ii Iba two stitt.'.-liy tln-AliorUtttnnd iii«)ht dlrcct lin*. from tli« wmtli-weatcni iioliit_ <»f

,i ,,m.'1 Coutity, i,.'.»r iv.lar Btrslta, t.. Hmitl. 11 ..int.

nrtnofoaythreomileoand flvr iKtitlmtui the K.^t,.!.!, .-liiue iiil*. verinn* to the kmuo i».ni.t at the Potoniac,could not ti- r- ¦iiiiril, il. Ji'-t here perluiM thoinoel vai

uuhi.tiilo Witttraiii the Ojrotor ItiteivKtnof tli«- Imy nri' to

b.i foutid. and Imtli Stat.-a BTU. nu<\ perlmpe for an Indon-i,Mi'!.!:>ttli OftlBM h:ive .'i.Joj.'tl, UM bBMit,BB«flBniit'.iiK tlii' "tli.T'a rlplit.

"Tl.art fulltnfcT to COBM to nn ai"cem.>nt ae to a llna

ynaj th,< beaapeake, tbe CMnmlaalon in; will raport tol, ih. I.",'>l:itni, nantl awall th«*lraotlortlntbe

eVftulaoA lu the mean tlme we ouppoae tbe inhabltanta,,f tt ttb StBteo ii.-ur aald \Mttera wlll COBtlnM tti.tr uceuaUlUiuU U8« BUal boll'Ut "




fv*AS_IBOTOB, I>. C, Junuary. 19.. )7/,m. BlTOI KcCULLOCH. Secretary of the Trenmry.Sik: Ab Spocial Coninii.-.sioncr of the Reve-

noe of the U-lted Statea, I hova UM honor to atibmit toy.uiinv rt.11.1ni iiiiiiual iitllcliil report, nnd would reiiueattbal Um Mtne, if approvcd, may bo presented to Con*reeefur niislilriatl.il).Tbe law eeUbltohlBB the offlce of Spoelal CommisMonor

of the Bevenne aeq-trea tbat he siiu'.i lnv».stiKate theloartN ol iiutjonal revoime. tho liciitnu-thode of collect-Ini r.v.'iiin-, Um ailmiiitotrattOO of existin»<revenun lawa,ui.il Um relutionaof foreifB trado to douieatlc ludustry;aod tbe diaebarge al laeeo dutlea _M<3o_B_MtonerbMbeen a, Uvely and unlnterroptedly eaaaaed aince thead-Ji.ui-ntii.'iit ..f tba XXXIXth CoBfreea, a portlon of theBBM hitvmif li.'i-n dovoted, iimler tlie directJoua of theN vretary of tbc Trr.i-.iiry, to a pernouiil exanilnatlon oftbe rei (nu,-.v.-.ti-ui'. andinduatriul conditions existinjfiu(iri'.it Britaioood aOBMBI tbe loudinif statea of CoiiU-oental Burope.The Comnilaaiooer repeata thp statementa relatlve to

tbe am »uni ol tlie National Debt Bad rmte of ita fundiujcaod rrilu, tion, wblcb were fully atatcd ln the repotiB ofHim ntirv MeCulloi-h. He BtBteetlM amoimt, re.iulred toprovide for tbe intereat oo tbe VatiotuU DbM on Nov. l,1WI7, to be ln ciilii, $I0b,$BBJ$B1 in ciirrency, $29,6.,71H.Thtohefoota bb to BUMoat to $134,307/... [i2u<Ty, theflr-r Miin luiiiL' in roin and tba MOOOd lu eunency, whatii tho tliinl l-Kn.J Hy fiuiillnt,'tl;oililit bearini'iurreiiiy

tlio ainouiH to be provlded for ycarly would beI 1723.Tbe averago annnal evprndlturesnf the Oovernment

other than for lotereai were, for the ten yeara ciyling i-io,*l 01 pereapita; 1M<», $1 BI lxr <ap.; U6& ll «3 per cap.;l--¦.<>. $a M per cap., iu gold, v,!ii!e f..r tlie flve yeara M6T to

UUBtbey were 114 32 par cap., bb increase of .$._0B centThe foUowini* tntile exhibiteaeoBipartoaBef the avor-

,u'i' .mi u.il expendltorea of tba (iow rninent.detail andajrarrea;Kt*.for tbedeeade, iksi-oi aod thcactualvxpcu-diainm for the Baeal year endiiiK June 30,1*7 :

flTl 1S66-7.AtOtafB annnal At,.al annaal

(<....!) irmrrucy)raitliona. u.il'tona.

rortka Civii Borrtoe.UB.fiW-ilFor Peoaiooa. Lll afcJIKor Iii.li.iii.i. 3.3J4.>-.4For N.tvy. 12 3431.041 ,,r War, cxcuLaive ol Boutities MJI *J-K*

Total ordinarv exp.nditurea 57.87 I'Jl.SIIi.i. n al on Publta Debl. IM 143.7Shuuutii'8 to Boldiera. **-.***

Total. .xelimlve of pavnient-. )for redeuptloo of Publlo > 60.0S 316.73DbM.S

Th.- followlnn' tatilo ahows tho n<ri_"«,4Tate and apeciflcreoeipta of natloiukl raveooe for tho _»c_l y.aroeudlUerJune 30,18M and ibfl7, reopeetlvelylhflfl. 1SH7.From Inteinal K.'venue....$niiV.md,,.'-4 17 J|2'«,W),d74 «3*-1..in Cuatoroa (cotn). 119ftt*Ml 5» na.tn.sio 88From Poblio Landa. 6..->,"ii 03 . i,i«;),376 7«ri.,i,i Mi.,, ii.ui. oui ooorei a. BT,ll»^BB 91 d2,«24.852 soPromlmeetTaxea. I.974.7M U 4,200,231170

Tnlal.tWJJ 12,71)0 81 |4'JO,fl2«,<H7 49Tho rtmtoms havlng BVBBBfB- for thirty montha 1170,-

ooo.iaio in ifoid per ouoom, there la oo .ause to doubt thatthi \ wi.i amply nteet tbe deioand of 1130,000,1. forcoialiit.T.)>t on tho debt Tiiaf the Natlonol (ioven.mont caueonduct Ita bualiwaa Bt tho prcaeot toao wlth Um bbbmratio of .-in'itditu.-e to populutioii that lt did diirini; thedeeodt prior to the worla ool to ba expwted. Tbeereo-tion nf i. d. l.t, nf a new rtyrtt.in uf nteiiue, tho larjco iu-..ii-.i-e ,f HM iii'iny. iviid of peoatoM the ubuonnal cmidi-tion of a pot tton tn tba eoootry, aud tlio ^tmeral lucreaaeol m looa, all oontribote to reoderaaeb a reaolt impo.ihle;but tbat an abeohite neoeaaity hai exlated f.>r looreaalogtho ordinary expcndlturea of the lact llscal year (lo. 7>aod p.-r eeot,or $139,000,000 above Um axpeoaea of tbe flaooly.-.ir (180041), iifji7 per nt aiuive tbe avera§a of the do-ende, from IBSl to ISal, may ts.-il bt doabted.Tbe axpeoaea of iba Btate DeportoMOt, .l,S4S,S89, have

n.,t larif.-ly loeTMaed siui-e IHrJi, and aro not oxcc.lve.Aa there are BOrOOO i.i,|,liiatiousou nio for p«<u*ioi_, in-ereaaed appruprlatlona ioay beexpected tberefor. TheOoouolaaioiter reommeiida the reductlou of tho aruiyaud navy to tbe niiiuiiiuni; no new public works to bebniit aa.ve fr.mi orajaut aaeeaaltT, oo cUlaaa fur duuiatjcaby the Rebelllon to be paid; reirenohmeat; uo mouey toba appropi latod to buy foreku territory.ImuilKi-atiou la tlotviiiK Into tlie I'oiuitry at the rate of

over 300,000 per auuiim, adduiK lisu.ooo.o. to our prodoo-Iiik oapacltr. IM thin aet over aad uih'nc what they addtoi.ur eooeuming eapaeitjr f-Eo.] luvontiona aro de-reloplns our Induatry. lo..7 poUou ha,vino; iteeu Krantvddiirli.K the y. ar. onrcropa aro incrcaaiiiK lu (iitautltyaodvalue.aad maoatBetoxca aro adrwc.«. ou thelafter lu ad Um ('.,iiiinlsMoii.'r rejiorts an followa :

In the manufaoture of eottoo, the amount of iuarhineryat preaentin the country, ikodwhMh ls aubstaiitiuily ao-caated in tbe muk ol produettoo. la frotu 13 to 20 percetitmore iii.iu exiated at the baa-UUBB of tho war, wblle theoxpoit trade In coarne fottonn, foriuerly tbefore tho war),l.iin'e, but atterward aliiio^t eiitucly loat, ia now recover-liiK wlih KiafifyliiK ropi.lity. In tho d. iurtmciit ofwoolen loduatry, notwithataudinK the recent uuusuul de-preaaion ol tbia lotareet, tbe ereettoa ol now nniu baacoiitiiiii.-.I, witb a repoarted Keneral luiprovement in theobaraeter of the produota. iu record to tiiln latter polnt,tbeBaeretary of tho Natiooa) AaaocUUoool AnianeauWoolen Maiiiifii.tureirt, lu bia annual report lOetOber,IBOT). naoa Iba foiiowluK buwoaco: "The vaat improvo-lueiit iii woolaafooda, exblblted tbe preeeat yaar, to thoaiibject of aolveraad eommeol aud aaafaioa witb m.r-riiiii. »." Aud, iiK.'tin: "Our pfOfCraaBhBB not biM-n liiniiedto Improvi uii'iit of old fabi lt a, iu otyla or eoooomlo^ pro-diu tum; inany new fabrlia havo been ati.-ci'H»tuilyii.'iu' v,'d." Tho rrtetit lotroduotlon of ImportaBt im-proveaMatB f,,r maoufaeturlni oertala deaetiptlooa olwimli-n L'noili by power, fotmorly luado wholly by hauduud Import. ,1, H alao dted.

Aiiotlu r authority 011 tlila Btitijoct (The h'ev-YorkEeonomisti. also mutb: " lt aaa truly be aant ofour (woolen) naaufnetarara tiil* oeatson. "ihi-yhavo Btade wooderfol progreaa over last yar.'Buch continaed UoproTemeuU m tho mitoul-ctareof wooleu fOOdl wlll 80011 ptoflB us beyond thanaiiio of rlY.a* an.l obbm our produota to be eouuotedUm wniid over; aaour moat eboi, e itytoaaod Haiabieput-laraa aro Um reaolt »f Imerloao i;i»,Miuity, botb iu oolor-ln.ifaadrttyic." ..,

I., the deportaaaot of iron ladnatn the ntimtxr of luaat

fhrnaeea for tbe atoaufoetore of i<*k Iroo, lo operatioudorino tba paat yeor, baa beaa la exeaaa of that 01 uuyfoniiiT perlod. while ao OonaoaUy L.'go number of uewfui-na.-i - are noa In proeeaa of couatructioo.

D-iiiiiir tba aame perlod the roliiuv; niilluof tne eountrywere RDiieraiiy m contlnuoua operotk.; new eaUt.luh-inent.-. ol tbia obaraeter, aod new aad extenalve woriufor tho iiiiiiiiifiu'tuio of Beaaeioer ateet have alao beaaeneiiil; while a lii.uked linieaio iu tho A.ei.cau pro-duct of orduiaiy ateel to reported.The Cooituiaaiouer would alao, ln this eonncetlon, enll

atteiitiini tothe fuet tbat, Betwltbataudloa tbe elmoeleootlnued reported depreaaion of tbe Iron lutoreat tu tnet'uited Btob t*. the avenkft« aoaoal loereaae iu the do-tee-ite. prodoet ol pig iron ia re.arbahly uuifoim.and BtaaUjrla exeeea of tbe rotM of the iii.teiit.eof p<.piiiMtiou-fbeannual ratlo ot 111. reaat. «,f piJI iroo, lrom IBM t» 1060,harUurbeen lu exe.. of « per couttiu, wlule that if

Dooutotion from in. to 1BBB waa about atpor eentj or,ititU'ddifrcretitlv. tne loereaae lu the iuo.lu.tlou of i>\uIron fioiulHlo to lt<^, WM '-'mITI |h.-i. cent. while. that of

popiitotlou waa 4in per cent Toe annuolrotlo of lo-cr.n-e in tbe pi.xim t of piffiron 111 the Ualteddtateoaluoe18U baa alao boeo j-reatcr uuo ln Urool Britala.The loereaae m the prottuctlooof aotbracitecoal(wbloB

may be takea aa a RMaaure trl tbe producUon of allAmerieanoo*l) durinxtbe raar isai, wua about 3.ooo,(itWof tOM over the pn.iluct of 1*'^, 011 a Kio»a retnvti BNf Ibefoiiiier real >»r li._uj.747. Tbia iMiaordiuaryiucrease,in referred ut the tlme in part to a apecutoUve iwivaiof trade and luduatry auoeoedlua tlie termlnatton ol Umwar, aud alao to tbe attmulua ol m iy biKh prtoea. Tbeeaatlmulante, howerer, if they were. reeny liiiiuontial, haveOtoaaTly not ouoratcd lu uuy tXvgiKK duitug tho paat yviM,

and yet the trrota prodnct of anthnuMte coal aent to tnar-katlaaa not luatcriaily diminiwlirol, tli»- <i.-n,-ii".i*_ y, up 10tbe ::.,i li of N.,\. inbajr. W,~, lu the a-f_regate of c.ml a. nteaatwar.l from Pe_aarlrania, bavluK tx.-eu only IT8y84ltiina, aacoiini.ir.-.l with tho moveuaent of tha Oa^rraapoaaVniK iH'iiod of l8G»i; while tha alock oa buud at tho vartoiiaaaanata avallable for ronaiiiujition, at the cloae of thaacaaoii ot 1MS7, waaeatiuiated ut leaa by .<>,ftoo tuus tha*tht- B404. on hitiiil al tho elOOO of ti.o two preceallug ycana,It se.-ni*,, thcrcfole.ccrtain that Ut- COUdiUouaof ainlily Ulconaunie-whl-h condltlous are inainly InduatrUl-liavanot beconie liupalred durtng the pitat year; 80, in utherwurda, tho in.luatry of tho couutry haa dcveloi*. U ilunugth.- paat y.-ar to aach an extent, aa to n u.i. r wi*_t u, i-o,eacciiicd nbnormal und uncitaiii, uow lrA{itli_.il<: audpcnnanent.The record of the export trade la I'ctrol. um for tha

lost threo jc.ua haa alao hOOB very simUar to th tt ol ooal.Thua, for thc reara thaa and lHto, tho aaaaal cxaort oiiM*tr.,l.)Utn, Wlta tha iol'. Hiita. e of a lunii pr.-iiiiiiiu ouKol.l, averuned aliout 30,1100,000 gallona; bul during theyear 1864 tho exporta huddcnly io.->e to an atfgicgatc ofoveres.iaw.ooo; ai.il thia e.\tiiior<iiiiary laereaaa, whlchoriKlnally niiKlit have acemcdapeeulative aud teiniMirury,haa duriUK th** paat year becu auliataiillally uiairita.u. .1.In tho dcpartiui-ut of Coiiimerce aad Navigatiou tba

Coiniui-tsioner report* an Incfaaaa of tuunagc upon thaNorthcm lakea and other inhiud watera iu exceaa of thatof any foruier poriod, the lucifiise ot tuuna,e eugagtd iu

eommerce upou the lakea diinng the BMt JTOai la-iiikt. «u-niatod ut fnlly 15 per i'«ut, or ubout du.noo tuna. axcl-alraof vcaaola of BBJall capaoty. Aceor.ling t<> tho returua ofthe Chicaao Board of Trade, tho iurtca.c, iiuil.r tho new

claaat-i'utlou, iu rcaaela aud tunnaKe. upon tho lakea forthoyoareadidbjMarehtl, IBtT,ovot tuo aornoaiondtBgperiod iu lacl, waa as followa :l«6t.fa.BB_ c.d .Tunnago a-W.SOtlsar).Ycsscla »>7.Tunuaae 281,071

The American comnioice ettPlojed upon tbe oceaa haaalao rooon ri d lo o di artMi, dunug tho aaat y..ui, from itai.. aal extreme dapnaaloB.Tho roturus of tho leadn.g railroadaof tlie country f»r

tlieteninoiithseuiiiiiK October 31, 1847, al»o ludlcato aaiuerciiae of coninicrcial nioveiuent over the eorreaponalaicperiod of 1866; the abholuto iinn asc lu thc uet earningaof aeveuteeu of tho priucipal lin«-a liaviug been ci|ualdurlng thia period to 111 per mile, or l.&i per centum.The uionth of October, 1847, la reported aa piolubly tliomost prosperoua of any recorded uiouth iu tuc hiat^ry ufAmerican laihoada.Thc aggregate buaineaa of tho country for thc flaral year

18C7, aa mcaaured by the returna of the latCI IBl Kcvei.ue,f'oui tlio aaaaa on aalea aud apeelal taxoa (_aoa__*_), docenot, luoreovcr, indk-ato auy faiiiii« olf aa compaied witltthe procedlng year, but on the lontraiy a alight lacaTOaaa.The Coniinlssiunera argucthat when the countty waa

expeudiug, froru 1*61 to 1866, an averuge of |71a",UOO,uuo imtanniiiu iu tho war, uotwRhalandiutc il i_n iudebt for ncarly the wliolc uiuount, btill therawaa a wlthdrawal from tho Ltborli.g aud pro-ductive ludiiatnea to that cxtent, vlz., 4:i 07 perhead, aud aajra: But hoatilltiea have now n _:tl tudpeace ha.i retiirned; aud with auch a ehaBRB in tl.e con¬dition of uffaira this queatiou becouica botii o.-ninent audautrgeative: if a pairtlon of tho touutry could contributaof it~ aurplus labor and capiUl au auuual value of 121 0Tpor capita, for deatriictire purposea, will ll not be eaarfur tho whole couutry, with ita lalwir aud capftal laatatBito pioductive euiplo_iuenta,to contribute 18 73 por capitafor tho payuieut of iutoroat, expenaea, aud tho n-.luctionof debt! Audyct the payiuent of thla huui will luectat preeent an annual expi-ndlture of llto.iaxi,-ooo for ordiuary oxpeuaoe, 41jo.ooo.000 for nu. r-

eat, and 4.'a>,ooO,0(Xi for tbo redaciiou of thaprtnclpal of the debt; and. if tlie aanio rate of por capitataxatiou be coutlnued for the future, lt will txtiiiKiiiahthe ontiro priucipal of tlie debt iu leas than 40 y. ara,I'veu if it bhall becomo ucceaoary to add to the aimvaeitimate of 41*0,000.0o0 for ordiuary eXBCiBBBa a auiu eijU.ilto ti per lieail ou the uveraafe annual Iucrease of ieuiiuia-tion, which averaKo lucreaae may be oxpecicJ U» aua;-nieut thc populatlon of tho United StaUa. by tlio y.arItJKd, to iieariyel-ty uiillious (i»,oof),0oo.| Kurtiiermore,thla propoaed rate of 48 73 per capita, whieh 1» only aboutthre*;-fourlhs of the rate ol taxatiou pald iu DhjO, afterrcducingthe rate of that yoar to gold, caobc obtuiuedwithout u recottrae to any of the utaraal taxaa aaleamatenaily lmpede production, as will be elaewhcre de-motiBtiatcd; aud, aa all paat experieuco showa that thawealthof thla country lncreasea luamuch more rapidratlo thaa populatlon, the burden of the uuifonn rataof $8 73-per cupila will becomo auuuaiiy ita aud lca_onerouj.But uotavithatandina; thia exhiblt, there are many iier-

aoua, both ln publlc and private siaUons, who, cither in-timidated Jiy tUelr owu BpB8M_NMBMBM4, or mlsled by theirown I... - <»f informatiou, couaidcr it to be their pi .-¦*. utmiasiou to magiufy the bur.lcu of Iho Natiuual, Mala.aiid local d'-bta of the country, aud to prcdict for thonation au luabillty to eithcr cany or eitlUa-aiaR them.Tho data pnwentcd aulficieutly provea, howuvcr, that aofar as tho niatcii.il etreugth and development of thocountry aro duuceriiod, theao gloomy anticipatlona havolittlo or no fouudatiou; and ia rcept-ct to Ihe largeet ab-?x.lute d.-btof any one of tho Htaiea. vii.. tbat of New-York, which baa icceutly been dlsouajcd ln au olMilalreport, lu auch a maiimr aa tenda to create O-tttraal audimpair credit. tho C'ouimiasloucr would cali -tlontiou tothe fact, that tho estiuiati-d pica.-nt averugo aunual valuoof the tipjiles aloiie, aeut to markcl from oiKht ot thaslxty coiintiea of that Btate, via., It.ikin.ooO to 45,000,uoo, >m

suttlcient to pay thc intereat on the entire debt, und addabout ati.OOo.'aX* auuually to tho alnking fund; or ln othefworda, lf all other forma of luduatry or pr.xluctlon in thaState of New-York ahould ceaaa to coutnbuta to tha biatadebt, but the appla-tra-ea iu the eight countioa rtierred loahould coutiuuc to grow aud produce, their annual pio-duct, lf devotcl to thia purpoae through Ihe patriotUm cftbeir owacrs, would in leaa t.'iau tcu yeam etti.igui-h thowhole d.-Pt. lncludlng the praaonl unliu.uidated coal(fis,iioo.ooo; of the .rie Caual.Tiirning now from the further Immediato conahleratlon

of data ilrawn from domeettc aourcea to a oompariwu ofthe tlnancial condition of the United Htatea, preaent audproape.tive, with that of other rountnea.our compeeralu wealth, pouulatMn audciviluatioii.we are led iu lbafollowing coucluaioua: That the Unltod Hfataa li the oulyone of thc leadiug uatious of the world whlch Ia, at prea¬ent, matcnally dimiulshlng its debt aud reduclutt ita taxoajaiul tlie only one, moreovor, whlch ottcra any subatau-ti.U evlil.iice of ita ability to pay ita debt wltbln auy dett-tute perio.1, or evcu autlcipatia tha" probabiiity of au/auch oceurreuce.*Tbe CominUaioner bere preeenta a atatement of tha

condition of the debt of Auatria, Italy, BBBBBB, Pi uaala,Spalu, aud Turkey. Tho Commlwaloucr aaya that tbacaBaoa of our cAimmercial d<pre*alon are general aud nollocal, coufiued to no oue couutry, aud the reault of a nat-ural and not uuexpected reaction from apenod of h.ghpiue*.. ajKH-ulution, and ovcrproductiou. In fact, tha-people of the L'uitcd Statea have great cause of congratu-lation tbal tho wave of commeiclal depreaiaiou wl.l. h,siuce thu tormiuationof their war, haa awept over thacommcrcial ceutera of tne whole ctvlllzed woild baabrougbt ao Uttle uf diaaatcr to thelr Intereata, itia-tiiticha*i th.-re is not to-day a couutry ln Kurope ln whlch thepuralysla of industry la not gi-eater, the fallures more

liuiueroua, and the proapect of an early return of. onnuer-clal proaperity aud acuvlty laaa eucouragtug thau la theUuitoil SCates. , ,. .

Tbe Couituiaeioiier oomparea thoprlcea of lcauing pnxl-ucu this year aud htat, toshow that we are aimpiy leluru-

iug to 8ouiid and healthy prlcea, to the advantage of all.Roviewlng tho eventa of the pa*t rear, lt would aeetii,

furthermore, that so far from there liavlng tieeu any ad-verae intlueuco exerted upon prices through a coutractioaof tho currency, the teudency, lu truth, ha« been eiitlrelyiu the oppoatie directlou; for it cannot be doubted that *fall of luiccs eiiuivnlent, on tha whole buviueaa of thecountry, to at leaat teu i*er ceut, miut have becu eipnva-lent to a Urge addlfion to the machluery of exchange lx-foro exlstmg. Wliat the practieal lucreaae of tho curr.-ncyeffected lndireetly ln thla manner haa amouuted to, ¦¦..u-

not bo deflnitely Vated; but, ln the oplulon ot the O.ui-uiiaaiouer. it haa not been leaa, durlng hc laat twelvamontha, than one hundred mllllons of dollaraIu the nrevioua report ot the Commlssiouer it was proved

that while uo to the commencemeut of the year 1W,7, tliaaveraare adraaaa of coiumodltiea was about M per ceiit,that of wam« waa not lu exteaa of «o per cei.t. Nov-

bowever, tha caac la being entiiely reveraed; commotllUcahave fiillen so uiuch m..re rapldly, that tlie p.iichii^lugoower of wafBO, even when redm -d, is probably great«-lit the praaaut tlme than when they had attalned t.iclfmaxluititu. Tho conditiou, then-fore, of domi-atic lmlua-

tiy, when BBOO rovlvedtbrough thoromoval of taxoa, will

proliably coutluue to lmprove with great rap.'llty, foi

production will rapldly follow conaumptlou. aud pniduc-Uoa in tuin ia tho Kieal legitiuute aouico of both uutloual.wealih and natioual revenue.

H.-lative to the tax ou dlatilled apirlta, he reporte:Firtt: The tax has been placedat auen :i rate aa to coo-

stitute iu ltaelf so great a temptaiion to fraud,, that nver-

agehumaiiiiature, a*. lt cxlata la thc UBltad I tate., Muot able to raaiat it. Aud aecoudly, tho ayatem timterwhlch tho olMccra have beeu acleclcd to collect the t.taaud aup»-rvi>e the uianuI_A.tuic. h.is BOt, thua far,r.-co>riii/.ed /(..ii.Aiy. inltUiytrnct, aml businttt fujxirity aa

tho.fi/*., o»i/»i, and BBMBIAMB uuailtlcatloua for apiAjtol-

'tIic Oorernment haa nevercol'.ccted qmta B30,iXiO,')00 oaa production of &o,ooo,iJuu gallona, or on one galluu lu tun-aof all that haabeeu manuf.ictuied. Ile adrocatea tae i>-

ductiou of the tax to 5o ceuu, a gallon, ai.d tne coll. oti«nof the tax ut tho place of luauiifacture. abolifchiug allbonded warchoiiM*. This tax, hc tuliika, will yleld .revenue of ov.-r l-isooo.ooo. He advocatea arepeal ol tlie

apeelal Of licenee tax, and buPetitution of a tax of from Ito 3 ao. ceiit ou aulca, and of 10 centa per gallon oa epirltt

The tax oPtaliied from fermented IBBB8BB Baa toorouaedUlltler thc aianip ayaleiu, and »lll r.-aeli MrOOO^OO.

1 iu olle. iiou of the tax ou toba< co ia atul more .1 ra-

COlt thaa oa dlatilled apinta. It U evaded, by tho dla-

boueaty of o«oera,tby cmtnterf.-it branda, by imijhinaia-cted i.aekagea a aeeoud tlme. by aub*tltut«n_ tlia

blK-er tiu-.l for the lower tax.-il tobaooo, bjr naowlnfaalea of oinall .juanut.ea wlthout inapat.tlon tn.ii Re, b]T lu-a.lc.iu.ite bonil-.. A....VC Adoptlng thc L'.mimii-louorac-.iiiu.iua wouldrcault he thm_a iu the tollowiug rova-

"^rroui di.-tlllcl apirlta (new ayatem).»V).ik)O.O0Oli,.iii f.-niici.tcit Uauora. 6.000,00011,111 lolnicco aud ils uiJUUf-A.'turca. 'JU.UW.oOOfrom uicoiiie. w.uio.otioPraaa ataaBBa.17.ooo.iaioI i,,iii _ga4_ea and aucoeaaioua. j.'aaj.itajiri.in banka, ruiliou.te, dto. Pi.noo.tABhroinsiilartea. I.'«W.(ioOKlolll RT888 re.eipfs. .,410.i«X)1 H.111 inlhceliaiitous (M-hcIule A, Ac.)..., a.PK'.OoO1 11,111 Iluoa, poualtica. _c. l.tOO^at

Total.Hv.-.ixxi.i^iAeeopting thejabovc eatlinatea aa eoirct. Ilier- tlien

reuiaiuato be provlded for from s.iuio otUir sourcc*. a

dedcieucy of |i8,iaa».ooo aieaaaari to make up lba ra>oiim d **nm of IKO.ooo.OOO, wilh a.ieh addUiolial amoilBla- ui.iv ba proviilonaliy requlred to mcet uuexpeclcd or

citi'.iordinary eoulinga-uiiea.Aaa BMNtaaof refonBlBB the rotlertiain af n.*enue, ne

i-.mmeudaa Board of i-omiimaloiiera to exaiaplicauts for revenue ofttcera, aad niahe ruloa for

lug rovotiue. Thia Hoard ehoiiul contiat of nu ..

aecretury of the treuaury, (ciiairuiam, a comwiaalOAiefof iuti-rual rerenue, a commiaaioucr of cuatoiu-), aud two


Itwaaorkim.lly tlie lnt.-ntion of the Comnilsaionrr lo

dia.-u.ta. ln coniiectlou with thla report. the »7j_^a,t__the pic-ent fartlTto revenue and dnineatlo lii.li1.1rry, iii»

pi.K-n,.il.illly ofcotivertllUAdutleS now ajl vaauit n1 1 ..lo

apecttc, aud tlie re^ulta of a compariaon of tlu P«y»«Uabor and of raw matciial, aud of thc couditioua, of l""di.ttio.i in Ihe United Btatt-, and ln to» MRWJspaaa baa, howovor, becu ocoupied by ^.^^ai^thapYc-nt. d tbat hc haa thoi.Afht II "J^Ri^^Swrt!MlbJeaU now pttaaed tm 1¦thebaaiaof »¦'«''.« « '« "lWKen*eclnily m aotne furthcr tlme U ne^aaar) to rtu.ior

tbelr exhiblt more oomplett and *i'l;.;ftor*- t ,,Ha-|..A review of the revenue O/aleBia "V"^attnUeV4. ."?.

Fran.-e.aud I'ruaaia will. ]f^ , ', ', £,Iu,

pendu to thi.- report marked t. « n.i 1 V--^\ bara tba hooot to be. r»**4W^ ,;(\\ "Vcvcuua.DaviuA. W-LI>, r-lH'Cial <.-omioitaionei ot UIC W-u--

Jvdirea TapnaZ V"'"! £ ."'H:a_;vill°l"',uthe lelOMklYU U- W BWl l«-l IUUIB- Pail JlVBUB*.