JPMorgan Funds Audited Annual Report 30 June 2011

JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

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Page 1: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAudited Annual Report30 June 2011


Page 2: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

This report is an abridged version of the audited annual report established in conformity with the Luxembourg Law of 20 December 2002 on Undertakings for Collective Investment as amended. The complete version is available on request from the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg and from JPMorgan Funds (Asia) Limited.

This report does not constitute an offer of shares. Subscriptions are only valid if made on the basis of the current Hong Kong Offering Document which is available free of charge on request, supplemented by the most recent audited annual report of the Fund and any subsequent unaudited semi-annual report, from JPMorgan Funds (Asia) Limited.

Certain of the sub-funds of the Fund are not authorised for offer or distribution in or from Hong Kong. Accordingly, no reference is made to these sub-funds in this audited annual report. The attention of the investors is drawn to the fact that certain figures in this audited annual report are expressed on a consolidated basis and, thus, include the assets of those sub-funds which are not registered in Hong Kong.


Page 3: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAudited Annual ReportAs at 30 June 2011

Contents (continued)

Board of Directors 1Management and Administration 2Board of Directors’ Report 3Investment Managers’ Report 4Audit Report 5Financial Statements and Statistical Information

Combined Statement of Net Assets 7Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets 14Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares 20Statistical Information 27

Notes to the Financial Statements 34

Schedules of InvestmentJPMorgan Funds - America Equity Fund 42JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity Fund 44JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund 46JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fund 48JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund 52JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity Fund 57JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund 59JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund 63JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity Fund 64JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity Fund 68JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Fund 71JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund 74JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity Fund 75JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap Fund 79JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology Fund 82JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity Fund 84JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends Fund 85JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR) 87JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic Fund 91JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD) 95JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus Fund 98JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond Fund 101JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources Fund 104JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD) 107JPMorgan Funds - JF China Fund 110JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China Fund 111JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong Fund 112JPMorgan Funds - JF India Fund 113JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity Fund 114JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap Fund 115JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity Fund 116JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced Fund 118JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology Fund 122JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore Fund 123JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan Fund 124JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity Fund 125JPMorgan Funds - Russia Fund 126JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond Fund 127JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic Fund 143JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund 145JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth Fund 147JPMorgan Funds - US Technology Fund 149JPMorgan Funds - US Value Fund 150

Appendix: Unaudited Additional DisclosuresFund Total Expense Ratios 153Summary of Investment Objectives of the Sub-Funds 160Performance and Volatility 163Interest Rate Received/(Charged) on Bank Accounts 171Sub-Fund Share Classes Subject to Taxe d’abonnement Rate of 0.01% 171Portfolio Turnover Ratio 172Historical Statements of Changes in the Number of Shares 173

Page 4: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsBoard of Directors

As at 30 June 2011


Iain O.S. SaundersBankerDuine, ArdfernArgyll PA31 8QNUnited Kingdom


Jacques ElvingerPartnerElvinger, Hoss & Prussen2, place Winston ChurchillL-2014 LuxembourgGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

Jean FrijnsProfessor, Finance and InvestmentsAntigonelaan 2NL-5631 LR EindhovenThe Netherlands

Berndt MayManaging DirectorJPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.Austrian BranchFührichgasse 8A-1010 ViennaAustria

Registered Office

European Bank & Business Centre6, route de TrèvesL-2633 SenningerbergGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

Deputy Chairman

Pierre JaansEconomist3, rue de KahlerL-8356 GarnichGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

James B. BroderickManaging DirectorJPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited20 Finsbury StreetLondon EC2Y 9AQUnited Kingdom

Robert Van der MeerProfessor of Finance12 Lange VijverbergNL-2513 AC The HagueThe Netherlands


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JPMorgan FundsManagement and Administration

As at 30 June 2011

Management Company, Registrar and Transfer Agent,Global Distributor and Domiciliary Agent

JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.European Bank & Business Centre6, route de TrèvesL-2633 SenningerbergGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

Investment Managers

J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.245 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10167United States of America

JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) LimitedTokyo Building7 - 3, Marunouchi 2 - Chome Chiyoda-kuTokyo 100 - 6432Japan

JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited20 Finsbury StreetLondon EC2Y 9AQUnited Kingdom

JPMorgan Asset Management (Taiwan) Limited17th Floor, 65 Tun Hwa South RoadSection 2, TaipeiTaiwan

JF Asset Management Limited21st Floor, Chater House8 Connaught Road, CentralHong Kong

JPMorgan Asset Management (Singapore) Limited168 Robinson Road17th Floor, Capital TowerSingapore 068912

Highbridge Capital Management LLC9 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10019United States of America

Custodian, Corporate, Administrative Agent & Paying Agent

J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A.European Bank & Business Centre6, route de TrèvesL-2633 SenningerbergGrand Duchy of Luxembourg


PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l.400, Route d’EschB.P. 1443L-1014 LuxembourgGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

Legal Adviser

Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen2, place Winston ChurchillL-2014 LuxembourgGrand Duchy of Luxembourg


Page 6: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsBoard of Directors’ Report

As at 30 June 2011

The Board of Directors is pleased to present the Audited Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2011.

The Fund

The Fund is a variable capital investment company, organised as a “Société Anonyme”, under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The Board ofDirectors has appointed JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. as Management Company of the Fund.

The Fund is organized as an “umbrella” with a number of Sub-Funds, each of which has its own investment policy and restrictions.

At present, the Fund has issued shares in 117 Sub-Funds.

During the year, the total net assets of the Fund increased from USD 44.1 billion to USD 61.6 billion at year end.

The Fund qualifies as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities under the amended EC Directive 85/611 of 20 December 1985 andfrom 1 July 2011 the Fund is subject to the law of 17 December 2010. The Fund may therefore be offered for sale in European Union Member States, subject toregistration in countries other than the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In addition, applications to register the Fund and its Sub-Funds may be made in othercountries.

The Fund and the Sub-Funds are currently registered for offer and distribution in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and in the following jurisdictions:

Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Jersey, Korea, Macau, TheNetherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

Responsibility of the Directors

The responsibility of the Directors of the Fund is governed exclusively by Luxembourg law. With respect to the annual accounts of the Fund, the duties of theDirectors are governed by general corporate law and the law of 19 December 2002 on, inter alia, the accounting and annual accounts of undertakings and bythe law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment.

Change in the Board of Directors

Earlier this year Ms Andrea L. Hazen informed the Board of her intention to retire from the Board of Directors and it was agreed that this would be effectivefrom 31 March 2011. Ms Hazen had been a Director of the Company since September 2005 and the Board would like to take this opportunity to record theirthanks for her services.

In addition, the Board would like to advise that with effect from 31 March 2011 Mr James B. Broderick was co-opted as a Director and his appointment will beapproved by Shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

ALFI Code of Conduct

Following its introduction the Board of Directors has adopted the ALFI Code of Conduct (the “Code”) which sets out principles of good governance. The Boardof Directors considers that the Fund has been in compliance with the Code in all material aspects throughout the financial year ended 30 June 2011.

Annual General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on 16 November 2011.

Board of Directors

Luxembourg, 4 October 2011


Page 7: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsInvestment Managers’ Report

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Market Review

Global stock markets made strong gains over the 12 months to the end of June 2011, with the MSCI World Index rising 10.8% in euro terms against a backdropof strong corporate profits growth (source: FactSet).

In contrast, government bond investors experienced losses in euro terms, with the JPMorgan Global Bond Index down 6.9% in euro terms. Returns werenegative in the period as the environment was poor for bonds, with developed markets experiencing a disappointingly weak recovery, rising inflationarypressures and expectations for rising interest rates.

Bond markets were also impacted by ongoing eurozone sovereign debt concerns. In peripheral Europe, the JPMorgan Ireland Index fell 22.9% and theJPMorgan Portugal Index was down 21.5% as both countries required bailouts in the period from the European Union (EU) and the International MonetaryFund (IMF). Core European markets were also hurt, with the JPMorgan Germany Index losing 1.0% and the JPMorgan France Index down 0.4% (source forgovernment bond indices: J.P. Morgan).

The review period began well for equities with a strong second-quarter 2010 corporate earnings season. However, the positive market sentiment quicklyfaded over the summer as the macroeconomic outlook became increasingly uncertain and investors waited to see if central banks would introduce morestimulus measures.

With the US economic recovery looking fragile, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”), talked of the need for a second round ofquantitative easing (QE2). In September and October markets rallied as investors changed allocation priorities towards equities in anticipation of QE2. On 3November, the Fed announced a larger-than-expected USD 600 billion asset purchase package, which was well received by the market.

The global stock market rally faltered in late November, when eurozone sovereign debt and Chinese inflation concerns undermined investor confidence. Abailout for Ireland from the EU and IMF calmed nerves, helping global markets to regain their upward momentum towards the end of 2010. Sentiment wasfurther supported in early 2011 by strong leading economic indicators from the developed world and generally good fourth-quarter 2010 corporate earningsresults.

Geopolitical instability in North Africa and the Middle East came to the fore in February, with political protests breaking out in Tunisia and Egypt. In March,violence escalated and civil unrest spread to Bahrain and Libya, resulting in disruption to oil production, which triggered a sharp rise in oil prices. Developedcountry bond investors feared that high oil prices would add to existing inflationary pressures, resulting in earlier-than-expected interest rate rises.

In the eurozone, the European Central Bank raised interest rates by 0.25% to 1.25% in April in an attempt to bring inflation back below its 2% target – makingit the first major developed market central bank to tighten policy. In emerging markets, central banks in China, Brazil, Korea, India and Thailand also raisedtheir key lending rates over the review period in an effort to combat rising prices. However, despite inflation rising sharply, the Bank of England and US Fedkept policy unchanged as economic growth remained weak.

Markets succumbed to further uncertainty when a massive earthquake, measuring 9.0 in magnitude, hit Japan on 11 March. Concerns about therepercussions of the earthquake, particularly on production lines and manufacturing supply chains, resulted in losses for markets globally.

Market volatility continued as the eurozone sovereign debt crisis re-emerged towards the end of the review period. A swift rescue package from the EU andIMF for Portugal reassured investors, but in May investor concerns turned to Greece, where a debt default became increasingly likely.

The Greek parliament eased investor concerns in late June by approving a new five-year package of additional spending cuts, tax increases and state assetsales, paving the way for the EU and IMF to release the next tranche of bailout funds. However, markets remain volatile as European politicians search for acomprehensive solution to the crisis.

Meanwhile, the impact of higher oil prices, the Japanese earthquake and tighter monetary policy started to come through in economic data. In China,investors began to worry about a hard landing for the economy as industrial data softened. Meanwhile, US economic data pointed towards a slowdown, withmanufacturing activity weakening in April and May, unemployment rising and the housing market continuing to struggle. The period drew to a close withreassurance from Fed officials that the exit from QE2, starting on the 30 June, should be gradual and flexible.


The recent weakness in global economic data has led investors to question whether we are experiencing a soft patch or if this is the beginning of reneweddownturn. It seems most likely we are seeing a mid-cycle soft patch and that growth will pick up again later in the year and into 2012 as Greece receivesanother tranche of bailout money from the EU and IMF, oil prices stabilise and Japanese supply constraints ease.

In the US, the Fed is expected to keep interest rate policy unchanged through 2011 and probably 2012 in order to support economic growth. Monetaryconditions also remain broadly accommodative in the eurozone and Japan, and interest rates in the UK look to stay lower for longer as it is likely the Bank ofEngland will want to delay a rate increase given the economy is just beginning to feel the full force of the government’s fiscal austerity measures.

On global stock markets sentiment is likely to remain subdued while uncertainty remains over the course of the global economy – in particular the outlook forthe US and China. Middle East and eurozone debt concerns will also continue to weigh on confidence. However, globally, valuations do not look stretchedgiven expectations for firm corporate earnings growth in 2011.

Investment Managers

4 October 2011

The information contained in this report is historical and not necessarily indicative of future performance.


Page 8: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Following our appointment by the General Meeting of the Shareholders dated 17 November 2010, we have audited the accompanying financial statements of JPMorgan Fundsand of each of its Sub-Funds, which comprise the Combined Statement of Net Assets and the Schedule of Investments as at 30 June 2011 and the Combined Statement ofOperations and Changes in Net Assets for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes to the financial statements.

Responsibility of the Board of Directors of the SICAV for the financial statementsThe Board of Directors of the SICAV is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Luxembourg legal and regulatoryrequirements relating to the preparation of the financial statements and for such internal control as the Board of Directors of the SICAV determines is necessary to enable thepreparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Responsibility of the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé”Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing asadopted for Luxembourg by the “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and performthe audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on thejudgment of the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé”, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. Inmaking those risk assessments, the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé” considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financialstatements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’sinternal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board ofDirectors of the SICAV, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of JPMorgan Funds and of each of its Sub-Funds as of 30 June 2011, and of the results oftheir operations and changes in their net assets for the year then ended in accordance with Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to the preparation of thefinancial statements.

Other mattersSupplementary information included in the annual report has been reviewed in the context of our mandate but has not been subject to specific audit procedures carried out inaccordance with the standards described above. Consequently, we express no opinion on such information. However, we have no observation to make concerning suchinformation in the context of the financial statements taken as a whole.

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l. Luxembourg, 4 October 2011Represented by

Régis Malcourant

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l., 400 Route d’Esch, B.P. 1443, L-1014 LuxembourgT: +352 494848 1, F:+352 494848 2900, www.pwc.lu

Cabinet de révision agréé. Expert-comptable (autorisation gouvernementale n° 00123693)R.C.S. Luxembourg B 65 477 - Capital social EUR 516 950 - TVA LU17564447


Audit Report

To the Shareholders ofJPMorgan Funds

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JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets

As at 30 June 2011

JPMorgan FundsCombined




Eastern EuropeEquity


Emerging Europe,Middle East and

Africa Equity FundUSD


Investments in Securities at Market Value 59,884,992,033 460,359,132 1,009,993,851 790,051,043Acquisition Cost: 52,153,042,044 395,337,205 912,533,313 679,807,538Investment in TBAs at Market Value (1) 111,956,009 - - -Cash at Bank 1,464,852,257 9,132,434 5,692,219 1,568,587Time Deposits and Cash Equivalents 281,485,786 - - -Amounts Receivable on Sale of Investments 439,281,897 - - 78,810Amounts Receivable on Sale of TBAs (1) 35,822,116 - - -Amounts Receivable on Subscriptions 192,724,504 1,010,975 1,248,674 875,178Interest and Dividends Receivable, Net 237,118,427 361,876 8,473,530 3,093,060Tax Reclaims Receivable 5,945,184 27,967 192,931 88,274Fee Waiver (2) 1,143,690 - - -Other Receivables 1,620,848 1,049 - -Unrealised Net Gain on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts 69,387,481 - - -Unrealised Net Gain on Financial Futures Contracts 1,691,417 - - -Derivatives Instruments at Market Value 3,899,597 - - -

Total Assets 62,731,921,246 470,893,433 1,025,601,205 795,754,952

LiabilitiesBank Overdraft 31,186,876 - - -Open Short Positions on TBAs (1) 5,197,656 - - -Amounts Payable on Purchase of Investments 639,290,292 - - -Amounts Payable on Purchase of TBAs (1) 143,075,403 - - -Amounts Payable on Redemptions 178,648,434 756,250 5,079,835 2,566,695Management and Advisory Fees Payable 64,843,838 547,113 1,328,306 952,971Performance Fees 4,589,491 - - -Other Payables 12,690,025 88,420 210,696 178,125Unrealised Net Loss on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts 24,855,034 325,407 - -Unrealised Net Loss on Financial Futures Contracts 1,684,088 - - -Derivatives Instruments at Market Value 45,991,261 - - -

Total Liabilities 1,152,052,398 1,717,190 6,618,837 3,697,791

Total Net Assets 61,579,868,848 469,176,243 1,018,982,368 792,057,161

Historical Total Net Assets30 June 2010 44,088,150,386 373,415,446 941,639,605 619,492,70230 June 2009 34,590,007,431 337,907,417 517,438,764 412,101,96030 June 2008 57,591,091,920 549,614,355 1,583,655,705 1,093,563,68930 June 2007 89,568,991,703 753,695,199 1,411,797,493 599,428,235

(1) Please refer to Note 2l).(2) Please refer to Note 7a).

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


Page 11: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

Emerging MarketsBondFundUSD

Emerging MarketsDebt Fund


Emerging MarketsEquity Fund


Emerging MarketsLocal Currency

Debt FundEUR

Emerging MiddleEast Equity




EurolandSelect Equity


Europe DynamicFund


229,407,610 331,063,446 8,950,285,400 690,272,626 363,662,398 527,300,774 90,884,374 201,379,896223,711,559 334,952,263 6,283,865,864 701,537,020 336,475,556 500,724,470 87,636,969 195,854,875

- - - - - - - -5,890,043 21,534,077 91,209,916 112,842,614 5,060,638 1,627,996 389,149 2,834,047

- - - - - - - -1,453,801 1,929,391 922,775 - - 288,319 441 2,174,407

- - - - - - - -189,739 2,026,522 6,108,133 6,581,919 516,335 131,010 58,138 69,788

3,920,022 5,833,682 28,509,446 10,312,482 266,632 206,988 8,005 289,180- - - - - 440,319 34,242 193,835- - - - 11,402 - - -- - 3,047 39,710 1,415 432 - 9,850- 6,323,196 - - - - - -- - - - - 54,825 22,185 27,071- - - 954,020 - - - -

240,861,215 368,710,314 9,077,038,717 821,003,371 369,518,820 530,050,663 91,396,534 206,978,074

- - - 13,414,764 - 844,604 - -- - - - - - - -

1,136,811 4,737,121 3,432,549 31,040,193 137,823 525,895 484,108 4,847,291- - - - - - - -

259,990 1,146,296 7,206,640 7,250,021 541,575 1,004,139 49,635 599,787137,409 348,340 7,961,369 440,921 459,102 667,506 100,489 220,221

- - - 80,393 - - - -45,243 84,743 1,363,091 163,895 138,937 99,905 17,688 48,45231,623 - - 2,062,039 - - - -171,211 219,577 - - - - - -

- 1,088,317 - - - - - -

1,782,287 7,624,394 19,963,649 54,452,226 1,277,437 3,142,049 651,920 5,715,751

239,078,928 361,085,920 9,057,075,068 766,551,145 368,241,383 526,908,614 90,744,614 201,262,323

125,177,410 167,809,729 6,562,754,178 474,595,650 316,270,641 594,371,470 7,845,016 258,699,413- 143,731,454 4,671,128,410 86,488,839 308,246,494 413,671,939 7,416,715 260,364,388- 204,005,222 6,604,690,449 5,351,918 709,594,180 1,424,908,906 4,902,750 631,881,565- 251,870,653 6,821,647,444 - 341,530,509 4,685,250,845 - 1,465,060,727


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JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

Europe DynamicMega Cap


Europe EquityFund


EuropeSmall Cap




Germany EquityFund


GlobalConsumer Trends






52,310,248 448,299,973 237,668,628 130,234,270 687,636,260 149,908,717 1,784,131,403 1,265,849,06751,771,968 425,428,237 204,984,395 120,317,254 622,227,974 154,564,203 1,769,444,975 1,055,400,194

- - - - - - - -595,586 29,696,557 8,312,253 224,192 58,265 1,551,398 215,047 3,823,555

- - - - - - - -536,869 22,448,619 11,281,507 3,127,602 - 1,197,431 4,848,023 12,152,929

- - - - - - - -4,588 159,220 1,389,671 2,352,249 1,237,785 2,156,264 2,108,952 403,077

123,962 743,208 169,641 45,987 - 258,647 8,981,255 1,411,12271,140 224,800 209,622 47,733 634,049 2,527 - 112,867

54 - - - - - - 2,486466 631 31,704 1,250 - - 992 19,583

- - - - - - 31,052,621 -- 46,885 - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

53,642,913 501,619,893 259,063,026 136,033,283 689,566,359 155,074,984 1,831,338,293 1,283,774,686

- - - - - - - 889,298- - - - - - - -

973,164 40,426,298 6,500,479 341,691 1,860,000 2,574,781 27,736,576 15,041,424- - - - - - - -

27,753 469,535 956,250 3,201,676 436,343 291,282 15,862,052 1,264,03167,945 566,873 339,301 204,802 858,908 166,865 1,696,249 894,768

- - - - - - - -17,349 113,792 63,447 33,354 121,327 43,791 329,782 268,489

- - - - - - - 12,349- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

1,086,211 41,576,498 7,859,477 3,781,523 3,276,578 3,076,719 45,624,659 18,370,359

52,556,702 460,043,395 251,203,549 132,251,760 686,289,781 151,998,265 1,785,713,634 1,265,404,327

108,048,777 444,504,471 221,762,214 94,831,796 286,786,355 53,019,318 2,837,744,071 1,135,055,214314,110,906 529,429,713 227,604,156 70,223,758 318,655,742 5,996,185 1,939,507,561 1,174,912,544572,249,219 1,877,322,935 469,101,616 113,646,005 550,719,016 3,634,522 1,742,308,863 1,872,953,353

1,202,156,717 6,724,760,335 1,383,590,469 203,196,335 754,261,152 - 1,697,301,712 3,346,335,559


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JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets (continued)

As at 30 June 2011





Bond FundEUR

Global NaturalResources


Global RealEstate Securities


JF ChinaFund


JF GreaterChinaFundUSD

JF Hong KongFund


280,775,499 1,585,782,330 251,634,828 3,068,269,495 80,522,876 3,457,631,317 851,229,493 151,898,945254,936,038 1,504,455,957 255,918,906 2,635,606,981 76,818,376 2,927,226,626 714,997,472 140,848,762

- - - - - - - -11,299,706 1,398,474 1,082,554 971,075 604,586 72,550,548 8,732,410 1,644,695

- - - - - - - -4,703,355 5,586,637 2,000,000 9,976,030 149,336 25,317,921 4,463,295 12,415

- - - - - - - -22,157 4,937,863 907,758 8,952,832 187,210 14,413,130 1,363,076 3,798,572

531,827 1,837,572 1,718,738 1,309,568 241,298 11,662,051 3,797,007 909,02273,331 309,226 - - 781 - - -

- - 37,585 - 12,661 - - 348- 27,262 - 1,072 275 1,419 - -

851,887 1,185,726 1,584,788 - 11,967 - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

298,257,762 1,601,065,090 258,966,251 3,089,480,072 81,730,990 3,581,576,386 869,585,281 158,263,997

4,340 - 10,831 1,508 - 294,361 - -- - - - - - - -

9,451,347 28,461,813 3,302,720 5,636,044 241,735 31,124,119 8,447,854 4,145,285- - - - - - - -

77,032 2,248,532 34,664 12,000,767 167,099 3,546,605 1,957,055 115,399171,571 1,858,384 34,196 4,215,804 79,795 5,027,555 1,190,038 195,108

- - - - - - - -88,316 288,989 54,899 471,045 33,730 513,719 176,493 49,112

- - - - - - - -- - 22,775 - - - - -- - - - - - - -

9,792,606 32,857,718 3,460,085 22,325,168 522,359 40,506,359 11,771,440 4,504,904

288,465,156 1,568,207,372 255,506,166 3,067,154,904 81,208,631 3,541,070,027 857,813,841 153,759,093

253,598,220 1,027,930,229 280,367,183 1,912,587,338 27,856,852 3,435,434,476 684,691,268 170,855,931233,869,436 331,436,544 71,690,468 1,018,336,433 13,710,677 3,277,872,788 568,509,936 212,431,721162,885,287 335,896,837 - 1,871,228,153 12,635,754 2,680,483,250 622,728,380 257,111,221270,564,769 551,822,932 - 1,778,456,610 21,580,292 3,221,787,004 684,910,511 108,208,759


Page 14: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

JF IndiaFund


JF JapanEquity


JF JapanSmall Cap


JF KoreaEquity


JF PacificBalanced


JF PacificTechnology


JF SingaporeFund


JF TaiwanFund


2,647,458,047 204,046,363 36,362,785 203,083,247 116,571,735 28,771,672 176,937,007 614,974,8041,655,452,712 204,802,058 33,105,435 202,145,575 109,693,745 27,138,356 159,192,505 518,844,689

- - - - - - - -106,640,228 5,226,039 1,676,290 15,962,483 3,305,496 1,470,097 8,290,552 9,649,371

- - - - - - - -2,249,198 517,838 - 927,493 998,436 543,100 5,814,512 16,835,010

- - - - - - - -1,576,821 302,559 602,458 9,600,115 61,082 65,111 26,038 942,490

11,182,082 206,469 34,237 196,727 1,074,477 131,057 375,711 2,787,183- - - - 16,864 - - -- - 9,878 3,576 - 8,354 - -- - 7,380 139 749 - - -- - - 362,855 - - - -- - - 395,322 - - - -- - - - - - - -

2,769,106,376 210,299,268 38,693,028 230,531,957 122,028,839 30,989,391 191,443,820 645,188,858

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

1,512,542 1,725,417 3,086,706 10,953,604 1,611,069 889,451 737,625 4,182- - - - - - - -

6,561,904 490,931 191,180 168,246 152,831 100,686 3,609,999 21,084,7244,089,054 272,239 40,067 206,889 161,090 39,246 278,826 755,496

- - - - - - - -787,015 50,247 19,586 59,423 30,726 17,876 48,838 165,532

- - - - 274,826 - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

12,950,515 2,538,834 3,337,539 11,388,162 2,230,542 1,047,259 4,675,288 22,009,934

2,756,155,861 207,760,434 35,355,489 219,143,795 119,798,297 29,942,132 186,768,532 623,178,924

2,637,009,261 253,118,567 33,764,363 32,973,452 108,088,203 60,914,568 175,447,667 338,093,1612,084,541,872 356,735,115 52,721,554 11,522,686 132,125,204 27,012,528 198,367,313 404,227,0842,533,079,738 800,338,469 139,803,462 36,806,282 151,733,601 43,863,223 603,489,727 1,080,868,6754,123,155,354 1,948,180,766 241,926,110 - 182,226,858 39,446,674 789,840,297 748,278,900


Page 15: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Net Assets (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

Latin AmericaEquity




US AggregateBondFundUSD

US DynamicFund


US GrowthFund (3)


US Small CapGrowth


US TechnologyFund


US ValueFund


1,481,985,114 2,587,641,760 1,429,660,685 228,425,359 521,330,000 115,568,220 211,928,006 1,107,574,9491,197,556,818 2,158,707,490 1,380,388,732 212,936,886 501,825,392 103,267,363 185,564,160 980,464,249

- - - - - - - -47,791,529 215,239 1,871,249 2,003,596 9,719,085 1,387,279 2,398,120 26,172,554

- - - - - - - -1,625,833 11,420,770 698,627 7,646,643 5,628 1,830,913 2,091,000 -

- - - - - - - -2,191,572 3,988,054 11,394,718 243,878 8,377,802 198,043 2,447,805 2,668,6931,818,589 22,521,954 7,827,755 166,676 263,308 26,874 2,489 1,076,629

- 425,120 - 26,108 29,032 - 8,703 27,704- - 35,078 - 12,517 - - -- - - - 6,758 809 - 1,365- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

1,535,412,637 2,626,212,897 1,451,488,112 238,512,260 539,744,130 119,012,138 218,876,123 1,137,521,894

- - - - - 850 - -- - - - - - - -

21,517,628 - 13,943,548 7,877,783 - 1,441,867 2,108,315 -- - - - - - - -

5,587,337 2,057,562 2,503,239 583,826 528,274 550,884 845,050 768,9631,881,544 2,963,000 770,233 312,451 444,714 146,158 300,038 942,653

- - - - - - - -292,375 437,799 237,647 43,481 141,265 32,725 46,213 192,825

- - 7,629 - 177,776 - - 969,619- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

29,278,884 5,458,361 17,462,296 8,817,541 1,292,029 2,172,484 3,299,616 2,874,060

1,506,133,753 2,620,754,536 1,434,025,816 229,694,719 538,452,101 116,839,654 215,576,507 1,134,647,834

1,290,637,333 2,035,560,908 959,323,512 694,398,270 59,733,564 46,434,212 52,580,080 571,693,123921,144,836 771,414,461 620,305,842 771,329,174 93,548,217 29,100,734 34,742,734 634,397,311

2,091,554,855 1,630,707,987 384,092,920 2,029,139,806 623,683,872 47,282,308 140,291,566 855,159,9151,748,314,623 299,387,847 254,010,752 7,549,424,048 584,352,217 67,473,188 65,053,721 1,776,712,510

(3) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.


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Page 17: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

JPMorgan FundsCombined




Eastern EuropeEquity


Emerging Europe,Middle East and

Africa Equity FundUSD

Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year * 46,888,368,692 373,415,446 941,639,605 619,492,702

IncomeDividend Income, Net 888,784,789 5,866,188 21,985,300 19,329,665Interest Income, Net 373,085,264 39,251 103,959 27,927Securities Lending Income 17,087,568 4,823 - -Bank Interest 1,244,302 538 120,101 42,636Interest on Swap Transactions 20,642,948 - - -Other Income 23,492 - - -

Total Income 1,300,868,363 5,910,800 22,209,360 19,400,228

ExpensesManagement and Advisory Fees 760,204,144 6,293,275 17,238,009 11,999,053Custodian, Corporate, Administration and Domiciliary Agency Fees 59,981,193 281,550 1,397,483 1,257,480Registrar and Transfer Agency Fees 42,886,673 367,563 831,016 656,266Taxe d’abonnement 26,160,880 220,476 520,635 381,665Overdraft Interest 706,970 - 1,686 2,210Interest on Swap Transactions 9,743,523 - - -Sundry Fees** 37,559,498 212,370 588,962 490,559

937,242,881 7,375,234 20,577,791 14,787,233Less: Fee Waiver (1) 15,422,097 25,813 62,050 63,292

Total Expenses before Performance Fees 921,820,784 7,349,421 20,515,741 14,723,941

Performance Fees 4,589,490 - - -

Total Expenses 926,410,274 7,349,421 20,515,741 14,723,941

Net Investment Income/(Loss) 374,458,089 (1,438,621) 1,693,619 4,676,287

Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Investments 3,260,363,454 15,607,787 33,753,813 48,687,836Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts 472,278,373 4,002,078 (79,876) (10,979)Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Financial Futures Contracts 12,836,471 - - -Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Exchange (25,125,999) 45,689 843,307 (459,728)Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on TBAs 2,820,205 - - -Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments 202,520,600 - - -

Net Realised Gain/(Loss) for the Year 3,925,693,104 19,655,554 34,517,244 48,217,129

Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Investments 4,100,056,524 79,371,201 44,713,500 121,287,422Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts 46,871,370 (346,691) - -Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Financial Futures Contracts 6,356,573 - - -Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Exchange 1,891,944 130 (14,165) 35,914Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on TBAs (463,273) - - -Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments 12,393,215 - - -

Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) for the Year 4,167,106,353 79,024,640 44,699,335 121,323,336

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets as a Result of Operations 8,467,257,546 97,241,573 80,910,198 174,216,752

Movements in Share CapitalSubscriptions 47,103,861,553 163,098,844 652,246,990 504,919,048Redemptions (40,719,232,170) (164,579,620) (655,814,425) (505,740,806)Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets as a Result of Movements in Share Capital 6,384,629,383 (1,480,776) (3,567,435) (821,758)

Dividend Distribution (160,386,773) - - (830,535)

Net Assets at the End of the Year 61,579,868,848 469,176,243 1,018,982,368 792,057,161

(1) Please refer to Note 7a).

* The opening balance was combined using the foreign exchange rates as at 30 June 2011. The same net assets when combined using the foreign exchange rate ruling as at 30 June 2010 reflecteda figure of USD 44,088,150,386.

** Sundry Fees are principally comprised of Directors’ fees, audit and tax related fees and expenses, registration, publication, mailing, printing, legal and marketing expenses.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


Page 18: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Emerging MarketsBondFundUSD

Emerging MarketsDebt Fund


Emerging MarketsEquity Fund


Emerging MarketsLocal Currency

Debt FundEUR

Emerging MiddleEast Equity




EurolandSelect Equity


Europe DynamicFund


125,177,410 167,809,729 6,562,754,178 474,595,650 316,270,641 594,371,470 7,845,016 258,699,413

- - 168,090,440 - 13,430,751 16,523,938 2,361,766 5,806,42812,876,513 17,529,448 344,497 41,622,576 11,057 46,196 6,121 20,173

36,303 51,280 - 25,090 - 1,570,125 223,720 492,348575 6,991 47,939 58,058 7,176 2,700 743 726

- 158,203 - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

12,913,391 17,745,922 168,482,876 41,705,724 13,448,984 18,142,959 2,592,350 6,319,675

1,623,863 3,118,397 94,906,729 4,265,149 6,123,457 8,683,802 993,471 3,285,436221,899 274,679 6,813,636 763,994 1,399,988 520,535 121,238 332,110192,706 282,691 4,711,931 405,588 451,721 399,785 60,557 189,94777,800 139,445 3,295,966 232,493 198,953 269,210 38,821 109,492

7,091 10,819 7,869 7,338 4,332 39,812 424 9,680- 266,149 - 75,902 - - - -

84,389 253,028 3,425,946 283,154 283,720 169,542 13,921 58,2842,207,748 4,345,208 113,162,077 6,033,618 8,462,171 10,082,686 1,228,432 3,984,949

51,332 42,752 255 159,030 640,593 35,140 29,552 64,766

2,156,416 4,302,456 113,161,822 5,874,588 7,821,578 10,047,546 1,198,880 3,920,183

- - - 80,392 - - - -

2,156,416 4,302,456 113,161,822 5,954,980 7,821,578 10,047,546 1,198,880 3,920,183

10,756,975 13,443,466 55,321,054 35,750,744 5,627,406 8,095,413 1,393,470 2,399,492

7,480,492 4,936,665 159,687,214 12,335,013 (3,098,991) 36,470,880 4,058,061 36,352,58660,901 29,245,120 1,929,466 9,432,313 (58,706) (19,308) 69 192,216(9,107) (128,878) - (130,520) - (2,627,384) 88,536 (326,327)

(77,441) (5,890,574) 2,306,212 (6,117,004) 6,446 28,651 (88) (477,507)- - - - - - - -

(21,764) 799,489 - (1,278,059) - - - -

7,433,081 28,961,822 163,922,892 14,241,743 (3,151,251) 33,852,839 4,146,578 35,740,968

3,422,437 (24,730,041) 1,394,324,796 (40,303,665) 24,031,799 49,144,039 3,660,649 2,844,739(31,623) 7,216,718 - (1,911,610) - - - -

(190,161) (29,269) - 121,940 - 653,220 25,485 27,0713,403 (591,512) 500,654 (580,169) 6,608 (645) - 156,893

- - - - - - - -- (138,918) - 278,447 - - - -

3,204,056 (18,273,022) 1,394,825,450 (42,395,057) 24,038,407 49,796,614 3,686,134 3,028,703

21,394,112 24,132,266 1,614,069,396 7,597,430 26,514,562 91,744,866 9,226,182 41,169,163

327,286,289 547,351,318 4,371,701,219 912,471,302 422,863,582 131,008,975 116,049,842 67,946,808(234,778,883) (373,481,936) (3,477,553,692) (624,147,610) (395,016,105) (283,242,434) (42,347,491) (165,901,704)

92,507,406 173,869,382 894,147,527 288,323,692 27,847,477 (152,233,459) 73,702,351 (97,954,896)

- (4,725,457) (13,896,033) (3,965,627) (2,391,297) (6,974,263) (28,935) (651,357)

239,078,928 361,085,920 9,057,075,068 766,551,145 368,241,383 526,908,614 90,744,614 201,262,323


Page 19: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Europe DynamicMega Cap


Europe EquityFund


EuropeSmall Cap




Germany EquityFund


GlobalConsumer Trends






108,048,777 444,504,471 221,762,214 94,831,796 286,786,355 53,019,318 2,837,744,071 1,135,055,214

1,975,450 13,080,595 5,496,135 2,332,398 14,363,566 2,322,019 2,639,749 21,779,1394,766 32,887 40,411 15,043 52,897 5,262 53,981,088 13,427

167,576 862,162 361,026 307,232 1,065,464 - - 920,942136 16,078 1,935 - - 417 30,412 308

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

2,147,928 13,991,722 5,899,507 2,654,673 15,481,927 2,327,698 56,651,249 22,713,816

1,085,968 6,484,327 4,182,787 2,015,841 7,859,661 1,293,646 25,511,825 12,849,791186,400 467,485 331,322 182,325 306,896 125,448 946,869 767,880

91,582 372,636 271,150 204,923 451,507 171,282 1,283,508 680,31032,708 220,355 129,791 62,165 256,687 56,710 969,259 449,037

1,648 22,972 353 1,640 2,522 - 23,581 3,090- - - - - - - -

32,641 125,898 82,474 35,834 112,401 35,165 1,467,622 792,6761,430,947 7,693,673 4,997,877 2,502,728 8,989,674 1,682,251 30,202,664 15,542,784

60,543 31,636 10,875 16,296 42,472 45,184 53,510 180,473

1,370,404 7,662,037 4,987,002 2,486,432 8,947,202 1,637,067 30,149,154 15,362,311

- - - - - - - -

1,370,404 7,662,037 4,987,002 2,486,432 8,947,202 1,637,067 30,149,154 15,362,311

777,524 6,329,685 912,505 168,241 6,534,725 690,631 26,502,095 7,351,505

5,039,847 32,611,262 40,943,227 15,628,321 12,254,413 2,714,673 246,636,767 130,157,46641,931 4,718 13,653 28,718 - 27,481 193,651,498 2,012,928

(42,107) 196,479 - - - - (2,723,756) -(151,263) (73,809) (97,789) (67,820) - (737,564) (398,096) 767,499

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

4,888,408 32,738,650 40,859,091 15,589,219 12,254,413 2,004,590 437,166,413 132,937,893

1,702,922 37,848,691 8,752,391 3,354,771 63,105,011 (3,768,993) (245,535,323) 200,555,580- - - - - - 37,826,747 126,194- 471,553 - - - - - -

44,099 (16,458) (33,204) (7,732) - (43,057) (111,512) (9,358)- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

1,747,021 38,303,786 8,719,187 3,347,039 63,105,011 (3,812,050) (207,820,088) 200,672,416

7,412,953 77,372,121 50,490,783 19,104,499 81,894,149 (1,116,829) 255,848,420 340,961,814

7,470,850 71,440,083 98,061,818 177,502,774 745,177,866 162,268,632 1,323,762,845 252,115,863(70,050,602) (130,067,658) (118,104,046) (159,152,588) (426,517,368) (62,172,856) (2,621,560,250) (462,029,276)

(62,579,752) (58,627,575) (20,042,228) 18,350,186 318,660,498 100,095,776 (1,297,797,405) (209,913,413)

(325,276) (3,205,622) (1,007,220) (34,721) (1,051,221) - (10,081,452) (699,288)

52,556,702 460,043,395 251,203,549 132,251,760 686,289,781 151,998,265 1,785,713,634 1,265,404,327


Page 20: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011





Bond FundEUR

Global NaturalResources


Global RealEstate Securities


JF ChinaFund


JF GreaterChinaFundUSD

JF Hong KongFund


253,598,220 1,027,930,229 280,367,183 1,912,587,338 27,856,852 3,435,434,476 684,691,268 170,855,931

5,733,702 26,280,118 - 21,454,034 1,647,068 58,455,877 21,884,301 4,340,49014,327 170,535 5,999,013 631,306 640 18,466 2,234 -

103,767 1,093,305 14,548 - 28,718 - - -199 198,568 6,050 25,372 757 14,156 1,577 1,001

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

5,851,995 27,742,526 6,019,611 22,110,712 1,677,183 58,488,499 21,888,112 4,341,491

2,053,087 21,825,546 691,545 47,246,689 672,103 62,423,973 13,765,184 2,828,894279,955 699,968 183,654 1,284,326 241,988 2,123,451 929,730 406,779199,397 1,064,710 182,351 2,045,501 81,567 2,047,345 559,452 164,211115,058 700,213 113,450 1,476,249 25,442 1,777,970 413,131 85,601

302 265 1,185 803 464 21,241 575 -- - - - - - - -

179,890 731,883 94,849 1,363,187 20,968 2,690,524 409,199 220,9212,827,689 25,022,585 1,267,034 53,416,755 1,042,532 71,084,504 16,077,271 3,706,406

94,641 57,549 202,549 196 196,068 4,377 4,604 170,547

2,733,048 24,965,036 1,064,485 53,416,559 846,464 71,080,127 16,072,667 3,535,859

- - - - - - - -

2,733,048 24,965,036 1,064,485 53,416,559 846,464 71,080,127 16,072,667 3,535,859

3,118,947 2,777,490 4,955,126 (31,305,847) 830,719 (12,591,628) 5,815,445 805,632

15,883,143 72,799,611 (4,899,570) 92,157,469 4,331,450 375,003,938 97,516,077 19,955,7686,305,591 4,167,459 13,587,530 (797,338) 812,004 (166,153) 4,063 (4,150)

506,081 17,215,035 493,798 - - - - -76,605 (3,723,495) 967,015 (7,471,138) (120,922) 2,581,814 130,309 (11,382)

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

22,771,420 90,458,610 10,148,773 83,888,993 5,022,532 377,419,599 97,650,449 19,940,236

39,496,446 32,280,864 (18,785,709) 156,393,452 4,303,405 148,736,198 76,460,716 6,127,1871,010,831 (6,586,903) 2,916,148 - (68,625) - - -

- 826,611 (104,601) - - - - -15,579 5,617 (31,892) (116,250) 3,656 802,919 290 4,176

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

40,522,856 26,526,189 (16,006,054) 156,277,202 4,238,436 149,539,117 76,461,006 6,131,363

66,413,223 119,762,289 (902,155) 208,860,348 10,091,687 514,367,088 179,926,900 26,877,231

23,261,620 1,408,540,898 422,015,347 3,848,233,559 57,942,574 1,913,294,894 429,414,879 129,300,343(54,569,628) (987,433,693) (445,974,209) (2,902,526,341) (14,682,000) (2,322,026,431) (434,450,699) (172,285,569)

(31,308,008) 421,107,205 (23,958,862) 945,707,218 43,260,574 (408,731,537) (5,035,820) (42,985,226)

(238,279) (592,351) - - (482) - (1,768,507) (988,843)

288,465,156 1,568,207,372 255,506,166 3,067,154,904 81,208,631 3,541,070,027 857,813,841 153,759,093


Page 21: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

JF IndiaFund


JF JapanEquity


JF JapanSmall Cap


JF KoreaEquity


JF PacificBalanced


JF PacificTechnology


JF SingaporeFund


JF TaiwanFund


2,637,009,261 253,118,567 33,764,363 32,973,452 108,088,203 60,914,568 175,447,667 338,093,161

36,414,967 4,374,141 498,181 1,170,983 1,466,745 981,176 5,794,639 14,269,36574,894 1,470 205 35,369 3,100,299 630 6,469 3,935

- 29,073 - - - - - -- - - 2,106 1,533 301 - 3,144- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

36,489,861 4,404,684 498,386 1,208,458 4,568,577 982,107 5,801,108 14,276,444

54,232,318 3,982,743 497,785 1,447,808 1,928,441 611,190 3,735,152 6,824,0605,575,945 262,837 91,223 291,115 199,658 151,820 288,633 1,036,4622,015,506 300,484 133,339 159,154 145,984 102,612 260,659 345,5001,518,748 117,012 15,164 61,267 61,669 18,137 105,815 216,559

- - - 102 505 503 298 5,632- - - - - - - -

1,511,405 71,682 7,379 23,103 111,974 10,475 97,791 364,16764,853,922 4,734,758 744,890 1,982,549 2,448,231 894,737 4,488,348 8,792,380

2,759 9,114 126,002 151,367 35,587 133,217 5,637 125,411

64,851,163 4,725,644 618,888 1,831,182 2,412,644 761,520 4,482,711 8,666,969

- - - - - - - -

64,851,163 4,725,644 618,888 1,831,182 2,412,644 761,520 4,482,711 8,666,969

(28,361,302) (320,960) (120,502) (622,724) 2,155,933 220,587 1,318,397 5,609,475

204,570,833 21,506,218 (2,041,241) 17,399,785 13,519,699 4,094,265 35,544,957 56,204,50412,179 92,816 (5,227) 270,221 (678,386) (9,721) (27,430) 6,916

1,663,856 - - 2,116,405 126,512 - - -15,257 383,952 (7,407) 309,690 149,817 131,192 409,572 305,829

- - - - - - - -- - - (141,964) - - - -

206,262,125 21,982,986 (2,053,875) 19,954,137 13,117,642 4,215,736 35,927,099 56,517,249

109,926,062 10,086,529 2,654,733 2,368,527 6,122,115 4,105,488 7,770,308 90,786,467- - - 411,185 (416,504) - - -- - - 186,185 51,904 - - -

447,311 (4,714) 3,967 290,971 2,165 (7,604) 20,214 95,510- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

110,373,373 10,081,815 2,658,700 3,256,868 5,759,680 4,097,884 7,790,522 90,881,977

288,274,196 31,743,841 484,323 22,588,281 21,033,255 8,534,207 45,036,018 153,008,701

1,185,999,029 179,499,451 28,440,265 258,384,171 56,439,405 32,485,475 184,472,636 599,472,864(1,344,922,527) (256,592,481) (27,333,462) (94,800,208) (63,773,953) (71,976,818) (216,069,847) (466,635,622)

(158,923,498) (77,093,030) 1,106,803 163,583,963 (7,334,548) (39,491,343) (31,597,211) 132,837,242

(10,204,098) (8,944) - (1,901) (1,988,613) (15,300) (2,117,942) (760,180)

2,756,155,861 207,760,434 35,355,489 219,143,795 119,798,297 29,942,132 186,768,532 623,178,924


Page 22: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Latin AmericaEquity




US AggregateBondFundUSD

US DynamicFund


US GrowthFund (2)


US Small CapGrowth


US TechnologyFund


US ValueFund


1,290,637,333 2,035,560,908 959,323,512 694,398,270 59,733,564 46,434,212 52,580,080 571,693,123

33,346,682 46,491,131 - 6,471,732 1,332,266 235,980 310,531 14,844,22146,698 110,294 58,411,070 6,954 9,516 1,691 2,542 27,173

- - 27,132 38,357 990 57,945 33,368 492,917134 443 - 199 435 - 142 1,419

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

33,393,514 46,601,868 58,438,202 6,517,242 1,343,207 295,616 346,583 15,365,730

23,065,956 34,607,287 8,225,383 7,620,677 2,004,409 1,277,328 2,278,455 8,668,3061,473,847 4,241,192 476,998 272,425 294,613 137,012 166,110 384,0241,084,567 1,525,155 688,840 364,643 210,390 145,726 402,849 604,212

712,338 864,511 564,493 196,308 103,894 46,883 78,134 402,10114,869 5,345 8,803 - - - - -

- - - - - - - -5,509,898 1,477,337 797,583 107,557 73,987 17,666 59,798 345,82531,861,475 42,720,827 10,762,100 8,561,610 2,687,293 1,624,615 2,985,346 10,404,468

2,042 879,851 463,460 332 140,480 37,264 166,678 28,565

31,859,433 41,840,976 10,298,640 8,561,278 2,546,813 1,587,351 2,818,668 10,375,903

- - - - - - - -

31,859,433 41,840,976 10,298,640 8,561,278 2,546,813 1,587,351 2,818,668 10,375,903

1,534,081 4,760,892 48,139,562 (2,044,036) (1,203,606) (1,291,735) (2,472,085) 4,989,827

206,728,903 164,121,479 (1,128,161) 68,279,245 5,133,923 10,599,362 13,120,636 4,246,40467,485 (3,821) 40,086 (1,298,780) 1,841,194 1,473 136,235 7,150,494

- - - - 72,471 - - -(56,709) 360,277 (654) 776,846 70,215 1,676 466,501 (119,790)

- - - - - - - -536,930 - - - - - - -

207,276,609 164,477,935 (1,088,729) 67,757,311 7,117,803 10,602,511 13,723,372 11,277,108

79,858,810 535,150,919 6,651,145 60,440,156 20,521,663 12,987,370 24,081,311 156,806,644- - (7,629) - (205,706) - - (980,900)- - - - 87,198 - - -

1,620,120 76,437 - 516 790 (305) 1,747 (413)- - - - - - - -

(745,230) - - - - - - -

80,733,700 535,227,356 6,643,516 60,440,672 20,403,945 12,987,065 24,083,058 155,825,331

289,544,390 704,466,183 53,694,349 126,153,947 26,318,142 22,297,841 35,334,345 172,092,266

901,522,565 2,121,482,457 1,698,094,103 110,716,984 564,928,441 136,382,092 368,598,768 999,176,430(973,036,245) (2,240,755,012) (1,259,450,015) (701,074,247) (112,527,871) (88,274,248) (240,931,907) (608,146,201)

(71,513,680) (119,272,555) 438,644,088 (590,357,263) 452,400,570 48,107,844 127,666,861 391,030,229

(2,534,290) - (17,636,133) (500,235) (175) (243) (4,779) (167,784)

1,506,133,753 2,620,754,536 1,434,025,816 229,694,719 538,452,101 116,839,654 215,576,507 1,134,647,834

(2) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.


Page 23: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 1,865,537.792 932,797.629 1,599,065.121 1,199,270.300JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 293,772.467 532,298.702 341,621.639 484,449.530JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 573,582.270 505,155.018 460,304.499 618,432.789JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 3,214,753.696 330,873.760 583,532.996 2,962,094.460JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 217,877.373 268,311.769 192,647.464 293,541.678JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 6,724,698.274 977,207.671 838,549.616 6,863,356.329JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 928,262.558 4,614,992.079 4,324,423.166 1,218,831.471JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 338,582.823 192,389.896 415,552.777 115,419.942JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 2,020,176.344 1,504,161.939 1,044,470.826 2,479,867.457JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 728,639.908 1,537,171.747 861,219.729 1,404,591.926JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 303,585.027 575,908.490 25,286.158 854,207.359

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 7,196,215.446 8,458,000.353 7,888,653.322 7,765,562.477JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - USD - 35.951 - 35.951JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 10,330,900.900 3,456,733.434 3,886,111.549 9,901,522.785JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 5,694,000.629 4,108,593.161 4,713,460.752 5,089,133.038JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 2,088,082.744 2,197,124.226 2,569,480.356 1,715,726.614JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 1,713,371.654 3,015,690.689 1,057,440.688 3,671,621.655JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 2,089,459.737 927,095.418 1,116,905.875 1,899,649.280JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 1,796,727.879 2,940,427.709 3,794,567.270 942,588.318JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 2,620,796.741 163,657.645 796.741 2,783,657.645

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD 4,230,049.115 4,987,088.229 4,202,808.746 5,014,328.598JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR 210,787.683 492,856.863 213,852.617 489,791.929JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - SGD - 959.224 49.955 909.269JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 7,849,670.573 3,658,693.688 4,737,219.653 6,771,144.608JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 754,939.382 629,515.309 648,371.764 736,082.927JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 1,813,484.930 2,122,461.700 2,176,537.546 1,759,409.084JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 1,925,463.268 813,780.950 1,108,551.885 1,630,692.333JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - EUR - 40,247.499 14,136.396 26,111.103JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity T (acc) - EUR - 905.244 67.413 837.831JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD 5,000,000.000 5,226,929.473 437,500.000 9,789,429.473

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundJPM Emerging Markets Bond A (acc) - USD 231,313.724 412,731.514 411,670.849 232,374.389JPM Emerging Markets Bond B (acc) - USD 18,998.952 68,008.634 36,572.528 50,435.058JPM Emerging Markets Bond C (acc) - USD 64,911.166 205,324.560 137,295.183 132,940.543JPM Emerging Markets Bond D (acc) - USD 27,487.357 78,530.327 44,105.369 61,912.315JPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD 285,700.000 150,700.000 - 436,400.000JPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD 70.000 220,538.871 113,059.795 107,549.076

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 1,428,528.320 11,523,901.535 6,717,320.112 6,235,109.743JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - USD (hedged) 140,399.903 11,374,869.639 5,614,733.226 5,900,536.316JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 6,501,548.088 5,006,416.341 5,064,777.206 6,443,187.223JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR 673,648.932 1,155,439.471 1,124,221.995 704,866.408JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) 543,722.117 4,718,749.891 2,811,756.095 2,450,715.913JPM Emerging Markets Debt B (acc) - EUR 699,783.375 2,063,545.565 1,803,053.072 960,275.868JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 3,693,654.707 10,899,515.667 9,253,596.625 5,339,573.749JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 2,612,294.633 3,375,561.600 2,154,341.824 3,833,514.409JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 856,161.782 20,000.000 - 876,161.782

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 20,121,372.787 22,457,735.557 16,389,453.651 26,189,654.693JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 48,460,214.624 31,808,449.247 35,819,949.504 44,448,714.367JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - SGD 1,999.843 397,404.925 32,493.686 366,911.082JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 83,592,027.985 32,248,757.155 32,590,077.983 83,250,707.157JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 1,695,180.515 1,095,930.047 914,624.794 1,876,485.768JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 2,159,975.057 2,807,262.245 2,133,334.730 2,833,902.572JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 54,752,485.863 32,465,123.795 42,467,763.663 44,749,845.995JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (dist) - USD - 270.876 - 270.876JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 3,876,441.179 2,386,330.587 1,544,149.348 4,718,622.418JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 2,395,472.001 4,180,072.358 2,364,950.667 4,210,593.692JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 8,494,658.792 39,368,914.908 6,060,364.254 41,803,209.446JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR 1,942,978.492 - - 1,942,978.492JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 2,270,062.755 645,162.300 251,484.000 2,663,741.055JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 42,148,385.507 14,806,076.085 2,486,120.611 54,468,340.981JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - EUR - 50,198.727 - 50,198.727JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD 983,000.423 799,874.117 233,205.863 1,549,668.677JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 45,085,625.651 5,905,704.910 894,647.367 50,096,683.194


Page 24: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 7,461,578.810 20,219,971.017 16,087,490.514 11,594,059.313JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 5,525,387.886 14,817,691.368 13,936,801.151 6,406,278.103JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (dist) - GBP - 1,203.185 - 1,203.185JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD 4,997,324.264 9,995,322.033 8,683,099.599 6,309,546.698JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (inc) - EUR - 12,315.000 - 12,315.000JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - EUR - 10,034.720 - 10,034.720JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD 493,573.091 3,953,077.093 1,382,697.753 3,063,952.431JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - EUR - 185,312.070 70,553.621 114,758.449JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - USD 744,031.123 3,606,268.047 1,790,952.676 2,559,346.494JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 3,033,679.382 7,258,113.974 3,062,707.942 7,229,085.414JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 2,150.000 25,000.118 12,736.876 14,413.242JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR 40,079.625 2,055,286.126 309,337.412 1,786,028.339JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt I (acc) - EUR - 244,795.224 199,695.224 45,100.000JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (acc) - EUR - 50.000 - 50.000JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (inc) - EUR - 21,113.019 - 21,113.019JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR - 536,061.704 232,270.634 303,791.070JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD 14,338,603.643 2,236,249.801 208,607.826 16,366,245.618

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 2,164,487.820 3,864,153.091 4,205,451.535 1,823,189.376JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR 148,212.987 1,598,162.529 1,208,709.430 537,666.086JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - SGD - 1,559.870 49.955 1,509.915JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 10,266,481.844 5,814,744.866 5,671,281.527 10,409,945.183JPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 248,533.471 422,569.802 460,441.740 210,661.533JPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD 3,611,239.752 14,013,669.280 12,038,311.523 5,586,597.509JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 1,939,619.749 900,969.123 1,055,231.857 1,785,357.015JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - EUR - 178,642.560 160,038.363 18,604.197JPM Emerging Middle East Equity I (acc) - USD - 123,613.881 42,867.258 80,746.623

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 3,166,560.906 1,291,760.968 1,703,572.304 2,754,749.570JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 13,534,833.737 2,293,266.992 5,344,101.330 10,483,999.399JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 6,628,271.648 1,121,740.399 2,041,681.829 5,708,330.218JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR 13,504.151 - 6,653.013 6,851.138JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR 935,668.329 153,330.443 718,469.547 370,529.225JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 6,956,640.840 1,840,054.094 4,648,236.192 4,148,458.742JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 4,533,603.724 434,549.874 1,617,338.714 3,350,814.884JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR* 53,145.999 0.001 53,146.000 -JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 747,426.000 619,025.000 21,425.000 1,345,026.000

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 179,661.301 11,322,994.211 2,160,191.070 9,342,464.442JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 263,008.514 27,834.825 278,763.525 12,079.814JPM Euroland Select Equity B (acc) - EUR - 53,236.273 1,354.126 51,882.147JPM Euroland Select Equity C (acc) - EUR 1,405.561 2,368,008.693 1,470,300.340 899,113.914JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 207,048.990 883,991.915 985,506.964 105,533.941JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 551,871.818 357,574.333 128,016.000 781,430.151

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 4,766,700.403 1,288,004.918 3,262,186.832 2,792,518.489JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 6,814,937.228 1,042,446.194 3,121,556.430 4,735,826.992JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 40,382.370 1,388.961 12,527.519 29,243.812JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 350,048.407 258,479.697 287,404.954 321,123.150JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 397,118.413 143,018.101 180,676.282 359,460.232JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 6,674,273.344 500,498.553 4,549,895.908 2,624,875.989JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 4,566.115 - 887.318 3,678.797JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 1,488,189.228 365,188.681 544,546.394 1,308,831.515JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 1,300,000.000 1,288,000.000 - 2,588,000.000JPM Europe Dynamic T (acc) - EUR - 3,640.497 - 3,640.497

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 353.856 - - 353.856JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 7,091,036.608 489,756.669 4,109,695.843 3,471,097.434JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 3,036,027.680 208,413.502 1,505,640.664 1,738,800.518JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 2,495.386 32.673 - 2,528.059JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 32,960.781 - 26,035.262 6,925.519JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 1,178,779.415 89,162.455 1,071,386.261 196,555.609JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 353.857 2,352.941 - 2,706.798JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 856,278.613 33,018.913 341,452.222 547,845.304JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap T (acc) - EUR - 360.805 - 360.805JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 1,133,038.232 29,491.441 1,006,812.879 155,716.794

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 4,242,039.673 322,874.561 1,195,399.207 3,369,515.027JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 5,843,819.456 1,159,725.617 3,419,774.115 3,583,770.958JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 7,316,966.414 688,660.821 1,590,543.482 6,415,083.753JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 901,705.647 195,539.997 219,421.813 877,823.831JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 694,364.684 211,648.889 357,094.647 548,918.926JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 7,244,717.385 1,807,543.338 1,119,855.234 7,932,405.489JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 58,921.338 18,064.453 12,718.881 64,266.910JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 3,892,351.890 332,114.233 1,127,167.733 3,097,298.390JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 1,387,984.928 6,171.811 16,045.874 1,378,110.865


Page 25: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 1,558,477.725 2,731,855.202 2,720,225.437 1,570,107.490JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 5,455,692.422 616,941.192 1,169,024.396 4,903,609.218JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 2,089,394.931 715,404.441 872,415.911 1,932,383.461JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 54,555.098 28,216.772 24,353.284 58,418.586JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 201,105.874 344,389.446 482,195.770 63,299.550JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 412,665.020 937,765.187 1,246,611.946 103,818.261JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 1,679,468.370 538,343.776 531,081.418 1,686,730.728JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR - 85,375.831 - 85,375.831

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 830,531.434 4,633,167.744 3,814,133.664 1,649,565.514JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 8,331,659.591 4,534,533.600 4,617,718.623 8,248,474.568JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 1,800,278.206 1,203,146.021 1,486,160.526 1,517,263.701JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 140,778.485 79,599.689 69,208.158 151,170.016JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR 101,963.434 3,310,075.048 3,268,376.079 143,662.403JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 1,675,386.535 2,696,993.764 1,601,825.226 2,770,555.073JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR 19,540.984 - 2,319.965 17,221.019

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 6,209,578.901 9,690,403.615 8,235,266.008 7,664,716.508JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 9,645,346.737 34,568,315.330 11,608,417.870 32,605,244.197JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 670,560.959 252,766.047 200,577.479 722,749.527JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 761,549.316 1,433,113.720 1,673,622.234 521,040.802JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 3,639,357.650 13,031,348.717 8,455,282.491 8,215,423.876JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 29,545,544.804 51,283,311.399 27,044,308.522 53,784,547.681JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 1,620,590.256 972,533.633 2,453,494.841 139,629.048JPM Germany Equity T (acc) - EUR - 31,889.340 50.000 31,839.340JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 295,392.406 740,705.519 33,954.000 1,002,143.925

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - USD 91,418.548 1,561,938.587 34,760.329 1,618,596.806JPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - EUR 2,038,506.854 6,563,430.642 1,845,688.953 6,756,248.543JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - USD - 34.600 - 34.600JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - EUR - 34.720 - 34.720JPM Global Consumer Trends C (acc) - EUR 1,488,680.208 2,538,370.294 1,980,021.943 2,047,028.559JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - USD - 34.600 - 34.600JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - EUR 246,131.950 803,687.331 296,932.881 752,886.400JPM Global Consumer Trends T (acc) - EUR - 12,284.426 145.226 12,139.200

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 28,116,224.365 27,708,193.227 26,187,151.938 29,637,265.654JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 2,163,053.698 1,475,208.893 656,141.987 2,982,120.604JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 62,364,349.048 20,546,746.418 40,829,092.805 42,082,002.661JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) 1,746,537.550 716,043.409 905,766.915 1,556,814.044JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 2,019,518.193 1,965,065.574 2,750,953.602 1,233,630.165JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) 688,484.039 512,910.943 114,695.000 1,086,699.982JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (dist) - GBP (hedged) - 300,287.391 - 300,287.391JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 3,483,505.056 4,019,196.482 5,592,742.767 1,909,958.771JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) 339,206.282 52,465.865 216,827.166 174,844.981JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 61,127,371.872 29,207,672.197 59,403,753.903 30,931,290.166JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) 10,207,235.638 4,259,703.387 10,964,292.142 3,502,646.883JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 14,739,725.200 4,225,193.003 6,184,833.178 12,780,085.025JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1,019,625.506 289,017.341 - 1,308,642.847JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 66,910,230.298 11,058,908.881 69,500,629.446 8,468,509.733JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 250,090.196 - - 250,090.196JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1,788,476.035 - 0.710 1,788,475.325JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 8,793,326.891 1,198,381.604 4,565,183.843 5,426,524.652JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (dist) - GBP (hedged) - 3,236.968 - 3,236.968

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 630,249.857 123,161.673 88,935.898 664,475.632JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 8,063.792 417.000 7,646.792JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1,094,373.077 278,112.947 167,469.068 1,205,016.956JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 3,292,326.573 238,915.811 3,103,255.623 427,986.761JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD 498.563 2,359.528 - 2,858.091JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD (hedged) - 50,243.339 - 50,243.339JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 7,271,951.747 2,115,428.609 3,234,940.188 6,152,440.168JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 657,023.536 118,729.607 167,699.894 608,053.249JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 34,441,060.615 2,757,447.154 14,276,349.226 22,922,158.543JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 974,790.933 44,759.140 189,503.886 830,046.187JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 1,221,325.842 1,125,554.032 617,445.813 1,729,434.061JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 4,836,061.129 326,491.582 498,926.563 4,663,626.148JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,109,115.271 345,270.441 367,000.000 1,087,385.712JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 15,501,972.044 3,271,504.064 8,198,998.701 10,574,477.407JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 246,298.029 77,256.218 86,452.187 237,102.060JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 226,550.030 192,771.172 125,752.993 293,568.209JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 4,552,351.073 308,216.953 3,518,299.528 1,342,268.498JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 330,854.246 29,832.200 301,022.046JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 152,038.895 5,589,876.657 10,864.871 5,731,050.681JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 4,269,575.737 52,389.803 - 4,321,965.540JPM Global Dynamic T (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 1,331.638 - 1,331.638JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 26,377,982.213 2,654,867.257 - 29,032,849.470JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 6,149,032.055 33,643.318 1,126,445.793 5,056,229.580


Page 26: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 447,831.162 73,523.291 39,019.391 482,335.062JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR - 11,874.657 - 11,874.657JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 219,637.526 40,741.436 126,389.479 133,989.483JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 386,766.685 82,725.544 175,597.721 293,894.508JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1,111,331.660 318,611.363 427,240.318 1,002,702.705JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) 3,192,726.459 41,525.164 261,114.810 2,973,136.813JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 7,567,085.145 32,869.000 2,296,602.873 5,303,351.272JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5,837,707.130 81,308.818 - 5,919,015.948JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 105,252.150 59,468.111 16,890.732 147,829.529JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 234,732.226 609,245.336 125,309.571 718,667.991JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 1,189.691 - - 1,189.691JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR 5,468,725.894 - 19,964.550 5,448,761.344

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 28,453,947.521 25,381,527.804 25,596,502.450 28,238,972.875JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,634,518.282 8,013,422.964 3,777,514.928 5,870,426.318JPM Global Focus A (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 50,692.001 4,211.698 46,480.303JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 12,314,649.850 11,710,354.837 7,097,363.943 16,927,640.744JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 1,842,078.240 1,422,839.249 1,415,050.007 1,849,867.482JPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR 1,394,562.444 4,954,585.320 1,988,353.561 4,360,794.203JPM Global Focus C (acc) - USD 1,799,015.290 1,192,355.793 798,177.886 2,193,193.197JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 17,536,751.170 19,114,922.157 17,332,122.333 19,319,550.994JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 489,378.430 5,437,280.512 3,775,768.156 2,150,890.786JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 5,169,105.748 4,734,565.338 2,705,415.726 7,198,255.360JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,697,987.913 3,245,951.541 1,421,352.058 3,522,587.396JPM Global Focus I (acc) - USD - 402,080.697 - 402,080.697JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR - 747,375.996 577.810 746,798.186JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 187,528.699 - 187,528.699JPM Global Focus T (acc) - EUR - 16,645.520 - 16,645.520JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 936,103.590 61,966.510 105,876.296 892,193.804

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - EUR 3,515,676.298 2,809,079.080 4,473,387.997 1,851,367.381JPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - USD (hedged) 245,264.439 667,675.356 599,221.576 313,718.219JPM Global Government Bond B (acc) - EUR 49,774.942 258,201.851 166,452.693 141,524.100JPM Global Government Bond C (acc) - EUR 21,525,097.106 30,656,787.185 34,008,142.372 18,173,741.919JPM Global Government Bond D (acc) - EUR 270,627.378 2,495,755.059 1,520,763.527 1,245,618.910JPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR 776,526.030 249,548.975 235,858.633 790,216.372

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 26,451,139.044 112,717,920.263 70,375,762.861 68,793,296.446JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 37,814,389.670 39,378,082.453 33,981,066.035 43,211,406.088JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - SGD 16,104.229 637,611.100 34,677.013 619,038.316JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 23,287,894.713 23,700,312.613 22,275,495.304 24,712,712.022JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 1,626,273.337 3,611,006.427 2,190,474.184 3,046,805.580JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 5,551,376.057 9,743,820.499 5,963,838.909 9,331,357.647JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 6,011,118.454 8,539,145.727 6,243,386.233 8,306,877.948JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 1,136,706.770 2,054,698.847 2,363,133.521 828,272.096JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 14,691,065.674 16,932,154.595 15,254,618.387 16,368,601.882JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - USD* - 17,517.215 17,517.215 -JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 5,089,717.594 3,689,693.947 4,594,762.891 4,184,648.650

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 2,581,753.116 1,607,501.828 618,949.437 3,570,305.507JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 262,588.910 810,481.741 147,310.449 925,760.202JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) 2,534.775 118,888.565 2,468.628 118,954.712JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) B (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 4,501.242 - 4,501.242JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD - 215,060.083 32,859.845 182,200.238JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 612,494.551 797,722.370 311,635.364 1,098,581.557JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 322,446.487 362,848.094 359,017.836 326,276.745JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 449,841.235 526,297.000 - 976,138.235

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 12,421,644.435 11,019,759.557 9,053,501.371 14,387,902.621JF China A (acc) - SGD 498.563 844.993 - 1,343.556JF China A (dist) - USD 55,425,360.101 22,997,080.179 30,061,826.820 48,360,613.460JF China A (dist) - HKD - 3,130,574.135 1,682,876.149 1,447,697.986JF China B (acc) - USD 1,072,011.902 527,548.730 693,369.180 906,191.452JF China C (acc) - USD 3,687,391.441 4,286,939.291 3,832,117.821 4,142,212.911JF China D (acc) - USD 11,142,449.919 4,171,980.381 6,463,071.386 8,851,358.914JF China D (acc) - EUR - 61,289.640 13,382.098 47,907.542JF China I (acc) - USD 23,707,183.887 6,820,107.259 13,002,042.268 17,525,248.878JF China T (acc) - EUR - 886.139 68.315 817.824JF China X (acc) - USD - 301,945.306 253,415.415 48,529.891

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 12,036,262.417 4,276,575.329 4,648,774.574 11,664,063.172JF Greater China A (acc) - SGD 498.563 107,658.490 60,498.563 47,658.490JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 12,882,622.537 6,054,857.820 6,056,582.729 12,880,897.628JF Greater China A (dist) - HKD - 1,513,845.696 115,940.324 1,397,905.372JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 252,095.134 550,290.833 521,883.389 280,502.578JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 3,092,015.534 3,301,641.035 4,353,745.025 2,039,911.544JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 3,510,441.172 621,500.973 1,274,337.194 2,857,604.951JF Greater China D (acc) - EUR - 60,426.170 13,211.406 47,214.764JF Greater China I (acc) - USD - 402,030.655 1,667.624 400,363.031JF Greater China T (acc) - EUR - 2,421.459 - 2,421.459


Page 27: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 367,574.540 2,626,988.557 2,524,997.256 469,565.841JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 3,192,967.004 491,678.286 1,209,895.683 2,474,749.607JF Hong Kong A (dist) - HKD - 2,403,976.753 1,268,461.475 1,135,515.278JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 3,915.651 189,665.807 191,951.449 1,630.009JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 540,529.482 1,687,436.054 1,963,164.536 264,801.000JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 708,013.521 451,385.182 592,224.705 567,173.998

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 27,300,634.635 12,650,039.134 11,936,382.678 28,014,291.091JF India A (acc) - SGD 498.563 17,261.213 4,767.233 12,992.543JF India A (dist) - USD 16,765,934.498 4,137,482.790 6,412,662.173 14,490,755.115JF India B (acc) - USD 622,818.993 249,696.647 344,174.629 528,341.011JF India C (acc) - USD 3,806,672.699 7,408,039.903 4,444,282.543 6,770,430.059JF India D (acc) - USD 13,515,740.853 4,734,078.962 7,118,073.263 11,131,746.552JF India D (acc) - EUR - 124,005.616 38,804.925 85,200.691JF India T (acc) - EUR - 2,184.374 68.315 2,116.059JF India X (acc) - USD 410,052.746 582,027.785 28,875.721 963,204.810

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 5,613,949.488 9,414,602.779 10,310,906.792 4,717,645.475JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 80,905.582 34,559.550 41,441.579 74,023.553JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 859,350.180 314,334.465 1,064,488.989 109,195.656JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 9,429,076.580 1,966,176.212 4,825,979.705 6,569,273.087JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 568,918.338 32,443.965 287,569.353 313,792.950JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 613,101.611 564,034.784 599,135.283 578,001.112JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 416,571.587 3,871,148.080 3,869,795.323 417,924.344JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 4,460,183.837 1,612,719.283 3,496,578.751 2,576,324.369JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 99,482.165 2,112,217.391 2,156,002.932 55,696.624JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 1,500,149.425 643,613.577 831,122.707 1,312,640.295JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 26,143.120 5,448.054 22,251.032 9,340.142

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 513,659.376 1,543,400.316 1,130,640.722 926,418.970JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 4,055,987.991 1,085,401.917 1,624,017.571 3,517,372.337JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 24,519.310 1,084,997.186 980,236.537 129,279.959JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 1,017,149.190 808,735.514 962,603.540 863,281.164

JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundJF Korea Equity A (acc) - USD 1,930,859.148 7,747,891.944 2,734,361.632 6,944,389.460JF Korea Equity A (acc) - EUR 115,108.183 2,534,302.668 992,156.650 1,657,254.201JF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD 190,150.259 80,706.255 158,529.645 112,326.869JF Korea Equity B (acc) - USD 450,000.000 620,978.793 469,970.440 601,008.353JF Korea Equity C (acc) - USD 324,287.488 641,101.710 343,436.784 621,952.414JF Korea Equity D (acc) - USD 382,758.482 5,128,224.742 3,220,136.874 2,290,846.350JF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD 497,702.000 134,838.000 497,702.000 134,838.000

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 303,084.610 955,697.404 809,918.923 448,863.091JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 3,184,542.924 579,825.201 854,786.799 2,909,581.326JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 505,300.000 1,626,966.668 1,626,966.668 505,300.000JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 1,232,886.994 423,209.290 489,763.511 1,166,332.773

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 667,971.886 613,210.744 734,199.883 546,982.747JF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR 20,946.125 1,494.157 7,667.456 14,772.826JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 1,530,340.689 294,957.035 627,910.998 1,197,386.726JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 23,614.164 4,499.783 13,352.456 14,761.491JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 795,214.984 811,292.758 1,377,477.955 229,029.787JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD 2,664,638.210 307,914.749 2,909,731.509 62,821.450JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 516,537.177 623,722.599 781,914.232 358,345.544

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 868,648.942 2,317,770.734 2,331,982.469 854,437.207JF Singapore A (acc) - SGD 125,815.815 300,367.063 31,788.563 394,394.315JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 3,428,850.649 1,766,167.260 2,221,268.802 2,973,749.107JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 255,512.632 210,424.282 317,641.634 148,295.280JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 26,108.133 2,135,354.757 1,845,044.745 316,418.145JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 1,300,755.155 331,792.523 552,091.448 1,080,456.230JF Singapore I (acc) - USD* 632,502.587 0.001 632,502.588 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 5,255,685.951 14,075,591.815 9,660,823.579 9,670,454.187JF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR 10,166.984 70,563.923 30,475.038 50,255.869JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 19,761,188.404 9,297,346.266 12,339,678.044 16,718,856.626JF Taiwan A (dist) - HKD - 1,049,846.993 459,553.292 590,293.701JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD 39,588.364 50.000 39,588.364 50.000JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 154,273.628 3,435,806.236 2,156,694.078 1,433,385.786JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 1,091,192.284 5,591,692.111 5,789,793.857 893,090.538JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 4,817,548.910 5,547,559.211 860,285.069 9,504,823.052JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD - 129,125.000 - 129,125.000


Page 28: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 8,039,948.696 4,869,962.637 4,549,862.814 8,360,048.519JPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - SGD - 938.064 49.955 888.109JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 5,608,253.490 1,830,451.338 2,222,022.578 5,216,682.250JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 8,233,060.601 6,287,470.648 6,429,439.873 8,091,091.376JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 2,745,684.656 2,571,109.778 2,149,617.213 3,167,177.221JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 2,170,586.391 2,372,888.341 1,714,408.637 2,829,066.095JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 4,453,156.114 2,398,716.186 3,452,636.003 3,399,236.297JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - EUR - 61,797.839 21,335.555 40,462.284JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 5,077,455.106 1,133,768.913 3,619,892.351 2,591,331.668JPM Latin America Equity T (acc) - EUR - 2,887.234 68.315 2,818.919JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 2,362,034.245 1,186,198.651 1,078,189.472 2,470,043.424

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 43,246,446.765 27,797,091.925 31,196,837.897 39,846,700.793JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 22,668,321.825 64,846,133.401 52,022,713.253 35,491,741.973JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 2,738,127.299 4,097,152.920 4,562,582.250 2,272,697.969JPM Russia C (acc) - USD 18,617,599.055 15,491,952.910 29,892,735.014 4,216,816.951JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 13,634,117.959 6,801,318.700 8,009,848.795 12,425,587.864JPM Russia I (acc) - USD 153,487,599.652 56,826,325.663 68,266,175.068 142,047,750.247

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 26,907,106.016 37,679,179.994 26,072,687.891 38,513,598.119JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 17,948,731.358 38,107,726.097 37,880,930.632 18,175,526.823JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD 570,093.668 5,109,600.771 2,613,025.929 3,066,668.510JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 10,766,503.163 8,178,015.679 8,270,617.677 10,673,901.165JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 9,723,205.894 23,443,740.456 14,412,483.276 18,754,463.074JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 1,357,901.210 1,753,569.296 1,470,097.342 1,641,373.164JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 21,547.642 6,876.113 14,671.529JPM US Aggregate Bond I (acc) - USD - 315,352.787 - 315,352.787JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 4,457,381.531 9,586,304.908 4,133,898.867 9,909,787.572

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 9,684,141.743 1,660,563.311 4,719,827.476 6,624,877.578JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 2,353,588.065 424,969.187 835,748.975 1,942,808.277JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 32,900,982.574 2,270,744.664 27,360,115.633 7,811,611.605JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 353,698.012 1,222,969.814 650,800.521 925,867.305JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 9,384,577.423 3,740,391.203 12,264,320.760 860,647.866JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 1,598,965.713 180,092.566 743,433.389 1,035,624.890JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 37,813.643 322.581 3,533.392 34,602.832JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 18,308,677.100 90,871.397 18,399,381.336 167.161JPM US Dynamic T (acc) - EUR - 546.325 - 546.325JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 1,122,159.552 22,482.240 1,004,352.777 140,289.015

JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund (1)JPM US Growth A (acc) - USD 883,269.582 22,377,759.438 2,035,001.341 21,226,027.679JPM US Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 927,887.304 2,094,562.412 1,140,336.156 1,882,113.560JPM US Growth A (dist) - USD 6,832,019.061 4,316,994.905 7,873,660.136 3,275,353.830JPM US Growth A (dist) - GBP 24,905.001 2,014,750.031 46,192.665 1,993,462.367JPM US Growth B (acc) - USD 204,879.833 1,292,054.760 191,706.370 1,305,228.223JPM US Growth C (acc) - USD 686,167.311 10,683,235.931 2,160,245.545 9,209,157.697JPM US Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 12,665.420 89,245.560 29,099.734 72,811.246JPM US Growth C (dist) - GBP - 198,624.637 42,644.766 155,979.871JPM US Growth D (acc) - USD 439,739.307 365,267.234 415,697.818 389,308.723JPM US Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 74,172.147 416,132.886 113,593.518 376,711.515JPM US Growth X (acc) - USD 34,224.434 6,164,873.490 186,563.802 6,012,534.122JPM US Growth X (dist) - USD - 12,700.109 - 12,700.109

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 1,363,781.180 3,480,466.417 2,542,141.607 2,302,105.990JPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - EUR - 15,457.008 - 15,457.008JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 299,961.410 385,122.604 277,807.976 407,276.038JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 20,160.073 19,801.103 17,099.515 22,861.661JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD 141,967.063 2,704,952.194 1,384,427.703 1,462,491.554JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 1,104,790.976 1,720,223.718 1,098,985.084 1,726,029.610JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD 11,593.549 158,897.561 12,061.384 158,429.726

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 509,902.577 2,876,147.899 1,601,272.825 1,784,777.651JPM US Technology A (acc) - EUR 10,135.017 402,983.987 340,089.902 73,029.102JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 4,823,379.045 72,497,773.863 42,108,901.453 35,212,251.455JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 5,899,446.944 9,499,863.510 6,742,387.603 8,656,922.851JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 306,931.251 218,973.637 151,443.633 374,461.255JPM US Technology B (acc) - USD - 51,551.388 46,132.657 5,418.731JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD 120,241.325 1,332,747.564 1,287,394.970 165,593.919JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 4,879,656.631 15,733,877.082 6,340,824.610 14,272,709.103JPM US Technology D (acc) - EUR 19,479.906 359,336.323 219,173.052 159,643.177JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD 20,793.725 - 13,262.557 7,531.168

(1) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.


Page 29: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatement of Changes in the Number of Shares (continued)

For the Year Ended 30 June 2011

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 3,540,067.338 19,010,935.969 6,737,719.362 15,813,283.945JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 781,914.365 2,905,952.055 436,313.659 3,251,552.761JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 17,913,867.444 13,481,576.425 19,074,068.104 12,321,375.765JF US Value A (dist) - USD 544,398.871 708,938.272 881,535.527 371,801.616JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 18,306.958 20,291.349 6,818.359 31,779.948JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 282,593.906 1,067,524.016 724,184.533 625,933.389JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 15,659,401.523 28,216,205.813 14,382,589.380 29,493,017.956JPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 64.401 4,983,572.446 1,162,904.395 3,820,732.452JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 2,448,541.532 1,121,127.902 580,824.512 2,988,844.922JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 622,146.258 2,660,764.148 499,271.866 2,783,638.540JPM US Value I (acc) - USD - 507,256.943 - 507,256.943JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 10,157,816.332 1,462,838.615 1,963,264.684 9,657,390.263

* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


Page 30: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 11.53 9.19 8.14 10.68 13.02JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 7.12 5.69 5.09 6.87 11.28JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 87.53 69.75 61.92 81.24 99.09JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 46.96 37.42 33.23 43.59 53.17JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 13.23 10.46 9.19 11.97 14.50JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 13.56 10.69 9.37 12.16 14.67JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.93 5.48 4.85 6.50 -JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 10.65 8.55 7.63 10.09 12.39JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 7.03 6.66 5.18 6.12 8.78JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.91 5.56 5.01 6.82 11.26JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 13.19 10.33 8.99 11.59 13.88

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 142.81 - - - -JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 19.56 17.91 11.22 23.45 22.69JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 47.83 43.80 27.44 57.97 56.17JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 32.00 29.31 18.36 38.79 37.55JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 9.51 8.65 5.38 11.15 10.72JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 19.46 17.68 10.98 22.75 21.83JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 33.10 30.61 19.37 40.86 39.92JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 15.86 14.41 - 14.94 14.33JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 23.39 21.05 12.96 26.62 25.31

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD 22.01 17.23 13.39 25.17 22.14JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR 16.33 15.09 10.22 - -JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - SGD** 14.17 - - - -JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 62.56 49.08 38.51 73.66 64.84JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 13.89 10.79 8.33 15.52 13.57JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 23.85 18.52 14.27 26.60 23.20JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 45.98 36.36 28.54 54.19 48.15JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - EUR 81.83 - - - -JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD* - - 9.42 17.55 15.30JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity T (acc) - EUR 69.84 - - - -JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD 11.87 9.13 - - -

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundJPM Emerging Markets Bond A (acc) - USD 313.13 278.95 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Bond B (acc) - USD 331.37 293.91 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Bond C (acc) - USD 416.19 367.67 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Bond D (acc) - USD 107.58 96.52 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD 113.08 99.86 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD 355.80 312.59 - - -

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 11.42 9.97 8.35 9.88 10.29JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - USD (hedged) 15.32 13.34 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 9.56 8.75 7.33 9.06 10.21JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR 11.00 10.11 8.88 - -JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) 15.43 14.10 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Debt B (acc) - EUR 11.67 10.15 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 11.48 9.94 8.25 9.68 9.99JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 13.16 11.57 9.76 11.63 12.19JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 10.24 9.40 7.81 9.65 9.97JPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR* - - - 9.51 9.77

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 23.73 19.23 15.76 21.69 21.35JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 13.08 12.51 8.93 10.96 12.60JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - SGD 14.55 13.41 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 33.20 26.92 22.24 31.22 30.84JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 34.77 30.11 22.57 26.05 25.56JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 25.81 20.76 16.88 23.06 22.56JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 25.34 20.37 16.56 22.60 22.06JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (dist) - USD 107.48 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 36.82 30.14 24.94 34.67 34.47JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 9.25 8.94 6.44 7.99 9.28JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 17.00 13.65 11.09 15.13 14.76JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR 13.15 12.46 8.82 - -JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 10.90 10.43 7.51 9.38 10.85JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 29.32 23.35 18.80 25.44 24.61JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - EUR 73.83 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD 20.62 16.68 13.53 - -JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 11.87 11.36 8.16 10.20 11.75


Page 31: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 18.89 12.77 9.81 9.47 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 13.06 15.66 13.80 14.94 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (dist) - GBP 90.55 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD 16.70 14.75 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (inc) - EUR 98.31 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD 17.05 14.14 - 15.04 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - EUR 100.58 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - EUR 16.30 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - USD 100.55 13.50 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 18.43 12.62 9.74 9.45 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 12.84 15.44 13.61 14.91 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR 10.16 10.50 - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt I (acc) - EUR** 99.56 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (acc) - EUR 99.46 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (inc) - EUR 100.22 - - - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR** 100.56 - 10.03 - -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD 20.47 16.85 14.59 - -

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 16.49 15.19 12.88 19.69 17.46JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR 10.87 11.82 8.72 - -JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - SGD** 12.48 - - - -JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 22.51 20.95 18.03 28.96 25.97JPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 17.30 15.82 13.31 20.19 17.79JPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD 8.13 7.42 6.24 9.46 -JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 20.93 19.49 16.69 25.77 23.08JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - EUR 71.77 - - - -JPM Emerging Middle East Equity I (acc) - USD 87.43 - - - -

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 10.77 9.15 8.06 12.11 16.66JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 34.83 30.10 27.14 42.16 59.30JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 9.02 6.58 6.82 11.87 14.29JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR 6.18 5.33 4.83 7.49 -JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR 8.85 7.45 6.52 9.72 -JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 13.43 11.29 9.84 14.63 19.92JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 8.23 7.04 6.25 9.46 13.11JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR* - 7.33 6.39 9.50 12.92JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 7.36 6.14 5.32 7.85 -

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 7.29 6.22 5.40 7.51 -JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 7.15 6.21 5.71 8.13 -JPM Euroland Select Equity B (acc) - EUR 97.42 - - - -JPM Euroland Select Equity C (acc) - EUR 11.44 9.66 - - -JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 7.08 6.08 5.32 7.46 -JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 8.26 6.93 5.91 8.07 -

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 12.87 11.12 9.52 13.68 17.91JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 11.95 10.41 9.17 13.38 17.74JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 13.65 11.90 10.42 15.22 20.19JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 16.42 12.94 11.79 16.02 18.08JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 15.71 13.47 11.45 16.32 21.24JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 16.06 13.74 11.66 16.61 21.53JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 12.15 10.60 9.17 13.30 17.59JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 19.58 14.47 14.38 23.40 26.48JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 15.35 13.13 11.14 - 13.24JPM Europe Dynamic T (acc) - EUR 93.93 - - - -JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR* - - 11.96 16.88 21.71

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 9.27 8.60 7.80 10.84 14.01JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 10.27 8.08 8.40 13.10 -JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 7.25 6.86 6.40 9.07 11.91JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 7.51 7.07 6.56 9.32 12.20JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 8.31 7.66 6.89 9.52 12.23JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 9.09 8.36 7.51 10.35 13.26JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 8.06 7.55 6.92 9.72 12.69JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 9.56 7.59 7.98 12.57 -JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR* - - 7.03 9.70 12.41JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap T (acc) - EUR 92.59 - - - -JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 9.33 8.50 7.57 10.35 13.14


Page 32: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 10.45 8.85 7.50 11.25 15.52JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 14.48 10.39 10.11 17.00 20.08JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 32.99 28.32 24.82 38.17 53.65JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 39.03 28.36 28.34 48.75 58.63JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 12.53 10.53 8.86 13.19 18.08JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 12.87 10.79 9.05 13.43 18.32JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 8.33 7.11 6.07 9.18 12.75JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 11.75 8.49 8.33 14.11 16.79JPM Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR* - - - - 12.34JPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR* - - - 7.33 10.16JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 13.21 11.00 9.16 13.51 18.30

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 13.14 10.71 8.33 13.13 18.98JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 36.72 30.07 23.66 37.64 54.43JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 10.92 8.94 7.04 11.09 16.04JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 16.45 12.18 10.00 14.71 18.20JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 14.40 11.65 8.99 14.06 20.21JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 14.73 11.90 9.16 14.31 20.50JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 10.35 8.51 6.69 10.65 15.55JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR** 99.07 - - 9.33 13.36JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR* - - 10.35 16.02 22.76

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 15.13 12.38 9.16 11.19 15.62JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 9.85 8.05 6.02 7.46 10.42JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 5.32 4.37 3.26 4.05 5.66JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 8.49 6.31 4.92 5.68 6.75JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR 12.29 9.97 7.32 8.88 -JPM Europe Technology C (acc) - EUR* - - - 9.85 -JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 5.28 4.37 3.26 4.03 5.68JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR 10.87 8.74 6.37 7.64 -

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 16.44 13.30 10.71 14.99 18.59JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 8.63 7.06 5.78 8.33 10.48JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 21.82 17.88 14.64 21.11 26.54JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 9.32 7.48 5.97 8.30 -JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 10.21 8.18 6.53 9.05 -JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.97 2.43 1.98 2.79 3.50JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 11.27 9.02 7.19 9.97 -JPM Germany Equity T (acc) - EUR 98.35 - - - -JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 9.82 7.81 6.18 8.50 -

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - EUR 12.76 14.67 8.87 9.09 -JPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - USD 18.11 12.20 - - -JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - USD 139.51 - - - -JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - EUR 96.43 - - - -JPM Global Consumer Trends C (acc) - EUR 17.09 16.18 11.65 - -JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - USD 139.05 - - - -JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - EUR 12.47 12.01 8.79 9.08 -JPM Global Consumer Trends T (acc) - EUR 92.80 - - - -

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 12.28 11.11 10.13 11.64 12.66JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 21.83 19.85 18.17 - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 10.81 9.86 9.04 10.45 11.37JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) 12.27 11.28 10.31 - -JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 17.76 13.74 14.48 18.77 17.52JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 12.87 11.56 10.48 11.95 12.93JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) 20.73 18.74 17.04 - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (dist) - GBP (hedged) 90.56 - - - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 13.11 11.77 10.66 12.16 13.13JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) 22.11 19.97 18.18 - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) 12.26 11.27 10.28 - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 10.68 9.71 8.90 10.27 11.23JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 10.48 9.40 8.51 9.70 10.47JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged) 17.23 15.55 - - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 10.10 9.06 8.24 9.53 10.55JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 13.74 12.24 11.00 12.44 13.32JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged) 18.22 16.33 - - -JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (dist) - GBP (hedged) 90.56 - - - -


Page 33: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 12.90 9.82 9.01 13.33 15.38JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 123.21 - - - -JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 6.67 5.99 4.79 6.32 8.52JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5.51 4.48 4.03 5.87 8.52JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD 14.67 12.69 - - -JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD (hedged) 12.09 - - - -JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 15.18 11.55 10.68 15.93 18.51JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 14.07 10.73 9.92 14.79 17.19JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 13.54 11.04 9.25 11.45 13.24JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 6.83 6.16 4.97 6.61 8.99JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 15.55 11.74 10.70 15.70 18.01JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 15.91 12.00 10.92 16.00 18.29JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 5.97 5.31 4.21 5.50 9.91JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.40 5.16 4.59 6.61 9.91JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 14.41 11.08 10.27 15.34 17.88JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 6.45 5.85 4.73 6.30 8.57JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5.38 4.42 4.01 5.88 8.57JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 8.88 6.69 6.09 8.92 10.19JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 11.16 10.04 8.05 - -JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - EUR (hedged) 70.64 - - - -JPM Global Dynamic T (acc) - EUR (hedged) 71.10 - - - -JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 15.22 11.38 10.27 14.92 16.91JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 6.97 6.15 4.83 6.26 11.20

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 11.41 9.31 8.61 12.11 13.64JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR 69.98 - - - -JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.15 5.38 4.82 - -JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 22.26 18.24 16.96 23.85 27.07JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 38.46 31.52 29.31 41.62 47.24JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) 5.88 5.16 4.81 - -JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 13.48 10.88 9.96 13.84 15.42JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.35 5.49 4.86 - -JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 9.87 8.12 7.56 10.71 12.16JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.01 5.30 4.78 - -JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 10.45 8.38 7.62 10.52 11.65JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR 9.72 9.20 7.28 - -

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 15.48 14.13 10.53 11.95 16.84JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 9.04 7.59 6.36 7.83 -JPM Global Focus A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 146.77 - - - -JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 20.85 19.07 14.28 16.20 22.95JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 15.37 11.90 10.24 13.03 15.78JPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR 15.69 14.21 10.51 - -JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 12.24 11.07 8.18 9.20 12.84JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 19.29 16.05 13.33 - -JPM Global Focus C (acc) - USD 15.06 11.54 - - -JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 19.78 18.23 13.73 15.73 22.39JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 8.49 7.20 6.10 7.59 22.39JPM Global Focus I (acc) - USD 147.57 - - - -JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR 104.58 - - - -JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR (hedged) 113.23 - - - -JPM Global Focus T (acc) - EUR 92.74 - - - -JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 18.51 16.60 12.17 13.57 18.78

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - EUR 10.66 10.53 9.91 - -JPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - USD (hedged) 13.43 13.29 8.88 - -JPM Global Government Bond B (acc) - EUR** 102.51 10.09 - - -JPM Global Government Bond C (acc) - EUR 10.81 10.64 9.98 - -JPM Global Government Bond D (acc) - EUR 10.62 10.50 9.90 - -JPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR 10.87 10.67 9.98 - -

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 22.39 19.30 13.27 23.03 23.52JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - SGD 23.63 19.63 - - -JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 19.85 14.50 11.44 22.26 19.45JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 19.29 16.63 11.43 19.84 20.26JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 14.03 12.00 8.18 14.10 14.31JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 20.44 17.47 11.91 20.49 20.73JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 16.07 11.64 9.11 17.56 11.26JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 15.01 13.07 9.07 15.90 16.41JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 13.52 9.97 7.95 15.61 10.20JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 24.15 20.41 13.78 23.50 23.58JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - USD* - - - - -


Page 34: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 8.77 6.75 5.40 8.94 11.64JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5.73 4.70 3.83 - -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) 5.35 4.55 3.83 - -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) B (acc) - EUR (hedged) 69.97 - - - -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD** 110.71 - 5.58 9.13 -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 8.46 6.56 5.29 8.82 11.57JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5.61 4.64 3.81 - -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 8.97 6.78 5.33 8.67 11.09JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - EUR (hedged)* - - 3.89 - -

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 30.70 26.60 24.73 27.17 27.28JF China A (acc) - SGD 12.60 12.42 - - -JF China A (dist) - USD 49.75 43.11 40.25 45.08 45.51JF China A (dist) - HKD 11.66 - - - -JF China B (acc) - USD 23.03 19.81 18.27 19.93 19.90JF China C (acc) - USD 31.25 26.84 24.72 26.93 26.79JF China D (acc) - USD 37.33 32.66 30.66 33.99 34.45JF China D (acc) - EUR 77.57 - - - -JF China I (acc) - USD 11.39 9.77 8.99 9.78 12.05JF China T (acc) - EUR 69.30 - - - -JF China X (acc) - USD** 114.94 - - 11.15 11.01

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 23.31 18.42 16.34 18.40 18.92JF Greater China A (acc) - SGD 14.41 12.94 - - -JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 29.36 23.32 21.39 25.64 26.80JF Greater China A (dist) - HKD 12.50 - - - -JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 20.74 16.27 14.33 16.01 16.37JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 25.09 19.65 17.27 19.28 19.66JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 34.88 27.84 24.94 28.37 29.46JF Greater China D (acc) - EUR 84.23 - - - -JF Greater China I (acc) - USD** 105.85 - - - -JF Greater China T (acc) - EUR 70.45 - - - -JF Greater China X (acc) - USD* - - 11.35 19.75 19.98

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 18.57 16.16 14.65 16.44 16.33JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 49.20 43.11 39.60 44.76 44.79JF Hong Kong A (dist) - HKD 11.36 - - - -JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 17.06 14.73 13.26 14.77 14.57JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 19.89 17.16 15.42 17.17 16.91JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 28.80 25.33 23.19 26.27 26.36

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 27.02 24.15 18.63 19.31 24.64JF India A (acc) - SGD 14.68 14.92 - - -JF India A (dist) - USD 80.03 72.09 55.61 57.65 76.86JF India B (acc) - USD 36.07 32.00 24.50 25.21 31.98JF India C (acc) - USD 28.73 25.45 19.46 19.98 25.25JF India D (acc) - USD 52.59 47.40 36.86 38.51 49.54JF India D (acc) - EUR 75.91 - - - -JF India T (acc) - EUR 71.45 - - - -JF India X (acc) - USD 32.01 28.11 21.30 21.68 27.17

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 7.70 6.68 6.76 9.85 12.26JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 4.45 4.56 4.01 5.22 7.60JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 465 443 487 781 1,134JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 19.48 16.89 17.12 24.96 31.07JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 6.20 5.75 5.31 6.42 7.94JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 8.88 7.64 7.68 11.11 13.72JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 9.03 7.76 7.79 11.24 13.86JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 6.32 5.52 5.63 8.27 10.37JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 3.60 3.71 3.29 4.31 6.32JF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD* - - - 8.21 10.11JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 10.43 9.04 9.17 13.37 16.64JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 9.14 7.78 7.74 11.09 13.56

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 7.00 6.52 6.26 8.54 11.27JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 6.68 6.23 5.98 8.16 10.76JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 6.50 6.01 5.73 7.77 10.20JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD* - - 4.34 5.87 7.67JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 5.24 4.93 4.78 6.59 8.78JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD* - - 7.48 10.04 13.02


Page 35: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundJF Korea Equity A (acc) - USD 11.74 8.09 6.41 8.67 -JF Korea Equity A (acc) - EUR 8.12 6.60 4.55 5.49 -JF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD 12.25 8.44 6.69 9.05 -JF Korea Equity B (acc) - USD 14.32 9.79 - 9.14 -JF Korea Equity C (acc) - USD** 107.47 8.84 - 10.34 -JF Korea Equity D (acc) - USD 11.31 7.87 6.30 8.60 -JF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD** 114.10 9.10 - 9.58 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 15.98 13.40 12.08 13.38 14.10JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 28.05 24.10 22.38 25.64 27.03JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 11.51 9.58 8.57 9.42 -JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 21.60 18.20 16.48 18.33 19.40

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 16.20 13.91 12.17 15.08 16.33JF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR 11.85 12.01 9.15 - -JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 10.54 9.06 8.11 10.26 11.52JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 12.38 11.37 9.17 9.59 10.67JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 9.29 7.93 6.88 8.47 -JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD 10.83 9.24 8.02 9.85 -JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 14.00 12.14 10.73 13.43 14.68

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 25.66 20.84 15.79 22.98 27.70JF Singapore A (acc) - SGD 15.48 14.29 - - -JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 33.67 27.85 21.51 31.65 38.49JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 18.12 14.61 10.99 15.86 19.01JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 26.28 21.16 15.90 22.91 27.33JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 44.52 36.52 27.95 41.07 50.02JF Singapore I (acc) - USD* - 13.89 10.44 15.04 17.96JF Singapore X (acc) - USD* - - - 15.79 18.71

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 17.51 12.20 11.11 14.46 17.16JF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR 15.28 12.56 9.96 - -JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 15.39 10.75 10.67 14.78 18.40JF Taiwan A (dist) - HKD 13.48 - - - -JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD** 96.55 7.62 6.90 8.93 12.95JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 20.35 14.07 12.71 16.44 19.35JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 15.47 10.89 10.01 13.17 15.78JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 14.35 9.92 8.95 11.54 13.58JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD** 116.29 - - 11.32 13.21

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 33.93 27.48 20.16 32.95 28.71JPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - SGD** 14.21 - - - -JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 63.56 51.68 38.31 62.93 55.03JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 45.97 37.39 27.71 45.52 39.82JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 20.56 16.52 12.04 19.52 16.90JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 38.28 30.76 22.39 36.30 31.36JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 50.93 41.67 30.88 50.97 44.86JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - EUR 81.18 - - - -JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 22.28 17.89 13.01 21.08 18.21JPM Latin America Equity T (acc) - EUR 70.34 - - - -JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 44.39 35.34 25.49 40.95 35.06

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 16.40 12.44 8.63 23.55 18.40JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 16.12 12.22 8.48 23.17 18.11JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 11.01 8.29 5.71 15.44 12.00JPM Russia C (acc) - USD 7.61 5.73 3.94 10.67 -JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 12.51 9.58 6.72 18.50 14.61JPM Russia I (acc) - USD 8.32 6.26 4.31 11.64 -

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 14.14 13.49 12.11 11.41 10.63JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 12.69 12.90 12.09 11.94 11.53JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD 10.46 10.37 - - -JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 14.14 13.45 12.03 11.30 10.48JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 14.26 13.55 12.09 11.34 10.50JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 15.88 15.20 13.67 12.92 12.05JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 72.31 - - - -JPM US Aggregate Bond I (acc) - USD 99.40 - - - -JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 15.07 14.25 12.65 11.81 10.88


Page 36: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsStatistical Information (continued)

Net Asset Value per Share in Share Class Currency

30 June 2011 30 June 2010 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 30 June 2007

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 10.13 8.10 7.56 11.19 14.04JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 5.85 5.52 4.49 5.92 8.68JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 13.96 11.16 10.41 15.41 19.34JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 11.55 9.18 8.50 12.49 15.58JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 12.62 10.00 9.25 13.56 16.86JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 12.94 10.45 9.85 14.72 18.67JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 5.43 5.17 4.25 5.66 8.39JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD* - - 6.60 9.67 12.01JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 5.06 4.77 3.89 5.14 10.09JPM US Dynamic T (acc) - EUR 67.88 - - - -JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 13.16 10.34 9.48 13.78 16.98

JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund (1)JPM US Growth A (acc) - USD 12.27 9.38 8.35 12.16 13.56JPM US Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 7.14 5.47 4.92 7.36 11.08JPM US Growth A (dist) - USD 6.57 5.03 4.47 6.52 7.27JPM US Growth A (dist) - GBP 5.90 4.83 3.92 4.74 5.25JPM US Growth B (acc) - USD 11.69 8.88 7.84 11.33 12.54JPM US Growth C (acc) - USD 11.25 8.51 7.50 10.80 11.91JPM US Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 9.30 7.05 4.14 6.11 -JPM US Growth C (dist) - GBP 65.46 - - - -JPM US Growth D (acc) - USD 6.10 4.70 4.21 6.18 6.94JPM US Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.91 5.34 4.84 7.28 11.06JPM US Growth X (acc) - USD 12.40 9.32 8.15 11.66 12.77JPM US Growth X (dist) - USD 102.40 - - - -

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 15.41 10.80 8.95 11.75 13.85JPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - EUR 67.70 - - - -JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 106.11 74.32 61.60 80.90 95.41JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 10.10 7.56 5.71 6.22 7.30JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD 11.28 7.84 6.45 8.40 -JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 10.22 7.21 6.02 7.97 9.47JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD 13.36 9.20 7.49 9.66 -

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 15.05 10.21 8.32 11.04 12.61JPM US Technology A (acc) - EUR 98.37 78.80 - - -JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 2.20 1.49 1.22 1.62 1.85JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 7.61 5.16 4.21 5.58 6.38JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 1.94 1.42 1.06 1.18 2.68JPM US Technology B (acc) - USD** 106.38 - 7.95 - -JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD 13.45 9.03 7.30 9.60 -JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 2.01 1.38 1.13 1.52 1.75JPM US Technology D (acc) - EUR 9.87 7.99 - - -JPM US Technology I (acc) - USD* - - - - -JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD 11.72 7.82 6.27 8.18 -

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 11.81 9.45 8.12 11.31 13.54JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 7.13 5.72 4.95 7.11 11.48JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 14.76 11.82 10.20 14.22 17.03JF US Value A (dist) - USD 12.92 10.35 8.93 12.49 14.96JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 13.20 11.30 8.84 10.25 12.20JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 13.39 10.63 9.06 12.53 14.90JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 13.95 11.04 9.38 12.94 15.32JPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 10.31 8.19 7.03 - -JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 13.86 11.17 9.67 13.57 16.37JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 6.89 5.57 4.85 7.02 11.42JPM US Value I (acc) - USD 99.17 - - - -JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 13.55 10.65 8.99 12.30 14.47

(1) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.

* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.** Share Class reactivated during the year.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


Page 37: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. OrganisationJPMorgan Funds (the “SICAV”) is an investment company incorporated on 14 April 1969 under the name Multi Trust Fund S.A.. The name of the SICAV waschanged to Fleming International Fund on 3 July 1984, to Fleming Flagship Fund on 19 October 1988, to Fleming Funds on 2 June 2000, to JPMorgan FlemingFunds on 19 November 2001 and then to JPMorgan Funds on 12 September 2005.It is organised under the Luxembourg Law of 20 December 2002 on Undertakings for Collective Investment as amended, Part I, as a Société Anonymequalifying as a “Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable” (SICAV) until 30 June 2011 and under Part I of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 onUndertakings for Collective Investment from 1 July 2011. As at 30 June 2011, it comprises 117 Sub-Funds, each relating to a separate investment portfolioconsisting of securities, cash and other instruments.On 12 September 2005, JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. was appointed by the SICAV to act as Management Company. The Articles ofIncorporation were also modified so the SICAV complies with UCITS III regulations. From 1 July 2011, JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. is actingas a Chapter 15 Management Company under the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010.The SICAV is registered with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés of Luxembourg, under number B 8478.Each Sub-Fund may contain A, B, C, D, I, J, T and X Classes of Shares, which may differ in the minimum subscription amount, minimum holding amount,currency and/or eligibility requirements, the fees and expenses, and the dividend policy applicable to them. In addition, each Sub-Fund may contain Classesof Shares named either “JPM” or “JF”.Within each Sub-Fund, individual Classes of Shares may have a currency of denomination that differs from the currency of denomination of the Sub-Fund.The currency of denomination for each Class of Share is indicated by a suffix on the name of the Share Class.

2. Significant Accounting PoliciesThe Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with Luxembourg regulations relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment.

a) Investment ValuationTransferable securities which are admitted to an official exchange listing or dealt in on another regulated market are valued on the basis of the latestavailable price prevailing at the time of calculating the net asset value.If securities are listed or dealt in on several exchanges or markets, the latest available price, or if appropriate, the average price on the principal exchange ormarket will be applied.Transferable securities not admitted to an official exchange listing nor dealt in on another regulated market are valued at the latest available price. Thosesecurities for which no price is available or for which the latest available price is not representative are valued on the basis of their reasonably foreseeablesales price determined with prudence and in good faith by the Board of Directors.Securities issued by any open-ended investment funds are valued at the latest available price or net asset value, as reported or provided by such funds ortheir agents.Liquid assets and money market instruments may be valued at nominal values plus any accrued interest or on an amortised cost basis.The Financial Statements are presented on the basis of the net asset value calculated on 30 June 2011. In accordance with the prospectus, the net assetvalues were calculated using the latest exchange rates known at the time of calculation.

b) Swing Pricing AdjustmentA Sub-Fund may suffer dilution of the Net Asset Value per Share due to investors buying or selling Shares in a Sub-Fund at a price that does not reflect thedealing and other costs that arise when security trades are undertaken by the Investment Manager to accommodate cash inflows or outflows.In order to counter this impact, a Swing Pricing mechanism may be adopted to protect the interests of Shareholders of the Fund. If on any Valuation Day, theaggregate net transactions in Shares of a Sub-Fund exceed a pre-determined threshold, as determined and reviewed for each Sub-Fund on a periodic basisby the Management Company, the Net Asset Value per Share may be adjusted upwards or downwards to reflect net inflows and net outflows respectively.The net inflows and net outflows will be determined by the Management Company based on the latest available information at the time of calculation of theNet Asset Value per Share. The Swing Pricing mechanism may be applied across all Sub-Funds with the exception of the money market Sub-Funds. Theextent of the price adjustment will be set by the Management Company to reflect dealing and other costs. Such adjustment may vary from Sub-Fund toSub-Fund and will not exceed 2% of the original Net Asset Value per Share.The official Net Asset Value per Share as at year end, disclosed in the Statistical Information section of this report may therefore include a Swing Pricingadjustment, which would not be recognised in the Combined Statement of Net Assets and in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in NetAssets. As at year end, a Swing Pricing adjustment has been applied to JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology Fund and JPMorgan Funds - JF SingaporeFund. The decision to swing downwards is due to the specific nature of the product and the fact that after the initial subscription phase, no furthersubscriptions will be accepted into the Fund.

c) Realised and Unrealised Gains and Losses on InvestmentsInvestment transactions are accounted for on the trade date (the date the order to buy or sell is executed). For trades into other collective investmentschemes, transactions are accounted for on receipt of the trade confirmation from the underlying transfer agents.Realised gains and losses on sales of investments are calculated on the average book cost. The associated foreign exchange movement between the date ofpurchase and date of sale of investments is included in realised gains and losses on investments. Unrealised gains and losses on holdings of investments arecalculated on the total book cost and include the associated unrealised gains and losses on foreign exchange.

d) Income RecognitionInterest income is accrued daily and includes the amortisation of premiums and accretion of discounts, where applicable. Bank interest income is recognisedon an accrual basis. Dividend income is accrued on the ex-dividend date. This income is shown net of any withholding taxes and adjusted accordingly whentax reclaims apply.

e) Conversion of Foreign CurrenciesThe books and records of each Sub-Fund are denominated in the base currency of the corresponding Sub-Fund. Amounts denominated in other currencies aretranslated into the base currency on the following basis: (i) investment valuations and other assets and liabilities initially expressed in other currencies areconverted each business day into the base currency using currency exchange rates prevailing on each such business day; (ii) purchases and sales of foreigninvestments, income and expenses are converted into the base currency using currency exchange rates prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.Net realised and unrealised gains or losses on foreign exchange transactions represent: (i) foreign exchange gains and losses from the sale and holding of foreigncurrencies and foreign cash equivalents; (ii) gains and losses between trade date and settlement date on securities transactions and forward foreign exchangecontracts; and (iii) gains and losses arising from the difference between amounts of dividends and interest recorded and the amounts actually received.The resulting gains and losses on translation are included in “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Exchange” in the Combined Statement of Operations andChanges in Net Assets.The reference currency of the Combined Statements is USD.


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements

As at 30 June 2011

Page 38: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

The principal exchange rates applied as at 30 June 2011 are as follows:1 USD = 0.69115667 EUR1 USD = 80.59500000 JPY1 USD = 0.62484379 GBP

f) Forward Foreign Exchange ContractsUnrealised gains or losses on outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts are valued on the basis of currency exchange rates prevailing at the relevantvaluation date. The changes in such amounts are included in “Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts” in theCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets. Unrealised gains or losses are recorded under “Unrealised Net Gain/(Loss) on ForwardForeign Exchange Contracts” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets.

g) Financial Futures Contracts on Securities and IndicesRegulated financial futures contracts are valued at the exchange quoted settlement price. Initial margin deposits are made upon entering into the contractsand can be either in cash or securities. During the year the contracts are open, changes in the value of the contracts are recognised as unrealised gains andlosses by “marking-to-market” on a daily basis to reflect the market value of the contracts at the end of each business day’s trading. Variation marginpayments are made or received, depending upon whether losses or gains are incurred. The frequency of those margin payments may differ depending onwhere the contract is traded. When a contract is closed, the SICAV records a realised gain or loss equal to the difference between the proceeds from, or costof, the closing transaction and the initial cost of the contract in “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Financial Futures Contracts” in the Combined Statement ofOperations and Changes in Net Assets.Unrealised gains or losses are recorded under “Unrealised Net Gain/(Loss) on Financial Futures Contracts” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets.Daily margin calls are recorded under “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Financial Futures Contracts” in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes inNet Assets.

h) Option ContractsThe SICAV writes options on securities, futures and currencies. These options are settled in cash and subject the SICAV to unlimited risk of loss. The SICAV,however, is not subject to credit risk on written options as the counterparty has already performed its obligation by paying the premium at the inception ofthe contract. As of 30 June 2011, the SICAV had written options contracts outstanding as listed on its Schedule of Investments.Options purchased are recorded as investments; options written or sold are recorded as liabilities. When the exercise of an option results in a cashsettlement, the difference between the premium and the settlement proceeds is accounted for as a realised gain or loss. When securities are acquired ordelivered upon exercise of an option, the acquisition cost or sale proceeds are adjusted by the amount of the premium. When an option is closed, thedifference between the premium and the cost to close the position is accounted for as a realised gain or loss. When an option expires, the premium isaccounted for as a realised gain for options written or as a realised loss for options purchased.For options on futures, where the investment manager is based in the United Kingdom, variation margin payments are made or received daily, dependingupon whether losses or gains are incurred on the underlying futures contracts.

i) Total Return SwapsThe SICAV may enter into swap contracts in which the SICAV and the counterparty agree to exchange payments where one or both parties pay the returnsgenerated by a security, instrument, basket or index thereof. The payments made by the SICAV to the counterparty and vice versa are calculated byreference to a specific security, on a basket of securities, index, or instruments and an agreed upon notional amount. Any such underlying security orinstrument must be a transferable security and any such index must be an index of a regulated market.A Total Return Swap will exchange the total performance on a specific basket of securities, selected by the Investment Manager against a reference rate plusa spread. The total performance will include interests, dividends, gains and losses on the underlying securities during the contract period according to thetype of underlying. The risk of this type of instrument will depend on the uncertain evolution, at the time of the contract conclusion, of the performance of theunderlying. These underlying securities are listed on a primary exchange.

The value of the underlying securities shall be taken into account for the calculation of the investment and borrowing powers applicable to individual issuers. Therelevant indices include, but are not limited to, currencies, interest rates, prices and total return on interest rates indices, fixed income indices and stock indices.

The market values are recorded under “Derivatives Instruments at Market Value” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The changes in such amounts areincluded in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under “Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments”.When a contract is closed, the Realised Gain/(Loss) is recorded under “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments” in the Combined Statement ofOperations and Changes in Net Assets.

j) Interest Rate SwapsAn interest rate swap is a bilateral agreement in which each of the parties agree to exchange a series of interest payments for another series of interestpayments (usually fixed/floating) based on a notional amount that serves as a computation basis and that is usually not exchanged.The market values are recorded under “Derivatives Instruments at Market Value” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The interests on interest rateswaps are recorded under “Net Interest on Swap Transactions” in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets. The changes inunrealised gains or losses are included in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under “Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) onDerivatives Instruments”. When a contract is closed, the realised gains or losses are recorded under “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments” inthe Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets.

k) Credit Default SwapsA Credit Default Swap is a credit derivative transaction in which two parties enter into an agreement, whereby one party pays the other a fixed periodiccoupon for the specified life of the agreement. The other party makes no payments unless a credit event, relating to a predetermined reference asset,occurs. If such an event occurs, the party will then make a payment to the first party, and the swap will terminate. The value of the underlying securities shallbe taken into account for the calculation of the investment and borrowing powers applicable to individual issuers.The market values are recorded under “Derivatives Instruments at Market Value” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The changes in unrealised gainsor losses are included in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under “Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on DerivativesInstruments”. When a contract is closed, the realised gains or losses are recorded under “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments” in theCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets.

l) To Be Announced Securities (“TBA”)TBAs are related to mortgage backed securities issued by government sponsored agencies. These agencies usually pool mortgage loans and sell interests inthe pools created. TBAs relate to future pools of these agencies that are bought and sold for future settlement for which either the interest rate or thematurity date is not yet fixed. TBAs are separately disclosed in the Schedule of Investments.The Sub-Funds may enter into Dollar Rolls, principally using TBAs, in which the Sub-Funds sell mortgage-backed securities for delivery in the current monthand simultaneously contract to repurchase similar, but not identical, securities at an agreed-upon price on a fixed date. The Sub-Funds account for suchDollar Rolls as purchases and sales and receive compensation as consideration for entering into the commitment to repurchase. The Sub-Funds must


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

Page 39: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

maintain liquid securities having a value not less than the repurchase price (including accrued interest) for such Dollar Rolls. The market value of thesecurities that the Sub-Funds are required to purchase may decline below the agreed upon repurchase price of those securities.The Sub-Funds had TBA Dollar Rolls outstanding as of 30 June 2011, which are included in “Amounts Receivable on Sale of TBAs” and “Amounts Payable onPurchase of TBAs” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets.

m) Commodity Index SwapsA Commodity Index Swap is a bilateral agreement in which each of the parties agree to exchange the total return of a specified commodity index againstmoney market rate plus fees.The market values are recorded under “Derivatives Instruments at Market Value” in the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The changes in unrealised gainsor losses are included in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets under “Net Change in Unrealised Gain/(Loss) on DerivativesInstruments”. When a contract is closed, the realised gains or losses are recorded under “Net Realised Gain/(Loss) on Derivatives Instruments” in theCombined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets.

n) Repurchase AgreementsThe underlying obligations found to be satisfactory by the Investment Manager are transferred to an account of the SICAV as collateral. The securities aremarked-to-market daily and maintained at a value at least equal to the principal amount of the repurchase agreement (including accrued interest). Interestreceived or paid on Repurchase Agreements are recorded in the interest section of the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The Funds’ Investment Manageris responsible for determining that the value of the underlying securities remains in accordance with the market value requirements stated above.

o) Consolidation of Mauritian SubsidiaryAll income, expenses, receivables, payables and investments of Flagship Indian Investment Company (Mauritius) Limited (the “Subsidiary”), a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of JPMorgan Funds, are consolidated into the Combined Statement of Net Assets and the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in NetAssets of JPMorgan Funds - JF India Fund. Securities owned by the Subsidiary are individually disclosed in the Schedule of Investments of JPMorgan Funds -JF India Fund. Intercompany balances are eliminated on consolidation.The use of the Mauritius Subsidiary and the tax treatment it is afforded, is based on the law and practice currently in force in the relevant countries, asunderstood by the Board of Directors. It is subject to any future changes and such changes may adversely affect the returns of the Sub-Fund. This includesany circumstances where the India/Mauritius Double Taxation Treaty may not be applied or ceases to be applied, resulting from, inter alia, any future rulingby the Indian tax authorities. Should the treaty not be applied, or cease to be applied, interest on securities listed on an Indian stock exchange would besubject to tax at a maximum rate of 20%. Capital gains on disposal of such investments would be subject to tax at rates of 0% to 30% until 31 March 2011 andof 0% to 15% from 1 April 2011 in respect of listed securities depending on the length of time the relevant investment has been held.

3. Value of Financial Instruments and Associated RisksThe SICAV entered into forward foreign exchange contracts, financial futures contracts, options and swaps which, to varying degrees, represent a marketrisk in excess of the amount reflected on the Combined Statement of Net Assets. The amount of the contracts represents the extent of the SICAV’sparticipation in these financial instruments. Market risks associated with such contracts arise due to the possible movements in foreign exchange rates,indices, and security values underlying these instruments.Investment in fixed income securities is subject to interest rate, sector, security and credit risks. High yield bonds are lower-rated securities and will usuallyoffer higher yields to compensate for the reduced creditworthiness or increased risk of default that these securities carry.Other market and credit risks include the possibility that there may be an illiquid market for the contracts, that a change in the value of the contracts may notdirectly correlate with changes in the value of the underlying currencies, indices, or securities, or that the counterparty to a contract defaults on itsobligation to perform under the terms of the contract.In emerging and less developed markets, in which some of the Sub-Funds will invest, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing butthere is much legal uncertainty both for local market participants and their overseas counterparts. Some markets may carry higher risks for investors whoshould therefore ensure that, before investing, they understand the risks involved and are satisfied that an investment is suitable as part of their portfolio. Insome markets there may be no secure method of delivery against payment which would minimise the exposure to counterparty risk. It may be necessary tomake payment on a purchase or delivery on a sale before receipt of the securities or, as the case may be, sale proceeds.

4. Distribution PolicyDuring the year ended 30 June 2011, the SICAV paid dividends as follows:Class Currency Dividend Amount per Share Payment DateJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 21-Jul-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 21-Jul-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.16 21-Jul-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.02 21-Jul-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.06 20-Aug-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 20-Aug-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.14 20-Aug-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR EUR 0.13 20-Aug-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 20-Aug-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.03 21-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.04 21-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.07 21-Sep-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 21-Sep-10JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.11 30-Sep-10JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.12 30-Sep-10JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.42 30-Sep-10JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.05 30-Sep-10JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.02 30-Sep-10JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.25 30-Sep-10JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD USD 0.11 30-Sep-10JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD USD 0.03 30-Sep-10JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD USD 0.13 30-Sep-10JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD USD 0.02 30-Sep-10JF Greater China A (dist) - USD USD 0.14 30-Sep-10JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD USD 0.31 30-Sep-10JF India A (dist) - USD USD 0.60 30-Sep-10JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.01 30-Sep-10JF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.01 30-Sep-10


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

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Class Currency Dividend Amount per Share Payment DateJF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.17 30-Sep-10JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD USD 0.63 30-Sep-10JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.01 30-Sep-10JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD USD 0.01 30-Sep-10JF Singapore A (dist) - USD USD 0.58 30-Sep-10JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD USD 0.04 30-Sep-10JF US Value A (dist) - USD USD 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.11 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR EUR 0.43 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR EUR 0.58 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.02 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR EUR 0.10 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD USD 0.29 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR EUR 0.21 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.24 30-Sep-10JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.56 30-Sep-10JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR EUR 0.09 30-Sep-10JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.11 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.10 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.12 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.14 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR EUR 0.10 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.41 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.17 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.06 30-Sep-10JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.03 30-Sep-10JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.09 30-Sep-10JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.09 30-Sep-10JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) GBP 0.20 30-Sep-10JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) GBP 0.28 30-Sep-10JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.04 30-Sep-10JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR EUR 0.02 30-Sep-10JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR EUR 0.11 30-Sep-10JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) EUR 0.02 30-Sep-10JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD USD 0.07 30-Sep-10JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR EUR 0.04 30-Sep-10JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) EUR 0.17 30-Sep-10JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD USD 0.23 30-Sep-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD USD 0.80 30-Sep-10JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR EUR 0.03 30-Sep-10JPM US Growth A (dist) - GBP (1) GBP 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP GBP 0.02 30-Sep-10JPM US Value A (dist) - USD USD 0.01 30-Sep-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.04 21-Oct-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 21-Oct-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.06 21-Oct-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 21-Oct-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.04 22-Nov-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 22-Nov-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.04 22-Nov-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR EUR 0.13 22-Nov-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 22-Nov-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.04 21-Dec-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 21-Dec-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.07 21-Dec-10JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 21-Dec-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 25-Jan-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 25-Jan-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.05 25-Jan-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.04 25-Jan-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 22-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 22-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.14 22-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR EUR 0.12 22-Feb-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 22-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 22-Mar-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.08 22-Mar-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 22-Mar-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.04 22-Mar-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.04 26-Apr-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.06 26-Apr-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.10 26-Apr-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.03 26-Apr-11


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

Page 41: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Class Currency Dividend Amount per Share Payment DateJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 25-May-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.07 25-May-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.08 25-May-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR EUR 0.14 25-May-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (inc) - EUR EUR 1.38 25-May-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.04 25-May-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR EUR 0.05 22-Jun-11JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) USD 0.07 22-Jun-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD USD 0.08 22-Jun-11JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD USD 0.04 22-Jun-11

(1) This Share Class was renamed from JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - GBP on 11 April 2011.

It is intended that all those Classes of Shares with the suffix “(dist)” will distribute at least 85% of the net investment income attributable to such Classes ofShares, computed broadly in accordance with the definition of net taxable income under United Kingdom corporation tax principles (subject to theapplication of any de minimis threshold) so that these Classes of Shares of the SICAV continue to qualify as “distributing” for the purposes of United Kingdomtax legislation relating to offshore Sub-Funds.Classes of Shares with the suffix “(inc)” may pay dividends but will not qualify as “distributing” for the purposes of United Kingdom tax legislation relating tooffshore Funds.Classes of Shares with the suffix “(mth)” will normally distribute all, or substantially all, of the net investment income on a monthly basis, based on the netinvestment income earned over the course of the prior month for Shares in issue at the dividend record date. They will not qualify as “distributing” for thepurposes of United Kingdom tax legislation relating to offshore funds.Those Classes of Shares with the suffix “(acc)” will not normally pay dividends.

5. TaxationUnder current law and practice in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the SICAV is not liable to any income tax, nor are dividends distributed by the SICAV liableto any withholding tax. However, the SICAV, with the exception of those Share Classes identified in the Appendix, is liable to an asset based tax, the Taxed’abonnement, of 0.05% per annum, such tax being payable quarterly and calculated on the total net assets of each Sub-Fund at the end of the relevantquarter. For the Sub-Funds’ Share Classes identified in the Appendix, the rate is 0.01% per annum. No tax is payable on the portion of assets invested inother undertakings for collective investment already subject to the Taxe d’abonnement.No stamp duty or other tax is payable on the issue of shares in the SICAV in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. No tax is payable on realised or unrealisedcapital appreciation of the assets of the SICAV in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Although the SICAV’s realised capital gains, whether short or long-term,are not expected to become taxable in another country, the shareholders must be aware and recognise that such a possibility is not totally excluded. Theregular income of the SICAV from some of its securities, as well as interest earned on its cash deposits in certain countries, may be subject to withholdingtaxes at varying rates, which normally cannot be recovered.Following recent case law precedent within Europe, the SICAV has instigated proceedings to reclaim tax withheld by certain Member States of the European Unionon dividend payments it has received. The decision to initiate proceedings against any particular Member State is the result of an analysis of the likely costs andpotential benefits of doing so. The likelihood of successfully reclaiming such amounts together with the estimated time to complete proceedings varies acrossMember States. Any costs associated with this decision have been charged to the relevant Sub-Funds and have been included within total costs for the purposes ofdetermining the relevant expense cap or TER and no amount has been recorded in the SICAV for any possible amounts to be received under this action.Certain Sub-Funds of the SICAV may invest on the Brazilian markets and are consequently subject to a local tax upon purchase of Brazilian Real, the BRL IOFTax. This tax has been recorded, where applicable, under Sundry Fees.

6. Statement of Changes in InvestmentsA list, specifying for each investment within each Sub-Fund the total purchases and sales which occurred during the year under review, may be obtained freeof charge upon request at the registered office of the SICAV. Additional information on investments within each Sub-Fund’s portfolio is available toshareholders at the registered office of the SICAV.

7. Fees and Expenses

a) All Sub-Funds - Share Classes A, B, C, D, J and TThe fees and expenses charged to these Classes of shares are set at a fixed percentage of the total net assets of each Class of shares. This fixed percentagecovers all fees and expenses connected with the management of these Classes of shares, including Investment Management Fees, Shareholder ServicingFees and Other Operating and Administrative Expenses, which include but are not limited to Custody, Registrar and Transfer Agent Fees; it does not covertaxes paid on investments, brokerage’s expense, the taxe d’abonnement, the interest, extraordinary costs or performance fees, if any.No other costs are charged to these Classes of shares, and the Investment Manager absorbs any difference that may arise between the actual costs of theoperations of these Classes of shares and the fixed percentage. To the extent that the actual operating costs are less than the fixed percentage, the excess ispaid to the Investment Manager and included within “Investment Management Fees”. To the extent that actual operating costs exceed the fixed percentage,the amount borne by the Investment Manager will be separately disclosed as a “Fee Waiver’’ in the Combined Statement of Net Assets and the CombinedStatement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets.This fixed annual rate of fees and expenses is categorised as a Total Expense Ratio. The fixed annual rates of fees for each Class of shares are shown in the Appendix.

b) All Sub-Funds - Share Class IThe maximum total fees and expenses to be borne by shareholders on these Classes of shares of any Sub-Fund will not exceed a capped percentage of thetotal net assets attributable to that Class. These capped fees and expenses comprise Investment Management Fees plus other Operating and AdministrativeExpenses including but not limited to Custody, Fiduciary, Accounting, Transfer Agency Fees and Taxes; it does not cover performance fees, if any.This capped annual rate of fees and expenses is categorised as a Capped Expense Ratio. The capped annual rates of fees for each Class of shares are shown inthe Appendix.

c) All Sub-Funds - Share Class XThe Annual Management Fee that would normally be payable in respect of the X Share Classes are administratively levied and collected by the GlobalDistributor directly from the shareholder or through the relevant J.P.Morgan Chase & Co entity.The maximum Operating and Administrative Expenses to be borne by the Class X shareholders of any Sub-Fund will not exceed a capped percentage of thetotal net assets attributable to that Class, as set out in the Appendix.Sub-Funds may invest in UCITS and other UCIs managed by the Management Company, the Investment Manager or any other member of JPMorgan Chase &Co. The avoidance of a double-charge of the Annual Management and Advisory Fee on such assets is achieved by either a) excluding the assets from the netassets on which the Annual Management and Advisory Fee is calculated; or b) investing in UCITS or UCIs via classes that do not accrue an AnnualManagement and Advisory Fee or other equivalent fees payable to the relevant Investment Manager’s group; or c) the Annual Management and AdvisoryFee being netted off by a rebate to the SICAV or Sub-Fund of the Annual Management and Advisory Fee (or equivalent) charged to the underlying UCITS or


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

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UCIs; or d) charging only the difference between the Annual Management and Advisory Fee of the SICAV or Sub-Fund and the Annual Management andAdvisory Fee (or equivalent) charged to the underlying UCITS or UCIs.The Management Company may decide from time to time, in order to protect the interests of the Fund’s shareholders, to reduce the fees payable to theManagement Company.

d) Performance FeesPursuant to the Investment Management Agreement, as set out in the Appendix to the Prospectus, the Investment Manager is entitled to receive from thenet assets of certain Sub-Funds or Classes, an annual performance-based incentive fee (the “Performance Fee”) if the performance of the Sub-Fund exceedsthe return from the benchmark, subject to the operation of a Claw-Back Mechanism or of a High Water Mark as defined in Appendix V and as specified inAppendix III for each Sub-Fund. On each Valuation Day, an accrual for the previous Valuation Day’s Performance Fee is made, when appropriate, and thefinal Performance Fee is payable annually. Pursuant to the provisions of the relevant Investment Management Agreement, the Investment Manager may beentitled to receive the performance Fee from the Management Company.On each Valuation Day, the net asset value of each Class of each Sub-Fund for which a Performance Fee applies, which includes an accrual for all fees andexpenses (including the Annual Management and Advisory Fee, and the Operating and Administrative Expenses to be borne by the relevant Class at the rateset out in the Appendix to the Prospectus), is adjusted for any dividend distributions and for subscriptions and redemptions dealt with on that Valuation Day,if any, and any Performance Fee accrued through that day in respect of such Class is added back (the “Adjusted net asset value”). For purposes of calculatingthe Performance Fee, the “Share Class Return” is computed on each Valuation Day, as the difference between the net asset value (adjusted by adding backany accrued Performance Fee) on such day and the Adjusted net asset value on the previous Valuation Day, expressed as a return based on the previousValuation Day’s Adjusted net asset value for that Class.

High Water Mark MethodIf the Share Class Return exceeds the Benchmark Return and the cumulative Share Class Return exceeds the High Water Mark Return (as set out in theAppendix to the Prospectus), the Performance Fee accrual is increased by the Performance Fee Rate multiplied by the Excess Return multiplied by theprevious Valuation Day’s Adjusted net asset value for that Class. If the Share Class Return does not exceed the Benchmark Return, the Performance Feeaccrual is reduced (but not below zero) by the Performance Fee Rate multiplied by the negative Excess Return multiplied by the previous Valuation Day’sAdjusted net asset value for that Class. Following a period of negative Excess Return whereby the Performance Fee accrual has been reduced to zero, no newPerformance Fee is accrued until such time as the cumulative Share Class Return exceeds the greater of the High Water Mark Return and the cumulativeBenchmark Return since the beginning of the Company accounting year. The Performance Fee accrued on any Valuation Day is reflected in the Net AssetValue per Share on the basis of which subscriptions and redemptions may be accepted.

Claw-Back mechanismThe purpose of the Claw-Back Mechanism is to ensure that the Management Company will only become entitled to a Performance Fee when it outperformsthe cumulative Benchmark Return (as defined in Appendix V of the prospectus) accrued since the last Valuation Day of the last year in which a PerformanceFee was paid.As at 30 June 2011, the Performance Fee rate and the benchmarks are as follows:

Sub-Fund Applicable

Share Classes


Fee Rate

Performance Benchmark

High Water Mark method

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund All 10% J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Index, Diversified (Total Return Gross)

8. Transactions with Connected PartiesAll transactions with connected parties were carried out on an arm’s length basis.JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its affiliates are counterparties for all securities lending activity and for certain forward foreign exchange contracts and financialfutures contracts. The Management Company, Registrar, Global Distributor, Transfer and Domiciliary Agent, Advisory Company, Investment Managers,Custodian, Corporate, Administrative and Paying Agent and other related Agents of the SICAV are considered as connected parties.The following is a summary of transactions entered into during the year between the Fund and the Manager and its Connected Persons. Connected Personsof the Manager are those as defined in the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds established by the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong. All suchtransactions were entered into in the ordinary course of business and on normal commercial terms.

Investment transactions with Connected Persons of the ManagerAll the amounts are in Sub-Fund Currency

Authorised Fund Total purchases and salesCurrency ofthe Sub-Fund

Percentage of Fund’s totaltransactions* for the year

Total brokeragecommission paid

Average rate ofcommission paid

JPMF - Eastern Europe Equity Fund 23,338,667 EUR 3.61 41,154 0.18

JPMF - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund 114,977,343 USD 12.60 199,639 0.17

JPMF - Emerging Markets Bond Fund 240,240 USD 0.03 - -

JPMF - Emerging Markets Debt Fund 278,674 EUR 0.02 - -

JPMF - Emerging Markets Equity Fund 21,165,864,216 USD 85.21 248,765 -

JPMF - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund 125,358,384 EUR 8.39 - -

JPMF - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund 13,120,941 USD 3.65 21,489 0.16

JPMF - Euroland Equity Fund 305,402,297 EUR 25.84 588,970 0.19

JPMF - Euroland Select Equity Fund 58,689,067 EUR 22.92 47,790 0.08

JPMF - Europe Dynamic Fund 78,995,575 EUR 3.27 45,374 0.06

JPMF - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund 89,207,788 EUR 12.57 53,057 0.06

JPMF - Europe Equity Fund 61,933,172 EUR 6.72 51,365 0.08

JPMF - Europe Small Cap Fund 115,274,365 EUR 12.13 273,062 0.24

JPMF - Europe Technology Fund 58,159,400 EUR 7.93 32,592 0.06

JPMF - Germany Equity Fund 86,126,293 EUR 7.52 48,749 0.06

JPMF - Global Consumer Trends Fund 27,509,448 EUR 9.38 34,636 0.13

JPMF - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR) 510,349,815 EUR 9.42 449 0.00

JPMF - Global Dynamic Fund 57,932,007 USD 1.93 37,026 0.06

JPMF - Global Equity Fund (USD) 49,199,584 USD 8.12 46,529 0.09

JPMF - Global Focus Fund 91,081,978 EUR 3.18 56,314 0.06

JPMF - Global Government Bond Fund 70,745,346 EUR 5.73 - -

JPMF - Global Natural Resources Fund 67,503,227 EUR 2.68 83,526 0.12


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

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Authorised Fund Total purchases and salesCurrency ofthe Sub-Fund

Percentage of Fund’s totaltransactions* for the year

Total brokeragecommission paid

Average rate ofcommission paid

JPMF - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD) 1,518,099 USD 1.17 987 0.07

JPMF - JF China Fund 589,994,572 USD 11.05 842,142 0.14

JPMF - JF Greater China Fund 86,443,187 USD 4.99 118,110 0.14

JPMF - JF Hong Kong Fund 11,486,876 USD 3.45 9,805 0.09

JPMF - JF India Fund 96,173,120 USD 6.87 204,790 0.21

JPMF - JF Japan Equity Fund 74,681,457 USD 9.21 37,341 0.05

JPMF - JF Japan Small Cap Fund 7,438,332 USD 7.08 3,719 0.05

JPMF - JF Korea Equity Fund 41,701,222 USD 8.39 44,425 0.11

JPMF - JF Pacific Balanced Fund 31,598,626 USD 8.82 15,515 0.05

JPMF - JF Pacific Technology Fund 7,708,054 USD 5.84 6,840 0.09

JPMF - JF Singapore Fund 19,463,305 USD 4.09 32,867 0.17

JPMF - JF Taiwan Fund 29,939,380 USD 1.71 28,823 0.10

JPMF - Latin America Equity Fund 3,394,841 USD 0.11 732 0.02

JPMF - Russia Fund 52,534,282 USD 2.74 50,371 0.10

JPMF - US Aggregate Bond Fund 115,989,721 USD 3.03 - -

* Total transactions is the total value in fund currency of purchases and sales dealt during the year to 30 June 2011.

9. Soft Commission ArrangementsThe Investment Managers of the Fund may enter into soft commission arrangements with brokers in respect of services used to support investmentdecision-making for the benefit of the Fund.The investment related services received under soft commission arrangements comprise:- research and advisory services;- economic and political analysis;- portfolio analysis, including valuation and performance measurement;- market analysis;- data and quotation services;- computer hardware and software incidental to the above goods and services; and- investment-related publications.The Investment Managers do not make direct payments for these services, but transact an agreed amount of business with the brokers on behalf of the Fundand commission is paid on these transactions.

10. Securities LendingThe SICAV may lend portions of its securities portfolio to third parties for the purpose of generating additional capital or income or for reducing costs or risk,to the maximum extent allowed by and within the limits set forth in (i) article 11 of the Grand Ducal regulation of 8 February 2008 relating to certaindefinitions of the Luxembourg Law, (ii) CSSF Circular 08/356 relating to the rules applicable to undertakings for collective investment when they use certaintechniques and instruments relating to transferable securities and money market instruments (“CSSF Circular 08/356”) and (iii) any other applicable laws,regulations, circulars or CSSF positions. A significant proportion of the income generated from the securities lending program is credited to participatingSub-Funds, with a portion of the income shared between the Management Company for oversight of the program and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for its roleas securities lending agent for the Fund. Borrowers of securities lent by participating Sub-Funds are approved by the Management Company afterappropriate assessment of such borrowers’ status and financial standing. During the year, 70% of any incremental income earned from securities lendingwas accrued to the applicable Sub-Fund, with the remaining income payable to the relevant parties which arrange the transaction. The income earned fromthe securities lending program is detailed in the Combined Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets.As at 30 June 2011, the SICAV valuation of securities on loan dealt with the Custodian was USD 1,069,856,622 as detailed below and received collateral assecurity with a market value of USD 1,016,622,843.The table below provides the USD valuation of securities on loan at a Sub-Fund level as at 30 June 2011:

Market Value (USD) Market Value (USD)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity Fund 814,925 JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology Fund 11,204,241

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fund 27,900,609 JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity Fund 42,551,217

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund 64,766,744 JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus Fund 154,021,757

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund 33,071,761 JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond Fund 1,781,990

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity Fund 61,787,723 JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD) 3,263,052

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity Fund 6,982,520 JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity Fund 13,648,654

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Fund 19,570,466 JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond Fund 3,852,700

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund 2,254,232 JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth Fund 11,516,171

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity Fund 41,876,517 JPMorgan Funds - US Technology Fund 7,773,386

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap Fund 22,226,622 JPMorgan Funds - US Value Fund 11,328,303

11. Information for Swiss Registered ShareholdersJ.P.Morgan (Suisse) S.A. was authorised by the Swiss Financial Market Authority (FINMA) as Swiss representative of the SICAV and acts also as paying agent.The Prospectus, the articles, the annual and semi-annual reports of the SICAV, as well as the list of the purchases and sales which the SICAV has undertakenduring the financial year and all information according to the SFA Directive in relation to the transparency of management fees, may be obtained, on simplerequest and free of charge, at the head office of the Swiss representative, J.P.Morgan (Suisse) S.A., 8, rue de la Confédération, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland.Payments/compensations (trailer fees) can be paid out from the management fee for the distribution/marketing of the investment fund to distributors.Reimbursements/rebates can be granted out of the management fee to institutional investors who hold the Sub-Fund shares for the economic benefit ofthird parties.

12. Information for German Registered ShareholdersA list, specifying for each investment within each Sub-Fund the total purchases and sales which occurred during the year under review, may be obtained freeof charge upon request at the registered office of the SICAV and at the office of the German paying and information agent, J.P. Morgan AG, Junghofstraße 14,D-60311 Frankfurt am Main. Additional information on investments within each Sub-Fund’s portfolio is available to shareholders at the registered office ofthe SICAV and at the office of the German paying and information agent.


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

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13. Authorization of Sub-Funds in Hong KongThe following Sub-Funds are authorized in Hong Kong and available to Hong Kong Residents:JPMorgan Funds - America Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF China Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF India Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap Fund JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology Fund JPMorgan Funds - Russia Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity Fund JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends Fund JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR) JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic Fund JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD) JPMorgan Funds - US Technology Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus Fund JPMorgan Funds - US Value Fund

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond Fund

14. Significant EventsJPMorgan Funds - US Strategic Growth Fund changed its name to JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.With effect from 2 August 2010, the following Sub-Funds changed their benchmark indexes as follow:- JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund changed from J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus, hedged into EUR (Total Return Gross) to J.P.Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified, hedged into EUR (Total Return Gross);and for its USD hedged Share class, from JPM Emerging Market Bond Index Plus (Total Return Gross) Hedged into USD to J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets BondIndex Global Diversified, hedged into USD (Total Return Gross);- JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund changed from J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index – Emerging Markets Global Index (TotalReturn Gross) to J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index – Emerging Markets Global Index, Diversified (Total Return Gross);With effect from 3 January 2011 the majority of the Share Classes of the Sub-Funds were de-listed from the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.Those Share Classes where a listing still exists are currently as follows:JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund C (acc) EUR;JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund I (acc) USD.

15. Subsequent EventsWith effect from 4 July 2011, the following Sub-Fund changed its benchmark index as follows:JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund changed from J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified, hedged into EUR (Total ReturnGross) to J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified, hedged into USD (Total Return Gross).On 4 July 2011 the base currency of the Sub-Fund JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund changed from EUR to USD.

16. Directors’ FeesThe only remuneration paid to Directors is an annual fee. This is waived by Mr Berndt May, Ms Andrea L. Hazen and Mr James B. Broderick.The total Directors’ fees for the year amount to EUR 172,360, of which the Chairman is due EUR 36,872.


JPMorgan FundsNotes to the Financial Statements (continued)

As at 30 June 2011

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Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA55,500 3M 5,240,310 1.12

172,000 Abbott Laboratories 9,039,460 1.9371,300 Aflac 3,305,824 0.71

46,000 Air Products & Chemicals 4,363,330 0.93201,700 Alcoa 3,216,106 0.69118,900 American Express 6,056,171 1.2932,200 Anadarko Petroleum 2,465,554 0.5353,000 Apache 6,495,945 1.3845,400 Apple 15,147,710 3.23

553,900 Bank of America 6,067,975 1.2998,600 BB&T 2,615,365 0.5666,300 Biogen Idec 7,233,662 1.5472,100 CBS - Non voting B Shares 2,079,724 0.4476,400 Celanese - A Shares 4,045,380 0.8688,200 Celgene 5,351,976 1.1483,836 Chevron 8,555,883 1.82

448,900 Cisco Systems 6,942,238 1.48126,160 Citigroup 5,216,716 1.1129,780 Citigroup Preference Shares 3,552,158 0.76

140,500 Coca-Cola 9,459,162 2.02324,800 Comcast - A Shares 7,835,800 1.6786,900 ConocoPhillips 6,511,852 1.39

225,900 CSX 5,915,191 1.26123,400 CVS Caremark 4,608,373 0.98100,300 Dow Chemical 3,553,128 0.7674,800 EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 4,038,078 0.86

339,100 El Paso 6,824,388 1.45167,200 EMC/Massachusetts 4,552,020 0.9731,000 EOG Resources 3,237,485 0.69

219,200 Exxon Mobil 17,776,024 3.7982,200 Gannett 1,172,994 0.2595,100 General Mills 3,542,000 0.7552,450 General Motors Preference Shares 2,544,874 0.5437,600 Goldman Sachs Group 4,963,012 1.06

128,800 Hewlett-Packard 4,708,928 1.00172,200 Home Depot 6,208,671 1.32150,700 Honeywell International 8,973,431 1.9155,800 International Business Machines 9,586,440 2.0438,779 JM Smucker 2,980,360 0.6337,700 Johnson & Johnson 2,516,475 0.53

167,000 Johnson Controls 6,963,065 1.49253,509 Merck & Co. 8,914,644 1.90125,900 MetLife 5,491,129 1.17637,500 Microsoft 16,425,188 3.50

77,500 NextEra Energy 4,430,288 0.9465,900 Occidental Petroleum 6,884,573 1.47

209,400 Oracle 6,863,085 1.4689,400 Paccar 4,503,972 0.9671,900 PepsiCo 5,053,132 1.08

339,400 Pfizer 6,986,549 1.4977,600 PG&E 3,216,908 0.6945,900 PNC Financial Services Group 2,708,559 0.58179,123 Procter & Gamble 11,238,177 2.4054,400 Prudential Financial 3,439,984 0.73

191,600 Qualcomm 10,768,878 2.3085,200 Sempra Energy 4,454,682 0.95

383,600 Sprint Nextel 2,015,818 0.439,940 Stanley Black & Decker Preference Shares 1,185,395 0.25

225,800 Staples 3,557,479 0.76126,400 State Street 5,692,424 1.21122,500 Thermo Fisher Scientific 7,898,188 1.68272,800 Time Warner 9,841,260 2.1065,000 Time Warner Cable 5,066,750 1.0882,700 Union Pacific 8,664,479 1.85

144,200 United Technologies 12,642,014 2.69119,550 UnitedHealth Group 6,179,540 1.32125,200 US Bancorp 3,168,186 0.68130,700 Verizon Communications 4,820,869 1.03233,600 Wal-Mart Stores 12,321,232 2.63179,200 Walt Disney 6,925,184 1.4844,200 WellPoint 3,513,237 0.75

208,473 Wells Fargo & Co. 5,834,117 1.2478,900 Xilinx 2,838,428 0.60

439,007,586 93.57

SWITZERLAND45,700 ACE 3,007,974 0.64

199,600 TE Connectivity 7,399,172 1.5890,200 Tyco International 4,450,017 0.95

14,857,163 3.17

IRELAND103,900 Covidien 5,579,949 1.19

5,579,949 1.19

BERMUDA51,100 Freescale Semiconductor Holdings 914,434 0.19

914,434 0.19

Total Shares 460,359,132 98.12

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

460,359,132 98.12

Total Investments 460,359,132 98.12

Cash 9,132,434 1.95

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (315,323) (0.07)

Total Net Assets 469,176,243 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 20.03Consumer Discretionary 14.21Financials 13.03Health Care 11.79Energy 11.07Industrials 10.54Consumer Staples 7.86Materials 4.10Utilities 4.03Telecommunication Services 1.46Total Shares 98.12Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.88

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 21.30Consumer Discretionary 14.32Financials 13.43Energy 10.96Industrials 9.74Health Care 9.39Consumer Staples 8.58Materials 4.54Utilities 4.04Telecommunication Services 1.53Total Shares 97.83Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.17

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



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JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



14-Jul-11 EUR 27,064,093 USD 39,442,890 (296,798)14-Jul-11 USD 8,736,830 EUR 6,060,643 (29,415)15-Aug-11 EUR 182,707 USD 263,204 806

Total (325,407)

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Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


RUSSIA636,827 Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant 1,969,477 0.20510,762 Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant GDR 1,552,920 0.15

1,831,874 Cherkizovo Group Registered Shares GDR 22,479,817 2.212,079,300 DIXY Group 19,816,225 1.94

936,893 DIXY Group 9,066,198 0.89634,800 Lukoil OAO ADR 27,794,575 2.72

3,577,457 Magnit OJSC Registered Shares GDR 77,008,606 7.563,213,021 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Registered Shares

GDR 25,260,473 2.48793,046 Mechel Preference Shares 8,283,336 0.81

3,052,337 MMC Norilsk Nickel ADR 55,156,618 5.412,248,286 Mobile Telesystems 12,575,581 1.23

260,476 Mobile Telesystems 1,475,611 0.154,113,205 Mobile Telesystems ADR 54,284,585 5.332,528,986 Mostotrest 14,542,471 1.43

947,279 Novolipetsk Steel Registered Shares GDR 25,389,972 2.491,991,160 Pharmacy Chain 36.6 4,379,100 0.43

40,509,090 Sberbank of Russia 100,165,897 9.832,297,627 Sistema JSFC Registered Shares GDR 40,677,138 3.99

704,516 Sollers 8,973,488 0.881,392,346 Tatneft ADR 40,927,862 4.02

551,779,950 54.15

TURKEY259,800 BIM Birlesik Magazalar 5,795,641 0.57

1,808,700 TAV Havalimanlari Holding 6,278,594 0.621,535,059 Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi 4,831,787 0.471,129,090 Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri 19,164,397 1.886,080,921 Turk Hava Yollari 11,046,550 1.0812,775,757 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi 40,430,929 3.974,524,742 Turkiye Halk Bankasi 23,463,946 2.3010,073,121 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi 17,719,537 1.74

128,731,381 12.63

POLAND325,862 Bank Pekao 13,391,582 1.31

3,272,337 Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski 34,598,066 3.40341,762 Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen 32,361,035 3.18

2,513,000 Telekomunikacja Polska 10,601,990 1.04

90,952,673 8.93

IRELAND8,270,814 Dragon Oil 47,641,187 4.68

47,641,187 4.68

CZECH REPUBLIC326,708 CEZ 11,583,689 1.1469,400 Komercni Banka 11,650,745 1.14

720,874 Telefonica Czech Republic 12,916,594 1.27

36,151,028 3.55

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1,740,600 BMB Munai 1,178,546 0.121,752,480 CTC Media 25,672,194 2.51

26,850,740 2.63

LUXEMBOURG669,100 Kernel Holding 12,782,186 1.25339,700 Oriflame Cosmetics SDR 11,363,183 1.12

24,145,369 2.37

KAZAKHSTAN124,882 Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan Registered Shares

GDR 746,608 0.081,424,050 KazMunaiGas Exploration Production Registered

Shares GDR 19,896,445 1.95

20,643,053 2.03

NETHERLANDS2,712,200 Amtel Registered Shares GDR 0 0.00

667,633 X5 Retail Group Registered Shares GDR 18,023,807 1.77

18,023,807 1.77

ISLE OF MAN1,627,363 Zhaikmunai Registered Shares GDR 11,107,033 1.09

11,107,033 1.09

CAYMAN ISLANDS510,054 Eurasia Drilling Registered Shares GDR 10,376,639 1.02

10,376,639 1.02

CYPRUS926,700 Ros Agro Registered Shares GDR 8,870,854 0.87

3,381,000 Urals Energy 345,933 0.03902,552 XXI Century Investments Public 72,379 0.00

9,289,166 0.90

JERSEY904,876 KazakhGold Group Registered Shares GDR 2,192,066 0.22

2,192,066 0.22

MALAYSIA4,166,010 Steppe Cement 1,831,734 0.18

1,831,734 0.18

Total Shares 979,715,826 96.15

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

979,715,826 96.15

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

UNITED KINGDOM2,431,283 JPMorgan Russian Securities 17,978,025 1.76

17,978,025 1.76

LUXEMBOURG12,300,000 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 12,300,000 1.21

12,300,000 1.21

Total Investment Funds 30,278,025 2.97

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

30,278,025 2.97

Total Investments 1,009,993,851 99.12

Cash 5,692,219 0.56

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3,296,298 0.32

Total Net Assets 1,018,982,368 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 48: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 28.71Consumer Staples 18.18Energy 17.51Telecommunication Services 13.01Materials 11.94Consumer Discretionary 3.86Industrials 3.13Investment Companies 1.21Utilities 1.14Health Care 0.43Total Shares 99.12Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.88

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 30.46Energy 17.60Consumer Staples 15.66Telecommunication Services 12.05Materials 11.49Consumer Discretionary 4.59Industrials 2.92Investment Companies 1.29Utilities 0.83Health Care 0.41Total Shares 97.30Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.70

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 49: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


SOUTH AFRICA856,147 ABSA Group 17,141,259 2.16

2,828,541 African Bank Investments 14,289,840 1.80302,700 African Rainbow Minerals 8,432,628 1.06592,453 AngloGold Ashanti 24,907,681 3.15305,800 Capitec Bank Holdings 8,156,622 1.03

1,443,400 Clicks Group 9,010,999 1.141,278,390 Foschini Group 16,455,038 2.08

694,568 Impala Platinum Holdings 18,599,540 2.35801,867 Imperial Holdings 14,304,981 1.81508,823 Massmart Holdings 10,513,973 1.33

2,209,703 MTN Group 46,686,966 5.90258,431 Naspers - N Shares 14,527,663 1.83

407,869 Northam Platinum 2,548,692 0.321,117,665 Shoprite Holdings 16,658,181 2.10254,900 Tiger Brands 7,442,373 0.94

1,609,641 Truworths International 17,272,197 2.18

246,948,633 31.18

RUSSIA427,461 Cherkizovo Group Registered Shares GDR 7,589,570 0.96862,947 DIXY Group 11,899,025 1.50444,339 DIXY Group 6,221,185 0.79162,695 Magnit OJSC 21,887,851 2.76207,446 Magnit OJSC Registered Shares GDR 6,460,906 0.82831,770 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Registered Shares

GDR 9,461,384 1.20396,283 Mechel Preference Shares 5,988,745 0.75551,505 MMC Norilsk Nickel ADR 14,419,098 1.82537,259 Mobile Telesystems 4,347,942 0.5562,244 Mobile Telesystems 510,182 0.06

1,107,537 Mobile Telesystems OJSC ADR 21,148,419 2.671,380,192 Mostotrest 11,482,984 1.45

147,126 Novolipetsk Steel Registered Shares GDR 5,705,546 0.7217,173,010 Sberbank of Russia 61,438,035 7.75

555,695 Sistema JSFC Registered Shares GDR 14,234,127 1.79171,656 Sollers 3,163,391 0.40

448,869 Tatneft ADR 19,090,399 2.41

225,048,789 28.40

TURKEY569,100 Aygaz 3,656,170 0.46130,500 BIM Birlesik Magazalar 4,212,077 0.53

1,721,500 KOC Holding 7,458,030 0.94796,700 TAV Havalimanlari Holding 4,001,420 0.51681,108 Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi 3,101,860 0.39600,105 Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri 14,737,280 1.86

2,025,068 Turk Hava Yollari 5,322,558 0.675,751,274 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi 26,333,867 3.331,476,282 Turkiye Halk Bankasi 11,076,437 1.401,865,270 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi 4,747,375 0.60

84,647,074 10.69

POLAND1,490,125 Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski 22,795,021 2.88

137,023 Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen 18,772,218 2.371,114,200 Telekomunikacja Polska 6,801,137 0.86

48,368,376 6.11

IRELAND2,358,632 Dragon Oil 19,657,035 2.48

19,657,035 2.48

KAZAKHSTAN67,815 Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan Registered Shares

GDR 586,600 0.08811,900 KazMunaiGas Exploration Production Registered

Shares GDR 16,412,559 2.07

16,999,159 2.15

LUXEMBOURG272,800 Kernel Holding 7,540,184 0.95189,049 Oriflame Cosmetics SDR 9,149,605 1.16

16,689,789 2.11

UNITED KINGDOM3,712,200 Old Mutual 7,913,042 1.001,478,623 PZ Cussons 8,346,251 1.05

16,259,293 2.05

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA737,380 CTC Media 15,628,769 1.97

15,628,769 1.97

QATAR189,805 Commercial Bank of Qatar 3,755,496 0.48

405,000 Doha Bank 5,722,240 0.72131,254 Industries Qatar 4,911,054 0.62

14,388,790 1.82

NIGERIA9,500,000 Dangote Cement 7,854,958 0.992,420,128 Nestle Foods Nigeria 6,391,590 0.81

14,246,548 1.80

CZECH REPUBLIC19,100 Komercni Banka 4,639,285 0.59

348,232 Telefonica Czech Republic 9,027,777 1.14

13,667,062 1.73

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES321,550 DP World 3,948,634 0.50

858,300 First Gulf Bank 4,171,213 0.53

8,119,847 1.03

ISLE OF MAN789,255 Zhaikmunai Registered Shares GDR 7,793,893 0.98

7,793,893 0.98

CYPRUS462,900 Ros Agro Registered Shares GDR 6,411,165 0.81

1,212,000 Urals Energy 179,421 0.03378,822 XXI Century Investments Public 43,954 0.00

6,634,540 0.84

CANADA30,600 First Quantum Minerals 4,401,939 0.55

4,401,939 0.55

CAYMAN ISLANDS137,891 Eurasia Drilling Registered Shares GDR 4,058,822 0.51

4,058,822 0.51

OMAN1,763,552 Bank Muscat 3,378,145 0.42

3,378,145 0.42

MALAYSIA1,454,965 Steppe Cement 925,589 0.12

925,589 0.12

JERSEY271,283 KazakhGold Group Registered Shares GDR 950,847 0.12

950,847 0.12

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS732,804 Orsu Metals 127,104 0.02

127,104 0.02

Total Shares 768,940,043 97.08

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

768,940,043 97.08


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 50: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG21,111,000 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 21,111,000 2.67

21,111,000 2.67

Total Investment Funds 21,111,000 2.67

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

21,111,000 2.67

Total Investments 790,051,043 99.75

Cash 1,568,587 0.19

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 437,531 0.06

Total Net Assets 792,057,161 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 29.89Consumer Staples 15.18Materials 13.79Telecommunication Services 12.97Consumer Discretionary 11.78Energy 10.34Industrials 3.13Investment Companies 2.67Total Shares 99.75Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.25

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 32.08Materials 15.07Consumer Staples 13.70Consumer Discretionary 13.03Telecommunication Services 11.43Energy 8.68Industrials 3.56Investment Companies 2.52Total Shares 100.07Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.07)

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 51: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


RUSSIA900,000 Russian (Republic of) 29.04.15/3.625% 923,854 0.39490,000 Russian (Republic of) 24.07.18/11.000% 700,712 0.29660,000 Russian (Republic of) 24.06.28/12.750% 1,173,760 0.49

14,831,339 Russian (Republic of) 31.03.30/7.500%* 17,504,317 7.32

20,302,643 8.49

BRAZIL2,220,000 Banco Nacional de

Desenvolvimento Economico eSocial 10.06.19/6.500% 2,509,699 1.05

950 Brazil (Republic of) 15.05.13/6.000% 1,242,708 0.521,880 Brazil (Republic of) 01.01.17/10.000% 1,090,751 0.45

2,740,000 Brazil (Republic of) 17.01.17/6.000% 3,205,115 1.342,800,000 Brazil (Republic of) 05.01.22/12.500% 2,247,799 0.94

995,000 Brazil (Republic of) 15.04.24/8.875% 1,425,337 0.60600,000 Brazil (Republic of) 04.02.25/8.750% 852,390 0.36

3,622,000 Brazil (Republic of) 20.01.34/8.250% 4,979,435 2.08

17,553,234 7.34

MEXICO750,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 17.02.14/5.875% 832,500 0.35

4,160,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 15.01.17/5.625% 4,731,064 1.983,268,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 19.03.19/5.950% 3,751,827 1.57

225,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 05.12.24/10.000% 2,375,147 0.991,550,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 27.09.34/6.750% 1,803,503 0.75

330,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 11.01.40/6.050% 350,939 0.15

13,844,980 5.79

ARGENTINA1,805,000 Argentina (Republic of) 03.10.15/7.000% 1,762,582 0.744,057,465 Argentina (Republic of) 02.06.17/8.750% 4,190,022 1.751,210,644 Argentina (Republic of) 31.12.33/8.280% 1,054,956 0.44

14,534,865 Argentina (Republic of) 15.12.35/0.000%* 2,522,889 1.068,700,481 Argentina (Republic of) 31.12.38/2.500%* 3,737,074 1.56

13,267,523 5.55

TURKEY460,000 Turkey (Republic of) 15.03.15/7.250% 525,585 0.22600,000 Turkey (Republic of) 26.09.16/7.000% 687,930 0.29

3,485,000 Turkey (Republic of) 14.07.17/7.500% 4,104,546 1.722,441,000 Turkey (Republic of) 07.11.19/7.500% 2,900,457 1.21

266,000 Turkey (Republic of) 15.01.30/11.875% 452,300 0.192,894,000 Turkey (Republic of) 05.03.38/7.250% 3,328,606 1.39

11,999,424 5.02

VENEZUELA2,045,000 Petroleos de Venezuela 02.11.17/8.500% 1,523,014 0.644,053,600 Petroleos de Venezuela 12.04.27/5.375% 2,037,080 0.855,023,500 Venezuela (Republic of) 26.02.16/5.750% 3,896,227 1.631,805,000 Venezuela (Republic of) 13.10.19/7.750% 1,310,791 0.552,403,000 Venezuela (Republic of) 09.12.20/6.000% 1,507,041 0.631,062,500 Venezuela (Republic of) 07.05.23/9.000% 770,897 0.32

550,000 Venezuela (Republic of) 13.10.24/8.250% 375,402 0.16282,500 Venezuela (Republic of) 07.05.28/9.250% 200,886 0.08

11,621,338 4.86

PHILIPPINES1,924,000 Philippines (Republic of) 17.06.19/8.375% 2,476,332 1.04

900,000 Philippines (Republic of) 02.02.30/9.500% 1,306,827 0.554,180,000 Philippines (Republic of) 14.01.31/7.750% 5,257,855 2.20

434,000 Power Sector Assets & LiabilitiesManagement 27.05.19/7.250% 512,878 0.21

970,000 Power Sector Assets & LiabilitiesManagement 02.12.24/7.390% 1,145,869 0.48

10,699,761 4.48

INDONESIA1,300,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 04.05.14/10.375% 1,590,466 0.662,070,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 04.03.19/11.625% 3,051,387 1.28

510,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 05.05.21/4.875% 522,628 0.222,392,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 12.10.35/8.500% 3,211,798 1.34

850,000 Pertamina Persero 23.05.21/5.250% 856,239 0.36850,000 Pertamina Persero 27.05.41/6.500% 842,983 0.35

10,075,501 4.21

KAZAKHSTAN550,000 Development Bank of

Kazakhstan 20.12.15/5.500% 571,599 0.24350,000 Development Bank of

Kazakhstan 23.03.26/6.000% 319,820 0.13730,000 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance 06.10.20/6.375% 780,005 0.33

1,753,000 KazMunayGas National 02.07.13/8.375% 1,918,045 0.805,629,000 KazMunayGas National 09.04.21/6.375% 5,954,187 2.49

9,543,656 3.99

SOUTH AFRICA1,300,000 South Africa (Republic of) 02.06.14/6.500% 1,460,160 0.614,160,000 South Africa (Republic of) 09.03.20/5.500% 4,553,540 1.901,010,000 Eskom Holdings 26.01.21/5.750% 1,048,622 0.449,575,000 South Africa (Republic of) 21.12.26/10.500% 1,644,803 0.69

8,707,125 3.64

UKRAINE255,000 NAK Naftogaz Ukraine 30.09.14/9.500% 279,602 0.12690,000 Ukraine (Government of) 17.06.16/6.250% 689,420 0.29

4,297,000 Ukraine (Government of) 21.11.16/6.580% 4,338,573 1.812,210,000 Ukraine (Government of) 23.09.20/7.750% 2,294,157 0.96

7,601,752 3.18

PERU3,485,000 Peru (Republic of) 21.07.25/7.350% 4,251,526 1.781,555,000 Peru (Republic of) 21.11.33/8.750% 2,118,493 0.891,025,000 Peru (Republic of) 18.11.50/5.625% 968,148 0.40

7,338,167 3.07

HUNGARY2,033,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.01.20/6.250% 2,148,424 0.901,400,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.03.21/6.375% 1,478,561 0.623,304,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.03.41/7.625% 3,577,076 1.49

7,204,061 3.01

PANAMA1,630,000 Panama (Republic of) 15.03.15/7.250% 1,922,202 0.80

405,000 Panama (Republic of) 30.09.27/8.875% 573,174 0.242,670,000 Panama (Republic of) 01.04.29/9.375% 3,965,097 1.66

6,460,473 2.70

LITHUANIA1,330,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 15.01.15/6.750% 1,468,633 0.623,419,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 14.09.17/5.125% 3,520,237 1.47

500,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 11.02.20/7.375% 578,188 0.24760,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 09.03.21/6.125% 809,765 0.34

6,376,823 2.67

COLOMBIA1,000,000 Colombia (Republic of) 27.01.17/7.375% 1,227,600 0.51

440,000 Colombia (Republic of) 25.02.20/11.750% 682,000 0.281,810,000 Colombia (Republic of) 28.01.33/10.375% 2,868,488 1.20

730,000 Ecopetrol 23.07.19/7.625% 875,255 0.37

5,653,343 2.36

BELARUS3,380,000 Belarus (Republic of) 03.08.15/8.750% 3,075,901 1.291,704,000 Belarus (Republic of) 26.01.18/8.950% 1,514,805 0.63

4,590,706 1.92

UNITED KINGDOM730,000 Barclays Bank 20.01.13/0.000%* 814,607 0.34753,000 CSFB International (EXIM

Ukraine) 07.09.11/7.650% 757,970 0.321,100,000 Deutsche Bank/London 19.07.27/10.250% 1,538,537 0.64

280,000 Deutsche Bank/London 19.07.27/10.250% 391,628 0.161,020,000 Oschadbank 10.03.16/8.250% 1,040,808 0.43

4,543,550 1.89

URUGUAY21,500,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 05.04.27/4.250% 1,731,591 0.72

520,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 15.01.33/7.875%* 658,827 0.281,220,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 21.03.36/7.625% 1,542,263 0.653,422,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 26.06.37/3.700% 247,707 0.10

4,180,388 1.75


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 52: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA760,000 Citigroup Funding 02.10.13/13.300% 760,000 0.32

1,570,000 Citigroup Funding 27.07.20/11.000% 1,618,827 0.671,040,000 Citigroup Funding 27.07.20/11.000% 1,076,816 0.45

410,000 Citigroup Funding 27.07.20/11.000% 418,733 0.18

3,874,376 1.62

EL SALVADOR965,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 01.12.19/7.375% 1,065,046 0.45100,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 24.01.23/7.750% 113,341 0.05

2,135,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 10.04.32/8.250% 2,390,741 1.00100,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 15.06.35/7.650% 103,591 0.04

3,672,719 1.54

SRI LANKA3,153,000 Sri Lanka (Republic of) 04.10.20/6.250% 3,154,971 1.32

3,154,971 1.32

LUXEMBOURG1,350,000 RSHB Capital for OJSC Russian

Agricultural Bank 14.01.14/7.125% 1,464,244 0.611,400,000 RSHB Capital for OJSC Russian

Agricultural Bank 11.06.14/9.000% 1,603,756 0.67

3,068,000 1.28

CROATIA1,449,000 Croatia (Republic of) 05.11.19/6.750% 1,563,783 0.651,230,000 Croatia (Republic of) 24.03.21/6.375% 1,278,831 0.54

2,842,614 1.19

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS2,700,000 Sinochem Overseas Capital 12.11.20/4.500% 2,601,296 1.09

2,601,296 1.09

CHILE1,350,000 Corporacion Nacional del Cobre

de Chile 15.10.14/4.750% 1,452,033 0.61900,000 Corporacion Nacional del Cobre

de Chile 15.01.19/7.500% 1,096,326 0.46

2,548,359 1.07

MALAYSIA1,450,000 Petronas Capital 12.08.19/5.250% 1,564,367 0.66

750,000 Petronas Capital 22.05.22/7.875% 961,531 0.40

2,525,898 1.06

INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES1,830,000 Eurasian Development Bank 29.09.14/7.375% 2,020,805 0.85

2,020,805 0.85

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC35,570 Dominican Republic 27.09.11/9.500% 36,219 0.01

1,672,255 Dominican Republic 23.01.18/9.040% 1,885,735 0.7910,930 Dominican Republic 144A 23.01.18/9.040% 12,326 0.01

1,934,280 0.81

NETHERLANDS1,445,000 Majapahit Holding 20.01.20/7.750% 1,690,310 0.71

1,690,310 0.71

NIGERIA1,262,000 Nigeria (Government of) 28.01.21/6.750% 1,324,141 0.55

1,324,141 0.55

POLAND1,250,000 Poland (Government of) 16.07.15/3.875% 1,293,763 0.54

1,293,763 0.54

PAKISTAN1,370,000 Pakistan (Government of) 31.03.16/7.125% 1,196,821 0.50

1,196,821 0.50

ECUADOR1,045,000 Ecuador (Republic of) 15.12.15/9.375% 1,043,809 0.44

1,043,809 0.44

IVORY COAST1,800,000 Cote d’Ivoire 31.12.32/2.500% 954,936 0.40

954,936 0.40

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES460,000 Dubai Electricity & Water

Authority 22.04.15/8.500% 510,936 0.22260,000 Dubai Electricity & Water

Authority 21.10.20/7.375% 268,291 0.11

779,227 0.33

SERBIA746,526 Serbsa (Republic of) 01.11.24/6.750%* 750,807 0.31

750,807 0.31

GHANA120,000 Ghana (Republic of) 04.10.17/8.500% 135,737 0.06

135,737 0.06

Total Bonds 218,977,317 91.59

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

218,977,317 91.59

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA2,271,000 Pemex Project Funding Master

Trust 15.06.35/6.625% 2,378,793 0.99240,000 US Treasury 31.08.11/1.000% 240,389 0.11

2,619,182 1.10

VENEZUELA1,425,000 Petroleos de Venezuela 28.10.14/4.900% 1,101,846 0.46

1,101,846 0.46

IRAQ1,124,000 Iraq (Republic of) 15.01.28/5.800% 1,019,637 0.43

1,019,637 0.43

CAYMAN ISLANDS877,690 IIRSA Norte Finance 30.05.24/8.750% 993,107 0.41

993,107 0.41

MEXICO800,000 Petroleos Mexicanos 05.03.20/6.000% 877,360 0.37

877,360 0.37

PERU1,151,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.31/6.950% 404,008 0.17

1,360,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.37/6.900% 470,525 0.20

874,533 0.37

BRAZIL470,000 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras

144A 30.07.19/6.875% 534,625 0.22

534,625 0.22

Total Bonds 8,020,290 3.36

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

8,020,290 3.36


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 53: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Other Transferable Securities


UNITED KINGDOM440,000 Deutsche Bank/London 22.12.13/0.000%* 601,335 0.25300,000 Deutsche Bank/London 20.07.18/0.000%* 515,199 0.22440,000 Deutsche Bank/London 23.09.19/0.000%* 649,774 0.27

1,766,308 0.74

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA650,000 Citigroup Funding 13.03.13/0.000%* 643,695 0.26

643,695 0.26

Total Bonds 2,410,003 1.00

Total Other Transferable Securities 2,410,003 1.00

Total Investments 229,407,610 95.95

Cash 5,890,043 2.46

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3,781,275 1.59

Total Net Assets 239,078,928 100.00

* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesRussia 8.49Brazil 7.56Mexico 6.16Argentina 5.55Venezuela 5.32Turkey 5.02Philippines 4.48Indonesia 4.21Kazakhstan 3.99South Africa 3.64Peru 3.44Ukraine 3.18Hungary 3.01United States of America 2.98Panama 2.70Lithuania 2.67United Kingdom 2.63Colombia 2.36Belarus 1.92Uruguay 1.75El Salvador 1.54Sri Lanka 1.32Luxembourg 1.28Croatia 1.19British Virgin Islands 1.09Chile 1.07Malaysia 1.06International Agencies 0.85Dominican Republic 0.81Netherlands 0.71Nigeria 0.55Poland 0.54Pakistan 0.50Ecuador 0.44Iraq 0.43Cayman Islands 0.41Ivory Coast 0.40United Arab Emirates 0.33Serbia 0.31Ghana 0.06Total Fixed Income Securities 95.95Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.05

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesBrazil 7.73Turkey 6.59Russia 6.51Venezuela 6.23Netherlands 5.04Argentina 4.91Philippines 3.92Peru 3.90Colombia 3.82Mexico 3.52Panama 3.30Uruguay 3.05South Africa 3.01Indonesia 2.87Ukraine 2.83Hungary 2.28Lithuania 2.22United States of America 2.07Luxembourg 1.90El Salvador 1.60United Kingdom 1.43Croatia 1.35Dominican Republic 1.28Qatar 1.14Chile 1.09Malaysia 1.08Sri Lanka 1.06Egypt 0.85International Agencies 0.85Cayman Islands 0.83Bahrain 0.78Ireland 0.61Poland 0.55Iraq 0.44Belarus 0.44Belize 0.44United Arab Emirates 0.42Trinidad & Tobago 0.32Ghana 0.29Serbia 0.28Ecuador 0.22Ivory Coast 0.13Kazakhstan 0.13Total Fixed Income Securities 93.31Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 6.69

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 54: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Bond Futures

Sep-11 22 US 2 Year Note Future USD 4,827,109 4,297Sep-11 (28) US 5 Year Note Future USD (3,345,016) 8,672Sep-11 131 US 10 Year Note Future USD 16,066,945 (187,696)Sep-11 (5) US Long Bond Future USD (615,859) 3,516

Total (171,211)

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



15-Sep-11 MXN 55,900,000 USD 4,660,760 69,50115-Sep-11 USD 4,659,451 MXN 55,900,000 (70,810)21-Sep-11 USD 1,703,194 ZAR 11,890,000 (30,314)

Total (31,623)


Page 55: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


RUSSIA1,250,000 Russian (Republic of) 24.06.28/12.750% 1,536,463 0.43

29,057,379 Russian (Republic of) 31.03.30/7.500%* 23,702,697 6.56

25,239,160 6.99

BRAZIL1,800,000 Banco Nacional de

Desenvolvimento Economico eSocial 16.06.18/6.369% 1,398,149 0.39

1,139,000 Banco Nacional deDesenvolvimento Economico eSocial 10.06.19/6.500% 889,957 0.25

2,160 Brazil (Republic of) 15.05.13/6.000% 1,952,881 0.54750,000 Brazil (Republic of) 17.01.17/6.000% 606,360 0.17

1,446,667 Brazil (Republic of) 15.01.18/8.000% 1,203,323 0.338,415,000 Brazil (Republic of) 05.01.22/12.500% 4,669,066 1.291,702,000 Brazil (Republic of) 06.03.30/12.250% 2,146,836 0.599,271,000 Brazil (Republic of) 20.01.34/8.250% 8,809,164 2.44430,000 Gerdau Holdings 20.01.20/7.000% 327,673 0.09

1,090,000 Votorantim Cimentos 05.04.41/7.250% 747,605 0.21

22,751,014 6.30

MEXICO12,040,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 15.01.17/5.625% 9,463,864 2.62

1,910,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 19.03.19/5.950% 1,515,551 0.42360,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 05.12.24/10.000% 2,626,559 0.73

3,000,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 15.08.31/8.300% 2,851,643 0.794,100,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 27.09.34/6.750% 3,297,201 0.91

100,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 20.11.36/10.000% 715,672 0.202,520,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 11.01.40/6.050% 1,852,227 0.51

22,322,717 6.18

ARGENTINA1,156,400 Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 01.12.20/10.750% 866,161 0.233,115,000 Argentina (Republic of) 03.10.15/7.000% 2,102,359 0.585,550,794 Argentina (Republic of) 02.06.17/8.750% 3,961,806 1.101,684,478 Argentina (Republic of) 31.12.33/8.280% 1,014,517 0.28

30,619,355 Argentina (Republic of) 15.12.35/0.000%* 3,673,328 1.0220,143,044 Argentina (Republic of) 31.12.38/2.500%* 5,979,847 1.661,360,000 Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires 04.05.18/8.750% 942,752 0.26

18,540,770 5.13

VENEZUELA7,850,000 Petroleos de Venezuela 02.11.17/8.500% 4,040,701 1.129,093,600 Petroleos de Venezuela 12.04.27/5.375% 3,158,490 0.877,685,500 Venezuela (Republic of) 26.02.16/5.750% 4,119,898 1.144,750,000 Venezuela (Republic of) 13.10.19/7.750% 2,384,110 0.669,315,500 Venezuela (Republic of) 09.12.20/6.000% 4,037,886 1.12830,000 Venezuela (Republic of) 13.10.24/8.250% 391,552 0.11

18,132,637 5.02

TURKEY3,500,000 Turkey (Republic of) 15.03.15/7.250% 2,763,944 0.771,560,000 Turkey (Republic of) 14.07.17/7.500% 1,269,882 0.356,050,000 Turkey (Republic of) 03.04.18/6.750% 4,758,022 1.321,200,000 Turkey (Republic of) 11.03.19/7.000% 956,015 0.261,142,000 Turkey (Republic of) 07.11.19/7.500% 937,867 0.26

652,000 Turkey (Republic of) 15.01.30/11.875% 766,247 0.213,790,000 Turkey (Republic of) 14.02.34/8.000% 3,253,988 0.903,275,000 Turkey (Republic of) 05.03.38/7.250% 2,603,465 0.72

17,309,430 4.79

INDONESIA1,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 10.03.14/6.750% 772,943 0.21

900,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 04.05.14/10.375% 761,027 0.216,290,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 04.03.19/11.625% 6,408,466 1.773,090,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 05.05.21/4.875% 2,188,553 0.611,830,000 Pertamina Persero 23.05.21/5.250% 1,274,100 0.354,213,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 12.10.35/8.500% 3,909,804 1.09600,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 17.01.38/7.750% 516,750 0.14

1,830,000 Pertamina Persero 27.05.41/6.500% 1,254,376 0.35

17,086,019 4.73

PHILIPPINES3,590,000 Philippines (Republic of) 18.01.17/9.375% 3,200,994 0.90

860,000 Philippines (Republic of) 17.06.19/8.375% 765,031 0.21600,000 Philippines (Republic of) 16.03.25/10.625% 631,657 0.17

2,950,000 Philippines (Republic of) 02.02.30/9.500% 2,960,562 0.827,370,000 Philippines (Republic of) 14.01.31/7.750% 6,407,318 1.771,930,000 Philippines (Republic of) 15.01.32/6.375% 1,457,875 0.40

521,000 Power Sector Assets &Liabilities Management 27.05.19/7.250% 425,538 0.12

710,000 Power Sector Assets &Liabilities Management 02.12.24/7.390% 579,693 0.16

16,428,668 4.55

KAZAKHSTAN913,307 BTA Bank 01.07.18/10.750%* 502,706 0.14

2,960,000 Development Bank ofKazakhstan 20.12.15/5.500% 2,126,163 0.59

510,000 Development Bank ofKazakhstan 23.03.26/6.000% 322,095 0.09

2,011,000 KazMunayGas National 02.07.13/8.375% 1,520,777 0.421,100,000 KazMunayGas National 23.01.15/11.750% 945,007 0.26

10,758,000 KazMunayGas National 09.04.21/6.375% 7,865,010 2.18

13,281,758 3.68

SOUTH AFRICA1,400,000 African Bank 15.06.16/6.000% 956,713 0.262,600,000 Eskom Holdings 26.01.21/5.750% 1,865,725 0.534,570,000 South Africa (Republic of) 27.05.19/6.875% 3,771,292 1.044,370,000 South Africa (Republic of) 09.03.20/5.500% 3,306,083 0.92

490,000 South Africa (Republic of) 30.05.22/5.875% 377,559 0.1019,777,500 South Africa (Republic of) 21.12.26/10.500% 2,348,135 0.65

12,625,507 3.50

UKRAINE370,000 NAK Naftogaz Ukraine 30.09.14/9.500% 280,401 0.08

1,100,000 Ukraine (Government of) 23.09.15/6.875% 785,095 0.211,550,000 Ukraine (Government of) 17.06.16/6.250% 1,070,393 0.308,183,000 Ukraine (Government of) 21.11.16/6.580% 5,710,454 1.586,015,000 Ukraine (Government of) 23.09.20/7.750% 4,315,618 1.20

12,161,961 3.37

PERU7,027,000 Peru (Republic of) 21.07.25/7.350% 5,925,002 1.643,370,000 Peru (Republic of) 21.11.33/8.750% 3,173,241 0.88

762,000 Peru (Republic of) 14.03.37/6.550% 585,766 0.161,815,000 Peru (Republic of) 18.11.50/5.625% 1,184,871 0.33

10,868,880 3.01

HUNGARY5,704,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.01.20/6.250% 4,166,185 1.153,100,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.03.21/6.375% 2,262,817 0.635,742,000 Hungary (Government of) 29.03.41/7.625% 4,296,629 1.19

10,725,631 2.97

PANAMA2,120,000 Panama (Republic of) 15.03.15/7.250% 1,727,921 0.482,785,000 Panama (Republic of) 30.09.27/8.875% 2,724,165 0.755,095,000 Panama (Republic of) 01.04.29/9.375% 5,229,537 1.45

9,681,623 2.68

LITHUANIA3,150,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 15.01.15/6.750% 2,404,078 0.676,731,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 14.09.17/5.125% 4,789,926 1.322,240,000 Lithuania (Republic of) 11.02.20/7.375% 1,790,289 0.50

8,984,293 2.49

COLOMBIA1,300,000 Colombia (Republic of) 27.01.17/7.375% 1,103,003 0.31

4,254,000,000 Colombia (Republic of) 14.04.21/7.750% 1,895,876 0.531,400,000 Colombia (Republic of) 21.05.24/8.125% 1,279,483 0.353,398,000 Colombia (Republic of) 28.01.33/10.375% 3,721,983 1.031,140,000 Ecopetrol 23.07.19/7.625% 944,699 0.26

8,945,044 2.48

BELARUS7,505,000 Belarus (Republic of) 03.08.15/8.750% 4,720,445 1.313,286,000 Belarus (Republic of) 26.01.18/8.950% 2,018,976 0.56

6,739,421 1.87

UNITED KINGDOM1,210,000 Barclays Bank 20.01.13/0.000%* 933,227 0.26

190,000 Credit Suisse First BostonInternational 07.09.11/7.650% 132,186 0.04

1,000,000 Deutsche Bank/London 20.07.18/0.000%* 1,186,944 0.333,040,000 Deutsche Bank/London 19.07.27/10.250% 2,938,768 0.811,800,000 Oschadbank 10.03.16/8.250% 1,269,461 0.35

6,460,586 1.79


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 56: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

URUGUAY35,300,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 05.04.27/4.250% 1,964,979 0.54

3,130,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 15.01.33/7.875%* 2,740,873 0.761,680,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 21.03.36/7.625% 1,467,859 0.415,254,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 26.06.37/3.700% 262,066 0.07

6,435,777 1.78

LUXEMBOURG2,950,000 RSHB Capital 14.01.14/7.125% 2,211,455 0.612,880,000 RSHB Capital 11.06.14/9.000% 2,280,233 0.632,430,000 VTB Capital 13.10.20/6.551% 1,707,836 0.48

6,199,524 1.72

EL SALVADOR2,880,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 01.12.19/7.375% 2,196,900 0.60

260,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 24.01.23/7.750% 203,674 0.063,690,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 10.04.32/8.250% 2,855,864 0.79

280,000 El Salvador (Republic of) 15.06.35/7.650% 200,472 0.06

5,456,910 1.51

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1,380,000 Citigroup Funding 02.10.13/13.300% 953,796 0.263,380,000 Citigroup Funding 27.07.20/11.000% 2,408,763 0.671,188,000 Pemex Project Funding Master

Trust 01.03.18/5.750% 897,259 0.25

4,259,818 1.18

SRI LANKA5,931,000 Sri Lanka (Republic of) 04.10.20/6.250% 4,101,812 1.14

4,101,812 1.14

IRELAND910,000 Alfa Bond Issuance 25.09.17/7.875% 662,743 0.18

2,148,000 BOM Capital 11.03.15/6.699% 1,543,425 0.431,440,000 Koks Finance 23.06.16/7.750% 1,005,815 0.28

880,000 VIP Finance Ireland 30.04.18/9.125% 687,234 0.19

3,899,217 1.08

CROATIA1,292,000 Croatia (Republic of) 14.07.20/6.625% 946,874 0.26

4,060,000 Croatia (Republic of) 24.03.21/6.375% 2,917,498 0.81

3,864,372 1.07

CAYMAN ISLANDS1,566,000 Country Garden Holdings 23.02.18/11.125% 1,119,876 0.311,690,000 Longfor Properties 07.04.16/9.500% 1,206,799 0.341,137,000 Virgolino de Oliveira Finance 28.01.18/10.500% 841,059 0.23

3,167,734 0.88

INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES3,970,000 Eurasian Development Bank 29.09.14/7.375% 3,029,984 0.84

3,029,984 0.84

MALAYSIA3,350,000 Petronas Capital 12.08.19/5.250% 2,497,998 0.69

2,497,998 0.69

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC2,879,994 Dominican Republic 23.01.18/9.040% 2,244,638 0.62

2,244,638 0.62

NIGERIA2,622,000 Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 28.01.21/6.750% 1,901,446 0.53

1,901,446 0.53

PAKISTAN2,856,000 Pakistan (Government of) 31.03.16/7.125% 1,724,421 0.48

1,724,421 0.48

ECUADOR2,191,000 Ecuador (Republic of) 15.12.15/9.375% 1,512,598 0.42

1,512,598 0.42

IVORY COAST3,940,000 Cote D’Ivoire 31.12.32/2.500% 1,444,689 0.40

1,444,689 0.40

NETHERLANDS1,150,000 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy

Finance 06.10.20/6.375% 849,276 0.24620,000 Majapahit Holding 20.01.20/7.750% 501,264 0.13

1,350,540 0.37

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES730,000 Dubai Electricity & Water

Authority 22.04.15/8.500% 560,413 0.15950,000 Dubai Electricity & Water

Authority 21.10.20/7.375% 677,538 0.19

1,237,951 0.34

SERBIA1,108,693 Republic of Serbia 01.11.24/6.750%* 770,675 0.21

770,675 0.21

CYPRUS820,000 Alfa MTN Issuance 18.03.15/8.000% 605,939 0.17

605,939 0.17

GHANA644,000 Ghana (Republic of) 04.10.17/8.500% 503,478 0.14

503,478 0.14

Total Bonds 314,494,640 87.10

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

314,494,640 87.10

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


BRAZIL1,160,000 JBS Finance II 29.01.18/8.250% 818,077 0.232,510,000 OGX Petroleo e Gas

Participacoes 01.06.18/8.500% 1,776,612 0.49

2,594,689 0.72

CAYMAN ISLANDS823,000 Itabo Dominicana 12.11.20/9.500% 608,088 0.17449,076 IIRSA Norte Finance 30.05.24/8.750% 351,197 0.10759,000 Odebrecht Drilling Norbe VIII/IX 30.06.21/6.350% 554,954 0.15

1,514,239 0.42

CHILE2,000,000 Cencosud 20.01.21/5.500% 1,388,568 0.38

1,388,568 0.38

PERU1,805,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.31/6.950% 437,893 0.123,575,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.37/6.900% 854,863 0.24

1,292,756 0.36

IRAQ2,000,000 Iraq (Republic of) 15.01.28/5.800% 1,253,966 0.35

1,253,966 0.35

NETHERLANDS1,680,000 WPE International Cooperatief 30.09.20/10.375% 1,226,167 0.34

1,226,167 0.34

PANAMA1,810,000 Banco de Credito del

Peru/Panama 16.09.20/5.375% 1,195,875 0.33

1,195,875 0.33

VENEZUELA2,120,000 Petroleos de Venezuela 28.10.14/4.900% 1,132,970 0.31

1,132,970 0.31

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA999,000 Pemex Project Funding Master

Trust 15.06.35/6.625% 723,238 0.20560,000 US Treasury (i) 31.08.11/1.000% 387,675 0.11

1,110,913 0.31


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 57: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

MEXICO1,370,000 Empresas ICA 04.02.21/8.900% 985,986 0.28

985,986 0.28

THAILAND1,027,000 True Move 01.08.14/10.375% 768,967 0.21

768,967 0.21

Total Bonds 14,465,096 4.01

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

14,465,096 4.01

Other Transferable Securities


UNITED KINGDOM760,000 Deutsche Bank/London 22.12.13/0.000%* 717,883 0.20750,000 Deutsche Bank/London 23.09.19/0.000%* 765,504 0.21

1,483,387 0.41

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA840,000 Citigroup Funding 13.03.13/0.000%* 574,940 0.16255,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings

(Defaulted) 03.01.12/10.000% 45,383 0.01

620,323 0.17

Total Bonds 2,103,710 0.58

Total Other Transferable Securities 2,103,710 0.58

Total Investments 331,063,446 91.69

Cash 21,534,077 5.96

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 8,488,397 2.35

Total Net Assets 361,085,920 100.00

* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.(i) Security partially or totally held as collateral against futures positions by the broker.


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 58: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesBrazil 7.02Russia 6.99Mexico 6.46Venezuela 5.33Argentina 5.13Turkey 4.79Indonesia 4.73Philippines 4.55Kazakhstan 3.68South Africa 3.50Peru 3.37Ukraine 3.37Hungary 2.97Panama 3.01Lithuania 2.49Colombia 2.48United Kingdom 2.20Belarus 1.87Uruguay 1.78Luxembourg 1.72United States of America 1.66El Salvador 1.51Cayman Islands 1.30Sri Lanka 1.14Ireland 1.08Croatia 1.07International Agencies 0.84Netherlands 0.71Malaysia 0.69Dominican Republic 0.62Nigeria 0.53Pakistan 0.48Ecuador 0.42Ivory Coast 0.40Chile 0.38Iraq 0.35United Arab Emirates 0.34Serbia 0.21Thailand 0.21Cyprus 0.17Ghana 0.14Total Fixed Income Securities 91.69Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 8.31

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesBrazil 7.25Venezuela 6.15Turkey 5.67Argentina 4.62Luxembourg 4.35Peru 4.34Kazakhstan 4.33Philippines 4.23Russia 3.85Colombia 3.36Mexico 3.25Panama 3.23Uruguay 3.14United States of America 3.12Indonesia 2.97Ukraine 2.78South Africa 2.48Lithuania 2.37Hungary 2.32United Kingdom 1.83Cayman Islands 1.65El Salvador 1.62Netherlands 1.54Ireland 1.33Croatia 1.20Sri Lanka 1.12International Agencies 1.11Qatar 1.02Egypt 1.01Bermuda 0.92Malaysia 0.72Dominican Republic 0.65Iraq 0.53Belarus 0.48Belize 0.47Trinidad & Tobago 0.41Thailand 0.32Ghana 0.32Germany 0.30Chile 0.28Serbia 0.27Cyprus 0.25Ecuador 0.24United Arab Emirates 0.23Ivory Coast 0.15Total Fixed Income Securities 93.78Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 6.22

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 59: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Bond Futures

Sep-11 86 US 2 Year Note Future USD 13,041,856 24,115Sep-11 (20) US 5 Year Note Future USD (1,651,378) 4,590Sep-11 355 US 10 Year Note Future USD 30,093,097 (327,743)Sep-11 (40) US Long Bond Future USD (3,405,243) 79,461

Total (219,577)

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



11-Jul-11 EUR 364,000,000 USD 515,028,575 7,962,86911-Jul-11 USD 21,410,868 EUR 15,000,000 (198,755)22-Jul-11 EUR 2,363,605 USD 3,388,584 20,27722-Jul-11 USD 131,276,357 EUR 92,069,230 (1,286,902)15-Sep-11 MXN 117,500,000 USD 9,793,403 103,52015-Sep-11 USD 9,794,016 MXN 117,500,000 (103,096)21-Sep-11 BRL 20,030,000 USD 12,329,343 177,35621-Sep-11 CLP 2,399,720,000 USD 5,081,999 (6,987)21-Sep-11 CNY 11,749,300 USD 1,818,524 2,79521-Sep-11 COP 9,048,930,000 USD 5,080,814 4,29821-Sep-11 CZK 43,710,000 USD 2,619,501 (15,033)21-Sep-11 EUR 14,703,861 USD 21,178,449 31,85621-Sep-11 HUF 939,520,000 USD 5,063,351 13,00421-Sep-11 IDR 91,678,059,000 USD 10,629,541 17621-Sep-11 INR 458,080,000 USD 10,089,958 24,52621-Sep-11 JPY 420,000,000 USD 5,248,390 (24,066)21-Sep-11 KRW 5,484,360,000 USD 5,011,294 68,45521-Sep-11 MXN 61,060,000 USD 5,104,953 41,00721-Sep-11 RUB 141,180,000 USD 4,960,647 35,27621-Sep-11 TRY 8,093,479 USD 5,020,862 (76,573)21-Sep-11 TWD 293,330,000 USD 10,178,031 74,65521-Sep-11 USD 16,534,801 BRL 26,930,000 (267,406)21-Sep-11 USD 5,054,885 CLP 2,399,720,000 (11,797)21-Sep-11 USD 2,377,948 CNY 15,349,300 (2,109)21-Sep-11 USD 5,031,376 COP 9,048,930,000 (38,548)21-Sep-11 USD 2,641,854 CZK 43,710,000 30,51921-Sep-11 USD 21,226,628 EUR 14,703,861 1,52221-Sep-11 USD 5,033,323 HUF 939,520,000 (33,807)21-Sep-11 USD 10,549,834 IDR 91,678,059,000 (55,395)21-Sep-11 USD 10,064,024 INR 458,080,000 (42,493)21-Sep-11 USD 5,232,276 JPY 420,000,000 12,90221-Sep-11 USD 5,042,976 KRW 5,484,360,000 (46,507)21-Sep-11 USD 5,129,929 MXN 61,060,000 (23,705)21-Sep-11 USD 4,950,210 RUB 141,180,000 (42,506)21-Sep-11 USD 4,963,400 TRY 8,093,479 36,76521-Sep-11 USD 10,297,714 TWD 293,330,000 8,25921-Sep-11 USD 3,502,364 ZAR 24,450,000 (43,185)25-Nov-11 CNY 69,800,000 USD 10,849,352 1,37621-Dec-11 CNY 46,599,620 USD 7,191,074 41,32221-Dec-11 USD 7,205,307 CNY 46,599,620 (31,434)21-Mar-12 CNY 47,080,000 USD 7,372,377 (17,282)21-Mar-12 USD 7,344,774 CNY 47,080,000 (1,953)

Total 6,323,196

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Credit Default Swaps (Expressed in EUR)

TerminationDate Counterparty Referenced Obligation

ProtectionBuyer/Seller Currency Nominal



20-Dec-15 Deutsche Bank Korea (Republic of) 4.875% 22/09/2014 Buyer USD 9,600,000 (18,841) 27,95120-Mar-16 Deutsche Bank Israel (State of) 5.125% 01/03/2014 Buyer USD 9,600,000 103,377 (37,101)20-Jun-16 Citibank Argentina (Republic of) 8.280% 31/12/2033 Buyer USD 11,000,000 341,460 (40,224)20-Jun-16 Citibank Kazakhstan (Republic of) 11.125% 11/05/2007 Seller USD 10,000,000 (181,646) (60,158)20-Jun-16 Deutsche Bank Venezuela (Republic of) 9.250% 15/09/2027 Seller USD 11,000,000 (1,332,667) 223,779

Total (1,088,317) 114,247


Page 60: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


BRAZIL7,392,061 All America Latina Logistica 61,815,474 0.68

4,094,958 Cielo 100,384,483 1.115,791,700 Companhia de Bebidas das Americas Preference

Shares ADR 194,369,452 2.158,758,964 Itau Unibanco Holding Preference Shares 204,903,954 2.26

345,000 Itau Unibanco Holding Preference Shares ADR 8,143,725 0.0913,850,100 OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes 130,231,291 1.449,779,932 Petroleo Brasileiro Preference Share ADR 300,097,213 3.31

12,726,206 Vale Preference Shares ADR 367,723,722 4.063,546,600 Weg 41,728,045 0.46

1,409,397,359 15.56

INDIA3,604,458 ACC 76,666,314 0.857,671,747 Ambuja Cements 23,046,141 0.25

23,472,919 Bharti Airtel 206,615,787 2.2824,526,365 Housing Development Finance 385,443,708 4.26

1,374,684 Infosys Technologies 89,306,781 0.982,359,252 Infosys Technologies ADR 153,952,989 1.704,919,854 Jindal Steel & Power 71,268,527 0.794,375,732 Reliance Capital 56,735,688 0.633,866,967 United Spirits 84,443,345 0.93

1,147,479,280 12.67

SOUTH KOREA317,848 E-Mart 72,556,144 0.80804,716 Hyundai Mobis 301,071,401 3.32944,191 Hyundai Motor 209,785,835 2.32218,488 POSCO 94,890,251 1.05806,619 Samsung Electronics GDR 144A 311,435,596 3.44112,257 Shinsegae 35,665,094 0.39

1,025,404,321 11.32

CHINA37,953,000 Anhui Conch Cement - H Shares * 178,248,352 1.96

117,469,280 China Construction Bank - H Shares * 97,434,461 1.0882,910,062 China Merchants Bank - H Shares * 200,608,621 2.2121,036,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China - H Shares * 216,993,053 2.4018,078,000 Tsingtao Brewery - H Shares * 104,184,920 1.1517,411,000 Wumart Stores - H Shares * 43,380,400 0.48

840,849,807 9.28

SOUTH AFRICA22,005,741 African Bank Investments 111,173,400 1.2323,794,877 FirstRand 69,683,367 0.775,044,069 Impala Platinum Holdings 135,072,970 1.49

3,117,679 Massmart Holdings 64,421,604 0.717,884,662 MTN Group 166,588,428 1.842,584,700 Naspers - N Shares 145,298,549 1.608,954,139 RMB Holdings 35,326,335 0.39

727,564,653 8.03

HONG KONG35,929,000 AIA Group 124,537,062 1.3714,673,000 China Mobile 135,798,263 1.5025,402,000 China Resources Enterprise 103,389,531 1.14

108,169,000 CNOOC 252,690,390 2.7921,376,000 Hang Lung Properties 87,758,529 0.97

704,173,775 7.77

TAIWAN21,004,000 Delta Electronics 76,959,826 0.8542,448,285 Hon Hai Precision Industry 145,410,313 1.6140,843,006 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 102,516,301 1.1315,509,588 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing ADR 194,102,494 2.14

518,988,934 5.73

RUSSIA214,000 Magnit OJSC 28,790,068 0.32

4,391,000 Magnit OJSC Registered Shares GDR 136,757,695 1.5155,653,945 Sberbank of Russia 199,107,146 2.20

364,654,909 4.03

MEXICO38,081,032 Grupo Financiero Banorte - O Shares 174,043,186 1.9261,706,000 Wal-Mart de Mexico - V Shares 182,701,348 2.02

356,744,534 3.94

INDONESIA21,216,500 Astra International 157,747,862 1.75

139,860,066 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero 106,393,113 1.1729,782,000 Unilever Indonesia 51,994,806 0.57

316,135,781 3.49

TURKEY13,939,400 KOC Holding 60,389,463 0.6747,115,869 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi 215,733,596 2.38

276,123,059 3.05

BERMUDA1,700,200 Jardine Matheson Holdings 97,200,434 1.07

67,526,000 Li & Fung 134,751,780 1.49

231,952,214 2.56

LUXEMBOURG1,554,982 Oriflame Cosmetics SDR 75,258,111 0.832,593,445 Tenaris ADR 118,299,994 1.31

193,558,105 2.14

CHILE1,394,482 Banco Santander Chile ADR 130,356,177 1.44

130,356,177 1.44

CAYMAN ISLANDS1,039,615 New Oriental Education & Technology Group ADR 116,286,136 1.29

116,286,136 1.29

HUNGARY3,356,546 OTP Bank 108,648,869 1.20

108,648,869 1.20

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA2,512,445 NII Holdings 106,590,479 1.18

106,590,479 1.18

EGYPT1,542,072 Orascom Construction Industries 69,245,641 0.76

69,245,641 0.76

MALAYSIA2,556,400 British American Tobacco Malaysia 39,486,834 0.44

39,486,834 0.44

Total Shares 8,683,640,867 95.88

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

8,683,640,867 95.88

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG266,644,533 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 266,644,533 2.94

266,644,533 2.94

Total Investment Funds 266,644,533 2.94

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

266,644,533 2.94

Total Investments 8,950,285,400 98.82

Cash 91,209,916 1.01

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 15,579,752 0.17

Total Net Assets 9,057,075,068 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 61: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 30.85Consumer Discretionary 12.38Information Technology 11.00Materials 10.45Consumer Staples 10.40Energy 7.54Telecommunication Services 6.80Industrials 6.46Investment Companies 2.94Total Shares 98.82Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.18

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 29.46Information Technology 12.80Consumer Discretionary 11.91Materials 11.38Consumer Staples 10.92Energy 7.55Telecommunication Services 7.11Industrials 5.47Investment Companies 2.90Total Shares 99.50Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.50

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 62: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


BRAZIL15,300,000 Banco Votorantim 16.05.16/6.250% 6,929,025 0.90

20,000 Brazil (Republic of) 01.07.11/0.000% 8,847,005 1.1517,400 Brazil (Republic of) 01.01.13/10.000% 7,434,926 0.9730,500 Brazil (Republic of) 15.05.13/6.000% 27,575,401 3.60

33,000,000 Brazil (Republic of) 05.01.16/12.500% 17,234,462 2.2539,250,000 Brazil (Republic of) 05.01.22/12.500% 21,777,880 2.84

89,798,699 11.71

SOUTH AFRICA48,000,000 Edcon 04.04.16/11.825%* 4,942,866 0.64

399,630,000 South Africa (Republic of) 31.03.21/6.750% 36,345,638 4.74238,144,860 South Africa (Republic of) 21.12.26/10.500% 28,274,365 3.69167,500,000 South Africa (Republic of) 28.02.31/7.000% 14,175,294 1.85

83,738,163 10.92

MEXICO2,166,094 Mexico (United Mexican

States) 18.12.14/9.500% 14,221,435 1.85500,000 Mexico (United Mexican

States) 14.12.17/7.750% 3,144,936 0.411,990,000 Mexico (United Mexican

States) 11.06.20/8.000% 12,584,993 1.643,613,115 Mexico (United Mexican

States) 05.12.24/10.000% 26,361,272 3.443,391,019 Mexico (United Mexican

States) 20.11.36/10.000% 24,268,583 3.17

80,581,219 10.51

TURKEY5,059,000 Turkey (Republic of) 07.03.12/16.000% 2,255,732 0.29

69,000,000 Turkey (Republic of) 07.11.12/0.000% 26,102,287 3.4130,100,000 Turkey (Republic of) 28.08.13/16.000% 14,512,799 1.8924,500,000 Turkey (Republic of) 11.02.15/4.500% 12,245,102 1.6032,000,000 Turkey (Republic of) 17.06.15/10.000% 13,943,246 1.824,800,000 Turkey (Republic of) 15.01.20/10.500% 2,170,199 0.28

71,229,365 9.29

POLAND2,200,000 Poland (Government of) 25.01.13/0.000% 513,552 0.07

40,500,000 Poland (Government of) 25.04.13/5.250% 10,255,589 1.3436,630,000 Poland (Government of) 24.10.13/5.000% 9,228,131 1.2049,800,000 Poland (Government of) 25.04.14/5.750% 12,764,194 1.6740,100,000 Poland (Government of) 25.04.15/5.500% 10,203,757 1.3349,915,000 Poland (Government of) 24.10.15/6.250% 13,055,097 1.70

30,000,000 Poland (Government of) 25.04.16/5.000% 7,443,226 0.9720,000,000 Poland (Government of) 24.08.16/3.000% 6,331,790 0.83

69,795,336 9.11

HUNGARY500,000,000 Hungary (Government of) 24.10.13/7.500% 1,941,666 0.25

2,885,300,000 Hungary (Government of) 12.02.15/8.000% 11,332,677 1.487,920,000,000 Hungary (Government of) 12.02.16/5.500% 28,336,623 3.702,170,000,000 Hungary (Government of) 24.11.23/6.000% 7,393,696 0.96

49,004,662 6.39

INDONESIA50,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.06.15/9.500% 4,421,758 0.5816,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.11.20/11.000% 1,584,439 0.2196,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.07.21/8.250% 8,070,984 1.0513,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.06.22/12.900% 1,431,092 0.19

188,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.07.22/10.250% 17,775,851 2.3250,000,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.08.30/10.500% 4,676,381 0.6189,100,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 15.07.38/10.500% 8,246,287 1.07

46,206,792 6.03

COLOMBIA5,584,000,000 Colombia (Republic of) 22.10.15/12.000% 2,766,305 0.36

40,790,000,000 Colombia (Republic of) 14.04.21/7.750% 18,178,843 2.373,207,000,000 Colombia (Republic of) 28.06.27/9.850% 1,605,691 0.218,500,000,000 Empresas Publicas de

Medellin ESP 01.02.21/8.375% 3,472,760 0.45

26,023,599 3.39

THAILAND1,025,000,000 Thailand (Government of) 13.06.19/3.875% 23,405,593 3.05

23,405,593 3.05

ARGENTINA83,500,000 Argentina (Republic of) 03.08.12/0.467%* 14,136,452 1.84

14,136,452 1.84

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA10,000,000 Citigroup Funding 02.10.13/13.300% 6,911,567 0.91

10,000,000,000 Citigroup Funding 27.07.20/11.000% 5,128,454 0.67

12,040,021 1.58

IRELAND5,661,951 Red Arrow International

Leasing 30.06.12/8.375% 141,510 0.02280,000,000 RusHydro Finance 28.10.15/7.875% 7,031,530 0.92

7,173,040 0.94

CHILE201,000 Bonos de la Tesoreria de la

Republica 01.01.15/3.000% 6,658,708 0.87

6,658,708 0.87

URUGUAY70,000,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 14.09.18/5.000% 4,191,657 0.55

4,191,657 0.55

SOUTH KOREA5,100,000,000 Korea (Republic of) 10.06.20/2.750% 3,821,930 0.50

3,821,930 0.50

RUSSIA140,000,000 Russian Foreign Bond -

Eurobond 10.03.18/7.850% 3,636,239 0.47

3,636,239 0.47

UNITED KINGDOM1,110,000 Barclays Bank 22.12.11/0.000%* 743,171 0.10

27,550,000 Biz Finance for Ukreximbank 03.02.14/11.000% 2,382,257 0.31

3,125,428 0.41

LUXEMBOURG100,000,000 RSHB Capital for OJSC

Russian Agricultural Bank 25.03.13/7.500% 2,527,694 0.33

2,527,694 0.33

BAHAMAS2,865,000 Credit Suisse/Nassau 22.03.13/0.000%* 2,087,746 0.27

2,087,746 0.27

NETHERLANDS26,550,000 Signum Finance 08.09.15/5.500% 2,079,767 0.27

2,079,767 0.27

EGYPT2,590,000 Egypt (Republic of) 18.07.12/8.750% 284,866 0.04

284,866 0.04

Total Bonds 601,546,976 78.47

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

601,546,976 78.47

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA45,000,000 US Treasury 30.06.13/0.375% 31,054,668 4.05

31,054,668 4.05

MALAYSIA15,000,000 Malaysia (Government of) 27.02.15/3.741% 3,480,748 0.4621,000,000 Malaysia (Government of) 07.02.18/4.240% 4,946,933 0.6542,400,000 Malaysia (Government of) 29.11.19/4.378% 10,080,731 1.31

18,508,412 2.42


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 63: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

PERU5,000,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.20/7.840% 1,381,265 0.18

25,000,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.31/6.950% 6,065,003 0.7940,000,000 Peru (Republic of) 12.08.37/6.900% 9,564,895 1.25

17,011,163 2.22

URUGUAY98,100,000 Uruguay (Republic of) 26.06.37/3.700% 4,907,992 0.64

4,907,992 0.64

PHILIPPINES120,000,000 Philippines (Republic of) 18.02.20/7.750% 2,125,299 0.28

2,125,299 0.28

Total Bonds 73,607,534 9.61

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in onAnother Regulated Market

73,607,534 9.61

Other Transferable Securities


UNITED KINGDOM660,000 Deutsche Bank/London 22.12.13/0.000%* 623,425 0.08

116,400,000,000 Deutsche Bank/London 22.07.31/9.500% 10,531,711 1.38

11,155,136 1.46

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA5,790,000 Citigroup Funding 13.03.13/0.000%* 3,962,980 0.51

3,962,980 0.51

Total Bonds 15,118,116 1.97

Total Other Transferable Securities 15,118,116 1.97

Total Investments 690,272,626 90.05

Cash 99,427,850 12.97

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (23,149,331) (3.02)

Total Net Assets 766,551,145 100.00

* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesBrazil 11.71South Africa 10.92Mexico 10.51Turkey 9.29Poland 9.11Hungary 6.39United States of America 6.14Indonesia 6.03Colombia 3.39Thailand 3.05Malaysia 2.42Peru 2.22United Kingdom 1.87Argentina 1.84Uruguay 1.19Ireland 0.94Chile 0.87South Korea 0.50Russia 0.47Luxembourg 0.33Philippines 0.28Bahamas 0.27Netherlands 0.27Egypt 0.04Total Fixed Income Securities 90.05Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 9.95

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesBrazil 10.83South Africa 9.93Mexico 9.08Hungary 9.07Poland 8.00Turkey 7.49Malaysia 6.34Indonesia 6.24Colombia 5.39United States of America 5.29Thailand 3.42Peru 2.39United Kingdom 1.75Uruguay 1.32Chile 0.93South Korea 0.75Philippines 0.60Luxembourg 0.36Netherlands 0.35Bahamas 0.33Egypt 0.05Ireland 0.03Total Fixed Income Securities 89.94Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 10.06

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 64: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



21-Sep-11 AUD 10,111,000 USD 10,540,616 136,24021-Sep-11 BRL 42,315,000 USD 26,046,110 375,11221-Sep-11 CLP 4,753,330,000 USD 10,065,283 (13,102)21-Sep-11 CNY 244,134,141 USD 37,582,088 199,61721-Sep-11 COP 18,958,210,000 USD 10,582,246 52,27121-Sep-11 CZK 442,811,957 EUR 18,142,748 89,48221-Sep-11 EUR 3,547,139 CZK 85,811,957 13,93821-Sep-11 EUR 20,330,430 HUF 5,462,805,967 (141,095)21-Sep-11 EUR 12,711,588 PLN 50,630,000 68,89121-Sep-11 EUR 14,010,000 RON 58,509,263 283,46221-Sep-11 EUR 8,001,685 TRY 18,781,235 107,72321-Sep-11 EUR 188,203,927 USD 272,797,549 (784,753)21-Sep-11 HUF 5,670,368,925 EUR 21,121,435 127,91921-Sep-11 HUF 94,312,102 USD 498,760 7,89721-Sep-11 IDR 366,321,897,000 USD 42,578,500 (72,452)21-Sep-11 INR 908,830,000 USD 20,018,414 48,69321-Sep-11 JPY 809,464,862 USD 10,069,000 (14,370)21-Sep-11 KRW 22,318,930,000 USD 20,468,017 227,13921-Sep-11 MXN 93,345,617 EUR 5,373,365 95,92521-Sep-11 MXN 433,202,890 USD 36,164,300 328,24421-Sep-11 MYR 280,253,965 USD 92,331,554 (59,850)21-Sep-11 PLN 79,630,000 USD 29,016,084 (217,544)21-Sep-11 RON 58,509,263 EUR 14,056,124 (329,586)21-Sep-11 RUB 1,957,793,800 USD 69,699,274 (139,998)21-Sep-11 THB 1,641,257,776 EUR 36,817,085 16,03621-Sep-11 THB 658,903,197 USD 21,439,948 (66,056)21-Sep-11 TRY 31,849,376 USD 19,803,629 (332,910)21-Sep-11 TWD 887,420,000 USD 30,813,174 211,11821-Sep-11 USD 10,539,312 AUD 10,111,000 (137,143)21-Sep-11 USD 15,076,349 BRL 24,391,075 (172,621)21-Sep-11 USD 25,957,182 BRL 42,315,000 (436,720)21-Sep-11 USD 10,012,641 CLP 4,753,330,000 (23,367)21-Sep-11 USD 17,564,995 CNY 114,422,141 (127,633)21-Sep-11 USD 10,541,123 COP 18,958,210,000 (80,760)21-Sep-11 USD 254,957,321 EUR 176,464,746 164,58121-Sep-11 USD 10,070,000 HUF 1,866,555,060 (18,504)21-Sep-11 USD 22,297,761 IDR 193,767,547,000 (117,081)21-Sep-11 USD 19,965,242 INR 908,830,000 (85,529)21-Sep-11 USD 10,084,151 JPY 809,464,862 24,86621-Sep-11 USD 10,625,618 KRW 11,553,930,000 (96,899)21-Sep-11 USD 50,624,030 MXN 608,106,407 (558,748)21-Sep-11 USD 10,461,781 RUB 298,370,000 (89,833)21-Sep-11 USD 21,453,353 THB 658,903,197 75,34321-Sep-11 USD 9,658,449 TRY 15,749,376 71,54221-Sep-11 USD 31,131,421 TWD 887,420,000 9,35721-Sep-11 USD 31,732,000 ZAR 220,638,162 (302,085)21-Sep-11 ZAR 80,536,455 EUR 8,201,450 (66,930)21-Sep-11 ZAR 69,412,379 USD 10,070,000 34,64715-Nov-11 PHP 1,758,000,000 USD 40,441,684 (47,812)15-Nov-11 USD 40,000,000 PHP 1,758,000,000 (258,700)21-Dec-11 CNY 58,590,000 USD 9,041,375 51,96121-Dec-11 USD 9,059,278 CNY 58,590,000 (39,523)21-Mar-12 CNY 128,350,000 USD 20,098,653 (47,115)21-Mar-12 USD 20,023,401 CNY 128,350,000 (5,324)

Total (2,062,039)

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Total Return Swaps (Expressed in EUR) (Please refer to note 2i)

TerminationDate Counterparty Referenced Obligation

ProtectionBuyer/Seller Currency Nominal



20-Mar-16 Deutsche Bank Israel (State of) 5.125% 01/03/2014 Buyer USD 21,500,000 231,522 231,522

Total 231,522 231,522


Page 65: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Currency Option Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011

ExpirationDate Counterparty Description







07-Jul-11 UBS One Touch EUR/AUD, Call Option AUD 3,550,400 EUR 2,240,000 - (201,599)07-Jul-11 UBS One Touch EUR/AUD, Call Option AUD (1,182,410) EUR (746,000) - 67,14027-Jul-11 UBS Vanilla AUD/USD, Call Option, Strike Price 1.070 USD 31,329,600 AUD 29,280,000 192,323 (66,657)27-Jul-11 UBS Vanilla AUD/USD, Call Option, Strike Price 1.100 USD 16,104,000 AUD 14,640,000 18,882 (23,467)27-Jul-11 UBS Vanilla AUD/USD, Call Option, Strike Price 1.070 USD (15,664,800) AUD (14,640,000) (96,162) 27,62827-Jul-11 UBS Vanilla AUD/USD, Call Option, Strike Price 1.100 USD (32,208,000) AUD (29,280,000) (37,764) 57,79204-Aug-11 Deutsche Bank Vanilla EUR/USD, Put Option, Strike Price 1.410 EUR 25,300,000 USD 35,673,000 239,252 (54,481)04-Aug-11 Deutsche Bank Vanilla EUR/USD, Put Option, Strike Price 1.360 EUR (25,300,000) USD (34,408,000) (86,295) 32,61502-Sep-11 Deutsche Bank One Touch USD/JPY, Put Option USD 1,640,000 JPY 123,000,000 108,340 (61,685)02-Sep-11 UBS One Touch USD/JPY, Put Option USD (1,640,000) JPY (123,000,000) (108,340) 53,18309-Apr-12 UBS Vanilla USD/IDR, Put Option, Strike Price 8500.000 USD 11,150,000 IDR 94,775,000,000 80,382 (44,847)09-Apr-12 UBS Vanilla USD/IDR, Put Option, Strike Price 8000.000 USD 11,150,000 IDR 89,200,000,000 15,832 (11,140)09-Apr-12 UBS Vanilla USD/IDR, Put Option, Strike Price 8000.000 USD (11,150,000) IDR (89,200,000,000) (15,832) 27,13109-Apr-12 UBS Vanilla USD/IDR, Put Option, Strike Price 8500.000 USD (11,150,000) IDR (94,775,000,000) (80,382) 4,38926-Apr-12 Deutsche Bank Vanilla USD/HKD, Put Option, Strike Price 7.700 USD 310,810,000 HKD 2,393,237,000 764,557 124,39726-Apr-12 Deutsche Bank Vanilla USD/HKD, Put Option, Strike Price 7.500 USD (310,810,000) HKD (2,331,075,000) (272,295) 116,526

Total 722,498 46,925


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Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


TURKEY892,650 Arcelik 4,538,339 1.23573,000 Aygaz 3,681,226 1.00378,290 BIM Birlesik Magazalar 12,209,859 3.32506,971 Ford Otomotiv Sanayi 4,350,509 1.18

2,736,241 KOC Holding 11,854,178 3.221,579,297 TAV Havalimanlari Holding 7,932,009 2.15909,364 Tekfen Holding 3,155,062 0.86565,291 Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi 2,574,413 0.70

604,974 Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri 14,856,852 4.032,381,783 Turk Hava Yollari 6,260,125 1.70

1,464,400 Turk Telekomunikasyon 7,770,065 2.11440,960 Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri 2,394,070 0.65

7,455,558 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi 34,137,423 9.271,534,372 Turkiye Halk Bankasi 11,512,281 3.132,617,164 Turkiye Is Bankasi - C Shares 8,023,905 2.18

664,715 Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi Tao - D Shares 1,513,602 0.413,637,490 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi 9,257,924 2.51

146,021,842 39.65

QATAR363,853 Commercial Bank of Qatar 7,199,222 1.96232,013 Doha Bank 3,278,109 0.89250,144 Industries Qatar 9,359,491 2.54182,089 Qatar Electricity & Water 7,203,153 1.96803,300 Qatar Gas Transport Nakilat 3,996,150 1.08523,437 Qatar National Bank 20,282,294 5.51268,029 Qatar Telecom Q-Tel 11,276,289 3.06

62,594,708 17.00

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES5,849,168 Aramex 2,810,760 0.773,673,400 Depa 1,928,535 0.52

871,895 DP World 10,706,871 2.9112,640,920 Drake & Scull International 3,272,986 0.8910,480,421 Emaar Properties 8,631,556 2.341,294,600 First Gulf Bank 6,291,567 1.712,793,382 National Bank of Abu Dhabi 8,346,797 2.27

41,989,072 11.41

KUWAIT4,510,000 Mobile Telecommunications 16,917,838 4.605,771,975 National Bank of Kuwait 24,174,271 6.56

41,092,109 11.16

EGYPT1,352,788 Commercial International Bank 6,754,590 1.83

612,958 Egyptian Financial Group-Hermes Holding 2,084,874 0.576,709,800 Juhayna Food Industries 6,217,098 1.69

983,412 National Societe Generale Bank 5,862,656 1.59238,189 Orascom Construction Industries 10,695,707 2.91124,900 Six of October Development & Investment 1,265,376 0.34

1,980,539 Talaat Moustafa Group 1,636,000 0.45

34,516,301 9.38

OMAN4,710,517 Bank Muscat 9,023,159 2.451,841,400 Omani Qatari Telecommunications 3,257,041 0.88

12,280,200 3.33

MOROCCO125,778 Attijariwafa Bank 5,734,194 1.56

3,993 Brasseries Maroc 1,131,676 0.30119,220 Maroc Telecom 2,164,211 0.59

9,030,081 2.45

ISLE OF MAN1,503,625 Lamprell 9,011,973 2.45

9,011,973 2.45

JERSEY134,800 Petrofac 3,227,379 0.88

3,227,379 0.88

AUSTRALIA993,453 Centamin Egypt 2,006,482 0.54

2,006,482 0.54

UNITED KINGDOM154,600 Hikma Pharmaceuticals 1,886,591 0.51

1,886,591 0.51

Total Shares 363,656,738 98.76

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

363,656,738 98.76

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG5,660 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 5,660 0.00

5,660 0.00

Total Investment Funds 5,660 0.00

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

5,660 0.00

Total Investments 363,662,398 98.76

Cash 5,060,638 1.37

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (481,653) (0.13)

Total Net Assets 368,241,383 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 51.61Telecommunication Services 11.89Industrials 11.85Energy 7.36Consumer Staples 5.31Consumer Discretionary 4.11Materials 3.08Utilities 3.04Health Care 0.51Investment Companies 0.00Total Shares 98.76Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.24

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 56.64Telecommunication Services 12.20Industrials 11.65Energy 5.73Consumer Staples 4.86Consumer Discretionary 3.72Materials 3.10Utilities 1.25Health Care 0.59Total Shares 99.74Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.26

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 67: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Rights

FRANCE409,799 Alcatel-Lucent 1,642,065 0.31111,060 Alstom 4,712,276 0.8938,702 Alten 1,062,370 0.2099,117 Altran Technologies 554,510 0.11

116,777 Arkema 8,249,127 1.5629,567 Assystem 519,196 0.1022,908 AtoS 884,707 0.17

8,587 Axway Software 185,050 0.048,587 Axway Software - Rights 08.07.11 13,907 0.00

342,343 BNP Paribas 18,092,828 3.4324,950 Bureau Veritas 1,438,867 0.2792,857 Compagnie de Saint-Gobain 4,129,351 0.7828,400 Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin -

B Shares 1,906,776 0.36544,086 Crédit Agricole 5,579,602 1.06

46,412 Eiffage 2,109,889 0.406,717 Entrepose Contracting 649,870 0.12

11,925 Etam Developpement 339,624 0.0692,654 Faurecia 2,714,299 0.52

402,916 France Télécom 5,888,617 1.1260,978 Gecina 5,867,303 1.1113,766 Haulotte Group 205,251 0.0425,232 Jacquet Metal Service 428,818 0.0838,253 Lectra 221,485 0.044,419 LeGuide.com 61,711 0.01

1 LVL Medical Groupe 17 0.0011,232 Manitou BF 241,263 0.0514,027 Medica 206,828 0.04

224 Naturex 13,329 0.005,954 Norbert Dentressangle 480,488 0.096,979 Parrot 194,644 0.04

142,592 Peugeot 4,395,042 0.8382,190 Plastic Omnium 1,844,754 0.3553,323 Publicis Groupe 2,053,069 0.39

39,840 Rallye 1,149,384 0.2222,472 Renault 916,240 0.17

228,175 Rexel 3,876,693 0.74241,661 Sanofi 13,276,855 2.52115,440 SCOR 2,243,865 0.4328,753 SEB 2,059,290 0.3935,614 Sequana 360,681 0.07

216,426 Société Générale 8,782,567 1.67300,102 Société Télévision Française 1 3,734,019 0.71

8,587 Sopra Group 506,247 0.108,706 Spir Communication 297,528 0.06

557,083 Total 22,021,491 4.1899,840 Valeo 4,683,744 0.89

534,992 Vivendi 10,212,997 1.948,709 Wendel 733,603 0.146,783 Zodiac Aerospace 408,133 0.08

152,150,270 28.88

GERMANY115,974 Aareal Bank 2,721,040 0.52

154,649 Allianz Registered Shares 14,827,746 2.815,980 Aurelius 164,659 0.0322,122 Axel Springer 753,641 0.14

307,617 BASF 20,616,491 3.9246,062 Bayer Registered Shares 2,545,156 0.4876,358 Bayerische Motoren Werke 5,208,379 0.9969,912 Bechtle 2,148,221 0.4146,760 Bertrandt 2,426,143 0.4614,750 Bilfinger Berger 1,004,254 0.197,468 Brenntag 596,805 0.1161,201 Cancom IT Systeme 552,217 0.1011,802 Carl Zeiss Meditec 180,984 0.0327,362 CENTROTEC Sustainable 580,895 0.1126,133 Continental 1,881,968 0.362,774 CTS Eventim 131,619 0.02

194,363 Daimler Registered Shares 10,058,285 1.912,479 Delticom 181,847 0.03

187,019 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 7,560,711 1.43125,672 Deutsche Lufthansa Registered Shares 1,883,195 0.36136,437 Deutsche Post Registered Shares 1,795,511 0.34

8,748 Deutsche Wohnen - Bearer Shares 103,598 0.0210,213 Deutz 69,326 0.012,521 Draegerwerk & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 194,772 0.04

145,311 Drillisch 1,167,138 0.2221,664 Duerr 605,076 0.11115,212 E.ON 2,229,640 0.42

89,958 Fuchs Petrolub Preference Shares 3,511,960 0.673,182 Gerry Weber International 143,293 0.03

12,459 Grammer 213,828 0.04129,338 Hannover Rueckversicherung Registered Shares 4,609,606 0.87

9,087 Henkel & Co. KGaA Non Voting Preference Shares 432,973 0.0821,685 Hugo Boss Preference Shares 1,498,433 0.2828,365 Indus Holding 680,193 0.13111,274 Infineon Technologies 861,483 0.1652,427 Jungheinrich Preference Shares 1,519,597 0.2985,109 Kloeckner & Co. 1,764,948 0.3325,507 KUKA 468,308 0.09

1,127 KWS Saat 177,277 0.0369,809 Lanxess 3,927,105 0.7510,779 Leoni 442,020 0.0815,602 Merck KGaA 1,166,483 0.2322,009 Metro 918,656 0.1712,032 Muehlbauer Holding & Co. KGaA 444,883 0.0952,091 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs Registered Shares 5,472,160 1.04

262 NORMA Group 5,295 0.0013,041 Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology 1,127,786 0.2128,438 Porsche Automobil Holding Preference Shares 1,551,293 0.3058,818 QSC 175,131 0.035,942 Salzgitter 311,331 0.0611,528 SAP 479,017 0.097,379 Schuler 83,586 0.02

160,522 Siemens Registered Shares 15,203,039 2.894,809 Sixt 185,772 0.04

24,027 Sixt 928,163 0.183,343 Sto Preference Shares 397,650 0.08

124,102 Suss Microtec 1,248,776 0.2423,634 TAG Immobilien 165,343 0.0317,903 Tipp24 614,297 0.12

2,162 Volkswagen Preference Shares 304,680 0.066,104 VTG 110,818 0.026,526 Wacker Chemie 971,558 0.19

13,421 XING 725,741 0.14

135,031,799 25.63

SPAIN53,773 Antena 3 de Television 308,926 0.06

423,088 BBVA 3,377,088 0.641,712,086 BSCH 13,556,297 2.57446,839 CaixaBank 2,149,966 0.41446,839 CaixaBank - Rights 15.07.11 23,236 0.00

31,836 Codere 298,622 0.0658,705 Corporacion Financiera Alba 2,266,013 0.4374,872 Duro Felguera 429,391 0.08

293,501 Ebro Foods 4,639,517 0.88206,275 Endesa 4,734,527 0.90

81,033 Gas Natural SDG 1,156,949 0.229,708 Grupo Catalana Occidente 161,104 0.03

855,818 Mapfre 2,172,922 0.4124,823 NH Hoteles 129,514 0.0229,510 Pescanova 875,267 0.1738,951 Red Eléctrica 1,608,968 0.31

261,560 Repsol YPF 6,195,702 1.181,022,469 Telefonica 17,136,580 3.25

120,857 Viscofan 3,280,663 0.62

64,501,252 12.24

NETHERLANDS34,002 AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group 434,035 0.0833,280 Amsterdam Commodities 347,859 0.0739,460 ASM International 1,075,975 0.20312,985 ASML Holding 7,976,423 1.51218,723 BE Semiconductor Industries 1,304,355 0.25144,624 Delta Lloyd 2,352,671 0.45

56,637 Heijmans - CVA 986,475 0.191,601,863 ING Groep - CVA 13,435,626 2.55

277,658 Koninklijke Ahold 2,564,033 0.4998,853 Koninklijke BAM Groep 424,722 0.08115,347 Koninklijke KPN 1,147,068 0.22

6,956 Koninklijke Ten Cate 193,638 0.04197,909 Koninklijke Wessanen 562,754 0.11

19,367 Macintosh Retail Group 320,330 0.0630,410 Nutreco 1,541,331 0.29

310,368 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 7,531,855 1.4223,357 TKH Group 518,350 0.10

123,840 Unilever - CVA 2,794,759 0.539,749 Unit 4 243,359 0.04

45,755,618 8.68


JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 68: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

ITALY136,421 ACEA 960,063 0.18146,843 Astaldi 736,785 0.14

65,765 Autostrada Torino-Milano 671,461 0.13152,184 Banca Generali 1,374,982 0.2625,308 Biesse 139,890 0.0328,407 Brembo 276,897 0.05

260,966 Buongiorno 355,958 0.07125,060 Cairo Communication 374,680 0.07

58,195 Carraro 185,933 0.04235,917 De’Longhi 1,907,389 0.3692,080 DiaSorin 3,036,798 0.5811,476 Digital Multimedia Technologies 238,586 0.04

3,001,499 Enel 13,368,677 2.54597,879 ENI 9,646,778 1.8373,044 Fiat Industrial 648,996 0.1275,628 Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione 126,942 0.0260,367 Indesit 409,892 0.08

8,581 Industria Macchine Automatiche 129,616 0.0222,874 Interpump Group 134,785 0.03

456,847 Intesa Sanpaolo 825,294 0.16156,015 Iren 192,600 0.0434,965 Marcolin 177,622 0.03

133,100 MARR 1,181,262 0.22115,976 Prysmian 1,609,167 0.31134,457 Recordati 1,012,461 0.19264,739 Snam Rete Gas 1,072,193 0.20175,870 Sogefi 452,514 0.09139,885 UniCredit 200,805 0.04

9,864 Yoox 124,977 0.0249,387 Yoox 625,733 0.1269,795 Zignago Vetro 380,034 0.07

42,579,770 8.08

FINLAND22,116 Amer Sports - A Shares 251,569 0.05

94,163 Fortum 1,867,252 0.3573,580 Huhtamaki 646,400 0.1236,629 Kone - B Shares 1,578,893 0.3057,397 Metso 2,245,371 0.4349,822 Nokian Renkaat 1,699,677 0.32

300,007 Orion - B Shares 5,335,624 1.0133,551 PKC Group 524,570 0.10

200,427 Sampo - A Shares 4,458,499 0.8546,913 Sponda 188,356 0.04

397,375 Stora Enso - R Shares 2,858,120 0.54216,800 UPM-Kymmene 2,721,924 0.52199,692 Wartsila 4,658,814 0.8840,454 YIT 701,068 0.13

29,736,137 5.64

BELGIUM34,466 Arseus 391,878 0.07

186 Banque Nationale de Belgique 576,217 0.116,861 Barco 350,460 0.07

18,348 Bekaert 941,986 0.1862,136 Belgacom 1,528,080 0.2924,806 Compagnie d’Entreprises CFE 1,236,703 0.2384,080 D’ieteren 3,956,384 0.7563,896 Delhaize Group 3,305,660 0.6317,366 Econocom Group 263,529 0.0512,130 Mobistar 632,640 0.12

193,519 Nyrstar 1,942,447 0.3790,713 Nyrstar 454 0.0090,367 Recticel 689,048 0.13

7,875 Sipef 536,799 0.1026,403 Tessenderlo Chemie 783,509 0.1563,794 Umicore 2,411,254 0.46

19,547,048 3.71

PORTUGAL2,201,570 EDP - Energias de Portugal 5,361,924 1.02

579,237 Portucel Empresa Produtora de Pasta e Papel 1,319,212 0.25114,914 Semapa-Sociedade de Investimento e Gestao 858,063 0.16492,710 Sonaecom SGPS 755,324 0.14

8,294,523 1.57

IRELAND93,074 C&C Group 330,320 0.06

382,309 Glanbia 1,844,259 0.35115,520 Kerry Group - A Shares 3,300,984 0.6314,808 Paddy Power 551,746 0.10

6,027,309 1.14

GREECE27,331 Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling 506,580 0.1011,851 Frigoglass 117,740 0.02

139,865 Mytilineos Holdings Registered Shares 669,254 0.12332,110 OPAP 3,561,880 0.68114,605 Public Power 1,151,780 0.22

6,007,234 1.14

AUSTRIA7,991 CA Immobilien Anlagen 98,809 0.02

25,270 Immofinanz 0 0.0048,462 Oesterreichische Post 1,065,195 0.2022,729 OMV 679,256 0.1311,790 Raiffeisen Bank International 412,768 0.0833,022 Voestalpine 1,231,886 0.23

3,487,914 0.66

UNITED KINGDOM19,500 Abcam 89,837 0.02

44,000 Ashtead Group 82,471 0.026,800 Atkins (WS) 56,525 0.012,140 Aveva Group 40,584 0.00

34,000 Avocet Mining 80,249 0.0271,200 Barratt Developments 90,097 0.02

8,135 Computacenter 43,084 0.0187,400 Cove Energy 93,417 0.0179,000 Elementis 149,208 0.0339,182 Fenner 170,761 0.0322,300 Filtrona 90,231 0.025,400 Hargreaves Services 62,717 0.01

30,200 Howden Joinery Group 35,626 0.0117,200 Hyder Consulting 83,451 0.014,000 Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings 47,254 0.01

25,000 International Personal Finance 100,409 0.0229,290 ITE Group 70,596 0.0119,900 Kofax 97,535 0.0231,200 Morgan Crucible 106,243 0.0242,677 Nautical Petroleum 148,171 0.03

7,761 Renishaw 150,961 0.0323,100 RPC Group 90,708 0.0252,770 Senior 105,183 0.0234,500 Sports Direct International 88,992 0.02

5,430 SuperGroup 51,879 0.0125,600 TT Electronics 56,600 0.0154,066 Yule Catto & Co. 135,426 0.02

2,418,215 0.46

LUXEMBOURG95,936 ArcelorMittal 2,296,708 0.44

2,296,708 0.44

SWITZERLAND1,166 Bucher Industries Registered Shares 178,109 0.031,077 PubliGroupe Registered Shares 135,843 0.03

29,676 Schmolz & Bickenbach Registered Shares 252,581 0.05

566,533 0.11

SWEDEN11,669 Betsson 192,491 0.046,861 Hexpol 136,414 0.02

11,284 KNOW IT 94,765 0.02

423,670 0.08

JERSEY31,800 Cape 193,989 0.0422,870 Kentz 110,295 0.02

304,284 0.06


JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 69: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

ISLE OF MAN18,918 Exillon Energy 90,326 0.0233,930 Lamprell 140,553 0.02

230,879 0.04

BERMUDA7,244 Golar LNG 175,530 0.03

22,600 Petra Diamonds 39,530 0.01

215,060 0.04

DENMARK519 Royal UNIBREW 23,640 0.00

1,393 SimCorp 190,020 0.04

213,660 0.04

Total Shares and Rights 519,787,883 98.64

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

519,787,883 98.64

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG7,512,891 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 7,512,891 1.43

7,512,891 1.43

Total Investment Funds 7,512,891 1.43

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

7,512,891 1.43

Total Investments 527,300,774 100.07

Cash 783,392 0.15

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1,175,552) (0.22)

Total Net Assets 526,908,614 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares and RightsFinancials 23.75Consumer Discretionary 12.83Industrials 11.82Materials 11.68Energy 9.51Telecommunication Services 7.33Utilities 6.40Consumer Staples 5.31Information Technology 5.24Health Care 4.77Investment Companies 1.43Total Shares and Rights 100.07Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.07)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 25.70Consumer Discretionary 16.85Industrials 13.62Materials 9.57Energy 9.04Utilities 6.76Telecommunication Services 6.06Consumer Staples 5.69Health Care 4.02Information Technology 2.38Investment Companies 0.37Total Shares 100.06Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.06)

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 70: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Equity Futures

Sep-11 215 DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Index Future EUR 6,083,425 54,825

Total 54,825


Page 71: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


FRANCE160,630 Alcatel-Lucent 643,644 0.71

11,525 Arkema 814,126 0.9025,464 AtoS 983,420 1.0836,155 AXA 562,029 0.6245,812 BNP Paribas 2,421,164 2.6722,403 Cie Générale de Géophysique-Veritas 567,468 0.6246,367 Crédit Agricole 475,494 0.5213,812 Imerys 672,575 0.7421,316 Lafarge 931,722 1.0330,516 L’Oréal 2,718,976 3.0022,640 Peugeot 697,821 0.7714,912 PPR 1,829,702 2.0268,622 Sanofi-Aventis 3,770,093 4.1524,651 Schneider Electric 2,826,237 3.11

40,663 Société Générale 1,650,105 1.8269,642 Société Télévision Française 1 866,521 0.9534,797 Suez Environnement 476,197 0.52

106,873 Total 4,224,690 4.66

27,131,984 29.89

GERMANY29,385 Adidas 1,600,454 1.7624,215 Allianz Registered Shares 2,321,734 2.565,062 BASF 339,255 0.37

55,755 Bayer Registered Shares 3,080,743 3.4029,138 Bayerische Motoren Werke 1,987,503 2.199,901 Brenntag 791,238 0.87

414,113 Commerzbank 1,225,981 1.3517,973 Continental 1,294,326 1.4331,455 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 1,271,647 1.40

107,490 E.ON 2,080,200 2.2924,430 Hamburger Hafen und Logistik 728,380 0.8117,816 HeidelbergCement 783,058 0.8622,141 Henkel & Co. KGaA Non Voting Preference Shares 1,054,963 1.16

193,224 Infineon Technologies 1,495,940 1.6520,298 Lanxess 1,141,864 1.2612,752 Leoni 522,928 0.5823,212 SAP 964,517 1.06

34,878 Siemens Registered Shares 3,303,295 3.646,436 Volkswagen Preference Shares 906,993 1.00

26,895,019 29.64

SPAIN41,023 Antena 3 de Television 235,677 0.26

195,892 BBVA 1,563,610 1.73248,908 BSCH 1,970,854 2.17

95,824 Iberdrola 578,873 0.6311,722 Red Eléctrica 484,206 0.53

212,232 Telefonica 3,557,008 3.92

8,390,228 9.24

NETHERLANDS25,641 ASML Holding 653,461 0.7334,026 EADS 783,449 0.86

301,238 ING Groep - CVA 2,526,634 2.78147,794 Koninklijke KPN 1,469,737 1.6285,365 Unilever - CVA 1,926,475 2.12

7,359,756 8.11

ITALY420,099 Enel 1,871,121 2.07

98,026 ENI 1,581,649 1.74514,319 Snam Rete Gas 2,082,992 2.30

1,273,139 Telecom Italia 1,217,439 1.34336,983 UniCredit 483,739 0.53

7,236,940 7.98

BELGIUM26,222 KBC Groep 700,062 0.77

148,990 Nyrstar 1,495,487 1.6518,326 Solvay 1,950,803 2.15

4,146,352 4.57

FINLAND133,437 Nokia 590,726 0.6514,190 Nokian Renkaat 484,092 0.5343,936 Outokumpu 395,754 0.4414,921 Sampo - A Shares 331,918 0.37

159,277 Stora Enso - R Shares 1,145,600 1.2633,900 Wartsila 790,887 0.87

3,738,977 4.12

IRELAND24,849 CRH 377,581 0.4134,104 DCC 669,120 0.7420,436 Paddy Power 761,445 0.84

1,808,146 1.99

PORTUGAL95,857 Jeronimo Martins SGPS 1,268,188 1.40

1,268,188 1.40

LUXEMBOURG481 APERAM 10,791 0.01

9,623 ArcelorMittal 230,375 0.26

241,166 0.27

AUSTRIA3,599 Palfinger 89,525 0.10

89,525 0.10

Total Shares 88,306,281 97.31

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to an OfficialExchange Listing

88,306,281 97.31

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG2,578,093 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 2,578,093 2.84

2,578,093 2.84

Total Investment Funds 2,578,093 2.84

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

2,578,093 2.84

Total Investments 90,884,374 100.15

Cash 389,149 0.43

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (528,909) (0.58)

Total Net Assets 90,744,614 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 72: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 19.29Materials 15.61Consumer Discretionary 12.49Industrials 9.97Utilities 8.34Consumer Staples 7.68Energy 7.02Telecommunication Services 6.88Information Technology 5.88Health Care 4.15Investment Companies 2.84Total Shares 100.15Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.15)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 19.41Materials 14.16Industrials 11.89Utilities 10.89Consumer Discretionary 10.66Telecommunication Services 9.22Consumer Staples 6.89Information Technology 6.81Energy 5.22Health Care 4.26Investment Companies 0.43Total Shares 99.84Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.16

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 73: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Equity Futures

Sep-11 87 DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Index Future EUR 2,461,665 22,185

Total 22,185


Page 74: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Rights

UNITED KINGDOM52,996 Admiral Group 968,701 0.48

236,247 ARM Holdings 1,539,823 0.7758,626 ASOS 1,558,617 0.7779,276 AstraZeneca 2,708,504 1.35

218,522 Aviva 1,052,661 0.52116,597 Avocet Mining 275,199 0.14

438,703 Blinkx 578,674 0.29252,616 Bodycote 1,032,896 0.51

1,165,626 BP 5,912,225 2.941,790,416 BT Group 3,976,699 1.97

111,212 GlaxoSmithKline 1,635,172 0.8187,740 Imperial Tobacco Group 1,996,837 0.99

848,195 Legal & General Group 1,101,929 0.55305,988 Melrose 1,221,339 0.61189,001 National Grid 1,271,602 0.63109,777 Next 2,806,185 1.39

1,527,128 Old Mutual 2,246,633 1.12177,453 Premier Oil 874,943 0.4381,476 Rio Tinto 4,024,434 2.00

135,859 Spectris 2,375,133 1.181,289,864 Vodafone Group 2,349,863 1.17

136,408 Weir Group 3,200,262 1.59478,284 William Hill 1,205,689 0.60143,792 Xstrata 2,168,677 1.08

48,082,697 23.89

FRANCE400,141 Alcatel-Lucent 1,603,365 0.7948,224 Alstom 2,046,144 1.0249,290 Arkema 3,481,846 1.7317,551 AtoS 677,820 0.34

242,886 AXA 3,775,663 1.8812,896 Axway Software 277,909 0.1412,896 Axway Software 08.07.11 20,885 0.0137,267 BNP Paribas 1,969,561 0.9858,833 Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin

Registered - B Shares 3,950,048 1.9631,928 Eiffage 1,451,447 0.7216,765 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton 2,061,257 1.02

116,982 Sanofi 6,426,991 3.19105,145 SCOR 2,043,756 1.0135,510 Société Générale 1,440,996 0.7212,896 Sopra Group 760,284 0.38

110,300 Total 4,360,159 2.1710,142 Unibail-Rodamco 1,605,986 0.80

66,646 Valeo 3,126,530 1.5554,827 Vinci 2,410,332 1.20

43,490,979 21.61

GERMANY16,598 Allianz Registered Shares 1,591,416 0.7932,572 Asian Bamboo - Bearer Shares 819,023 0.4151,747 Aurubis 2,322,276 1.1557,127 BASF 3,828,651 1.90

34,052 Bayer Registered Shares 1,881,543 0.9392,434 Bayerische Motoren Werke 6,304,923 3.14

4,782 Bertrandt 248,114 0.1226,320 Continental 1,895,435 0.9479,657 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 3,220,333 1.6078,997 E.ON 1,528,789 0.76

228,083 Infineon Technologies 1,765,819 0.8836,283 Lanxess 2,041,100 1.0119,193 Leoni 787,057 0.3931,923 Merck KGaA 2,386,723 1.1927,422 Siemens Registered Shares 2,597,138 1.29

797,710 Sky Deutschland 2,948,336 1.4738,952 Volkswagen Preference Shares 5,489,311 2.73

41,655,987 20.70

NETHERLANDS36,500 ASM International 995,264 0.4937,264 Heineken Holding 1,314,860 0.66

276,422 ING Groep - CVA 2,318,490 1.1579,680 Koninklijke DSM 3,562,493 1.77

342,066 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 8,301,087 4.12

16,492,194 8.19

SWEDEN49,499 Hexagon - B Shares 839,513 0.42251,384 Swedbank - A Shares 2,900,019 1.44361,035 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares 3,592,094 1.78

7,331,626 3.64

SWITZERLAND92,441 ABB Registered Shares 1,646,004 0.8223,321 Novartis Registered Shares 974,282 0.4811,156 Swiss Life Holding Registered Shares 1,256,109 0.63

150,230 UBS Registered Shares 1,873,914 0.935,707 Zurich Financial Services 991,843 0.49

6,742,152 3.35

ITALY813,809 Enel 3,624,705 1.80111,600 ENI 1,800,666 0.8946,367 Yoox 587,470 0.30

6,012,841 2.99

FINLAND66,390 Nokian Renkaat 2,264,895 1.12113,705 Sampo - A Shares 2,529,368 1.2662,710 YIT 1,086,764 0.54

5,881,027 2.92

BELGIUM115,865 Nyrstar 1,162,995 0.5828,701 Solvay 3,055,221 1.52

4,218,216 2.10

NORWAY425,284 Morpol 1,131,645 0.56

1,120,803 Sevan Drilling 665,629 0.3359,882 Yara International 2,323,529 1.16

4,120,803 2.05

SPAIN128,107 BSCH 1,014,351 0.5032,182 Red Eléctrica 1,329,358 0.66

46,027 Repsol YPF 1,090,265 0.55

3,433,974 1.71

BERMUDA362,202 Lancashire Holdings 2,602,166 1.29

2,602,166 1.29

AUSTRIA55,724 Voestalpine 2,078,784 1.03

2,078,784 1.03

JERSEY81,259 Shire 1,741,479 0.87

1,741,479 0.87

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA79,450 Virgin Media 1,684,255 0.84

1,684,255 0.84

IRELAND178,800 Dragon Oil 1,029,916 0.51

1,029,916 0.51

GUERNSEY186,089 Chariot Oil & Gas 380,800 0.18

380,800 0.18

Total Shares and Rights 196,979,896 97.87

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

196,979,896 97.87


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 75: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG4,400,000 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 4,400,000 2.19

4,400,000 2.19

Total Investment Funds 4,400,000 2.19

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

4,400,000 2.19

Total Investments 201,379,896 100.06

Cash 2,834,047 1.41

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (2,951,620) (1.47)

Total Net Assets 201,262,323 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 19.16Consumer Discretionary 15.97Materials 14.85Energy 12.12Industrials 10.79Health Care 7.89Information Technology 7.05Telecommunication Services 3.98Utilities 3.85Consumer Staples 2.21Investment Companies 2.19Total Shares 100.06Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.06)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 26.50Industrials 16.29Materials 15.41Financials 14.60Information Technology 8.07Telecommunication Services 6.76Energy 4.66Consumer Staples 3.08Health Care 1.96Investment Companies 1.49Utilities 0.87Total Shares 99.69Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.31

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 76: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Equity Futures

Sep-11 72 DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Index Future EUR 2,037,240 18,360Sep-11 15 FTSE 100 Index Future GBP 975,687 8,711

Total 27,071


Page 77: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED KINGDOM35,793 AstraZeneca 1,222,886 2.32

483,293 BP 2,451,333 4.6678,260 British American Tobacco 2,350,254 4.47365,119 BT Group 810,967 1.54113,652 GlaxoSmithKline 1,671,048 3.18

270,370 HSBC Holdings 1,836,550 3.5046,091 Imperial Tobacco Group 1,048,965 2.00

202,810 Legal & General Group 263,480 0.5032,112 Rio Tinto 1,586,144 3.02

1,034,515 Vodafone Group 1,884,671 3.59233,050 WM Morrison Supermarkets 763,553 1.45

15,889,851 30.23

SWITZERLAND43,644 ABB Registered Shares 777,125 1.4824,710 Crédit Suisse Group Registered Shares 663,679 1.2648,452 Nestlé Registered Shares 2,069,892 3.9480,013 Novartis Registered Shares 3,342,706 6.3614,252 Roche Holding - Genussschein 1,630,425 3.1071,462 UBS Registered Shares 891,391 1.70

9,375,218 17.84

FRANCE8,157 Alstom 346,102 0.66

74,142 AXA 1,152,537 2.199,805 BNP Paribas 518,194 0.996,487 Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin

Registered - B Shares 435,537 0.8236,080 France Télécom 527,309 1.0031,947 GDF Suez 800,033 1.524,416 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton 542,947 1.04

47,028 Sanofi 2,583,718 4.9251,482 Total 2,035,083 3.877,274 Vinci 319,783 0.61

9,261,243 17.62

GERMANY19,046 BASF 1,276,463 2.4316,786 Bayer Registered Shares 927,510 1.7623,993 Bayerische Motoren Werke 1,636,563 3.113,907 Continental 281,363 0.54

19,092 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 771,842 1.4747,827 Deutsche Telekom Registered Shares 513,064 0.9844,077 E.ON 853,000 1.62

5,876 Volkswagen Preference Shares 828,075 1.58

7,087,880 13.49

SPAIN102,280 BBVA 816,399 1.55135,460 BSCH 1,072,572 2.0456,598 Gas Natural SDG 808,078 1.5462,128 Telefonica 1,041,265 1.98

3,738,314 7.11

NETHERLANDS8,988 Heineken Holding 317,142 0.60

43,926 ING Groep - CVA 368,429 0.70106,797 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 2,591,696 4.94

3,277,267 6.24

ITALY229,893 Enel 1,023,943 1.95

65,823 ENI 1,062,054 2.0297,676 Intesa Sanpaolo 176,452 0.33

2,262,449 4.30

SWEDEN33,835 Nordea Bank 249,407 0.4854,832 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares 545,547 1.03

794,954 1.51

FINLAND80,197 Nokia 355,032 0.68

355,032 0.68

JERSEY12,507 Shire 268,040 0.51

268,040 0.51

Total Shares 52,310,248 99.53

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to an OfficialExchange Listing

52,310,248 99.53

Total Investments 52,310,248 99.53

Cash 595,586 1.13

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (349,132) (0.66)

Total Net Assets 52,556,702 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesHealth Care 20.39Financials 17.75Energy 15.49Consumer Staples 12.46Telecommunication Services 9.09Materials 7.21Utilities 6.63Consumer Discretionary 6.05Industrials 2.75Information Technology 1.71Total Shares 99.53Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.47

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 17.78Materials 17.34Consumer Discretionary 13.52Energy 12.50Telecommunication Services 8.98Health Care 8.88Industrials 8.51Consumer Staples 5.98Information Technology 4.69Utilities 1.76Total Shares 99.94Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.06

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 78: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Rights

UNITED KINGDOM22,727 Abcam 104,704 0.0271,277 Aero Inventory 8 0.00

29,879 Anglo American 1,016,369 0.22117,850 Ashtead Group 220,890 0.05294,972 AstraZeneca 10,077,866 2.19204,402 Atkins (WS) 1,699,101 0.37

1,039 Aveva Group 19,704 0.00507,713 Aviva 2,445,747 0.5338,483 Avocet Mining 90,830 0.02

759,329 Barclays 2,118,684 0.4652,610 Barratt Developments 66,573 0.01

140,438 Bellway 1,110,697 0.24320,302 BHP Billiton 8,643,906 1.88412,451 Bodycote 1,686,429 0.37176,614 Bovis Homes Group 852,736 0.19

1,937,950 BP 9,829,565 2.14124,399 British American Tobacco 3,735,870 0.81436,859 BT Group 970,309 0.21109,547 Capital & Counties Properties 236,469 0.0578,878 Capital Shopping Centres Group 347,644 0.08141,591 Carillion 586,925 0.13

207,080 Computacenter 1,096,724 0.2471,376 Cove Energy 76,290 0.02

217,058 Dairy Crest Group 892,188 0.19537,897 Debenhams 407,147 0.09158,829 Derwent London 3,203,617 0.7090,041 Drax Group 499,727 0.11

932,761 DS Smith 2,588,666 0.56369,904 Electrocomponents 1,098,392 0.24

84,824 Elementis 160,208 0.0444,344 Fenner 193,257 0.04

488,289 Fiberweb 318,665 0.0726,171 Filtrona 105,893 0.0297,751 Flybe Group 199,220 0.04

204,698 GlaxoSmithKline 3,009,715 0.65455,911 Hammerson 2,408,011 0.52118,969 Hargreaves Lansdown 795,820 0.17

6,340 Hargreaves Services 73,635 0.02371,735 Hays 420,027 0.0918,222 Howden Joinery Group 21,496 0.01

1,601,903 HSBC Holdings 10,881,289 2.3717,940 Hyder Consulting 87,041 0.02

125,143 IMI 1,452,761 0.324,246 Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings 50,160 0.01

182,811 Inchcape 844,944 0.1852,857 Inmarsat 323,174 0.07

121,481 International Personal Finance 487,910 0.11303,531 Interserve 1,103,758 0.2413,928 Investec 77,454 0.02

578,080 ITE Group 1,393,318 0.3021,651 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group 161,953 0.04

86,437 Kier Group 1,294,564 0.2819,982 Kofax 97,937 0.02

4,960,381 Legal & General Group 6,444,261 1.40173,988 Marston’s 197,553 0.04373,899 Mitie Group 991,764 0.22

25,956 Morgan Crucible 88,386 0.0238,963 Nautical Petroleum 135,276 0.0339,555 Next 1,011,129 0.2237,315 Old Mutual 54,896 0.01

156,793 Persimmon 834,560 0.183,087,509 Premier Foods 713,431 0.16

39,610 Provident Financial 419,735 0.09951,769 Prudential 7,498,408 1.63

1,767,666 RBS Group 740,654 0.167,579 Renishaw 147,421 0.03

132,010 Rio Tinto 6,520,516 1.4294,920 RPC Group 372,727 0.0887,885 Scottish & Southern Energy 1,349,788 0.2952,628 Senior 104,900 0.02

348,442 Sports Direct International 898,802 0.2054,564 SuperGroup 521,314 0.11515,129 TalkTalk Telecom Group 818,515 0.18

8,170 Telecom Plus 60,074 0.01277,625 TT Electronics 613,809 0.13103,315 Tullett Prebon 400,035 0.09101,797 Unilever 2,251,445 0.49

5,868,436 Vodafone Group 10,691,066 2.32

622,789 WM Morrison Supermarkets 2,040,474 0.44252,754 Yule Catto & Co. 633,105 0.14

128,240,031 27.88

FRANCE13,721 Akka Technologies 314,142 0.07

46,893 Alstom 1,989,670 0.4317,213 Alten 472,497 0.10

94,802 Arkema 6,696,813 1.4620,564 Assystem 361,104 0.08

7,330 Axway Software 157,962 0.047,330 Axway Software - Rights 08.07.11 11,871 0.00

194,552 BNP Paribas 10,282,073 2.242,913 Bonduelle 199,584 0.04

368,126 Crédit Agricole 3,775,132 0.824,250 Delachaux 341,211 0.076,193 Entrepose Contracting 599,173 0.13

11,444 Etam Developpement 325,925 0.0730,659 Faurecia 898,155 0.20

791 Financiere de L’Odet 282,652 0.0623,130 France Télécom 338,045 0.0739,171 Gecina 3,769,034 0.8212,686 Haulotte Group 189,148 0.0434,865 Lectra 201,868 0.049,020 LeGuide.com 125,964 0.03

1 LVL Medical Groupe 17 0.0010,306 Manitou BF 221,373 0.0510,780 Medica 158,951 0.03

216 Naturex 12,853 0.005,494 Norbert Dentressangle 443,366 0.10

42,037 Peugeot 1,295,685 0.2857,992 Plastic Omnium 1,301,630 0.2831,653 Renault 1,290,572 0.28

201,988 Rexel 3,431,776 0.75118,198 Sanofi-Aventis 6,493,798 1.4116,726 SCOR 325,112 0.0721,040 SEB 1,506,885 0.3344,446 Sequana 450,127 0.1060,327 Société Générale 2,448,070 0.5390,281 Société Télévision Française 1 1,123,321 0.257,330 Sopra Group 432,140 0.098,601 Spir Communication 293,939 0.06

333,968 Total 13,201,755 2.8720,645 Valeo 968,509 0.21

445,467 Vivendi 8,503,965 1.85

75,235,867 16.35

GERMANY51,113 Aareal Bank 1,199,239 0.2612,837 Allianz Registered Shares 1,230,812 0.2731,070 Asian Bamboo - Bearer Shares 781,255 0.176,442 Aurelius 177,380 0.046,368 Aurubis 285,780 0.06

15,825 Axel Springer 539,118 0.12171,223 BASF 11,475,365 2.4946,117 Bayerische Motoren Werke 3,145,641 0.68

60,386 Bechtle 1,855,511 0.4021,018 Bertrandt 1,090,519 0.24

46,559 Cancom IT Systeme 420,102 0.0910,620 Carl Zeiss Meditec 162,858 0.04

7,033 Centrotherm Photovoltaics 213,680 0.056,207 Continental 446,997 0.102,524 CTS Eventim 119,757 0.03

99,169 Daimler Registered Shares 5,131,996 1.122,241 Delticom 164,389 0.04

85,621 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 3,461,443 0.7559,535 Deutsche Lufthansa Registered Shares 892,132 0.198,586 Deutsche Wohnen - Bearer Shares 101,680 0.02

10,193 Deutz 69,190 0.021,013 Draegerwerk & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 78,264 0.02

73,917 Drillisch 593,701 0.136,434 Duerr 179,702 0.04

16,000 Elmos Semiconductor 167,400 0.0455,710 Fuchs Petrolub Preference Shares 2,174,918 0.47

3,177 Gerry Weber International 143,068 0.0330,605 Hannover Rueckversicherung Registered Shares 1,090,762 0.2317,715 Indus Holding 424,806 0.0942,611 Jungheinrich Preference Shares 1,235,080 0.271,033 KWS Saat 162,491 0.04

40,430 Lanxess 2,274,390 0.494,949 Leoni 202,946 0.044,051 Merck KGaA 302,873 0.07


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 79: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

9,480 Metro 395,695 0.096,543 Muehlbauer Holding & Co. KGaA 241,927 0.053,827 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs Registered Shares 402,026 0.09

252 NORMA Group 5,093 0.0052,901 QSC 157,513 0.036,723 Schuler 76,155 0.02

35,109 Siemens Registered Shares 3,325,173 0.7220,459 Sixt 790,331 0.1791,840 Suss Microtec 924,140 0.2023,003 TAG Immobilien 160,929 0.035,499 VTG 99,834 0.021,472 Wacker Chemie 219,144 0.05

48,793,205 10.61

SWITZERLAND51,317 ABB Registered Shares 913,751 0.20

10,084 AFG Arbonia-Forster Holding Registered Shares 253,554 0.0623,541 Ascom Holding Registered Shares 239,954 0.053,503 Barry Callebaut Registered Shares 2,390,229 0.52

175 Bell Registered Shares 293,157 0.0610,094 Bossard Holding - Bearer Shares 1,310,843 0.28

1,163 Bucher Industries Registered Shares 177,650 0.0413,988 Clariant Registered Shares 183,489 0.0476,419 Crédit Suisse Group Registered Shares 2,052,516 0.45

3,611 Emmi Registered Shares 623,720 0.14577 Forbo Holding Registered Shares 300,459 0.07

164,878 GAM Holding 1,856,443 0.4026,562 Gategroup Holding 804,615 0.172,930 Georg Fischer Registered Shares 1,096,673 0.24

884 Gurit Holding - Bearer Shares 396,141 0.092,209 Helvetia Holding Registered Shares 646,044 0.14

58,920 Highlight Communications - Bearer Shares 267,467 0.066,003 Komax Holding Registered Shares 483,600 0.111,973 Kuoni Reisen Holding Registered - B Shares 528,263 0.11

67,519 Mobilezone Holding - Bearer Shares 518,729 0.11142,843 Nestlé Registered Shares 6,102,318 1.33172,694 Novartis Registered Shares 7,214,644 1.57

6,689 Orior 294,949 0.06122,172 Petroplus Holdings 1,200,200 0.26

972 PubliGroupe Registered Shares 122,599 0.0319,164 Roche Holding - Genussschein 2,192,357 0.48

175,353 Schmolz & Bickenbach Registered Shares 1,492,478 0.3210,424 Sulzer Registered Shares 1,167,704 0.25

1,840 Swatch Group - Bearer Shares 637,826 0.146,600 Swiss Life Holding Registered Shares 743,127 0.16

260,728 UBS Registered Shares 3,252,226 0.717,627 Uster Technologies 226,188 0.051,070 Vaudoise Assurances Holding - B Shares 245,671 0.05

274 Vetropack Holding - Bearer Shares 391,454 0.091,910 Walter Meier Registered - A Shares 339,233 0.07

371 Zehnder Group - Bearer Shares 784,475 0.179,102 Zurich Financial Services 1,581,874 0.34

43,326,620 9.42

ITALY32,000 Astaldi 160,560 0.0345,659 Autostrada Torino-Milano 466,178 0.10

186,685 Banca Generali 1,686,699 0.371,848,442 Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena 950,099 0.21

22,994 Biesse 127,099 0.0325,644 Brembo 249,965 0.05179,177 Buongiorno 244,397 0.0552,471 Carraro 167,645 0.049,904 Danieli & Co. 188,622 0.04

216,795 De’Longhi 1,752,788 0.3866,552 DiaSorin 2,194,885 0.489,435 Digital Multimedia Technologies 196,154 0.04

1,882,635 Enel 8,385,256 1.82584,300 ENI 9,427,681 2.0568,809 Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione 115,496 0.0346,021 Indesit 312,483 0.076,509 Industria Macchine Automatiche 98,318 0.02

20,902 Interpump Group 123,165 0.021,568,781 Iren 1,936,660 0.42

32,059 Marcolin 162,860 0.0483,790 MARR 743,636 0.16

653,471 Mediolanum 2,058,434 0.45176,980 Sogefi 455,370 0.10

8,856 Yoox 112,206 0.0273,047 Zignago Vetro 397,741 0.09

32,714,397 7.11

NETHERLANDS38,500 AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group 491,452 0.11

7,160 Amsterdam Commodities 74,840 0.02230,316 ASML Holding 5,869,603 1.28172,206 BE Semiconductor Industries 1,026,950 0.2258,405 Heijmans - CVA 1,017,269 0.22

486,624 ING Groep - CVA 4,081,559 0.896,347 Koninklijke Ten Cate 176,685 0.04

150,430 Koninklijke Wessanen 427,748 0.0917,535 Macintosh Retail Group 290,029 0.0618,128 Mediq 240,241 0.0527,470 Nutreco 1,392,317 0.30

543,000 Royal Dutch Shell - B Shares 13,224,306 2.878,781 Unit 4 219,196 0.05

28,532,195 6.20

SPAIN4,786 Baron de Ley 222,597 0.05

261,360 BBVA 2,086,176 0.45238,711 BSCH 1,890,114 0.4127,580 Codere 258,700 0.0659,064 Corporacion Financiera Alba 2,279,870 0.5069,788 Ebro Foods 1,103,174 0.2425,746 Endesa 590,935 0.13

8,831 Grupo Catalana Occidente 146,550 0.03206,790 Mapfre 525,040 0.11

22,306 NH Hoteles 116,382 0.0230,502 Pescanova 904,689 0.20

154,978 Repsol YPF 3,671,041 0.79328,289 Telefonica 5,502,124 1.20

28,081 Viscofan 762,259 0.17

20,059,651 4.36

SWEDEN16,007 AarhusKarlshamn 322,193 0.0775,078 Betsson 1,238,480 0.27111,393 Bilia - A Shares 1,385,752 0.3037,920 Boliden 481,778 0.1076,198 Duni 510,898 0.11

213,384 FinnvedenBulten 1,132,915 0.2552,797 Hexpol 1,049,736 0.23

153,435 Industrivarden - A Shares 1,848,840 0.4096,906 JM 1,565,470 0.3437,406 Kinnevik Investment - B Shares 569,848 0.1210,108 KNOW IT 84,889 0.0399,802 Kungsleden 644,629 0.1435,028 Loomis - B Shares 342,004 0.0763,849 NCC - B Shares 995,702 0.2242,025 Saab - B Shares 665,235 0.1523,318 Scania -B Shares 372,806 0.08

239,823 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken - A Shares 1,348,610 0.29216,016 Swedbank - A Shares 2,492,006 0.54199,939 Volvo - B Shares 2,412,473 0.52

19,464,264 4.23

BELGIUM34,245 Arseus 389,366 0.08

31 Banque Nationale de Belgique 96,036 0.024,097 Barco 209,275 0.0516,213 Bekaert 832,375 0.1817,856 Compagnie d’Entreprises CFE 890,211 0.19

58,690 D’ieteren 2,761,658 0.6037,665 Delhaize Group 1,948,599 0.4319,204 Econocom Group 291,421 0.0682,645 Nyrstar 829,549 0.1834,027 Nyrstar 170 0.0088,680 Recticel 676,185 0.15

7,944 Sipef 541,503 0.125,200 Tessenderlo Chemie 154,310 0.03

23,283 Umicore 880,039 0.19

10,500,697 2.28

FINLAND22,083 Amer Sports - A Shares 251,194 0.0536,937 Fortum 732,461 0.1642,711 Huhtamaki 375,216 0.0819,588 Metso 766,283 0.1796,787 Orion - B Shares 1,721,357 0.3724,509 PKC Group 383,198 0.0945,364 Pohjola Bank - A Shares 403,513 0.0945,261 Sponda 181,723 0.04


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 80: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

172,990 Stora Enso - R Shares 1,244,231 0.2775,376 Wartsila 1,758,522 0.38

7,817,698 1.70

NORWAY224,124 Cermaq 2,495,700 0.54285,054 Grieg Seafood 461,698 0.10

51,912 Leroy Seafood Group 825,798 0.181,586,548 Marine Harvest 889,814 0.19

128,862 Morpol 342,891 0.07154,029 Norske Skogindustrier 175,625 0.0446,270 SpareBank 1 SMN 291,742 0.06

105,948 Telenor 1,187,940 0.2762,295 Veidekke 393,984 0.09

7,065,192 1.54

GREECE17,248 Folli - Follie 171,443 0.0423,863 Frigoglass 237,079 0.05

135,794 Mytilineos Holdings Registered Shares 649,774 0.14310,682 OPAP 3,332,064 0.72101,400 Public Power 1,019,070 0.23

5,409,430 1.18

DENMARK14,412 East Asiatic 273,881 0.0616,943 Jyske Bank Registered Shares 464,740 0.1029,500 Novo Nordisk - B Shares 2,545,971 0.55

8,102 Royal UNIBREW 369,034 0.081,344 SimCorp 183,336 0.04

12,067 Topdanmark 1,559,114 0.34

5,396,076 1.17

PORTUGAL773,908 EDP - Energias de Portugal 1,884,853 0.41300,375 Portucel Empresa Produtora de Pasta e Papel 684,104 0.15125,332 Semapa-Sociedade de Investimento e Gestao 935,854 0.20

3,504,811 0.76

IRELAND185,857 Glanbia 896,574 0.1927,509 Kerry Group - A Shares 786,070 0.1713,784 Paddy Power 513,592 0.11

643,246 Total Produce 260,515 0.06

2,456,751 0.53

AUSTRIA16,095 CA Immobilien Anlagen 199,015 0.0451,567 Immofinanz 0 0.0061,539 OMV 1,839,093 0.40

2,038,108 0.44

JERSEY34,719 Cape 211,796 0.0557,751 Charter International 507,047 0.11

27,464 Kentz 132,451 0.03

851,294 0.19

LUXEMBOURG46,723 Subsea 7 824,335 0.18

824,335 0.18

PAPUA NEW GUINEA64,939 New Britain Palm Oil 646,477 0.14

646,477 0.14

FAROE ISLANDS64,649 Bakkafrost 382,694 0.08

382,694 0.08

ISLE OF MAN23,478 Exillon Energy 112,098 0.0238,534 Lamprell 159,625 0.04

271,723 0.06

BAHAMAS2,959 United International Enterprises 264,597 0.06

264,597 0.06

BERMUDA6,918 Golar LNG 167,630 0.049,721 Petra Diamonds 17,003 0.00

184,633 0.04

Total Shares and Rights 443,980,746 96.51

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

443,980,746 96.51

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG4,319,227 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund

(JPMEuro Liquidity X (dist)) 4,319,227 0.94

4,319,227 0.94

Total Investment Funds 4,319,227 0.94

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

4,319,227 0.94

Total Investments 448,299,973 97.45

Cash 29,696,557 6.46

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (17,953,135) (3.91)

Total Net Assets 460,043,395 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 22.97Energy 12.17Materials 11.92Consumer Discretionary 10.08Industrials 9.07Health Care 8.06Consumer Staples 8.02Telecommunication Services 6.27Information Technology 4.49Utilities 3.46Investment Companies 0.94Total Shares 97.45Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.55

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Shares and RightsFinancials 22.80Consumer Discretionary 15.80Industrials 12.37Materials 10.35Energy 9.38Consumer Staples 8.31Health Care 8.02Telecommunication Services 4.68Utilities 3.65Information Technology 3.26Investment Companies 1.29Total Shares and Rights 99.91Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.09

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 81: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Equity Futures

Sep-11 316 DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Index Future EUR 8,941,220 21,741Sep-11 86 FTSE 100 Index Future GBP 5,593,939 25,144

Total 46,885


Page 82: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Rights

UNITED KINGDOM147,650 Abcam 680,226 0.27144,508 Anglo Pacific Group 510,782 0.20502,084 Ashtead Group 941,072 0.38

84,643 Atkins (WS) 703,599 0.28470,600 Avocet Mining 1,110,736 0.44165,780 Babcock International Group 1,301,954 0.52750,000 Barratt Developments 949,057 0.38174,800 BowLeven 643,144 0.26276,095 BTG 855,262 0.34

37,350 Bumi 486,884 0.19553,000 Capital & Counties Properties 1,193,710 0.48150,547 Computacenter 797,317 0.32128,414 Cookson Group 946,711 0.38

1,010,907 Cove Energy 1,080,509 0.4380,083 Croda International 1,664,455 0.66891,277 Debenhams 674,628 0.27193,620 Drax Group 1,074,590 0.43291,160 DS Smith 808,048 0.32274,507 Electrocomponents 815,121 0.33790,900 Elementis 1,493,782 0.60380,580 Fenner 1,658,621 0.66

78,948 Ferrexpo 408,994 0.16229,862 Filtrona 930,071 0.37

41,053 Go-Ahead Group 718,838 0.29190,000 Great Portland Estates 917,787 0.3796,000 Greene King 524,782 0.2197,906 Hargreaves Services 1,137,113 0.45

642,473 Howden Joinery Group 757,915 0.3073,742 IMI 856,056 0.34

193,800 Inchcape 895,734 0.36316,311 International Personal Finance 1,270,415 0.51

261,428 ITE Group 630,107 0.25296,919 Jazztel 1,314,015 0.52110,663 John Menzies 605,463 0.24152,299 John Wood Group 1,086,580 0.43

829,500 Kcom Group 712,189 0.28178,100 Kofax 872,912 0.35107,176 London Mining 407,671 0.16576,100 Marston’s 654,127 0.26285,707 Melrose 1,140,388 0.45224,900 Misys 1,040,223 0.41267,943 Mondi 1,844,218 0.74218,843 Morgan Crucible 745,207 0.30486,867 Nautical Petroleum 1,690,359 0.67

142,112 Northgate 513,553 0.20346,066 Paragon Group of Companies 751,040 0.30173,845 Persimmon 925,322 0.37

2,305,000 Premier Foods 532,616 0.2174,783 Provident Financial 792,453 0.32

1,119,700 Quintain Estates & Development 735,439 0.2981,450 Renishaw 1,584,304 0.63

40,000 Rightmove 533,596 0.21256,425 RPC Group 1,006,917 0.40485,970 Senior 968,655 0.38211,890 Soco International 834,266 0.3388,639 Spectris 1,549,617 0.62

381,348 Sports Direct International 983,683 0.39264,341 St James’s Place 993,996 0.40322,876 Stagecoach Group 914,998 0.3669,550 SuperGroup 664,493 0.27

2,769,369 Taylor Wimpey 1,157,611 0.46252,100 Unite Group 599,119 0.2449,000 Victrex 814,629 0.3229,368 Weir Group 689,001 0.27

482,236 William Hill 1,215,651 0.48755,766 Yule Catto & Co. 1,893,061 0.75

62,205,392 24.76

GERMANY92,479 Aareal Bank 2,169,789 0.8642,630 Aurubis 1,913,128 0.7659,902 Bechtle 1,840,639 0.7340,594 Bertrandt 2,106,220 0.8420,800 Bilfinger Berger 1,416,168 0.5611,287 Brenntag 902,001 0.36

43,484 Carl Zeiss Meditec 666,827 0.27117,131 Constantin Medien 213,823 0.0913,473 Delticom 988,312 0.3915,895 Deutsche Wohnen - Bearer Shares 188,237 0.08

103,186 Deutz 700,427 0.28

8,514 Draegerwerk & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 657,792 0.26142,606 Drillisch 1,145,411 0.4640,205 Duerr 1,122,926 0.4560,073 Elmos Semiconductor 628,514 0.2551,453 Fuchs Petrolub Preference Shares 2,008,725 0.8051,854 GEA Group 1,291,554 0.5239,622 Gerry Weber International 1,784,278 0.7126,276 GFK 958,351 0.3845,439 Gigaset 170,192 0.0720,370 Hugo Boss Preference Shares 1,407,567 0.5622,713 Indus Holding 544,658 0.2216,509 Jenoptik 105,369 0.0441,680 Jungheinrich Preference Shares 1,208,095 0.4829,003 Kabel Deutschland Holding 1,239,806 0.4927,456 Kloeckner & Co. 569,369 0.2311,247 Krones 657,218 0.2625,252 KUKA 463,627 0.1946,778 Leoni 1,918,249 0.7636,356 NORMA Group 734,755 0.29

8,953 Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology 774,255 0.31203,704 QSC 606,529 0.24

20,580 Rheinmetall 1,256,100 0.505,444 Schaltbau Holding 423,679 0.17

33,981 Sixt 1,312,686 0.5233,242 Software 1,368,906 0.5443,836 Stada Arzneimittel 1,173,928 0.479,064 Sto Preference Shares 1,078,163 0.43

135,854 TAG Immobilien 950,435 0.388,299 Tipp24 284,759 0.11

27,620 Tognum 713,701 0.2829,037 VTG 527,167 0.21

42,192,335 16.80

FRANCE30,854 Alten 846,942 0.3471,869 Altran Technologies 402,071 0.1624,282 Archos 259,089 0.1125,177 Arkema 1,778,503 0.717,937 Assystem 139,374 0.06

12,022 Axway Software 259,074 0.1012,022 Axway Software - Rights 08.07.11 19,470 0.015,488 Ciments Français 401,145 0.163,639 Delachaux 292,157 0.12

80,004 Derichebourg 426,141 0.173,220 Faiveley Transport 224,418 0.09

59,520 Faurecia 1,743,638 0.6961,883 GameLoft 309,106 0.1246,238 Haulotte Group 689,409 0.2713,677 Ingenico 457,427 0.1815,202 Jacquet Metal Service 258,358 0.10

101,809 Lectra 589,474 0.2417,368 Manitou BF 373,065 0.1524,231 Medica 357,286 0.1426,828 Mersen 1,057,694 0.42

5,677 Naturex 337,810 0.146,911 Nexans 446,520 0.18

11,669 Nexity 384,406 0.15198 Norbert Dentressangle 15,979 0.01

39,213 Plastic Omnium 880,136 0.3510,527 Remy Cointreau 613,461 0.24

1,196 Rexel 20,320 0.0121,026 Sa des Ciments Vicat 1,217,616 0.493,764 Société Fonciére Financiére et de Participations 205,533 0.086,074 Societe Internationale de Plantations d’Heveas 552,157 0.2112,022 Sopra Group 708,757 0.2824,087 Valeo 1,129,981 0.45

2,390 Vilmorin & Cie 202,552 0.0842,388 Wendel 3,570,553 1.42

21,169,622 8.43

ITALY39,786 Autostrada Torino-Milano 406,215 0.1679,275 Benetton Group 433,832 0.17

657,164 Beni Stabili 456,072 0.1847,746 Brembo 465,404 0.1997,321 Carraro 310,941 0.12

204,609 De’Longhi 1,654,264 0.6612,273 Digital Multimedia Technologies 255,156 0.1074,783 Geox 309,228 0.1277,865 Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione 130,696 0.0579,893 Interpump Group 470,769 0.18

398,008 Iren 491,341 0.2044,930 MARR 398,754 0.16

135,080 Piaggio & Co. 390,922 0.16


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 83: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

208,964 Poltrona Frau 259,847 0.11225,225 Recordati 1,695,944 0.68191,848 Salvatore Ferragamo Italia 1,907,928 0.76130,759 Societa Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi 1,032,015 0.41208,058 Sogefi 535,333 0.21526,601 Sorin 1,033,454 0.41

9,218 Tod’s 846,443 0.34124,715 Trevi Finanziaria 1,240,291 0.49

109,650 Yoox 1,389,265 0.5523,974 Zignago Vetro 130,538 0.05

16,244,652 6.46

SPAIN26,408 Bolsas y Mercados Españoles 540,374 0.22

218,947 CIE Automotive 1,310,945 0.521,080 Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles 437,103 0.17

94,850 Duro Felguera 543,965 0.2264,241 Ebro Foods 1,015,490 0.4049,523 Grifols 687,627 0.27

117,843 Grupo Catalana Occidente 1,955,605 0.77138,647 Melia Hotels International 1,141,411 0.45241,914 NH Hoteles 1,262,186 0.50114,046 Obrascon Huarte Lain 2,961,775 1.18

42,134 Pescanova 1,249,694 0.50392,854 Tubacex 1,094,098 0.44

41,432 Viscofan 1,124,672 0.45

15,324,945 6.09

SWEDEN30,013 AarhusKarlshamn 604,110 0.24

164,526 Betsson 2,714,006 1.08186,348 Billerud 1,346,138 0.54

40,151 Elekta - B Shares 1,307,329 0.52150,115 Fastighets Balder - B Shares 514,116 0.2063,891 Hexpol 1,270,312 0.5168,542 KNOW IT 575,627 0.2328,522 Loomis - B Shares 278,481 0.1119,040 Lundin Petroleum 179,297 0.07

192,543 Meda - A Shares 1,455,044 0.5823,940 Nibe Industrier - B Shares 286,050 0.1141,420 Saab - B Shares 655,659 0.26171,353 Trelleborg - B Shares 1,327,203 0.53120,961 Wihlborgs Fastigheter 1,207,458 0.48

13,720,830 5.46

SWITZERLAND35,993 Ascom Holding Registered Shares 366,877 0.15

9,441 Bossard Holding - Bearer Shares 1,226,042 0.496,804 Bucher Industries Registered Shares 1,039,323 0.4175,133 Clariant Registered Shares 985,566 0.39

491 Daetwyler Holding - Bearer Shares 29,364 0.017,523 EFG International 57,704 0.02

921 Flughafen Zuerich Registered Shares 284,467 0.11790 Forbo Holding Registered Shares 411,374 0.16

1,373 Galenica Registered Shares 584,862 0.233,165 Helvetia Holding Registered Shares 925,635 0.361,681 Inficon Holding Registered Shares 241,675 0.10

304,441 OC Oerlikon Registered Shares 1,672,093 0.671,768 PubliGroupe Registered Shares 223,000 0.09

99,264 Schmolz & Bickenbach Registered Shares 844,863 0.34278 Zehnder Group - Bearer Shares 587,828 0.23

9,480,673 3.76

FINLAND14,490 Cargotec - B Shares 511,280 0.20

203,771 Citycon 632,709 0.2552,535 Fiskars 841,873 0.34

160,192 Kemira 1,895,872 0.7629,526 Nokian Renkaat 1,007,279 0.4071,849 Orion - B Shares 1,277,834 0.5136,834 PKC Group 575,900 0.2350,107 Poyry 497,562 0.20

439,779 Sponda 1,765,713 0.70

9,006,022 3.59

BELGIUM5,860 Ackermans & van Haaren 391,594 0.159,178 Arseus 104,354 0.04

16,401 Barco 837,763 0.3325,406 Compagnie d’Entreprises CFE 1,266,616 0.5046,761 D’Ieteren 2,200,339 0.8814,140 Kinepolis Group 725,311 0.29

70,469 Nyrstar 352 0.00201,398 Nyrstar 2,021,532 0.8041,386 Recticel 315,568 0.1323,209 Tessenderlo Chemie 688,727 0.27

8,552,156 3.39

DENMARK39,252 DSV 652,263 0.26111,573 GN Store Nord 740,645 0.3014,609 NKT Holding 643,482 0.2618,715 Royal UNIBREW 852,439 0.345,038 SimCorp 687,237 0.27

23,379 Topdanmark 3,020,678 1.20

6,596,744 2.63

NORWAY66,992 BWG Homes 181,274 0.07141,117 Cermaq 1,571,387 0.63

290,722 Eltek 184,801 0.07182,636 Grieg Seafood 295,813 0.1227,667 Kongsberg Gruppen 537,031 0.21

186,148 Norwegian Property 266,805 0.1175,477 TGS Nopec Geophysical 1,462,624 0.5861,557 Tomra Systems 371,117 0.15

4,870,852 1.94

NETHERLANDS39,800 Aalberts Industries 638,889 0.2646,392 ASM International 1,264,994 0.50

202 Heijmans - CVA 3,518 0.0059,147 Koninklijke Ten Cate 1,646,505 0.6613,154 Mediq 174,323 0.07

24,479 SBM Offshore 448,945 0.1812,885 TKH Group - Dutch Certificates 285,950 0.118,297 Unit 4 207,114 0.08

4,670,238 1.86

JERSEY417,869 Cape 2,549,123 1.02209,978 Kentz 1,012,664 0.4074,600 Vallares 823,108 0.33

4,384,895 1.75

AUSTRIA16,356 Andritz 1,160,213 0.46

101,559 CA Immobilien Anlagen 1,255,777 0.5048,139 Conwert Immobilien Invest 566,355 0.23181,272 Immofinanz 0 0.0032,343 Palfinger 804,532 0.3232,818 POLYTEC Holding 245,692 0.10

4,121 Zumtobel 75,672 0.03

4,108,241 1.64

IRELAND365,298 Glanbia 1,762,198 0.7036,865 Paddy Power 1,373,590 0.55

3,135,788 1.25

BERMUDA53,757 Golar LNG 1,302,588 0.52

122,100 Lancashire Holdings 877,203 0.35

2,179,791 0.87

ISLE OF MAN283,010 Lamprell 1,172,354 0.47

1,172,354 0.47

PORTUGAL451,905 Sonaecom SGPS 692,770 0.28

692,770 0.28

MALTA41,975 Unibet Group SDR 630,511 0.25

630,511 0.25

AUSTRALIA372,000 Centamin Egypt 519,287 0.21

519,287 0.21


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 84: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

GREECE43,402 Frigoglass 431,199 0.18

431,199 0.18

Total Shares and Rights 231,289,297 92.07

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

231,289,297 92.07

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG6,379,331 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 6,379,331 2.54

6,379,331 2.54

Total Investment Funds 6,379,331 2.54

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

6,379,331 2.54

Total Investments 237,668,628 94.61

Cash 8,312,253 3.31

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 5,222,668 2.08

Total Net Assets 251,203,549 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares and RightsIndustrials 25.86Consumer Discretionary 16.80Financials 12.67Materials 12.40Information Technology 7.83Health Care 5.14Energy 4.95Consumer Staples 4.44Investment Companies 2.54Telecommunication Services 1.78Utilities 0.20Total Shares and Rights 94.61Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 5.39

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Shares and RightsIndustrials 29.93Consumer Discretionary 19.62Materials 12.60Information Technology 9.59Financials 9.21Energy 7.01Consumer Staples 5.66Health Care 3.89Investment Companies 1.50Telecommunication Services 0.57Utilities 0.18Total Shares and Rights 99.76Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.24

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 85: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Rights

UNITED KINGDOM1,006,666 ARM Holdings 6,561,302 4.96

39,061 ASOS 1,038,467 0.79207,292 Autonomy 3,909,417 2.96

72,653 Aveva Group 1,377,831 1.041,026,170 Blinkx 1,353,576 1.02

939,536 BT Group 2,086,807 1.581,654,030 DDD Group 516,853 0.39

195,531 Dialight 1,575,075 1.19253,155 Diploma 1,044,481 0.79

1,125,642 E2V Technologies 1,663,831 1.26434,361 Electrocomponents 1,289,791 0.98386,792 Laird 868,731 0.66894,766 Logica 1,328,211 1.01169,450 Micro Focus International 627,152 0.47209,591 Misys 969,415 0.73

2,112,031 Monitise 695,012 0.53473,922 Nanoco Group 428,548 0.3249,023 Renishaw 953,558 0.7296,498 SDL 745,572 0.56

188,635 Spectris 3,297,781 2.491,229,820 Spirent Communications 2,039,826 1.54

346,427 Telecity Group 2,125,759 1.61989,141 TT Electronics 2,186,919 1.65

38,683,915 29.25

GERMANY38,865 Aixtron 907,886 0.6972,298 Bechtle 2,221,537 1.68

163,849 Cancom IT Systeme 1,478,410 1.1216,982 Centrotherm Photovoltaics 515,956 0.39

253,048 Drillisch 2,032,482 1.5369,445 Elmos Semiconductor 726,568 0.55

927,045 Infineon Technologies 7,177,182 5.43265,433 Jenoptik 1,694,126 1.28

65,143 LPKF Laser & Electronics 871,613 0.66436 RIB Software 2,962 0.00

180,404 SAP 7,496,237 5.67580,561 Sky Deutschland 2,145,754 1.62

38,718 Software 1,594,407 1.217,272 zooplus 707,820 0.53

29,572,940 22.36

FRANCE1,727,985 Alcatel-Lucent 6,924,036 5.24

51,974 Alten 1,426,686 1.08121,845 Altran Technologies 681,662 0.5138,918 Assystem 683,400 0.5243,334 AtoS 1,673,559 1.2716,828 Axway Software 362,643 0.2716,828 Axway Software - Rights 08.07.11 27,253 0.0299,857 Cap Gemini 4,040,214 3.0557,922 Ingenico 1,937,201 1.4654,310 Parrot 1,514,706 1.1514,861 Sopra Group 876,130 0.6617,858 Sword Group 350,820 0.27

20,498,310 15.50

SWEDEN87,616 KNOW IT 735,814 0.56

1,268,905 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares 12,624,889 9.54

13,360,703 10.10

NETHERLANDS31,593 ASM International 861,462 0.65

204,184 ASML Holding 5,203,629 3.93282,113 BE Semiconductor Industries 1,682,381 1.2736,205 Gemalto 1,183,542 0.9070,826 TKH Group - Dutch Certificates 1,571,806 1.19

10,502,820 7.94

FINLAND1,172,990 Nokia 5,192,827 3.93

5,192,827 3.93

AUSTRIA35,921 Austriamicrosystems - Bearer Shares 1,219,987 0.9226,319 Kapsch TrafficCom 1,619,145 1.23

2,839,132 2.15

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA241,954 Planet Payment 555,336 0.4262,285 Virgin Media 1,320,375 1.00

1,875,711 1.42

TAIWAN57,000 HTC 1,325,541 1.00

1,325,541 1.00

SWITZERLAND56,251 Ascom Holding Registered Shares 573,368 0.434,773 Inficon Holding Registered Shares 686,208 0.52

1,259,576 0.95

NORWAY144,265 Atea 1,073,279 0.81

1,073,279 0.81

DENMARK21,573 Thrane & Thrane 784,503 0.59

784,503 0.59

BELGIUM15,263 Barco 779,634 0.59

779,634 0.59

ITALY35,098 Yoox 444,692 0.34

444,692 0.34

GREECE112,000 Internetq 340,687 0.26

340,687 0.26

Total Shares and Rights 128,534,270 97.19

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

128,534,270 97.19

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG1,700,000 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 1,700,000 1.28

1,700,000 1.28

Total Investment Funds 1,700,000 1.28

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

1,700,000 1.28

Total Investments 130,234,270 98.47

Cash 224,192 0.17

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1,793,298 1.36

Total Net Assets 132,251,760 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 86: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares and RightsInformation Technology 82.15Telecommunication Services 5.72Industrials 5.25Consumer Discretionary 4.07Investment Companies 1.28Total Shares and Rights 98.47Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.53

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 83.89Consumer Discretionary 4.71Telecommunication Services 4.48Industrials 4.18Investment Companies 2.39Total Shares 99.65Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.35

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 87: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


GERMANY155,025 Aareal Bank 3,637,274 0.5398,953 Adidas 5,389,475 0.78

270,000 Adler Modemaerkte 2,713,500 0.4061,354 Aixtron 1,433,229 0.21

400,201 Allianz Registered Shares 38,371,272 5.5956,303 Amadeus Fire 1,691,764 0.2541,006 Aurelius 1,129,100 0.16

844,503 BASF 56,598,591 8.25608,368 Bayer Registered Shares 33,615,374 4.90352,971 Bayerische Motoren Werke 24,076,152 3.5157,740 Bilfinger Berger 3,931,228 0.5753,702 Brenntag 4,291,595 0.6219,658 Cewe Color Holding 638,394 0.09

3,316,593 Commerzbank 9,818,774 1.4374,206 Continental 5,343,945 0.78

680,307 Daimler Registered Shares 35,205,887 5.1354,810 Delticom 4,020,588 0.59

680,293 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 27,502,545 4.0166,381 Deutsche Boerse 3,473,386 0.51

341,601 Deutsche Lufthansa Registered Shares 5,118,891 0.75459,805 Deutsche Post Registered Shares 6,051,034 0.88

2,751,365 Deutsche Telekom Registered Shares 29,515,268 4.3014,361 Draegerwerk & Co. KGaA Preference Shares 1,109,531 0.16

48,887 Duerr 1,365,414 0.201,224,395 E.ON 23,695,104 3.46

67,071 ElringKlinger 1,647,264 0.2459,074 Fraport Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 3,284,514 0.48

314,632 Freenet 2,978,936 0.43116,815 Fresenius & Co. KGaA 8,382,060 1.22236,315 Fresenius Medical Care & Co. KGaA 12,145,409 1.7793,534 Fuchs Petrolub Preference Shares 3,651,567 0.53

274,107 GEA Group 6,827,320 1.00263,609 Gigaset 987,348 0.14155,775 HeidelbergCement 6,846,701 1.00148,073 Henkel & Co. KGaA Non Voting Preference Shares 7,055,308 1.03

1,371,698 Infineon Technologies 10,619,686 1.55143,957 K+S 7,643,397 1.11160,991 Kabel Deutschland Holding 6,881,963 1.0040,000 KHD Humboldt Wedag International 235,880 0.03166,149 Kloeckner & Co. 3,445,515 0.5027,536 KROMI Logistik 226,566 0.03

110,540 Lanxess 6,218,428 0.90180,872 Linde 21,731,771 3.17119,378 MAN 10,933,831 1.60101,932 Merck KGaA 7,620,946 1.1117,248 Muehlbauer Holding & Co. KGaA 637,745 0.09

127,301 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs Registered Shares 13,372,970 1.9522,313 Nemetschek 722,662 0.1116,475 NORMA Group 332,960 0.05

300,000 Prime Office 1,860,000 0.2732,576 Rheinmetall 1,988,276 0.29

98,000 RIB Software 665,714 0.10327,015 RWE 12,370,160 1.80951,618 SAP 39,542,107 5.76139,060 Schuler 1,575,202 0.2343,682 SGL Carbon 1,694,316 0.25

661,318 Siemens Registered Shares 62,633,428 9.13679,468 Sky Deutschland 2,511,314 0.37167,948 Software 6,916,099 1.01152,322 Stada Arzneimittel 4,079,183 0.59142,308 Suedzucker 3,475,517 0.50

12,492 Surteco 342,718 0.05220,167 Symrise 4,840,372 0.70272,697 ThyssenKrupp 9,737,328 1.42157,790 Tom Tailor Holding 2,133,715 0.31166,092 Volkswagen Preference Shares 23,406,515 3.41

653,940,026 95.29

NETHERLANDS224,688 EADS 5,173,441 0.75117,088 Qiagen 1,552,587 0.23

6,726,028 0.98

UNITED KINGDOM404,589 Dialog Semiconductor 5,059,385 0.73

5,059,385 0.73

LUXEMBOURG423,106 SAF-Holland 3,565,937 0.52

3,565,937 0.52

Total Shares 669,291,376 97.52

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

669,291,376 97.52

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG18,344,884 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 18,344,884 2.68

18,344,884 2.68

Total Investment Funds 18,344,884 2.68

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

18,344,884 2.68

Total Investments 687,636,260 100.20

Cash 58,265 0.00

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1,404,744) (0.20)

Total Net Assets 686,289,781 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesMaterials 22.37Consumer Discretionary 17.13Industrials 15.80Financials 15.62Information Technology 9.47Utilities 5.26Health Care 5.08Telecommunication Services 4.73Investment Companies 2.68Consumer Staples 1.53Energy 0.53Total Shares 100.20Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.20)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesMaterials 24.08Consumer Discretionary 18.07Industrials 17.45Financials 11.07Information Technology 8.75Utilities 7.23Telecommunication Services 3.47Consumer Staples 3.13Investment Companies 3.00Health Care 2.64Energy 0.57Total Shares 99.46Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.54

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 88: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA35,815 3M 2,337,252 1.5493,770 Abbott Laboratories 3,406,077 2.2445,900 Aflac 1,470,888 0.9726,713 Apache 2,262,901 1.4913,072 Apple 3,014,461 1.9869,025 Broadcom - A Shares 1,581,013 1.0443,831 Celgene 1,838,245 1.2142,087 Chevron 2,968,648 1.95287,571 Cisco Systems 3,073,771 2.0243,500 Emerson Electric 1,670,279 1.1039,515 Exxon Mobil 2,214,790 1.46

103,441 Georgia Gulf 1,693,334 1.11176,174 Guess? 5,190,183 3.42

135,004 Hewlett-Packard 3,411,374 2.2525,000 Lam Research 763,123 0.50137,140 Merck & Co. 3,333,122 2.1982,945 MetLife 2,500,360 1.64

210,400 Sprint Nextel 764,179 0.51103,847 Time Warner 2,589,267 1.71

67,164 Veeco Instruments 2,234,700 1.4737,981 VF 2,853,464 1.87

51,171,431 33.67

CAYMAN ISLANDS806,000 Agile Property Holdings 862,563 0.57336,456 AirMedia Group ADR 723,211 0.47116,000 Beauty China Holdings 7 0.00

3,650,000 China Dongxiang Group 799,058 0.53878,000 China Resources Land 1,092,449 0.72158,703 Giant Interactive Group ADR 807,308 0.53199,500 Hengan International Group 1,235,378 0.81

1,439,500 Li Ning 1,719,501 1.13131,652 Longtop Financial Technologies ADR 9 0.00

1,563,000 New World Department Store China 845,366 0.56914,500 Parkson Retail Group 923,449 0.61111,528 Perfect World ADR 1,434,906 0.94

5,586,000 Renhe Commercial Holdings 741,670 0.49181,263 Shanda Games ADR 814,954 0.54

1,884,000 United Laboratories International Holdings 1,922,514 1.261,896,000 Vinda International Holdings 1,470,013 0.97

663,904 VisionChina Media ADR 1,271,047 0.841,718,000 Want Want China Holdings 1,147,386 0.76

65,500 WuXi PharmaTech Cayman ADR 787,032 0.51

18,597,821 12.24

FRANCE26,780 AtoS 1,034,244 0.6813,222 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton 1,625,645 1.07

36,434 PPR 4,470,452 2.9473,143 Sanofi 4,018,476 2.64

110,651 Total 4,374,034 2.88

15,522,851 10.21

UNITED KINGDOM88,591 British American Tobacco 2,660,507 1.75

790,257 Enterprise Inns 558,741 0.37255,574 GlaxoSmithKline 3,757,754 2.4882,400 Standard Chartered 1,481,560 0.97

135,868 Unilever 3,004,994 1.981,312,552 Vodafone Group 2,391,196 1.57

13,854,752 9.12

SWITZERLAND53,023 Compagnie Financiere Richemont - Bearer A Shares 2,384,787 1.5799,994 Nestlé Registered Shares 4,271,789 2.81

7,099 Swatch Group - Bearer Shares 2,460,831 1.62

9,117,407 6.00

INDIA175,832 Federal Bank 1,225,880 0.81

1,098,325 Infrastructure Development Finance 2,220,950 1.46146,401 Tata Motors - A Shares 1,227,240 0.8165,008 United Spirits 981,157 0.64

499,325 Yes Bank 2,410,145 1.59

8,065,372 5.31

BERMUDA24,451,000 China Hongxing Sports 1,582,605 1.04

447,000 China Yurun Food Group 870,394 0.57

3,027,000 Oriental Watch Holdings 1,696,330 1.121,897,000 Ports Design 3,098,258 2.04

7,247,587 4.77

NETHERLANDS220,229 Koninklijke KPN 2,190,067 1.4493,247 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 2,262,443 1.49155,271 Wolters Kluwer 2,379,140 1.56

6,831,650 4.49

ITALY91,912 ENI 1,483,000 0.97

327,200 Prada 1,365,050 0.90

2,848,050 1.87

ISRAEL71,874 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ADR 2,380,235 1.57

2,380,235 1.57

SOUTH AFRICA131,163 MTN Group 1,915,356 1.2711,563 Naspers - N Shares 449,260 0.29

2,364,616 1.56

JERSEY127,200 United Business Media 779,123 0.51

6,152,000 West China Cement 1,529,829 1.01

2,308,952 1.52

GERMANY13,300 Gerresheimer 438,102 0.2912,501 Volkswagen 1,574,501 1.03

2,012,603 1.32

GREECE181,019 Folli Follie Group 1,799,331 1.18

1,799,331 1.18

CHINA825,500 China Merchants Bank - H Shares * 1,380,498 0.91

1,380,498 0.91

NETHERLANDS240,000 Aegon 1,116,480 0.73

1,116,480 0.73

CANADA10,073 First Quantum Minerals 1,001,516 0.66

1,001,516 0.66

HONG KONG4,952,000 Franshion Properties China 866,394 0.57

866,394 0.57

INDONESIA5,826,000 Bank Tabungan Negara 788,672 0.52

788,672 0.52

BRAZIL70,858 Restoque Comercio e Confeccoes de Roupas 632,499 0.41

632,499 0.41

Total Shares 149,908,717 98.63

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

149,908,717 98.63

Total Investments 149,908,717 98.63

Cash 1,551,398 1.02

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 538,150 0.35

Total Net Assets 151,998,265 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.


JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 89: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 28.53Health Care 14.40Financials 13.02Information Technology 11.95Energy 10.24Consumer Staples 9.48Telecommunication Services 4.79Industrials 3.15Materials 3.07Total Shares 98.63Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.37

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 27.96Health Care 17.03Information Technology 13.23Consumer Staples 11.26Financials 9.48Energy 8.12Telecommunication Services 5.70Industrials 3.01Materials 0.46Total Shares 96.25Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.75

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 90: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Preferred Shares

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA141,800 Apache 6,439,975 0.3620,584 Bank of America 14,116,511 0.7996,624 Citigroup 7,965,795 0.45

519,387 General Motors 17,417,602 0.98217,200 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 8,301,593 0.46195,200 Health Care REIT 6,981,114 0.3964,875 MetLife 3,672,521 0.20

387,950 NextEra Energy 13,875,946 0.78263,750 PPL 9,992,367 0.56

8,944 Wells Fargo & Co. 6,531,126 0.37

95,294,550 5.34

ISLE OF MAN142,650 AngloGold Ashanti Holdings Finance 4,912,421 0.27

4,912,421 0.27

NETHERLANDS103,000 Nielsen Holdings 4,311,392 0.24

4,311,392 0.24

Total Preferred Shares 104,518,363 5.85

Convertible Bonds

JAPAN3,156,000,000 Aeon 22.11.12/0.000% 30,468,240 1.712,063,000,000 Asahi Breweries 26.05.28/0.000% 18,156,027 1.021,520,000,000 Asahi Glass 14.11.12/0.000% 13,517,325 0.761,670,000,000 Asahi Glass 14.11.14/0.000% 15,431,288 0.861,781,000,000 Hitachi 12.12.14/0.100% 23,154,294 1.301,465,000,000 Nidec 18.09.15/0.000% 12,974,817 0.731,492,000,000 Nippon Meat Packers 03.03.14/0.000% 13,938,187 0.782,597,000,000 ORIX 31.03.14/1.000% 27,887,454 1.56

444,000,000 Sawai Pharmaceutical 17.09.15/0.000% 4,196,928 0.232,000,000,000 Sekisui House 05.07.16/0.000% 17,731,893 0.99

844,000,000 Softbank 31.03.13/1.500% 10,373,679 0.582,160,000,000 Unicharm 24.09.13/0.000% 19,847,890 1.11

660,000,000 Unicharm 24.09.15/0.000% 6,194,104 0.35

213,872,126 11.98

FRANCE182,358,200 Air France-KLM 01.04.15/4.970% 25,487,294 1.43542,969,200 Alcatel-Lucent 01.01.15/5.000% 25,294,220 1.42

6,234,800 AXA 01.01.17/3.750% 14,685,604 0.8229,246,300 Cap Gemini 01.01.14/3.500% 13,302,972 0.7433,783,100 Club Mediterranee 01.11.15/6.110% 7,024,013 0.3932,872,000 Eurazeo 10.06.14/6.250% 19,456,772 1.0923,544,100 Fonciere Des Regions 01.01.17/3.340% 20,189,419 1.135,330,000 Iliad 01.01.12/2.200% 5,114,695 0.2916,814,501 Misarte 01.01.16/3.250% 27,069,749 1.524,194,000 Nexans 01.01.13/1.500% 3,612,229 0.20

15,375,900 Nexans 01.01.16/4.000% 10,720,616 0.6082,875,900 Peugeot 01.01.16/4.450% 29,131,293 1.63

5,724,900 Pierre & Vacances 01.10.15/4.000% 4,633,505 0.263,528,600 Unibail-Rodamco 01.01.15/3.500% 7,580,844 0.42

213,303,225 11.94

CAYMAN ISLANDS24,600,000 China Overseas Finance

Investment Cayman 14.05.14/0.000% 22,393,677 1.2525,750,000 EFG Ora Funding III 29.10.14/1.700% 13,681,876 0.7752,000,000 Hengdeli Holdings 20.10.15/2.500% 5,262,752 0.3089,000,000 Intime Department Store

Group 27.10.13/1.750% 9,334,083 0.5293,600,000 Soho China 02.07.14/3.750% 11,136,042 0.6210,700,000 Subsea 7 11.10.13/2.250% 9,044,287 0.519,800,000 TPK Holding 20.04.14/0.000% 7,301,215 0.41

78,153,932 4.38

NETHERLANDS11,000,000 Celesio Finance 07.04.18/2.500% 10,343,575 0.5829,600,000 Lukoil International Finance 16.06.15/2.625% 23,762,550 1.3318,055,000 Pargesa Netherlands 15.06.14/1.750% 14,659,408 0.8216,100,000 Q-Cells International Finance 26.05.14/5.750% 8,702,372 0.498,000,000 Salzgitter Finance 08.11.17/2.000% 8,992,960 0.506,800,000 Wereldhave 16.09.14/4.375% 7,245,808 0.41

73,706,673 4.13

SINGAPORE46,250,000 CapitaLand 03.09.16/2.875% 25,643,731 1.4433,000,000 Olam International 15.10.16/6.000% 29,351,036 1.65

3,400,000 OSIM International 05.07.16/2.750% 1,836,172 0.1026,000,000 Yanlord Land Group 13.07.14/5.850% 14,883,596 0.83

71,714,535 4.02

LUXEMBOURG8,860,000 Actelion Finance 22.11.11/0.000% 7,266,935 0.41

386,044 ArcelorMittal 01.04.14/7.250% 11,348,729 0.634,050,000 Controlinveste International

Finance 28.01.15/3.000% 3,583,055 0.2034,250,000 Espirito Santo Financial Group 15.11.25/5.050%* 22,878,658 1.28

4,150,000 Intralot Luxembourg 20.12.13/2.250% 3,921,128 0.2212,350,000 Kloeckner & Co. Financial

Services 22.12.17/2.500% 14,103,021 0.798,700,000 TMK Bonds 11.02.15/5.250% 6,553,367 0.37

69,654,893 3.90

UNITED KINGDOM5,000,000 Anglo American 07.05.14/4.000% 6,397,951 0.364,500,000 Misys 22.11.15/2.500% 6,788,164 0.38

14,700,000 TUI Travel 05.10.14/6.000% 16,385,190 0.9234,800,000 Vedanta Resources Jersey 13.07.16/5.500% 27,465,026 1.5414,400,000 Vedanta Resources Jersey II 30.03.17/4.000% 10,104,534 0.56

67,140,865 3.76

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS31,200,000 Billion Express Investments 18.10.15/0.750% 25,226,641 1.4127,800,000 Newford Capital 12.05.16/0.000% 18,798,169 1.0576,070,000 Power Regal Group 02.06.14/2.250% 7,838,172 0.4463,100,000 Sherson 04.06.14/0.000% 6,332,124 0.36

58,195,106 3.26

INDIA7,400,000 JSW Steel 28.06.12/0.000% 6,886,064 0.39

10,200,000 Larsen & Toubro 22.10.14/3.500% 8,385,805 0.472,197,000 Suzlon Energy 12.06.12/7.500% 2,125,860 0.125,202,000 Suzlon Energy 11.10.12/7.500% 4,889,740 0.279,300,000 Tata Motors 12.07.12/0.000% 8,399,600 0.4717,295,000 Tata Steel 21.11.14/4.500% 13,822,194 0.77

44,509,263 2.49

TAIWAN45,200,000 Hon Hai Precision Industry 12.10.13/0.000% 31,420,069 1.76

31,420,069 1.76

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA8,266,000 Chesapeake Energy 15.11.35/2.750% 6,305,835 0.35

24,123,000 Chesapeake Energy 15.05.37/2.500% 17,631,457 0.994,472,000 DR Horton 15.05.14/2.000% 3,423,119 0.19

27,360,411 1.53

SOUTH KOREA11,600,000 Hynix Semiconductor 14.05.15/2.650% 8,562,281 0.4819,300,000 SK Telecom 07.04.14/1.750% 15,689,979 0.88

24,252,260 1.36

GERMANY20,200,000 KfW - Kreditanstalt fuer

Wiederaufbau 30.07.14/1.500% 22,840,645 1.28

22,840,645 1.28

AUSTRIA5,000,000 Immofinanz 19.11.17/1.250% 5,337,575 0.304,700,000 Steinhoff Finance Holding 22.05.16/5.000% 4,976,125 0.2811,350,000 Steinhoff Finance Holding 31.03.18/4.500% 10,789,197 0.60

21,102,897 1.18

PORTUGAL19,150,000 Parpublica - Participaçes

Publicas 28.09.17/5.250% 19,350,501 1.08

19,350,501 1.08

SWEDEN14,700,000 Industrivarden 27.02.15/2.500% 17,664,476 0.99

17,664,476 0.99


JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 91: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

ISLE OF MAN21,300,000 AngloGold Ashanti Holdings

Finance 22.05.14/3.500% 17,037,498 0.95

17,037,498 0.95

SWITZERLAND16,890,000 Swiss Prime Site 20.01.15/1.875% 14,479,881 0.81

14,479,881 0.81

MALAYSIA18,000,000 YTL Finance Labuan 18.03.15/1.875% 13,155,048 0.74

13,155,048 0.74

JERSEY3,000,000 London Mining Jersey 15.02.16/8.000% 2,259,398 0.1311,300,000 Shire 09.05.14/2.750% 9,092,328 0.51

11,351,726 0.64

SPAIN5,400,000 Abengoa 03.02.17/4.500% 5,308,632 0.303,250,000 Fomento de Construcciones y

Contratas 30.10.14/6.500% 3,075,979 0.17

8,384,611 0.47

BERMUDA3,600,000 Aquarius Platinum 18.12.15/4.000% 2,659,947 0.15

53,770,000 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings 17.11.11/0.000% 5,417,032 0.30

8,076,979 0.45

BELGIUM11,750,000 Fortis Bank 19.12.49/3.494%* 6,668,125 0.37

6,668,125 0.37

Total Convertible Bonds 1,133,395,745 63.47

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

1,237,914,108 69.32

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Convertible Bonds

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1,000 Amgen 01.02.13/0.375% 696 0.001,000 Archer-Daniels-Midland 15.02.14/0.875% 739 0.00

9,396,000 Boston Properties 15.05.36/3.750% 7,654,930 0.4310,467,000 Ciena 15.06.17/0.875% 6,135,152 0.34

3,271,000 Ciena 144A 15.03.15/4.000% 2,706,417 0.1519,131,000 Dendreon 15.01.16/2.875% 14,742,182 0.83

1,000 EMC/Massachusetts 01.12.13/1.750% 1,197 0.008,698,000 Equinix 15.10.14/3.000% 6,725,568 0.382,600,000 General Cable 15.11.13/0.875% 1,936,275 0.11

26,452,000 Gilead Sciences 01.05.13/0.625% 21,893,265 1.2337,419,000 Gilead Sciences 144A 01.05.14/1.000% 28,868,894 1.62

5,812,000 Gilead Sciences 144A 01.05.16/1.625% 4,674,787 0.2618,977,000 Health Care REIT 01.12.29/3.000% 14,755,590 0.834,507,000 Hologic 15.12.37/2.000%* 3,562,831 0.208,701,000 Iconix Brand Group 144A 01.06.16/2.500% 6,334,829 0.35

26,835,000 Illumina 144A 15.03.16/0.250% 19,835,662 1.1114,408,000 Intel 15.12.35/2.950% 10,281,826 0.5840,747,000 Intel 01.08.39/3.250% 33,478,244 1.8712,509,000 International Game

Technology 01.05.14/3.250% 10,303,401 0.584,812,000 James River Coal 144A 15.03.18/3.125% 3,317,531 0.19

13,525,000 Lam Research 144A 15.05.16/0.500% 9,301,341 0.5212,307,000 Lam Research 144A 15.05.18/1.250% 8,439,122 0.473,098,000 Lennar 144A 15.12.20/2.750% 2,317,007 0.13

17,087,000 Liberty Media 30.03.23/3.125% 14,127,466 0.794,577,000 Life Technologies 15.02.24/1.500% 3,645,846 0.20

13,513,000 MGM Resorts International 15.04.15/4.250% 9,981,698 0.5614,013,000 Micron Technology 01.06.14/1.875% 9,467,262 0.5310,337,000 Micron Technology 01.06.27/1.875% 7,323,099 0.4125,057,000 Microsoft 144A 15.06.13/0.000% 17,711,005 0.999,957,000 Mylan 15.03.12/1.250% 7,570,032 0.424,601,000 National Retail Properties 15.06.28/5.125% 3,545,713 0.202,598,000 NetApp 01.06.13/1.750% 2,913,402 0.165,060,000 Newmont Mining 15.02.12/3.000% 4,266,648 0.2421,111,000 Newmont Mining 15.07.14/1.250% 18,931,833 1.063,767,000 Novellus Systems 144A 15.05.41/2.625% 2,761,898 0.155,456,000 ON Semiconductor 15.12.26/2.625% 4,525,141 0.259,423,000 Peabody Energy 15.12.41/4.750% 7,945,579 0.447,152,000 ProLogis 15.03.15/3.250% 5,700,443 0.322,123,000 Rayonier TRS Holdings 15.10.12/3.750% 1,799,308 0.10

41,164,000 SanDisk 15.08.17/1.500% 29,908,875 1.685,862,000 SBA Communications 01.05.13/1.875% 4,471,910 0.25

10,582,000 Stanley Black & Decker 17.05.12/0.000%* 8,406,322 0.4718,526,000 Symantec 15.06.13/1.000% 15,461,275 0.8714,797,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance 01.02.26/0.250% 11,441,507 0.64

5,132,000 Tyson Foods 15.10.13/3.250% 4,580,084 0.266,601,000 VeriSign 15.08.37/3.250% 5,298,000 0.30

14,817,000 Vornado Realty 15.04.25/3.875% 11,584,982 0.6524,519,000 Xilinx 15.03.37/3.125% 20,992,440 1.18

451,629,254 25.30

BERMUDA20,500,000 Seadrill 27.10.17/3.375% 16,818,615 0.94

16,818,615 0.94

CANADA10,071,000 Goldcorp 01.08.14/2.000% 8,753,003 0.49

8,753,003 0.49

BAHAMAS9,200,000 Petrominerales 25.08.16/2.625% 7,253,334 0.41

7,253,334 0.41

MEXICO10,400,000 Cemex 144A 15.03.16/3.250% 7,026,299 0.39

7,026,299 0.39

SOUTH KOREA9,600,000 Lotte Shopping 05.07.16/0.000% 6,765,484 0.38

6,765,484 0.38

SWEDEN52,000,000 SAS 01.04.15/7.500% 5,148,143 0.29

5,148,143 0.29

CAYMAN ISLANDS6,700,000 Polarcus 27.04.16/2.875% 4,182,979 0.23

4,182,979 0.23

FINLAND2,800,000 Talvivaara Mining 16.12.15/4.000% 2,919,168 0.16

2,919,168 0.16

NORWAY1,600,000 Marine Harvest 23.02.15/4.500% 1,771,016 0.10

1,771,016 0.10

Total Convertible Bonds 512,267,295 28.69

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG33,950,000 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund

(JPM Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 33,950,000 1.90

33,950,000 1.90

Total Investment Funds 33,950,000 1.90

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

546,217,295 30.59

Total Investments 1,784,131,403 99.91

Cash 215,047 0.01

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1,367,184 0.08

Total Net Assets 1,785,713,634 100.00

* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.


JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 92: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 26.83Japan 11.98France 11.94Cayman Islands 4.61Netherlands 4.13Singapore 4.02Luxembourg 3.90United Kingdom 3.76British Virgin Islands 3.26India 2.49Taiwan 1.76South Korea 1.74Bermuda 1.39Germany 1.28Sweden 1.28Austria 1.18Portugal 1.08Isle of Man 0.95Switzerland 0.81Malaysia 0.74Jersey 0.64Canada 0.49Spain 0.47Bahamas 0.41Mexico 0.39Belgium 0.37Finland 0.16Norway 0.10Total Fixed Income Securities 92.16SharesFinancials 2.20Investment Companies 1.90Consumer Discretionary 1.68Utilities 1.34Energy 0.36Materials 0.27Total Shares 7.75Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.09

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 27.79Japan 13.04France 10.01Luxembourg 5.25Singapore 4.74United Kingdom 4.11Netherlands 3.36Cayman Islands 3.34Portugal 2.94Jersey 2.78India 2.25Bermuda 2.16Germany 2.16Canada 1.92South Korea 1.40Malaysia 1.20Isle of Man 1.19Spain 1.11British Virgin Islands 0.87Norway 0.72Switzerland 0.53Belgium 0.52Taiwan 0.48Australia 0.39Bahamas 0.35Netherlands Antilles 0.31Mexico 0.29Sweden 0.23Austria 0.23Italy 0.14Finland 0.08Total Fixed Income Securities 95.89SharesFinancials 1.55Investment Companies 1.11Consumer Discretionary 0.96Energy 0.64Total Shares 4.26Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.15)

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 93: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



12-Jul-11 EUR 31,105,593 GBP 26,999,509 1,237,73012-Jul-11 GBP 115,841,535 EUR 129,842,664 (1,694,441)14-Jul-11 CHF 152,141,950 EUR 124,518,397 335,16914-Jul-11 EUR 6,191,213 CHF 7,476,989 55,30622-Jul-11 CHF 13,200,400 EUR 10,938,089 (101,923)22-Jul-11 EUR 46,229,301 CHF 55,262,507 864,48822-Jul-11 EUR 21,856,061 GBP 19,122,960 697,53622-Jul-11 EUR 47,576,751 HKD 524,140,692 995,74222-Jul-11 EUR 200,364,601 JPY 22,758,413,222 5,069,75822-Jul-11 EUR 37,977,296 SGD 66,473,180 542,72822-Jul-11 EUR 1,033,740,734 USD 1,459,849,994 24,201,89422-Jul-11 HKD 86,141,277 EUR 7,735,735 (80,257)22-Jul-11 JPY 410,000,000 EUR 3,555,337 (37,038)22-Jul-11 USD 96,098,510 EUR 67,489,492 (1,033,912)11-Aug-11 EUR 16,240 GBP 14,579 10315-Aug-11 CHF 27,471 EUR 22,834 (262)

Total 31,052,621


Page 94: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA49,383 Abercrombie & Fitch - A Shares 3,356,069 0.2662,485 Agilent Technologies 3,225,788 0.26122,181 Altria Group 3,191,979 0.2526,754 Amazon.com 5,391,332 0.43

337,285 American Capital 3,290,215 0.2670,440 American Express 3,587,861 0.2896,460 American Financial Group 3,456,644 0.2755,368 Ameriprise Financial 3,178,954 0.25

100,450 AmerisourceBergen 4,179,222 0.3378,945 Amgen 4,604,467 0.3658,918 Anadarko Petroleum 4,511,351 0.3680,152 Analog Devices 3,116,310 0.2549,892 Anixter International 3,287,633 0.2629,851 Apache 3,658,688 0.2956,741 Apple 18,931,635 1.5076,866 Arrow Electronics 3,123,450 0.25

128,336 Aruba Networks 3,756,395 0.30188,338 AT&T 5,913,813 0.47

47,101 Autoliv 3,691,305 0.2956,650 Baxter International 3,379,172 0.27118,262 BB&T 3,136,900 0.2594,927 BE Aerospace 3,887,735 0.3144,335 Biogen Idec 4,837,170 0.38

147,057 Brinker International 3,619,073 0.29140,548 Bristol-Myers Squibb 4,051,296 0.3260,769 Cabot Oil & Gas 4,070,611 0.3271,866 Capital One Financial 3,757,154 0.3044,525 Caterpillar 4,676,683 0.37

134,000 CBS Non Voting - B Shares 3,865,230 0.30128,068 Chevron 13,069,980 1.0390,596 Cigna 4,665,694 0.37373,315 Citigroup 15,436,575 1.2235,957 Cliffs Natural Resources 3,301,752 0.26

127,427 Coca-Cola 8,579,023 0.68164,605 Coca-Cola Enterprises 4,820,457 0.3860,804 Cognizant Technology Solutions - A Shares 4,479,431 0.35153,175 Comcast - A Shares 3,869,966 0.3183,812 Comerica 2,874,333 0.2361,999 Cooper 4,803,063 0.38

172,089 CSX 4,506,150 0.3640,600 Cummins 4,183,830 0.3358,345 Danaher 3,090,243 0.2440,028 DaVita 3,468,026 0.2743,985 Deere & Co. 3,581,699 0.28

269,426 Dell 4,460,347 0.3531,775 Devon Energy 2,504,029 0.20

160,598 Discover Financial Services 4,308,041 0.34107,533 Dow Chemical 3,809,357 0.30

148,440 East West Bancorp 2,978,449 0.24215,270 El Paso 4,332,309 0.34106,598 Eli Lilly & Co. 3,987,298 0.32114,485 EMC/Massachusetts 3,116,854 0.2576,937 Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings 3,071,710 0.24

153,870 Express 3,380,524 0.27146,947 Exxon Mobil 11,916,667 0.94122,410 Fortinet 3,304,458 0.2631,909 Fossil 3,725,216 0.2995,396 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 5,003,043 0.3954,596 Gardner Denver 4,556,309 0.36

334,885 General Electric 6,280,768 0.50111,650 Georgia Gulf 2,644,430 0.2142,544 Goodrich 4,035,298 0.3277,570 Guess? 3,306,421 0.2692,370 Hain Celestial Group 3,063,451 0.2480,704 Halliburton 4,099,360 0.3240,128 Hansen Natural 3,223,482 0.25

187,147 Hartford Financial Services Group 4,904,187 0.3951,350 Helmerich & Payne 3,367,533 0.2757,115 Hess 4,253,640 0.3453,151 Humana 4,346,423 0.34

10,647 Huntington Ingalls Industries 370,675 0.03213,133 Intel 4,660,153 0.3759,287 International Business Machines 10,185,507 0.80

255,796 Interpublic Group of Companies 3,145,012 0.25107,767 Jazz Pharmaceuticals 3,561,161 0.2845,368 JM Smucker 3,486,758 0.28

178,855 Johnson & Johnson 11,938,571 0.9477,473 Kansas City Southern 4,544,954 0.36

152,580 Kroger 3,777,118 0.30106,407 Lincoln National 3,023,555 0.24

59,121 Littelfuse 3,433,156 0.2797,821 Ltd Brands 3,774,423 0.30

145,294 Macy’s 4,250,576 0.3477,086 Marathon Oil 4,006,159 0.3255,336 Mead Johnson Nutrition 3,726,880 0.2994,136 Medicis Pharmaceutical - A Shares 3,588,935 0.28

139,639 Merck & Co. 4,910,405 0.39241,348 MetroPCS Communications 4,203,075 0.3384,670 Moody’s 3,220,000 0.2580,560 Motorola Solutions 3,710,594 0.2948,501 National Oilwell Varco 3,767,315 0.30

240,481 News - B Shares 4,356,313 0.3469,432 Norfolk Southern 5,220,245 0.4161,121 Northrop Grumman 4,257,994 0.34

49,055 Occidental Petroleum 5,124,776 0.4050,423 Oil States International 3,955,180 0.31

301,801 Oracle 9,891,528 0.7890,844 Owens Corning 3,399,837 0.2732,130 Parker Hannifin 2,858,124 0.23

634,485 Pfizer 13,060,874 1.0390,757 Philip Morris International 6,014,466 0.48

291,569 Pier 1 Imports 3,385,116 0.2739,953 Pioneer Natural Resources 3,594,971 0.2871,553 PNC Financial Services Group 4,222,343 0.337,135 priceline.com 3,639,242 0.29

20,400 Pricesmart 1,022,346 0.08110,123 Principal Financial Group 3,354,897 0.2778,075 Prudential Financial 4,937,073 0.39

107,043 Qualcomm 6,016,352 0.48110,264 Reynolds American 4,074,806 0.32103,709 Riverbed Technology 4,116,729 0.33

47,132 Ross Stores 3,779,515 0.30172,469 RPC 4,196,171 0.3356,795 SanDisk 2,321,496 0.1886,695 Sotheby’s 3,803,310 0.30

822,881 Sprint Nextel 4,324,240 0.3482,703 State Street 3,724,530 0.2980,280 Stone Energy 2,442,920 0.19158,181 Tesoro 3,562,236 0.28133,171 TIBCO Software 3,834,659 0.3047,303 Time Warner Cable 3,687,269 0.2945,426 United Technologies 3,982,497 0.3169,642 UnitedHealth Group 3,599,795 0.2964,380 Universal Health Services - B Shares 3,348,726 0.27

200,149 US Bancorp 5,064,770 0.40145,303 Valero Energy 3,665,268 0.2988,678 Veeco Instruments 4,268,959 0.3431,977 VF 3,475,900 0.2793,219 Viacom - B Shares 4,811,033 0.38

202,229 Vishay Intertechnology 3,049,613 0.2467,288 Watson Pharmaceuticals 4,624,031 0.3752,805 Weight Watchers International 4,031,134 0.3254,211 WellPoint 4,308,961 0.34

518,197 Wells Fargo & Co. 14,501,743 1.1562,692 Zimmer Holdings 3,953,984 0.31

609,594,915 48.17

UNITED KINGDOM713,356 Aberdeen Asset Management 2,531,620 0.20

1,469,511 Afren 3,658,233 0.29462,137 ARM Holdings 4,358,117 0.34674,263 Ashmore Group 4,287,227 0.34103,556 AstraZeneca 5,119,017 0.40674,539 Aviva 4,701,363 0.37

1,348,942 Barclays 5,445,691 0.43319,036 BG Group 7,205,634 0.57174,015 British American Tobacco 7,561,101 0.60388,231 British Land 3,769,889 0.30

1,355,644 BT Group 4,356,502 0.34252,824 Burberry Group 5,875,076 0.46220,696 Cookson Group 2,354,091 0.19572,347 Ferrexpo 4,290,012 0.34782,618 GKN 2,878,875 0.23198,542 IMI 3,334,751 0.26118,049 Imperial Tobacco Group 3,887,145 0.31605,874 Inchcape 4,051,644 0.32185,133 Intercontinental Hotels Group 3,776,176 0.30585,632 International Personal Finance 3,403,138 0.27

1,735,361 Legal & General Group 3,261,906 0.26274,531 Prudential 3,129,337 0.2597,103 Renishaw 2,732,773 0.22

152,924 Rio Tinto 10,928,845 0.86292,301 Standard Chartered 7,604,065 0.60

5,612,000 Taylor Wimpey 3,394,088 0.27


JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 95: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

215,816 Travis Perkins 3,412,472 0.27165,041 Tullow Oil 3,267,308 0.26108,355 Unilever 3,467,360 0.27

4,434,942 Vodafone Group 11,689,881 0.92146,136 Weir Group 4,960,511 0.39432,950 Xstrata 9,447,598 0.75

154,141,446 12.18

JAPAN224,000 Asics 3,322,687 0.26654,000 Hitachi 3,838,228 0.31104,300 Honda Motor 3,995,611 0.32395,800 ITOCHU 4,090,842 0.32737,500 JX Holdings 4,932,223 0.39

548 KDDI 3,930,070 0.31180,400 Komatsu 5,586,927 0.44678,000 Marubeni 4,479,620 0.35239,000 Mitsubishi 5,933,854 0.47525,000 Mitsubishi Electric 6,051,554 0.48205,500 Mitsui & Co. 3,526,354 0.28

1,213,000 Nippon Sheet Glass 3,755,115 0.30107,000 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 5,134,593 0.41

59,520 ORIX 5,752,972 0.4584,100 Sanrio 3,263,512 0.2625,000 SMC 4,476,084 0.35

242,100 Sumitomo 3,274,260 0.26316,400 Sumitomo Electric Industries 4,579,448 0.36

79,923,954 6.32

FRANCE622,571 Alcatel-Lucent 3,609,373 0.29306,931 AXA 6,903,272 0.55105,949 BNP Paribas 8,101,498 0.64

36,534 Compagnie Générale des Etablissements MichelinRegistered - B Shares 3,548,968 0.28

20,523 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton 3,650,841 0.2928,458 PPR 5,052,106 0.39

145,031 Sanofi 11,528,505 0.9129,957 Schneider Electric 4,969,308 0.3991,807 Société Générale 5,390,280 0.4339,922 Technip 4,263,639 0.34

159,047 Total 9,096,531 0.7252,792 Valeo 3,583,275 0.28

69,697,596 5.51

GERMANY61,060 BASF 5,920,859 0.4764,217 Bayer Registered Shares 5,133,873 0.4156,739 Bayerische Motoren Werke 5,599,551 0.44

1,103,672 Commerzbank 4,727,468 0.3737,416 Continental 3,898,556 0.3170,052 Deutsche Bank Registered Shares 4,097,518 0.32

373,401 Infineon Technologies 4,182,656 0.33136,290 Kloeckner & Co. 4,089,252 0.3243,100 Lanxess 3,508,019 0.2820,443 Linde 3,553,791 0.2838,653 Rheinmetall 3,413,388 0.2728,562 Siemens Registered Shares 3,913,884 0.3134,728 Volkswagen Preference Shares 7,080,946 0.56

59,119,761 4.67

SWITZERLAND53,819 ACE 3,542,367 0.2869,992 Compagnie Financiere Richemont - Bearer A Shares 4,554,672 0.36

135,288 Crédit Suisse Group Registered Shares 5,257,364 0.41189,681 Nestlé Registered Shares 11,724,199 0.93188,881 Novartis Registered Shares 11,416,932 0.91

21,422 Swiss Life Holding Registered Shares 3,489,815 0.2785,552 TE Connectivity 3,171,413 0.25

303,510 UBS Registered Shares 5,477,590 0.43

48,634,352 3.84

NETHERLANDS112,896 Chicago Bridge & Iron - NY Shares 4,344,238 0.34445,130 ING Groep - CVA 5,401,855 0.43339,230 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 11,910,851 0.94

21,656,944 1.71

CANADA84,391 BCE 3,318,575 0.2737,307 First Quantum Minerals 5,366,769 0.4274,199 Imax 2,418,887 0.19

435,478 Lundin Mining 3,271,609 0.26

59,920 TELUS Non voting 3,135,609 0.2542,681 Toronto-Dominion Bank 3,594,759 0.28

21,106,208 1.67

CAYMAN ISLANDS2,622,000 Agile Property Holdings 4,059,867 0.32

31,108 Baidu China ADR 4,313,746 0.3480,431 Herbalife 4,654,542 0.37

1,777,200 Sands China 4,767,106 0.383,120,000 Xinyi Glass Holdings 3,093,019 0.24

20,888,280 1.65

AUSTRALIA205,375 BHP Billiton 9,649,032 0.76105,847 Flight Centre 2,474,552 0.20202,976 Iluka Resources 3,649,636 0.29

15,773,220 1.25

CHINA4,140,000 China Construction Bank - H Shares * 3,433,908 0.271,475,296 China Merchants Bank - H Shares * 3,569,616 0.282,106,000 China National Building Material - H Shares * 4,126,865 0.33

942,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining - H Shares * 3,579,874 0.28

14,710,263 1.16

ITALY706,403 Enel 4,552,251 0.36

1,830,671 Intesa Sanpaolo 4,784,888 0.38745,200 Prada 4,498,127 0.36491,316 Telecom Italia Preference Shares 569,222 0.04

14,404,488 1.14

JERSEY274,460 Cape 2,422,440 0.19130,141 Petrofac 3,115,834 0.24126,213 Shire 3,913,581 0.31313,519 WPP 3,912,441 0.31

13,364,296 1.05

IRELAND83,518 Accenture - A Shares 5,011,498 0.3981,651 Covidien 4,385,067 0.35

140,854 Warner Chilcott - A Shares 3,403,737 0.27

12,800,302 1.01

INDIA384,155 Federal Bank 3,875,074 0.31

74,116 ICICI Bank ADR 3,666,889 0.29748,109 Yes Bank 5,224,543 0.41

12,766,506 1.01

FINLAND43,491 Metso 2,461,624 0.2071,810 Nokian Renkaat 3,544,490 0.28

303,401 Stora Enso - R Shares 3,157,333 0.25184,542 UPM-Kymmene 3,352,243 0.26

12,515,690 0.99

HONG KONG1,068,800 AIA Group 3,704,673 0.291,372,000 SJM Holdings 3,250,926 0.26

648,100 Wharf Holdings 4,511,625 0.36

11,467,224 0.91

BELGIUM84,146 KBC Groep 3,250,331 0.2638,989 Solvay 6,004,976 0.47

9,255,307 0.73

SWEDEN302,732 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares 4,357,930 0.35254,533 Volvo - B Shares 4,443,576 0.35

8,801,506 0.70

SINGAPORE119,967 Avago Technologies 4,573,742 0.36

1,939,000 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings 2,313,221 0.18

6,886,963 0.54


JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 96: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

SOUTH KOREA15,210 Hyundai Motor 3,379,446 0.27

50,688 Kia Motors 3,429,676 0.27

6,809,122 0.54

SPAIN397,273 BBVA 4,588,009 0.36

4,588,009 0.36

DENMARK39,951 Carlsberg - B Shares 4,314,451 0.34

4,314,451 0.34

RUSSIA292,182 Gazprom OAO ADR 4,261,474 0.34

4,261,474 0.34

INDONESIA5,465,500 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero 4,157,667 0.33

4,157,667 0.33

GUERNSEY896,852 Resolution 4,153,104 0.33

4,153,104 0.33

BRAZIL69,749 Tim Participaçoes Preference Shares ADR 3,413,516 0.27

3,413,516 0.27

AUSTRIA60,149 Voestalpine 3,246,526 0.26

3,246,526 0.26

GREECE158,369 Duty Free Shops 2,277,614 0.18

2,277,614 0.18

TAIWAN57,000 HTC 1,917,859 0.15

1,917,859 0.15

Total Shares 1,256,648,563 99.31

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

1,256,648,563 99.31

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG9,200,504 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 9,200,504 0.73

9,200,504 0.73

Total Investment Funds 9,200,504 0.73

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

9,200,504 0.73

Total Investments 1,265,849,067 100.04

Cash 2,934,257 0.23

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (3,378,997) (0.27)

Total Net Assets 1,265,404,327 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 19.46Consumer Discretionary 14.93Industrials 12.14Health Care 11.89Information Technology 11.35Energy 10.86Materials 8.40Consumer Staples 5.63Telecommunication Services 3.95Investment Companies 0.73Utilities 0.70Total Shares 100.04Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.04)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 19.68Consumer Discretionary 16.42Information Technology 13.05Industrials 11.19Energy 11.05Health Care 8.97Materials 7.38Consumer Staples 5.08Telecommunication Services 5.03Utilities 1.42Investment Companies 0.98Total Shares 100.25Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.25)

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 97: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



05-Jul-11 AUD 3,897 CHF 3,454 8105-Jul-11 AUD 13,836 USD 14,674 16805-Jul-11 CAD 16,460 USD 16,825 21805-Jul-11 CHF 8,097 EUR 6,664 (30)05-Jul-11 CHF 6,745 JPY 638,369 8505-Jul-11 CHF 922,852 USD 1,082,691 12,68205-Jul-11 EUR 5,917 CHF 7,221 (10)05-Jul-11 EUR 120,401 USD 173,386 80605-Jul-11 GBP 3,409 CHF 4,670 (87)05-Jul-11 GBP 91,534 USD 146,739 (254)05-Jul-11 HKD 166,698 USD 21,419 205-Jul-11 JPY 5,542,475 USD 68,325 44505-Jul-11 SEK 58,091 USD 9,083 9705-Jul-11 SGD 2,617 USD 2,120 1105-Jul-11 USD 18,823 AUD 17,733 (199)05-Jul-11 USD 16,923 CAD 16,460 (120)05-Jul-11 USD 1,107,396 CHF 922,350 12,61905-Jul-11 USD 172,032 EUR 119,654 (1,080)05-Jul-11 USD 156,548 GBP 94,943 4,60705-Jul-11 USD 21,436 HKD 166,698 1605-Jul-11 USD 60,188 JPY 4,904,106 (662)05-Jul-11 USD 9,388 SEK 58,091 20705-Jul-11 USD 2,122 SGD 2,617 (9)14-Jul-11 CHF 2,526 SGD 3,708 (21)14-Jul-11 EUR 217,865 AUD 300,475 (6,829)14-Jul-11 EUR 226,700 CAD 324,082 (7,578)14-Jul-11 EUR 786,256 CHF 956,837 1,50214-Jul-11 EUR 3,078,963 GBP 2,736,973 73,92414-Jul-11 EUR 397,044 HKD 4,502,268 (4,277)14-Jul-11 EUR 1,445,439 JPY 167,901,040 7,33014-Jul-11 EUR 178,993 SEK 1,615,830 3,67914-Jul-11 EUR 40,872 SGD 73,360 (622)14-Jul-11 EUR 20,690,196 USD 30,046,985 (120,236)14-Jul-11 GBP 271,437 EUR 305,732 (7,878)14-Jul-11 GBP 147,043 USD 237,856 (2,567)14-Jul-11 HKD 20,036 SGD 3,177 (13)14-Jul-11 JPY 209,836 SGD 3,228 (25)14-Jul-11 NOK 302,639 EUR 38,442 64214-Jul-11 SGD 581,095 USD 471,459 1,75014-Jul-11 USD 267,443 AUD 252,898 (3,533)14-Jul-11 USD 258,146 CAD 252,570 (3,308)14-Jul-11 USD 696,128 CHF 582,130 5,14514-Jul-11 USD 2,201,396 EUR 1,543,891 (31,721)14-Jul-11 USD 2,275,398 GBP 1,385,930 57,70714-Jul-11 USD 329,265 HKD 2,561,578 8614-Jul-11 USD 976,086 JPY 78,064,004 7,43614-Jul-11 USD 56,103 NOK 302,639 (142)14-Jul-11 USD 112,186 SEK 696,075 2,24114-Jul-11 USD 92,022 SGD 113,326 (264)03-Aug-11 CHF 843,681 USD 1,014,413 (12,817)03-Aug-11 USD 14,620 AUD 13,836 (165)03-Aug-11 USD 16,812 CAD 16,460 (218)03-Aug-11 USD 173,246 EUR 120,401 (795)03-Aug-11 USD 142,045 GBP 88,680 18003-Aug-11 USD 21,422 HKD 166,698 (2)03-Aug-11 USD 68,335 JPY 5,542,475 (445)03-Aug-11 USD 9,068 SEK 58,091 (96)03-Aug-11 USD 2,120 SGD 2,617 (12)

Total (12,349)


Page 98: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA61,957 Abbott Laboratories 3,256,150 1.1358,624 American Express 2,986,013 1.0458,126 Anadarko Petroleum 4,450,708 1.5429,943 Apache 3,669,964 1.2726,034 Apple 8,686,244 3.01

242,690 Bank of America 2,658,669 0.9239,700 Celgene 2,408,996 0.8365,305 Chevron 6,664,702 2.31

175,092 Cisco Systems 2,707,798 0.9487,247 Citigroup 3,607,663 1.25

176,329 Comcast - A Shares 4,454,952 1.5579,477 Dow Chemical 2,815,473 0.98

7,427 Google - A Shares 3,741,834 1.3084,466 Guess? 3,600,363 1.2594,821 Hartford Financial Services Group 2,484,784 0.86

100,313 Hewlett-Packard 3,667,443 1.27105,673 Merck & Co. 3,715,991 1.29161,326 News - B Shares 2,922,420 1.0187,544 Norfolk Southern 6,581,996 2.2844,807 Occidental Petroleum 4,680,987 1.6269,507 Prudential Financial 4,395,275 1.5242,512 United Technologies 3,727,027 1.29

136,268 Veeco Instruments 6,559,942 2.2826,379 VF 2,867,397 0.9989,851 Virgin Media 2,762,469 0.96

130,965 Wells Fargo & Co. 3,665,056 1.27

103,740,316 35.96

UNITED KINGDOM415,266 Aviva 2,894,297 1.00832,469 Barclays 3,360,685 1.17135,038 BG Group 3,049,920 1.06108,596 BHP Billiton 4,240,213 1.47

64,731 British American Tobacco 2,812,618 0.98139,939 GlaxoSmithKline 2,976,967 1.03263,405 Prudential 3,002,514 1.04177,859 Unilever 5,691,488 1.97

2,158,403 Vodafone Group 5,689,246 1.97193,692 Xstrata 4,226,641 1.46

37,944,589 13.15

GERMANY63,936 Bayer Registered Shares 5,111,408 1.77

419,394 Commerzbank 1,796,432 0.6349,414 Rheinmetall 4,363,676 1.5187,240 ThyssenKrupp 4,507,115 1.5636,670 Volkswagen Preference Shares 7,476,915 2.59

23,255,546 8.06

FRANCE165,532 AXA 3,723,027 1.2937,884 BNP Paribas 2,896,839 1.0019,004 PPR 3,373,751 1.1783,814 Sanofi-Aventis 6,662,370 2.3197,892 Total 5,598,833 1.94

22,254,820 7.71

JAPAN216,700 Komatsu 6,711,126 2.33165,800 Mitsubishi 4,116,456 1.4356,700 Omron 1,564,623 0.5414,900 SMC 2,667,746 0.92

15,059,951 5.22

NETHERLANDS389,425 Koninklijke KPN 5,603,125 1.94201,234 Royal Dutch Shell - B Shares 7,090,844 2.46

12,693,969 4.40

INDIA64,048 Axis Bank 1,840,968 0.64198,431 Federal Bank 2,001,627 0.70583,745 Infrastructure Development Finance 1,707,869 0.59285,378 Yes Bank 1,992,984 0.69

7,543,448 2.62

BELGIUM73,771 Anheuser-Busch InBev 4,238,203 1.4719,783 Solvay 3,046,922 1.06

7,285,125 2.53

SWITZERLAND73,419 Nestlé Registered Shares 4,538,035 1.5736,524 Novartis Registered Shares 2,207,697 0.77

6,745,732 2.34

CHINA1,288,883 China Merchants Bank - H Shares * 3,118,572 1.081,797,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China - H Shares * 1,363,515 0.47

4,482,087 1.55

SINGAPORE102,329 Avago Technologies 3,901,293 1.35

3,901,293 1.35

CANADA23,175 First Quantum Minerals 3,333,821 1.16

3,333,821 1.16

TAIWAN263,498 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing ADR 3,297,677 1.14

3,297,677 1.14

ISRAEL61,982 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ADR 2,969,868 1.03

2,969,868 1.03

IRELAND52,755 Covidien 2,833,207 0.98

2,833,207 0.98

DENMARK25,149 Carlsberg - B Shares 2,715,930 0.94

2,715,930 0.94

CAYMAN ISLANDS908,000 Agile Property Holdings 1,405,934 0.49

1,289,000 International Mining Machinery Holdings 1,238,101 0.43109,762 Longtop Financial Technologies ADR 11 0.00

2,644,046 0.92

INDONESIA3,384,500 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero 2,574,627 0.89

2,574,627 0.89

BERMUDA884,000 Ports Design 2,088,940 0.73

2,088,940 0.73

AUSTRIA49,624 RHI 1,480,485 0.51

1,480,485 0.51

JERSEY3,996,000 West China Cement 1,437,724 0.50

1,437,724 0.50

SOUTH AFRICA25,195 Naspers - N Shares 1,416,333 0.49

1,416,333 0.49

ITALY75,785 Fiat Industrial 974,236 0.34

974,236 0.34

Total Shares 272,673,770 94.52

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

272,673,770 94.52


JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 99: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG8,101,729 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 8,101,729 2.81

8,101,729 2.81

Total Investment Funds 8,101,729 2.81

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

8,101,729 2.81

Total Investments 280,775,499 97.33

Cash 11,295,366 3.92

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (3,605,709) (1.25)

Total Net Assets 288,465,156 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 18.54Energy 12.20Information Technology 11.83Consumer Discretionary 11.04Materials 9.96Industrials 9.78Health Care 9.37Consumer Staples 6.93Telecommunication Services 4.87Investment Companies 2.81Total Shares 97.33Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.67

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 16.55Information Technology 14.20Industrials 12.24Energy 10.67Consumer Discretionary 10.56Health Care 10.18Materials 9.64Consumer Staples 5.71Telecommunication Services 5.32Investment Companies 2.92Total Shares 97.99Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.01

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 100: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



27-Jul-11 EUR 296,745 GBP 261,995 9,88127-Jul-11 EUR 372,582 JPY 42,803,075 7,53627-Jul-11 EUR 43,777,701 USD 62,424,041 870,99427-Jul-11 GBP 1,228,972 EUR 1,367,728 (11,290)27-Jul-11 HKD 3,621,678 EUR 325,837 (5,658)27-Jul-11 JPY 28,903,073 EUR 247,606 67027-Jul-11 SEK 4,654,318 EUR 506,212 2,67427-Jul-11 USD 794,007 CAD 773,340 (6,278)27-Jul-11 USD 2,146,860 CHF 1,806,111 2,81027-Jul-11 USD 560,132 DKK 2,931,093 (8,078)27-Jul-11 USD 874,485 EUR 611,096 (9,054)27-Jul-11 USD 14,290,928 GBP 8,923,938 13,68027-Jul-11 USD 2,391,678 HKD 18,625,405 (1,998)27-Jul-11 USD 4,291,835 JPY 345,704,340 1,90627-Jul-11 USD 725,458 SEK 4,663,358 (10,537)27-Jul-11 USD 1,214,840 SGD 1,498,371 (5,371)

Total 851,887


Page 101: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA368,783 Adobe Systems 7,953,744 0.51545,256 Aflac 17,472,990 1.11206,192 Amazon.com 28,718,099 1.83430,378 American Express 15,151,055 0.97240,739 Biogen Idec 18,153,803 1.16644,917 Broadcom - A Shares 14,771,780 0.94960,527 CBS Non Voting - B Shares 19,149,464 1.22775,317 Citigroup 22,158,039 1.41

264,582 DaVita 15,843,650 1.01419,475 Dendreon 11,765,073 0.75474,611 Fluor 21,144,850 1.35382,037 Kansas City Southern 15,490,342 0.99

1,238,353 Lowe’s 20,006,567 1.28557,114 MetLife 16,794,089 1.07

479,935 Paccar 16,711,564 1.07214,042 Rock-Tenn - A Shares 9,736,444 0.62

4,147,646 Sprint Nextel 15,064,368 0.96485,029 Sysco 10,442,447 0.67297,623 Union Pacific 21,551,621 1.37416,837 Walt Disney 11,133,612 0.71

1,421,550 Wells Fargo & Co. 27,495,648 1.75

356,709,249 22.75

UNITED KINGDOM1,604,253 Afren 2,760,247 0.18

2,490,446 Associated British Foods 29,544,693 1.881,253,757 BG Group 19,571,422 1.253,024,518 Cairn Energy 13,572,699 0.865,472,275 Centrica 19,505,895 1.251,837,626 Cookson Group 13,547,599 0.862,561,997 Homeserve 14,226,150 0.911,279,643 Intercontinental Hotels Group 18,039,883 1.15

25,521,547 Lloyds Banking Group 13,711,348 0.885,337,689 Man Group 13,768,507 0.881,597,946 Petropavlovsk 12,885,304 0.82

22,632,076 Taylor Wimpey 9,460,331 0.60943,479 Tullow Oil 12,909,428 0.82

193,503,506 12.34

JAPAN711,700 Daikin Industries 17,318,140 1.10

948,600 FUJIFILM Holdings 20,349,420 1.298,603 Japan Tobacco 22,833,842 1.46

831,100 JS Group 14,710,634 0.943,746,000 JX Holdings 17,315,098 1.10

3,596 KDDI 17,824,442 1.143,143,000 Marubeni 14,352,660 0.921,792,000 Mitsubishi Electric 14,276,513 0.91

14,410,000 Nippon Sheet Glass 30,832,089 1.97321,700 ORIX 21,491,015 1.37

191,303,853 12.20

GERMANY365,239 Bayer Registered Shares 20,181,281 1.29

8,121,027 Commerzbank 24,042,300 1.53213,428 Continental 15,370,017 0.98118,813 Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Registered Shares 3,542,410 0.23

266,029 Lanxess 14,965,461 0.95407,521 Porsche Automobil Holding Preference Shares 22,230,271 1.42110,689 Volkswagen Preference Shares 15,598,847 0.99

115,930,587 7.39

FRANCE390,434 Bouygues 11,750,111 0.75407,103 Lafarge 17,794,472 1.14289,025 Pernod-Ricard 19,675,377 1.25123,759 Schneider Electric 14,188,969 0.90340,179 Sodexho 18,305,032 1.17

81,713,961 5.21

CANADA239,330 First Quantum Minerals 23,795,574 1.52735,412 InterOil 29,455,110 1.88

1,011,544 Kinross Gold 10,884,851 0.69

64,135,535 4.09

BELGIUM445,375 Anheuser-Busch InBev 17,684,728 1.13886,028 KBC Groep 23,654,733 1.51

213,111 Solvay 22,685,666 1.45

64,025,127 4.09

FINLAND733,743 Nokian Renkaat 25,031,642 1.60

2,583,033 Ruukki Group 4,132,853 0.261,710,282 Stora Enso - R Shares 12,301,203 0.78

1,030,368 UPM-Kymmene 12,936,270 0.83

54,401,968 3.47

NETHERLANDS496,986 AerCap Holdings 4,492,917 0.291,611,391 Koninklijke KPN 16,024,478 1.02

1,167,980 Royal Dutch Shell - A Shares 28,343,955 1.81

48,861,350 3.12

JERSEY1,892,368 Experian 16,536,277 1.051,913,579 Glencore International 10,351,534 0.66728,805 Shire 15,619,175 1.00

42,506,986 2.71

INDIA793,737 Larsen & Toubro 22,495,653 1.43

3,974,542 Yes Bank 19,184,347 1.23

41,680,000 2.66

SWITZERLAND345,754 ACE 15,729,017 1.00402,801 Crédit Suisse Group Registered Shares 10,818,718 0.69118,471 Kuehne & Nagel International Registered Shares 12,377,063 0.79

38,924,798 2.48

ITALY4,912,561 Enel 21,880,547 1.39

2,889,588 Snam Rete Gas 11,702,831 0.75

33,583,378 2.14

SOUTH KOREA204,254 POSCO ADR 15,262,758 0.97

26,055 Samsung Electronics 13,921,787 0.89

29,184,545 1.86

DENMARK340,841 Carlsberg - B Shares 25,440,532 1.62

25,440,532 1.62

AUSTRIA498,227 Erste Group Bank 17,593,641 1.12236,357 Intercell 694,181 0.0594,977 Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment 5,648,757 0.36

23,936,579 1.53

ISRAEL613,081 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ADR 20,303,264 1.29

20,303,264 1.29

BERMUDA1,324,329 Cosan - A Shares 11,262,998 0.72

12,499,000 Huabao International Holdings 7,864,727 0.50

19,127,725 1.22

GUERNSEY5,762,216 Resolution 18,442,427 1.18

18,442,427 1.18

TAIWAN7,779,728 Hon Hai Precision Industry 18,419,421 1.17

18,419,421 1.17

IRELAND483,676 Covidien 17,953,361 1.14

17,953,361 1.14


JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 102: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

NORWAY1,568,456 Telenor 17,586,281 1.12

17,586,281 1.12

SWEDEN1,597,993 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares 15,899,128 1.01

15,899,128 1.01

CHINA4,427,520 ZTE - H Shares * 11,088,637 0.71

11,088,637 0.71

SOUTH AFRICA2,119,363 African Bank Investments 7,400,256 0.47

7,400,256 0.47

ISLE OF MAN1,406,380 Lamprell 5,825,853 0.37

5,825,853 0.37

Total Shares 1,557,888,307 99.34

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

1,557,888,307 99.34

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG27,894,023 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund

(JPMEuro Liquidity X (dist)) 27,894,023 1.78

27,894,023 1.78

Total Investment Funds 27,894,023 1.78

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

27,894,023 1.78

Total Investments 1,585,782,330 101.12

Cash 1,398,474 0.09

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (18,973,432) (1.21)

Total Net Assets 1,568,207,372 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 18.17Industrials 16.70Consumer Discretionary 14.43Materials 13.42Consumer Staples 8.73Energy 8.63Health Care 6.40Information Technology 5.23Telecommunication Services 4.24Utilities 3.39Investment Companies 1.78Total Shares 101.12Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1.12)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 16.54Consumer Discretionary 13.38Industrials 12.34Materials 10.85Consumer Staples 10.75Energy 7.21Information Technology 7.17Health Care 3.74Telecommunication Services 3.30Investment Companies 2.97Utilities 2.35Total Shares 90.60Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 9.40

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 103: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



05-Jul-11 CHF 6,136,279 EUR 5,001,165 33,11605-Jul-11 CHF 62,988 GBP 46,187 58605-Jul-11 CHF 39,587 JPY 3,815,063 (241)05-Jul-11 CHF 121,253 USD 144,152 (160)05-Jul-11 EUR 195,374 AUD 264,857 (1,011)05-Jul-11 EUR 272,021 CAD 380,667 (416)05-Jul-11 EUR 202,454 CHF 246,275 40705-Jul-11 EUR 495,434 GBP 431,954 17,62905-Jul-11 EUR 76,032 HKD 850,899 45705-Jul-11 EUR 484,733 JPY 56,889,725 (3,170)05-Jul-11 EUR 46,849 NOK 363,676 10605-Jul-11 EUR 90,788 SEK 808,658 2,45705-Jul-11 EUR 32,025 SGD 56,842 3105-Jul-11 EUR 2,337,610 USD 3,360,876 14,58105-Jul-11 GBP 35,026 CHF 47,844 (508)05-Jul-11 HKD 381,485 CHF 41,471 (141)05-Jul-11 JPY 3,907,236 CHF 41,151 (251)05-Jul-11 NOK 225,966 CHF 34,498 74105-Jul-11 USD 226,915 CHF 195,184 (3,289)08-Jul-11 AUD 80,233,959 EUR 57,837,531 1,635,06808-Jul-11 CAD 61,679,242 EUR 45,070,000 (928,441)08-Jul-11 CHF 48,518,728 EUR 37,175,683 2,632,05108-Jul-11 DKK 50,333,300 EUR 6,748,810 (1,012)08-Jul-11 EUR 14,894,690 CHF 18,841,138 (563,733)08-Jul-11 EUR 29,644,569 DKK 221,025,071 13,43908-Jul-11 EUR 142,685,692 GBP 124,300,704 5,188,24808-Jul-11 EUR 44,113,146 HKD 486,854,735 868,12308-Jul-11 EUR 55,326,481 JPY 6,522,724,924 (618,355)08-Jul-11 EUR 15,445,808 NOK 121,328,629 (146,705)08-Jul-11 EUR 146,126,297 USD 208,364,394 2,096,79108-Jul-11 EUR 11,090,390 ZAR 108,770,216 4,77808-Jul-11 GBP 28,361,297 EUR 32,281,668 (909,312)08-Jul-11 HKD 550,782,440 EUR 49,646,532 (723,111)08-Jul-11 JPY 1,555,058,991 EUR 12,773,450 564,15308-Jul-11 NOK 53,470,554 EUR 6,837,551 34,20108-Jul-11 SEK 213,554,410 EUR 23,669,599 (345,106)08-Jul-11 SGD 21,320,291 EUR 11,974,725 26,42108-Jul-11 USD 547,866,105 EUR 385,286,632 (6,580,449)08-Jul-11 ZAR 77,645,900 EUR 7,964,474 (50,982)08-Jul-11 ZAR 31,124,316 USD 4,536,644 36,21611-Jul-11 EUR 5,363,425 AUD 7,371,111 (98,634)11-Jul-11 EUR 6,859,908 CAD 9,798,714 (152,696)11-Jul-11 EUR 5,922,428 CHF 7,238,191 (16,810)11-Jul-11 EUR 608,359 DKK 4,535,368 33011-Jul-11 EUR 15,443,192 GBP 13,768,362 212,40411-Jul-11 EUR 1,728,289 HKD 19,707,440 (22,408)11-Jul-11 EUR 14,641,451 JPY 1,717,548,053 (91,244)11-Jul-11 EUR 1,228,951 NOK 9,646,826 (10,677)11-Jul-11 EUR 2,591,167 SEK 23,376,810 38,18611-Jul-11 EUR 931,736 SGD 1,678,197 (12,999)11-Jul-11 EUR 65,061,274 USD 95,279,595 (805,117)11-Jul-11 GBP 2,345,723 EUR 2,633,283 (38,406)11-Jul-11 JPY 176,208,690 EUR 1,520,540 (9,066)11-Jul-11 NOK 6,022,330 EUR 765,236 8,64011-Jul-11 USD 9,122,382 EUR 6,347,012 (40,747)03-Aug-11 CHF 45,692 JPY 4,424,431 (458)03-Aug-11 JPY 3,155,205 CHF 32,518 38103-Aug-11 USD 33,578 CHF 28,039 20107-Oct-11 EUR 16,157,329 SEK 148,843,515 (55,511)07-Oct-11 EUR 21,965,240 USD 31,491,651 138,17907-Oct-11 GBP 7,451,735 EUR 8,316,000 (60,197)07-Oct-11 HKD 44,712,237 EUR 4,007,805 (23,087)07-Oct-11 USD 13,164,395 EUR 9,192,070 (67,745)

Total 1,185,726


Page 104: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


JAPAN337,700,000 Japan (Government of) 20.12.12/0.900% 2,927,179 1.15786,900,000 Japan (Government of) 20.06.13/0.500% 6,791,537 2.66900,000,000 Japan (Government of) 20.03.14/1.300% 7,941,209 3.11

600,000 Japan (Government of) 20.09.14/0.700% 5,218 0.00305,700,000 Japan (Government of) 20.12.16/1.700% 2,791,710 1.09500,000,000 Japan (Government of) 20.06.18/1.700% 4,582,087 1.79217,000,000 Japan (Government of) 20.03.20/1.300% 1,916,223 0.75177,900,000 Japan (Government of) 20.06.20/1.100% 1,541,354 0.61692,200,000 Japan (Government of) 20.09.20/0.800% 5,825,358 2.28

1,300,000,000 Japan (Government of) 20.03.21/1.300% 11,376,264 4.45893,300,000 Japan (Government of) 20.06.25/1.900% 8,013,081 3.14252,450,000 Japan (Government of) 20.12.28/1.900% 2,202,415 0.86700,500,000 Japan (Government of) 20.09.35/2.500% 6,599,223 2.58233,350,000 Japan (Government of) 20.03.39/2.300% 2,120,214 0.8392,200,000 Japan (Government of) 20.03.49/2.200% 797,161 0.31

65,430,233 25.61

UNITED KINGDOM1,965,000 UK Treasury 16.08.13/2.500% 6,239,092 2.44

875,000 UK Treasury 07.03.14/2.250% 995,991 0.392,500,000 UK Treasury 22.01.15/2.750% 2,874,717 1.131,290,000 UK Treasury 07.03.18/5.000% 1,636,433 0.644,200,000 UK Treasury 07.09.20/3.750% 4,808,946 1.881,500,000 UK Treasury 07.12.27/4.250% 1,699,799 0.67

717,000 UK Treasury 07.09.34/4.500% 826,261 0.32480,000 UK Treasury 07.12.38/4.750% 578,257 0.23

1,700,000 UK Treasury 07.09.39/4.250% 1,890,292 0.74100,000 UK Treasury 07.12.40/4.250% 111,002 0.04180,000 UK Treasury 07.12.46/4.250% 201,160 0.08280,000 UK Treasury 07.12.55/4.250% 314,379 0.12220,000 UK Treasury 22.01.60/4.000% 234,893 0.09

22,411,222 8.77

FRANCE1,350,000 France (Government of) 12.01.13/3.750% 1,394,018 0.551,180,000 France (Government of) 12.01.14/2.500% 1,198,665 0.47

5,000,000 France (Government of) 15.01.15/2.500% 5,046,837 1.973,930,000 France (Government of) 25.04.17/3.750% 4,124,162 1.612,150,000 France (Government of) 25.04.20/3.500% 2,185,461 0.86

898,000 France (Government of) 25.10.23/4.250% 950,270 0.372,300,000 France (Government of) 25.10.32/5.750% 2,838,627 1.11

400,000 France (Government of) 25.04.35/4.750% 437,441 0.1724,000 France (Government of) 25.04.41/4.500% 25,337 0.01

18,200,818 7.12

GERMANY3,100,000 Germany (Federal Republic of) 14.06.13/1.750% 3,110,800 1.22

400,000 Germany (Federal Republic of) 04.01.21/2.500% 386,131 0.157,150,000 Germany (Federal Republic of) 04.07.21/3.250% 7,311,182 2.861,225,000 Germany (Federal Republic of) 04.07.34/4.750% 1,409,911 0.551,190,000 Germany (Federal Republic of) 04.07.39/4.250% 1,292,858 0.51

13,510,882 5.29

ITALY3,140,000 Italy (Republic of) 15.12.13/3.750% 3,166,027 1.244,150,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.08.15/3.750% 4,135,826 1.622,585,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.03.19/4.500% 2,581,851 1.01

77,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.03.25/5.000% 76,470 0.031,100,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.11.29/5.250% 1,088,622 0.422,076,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.02.37/4.000% 1,656,808 0.65

725,000 Italy (Republic of) 01.09.40/5.000% 663,036 0.26

13,368,640 5.23

DENMARK4,780,000 Denmark (Kingdom of) 14.05.12/2.250% 3,357,745 1.316,030,000 Denmark (Kingdom of) 17.03.14/3.125% 6,203,356 2.43

10,600,000 Denmark (Kingdom of) 15.11.19/4.000% 1,524,824 0.60

11,085,925 4.34

SPAIN1,900,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 30.04.13/2.300% 1,861,507 0.731,610,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 30.04.16/3.250% 1,509,996 0.591,200,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 31.10.19/4.300% 1,124,919 0.444,603,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 30.04.21/5.500% 4,608,823 1.80

300,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 30.07.26/5.900% 300,600 0.121,305,000 Spain (Kingdom of) 30.07.41/4.700% 1,076,160 0.42

10,482,005 4.10

BELGIUM3,900,000 Belgium (Kingdom of) 03.09.13/4.250% 2,853,791 1.121,923,037 Belgium (Kingdom of) 28.09.15/3.750% 1,966,536 0.77920,000 Belgium (Kingdom of) 28.06.17/3.500% 912,496 0.36

1,195,000 Belgium (Kingdom of) 28.03.26/4.500% 1,198,549 0.47150,000 Belgium (Kingdom of) 28.03.41/4.250% 138,257 0.05

7,069,629 2.77

NETHERLANDS1,017,000 Netherlands (Kingdom of) 15.07.14/3.750% 1,070,727 0.422,169,000 Netherlands (Kingdom of) 15.07.18/4.000% 2,313,196 0.91

250,000 Netherlands (Kingdom of) 15.07.20/3.500% 256,032 0.10480,000 Netherlands (Kingdom of) 15.01.42/3.750% 471,565 0.18

4,111,520 1.61

AUSTRALIA600,000 Australia (Commonwealth of) 15.12.13/5.500% 453,070 0.18

1,600,000 Australia (Commonwealth of) 15.06.16/4.750% 1,180,767 0.46

1,633,837 0.64

SWEDEN8,690,000 Sweden (Kingdom of) 12.03.19/4.250% 1,040,275 0.41

1,040,275 0.41

Total Bonds 168,344,986 65.89

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

168,344,986 65.89

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA7,760,000 US Treasury 31.03.13/0.750% 5,395,221 2.11

12,750,000 US Treasury 31.05.13/0.500% 8,822,747 3.454,190,000 US Treasury 30.04.15/2.500% 3,042,780 1.191,400,000 US Treasury 30.04.16/2.000% 984,666 0.39

19,000,000 US Treasury 31.05.16/1.750% 13,181,222 5.167,365,000 US Treasury 30.11.16/2.750% 5,320,430 2.08

15,800,000 US Treasury 31.05.18/2.375% 10,894,681 4.262,047,000 US Treasury 15.11.18/3.750% 1,537,432 0.602,070,000 US Treasury 15.02.20/3.625% 1,517,710 0.60

520,000 US Treasury 15.11.20/2.625% 346,822 0.142,350,000 US Treasury 15.02.21/3.625% 1,697,562 0.677,850,000 US Treasury 15.05.21/3.125% 5,421,765 2.123,188,000 US Treasury 15.02.31/5.375% 2,583,323 1.013,710,000 US Treasury 15.05.38/4.500% 2,625,692 1.03

4,500,000 US Treasury 15.05.41/4.375% 3,100,486 1.21

66,472,539 26.02

CANADA1,560,000 Canada (Government of) 01.06.14/3.000% 1,153,523 0.45

470,000 Canada (Government of) 01.06.15/2.500% 341,791 0.131,720,000 Canada (Government of) 01.06.20/3.500% 1,280,106 0.50

935,000 Canada (Government of) 01.06.37/5.000% 831,054 0.33200,000 Canada (Government of) 01.06.41/4.000% 155,527 0.06

3,762,001 1.47

FRANCE253,000 French Treasury Bill (i) 28.07.11/0.000% 252,276 0.10

252,276 0.10

Total Bonds 70,486,816 27.59


JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 105: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG1,255 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Government

Liquidity Fund (JPM Euro Government LiquidityFund X (acc)) 12,803,026 5.00

12,803,026 5.00

Total Investment Funds 12,803,026 5.00

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

83,289,842 32.59

Total Investments 251,634,828 98.48

Cash 1,071,723 0.42

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2,799,615 1.10

Total Net Assets 255,506,166 100.00

(i) Security held as collateral against futures positions by the broker.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 26.02Japan 25.61United Kingdom 8.77France 7.22Germany 5.29Italy 5.23Denmark 4.34Spain 4.10Belgium 2.77Netherlands 1.61Canada 1.47Australia 0.64Sweden 0.41Total Fixed Income Securities 93.48Investment FundsLuxembourg 5.00Total Investment Funds 5.00Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.52

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 28.31Japan 26.58Germany 10.21United Kingdom 7.32France 6.40Italy 4.66Denmark 2.98Belgium 2.74Spain 2.32Australia 1.96Canada 1.62Netherlands 1.40Sweden 0.46Thailand 0.28Total Fixed Income Securities 97.24Investment FundsLuxembourg 1.88Total Investment Funds 1.88Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.88

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 106: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Bond Futures

Sep-11 2 Australia 3 Year Bond Future AUD 153,346 (251)Sep-11 4 Australia 10 Year Bond Future AUD 314,656 (475)Sep-11 91 Euro-Bobl Future EUR 10,634,715 (6,825)Sep-11 1 Euro-BTP Future EUR 107,610 654Sep-11 (39) Euro-Bund Future EUR (4,907,175) 2,925Sep-11 (176) Euro-Schatz Future EUR (18,945,080) 8,023Sep-11 10 Long Gilt Future GBP 1,335,151 55Sep-11 (50) Short Gilt Future GBP (5,945,433) (1,106)Sep-11 (125) US 2 Year Note Future USD (18,956,187) (9,604)Sep-11 66 US 5 Year Note Future USD 5,449,549 (1,604)Sep-11 35 US 10 Year Note Future USD 2,966,925 (14,567)

Total (22,775)

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in EUR)

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



06-Jul-11 AUD 300,000 EUR 216,776 5,64406-Jul-11 CAD 136,314 EUR 97,260 29706-Jul-11 CAD 119,671 USD 122,377 1,05706-Jul-11 EUR 1,851,194 AUD 2,519,951 (17,093)06-Jul-11 EUR 3,905,868 CAD 5,474,886 (12,383)06-Jul-11 EUR 1,282,026 DKK 9,561,959 12106-Jul-11 EUR 25,270,967 GBP 22,294,557 609,74506-Jul-11 EUR 68,075,302 JPY 7,885,877,353 442,07206-Jul-11 EUR 902,413 SEK 8,199,625 6,78206-Jul-11 EUR 78,845,672 USD 113,282,474 543,54906-Jul-11 GBP 3,187,281 EUR 3,578,559 (52,934)06-Jul-11 JPY 260,551,620 EUR 2,230,495 4,12606-Jul-11 SEK 990,998 EUR 109,738 (1,492)06-Jul-11 USD 6,536,829 EUR 4,490,955 27,37606-Jul-11 USD 93,109 JPY 7,502,936 914-Jul-11 EUR 490,129 USD 706,291 1,82714-Jul-11 USD 4,943,327 EUR 3,414,604 3,02204-Aug-11 EUR 3,327,206 GBP 2,960,900 50,34504-Aug-11 GBP 1,592,636 EUR 1,787,169 (24,582)04-Aug-11 USD 891,400 EUR 619,398 (2,712)15-Aug-11 EUR 3,827 USD 5,513 12

Total 1,584,788


Page 107: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Warrants

CANADA3,966,204 Afferro Mining 3,465,829 0.113,109,529 Alacer Gold 18,231,962 0.601,378,961 Alamos Gold 15,746,465 0.51

12,470,400 Alange Energy 1,896,591 0.062,680,000 Allana Potash 3,020,992 0.105,540,000 Anvil Mining 24,166,722 0.794,690,000 AQM Copper 2,198,611 0.071,900,000 AQM Copper - Warrants 17.03.14 0 0.003,978,500 Augusta Resource 12,366,514 0.404,694,945 Aureus Mining 3,440,499 0.114,500,000 B2Gold 10,418,881 0.347,700,000 Baja Mining 5,758,923 0.191,375,000 Bankers Petroleum 6,745,970 0.22

125,000 Banro - Warrants 17.09.11 131,320 0.017,030,000 Banro CAD 17,886,658 0.58

675,600 Banro USD 1,713,690 0.061,085,000 Barrick Gold CAD 33,775,621 1.10

65,100 Barrick Gold USD 2,026,543 0.071,850,783 Brazilian Gold 1,443,831 0.05

4,254,900 Calvalley Petroleums - A Shares 7,019,312 0.233,125,000 Canacol Energy 2,359,591 0.081,430,000 Canadian Natural Resources 41,537,070 1.359,400,000 Canadian Overseas Petroleum 3,145,167 0.104,700,000 Canadian Overseas Petroleum -

Warrants 01.12.13 0 0.002,060,000 Centerra Gold 23,648,623 0.771,040,000 Detour Gold 20,688,752 0.673,275,000 Duluth Metals 5,414,490 0.18

22,900,000 Eastern Platinum 12,865,877 0.421,770,000 Eldorado Gold 17,893,529 0.583,500,000 European Goldfields 25,106,321 0.821,672,600 Exeter Resource 4,854,195 0.162,007,600 Extorre Gold Mines 17,407,439 0.57

432,500 First Quantum Minerals 43,001,654 1.4010,583,100 Global Alumina 9,724,438 0.322,285,000 Global Atomic 3,679,620 0.12

480,000 Goldcorp 15,924,731 0.528,050,000 Great Basin Gold 11,090,749 0.362,350,000 Hana Mining 2,531,271 0.08

585,000 Harry Winston Diamond 6,533,621 0.212,256,000 HudBay Minerals 23,113,447 0.75

990,000 IAMGold CAD 12,934,549 0.42353,000 IAMGold USD 4,611,190 0.15358,000 Inmet Mining 17,722,912 0.58

9,680,300 Ithaca Energy 14,155,540 0.461,955,900 Keegan Resources 10,323,880 0.34

6,485,000 Kinross Gold 69,782,686 2.27214,500 Kinross Gold - Warrants 17.09.14 365,375 0.01

1,990,000 Kirkland Lake Gold 21,264,107 0.691,800,000 Lake Shore Gold 3,587,831 0.122,212,500 Levon Resources 2,794,874 0.09

10,275,000 Lucara Diamond 8,567,262 0.286,020,000 Lundin Mining 31,258,503 1.021,303,341 Lundin Mining SDR 6,768,875 0.222,130,000 Mercator Minerals 4,291,334 0.141,240,600 Mirasol Resources 3,804,669 0.12

70,000 Mirasol Resources - Warrants 06.12.11 14,278 0.002,485,000 Mountain Province Diamonds 9,212,774 0.305,827,800 Nevsun Resources 24,045,744 0.781,939,000 NGEx Resources 4,038,360 0.13

338,000 Niko Resources 14,726,175 0.482,750,000 Northern Star - Warrants 14.08.12 0 0.00

500,000 Northern Star - Warrants 18.12.12 0 0.006,500,000 Northern Star Mining 466 0.005,403,000 OceanaGold 10,259,161 0.333,420,000 Orezone Gold 8,089,689 0.262,325,000 Osisko Mining 24,635,742 0.803,100,000 Pacific Rubiales Energy 58,784,102 1.92

760,000 Pan American Silver 16,149,462 0.53155,480 Pan American Silver - Warrants 07.12.14 0 0.00

1,799,484 Parex Resources 9,865,317 0.32511,500 Petrobank Energy & Resources 5,031,815 0.17

1,580,000 Petrominerales 32,086,861 1.056,850,000 Platinum Group Metals 8,407,928 0.271,160,700 Rainy River Resources 7,846,143 0.26

275,000 Rainy River Resources -Warrants 25.02.12 461,541 0.02

1,750,000 Redox Diamonds 125 0.006,640,000 Rio Alto Mining 9,813,466 0.325,000,000 Rockgate Capital 3,990,057 0.138,510,000 Romarco Minerals 10,506,376 0.34

2,225,000 Rubicon Minerals 5,740,762 0.1912,864,300 Rusoro Mining 1,933,480 0.065,904,300 Scorpio Mining 5,303,303 0.17

14,017,600 Sea Dragon Energy 1,404,546 0.055,875,000 SEMAFO 30,715,838 1.001,690,000 Silver Wheaton 38,880,730 1.272,550,000 Stans Energy 2,701,072 0.091,275,000 Stans Energy - Warrants 28.04.13 0 0.001,201,275 Stornoway Diamond 1,676,530 0.06622,256 Teck Cominco - B Shares 21,851,194 0.71

2,001,295 Teranga Gold AUD 3,569,958 0.122,299,956 Teranga Gold CAD 4,106,997 0.131,575,000 Thompson Creek Metals 10,782,012 0.35

2,600,000 Tsar Emerald 180 0.005,372,300 Victoria Gold 2,345,440 0.08

426,000 Victoria Gold - Warrants 13.03.12 18,293 0.002,652,000 Yamana Gold 21,286,638 0.69

1,084,491,661 35.35

UNITED KINGDOM12,175,000 Afren 20,948,071 0.68

3,281,410 Allied Gold Mining AUD 7,252,933 0.241,450,103 Allied Gold Mining GBP 3,272,156 0.11

6,500,000 Amerisur Resources 1,734,186 0.061,937,435 Anglo American 65,904,127 2.151,437,000 Antofagasta 22,078,220 0.721,555,221 Archipelago Metals 172 0.00

11,050,000 Archipelago Resources 7,547,520 0.256,000,000 Avocet Mining 14,161,524 0.461,085,000 BHP Billiton 29,280,609 0.957,399,200 Borders & Southern Petroleum 4,164,251 0.143,945,104 Botswana Diamonds 218,189 0.017,790,000 BowLeven 28,661,830 0.931,276,006 Cadogan Petroleum 543,399 0.026,679,500 Caledon Resources 8,192,232 0.276,432,168 Cluff Gold 6,225,446 0.204,074,763 Cove Energy 4,355,313 0.144,863,966 Equatorial Palm Oil 961,435 0.031,495,000 Equatorial Palm Oil - Warrants 26.02.12 6,284 0.00

695,000 Equatorial Palm Oil - Warrants 26.02.13 2,921 0.001,020,000 Eurasian Natural Resources 8,735,473 0.285,099,000 Ferrexpo 26,415,606 0.8613,864,676 Firestone Diamonds 4,659,105 0.152,015,000 Hummingbird Resources 2,763,769 0.09

146,649 Jordan Energy and Mining 1,520,362 0.0510,383,687 Jubilee Platinum GBP 2,498,135 0.08

500,000 Jubilee Platinum ZAR 124,177 0.006,600,000 Kalahari Minerals 17,010,023 0.55

875,000 Kazakhmys 13,303,253 0.4326,290,350 Mwana Africa 1,323,161 0.04

1,010,000 New World Resources - A Shares 10,303,270 0.341,149,900 Norseman Gold AUD 217,489 0.017,831,991 Norseman Gold GBP 1,407,766 0.05690,000 Ophir Energy 1,144,842 0.04

2,589,696 Petropavlovsk 20,882,446 0.682,500,000 Premier Oil 12,326,404 0.40

592,600 R.E.A. Holdings 4,599,908 0.1554,660 REA Holdings Preference Shares 64,693 0.00

1,493,500 Rio Tinto 73,770,099 2.411,598,775 Rockhopper Exploration 4,777,110 0.16

4,619,200 Target Resources 511 0.009,166,000 Trap Oil Group 4,207,586 0.141,785,000 Valiant Petroleum 11,762,708 0.38

505,000 Vedanta Resources 11,509,834 0.372,100,000 Volga Gas 2,674,317 0.094,872,000 Xstrata 73,479,716 2.401,686,166 ZincOx Resources 1,305,580 0.04

538,298,161 17.55

AUSTRALIA19,100,000 Adamus Resources 7,933,381 0.269,730,000 Aditya Birla Minerals 11,005,749 0.36

23,650,000 African Iron 4,166,119 0.148,221,000 African Petroleum 5,030,550 0.16

275,000 Altus Renewables 20 0.006,053,700 Alumina 9,496,601 0.311,889,000 Aquila Resources 10,228,024 0.335,155,033 Arafura Resources 2,781,643 0.09

15,285,000 Aurora Oil and Gas 39,509,828 1.292,727,046 Ausgold 3,064,376 0.10

11,206,564 Azumah Resources 4,509,300 0.1517,701,859 Bathurst Resources 13,490,797 0.44

15,652 Berkeley Resources - Warrants 15.05.13 0 0.001,859,009 Berkeley Resources AUD 568,777 0.02


JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 108: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

2,310,687 Berkeley Resources GBP 690,097 0.02695,000 BHP Billiton 22,568,229 0.74

4,000,000 Blackthorn Resources 1,349,921 0.0413,853,900 Cape Lambert Resources 4,598,350 0.15

6,382,712 Carrick Gold 2,485,430 0.0869,076,675 Castlemaine Goldfields 2,151,878 0.076,870,000 Centamin Egypt 9,590,056 0.318,234,000 CGA Mining 17,237,370 0.565,430,000 Coal of Africa GBP 4,474,671 0.155,026,000 Diamonex AUD 373 0.00

619,000 Diamonex GBP 68 0.003,850,000 Discovery Metals 3,433,861 0.11

11,700,000 Exco Resources 5,662,436 0.187,050,000 Fortescue Metals Group 33,152,424 1.08

26,793,000 Gindalbie Metals 16,544,075 0.542,800,000 Gryphon Minerals 3,727,858 0.122,150,000 Iluka Resources 26,718,976 0.872,092,625 Independence Group 8,792,821 0.29

28,000,000 Integra Mining 9,137,926 0.3015,331,200 International Ferro Metals 2,755,717 0.09

12,000,000 International Petroleum 2,625,670 0.0916,426,700 Kagara Zinc 7,005,757 0.23

630,300 Kingsgate Consolidated 3,735,347 0.1222,850,000 Lynas 34,828,514 1.14

6,510,000 Mawson West 5,591,090 0.181,425,000 Medusa Mining 6,965,258 0.231,041,665 Mineral Deposits AUD 4,330,525 0.14

366,130 Mineral Deposits CAD 1,549,974 0.056,085,000 Mirabela Nickel AUD 7,943,468 0.262,704,218 Mirabela Nickel CAD 3,570,856 0.129,098,100 Mount Gibson Iron 12,382,938 0.409,796,700 Murchison Metals 5,558,763 0.182,251,300 New Hope 8,641,331 0.281,330,300 Newcrest Mining 37,198,708 1.21

19,380,742 Nyota Minerals 2,465,320 0.082,507,000 PanAust 6,982,343 0.235,805,000 Perseus Mining 11,176,061 0.368,606,027 Pluton Resources 1,803,259 0.06

28,504,139 Red 5 2,484,178 0.084,036,010 Rex Minerals 6,885,207 0.22

14,019,475 Rialto Energy 4,601,315 0.15702,600 Rio Tinto 43,185,942 1.41

3,343,992 Robust Resources 3,701,830 0.125,645,000 Saracen Mineral Holdings 2,240,034 0.074,100,000 St Barbara 5,930,009 0.19

43,532,600 Sundance Resources/Australia 10,897,460 0.367,464,641 Swan Gold Mining 554 0.004,749,900 Terramin Australia 942,421 0.034,750,000 Tiger Resources 1,620,647 0.05

690,000 Western Areas 3,029,756 0.105,338,018 Windimurra Vanadium 396 0.00

536,732,633 17.49

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1,085,000 Arcelor Mittal Registered - NY Shares 25,995,456 0.851,050,000 Coeur d’Alene Mines 17,725,577 0.58

460,000 ConocoPhillips 23,824,240 0.771,385,000 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 50,203,080 1.642,092,000 Gran Tierra Energy 9,515,059 0.311,000,000 Mantle Diamonds 111 0.002,450,000 Mitra Energy 5,503,335 0.18

426,000 Newmont Mining 15,762,457 0.51105,174 Resaca Exploitation 112,672 0.00

484,900 Southern Copper 10,982,599 0.36370,800 Southwestern Energy 10,980,355 0.36325,000 United States Steel 10,303,591 0.34124,636 Walter Energy 10,020,580 0.33353,000 Walter Energy 28,384,436 0.92

219,313,548 7.15

BERMUDA4,662,372 African Minerals 26,469,207 0.86

4,600,000 Aquarius Platinum 16,152,443 0.53810,000 Energy XXI Bermuda 18,866,504 0.62

320,001,000 G-Resources Group 18,046,525 0.597,950,000 Gulf Keystone Petroleum 12,113,337 0.3919,126,903 Petra Diamonds 33,455,226 1.0910,813,000 Sylvania Platinum 4,411,052 0.14

129,514,294 4.22

CHINA10,291,000 China Coal Energy - H Shares* 9,550,858 0.3113,814,000 China Petroleum & Chemical - H Shares * 9,600,024 0.317,951,000 China Shenhua Energy - H Shares * 26,233,069 0.86

62,432,000 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical - H Shares* 19,212,285 0.63

64,596,236 2.11

ISLE OF MAN2,346,901 3Legs Resources 5,620,277 0.188,274,140 Exillon Energy 39,505,690 1.29

2,600,000 Zhaikmunai Registered Shares GDR 17,745,448 0.58

62,871,415 2.05

JERSEY2,323,932 Glencore International 12,571,344 0.41

4,780,000 Highland Gold Mining 9,431,464 0.311,800,000 KazakhGold Group Registered Shares GDR 4,360,507 0.144,309,500 Minera IRL 3,146,124 0.10

530,000 Randgold Resources ADR 30,768,463 1.01

60,277,902 1.97

IRELAND15,850,000 Circle Oil 5,764,559 0.1946,250,000 Kenmare Resources 29,492,806 0.96

9,201,356 Ormonde Mining 1,030,509 0.0350,696,100 Petroceltic International 5,579,595 0.1819,500,000 Petroneft Resources 7,495,394 0.25

2,286,970 Providence Resources 6,488,628 0.21

55,851,491 1.82

HONG KONG24,970,000 CNOOC 40,316,327 1.3132,160,000 IRC 5,069,708 0.17

45,386,035 1.48

INDONESIA43,046,000 International Nickel Indonesia 15,521,809 0.5132,565,500 Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia 6,068,145 0.204,150,000 PT Astra Agro Lestari 7,783,130 0.25

41,000,000 PT Timah 8,217,949 0.27

37,591,033 1.23

BRAZIL900,000 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR 20,990,774 0.68610,000 Vale Preference Shares ADR 12,182,293 0.40

33,173,067 1.08

RUSSIA260,000 Lukoil OAO ADR 11,384,041 0.37

1,157,000 MMC Norilsk Nickel ADR 20,907,327 0.68

32,291,368 1.05

CAYMAN ISLANDS2,047,500 Leaf Clean Energy 1,687,273 0.058,200,000 Mongolian Mining 6,998,513 0.233,000,000 Real Gold Mining 2,360,606 0.0813,220,000 Tethys Petroleum 10,265,863 0.34

21,312,255 0.70

SOUTH AFRICA580,000 Impala Platinum Holdings 10,734,750 0.35

68,927,240 Merafe Resources 8,190,075 0.27

18,924,825 0.62

NORWAY21,150,000 DNO International 16,903,898 0.55

16,903,898 0.55

LUXEMBOURG610,000 Evraz Group Registered Shares GDR 13,126,689 0.43

13,126,689 0.43

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS1,484,300 Gem Diamonds 3,712,165 0.12

756,512 Ncondezi Coal 1,138,046 0.0322,349,572 Sierra Rutile 5,161,843 0.173,873,389 St Augustine Gold and Copper 1,788,072 0.06

11,800,126 0.38


JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 109: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

SWEDEN1,175,700 Lundin Petroleum 11,071,413 0.36

11,071,413 0.36

MALAYSIA7,776,946 IOI 9,425,763 0.31

9,425,763 0.31

PAPUA NEW GUINEA881,400 New Britain Palm Oil 8,774,464 0.29

8,774,464 0.29

PERU8,655,355 Minsur 6,973,990 0.23

6,973,990 0.23

SINGAPORE4,000,000 Straits Asia Resources 6,720,204 0.22

6,720,204 0.22

FALKLAND ISLANDS11,662,757 Argos Resources 3,579,887 0.123,441,520 Falkland Oil & Gas 2,198,403 0.07

5,778,290 0.19

GUERNSEY6,614,036 Mariana Resources 1,646,092 0.05

1,646,092 0.05

SOUTH KOREA19,426 POSCO ADR 1,451,596 0.05

1,451,596 0.05

NEW ZEALAND30,168 Allied Medical 2 0.00

2 0.00

Total Shares and Warrants 3,034,298,451 98.93

Convertible Bonds

IRELAND1,500,000 Providence Resources 29.07.12/12.000% 750,000 0.02

750,000 0.02

Total Convertible Bonds 750,000 0.02

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

3,035,048,451 98.95

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG33,221,044 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - Euro Liquidity Fund (JPM

Euro Liquidity X (dist)) 33,221,044 1.09

33,221,044 1.09

Total Investment Funds 33,221,044 1.09

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

33,221,044 1.09

Total Investments 3,068,269,495 100.04

Cash 969,567 0.03

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (2,084,158) (0.07)

Total Net Assets 3,067,154,904 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesIreland 0.02Total Fixed Income Securities 0.02Shares and WarrantsMaterials 76.61Energy 21.03Consumer Staples 1.23Investment Companies 1.09Industrials 0.04Financials 0.02Total Shares and Warrants 100.02Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (0.04)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesIreland 0.02Total Fixed Income Securities 0.02Shares and WarrantsMaterials 76.11Energy 17.81Investment Companies 2.99Consumer Staples 1.12Industrials 0.04Health Care 0.00Total Shares and Warrants 98.07Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.91

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in EUR) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 110: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA12,400 Alexandria Real Estate Equities 958,954 1.1814,900 AvalonBay Communities 1,907,498 2.3520,050 Boston Properties 2,109,160 2.6014,800 BRE Properties 726,976 0.9020,000 Camden Property Trust 1,267,900 1.5692,300 DCT Industrial Trust 481,345 0.5934,300 DiamondRock Hospitality 363,408 0.4515,200 Digital Realty Trust 935,180 1.1530,200 DuPont Fabros Technology 767,080 0.9414,000 Excel Trust 155,470 0.1946,500 FelCor Lodging Trust 250,403 0.3152,700 Glimcher Realty Trust 496,698 0.6164,900 HCP 2,377,287 2.9316,400 Health Care REIT 862,476 1.0691,000 Host Hotels & Resorts 1,517,425 1.8726,200 Kimco Realty 487,189 0.6024,400 LaSalle Hotel Properties 635,254 0.7823,200 Liberty Property Trust 760,728 0.9425,400 Macerich 1,342,263 1.6537,500 Mack-Cali Realty 1,233,375 1.5218,300 Nationwide Health Properties 766,496 0.9481,685 ProLogis 2,910,028 3.5812,300 Public Storage 1,388,117 1.7125,700 Regency Centers 1,124,118 1.3938,027 Simon Property Group 4,378,049 5.3911,000 SL Green Realty 912,175 1.1210,615 Vornado Realty Trust 985,284 1.21

27,600 Weingarten Realty Investors 694,968 0.86

32,795,304 40.38

HONG KONG714,000 China Overseas Land & Investment 1,527,582 1.88352,000 Hang Lung Properties 1,445,125 1.7843,000 Henderson Land Development 276,959 0.34153,500 Link REIT 525,158 0.65471,000 New World Development 711,133 0.88416,000 Sino Land 667,114 0.82237,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties 3,451,929 4.25191,600 Wharf Holdings 1,333,787 1.64

9,938,787 12.24

JAPAN198 Advance Residence Investment 412,976 0.5149 Frontier Real Estate Investment 430,753 0.53

124 Japan Real Estate Investment 1,214,691 1.50120 Kenedix Realty Investment 460,823 0.57

114,000 Mitsubishi Estate 1,989,466 2.4584,000 Mitsui Fudosan 1,437,260 1.77

82 Nippon Building Fund 799,193 0.9853,000 Sumitomo Realty & Development 1,176,791 1.45

7,921,953 9.76

AUSTRALIA458,766 BGP Holdings 0 0.00

99,901 CFS Retail Property Trust 194,852 0.24782,952 Commonwealth Property Office Fund 787,711 0.97908,761 Dexus Property Group 855,770 1.05845,685 Goodman Group 637,552 0.79327,354 Mirvac Group 439,125 0.54

296,400 Stockland 1,086,249 1.34260,642 Westfield Group 2,420,872 2.98241,421 Westfield Retail Trust 700,814 0.86

7,122,945 8.77

UNITED KINGDOM128,399 British Land 1,246,809 1.54135,881 Helical Bar 549,379 0.68106,149 Land Securities Group 1,440,165 1.77235,270 London & Stamford Property 489,296 0.60103,565 Safestore Holdings 226,657 0.28166,250 Segro 824,141 1.01

4,776,447 5.88

FRANCE29,224 Klepierre 1,200,301 1.4813,344 Unibail-Rodamco 3,057,226 3.76

4,257,527 5.24

SINGAPORE408,000 CapitaCommercial Trust 483,420 0.60906,000 CapitaLand 2,143,265 2.64298,000 CapitaMalls Asia 357,940 0.44

31,000 City Developments 262,036 0.32

3,246,661 4.00

CANADA19,562 Artis Real Estate Investment Trust 282,380 0.3547,616 Brookfield Properties 911,444 1.1210,400 Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 208,118 0.2615,800 Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust 359,292 0.4431,854 First Capital Realty 542,445 0.6732,686 RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 878,836 1.08

3,182,515 3.92

NETHERLANDS27,337 Corio 1,804,090 2.22

25,040 Nieuwe Steen Investment Funds 512,189 0.6310,365 Vastned Offices/Industrial 184,946 0.233,828 Wereldhave 387,559 0.48

2,888,784 3.56

BERMUDA167,000 HongKong Land Holdings 1,187,370 1.46

1,187,370 1.46

CAYMAN ISLANDS160,000 Agile Property Holdings 247,742 0.30450,000 China Resources Land 810,107 1.00

1,057,849 1.30

FINLAND141,977 Sponda 824,759 1.0237,170 Technopolis 198,177 0.24

1,022,936 1.26

BELGIUM4,231 Cofinimmo 599,368 0.74

599,368 0.74

NORWAY154,704 Norwegian Property 320,819 0.40

320,819 0.40

GERMANY13,441 Alstria Office REIT 203,611 0.25

203,611 0.25

Total Shares 80,522,876 99.16

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to an OfficialExchange Listing

80,522,876 99.16

Total Investments 80,522,876 99.16

Cash 604,586 0.74

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 81,169 0.10

Total Net Assets 81,208,631 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 111: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 99.16Total Shares 99.16Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.84

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 97.22Materials 0.49Consumer Discretionary 0.37Total Shares 98.08Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.92

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 112: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



08-Jul-11 EUR 44,526 AUD 60,012 6208-Jul-11 EUR 38,593 CAD 54,208 (292)08-Jul-11 EUR 47,651 GBP 42,276 1,28308-Jul-11 EUR 151,782 HKD 1,693,937 1,90608-Jul-11 EUR 129,445 JPY 14,994,122 1,21808-Jul-11 EUR 6,903,044 USD 9,980,213 6,27308-Jul-11 HKD 375,248 EUR 33,932 (869)08-Jul-11 USD 944,299 AUD 889,477 (9,518)08-Jul-11 USD 411,692 CAD 403,036 (5,586)08-Jul-11 USD 91,326 CHF 76,986 (51)08-Jul-11 USD 171,227 EUR 119,778 (2,053)08-Jul-11 USD 618,425 GBP 378,573 12,60708-Jul-11 USD 1,161,392 HKD 9,030,112 1,00708-Jul-11 USD 822,360 JPY 66,307,900 (390)08-Jul-11 USD 13,574 NOK 73,211 (37)08-Jul-11 USD 81,030 SEK 500,714 1,91408-Jul-11 USD 461,450 SGD 568,876 (1,804)15-Jul-11 AUD 326,297 USD 348,971 60415-Jul-11 CAD 1,279,355 USD 1,327,821 (3,496)15-Jul-11 CHF 586,552 USD 668,885 27,35015-Jul-11 EUR 318,792 HKD 3,542,230 5,89115-Jul-11 EUR 1,031,498 USD 1,500,742 (8,807)15-Jul-11 GBP 127,234 USD 207,915 (4,324)15-Jul-11 HKD 13,397,849 USD 1,721,030 69115-Jul-11 JPY 40,413,205 USD 499,446 2,02015-Jul-11 SEK 3,769,104 USD 602,058 (6,765)15-Jul-11 SGD 405,663 USD 329,199 1,14915-Jul-11 USD 514,320 AUD 474,159 6,33515-Jul-11 USD 3,929,775 EUR 2,736,354 (28,021)15-Jul-11 USD 332,639 GBP 201,951 9,49215-Jul-11 USD 4,187,655 HKD 32,530,831 7,20815-Jul-11 USD 1,286,732 JPY 103,960,467 (3,258)08-Aug-11 EUR 44,498 USD 64,085 228

Total 11,967


Page 113: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares, Warrants and Rights

CHINA241,323,000 Agricultural Bank of China - H Shares * 126,982,728 3.59

3,500,000 Air China - H Shares * 3,624,892 0.1024,710,000 Aluminum Corporation of China - H Shares * 20,813,134 0.59

2,532,500 Anhui Conch Cement - H Shares * 11,894,026 0.33195,000 Baidu/China ADR 27,040,650 0.76

3,693,200 Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science andTechnology Development - H Shares * 7,028,294 0.20

295,905,000 China Citic Bank - H Shares * 184,220,568 5.2059,181,000 China Citic Bank - H Shares -

Rights * 25.07.11 6,349,811 0.18303,176,540 China Construction Bank - H Shares * 251,468,662 7.10

18,131,000 China Life Insurance - H Shares * 61,913,743 1.7561,994,000 China National Building Material - H Shares * 121,481,888 3.43

100,166,000 China Oilfield Services - H Shares * 182,768,230 5.1617,055,000 China Pacific Insurance Group - H Shares * 70,511,883 1.99

148,144,000 China Petroleum & Chemical - H Shares * 148,956,838 4.2127,648,000 China Telecom - H Shares * 17,887,730 0.5043,479,742 China Vanke - B Shares 58,495,933 1.65

104,684,485 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China - H Shares * 79,431,773 2.253,694,000 Jiangxi Copper - H Shares * 12,282,005 0.341,249,946 Kangmei Pharmaceutical - A Shares 2,544,023 0.071,683,488 Kangmei Pharmaceutical -

Warrants 09.09.13 3,427,582 0.1022,004,779 Kangmei Pharmaceutical -

Warrants 05.05.14 44,800,630 1.2610,058,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China - H Shares * 103,754,171 2.935,999,842 SAIC Motor - A Shares 17,419,166 0.507,677,361 Sany Heavy Industry - A Shares 21,434,226 0.61

5,025,000 Sany Heavy Industry - Warrants 03.03.14 14,029,172 0.401,870,000 Shandong Dong-E E-Jiao-A -

Warrants 03.03.14 11,935,649 0.34730,665 Tianjin Tasly Pharmaceutical - A Shares 4,647,908 0.13

600,000 Tianjin Tasly Pharmaceutical -Warrants 06.01.14 3,817,860 0.11

5,252,000 Tsingtao Brewery - H Shares * 30,267,684 0.8542,380,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining - H Shares * 161,056,307 4.5557,516,000 Zijin Mining Group - H Shares * 28,934,266 0.82

1,841,221,432 52.00

CAYMAN ISLANDS28,844,000 Agile Property Holdings 44,661,630 1.2657,456,000 Belle International Holdings 120,562,877 3.4071,156,000 China Resources Land 128,097,807 3.6212,278,000 China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group 24,327,867 0.69

47,893,000 China Vanadium Titano - Magnetite Mining 18,308,427 0.527,500,000 Credit China Holdings 1,498,593 0.041,042,607 Focus Media Holding ADR 32,539,765 0.92

137,870,000 Glorious Property Holdings 42,872,339 1.2129,264,000 Hengdeli Holdings 15,492,551 0.4421,668,000 Intime Department Store Group 36,891,536 1.0466,252,000 KWG Property Holding 44,013,060 1.2475,829,000 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing 46,039,349 1.3062,066,000 Maoye International Holdings 30,904,199 0.87

450,349 New Oriental Education & Technology Group ADR 50,373,787 1.42254,035 Noah Holdings ADR 2,884,567 0.08

79,744,500 Parkson Retail Group 116,507,326 3.2925,013,000 Springland International Holdings 20,875,504 0.59

7,341,700 Tencent Holdings 198,865,420 5.62

975,716,604 27.55

HONG KONG1,500,000 Cathay Pacific Airways 3,479,049 0.096,684,000 China Mobile 61,860,260 1.758,326,000 China Resources Power Holdings 16,176,339 0.46

58,620,000 CNOOC 136,940,442 3.8793,132,000 Franshion Properties China 23,575,298 0.67

44,626,000 Guotai Junan International Holdings 18,722,472 0.5315,912,000 Poly Hong Kong Investments 10,458,332 0.29

271,212,192 7.66

BERMUDA54,026,000 China Yurun Food Group 152,206,938 4.3055,314,000 COSCO Pacific 96,948,583 2.7430,392,000 Euro-Asia Agricultural Holdings 391 0.0010,141,000 Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings 4,788,838 0.13

253,944,750 7.17

TAIWAN6,075,000 Eva Airways 6,191,319 0.17

14,436,000 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre 53,648,146 1.52

59,839,465 1.69

NETHERLANDS7,057,417 Sany Heavy Industry - Warrants 05.05.14 19,696,545 0.55

19,696,545 0.55

SINGAPORE15,902,000 Yanlord Land Group 15,604,161 0.44

15,604,161 0.44

Total Shares, Warrants and Rights 3,437,235,149 97.06

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

3,437,235,149 97.06

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

HONG KONG2,049,866 JF China New Generation Fund 20,396,168 0.58

20,396,168 0.58

Total Investment Funds 20,396,168 0.58

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

20,396,168 0.58

Total Investments 3,457,631,317 97.64

Cash 72,256,187 2.04

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 11,182,523 0.32

Total Net Assets 3,541,070,027 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares, Warrants and RightsFinancials 36.02Materials 13.40Energy 13.24Consumer Discretionary 11.05Information Technology 6.38Industrials 6.28Consumer Staples 5.15Health Care 2.83Telecommunication Services 2.25Investment Companies 0.58Utilities 0.46Total Shares, Warrants and Rights 97.64Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.36

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Shares and WarrantsFinancials 37.27Materials 14.30Energy 13.43Consumer Discretionary 10.34Information Technology 6.69Consumer Staples 5.44Industrials 4.76Health Care 3.62Telecommunication Services 2.78Investment Companies 0.65Utilities 0.38Total Shares and Warrants 99.66Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.34

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 114: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares, Warrants and Rights

CHINA33,051,000 Agricultural Bank of China - H Shares * 17,391,240 2.039,554,000 Aluminum Corporation of China - H Shares * 8,047,296 0.941,104,000 Anhui Conch Cement - H Shares * 5,184,997 0.60

44,081,700 Bank of China - H Shares * 21,496,222 2.512,483,000 Beijing Jingkelong - H Shares * 3,206,526 0.372,896,400 Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and

Technology Development - H Shares * 5,511,955 0.6416,240,000 China Citic Bank - H Shares * 10,110,481 1.183,248,000 China Citic Bank - Rights 25.07.11 348,493 0.049,609,000 China Communications Construction - H Shares * 8,235,615 0.9643,615,780 China Construction Bank - H Shares * 36,176,948 4.229,350,000 China National Building Material - H Shares * 18,322,026 2.145,552,000 China Oilfield Services - H Shares * 10,130,476 1.18

18,742,000 China Petroleum & Chemical - H Shares * 18,844,834 2.2011,502,000 China Telecom - H Shares * 7,441,575 0.8711,781,926 China Vanke - B Shares 15,850,939 1.85

18,467,665 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China - H Shares * 14,012,768 1.632,551,200 Lianhua Supermarket Holdings - H Shares * 5,831,933 0.68

3,806,000 PICC Property & Casualty - H Shares * 6,465,353 0.751,765,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China - H Shares * 18,211,263 2.12

3,636,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining - H Shares * 13,817,856 1.6114,079,000 Zijin Mining Group - H Shares * 7,082,647 0.82

251,721,443 29.34

TAIWAN13,460,201 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering 14,737,104 1.721,084,000 Asustek Computer 10,745,657 1.25

930,000 Catcher Technology 5,851,958 0.682,803,000 Cheng Uei Precision Industry 7,313,659 0.859,166,667 China Life Insurance/Taiwan 12,134,465 1.41

5,898,000 China Petrochemical Development 6,729,572 0.7810,074,000 E.Sun Financial Holding 7,145,614 0.834,365,000 Eva Airways 4,448,577 0.524,031,000 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre 14,980,305 1.753,237,000 Formosa Plastics 11,635,170 1.362,077,000 Foxconn Technology 8,586,379 1.009,827,718 Fubon Financial Holding 15,087,985 1.763,213,720 Hon Hai Precision Industry 11,008,879 1.29

162,000 HTC 5,450,757 0.641,876,239 Huaku Development 5,581,362 0.651,180,000 Kinsus Interconnect Technology 4,816,536 0.56

198,000 Largan Precision 6,344,961 0.7412,417,000 Mega Financial Holding 10,839,209 1.261,786,000 Powertech Technology 5,981,312 0.701,279,000 President Chain Store 7,380,131 0.864,523,000 Prince Housing & Development 4,617,475 0.5413,765,235 Taishin Financial Holding 8,158,507 0.956,452,241 Taiwan Cement 9,602,552 1.12

14,423,610 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 36,203,387 4.223,598,000 Unimicron Technology 6,394,357 0.75

241,775,870 28.19

HONG KONG4,699,000 AIA Group 16,287,669 1.903,146,500 BOC Hong Kong Holdings 9,127,409 1.061,723,000 Cheung Kong Holdings 25,151,022 2.931,373,705 China Mobile 12,713,607 1.48

2,081,000 China Taiping Insurance Holdings 4,700,921 0.5613,900,000 CNOOC 32,471,377 3.784,369,000 Hang Lung Properties 17,936,799 2.09

798,000 Hutchison Whampoa 8,618,519 1.011,632,500 Power Assets Holdings 12,334,528 1.44

653,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties 9,511,012 1.112,393,600 Wharf Holdings 16,662,591 1.94

638,753 Wing Hang Bank 6,982,757 0.81

172,498,211 20.11

CAYMAN ISLANDS7,552,000 Agile Property Holdings 11,693,407 1.366,828,000 China Resources Land 12,292,032 1.431,363,000 China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group 2,700,675 0.325,034,000 Greatview Aseptic Packaging 3,046,675 0.36

13,208,000 Hengdeli Holdings 6,992,401 0.827,898,000 Hidili Industry International Development 6,809,758 0.798,660,500 International Mining Machinery Holdings 8,318,522 0.976,855,000 Intime Department Store Group 11,671,196 1.36

14,782,000 Maoye International Holdings -Warrants 28.11.11 7,370,305 0.86

5,355,292 Parkson Retail Group 7,824,123 0.915,020,400 Sands China 13,466,565 1.57

3,453,500 Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings 3,940,619 0.467,754,000 Springland International Holdings 6,471,381 0.75

887,600 Tencent Holdings 24,042,517 2.808,141,000 Want Want China Holdings 7,866,610 0.92

134,506,786 15.68

BERMUDA6,774,000 China Resources Gas Group 9,444,239 1.103,173,000 China Yurun Food Group 8,939,263 1.044,758,000 COSCO Pacific 8,339,324 0.97

204,400 Jardine Matheson Holdings 11,685,548 1.375,654,000 Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group 2,669,963 0.31

41,078,337 4.79

SINGAPORE317,000 TPK Holding - Warrants 23.12.11 9,648,846 1.12

9,648,846 1.12

Total Shares, Warrants and Rights 851,229,493 99.23

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

851,229,493 99.23

Total Investments 851,229,493 99.23

Cash 8,732,410 1.02

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (2,148,062) (0.25)

Total Net Assets 857,813,841 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares, Warrants and RightsFinancials 41.30Information Technology 16.90Materials 12.27Consumer Discretionary 7.87Energy 7.16Industrials 5.20Consumer Staples 3.01Utilities 2.54Telecommunication Services 2.35Health Care 0.63Total Shares, Warrants and Rights 99.23Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.77

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Shares and WarrantsFinancials 37.73Information Technology 16.63Materials 11.43Consumer Discretionary 8.34Energy 8.20Industrials 6.76Consumer Staples 3.88Telecommunication Services 3.54Health Care 1.90Utilities 0.53Total Shares and Warrants 98.94Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.06

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 115: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


HONG KONG544,400 AIA Group 1,886,999 1.23

1,149,500 BOC Hong Kong Holdings 3,334,485 2.17389,000 Cheung Kong Holdings 5,678,321 3.69418,500 China Mobile 3,873,207 2.52634,560 China Overseas Land & Investment 1,357,622 0.88252,000 Chong Hing Bank 566,994 0.37

3,808,000 CNOOC 8,895,756 5.78701,000 Dah Chong Hong Holdings 835,457 0.54293,400 Dah Sing Banking Group 410,186 0.27227,050 Dah Sing Financial Holdings 1,165,548 0.76

1,140,000 Guotai Junan International Holdings 478,278 0.31730,000 Hang Lung Properties 2,996,993 1.95

31,900 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing 668,759 0.43563,000 Hutchison Whampoa 6,080,484 3.95

1,434,000 Poly Hong Kong Investments 942,512 0.611,516,000 Shun Tak Holdings 918,487 0.60

555,340 Sino Land 890,565 0.58138,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties 2,009,984 1.31924,500 Techtronic Industries 1,103,014 0.72484,500 Wharf Holdings 3,372,755 2.19134,010 Wing Hang Bank 1,464,978 0.95

48,931,384 31.81

CHINA1,970,000 Agricultural Bank of China - H Shares * 1,036,602 0.671,424,000 Aluminum Corporation of China - H Shares * 1,199,429 0.787,536,100 Bank of China - H Shares * 3,674,942 2.39

710,000 BBMG - H Shares * 1,060,124 0.69554,000 Beijing Jingkelong - H Shares * 715,431 0.47

14,353,910 China Construction Bank - H Shares * 11,905,798 7.74380,000 China Life Insurance - H Shares * 1,297,624 0.84

1,476,000 China National Building Material - H Shares * 2,892,333 1.883,450,000 China Petroleum & Chemical - H Shares * 3,468,930 2.26

230,500 China Shenhua Energy - H Shares * 1,100,327 0.722,414,000 China Telecom - H Shares * 1,561,812 1.018,082,140 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China - H Shares * 6,132,511 3.99

665,600 Lianhua Supermarket Holdings - H Shares * 1,521,533 0.99478,500 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China - H Shares * 4,935,763 3.21440,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining - H Shares * 1,672,128 1.09

2,922,000 Zijin Mining Group - H Shares * 1,469,955 0.96

45,645,242 29.69

CAYMAN ISLANDS1,276,000 Agile Property Holdings 1,975,740 1.28

317,000 Asia Cement China Holdings 248,881 0.161,700,000 China Resources Land 3,060,406 2.00

427,000 China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group 846,066 0.552,824,000 China Vanadium Titano - Magnetite Mining 1,079,552 0.704,520,000 ERA Mining Machinery 325,251 0.211,039,000 Glorious Property Holdings 323,090 0.221,045,000 Greatview Aseptic Packaging 632,454 0.411,796,000 Hengdeli Holdings 950,814 0.621,606,000 Hidili Industry International Development 1,384,714 0.901,393,000 Intime Department Store Group 2,371,696 1.541,557,000 Maoye International Holdings 775,269 0.511,185,000 Microport Scientific 764,388 0.50

1,440,000 Parkson Retail Group 2,103,851 1.371,017,000 Ruinian International Group 667,127 0.431,067,600 Sands China 2,863,697 1.861,223,000 Springland International Holdings 1,020,699 0.66

160,200 Tencent Holdings 4,339,355 2.82

25,733,050 16.74

BERMUDA260,000 Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings 1,352,235 0.88908,000 China Resources Gas Group 1,265,924 0.82619,000 China Yurun Food Group 1,743,903 1.13

1,032,000 COSCO Pacific 1,808,781 1.18282,000 HongKong Land Holdings 2,005,020 1.30170,000 IT 165,472 0.11

59,554 Jardine Matheson Holdings 3,404,702 2.22361,000 Kerry Properties 1,736,045 1.13

1,048,000 Midland Holdings 613,397 0.401,451,916 NWS Holdings 1,934,694 1.26

88,000 Orient Overseas International 565,951 0.37880,000 Public Financial Holdings 543,901 0.35

1,172,000 Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings 553,448 0.36

17,693,473 11.51

UNITED KINGDOM1,403,976 HSBC Holdings 13,895,796 9.04

13,895,796 9.04

Total Shares 151,898,945 98.79

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

151,898,945 98.79

Total Investments 151,898,945 98.79

Cash 1,644,695 1.07

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 215,453 0.14

Total Net Assets 153,759,093 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 61.71Materials 8.29Energy 8.04Consumer Discretionary 7.39Telecommunication Services 3.53Information Technology 2.82Consumer Staples 2.59Health Care 1.84Industrials 1.76Utilities 0.82Total Shares 98.79Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.21

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 58.84Consumer Discretionary 10.31Energy 8.67Materials 6.53Telecommunication Services 4.60Consumer Staples 3.16Health Care 2.59Industrials 2.21Information Technology 1.92Utilities 0.68Total Shares 99.51Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.49

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 116: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


INDIA1,712,300 ACC 36,420,380 1.32

12,208,023 Ambuja Cements 36,673,240 1.33464,270 Axis Bank 13,344,776 0.48

1,335,138 Bajaj Auto 42,026,673 1.521,796,996 Bharat Heavy Electricals 82,527,514 2.991,330,914 Bharat Petroleum 19,310,761 0.707,964,275 Bharti Airtel 70,103,976 2.54

787,277 Cummins India 11,882,263 0.431,155,777 Divi’s Laboratories 20,363,813 0.741,141,002 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories 39,093,169 1.42

4,610,869 Exide Industries 16,711,692 0.61681,648 Godrej Properties 11,257,335 0.41385,331 Grasim Industries 18,823,346 0.68

4,070,526 HDFC Bank 227,934,427 8.27606,424 Hero Honda Motors 25,244,825 0.92

13,117,925 Hindalco Industries 52,931,077 1.921,751,651 Hindustan Petroleum 15,586,127 0.57

2,446,737 Hindustan Unilever 18,668,072 0.6813,172,169 Housing Development Finance 207,007,017 7.512,715,926 ICICI Bank 66,321,102 2.41

2,058,300 ICICI Bank ADR 101,834,393 3.705,791,490 IndusInd Bank 35,784,825 1.303,768,679 Infosys 244,833,425 8.88440,000 Infosys ADR 28,712,200 1.04

19,869,115 Infrastructure Development Finance 58,131,277 2.1130,885,702 ITC 140,312,590 5.09

2,704,515 Jindal Steel & Power 39,177,342 1.42385,430 JSW Steel 7,655,128 0.28

5,169,054 Kotak Mahindra Bank 55,513,257 2.012,685,969 Larsen & Toubro 110,140,356 4.002,734,215 Mahindra & Mahindra 42,857,857 1.55

591,435 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services 8,277,972 0.301,618,955 Maruti Suzuki India 42,074,367 1.536,773,421 Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone 24,538,305 0.89

9,750,000 NTPC 40,819,535 1.48523,833 Oberoi Realty 2,822,826 0.10

4,599,822 Oil & Natural Gas 28,207,232 1.02486,404 Opto Circuits India 3,240,698 0.12

10,766,097 Reliance Industries 215,647,163 7.82530,500 Shriram Transport Finance 7,318,265 0.27

2,761,406 Sterlite Industries India 10,317,426 0.374,261,355 Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries 47,719,738 1.73

5,076,050 Tata Consultancy Services 134,079,732 4.873,614,054 Tata Motors 80,105,195 2.91

479,000 Tata Motors - A Shares 5,809,576 0.211,165,474 Tata Power 34,124,474 1.24

101,428 Ultra Tech Cement 2,085,810 0.08750,232 Union Bank of India 4,953,451 0.18

6,219,214 Wipro 58,132,047 2.11

2,647,458,047 96.06

Total Shares 2,647,458,047 96.06

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

2,647,458,047 96.06

Total Investments 2,647,458,047 96.06

Cash 106,640,228 3.87

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2,057,586 0.07

Total Net Assets 2,756,155,861 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 29.05Information Technology 16.90Energy 10.11Industrials 8.92Consumer Discretionary 8.64Materials 7.40Consumer Staples 5.77Health Care 4.01Utilities 2.72Telecommunication Services 2.54Total Shares 96.06Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.94

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 30.29Information Technology 16.35Consumer Discretionary 10.82Materials 9.97Energy 9.39Industrials 9.17Consumer Staples 4.05Health Care 3.28Utilities 3.03Telecommunication Services 0.95Total Shares 97.30Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.70

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 117: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


JAPAN60,000 Aisin Seiki 2,304,113 1.1181,400 Asahi Group Holdings 1,632,141 0.7832,400 Calbee 1,155,980 0.56

161,500 Canon 7,634,655 3.68142,500 Daikin Industries 5,016,983 2.4231,000 Dena 1,329,890 0.6439,000 East Japan Railway 2,223,525 1.07

430,000 Ebara 2,518,270 1.2123,200 Fast Retailing 3,734,971 1.80

300,000 Fujitsu 1,702,959 0.82230,000 Honda Motor 8,811,031 4.24155,000 Hoya 3,412,712 1.64395,000 Isuzu Motors 1,857,497 0.89200,000 ITOCHU 2,067,126 0.99246,000 Kansai Paint 2,231,230 1.08

262 KDDI 1,878,975 0.90236,000 Kirin Holdings 3,270,823 1.57

62,000 Komatsu 1,920,119 0.9361,000 Konami 1,436,541 0.69

580,000 Kubota 5,102,302 2.46190,000 Kuraray 2,770,023 1.33316,000 Kureha 1,542,850 0.7450,000 Lawson 2,613,376 1.26

150,000 Marubeni 991,066 0.48335,000 Mitsubishi 8,317,327 4.00127,000 Mitsubishi Estate 2,216,335 1.07

1,640,000 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 7,956,325 3.83372,300 Mitsui & Co. 6,388,621 3.07445,000 Mitsui Fudosan 7,614,058 3.67

7,400 Nintendo 1,379,552 0.66157,000 Nippon Electric Glass 2,000,608 0.96135,000 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 6,478,225 3.12602,200 Nissan Motor 6,295,099 3.03180,000 NOK 3,066,443 1.48282,000 NSK 2,792,183 1.34

3,500 NTT DoCoMo 6,210,063 2.9983,440 ORIX 8,064,987 3.88

489,000 Panasonic 5,946,026 2.863,318 Rakuten 3,419,069 1.65

675,000 Ricoh 7,458,124 3.5927,400 Softbank 1,030,963 0.50

160,000 Sumitomo Electric Industries 2,315,776 1.11258,200 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 7,903,461 3.80

1,898,260 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings 6,571,308 3.16179,600 Sumitomo Rubber Industries 2,164,916 1.04135,000 Suzuki Motor 3,024,288 1.46121,700 TDK 6,666,735 3.21

596,000 Teijin 2,603,040 1.2554,000 Tokyo Electron 2,929,648 1.41

260,000 Toyota Motor 10,629,692 5.1279,200 Unicharm 3,444,333 1.66

204,046,363 98.21

Total Shares 204,046,363 98.21

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

204,046,363 98.21

Total Investments 204,046,363 98.21

Cash 5,226,039 2.52

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1,511,968) (0.73)

Total Net Assets 207,760,434 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 30.93Financials 19.41Industrials 17.97Information Technology 16.00Telecommunication Services 7.51Consumer Staples 4.57Materials 1.82Total Shares 98.21Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.79

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 26.14Financials 20.23Industrials 16.50Information Technology 9.90Materials 8.43Telecommunication Services 7.10Consumer Staples 6.28Energy 2.40Health Care 2.31Total Shares 99.29Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.71

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 118: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


JAPAN56,500 Aichi 279,713 0.7912,200 Ain Pharmaciez 498,399 1.41

3,471 Arealink 144,490 0.4146,000 Asahi Diamond Industrial 1,000,248 2.8340,200 Asahi Intecc 903,309 2.5531,700 Capcom 728,044 2.06

83,000 Chiyoda 950,543 2.6950,900 CKD 450,613 1.27

354 CyberAgent 1,232,928 3.4966,000 Daido Metal 682,970 1.9311,400 Dena 489,056 1.389,000 Disco 567,839 1.61

43,100 Don Quijote 1,492,283 4.22158 Dr Ci:Labo 806,713 2.28

59,000 Eagle Industry 736,448 2.0815,500 Exedy 528,398 1.5021,000 FCC 501,452 1.4233,000 Fujitsu General 217,011 0.61

80 Growell Holdings 2,078 0.0142,600 Hitachi Transport System 727,575 2.0627,000 Kanamoto 198,995 0.56

2,678 Kenedix 464,526 1.3160,000 Konami 1,412,991 4.00

140 M3 1,015,323 2.8735,000 Makino Milling Machine 323,097 0.91

5,300 Makita 244,959 0.6919,600 MISUMI Group 504,379 1.43

123,000 Mitsui Matsushima 252,578 0.7227,300 Musashi Seimitsu Industry 715,399 2.0265,000 Nichicon 1,068,211 3.0212,600 Nifco 331,435 0.9437,000 Nikkiso 331,919 0.94

289,000 Nippon Sheet Glass 894,665 2.5362,300 Nishio Rent All 432,494 1.2233,000 Nissin Electric 311,390 0.8841,600 Nissin Kogyo 748,175 2.12

134,000 NTN 759,824 2.15230 Osaka Securities Exchange 1,020,225 2.89

90,500 Outsourcing 545,729 1.54227,000 Press Kogyo 1,142,112 3.23

129 Prestige International 241,610 0.685,500 Round One 46,814 0.13

107,000 Sakai Chemical Industry 482,592 1.3616,200 Sanrio 628,643 1.785,900 Sawada Holdings 61,932 0.17

57,200 Ship Healthcare Holdings 1,050,743 2.97117,000 Showa Aircraft Industry 939,978 2.6663,500 Skymark Airlines 766,617 2.17

180 So-net Entertainment 756,561 2.141,800 Square Enix Holdings 32,228 0.09

11,500 Takata 350,515 0.9941,600 THK 1,052,194 2.98

8,100 Tomoe Engineering 179,447 0.5161,600 Trancom 1,104,818 3.1315,100 Unipres 389,046 1.10

46,300 U-Shin 384,038 1.0916,700 Ushio 327,286 0.93

1,139 UT Holdings 1,046,503 2.9647,200 Worldintec 127,378 0.3623,800 Yamato Kogyo 735,306 2.08

36,362,785 102.85

Total Shares 36,362,785 102.85

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to an OfficialExchange Listing

36,362,785 102.85

Total Investments 36,362,785 102.85

Cash 1,676,290 4.74

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (2,683,586) (7.59)

Total Net Assets 35,355,489 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 37.74Industrials 26.75Information Technology 21.24Materials 6.09Financials 4.78Health Care 3.96Consumer Staples 2.29Total Shares 102.85Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (2.85)

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Discretionary 36.11Information Technology 16.12Industrials 15.72Materials 13.81Financials 8.71Consumer Staples 5.07Health Care 4.22Total Shares 99.76Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.24

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 119: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


SOUTH KOREA10,947 CJ O Shopping 2,363,580 1.0859,690 Daishin Securities Prefrence Shares 473,752 0.22

108,000 Dongsuh 3,770,088 1.7217,400 E-Mart 3,971,952 1.8181,000 Halla Climate Control 1,959,005 0.89

228,840 Hana Financial Group 7,988,398 3.6534,000 Hanil Cement 1,474,246 0.67

128,000 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction 4,294,437 1.9613,924 Hite Brewery 1,473,508 0.67

257,790 Hyundai Development 7,224,542 3.3036,501 Hyundai Heavy Industries 15,151,778 6.92

60,000 Hyundai Mipo Dockyard 9,538,303 4.3521,500 Hyundai Mobis 8,043,875 3.679,500 Hyundai Motor 2,110,765 0.96

323,996 KB Financial Group 15,338,076 7.0035,000 Kia Motors 2,368,187 1.08

167,000 Korea Electric Power 4,429,926 2.02166,220 Korea Exchange Bank 1,491,279 0.68137,500 KT&G 8,556,729 3.91109,500 LG 8,229,420 3.75

700 LG Chem 319,746 0.15181,000 LG Display 5,004,706 2.28106,000 LG Electronics 8,234,407 3.76600,790 LG Uplus 3,254,889 1.48

15,500 Megastudy 2,084,473 0.9533,000 Mirae Asset Securities 1,384,529 0.6321,700 OCI 8,194,910 3.74

20,900 POSCO 9,076,957 4.1481,000 Samsung C&T 6,216,473 2.8421,169 Samsung Electronics 16,365,433 7.4712,000 Samsung Electronics GDR 144A 4,633,200 2.129,000 Samsung Engineering 2,151,386 0.98

32,000 Samsung Techwin 2,782,544 1.2766,800 Shinhan Financial Group 3,181,101 1.45

7,830 Shinsegae International 476,634 0.2227,500 SK Innovation 5,157,216 2.3522,000 SK Telecom 3,322,252 1.52

2,300 S-Oil 296,708 0.14278,662 STX 5,878,312 2.68307,120 STX Pan Ocean 2,152,831 0.98

21,100 Yuhan 2,662,694 1.21

203,083,247 92.67

Total Shares 203,083,247 92.67

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

203,083,247 92.67

Total Investments 203,083,247 92.67

Cash 15,962,483 7.28

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 98,065 0.05

Total Net Assets 219,143,795 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesIndustrials 22.74Financials 20.06Information Technology 13.14Consumer Discretionary 13.01Materials 8.70Consumer Staples 6.30Telecommunication Services 3.00Energy 2.49Utilities 2.02Health Care 1.21Total Shares 92.67Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 7.33

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesIndustrials 16.08Financials 15.09Information Technology 15.09Consumer Discretionary 11.14Materials 8.53Consumer Staples 5.53Utilities 3.43Telecommunication Services 3.11Energy 1.25Health Care 1.19Total Shares 80.44Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 19.56

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 120: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Financial Futures Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011


Number ofContracts Security Description Currency



Equity Futures

Sep-11 150 KOSPI 200 Index Future KRW 19,427,795 395,322

Total 395,322

Schedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



15-Sep-11 KRW 1,700,000,000 USD 1,429,653 154,85331-Oct-11 KRW 250,000,000 USD 220,790 11,66115-Mar-12 KRW 1,550,000,000 USD 1,354,895 77,57916-Mar-12 KRW 1,500,000,000 USD 1,303,554 82,65715-Jun-12 KRW 2,500,000,000 USD 2,266,340 36,105

Total 362,855


Page 121: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Warrants

JAPAN11,200 Aisin Seiki 430,101 0.3614,100 Canon 666,555 0.56

70 CyberAgent 243,799 0.206,700 Dena 287,428 0.242,200 Fanuc 365,780 0.31

900 Fast Retailing 144,891 0.125,900 FUJIFILM Holdings 183,124 0.15

20,600 Gree 447,298 0.37145,000 Hitachi 850,983 0.7122,400 Honda Motor 858,118 0.72

121,000 Isuzu Motors 569,006 0.4772,500 JX Holdings 484,863 0.4016,400 Komatsu 507,902 0.4312,500 Konami 294,373 0.255,600 Kyocera 566,983 0.476,200 Lawson 324,059 0.27

37,800 Marui Group 285,159 0.2425,000 Mitsubishi 620,696 0.5261,000 Mitsubishi Electric 703,133 0.5946,000 Mitsubishi Estate 802,767 0.6727,800 Mitsui & Co. 477,044 0.4051,000 Mitsui Fudosan 872,622 0.733,800 Murata Manufacturing 251,777 0.21

16,000 NGK Insulators 296,495 0.2564,000 Nippon Sheet Glass 198,126 0.1719,600 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 940,542 0.7958,600 Nissan Motor 612,575 0.51

6,300 Nitori Holdings 597,208 0.505,800 Nitto Denko 292,177 0.24

40,000 NSK 396,054 0.3313,200 Omron 364,251 0.306,100 Oriental Land 515,807 0.427,640 ORIX 738,453 0.62

16 Rakuten 16,487 0.0210,900 Sanrio 422,976 0.356,200 Softbank 233,284 0.197,100 Sony 186,585 0.162,300 Square Enix Holdings 41,180 0.03

20,800 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 636,685 0.539,500 Tokio Marine Holdings 264,508 0.22

38,700 Tokyo Steel Manufacturing 405,751 0.345,900 Toyota Motor 241,212 0.2011,500 Yamato Kogyo 355,295 0.30

18,994,112 15.86

SOUTH KOREA1,395 Hyundai Heavy Industries 579,073 0.48

760 Hyundai Mobis 284,342 0.242,600 Hyundai Motor 577,683 0.48

43,840 KB Financial Group 2,075,400 1.737,141 KT&G 444,390 0.37740 Lotte Shopping 353,090 0.29999 OCI 377,268 0.32

1,464 POSCO 635,821 0.5311,200 Samsung C&T 859,562 0.721,698 Samsung Electronics 1,312,698 1.10

7,499,327 6.26

AUSTRALIA281,674 Asciano 495,737 0.4138,864 BHP Billiton 1,825,928 1.52

134,000 Boart Longyear Group 573,770 0.4869,506 Fortescue Metals Group 472,903 0.3911,632 Newcrest Mining 470,605 0.3931,097 QBE Insurance Group 574,495 0.487,457 Rio Tinto 663,165 0.55

67,000 Suncorp Group 583,837 0.4929,333 Treasury Wine Estates 105,454 0.0911,200 Wesfarmers 382,634 0.33

6,148,528 5.13

CHINA630,000 Aluminum Corporation of China - H Shares ** 530,646 0.44615,000 China Communications Construction - H Shares ** 527,100 0.44

1,662,910 China Construction Bank - H Shares ** 1,379,295 1.15340,000 China National Building Material - H Shares ** 666,255 0.56

656,000 China Petroleum & Chemical - H Shares ** 659,599 0.551,606,240 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China - H Shares ** 1,218,772 1.02

166,000 Yanzhou Coal Mining - H Shares ** 630,848 0.52

5,612,515 4.68

CAYMAN ISLANDS384,000 Daphne International Holdings 343,425 0.29

1,729,000 Glorious Property Holdings 537,653 0.45640,000 Hidili Industry International Development 551,816 0.46260,000 Intime Department Store Group 442,671 0.37400,200 MGM China Holdings 736,911 0.61187,600 Sands China 503,212 0.4223,700 Tencent Holdings 641,964 0.5463,600 Wynn Macau 206,762 0.17

3,964,414 3.31

BERMUDA208,000 COSCO Pacific 364,561 0.30304,000 IT 295,902 0.25

10,800 Jardine Matheson Holdings 617,436 0.5235,663 Jardine Strategic Holdings 1,098,420 0.92

165,500 Kerry Properties 795,888 0.66156,000 Ports Design 368,637 0.31

3,540,844 2.96

HONG KONG38,000 Cheung Kong Holdings 554,695 0.46

227,600 China Taiping Insurance Holdings 514,142 0.43285,000 CNOOC 665,780 0.56352,000 Poly Hong Kong Investments 231,356 0.19

52,500 Power Assets Holdings 396,669 0.3390,700 Wharf Holdings 631,391 0.53

2,994,033 2.50

TAIWAN211,000 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre 784,134 0.66169,000 Foxconn Technology 698,651 0.58250,000 Fubon Financial Holding 383,812 0.32

112 Hon Hai Precision Industry 384 0.00370,000 Mega Financial Holding 322,985 0.27357,056 Taiwan Cement 531,389 0.45

2,721,355 2.28

AUSTRIA61,284 ANZ Banking Group 1,446,872 1.2136,500 National Australia Bank 1,002,947 0.83

2,449,819 2.04

SINGAPORE61,600 Keppel 555,303 0.46

436,000 Mapletree Industrial Trust 417,182 0.3579,000 Oversea-Chinese Banking 601,828 0.50151,000 Singapore Telecommunications 387,952 0.32

1,026 United Overseas Bank 16,418 0.02

1,978,683 1.65

THAILAND241,000 Charoen Pokphand Foods (Foreign) 230,899 0.19580,200 Krung Thai Bank (Foreign) 354,819 0.2930,400 PTT (Foreign) 331,663 0.28

6,279,000 Quality Houses (Foreign) 365,558 0.31

1,282,939 1.07

GERMANY7,500 Infosys Technologies ADR 489,413 0.41

177,500 Hindalco Industries - Warrants 07.09.12 716,976 0.60

1,206,389 1.01

UNITED KINGDOM116,000 HSBC Holdings 1,148,105 0.96

1,148,105 0.96

INDONESIA66,000 Indo Tambangraya Megah 344,908 0.29187,500 United Tractors 545,395 0.45

890,303 0.74


JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 122: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

PAPUA NEW GUINEA80,000 Oil Search 565,765 0.47

565,765 0.47

MALAYSIA160,900 Petronas Chemicals Group - Bearer Shares 378,071 0.32

378,071 0.32

NETHERLANDS36,412 JP Morgan Structured Products

- Warrants 09.09.14 321,773 0.27

321,773 0.27

Total Shares and Warrants 61,696,975 51.51


CAYMAN ISLANDS600,000 China Overseas Finance

Cayman II 10.11.20/5.500% 572,955 0.481,500,000 Country Garden Holdings 23.02.18/11.125% 1,552,005 1.291,000,000 KWG Property Holding 30.03.16/12.750% 1,001,440 0.841,600,000 Longfor Properties 07.04.16/9.500% 1,653,072 1.381,000,000 PHBS 29.09.15/6.625% 917,590 0.77

600,000 Shimao Property Holdings 08.03.18/11.000% 581,650 0.483,200,000 Shui On Development Holding 23.12.13/6.875% 510,139 0.43

6,788,851 5.67

SOUTH KOREA50,000,000 Export-Import Bank of Korea 29.10.13/5.100% 1,080,219 0.90

7,000,000,000 Export-Import Bank of Korea 04.11.13/6.600% 807,030 0.681,400,000,000 Korea (Republic of) 10.06.20/2.750% 1,517,972 1.27

2,000,000 Shinhan Bank 20.09.36/6.819%* 2,097,500 1.751,000,000 Woori Bank 13.04.21/5.875% 1,006,735 0.84

6,509,456 5.44

INDONESIA7,500,000,000 Bank Danamon Indonesia 09.12.13/8.750% 885,066 0.74

1,800,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 13.03.20/5.875% 1,998,459 1.671,000,000 Indonesia (Republic of) 05.05.21/4.875% 1,024,760 0.85

810,000 Pertamina Persero 23.05.21/5.250% 815,945 0.68650,000 Pertamina Persero 27.05.41/6.500% 644,634 0.54

5,368,864 4.48

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS12,000,000 Big Will Investments 29.04.14/7.000% 1,707,067 1.42

500,000 CNPC HK Overseas Capital 28.04.41/5.950% 496,752 0.411,000,000 Fita International 10.02.20/7.000% 1,023,520 0.866,500,000 Road King Infrastructure

Finance 2011 25.02.14/6.000% 981,326 0.82

4,208,665 3.51

HONG KONG1,000,000 Bank of East Asia 16.07.20/6.125% 1,021,838 0.841,500,000 Citic Pacific 15.04.16/7.875%* 1,504,274 1.26

500,000 Citic Pacific 15.04.21/6.625% 498,637 0.421,000,000 Industrial & Commercial Bank

of China Asia 30.11.20/5.125% 979,792 0.82

4,004,541 3.34

MALAYSIA1,000,000 AMBB Capital L 27.01.16/6.770%* 1,007,955 0.841,500,000 Malayan Banking 28.04.21/3.800%* 1,231,869 1.031,000,000 Public Bank 22.08.36/6.840%* 1,062,549 0.89

250,000 Wakala Global Sukuk 06.07.21/4.646% 250,941 0.21

3,553,314 2.97

PHILIPPINES1,000,000 Development Bank of

Philippines 15.09.16/8.375%* 1,103,409 0.92600,000 International Container

Terminal Services 17.03.20/7.375% 643,460 0.54600,000 Philippines (Republic of) 20.01.20/6.500% 698,844 0.58800,000 Philippines (Republic of) 23.10.34/6.375% 875,092 0.73

3,320,805 2.77

NETHERLANDS1,750,000 Majapahit Holding 28.06.17/7.250% 1,986,481 1.661,000,000 Majapahit Holding 20.01.20/7.750% 1,169,765 0.97

3,156,246 2.63

SINGAPORE1,500,000 Bumi Investment 06.10.17/10.750% 1,705,598 1.42

1,705,598 1.42

GERMANY1,500,000 Vedanta Resources 07.06.21/8.250% 1,517,010 1.27

1,517,010 1.27

INDIA60,000,000 India Government Bond 11.04.18/7.830% 1,306,609 1.09

1,306,609 1.09

BERMUDA1,200,000 China Oriental Group 17.11.17/7.000% 1,164,954 0.97

1,164,954 0.97

PAKISTAN1,300,000 Pakistan (Government of) 31.03.16/7.125% 1,135,670 0.95

1,135,670 0.95

MAURITIUS1,000,000 Bhira Investments 27.04.71/8.500%* 1,033,965 0.86

1,033,965 0.86

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES500,000 ICICI Bank/Dubai 25.11.16/4.750% 499,605 0.42

499,605 0.42

Total Bonds 45,274,153 37.79

Convertible Bonds

SOUTH KOREA1,500,000 LG Uplus 29.09.12/5.000%* 1,560,083 1.30

1,560,083 1.30

CAYMAN ISLANDS6,000,000 Country Garden Holdings 22.02.13/2.500% 1,047,039 0.88

1,047,039 0.88

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS1,000,000 Giant Great 21.07.16/3.000% 997,500 0.83

997,500 0.83

INDIA500,000 JSW Steel 28.06.12/0.000% 673,183 0.56

673,183 0.56

THAILAND600,000 Thoresen Thai Agencies 24.09.12/2.500% 671,256 0.56

671,256 0.56

SINGAPORE750,000 Yanlord Land Group 13.07.14/5.850% 621,183 0.52

621,183 0.52

Total Convertible Bonds 5,570,244 4.65

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

112,541,372 93.95

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


HONG KONG1,700,000 Bangkok Bank/Hong Kong 15.03.29/9.025% 2,086,855 1.74

2,086,855 1.74

THAILAND1,000,000 True Move 01.08.14/10.375% 1,083,330 0.90

1,083,330 0.90

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS3,000,000 Rainbow Days 30.06.16/3.000% 464,152 0.39

464,152 0.39


JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 123: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

CAYMAN ISLANDS400,000 China Resources Land 19.05.16/4.625% 396,026 0.33

396,026 0.33

Total Bonds 4,030,363 3.36

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

4,030,363 3.36

Total Investments 116,571,735 97.31

Cash 3,305,496 2.76

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (78,934) (0.07)

Total Net Assets 119,798,297 100.00

** Hong Kong Registered Shares.* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesCayman Islands 6.88South Korea 6.74Hong Kong 5.08British Virgin Islands 4.73Indonesia 4.48Malaysia 2.97Philippines 2.77Netherlands 2.63Singapore 1.94India 1.65Thailand 1.46Germany 1.27Bermuda 0.97Pakistan 0.95Mauritius 0.86United Arab Emirates 0.42Total Fixed Income Securities 45.80Shares and WarrantsFinancials 17.28Materials 8.88Consumer Discretionary 8.80Industrials 6.74Information Technology 5.27Energy 2.26Telecommunication Services 1.30Consumer Staples 0.65Utilities 0.33Total Shares and Warrants 51.51Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.69

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesSouth Korea 5.74Netherlands 4.89Cayman Islands 4.37Malaysia 3.67Hong Kong 3.53India 3.45Philippines 3.43Australia 2.79Thailand 2.36Indonesia 1.56British Virgin Islands 1.34International Agencies 1.29Singapore 0.96Japan 0.48China 0.10Total Fixed Income Securities 39.96Shares and WarrantsFinancials 18.63Materials 12.12Consumer Discretionary 8.14Industrials 7.97Information Technology 4.71Energy 1.88Investment Companies 1.54Consumer Staples 1.27Telecommunication Services 0.80Utilities 0.52Health Care 0.30Total Shares and Warrants 57.88Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.16

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 124: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



14-Jul-11 AUD 2,000,000 USD 2,096,560 46,40514-Jul-11 USD 2,069,400 AUD 2,000,000 (73,565)14-Jul-11 USD 4,515,673 JPY 380,249,000 (202,612)20-Jul-11 USD 2,300,000 INR 105,041,000 (45,054)

Total (274,826)


Page 125: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


JAPAN44,000 Canon 2,080,030 6.9535,000 Dainippon Screen Manufacturing 296,389 0.99

185,000 Hitachi 1,085,737 3.6210,200 Ibiden 316,650 1.062,700 Keyence 761,139 2.54

12,500 Konami 294,373 0.989,400 Kyocera 951,722 3.1814,100 Murata Manufacturing 934,227 3.124,100 Nintendo 764,346 2.55

39,000 Nippon Electric Glass 496,966 1.6629,100 Omron 803,008 2.6824,400 Softbank 918,084 3.07

174,000 Toshiba 909,994 3.04

10,612,665 35.44

TAIWAN185,000 Acer 321,536 1.07604,949 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering 662,337 2.21

71,000 Asustek Computer 703,821 2.35300,000 AU Optronics 204,439 0.68

58,000 Catcher Technology 364,961 1.2269,000 Delta Electronics 252,820 0.85

593,588 Hon Hai Precision Industry 2,033,388 6.7930,000 HTC 1,009,399 3.37157,050 Powertech Technology 525,960 1.76

990,940 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2,487,268 8.31357,000 Wistron 632,595 2.11

9,198,524 30.72

SOUTH KOREA13,320 Duksan Hi-Metal 289,091 0.9726,560 Hynix Semiconductor 622,461 2.088,920 KT 339,784 1.134,000 LG Electronics 310,732 1.04

551 OCI 208,083 0.699,234 Samsung C&T 708,678 2.372,303 Samsung Electronics 1,780,414 5.952,848 Samsung Electronics GDR 144A 1,099,613 3.677,732 Samsung Techwin 672,332 2.24

6,031,188 20.14

CAYMAN ISLANDS266,000 AAC Acoustic Technology Holdings 619,686 2.07900,000 GCL-Poly Energy Holdings 464,323 1.55

44,300 Tencent Holdings 1,199,959 4.01

2,283,968 7.63

INDIA8,240 Infosys Technologies 535,314 1.79

535,314 1.79

CHINA30,360 ZTE - H Shares * 110,013 0.37

110,013 0.37

Total Shares 28,771,672 96.09

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to an OfficialExchange Listing

28,771,672 96.09

Total Investments 28,771,672 96.09

Cash 1,470,097 4.91

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (299,637) (1.00)

Total Net Assets 29,942,132 100.00

* Hong Kong Registered Shares.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 78.00Industrials 9.10Telecommunication Services 4.20Consumer Discretionary 2.55Energy 1.55Materials 0.69Total Shares 96.09Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.91

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 78.80Consumer Discretionary 7.94Industrials 6.48Materials 1.49Telecommunication Services 1.16Total Shares 95.87Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.13

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 126: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


SINGAPORE3,538,000 Cache Logistics Trust 2,801,877 1.503,400,000 CapitaLand 8,043,160 4.311,440,000 CapitaMall Trust 2,198,697 1.18

723,000 City Developments 6,111,352 3.271,878,000 CSE Global 1,919,291 1.031,317,435 DBS Group Holdings 15,738,413 8.43525,000 Ezra Holdings 639,149 0.34

1,350,000 Fraser and Neave 6,370,725 3.415,755,000 Genting Singapore 9,068,343 4.86

767,000 Guocoland 1,249,186 0.67500,000 Hotel Properties 942,589 0.50159,000 Jardine Cycle & Carriage 5,559,821 2.98

1,832,200 Keppel 16,516,656 8.842,308,815 Keppel Land 6,796,715 3.641,525,000 M1/Singapore 3,129,479 1.682,234,000 Neptune Orient Lines 2,774,308 1.491,239,000 Osim International 1,508,392 0.812,376,300 Oversea-Chinese Banking 18,102,839 9.692,059,000 Overseas Union Enterprise 4,795,391 2.57

805,000 SembCorp Industries 3,274,410 1.751,081,000 SembCorp Marine 4,669,955 2.50

437,000 Singapore Airlines 5,049,699 2.70326,000 Singapore Exchange 2,000,334 1.07

3,907,000 Singapore Telecommunications 10,037,936 5.371,435,000 StarHub 3,254,458 1.741,100,000 Straits Asia Resources 2,673,860 1.431,800,000 Super Group/Singapore 2,118,078 1.13

917,620 United Overseas Bank 14,683,414 7.861,400,000 Wilmar International 6,173,453 3.304,500,000 Yongnam Holdings 980,252 0.53

169,182,232 90.58

BERMUDA5,200,000 FibreChem Technologies 423 0.003,826,545 Noble Group 6,154,256 3.30

6,154,679 3.30

MAURITIUS2,879,000 Golden Agri-Resources 1,600,096 0.86

1,600,096 0.86

Total Shares 176,937,007 94.74

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

176,937,007 94.74

Total Investments 176,937,007 94.74

Cash 8,290,552 4.44

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1,540,973 0.82

Total Net Assets 186,768,532 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 53.90Consumer Discretionary 14.18Industrials 9.31Telecommunication Services 8.79Consumer Staples 6.10Materials 1.43Information Technology 1.03Total Shares 94.74Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 5.26

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 56.90Consumer Discretionary 14.27Industrials 12.07Consumer Staples 6.57Telecommunication Services 5.06Materials 1.51Information Technology 1.18Total Shares 97.56Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.44

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 127: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing

Shares and Warrants

TAIWAN11,687,248 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering 12,795,960 2.051,456,000 Ambassador Hotel 2,360,773 0.388,166,000 Asia Cement 11,641,347 1.871,370,000 Asustek Computer 13,580,766 2.182,422,000 Career Technology 4,970,475 0.802,248,000 Catcher Technology 14,145,379 2.278,750,000 Chang Hwa Commercial Bank 7,181,245 1.154,012,500 Cheng Shin Rubber Industry 11,510,183 1.853,105,000 Cheng Uei Precision Industry 8,101,645 1.30

10,014,640 China Life Insurance/Taiwan 13,256,978 2.138,174,000 China Petrochemical Development 9,326,470 1.501,600,000 China Steel Chemical 8,563,969 1.3715,777,169 Chinatrust Financial Holding 13,717,486 2.201,240,735 Chroma ATE 3,952,211 0.631,454,400 Chunghwa Telecom 4,999,896 0.80

14,125,000 E.Sun Financial Holding 10,019,038 1.61793,000 Entie Commercial Bank 420,311 0.07835,000 Epistar 2,479,565 0.40

6,593,700 Far Eastern Department Stores 13,187,400 2.111,197,974 Far Eastern New Century 1,861,082 0.30

17,014,675 First Financial Holding 14,053,026 2.251,765,000 First Steamship 4,089,147 0.656,950,770 Formosa Chemicals & Fibre 25,830,973 4.15

243,200 Formosa International Hotels 4,610,005 0.747,014,820 Formosa Plastics 25,214,279 4.05

2,489,000 Foxconn Technology 10,289,600 1.6513,836,362 Fubon Financial Holding 21,242,248 3.41

199,345 G Tech Optoelectronics 737,351 0.125,006,000 Gloria Material Technology 5,690,023 0.91

713,000 Hiwin Technologies 6,919,017 1.114,477,115 Hon Hai Precision Industry 15,336,749 2.46816,200 HTC 27,462,395 4.41

1,336,000 Kinsus Interconnect Technology 5,453,298 0.87312,340 Largan Precision 10,009,015 1.61301,425 MediaTek 3,276,587 0.53

20,582,000 Mega Financial Holding 17,966,707 2.884,890,730 Nan Ya Plastics 13,007,895 2.093,287,000 Oriental Union Chemical 4,803,197 0.772,128,000 President Chain Store 12,279,060 1.976,649,280 Prince Housing & Development 6,788,168 1.092,305,000 Quanta Computer 5,460,583 0.881,166,040 Radiant Opto-Electronics 3,765,020 0.60

310,000 Ralink Technology 983,690 0.164,245,000 Realtek Semiconductor 8,172,271 1.312,185,000 Ruentex Development 3,074,974 0.492,035,000 Siliconware Precision Industries 2,424,643 0.391,042,000 Simplo Technology 8,406,736 1.35

314,720 Skymedi 1,545,661 0.25105,000 St Shine Optical 1,590,078 0.26

19,221,359 Taishin Financial Holding 11,392,294 1.839,741,755 Taiwan Cement 14,498,173 2.321,774,020 Taiwan Glass Industrial 3,121,905 0.50

2,406,000 Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise 7,232,658 1.16874,000 Taiwan Mobile 2,365,657 0.38

22,154,759 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 55,608,638 8.929,593,000 Teco Electric and Machinery 6,904,622 1.111,709,000 TSRC 5,021,396 0.803,079,000 Unimicron Technology 5,471,991 0.881,716,000 Uni-President Enterprises 2,479,164 0.401,986,000 Wistron NeWeb 6,229,368 1.006,843,000 Yulon Motor 16,782,919 2.694,617,000 Yungtay Engineering 9,217,927 1.48

584,881,287 93.85

CAYMAN ISLANDS921,000 Airtac International Group 7,342,350 1.18415,000 TPK Holding 12,634,204 2.03

19,976,554 3.21

SINGAPORE928,000 MediaTek - Warrants 16.08.11 10,116,963 1.62

10,116,963 1.62

Total Shares and Warrants 614,974,804 98.68

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

614,974,804 98.68

Total Investments 614,974,804 98.68

Cash 9,649,371 1.55

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1,445,251) (0.23)

Total Net Assets 623,178,924 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Shares and WarrantsInformation Technology 35.44Materials 21.49Financials 19.11Consumer Discretionary 12.76Industrials 8.04Telecommunication Services 1.18Consumer Staples 0.40Health Care 0.26Total Shares and Warrants 98.68Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.32

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Shares and WarrantsInformation Technology 41.00Financials 16.57Materials 16.07Consumer Discretionary 10.12Industrials 9.75Telecommunication Services 4.37Consumer Staples 1.20Health Care 0.35Total Shares and Warrants 99.43Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.57

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 128: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


BRAZIL245,000 AES Tiete 3,600,288 0.231,161,071 AES Tiete Preference Shares 18,980,082 1.26

2,746,653 All America Latina Logistica 22,968,649 1.531,376,300 Banco ABC Brasil Preference Shares 10,293,058 0.682,316,035 Banco Bradesco ADR 47,606,099 3.16

2,593,000 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul PreferenceShares 30,167,959 2.00

2,392,324 BR Malls Participacoes 27,427,284 1.822,041,700 Brasil Brokers Participaçoes 10,040,183 0.67

18,100 Brasil Insurance Participacoes e Administracao 21,556,587 1.432,608,128 BRF - Brasil Foods 43,946,143 2.921,017,500 Cia Hering 23,073,323 1.532,305,471 Cía Siderúrgica Nacional ADR 29,037,407 1.93

309,055 Companhia de Bebidas das Americas ADR 8,633,451 0.571,593,720 Companhia de Bebidas das Americas Preference

Shares ADR 53,485,243 3.55993,800 Companhia de Concessoes Rodoviarias 30,098,761 2.00566,332 Companhia de Transmissao de Energia Eletrica

Paulista Preference Shares 18,089,625 1.202,385,951 Duratex 20,670,349 1.37

753,643 Estacio Participaçoes 9,547,512 0.631,364,300 Iochpe-Maxion 18,628,908 1.242,229,413 Itau Unibanco Holding Preference Shares 52,154,060 3.46666,000 Itau Unibanco Holding Preference Shares ADR 15,720,930 1.05

4,837,383 Itausa - Investimentos Itau Preference Shares 37,060,533 2.461,842,569 Localiza Rent A CAR 32,798,731 2.17

908,634 Lojas Renner 34,978,118 2.321,334,500 Mills Estruturas e Servicos de Engenharia 19,311,478 1.283,090,321 MRV Engenharia e Participacoes 26,188,826 1.74

887,600 Multiplus 15,839,547 1.05726,569 Natura Cosmeticos 18,281,113 1.22

2,398,800 Odontoprev 40,534,229 2.697,265,800 OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes 68,319,688 4.53

44,300 OSX Brasil 12,480,871 0.844,818,448 PDG Realty Empreendimentos e Participacoes 27,474,487 1.833,490,815 Randon Participacoes Preference Shares 27,481,716 1.822,478,000 Souza Cruz 31,503,563 2.091,071,980 Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo ADR 31,082,060 2.07

972,650 Totvs 17,790,138 1.181,750,600 Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais Preference

Shares 15,575,212 1.04184,000 Weg 2,164,879 0.14

974,591,090 64.70

MEXICO645,600 Alfa - A Shares 9,586,183 0.64

14,090,652 America Movil - L Shares 18,933,126 1.261,158,473 America Movil ADR - L Shares 62,099,945 4.12

40,849 Cemex ADR Participation Certificates 354,978 0.0218,072,348 Compartamos 32,875,473 2.18

495,673 Fomento Economico Mexicano ADR 32,793,726 2.18336,378 Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste ADR 19,804,255 1.32

5,726,099 Grupo Financiero Banorte - O Shares 26,170,208 1.74973,800 Grupo Televisa ADR 24,028,515 1.60

1,009,000 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico - A Shares 6,671,330 0.447,271,070 Mexichem 29,572,960 1.963,413,400 Urbi Desarrollos Urbanos 7,401,752 0.49

270,292,451 17.95

BERMUDA450,400 Credicorp 38,941,584 2.58450,100 Wilson Sons BDR 8,617,250 0.58

47,558,834 3.16

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA264,200 First Cash Financial Services 11,155,845 0.75740,183 NII Holdings 31,402,264 2.08

42,558,109 2.83

UNITED KINGDOM1,426,461 Antofagasta 31,709,595 2.113,514,572 JPMorgan Brazil Investment Trust 5,779,401 0.38

37,488,996 2.49

CANADA849,663 Pacific Rubiales Energy 23,311,402 1.55686,500 Yamana Gold 7,973,697 0.53

31,285,099 2.08

PANAMA288,702 Copa Holdings - A Shares 19,644,728 1.30431,600 Intergroup Financial Services 9,711,000 0.65

29,355,728 1.95

LUXEMBOURG394,832 Tenaris ADR 18,010,262 1.19320,806 Ternium ADR 9,484,629 0.63

27,494,891 1.82

CHILE2,544,028 E.CL 7,126,243 0.48

896,000 SACI Falabella 9,241,007 0.61

16,367,250 1.09

Total Shares 1,476,992,448 98.07

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

1,476,992,448 98.07

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG4,992,666 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 4,992,666 0.33

4,992,666 0.33

Total Investment Funds 4,992,666 0.33

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

4,992,666 0.33

Total Investments 1,481,985,114 98.40

Cash 47,791,529 3.17

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (23,642,890) (1.57)

Total Net Assets 1,506,133,753 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 29.42Industrials 15.40Consumer Staples 12.53Consumer Discretionary 11.61Telecommunication Services 9.53Materials 9.15Energy 6.08Utilities 3.17Information Technology 1.18Investment Companies 0.33Total Shares 98.40Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.60

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 23.88Materials 18.33Industrials 15.03Consumer Staples 11.03Telecommunication Services 10.14Energy 8.06Consumer Discretionary 6.88Utilities 2.40Investment Companies 2.30Information Technology 1.69Total Shares 99.74Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.26

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 129: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


RUSSIA2,550,103 Bank St Petersburg 12,736,087 0.497,527,242 Bank St. Petersburg Preference Shares 40,107,052 1.53

323,266 Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant 1,446,482 0.06423,019 Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant GDR 1,860,861 0.07

1,809,267 Cherkizovo Group Registered Shares GDR 32,123,536 1.232,829,063 DIXY Group 39,195,897 1.50

375,207,890 IDGC Holding 49,200,808 1.8816,932,000 Lenenergo 10,193,809 0.39

904,250 Lukoil OAO ADR 57,284,237 2.181,079,485 Magnit OJSC 145,226,383 5.543,286,377 Magnit OJSC Registered Shares GDR 102,354,212 3.918,535,234 Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Registered Shares GDR 97,088,287 3.702,777,340 Mechel Preference Shares 41,971,980 1.609,284,083 MMC Norilsk Nickel ADR 242,732,350 9.264,771,136 Mobile Telesystems 38,663,306 1.489,831,027 Mobile Telesystems OJSC ADR 187,723,461 7.16

12,978,090 Mostotrest 107,975,705 4.122,541,746 Novolipetsk Steel Registered Shares GDR 98,568,910 3.76

78,520 Open Investments 2,830,354 0.112,495,038 Pharmacy Chain 36.6 7,939,249 0.307,849,094 RBC OJSC 10,236,262 0.394,290,000 Rosneft Oil Registered Shares GDR 36,068,175 1.3871,687,250 Sberbank of Russia 256,467,781 9.794,905,160 Sistema JSFC Registered Shares GDR 125,645,673 4.795,914,387 Sistema-Hals Registered Shares GDR 7,345,669 0.28

10,648,823 Sitronics Registered Shares GDR 6,655,514 0.25747,194 Sollers 13,769,789 0.52

3,101,099 Tatneft ADR 131,889,740 5.03236,958 Veropharm 10,411,890 0.40

6,100,000 World Trade Center Moscow 2,801,561 0.10

1,918,515,020 73.20

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1,087,208 BMB Munai 1,065,083 0.045,856,599 CTC Media 124,130,616 4.74

125,195,699 4.78

IRELAND14,493,558 Dragon Oil 120,790,515 4.61

120,790,515 4.61

LUXEMBOURG1,249,061 Kernel Holding 34,524,011 1.321,568,469 Oriflame Cosmetics SDR 75,910,855 2.89

110,434,866 4.21

KAZAKHSTAN2,477,388 Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan Registered Shares

GDR 21,429,406 0.824,132,269 KazMunaiGas Exploration Production Registered

Shares GDR 83,533,818 3.19

104,963,224 4.01

NETHERLANDS1,588,843 Amtel Registered Shares GDR 0 0.001,268,750 X5 Retail Group Registered Shares GDR 49,557,375 1.89

49,557,375 1.89

CYPRUS3,377,900 Ros Agro Registered Shares GDR 46,783,915 1.782,699,423 Urals Energy 399,614 0.02

577,093 XXI Century Investments Public 66,959 0.00

47,250,488 1.80

CAYMAN ISLANDS693,969 Eurasia Drilling Registered Shares GDR 20,426,978 0.78

20,426,978 0.78

ISLE OF MAN5,817,707 Kazakhstan Kagazy Registered Shares GDR 523,594 0.021,596,355 Zhaikmunai Registered Shares GDR 15,764,006 0.60

16,287,600 0.62

MALAYSIA4,022,759 Steppe Cement 2,559,114 0.10

2,559,114 0.10

JERSEY566,401 KazakhGold Group Registered Shares GDR 1,985,235 0.08

1,985,235 0.08

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS2,220,370 Orsu Metals 385,122 0.01

385,122 0.01

Total Shares 2,518,351,236 96.09

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

2,518,351,236 96.09

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG69,290,524 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 69,290,524 2.64

69,290,524 2.64

Total Investment Funds 69,290,524 2.64

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

69,290,524 2.64

Total Investments 2,587,641,760 98.73

Cash 215,239 0.01

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 32,897,537 1.26

Total Net Assets 2,620,754,536 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesConsumer Staples 20.06Materials 18.66Energy 17.83Telecommunication Services 13.43Financials 13.12Consumer Discretionary 5.65Industrials 4.12Investment Companies 2.64Utilities 2.27Health Care 0.70Information Technology 0.25Total Shares 98.73Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.27

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesEnergy 23.95Consumer Staples 19.52Materials 15.55Financials 13.59Telecommunication Services 11.52Consumer Discretionary 5.47Industrials 3.57Utilities 2.79Investment Companies 1.99Information Technology 0.77Health Care 0.64Total Shares 99.36Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.64

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 130: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA15,000 Abbey National Capital Trust I 30.06.30/8.963%* 16,560 0.00

100,000 Ace INA Holdings 15.06.14/5.875% 112,247 0.01182,000 ACE INA Holdings 23.11.15/2.600% 182,173 0.0180,000 Aflac 15.05.19/8.500% 98,231 0.01

108,000 Aflac 15.08.40/6.450% 107,325 0.0175,000 AGL Capital 15.04.13/4.450% 78,703 0.01

150,000 AGL Capital 15.08.19/5.250% 161,719 0.01200,000 AGL Capital 15.03.41/5.875% 207,248 0.01179,000 Alabama Power 15.05.38/6.125% 200,279 0.01100,000 Allied Waste North America 01.06.17/6.875% 108,254 0.01325,000 Allstate Life Global Funding Trusts 30.04.13/5.375% 350,407 0.02400,000 American Express 19.03.18/7.000% 472,697 0.03250,000 American Express Centurion Bank 13.09.17/6.000% 284,017 0.02615,000 American Express Credit 02.05.13/5.875% 662,290 0.05100,000 American Express Credit 20.08.13/7.300% 111,349 0.01100,000 American International Group 15.05.13/4.250% 103,414 0.01100,000 American International Group 18.10.16/5.600% 105,299 0.01200,000 American Water Capital 15.10.17/6.085% 230,235 0.02125,000 American Water Capital 15.10.37/6.593% 135,969 0.01

400,000 Anadarko Petroleum 15.03.14/7.625% 456,300 0.0375,000 Anadarko Petroleum 15.06.14/5.750% 82,547 0.01

100,000 Anadarko Petroleum 15.03.19/8.700% 127,393 0.0175,000 Anheuser-Busch 01.04.36/5.750% 77,266 0.01

510,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide 15.01.19/7.750% 643,403 0.05112,000 Aon 30.09.15/3.500% 115,366 0.01182,000 Aon 27.05.16/3.125% 182,047 0.0197,000 Aon 30.09.40/6.250% 101,525 0.01

200,000 Apache 15.09.18/6.900% 242,439 0.0225,000 Arizona Public Service 15.05.15/4.650% 27,134 0.00

250,000 Arrow Electronics 01.07.13/6.875% 272,478 0.0240,000 Arrow Electronics 01.11.15/3.375% 40,691 0.00

350,000 Arrow Electronics 01.04.20/6.000% 376,222 0.03150,000 Arrow Electronics 15.01.27/7.500% 164,269 0.01775,000 Associates Corp of North

America 01.11.18/6.950% 876,630 0.06500,000 AT&T 15.01.13/4.950% 530,170 0.04565,000 AT&T 15.09.14/5.100% 622,345 0.0460,000 AT&T 15.06.16/5.625% 68,234 0.00

500,000 AT&T 15.05.21/4.450% 508,525 0.04153,000 AT&T 15.05.36/6.800% 168,839 0.01700,000 AT&T 15.01.38/6.300% 735,588 0.05385,000 AT&T 01.09.40/5.350% 363,398 0.03125,000 Atmos Energy 15.03.19/8.500% 160,178 0.01

2,100,000 BA Covered Bond Issuer 144A 14.06.12/5.500% 2,189,827 0.15600,000 Bank of America 15.05.14/7.375% 675,681 0.05350,000 Bank of America 15.03.17/5.300% 362,707 0.03315,000 Bank of America 01.12.17/5.750% 335,117 0.02415,000 Bank of America 01.05.18/5.650% 436,043 0.03240,000 Bank of America 01.06.19/7.625% 278,161 0.02

1,100,000 Bank of America 01.07.20/5.625% 1,134,413 0.08390,000 Bank of America 13.05.21/5.000% 385,252 0.03

75,000 Bank of New York Mellon 27.08.13/5.125% 81,463 0.01150,000 Bank of New York Mellon 15.01.15/3.100% 156,912 0.01675,000 Bank of New York Mellon 18.06.15/2.950% 699,546 0.05

75,000 Bank of New York Mellon 15.01.20/4.600% 78,818 0.0145,000 Baxter International 01.03.14/4.000% 48,317 0.00

200,000 Baxter International 15.03.15/4.625% 219,790 0.02500,000 BB&T 27.07.12/3.850% 515,947 0.04446,000 BB&T 28.04.14/2.050% 451,401 0.03250,000 BB&T 30.04.19/6.850% 296,474 0.0250,000 Becton Dickinson & Co. 15.05.19/5.000% 54,639 0.00

605,000 BellSouth 15.09.14/5.200% 667,905 0.0575,000 BellSouth 15.11.34/6.000% 75,561 0.01

100,000 BellSouth Telecommunications 01.10.25/7.000% 113,369 0.01155,000 BellSouth Telecommunications 01.12.95/7.000% 162,334 0.01

300,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance 15.07.14/5.100% 330,075 0.02200,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance 15.12.15/2.450% 203,148 0.01857,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance 15.05.18/5.400% 955,731 0.07100,000 Berkshire Hathaway Finance 15.01.40/5.750% 103,402 0.01215,000 BlackRock 10.12.14/3.500% 227,494 0.02105,000 BlackRock 15.09.17/6.250% 123,266 0.01359,000 BlackRock 10.12.19/5.000% 382,872 0.0360,000 Boeing 15.02.33/6.125% 67,771 0.00

100,000 Branch Banking & Trust Wilson 15.01.13/4.875% 105,068 0.01685,000 Branch Banking & Trust Wilson 15.09.16/5.625% 771,307 0.05100,000 Bunge Finance 15.05.13/5.875% 106,587 0.01161,000 Bunge NA Finance 01.04.17/5.900% 176,394 0.01

200,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.05.40/5.750% 206,229 0.011,200,000 Capital One Bank USA 15.07.19/8.800% 1,481,808 0.10

100,000 Capital One Financial 15.09.11/5.700% 100,896 0.01220,000 Capital One Financial 15.11.13/6.250% 243,457 0.02250,000 Capital One Financial 23.05.14/7.375% 286,660 0.02

150,000 Capital One Financial 15.09.17/6.750% 175,031 0.0175,000 Carolina Power & Light 15.09.13/5.125% 81,692 0.0155,000 Carolina Power & Light 15.01.19/5.300% 61,607 0.00

150,000 Caterpillar Financial Services 15.08.13/4.900% 161,973 0.01350,000 Caterpillar Financial Services 30.09.13/6.200% 389,370 0.03

70,000 Caterpillar Financial Services 15.03.16/5.500% 80,247 0.01250,000 Caterpillar Financial Services 01.10.18/7.050% 306,720 0.02135,000 CBS 15.05.19/8.875% 172,588 0.0158,000 CBS 15.04.20/5.750% 62,950 0.00

350,000 CBS 30.07.30/7.875% 415,569 0.03150,000 CBS 15.05.33/5.500% 140,110 0.01350,000 Centel Capital 15.10.19/9.000% 406,912 0.03

75,000 CenterPoint Energy HoustonElectric 15.01.14/5.750% 83,082 0.01

365,000 CenterPoint Energy HoustonElectric 01.03.14/7.000% 418,343 0.03

40,000 CenterPoint Energy Resources 01.11.17/6.125% 45,968 0.00480,000 CenturyLink 15.06.21/6.450% 475,903 0.03320,000 CenturyLink 15.09.39/7.600% 305,624 0.02100,000 Charles Schwab 01.06.14/4.950% 109,609 0.01400,000 Citigroup 11.04.13/5.500% 424,652 0.03255,000 Citigroup 13.12.13/6.000% 277,074 0.02125,000 Citigroup 12.08.14/6.375% 138,332 0.01

650,000 Citigroup 15.09.14/5.000% 680,121 0.05245,000 Citigroup 15.01.15/6.010% 269,885 0.02237,000 Citigroup 19.05.15/4.750% 251,328 0.02389,000 Citigroup 15.12.15/4.587% 408,837 0.03342,000 Citigroup 15.06.16/3.953% 349,668 0.02880,000 Citigroup 15.08.17/6.000% 965,417 0.07340,000 Citigroup 21.11.17/6.125% 375,035 0.03725,000 Citigroup 22.05.19/8.500% 898,565 0.06600,000 Citigroup 09.08.20/5.375% 626,493 0.04

15,000 Citigroup 15.06.32/6.625% 15,346 0.00360,000 Cleveland Electric Illuminating 01.11.17/7.880% 443,538 0.03325,000 CNA Financial 15.12.14/5.850% 352,768 0.02298,000 CNA Financial 15.08.20/5.875% 311,471 0.02200,000 Coca-Cola 15.03.14/3.625% 213,168 0.01200,000 Coca-Cola 15.03.19/4.875% 221,288 0.02

50,000 Coca-Cola Refreshments USA 01.02.12/8.500% 52,246 0.0060,000 Columbus Southern Power 01.05.18/6.050% 66,202 0.00

300,000 Comcast Cable CommunicationsHoldings 15.03.13/8.375% 335,881 0.02

715,000 Comcast Cable CommunicationsHoldings 15.11.22/9.455% 999,162 0.07

110,000 Comerica 16.09.15/3.000% 111,506 0.01100,000 CommonWealth REIT 15.08.16/6.250% 109,941 0.01150,000 CommonWealth REIT 15.01.18/6.650% 163,773 0.01450,000 CommonWealth REIT 15.09.20/5.875% 461,887 0.03

35,000 Connecticut Light & Power 01.05.18/5.650% 39,682 0.00275,000 ConocoPhillips 01.02.19/5.750% 317,204 0.02

400,000 ConocoPhillips 15.01.20/6.000% 469,598 0.0355,000 Consolidated Edison Co. of New

York 01.07.12/5.625% 57,676 0.00250,000 Countrywide Financial 15.05.16/6.250% 265,705 0.02200,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 02.07.12/3.450% 205,499 0.01350,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 15.05.13/5.000% 373,527 0.03500,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 01.05.14/5.500% 549,875 0.04300,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 15.02.18/6.000% 324,543 0.02100,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 13.08.19/5.300% 107,027 0.01541,000 Crédit Suisse/New York 05.08.20/4.375% 531,078 0.0466,000 CRH America 30.09.11/5.625% 66,710 0.0050,000 Credit Suisse USA 15.11.11/6.125% 50,995 0.00

325,000 Credit Suisse USA 15.01.14/5.125% 353,189 0.0375,000 Credit Suisse USA 15.01.15/4.875% 81,243 0.01

100,000 CSX 15.03.12/6.300% 103,796 0.01300,000 CSX 01.02.19/7.375% 366,268 0.03

54,000 CSX 01.06.21/4.250% 53,731 0.00100,000 CSX 15.04.41/5.500% 97,532 0.01145,000 CVS Caremark 15.09.39/6.125% 148,655 0.01

400,000 CVS Caremark 15.05.41/5.750% 391,540 0.03100,000 Daimler Finance North America 15.01.12/7.300% 103,506 0.01200,000 Dominion Resources 30.11.17/6.000% 231,211 0.02150,000 Dominion Resources 15.01.19/8.875% 194,485 0.01360,000 Dow Chemical 01.10.12/6.000% 382,126 0.03158,000 Dow Chemical 15.05.19/8.550% 203,974 0.01203,000 Dow Chemical 15.11.20/4.250% 199,023 0.01

65,000 Dow Chemical 01.11.29/7.375% 79,264 0.01255,000 Duke Energy Carolinas 15.04.18/5.100% 283,622 0.02100,000 Duke Energy Carolinas 15.10.32/6.450% 111,013 0.01185,000 Duke Energy Indiana 15.08.38/6.350% 210,246 0.01231,000 EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 15.01.16/1.950% 228,409 0.02265,000 EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 15.07.18/6.000% 305,826 0.02125,000 EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 15.01.41/4.900% 118,100 0.01

200,000 Eli Lilly & Co. 06.03.12/3.550% 204,087 0.01300,000 EOG Resources 01.02.21/4.100% 298,098 0.02360,000 Exelon Generation 01.10.20/4.000% 342,934 0.02


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 131: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

20,000 Florida Power 15.06.18/5.650% 22,883 0.0035,000 Florida Power & Light 01.10.33/5.950% 38,521 0.00

600,000 General Electric 06.12.17/5.250% 664,599 0.051,205,000 General Electric Capital 15.02.12/5.875% 1,244,416 0.091,060,000 General Electric Capital 15.06.12/6.000% 1,114,155 0.08

500,000 General Electric Capital 19.10.12/5.250% 527,995 0.04500,000 General Electric Capital 13.05.14/5.900% 556,872 0.04

1,100,000 General Electric Capital 09.06.14/5.650% 1,216,193 0.08600,000 General Electric Capital 15.09.14/4.750% 651,711 0.05300,000 General Electric Capital 09.11.15/2.250% 295,888 0.02410,000 General Electric Capital 15.09.17/5.625% 453,257 0.03

2,100,000 General Electric Capital 01.05.18/5.625% 2,296,812 0.16650,000 General Electric Capital 16.09.20/4.375% 641,833 0.04430,000 General Electric Capital 07.01.21/4.625% 432,240 0.03

83,000 General Electric Capital 11.02.21/5.300% 86,271 0.0165,000 General Electric Capital 15.03.32/6.750% 71,724 0.01

100,000 General Electric Capital 14.01.38/5.875% 99,616 0.0143,000 General Mills 15.02.12/6.000% 44,429 0.0035,000 Genworth Financial 15.06.14/5.750% 36,783 0.0010,000 Genworth Financial 15.06.34/6.500% 9,040 0.0050,000 Georgia Power 01.02.39/5.950% 53,788 0.00

375,000 GlaxoSmithKline Capital 15.04.14/4.375% 409,035 0.03300,000 Golden West Financial 01.10.12/4.750% 313,192 0.02110,000 Goldman Sachs Capital I 15.02.34/6.345% 103,347 0.01150,000 Goldman Sachs Group 01.04.13/5.250% 158,944 0.01125,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.07.13/4.750% 131,977 0.01925,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.10.13/5.250% 991,253 0.07300,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.11.14/5.500% 325,399 0.02271,000 Goldman Sachs Group 01.08.15/3.700% 276,073 0.02675,000 Goldman Sachs Group 07.02.16/3.625% 681,406 0.05150,000 Goldman Sachs Group 18.01.18/5.950% 161,719 0.01

400,000 Goldman Sachs Group 01.04.18/6.150% 435,270 0.031,560,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.02.19/7.500% 1,817,907 0.13

470,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.03.20/5.375% 483,766 0.03881,000 Goldman Sachs Group 15.06.20/6.000% 946,714 0.07300,000 Goldman Sachs Group 01.10.37/6.750% 296,496 0.02

88,000 Great Plains Energy 01.06.21/4.850% 88,504 0.01550,000 GTE 15.04.18/6.840% 643,681 0.04400,000 Halliburton 15.09.39/7.450% 502,198 0.04368,000 HCP 01.02.21/5.375% 380,254 0.03

95,000 Hewlett-Packard 15.08.12/2.950% 97,550 0.01550,000 Hewlett-Packard 02.06.14/4.750% 600,735 0.04175,000 Hewlett-Packard 01.03.17/5.400% 199,780 0.01533,000 Hewlett-Packard 01.06.21/4.300% 538,493 0.04

25,000 Historic TW 15.06.18/6.875% 29,415 0.00215,000 Historic TW 01.02.23/9.150% 285,436 0.02

200,000 Home Depot 01.03.16/5.400% 223,805 0.0245,000 Hospira 15.05.15/6.400% 50,863 0.00

100,000 HSBC Bank USA/New York 01.04.14/4.625% 106,975 0.011,208,000 HSBC Finance 15.10.11/6.375% 1,226,730 0.09

200,000 HSBC Finance 15.07.13/4.750% 211,970 0.02500,000 HSBC Finance 15.01.14/5.250% 539,815 0.04210,000 Indiana Michigan Power 15.03.19/7.000% 251,398 0.02350,000 International Business Machines 15.10.18/7.625% 445,571 0.03125,000 International Business Machines 01.08.27/6.220% 144,843 0.01100,000 International Business Machines 15.10.38/8.000% 135,413 0.01400,000 International Lease Finance 01.06.14/5.650% 401,724 0.03186,000 Jefferies Group 09.11.15/3.875% 189,528 0.01300,000 Jefferies Group 13.04.18/5.125% 301,708 0.02500,000 Jefferies Group 15.07.19/8.500% 596,732 0.04220,000 Jefferies Group 15.01.36/6.250% 203,755 0.0140,000 Jersey Central Power & Light 01.02.19/7.350% 48,619 0.00

240,000 John Deere Capital 01.10.12/5.250% 253,732 0.0245,000 John Deere Capital 03.04.18/5.350% 50,557 0.00

310,000 KCP&L Greater MissouriOperations 01.07.12/11.875% 341,681 0.02

30,000 Kellogg 03.12.12/5.125% 31,806 0.00200,000 Kellogg 06.03.13/4.250% 210,920 0.01

30,000 Kerr-McGee 01.07.24/6.950% 34,178 0.00250,000 KeyBank 17.09.12/5.500% 262,550 0.02165,000 KeyBank 01.11.17/5.700% 179,056 0.0160,000 Keycorp 14.05.13/6.500% 65,212 0.0015,000 Kimberly-Clark 01.11.18/7.500% 18,856 0.0080,000 Kohl’s 15.12.17/6.250% 93,969 0.01

400,000 Kraft Foods 19.02.14/6.750% 453,630 0.03500,000 Kraft Foods 11.08.17/6.500% 588,267 0.04400,000 Kraft Foods 01.02.18/6.125% 459,366 0.03200,000 Kraft Foods 11.08.37/7.000% 232,898 0.02175,000 Kraft Foods 01.02.38/6.875% 201,442 0.01100,000 Kroger 01.04.31/7.500% 119,899 0.01114,000 Kroger 15.07.40/5.400% 110,027 0.01100,000 Lincoln National 24.06.21/4.850% 99,095 0.01250,000 Lowe’s 15.05.37/7.110% 304,362 0.02250,000 Marathon Oil 01.10.17/6.000% 287,150 0.0250,000 Masco 15.03.17/5.850% 50,313 0.00

175,000 Medco Health Solutions 15.09.15/2.750% 176,651 0.01

886,000 Merrill Lynch & Co. 25.04.13/6.150% 950,753 0.07295,000 Merrill Lynch & Co. 15.07.14/5.450% 317,277 0.0240,000 Merrill Lynch & Co. 15.01.15/5.000% 42,317 0.00

1,150,000 Merrill Lynch & Co. 28.08.17/6.400% 1,255,668 0.09290,000 Merrill Lynch & Co. 25.04.18/6.875% 321,553 0.02300,000 Monsanto 15.08.12/7.375% 322,210 0.02600,000 Morgan Stanley 01.03.13/5.300% 634,278 0.04

75,000 Morgan Stanley 15.10.13/6.750% 82,337 0.01350,000 Morgan Stanley 01.04.14/4.750% 365,092 0.03300,000 Morgan Stanley 13.05.14/6.000% 327,025 0.02208,000 Morgan Stanley 24.07.15/4.000% 212,834 0.01250,000 Morgan Stanley 09.01.17/5.450% 263,775 0.02290,000 Morgan Stanley 28.12.17/5.950% 310,884 0.02500,000 Morgan Stanley 01.04.18/6.625% 549,500 0.04600,000 Morgan Stanley 13.05.19/7.300% 675,822 0.05

1,200,000 Morgan Stanley 23.09.19/5.625% 1,228,530 0.09442,000 Morgan Stanley 24.07.20/5.500% 448,416 0.03167,000 Morgan Stanley 25.01.21/5.750% 172,484 0.01320,000 National City 15.01.15/4.900% 349,155 0.02500,000 National Semiconductor 15.06.17/6.600% 589,315 0.04

80,000 Nevada Power 01.08.18/6.500% 93,187 0.01200,000 Nevada Power 15.03.19/7.125% 241,557 0.02200,000 Newell Rubbermaid 15.08.20/4.700% 202,299 0.0140,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings 15.06.13/5.350% 42,932 0.00

185,000 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings 01.03.19/6.000% 206,860 0.0180,000 Nisource Finance 01.03.13/6.150% 86,040 0.0119,000 Norfolk Southern 17.05.25/5.590% 20,593 0.0021,000 Norfolk Southern 15.02.31/7.250% 25,768 0.00

150,000 Norfolk Southern 15.03.05/6.000% 147,969 0.01264,000 Norfolk Southern 23.05.11/6.000% 259,280 0.02200,000 Pacific Gas & Electric 30.11.17/5.625% 228,154 0.02

50,000 Parker Hannifin 15.05.18/5.500% 56,769 0.00150,000 Peco Energy 01.03.18/5.350% 167,883 0.01

14,000 PepsiCo 01.11.18/7.900% 18,031 0.00150,000 PG&E 01.04.14/5.750% 166,025 0.0190,000 Pioneer Natural Resources 15.07.16/5.875% 95,479 0.01

300,000 Pitney Bowes 15.08.14/4.875% 323,814 0.02350,000 Pitney Bowes 15.03.15/5.000% 377,944 0.03100,000 Pitney Bowes 15.03.18/5.600% 108,373 0.01500,000 PNC Bank 07.12.17/6.000% 563,260 0.04250,000 PNC Bank 01.04.18/6.875% 289,422 0.0250,000 PNC Funding 15.11.15/5.250% 54,595 0.0050,000 PNC Funding 01.02.17/5.625% 55,196 0.00

100,000 PNC Funding 10.06.19/6.700% 117,534 0.01100,000 PNC Funding 08.02.20/5.125% 106,964 0.01400,000 PNC Funding 11.08.20/4.375% 405,090 0.03200,000 Potomac Electric Power 15.11.37/6.500% 236,032 0.02

80,000 PPG Industries 15.03.13/5.750% 85,780 0.01300,000 PPG Industries 15.08.19/7.400% 358,142 0.02

60,000 PPG Industries 01.05.21/9.000% 79,190 0.01490,000 Praxair 31.03.14/4.375% 529,626 0.04650,000 Principal Life Global Funding I

144A 15.03.15/5.050% 700,859 0.05175,000 Principal Life Income Funding

Trusts 24.04.13/5.300% 188,017 0.01110,000 Progress Energy 15.04.12/6.850% 114,895 0.0175,000 Progress Energy 15.03.14/6.050% 83,731 0.01

234,000 Progress Energy 15.01.21/4.400% 237,889 0.02150,000 Progress Energy 01.03.31/7.750% 188,209 0.01110,000 Prudential Financial 20.09.14/5.100% 120,023 0.0155,000 PSEG Power 01.12.15/5.500% 61,040 0.0035,000 PSEG Power 15.04.31/8.625% 45,172 0.0025,000 Public Service Co of Colorado 01.08.18/5.800% 28,856 0.0093,000 Public Service Co of Colorado 15.11.20/3.200% 88,630 0.01

135,000 Public Service Co of Colorado 01.08.38/6.500% 161,852 0.01300,000 Public Service Electric & Gas 01.11.13/6.330% 334,999 0.02

55,000 Public Service Electric & Gas 01.05.18/5.300% 61,800 0.0050,000 Public Service Electric & Gas 01.11.39/5.375% 51,271 0.00

147,000 Public Services Oklahoma 01.02.21/4.400% 149,491 0.01300,000 Public Services Oklahoma 15.11.37/6.625% 336,173 0.02

2,500,000 Residual Funding Principal Strip 15.07.20/0.000% 1,847,482 0.13135,000 Ryder System 01.03.16/3.600% 138,615 0.0140,000 Sempra Energy 15.11.13/8.900% 46,282 0.00

100,000 Sempra Energy 01.06.16/6.500% 116,433 0.01630,000 Sempra Energy 15.02.19/9.800% 848,024 0.06115,000 Sempra Energy 15.10.39/6.000% 121,553 0.01

140,000 Simon Property Group 15.05.14/6.750% 158,112 0.01165,000 Simon Property Group 15.08.14/5.625% 183,562 0.01

13,000 Simon Property Group 01.02.15/4.200% 13,873 0.00120,000 Simon Property Group 01.05.16/6.100% 136,603 0.01200,000 Simon Property Group 30.05.18/6.125% 225,554 0.02150,000 Simon Property Group 01.02.20/5.650% 163,335 0.01100,000 Simon Property Group 01.03.21/4.375% 98,992 0.0120,000 SLM 15.01.13/5.375% 20,650 0.00

125,000 Southern 15.05.14/4.150% 133,255 0.01135,000 Southern California Edison 15.08.18/5.500% 154,299 0.01


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 132: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

36,000 Southern California Edison 01.06.21/3.875% 36,047 0.00250,000 SouthTrust Bank 15.05.25/7.690% 280,990 0.02225,000 Southwestern Public Service 01.12.18/8.750% 289,848 0.02250,000 Spectra Energy Capital 01.03.14/5.500% 270,850 0.0250,000 Spectra Energy Capital 15.08.14/5.668% 55,271 0.00

300,000 Spectra Energy Capital 15.07.18/6.750% 341,576 0.02185,000 Springleaf Finance 01.10.12/5.375% 183,755 0.01170,000 Springleaf Finance 15.12.17/6.900% 155,385 0.0165,000 State Street 30.05.14/4.300% 69,971 0.01

100,000 SunTrust Bank/Atlanta 15.03.18/7.250% 115,370 0.01225,000 SunTrust Banks 05.11.12/5.250% 236,283 0.02150,000 SunTrust Banks 11.09.17/6.000% 167,902 0.01150,000 Target 15.01.38/7.000% 179,599 0.01

1,000,000 Tennessee Valley Authority 18.07.17/5.500% 1,168,281 0.08178,000 Tennessee Valley Authority 15.09.60/4.625% 168,321 0.01

400,000 Texas Instruments 15.05.14/1.375% 401,808 0.03280,000 Time Warner 29.03.21/4.750% 283,774 0.02200,000 Time Warner 15.04.31/7.625% 237,792 0.02200,000 Time Warner 15.03.40/6.200% 203,582 0.01219,000 Time Warner 29.03.41/6.250% 225,421 0.02200,000 Time Warner Cable 14.02.14/8.250% 232,950 0.02450,000 Time Warner Cable 01.04.19/8.250% 561,706 0.04400,000 Time Warner Cable 01.05.37/6.550% 423,068 0.03300,000 Time Warner Cable 15.11.40/5.875% 294,352 0.02174,000 Time Warner Entertainment 01.05.12/10.150% 186,324 0.01

480,000 Time Warner Entertainment 15.03.23/8.375% 608,023 0.04275,000 Time Warner Entertainment 15.07.33/8.375% 349,403 0.02250,000 Tosco 15.02.30/8.125% 330,391 0.02385,000 Toyota Motor Credit 17.06.15/3.200% 400,741 0.0350,000 Travelers 15.05.18/5.800% 55,748 0.0050,000 Travelers Property Casualty 15.03.13/5.000% 53,234 0.00

250,000 UBS/Stamford 12.08.13/2.250% 254,230 0.02250,000 UBS/Stamford 15.01.15/3.875% 261,906 0.02100,000 UBS/Stamford 20.12.17/5.875% 110,411 0.01500,000 UBS/Stamford 25.04.18/5.750% 544,267 0.04365,000 UBS/Stamford 04.08.20/4.875% 370,256 0.03150,000 Union Carbide 01.10.96/7.750% 161,868 0.0175,000 Union Pacific 15.01.15/4.875% 82,076 0.01

300,000 Union Pacific 15.11.17/5.750% 346,915 0.02100,000 United Parcel Service of

America 01.04.20/8.375% 133,675 0.01500,000 United Technologies 01.02.19/6.125% 586,132 0.04242,000 US Bancorp 20.11.14/2.875% 251,339 0.02450,000 US Bancorp 27.07.15/2.450% 455,389 0.03200,000 US Bancorp 24.05.21/4.125% 200,356 0.0140,000 Valero Energy 15.04.32/7.500% 44,911 0.00

150,000 Verizon Communications 15.02.16/5.550% 169,594 0.01185,000 Verizon Communications 01.04.17/5.500% 209,014 0.01750,000 Verizon Communications 01.04.39/7.350% 902,077 0.06650,000 Verizon Florida 15.01.13/6.125% 696,826 0.05350,000 Verizon Global Funding 01.12.30/7.750% 438,189 0.03270,000 Verizon Maryland 01.03.12/6.125% 279,447 0.02250,000 Verizon Maryland 01.05.23/7.150% 265,136 0.02250,000 Verizon New England 01.10.13/4.750% 267,124 0.02

15,000 Verizon New York 01.04.32/7.375% 17,325 0.00200,000 Verizon Virginia 15.03.13/4.625% 210,778 0.01100,000 Verizon Wireless Capital 01.02.14/5.550% 110,237 0.01250,000 Virginia Electric and Power 30.11.12/5.100% 264,916 0.02140,000 Virginia Electric and Power 15.09.17/5.950% 163,831 0.01250,000 Virginia Electric and Power 30.04.18/5.400% 281,060 0.02

1,385,000 Wachovia 01.05.13/5.500% 1,489,948 0.10325,000 Wachovia 15.02.14/4.875% 346,879 0.02625,000 Wachovia 01.02.18/5.750% 692,894 0.05500,000 Wachovia Bank NA 15.08.15/5.000% 535,720 0.04

1,000,000 Wachovia Bank NA 15.11.17/6.000% 1,120,875 0.08250,000 Wachovia Bank NA 15.01.38/6.600% 275,390 0.0260,000 Wal-Mart Stores 01.09.35/5.250% 59,455 0.00

100,000 Waste Management 11.03.19/7.375% 121,696 0.01107,000 Waste Management 30.06.20/4.750% 111,413 0.01100,000 Waste Management 15.05.32/7.750% 123,465 0.0134,000 WellPoint 15.06.17/5.875% 39,048 0.0022,000 WellPoint 15.02.19/7.000% 26,278 0.00

100,000 Wells Fargo & Co. 01.08.11/6.375% 100,391 0.01500,000 Wells Fargo & Co. 11.12.17/5.625% 554,635 0.04

1,000,000 Wells Fargo & Co. 01.04.21/4.600% 1,006,635 0.07300,000 Wells Fargo Financial 18.04.12/6.125% 312,767 0.02

80,000 Wisconsin Electric Power 01.04.14/6.000% 89,716 0.0125,000 Wyeth 01.02.24/6.450% 29,726 0.00

100,000 Xerox 15.05.14/8.250% 117,262 0.01200,000 Xerox 01.02.17/6.750% 233,812 0.02175,000 Xerox 15.12.19/5.625% 191,403 0.0170,000 Xerox 15.05.21/4.500% 69,363 0.00

500,000 XTO Energy 15.12.13/5.750% 558,125 0.04

126,376,251 8.81

CANADA250,000 Alberta Energy 01.11.31/7.375% 288,994 0.02250,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 17.12.13/2.375% 256,979 0.02123,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 22.01.15/3.400% 129,406 0.01150,000 Canadian Natural Resources 01.02.18/5.900% 172,482 0.0110,000 Canadian Natural Resources 15.01.32/7.200% 12,004 0.00

180,000 Devon Financing 30.09.11/6.875% 182,596 0.0160,000 Devon Financing 30.09.31/7.875% 77,156 0.00

100,000 EnCana 15.05.19/6.500% 118,314 0.01140,000 Manitoba (Province Of) 22.04.13/2.125% 143,833 0.01500,000 Ontario (Province Of) 05.02.15/2.950% 525,677 0.04550,000 Ontario (Province Of) 16.06.15/2.700% 572,217 0.04130,000 Petro-Canada 15.05.18/6.050% 147,555 0.01200,000 Petro-Canada 15.05.38/6.800% 226,368 0.02120,000 Potash Corp of Saskatchewan 15.05.19/6.500% 140,105 0.01200,000 Suncor Energy 01.06.18/6.100% 227,985 0.02370,000 Talisman Energy 01.06.19/7.750% 455,625 0.03

75,000 Thomson Reuters 15.07.13/5.950% 81,907 0.01440,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank 144A 29.07.15/2.200% 445,762 0.03

80,000 TransCanada Pipelines 15.06.13/4.000% 84,441 0.01150,000 TransCanada Pipelines 15.08.18/6.500% 176,870 0.01330,000 TransCanada Pipelines 15.01.19/7.125% 405,402 0.02140,000 TransCanada Pipelines 15.10.37/6.200% 150,872 0.01

5,022,550 0.35

UNITED KINGDOM110,000 AstraZeneca 01.06.14/5.400% 123,187 0.01220,000 Barclays Bank 23.01.13/2.500% 224,405 0.02100,000 Barclays Bank 10.07.14/5.200% 108,363 0.01100,000 Barclays Bank 22.05.19/6.750% 112,877 0.01250,000 Barclays Bank 08.01.20/5.125% 254,170 0.02400,000 BP Capital Markets 10.03.12/3.125% 406,602 0.03350,000 BP Capital Markets 07.11.13/5.250% 379,559 0.03300,000 BP Capital Markets 08.05.14/3.625% 315,531 0.02310,000 BP Capital Markets 11.03.21/4.742% 319,891 0.02

1,000,000 British Telecommunications 15.01.13/5.150% 1,059,660 0.0745,000 British Telecommunications 15.12.30/9.875% 62,067 0.00

700,000 Deutsche Bank/London 11.01.16/3.250% 707,343 0.05200,000 Diageo Capital 23.10.17/5.750% 230,375 0.02

50,000 Diageo Capital 15.07.20/4.828% 52,735 0.00139,000 HSBC Holdings 05.04.21/5.100% 142,692 0.01300,000 Vodafone Group 15.09.15/5.000% 331,886 0.02

4,831,343 0.34

NETHERLANDS45,000 Deutsche Telekom International

Finance 22.07.13/5.250% 48,578 0.00200,000 Deutsche Telekom International

Finance 15.06.30/8.750% 262,666 0.02170,000 Diageo Finance 01.04.13/5.500% 183,537 0.01150,000 Diageo Finance 28.10.15/5.300% 169,360 0.0192,000 Koninklijke Philips Electronics 11.03.18/5.750% 103,389 0.01

100,000 Koninklijke Philips Electronics 01.06.26/7.200% 120,177 0.0135,000 Shell International Finance 25.03.13/1.875% 35,751 0.00

670,000 Shell International Finance 21.03.14/4.000% 720,009 0.05184,000 Shell International Finance 28.06.15/3.100% 192,543 0.01230,000 Shell International Finance 25.03.20/4.375% 241,699 0.02280,000 Shell International Finance 15.12.38/6.375% 324,547 0.03

2,402,256 0.17

AUSTRALIA200,000 BHP Billiton Finance USA 01.04.14/5.500% 222,795 0.02

55,000 BHP Billiton Finance USA 29.03.17/5.400% 62,619 0.00100,000 Rio Tinto Finance USA 01.05.14/8.950% 120,198 0.01

67,000 Rio Tinto Finance USA 02.11.20/3.500% 63,975 0.00762,000 Westpac Banking 19.11.19/4.875% 791,947 0.06

1,261,534 0.09

JAPAN130,000 Nomura Holdings 04.03.15/5.000% 137,656 0.01610,000 Nomura Holdings 19.01.16/4.125% 620,418 0.04404,000 Nomura Holdings 04.03.20/6.700% 443,089 0.03

1,201,163 0.08

LUXEMBOURG160,000 Telecom Italia Capital 15.11.13/5.250% 167,992 0.01150,000 Telecom Italia Capital 18.06.14/6.175% 162,127 0.01300,000 Telecom Italia Capital 30.09.14/4.950% 313,802 0.02100,000 Telecom Italia Capital 04.06.18/6.999% 108,006 0.01100,000 Tyco International Finance 15.01.19/8.500% 126,641 0.01

878,568 0.06


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 133: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

SPAIN350,000 Telefonica Emisiones 04.02.13/5.855% 371,315 0.02220,000 Telefonica Emisiones 03.07.17/6.221% 242,598 0.0240,000 Telefonica Emisiones 15.07.19/5.877% 41,910 0.00113,000 Telefonica Emisiones 16.02.21/5.462% 114,574 0.01

770,397 0.05

SWITZERLAND200,000 Credit Suisse 14.01.20/5.400% 203,191 0.01300,000 Tyco International Finance 15.12.19/7.000% 356,873 0.03

560,064 0.04

CAYMAN ISLANDS400,000 Transocean 15.11.20/6.500% 449,008 0.04

449,008 0.04

MEXICO260,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 16.01.13/6.375% 280,787 0.02165,000 Mexico (United Mexican States) 03.03.15/6.625% 191,833 0.01

472,620 0.03

NORWAY183,000 Statoil 17.08.17/3.125% 185,820 0.01

185,820 0.01

FRANCE110,000 France Télécom 01.03.31/8.500% 147,996 0.01

147,996 0.01

BERMUDA50,000 Ingersoll-Rand 15.11.27/6.391% 55,950 0.00

55,950 0.00

Total Bonds 144,615,520 10.08

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

144,615,520 10.08

Transferable Securities Dealt in on Another Regulated Market


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA766,741 Aames Mortgage Investment

Trust 2005-3 M1 25.08.35/0.716%* 570,843 0.0457,081 ABN Amro Mortgage 2003-7 A3 25.07.18/4.500% 57,711 0.00

205,000 Ally Auto Receivables Trust2010-1 A3 15.05.14/1.450% 206,474 0.01

735,000 Ally Auto Receivables Trust2010-3 A3 15.10.14/1.110% 738,110 0.05

313,000 Ally Auto Receivables Trust2010-4 A3 17.11.14/0.910% 313,458 0.02

355,000 Ally Auto Receivables Trust2011-1 A3 15.01.15/1.380% 357,295 0.02

73,000 American Airlines 2011-1 Class APass Through Trust 31.01.21/5.250% 71,358 0.00

1,400,000 American General MortgageLoan Trust 2009-1 A4 25.09.48/5.750%* 1,410,702 0.10

950,000 American General MortgageLoan Trust 2009-1 A5 25.09.48/5.750%* 962,135 0.07

1,471,352 American General MortgageLoan Trust 2009-1 A7 25.09.48/5.750%* 1,497,560 0.10

500,000 American Home MortgageInvestment Trust 2005-3 2A4 25.09.35/2.021%* 203,150 0.01

150,000 American Honda Finance 144A 18.03.13/2.375% 153,386 0.01165,000 American Honda Finance 144A 01.10.18/7.625% 202,598 0.01715,000 American Municipal Power-Ohio 15.02.50/7.499% 810,631 0.06

1,947 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2008-AF A3 12.12.12/5.680% 1,948 0.00

100,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2008-AF A4 14.10.14/6.960% 105,038 0.01

13,113 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2010-1 A2 15.01.13/0.970% 13,114 0.00

95,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2010-1 A3 17.03.14/1.660% 95,401 0.01

445,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2010-3 A3 08.04.15/1.140% 445,595 0.03

550,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2010-4 A2 08.05.14/0.960% 550,653 0.04

175,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2010-4 A3 08.04.15/1.270% 175,534 0.01

1,183,000 AmeriCredit AutomobileReceivables Trust 2011-3 A2 10.11.14/0.840% 1,182,671 0.08

190,000 Amgen 01.02.19/5.700% 214,933 0.0181,000 Amgen 15.03.20/4.500% 84,209 0.01

237,000 Amgen 15.03.40/5.750% 241,703 0.02300,000 Amgen 01.10.41/4.950% 273,486 0.02126,000 Amgen 15.06.42/5.650% 125,386 0.01561,281 ASG Resecuritization Trust

2009-1 A60 26.06.37/5.272%* 566,894 0.04543,230 ASG Resecuritization Trust

2009-2 A55 24.05.36/5.358%* 547,744 0.042,449,943 ASG Resecuritization Trust

2009-3 A65 26.03.37/5.327%* 2,453,466 0.171,690,948 ASG Resecuritization Trust

2009-4 A60 28.06.37/6.000% 1,720,539 0.12984,645 Asset Backed Funding

Certificates 2005-AQ1 A4 25.06.35/5.010%* 979,769 0.0711,000 AT&T 15.11.31/8.000% 14,532 0.00

375,000 BAE Systems Holdings 144A 15.08.15/5.200% 407,106 0.03524,980 Banc of America Alternative

Loan Trust 2003-7 1CB1 25.09.33/5.500% 544,026 0.04474,769 Banc of America Alternative

Loan Trust 2003-7 2A4 25.09.18/5.000% 485,721 0.03366,225 Banc of America Alternative

Loan Trust 2004-1 1A1 25.02.34/6.000% 386,583 0.03355,695 Banc of America Funding

2004-2 1CB1 20.09.34/5.750% 366,598 0.03155,243 Banc of America Funding

2004-2 30PO 20.09.34/0.000% 114,665 0.01315,188 Banc of America Funding

2004-C 1A1 20.12.34/5.020%* 312,677 0.02848,979 Banc of America Funding

2005-6 2A7 25.10.35/5.500% 828,635 0.06185,198 Banc of America Funding

2005-7 30PO 25.11.35/0.000% 124,474 0.01286,449 Banc of America Funding

2005-E 4A1 20.03.35/2.814%* 271,981 0.021,923,601 Banc of America Funding

2010-R5 5A6 26.05.37/0.494%* 1,866,086 0.13200,000 Banc of America Merrill Lynch

Commercial Mortgage 2006-5A4 10.09.47/5.414% 213,640 0.02

2,689 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2003-2A2 11.03.41/4.342% 2,692 0.00

200,000 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2005-3A4 10.07.43/4.668% 213,821 0.01

500,000 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2005-3AM 10.07.43/4.727% 501,623 0.03

408,830 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2005-6ASB 10.09.47/5.195%* 431,392 0.03

300,000 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2006-1A4 10.09.45/5.372%* 324,595 0.02

400,000 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2006-3A4 10.07.44/5.889%* 439,593 0.03

600,000 Banc of America Merrill LynchCommercial Mortgage 2006-4A4 10.07.46/5.634% 656,127 0.05

1,300,000 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2003-3 1A7 25.05.33/5.500% 1,331,478 0.09

252,411 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2003-6 2A1 25.08.18/0.636%* 242,572 0.02

32,443 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2003-8 APO 25.11.33/0.000% 23,807 0.00

1,200,000 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-3 1A26 25.04.34/5.500% 1,233,303 0.09

1,929,332 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-3 3A1 25.04.19/5.000% 1,965,416 0.14

734,161 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-5 2A2 25.06.34/5.500% 737,798 0.05

226,354 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-5 4A1 25.06.19/4.750% 233,508 0.02

732,755 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-7 15IO 25.08.19/4.748%* 82,169 0.01

233,889 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-9 3A1 25.09.32/6.500% 247,116 0.02

53,525 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-9 XPO 25.11.34/0.000% 39,380 0.00

250,590 Banc of America MortgageSecurities 2004-J 3A1 25.11.34/5.089%* 221,393 0.02

650,000 Bank of America 14.10.16/5.625% 694,912 0.05222,331 Bank of America Auto Trust

2009-1A A3 15.07.13/2.670% 223,861 0.02182,252 Bank of America Auto Trust

2010-1A A3 15.03.14/1.390% 183,133 0.01155,000 Bank of America Auto Trust

2010-1A A4 15.02.17/2.180% 158,663 0.01188,649 Bank of America Auto Trust

2010-2 A2 15.10.12/0.910% 188,756 0.01465,000 Bank of America Auto Trust

2010-2 A3 15.07.14/1.310% 468,054 0.03


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 134: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

770,000 Bank of America Auto Trust2010-2 A4 15.06.17/1.940% 784,779 0.06

865,747 BCAP Trust 2011-RR2 3A3 21.11.35/3.011%* 864,664 0.06398,921 Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Trust 2003-4 3A1 25.07.33/5.016%* 398,064 0.0379,154 Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Trust 2003-7 3A 25.10.33/2.789%* 75,755 0.01548,994 Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Trust 2004-2 14A 25.05.34/5.089%* 558,718 0.04432,460 Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Trust 2005-5 A1 25.08.35/2.340%* 407,764 0.03692,674 Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Trust 2006-1 A1 25.02.36/2.520%* 616,590 0.04507,343 Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust 2005-2

1A1 25.03.35/0.686%* 416,394 0.03114,222 Bear Stearns Asset Backed

Securities Trust 2006-SD1 A 25.04.36/0.556%* 86,014 0.0119,379,414 Bear Stearns Commercial

Mortgage Securities 2005-PWR8X1 11.06.41/0.250%* 301,011 0.02

122,182 Bear Stearns CommercialMortgage Securities 2005-PWR9AAB 11.09.42/4.804% 127,039 0.01

360,000 Bear Stearns CommercialMortgage Securities 2006-PW11A4 11.03.39/5.452%* 394,573 0.03

56,275 Bear Stearns CommercialMortgage Securities 2006-PW14A1 11.12.38/5.044% 56,505 0.00

63,822,479 Bear Stearns CommercialMortgage Securities 2007-T26X1 12.01.45/0.078%* 335,368 0.02

500,000 Blackstone Holdings Finance144A 15.03.21/5.875% 508,425 0.04

395,000 Bunge 15.06.19/8.500% 482,115 0.03100,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 15.07.11/6.750% 100,152 0.01250,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.07.12/5.900% 262,354 0.02150,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.02.14/7.000% 171,225 0.0150,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 15.03.18/5.750% 56,578 0.00

147,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.09.20/3.600% 142,501 0.01100,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.08.28/6.700% 112,589 0.01375,000 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 01.06.41/5.400% 368,124 0.03300,000 Cargill 144A 06.03.19/7.350% 370,082 0.03160,000 CarMax Auto Owner Trust

2010-1 A3 15.07.14/1.560% 161,003 0.01630,000 CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2011-1

A3 15.09.15/1.290% 633,295 0.04575,000 CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2011-1

A4 15.09.16/2.160% 586,052 0.0470,000 CenterPoint Energy Resources

144A 15.01.21/4.500% 70,861 0.01500,000 Centex Home Equity 2004-D

AF4 25.06.32/4.680%* 486,028 0.03480,592 Chase Funding Mortgage Loan

Asset-Backed Certificates2003-4 1A5 25.05.33/5.416%* 465,137 0.03

288,357 Chase Funding Mortgage LoanAsset-Backed Certificates2003-6 1A6 25.11.34/4.585% 286,449 0.02

515,328 Chase Funding Mortgage LoanAsset-Backed Certificates2003-6 1A7 25.11.34/4.277%* 494,122 0.03

369,983 Chase Mortgage Finance2003-S2 A1 25.03.18/5.000% 376,657 0.03

243,822 Chase Mortgage Finance2003-S6 A1 25.06.18/5.000% 249,189 0.02

379,806 Chase Mortgage Finance2007-A1 2A1 25.02.37/2.775%* 374,276 0.03

317,329 Chase Mortgage Finance2007-A1 7A1 25.02.37/2.831%* 308,099 0.02

283,430 Chase Mortgage Finance2007-A1 9A1 25.02.37/3.022%* 281,370 0.02

1,171,632 Chase Mortgage Finance2007-A2 2A1 25.07.37/3.061%* 1,164,244 0.08

1,000,000 Chrysler Financial AutoSecuritization Trust 2010-A A3 08.08.13/0.910% 1,003,293 0.07

80,000 Cisco Systems 22.02.16/5.500% 91,126 0.01140,000 Cisco Systems 15.01.20/4.450% 145,718 0.01400,000 Cisco Systems 15.02.39/5.900% 421,036 0.03100,000 Cisco Systems 15.01.40/5.500% 99,985 0.01153,488 Citicorp Mortgage Securities

2003-10 A1 25.11.18/4.500% 158,247 0.01423,831 Citicorp Mortgage Securities

2004-1 3A1 25.01.34/4.750% 428,740 0.031,075,786 Citicorp Mortgage Securities

2004-4 A4 25.06.34/5.500% 1,125,009 0.08560,290 Citicorp Mortgage Securities

2004-5 2A5 25.08.34/4.500% 579,738 0.04303,910 Citicorp Mortgage Securities

2004-8 2A2 25.10.34/4.750% 285,556 0.02

415,915 Citicorp Mortgage Securities2005-3 2A2 25.04.20/5.000% 392,890 0.03

1,000,000 Citicorp Mortgage Securities2006-4 1A2 25.08.36/6.000% 955,691 0.07

600,000 Citigroup Commercial MortgageTrust 2005-C3 AM 15.05.43/4.830%* 604,172 0.04

31,737 Citigroup Commercial MortgageTrust 2006-C4 A1 15.03.49/5.729%* 31,714 0.00

500,000 Citigroup Commercial MortgageTrust 2006-C5 A4 15.10.49/5.431% 544,333 0.04

375,706 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2003-1 2A5 25.10.33/5.250% 380,915 0.03

678,196 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2003-1 3A4 25.09.33/5.250% 692,828 0.05

10,798 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2003-UP3 A3 25.09.33/7.000% 11,110 0.00

195,490 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2004-UST1 A3 25.08.34/2.499%* 194,002 0.01

498,823 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2005-2 2A11 25.05.35/5.500% 493,986 0.03

900,645 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust2008-AR4 1A1A 25.11.38/5.277%* 896,142 0.06

57,988,722 Citigroup/Deutsche BankCommercial Mortgage Trust2007-CD4 XC 11.12.49/0.167%* 487,569 0.03

500,000 CME Group 01.08.13/5.400% 543,818 0.0455,459 CNH Equipment Trust 2008-B

A4A 17.11.14/5.600% 56,535 0.0036,745 CNH Equipment Trust 2009-A

A3 15.11.12/5.280% 36,903 0.00408,643 CNH Equipment Trust 2010-A A3 15.07.14/1.540% 410,752 0.03

1,100,000 CNH Equipment Trust 2010-C A3 15.05.15/1.170% 1,103,478 0.08325,000 CNH Equipment Trust 2011-A A3 16.05.16/1.200% 325,901 0.02267,000 CNH Equipment Trust 2011-A A4 17.10.16/2.040% 269,136 0.02275,000 Comcast 15.03.16/5.900% 313,603 0.02250,000 Comcast 15.01.17/6.500% 291,386 0.02200,000 Comcast 15.11.35/6.500% 214,522 0.01150,000 Comcast 15.03.37/6.450% 159,190 0.01150,000 Comcast Cable Holdings 01.02.12/9.800% 157,451 0.01100,000 Comcast Holdings 15.07.12/10.625% 109,926 0.01

54,591 Commercial Mortgage PassThrough Certificates 2004-LB4AA4 15.10.37/4.584% 54,952 0.00

650,000 Commercial Mortgage PassThrough Certificates 2005-LP5A4 10.05.43/4.982%* 700,844 0.05

173,000 Consolidated Edison Co. of NewYork 15.06.40/5.700% 182,940 0.01

284,105 Continental Airlines 2007-1Class A Pass Through Trust2007-1 19.04.22/5.983% 292,259 0.02

111,735 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2002-18 A2 25.02.33/5.250% 113,245 0.01

601,360 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2004-18CB 2A4 25.09.34/5.700% 615,170 0.04

102,933 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2004-28CB 3A1 25.01.35/6.000% 98,952 0.01

1,066,078 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2004-2CB 1A9 25.03.34/5.750% 1,022,681 0.07

2,664,023 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-20CB 3A8 25.07.35/4.564%* 289,134 0.02

34,451 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-26CB A10 25.07.35/12.713%* 34,184 0.00

583,470 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-28CB 1A4 25.08.35/5.500% 464,865 0.03

1,000,000 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-54CB 1A11 25.11.35/5.500% 840,550 0.06

86,649 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-5R A1 25.12.18/5.250% 88,396 0.01

611,219 Countrywide Alternative LoanTrust 2005-J1 1A4 25.02.35/4.914%* 61,647 0.00

107,732 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2003-26 1A6 25.08.33/3.500% 102,977 0.01

27,136 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2003-J7 4A3 25.08.18/9.533%* 28,434 0.00

976,143 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2004-5 1A4 25.06.34/5.500% 1,020,939 0.07

147,083 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2004-7 2A1 25.06.34/2.275%* 131,197 0.01

1,160,698 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2004-8 2A1 25.06.19/4.500% 1,198,652 0.08

144,628 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2004-J6 2A1 25.07.14/4.750% 147,082 0.01

242,121 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2004-J8 1A2 25.11.19/4.750% 246,120 0.02


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 135: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

833,669 Countrywide Home LoanMortgage Pass Through Trust2005-22 2A1 25.11.35/3.079%* 562,208 0.04

75,000 COX Communications 144A 01.03.39/8.375% 99,236 0.01698,374 Credit Suisse First Boston

Mortgage Securities 2003-275A4 25.11.33/5.250% 724,821 0.05

985,540 Credit Suisse First BostonMortgage Securities 2004-42A4 25.09.34/5.500% 1,044,492 0.07

377,907 Credit Suisse First BostonMortgage Securities 2004-5 3A1 25.08.19/5.250% 386,473 0.03

847,225 Credit Suisse First BostonMortgage Securities 2004-8 1A4 25.12.34/5.500% 890,670 0.06

300,000 Credit Suisse Mortgage CapitalCertificates 2010-16 A3 25.06.50/4.250%* 288,039 0.02

66,392 Credit-Based Asset Servicingand Securitization 2006-CB1AF2 25.01.36/5.236%* 40,464 0.00

102,014 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-1 DB1 25.02.33/6.564% 90,107 0.01

1,016,330 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-21 1A4 25.09.33/5.250% 1,043,597 0.07

372,730 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-21 AP 25.09.33/0.000% 266,639 0.02

782,541 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-23 2A5 25.10.18/5.000% 805,595 0.06

307,215 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-27 AP 25.11.33/0.000% 232,319 0.02

165,000 CSFB Mortgage Securities2003-C5 A4 15.12.36/4.900%* 174,138 0.01

386,610 CSFB Mortgage Securities2004-3 AP 25.06.34/0.000% 318,673 0.02

183,857 CSFB Mortgage Securities2005-10 AP 25.11.35/0.000% 123,065 0.01

166,736 CSFB Mortgage Securities2005-4 3A24 25.06.35/18.312%* 165,320 0.01

793,519 CSFB Mortgage Securities2005-7 4A3 25.08.20/5.000% 794,500 0.06

645,000 CW Capital Cobalt 2006-C1 A4 15.08.48/5.223% 683,030 0.05180,000 Daimler Finance North America 15.11.13/6.500% 200,288 0.01218,000 Danaher 23.06.21/3.900% 217,688 0.02683,000 Dell 01.04.16/3.100% 701,222 0.05100,000 Dell 01.04.21/4.625% 101,874 0.01251,348 Delta Air Lines 2010-2 Class A

Pass Through Trust 2010-2A 23.05.19/4.950% 249,785 0.0296,000 Delta Air Lines 2011-1 Class A

Pass Through Trust 2011-1 15.04.19/5.300% 96,000 0.01722,006 Deutsche Mortgage Securities

2004-1 3A6 25.12.33/4.740%* 733,150 0.05400,000 DirecTV Holdings/DirecTV

Financing 15.02.21/4.600% 402,586 0.03243,000 DirecTV Holdings/DirecTV

Financing 01.03.21/5.000% 251,861 0.02700,000 DirecTV Holdings/DirecTV

Financing 15.08.40/6.000% 705,705 0.05414,000 Discovery Communications 15.06.21/4.375% 410,152 0.03195,000 Duke Energy Carolinas 15.06.20/4.300% 203,086 0.01160,000 Duke Energy Indiana 15.07.20/3.750% 159,663 0.0185,000 Duke Energy Ohio 01.04.19/5.450% 95,485 0.01

326,000 ERAC USA Finance 144A 10.01.14/2.250% 329,608 0.02114,000 Exelon Generation 01.10.41/5.750% 108,388 0.01

4,600,000 Fannie Mae 05.07.14/0.000% 4,433,084 0.3110,150,000 Fannie Mae 11.05.17/5.000% 11,646,110 0.811,000,000 Fannie Mae 01.06.17/0.000% 863,533 0.06

300,000 Fannie Mae 12.06.17/5.375% 350,387 0.02506,668 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2000-T6 A1 25.06.30/7.500% 578,280 0.041,392,136 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2001-T10 A2 25.12.41/7.500% 1,612,815 0.11432,247 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2001-T7 A1 25.02.41/7.500% 515,443 0.0452,426 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2002-T16 A2 25.07.42/7.000% 60,324 0.00947,703 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2004-T2 1A4 25.11.43/7.500% 1,094,783 0.08726,706 Fannie Mae Grantor Trust

2004-T3 PT1 25.01.44/9.239%* 891,726 0.06682,898 Fannie Mae Interest Strip 293 1 01.12.24/0.000% 605,089 0.04450,176 Fannie Mae Interest Strip 339 18 01.07.18/4.500% 43,670 0.00923,193 Fannie Mae Interest Strip 383 32 01.01.38/6.000% 138,696 0.01

8,141 Fannie Mae Pool No: 190632 01.02.14/6.000% 8,898 0.0020,487 Fannie Mae Pool No: 252409 01.03.29/6.500% 23,360 0.00

200,620 Fannie Mae Pool No: 254305 01.05.22/6.500% 227,353 0.02245,171 Fannie Mae Pool No: 254717 01.04.13/4.500% 257,645 0.0227,281 Fannie Mae Pool No: 254827 01.05.13/5.500% 29,590 0.00

472,186 Fannie Mae Pool No: 255052 01.11.23/4.000% 494,260 0.03111,003 Fannie Mae Pool No: 255174 01.03.14/4.000% 114,015 0.01515,252 Fannie Mae Pool No: 255441 01.06.19/3.500% 524,832 0.04

956,389 Fannie Mae Pool No: 255843 01.09.35/5.500% 1,040,034 0.07

580,701 Fannie Mae Pool No: 256648 01.01.22/7.500% 640,169 0.04707,404 Fannie Mae Pool No: 256803 01.07.27/6.000% 777,902 0.05

1,559,677 Fannie Mae Pool No: 256885 01.09.27/6.000% 1,715,110 0.12356,642 Fannie Mae Pool No: 257055 01.12.27/6.500% 404,388 0.03

1,316,450 Fannie Mae Pool No: 257172 01.04.38/5.500% 1,413,690 0.10747,985 Fannie Mae Pool No: 257209 01.05.38/5.500% 803,235 0.06

1,038,161 Fannie Mae Pool No: 257510 01.12.38/7.000% 1,192,101 0.0827,957 Fannie Mae Pool No: 357639 01.11.34/5.500% 30,224 0.00

1,228,348 Fannie Mae Pool No: 464367 01.01.20/4.540% 1,308,970 0.092,800,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 464756 01.04.20/4.350% 2,948,176 0.211,500,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465578 01.07.20/3.930% 1,541,976 0.112,962,162 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465641 01.08.20/3.740% 3,008,691 0.211,482,501 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465659 01.07.20/3.740% 1,506,687 0.11

2,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465769 01.08.20/3.960% 2,057,984 0.14991,217 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465936 01.09.20/3.600% 996,060 0.07

3,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 465973 01.10.20/3.590% 3,012,114 0.213,952,091 Fannie Mae Pool No: 466049 01.10.17/2.490% 3,872,746 0.272,585,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 466236 01.10.17/2.690% 2,561,016 0.181,980,908 Fannie Mae Pool No: 466263 01.11.18/2.970% 1,964,608 0.144,500,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 466454 01.11.20/3.230% 4,406,381 0.31

992,409 Fannie Mae Pool No: 466689 01.12.20/3.590% 994,267 0.074,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467010 01.01.18/3.520% 4,120,539 0.29

1,988,431 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467059 01.01.19/3.810% 2,060,630 0.141,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467264 01.02.21/4.330% 1,037,510 0.072,990,106 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467390 01.03.21/4.160% 3,093,050 0.221,624,624 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467473 01.03.18/3.800% 1,695,440 0.12

2,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467755 01.04.21/4.250% 2,055,889 0.141,500,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 467772 01.04.21/4.380% 1,570,470 0.111,000,000 Fannie Mae Pool No: 468058 01.05.21/4.390% 1,046,812 0.07

19,582 Fannie Mae Pool No: 535574 01.11.13/7.500% 20,531 0.0053,350 Fannie Mae Pool No: 545622 01.04.17/7.500% 57,101 0.00

758,295 Fannie Mae Pool No: 555182 01.01.18/6.000% 827,608 0.0653,922 Fannie Mae Pool No: 555791 01.12.22/6.500% 61,107 0.006,658 Fannie Mae Pool No: 583745 01.06.16/6.000% 7,266 0.00

27,900 Fannie Mae Pool No: 598559 01.08.31/6.500% 31,601 0.0031,097 Fannie Mae Pool No: 602589 01.09.31/7.000% 35,962 0.00

385,504 Fannie Mae Pool No: 622534 01.09.31/3.000% 360,609 0.03742,078 Fannie Mae Pool No: 622542 01.09.31/5.500% 802,255 0.06

6,229 Fannie Mae Pool No: 627139 01.03.17/6.500% 6,917 0.007,174 Fannie Mae Pool No: 637095 01.03.17/7.500% 7,959 0.00

178,596 Fannie Mae Pool No: 650236 01.12.32/5.000% 190,043 0.0134,692 Fannie Mae Pool No: 665775 01.09.17/5.500% 37,700 0.00

6,976 Fannie Mae Pool No: 666358 01.08.17/6.000% 7,613 0.0010,775 Fannie Mae Pool No: 668811 01.11.17/6.000% 11,760 0.0011,879 Fannie Mae Pool No: 674349 01.03.33/6.000% 13,046 0.00

177,332 Fannie Mae Pool No: 679263 01.11.24/4.500% 183,622 0.011,065,390 Fannie Mae Pool No: 682076 01.11.17/6.000% 1,162,773 0.08

28,606 Fannie Mae Pool No: 689977 01.03.27/8.000% 33,494 0.0020,963 Fannie Mae Pool No: 695533 01.06.27/8.000% 24,600 0.00

114,824 Fannie Mae Pool No: 698023 01.04.19/3.500% 116,959 0.0163,871 Fannie Mae Pool No: 720393 01.07.18/4.500% 67,733 0.00

100,406 Fannie Mae Pool No: 722985 01.07.33/2.609%* 105,549 0.01107,759 Fannie Mae Pool No: 725171 01.01.19/4.000% 112,254 0.0112,646 Fannie Mae Pool No: 725382 01.01.16/8.000% 12,828 0.0041,137 Fannie Mae Pool No: 725704 01.08.34/6.000% 45,206 0.00

240,202 Fannie Mae Pool No: 727226 01.06.18/4.000% 250,223 0.02117,749 Fannie Mae Pool No: 729347 01.07.18/4.000% 122,661 0.0125,308 Fannie Mae Pool No: 730332 01.09.18/4.000% 26,364 0.00

107,437 Fannie Mae Pool No: 730536 01.08.18/4.000% 111,919 0.01202,901 Fannie Mae Pool No: 735332 01.08.34/3.034%* 213,005 0.01130,333 Fannie Mae Pool No: 735911 01.08.20/6.500% 144,731 0.01131,078 Fannie Mae Pool No: 740822 01.09.18/5.500% 142,158 0.0148,553 Fannie Mae Pool No: 743097 01.10.18/3.500% 49,456 0.00

823,383 Fannie Mae Pool No: 745148 01.01.36/5.000% 874,973 0.06519,103 Fannie Mae Pool No: 745406 01.03.21/6.000% 566,552 0.04

1,158,719 Fannie Mae Pool No: 745418 01.04.36/5.500% 1,260,061 0.09743,176 Fannie Mae Pool No: 745445 01.01.36/2.491%* 779,821 0.05122,027 Fannie Mae Pool No: 745446 01.04.33/2.541%* 127,842 0.01101,533 Fannie Mae Pool No: 748306 01.11.33/6.500% 115,002 0.0168,299 Fannie Mae Pool No: 754922 01.09.33/5.500% 73,365 0.01

142,263 Fannie Mae Pool No: 755973 01.11.28/8.000% 166,976 0.0163,111 Fannie Mae Pool No: 755994 01.10.28/8.000% 74,059 0.01

229,106 Fannie Mae Pool No: 763029 01.05.33/4.500% 237,841 0.0270,522 Fannie Mae Pool No: 766610 01.01.34/2.436%* 73,827 0.01

298,280 Fannie Mae Pool No: 771959 01.02.34/5.500% 323,202 0.02450,460 Fannie Mae Pool No: 775902 01.04.30/8.500% 532,166 0.04594,828 Fannie Mae Pool No: 777132 01.06.34/2.562%* 621,913 0.04139,270 Fannie Mae Pool No: 781309 01.07.34/2.746%* 146,169 0.01

9,564 Fannie Mae Pool No: 782613 01.05.19/3.500% 9,742 0.0037,312 Fannie Mae Pool No: 787741 01.08.30/9.000% 43,972 0.00

251,777 Fannie Mae Pool No: 788150 01.03.32/6.000% 276,679 0.02140,775 Fannie Mae Pool No: 789426 01.07.19/3.500% 143,393 0.01141,636 Fannie Mae Pool No: 790235 01.08.34/2.741%* 147,928 0.01104,200 Fannie Mae Pool No: 791961 01.09.34/1.812%* 107,246 0.01

49,657 Fannie Mae Pool No: 796815 01.09.19/5.500% 53,855 0.00266,434 Fannie Mae Pool No: 801342 01.09.34/2.700%* 280,258 0.02


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 136: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

349,916 Fannie Mae Pool No: 810896 01.01.35/2.020%* 368,092 0.03256,775 Fannie Mae Pool No: 816597 01.02.35/2.322%* 269,400 0.02117,709 Fannie Mae Pool No: 823660 01.05.35/2.470%* 123,643 0.01

309,846 Fannie Mae Pool No: 843026 01.09.35/2.035%* 323,928 0.02345,951 Fannie Mae Pool No: 843028 01.09.35/2.035%* 361,643 0.03222,598 Fannie Mae Pool No: 847108 01.10.35/6.500% 252,069 0.02717,368 Fannie Mae Pool No: 849251 01.01.36/2.271%* 742,131 0.05

1,214,004 Fannie Mae Pool No: 851432 01.10.35/5.377%* 1,291,056 0.09272,341 Fannie Mae Pool No: 852874 01.04.20/4.000% 283,702 0.02861,663 Fannie Mae Pool No: 870770 01.07.36/6.500% 975,968 0.07570,749 Fannie Mae Pool No: 872502 01.06.36/2.560%* 600,296 0.04454,349 Fannie Mae Pool No: 884066 01.06.36/4.144%* 477,961 0.03228,279 Fannie Mae Pool No: 886558 01.08.36/6.034%* 239,934 0.02

1,268,256 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888366 01.04.37/7.000% 1,458,618 0.10966,007 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888408 01.03.37/6.000% 1,052,773 0.07

1,308,914 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888594 01.08.22/6.000% 1,428,557 0.10663,563 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888605 01.07.35/2.405%* 696,105 0.051,575,121 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888829 01.06.37/5.832% 1,675,956 0.12

1,679,862 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888890 01.10.37/6.500% 1,902,706 0.131,505,611 Fannie Mae Pool No: 888892 01.11.37/7.500% 1,734,337 0.121,022,124 Fannie Mae Pool No: 889519 01.12.35/5.500% 1,105,012 0.081,561,511 Fannie Mae Pool No: 889573 01.03.23/6.500% 1,734,010 0.123,511,022 Fannie Mae Pool No: 889634 01.02.23/6.000% 3,831,951 0.27

927,207 Fannie Mae Pool No: 889757 01.02.38/5.000% 985,013 0.07435,219 Fannie Mae Pool No: 890087 01.11.17/7.000% 466,171 0.03

1,577,031 Fannie Mae Pool No: 890268 01.10.38/6.500% 1,786,234 0.12446,311 Fannie Mae Pool No: 894672 01.10.36/8.000% 514,092 0.04272,387 Fannie Mae Pool No: 896463 01.10.34/4.998%* 286,133 0.02121,920 Fannie Mae Pool No: 900177 01.08.36/7.500% 140,246 0.01295,345 Fannie Mae Pool No: 900197 01.10.36/5.858%* 313,207 0.02228,599 Fannie Mae Pool No: 905694 01.12.36/5.653%* 242,681 0.02163,373 Fannie Mae Pool No: 907742 01.12.36/7.000% 186,063 0.01

324,083 Fannie Mae Pool No: 912374 01.02.37/7.000% 372,870 0.032,200,889 Fannie Mae Pool No: 920843 01.03.36/3.001%* 2,309,083 0.16

634,830 Fannie Mae Pool No: 920954 01.01.37/6.529%* 677,589 0.0546,962 Fannie Mae Pool No: 924857 01.09.37/8.500% 55,085 0.00

466,473 Fannie Mae Pool No: 929560 01.06.38/7.000% 538,749 0.042,469,040 Fannie Mae Pool No: 932355 01.12.39/6.000% 2,755,920 0.191,142,834 Fannie Mae Pool No: 933032 01.10.37/6.000% 1,248,155 0.09

892,914 Fannie Mae Pool No: 945870 01.08.37/6.500% 1,011,364 0.07746,468 Fannie Mae Pool No: 946338 01.09.37/7.000% 858,518 0.06398,550 Fannie Mae Pool No: 961192 01.01.38/7.000% 458,170 0.03535,459 Fannie Mae Pool No: 966946 01.01.38/5.287%* 574,177 0.04

1,616,903 Fannie Mae Pool No: 976871 01.08.36/6.500% 1,831,395 0.132,031,682 Fannie Mae Pool No: 995149 01.10.38/6.500% 2,301,197 0.161,274,355 Fannie Mae Pool No: 995381 01.01.24/6.000% 1,390,839 0.102,236,295 Fannie Mae Pool No: 995456 01.02.24/6.500% 2,483,336 0.17

236,794 Fannie Mae Pool No: 995505 01.01.38/8.000% 277,004 0.02320,537 Fannie Mae Pool No: 995783 01.11.37/8.000% 369,217 0.03

1,422,064 Fannie Mae Pool No: AA0922 01.09.36/6.000% 1,562,715 0.111,007,622 Fannie Mae Pool No: AA1019 01.11.36/6.000% 1,107,283 0.08

929,602 Fannie Mae Pool No: AC3407 01.10.39/5.500% 1,004,987 0.071,971,218 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD0133 01.08.24/5.000% 2,114,440 0.151,036,102 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD0364 01.05.23/5.000% 1,111,381 0.08988,860 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD0660 01.12.19/4.530% 1,056,620 0.07737,525 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD0753 01.01.39/7.000% 856,576 0.06

2,784,691 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD7790 01.08.40/5.000% 2,958,299 0.211,273,353 Fannie Mae Pool No: AD8548 01.01.33/5.500% 1,353,085 0.09

2,040,467 Fannie Mae Pool No: AE0081 01.07.24/6.000% 2,226,979 0.161,219,559 Fannie Mae Pool No: AE0346 01.05.37/6.000% 1,340,081 0.09266,008 Fannie Mae REMICS 1992-145 ZB 25.08.22/8.000% 306,076 0.02998,996 Fannie Mae REMICS 1992-69 Z 25.05.22/8.000% 1,154,042 0.08538,161 Fannie Mae REMICS 1993-136 ZB 25.07.23/6.792%* 644,853 0.04

688,875 Fannie Mae REMICS 1993-141 Z 25.08.23/7.000% 799,523 0.06406,462 Fannie Mae REMICS 1993-203 PL 25.10.23/6.500% 453,347 0.03

47,953 Fannie Mae REMICS 1993-25 J 25.03.23/7.500% 54,610 0.00609,441 Fannie Mae REMICS 1993-99 Z 25.07.23/7.000% 701,205 0.05510,953 Fannie Mae REMICS 1994-63 PK 25.04.24/7.000% 595,183 0.04440,313 Fannie Mae REMICS 1996-4 SA 25.02.24/8.281%* 90,383 0.01630,485 Fannie Mae REMICS 1996-48 Z 25.11.26/7.000% 715,135 0.05

58,016 Fannie Mae REMICS 1997-39 PD 20.05.27/7.500% 65,259 0.00315,372 Fannie Mae REMICS 1997-50 SK 25.05.23/6.781%* 46,766 0.0031,500 Fannie Mae REMICS 1998-36 ZB 18.07.28/6.000% 35,199 0.00

2,409,861 Fannie Mae REMICS 1998-44 ZA 20.07.28/6.500% 2,817,424 0.20392,718 Fannie Mae REMICS 1998-58 PC 25.10.28/6.500% 434,998 0.0324,306 Fannie Mae REMICS 2001-44 PD 25.09.31/7.000% 27,988 0.0012,314 Fannie Mae REMICS 2001-7 PF 25.03.31/7.000% 14,161 0.00

60,051 Fannie Mae REMICS 2001-71 MB 25.12.16/6.000% 64,801 0.00358,928 Fannie Mae REMICS 2001-79 BA 25.03.45/7.000% 406,970 0.03109,595 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-2 MG 25.02.17/6.000% 118,391 0.01143,902 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-3 OG 25.02.17/6.000% 154,918 0.01

1,361,443 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-30 Z 25.05.32/6.000% 1,524,390 0.11179,155 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-47 PE 25.08.17/5.500% 192,762 0.01

239,026 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-5 SE 25.02.32/15.235%* 306,220 0.022,085,058 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-50 ZA 25.05.31/6.000% 2,334,737 0.16

458,553 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-63 KC 25.10.17/5.000% 492,319 0.03

91,308 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-78 VB 25.01.23/5.500% 91,029 0.01253,828 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-81 JO 25.04.32/0.000% 240,890 0.02

500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2002-94 BK 25.01.18/5.500% 542,683 0.042,295,019 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-105 AZ 25.10.33/5.500% 2,677,809 0.191,500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-106 WE 25.11.22/4.500% 1,614,258 0.11

172,974 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-116 SB 25.11.33/7.414%* 29,434 0.00474,865 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-117 JB 25.06.33/3.500% 492,614 0.03450,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-128 NG 25.01.19/4.000% 477,236 0.031,117,063 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-130 CS 25.12.33/13.728%* 1,318,488 0.09

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-17 EQ 25.03.23/5.500% 2,260,566 0.163,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-23 EQ 25.04.23/5.500% 3,368,818 0.23

400,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-32 KC 25.05.18/5.000% 435,777 0.03801,335 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-33 IA 25.05.33/6.500% 176,789 0.01

3,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-35 BC 25.05.18/5.000% 3,247,591 0.23895,131 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-35 IU 25.05.33/6.000% 193,854 0.01

200,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-39 LW 25.05.23/5.500% 223,353 0.02176,011 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-44 IU 25.06.33/7.000% 34,736 0.0089,252 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-52 SX 25.10.31/22.393%* 132,546 0.0144,996 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-60 NJ 25.07.21/5.000% 45,156 0.0055,379 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-68 QP 25.07.22/3.000% 56,574 0.00

671,942 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-73 GF 25.05.31/0.586%* 673,075 0.052,500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-78 B 25.08.23/5.000% 2,739,947 0.19

160,478 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-80 SY 25.06.23/7.464%* 18,772 0.001,650,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-81 LC 25.09.18/4.500% 1,784,308 0.12

114,364 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-81 SP 25.09.33/11.618%* 115,941 0.01249,135 Fannie Mae REMICS 2003-83 PG 25.06.23/5.000% 269,553 0.0246,802 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-10 SC 25.02.34/27.857%* 68,762 0.0034,700 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-14 SD 25.03.34/8.796%* 33,182 0.0059,540 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-25 SA 25.04.34/19.014%* 79,238 0.01

1,358,782 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-36 PB 25.05.32/5.500% 1,402,334 0.10687,981 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-46 EP 25.03.34/0.000% 609,728 0.04502,411 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-46 HS 25.05.30/5.814%* 28,432 0.00

562,886 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-46 SK 25.05.34/15.989%* 698,971 0.05146,170 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-61 SH 25.11.32/23.245%* 206,785 0.01257,763 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-74 SW 25.11.31/15.128%* 324,863 0.02

400,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-76 CL 25.10.19/4.000% 422,518 0.03400,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-81 AC 25.11.19/4.000% 422,528 0.03

1,055,622 Fannie Mae REMICS 2004-92 BX 25.09.34/5.500% 1,151,398 0.08488,760 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-109 PB 25.01.34/6.000% 509,513 0.04

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-109 PC 25.12.35/6.000% 1,135,333 0.08500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-110 MN 25.06.35/5.500% 557,318 0.04956,337 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-118 ME 25.01.32/6.000% 974,275 0.07

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-118 PN 25.01.32/6.000% 2,171,845 0.15589,484 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-123 FG 25.07.34/0.636%* 588,137 0.04705,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-3 CE 25.08.34/5.500% 734,544 0.0594,064 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-40 YA 25.09.20/5.000% 97,059 0.01

460,312 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-45 DC 25.06.35/23.629%* 613,406 0.042,538 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-47 AN 25.12.16/5.000% 2,538 0.00

586,022 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-56 S 25.07.35/6.524%* 89,418 0.01411,451 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-56 TP 25.08.33/17.593%* 519,975 0.04

224,485 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-57 DC 25.12.34/21.171%* 287,618 0.02706,495 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-57 EG 25.03.35/0.486%* 707,528 0.05

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-67 EY 25.08.25/5.500% 1,112,428 0.08664,475 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-74 CS 25.05.35/19.509%* 915,206 0.06664,475 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-74 SK 25.05.35/19.619%* 917,585 0.06

1,046,053 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-75 SV 25.09.35/23.457%* 1,501,833 0.10342,746 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-76 PZ 25.09.35/5.500% 369,611 0.03

1,059,432 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-84 MB 25.10.35/5.750% 1,167,728 0.081,360,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-84 XH 25.10.35/5.750% 1,518,214 0.11

520,074 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-84 XM 25.10.35/5.750% 570,507 0.04183,998 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-86 GB 25.10.35/5.000% 187,679 0.01425,539 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-90 ES 25.10.35/16.411%* 505,102 0.04272,838 Fannie Mae REMICS 2005-90 PO 25.09.35/0.000% 246,073 0.02564,127 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-11 PS 25.03.36/23.885%* 745,405 0.05269,815 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-110 PO 25.11.36/0.000% 226,520 0.0286,882 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-111 EO 25.11.36/0.000% 72,873 0.01

692,829 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-113 PO 25.07.36/0.000% 629,444 0.041,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-124 HB 25.11.36/5.964%* 1,095,776 0.08

521,152 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-16 FC 25.03.36/0.486%* 522,496 0.04150,376 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-22 AO 25.04.36/0.000% 129,443 0.01568,023 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-27 OH 25.04.36/0.000% 517,438 0.04347,608 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-33 LS 25.05.36/29.314%* 542,554 0.04

5,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-35 GD 25.12.34/6.000% 5,567,393 0.39509,761 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-36 PO 25.05.36/0.000% 443,034 0.03158,820 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-44 GO 25.06.36/0.000% 137,476 0.01530,183 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-44 P 25.12.33/0.000% 449,490 0.03

1,491,644 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-53 US 25.06.36/6.394%* 245,429 0.021,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-53 WE 25.06.36/6.000% 1,132,468 0.081,420,339 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-56 FC 25.07.36/0.476%* 1,427,515 0.10

265,524 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-58 AP 25.07.36/0.000% 225,100 0.02514,871 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-58 PO 25.07.36/0.000% 431,478 0.03235,768 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-59 QO 25.01.33/0.000% 206,822 0.01833,599 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-60 DO 25.04.35/0.000% 738,771 0.05125,735 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-62 PS 25.07.36/38.785%* 219,683 0.02

150,049 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-65 QO 25.07.36/0.000% 129,799 0.01754,889 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-66 NV 25.02.24/6.500% 796,357 0.06


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 137: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-7 TC 25.09.33/6.000% 2,089,063 0.15293,461 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-72 TO 25.08.36/0.000% 255,107 0.02

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-77 PC 25.08.36/6.500% 1,152,378 0.08350,535 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-79 DF 25.08.36/0.536%* 352,465 0.02237,521 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-79 DO 25.08.36/0.000% 204,479 0.01

649,780 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-85 MZ 25.09.36/6.500% 745,842 0.051,690,975 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-94 GI 25.10.26/6.464%* 239,927 0.02

298,093 Fannie Mae REMICS 2006-95 SG 25.10.36/25.457%* 424,459 0.03181,011 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-1 SD 25.02.37/37.885%* 305,465 0.02

1,936,436 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-101 A2 27.06.36/0.436%* 1,940,874 0.141,080,180 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-106 A7 25.10.37/5.978%* 1,142,681 0.081,356,024 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-108 AN 25.11.37/8.634%* 1,635,509 0.11

608,457 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-108 SA 25.12.37/6.174%* 83,839 0.014,910,467 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-109 PI 25.12.37/6.164%* 721,267 0.051,600,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-114 A6 27.10.37/0.386%* 1,590,056 0.11

949,339 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-116 HI 25.01.38/6.362%* 72,634 0.0179,977 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-15 NO 25.03.22/0.000% 71,468 0.00

299,133 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-16 FC 25.03.37/0.936%* 293,380 0.022,198,381 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-2 HF 25.08.36/0.536%* 2,199,835 0.15344,366 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-29 SG 25.04.37/21.047%* 484,348 0.03448,635 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-42 AO 25.05.37/0.000% 404,118 0.03

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-42 B 25.05.37/6.000% 2,263,891 0.161,500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-46 VK 25.03.22/5.500% 1,670,835 0.121,169,651 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-48 PO 25.05.37/0.000% 1,006,474 0.07

1,994,349 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-53 SH 25.06.37/5.914%* 251,208 0.02565,338 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-54 FA 25.06.37/0.586%* 567,906 0.04

2,515,171 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-60 AX 25.07.37/6.964%* 476,417 0.033,290,086 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-65 KI 25.07.37/6.434%* 462,679 0.03

708,252 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-7 SG 25.08.36/6.314%* 131,408 0.011,250,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-71 GB 25.07.37/6.000% 1,433,679 0.105,307,958 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-72 EK 25.07.37/6.214%* 823,118 0.061,239,768 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-76 AZ 25.08.37/5.500% 1,356,994 0.091,264,168 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-76 ZG 25.08.37/6.000% 1,397,212 0.10

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-84 PD 25.08.32/6.000% 1,044,023 0.071,789,872 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-84 PE 25.05.34/6.000% 1,955,259 0.14

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-84 PG 25.12.36/6.000% 2,242,698 0.16313,491 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-85 SL 25.09.37/15.686%* 365,914 0.03

1,311,865 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-88 VI 25.09.37/6.354%* 189,906 0.012,979,803 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-92 YS 25.06.37/5.594%* 379,654 0.03

166,404 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-97 MS 25.12.31/14.326%* 176,576 0.011,118,472 Fannie Mae REMICS 2007-98 VA 25.11.17/6.000% 1,208,625 0.081,860,971 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-1 BI 25.02.38/5.724%* 255,072 0.02

408,267 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-10 XI 25.03.38/6.044%* 53,803 0.001,045,101 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-16 IS 25.03.38/6.014%* 142,340 0.01

196,037 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-18 SP 25.03.38/13.628%* 226,395 0.02731,895 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-19 IC 25.03.23/5.000% 74,476 0.01

500,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-24 DY 25.04.23/5.000% 555,478 0.041,403,701 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-24 PF 25.02.38/0.836%* 1,419,659 0.10

520,200 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-28 QS 25.04.38/20.143%* 678,999 0.05788,585 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-46 HI 25.06.38/6.632%* 64,688 0.00322,783 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-47 SI 25.06.23/6.314%* 42,403 0.00

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-53 CA 25.07.23/5.000% 1,107,450 0.08734,853 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-53 CI 25.07.38/7.014%* 100,748 0.01

1,956,064 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-56 AC 25.07.38/5.000% 2,115,448 0.152,281,964 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-76 GF 25.09.23/0.836%* 2,307,603 0.16

887,741 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-80 SA 25.09.38/5.664%* 106,557 0.01867,408 Fannie Mae REMICS 2008-81 SB 25.09.38/5.664%* 106,974 0.01777,724 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-103 MB 25.12.39/4.000% 825,258 0.06

2,414,556 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-112 ST 25.01.40/6.064%* 308,189 0.02688,589 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-113 AO 25.01.40/0.000% 591,550 0.04

2,411,765 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-12 NU 25.12.23/5.500% 2,704,196 0.192,521,692 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-17 QS 25.03.39/6.464%* 371,769 0.03524,098 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-18 IO 25.03.24/5.000% 61,656 0.00718,810 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-52 PI 25.07.39/5.000% 121,565 0.01

1,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-59 HB 25.08.39/5.000% 1,074,614 0.081,026,420 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-6 GS 25.02.39/6.364%* 141,419 0.01

313,141 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-63 P 25.03.37/5.000% 330,945 0.023,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-69 GL 25.09.39/5.000% 3,253,229 0.23

734,331 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-69 PO 25.09.39/0.000% 628,198 0.04521,072 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-79 UA 25.03.38/7.000% 589,403 0.04

1,359,249 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-84 WS 25.10.39/5.714%* 178,024 0.011,484,029 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-86 IP 25.10.39/5.500% 238,511 0.021,656,564 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-86 OT 25.10.37/0.000% 1,369,798 0.102,629,076 Fannie Mae REMICS 2009-86 UI 25.10.14/4.000% 226,119 0.02

754,354 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-1 WA 25.02.40/6.154%* 847,953 0.069,108,856 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-111 AE 25.04.38/5.500% 9,778,141 0.68

2,000,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-111 AM 25.10.40/5.500% 2,199,002 0.153,823,357 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-125 SA 25.11.40/4.254%* 351,145 0.023,822,842 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-133 A 25.05.38/5.500% 4,122,817 0.292,361,858 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-23 KS 25.02.40/6.914%* 334,198 0.02

3,050,000 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-26 B 25.03.25/5.500% 3,448,616 0.242,031,788 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-35 SB 25.04.40/6.234%* 296,267 0.022,713,278 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-40 FJ 25.04.40/0.786%* 2,734,140 0.191,803,263 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-49 SC 25.03.40/12.288%* 2,034,594 0.14

743,587 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-61 WA 25.06.40/5.940%* 827,958 0.062,607,537 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-64 EH 25.10.35/5.000% 2,791,585 0.19

3,750,483 Fannie Mae REMICS 2010-68 SA 25.07.40/4.814%* 482,395 0.035,209,237 Fannie Mae REMICS 2011-30 LS 25.04.41/4.838%* 423,536 0.031,924,611 Fannie Mae REMICS 2011-43 WA 25.05.51/5.896%* 2,006,535 0.14

2,009,167 Fannie Mae REMICS 2011-47 ZA 25.07.38/5.500% 2,220,364 0.15285,396 Fannie Mae REMICS G92-43 Z 25.07.22/7.500% 322,196 0.02465,980 Fannie Mae REMICS G92-61 Z 25.10.22/7.000% 556,404 0.04

27,293 Fannie Mae REMICS G93-1 KA 25.01.23/7.900% 31,159 0.0090,708 Fannie Mae REMICS G93-17 SH 25.04.23/29.467%* 153,125 0.01

295,223 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2001-W4 AF6 25.01.32/5.610%* 322,676 0.02

4,215,060 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2002-W10 IO 25.08.42/0.978%* 101,878 0.01

220,172 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2002-W6 2A1 25.06.42/6.708%* 249,282 0.02

24,120 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2003-W4 2A 25.10.42/6.500%* 27,397 0.00

10,874,659 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2003-W6 4T 25.09.42/0.550%* 179,778 0.01

314,884 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2003-W8 3F1 25.05.42/0.586%* 313,562 0.02

205,613 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2004-W1 2A2 25.12.33/7.000% 240,221 0.02

1,453,133 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2004-W11 1A1 25.05.44/6.000% 1,621,840 0.11

84,616 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2004-W2 2A2 25.02.44/7.000% 98,323 0.01

1,267,916 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2005-W1 1A2 25.10.44/6.500% 1,460,111 0.10

3,183,432 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2005-W3 2AF 25.03.45/0.406%* 3,177,354 0.22

858,977 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2006-W3 2A 25.09.46/6.000% 954,773 0.07

1,139,217 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2007-W1 1AF1 25.11.46/0.446%* 1,139,371 0.08

167,247 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2007-W7 1A4 25.07.37/38.065%* 245,035 0.02

2,869,873 Fannie Mae Whole Loan2009-W1 A 25.12.49/6.000% 3,205,462 0.22

4,000,000 Fannie Mae-Aces 2010-M1 A2 25.09.19/4.450% 4,232,015 0.302,777,434 FDIC Structured Sale

Guaranteed Notes 2010-C1 A 06.12.20/2.980% 2,833,638 0.201,115,000 Federal Farm Credit Bank 15.11.18/5.125% 1,282,820 0.09

157,575 Federal Home Loan Banks00-0606 Y 28.12.12/5.270% 165,281 0.01

568,760 Federal Home Loan Banks00-1067 1 15.06.12/5.300% 589,639 0.04

33,147 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-41 3A 25.07.32/7.054%* 38,020 0.00

694,381 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-42 A5 25.02.42/7.500% 822,629 0.06

44,182 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-54 2A 25.02.43/6.500% 50,352 0.00

60,091 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-54 3A 25.02.43/7.000% 70,751 0.01

1,905,426 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-56 A5 25.05.43/5.231% 2,050,910 0.14

1,382,700 FHLMC Structured Pass ThroughSecurities T-76 2A 25.10.37/4.779%* 1,401,344 0.10

156,445 FHLMC-GNMA 24 J 25.11.23/6.250% 167,200 0.01669,463 FHLMC-GNMA 29 L 25.04.24/7.500% 703,197 0.05100,000 Fifth Third Bancorp 15.01.17/5.450% 106,672 0.01500,000 Financing Fico 05.04.19/0.000% 386,055 0.03700,000 Financing Fico 26.09.19/0.000% 539,879 0.04

139,971 First Horizon Asset Securities2003-7 2A1 25.09.18/4.500% 142,979 0.01

45,807 First Horizon Asset Securities2004-AR7 2A1 25.02.35/2.741%* 43,564 0.00

500,000 First Horizon Asset Securities2004-AR7 2A2 25.02.35/2.741%* 459,059 0.03

194,136 First Horizon Asset Securities2005-AR1 2A2 25.04.35/2.750%* 184,375 0.01

1,500,000 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust2011-A A2 15.09.13/0.740% 1,498,594 0.10

371,214 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust2009-B A3 15.08.13/2.790% 374,879 0.03

500,000 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust2009-B A4 15.07.14/4.500% 524,740 0.04

2,700,000 Freddie Mac 21.12.12/4.125% 2,847,231 0.201,700,000 Freddie Mac 23.08.17/5.500% 1,995,214 0.14

21,000,000 Freddie Mac 17.11.17/5.125% 24,206,175 1.69411,150 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:

A61376 01.07.32/6.500% 464,149 0.03627,495 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:

A88871 01.01.31/7.000% 724,173 0.054,667,080 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:

A93511 01.08.40/5.000% 4,952,209 0.3563,264 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:

B10492 01.11.18/4.000% 65,844 0.00572,434 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:

B11402 01.12.18/3.500% 583,257 0.04


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 138: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

523,573 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:B90491 01.01.32/7.500% 613,024 0.04

38,708 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:C90600 01.12.22/6.000% 42,768 0.00

274,669 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:C90985 01.08.26/6.500% 309,641 0.02

24,604 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:E01403 01.04.18/6.000% 26,761 0.00

493,665 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:E01418 01.07.18/4.000% 513,798 0.04

129,936 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:E01424 01.08.18/4.000% 135,235 0.01

315,080 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:E01647 01.05.19/4.000% 327,929 0.02

35,621 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G01448 01.08.32/7.000% 40,881 0.00

1,250,230 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G02186 01.05.36/5.000% 1,334,161 0.09

1,015,878 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G02436 01.09.36/6.500% 1,146,831 0.08

806,485 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G04077 01.03.38/6.500% 910,446 0.06

968,005 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G04952 01.01.38/7.500% 1,111,539 0.08

9,971,224 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G06493 01.05.41/4.500% 10,309,311 0.72

530 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G10706 01.07.12/8.000% 539 0.00

259,056 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G11564 01.08.17/6.500% 287,350 0.02

890,877 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G12906 01.07.21/6.000% 968,968 0.07

324,015 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G13012 01.03.22/6.000% 352,417 0.02

3,586,601 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G13991 01.02.23/5.500% 3,878,573 0.27

21,771 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:G30234 01.11.22/6.500% 24,543 0.00

379,867 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:J15254 01.10.17/6.000% 413,165 0.03

139,034 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:P50201 01.01.34/5.500% 147,376 0.01

31,486 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:P60089 01.12.14/7.000% 34,005 0.00

21,988 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:P60090 01.03.16/7.000% 23,830 0.00

263,615 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:P60151 01.05.19/6.000% 287,615 0.02

852,889 Freddie Mac Gold Pool No:Z40024 01.04.36/5.500% 920,987 0.06

147,108 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1A1082 01.07.36/6.290%* 152,196 0.01

403,685 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1A1085 01.08.36/6.719%* 417,647 0.03

349,529 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1A1096 01.10.36/6.679%* 365,617 0.03

668,840 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1A1097 01.10.36/6.521%* 701,808 0.05

185,200 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1B1665 01.04.34/2.510%* 194,263 0.01

307,062 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1B3485 01.07.37/3.324%* 321,353 0.02

1,497,307 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1G2557 01.06.36/6.013%* 1,620,130 0.11

194,639 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1J1399 01.12.36/6.109%* 205,601 0.01

610,647 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1J1418 01.12.36/6.468%* 657,649 0.05

313,750 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1J1516 01.02.37/6.398%* 337,789 0.02

177,152 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1J1574 01.04.37/5.611%* 188,141 0.01

251,442 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1J2945 01.11.37/6.463%* 270,258 0.02

1,056,523 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1K0046 01.10.36/5.738%* 1,107,977 0.08

1,205,217 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1L1286 01.05.36/5.545%* 1,287,605 0.09

549,741 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1N0189 01.08.36/6.580%* 571,048 0.04

699,008 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1N0206 01.08.36/6.624%* 721,786 0.05

857,676 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1N0353 01.02.37/6.282%* 899,548 0.06

256,235 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1N1463 01.05.37/5.876%* 271,556 0.02

318,440 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1Q0007 01.12.35/2.360%* 334,638 0.02

701,072 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1Q0737 01.11.36/6.691%* 755,659 0.05

1,588,643 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:1Q0739 01.03.37/6.218%* 1,676,871 0.12

3,531 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:555325 01.06.17/8.750% 3,975 0.00

1,108,487 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:782760 01.11.36/6.020%* 1,190,366 0.08

695,762 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:782870 01.09.34/2.693%* 728,374 0.05

3,233,745 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:782979 01.01.35/4.989%* 3,456,694 0.24

629,070 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:782980 01.01.35/2.500%* 660,275 0.05

335,319 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:847621 01.05.33/2.510%* 351,844 0.02

3,975,329 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:848365 01.07.36/5.059%* 4,064,774 0.28

2,590,007 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:848431 01.02.36/4.916%* 2,636,673 0.18

191,835 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool No:972200 01.03.36/2.809%* 202,151 0.01

1,000,000 Freddie Mac Reference REMICR004 VG 15.08.21/6.000% 1,093,430 0.08

5,449,489 Freddie Mac Reference REMICR006 ZA 15.04.36/6.000% 6,292,372 0.44

2,033,392 Freddie Mac Reference REMICR007 ZA 15.05.36/6.000% 2,281,290 0.16

281,136 Freddie Mac REMICS 1081 K 15.05.21/7.000% 315,828 0.02286,722 Freddie Mac REMICS 1142 IA 15.10.21/7.000% 322,276 0.02124,192 Freddie Mac REMICS 1578 K 15.09.23/6.900% 142,812 0.0164,389 Freddie Mac REMICS 1609 LG 15.11.23/16.927%* 78,697 0.01

845,840 Freddie Mac REMICS 1621 J 15.11.23/6.400% 905,520 0.0626,918 Freddie Mac REMICS 1668 D 15.02.14/6.500% 28,265 0.00

137,586 Freddie Mac REMICS 1702 PX 15.09.23/6.500% 140,702 0.01187,645 Freddie Mac REMICS 1863 Z 15.07.26/6.500% 211,052 0.01504,710 Freddie Mac REMICS 1927 ZA 15.01.27/6.500% 504,674 0.04254,802 Freddie Mac REMICS 2033 J 15.06.23/5.600% 278,281 0.02

57,991 Freddie Mac REMICS 2061 Z 15.06.28/6.500% 61,801 0.0074,392 Freddie Mac REMICS 2075 PH 15.08.28/6.500% 84,566 0.0152,430 Freddie Mac REMICS 2102 TC 15.12.13/6.000% 54,749 0.00

403,796 Freddie Mac REMICS 2110 PG 15.01.29/6.000% 442,642 0.031,767,233 Freddie Mac REMICS 2165 PE 15.06.29/6.000% 1,976,325 0.14

98,725 Freddie Mac REMICS 2169 TB 15.06.29/7.000% 113,324 0.01353,121 Freddie Mac REMICS 2172 QC 15.07.29/7.000% 405,580 0.0362,118 Freddie Mac REMICS 2259 ZM 15.10.30/7.000% 71,427 0.00

387,002 Freddie Mac REMICS 2283 K 15.12.23/6.500% 419,621 0.03234,289 Freddie Mac REMICS 2344 ZD 15.08.31/6.500% 260,569 0.0298,693 Freddie Mac REMICS 2345 PQ 15.08.16/6.500% 104,612 0.0167,399 Freddie Mac REMICS 2355 BP 15.09.16/6.000% 72,399 0.0165,006 Freddie Mac REMICS 2360 PG 15.09.16/6.000% 70,148 0.0082,613 Freddie Mac REMICS 2363 PF 15.09.16/6.000% 88,866 0.0164,319 Freddie Mac REMICS 2366 MD 15.10.16/6.000% 69,294 0.00

159,005 Freddie Mac REMICS 2388 EZ 15.06.31/8.500% 188,085 0.01254,788 Freddie Mac REMICS 2388 FB 15.01.29/0.787%* 256,636 0.02

67,123 Freddie Mac REMICS 2410 NG 15.02.32/6.500% 75,295 0.0173,272 Freddie Mac REMICS 2416 SH 17.02.32/15.629%* 95,839 0.01

365,543 Freddie Mac REMICS 2423 TB 15.03.32/6.500% 406,898 0.0368,020 Freddie Mac REMICS 2424 OG 15.03.17/6.000% 73,650 0.0184,754 Freddie Mac REMICS 2425 OB 15.03.17/6.000% 91,781 0.0164,276 Freddie Mac REMICS 2434 TC 15.04.32/7.000% 73,010 0.01

127,003 Freddie Mac REMICS 2453 BD 15.05.17/6.000% 137,004 0.0134,074 Freddie Mac REMICS 2466 PG 15.04.32/6.500% 36,310 0.00

495,664 Freddie Mac REMICS 2483 HZ 15.08.32/4.500% 476,036 0.03134,339 Freddie Mac REMICS 2484 LZ 15.07.32/6.500% 157,089 0.01137,056 Freddie Mac REMICS 2503 BH 15.09.17/5.500% 148,712 0.01

527 Freddie Mac REMICS 2519 BT 15.09.31/8.500% 532 0.00358,155 Freddie Mac REMICS 2537 TE 15.12.17/5.500% 387,344 0.03394,707 Freddie Mac REMICS 2544 HC 15.12.32/6.000% 440,459 0.03

2,139,118 Freddie Mac REMICS 2549 ZG 15.01.18/5.000% 2,226,096 0.162,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2568 KG 15.02.23/5.500% 2,207,883 0.15

503,223 Freddie Mac REMICS 2571 SY 15.12.32/18.151%* 674,217 0.05200,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2575 ME 15.02.33/6.000% 226,190 0.02377,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2591 QO 15.03.18/4.500% 405,258 0.03

91,097 Freddie Mac REMICS 2591 QU 15.06.17/3.750% 91,811 0.01605,485 Freddie Mac REMICS 2594 DJ 15.10.30/4.250% 621,044 0.04

9,058 Freddie Mac REMICS 2597 DS 15.02.33/7.363%* 510 0.0029,323 Freddie Mac REMICS 2610 DS 15.03.33/6.913%* 1,196 0.0023,205 Freddie Mac REMICS 2611 SH 15.10.21/7.463%* 699 0.00

1,759,634 Freddie Mac REMICS 2619 AE 15.05.23/5.000% 1,935,705 0.13151,622 Freddie Mac REMICS 2628 WA 15.07.28/4.000% 152,696 0.01289,513 Freddie Mac REMICS 2631 SA 15.06.33/14.507%* 343,899 0.02234,309 Freddie Mac REMICS 2636 Z 15.06.18/4.500% 250,427 0.02

55,584 Freddie Mac REMICS 2646 AC 15.08.17/3.500% 56,865 0.00126,834 Freddie Mac REMICS 2650 PO 15.12.32/0.000% 115,401 0.01353,249 Freddie Mac REMICS 2650 SO 15.12.32/0.000% 322,606 0.0233,458 Freddie Mac REMICS 2668 SB 15.10.15/7.034%* 33,842 0.00

184,123 Freddie Mac REMICS 2671 S 15.09.33/14.415%* 218,008 0.02200,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2672 ME 15.11.22/5.000% 218,290 0.02

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2677 LE 15.09.18/4.500% 1,090,211 0.081,500,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2684 PO 15.01.33/0.000% 1,317,079 0.09


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 139: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

25,037 Freddie Mac REMICS 2684 SN 15.10.33/27.315%* 30,349 0.0025,372 Freddie Mac REMICS 2686 GB 15.05.20/5.000% 25,576 0.00

76,404 Freddie Mac REMICS 2694 BA 15.06.31/4.000% 81,015 0.011,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2695 DG 15.10.18/4.000% 1,061,510 0.07

111,447 Freddie Mac REMICS 2695 OB 15.10.33/0.000% 80,120 0.011,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2707 QE 15.11.18/4.500% 1,091,040 0.082,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2709 PG 15.11.23/5.000% 2,173,029 0.15

456,904 Freddie Mac REMICS 2720 PC 15.12.23/5.000% 498,776 0.035,186 Freddie Mac REMICS 2722 EG 15.12.33/0.000% 5,050 0.00

654,258 Freddie Mac REMICS 2725 OP 15.10.33/0.000% 525,763 0.04373,890 Freddie Mac REMICS 2725 SC 15.11.33/8.788%* 366,792 0.03

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2733 SB 15.10.33/7.842%* 1,079,478 0.0837,106 Freddie Mac REMICS 2744 PD 15.08.33/5.500% 37,525 0.00

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2750 TC 15.02.34/5.250% 1,105,336 0.08224,023 Freddie Mac REMICS 2751 BA 15.10.18/4.000% 233,186 0.02256,676 Freddie Mac REMICS 2755 PA 15.02.29/0.000% 253,161 0.02199,134 Freddie Mac REMICS 2759 GC 15.05.29/5.000% 202,283 0.01

13,173 Freddie Mac REMICS 2762 LO 15.03.34/0.000% 12,833 0.0045,949 Freddie Mac REMICS 2764 UC 15.05.27/5.000% 45,998 0.00

2,202 Freddie Mac REMICS 2766 SX 15.03.34/15.927%* 2,235 0.005,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2770 TW 15.03.19/4.500% 5,453,381 0.38

13,916 Freddie Mac REMICS 2776 SK 15.04.34/8.794%* 13,257 0.001,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2777 KO 15.02.33/0.000% 919,756 0.06

320,892 Freddie Mac REMICS 2778 US 15.06.33/7.013%* 13,338 0.0076,720 Freddie Mac REMICS 2780 JG 15.04.19/4.500% 81,481 0.01

500,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2783 AT 15.04.19/4.000% 528,788 0.04800,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2809 UC 15.06.19/4.000% 847,593 0.06

137,111 Freddie Mac REMICS 2812 AB 15.10.18/4.500% 142,469 0.0150,883 Freddie Mac REMICS 2827 SQ 15.01.19/7.500%* 51,132 0.00

694,493 Freddie Mac REMICS 2835 BO 15.12.28/0.000% 654,614 0.05229,247 Freddie Mac REMICS 2840 JO 15.06.23/0.000% 217,324 0.02

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2843 VB 15.08.23/5.500% 1,100,468 0.08568,315 Freddie Mac REMICS 2850 SN 15.09.18/6.963%* 43,186 0.00152,049 Freddie Mac REMICS 2895 F 15.06.31/0.537%* 152,089 0.0175,480 Freddie Mac REMICS 2897 EO 15.10.31/0.000% 72,739 0.0136,799 Freddie Mac REMICS 2921 MS 15.01.35/8.450%* 37,195 0.0024,862 Freddie Mac REMICS 2925 MW 15.01.35/0.000%* 24,810 0.00

500,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2931 QC 15.01.19/4.500% 527,777 0.04758,447 Freddie Mac REMICS 2934 EC 15.02.20/0.000% 693,269 0.05667,922 Freddie Mac REMICS 2945 ZB 15.03.35/5.500% 725,652 0.05

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2958 QD 15.04.20/4.500% 1,088,620 0.08164,719 Freddie Mac REMICS 2962 WJ 15.06.24/5.500% 172,123 0.01

800,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2965 GD 15.04.20/4.500% 873,403 0.06377,916 Freddie Mac REMICS 2967 S 15.04.25/32.796%* 590,220 0.04

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 2971 GC 15.07.18/5.000% 1,067,147 0.07389,163 Freddie Mac REMICS 2979 AS 15.03.34/23.587%* 487,425 0.03515,275 Freddie Mac REMICS 2990 SL 15.06.34/23.807%* 678,465 0.05

248,364 Freddie Mac REMICS 2990 WP 15.06.35/16.545%* 295,610 0.0223,647 Freddie Mac REMICS 3000 JF 15.04.35/0.587%* 23,637 0.00113,921 Freddie Mac REMICS 3013 FY 15.08.35/0.000%* 105,462 0.01

248,410 Freddie Mac REMICS 3022 SY 15.08.25/16.407%* 271,100 0.02834,298 Freddie Mac REMICS 3029 SP 15.09.35/27.972%* 1,217,677 0.08

1,530,949 Freddie Mac REMICS 3035 Z 15.09.35/5.850% 1,689,131 0.12435,152 Freddie Mac REMICS 3047 OB 15.12.33/5.500% 459,365 0.03

200,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3047 OD 15.10.35/5.500% 221,182 0.02447,778 Freddie Mac REMICS 3049 XF 15.05.33/0.537%* 449,427 0.03222,048 Freddie Mac REMICS 3051 DP 15.10.25/27.205%* 331,800 0.02700,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3064 OE 15.11.35/5.500% 766,938 0.05571,843 Freddie Mac REMICS 3064 SG 15.11.35/19.376%* 765,361 0.05306,201 Freddie Mac REMICS 3068 AO 15.01.35/0.000% 287,954 0.02

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3074 BH 15.11.35/5.000% 1,101,815 0.08933,391 Freddie Mac REMICS 3077 TO 15.04.35/0.000% 816,562 0.06

3,885,353 Freddie Mac REMICS 3085 WF 15.08.35/0.987%* 3,943,974 0.28827,843 Freddie Mac REMICS 3102 FB 15.01.36/0.487%* 829,614 0.06133,605 Freddie Mac REMICS 3117 EO 15.02.36/0.000% 113,227 0.01171,540 Freddie Mac REMICS 3117 OK 15.02.36/0.000% 140,734 0.01861,056 Freddie Mac REMICS 3122 OH 15.03.36/0.000% 777,220 0.05

54,147 Freddie Mac REMICS 3134 PO 15.03.36/0.000% 45,864 0.00252,589 Freddie Mac REMICS 3138 PO 15.04.36/0.000% 218,231 0.02

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3143 BC 15.02.36/5.500% 1,094,761 0.08573,562 Freddie Mac REMICS 3151 PO 15.05.36/0.000% 484,128 0.03890,577 Freddie Mac REMICS 3152 MO 15.03.36/0.000% 758,315 0.05918,176 Freddie Mac REMICS 3153 EO 15.05.36/0.000% 804,708 0.06771,216 Freddie Mac REMICS 3162 OB 15.11.30/6.000% 792,217 0.06277,941 Freddie Mac REMICS 3169 BN 15.06.34/5.000% 296,452 0.02275,954 Freddie Mac REMICS 3171 MO 15.06.36/0.000% 237,192 0.02

1,375,367 Freddie Mac REMICS 3181 AZ 15.07.36/6.500% 1,583,631 0.11350,807 Freddie Mac REMICS 3194 SA 15.07.36/6.913%* 47,635 0.00

3,300,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3195 PD 15.07.36/6.500% 3,699,204 0.261,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3200 AY 15.08.36/5.500% 1,097,467 0.082,579,168 Freddie Mac REMICS 3202 HI 15.08.36/6.463%* 417,695 0.03

2,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3218 BE 15.09.35/6.000% 2,240,977 0.16755,500 Freddie Mac REMICS 3219 DI 15.04.36/6.000% 137,442 0.01

1,328,818 Freddie Mac REMICS 3220 Z 15.09.36/6.000% 1,487,893 0.10520,332 Freddie Mac REMICS 3232 ST 15.10.36/6.513%* 73,768 0.01296,266 Freddie Mac REMICS 3260 CS 15.01.37/5.953%* 42,688 0.00

35,922 Freddie Mac REMICS 3263 TP 15.08.35/0.000%* 35,308 0.003,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3266 D 15.01.22/5.000% 3,322,415 0.23

214,770 Freddie Mac REMICS 3275 FL 15.02.37/0.627%* 214,729 0.01809,705 Freddie Mac REMICS 3287 PM 15.10.35/6.000% 875,851 0.06

1,405,952 Freddie Mac REMICS 3288 LO 15.03.37/0.000% 1,145,782 0.081,276,842 Freddie Mac REMICS 3315 HZ 15.05.37/6.000% 1,428,934 0.10

2,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3316 GD 15.06.35/5.500% 2,190,740 0.151,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3349 DP 15.09.36/6.000% 1,123,105 0.08

723,722 Freddie Mac REMICS 3369 VA 15.07.18/6.000% 781,302 0.051,289,602 Freddie Mac REMICS 3385 SN 15.11.37/5.813%* 155,580 0.011,433,105 Freddie Mac REMICS 3387 SA 15.11.37/6.233%* 208,532 0.012,208,367 Freddie Mac REMICS 3404 SC 15.01.38/5.813%* 287,341 0.02

996,954 Freddie Mac REMICS 3418 GV 15.03.31/5.000% 1,020,215 0.072,211,044 Freddie Mac REMICS 3422 AI 15.01.38/0.250%* 15,048 0.00

718,559 Freddie Mac REMICS 3424 PI 15.04.38/6.613%* 108,961 0.011,257,891 Freddie Mac REMICS 3430 AI 15.09.12/1.417% 13,613 0.001,064,142 Freddie Mac REMICS 3437 AI 15.09.11/1.335% 1,181 0.001,500,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3453 B 15.05.38/5.500% 1,641,113 0.111,942,582 Freddie Mac REMICS 3455 SE 15.06.38/6.013%* 265,359 0.02

598,340 Freddie Mac REMICS 3461 LZ 15.06.38/6.000% 668,517 0.051,196,681 Freddie Mac REMICS 3461 Z 15.06.38/6.000% 1,344,516 0.09564,282 Freddie Mac REMICS 3481 SJ 15.08.38/5.663%* 69,539 0.00

1,000,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3501 CB 15.01.39/5.500% 1,094,997 0.08429,935 Freddie Mac REMICS 3505 SA 15.01.39/5.813%* 46,222 0.00

1,458,943 Freddie Mac REMICS 3511 SA 15.02.39/5.813%* 151,029 0.011,480,614 Freddie Mac REMICS 3549 FA 15.07.39/1.387%* 1,486,423 0.10

911,702 Freddie Mac REMICS 3564 JA 15.01.18/4.000% 960,686 0.071,100,792 Freddie Mac REMICS 3578 VZ 15.08.36/5.500% 1,249,929 0.09400,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3607 AO 15.04.36/0.000% 321,810 0.02300,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3607 BO 15.04.36/0.000% 241,357 0.02550,819 Freddie Mac REMICS 3607 EO 15.02.33/0.000% 496,400 0.03311,935 Freddie Mac REMICS 3611 PO 15.07.34/0.000% 273,811 0.02

687,997 Freddie Mac REMICS 3621 BO 15.01.40/0.000% 566,375 0.04300,000 Freddie Mac REMICS 3632 BS 15.02.40/16.876%* 395,913 0.03

3,801,688 Freddie Mac REMICS 3659 VE 15.03.26/5.000% 4,185,532 0.291,876,281 Freddie Mac REMICS 3666 VA 15.12.22/5.500% 2,084,978 0.151,366,552 Freddie Mac REMICS 3671 QO 15.12.36/0.000% 1,111,824 0.083,804,726 Freddie Mac REMICS 3680 MA 15.07.39/4.500% 4,091,080 0.291,899,019 Freddie Mac REMICS 3687 MA 15.02.37/4.500% 2,034,058 0.141,486,964 Freddie Mac REMICS 3688 CU 15.11.21/6.811%* 1,617,609 0.111,785,323 Freddie Mac REMICS 3688 GT 15.11.46/7.158%* 2,006,800 0.142,588,371 Freddie Mac REMICS 3688 NI 15.04.32/5.000% 335,647 0.022,679,380 Freddie Mac REMICS 3704 CT 15.12.36/7.000% 3,078,410 0.211,800,534 Freddie Mac REMICS 3704 DT 15.11.36/7.500% 2,094,184 0.151,789,617 Freddie Mac REMICS 3704 ET 15.12.36/7.500% 2,081,936 0.151,918,928 Freddie Mac REMICS 3714 IP 15.08.40/5.000% 358,142 0.02

2,394,428 Freddie Mac REMICS 3739 LI 15.03.34/4.000% 338,661 0.022,431,481 Freddie Mac REMICS 3740 SC 15.10.40/5.813%* 371,152 0.033,830,752 Freddie Mac REMICS 3747 HI 15.07.37/4.500% 607,925 0.042,895,654 Freddie Mac REMICS 3756 IP 15.08.35/4.000% 409,164 0.032,432,637 Freddie Mac REMICS 3759 HI 15.08.37/4.000% 400,322 0.031,941,849 Freddie Mac REMICS 3760 GI 15.10.37/4.000% 330,330 0.022,849,524 Freddie Mac REMICS 3772 IO 15.09.24/3.500% 372,873 0.032,430,674 Freddie Mac REMICS 3779 IH 15.11.34/4.000% 334,226 0.022,866,770 Freddie Mac REMICS 3798 BF 15.06.24/0.487%* 2,866,234 0.203,914,890 Freddie Mac REMICS 3800 AI 15.11.29/4.000% 593,524 0.044,636,642 Freddie Mac REMICS 3802 LS 15.01.40/4.580%* 331,103 0.022,103,380 Freddie Mac REMICS 3856 DB 15.05.21/3.500% 2,103,906 0.15

642,091 Freddie Mac Strips 233 11 15.09.35/5.000% 131,364 0.011,622,125 Freddie Mac Strips 233 13 15.09.35/5.000% 324,732 0.02

4,697,543 Freddie Mac Strips 239 S30 15.08.36/7.513%* 680,660 0.05327,260 Freddie Mac Strips 243 16 15.11.20/4.500% 35,509 0.00

1,000,000 GE Capital CommercialMortgage 2005-C1 AJ 10.06.48/4.826%* 993,011 0.07

1,000,000 GE Capital Credit Card MasterNote Trust 2009-2 A 15.07.15/3.690% 1,028,574 0.07

153,050 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 456388 15.03.28/7.500% 179,754 0.0140,745 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 465505 15.06.28/7.500% 47,855 0.00

100,776 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 530795 15.01.23/6.500% 115,023 0.01466,831 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 569568 15.01.32/6.500% 530,655 0.0410,949 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 591882 15.07.32/6.500% 12,446 0.0014,218 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 607645 15.02.33/6.500% 16,161 0.0015,177 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 607728 15.03.33/6.000% 16,920 0.00

33,669 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 611453 15.04.32/7.000% 39,302 0.0040,481 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 621970 15.02.34/6.000% 45,129 0.00

457,749 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 781328 15.09.31/7.000% 533,418 0.0411,639 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 781570 15.01.16/8.000% 12,568 0.0013,132 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 781614 15.06.33/7.000% 15,406 0.00

133,906 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 781648 15.08.33/6.000% 149,326 0.01875,169 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 782507 15.10.24/9.500% 1,041,472 0.07687,066 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 782615 15.06.35/7.000% 777,915 0.05929,413 Ginnie Mae I Pool No: 783123 15.04.33/5.500% 1,022,790 0.07793,711 Ginnie Mae II Pool No: 4189 20.07.38/6.500% 859,400 0.06

705,974 Ginnie Mae II Pool No: 4217 20.08.38/6.500% 764,402 0.051,473,993 Ginnie Mae II Pool No: 748766 20.01.39/6.500% 1,674,594 0.12


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 140: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1,340,000 GMAC Commercial MortgageSecurities 2006-C1 A4 10.11.45/5.238%* 1,449,946 0.10

473,368 GMAC Mortgage Corp Loan Trust2003-AR1 A4 19.10.33/3.377%* 463,047 0.03

1,333,516 GMAC Mortgage Corp Loan Trust2003-AR2 2A4 19.12.33/3.254%* 1,270,977 0.09

647,437 GMAC Mortgage Corp Loan Trust2004-J5 A7 25.01.35/6.500% 673,476 0.05

196,219 GMAC Mortgage Corp Loan Trust2004-J6 1A1 25.01.20/5.000% 199,187 0.01

640,000 GMAC Mortgage Corp Loan Trust2005-AR3 3A4 19.06.35/3.092%* 539,689 0.04

335,766 Government National MortgageAssociation 1994-7 PQ 16.10.24/6.500% 383,115 0.03

952,907 Government National MortgageAssociation 1998-17 S 16.07.28/8.314%* 206,905 0.01

442,799 Government National MortgageAssociation 1999-10 ZC 20.04.29/6.500% 503,457 0.04

385,353 Government National MortgageAssociation 1999-31 ZC 16.09.29/8.000% 456,528 0.03

224,480 Government National MortgageAssociation 2000-10 ZP 16.02.30/7.500% 249,632 0.02

24,846 Government National MortgageAssociation 2000-6 Z 20.02.30/7.500% 28,076 0.00

799,124 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-21 PE 16.05.31/6.500% 943,117 0.07

295,616 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-22 PS 17.03.31/20.526%* 415,183 0.03

133,910 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-51 SA 16.10.31/31.696%* 228,454 0.02

1,500,000 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-53 PB 20.11.31/6.500% 1,741,875 0.12

763,856 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-53 SR 20.10.31/7.964%* 103,549 0.01

100,185 Government National MortgageAssociation 2001-8 Z 20.03.31/6.500% 113,974 0.01

166,111 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-40 UK 20.06.32/6.500% 190,088 0.01

319,268 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-41 SY 16.06.32/7.314%* 63,639 0.00

155,037 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-45 QE 20.06.32/6.500% 180,575 0.01

45,678 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-47 PG 16.07.32/6.500% 52,467 0.00

2,890 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-51 SG 20.04.31/31.697%* 5,184 0.00

58,958 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-54 GB 20.08.32/6.500% 66,975 0.00

201,236 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-69 PO 20.02.32/0.000% 197,364 0.01

351,129 Government National MortgageAssociation 2002-69 SC 20.02.32/16.091%* 413,448 0.03

291,539 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-1 SX 16.06.31/6.914%* 14,839 0.00

3,159,562 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-10 PZ 20.02.33/5.500% 3,594,027 0.25

182,724 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-34 TO 16.02.32/0.000% 176,966 0.01

27,998 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-4 NY 20.12.13/5.500% 29,534 0.00

130,722 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-60 NS 16.07.33/16.092%* 144,766 0.01

272,600 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-67 SD 20.08.33/16.202%* 360,685 0.03

7,155,768 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-75 ZX 16.09.33/6.000% 7,769,857 0.54

171,413 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-8 PO 16.01.32/0.000% 165,366 0.01

2,401,939 Government National MortgageAssociation 2003-95 SP 20.05.32/7.014%* 248,122 0.02

618,799 Government National MortgageAssociation 2004-15 SA 20.12.32/19.152%* 773,373 0.05

1,545,227 Government National MortgageAssociation 2004-90 SI 20.10.34/5.914%* 229,027 0.02

256,309 Government National MortgageAssociation 2004-94 TS 20.10.34/17.914%* 331,634 0.02

285,387 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-35 FL 20.03.32/0.536%* 284,522 0.02

276,498 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-66 SP 16.08.35/20.215%* 377,940 0.03

928,328 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-68 DP 17.06.35/15.987%* 1,149,411 0.08

2,582,335 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-68 KI 20.09.35/6.114%* 345,952 0.02

332,214 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-7 JM 18.05.34/16.311%* 410,734 0.03

1,370,982 Government National MortgageAssociation 2005-72 AZ 20.09.35/5.500% 1,539,651 0.11

1,375,367 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-33 Z 20.07.36/6.500% 1,652,878 0.12

956,968 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-38 SW 20.06.36/6.314%* 132,529 0.01

1,367,958 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-38 ZK 20.08.36/6.500% 1,596,116 0.11

894,729 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-40 VB 20.11.26/6.000% 935,317 0.07

1,295,751 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-57 PZ 20.10.36/5.565% 1,423,393 0.10

942,120 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-59 SD 20.10.36/6.514%* 153,111 0.01

1,149,124 Government National MortgageAssociation 2006-65 SA 20.11.36/6.614%* 180,870 0.01

1,247,549 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-17 JI 16.04.37/6.624%* 206,448 0.01

6,151,021 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-26 SW 20.05.37/6.014%* 826,336 0.06

698,568 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-27 MI 20.09.36/5.500% 78,772 0.01

755,202 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-27 SA 20.05.37/6.014%* 99,274 0.01

548,634 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-36 SE 16.06.37/6.284%* 83,983 0.01

1,229,091 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-40 SB 20.07.37/6.564%* 185,958 0.01

2,163,979 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-40 SN 20.07.37/6.494%* 329,152 0.02

737,503 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-42 SB 20.07.37/6.564%* 112,290 0.01

325,666 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-49 NO 20.12.35/0.000% 317,649 0.02

956,961 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-50 AI 20.08.37/6.589%* 150,921 0.01

1,263,261 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-53 ES 20.09.37/6.364%* 186,166 0.01

479,603 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-53 SW 20.09.37/19.648%* 621,392 0.04

948,162 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-57 QA 20.10.37/6.314%* 141,147 0.01

1,000,000 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-6 LD 20.03.36/5.500% 1,088,484 0.08

993,971 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-67 SI 20.11.37/6.324%* 149,968 0.01

1,000,000 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-70 TA 20.08.36/5.750% 1,066,831 0.07

1,879,392 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-73 MI 20.11.37/5.814%* 234,446 0.02

945,875 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-74 SL 16.11.37/6.354%* 148,768 0.01

926,685 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-76 SA 20.11.37/6.344%* 141,826 0.01

2,440,777 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-76 SD 20.11.37/5.614%* 309,502 0.02

1,387,654 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-79 SY 20.12.37/6.364%* 199,002 0.01

2,351,297 Government National MortgageAssociation 2007-81 SB 20.12.37/6.464%* 354,969 0.02

727,600 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-25 SB 20.03.38/6.714%* 115,246 0.01

1,314,500 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-32 PI 16.10.37/5.500% 234,051 0.02

519,008 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-40 SA 16.05.38/6.214%* 94,159 0.01

350,978 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-41 SA 20.05.38/6.154%* 54,241 0.00

1,000,000 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-50 KB 20.06.38/6.000% 1,137,936 0.08

277,388 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-60 PO 20.01.38/0.000% 250,031 0.02

3,080,684 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-76 US 20.09.38/5.714%* 384,172 0.03

848,915 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-93 AS 20.12.38/5.514%* 99,490 0.01

2,492,805 Government National MortgageAssociation 2008-95 DS 20.12.38/7.114%* 428,247 0.03

1,909,565 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-10 SA 20.02.39/5.764%* 235,575 0.02

1,016,911 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-10 SL 16.03.34/6.314%* 129,725 0.01

3,008,347 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-102 SM 16.06.39/6.214%* 400,336 0.03

543,020 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-104 AB 16.08.39/7.000% 638,546 0.04

2,024,382 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-106 AS 16.11.39/6.214%* 297,741 0.02

662,403 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-14 NI 20.03.39/6.500% 110,181 0.01

2,502,482 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-22 SA 20.04.39/6.084%* 304,292 0.02

3,032,070 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-31 ST 20.03.39/6.164%* 443,241 0.03

2,526,725 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-31 TS 20.03.39/6.114%* 310,723 0.02

621,289 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-33 TI 20.05.39/6.000% 124,576 0.01


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 141: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

2,201,923 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-42 SC 20.06.39/5.894%* 291,209 0.02

1,035,927 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-6 SA 16.02.39/5.914%* 127,418 0.01

2,951,899 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-64 SN 16.07.39/5.914%* 397,441 0.03

728,064 Government National MortgageAssociation 2009-79 OK 16.11.37/0.000% 631,312 0.04

1,309,345 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-129 AW 20.04.37/6.152%* 1,460,030 0.10

1,317,240 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-130 CP 16.10.40/7.000% 1,545,866 0.11

761,254 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-14 AO 20.12.32/0.000% 715,498 0.05

787,296 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-14 BO 20.11.35/0.000% 711,586 0.05

299,980 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-14 CO 20.08.35/0.000% 225,382 0.02

449,763 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-14 EO 16.06.33/0.000% 431,178 0.03

1,904,845 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-14 QP 20.12.39/6.000% 2,079,361 0.15

981,502 Government National MortgageAssociation 2010-157 OP 20.12.40/0.000% 760,650 0.05

200,000 Greenwich Capital CommercialFunding 2005-GG3 AJ 10.08.42/4.859%* 197,344 0.01

14,231 GS Mortgage Securities II2004-GG2 A3 10.08.38/4.602% 14,225 0.00

1,300,000 GS Mortgage Securities II2004-GG2 A6 10.08.38/5.396%* 1,407,884 0.10

650,000 GS Mortgage Securities II2006-GG6 A4 10.04.38/5.553%* 704,525 0.05

235,293 GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust2004-4 1AF 25.06.34/0.586%* 197,135 0.01

92,677 GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust2005-RP1 1AF 25.01.35/0.536%* 79,359 0.01

401,001 GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust2005-RP2 1AF 25.03.35/0.536%* 341,612 0.02

1,687,561 GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust2006-RP2 1AS2 25.04.36/5.387%* 240,876 0.02

1,507,341 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust2003-7F 1A4 25.06.33/5.250% 1,494,718 0.10

150,424 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust2004-10F 2A1 25.08.19/5.000% 151,882 0.01

887,864 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust2004-6F 3A4 25.05.34/6.500% 951,382 0.07

131,686 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust2004-9 5A5 25.08.34/2.285%* 131,043 0.01

1,200,000 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust2007-1F 2A4 25.01.37/5.500% 1,135,461 0.08

349,455 Harley-Davidson MotorcycleTrust 2010-1 A2 15.11.13/0.830% 349,701 0.02

360,000 Harley-Davidson MotorcycleTrust 2010-1 A3 15.02.15/1.160% 360,788 0.03

275,872 Honda Auto Receivables OwnerTrust 2009-2 A3 15.01.13/2.790% 277,925 0.02

300,000 Honda Auto Receivables OwnerTrust 2009-2 A4 15.07.15/4.430% 311,450 0.02

125,000 HP Enterprise Services 01.08.13/6.000% 137,328 0.01229,517 HSBC Home Equity Loan Trust

2005-2 M2 20.01.35/0.676%* 197,858 0.01340,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2010-B A3 15.04.15/0.970% 341,168 0.02375,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2010-B A4 15.03.17/1.630% 375,478 0.03345,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2011-A A3 15.04.15/1.160% 346,741 0.02365,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2011-A A4 15.12.15/1.780% 369,351 0.03257,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2011-B A3 15.09.15/1.040% 257,580 0.02288,000 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust

2011-B A4 15.02.17/1.650% 289,495 0.02151,783 Impac Secured Assets CMN

Owner Trust 2003-2 A1 25.08.33/5.500% 159,018 0.015,468 Impac Secured Assets CMN

Owner Trust 2004-3 1A4 25.11.34/0.986%* 5,101 0.00603,057 Impac Secured Assets CMN

Owner Trust 2006-1 2A1 25.05.36/0.536%* 560,644 0.04844,550 Impac Secured Assets CMN

Owner Trust 2006-2 2A1 25.08.36/0.536%* 754,414 0.059,982 Indymac Index Mortgage Loan

Trust 2004-AR7 A1 25.09.34/1.066%* 6,159 0.002,502,853 Indymac Index Mortgage Loan

Trust 2005-AR11 A7 25.08.35/0.256%* 31,415 0.00650,000 Jackson National Life Global

Funding 144A 08.05.13/5.375% 696,132 0.05102,001 John Deere Owner Trust 2009-A

A3 15.10.13/2.590% 102,633 0.01490,000 John Deere Owner Trust 2011-A

A3 15.01.16/1.290% 493,216 0.03

355,000 John Deere Owner Trust 2011-AA4 16.04.18/1.960% 359,770 0.03

750,000 JP Morgan Chase CommercialMortgage Securities 2005-CB11AJ 12.08.37/5.356%* 747,736 0.05

1,000,000 JP Morgan Chase CommercialMortgage Securities 2006-CB16A4 12.05.45/5.552% 1,090,282 0.08

1,000,000 JP Morgan Chase CommercialMortgage Securities 2006-LDP8A4 15.05.45/5.399% 1,080,134 0.08

187,219 JP Morgan Mortgage Trust2004-A3 4A1 25.07.34/2.749%* 184,657 0.01

207,364 JP Morgan Mortgage Trust2004-A4 1A1 25.09.34/3.922%* 194,793 0.01

417,360 JP Morgan Mortgage Trust2006-A2 4A1 25.08.34/2.844%* 408,521 0.03

1,239,289 JP Morgan Mortgage Trust2006-A2 5A3 25.11.33/2.961%* 1,250,411 0.09

516,503 JP Morgan Reremic 2009-7 14A1 27.07.37/5.509%* 506,016 0.04211,885 JP Morgan Reremic 2009-7 17A1 27.07.37/6.293%* 213,562 0.01391,915 JP Morgan Reremic 2009-7 18A1 27.11.36/5.475%* 388,549 0.03

489,455 JP Morgan Reremic 2009-8 A1 20.04.36/5.113%* 490,087 0.03112,000 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage

Trust 2003-C7 A4 15.09.35/4.931%* 118,126 0.0121,192,872 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage

Trust 2006-C1 XCL 15.02.41/0.125%* 212,488 0.01177,524 Long Beach Mortgage Loan

Trust 2006-WL2 2A3 25.01.36/0.386%* 142,726 0.01351,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust 01.04.13/1.746%* 350,488 0.02310,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust 04.12.17/6.625% 355,931 0.02600,000 MassMutual Global Funding II

144A 16.07.12/3.625% 616,693 0.04144,000 MassMutual Global Funding II

144A 28.09.15/2.300% 144,548 0.01300,305 Mastr Adjustable Rate

Mortgages Trust 2004-13 3A6 21.11.34/2.836%* 295,778 0.022,200,000 Mastr Adjustable Rate

Mortgages Trust 2004-13 3A7 21.11.34/2.836%* 2,105,556 0.1566,274 Mastr Adjustable Rate

Mortgages Trust 2004-3 4A2 25.04.34/2.283%* 59,954 0.00143,312 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2004-10 1A1 25.09.19/4.500% 146,101 0.01257,267 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2004-4 10A1 25.05.24/5.000% 263,140 0.02741,988 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2004-4 1A1 25.05.34/5.500% 762,372 0.05456,679 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2004-5 5A1 25.06.19/4.750% 470,604 0.03163,082 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2004-6 7A1 25.07.34/6.000% 165,480 0.01725,564 MASTR Alternative Loans Trust

2005-6 3A1 25.11.20/5.500% 692,775 0.05136,956 MASTR Asset Securitization

Trust 2003-2 1A1 25.03.18/5.000% 141,384 0.01727,794 MASTR Asset Securitization

Trust 2004-4 1A6 26.12.33/5.250% 759,541 0.05400,000 MASTR Asset Securitization

Trust 2006-2 1A30 25.06.36/6.000% 362,711 0.03937,961 Mastr Reperforming Loan Trust

2005-2 1A1F 25.05.35/0.536%* 769,520 0.05462,127 Mastr Seasoned Securities Trust

2004-2 A1 25.08.32/6.500% 481,462 0.03105,000 Mercedes-Benz Auto

Receivables Trust 2010-1 A3 15.08.14/1.420% 105,864 0.01200,097 Merrill Lynch Mortgage

Investors 2003-A4 2A 25.07.33/2.751%* 201,978 0.01514,093 Merrill Lynch Mortgage

Investors 2004-A4 A2 25.08.34/2.716%* 502,452 0.04450,000 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust

2005-LC1 AJ 12.01.44/5.325%* 428,471 0.03197,011 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust

2005-MCP1 ASB 12.06.43/4.674%* 205,757 0.01400,000 Merrill Lynch/Countrywide

Commercial Mortgage Trust2006-1 A4 12.02.39/5.608%* 436,204 0.03

19,252,126 Merrill Lynch/CountrywideCommercial Mortgage Trust2006-4 XC 12.12.49/0.295%* 257,888 0.02

775,000 Metropolitan Life GlobalFunding I 144A 11.01.13/2.500% 788,357 0.05

200,000 Metropolitan Life GlobalFunding I 144A 10.04.13/5.125% 212,880 0.01

100,000 Metropolitan Life GlobalFunding I 144A 18.09.13/5.200% 108,759 0.01

200,000 Metropolitan Life GlobalFunding I 144A 10.06.14/5.125% 218,359 0.02

300,000 Metropolitan Life GlobalFunding I 144A 11.01.16/3.125% 304,900 0.02

390,000 Microsoft 25.09.15/1.625% 388,565 0.03112,000 Microsoft 01.10.40/4.500% 102,019 0.01


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 142: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

125,000 Midamerican Energy 15.03.18/5.300% 138,585 0.011,159,738 MLCC Mortgage Investors

2004-1 2A1 25.12.34/2.192%* 1,135,393 0.08230,000 Morgan Stanley Capital I

2004-T13 A4 13.09.45/4.660% 242,941 0.0246,560,709 Morgan Stanley Capital I

2006-IQ12 X1 15.12.43/0.155%* 592,494 0.04222,967 Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan

Trust 2004-3 1A 25.05.19/5.000% 232,696 0.021,194,658 Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan

Trust 2004-3 4A 25.04.34/5.650%* 1,217,479 0.08505,520 Morgan Stanley Re-Remic TR 20 17.07.56/3.000%* 505,995 0.04100,190 MortgageIT Trust 2005-1 1A1 25.02.35/0.506%* 77,671 0.0150,000 National Rural Utilities

Cooperative Finance 16.09.12/2.625% 51,188 0.00200,000 National Rural Utilities

Cooperative Finance 01.03.14/4.750% 217,749 0.02100,000 National Rural Utilities

Cooperative Finance 01.11.18/10.375% 138,873 0.0130,000 Nationwide Financial Services 01.07.12/5.900% 30,831 0.00

300,000 NBC Universal Media 144A 01.04.41/5.950% 302,960 0.02885,832 NCUA Guaranteed Notes

2010-A1 A 07.12.20/0.540%* 888,295 0.063,101,267 NCUA Guaranteed Notes

2010-C1 APT 29.10.20/2.650% 3,109,229 0.221,908,594 NCUA Guaranteed Notes

2010-R3 1A 08.12.20/0.750%* 1,919,473 0.13581,138 NCUA Guaranteed Notes

2010-R3 3A 08.12.20/2.400% 581,411 0.0445,000 Nevada Power 15.09.40/5.375% 44,623 0.00

400,000 New York Life Global Funding144A 09.05.13/4.650% 426,938 0.03

350,000 New York Life Global Funding144A 04.05.15/3.000% 361,538 0.03

175,000 New York St Dorm Auth St Pers 15.03.40/5.600% 180,432 0.01100,000 News America 18.05.18/7.250% 119,360 0.01300,000 News America 26.04.23/8.875% 394,742 0.03

15,000 News America 20.01.24/7.750% 18,469 0.00170,000 News America 30.10.25/7.700% 205,381 0.01200,000 News America 30.11.28/7.625% 234,421 0.02250,000 News America 15.12.34/6.200% 254,214 0.0260,000 Niagara Mohawk Power 144A 15.08.19/4.881% 63,915 0.00

375,000 Nissan Auto Receivables OwnerTrust 2010-A A3 15.07.14/0.870% 375,282 0.03

300,000 Nissan Auto Receivables OwnerTrust 2010-A A4 15.09.16/1.310% 301,029 0.02

13,795 Nomura Asset Acceptance2003-A1 A1 25.05.33/5.500% 14,274 0.00

5,842 Nomura Asset Acceptance2003-A1 A2 25.05.33/6.000% 5,952 0.00

3,304 Nomura Asset Acceptance2003-A1 A5 25.04.33/7.000% 3,465 0.00

113,000 Northern Trust 15.08.13/5.500% 123,648 0.0140,000 Oncor Electric Delivery 01.09.13/5.950% 43,653 0.00

200,000 Oncor Electric Delivery 01.09.18/6.800% 234,391 0.02100,000 Oracle 15.01.16/5.250% 113,078 0.01250,000 Oracle 15.04.18/5.750% 287,049 0.02100,000 Oracle 08.07.19/5.000% 109,689 0.01235,000 Oracle 15.04.38/6.500% 271,416 0.0297,000 Oracle 144A 15.07.40/5.375% 97,611 0.0140,000 PACCAR 15.02.12/6.375% 41,405 0.00

200,000 Pacific Life Global Funding 144A 15.04.13/5.150% 213,045 0.01100,000 Pacificorp 15.07.18/5.650% 114,088 0.01

15,000 Pacificorp 15.01.19/5.500% 16,935 0.0045,000 Pacificorp 15.08.34/5.900% 47,750 0.0050,000 PC Financial Partnership 15.11.14/5.000% 54,944 0.00

650,000 Port Authority of New York andNew Jersey 01.11.40/5.647% 656,936 0.05

650,000 Pricoa Global Funding I 144A 11.06.14/5.450% 712,544 0.05175,000 Principal Life Income Funding

Trusts 14.12.12/5.300% 185,702 0.01323,084 Procter & Gamble - Esop 01.01.21/9.360% 409,386 0.03

54,132 PSE&G Transition Funding2001-1 A6 15.06.15/6.610% 57,649 0.00

350,000 PSEG Power 144A 15.09.16/5.320% 386,491 0.03135,000 Public Service Electric & Gas 01.05.15/2.700% 138,543 0.01179,170 Residential Accredit Loans

2001-QS19 A2 25.12.16/6.000% 183,063 0.01765,149 Residential Accredit Loans

2003-QR19 CB4 25.10.33/5.750% 755,641 0.05425,092 Residential Accredit Loans

2003-QS13 A5 25.07.33/0.836%* 377,029 0.03339,875 Residential Accredit Loans

2003-QS14 A1 25.07.18/5.000% 353,525 0.02773,232 Residential Accredit Loans

2003-QS19 A1 25.10.33/5.750% 803,565 0.06719,947 Residential Accredit Loans

2004-QS3 CB 25.03.19/5.000% 728,941 0.05

55,785 Residential Accredit Loans2004-QS8 A2 25.06.34/5.000% 56,120 0.00

1,107,040 Residential Asset MortgageProducts 2004-SL2 A3 25.10.31/7.000% 1,164,081 0.08

1,000,000 Residential Asset MortgageProducts 2005-EFC5 A3 25.10.35/0.526%* 856,234 0.06

1,667 Residential Asset Securities2002-KS4 AIIB 25.07.32/0.686%* 989 0.00

900,000 Residential Asset Securities2005-KS9 A3 25.10.35/0.556%* 859,878 0.06

490,638 Residential Asset SecuritizationTrust 2003-A13 A3 25.01.34/5.500% 491,177 0.03

596,652 Residential Funding MortgageSecurities I 2003-S4 A4 25.03.33/5.750% 629,254 0.04

164,169 Residential Funding MortgageSecurities I 2004-S6 2A6 25.06.34/0.000% 122,038 0.01

102,833 Residential Funding MortgageSecurities I 2004-S6 3A5 25.06.19/4.500% 102,946 0.01

160,629 Residential Funding MortgageSecurities I 2005-SA4 1A1 25.09.35/3.223%* 114,820 0.01

811,173 Salomon Brothers MortgageSecurities VII 2003-HYB1 A 25.09.33/3.217%* 795,275 0.06

11,447 Salomon Brothers MortgageSecurities VII 2003-UP2 PO1 25.12.18/0.000% 8,872 0.00

530,000 Santander Drive AutoReceivables Trust 2010-3 A2 17.06.13/0.930% 530,228 0.04

325,000 Santander Drive AutoReceivables Trust 2010-3 A3 16.06.14/1.200% 325,432 0.02

466,011 Saxon Asset Securities Trust2003-1 AF6 25.06.33/4.795%* 473,514 0.03

735,234 Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2003-11A 20.04.33/0.566%* 689,892 0.05

446,779 Sequoia Mortgage Trust2004-12 A3 20.01.35/0.715%* 367,759 0.03

450,000 Southern California Edison 15.03.39/6.050% 507,058 0.0495,000 Staples 15.01.14/9.750% 113,101 0.01695,617 Structured Adjustable Rate

Mortgage Loan Trust 2004-163A2 25.11.34/2.675%* 335,615 0.02

475,000 Structured Adjustable RateMortgage Loan Trust 2004-65A4 25.06.34/4.938%* 459,268 0.03

400,000 Structured Asset InvestmentLoan Trust 2005-5 A9 25.06.35/0.456%* 372,792 0.03

634,158 Structured Asset MortgageInvestments 2004-AR5 1A1 19.10.34/0.516%* 564,650 0.04

200,295 Structured Asset Securities2002-23XS A7 25.11.32/6.580%* 204,144 0.01

672,256 Structured Asset Securities2003-29 1A1 25.09.18/4.750% 690,459 0.05

257,358 Structured Asset Securities2003-33H 1A1 25.10.33/5.500% 262,181 0.02

1,305,537 Structured Asset Securities2003-34A 3A3 25.11.33/2.581%* 1,225,766 0.09

178,284 Structured Asset Securities2004-20 1A3 25.11.34/5.250% 179,662 0.01

1,000,000 Structured Asset Securities2004-5H A4 25.12.33/5.540% 990,722 0.07

889,464 Structured Asset Securities2004-6XS A5B 25.03.34/5.550%* 853,243 0.06

325,385 Structured Asset Securities2005-6 4A1 25.05.35/5.000% 320,858 0.02

236,148 Structured Asset Securities2007-OSI A2 25.06.37/0.276%* 204,416 0.01

30,000 TCI Communications 15.02.26/7.875% 38,201 0.00765,000 Toyota Auto Receivables Owner

Trust 2010-C A3 15.04.14/0.770% 766,209 0.05250,000 Travelers Life & Annunity Global

Funding I 144A 15.08.14/5.125% 276,973 0.02168,719 Union Pacific Railroad Co 2003

Pass Through Trust 02.01.24/4.698% 179,528 0.01100,000 United Parcel Service of

America 01.04.30/8.375%* 134,581 0.0116,000,000 US Treasury 31.08.11/1.000% 16,025,938 1.1210,000,000 US Treasury 30.11.11/0.750% 10,027,734 0.705,000,000 US Treasury 30.11.11/4.500% 5,091,699 0.363,800,000 US Treasury 31.07.14/2.625% 4,009,148 0.284,000,000 US Treasury 31.01.15/2.250% 4,168,438 0.29

200,000 US Treasury 31.03.16/2.375% 207,336 0.01825,000 US Treasury 30.04.16/2.625% 864,252 0.06

6,000,000 US Treasury 31.10.16/3.125% 6,392,344 0.458,900,000 US Treasury 31.12.16/3.250% 9,524,738 0.668,500,000 US Treasury 28.02.17/3.000% 8,963,516 0.637,600,000 US Treasury 31.03.17/3.250% 8,117,750 0.571,440,000 US Treasury 30.04.17/3.125% 1,525,838 0.11

660,000 US Treasury 15.05.17/4.500% 751,111 0.051,115,000 US Treasury 15.05.17/8.750% 1,534,083 0.11

3,910,000 US Treasury 31.05.17/2.750% 4,056,778 0.283,215,000 US Treasury 15.08.17/4.750% 3,707,422 0.26

4,390,000 US Treasury 15.08.17/8.875% 6,118,391 0.43


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 143: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

2,900,000 US Treasury 15.11.17/4.250% 3,259,328 0.236,765,000 US Treasury 30.11.17/2.250% 6,762,093 0.472,000,000 US Treasury 15.02.18/3.500% 2,150,859 0.15

10,000,000 US Treasury 28.02.18/2.750% 10,262,891 0.722,000,000 US Treasury 15.05.18/3.875% 2,197,813 0.15

20,856,000 US Treasury 15.05.19/3.125% 21,591,663 1.516,091,000 US Treasury 15.08.19/8.125% 8,550,479 0.602,000,000 US Treasury 15.11.19/3.375% 2,090,234 0.15

500,000 US Treasury 15.02.20/8.500% 720,547 0.05700,000 US Treasury 15.05.20/8.750% 1,025,008 0.07

4,700,000 US Treasury 15.08.20/8.750% 6,906,063 0.48100,000 US Treasury 15.02.21/7.875% 140,539 0.01

4,000,000 US Treasury 15.02.23/7.125% 5,430,000 0.38200,000 US Treasury 15.02.26/6.000% 249,297 0.02300,000 US Treasury 15.02.27/6.625% 397,078 0.03250,000 US Treasury 15.08.27/6.375% 324,258 0.02100,000 US Treasury 15.11.27/6.125% 126,469 0.01750,000 US Treasury 15.08.28/5.500% 890,684 0.06100,000 US Treasury 15.11.28/5.250% 115,547 0.01250,000 US Treasury 15.02.31/5.375% 293,105 0.02

1,000,000 US Treasury 15.02.36/4.500% 1,031,875 0.073,000,000 US Treasury (Strip Principal) 15.11.16/0.000% 2,711,927 0.191,400,000 US Treasury (Strip Principal) 15.05.20/0.000% 1,063,093 0.072,800,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.14/0.000% 2,749,733 0.195,500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.14/0.000% 5,381,462 0.382,000,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.14/0.000% 1,947,029 0.141,000,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.14/0.000% 967,343 0.07

800,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.15/0.000% 766,273 0.053,000,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.15/0.000% 2,854,172 0.204,660,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.15/0.000% 4,364,116 0.302,535,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.16/0.000% 2,331,602 0.16

14,600,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.16/0.000% 13,296,429 0.9312,850,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.16/0.000% 11,585,222 0.8112,305,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.17/0.000% 10,960,439 0.7613,785,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.17/0.000% 12,004,504 0.842,380,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.17/0.000% 2,052,018 0.141,600,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.18/0.000% 1,330,485 0.096,950,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.19/0.000% 5,562,475 0.398,850,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.19/0.000% 6,988,196 0.499,500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.20/0.000% 7,278,831 0.51

34,733,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.20/0.000% 26,182,942 1.8318,600,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.20/0.000% 13,819,601 0.96

350,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.20/0.000% 256,662 0.021,500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.21/0.000% 1,051,638 0.07

200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.21/0.000% 138,305 0.01500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.22/0.000% 340,609 0.02200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.24/0.000% 119,216 0.01850,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.24/0.000% 491,699 0.03200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.25/0.000% 114,117 0.01

1,150,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.25/0.000% 637,400 0.051,200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.26/0.000% 636,024 0.04

100,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.27/0.000% 50,863 0.00800,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.27/0.000% 400,719 0.03

3,000,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.27/0.000% 1,462,338 0.10550,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.28/0.000% 264,350 0.02400,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.28/0.000% 189,757 0.01200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.28/0.000% 93,788 0.01300,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.34/0.000% 103,279 0.01500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.28/0.000% 231,009 0.02750,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.29/0.000% 341,327 0.02

2,500,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.29/0.000% 1,092,691 0.085,650,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.30/0.000% 2,438,270 0.173,400,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.30/0.000% 1,447,876 0.102,200,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.30/0.000% 923,475 0.061,000,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.30/0.000% 415,103 0.031,125,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.32/0.000% 436,901 0.03250,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.32/0.000% 93,307 0.01300,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.33/0.000% 110,581 0.01

1,750,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.05.33/0.000% 636,492 0.041,600,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.08.33/0.000% 573,951 0.04

800,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.11.33/0.000% 283,077 0.02400,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.34/0.000% 139,491 0.01250,000 US Treasury (Strip) 15.02.35/0.000% 82,641 0.01107,120 Vendee Mortgage Trust 1998-1

2E 15.03.28/7.000% 124,076 0.01822,051 Vendee Mortgage Trust 1998-2

1G 15.06.28/6.750% 951,731 0.07170,516 Wachovia Bank Commercial

Mortgage Trust 2004-C15 A2 15.10.41/4.039% 170,568 0.011,024,828 WaMu Mortgage Pass Through

Certificates 2003-AR5 A7 25.06.33/2.576%* 1,013,956 0.07165,931 WaMu Mortgage Pass Through

Certificates 2003-AR7 A7 25.08.33/2.656%* 161,626 0.0188,984 WaMu Mortgage Pass Through

Certificates 2003-AR8 A 25.08.33/2.711%* 87,409 0.01

1,121,259 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-AR9 1A6 25.09.33/2.714%* 1,075,435 0.07

908,701 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S1 A5 25.04.33/5.500% 938,261 0.07

195,732 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S10 A2 25.10.18/5.000% 204,161 0.01

464,576 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S10 A5 25.10.18/5.000% 467,790 0.03

278,616 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S11 2A5 25.11.33/16.539%* 291,080 0.02

1,255,325 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S6 2A1 25.07.18/5.000% 1,299,043 0.09

683,083 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S8 A4 25.09.18/4.500% 695,884 0.05

794,169 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2003-S8 A5 25.09.18/4.500% 812,595 0.06

1,500,000 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-CB1 3A2 25.06.34/5.500% 1,569,992 0.11

664,327 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-CB3 4A 25.10.19/6.000% 688,984 0.05

711,937 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-RS2 A4 25.11.33/5.000% 717,880 0.05

587,302 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-S2 2A4 25.06.34/5.500% 589,879 0.04

1,163,252 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-S3 1A5 25.07.34/5.000% 1,207,876 0.08

552,118 WaMu Mortgage Pass ThroughCertificates 2004-S3 3A2 25.07.34/6.000% 583,904 0.04

1,700,402 Washington Mutual AlternativeMortgage Pass-ThroughCertificates 2005-3 CX 25.05.35/5.500% 249,343 0.02

472,678 Washington Mutual AlternativeMortgage Pass-ThroughCertificates 2005-4 CB7 25.06.35/5.500% 397,536 0.03

286,000 Washington Mutual MSCMortgage Pass-ThroughCertificates 2003-MS2 1A1 25.02.33/5.750% 298,553 0.02

200,000 WEA Finance 144A 15.04.18/7.125% 232,747 0.02300,000 Wells Fargo Bank 09.02.15/4.750% 320,598 0.02

65,828 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2002-1 APO 25.02.32/0.000% 49,521 0.00

136,805 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2003-11 1A4 25.10.18/4.750% 136,814 0.01

745,202 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2004-4 A9 25.05.34/5.500% 769,070 0.05

1,432,450 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2004-7 2A2 25.07.19/5.000% 1,477,675 0.10

115,217 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2004-BB A4 25.01.35/2.745%* 112,802 0.01

324,216 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2004-EE 3A1 25.12.34/2.880%* 323,651 0.02

346,391 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2004-P 2A1 25.09.34/2.894%* 335,189 0.02

479,055 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2005-1 2A1 25.01.20/5.000% 501,473 0.03

270,877 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2005-13 A1 25.11.20/5.000% 281,122 0.02

846,717 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2005-AR8 2A1 25.06.35/2.808%* 816,479 0.06

1,000,000 Wells Fargo Mortgage BackedSecurities Trust 2007-9 1A8 25.07.37/5.500% 974,011 0.07

129,203 World Omni Auto ReceivablesTrust 2009-A A3 15.05.13/3.330% 130,222 0.01

230,000 World Omni Auto ReceivablesTrust 2010-A A4 15.05.15/2.210% 234,751 0.02

1,156,257,448 80.64

AUSTRALIA350,000 Australia & New Zealand

Banking Group 144A 01.03.16/3.250% 354,673 0.02350,000 FBG Finance 144A 15.06.15/5.125% 380,660 0.03350,000 Macquarie Group 144A 01.08.14/7.300% 394,658 0.03800,000 National Australia Bank 144A 08.01.13/2.500% 815,212 0.05195,000 National Australia Bank 144A 02.03.15/3.750% 203,353 0.01675,000 National Australia Bank 144A 28.09.15/2.750% 674,605 0.05

2,823,161 0.19

UNITED KINGDOM140,000 ANZ National

International/London 144A 21.12.12/2.375% 142,426 0.01382,000 Barclays Bank 07.04.15/3.900% 397,595 0.03585,000 Barclays Bank 144A 21.09.15/2.500% 584,456 0.04300,000 Barclays Bank 144A 04.12.17/6.050% 315,977 0.02439,000 HSBC Bank 144A 28.06.15/3.500% 451,781 0.03392,000 HSBC Bank 144A 24.05.16/3.100% 391,590 0.03361,000 HSBC Bank 144A 12.08.20/4.125% 352,276 0.02

2,636,101 0.18


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 144: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

NETHERLANDS300,000 Deutsche Telekom International

Finance 08.07.19/6.000% 344,451 0.02158,000 Rabobank Nederland 13.10.15/2.125% 156,973 0.01500,000 Rabobank Nederland 11.01.21/4.500% 514,410 0.04700,000 Rabobank Nederland 144A 11.03.15/3.200% 727,136 0.05100,000 Siemens

Financieringsmaatschappij 144A 17.10.16/5.750% 115,106 0.01166,000 Volkswagen International

Finance 144A 12.08.13/1.625% 167,462 0.01

2,025,538 0.14

CANADA414,000 Bank of Nova Scotia 144A 29.10.15/1.650% 407,734 0.03484,000 Caisse Centrale Desjardins du

Quebec 144A 24.03.16/2.550% 489,999 0.04150,000 ConocoPhillips Canada Funding

Co. I 15.10.16/5.625% 173,899 0.0140,000 Husky Energy 15.06.19/6.150% 44,781 0.00

564,000 National Bank of Canada 144A 30.01.14/1.650% 571,690 0.04270,000 Province of Quebec Canada 30.01.26/6.350% 336,709 0.02

2,024,812 0.14

SWEDEN300,000 Nordea Bank 144A 04.10.13/1.750% 300,459 0.02

1,463,000 Stadshypotek 144A 30.09.13/1.450% 1,472,773 0.10

1,773,232 0.12

CAYMAN ISLANDS1,500,000 TIAA Seasoned Commercial

Mortgage Trust 2007-C4 A3 15.08.39/5.979%* 1,638,276 0.11

1,638,276 0.11

FRANCE550,000 Total Capital 15.03.16/2.300% 551,227 0.04149,000 Total Capital 28.01.21/4.125% 151,234 0.01

702,461 0.05

NORWAY568,000 DnB NOR Boligkreditt 144A 14.10.15/2.100% 561,550 0.04

561,550 0.04

LUXEMBOURG350,000 Enel Finance International 144A 07.10.19/5.125% 354,785 0.03

354,785 0.03

JAPAN114,000 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi 144A 22.01.15/3.850% 120,686 0.01

120,686 0.01

INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES20,000 Corporacion Andina de Fomento 21.05.13/5.200% 21,500 0.00

21,500 0.00

Total Bonds 1,170,939,550 81.65

Investment Funds

LUXEMBOURG112,771,213 JPMorgan Liquidity Funds - US Dollar Liquidity Fund

(JPM US Dollar Liquidity X (dist)) 112,771,213 7.87

112,771,213 7.87

Total Investment Funds 112,771,213 7.87

Total Transferable Securities Dealt in on AnotherRegulated Market

1,283,710,763 89.52

Other Transferable Securities


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA345,000 Greenwich Capital Commercial

Funding 2002-C1 A4 11.01.35/4.948% 355,938 0.02180,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings

(Defaulted) 10.11.09/3.950% 47,025 0.00310,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings

(Defaulted) 15.08.10/7.875% 80,987 0.0175,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings

(Defaulted) 18.01.12/6.625% 19,594 0.00250,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings

(Defaulted) 17.05.13/5.750% 65,312 0.01

75,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings(Defaulted) 28.12.17/6.750% 113 0.00

1,000,000 Lehman Mortgage Trust 2008-21A6 25.03.38/6.000% 765,433 0.06

1,334,402 0.10

Total Bonds 1,334,402 0.10

Total Other Transferable Securities 1,334,402 0.10

Total Investments 1,429,660,685 99.70

Cash 1,871,249 0.13

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2,493,882 0.17

Total Net Assets 1,434,025,816 100.00

* Variable coupon rates are those quoted as at 30 June 2011.

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 89.55United Kingdom 0.52Canada 0.49Netherlands 0.31Australia 0.28Cayman Islands 0.15Sweden 0.12Japan 0.09Luxembourg 0.09France 0.06Spain 0.05Norway 0.05Switzerland 0.04Mexico 0.03Bermuda 0.00International Agencies 0.00Total Fixed Income Securities 91.83Investment FundsLuxembourg 7.87Total Investment Funds 7.87Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.30

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

Fixed Income SecuritiesUnited States of America 96.86Canada 0.50United Kingdom 0.49Netherlands 0.31Australia 0.28Cayman Islands 0.18Sweden 0.16Luxembourg 0.09Norway 0.06France 0.06Japan 0.06Mexico 0.04Spain 0.04Italy 0.03New Zealand 0.01Bermuda 0.00International Agencies 0.00Total Fixed Income Securities 99.17Investment FundsLuxembourg 2.81Total Investment Funds 2.81Bank Overdraft and Other Assets/(Liabilities) (1.98)

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon






Name of Securities Maturity/Coupon




Page 145: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



11-Jul-11 EUR 1,129,883 USD 1,642,681 (8,239)11-Jul-11 USD 89,187 EUR 61,233 610

Total (7,629)


Page 146: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA10,300 Abercrombie & Fitch - A Shares 699,988 0.3114,500 AES 183,062 0.0830,200 Agilent Technologies 1,559,075 0.68

8,500 Alaska Air Group 585,820 0.2531,400 Altera 1,449,267 0.634,800 Ameren 137,832 0.06

120,600 American Capital 1,176,453 0.5110,300 American Electric Power 385,117 0.1716,000 American Financial Group 573,360 0.2524,700 Ameriprise Financial 1,418,150 0.6227,800 Apple 9,275,470 4.0415,100 Arrow Electronics 613,588 0.27

176,700 AT&T 5,548,380 2.418,500 Baker Hughes 614,337 0.27

196,100 Bank of America 2,148,276 0.9411,700 Berry Petroleum - A Shares 617,818 0.27

26,000 Biogen Idec 2,836,730 1.2410,900 BlackRock 2,088,059 0.9124,800 BMC Software 1,350,608 0.5957,900 Cadence Design Systems 611,714 0.2741,800 Capital One Financial 2,185,304 0.9518,600 Caterpillar 1,953,651 0.85

120,900 CBS Non Voting - B Shares 3,487,360 1.528,200 CenterPoint Energy 158,711 0.07

53,500 CenturyLink 2,153,910 0.948,800 CF Industries Holdings 1,256,640 0.55

55,000 Chevron 5,613,025 2.45114,550 Citigroup 4,736,643 2.06

9,300 Cliffs Natural Resources 853,972 0.3744,200 Coca-Cola 2,975,765 1.2927,200 Coca-Cola Enterprises 796,552 0.3522,000 Coeur d’Alene Mines 537,350 0.24

144,500 Comcast - A Shares 3,650,792 1.5936,300 Complete Production Services 1,205,886 0.526,000 Consolidated Edison 318,060 0.14

29,500 Constellation Brands - A Shares 613,600 0.274,800 Constellation Energy Group 181,680 0.0811,400 Corn Products International 634,581 0.279,400 Cummins 968,670 0.42

28,800 Cypress Semiconductor 593,568 0.2644,600 Dean Foods 551,479 0.2433,900 Dell 561,214 0.2411,500 Dillard’s - A Shares 597,022 0.26

84,900 Discover Financial Services 2,277,442 0.9911,800 Dominion Resources 566,341 0.2422,300 Dow Chemical 789,977 0.343,600 DTE Energy 179,532 0.08

29,200 Duke Energy 547,062 0.247,200 Eastman Chemical 731,844 0.327,000 Edison International 270,130 0.12

40,500 EMC/Massachusetts 1,102,612 0.4846,500 Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings 1,856,513 0.81

4,300 Entergy 293,389 0.1313,300 Exelon 567,777 0.24

115,900 Exxon Mobil 9,398,911 4.096,800 FirstEnergy 298,010 0.13

42,900 Fortinet 1,158,085 0.5040,400 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 2,118,778 0.92

233,400 General Electric 4,377,417 1.9018,200 Halliburton 924,469 0.4022,300 Healthsouth 580,134 0.2534,700 Honeywell International 2,066,211 0.9010,200 Humana 834,105 0.3659,900 IAC/InterActive 2,282,190 0.99

101,400 Intel 2,217,111 0.9731,700 International Business Machines 5,446,060 2.3736,300 Johnson & Johnson 2,423,025 1.0632,900 KBR 1,238,027 0.5484,200 Kroger 2,084,371 0.9112,300 Lear 663,769 0.2985,800 Macy’s 2,510,079 1.0936,400 Marathon Oil 1,891,708 0.8220,500 McKesson 1,711,545 0.7462,400 MetLife 2,721,576 1.1947,700 Nasdaq OMX Group 1,202,756 0.5324,100 National Oilwell Varco 1,871,968 0.81

9,100 NextEra Energy 520,202 0.226,700 NiSource 134,972 0.063,800 Northeast Utilities 133,684 0.065,700 NRG Energy 139,080 0.06

32,400 Occidental Petroleum 3,384,828 1.47

7,600 Oil States International 596,144 0.262,200 Oneok 163,405 0.07

109,900 Oracle 3,601,973 1.5716,600 Parker Hannifin 1,476,653 0.6460,000 Patterson-UTI Energy 1,847,700 0.8193,700 People’s United Financial 1,241,993 0.5430,400 PepsiCo 2,136,512 0.93

318,700 Pfizer 6,560,440 2.867,700 PG&E 319,204 0.14

85,000 Philip Morris International 5,632,950 2.4529,300 PNC Financial Services Group 1,728,993 0.7510,300 Polaris Industries 1,142,270 0.508,700 Polypore International 591,948 0.269,500 PPG Industries 853,575 0.379,800 PPL 273,126 0.123,200 priceline.com 1,632,176 0.71

54,100 Procter & Gamble 3,394,234 1.486,200 Progress Energy 295,337 0.13

37,900 Prudential Financial 2,396,607 1.0410,600 Public Service Enterprise Group 343,387 0.1543,500 Qualcomm 2,444,918 1.0611,700 Rockwood Holdings 638,001 0.2812,400 Rosetta Resources 635,562 0.2846,400 RPC 1,128,912 0.4918,700 SanDisk 764,363 0.335,200 Sempra Energy 271,882 0.12

17,500 Southern 701,925 0.3010,400 SVB Financial Group 622,700 0.27

191,600 Symantec 3,771,646 1.6423,777 Timken 1,184,808 0.52

26,800 Towers Watson & Co. - A Shares 1,718,818 0.7510,800 TRW Automotive Holdings 637,956 0.2818,300 United Technologies 1,604,361 0.7085,900 UnitedHealth Group 4,440,171 1.9322,100 Universal Health Services - B Shares 1,149,532 0.5012,900 URS 575,727 0.2511,400 VeriFone Systems 507,186 0.22

106,200 Verizon Communications 3,917,187 1.7148,600 Viacom - B Shares 2,508,246 1.0985,500 Walgreen 3,585,015 1.5631,600 Watson Pharmaceuticals 2,171,552 0.9524,300 Weight Watchers International 1,855,062 0.81

101,700 Wells Fargo & Co. 2,846,075 1.2434,500 Western Digital 1,255,628 0.5511,100 Westlake Chemical 580,474 0.255,100 Wisconsin Energy 158,738 0.07

20,700 Wyndham Worldwide 696,348 0.3010,000 Wynn Resorts 1,421,350 0.6210,200 Xcel Energy 247,197 0.1152,900 Zions Bancorporation 1,266,162 0.55

215,510,358 93.83

SWITZERLAND58,300 ACE 3,837,306 1.6756,700 Tyco International 2,797,294 1.22

6,634,600 2.89

IRELAND38,000 Accenture - A Shares 2,280,190 0.9951,600 Covidien 2,771,178 1.21

5,051,368 2.20

SINGAPORE17,100 Avago Technologies 651,937 0.28

651,937 0.28

BERMUDA12,400 Signet Jewelers 577,096 0.25

577,096 0.25

Total Shares 228,425,359 99.45

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

228,425,359 99.45

Total Investments 228,425,359 99.45

Cash 2,003,596 0.87

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (734,236) (0.32)

Total Net Assets 229,694,719 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 147: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 17.94Financials 15.01Energy 12.94Health Care 11.91Industrials 10.01Consumer Discretionary 9.80Consumer Staples 9.75Telecommunication Services 5.06Materials 3.64Utilities 3.39Total Shares 99.45Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.55

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 19.66Consumer Discretionary 15.51Financials 15.27Energy 12.78Health Care 8.65Industrials 7.64Consumer Staples 6.61Materials 6.49Utilities 3.54Telecommunication Services 2.78Total Shares 98.93Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.07

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 148: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA178,800 Alexion Pharmaceuticals 8,432,208 1.57129,100 Allergan 10,866,347 2.02125,900 Altera 5,810,914 1.08110,700 Amazon.com 22,307,710 4.14109,500 Amphenol - A Shares 5,769,555 1.07108,500 Apple 36,201,025 6.7284,800 Biogen Idec 9,252,104 1.72

133,600 BorgWarner 10,778,180 2.0092,100 Caterpillar 9,673,723 1.8019,600 Celgene 1,189,328 0.2269,600 Cerner 4,230,288 0.7922,400 CF Industries Holdings 3,198,720 0.5954,500 CH Robinson Worldwide 4,287,242 0.8064,500 Citrix Systems 5,107,755 0.95

118,600 Coca-Cola 7,984,745 1.48211,700 Cognizant Technology Solutions - A Shares 15,595,939 2.9081,100 Concho Resources/Midland TX 7,447,413 1.38

103,000 Cummins 10,614,150 1.9788,900 Deere & Co. 7,239,127 1.3483,400 Dendreon 3,384,372 0.63211,900 DirecTV - A Shares 10,780,412 2.0092,700 Dollar Tree 6,261,885 1.1649,100 Edwards Lifesciences 4,229,474 0.78

180,600 EMC/Massachusetts 4,916,835 0.9183,600 Estée Lauder Companies - A Shares 8,765,042 1.63

200,487 Express Scripts 10,885,442 2.02131,400 Exxon Mobil 10,655,883 1.9817,400 F5 Networks 1,932,096 0.36

48,000 Factset Research Systems 4,908,240 0.91126,200 FMC Technologies 5,645,557 1.0554,450 Fossil 6,356,765 1.18

124,300 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 6,518,913 1.2151,000 General Mills 1,899,495 0.3570,900 Goodrich 6,724,865 1.25

9,200 Google - A Shares 4,635,098 0.8682,600 Illumina 6,207,803 1.15

105,500 International Business Machines 18,124,900 3.37100,000 Intuit 5,176,500 0.96

9,500 Intuitive Surgical 3,548,773 0.6682,000 Johnson Controls 3,418,990 0.6464,600 Joy Global 5,953,536 1.11127,700 McDonald’s 10,800,228 2.0179,100 National Oilwell Varco 6,144,093 1.14

141,400 NetApp 7,149,184 1.3314,300 NetFlix 3,752,892 0.70

105,500 Occidental Petroleum 11,021,585 2.05300,850 Oracle 9,860,359 1.83110,700 O’Reilly Automotive 7,166,718 1.33147,100 Philip Morris International 9,748,317 1.8167,090 Polo Ralph Lauren 8,893,786 1.6569,500 Praxair 7,475,768 1.3943,200 Praxair 7,077,024 1.3114,000 priceline.com 7,140,770 1.33

163,700 Qualcomm 9,200,759 1.71106,800 Red Hat 4,839,642 0.9090,200 Rovi 5,177,931 0.9661,800 Salesforce.com 9,117,045 1.6936,700 Sherwin-Williams 3,051,422 0.5794,000 T Rowe Price Group 5,586,890 1.0485,500 Union Pacific 8,957,835 1.6631,500 VMware - A Shares 3,086,370 0.57

104,700 Whiting Petroleum 5,889,375 1.0965,300 WW Grainger 10,007,878 1.8645,800 Wynn Resorts 6,509,783 1.21

494,573,003 91.85

DENMARK69,000 Novo Nordisk ADR 8,618,790 1.60

8,618,790 1.60

UNITED KINGDOM189,800 ARM Holdings ADR 5,396,963 1.00

5,396,963 1.00

BRAZIL146,200 Companhia de Bebidas das Americas Preference

Shares ADR 4,906,472 0.91

4,906,472 0.91

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES46,600 Schlumberger 4,021,347 0.75

4,021,347 0.75

CHINA27,500 Baidu China ADR 3,813,425 0.71

3,813,425 0.71

Total Shares 521,330,000 96.82

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

521,330,000 96.82

Total Investments 521,330,000 96.82

Cash 9,719,085 1.81

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 7,403,016 1.37

Total Net Assets 538,452,101 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 30.67Consumer Discretionary 22.12Health Care 12.37Industrials 11.24Energy 9.44Consumer Staples 6.18Materials 3.76Financials 1.04Total Shares 96.82Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.18

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 33.76Consumer Discretionary 24.84Health Care 12.80Industrials 9.63Energy 5.15Consumer Staples 5.12Materials 4.72Financials 0.93Total Shares 96.95Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.05

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Growth FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 149: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - US Growth FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



14-Jul-11 EUR 16,553,758 USD 24,123,608 (179,893)14-Jul-11 USD 1,414,438 EUR 979,098 (1,751)15-Aug-11 EUR 850,308 USD 1,224,823 3,868

Total (177,776)


Page 150: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA20,000 Acorda Therapeutics 651,500 0.5625,740 Acuity Brands 1,431,273 1.2234,700 Aegerion Pharmaceuticals 553,638 0.4710,460 Affiliated Managers Group 1,055,937 0.9032,640 American Public Education 1,450,032 1.2485,150 Ariad Pharmaceuticals 1,010,305 0.8623,440 Aruba Networks 686,089 0.5931,170 Aveo Pharmaceuticals 641,323 0.55

88,800 Avis Budget Group 1,520,256 1.3017,770 BJ’s Restaurants 934,169 0.8032,630 Blackboard 1,423,810 1.2294,700 Boingo Wireless 885,918 0.7695,850 Boyd Gaming 818,080 0.7050,570 Bravo Brio Restaurant Group 1,236,942 1.06

1,900 BRE Properties 93,328 0.0816,630 BroadSoft 629,944 0.5461,370 Bruker 1,248,573 1.077,700 CARBO Ceramics 1,255,215 1.07

24,220 Carlisle Companies 1,183,268 1.0124,640 Cavium 1,059,274 0.9112,230 City National 660,665 0.5621,800 Cohen & Steers 724,741 0.6253,400 Commercial Metals 767,091 0.6617,800 Concur Technologies 892,403 0.7630,760 Cornerstone OnDemand 563,216 0.4823,240 Corporate Executive Board 1,004,317 0.8630,960 Cubist Pharmaceuticals 1,124,777 0.9620,100 Cymer 988,015 0.8552,370 DealerTrack Holdings 1,190,370 1.0216,700 Deckers Outdoor 1,461,751 1.2542,430 DigitalGlobe 1,080,904 0.923,000 Douglas Emmett 59,220 0.05

19,000 Dril-Quip 1,291,335 1.11110,800 DynaVox - A Shares 843,742 0.7268,050 Emeritus 1,450,145 1.2444,690 EnerSys 1,524,376 1.3062,320 Envestnet 906,133 0.7845,700 Financial Engines 1,187,743 1.0235,280 Fluidigm 583,002 0.5032,390 Forest Oil 861,574 0.7429,460 Fortinet 795,273 0.6820,800 Fresh Market 807,664 0.6923,360 Fusion-io 723,576 0.6233,810 Gaylord Entertainment 1,012,102 0.8758,070 Generac Holdings 1,125,397 0.9632,050 General Cable 1,350,907 1.1619,190 Gentex 582,129 0.5024,580 Geo Group 563,374 0.4855,180 Global Geophysical Services 979,997 0.8422,120 Graco 1,123,917 0.9612,600 Greenhill & Co. 678,573 0.58

100,860 Halozyme Therapeutics 696,438 0.6040,770 Health Net 1,331,140 1.1435,360 Healthspring 1,641,411 1.4139,256 Heico 2,144,359 1.8418,580 Hittite Microwave 1,139,883 0.98

700 Home Properties 42,189 0.0416,400 HomeAway 637,222 0.5488,200 Idenix Pharmaceuticals 448,938 0.3826,050 Impax Laboratories 554,474 0.4728,790 Innospec 962,450 0.8248,470 Inphi 837,077 0.7268,060 Insulet 1,483,708 1.2744,809 IntraLinks Holdings 773,403 0.6627,300 Ixia 348,348 0.3010,680 Lennox International 462,497 0.4036,000 Life Time Fitness 1,438,740 1.2325,060 LogMeIn 947,268 0.8147,000 Lone Pine Resources 505,015 0.4323,700 Lumber Liquidators Holdings 609,327 0.5279,800 Magnum Hunter Resources 542,241 0.4645,990 Marten Transport 985,796 0.8428,870 Masimo 856,862 0.7349,830 MELA Sciences 125,572 0.1116,800 Merit Medical Systems 301,476 0.2616,200 Middleby 1,533,735 1.3136,000 Mistras Group 581,580 0.50133,700 Morgans Hotel Group 962,640 0.8210,920 Morningstar 664,810 0.5713,730 MSCI - A Shares 520,642 0.4571,090 National CineMedia 1,186,492 1.01

62,060 Nektar Therapeutics 447,763 0.3838,170 NetSuite 1,505,997 1.2944,550 Nuance Communications 962,725 0.8249,510 Old Dominion Freight Line 1,829,147 1.5797,020 Omnicell 1,460,636 1.2521,320 Onyx Pharmaceuticals 774,236 0.66

40,950 Oxford Industries 1,380,424 1.1895,583 PennantPark Investment 1,065,273 0.9132,290 Petroleum Development 966,117 0.836,500 Pharmasset 720,590 0.62

21,200 Rackspace Hosting 913,720 0.7851,460 RealD 1,216,772 1.0440,620 RealPage 1,097,755 0.9468,260 Regal Entertainment Group - A Shares 841,305 0.7224,880 Riverbed Technology 987,612 0.8466,600 Rush Enterprises - A Shares 1,271,394 1.0929,900 Sagent Pharmaceuticals 828,379 0.71

9,200 Signature Bank/New York 521,410 0.4534,370 Simpson Manufacturing 1,023,023 0.8852,840 SolarWinds 1,356,931 1.1613,700 Sotheby’s 601,019 0.5144,710 Sourcefire 1,341,971 1.1513,800 Stifel Financial 490,935 0.424,700 Strayer Education 595,866 0.51

21,800 Superior Energy Services 815,865 0.7043,630 Taleo - A Shares 1,611,474 1.3811,700 Tenneco 518,544 0.4418,200 Tesla Motors 521,248 0.4526,130 Thoratec 846,220 0.7238,880 TIBCO Software 1,119,550 0.9620,800 Titan International 497,328 0.4338,900 Trex 953,439 0.8272,000 TriQuint Semiconductor 740,520 0.6317,200 Vail Resorts 793,092 0.6828,810 Vera Bradley 1,083,256 0.9324,220 Viropharma 439,351 0.3822,350 Wabtec 1,472,083 1.268,900 Watsco 602,441 0.51

52,500 Zipcar 1,116,937 0.96

111,275,384 95.23

ISRAEL32,300 Mellanox Technologies 948,005 0.8199,500 Syneron Medical 1,202,457 1.03

2,150,462 1.84

NETHERLANDS43,630 Tornier 1,188,263 1.02

1,188,263 1.02

CANADA137,480 Imris 954,111 0.82

954,111 0.82

Total Shares 115,568,220 98.91

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

115,568,220 98.91

Total Investments 115,568,220 98.91

Cash 1,386,429 1.19

Other Assets/(Liabilities) (114,995) (0.10)

Total Net Assets 116,839,654 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 151: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 29.36Industrials 21.97Health Care 17.87Consumer Discretionary 14.69Energy 6.18Financials 5.63Materials 2.52Consumer Staples 0.69Total Shares 98.91Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.09

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 33.81Industrials 21.70Health Care 17.30Consumer Discretionary 11.46Financials 5.64Energy 3.92Materials 2.72Telecommunication Services 0.47Total Shares 97.02Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.98

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 152: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA50,380 Adobe Systems 1,572,108 0.73122,810 Agilent Technologies 6,340,066 2.9477,070 Amazon.com 15,530,761 7.2045,460 Apple 15,167,729 7.04107,210 Aruba Networks 3,138,037 1.4648,400 Blackboard 2,111,934 0.9873,800 Broadcom - A Shares 2,445,732 1.1345,550 BroadSoft 1,725,434 0.8053,220 Cavium 2,287,928 1.06

149,660 Ciena 2,797,894 1.3016,600 Cognizant Technology Solutions - A Shares 1,222,922 0.5797,300 Cornerstone OnDemand 1,781,563 0.83

146,610 Corning 2,613,323 1.2160 DigitalGlobe 1,528 0.00

72,650 DirecTV - A Shares 3,696,069 1.72133,990 eBay 4,296,389 1.99212,420 EMC/Massachusetts 5,783,134 2.6824,440 F5 Networks 2,713,818 1.2665,730 Fidelity National Information Services 2,020,212 0.94

102,800 Fortinet 2,775,086 1.2970,530 Fusion-io 2,184,667 1.01

204,170 Informatica 11,951,091 5.54122,670 Inphi 2,118,511 0.9822,200 International Business Machines 3,813,960 1.77

113,060 IntraLinks Holdings 1,951,416 0.91212,180 JDS Uniphase 3,533,858 1.64214,610 Juniper Networks 6,703,343 3.1163,400 KLA-Tencor 2,563,896 1.1941,610 Lam Research 1,837,706 0.85

29,900 LinkedIn - A Shares 2,662,744 1.2425,840 LogMeIn 976,752 0.4541,950 Micros Systems 2,099,598 0.97

136,680 NetApp 6,910,541 3.2112,370 OpenTable 1,035,802 0.48

201,190 Oracle 6,594,002 3.0645,650 Polycom 2,946,023 1.377,040 priceline.com 3,590,787 1.67

70,480 QLIK Technologies 2,417,464 1.12157,510 Qualcomm 8,852,850 4.1170,670 Rackspace Hosting 3,045,877 1.41121,590 RealPage 3,285,970 1.5245,780 Red Hat 2,074,521 0.9617,020 Salesforce.com 2,510,876 1.1789,380 SolarWinds 2,295,278 1.0675,450 Sourcefire 2,264,632 1.05

436,800 Sprint Nextel 2,295,384 1.0673,840 Taleo - A Shares 2,727,280 1.27

279,750 TIBCO Software 8,055,401 3.7467,990 VeriFone Systems 3,024,875 1.4038,290 VMware - A Shares 3,751,654 1.7475,030 Xerox 776,185 0.36

153,100 Xilinx 5,507,773 2.55

196,382,384 91.10

UNITED KINGDOM161,200 ARM Holdings ADR 4,583,722 2.13

4,583,722 2.13

SINGAPORE79,200 Avago Technologies 3,019,500 1.40

3,019,500 1.40

SWITZERLAND78,920 TE Connectivity 2,925,564 1.36

2,925,564 1.36

FRANCE353,200 Alcatel-Lucent ADR 2,046,794 0.95

2,046,794 0.95

BERMUDA103,160 Marvell Technology Group 1,497,367 0.69

1,497,367 0.69

CAYMAN ISLANDS10,620 Baidu China ADR 1,472,675 0.68

1,472,675 0.68

Total Shares 211,928,006 98.31

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

211,928,006 98.31

Total Investments 211,928,006 98.31

Cash 2,398,120 1.11

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1,250,381 0.58

Total Net Assets 215,576,507 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 84.19Consumer Discretionary 13.06Telecommunication Services 1.06Total Shares 98.31Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.69

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesInformation Technology 87.45Consumer Discretionary 11.05Total Shares 98.50Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.50

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 153: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Exchange Listing


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA157,680 Albemarle 10,861,787 0.96250,430 Altria Group 6,542,484 0.58128,200 American International Group 3,740,235 0.33195,500 Ameriprise Financial 11,224,632 0.99401,410 AmerisourceBergen 16,700,663 1.47128,700 Aon 6,559,195 0.58

1,113,150 AT&T 34,952,910 3.0840,480 Autozone 11,845,662 1.04

803,778 Bank of America 8,805,388 0.78227,960 Bank of New York Mellon 5,757,130 0.5187,920 Baxter International 5,244,428 0.46

110,000 BB&T 2,917,750 0.2666,300 Becton Dickinson & Co. 5,730,309 0.51

225,800 Bed Bath & Beyond 13,165,269 1.1658 Berkshire Hathaway - A Shares 6,701,697 0.59

410,100 Bristol-Myers Squibb 11,821,132 1.04106,400 Brown-Forman - B Shares 7,894,880 0.69239,000 Capital One Financial 12,494,920 1.10278,100 CBS Non Voting - B Shares 8,021,794 0.71291,410 CenturyLink 11,732,167 1.03440,522 Charles Schwab 7,178,306 0.63320,280 Chevron 32,686,175 2.88296,740 Chubb 18,521,027 1.63

75,920 Cincinnati Financial 2,199,402 0.19361,797 Citigroup 14,960,306 1.32

262,460 Coca-Cola 17,670,119 1.56225,971 ConocoPhillips 16,933,137 1.49126,300 Crown Holdings 4,870,128 0.43150,740 CVS Caremark 5,629,385 0.50

406,940 Devon Energy 32,068,907 2.83274,100 El Paso 5,516,262 0.49103,900 Emerson Electric 5,772,164 0.51393,830 Exxon Mobil 31,937,644 2.81204,300 Fortune Brands 13,087,458 1.16514,800 Gannett 7,346,196 0.65500,540 Gap 9,052,266 0.80255,600 Genuine Parts 13,847,130 1.22170,050 Hewlett-Packard 6,217,028 0.54272,730 Home Depot 9,833,280 0.8776,700 Humana 6,272,142 0.56

287,630 Illinois Tool Works 16,118,785 1.4255,480 International Business Machines 9,531,464 0.84116,100 JM Smucker 8,922,866 0.79

366,970 Johnson & Johnson 24,495,247 2.16258,180 Johnson Controls 10,764,815 0.95172,100 Kohl’s 8,724,609 0.77

482,430 Loews 20,397,140 1.80104,320 M&T Bank 9,131,130 0.8028,500 Martin Marietta Materials 2,287,125 0.2024,300 Mastercard - A Shares 7,367,395 0.65

128,290 McDonald’s 10,850,127 0.96681,602 Merck & Co. 23,968,534 2.11226,670 MetLife 9,886,212 0.87492,470 Microsoft 12,688,490 1.12212,400 NextEra Energy 12,141,846 1.0770,900 Nike - B Shares 6,344,486 0.56

317,640 Northeast Utilities 11,174,575 0.99368,000 Old Republic International 4,333,200 0.38242,980 Oneok 18,047,339 1.59898,880 Pfizer 18,503,445 1.63195,300 PG&E 8,096,162 0.7179,050 PPG Industries 7,102,643 0.63

338,100 Procter & Gamble 21,212,394 1.87189,200 Progress Energy 9,012,542 0.79184,100 Prudential Financial 11,641,564 1.03155,330 Qualcomm 8,730,323 0.77101,300 Regency Centers 4,430,862 0.3989,100 Rock-Tenn - A Shares 5,864,117 0.51

132,500 Sears Holdings 9,302,825 0.82237,200 Sempra Energy 12,402,002 1.0994,300 Sherwin-Williams 7,840,574 0.6999,590 Sigma-Aldrich 7,225,752 0.64

100,700 Snap-On 6,303,820 0.55348,100 Southern 13,962,291 1.23292,130 SunTrust Banks 7,478,528 0.66112,910 Sysco 3,517,147 0.3191,770 T Rowe Price Group 5,454,350 0.48

310,170 Time Warner 11,189,383 0.98119,000 Time Warner Cable 9,276,050 0.82161,780 TJX 8,546,029 0.75225,910 Transatlantic Holdings 11,153,177 0.98

230,700 United Technologies 20,225,469 1.78215,490 UnitedHealth Group 11,138,678 0.98548,700 US Bancorp 13,884,854 1.22405,210 Verizon Communications 14,946,171 1.3270,045 Vornado Realty Trust 6,501,577 0.57

350,450 Walgreen 14,694,369 1.29200,500 Wal-Mart Stores 10,575,373 0.93269,270 Walt Disney 10,405,939 0.92

8,800 Washington Post - B Shares 3,675,540 0.321,556,928 Wells Fargo & Co. 43,570,630 3.84

225,220 Williams 6,799,392 0.60286,810 WR Berkley 9,288,342 0.82

1,065,440,593 93.89

MARSHALL ISLANDS507,410 Teekay 15,881,933 1.40

15,881,933 1.40

SWITZERLAND311,390 TE Connectivity 11,543,227 1.02

11,543,227 1.02

CANADA324,030 Brookfield Properties 6,195,454 0.55

6,195,454 0.55

IRELAND268,000 XL Group 5,894,660 0.52

5,894,660 0.52

BERMUDA197,220 OneBeacon Insurance Group - A Shares 2,619,082 0.23

2,619,082 0.23

Total Shares 1,107,574,949 97.61

Total Transferable Securities Admitted to anOfficial Exchange Listing

1,107,574,949 97.61

Total Investments 1,107,574,949 97.61

Cash 26,172,554 2.31

Other Assets/(Liabilities) 900,331 0.08

Total Net Assets 1,134,647,834 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 154: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Allocation of Portfolio as at 30 June 2011 % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 24.05Consumer Discretionary 15.78Health Care 10.92Energy 10.01Consumer Staples 8.75Utilities 8.56Industrials 5.76Telecommunication Services 5.43Information Technology 4.29Materials 4.06Total Shares 97.61Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.39

Total 100.00

Allocation of Portfolio as at 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) % ofNet Assets

SharesFinancials 24.14Consumer Discretionary 15.79Health Care 10.84Energy 9.77Utilities 8.59Consumer Staples 8.24Industrials 5.71Telecommunication Services 5.05Information Technology 4.63Materials 3.03Total Shares 95.79Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.21

Total 100.00


JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundSchedule of Investments (Market Value Expressed in USD) (continued)

As at 30 June 2011



Name of Securities MarketValue





Name of Securities MarketValue



Page 155: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundSchedule of Investments - Outstanding Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts (Expressed in USD)

As at 30 June 2011

SettlementDate Currency

AmountPurchased Currency



14-Jul-11 EUR 92,797,859 USD 135,206,312 (981,474)14-Jul-11 USD 18,974,665 EUR 13,110,983 10,65515-Aug-11 EUR 260,347 USD 374,999 1,200

Total (969,619)


Page 156: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


30 Jun 11

For theyear

ended30 Jun 11#

For theyear

ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

For theyear

ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Apr-05JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-Mar-07JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 16-Nov-88JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Jun-01JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.20% - 26-Aug-04JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.83% 0.79% - 26-Aug-04JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.85% - - 28-Jan-08JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 08-May-06JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 15-Mar-07JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 0.14% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.12% 0.10% 0.15% 24-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 31-Mar-05JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 1.95% - - - - - - 10-Jun-11JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 04-Jul-94JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 15-Jun-01JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.20% - 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.55% - 20-Mar-06JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.09% 1.06% - 25-Feb-05JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.95% - 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% - 13-Oct-00JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.03% - 1.04% 1.02% 1.06% 26-Jun-06JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.19% 0.17% 0.20% 09-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 31-Mar-05JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% - - - 09-Dec-08JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - SGD** 1.95% - - - - - - 09-Aug-10JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 14-Apr-97JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 1.20% - 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.55% - 03-Sep-04JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.08% - 01-Feb-05JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 2.95% - 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% - 13-Oct-00JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.95% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD* - - - 1.05% 1.06% 1.05% 1.06% 26-Jun-06JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity T (acc) - EUR 2.95% - - - - - - 16-Feb-11JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD 0.18% - 0.19% - - 0.12% 0.20% 09-Feb-05

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundJPM Emerging Markets Bond A (acc) - USD 1.55% - 1.55% - - - - 30-Oct-09JPM Emerging Markets Bond B (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.53% - - - - 30-Oct-09JPM Emerging Markets Bond C (acc) - USD 0.70% - 0.70% - - - - 30-Oct-09JPM Emerging Markets Bond D (acc) - USD 2.25% - 2.25% - - - - 30-Oct-09JPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD 0.66% - 0.66% - - - 0.66% 30-Oct-09JPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% - - - 0.15% 30-Oct-09

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 1.55% - 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% - 31-Mar-05JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - USD (hedged) 1.55% - 1.55% - - - - 09-Apr-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 1.55% - 1.55% 1.55% - - - 14-Mar-97JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR 1.55% - 1.55% 1.55% - - - 17-Sep-08JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) 1.55% - 1.55% - - - - 22-Feb-10JPM Emerging Markets Debt B (acc) - EUR 1.10% - 1.10% - - - - 24-Sep-09JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 0.70% - 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.03% - 21-Jun-06JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 2.25% - 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% - 13-Oct-00JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 0.66% - 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.03% 0.66% 14-Jun-07JPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR* - - - - 0.15% 0.02% 0.15% 21-May-07

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Sep-05JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-Apr-94JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 22-Dec-04JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.08% 1.07% - 01-Feb-05JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (dist) - USD 1.10% - - - - - - 24-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-May-06JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.01% 1.05% 1.03% 1.02% 1.06% 27-Jun-06JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.01% 1.05% - - 1.06% 28-Apr-09JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.01% 1.05% 1.03% 1.02% 1.06% 30-May-06JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.16% 0.19% 0.18% 0.17% 0.20% 23-Nov-04JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - - - - - 0.20% 23-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD 0.15% - 0.17% 0.20% - - 0.20% 10-Feb-09JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.16% 0.19% 0.18% 0.17% 0.20% 19-Dec-05


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures


Page 157: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


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ended30 Jun 11#

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ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

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ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% - - 24-Jan-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% - - 24-Jan-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (dist) - GBP 1.40% 1.42% - - - - - 13-Aug-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (inc) - EUR 1.40% 1.40% - - - - - 27-Dec-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% - - - - 20-Nov-09JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD 0.85% 0.87% 0.85% - 0.85% - - 14-Feb-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - EUR 0.85% 0.85% - - - - - 11-Apr-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - EUR 0.70% 0.70% - - - - - 01-Oct-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - USD 0.70% 0.80% 0.70% - - - - 09-Mar-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 24-Jan-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 24-Jan-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - - - 19-Apr-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt I (acc) - EUR** 0.60% 0.66% - - - - 0.66% 26-Oct-10JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (acc) - EUR 1.90% 1.90% - - - - - 03-Jun-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (inc) - EUR 1.90% 1.95% - - - - - 21-Feb-11JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR** 0.15% 0.15% - 0.15% - - 0.15% 01-Oct-08JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD 0.15% 0.17% 0.15% 0.15% - - 0.15% 01-Jul-08

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 31-Mar-05JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% - - - 10-Dec-08JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - SGD** 1.95% - - - - - - 09-Aug-10JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 1.95% - 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% - 18-May-98JPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 1.20% - 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.55% - 19-Apr-05JPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 0.98% - - 21-Jan-08JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 2.95% - 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% - 13-Oct-00JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.95% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JPM Emerging Middle East Equity I (acc) - USD 1.05% - - - - - 1.06% 08-Dec-10

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 30-Nov-88JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Jun-01JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.87% 1.90% 1.90% - - 18-Oct-07JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% - - 23-Jan-08JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.83% 0.83% - 09-Sep-04JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR* - - 0.80% 0.81% 0.78% 0.78% 0.81% 28-Jun-06JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% - 0.15% 03-Aug-07

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 24-Jul-07JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 02-Jan-08JPM Euroland Select Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - - - - - - 17-Feb-11JPM Euroland Select Equity C (acc) - EUR 0.85% - 0.85% - - - - 16-Sep-09JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - - 24-Jul-07JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.14% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% - 0.15% 30-Nov-07

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 08-Dec-00JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 27-May-04JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 08-Dec-00JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.98% 0.97% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-Dec-00JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 01-Oct-04JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 0.96% - 0.95% 0.96% - 0.91% 0.96% 12-Jul-06JPM Europe Dynamic T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 16-Feb-11JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR* - - - 0.15% 0.14% 0.13% 0.15% 25-Oct-04

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 19-Sep-05JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 26-Sep-07JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 09-May-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-May-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 27-Mar-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.99% 0.99% - 11-Jan-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 03-Feb-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - - 26-Sep-07JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR* - - - 0.96% 0.94% 0.84% 0.96% 07-Aug-06JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 16-Feb-11JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.14% 0.14% 0.15% 27-Jan-06


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 158: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


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ended30 Jun 11#

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ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

For theyear

ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Dec-88JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 29-Dec-00JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.30% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.82% 0.81% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 27-Jun-06JPM Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR* - - - - - 0.78% 0.81% 28-Jun-06JPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR* - - - - 0.77% 0.16% 0.81% 16-Apr-07JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.12% 0.12% 0.15% 14-Sep-04

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-Apr-94JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.98% 0.99% - 26-Aug-04JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR** 0.96% - - - 0.94% 0.95% 0.96% 27-Jun-06JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR* - - - 0.15% 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% 24-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 08-Nov-99JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-Jun-01JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% - - 23-May-08JPM Europe Technology C (acc) - EUR* - - - - 0.57% - - 20-Jun-08JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR 0.19% - 0.20% 0.20% 0.19% - 0.20% 09-Aug-07

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 02-Jun-00JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-Jun-01JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% - - 10-Dec-07JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% 0.93% - - 18-Jan-08JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 0.90% - 0.90% 0.91% 0.91% - 0.91% 10-Apr-08JPM Germany Equity T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 16-Feb-11JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.14% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.14% - 0.15% 30-Nov-07

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 21-Apr-08JPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 05-Oct-09JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - USD 1.15% - - - - - - 11-Apr-11JPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - - - - - - 11-Apr-11JPM Global Consumer Trends C (acc) - EUR 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% - - - 02-Apr-09JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - USD 2.65% - - - - - - 11-Apr-11JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - - 21-Apr-08JPM Global Consumer Trends T (acc) - EUR 2.65% - - - - - - 18-Feb-11

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 1.65% - 1.65% 1.65% 1.65% 1.65% - 31-Mar-05JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1.65% - 1.65% 1.65% - - - 12-Dec-08JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 1.65% - 1.65% 1.65% 1.65% 1.65% - 04-May-01JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) 1.65% - 1.65% 1.65% - - - 16-Dec-08JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Jun-03JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.25% - 04-May-01JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% - - - 11-Nov-08JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (dist) - GBP (hedged) 1.00% - - - - - - 28-Jun-11JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% 0.91% 0.90% - 10-Sep-04JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% - - - 11-Dec-08JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% - - - 24-Nov-08JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 2.15% - 2.15% 2.15% 2.15% 2.15% - 04-May-01JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 0.90% - 0.89% 0.91% 0.89% 0.30% 0.91% 01-Mar-07JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged) 0.90% - 0.91% - - - 0.91% 03-Sep-09JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 0.89% - 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.43% 0.91% 09-Jan-07JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 0.14% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.12% 0.11% 0.15% 23-Nov-04JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged) 0.14% - 0.14% - - - 0.15% 24-Jul-09JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (dist) - GBP (hedged) 0.15% - - - - - 0.15% 28-Jun-11


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 159: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


30 Jun 11

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ended30 Jun 11#

For theyear

ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

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ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1.90% - - - - - - 31-Aug-10JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 21-Nov-06JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 30-Oct-07JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD (hedged) 1.90% - - - - - - 26-Apr-11JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 08-Dec-00JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 27-May-04JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 08-Dec-00JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-May-06JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 26-Aug-04JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.96% 0.95% - 26-Aug-04JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.97% 0.03% - 20-Jun-07JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.97% - - 24-Jan-08JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-Dec-00JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-May-06JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - - 30-Oct-07JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% 0.93% 0.14% 0.96% 07-May-07JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 0.95% - 0.94% 0.96% - - 0.96% 29-Jan-09JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.96% - - - - - 0.96% 08-Jun-11JPM Global Dynamic T (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.90% - - - - - - 18-Feb-11JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.12% 0.11% 0.15% 23-Nov-04JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.12% 0.05% 0.15% 19-Jan-07

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - - - - - - 14-Jun-11JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 18-Jul-08JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 16-Nov-88JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Jun-01JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 18-Jul-08JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 0.80% - 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.78% - 13-Sep-04JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.80% - 0.80% 0.80% - - - 18-Jul-08JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% - - - 18-Jul-08JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.14% 0.15% 21-Mar-06JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% - - 0.15% 25-Jun-09

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 11-Jul-07JPM Global Focus A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 1.90% - - - - - - 31-Aug-10JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 23-May-03JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 04-Dec-06JPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% - - - 01-Dec-04JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.99% 1.00% - 20-Jan-06JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% - - - 17-Mar-09JPM Global Focus C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% - - - - 20-Apr-10JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 23-May-03JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - - 11-Jul-07JPM Global Focus I (acc) - USD 0.96% - - - - - 0.96% 27-Jun-11JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR 0.96% - - - - - 0.96% 07-Sep-10JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.96% - - - - - 0.96% 28-Jul-10JPM Global Focus T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 16-Feb-11JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 0.14% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 24-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - EUR 0.70% - 0.70% 0.70% - - - 20-Feb-09JPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - USD (hedged) 0.70% - 0.70% 0.70% - - - 20-Feb-09JPM Global Government Bond B (acc) - EUR** 0.45% - 0.45% - - - - 28-May-10JPM Global Government Bond C (acc) - EUR 0.40% - 0.40% 0.40% - - - 26-Feb-09JPM Global Government Bond D (acc) - EUR 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% - - - 20-Feb-09JPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR 0.10% - 0.08% 0.04% - - 0.10% 04-Mar-09

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 21-Dec-04JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 12-Sep-06JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 14-Mar-05JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 22-Apr-05JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 1.05% - 1.05% 1.05% 0.98% 0.97% - 14-Mar-05JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 1.05% - 1.05% 1.05% 0.97% 0.23% - 05-Apr-07JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 05-Dec-05JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-Jun-07JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 0.12% - 0.13% 0.17% 0.13% 0.13% 0.20% 19-Apr-05JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - USD* - - - - - - 0.20% 30-Oct-10


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 160: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


30 Jun 11

For theyear

ended30 Jun 11#

For theyear

ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

For theyear

ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 01-Sep-06JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 31-Jul-08JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 31-Jul-08JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) B (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.15% - - - - - - 16-May-11JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD** 0.80% - - 0.80% 0.79% - - 20-Feb-08JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 01-Sep-06JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% - - - 31-Jul-08JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.10% 0.15% 06-Nov-06JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - EUR (hedged)* - - - 0.15% - - 0.15% 31-Jul-08

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF China A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JF China A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 04-Jul-94JF China A (dist) - HKD 1.90% - - - - - - 20-Sep-10JF China B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 21-Feb-06JF China C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.94% 0.94% - 01-Feb-05JF China D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JF China D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JF China I (acc) - USD 0.88% - 0.87% 0.92% 0.82% 0.30% 0.96% 26-Feb-07JF China T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 21-Feb-11JF China X (acc) - USD** 0.13% - - - 0.17% 0.02% 0.20% 18-May-07

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Greater China A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-May-01JF Greater China A (dist) - HKD 1.90% - - - - - - 20-Sep-10JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 10-Feb-06JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.98% - 01-Feb-05JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 25-May-01JF Greater China D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JF Greater China I (acc) - USD** 0.94% - - - - - 0.96% 28-Jun-06JF Greater China T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 21-Feb-11JF Greater China X (acc) - USD* - - - 0.20% 0.20% 0.19% 0.20% 09-Dec-04

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-May-01JF Hong Kong A (dist) - HKD 1.90% - - - - - - 20-Sep-10JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 10-Feb-06JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% - 20-Jan-05JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 25-May-01

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 2.10% - 2.10% 2.10% 2.10% 2.10% - 01-Apr-05JF India A (acc) - SGD 2.10% - 2.10% - - - - 14-Dec-09JF India A (dist) - USD 2.10% - 2.10% 2.10% 2.10% 2.10% - 31-Aug-95JF India B (acc) - USD 1.35% - 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.70% - 03-Sep-04JF India C (acc) - USD 1.20% - 1.20% 1.20% 1.08% 1.09% - 05-Jan-05JF India D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JF India D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JF India T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 21-Feb-11JF India X (acc) - USD 0.30% - 0.31% 0.31% 0.29% 0.30% 0.40% 09-Dec-04

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 12-Jun-06JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 11-Jan-06JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 16-Nov-88JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.25% - 26-Aug-04JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 0.95% - 0.95% 0.95% 0.93% 0.89% - 26-Aug-04JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 08-May-06JF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD* - - - - 0.88% 0.85% 0.91% 27-Jun-06JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 02-Apr-02JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.14% 0.11% 0.15% 24-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 04-Jul-94JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 14-Sep-05JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD* - - - 1.00% 0.98% 0.95% - 01-Feb-05JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD* - - - 0.20% 0.19% 0.15% 0.20% 16-Dec-04


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 161: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


30 Jun 11

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ended30 Jun 11#

For theyear

ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

For theyear

ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundJF Korea Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 28-Sep-07JF Korea Equity A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 28-Sep-07JF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - - 19-May-08JF Korea Equity B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% - 1.15% - - 05-Jun-08JF Korea Equity C (acc) - USD** 1.00% - 1.00% - 0.93% - - 19-Mar-08JF Korea Equity D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - - 28-Sep-07JF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD** 0.20% - 0.19% - 0.01% - 0.20% 18-Jun-08

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-Jun-01JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% - - 10-Sep-07JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 2.35% - 2.35% 2.35% 2.35% 2.35% - 22-Jun-01

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 09-Dec-08JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 02-Jun-00JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 08-May-06JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD 1.05% - 1.05% 1.05% 0.57% - - 20-Jun-08JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Singapore A (acc) - SGD 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 14-Dec-09JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-May-01JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 13-Feb-06JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.95% 0.97% - 20-Jan-05JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 25-May-01JF Singapore I (acc) - USD* - - 0.95% 0.95% 0.92% 0.92% 0.96% 29-Jun-06JF Singapore X (acc) - USD* - - - - 0.20% 0.20% - 24-May-06

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% - - - 09-Dec-08JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-May-01JF Taiwan A (dist) - HKD 1.90% - - - - - - 20-Sep-10JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD** 1.30% - 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.65% - 22-Dec-04JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.09% 1.06% - 03-Nov-04JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 25-May-01JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 1.03% - 1.02% 1.02% 1.02% 1.01% 1.11% 29-Jun-06JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD** 0.29% - - - 0.28% 0.27% 0.35% 03-Feb-06

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - SGD** 1.90% - - - - - - 09-Aug-10JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-May-92JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 08-Mar-06JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.07% 1.05% - 13-Jan-05JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 13-Jul-10JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 1.02% - 1.01% 1.05% 1.02% 1.01% 1.06% 26-Jun-06JPM Latin America Equity T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 21-Feb-11JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 0.17% - 0.16% 0.19% 0.17% 0.15% 0.20% 09-Nov-04

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 22-Nov-05JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 17-Nov-05JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 04-May-06JPM Russia C (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% - - 13-Nov-07JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 27-Jan-06JPM Russia I (acc) - USD 1.01% - 1.01% 1.00% 1.06% 0.35% 1.06% 25-Aug-06

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% - 15-Sep-00JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD 1.10% - 1.10% - - - - 06-Apr-10JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 0.75% - 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.80% - 08-Dec-05JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 0.60% - 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% - 13-Jul-05JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 1.35% - 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% 1.35% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.35% - - - - - - 02-Nov-10JPM US Aggregate Bond I (acc) - USD 0.43% - - - - - 0.56% 17-Jun-11JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 0.10% - 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 30-Mar-05


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 162: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

1. Fund Total Expense Ratios (continued)For the


30 Jun 11

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ended30 Jun 11#

For theyear

ended30 Jun 10

For theyear

ended30 Jun 09

For theyear

ended30 Jun 08

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ended30 Jun 07


Ratio30 Jun 11


JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 16-Mar-06JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 18-Jul-03JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.50% - 01-Sep-04JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 1.00% - 1.00% 1.00% 0.94% 0.93% - 26-Aug-04JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 18-Jul-03JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 08-May-06JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD* - - - 0.94% 0.90% 0.89% 0.96% 17-May-06JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 0.92% - 0.92% 0.94% 0.90% 0.01% 0.96% 25-Jun-07JPM US Dynamic T (acc) - EUR 2.90% - - - - - - 18-Feb-11JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 0.14% - 0.12% 0.14% 0.10% 0.09% 0.15% 25-Oct-04

JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund (1)JPM US Growth A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 15-Mar-07JPM US Growth A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Oct-00JPM US Growth A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Oct-00JPM US Growth B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.20% - 22-Sep-05JPM US Growth C (acc) - USD 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.83% 0.82% - 08-Mar-06JPM US Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.85% - - 06-Dec-07JPM US Growth C (dist) - GBP 0.85% - - - - - - 21-Jan-11JPM US Growth D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 20-Oct-00JPM US Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 15-Mar-07JPM US Growth X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.13% 0.13% 0.15% 22-Sep-05JPM US Growth X (dist) - USD 0.15% - - - - - 0.15% 23-May-11

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - - - - - - 09-May-11JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 11-Sep-84JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% - - 23-May-05JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD 0.15% - 0.15% 0.15% 0.14% - 0.15% 27-May-08

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Technology A (acc) - EUR 1.90% - 1.90% - - - - 11-Jun-10JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 05-Dec-97JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Technology B (acc) - USD** 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% - - - 10-Jul-08JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD 1.05% - 1.05% 1.05% 0.57% - - 20-Jun-08JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 2.90% - 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% - 13-Oct-00JPM US Technology D (acc) - EUR 2.90% - 2.90% - - - - 11-Dec-09JPM US Technology I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - 1.01% 20-Sep-07JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD 0.19% - 0.20% 0.20% 0.19% - 0.20% 08-Oct-07

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 31-Mar-05JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 13-Nov-06JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Oct-00JF US Value A (dist) - USD 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 27-May-04JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 1.90% - 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% - 20-Oct-00JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 1.15% - 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.20% - 11-Oct-04JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% 0.82% 0.79% - 01-Sep-04JPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.85% - 0.85% 0.85% - - - 07-Jan-09JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 20-Oct-00JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.65% - 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% 2.65% - 13-Nov-06JPM US Value I (acc) - USD 0.80% - - - - - 0.81% 05-May-11JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 0.14% - 0.14% 0.15% 0.12% 0.11% 0.15% 24-Nov-04

(1) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.

Expense ratios are calculated in accordance with the guidelines dated 16 May 2008 issued by the Swiss Fund Association.# These figures include the Performance Fees, where applicable.* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.

** Share Class reactivated during the year.

*** The Total Expense Ratio (“TER”) represents the total operating cost as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets. The total operating cost comprises investment management and advisoryfees, custodian fees, taxe d’abonnement and other expenses, as summarised in the Combined Statement of Operations. Overdraft interest and Performance Fees are excluded from the calculation. Thecapped expense ratios and total expense ratios for some share classes may have changed over the previous five years. All details concerning these changes have been disclosed in previous years’Financial Statements.

All the TER figures are annualised.


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 163: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds – America Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in US companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Eastern Europe Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies in central and eastern Europe (the “Eastern Europe Countries”).

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies of the emerging markets of central, eastern and southern Europe, Middle Eastand Africa.

JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Markets Bond Fund

Seeks to achieve a return in excess of the bond markets of emerging countries by investing primarily in emerging market bond and other debt securities.

JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Seeks to achieve a return in excess of the bond markets of emerging countries by investing primarily in emerging market fixed and floating rate debtsecurities, including corporate securities and securities issued in local currencies, using derivatives where appropriate.

JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Markets Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in emerging markets companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund

Seeks to achieve a return in excess of government bond markets of emerging markets countries through exposure primarily to local currency emergingmarket fixed and floating rate debt instruments, using derivatives where appropriate.

JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Middle East Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies of the emerging markets of the Middle East region.

JPMorgan Funds – Euroland Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies of countries which are part of the Euro-zone (the “Euroland Countries”).

JPMorgan Funds – Euroland Select Equity Fund

Seeks to achieve a return in excess of Euro-zone equity markets by investing primarily in companies of countries which are part of the Euro-zone (the“Euroland Countries”).

JPMorgan Funds – Europe Dynamic Fund

Seeks to maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of European companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund

Seeks to maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of mega capitalisation European companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Europe Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in European companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Europe Small Cap Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in small capitalisation European companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Europe Technology Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in technology (including media and telecommunication) related European companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Germany Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in German companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Consumer Trends Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies benefiting from consumer driven opportunities, globally.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)

Seeks to provide a return by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of convertible securities and warrants, globally.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Dynamic Fund

Seeks to maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of companies, globally.


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

2. Summary of Investment Objectives of the Sub-Funds

Page 164: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds – Global Equity Fund (USD)

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies, globally.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Focus Fund

Seeks to provide superior long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of large, medium and small companies,globally, that the Investment Manager believes to be attractively valued and to have significant profit growth or earnings recovery potential.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Government Bond Fund

Seeks to achieve an investment return in line with the benchmark by investing primarily in a portfolio of global fixed and floating rate government debtsecurities.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Natural Resources Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in natural resources companies, globally, many of which are in the early stages ofexploration.

JPMorgan Funds – Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a portfolio of Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) and in companies that own, develop,operate or finance real estate, where real estate assets or activities account for more than 50% of their total market capitalisation (“Real EstateCompanies”).

JPMorgan Funds – JF China Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies of the People’s Republic of China.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Greater China Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (“Greater China”).

JPMorgan Funds – JF Hong Kong Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Hong Kong companies.

JPMorgan Funds – JF India Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Indian companies.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Japan Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Japanese companies.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Japan Small Cap Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in small capitalisation Japanese companies.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Korea Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a concentrated portfolio of Korean companies, using derivative strategies whereappropriate.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Pacific Balanced Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth and income by investing primarily in companies and sovereign issuers of countries in the Pacific Basin (includingJapan).

JPMorgan Funds – JF Pacific Technology Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in technology, media and telecommunications related companies in the Pacific Basin(including Japan).

JPMorgan Funds – JF Singapore Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Singaporean companies.

JPMorgan Funds – JF Taiwan Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Taiwanese companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Latin America Equity Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Latin American companies.

JPMorgan Funds – Russia Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a concentrated portfolio of Russian companies.


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

2. Summary of Investment Objectives of the Sub-Funds (continued)

Page 165: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan Funds – US Aggregate Bond Fund

Seeks to achieve a return in excess of US bond markets by investing primarily in US fixed and floating rate debt securities.

JPMorgan Funds – US Dynamic Fund

Seeks to maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of US companies.

JPMorgan Funds – US Growth Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a growth style biased portfolio of US companies.

JPMorgan Funds – US Small Cap Growth Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a growth style biased portfolio of small capitalisation US companies.

JPMorgan Funds – US Technology Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in technology, media and telecommunications related US companies.

JPMorgan Funds – US Value Fund

Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a value style biased portfolio of US companies.


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

2. Summary of Investment Objectives of the Sub-Funds (continued)

Page 166: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

3. Performance and Volatility

PerformanceReturns for periods greater than one year are annualised. Fund performance includes reinvestment of income and is net of all expenses.Past performance is no indication of current or future performance.The performance data does not take into account the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units.


The standard deviation (D) of the price is calculated on a daily basis throughout each Fund’s financial period. The details below relate to the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011.

If D is equal to or less than 0.1 then volatility will be LowIf D is greater than 0.1 but less or equal to 1.0 then volatility will be MediumIf D is greater than 1.0 but less than or equal to 2.4 then volatility will be HighIf D is greater than 2.4 then volatility will be Very High

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 0.26% 4.72% 14.16% 25.46% 20.82% 2.65% -2.86% 2.28% MediumJPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.42% 4.86% 14.47% 25.13% 19.94% 1.21% -9.22% - MediumJPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 0.32% 4.79% 14.22% 25.49% 20.81% 2.65% -2.88% 2.28% MediumJF America Equity A (dist) - USD 0.30% 4.77% 14.23% 25.49% 20.79% 2.65% -2.88% 2.28% MediumJPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 0.53% 5.25% 14.94% 26.48% 21.98% 3.51% -2.19% 3.15% MediumJPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 0.59% 5.36% 15.11% 26.85% 22.36% 3.84% -1.89% 3.52% MediumJPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.58% 5.48% 15.31% 26.46% 21.44% 2.21% - - MediumJPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 0.19% 4.41% 13.66% 24.56% 19.79% 1.85% -3.51% 1.47% MediumJPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR -1.82% -3.30% 7.00% 5.56% 17.86% 4.96% -4.98% -1.05% MediumJPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.14% 4.54% 13.84% 24.28% 18.96% 0.44% -9.66% - MediumJPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 0.76% 5.69% 15.70% 27.69% 23.36% 4.60% -1.24% 4.36% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR -7.25% -8.17% -0.56% 9.21% 37.17% -5.53% -3.45% 3.19% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR -7.27% -8.18% -0.58% 9.20% 37.15% -5.52% -3.44% 3.14% MediumJF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR -7.27% -8.18% -0.59% 9.18% 37.15% -5.53% -3.44% 3.14% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR -7.13% -7.85% -0.11% 9.94% 38.38% -4.90% -2.82% -0.31% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR -7.07% -7.82% 0.00% 10.07% 38.62% -4.82% -2.71% 4.25% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR -7.49% -8.64% -1.31% 8.13% 35.44% -6.33% -4.27% 2.10% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR -7.14% -7.84% 0.00% 10.06% - 2.05% 2.67% 10.04% MediumJPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR -6.85% -7.37% 0.73% 11.12% 40.24% -4.04% -1.90% 5.30% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD -3.25% -3.55% 3.82% 27.74% 32.19% -4.18% -0.15% 8.09% HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR -5.17% -10.72% -2.22% 8.22% 29.89% - - - HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - SGD** -5.78% -7.51% -3.08% - - - - - HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD -3.26% -3.56% 3.80% 27.69% 31.89% -4.31% -0.25% 7.83% HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD -3.07% -3.14% 4.44% 28.73% 33.37% -3.50% 0.59% 9.03% HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD -3.05% -3.13% 4.47% 28.78% 33.57% -3.45% 0.70% 9.32% HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD -3.50% -4.03% 3.05% 26.46% 30.55% -5.05% -1.13% 6.72% HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - EUR -5.42% -11.17% -2.95% - - - - - HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity T (acc) - EUR -5.40% - - - - - - - HighJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD -2.86% -2.70% 5.14% 30.01% - - - 4.30% High

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond FundJPM Emerging Markets Bond A (acc) - USD 3.50% 4.33% 3.06% 12.25% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Bond B (acc) - USD 3.61% 4.57% 3.41% 12.75% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Bond C (acc) - USD 3.72% 4.78% 3.72% 13.20% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Bond D (acc) - USD 3.32% 3.97% 2.53% 11.46% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD 3.72% 4.79% 3.75% 13.24% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD 3.86% 5.06% 4.14% 13.82% - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 3.63% 5.35% 4.01% 14.54% 18.38% 5.20% 2.75% -0.29% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - USD (hedged) 3.44% 5.15% 4.08% 14.84% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 3.58% 5.29% 4.03% 14.17% 18.14% 4.89% 2.25% 4.38% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR 3.53% 5.22% 3.82% 14.24% 17.68% - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) 3.37% 5.04% 4.03% 14.68% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt B (acc) - EUR 3.64% 5.52% 4.29% 14.98% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 3.80% 5.71% 4.65% 15.49% 19.58% 6.20% 3.73% - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 3.38% 4.94% 3.46% 13.74% 17.42% 4.39% 1.99% -0.97% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 3.85% 5.79% 4.70% 15.11% 19.33% 5.80% 3.44% - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - Medium


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 167: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD -0.21% -1.04% 3.67% 23.40% 25.29% 3.14% 2.79% 12.53% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR -2.17% -8.40% -2.32% 4.56% 23.24% 6.45% 0.95% 8.72% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - SGD -2.81% -5.09% -3.13% 8.50% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD -0.24% -1.07% 3.65% 23.37% 25.11% 2.93% 2.62% 12.09% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 0.03% -3.68% 2.11% 15.54% 27.56% 11.82% 9.59% 17.13% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 0.00% -0.65% 4.28% 24.33% 26.45% 3.98% 3.60% 13.61% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 0.00% -0.63% 4.32% 24.40% 26.51% 4.04% 3.72% 13.90% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity C (dist) - USD -0.01% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD -0.46% -1.52% 2.91% 22.16% 23.82% 2.07% 1.70% 10.95% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR -2.43% -8.87% -3.14% 3.47% 21.82% 5.26% -0.08% 7.29% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 0.00% -0.58% 4.42% 24.54% 26.65% 4.12% 3.79% - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR -1.94% -7.98% -1.65% 5.54% 24.55% - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR -1.98% -8.02% -1.71% 5.47% 24.17% 7.07% 1.54% 9.60% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 0.24% -0.17% 5.05% 25.57% 27.98% 5.08% 4.78% 15.45% MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - EUR -1.76% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD 0.24% -0.19% 5.04% 25.36% 27.68% - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR -1.74% -7.63% -1.08% 6.34% 25.31% 7.94% 2.32% 10.62% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 3.79% 6.72% 6.18% 20.63% 18.44% 8.81% - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 1.79% -1.21% 0.00% 2.27% 16.56% 12.64% - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (dist) - GBP 4.07% 3.93% 4.57% - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD 3.86% 6.64% 6.05% 20.14% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (inc) - EUR 1.77% -1.20% - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD 3.96% 6.96% 6.56% 20.58% - 4.45% - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - EUR*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - USD 4.02% 7.03% 6.68% 20.74% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - EUR 1.96% -0.85% - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 3.66% 6.47% 5.74% 19.37% 17.71% 7.87% - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 1.66% -1.38% -0.31% 1.74% 15.91% 11.96% - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR 1.68% -1.42% -0.38% 1.71% - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt I (acc) - EUR** 1.96% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (acc) - EUR*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt T (inc) - EUR 1.48% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD 4.12% 7.34% 7.12% 21.48% 20.15% - - - MediumJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR** 2.09% -0.58% - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD -1.20% -10.96% -10.09% 8.56% 14.01% -5.42% -1.39% 7.76% MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR -3.21% -18.15% -15.28% -8.04% 12.33% - - - MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - SGD** -3.70% -15.16% -16.02% - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD -1.23% -10.96% -10.07% 8.59% 13.92% -5.26% -1.24% 7.77% MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD -1.03% -10.64% -9.57% 9.36% 14.99% -4.77% -0.69% 8.67% MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD -0.97% -10.56% -9.47% 9.57% 15.14% -4.69% - - MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD -1.51% -11.43% -10.78% 7.39% 12.70% -6.26% -2.33% 6.38% MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - EUR -3.46% -18.58% -15.98% - - - - - MediumJPM Emerging Middle East Equity I (acc) - USD -1.02% -10.58% - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR -0.46% 2.47% 7.49% 17.70% 16.81% -3.69% -8.84% -3.48% MediumJPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR -0.43% 2.41% 7.53% 17.57% 16.49% -3.74% -8.72% -3.28% MediumJF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 1.58% 11.36% 14.18% 38.75% 18.26% -6.21% -7.59% -1.15% MediumJPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR -0.48% 2.49% 7.48% 17.64% 16.46% -3.78% - - MediumJPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR -0.23% 2.91% 8.19% 18.79% 17.87% -2.98% - - MediumJPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR -0.15% 2.99% 8.39% 18.95% 18.24% -2.73% -8.15% -2.58% MediumJPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR -0.60% 2.11% 7.02% 16.90% 15.84% -4.33% -9.31% -4.08% MediumJPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 0.00% 3.37% 8.88% 19.87% 19.17% -2.08% - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 0.83% 3.85% 8.32% 17.20% 17.50% -0.98% - - HighJPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 0.85% 3.77% 8.17% 16.91% 16.81% -1.23% - - HighJPM Euroland Select Equity B (acc) - EUR 1.05% - - - - - - - HighJPM Euroland Select Equity C (acc) - EUR 1.15% 4.38% 9.16% 18.43% - - - - HighJPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 0.71% 3.51% 7.76% 16.45% 16.54% -1.70% - - HighJPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 1.23% 4.69% 9.69% 19.19% 19.88% 0.78% - - High

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR -0.23% -2.05% 7.34% 15.74% 17.59% -1.97% -7.04% -1.47% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR -0.25% -2.05% 7.37% 15.75% 17.23% -2.09% -7.03% -1.44% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 2.05% 3.01% 12.24% 27.82% 21.37% 2.23% -1.06% 3.95% MediumJF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR -0.22% -2.01% 7.40% 15.71% 17.32% -2.08% -7.03% -1.43% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR -0.06% -1.69% 7.90% 16.63% 18.60% -1.25% -6.51% -0.85% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 0.00% -1.59% 8.08% 16.89% 18.87% -1.10% -6.35% -0.59% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 1.56% 5.33% 13.11% 35.31% 18.08% -5.44% -6.51% -0.04% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR -0.49% -2.57% 6.49% 14.62% 16.25% -2.88% -7.73% -2.37% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 0.00% -1.54% 8.10% 16.91% 18.90% - 3.98% - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic T (acc) - EUR -0.48% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - Medium


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 168: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 0.98% 5.44% 9.72% 27.10% 11.13% -7.20% - - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR -0.96% -2.32% 3.46% 7.79% 9.42% -4.83% -8.46% -3.40% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR -1.09% -2.42% 3.28% 7.73% 9.22% -4.85% -8.35% -3.30% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR -1.05% -2.47% 3.30% 7.64% 9.30% -4.86% -8.40% -3.35% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR -0.84% -2.00% 3.88% 8.49% 10.30% -4.24% -8.01% -2.88% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR -0.76% -1.94% 4.12% 8.73% 10.52% -4.06% -7.86% -2.65% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 0.74% 4.94% 8.88% 25.96% 9.90% -7.98% - - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR -1.23% -2.77% 2.68% 6.75% 8.24% -5.69% -9.12% -4.21% MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap T (acc) - EUR -1.25% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR -0.53% -1.48% 4.83% 9.76% 11.62% -3.29% -7.25% -1.88% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 0.84% 8.22% 14.38% 39.36% 21.61% -4.94% -6.97% 3.78% MediumJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR -1.04% 0.19% 7.84% 18.08% 19.67% -2.37% -8.17% -3.56% MediumJPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR -1.14% 0.18% 7.74% 17.94% 19.10% -2.58% -8.17% -3.49% MediumJF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 0.88% 8.24% 14.39% 39.10% 21.05% -5.11% -6.98% -1.36% MediumJPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR -0.95% 0.56% 8.39% 18.99% 20.71% -1.67% -7.67% -2.98% MediumJPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR -0.92% 0.70% 8.61% 19.28% 21.10% -1.39% -7.44% -2.67% MediumJPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 0.69% 7.80% 13.75% 38.40% 20.53% -5.58% -7.50% -2.07% MediumJPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR -1.30% -0.24% 7.07% 17.16% 18.62% -3.09% -8.67% -4.18% MediumJPM Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR -0.68% 1.07% 9.17% 20.09% 22.11% -0.74% -6.95% -2.06% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR -1.79% -3.31% 9.50% 22.69% 28.87% 0.03% -7.69% -1.67% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR -1.77% -3.32% 9.51% 22.68% 28.57% -0.10% -7.76% -1.73% MediumJF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR -1.80% -3.28% 9.53% 22.71% 28.55% -0.09% -7.76% -1.72% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 0.49% 1.67% 14.55% 35.55% 33.30% 4.58% -1.88% 3.79% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR -1.64% -2.96% 10.09% 23.61% 30.09% 0.81% -7.19% -1.05% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR -1.60% -2.90% 10.17% 23.78% 30.40% 0.98% -7.04% -0.80% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR -1.99% -3.81% 8.72% 21.62% 27.35% -0.94% -8.36% -2.56% MediumJPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR** -1.55% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR -1.69% 3.35% 14.88% 22.21% 32.59% 11.74% -0.78% 5.24% MediumJPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR -1.60% 3.36% 14.94% 22.36% 32.31% 11.53% -0.91% 5.07% MediumJF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR -1.66% 3.50% 14.90% 22.20% 32.36% 11.52% -0.93% 4.99% MediumJPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 0.59% 8.71% 20.25% 35.02% 37.20% 17.66% 7.19% 12.50% MediumJPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR -1.44% 3.80% 15.62% 23.27% 33.95% 12.80% - - MediumJPM Europe Technology C (acc) - EUR* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR -2.04% 2.72% 14.04% 20.82% 30.98% 10.34% -1.76% 4.00% MediumJPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR -1.27% 4.22% 16.38% 24.37% 35.32% 14.09% - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 3.33% 4.18% 15.86% 23.61% 26.75% 3.22% -2.89% 5.39% MediumJPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 3.48% 4.35% 15.99% 23.51% 26.30% 2.92% -3.05% 5.11% MediumJF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 3.36% 4.25% 15.88% 23.43% 26.26% 2.89% -3.07% 5.09% MediumJPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 3.56% 4.60% 16.50% 24.60% 28.06% 4.10% - - MediumJPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 3.55% 4.72% 16.69% 24.82% 28.18% 4.27% - - MediumJPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 3.13% 3.48% 14.67% 22.22% 25.00% 2.15% -3.79% 4.15% MediumJPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 3.58% 4.74% 16.79% 24.94% 28.37% 4.35% - - MediumJPM Germany Equity T (acc) - EUR 3.10% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 3.81% 5.14% 17.32% 25.74% 29.45% 5.18% - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - USD -0.39% 1.40% 6.65% 48.44% - - - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - EUR -2.37% -6.18% 0.39% -13.02% 21.93% 13.46% - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends B (acc) - EUR*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends C (acc) - EUR -2.12% -5.68% 1.18% 5.62% 23.35% - - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - EUR -2.50% -6.45% -0.08% 3.83% 20.93% 12.44% - - MediumJPM Global Consumer Trends T (acc) - EUR -2.53% - - - - - - - Medium


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 169: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR -1.60% 0.90% 4.42% 10.53% 10.61% 1.83% -0.75% 1.77% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.80% 0.65% 4.00% 9.97% 10.07% - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR -1.55% 0.93% 4.44% 10.55% 10.56% 1.82% -0.77% 1.76% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) -1.60% 0.90% 4.51% 10.55% 10.81% - - - MediumJF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 0.34% 8.89% 10.65% 30.06% 11.91% -1.37% 0.68% 4.32% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR -1.38% 1.34% 4.98% 11.33% 11.40% 2.57% -0.12% 2.42% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.66% 0.93% 4.43% 10.62% 10.83% - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (dist) - GBP (hedged)*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR -1.43% 1.31% 5.05% 11.38% 11.49% 2.60% -0.04% 2.58% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.60% 1.01% 4.49% 10.72% 10.81% - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) -1.45% 1.24% 5.06% 11.27% 11.58% - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR -1.75% 0.66% 4.09% 9.99% 10.00% 1.33% -1.22% 1.23% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR -1.32% 1.35% 5.12% 11.49% 11.57% 2.68% 0.02% - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.60% 1.00% 4.55% 10.80% - - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR -1.37% 1.30% 5.10% 11.48% 11.53% 2.59% -0.05% - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR -1.22% 1.70% 5.69% 12.25% 12.45% 3.48% 0.79% 3.51% MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.46% 1.39% 5.14% 11.57% - - - - MediumJPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (dist) - GBP (hedged)*** - - - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 0.08% 4.88% 14.06% 31.36% 21.59% -1.08% -4.03% 1.18% MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - CHF (hedged) -1.28% 1.89% 10.75% - - - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR -1.91% -2.91% 7.41% 11.35% 19.62% 1.85% -5.43% - MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.54% 2.61% 11.31% 22.99% 18.36% -2.04% -8.83% - MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD -2.46% 0.69% 6.54% 15.60% - - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD (hedged)*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 0.07% 4.91% 14.05% 31.43% 21.44% -1.13% -4.04% 1.17% MediumJF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 0.07% 4.92% 14.02% 31.41% 21.42% -1.13% -4.04% 1.15% MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 0.37% 2.19% 12.37% 23.01% 23.78% 6.72% 1.17% 4.29% MediumJPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR -2.01% -2.84% 7.39% 11.20% 19.42% 1.77% -5.45% -1.32% MediumJPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 0.26% 5.35% 14.76% 32.45% 22.66% -0.32% -3.41% 1.89% MediumJPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 0.32% 5.43% 14.79% 32.58% 22.85% -0.19% -3.25% 2.17% MediumJPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR -1.65% -2.45% 8.15% 12.43% 20.90% 2.85% -9.94% - MediumJPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.31% 3.06% 12.08% 24.03% 19.72% -1.06% -8.85% - MediumJPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD -0.21% 4.34% 13.20% 30.05% 20.16% -2.02% -4.85% 0.14% MediumJPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR -2.12% -3.30% 6.61% 10.26% 18.18% 0.79% -6.18% -2.21% MediumJPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.74% 2.09% 10.70% 21.72% 17.08% -2.83% -9.31% -5.16% MediumJPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 0.34% 5.46% 14.88% 32.74% 22.91% -0.15% -3.21% - MediumJPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR -1.67% -2.45% 8.14% 12.25% 20.68% - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - EUR (hedged)*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic T (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.85% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 0.53% 5.84% 15.57% 33.74% 24.10% 0.67% -2.50% 3.13% MediumJPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR -1.55% -1.97% 8.91% 13.33% 22.15% 3.78% -9.44% - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD -2.14% 2.61% 8.67% 22.56% 16.26% -1.93% -4.09% -0.61% MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) -3.00% -0.32% 5.85% 14.31% 13.80% - - - MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD -2.20% 2.63% 8.64% 22.42% 16.13% -1.98% -4.10% -0.61% MediumJF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD -2.21% 2.61% 8.64% 22.43% 16.12% -1.98% -4.10% -0.61% MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) -2.97% -0.17% 5.95% 14.34% 13.51% - - - MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD -1.89% 3.22% 9.59% 23.90% 17.67% -0.87% -3.15% 0.49% MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) -2.76% 0.16% 6.72% 15.66% 15.33% - - - MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD -2.37% 2.28% 8.11% 21.55% 15.28% -2.61% -4.71% -1.32% MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) -3.22% -0.83% 5.25% 13.40% 12.87% - - - MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD -1.79% 3.57% 10.12% 24.70% 18.57% -0.22% -2.58% 1.18% MediumJPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR -3.67% -4.14% 3.74% 5.65% 16.76% - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR -1.09% -4.15% 4.03% 9.55% 23.50% 9.85% -2.02% 3.37% MediumJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.33% 0.56% 7.11% 19.10% 21.07% 5.15% - - MediumJPM Global Focus A (acc) - CHF (hedged) -0.96% -0.28% 5.08% - - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR -1.09% -4.18% 3.99% 9.54% 23.39% 9.79% -2.04% 3.32% MediumJF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 0.92% 3.50% 10.42% 29.33% 25.44% 6.19% -0.41% - MediumJPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR -0.88% -3.80% 4.60% 10.42% 24.64% - - - MediumJPM Global Focus C (acc) - USD 1.14% 3.93% 11.14% 30.50% - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR -0.89% -3.77% 4.70% 10.57% 24.82% 11.01% -1.17% 4.43% MediumJPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.05% 0.99% 7.77% 20.19% 22.36% - - - MediumJPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR -1.35% -4.63% 3.24% 8.50% 22.03% 8.58% -2.91% 2.22% MediumJPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.59% 0.00% 6.26% 17.92% 19.59% 3.95% -15.52% -10.46% MediumJPM Global Focus I (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR -0.87% -3.73% 4.73% - - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.03% 1.04% 7.84% - - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus T (acc) - EUR -1.35% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR -0.70% -3.34% 5.35% 11.51% 26.05% 12.13% -0.36% 5.48% Medium


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 170: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - EUR 2.01% 1.33% -0.84% 1.23% 3.78% - - - MediumJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - USD (hedged) 1.74% 1.13% -1.03% 1.05% 25.62% - - - MediumJPM Global Government Bond B (acc) - EUR** 2.07% - - - - - - - MediumJPM Global Government Bond C (acc) - EUR 1.98% 1.60% -0.55% 1.60% 4.16% - - - MediumJPM Global Government Bond D (acc) - EUR 2.02% 1.34% -0.84% 1.14% 3.64% - - - MediumJPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR 2.16% 1.68% -0.28% 1.87% 4.46% - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD -7.37% -8.36% 10.52% 36.90% 36.76% -3.61% 0.51% - HighJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR -9.21% -15.16% 4.09% 16.01% 34.36% -0.93% -1.20% 6.69% HighJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - SGD -9.77% -12.12% 3.23% 20.38% - - - - HighJPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR -9.22% -15.13% 4.10% 16.00% 34.38% -0.92% -1.20% 6.68% HighJPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR -9.01% -14.81% 4.70% 16.92% 35.76% -0.17% -0.49% 7.59% HighJPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD -7.16% -7.96% 11.21% 38.06% 38.20% -2.83% 10.68% - HighJPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR -9.03% -14.80% 4.77% 17.00% 35.81% -0.08% -0.35% 7.90% HighJPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD -7.59% -8.77% 9.74% 35.61% 35.03% -4.46% 8.14% - HighJPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR -9.41% -15.58% 3.30% 14.84% 32.75% -1.87% -2.13% 5.40% HighJPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - HighJPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR -8.80% -14.36% 5.74% 18.32% 37.63% 0.92% 0.60% 9.22% High

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 2.33% 4.90% 10.59% 29.93% 31.20% -0.63% -6.16% - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.60% 3.24% 7.91% 21.91% 24.80% - - - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) 1.52% 3.08% 7.86% 21.32% 23.89% - - - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) B (acc) - EUR (hedged)*** - - - - - - - - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD** 2.58% 5.38% 10.71% - - - - - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 2.05% 4.44% 9.87% 28.96% 29.96% -1.36% -6.72% - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.45% 2.75% 7.27% 20.91% 23.62% - - - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 2.75% 5.78% 11.99% 32.30% 34.15% 1.15% -4.78% - HighJPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - EUR (hedged)* - - - - - - - - High

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD -3.06% -0.39% 2.40% 15.41% 12.07% 4.33% 3.13% 21.04% HighJF China A (acc) - SGD -5.62% -4.55% -4.40% 1.45% - - - - HighJF China A (dist) - USD -3.06% -0.40% 2.39% 15.40% 12.02% 4.19% 3.04% 20.75% HighJF China A (dist) - HKD -3.08% -0.26% 2.82% - - - - - HighJF China B (acc) - USD -2.87% -0.04% 2.95% 16.25% 13.03% 5.18% 3.93% 22.37% HighJF China C (acc) - USD -2.83% 0.03% 3.07% 16.43% 13.21% 5.35% 4.16% 22.93% HighJF China D (acc) - USD -3.29% -0.88% 1.63% 14.30% 10.88% 3.28% 2.09% 19.13% HighJF China D (acc) - EUR -5.22% -8.26% -4.27% - - - - - HighJF China I (acc) - USD -2.82% 0.09% 3.17% 16.58% 13.35% 5.49% -1.37% - HighJF China T (acc) - EUR -5.22% - - - - - - - HighJF China X (acc) - USD** -2.64% 0.47% 3.77% - - - - - High

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 0.65% 0.21% 8.98% 26.55% 21.33% 8.89% 5.80% 18.95% MediumJF Greater China A (acc) - SGD -1.91% -3.87% 1.84% 11.36% - - - - MediumJF Greater China A (dist) - USD 0.65% 0.20% 8.98% 26.50% 20.66% 7.81% 4.99% 17.41% MediumJF Greater China A (dist) - HKD 0.73% 0.32% 9.27% - - - - - MediumJF Greater China B (acc) - USD 0.83% 0.58% 9.56% 27.47% 22.37% 9.85% 6.67% 20.27% MediumJF Greater China C (acc) - USD 0.88% 0.64% 9.71% 27.68% 22.64% 10.04% 6.90% 20.73% MediumJF Greater China D (acc) - USD 0.40% -0.31% 8.16% 25.29% 19.93% 7.65% 4.60% 17.09% MediumJF Greater China D (acc) - EUR -1.59% -7.71% 1.89% - - - - - MediumJF Greater China I (acc) - USD** 0.89% 0.66% - - - - - - MediumJF Greater China T (acc) - EUR -1.59% - - - - - - - MediumJF Greater China X (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD -3.33% -3.08% -0.38% 14.91% 13.38% 4.32% 3.43% 12.24% MediumJF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD -3.30% -3.07% -0.38% 14.85% 13.19% 4.17% 3.33% 11.99% MediumJF Hong Kong A (dist) - HKD -3.32% -2.91% 0.00% - - - - - MediumJF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD -3.18% -2.74% 0.29% 15.82% 14.33% 5.17% 4.27% 13.29% MediumJF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD -3.07% -2.64% 0.25% 15.91% 14.49% 5.28% 4.41% 13.74% MediumJF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD -3.55% -3.55% -1.13% 13.70% 12.10% 3.21% 2.31% 10.67% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD -3.05% -7.21% -5.89% 11.88% 22.52% 13.31% 2.41% 14.69% HighJF India A (acc) - SGD -5.53% -11.03% -12.10% -1.61% - - - - HighJF India A (dist) - USD -3.06% -7.22% -5.91% 11.85% 22.50% 13.29% 2.36% 14.54% HighJF India B (acc) - USD -2.85% -6.87% -5.38% 12.72% 23.61% 14.36% 3.20% 15.84% HighJF India C (acc) - USD -2.81% -6.78% -5.28% 12.89% 23.82% 14.60% 3.45% 16.37% HighJF India D (acc) - USD -3.26% -7.59% -6.47% 10.95% 21.34% 12.19% 1.54% 13.32% HighJF India D (acc) - EUR -5.17% -14.46% -11.90% - - - - - HighJF India T (acc) - EUR -5.16% - - - - - - - HighJF India X (acc) - USD -2.62% -6.40% -4.65% 13.87% 25.14% 15.88% 4.45% 17.95% High


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 171: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 2.26% -2.53% 9.22% 15.27% 6.95% -7.28% -9.30% -7.43% HighJF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 0.23% -9.92% 2.77% -2.41% 5.49% -4.92% -10.36% -8.92% HighJF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY -0.43% -3.33% 5.44% 4.97% -2.26% -13.49% -14.75% -11.13% HighJF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 2.26% -2.55% 9.25% 15.33% 6.98% -7.28% -9.30% -7.43% HighJF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 2.65% -5.05% 7.64% 8.00% 8.85% -0.88% -5.32% -5.52% HighJF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 2.54% -2.20% 9.90% 16.23% 7.81% -6.69% -8.82% -6.97% HighJF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 2.50% -2.17% 9.99% 16.37% 7.96% -6.55% -8.71% -6.83% HighJF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 2.10% -2.92% 8.59% 14.49% 6.13% -7.86% -9.76% -7.89% HighJF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 0.00% -10.00% 2.56% -2.96% 4.71% -5.49% -10.76% -9.30% HighJF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - HighJF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 2.25% -2.52% 9.21% 15.38% 6.98% -7.28% -9.30% -7.43% HighJF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 2.70% -1.61% 10.79% 17.48% 9.04% -5.86% -8.15% -6.28% High

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 6.38% 4.63% 12.72% 7.36% 5.91% -6.01% -9.47% -9.02% HighJF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 6.20% 4.54% 12.46% 7.22% 5.85% -6.05% -9.48% -9.02% HighJF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 6.56% 4.84% 13.24% 8.15% 6.72% -5.45% -9.07% -8.69% HighJF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - HighJF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 6.07% 3.97% 11.73% 6.29% 4.81% -6.83% -10.08% -9.55% HighJF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - High

JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundJF Korea Equity A (acc) - USD 0.09% 3.35% 18.83% 45.12% 41.58% 11.80% - - HighJF Korea Equity A (acc) - EUR -1.81% -4.92% 12.00% 23.03% 39.23% 15.97% - - HighJF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD 0.08% 3.38% 18.93% 45.26% 41.63% 11.86% - - HighJF Korea Equity B (acc) - USD 0.21% 3.77% 19.43% 46.27% - 18.89% - - HighJF Korea Equity C (acc) - USD** 0.31% 3.85% - - - - - - HighJF Korea Equity D (acc) - USD -0.18% 2.82% 17.94% 43.71% 39.76% 10.50% - - HighJF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD** 0.51% 4.26% - - - - - - High

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 1.40% 1.85% 7.39% 19.25% 16.14% 6.48% 3.33% 7.84% MediumJF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 1.45% 1.85% 7.43% 19.00% 15.64% 5.92% 2.92% 7.31% MediumJF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 1.68% 2.31% 8.08% 20.15% 17.15% 7.40% - - MediumJF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 1.31% 1.65% 7.04% 18.68% 15.53% 5.95% 2.84% 7.24% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD -2.06% -4.99% 7.07% 16.46% 16.56% 2.48% -0.20% 6.67% HighJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR -3.97% -12.03% 0.85% -1.33% 14.75% - - - HighJF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD -2.04% -4.96% 7.11% 16.45% 16.28% 2.18% -0.37% 6.40% HighJF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP -1.82% -7.54% 5.45% 8.97% 18.48% 10.84% 5.60% 10.00% HighJF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD -1.90% -4.72% 7.52% 17.15% 17.51% 3.23% - 1.81% HighJF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD -1.90% -4.75% 7.55% 17.21% 17.52% 3.32% - - HighJF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD -2.30% -5.41% 6.30% 15.32% 15.24% 1.41% -1.16% 5.39% High

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 0.75% -0.66% 6.12% 23.13% 31.25% 3.89% -1.84% 12.96% MediumJF Singapore A (acc) - SGD -1.84% -4.74% -0.90% 8.33% - - - - MediumJF Singapore A (dist) - USD 0.78% -0.65% 6.11% 22.98% 30.68% 3.54% -2.06% 12.55% MediumJF Singapore B (acc) - USD 0.95% -0.28% 6.71% 24.02% 32.44% 4.75% -1.17% 14.03% MediumJF Singapore C (acc) - USD 1.00% -0.19% 6.79% 24.20% 32.64% 4.90% -0.96% 14.40% MediumJF Singapore D (acc) - USD 0.50% -1.15% 5.32% 21.91% 29.64% 2.80% -2.75% 11.35% MediumJF Singapore I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - MediumJF Singapore X (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 6.38% 2.82% 19.69% 43.52% 28.80% 7.03% 0.51% 7.47% HighJF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR 4.30% -4.80% 12.77% 21.66% 26.71% - - - HighJF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 6.43% 2.87% 19.77% 43.53% 26.80% 5.39% -0.49% 6.05% HighJF Taiwan A (dist) - HKD 6.39% 2.90% 19.93% - - - - - HighJF Taiwan B (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - HighJF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 6.60% 3.19% 20.34% 44.63% 30.06% 7.93% 1.29% 8.58% HighJF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 6.10% 2.25% 18.73% 42.06% 27.27% 5.82% -0.49% 6.13% HighJF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 6.61% 3.24% 20.49% 44.66% 30.17% 8.12% 1.42% - HighJF Taiwan X (acc) - USD** 6.85% 3.65% - - - - - - High

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 0.09% -2.78% 4.53% 23.47% 34.15% 0.99% 4.55% 19.50% HighJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - SGD** -2.54% -7.43% -2.47% - - - - - HighJPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 0.08% -2.80% 4.52% 23.43% 33.80% 0.82% 4.38% 19.07% HighJF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 0.09% -2.79% 4.52% 23.40% 33.80% 0.82% 4.38% 19.06% HighJPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 0.29% -2.42% 5.11% 24.46% 35.38% 1.78% 5.41% 20.83% HighJPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 0.29% -2.42% 5.14% 24.45% 35.48% 1.82% 5.52% 21.21% HighJPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD -0.18% -3.29% 3.73% 22.22% 32.46% -0.03% 3.38% 17.57% HighJPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - EUR -2.15% -11.06% -2.28% - - - - - HighJPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 0.27% -2.41% 5.19% 24.54% 35.63% 1.90% 5.59% 21.26% HighJPM Latin America Equity T (acc) - EUR -2.16% - - - - - - - HighJPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 0.50% -1.97% 5.87% 25.61% 37.07% 2.80% 6.65% 23.06% High


JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Page 172: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD -7.03% -0.43% 11.95% 31.83% 45.02% -10.12% -2.72% 5.45% HighJPM Russia A (dist) - USD -6.98% -0.37% 12.02% 31.91% 45.05% -10.10% -2.71% 5.36% HighJPM Russia B (acc) - USD -6.85% -0.09% 12.58% 32.81% 46.41% -9.56% -2.06% 6.31% HighJPM Russia C (acc) - USD -6.85% 0.00% 12.57% 32.81% 46.57% -9.56% - - HighJPM Russia D (acc) - USD -7.26% -0.87% 11.10% 30.58% 43.08% -10.79% -3.59% 4.20% HighJPM Russia I (acc) - USD -6.83% 0.00% 12.58% 32.91% 46.52% -9.51% - - High

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 2.24% 3.06% 2.32% 4.82% 8.38% 7.98% 8.25% 7.92% MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 2.17% 3.00% 2.26% 4.57% 7.98% 7.34% 7.52% 7.07% MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD 2.22% 2.99% 2.18% 4.63% - - - - MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 2.32% 3.21% 2.54% 5.13% 8.77% 8.38% 8.73% 8.39% MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 2.30% 3.33% 2.66% 5.24% 8.97% 8.58% 8.95% 8.63% MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 2.12% 2.92% 2.06% 4.47% 8.08% 7.64% 7.95% 7.57% MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2.38% 3.21% - - - - - - MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond I (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 2.45% 3.57% 3.01% 5.75% 9.57% 9.20% 9.63% 9.35% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD -0.49% 4.97% 13.82% 25.06% 17.00% -3.16% -6.96% -2.74% MediumJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR -2.34% -2.66% 7.34% 5.98% 15.14% -0.39% -8.15% -4.77% MediumJPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD -0.50% 5.04% 13.87% 25.09% 17.05% -3.14% -6.95% -2.74% MediumJPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD -0.35% 5.38% 14.36% 25.82% 17.94% -2.51% -6.47% -2.20% MediumJPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD -0.32% 5.52% 14.62% 26.20% 18.22% -2.31% -6.29% -1.93% MediumJPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD -0.77% 4.52% 13.01% 23.83% 15.69% -4.03% -7.67% -3.59% MediumJPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR -2.69% -3.21% 6.47% 5.03% 13.88% -1.35% -8.82% -5.52% MediumJPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - MediumJPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR -2.32% -2.50% 7.89% 6.71% 16.20% 0.39% -12.09% - MediumJPM US Dynamic T (acc) - EUR -2.74% - - - - - - - MediumJPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD -0.08% 5.96% 15.34% 27.27% 19.41% -1.50% -5.62% -1.15% Medium

JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund (1)JPM US Growth A (acc) - USD 1.24% 6.23% 17.42% 30.81% 23.47% 0.30% -2.38% 1.62% MediumJPM US Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.56% 6.57% 17.82% 30.53% 22.56% -1.00% -8.89% - MediumJPM US Growth A (dist) - USD 1.23% 6.14% 17.32% 30.62% 23.49% 0.26% -2.41% 1.61% MediumJPM US Growth A (dist) - GBP 1.37% 3.33% 15.46% 22.36% 25.64% 8.44% 3.29% 4.91% MediumJPM US Growth B (acc) - USD 1.39% 6.56% 17.96% 31.64% 24.55% 1.06% -1.69% 2.42% MediumJPM US Growth C (acc) - USD 1.53% 6.74% 18.30% 32.20% 25.00% 1.39% -1.39% 2.80% MediumJPM US Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.75% 7.02% 18.62% 31.91% 62.32% 17.40% - - MediumJPM US Growth C (dist) - GBP 1.77% - - - - - - - MediumJPM US Growth D (acc) - USD 1.16% 5.90% 16.86% 29.79% 22.45% -0.43% -3.03% 0.82% MediumJPM US Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1.32% 6.14% 17.12% 29.40% 21.38% -1.69% -9.38% - MediumJPM US Growth X (acc) - USD 1.64% 7.08% 18.89% 33.05% 26.07% 2.12% -0.72% 3.62% MediumJPM US Growth X (dist) - USD*** - - - - - - - - Medium

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD -0.84% 7.54% 27.15% 42.69% 36.09% 10.38% 2.82% 5.92% HighJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - EUR*** - - - - - - - - HighJPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD -0.82% 7.55% 27.23% 42.77% 36.13% 10.39% 2.80% 5.90% HighJPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP -0.59% 4.66% 25.31% 33.73% 38.70% 21.01% 9.73% 9.78% HighJPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD -0.53% 8.05% 28.04% 43.88% 37.44% 11.43% - - HighJPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD -1.06% 7.13% 26.49% 41.75% 34.88% 9.41% 1.98% 4.96% HighJPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD -0.37% 8.53% 28.83% 45.22% 39.19% 12.77% - - High

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD -0.79% 10.26% 22.56% 47.40% 40.44% 12.11% 4.84% 7.87% HighJPM US Technology A (acc) - EUR -2.78% 2.05% 15.44% 24.84% - - - - HighJF US Technology A (dist) - USD -0.90% 10.00% 22.22% 47.65% 40.16% 11.93% 4.73% 7.85% HighJPM US Technology A (dist) - USD -0.78% 10.29% 22.54% 47.48% 40.38% 12.13% 4.82% 7.88% HighJPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP -0.51% 7.18% 20.50% 37.32% 42.92% 22.60% -6.53% 11.94% HighJPM US Technology B (acc) - USD** -0.64% - - - - - - - HighJPM US Technology C (acc) - USD -0.59% 10.79% 23.51% 48.95% 42.12% 13.37% - - HighJPM US Technology D (acc) - USD -0.99% 9.84% 21.82% 45.65% 38.94% 10.75% 3.71% 6.45% HighJPM US Technology D (acc) - EUR -3.05% 1.54% 14.50% 23.53% - - - - HighJPM US Technology I (acc) - USD* - - - - - - - - HighJPM US Technology X (acc) - USD -0.42% 11.20% 24.15% 49.87% 43.46% 14.43% - - High

(1) This Sub-Fund was renamed from US Strategic Growth Fund on 11 April 2011.


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Performance (continued) 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Volatility

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD -0.17% 5.16% 14.77% 24.97% 22.72% 1.47% -3.19% 0.92% MediumJPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.00% 5.32% 15.00% 24.65% 22.02% 0.09% -9.47% - MediumJPM US Value A (dist) - USD -0.14% 5.28% 14.86% 24.96% 22.70% 1.43% -3.23% 0.90% MediumJF US Value A (dist) - USD -0.08% 5.30% 14.84% 24.93% 22.68% 1.44% -3.23% 0.91% MediumJPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 0.15% 2.40% 13.11% 16.99% 25.06% 9.95% 2.27% 4.09% MediumJPM US Value B (acc) - USD 0.07% 5.60% 15.53% 25.96% 23.90% 2.29% -2.53% 1.72% MediumJPM US Value C (acc) - USD 0.14% 5.84% 15.77% 26.36% 24.36% 2.60% -2.24% 2.09% MediumJPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 0.19% 5.85% 15.97% 25.89% 23.33% - - - MediumJPM US Value D (acc) - USD -0.29% 4.84% 14.17% 24.08% 21.66% 0.71% -3.83% 0.16% MediumJPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) -0.14% 5.03% 14.45% 23.70% 21.03% -0.62% -9.92% - MediumJPM US Value I (acc) - USD*** - - - - - - - - MediumJPM US Value X (acc) - USD 0.37% 6.19% 16.41% 27.23% 25.36% 3.39% -1.59% 2.87% Medium

* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.** Share Class reactivated during the year.*** No data is applicable for these Share Classes as they were launched or reactivated less than 3 months before the year end.


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4. Interest Rate Received/(Charged) on Bank Accounts

Basis for Bank Interest RatesThe rates are based on the JPMorgan Chase Treasury rates and consequently may change on a daily basis. The bank interest amount is posted to each of theFund’s bank accounts on a monthly basis on the first business day of the subsequent month based on the bank balances from the prior month.

5. Sub-Fund Share Classes Subject to Taxe d’abonnement Rate of 0.01%

The following Sub-Fund Share Classes are subject to an asset based tax of 0.01% per annum:

Share Class Name

JF China I (acc) - USD JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR

JF China X (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged)

JF Greater China I (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR

JF India X (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR

JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged)

JF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR

JF Singapore I (acc) - USD JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (dist) - GBP (hedged)

JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - EUR (hedged)

JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD

JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR

JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR

JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR

JPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR

JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR JPM Global Focus I (acc) - EUR (hedged)

JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR JPM Global Focus I (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR

JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR JPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR

JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - EUR JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR

JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt I (acc) - EUR JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR JPM Russia I (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD JPM US Aggregate Bond I (acc) - USD

JPM Emerging Middle East Equity I (acc) - USD JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD

JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR

JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD

JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR JPM US Growth X (acc) - USD

JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR JPM US Growth X (dist) - USD

JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD

JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD

JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR JPM US Value I (acc) - USD

JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR JPM US Value X (acc) - USD

JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR


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6. Portfolio Turnover Ratio

The Portfolio Turnover Ratio is an indicator of the relevance of the additional costs incurred by a fund when buying and selling investments according to its investment policy.The Portfolio Turnover Ratio is calculated in accordance with the guidelines dated 16 May 2008 issued by the Swiss Fund Association as outlined below:

(Total securities’ purchases and sales - total subscriptions and redemptions of Sub-Fund shares)

Average net Sub-Fund assets in Sub-Fund currency

The Portfolio Turnover Ratio is expressed as a percentage and in the case the outcome of the calculation is negative, a zero value has been published.

Sub-Fund Portfolio Turnover Ratio (%) Sub-Fund Portfolio Turnover Ratio (%)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity Fund 12.01 JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD) 101.76

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - JF China Fund 31.49

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fund 96.63 JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China Fund 102.72

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund 141.96 JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong Fund 17.31

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - JF India Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity Fund 142.89

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap Fund 160.12

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity Fund 137.76 JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity Fund 116.59

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity Fund 131.76 JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced Fund 182.30

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Fund 879.16 JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology Fund 53.39

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap Fund 829.49 JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore Fund 24.68

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity Fund 172.06 JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan Fund 125.70

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap Fund 291.47 JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity Fund 80.23

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology Fund 315.09 JPMorgan Funds - Russia Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity Fund 0.00 JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends Fund 77.06 JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic Fund 731.26

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR) 58.53 JPMorgan Funds - US Growth Fund 3.12

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic Fund 194.99 JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth Fund 21.31

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD) 180.79 JPMorgan Funds - US Technology Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus Fund 46.99 JPMorgan Funds - US Value Fund 0.00

JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond Fund 134.42


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 1,764,798.609 2,062,800.796 1,962,061.613 1,865,537.792JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 96,048.318 748,098.694 550,374.545 293,772.467JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 3,348,743.512 538,770.757 672,760.573 3,214,753.696JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 483,247.076 294,678.797 204,343.603 573,582.270JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 218,090.640 472,116.019 472,329.286 217,877.373JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 8,281,473.908 2,230,853.596 3,787,629.230 6,724,698.274JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 469,357.959 4,149,684.884 3,690,780.285 928,262.558JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 1,453,001.188 2,414,873.763 1,847,698.607 2,020,176.344JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 13,141.918 384,341.153 58,900.248 338,582.823JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 358,720.308 555,024.679 185,105.079 728,639.908JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 324,923.944 - 21,338.917 303,585.027

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 4,742,410.065 8,152,121.320 5,698,315.939 7,196,215.446JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 10,545,081.550 4,793,219.996 5,007,400.646 10,330,900.900JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 5,002,403.860 5,783,763.226 5,092,166.457 5,694,000.629JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 795,800.925 6,669,132.768 5,376,850.949 2,088,082.744JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 671,636.419 4,863,179.895 3,821,444.660 1,713,371.654JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 1,963,239.450 1,606,864.414 1,480,644.127 2,089,459.737JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR - 5,470,482.958 3,673,755.079 1,796,727.879JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 2,569,000.000 131,176.744 79,380.003 2,620,796.741

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD 2,171,946.829 3,256,933.991 1,198,831.705 4,230,049.115JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR 38,754.997 210,004.291 37,971.605 210,787.683JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 7,911,890.135 4,260,349.308 4,322,568.870 7,849,670.573JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 1,005,682.116 1,089,346.070 1,340,088.804 754,939.382JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 910,418.427 2,234,672.006 1,331,605.503 1,813,484.930JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 1,814,338.955 853,294.835 742,170.522 1,925,463.268JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD* 494,012.339 1,211,203.633 1,705,215.972 -JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD - 5,000,000.000 - 5,000,000.000

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fund (1)JPM Emerging Markets Bond A (acc) - USD - 481,730.181 250,416.457 231,313.724JPM Emerging Markets Bond B (acc) - USD - 34,984.331 15,985.379 18,998.952JPM Emerging Markets Bond C (acc) - USD - 214,981.993 150,070.827 64,911.166JPM Emerging Markets Bond D (acc) - USD - 39,934.783 12,447.426 27,487.357JPM Emerging Markets Bond I (acc) - USD - 285,700.000 - 285,700.000JPM Emerging Markets Bond X (acc) - USD - 70.000 - 70.000

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 4,988,714.880 10,903,200.374 14,463,386.934 1,428,528.320JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - USD (hedged) - 153,262.886 12,862.983 140,399.903JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 7,333,747.288 4,735,806.184 5,568,005.384 6,501,548.088JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR 101,573.645 999,844.415 427,769.128 673,648.932JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - USD (hedged) - 624,307.533 80,585.416 543,722.117JPM Emerging Markets Debt B (acc) - EUR - 740,470.611 40,687.236 699,783.375JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 2,607,132.369 5,542,338.568 4,455,816.230 3,693,654.707JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 1,974,291.499 2,106,878.187 1,468,875.053 2,612,294.633JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 856,072.874 88.908 - 856,161.782

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 20,530,509.051 13,945,521.082 14,354,657.346 20,121,372.787JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 21,263,298.672 48,974,704.116 21,777,788.164 48,460,214.624JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - SGD - 1,999.843 - 1,999.843JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 80,445,506.369 42,580,014.960 39,433,493.344 83,592,027.985JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 526,672.325 1,373,797.788 205,289.598 1,695,180.515JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 3,582,653.275 2,361,552.981 3,784,231.199 2,159,975.057JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 38,618,365.170 44,141,117.652 28,006,996.959 54,752,485.863JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 3,218,848.127 2,072,056.839 1,414,463.787 3,876,441.179JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 901,900.347 2,670,259.712 1,176,688.058 2,395,472.001JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 26,927,537.033 3,536,422.925 21,969,301.166 8,494,658.792JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR 668,537.860 1,274,440.632 - 1,942,978.492JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 1,864,775.381 1,282,387.374 877,100.000 2,270,062.755JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 37,106,625.151 10,937,195.665 5,895,435.309 42,148,385.507JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD 369,638.934 1,168,908.489 555,547.000 983,000.423JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 39,499,161.394 6,249,296.528 662,832.271 45,085,625.651

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 49,278.644 8,186,262.973 2,710,153.731 5,525,387.886JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 27,359.460 11,466,413.716 4,032,194.366 7,461,578.810JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (mth) - USD - 6,791,298.549 1,793,974.285 4,997,324.264JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD - 876,090.435 382,517.344 493,573.091JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt C (acc) - USD - 744,031.123 - 744,031.123JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 150.000 2,896.512 896.512 2,150.000JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 76,627.326 3,424,989.447 467,937.391 3,033,679.382JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (inc) - EUR - 68,724.767 28,645.142 40,079.625JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD 6,930,440.333 7,408,163.310 - 14,338,603.643JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR* 1,310,000.000 - 1,310,000.000 -

(1) This Sub-Fund was launched on 30 October 2009.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity FundJPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 1,939,680.755 3,107,002.929 2,882,195.864 2,164,487.820JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR 15,360.183 280,872.804 148,020.000 148,212.987JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 12,476,541.159 4,320,917.492 6,530,976.807 10,266,481.844JPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 327,244.962 303,397.696 382,109.187 248,533.471JPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD 2,293,502.581 5,629,624.400 4,311,887.229 3,611,239.752JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 2,362,143.516 604,609.157 1,027,132.924 1,939,619.749

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 5,493,127.764 1,097,070.217 3,423,637.075 3,166,560.906JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 7,039,242.499 14,012,189.007 7,516,597.769 13,534,833.737JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 7,578,961.357 1,579,362.675 2,530,052.384 6,628,271.648JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR 79,098.478 160.210 65,754.537 13,504.151JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR 731,048.996 372,073.608 167,454.275 935,668.329JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 9,858,777.530 1,606,471.959 4,508,608.649 6,956,640.840JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 5,936,313.288 1,140,684.753 2,543,394.317 4,533,603.724JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR 53,145.999 - - 53,145.999JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 392,069.000 764,127.000 408,770.000 747,426.000

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 237,064.667 849,496.440 906,899.806 179,661.301JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 130,607.019 261,604.197 129,202.702 263,008.514JPM Euroland Select Equity C (acc) - EUR - 491,720.349 490,314.788 1,405.561JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 202,178.165 52,757.010 47,886.185 207,048.990JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 729,794.000 2,306,083.818 2,484,006.000 551,871.818

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 6,381,691.173 6,487,638.645 8,102,629.415 4,766,700.403JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 10,403,551.244 2,004,722.824 5,593,336.840 6,814,937.228JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 55,664.533 2,481.351 17,763.514 40,382.370JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 515,105.518 222,666.655 387,723.766 350,048.407JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 358,282.132 342,767.773 303,931.492 397,118.413JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 5,519,079.902 3,803,115.886 2,647,922.444 6,674,273.344JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 6,397.936 3,022.732 4,854.553 4,566.115JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 1,495,086.417 713,379.238 720,276.427 1,488,189.228JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 1,300,000.000 - - 1,300,000.000JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR* 111,591.534 70,193.436 181,784.970 -

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 953.088 40,449.736 41,048.968 353.856JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 26,698,106.325 2,729,913.031 22,336,982.748 7,091,036.608JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 3,502,330.773 955,549.128 1,421,852.221 3,036,027.680JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 2,322.768 172.618 - 2,495.386JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 1,407,589.235 22,789.063 1,397,417.517 32,960.781JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 5,847,894.484 397,499.883 5,066,614.952 1,178,779.415JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 353.857 - - 353.857JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 1,035,056.819 178,823.195 357,601.401 856,278.613JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR* 284,580.592 - 284,580.592 -JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 2,737,640.598 218,129.201 1,822,731.567 1,133,038.232

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 5,333,304.441 124,461.797 1,215,726.565 4,242,039.673JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 14,424,920.445 7,174,574.654 15,755,675.643 5,843,819.456JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 9,520,752.356 626,898.238 2,830,684.180 7,316,966.414JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 943,126.654 161,362.490 202,783.497 901,705.647JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 328,959.509 469,550.213 104,145.038 694,364.684JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 9,983,910.291 491,924.488 3,231,117.394 7,244,717.385JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 55,536.603 5,743.215 2,358.480 58,921.338JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 3,925,373.578 1,391,805.675 1,424,827.363 3,892,351.890JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 1,111,232.186 415,910.340 139,157.598 1,387,984.928

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 1,303,635.709 1,798,646.200 1,543,804.184 1,558,477.725JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 7,620,670.669 1,360,217.710 3,525,195.957 5,455,692.422JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 2,313,209.386 596,405.403 820,219.858 2,089,394.931JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 57,495.523 19,264.713 22,205.138 54,555.098JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 136,534.841 351,212.325 286,641.292 201,105.874JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 582,375.639 399,735.490 569,446.109 412,665.020JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 1,851,211.887 682,967.407 854,710.924 1,679,468.370JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR* 47,838.490 - 47,838.490 -

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 468,291.275 1,202,272.722 840,032.563 830,531.434JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 8,898,147.503 1,864,415.553 2,430,903.465 8,331,659.591JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 1,504,120.174 986,201.464 690,043.432 1,800,278.206JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 32,111.000 122,364.232 13,696.747 140,778.485JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR 163,791.964 635,183.552 697,012.082 101,963.434JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 1,854,823.017 1,168,803.060 1,348,239.542 1,675,386.535JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR 8,549.213 16,779.506 5,787.735 19,540.984


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 5,241,077.045 6,146,407.235 5,177,905.379 6,209,578.901JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 23,386,342.523 7,011,430.588 20,752,426.374 9,645,346.737JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 771,416.184 127,048.191 227,903.416 670,560.959JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 19,971.118 814,249.947 72,671.749 761,549.316JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 1,457,327.962 8,430,083.630 6,248,053.942 3,639,357.650JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 24,724,236.270 18,395,389.957 13,574,081.423 29,545,544.804JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 5,563,254.131 9,694,222.220 13,636,886.095 1,620,590.256JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 2,848,958.406 329,448.000 2,883,014.000 295,392.406

JPMorgan Funds - Global Consumer Trends FundJPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - USD - 91,704.328 285.780 91,418.548JPM Global Consumer Trends A (acc) - EUR 315,206.124 3,700,357.362 1,977,056.632 2,038,506.854JPM Global Consumer Trends C (acc) - EUR 117,828.049 1,679,032.495 308,180.336 1,488,680.208JPM Global Consumer Trends D (acc) - EUR 207,770.560 240,095.751 201,734.361 246,131.950

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 36,993,414.108 52,234,737.696 61,111,927.439 28,116,224.365JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) 231,410.052 2,120,685.142 189,041.496 2,163,053.698JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 68,293,642.713 49,773,415.293 55,702,708.958 62,364,349.048JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) 2,835,618.401 1,527,567.999 2,616,648.850 1,746,537.550JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 1,449,965.436 7,547,903.908 6,978,351.151 2,019,518.193JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 3,352,272.678 5,585,546.411 5,454,314.033 3,483,505.056JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) 766,843.906 604,691.777 683,051.644 688,484.039JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 43,961,519.570 70,452,374.058 53,286,521.756 61,127,371.872JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) 289,366.282 56,840.000 7,000.000 339,206.282JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) 2,688,586.611 9,497,364.963 1,978,715.936 10,207,235.638JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 16,965,275.124 32,304,117.218 34,529,667.142 14,739,725.200JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 5,182,163.880 101,432,437.924 39,704,371.506 66,910,230.298JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 1,019,625.506 - 1,019,625.506JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 250,000.000 90.196 - 250,090.196JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 13,604,012.371 4,492,190.019 9,302,875.499 8,793,326.891JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 1,788,476.035 - 1,788,476.035

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 9,467,802.450 2,209,486.684 4,405,337.387 7,271,951.747JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1,165,201.741 766,263.226 837,091.890 1,094,373.077JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 22,951.761 4,324,470.295 1,055,095.483 3,292,326.573JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - SGD - 498.563 - 498.563JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 35,586,125.800 5,648,886.834 6,793,952.019 34,441,060.615JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 620,086.286 202,489.984 165,552.734 657,023.536JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 782,147.531 125,144.127 277,041.801 630,249.857JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 1,263,001.890 285,530.778 573,741.735 974,790.933JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 1,890,962.103 187,175.143 856,811.404 1,221,325.842JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 14,885,172.811 5,167,889.009 4,551,089.776 15,501,972.044JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 10,554,107.328 1,189,273.914 6,907,320.113 4,836,061.129JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,832,355.622 775,284.065 1,498,524.416 1,109,115.271JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 5,744,183.649 285,269.639 1,477,102.215 4,552,351.073JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 240,485.074 139,936.832 134,123.877 246,298.029JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 228,388.507 78,285.654 80,124.131 226,550.030JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 1,561,611.376 104,727.163 1,514,299.644 152,038.895JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 4,089,748.035 179,827.702 - 4,269,575.737JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 11,809,231.771 3,641,100.984 9,301,300.700 6,149,032.055JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 26,377,982.213 - - 26,377,982.213

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 502,970.752 373,986.254 429,125.844 447,831.162JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 172,529.757 66,889.529 19,781.760 219,637.526JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 407,961.263 64,809.738 86,004.316 386,766.685JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 937,707.692 538,155.014 364,531.046 1,111,331.660JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) 3,387,718.620 276,685.053 471,677.214 3,192,726.459JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 7,567,085.145 - - 7,567,085.145JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 5,822,804.407 101,679.378 86,776.655 5,837,707.130JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 93,307.445 65,323.656 53,378.951 105,252.150JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 238,848.062 100,027.870 104,143.706 234,732.226JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 2,957.934 - 1,768.243 1,189.691JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR 5,217,065.411 271,318.736 19,658.253 5,468,725.894

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 10,848,409.588 22,280,955.013 4,675,417.080 28,453,947.521JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2,494,653.445 14,183,525.924 15,043,661.087 1,634,518.282JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 2,973,729.190 12,441,356.972 3,100,436.312 12,314,649.850JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 565,617.131 1,609,904.344 333,443.235 1,842,078.240JPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR 140,985.074 1,812,275.607 558,698.237 1,394,562.444JPM Global Focus C (acc) - USD - 1,799,015.290 - 1,799,015.290JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 9,463,133.999 19,713,244.603 11,639,627.432 17,536,751.170JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 651,968.037 2,516,850.669 2,679,440.276 489,378.430JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 2,501,572.778 3,959,793.090 1,292,260.120 5,169,105.748JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 481,183.558 2,588,557.614 1,371,753.259 1,697,987.913JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 2,457,095.336 871,080.659 2,392,072.405 936,103.590


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Global Government Bond FundJPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - EUR 2,609,467.400 3,774,687.250 2,868,478.352 3,515,676.298JPM Global Government Bond A (acc) - USD (hedged) 79,176.563 233,596.238 67,508.362 245,264.439JPM Global Government Bond B (acc) - EUR - 50,470.573 695.631 49,774.942JPM Global Government Bond C (acc) - EUR 3,773,914.052 21,590,186.705 3,839,003.651 21,525,097.106JPM Global Government Bond D (acc) - EUR 157,418.400 336,580.759 223,371.781 270,627.378JPM Global Government Bond X (acc) - EUR 593,100.000 232,838.030 49,412.000 776,526.030

JPMorgan Funds - Global Life Sciences Fund (2)JPM Global Life Sciences A (acc) - USD* 68,221.148 1,408.723 69,629.871 -JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD* 1,971,624.254 1,314.110 1,972,938.364 -JF Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD* 1,475,121.780 - 1,475,121.780 -JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - GBP* 14,388.690 312.921 14,701.611 -JPM Global Life Sciences C (acc) - USD* 45,140.812 - 45,140.812 -JPM Global Life Sciences D (acc) - USD* 534,861.298 - 534,861.298 -

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 11,683,682.499 41,464,469.805 26,697,013.260 26,451,139.044JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 30,263,079.268 31,472,278.131 23,920,967.729 37,814,389.670JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - SGD - 16,104.229 - 16,104.229JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 19,136,358.154 25,820,424.315 21,668,887.756 23,287,894.713JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 1,543,964.585 5,014,826.019 4,932,517.267 1,626,273.337JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 4,583,433.934 12,446,807.980 11,478,865.857 5,551,376.057JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 3,283,166.605 11,110,766.457 8,382,814.608 6,011,118.454JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 498,485.559 1,114,529.587 476,308.376 1,136,706.770JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 13,857,865.078 11,723,045.399 10,889,844.803 14,691,065.674JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 6,765,126.759 4,526,357.250 6,201,766.415 5,089,717.594

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 361,675.816 2,928,325.088 708,247.788 2,581,753.116JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 269,087.533 78,741.277 85,239.900 262,588.910JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) 13,653.554 1,434.129 12,552.908 2,534.775JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD* 36,435.502 - 36,435.502 -JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 80,247.892 882,395.003 350,148.344 612,494.551JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 212,315.309 320,403.441 210,272.263 322,446.487JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 1,383,126.613 - 933,285.378 449,841.235JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - EUR (hedged)* 200,212.382 53,283.000 253,495.382 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 16,252,469.501 14,275,774.756 18,106,599.822 12,421,644.435JF China A (acc) - SGD - 498.563 - 498.563JF China A (dist) - USD 50,279,766.508 45,081,840.571 39,936,246.978 55,425,360.101JF China B (acc) - USD 2,765,529.912 623,714.616 2,317,232.626 1,072,011.902JF China C (acc) - USD 2,484,053.574 5,157,691.901 3,954,354.034 3,687,391.441JF China D (acc) - USD 13,527,676.199 6,139,941.506 8,525,167.786 11,142,449.919JF China I (acc) - USD 36,252,248.933 4,239,040.315 16,784,105.361 23,707,183.887JF China X (acc) - USD* - 92,365.908 92,365.908 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 9,742,760.492 6,164,238.237 3,870,736.312 12,036,262.417JF Greater China A (acc) - SGD - 498.563 - 498.563JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 12,138,773.232 9,225,100.884 8,481,251.579 12,882,622.537JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 333,596.867 206,145.279 287,647.012 252,095.134JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 3,007,450.070 734,875.016 650,309.552 3,092,015.534JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 3,675,963.617 1,582,837.548 1,748,359.993 3,510,441.172JF Greater China X (acc) - USD* 115,000.001 - 115,000.001 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 370,203.748 360,147.484 362,776.692 367,574.540JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 4,558,228.241 406,755.412 1,772,016.649 3,192,967.004JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 5,013.367 2,654.699 3,752.415 3,915.651JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 314,254.824 540,673.965 314,399.307 540,529.482JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 930,470.904 300,335.113 522,792.496 708,013.521

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 24,412,269.597 13,525,539.399 10,637,174.361 27,300,634.635JF India A (acc) - SGD - 1,998.573 1,500.010 498.563JF India A (dist) - USD 18,347,857.624 4,363,665.833 5,945,588.959 16,765,934.498JF India B (acc) - USD 528,881.574 605,307.250 511,369.831 622,818.993JF India C (acc) - USD 3,087,505.561 3,030,249.278 2,311,082.140 3,806,672.699JF India D (acc) - USD 14,295,029.877 3,762,312.940 4,541,601.964 13,515,740.853JF India X (acc) - USD 443,814.000 217,074.392 250,835.646 410,052.746

(2) This Sub-Fund was merged into Global Healthcare Fund on 16 October 2009.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 6,208,182.487 5,366,895.786 5,961,128.785 5,613,949.488JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 314,269.950 256,672.326 490,036.694 80,905.582JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 923,792.909 7,401,445.478 7,465,888.207 859,350.180JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 13,949,428.695 2,031,858.654 6,552,210.769 9,429,076.580JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 99,632.465 540,933.397 71,647.524 568,918.338JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 664,245.362 32,447.498 83,591.249 613,101.611JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 2,296,974.095 9,216,084.948 11,096,487.456 416,571.587JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 5,362,892.985 918,272.472 1,820,981.620 4,460,183.837JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 67,523.876 61,569.326 29,611.037 99,482.165JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 1,552,474.469 441,987.296 494,312.340 1,500,149.425JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 115,358.546 940.000 90,155.426 26,143.120

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 531,418.701 1,232,116.849 1,249,876.174 513,659.376JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 5,591,927.213 1,619,922.609 3,155,861.831 4,055,987.991JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 116,153.212 800,443.207 892,077.109 24,519.310JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD* 1,599,335.577 262,356.650 1,861,692.227 -JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 946,852.254 649,382.862 579,085.926 1,017,149.190JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD* 540,101.451 - 540,101.451 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Korea Equity FundJF Korea Equity A (acc) - USD 1,100,501.652 1,365,386.449 535,028.953 1,930,859.148JF Korea Equity A (acc) - EUR 227,596.632 214,286.924 326,775.373 115,108.183JF Korea Equity A (dist) - USD 216,419.880 176,278.518 202,548.139 190,150.259JF Korea Equity B (acc) - USD - 450,000.000 - 450,000.000JF Korea Equity C (acc) - USD - 664,664.149 340,376.661 324,287.488JF Korea Equity D (acc) - USD 248,029.773 479,728.017 344,999.308 382,758.482JF Korea Equity X (acc) - USD - 497,702.000 - 497,702.000

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 2,010,497.176 2,438,590.171 4,146,002.737 303,084.610JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 3,619,487.255 556,982.021 991,926.352 3,184,542.924JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 553,413.000 463,145.935 511,258.935 505,300.000JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 1,340,857.448 379,123.756 487,094.210 1,232,886.994

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 320,170.878 1,182,689.209 834,888.201 667,971.886JF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR 48,190.927 82,436.255 109,681.057 20,946.125JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 1,229,092.174 796,245.642 494,997.127 1,530,340.689JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 10,483.497 15,945.602 2,814.935 23,614.164JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 1,274,185.468 1,003,819.884 1,482,790.368 795,214.984JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD 14,638.210 2,719,000.000 69,000.000 2,664,638.210JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 324,972.876 715,193.704 523,629.403 516,537.177

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 1,098,674.687 1,291,109.671 1,521,135.416 868,648.942JF Singapore A (acc) - SGD - 125,815.815 - 125,815.815JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 4,742,791.519 1,248,796.474 2,562,737.344 3,428,850.649JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 407,437.593 21,026.140 172,951.101 255,512.632JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 9,578.446 83,646.501 67,116.814 26,108.133JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 1,634,860.821 322,983.664 657,089.330 1,300,755.155JF Singapore I (acc) - USD 2,745,952.258 4,557,374.924 6,670,824.595 632,502.587

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 6,499,323.028 2,502,436.054 3,746,073.131 5,255,685.951JF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR 6,925.925 10,171.984 6,930.925 10,166.984JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 24,494,876.806 11,796,214.849 16,529,903.251 19,761,188.404JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD 316,860.837 214,222.231 491,494.704 39,588.364JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 1,477,435.958 360,906.094 1,684,068.424 154,273.628JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 1,410,632.755 2,584,087.575 2,903,528.046 1,091,192.284JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 3,971,271.202 4,139,809.995 3,293,532.287 4,817,548.910

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 6,197,136.686 4,941,230.507 3,098,418.497 8,039,948.696JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 6,060,837.343 2,221,217.440 2,673,801.293 5,608,253.490JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 7,682,762.698 7,956,777.929 7,406,480.026 8,233,060.601JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 1,636,889.022 2,583,598.476 1,474,802.842 2,745,684.656JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 898,210.529 3,481,626.326 2,209,250.464 2,170,586.391JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 4,771,699.992 2,273,304.780 2,591,848.658 4,453,156.114JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 7,691,209.506 2,150,822.065 4,764,576.465 5,077,455.106JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 2,507,623.295 59,410.950 205,000.000 2,362,034.245

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 31,273,282.112 57,692,152.083 45,718,987.430 43,246,446.765JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 11,756,906.046 56,397,333.864 45,485,918.085 22,668,321.825JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 3,209,588.712 3,388,294.807 3,859,756.220 2,738,127.299JPM Russia C (acc) - USD 241,613.316 22,801,845.825 4,425,860.086 18,617,599.055JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 11,700,468.778 11,977,195.206 10,043,546.025 13,634,117.959JPM Russia I (acc) - USD 70,530,513.329 137,358,480.408 54,401,394.085 153,487,599.652


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

7. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares for the year ended 30 June 2010 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 16,389,330.805 27,730,634.209 17,212,858.998 26,907,106.016JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 11,721,580.688 26,943,801.328 20,716,650.658 17,948,731.358JPM US Aggregate Bond A (mth) - USD - 647,565.122 77,471.454 570,093.668JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 7,392,145.894 7,964,210.416 4,589,853.147 10,766,503.163JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 4,778,544.990 11,952,485.819 7,007,824.915 9,723,205.894JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 1,374,239.516 2,138,368.291 2,154,706.597 1,357,901.210JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 9,065,284.528 1,961,948.019 6,569,851.016 4,457,381.531

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 18,325,058.711 4,314,423.483 12,955,340.451 9,684,141.743JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 8,019,990.828 556,061.938 6,222,464.701 2,353,588.065JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 24,723,070.956 25,092,760.859 16,914,849.241 32,900,982.574JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 831,177.238 1,139,959.270 1,617,438.496 353,698.012JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 13,234,506.761 4,617,980.845 8,467,910.183 9,384,577.423JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 2,520,927.694 283,430.527 1,205,392.508 1,598,965.713JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 34,196.197 6,132.274 2,514.828 37,813.643JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD* 6,337,345.358 - 6,337,345.358 -JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 19,995,929.691 300,818.980 1,988,071.571 18,308,677.100JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 1,979,440.807 5,183,262.816 6,040,544.071 1,122,159.552

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 59,628.631 1,545,062.927 240,910.378 1,363,781.180JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 363,242.105 106,662.840 169,943.535 299,961.410JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 150.903 20,091.314 82.144 20,160.073JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD 77,159.748 64,993.894 186.579 141,967.063JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 930,383.432 378,898.655 204,491.111 1,104,790.976JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD 11,593.549 - - 11,593.549

JPMorgan Funds - US Strategic Growth FundJPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - USD 1,292,640.413 1,694,872.887 2,104,243.718 883,269.582JPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 405,682.795 1,048,328.749 526,124.240 927,887.304JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - USD 7,404,640.085 4,829,684.677 5,402,305.701 6,832,019.061JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - GBP 11,281.642 17,583.382 3,960.023 24,905.001JPM US Strategic Growth B (acc) - USD 149,161.198 129,444.690 73,726.055 204,879.833JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - USD 3,987,308.100 2,092,401.861 5,393,542.650 686,167.311JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 28,022.735 12,707.605 28,064.920 12,665.420JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - USD 311,924.077 297,696.562 169,881.332 439,739.307JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 34,846.280 76,539.594 37,213.727 74,172.147JPM US Strategic Growth X (acc) - USD 1,713,161.916 41,609.091 1,720,546.573 34,224.434

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 315,112.227 729,748.953 534,958.603 509,902.577JPM US Technology A (acc) - EUR - 10,135.017 - 10,135.017JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 5,345,409.457 3,483,367.873 2,929,330.386 5,899,446.944JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 4,693,464.892 6,711,212.724 6,581,298.571 4,823,379.045JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 82,391.873 364,049.763 139,510.385 306,931.251JPM US Technology B (acc) - USD* 3,078.643 - 3,078.643 -JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD 24,583.054 109,020.210 13,361.939 120,241.325JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 3,059,752.813 3,627,157.662 1,807,253.844 4,879,656.631JPM US Technology D (acc) - EUR - 192,447.181 172,967.275 19,479.906JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD 16,365.548 4,428.177 - 20,793.725

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 14,275,126.931 1,821,255.430 12,556,315.023 3,540,067.338JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2,635,634.237 3,854,887.777 5,708,607.649 781,914.365JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 21,814,304.813 19,779,311.289 23,679,748.658 17,913,867.444JF US Value A (dist) - USD 257,437.340 541,479.235 254,517.704 544,398.871JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 34,454.848 8,593.206 24,741.096 18,306.958JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 257,807.980 410,745.854 385,959.928 282,593.906JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 14,379,611.254 10,469,493.213 9,189,702.944 15,659,401.523JPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 137,213.686 1,317,184.854 1,454,334.139 64.401JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 2,733,682.822 615,019.704 900,160.994 2,448,541.532JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 490,087.972 495,884.087 363,825.801 622,146.258JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 11,837,646.830 1,353,481.128 3,033,311.626 10,157,816.332

* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJF America Equity A (dist) - USD 429,075.063 272,901.258 218,729.245 483,247.076JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 153,697.288 370,674.213 428,323.183 96,048.318JPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 1,706,364.440 798,588.299 740,154.130 1,764,798.609JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 4,149,055.870 633,457.866 1,433,770.224 3,348,743.512JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 319,096.502 376,052.975 477,058.837 218,090.640JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 771,006.987 3,110,632.255 3,412,281.283 469,357.959JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 10,661,899.040 5,310,831.653 7,691,256.785 8,281,473.908JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 8,611.013 75,286.972 70,756.067 13,141.918JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 427,125.930 1,269,960.973 1,338,366.595 358,720.308JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 1,718,514.294 1,174,854.074 1,440,367.180 1,453,001.188JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 911,371.684 31,937.260 618,385.000 324,923.944

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 6,183,296.407 3,195,997.578 4,376,890.125 5,002,403.860JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 6,235,078.311 3,979,591.614 5,472,259.860 4,742,410.065JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 13,427,783.911 4,589,333.187 7,472,035.548 10,545,081.550JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 1,183,038.828 2,508,113.435 2,895,351.338 795,800.925JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 2,665,953.428 615,965.778 2,610,282.787 671,636.419JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 2,505,395.244 566,899.265 1,109,055.059 1,963,239.450JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR* 11,593,053.986 1,353,144.182 12,946,198.168 -JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 2,618,765.251 - 49,765.251 2,569,000.000

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - USD 5,982,557.721 1,205,317.140 5,015,928.032 2,171,946.829JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc) - EUR - 38,754.997 - 38,754.997JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 9,913,992.154 3,136,186.630 5,138,288.649 7,911,890.135JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 592,824.288 1,509,643.870 1,096,786.042 1,005,682.116JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 1,870,617.003 2,668,949.227 3,629,147.803 910,418.427JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 2,115,832.188 488,153.443 789,646.676 1,814,338.955JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD 2,226,724.514 - 1,732,712.175 494,012.339

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 2,773,565.229 5,589,136.855 3,373,987.204 4,988,714.880JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 10,297,357.901 5,675,034.589 8,638,645.202 7,333,747.288JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (mth) - EUR - 147,317.683 45,744.038 101,573.645JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 2,503,332.674 3,943,745.502 3,839,945.807 2,607,132.369JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 3,165,056.536 312,665.180 1,503,430.217 1,974,291.499JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR 2,299,667.059 847,601.127 2,291,195.312 856,072.874JPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR* 5,656.002 - 5,656.002 -

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 21,967,724.347 13,733,754.857 15,170,970.153 20,530,509.051JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 20,712,269.711 15,319,913.334 14,768,884.373 21,263,298.672JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 103,480,032.598 46,113,155.688 69,147,681.917 80,445,506.369JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 578,128.563 117,072.734 168,528.972 526,672.325JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 3,197,230.295 3,841,360.538 3,455,937.558 3,582,653.275JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 38,918,157.492 21,611,569.648 21,911,361.970 38,618,365.170JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 3,956,990.633 1,876,982.371 2,615,124.877 3,218,848.127JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 693,083.398 610,550.906 401,733.957 901,900.347JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 22,552,227.924 12,499,604.033 8,124,294.924 26,927,537.033JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - EUR - 668,537.860 - 668,537.860JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 994,933.579 1,402,510.802 532,669.000 1,864,775.381JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 33,836,703.202 10,407,204.829 7,137,282.880 37,106,625.151JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (dist) - USD - 369,638.944 0.010 369,638.934JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 12,023,394.222 29,152,826.172 1,677,059.000 39,499,161.394

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD 135,977.116 62,006.413 148,704.885 49,278.644JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR 121,134.020 179,146.525 272,921.085 27,359.460JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD* 69,254.174 32,669.870 101,924.044 -JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD 118,966.689 479.852 119,296.541 150.000JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR 120,076.900 82,385.560 125,835.134 76,627.326JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - USD - 6,930,440.333 - 6,930,440.333JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt X (acc) - EUR - 3,820,000.001 2,510,000.001 1,310,000.000

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund (1)JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 5,754,551.025 3,305,427.862 7,120,298.132 1,939,680.755JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (acc) - EUR - 15,360.183 - 15,360.183JPM Emerging Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 17,276,617.093 5,974,537.588 10,774,613.522 12,476,541.159JPM Emerging Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 486,118.011 157,555.550 316,428.599 327,244.962JPM Emerging Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD 1,029,505.230 1,885,870.827 621,873.476 2,293,502.581JPM Emerging Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 2,966,782.633 500,082.254 1,104,721.371 2,362,143.516

(1) This Sub-Fund was renamed from Middle East Equity Fund on 15 June 2009.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 12,163,931.685 2,425,049.377 9,095,853.298 5,493,127.764JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 18,367,301.302 2,153,904.694 13,481,963.497 7,039,242.499JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 10,263,314.132 1,310,567.193 3,994,919.968 7,578,961.357JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR 1,356,949.000 9,612.404 1,287,462.926 79,098.478JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR 179,917.899 815,239.153 264,108.056 731,048.996JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 15,998,331.296 7,677,843.259 13,817,397.025 9,858,777.530JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 8,842,456.439 736,333.521 3,642,476.672 5,936,313.288JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR 9,365,124.002 2,538.000 9,314,516.002 53,146.000JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR 942,911.000 890,165.000 1,441,007.000 392,069.000

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity FundJPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR 182,046.683 64,962.992 9,945.008 237,064.667JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dist) - EUR 1,639.124 129,537.563 569.668 130,607.019JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR 179,546.448 200,801.244 178,169.527 202,178.165JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR 270,460.000 545,659.000 86,325.000 729,794.000

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 5,401,511.763 7,257,999.681 6,277,820.271 6,381,691.173JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 25,900,834.981 2,945,099.405 18,442,383.142 10,403,551.244JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 96,440.481 13,204.810 53,980.758 55,664.533JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 734,102.003 161,076.880 380,073.365 515,105.518JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 902,173.491 296,838.926 840,730.285 358,282.132JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 7,207,105.315 3,767,383.274 5,455,408.687 5,519,079.902JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 28,883.551 5,421.865 27,907.480 6,397.936JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 1,866,379.979 1,126,053.674 1,497,347.236 1,495,086.417JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR - 1,300,000.010 0.010 1,300,000.000JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 2,283,181.237 136,404.167 2,307,993.870 111,591.534

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD 953.088 15,026.147 15,026.147 953.088JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 36,813,610.387 11,090,920.352 21,206,424.414 26,698,106.325JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 5,117,279.113 1,439,055.247 3,054,003.587 3,502,330.773JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 25,129.269 51.681 22,858.182 2,322.768JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 1,256,667.149 2,577,978.620 2,427,056.534 1,407,589.235JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 7,425,972.693 6,481,848.511 8,059,926.720 5,847,894.484JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD 353.857 - - 353.857JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 1,326,997.053 139,353.039 431,293.273 1,035,056.819JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR 495,773.834 - 211,193.242 284,580.592JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 1,913,453.547 3,616,076.492 2,791,889.441 2,737,640.598

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 8,443,451.237 1,221,541.427 4,331,688.223 5,333,304.441JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 21,769,956.559 10,862,509.702 18,207,545.816 14,424,920.445JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 24,685,666.465 2,197,060.467 17,361,974.576 9,520,752.356JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 1,172,172.513 133,175.560 362,221.419 943,126.654JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 749,766.975 325,207.499 746,014.965 328,959.509JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 17,888,230.577 5,425,460.636 13,329,780.922 9,983,910.291JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 92,581.988 2,347.271 39,392.656 55,536.603JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 7,086,480.752 535,172.691 3,696,279.865 3,925,373.578JPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR* 10,000,000.000 - 10,000,000.000 -JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 12,861,766.128 1,952,325.632 13,702,859.574 1,111,232.186

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 1,982,246.849 608,317.825 1,286,928.965 1,303,635.709JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 9,522,157.098 1,176,969.732 3,078,456.161 7,620,670.669JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 2,860,008.515 430,260.017 977,059.146 2,313,209.386JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 51,346.636 12,532.857 6,383.970 57,495.523JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 184,162.005 19,619.461 67,246.625 136,534.841JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 777,947.699 37,880.243 233,452.303 582,375.639JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 2,905,450.006 332,042.491 1,386,280.610 1,851,211.887JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR* 663,128.079 - 663,128.079 -JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR 73,684.818 2,004.791 27,851.119 47,838.490

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 748,083.804 1,509,368.270 1,789,160.799 468,291.275JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 11,709,308.045 3,458,664.818 6,269,825.360 8,898,147.503JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 1,738,352.163 416,242.361 650,474.350 1,504,120.174JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 40,827.935 972.970 9,689.905 32,111.000JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR 170,042.513 223,404.629 229,655.178 163,791.964JPM Europe Technology C (acc) - EUR* 1,298.453 402,192.001 403,490.454 -JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 2,161,419.355 380,706.720 687,303.058 1,854,823.017JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR 43,899.206 4,175.699 39,525.692 8,549.213

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 4,173,077.981 5,003,244.121 3,935,245.057 5,241,077.045JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 24,959,369.721 22,799,195.893 24,372,223.091 23,386,342.523JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 860,876.643 108,286.358 197,746.817 771,416.184JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR 87,838.702 466,521.202 534,388.786 19,971.118JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR 1,193,006.427 5,857,312.089 5,592,990.554 1,457,327.962JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 42,384,207.159 4,720,698.735 22,380,669.624 24,724,236.270JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR 13,154,831.916 10,162,216.194 17,753,793.979 5,563,254.131JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR 102,339.406 3,238,914.000 492,295.000 2,848,958.406


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 30,685,794.698 24,937,438.748 18,629,819.338 36,993,414.108JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 232,010.053 600.001 231,410.052JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 81,756,150.432 27,634,252.931 41,096,760.650 68,293,642.713JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - GBP (hedged) - 3,166,507.553 330,889.152 2,835,618.401JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 960,984.369 1,591,223.094 1,102,242.027 1,449,965.436JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 1,287,629.879 520,785.973 766,843.906JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 2,301,312.436 3,192,494.604 2,141,534.362 3,352,272.678JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - CHF (hedged) - 289,366.282 - 289,366.282JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 13,382,756.489 57,088,643.628 26,509,880.547 43,961,519.570JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (dist) - GBP (hedged) - 2,937,575.611 248,989.000 2,688,586.611JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 17,198,886.290 10,202,438.323 10,436,049.489 16,965,275.124JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 3,900,806.819 4,873,667.061 3,592,310.000 5,182,163.880JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 250,000.000 - - 250,000.000JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 8,992,571.068 6,376,866.519 1,765,425.216 13,604,012.371

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 15,037,221.850 4,374,458.025 9,943,877.425 9,467,802.450JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 43,282,995.879 7,971,015.552 15,667,885.631 35,586,125.800JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 660,420.998 120,900.125 161,234.837 620,086.286JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1,184,112.700 972,506.561 991,417.520 1,165,201.741JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 3,429,619.011 71,445.021 3,478,112.271 22,951.761JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 754,552.768 123,429.048 95,834.285 782,147.531JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 1,503,747.767 114,149.986 354,895.863 1,263,001.890JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 4,996,127.735 422,248.995 3,527,414.627 1,890,962.103JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 4,442,368.277 12,878,833.704 6,767,094.653 10,554,107.328JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,057,739.908 2,333,270.137 1,558,654.423 1,832,355.622JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 14,237,495.899 6,283,194.508 5,635,517.596 14,885,172.811JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 432,405.837 149,164.596 341,085.359 240,485.074JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 164,320.579 184,624.089 120,556.161 228,388.507JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 5,525,707.843 3,478,257.210 3,259,781.404 5,744,183.649JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 4,165,087.000 233,960.430 2,837,436.054 1,561,611.376JPM Global Dynamic I (inc) - EUR - 4,089,748.045 0.010 4,089,748.035JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 14,652,478.826 5,013,921.191 7,857,168.246 11,809,231.771JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 19,785,268.282 6,592,713.931 - 26,377,982.213

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 594,011.785 761,464.519 852,505.552 502,970.752JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 219,622.677 47,092.920 172,529.757JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 507,344.604 60,268.392 159,651.733 407,961.263JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 892,705.859 263,172.707 218,170.874 937,707.692JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - EUR (hedged) - 3,824,661.060 436,942.440 3,387,718.620JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 7,562,935.932 4,149.213 - 7,567,085.145JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 5,830,744.978 7,940.571 5,822,804.407JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 160,986.960 51,108.309 118,787.824 93,307.445JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 386,841.979 147,993.917 238,848.062JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 2,957.934 - - 2,957.934JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - EUR - 5,217,065.411 - 5,217,065.411

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 12,687,324.617 3,844,217.443 5,683,132.472 10,848,409.588JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 192,297.870 3,178,916.689 876,561.114 2,494,653.445JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 2,798,285.864 1,228,279.415 1,052,836.089 2,973,729.190JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 886,608.785 97,910.765 418,902.419 565,617.131JPM Global Focus B (acc) - EUR - 171,712.775 30,727.701 140,985.074JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 2,715,148.661 9,465,081.106 2,717,095.768 9,463,133.999JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 872,218.608 220,250.571 651,968.037JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 2,615,092.998 618,939.371 732,459.591 2,501,572.778JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 145,244.120 3,440,924.455 3,104,985.017 481,183.558JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 4,634,316.485 16,183.000 2,193,404.149 2,457,095.336

JPMorgan Funds - Global Life Sciences FundJPM Global Life Sciences A (acc) - USD 123,974.228 548,330.078 604,083.158 68,221.148JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 2,671,616.214 1,157,989.276 1,857,981.236 1,971,624.254JF Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 1,767,752.188 2,559,753.932 2,852,384.340 1,475,121.780JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - GBP 15,640.791 115.960 1,368.061 14,388.690JPM Global Life Sciences C (acc) - USD - 45,140.812 - 45,140.812JPM Global Life Sciences D (acc) - USD 629,710.648 785,806.624 880,655.974 534,861.298

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 8,792,266.759 12,320,499.365 9,429,083.625 11,683,682.499JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 35,929,142.932 21,893,999.401 27,560,063.065 30,263,079.268JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 19,646,787.596 10,616,233.241 11,126,662.683 19,136,358.154JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 2,208,951.876 2,480,242.872 3,145,230.163 1,543,964.585JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 2,003,926.440 6,224,357.771 3,644,850.277 4,583,433.934JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 6,924,779.044 4,645,926.462 8,287,538.901 3,283,166.605JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 284,450.033 511,051.111 297,015.585 498,485.559JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 12,427,401.283 8,533,785.691 7,103,321.896 13,857,865.078JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 5,718,572.641 2,708,427.574 1,661,873.456 6,765,126.759


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - USD 222,054.620 462,747.481 323,126.285 361,675.816JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 389,288.745 120,201.212 269,087.533JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) A (inc) - EUR (hedged) - 14,279.377 625.823 13,653.554JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) C (acc) - USD 10,208.268 26,227.234 - 36,435.502JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - USD 36,018.465 107,332.181 63,102.754 80,247.892JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 553,432.418 341,117.109 212,315.309JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - USD 1,181,531.621 201,594.992 - 1,383,126.613JPM Global Real Estate Securities (USD) X (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 201,817.383 1,605.001 200,212.382

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 7,069,632.862 15,889,754.705 6,706,918.066 16,252,469.501JF China A (dist) - USD 43,726,090.184 36,247,023.957 29,693,347.633 50,279,766.508JF China B (acc) - USD 2,687,091.359 1,666,308.255 1,587,869.702 2,765,529.912JF China C (acc) - USD 1,134,992.649 2,820,099.492 1,471,038.567 2,484,053.574JF China D (acc) - USD 11,352,671.107 9,453,993.403 7,278,988.311 13,527,676.199JF China I (acc) - USD 4,545,764.197 31,948,030.630 241,545.895 36,252,248.933JF China X (acc) - USD* 1,213,854.060 106,772.489 1,320,626.549 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 7,815,779.970 3,674,785.873 1,747,805.351 9,742,760.492JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 10,591,296.440 5,976,200.977 4,428,724.185 12,138,773.232JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 125,332.099 260,100.912 51,836.144 333,596.867JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 4,196,022.970 1,037,031.776 2,225,604.676 3,007,450.070JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 4,318,286.801 859,525.183 1,501,848.367 3,675,963.617JF Greater China X (acc) - USD 99,028.111 128,745.127 112,773.237 115,000.001

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 4,644,076.995 1,443,185.389 1,529,034.143 4,558,228.241JF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 648,147.137 712,745.936 990,689.325 370,203.748JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 65,153.785 31,917.578 92,057.996 5,013.367JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 422,843.747 277,989.744 386,578.667 314,254.824JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 1,156,379.581 184,326.889 410,235.566 930,470.904

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 21,809,130.453 13,792,798.189 11,189,659.045 24,412,269.597JF India A (dist) - USD 23,757,356.215 4,005,899.719 9,415,398.310 18,347,857.624JF India B (acc) - USD 576,834.692 574,488.947 622,442.065 528,881.574JF India C (acc) - USD 2,894,894.387 3,669,911.911 3,477,300.737 3,087,505.561JF India D (acc) - USD 16,212,734.856 3,692,131.208 5,609,836.187 14,295,029.877JF India X (acc) - USD 2,104,454.160 163,931.000 1,824,571.160 443,814.000

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 9,249,339.698 7,119,892.692 10,161,049.903 6,208,182.487JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 394,613.097 75,035.401 155,378.548 314,269.950JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 1,999,924.570 27,295.715 1,103,427.376 923,792.909JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 20,633,001.255 3,225,525.688 9,909,098.248 13,949,428.695JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 328,490.615 40,495.095 269,353.245 99,632.465JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 1,198,286.940 109,261.511 643,303.089 664,245.362JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 5,960,371.726 748,812.164 4,412,209.795 2,296,974.095JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 6,392,323.560 2,394,780.554 3,424,211.129 5,362,892.985JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 72,610.949 13,498.694 18,585.767 67,523.876JF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD* 1,049,502.141 - 1,049,502.141 -JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 1,908,530.434 243,719.606 599,775.571 1,552,474.469JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 383,068.050 3,501.000 271,210.504 115,358.546

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 519,935.586 409,132.987 397,649.872 531,418.701JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 13,895,672.815 2,930,831.260 11,234,576.862 5,591,927.213JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 629,551.392 88,992.072 602,390.252 116,153.212JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD 813,656.750 2,283,753.126 1,498,074.299 1,599,335.577JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 1,052,532.999 232,539.827 338,220.572 946,852.254JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD 540,101.451 - - 540,101.451

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 396,430.440 1,804,085.790 190,019.054 2,010,497.176JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 4,171,547.267 455,408.775 1,007,468.787 3,619,487.255JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD 505,300.000 82,352.000 34,239.000 553,413.000JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 1,892,940.900 96,009.410 648,092.862 1,340,857.448

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 335,149.976 282,687.071 297,666.169 320,170.878JF Pacific Technology A (acc) - EUR - 48,190.927 - 48,190.927JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 2,244,870.808 203,200.693 1,218,979.327 1,229,092.174JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 6,442.886 4,367.136 326.525 10,483.497JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 1,284,302.992 92,078.218 102,195.742 1,274,185.468JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD 14,638.211 158.522 158.523 14,638.210JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 345,782.847 133,234.740 154,044.711 324,972.876


Page 186: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 1,982,974.060 765,484.141 1,649,783.514 1,098,674.687JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 6,215,695.020 2,657,430.154 4,130,333.655 4,742,791.519JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 1,173,277.516 158,978.673 924,818.596 407,437.593JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 17,489.424 15,251.685 23,162.663 9,578.446JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 2,107,300.225 185,610.852 658,050.256 1,634,860.821JF Singapore I (acc) - USD 16,964,975.969 2,218,205.193 16,437,228.904 2,745,952.258JF Singapore X (acc) - USD* 26,647.112 - 26,647.112 -

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 15,212,949.807 7,177,535.571 15,891,162.350 6,499,323.028JF Taiwan A (acc) - EUR - 7,075.926 150.001 6,925.925JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 34,464,177.309 13,383,301.202 23,352,601.705 24,494,876.806JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD 600,129.018 603,402.362 886,670.543 316,860.837JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 3,533,624.282 1,850,192.668 3,906,380.992 1,477,435.958JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 2,645,993.987 454,398.347 1,689,759.579 1,410,632.755JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 21,736,443.804 2,889,665.397 20,654,837.999 3,971,271.202JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD* 191,441.517 - 191,441.517 -

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 7,192,392.086 4,078,683.545 5,073,938.945 6,197,136.686JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 8,400,599.024 2,259,637.976 4,599,399.657 6,060,837.343JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 7,881,414.218 5,375,299.432 5,573,950.952 7,682,762.698JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 2,135,854.291 1,433,374.086 1,932,339.355 1,636,889.022JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 2,047,344.533 1,013,884.268 2,163,018.272 898,210.529JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 5,164,745.893 1,653,721.949 2,046,767.850 4,771,699.992JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 22,332,506.051 2,633,579.685 17,274,876.230 7,691,209.506JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 2,859,927.430 742,961.705 1,095,265.840 2,507,623.295

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 22,568,104.721 41,052,585.142 32,347,407.751 31,273,282.112JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 10,605,121.146 29,196,705.165 28,044,920.265 11,756,906.046JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 5,558,749.060 2,695,336.561 5,044,496.909 3,209,588.712JPM Russia C (acc) - USD 11,571,837.379 10,851,096.373 22,181,320.436 241,613.316JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 10,659,473.855 7,590,442.804 6,549,447.881 11,700,468.778JPM Russia I (acc) - USD 38,399,060.279 96,787,601.210 64,656,148.160 70,530,513.329

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 11,867,789.580 15,969,495.199 11,447,953.974 16,389,330.805JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 5,741,946.295 16,616,449.171 10,636,814.778 11,721,580.688JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 2,615,526.720 6,607,480.724 1,830,861.550 7,392,145.894JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 3,447,616.159 7,118,756.075 5,787,827.244 4,778,544.990JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 2,415,777.886 1,732,502.698 2,774,041.068 1,374,239.516JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 6,796,877.571 5,538,591.475 3,270,184.518 9,065,284.528

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 37,580,925.126 9,636,085.182 28,891,951.597 18,325,058.711JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 5,197,943.967 6,485,118.360 3,663,071.499 8,019,990.828JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 51,139,190.555 4,017,585.949 30,433,705.548 24,723,070.956JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 2,845,950.266 980,401.494 2,995,174.522 831,177.238JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 22,229,798.150 4,272,521.724 13,267,813.113 13,234,506.761JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 4,906,790.322 439,751.808 2,825,614.436 2,520,927.694JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 67,379.174 5,846.346 39,029.323 34,196.197JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD 6,879,345.358 - 542,000.000 6,337,345.358JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 19,777,911.360 218,018.331 - 19,995,929.691JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 9,827,336.182 581,187.037 8,429,082.412 1,979,440.807

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 51,580.698 26,814.127 18,766.194 59,628.631JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 404,572.462 18,233.223 59,563.580 363,242.105JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 150.903 - - 150.903JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD 77,159.748 - - 77,159.748JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 1,667,793.453 90,720.526 828,130.547 930,383.432JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD 500.010 11,093.549 0.010 11,593.549

JPMorgan Funds - US Strategic Growth FundJPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - USD 8,145,880.742 1,590,224.270 8,443,464.599 1,292,640.413JPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 2,469,765.321 240,152.400 2,304,234.926 405,682.795JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - USD 42,711,399.169 6,214,933.612 41,521,692.696 7,404,640.085JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - GBP 17,840.408 1,417.175 7,975.941 11,281.642JPM US Strategic Growth B (acc) - USD 1,347,336.974 224,110.043 1,422,285.819 149,161.198JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - USD 11,028,595.204 6,051,316.224 13,092,603.328 3,987,308.100JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) 994,776.027 563,293.313 1,530,046.605 28,022.735JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - USD 419,426.683 101,323.115 208,825.721 311,924.077JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 20,837.755 40,671.001 26,662.476 34,846.280JPM US Strategic Growth X (acc) - USD 6,053,872.769 1,080,888.575 5,421,599.428 1,713,161.916


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

8. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2009 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 1,204,205.747 684,980.712 1,574,074.232 315,112.227JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 4,820,930.654 7,776,727.976 7,904,193.738 4,693,464.892JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 15,944,061.600 1,770,476.683 12,369,128.826 5,345,409.457JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 30,999.391 55,752.904 4,360.422 82,391.873JPM US Technology B (acc) - USD - 390,968.205 387,889.562 3,078.643JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD 19,518.980 5,064.074 - 24,583.054JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 2,841,126.684 1,654,790.485 1,436,164.356 3,059,752.813JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD 3,126,853.579 3,327.130 3,113,815.161 16,365.548

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 13,580,870.347 16,934,184.657 16,239,928.073 14,275,126.931JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,337,892.958 4,616,382.128 3,318,640.849 2,635,634.237JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 26,968,840.325 25,217,272.552 30,371,808.064 21,814,304.813JF US Value A (dist) - USD 151,231.707 497,520.507 391,314.874 257,437.340JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 50,063.299 17,561.047 33,169.498 34,454.848JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 200,919.073 499,709.325 442,820.418 257,807.980JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 11,849,443.656 13,836,140.070 11,305,972.472 14,379,611.254JPM US Value C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 2,510,927.020 2,373,713.334 137,213.686JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 3,979,931.995 676,020.113 1,922,269.286 2,733,682.822JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 351,599.275 336,616.143 198,127.446 490,087.972JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 7,024,315.673 5,192,212.648 378,881.491 11,837,646.830

* Share Class inactive at the end of the year.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

9. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2008 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 2,191,194.046 1,861,941.178 2,346,770.784 1,706,364.440JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 5,556,809.994 6,155,489.821 7,563,243.945 4,149,055.870JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 545,513.798 139,885.913 256,324.648 429,075.063JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 26,946.066 3,034,915.062 2,908,163.840 153,697.288JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 218,747.201 171,696.173 71,346.872 319,096.502JPM America Equity C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 1,228,367.361 457,360.374 771,006.987JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 7,078,336.652 8,687,126.741 5,103,564.353 10,661,899.040JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 26,490.066 697,535.845 296,899.981 427,125.930JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 9,557.871 10,025.680 10,972.538 8,611.013JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 1,932,601.590 1,781,750.541 1,995,837.837 1,718,514.294JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 994,178.673 139,430.407 222,237.396 911,371.684

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 1,990,154.670 10,552,981.598 6,308,057.957 6,235,078.311JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 14,158,698.977 6,188,365.601 6,919,280.667 13,427,783.911JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 4,941,761.225 8,867,801.932 7,626,266.750 6,183,296.407JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 144,210.260 1,183,776.962 144,948.394 1,183,038.828JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 665,006.999 3,750,400.703 1,749,454.274 2,665,953.428JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 2,960,822.863 1,862,565.609 2,317,993.228 2,505,395.244JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 11,758,308.150 12,199,652.761 12,364,906.925 11,593,053.986JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 3,280,799.944 519,319.333 1,181,354.026 2,618,765.251

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity FundJPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc)- USD 3,196,718.829 7,109,770.973 4,323,932.081 5,982,557.721JPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 5,364,321.982 9,368,795.215 4,819,125.043 9,913,992.154JPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 218,329.200 641,124.356 266,629.268 592,824.288JPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 166,213.626 3,216,981.031 1,512,577.654 1,870,617.003JPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 1,377,014.173 1,676,638.683 937,820.668 2,115,832.188JPM Emerging Europe Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD 7,040,033.000 - 4,813,308.485 2,226,724.515

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt FundJPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 7,143,981.300 2,805,703.851 7,176,119.922 2,773,565.229JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (inc) - EUR 10,669,542.531 10,662,758.199 11,034,942.829 10,297,357.901JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR 653,748.769 3,194,239.281 1,344,655.376 2,503,332.674JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 4,948,144.105 3,079,792.680 4,862,880.249 3,165,056.536JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (Inc) - EUR 250,000.001 2,187,667.059 138,000.001 2,299,667.059JPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR 5,656.002 - - 5,656.002

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 32,964,443.994 20,471,139.646 31,467,859.293 21,967,724.347JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 109,167,399.640 60,256,627.857 65,943,994.899 103,480,032.598JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 280,266.023 358,434.567 60,572.027 578,128.563JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 29,008,138.308 16,437,227.226 24,733,095.823 20,712,269.711JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 3,238,645.574 1,400,882.274 1,442,297.553 3,197,230.295JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 25,223,090.798 42,309,004.985 28,613,938.291 38,918,157.492JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 4,225,337.866 3,037,218.901 3,305,566.134 3,956,990.633JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 250,830.893 847,626.836 405,374.331 693,083.398JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD 21,773,521.677 9,910,809.358 9,132,103.111 22,552,227.924JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 1,637,800.000 672,433.579 1,315,300.000 994,933.579JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 33,891,049.355 11,950,842.109 12,005,188.262 33,836,703.202JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 17,940,341.373 507,101.223 6,424,048.374 12,023,394.222

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (1)JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - EUR - 121,134.020 - 121,134.020JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt A (acc) - USD - 135,977.116 - 135,977.116JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt B (acc) - USD - 138,508.350 69,254.176 69,254.174JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - EUR - 120,076.900 - 120,076.900JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt D (acc) - USD - 118,966.689 - 118,966.689

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 42,972,831.964 18,763,585.885 49,572,486.164 12,163,931.685JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 45,084,048.473 13,721,796.983 40,438,544.154 18,367,301.302JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 25,155,026.703 4,740,470.229 19,632,182.800 10,263,314.132JPM Euroland Equity A (inc) - EUR - 4,827,291.001 3,470,342.001 1,356,949.000JPM Euroland Equity B (acc) - EUR - 199,700.740 19,782.841 179,917.899JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 21,047,520.302 15,759,168.635 20,808,357.641 15,998,331.296JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 26,818,488.143 6,613,671.456 24,589,703.160 8,842,456.439JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR 19,998,524.767 7,630,293.472 18,263,694.237 9,365,124.002JPM Euroland Equity X (acc) - EUR - 947,661.001 4,750.001 942,911.000

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Select Equity Fund (2)JPM Euroland Select Equity A (acc) - EUR - 258,809.734 76,763.052 182,046.682JPM Euroland Select Equity A (dis) - EUR - 1,639.125 - 1,639.125JPM Euroland Select Equity D (acc) - EUR - 254,696.099 75,149.652 179,546.447JPM Euroland Select Equity X (acc) - EUR - 270,460.000 - 270,460.000

(1) This Sub-Fund was launched on 24 January 2008.(2) This Sub-Fund was launched on 24 July 2007.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

9. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2008 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 10,688,150.400 134,456.727 5,421,095.364 5,401,511.763JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 42,017,150.420 557,085.132 16,673,400.571 25,900,834.981JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 1,730,901.036 71,365.920 1,068,164.953 734,102.003JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 120,464.129 673.678 24,697.326 96,440.481JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 1,631,360.921 119,174.258 848,361.688 902,173.491JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 12,076,185.768 241,271.483 5,110,351.936 7,207,105.315JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 3,440,024.289 9,165.451 1,582,809.761 1,866,379.979JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 35,610.148 - 6,726.597 28,883.551JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR 1,071,473.018 - 1,071,473.018 -JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 5,522,740.871 18,297.846 3,257,857.480 2,283,181.237

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 63,662,036.480 35,092,381.990 61,940,808.083 36,813,610.387JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 10,692,583.596 3,537,235.794 9,112,540.277 5,117,279.113JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 76,161.785 21,729.497 72,762.013 25,129.269JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - USD - 31,962.969 31,009.881 953.088JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 1,300,628.206 1,078,207.587 1,122,168.644 1,256,667.149JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 6,436,424.137 8,594,429.377 7,604,880.821 7,425,972.693JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 2,191,730.452 1,126,256.266 1,990,989.665 1,326,997.053JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - USD - 353.858 - 353.858JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR 495,773.834 - - 495,773.834JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 3,535,355.286 1,497,782.590 3,119,684.329 1,913,453.547

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 56,934,402.918 17,763,955.447 52,928,401.806 21,769,956.559JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 78,036,988.331 8,813,393.106 62,164,714.972 24,685,666.465JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 12,734,719.548 4,964,712.997 9,255,981.308 8,443,451.237JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 1,960,279.228 302,743.213 1,090,849.928 1,172,172.513JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 1,367,233.985 369,923.268 987,390.278 749,766.975JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 31,649,396.900 5,802,498.860 19,563,665.183 17,888,230.577JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 19,971,892.952 2,166,730.171 15,052,142.371 7,086,480.752JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 276,853.062 50,586.330 234,857.404 92,581.988JPM Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 2,802,081.207 144,021.000 2,946,102.207 -JPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR 10,000,000.000 - - 10,000,000.000JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 20,825,434.506 1,855,487.347 9,819,155.725 12,861,766.128

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 5,087,078.651 1,557,693.592 4,662,525.394 1,982,246.849JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 15,761,936.577 5,569,625.818 11,809,405.297 9,522,157.098JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 8,172,130.049 1,611,509.375 6,923,630.909 2,860,008.515JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 42,515.278 20,973.777 12,142.419 51,346.636JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 320,421.789 132,786.373 269,046.157 184,162.005JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 2,072,883.841 815,730.486 2,110,666.628 777,947.699JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 8,062,946.098 4,124,991.677 9,282,487.769 2,905,450.006JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR 6,039,332.774 224,008.790 5,600,213.485 663,128.079JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR 1,839,550.124 140,806.171 1,906,671.477 73,684.818

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 917,862.632 1,422,380.973 1,592,159.801 748,083.804JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 15,076,000.250 7,254,999.109 10,621,691.314 11,709,308.045JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 3,092,449.304 1,214,406.140 2,568,503.281 1,738,352.163JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 41,116.112 3,183.827 3,472.004 40,827.935JPM Europe Technology B (acc) - EUR - 171,593.006 1,550.493 170,042.513JPM Europe Technology C (acc) - EUR - 1,298.453 - 1,298.453JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 2,444,720.330 1,375,932.619 1,659,233.594 2,161,419.355JPM Europe Technology X (acc) - EUR - 54,491.963 10,592.757 43,899.206

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 13,284,231.227 11,823,755.506 20,934,908.752 4,173,077.981JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 21,682,657.703 27,340,414.270 24,063,702.252 24,959,369.721JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 1,389,733.822 173,054.273 701,911.452 860,876.643JPM Germany Equity B (acc) - EUR - 190,305.981 102,467.279 87,838.702JPM Germany Equity C (acc) - EUR - 8,149,867.811 6,956,861.384 1,193,006.427JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 69,517,709.875 58,353,084.378 85,486,587.094 42,384,207.159JPM Germany Equity I (acc) - EUR - 13,154,831.917 - 13,154,831.917JPM Germany Equity X (acc) - EUR - 144,199.407 41,860.001 102,339.406

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 22,739,773.672 47,551,178.354 39,605,157.328 30,685,794.698JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 71,209,071.433 75,790,634.882 65,243,555.883 81,756,150.432JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 1,316,415.195 1,239,236.902 1,594,667.728 960,984.369JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 921,800.158 2,233,331.022 853,818.744 2,301,312.436JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 15,122,443.099 15,183,266.536 16,922,953.146 13,382,756.489JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 21,577,849.173 22,723,792.405 27,102,755.288 17,198,886.290JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR 2,958,183.000 4,640,058.819 3,697,435.000 3,900,806.819JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR 445,121.951 4,892.161 200,014.112 250,000.000JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 7,075,220.836 2,413,547.991 496,197.759 8,992,571.068


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

9. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2008 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 24,734,189.407 11,658,097.163 21,355,064.720 15,037,221.850JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 87,225,996.484 14,213,747.035 58,156,747.640 43,282,995.879JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 696,710.287 126,531.343 162,820.632 660,420.998JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 486,634.532 1,034,212.348 336,734.180 1,184,112.700JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 5,068,764.838 1,639,145.827 3,429,619.011JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 1,318,548.207 716,859.063 531,659.503 1,503,747.767JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 986,786.811 379,260.204 611,494.247 754,552.768JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 6,591,232.975 1,366,041.412 2,961,146.652 4,996,127.735JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 18,173,767.079 10,261,014.632 14,197,285.812 14,237,495.899JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 5,527,880.001 5,943,878.383 7,029,390.107 4,442,368.277JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 1,189,681.375 131,941.467 1,057,739.908JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 17,195,849.561 6,893,170.774 18,563,312.492 5,525,707.843JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 117,107.159 455,505.921 140,207.243 432,405.837JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 230,289.113 65,968.534 164,320.579JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD 1,952,030.000 2,360,721.000 147,664.000 4,165,087.000JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 15,714,116.158 6,838,672.909 7,900,310.241 14,652,478.826JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 17,330,026.813 3,131,664.676 676,423.207 19,785,268.282

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 495,167.946 259,900.948 161,057.109 594,011.785JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 993,988.692 329,550.949 816,195.037 507,344.604JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1,154,323.423 135,680.311 397,297.875 892,705.859JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 8,546,952.921 1,144,655.578 2,128,672.567 7,562,935.932JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 2,727,654.479 204,614.874 2,771,282.393 160,986.960JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 1,492,766.925 376,932.185 1,866,741.176 2,957.934

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus FundJPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 8,422,853.847 27,035,798.249 22,771,327.479 12,687,324.617JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 282,062.719 89,764.850 192,297.869JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 7,363,973.928 3,823,720.501 8,389,408.565 2,798,285.864JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD 808,944.047 1,288,384.815 1,210,720.077 886,608.785JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 10,362,304.599 4,158,308.432 11,805,464.370 2,715,148.661JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 3,245,375.975 1,564,825.743 2,195,108.720 2,615,092.998JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 229,483.215 84,239.095 145,244.120JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 1,373,337.858 4,030,396.820 769,418.193 4,634,316.485

JPMorgan Funds - Global Life Sciences FundJPM Global Life Sciences A (acc) - USD 88,440.995 61,933.187 26,399.954 123,974.228JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 3,712,953.024 286,003.422 1,327,340.232 2,671,616.214JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - GBP 17,408.642 259.060 2,026.911 15,640.791JF Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 2,272,401.738 1,403,790.098 1,908,439.648 1,767,752.188JPM Global Life Sciences D (acc) - USD 918,917.842 503,788.707 792,995.901 629,710.648

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 41,767,627.278 33,789,968.880 39,628,453.226 35,929,142.932JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 13,647,983.718 27,249,774.909 21,250,971.031 19,646,787.596JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD 1,581,451.050 11,491,360.377 4,280,544.668 8,792,266.759JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 1,759,842.669 807,277.332 358,168.125 2,208,951.876JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 5,481,915.183 11,266,390.209 9,823,526.348 6,924,779.044JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD 224,985.925 4,366,231.723 2,587,291.208 2,003,926.440JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 12,113,309.446 12,143,278.114 11,829,186.277 12,427,401.283JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD 2,437.992 326,268.363 44,256.322 284,450.033JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 6,653,023.256 1,154,580.088 2,089,030.703 5,718,572.641

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD)JPM Global Real Estate Securities A (acc) - USD 478,630.025 666,460.139 923,035.544 222,054.620JPM Global Real Estate Securities C (acc) - USD - 10,208.269 - 10,208.269JPM Global Real Estate Securities D (acc) - USD 251,368.884 125,723.765 341,074.184 36,018.465JPM Global Real Estate Securities X (acc) - USD 1,181,531.621 - - 1,181,531.621

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 7,902,918.355 19,679,632.577 20,512,918.070 7,069,632.862JF China A (dist) - USD 52,677,602.379 45,874,580.494 54,826,092.689 43,726,090.184JF China B (acc) - USD 3,668,428.746 2,284,604.532 3,265,941.919 2,687,091.359JF China C (acc) - USD 1,622,684.681 3,312,910.326 3,800,602.358 1,134,992.649JF China D (acc) - USD 13,270,860.357 11,353,443.441 13,271,632.691 11,352,671.107JF China I (acc) - USD 1,092,531.648 3,453,232.549 - 4,545,764.197JF China X (acc) - USD 1,988,434.020 1,431,166.906 2,205,746.866 1,213,854.060

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 2,070,027.410 14,463,196.276 8,717,443.716 7,815,779.970JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 16,249,905.785 5,065,464.895 10,724,074.240 10,591,296.440JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 91,170.918 46,179.139 12,017.958 125,332.099JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 2,454,760.132 2,891,278.386 1,150,015.548 4,196,022.970JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 5,395,962.087 2,671,373.513 3,749,048.799 4,318,286.801JF Greater China X (acc) - USD 78,703.253 141,086.887 120,762.029 99,028.111


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

9. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2008 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 654,358.069 2,988,062.717 2,994,273.649 648,147.137JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 1,898,747.303 5,803,900.584 3,058,570.892 4,644,076.995JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 2,086.452 113,425.886 50,358.553 65,153.785JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 9,057.970 538,122.227 124,336.450 422,843.747JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 466,442.543 2,091,249.704 1,401,312.666 1,156,379.581

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 18,175,863.193 29,979,430.234 26,346,162.974 21,809,130.453JF India A (dist) - USD 31,577,360.078 16,085,059.724 23,905,063.587 23,757,356.215JF India B (acc) - USD 3,334,335.510 2,162,097.130 4,919,597.948 576,834.692JF India C (acc) - USD 4,380,103.562 2,386,828.223 3,872,037.398 2,894,894.387JF India D (acc) - USD 19,754,087.276 8,816,860.251 12,358,212.671 16,212,734.856JF India X (acc) - USD 1,933,309.331 312,635.540 141,490.711 2,104,454.160

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 27,629,484.424 8,370,471.810 26,750,616.536 9,249,339.698JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 38,052,750.371 14,537,248.698 31,956,997.814 20,633,001.255JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 309,902.137 125,309.572 106,721.094 328,490.615JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 559,509.869 352,254.755 517,151.527 394,613.097JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 3,183,969.279 704,391.909 1,888,436.618 1,999,924.570JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 1,961,007.027 1,030,100.486 1,792,820.573 1,198,286.940JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 6,238,789.679 3,918,543.843 4,196,961.796 5,960,371.726JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 12,825,840.456 3,568,009.150 10,001,526.046 6,392,323.560JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 386,748.454 24,758.017 338,895.522 72,610.949JF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD 6,047,526.635 175,983.437 5,174,007.931 1,049,502.141JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 3,604,049.932 324,103.485 2,019,622.983 1,908,530.434JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 1,232,669.008 65,097.192 914,698.150 383,068.050

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 3,332,087.303 1,056,319.940 3,868,471.657 519,935.586JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 11,451,005.591 14,595,981.170 12,151,313.946 13,895,672.815JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 400,669.936 692,077.872 463,196.416 629,551.392JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD 2,376,527.162 820,000.000 2,382,870.412 813,656.750JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 2,029,923.613 246,423.382 1,223,813.996 1,052,532.999JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD 3,147,490.170 - 2,607,388.719 540,101.451

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 238,925.383 1,847,007.971 1,689,502.914 396,430.440JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 5,341,840.387 3,168,239.650 4,338,532.770 4,171,547.267JF Pacific Balanced B (acc) - USD - 505,300.000 - 505,300.000JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 1,777,866.786 1,322,096.070 1,207,021.956 1,892,940.900

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 218,152.054 2,802,441.637 2,685,443.715 335,149.976JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 2,728,818.978 2,529,796.545 3,013,744.715 2,244,870.808JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 6,574.362 466.917 598.393 6,442.886JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD - 1,302,293.964 17,990.972 1,284,302.992JF Pacific Technology C (acc) - USD - 14,638.211 - 14,638.211JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 293,272.166 318,302.775 265,792.094 345,782.847

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 4,871,014.952 5,559,621.748 8,447,662.640 1,982,974.060JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 10,018,420.534 8,371,018.097 12,173,743.611 6,215,695.020JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 1,012,393.668 1,066,141.992 905,258.144 1,173,277.516JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 978,679.692 58,471.545 1,019,661.813 17,489.424JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 3,443,146.659 1,798,572.911 3,134,419.345 2,107,300.225JF Singapore I (acc) - USD 2,815,581.493 23,501,775.230 9,352,380.754 16,964,975.969JF Singapore X (acc) - USD 26,647.112 - - 26,647.112

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 12,131,269.525 32,415,549.071 29,333,868.789 15,212,949.807JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 16,672,424.746 66,152,452.273 48,360,699.710 34,464,177.309JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD 30,296.352 715,967.966 146,135.300 600,129.018JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 650,352.670 6,392,830.303 3,509,558.691 3,533,624.282JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 2,077,957.623 2,283,312.917 1,715,276.553 2,645,993.987JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 13,679,303.195 17,636,644.046 9,579,503.437 21,736,443.804JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD 137,846.885 149,374.584 95,779.952 191,441.517

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 5,293,247.986 13,984,912.586 12,085,768.486 7,192,392.086JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 8,876,389.837 7,813,652.470 8,289,443.283 8,400,599.024JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 6,398,082.075 17,011,320.421 15,527,988.278 7,881,414.218JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 2,646,728.225 1,299,949.016 1,810,822.950 2,135,854.291JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 1,752,290.374 3,421,620.669 3,126,566.510 2,047,344.533JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 4,835,423.310 4,204,090.339 3,874,767.756 5,164,745.893JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 24,322,260.984 7,456,035.600 9,445,790.533 22,332,506.051JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 2,670,787.978 767,243.719 578,104.267 2,859,927.430


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

9. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2008 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Middle East Equity FundJPM Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 2,030,248.251 9,090,504.486 5,366,201.712 5,754,551.025JPM Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 8,616,103.551 21,928,923.871 13,268,410.329 17,276,617.093JPM Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 560,810.234 218,204.201 292,896.424 486,118.011JPM Middle East Equity C (acc) - USD - 2,890,824.627 1,861,319.397 1,029,505.230JPM Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 3,135,784.213 2,229,235.795 2,398,237.375 2,966,782.633

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 5,742,019.484 36,972,376.257 20,146,291.020 22,568,104.721JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 5,960,202.819 13,633,800.563 8,988,882.236 10,605,121.146JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 962,540.079 6,997,054.551 2,400,845.570 5,558,749.060JPM Russia C (acc) - USD - 15,374,598.547 3,802,761.168 11,571,837.379JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 5,081,896.575 12,663,017.237 7,085,439.957 10,659,473.855JPM Russia I (acc) - USD - 40,701,687.838 2,302,627.559 38,399,060.279

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 1,820,355.397 18,158,301.967 8,110,867.784 11,867,789.580JPM US Aggregate Bond A (inc) - USD 6,898,969.081 12,482,885.594 13,639,908.380 5,741,946.295JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 1,759,737.185 1,397,129.616 541,340.081 2,615,526.720JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 2,016,264.732 5,817,728.723 4,386,377.296 3,447,616.159JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 1,693,954.341 3,787,333.428 3,065,509.883 2,415,777.886JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 8,735,947.234 6,574,668.250 8,513,737.913 6,796,877.571

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 143,261,125.337 23,041,184.357 128,721,384.568 37,580,925.126JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 149,804,709.411 25,745,966.951 124,411,485.807 51,139,190.555JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 12,660,864.667 2,883,415.032 10,346,335.732 5,197,943.967JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 8,481,744.694 1,269,192.754 6,904,987.182 2,845,950.266JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 77,489,094.609 12,446,926.303 67,706,222.762 22,229,798.150JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 9,950,985.050 2,619,362.962 7,663,557.690 4,906,790.322JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 93,162.319 54,410.715 80,193.860 67,379.174JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD 9,774,094.418 12,038,792.332 14,933,541.392 6,879,345.358JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR 32,407,618.093 3,430,268.850 16,059,975.583 19,777,911.360JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 24,900,201.909 995,913.373 16,068,779.100 9,827,336.182

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 247,401.752 1,283,552.332 1,479,373.386 51,580.698JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 474,191.237 43,039.344 112,658.119 404,572.462JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 150.903 854.644 854.644 150.903JPM US Small Cap Growth B (acc) - USD - 77,159.748 - 77,159.748JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 1,986,086.238 735,491.786 1,053,784.571 1,667,793.453JPM US Small Cap Growth X (acc) - USD - 500.010 - 500.010

JPMorgan Funds - US Strategic Growth FundJPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - USD 11,130,631.323 12,440,460.422 15,425,211.003 8,145,880.742JPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 3,375,084.945 6,643,531.361 7,548,850.985 2,469,765.321JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - USD 31,032,613.212 44,069,842.024 32,391,056.067 42,711,399.169JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - GBP 3,954.670 23,752.794 9,867.056 17,840.408JPM US Strategic Growth B (acc) - USD 1,735,426.034 1,308,202.457 1,696,291.517 1,347,336.974JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - USD 2,972,578.845 11,672,890.866 3,616,874.507 11,028,595.204JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 1,589,675.969 594,899.942 994,776.027JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - USD 436,263.924 374,401.025 391,238.266 419,426.683JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 26,490.066 49,566.378 55,218.689 20,837.755JPM US Strategic Growth X (acc) - USD 8,617,309.686 3,609,143.452 6,172,580.369 6,053,872.769

JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 388,244.856 5,843,079.353 5,027,118.462 1,204,205.747JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 33,371.059 752.779 3,124.447 30,999.391JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 3,935,202.391 9,475,198.647 8,589,470.384 4,820,930.654JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 7,506,545.980 16,106,213.843 7,668,698.223 15,944,061.600JPM US Technology C (acc) - USD - 19,518.980 - 19,518.980JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 2,796,854.394 4,767,532.794 4,723,260.504 2,841,126.684JPM US Technology I (acc) - USD - 2,100,000.002 2,100,000.002 -JPM US Technology X (acc) - USD - 3,126,853.579 - 3,126,853.579

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 27,746,806.522 11,740,630.869 25,906,567.044 13,580,870.347JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 54,218,371.671 13,252,368.723 40,501,900.069 26,968,840.325JF US Value A (dist) - USD 178,063.555 152,033.116 178,864.964 151,231.707JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 58,596.671 7,496.456 16,029.828 50,063.299JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) 1,442,636.034 1,340,983.616 1,445,726.692 1,337,892.958JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 505,584.866 194,330.536 498,996.329 200,919.073JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 14,466,805.702 7,500,375.759 10,117,737.805 11,849,443.656JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 6,939,158.126 2,080,807.362 5,040,033.493 3,979,931.995JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) 239,224.570 450,050.777 337,676.072 351,599.275JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 7,707,216.974 385,886.385 1,068,787.686 7,024,315.673


Page 193: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

10. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2007 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - America Equity FundJPM America Equity A (acc) - USD 4,147,584.799 1,317,483.456 3,273,874.209 2,191,194.046JPM America Equity A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 26,946.066 - 26,946.066JPM America Equity A (dist) - USD 6,972,770.257 1,786,563.160 3,202,523.423 5,556,809.994JF America Equity A (dist) - USD 599,707.703 175,065.015 229,258.920 545,513.798JPM America Equity B (acc) - USD 286,768.822 - 68,021.621 218,747.201JPM America Equity C (acc) - USD 10,584,072.026 1,385,297.318 4,891,032.692 7,078,336.652JPM America Equity D (acc) - USD 6,260,800.755 1,175,550.048 5,503,749.213 1,932,601.590JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR 501.365 22,733.143 13,676.637 9,557.871JPM America Equity D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 26,490.066 - 26,490.066JPM America Equity X (acc) - USD 2,169,929.449 95,039.650 1,270,790.426 994,178.673

JPMorgan Funds - Eastern Europe Equity FundJPM Eastern Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 2,292,870.062 2,242,226.839 2,544,942.231 1,990,154.670JPM Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 17,236,854.500 4,110,222.598 7,188,378.121 14,158,698.977JF Eastern Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 5,011,854.514 7,632,581.480 7,702,674.769 4,941,761.225JPM Eastern Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 6,640.000 144,210.261 6,640.001 144,210.260JPM Eastern Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 9,142,193.731 410,509.582 8,887,696.314 665,006.999JPM Eastern Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 3,670,961.878 2,114,579.636 2,824,718.651 2,960,822.863JPM Eastern Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR 4,697,055.454 14,058,348.504 6,997,095.808 11,758,308.150JPM Eastern Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 4,156,418.049 1,038,465.194 1,914,083.299 3,280,799.944

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity Fund (1)JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (acc)- USD 2,239,043.956 2,629,600.901 1,671,926.028 3,196,718.829JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity A (dist) - USD 6,604,909.375 1,638,790.257 2,879,377.650 5,364,321.982JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity B (acc) - USD 427,603.655 211,003.374 420,277.829 218,329.200JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity C (acc) - USD 8,638,068.671 755,353.205 9,227,208.250 166,213.626JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity D (acc) - USD 1,812,315.009 769,669.847 1,204,970.683 1,377,014.173JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity I (acc) - USD 3,439,165.440 12,429,510.038 8,828,642.479 7,040,032.999JPM Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Equity X (acc) - USD 89,663.735 8,892.234 98,555.969 -

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund (2)JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (acc) - EUR 2,867,573.254 11,277,729.772 7,001,321.726 7,143,981.300JPM Emerging Markets Debt A (dist) - EUR 8,661,114.189 15,152,456.055 13,144,027.713 10,669,542.531JPM Emerging Markets Debt C (acc) - EUR - 653,748.769 - 653,748.769JPM Emerging Markets Debt D (acc) - EUR 3,014,088.631 4,747,133.391 2,813,077.917 4,948,144.105JPM Emerging Markets Debt I (inc) - EUR - 250,000.001 - 250,000.001JPM Emerging Markets Debt X (acc) - EUR - 5,656.002 - 5,656.002

JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Equity FundJPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - USD 29,006,169.351 25,646,412.444 21,688,137.801 32,964,443.994JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (acc) - EUR 12,537,814.432 29,008,382.658 12,538,058.782 29,008,138.308JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - USD 94,935,520.919 72,349,157.725 58,117,279.004 109,167,399.640JPM Emerging Markets Equity A (dist) - GBP 76,127.830 257,381.632 53,243.439 280,266.023JPM Emerging Markets Equity B (acc) - USD 2,007,454.257 2,363,841.715 1,132,650.398 3,238,645.574JPM Emerging Markets Equity C (acc) - USD 25,097,941.284 29,238,089.404 29,112,939.890 25,223,090.798JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - USD 5,218,648.687 2,321,311.612 3,314,622.433 4,225,337.866JPM Emerging Markets Equity D (acc) - EUR 11,685.069 363,037.291 123,891.467 250,830.893JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (acc) - USD - 22,231,580.608 458,058.931 21,773,521.677JPM Emerging Markets Equity I (inc) - EUR 1,400,000.000 659,800.000 422,000.000 1,637,800.000JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (acc) - USD 30,831,353.603 12,379,921.462 9,320,225.710 33,891,049.355JPM Emerging Markets Equity X (inc) - EUR 10,330,431.042 7,609,910.433 0.102 17,940,341.373

JPMorgan Funds - Euroland Equity FundJPM Euroland Equity A (acc) - EUR 32,699,773.224 43,471,389.838 33,198,331.098 42,972,831.964JPM Euroland Equity A (dist) - EUR 46,944,388.203 45,372,753.515 47,233,093.245 45,084,048.473JF Euroland Equity A (dist) - USD 13,761,111.249 26,434,909.240 15,040,993.786 25,155,026.703JPM Euroland Equity C (acc) - EUR 21,099,132.574 16,019,021.833 16,070,634.105 21,047,520.302JPM Euroland Equity D (acc) - EUR 11,055,092.934 26,981,112.892 11,217,717.683 26,818,488.143JPM Euroland Equity I (acc) - EUR - 21,891,072.110 1,892,547.343 19,998,524.767

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic FundJPM Europe Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 14,432,666.893 747,235.039 4,491,751.532 10,688,150.400JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 49,003,541.127 1,395,478.591 8,381,869.298 42,017,150.420JPM Europe Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 125,938.330 1,662.245 7,136.446 120,464.129JF Europe Dynamic A (dist) - EUR 2,234,289.640 195,263.207 698,651.811 1,730,901.036JPM Europe Dynamic B (acc) - EUR 2,088,181.497 12,659.681 469,480.257 1,631,360.921JPM Europe Dynamic C (acc) - EUR 13,925,366.854 1,569,362.612 3,418,543.698 12,076,185.768JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 5,325,729.956 6,637.965 1,892,343.632 3,440,024.289JPM Europe Dynamic D (acc) - USD 48,164.660 - 12,554.512 35,610.148JPM Europe Dynamic I (acc) - EUR - 1,071,473.018 - 1,071,473.018JPM Europe Dynamic X (acc) - EUR 6,783,515.719 13,174.653 1,273,949.501 5,522,740.871

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Mega Cap FundJPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (acc) - EUR 18,194,469.431 85,030,986.636 39,563,419.587 63,662,036.480JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (dist) - EUR 102,811.064 19,443,887.920 8,854,115.388 10,692,583.596JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap A (inc) - EUR 387.177 91,698.847 15,924.239 76,161.785JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap B (acc) - EUR 735,935.005 1,113,600.904 548,907.703 1,300,628.206JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap C (acc) - EUR 2,369,114.164 5,872,377.716 1,805,067.743 6,436,424.137JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap D (acc) - EUR 98,037.919 4,164,274.010 2,070,581.477 2,191,730.452JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap I (acc) - EUR - 543,017.929 47,244.095 495,773.834JPM Europe Dynamic Mega Cap X (acc) - EUR 1,193,798.741 3,516,109.483 1,174,552.938 3,535,355.286

(1) Name changed from Emerging Europe Equity Fund on 2 October 2006.(2) Name changed from FF Emerging Markets Debt Fund and currency changed from USD to EUR on 1 July 2006.


Page 194: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

10. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2007 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity FundJPM Europe Equity A (acc) - USD 8,143,453.710 9,301,320.598 4,710,054.760 12,734,719.548JPM Europe Equity A (acc) - EUR 48,739,057.051 47,137,921.929 38,942,576.062 56,934,402.918JPM Europe Equity A (dist) - EUR 102,038,639.375 30,736,598.237 54,738,249.281 78,036,988.331JF Europe Equity A (dist) - USD 1,788,500.248 1,444,453.732 1,272,674.752 1,960,279.228JPM Europe Equity B (acc) - EUR 993,395.772 900,933.925 527,095.712 1,367,233.985JPM Europe Equity C (acc) - EUR 25,099,800.559 25,266,439.636 18,716,843.295 31,649,396.900JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - EUR 18,955,399.885 27,092,923.975 26,076,430.908 19,971,892.952JPM Europe Equity D (acc) - USD 397.456 410,718.239 134,262.633 276,853.062JPM Europe Equity I (acc) - EUR - 2,849,429.208 47,348.001 2,802,081.207JPM Europe Equity I (inc) - EUR - 10,000,000.000 - 10,000,000.000JPM Europe Equity X (acc) - EUR 17,253,104.209 6,944,843.118 3,372,512.821 20,825,434.506

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Small Cap FundJPM Europe Small Cap A (acc) - EUR 3,551,608.633 7,815,851.482 6,280,381.464 5,087,078.651JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 20,094,871.537 17,252,011.080 21,584,946.040 15,761,936.577JPM Europe Small Cap A (dist) - GBP 33,157.723 10,746.201 1,388.646 42,515.278JF Europe Small Cap A (dist) - EUR 15,185,686.426 10,289,087.338 17,302,643.715 8,172,130.049JPM Europe Small Cap B (acc) - EUR 115,307.885 245,051.368 39,937.464 320,421.789JPM Europe Small Cap C (acc) - EUR 9,918,365.123 2,624,683.147 10,470,164.429 2,072,883.841JPM Europe Small Cap D (acc) - EUR 6,380,666.197 11,895,535.516 10,213,255.615 8,062,946.098JPM Europe Small Cap I (acc) - EUR - 11,661,953.547 5,622,620.773 6,039,332.774JPM Europe Small Cap X (acc) - EUR 1,004,202.777 970,853.698 135,506.351 1,839,550.124

JPMorgan Funds - Europe Technology FundJPM Europe Technology A (acc) - EUR 1,202,234.138 2,356,378.065 2,640,749.571 917,862.632JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 18,936,244.969 8,125,811.001 11,986,055.720 15,076,000.250JPM Europe Technology A (dist) - GBP 50,864.596 6,028.134 15,776.618 41,116.112JF Europe Technology A (dist) - EUR 2,900,668.851 2,436,040.396 2,244,259.943 3,092,449.304JPM Europe Technology D (acc) - EUR 2,670,426.840 2,429,526.270 2,655,232.780 2,444,720.330

JPMorgan Funds - Germany Equity FundJPM Germany Equity A (acc) - EUR 4,222,808.750 15,811,078.970 6,749,656.493 13,284,231.227JPM Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 9,142,237.127 20,947,544.857 8,407,124.281 21,682,657.703JF Germany Equity A (dist) - EUR 1,397,549.385 476,934.920 484,750.483 1,389,733.822JPM Germany Equity D (acc) - EUR 13,360,361.447 86,855,575.567 30,698,227.139 69,517,709.875

JPMorgan Funds - Global Convertibles Fund (EUR) (3)JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (acc) - EUR 15,332,519.948 32,301,382.644 24,894,128.920 22,739,773.672JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - EUR 47,995,864.261 59,712,595.490 36,499,388.318 71,209,071.433JF Global Convertibles (EUR) A (dist) - USD 488,127.635 1,170,042.027 341,754.467 1,316,415.195JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) B (acc) - EUR 458,789.881 469,296.697 6,286.420 921,800.158JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) C (acc) - EUR 17,237,479.505 22,353,412.138 24,468,448.544 15,122,443.099JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) D (acc) - EUR 19,221,079.641 18,366,733.635 16,009,964.103 21,577,849.173JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (inc) - EUR - 445,121.951 - 445,121.951JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) I (acc) - EUR - 3,051,941.001 93,758.001 2,958,183.000JPM Global Convertibles (EUR) X (acc) - EUR 7,348,586.526 154,004.609 427,370.299 7,075,220.836

JPMorgan Funds - Global Dynamic FundJPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - USD 21,189,670.034 16,899,441.692 13,354,922.319 24,734,189.407JPM Global Dynamic A (acc) - EUR - 491,084.533 4,450.001 486,634.532JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 90,136,845.419 32,789,058.322 35,699,907.257 87,225,996.484JF Global Dynamic A (dist) - USD 733,075.483 648,440.625 394,729.297 986,786.811JPM Global Dynamic A (dist) - GBP 845,711.865 170,721.290 319,722.868 696,710.287JPM Global Dynamic A (inc) - EUR 496.381 1,474,075.117 156,023.291 1,318,548.207JPM Global Dynamic B (acc) - USD 6,639,962.487 1,609,199.049 1,657,928.561 6,591,232.975JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - USD 18,403,257.935 10,474,618.971 10,704,109.827 18,173,767.079JPM Global Dynamic C (acc) - EUR - 5,527,880.001 - 5,527,880.001JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 643.365 154,957.802 38,494.008 117,107.159JPM Global Dynamic D (acc) - USD 8,797,031.906 16,589,727.921 8,190,910.266 17,195,849.561JPM Global Dynamic I (acc) - USD - 1,952,030.000 - 1,952,030.000JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - USD 17,012,943.314 4,240,683.880 5,539,511.036 15,714,116.158JPM Global Dynamic X (acc) - EUR - 17,330,026.813 - 17,330,026.813

JPMorgan Funds - Global Equity Fund (USD) (4)JPM Global Equity (USD) A (acc) - USD 1,244,050.960 535,086.101 1,283,969.115 495,167.946JPM Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1,398,753.173 143,741.661 548,506.142 993,988.692JF Global Equity (USD) A (dist) - USD 1,237,430.880 205,195.619 288,303.076 1,154,323.423JPM Global Equity (USD) B (acc) - USD 24,404.580 - 24,404.580 -JPM Global Equity (USD) C (acc) - USD 8,538,694.026 8,258.895 - 8,546,952.921JPM Global Equity (USD) D (acc) - USD 2,887,294.164 117,888.042 277,527.727 2,727,654.479JPM Global Equity (USD) X (acc) - USD 1,048,640.488 578,043.574 133,917.137 1,492,766.925

JPMorgan Funds - Global Focus Fund (5)JPM Global Focus A (acc) - EUR 570,981.270 9,376,781.810 1,524,909.233 8,422,853.847JPM Global Focus A (dist) - EUR 3,069,926.974 7,510,075.831 3,216,028.877 7,363,973.928JF Global Focus A (dist) - USD - 884,914.336 75,970.289 808,944.047JPM Global Focus C (acc) - EUR 721,984.765 10,847,201.865 1,206,882.031 10,362,304.599JPM Global Focus D (acc) - EUR 1,227,485.556 3,351,632.202 1,333,741.783 3,245,375.975JPM Global Focus X (acc) - EUR 1,072,576.185 727,160.882 426,399.209 1,373,337.858

(3) Name changed from Global Convertible Bond Fund (EUR) on 29 August 2006.(4) Name changed from Global Equity Fund on 29 August 2006.(5) Name changed from Global Recovery Fund on 29 August 2006.


Page 195: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo

JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

10. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2007 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - Global Life Sciences FundJPM Global Life Sciences A (acc) - USD 203,952.653 563,957.582 679,469.240 88,440.995JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 4,395,062.472 1,974,930.735 2,657,040.183 3,712,953.024JPM Global Life Sciences A (dist) - GBP 18,090.243 408.019 1,089.620 17,408.642JF Global Life Sciences A (dist) - USD 4,087,861.939 3,191,109.794 5,006,569.995 2,272,401.738JPM Global Life Sciences D (acc) - USD 1,077,146.537 753,419.178 911,647.873 918,917.842

JPMorgan Funds - Global Natural Resources FundJPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - EUR 34,264,546.125 38,741,505.247 31,238,424.094 41,767,627.278JPM Global Natural Resources A (dist) - EUR 2,992,978.432 16,981,607.874 6,326,602.588 13,647,983.718JPM Global Natural Resources A (acc) - USD - 1,706,403.250 124,952.200 1,581,451.050JPM Global Natural Resources B (acc) - EUR 1,088,061.679 955,801.383 284,020.393 1,759,842.669JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - EUR 7,754,952.338 12,043,364.935 14,316,402.090 5,481,915.183JPM Global Natural Resources C (acc) - USD - 224,985.925 - 224,985.925JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - EUR 9,714,749.024 11,566,855.923 9,168,295.501 12,113,309.446JPM Global Natural Resources D (acc) - USD - 2,437.992 - 2,437.992JPM Global Natural Resources X (acc) - EUR 5,178,017.275 1,682,000.970 206,994.989 6,653,023.256

JPMorgan Funds - Global Real Estate Securities Fund (USD) (6)JPM Global Real Estate Securities A (acc) - USD - 955,818.762 477,188.737 478,630.025JPM Global Real Estate Securities D (acc) - USD - 251,368.884 - 251,368.884JPM Global Real Estate Securities X (acc) - USD - 1,181,531.621 - 1,181,531.621

JPMorgan Funds - JF China FundJF China A (acc) - USD 2,952,122.589 13,096,612.012 8,145,816.246 7,902,918.355JF China A (dist) - USD 36,340,248.733 72,060,315.843 55,722,962.197 52,677,602.379JF China B (acc) - USD 1,239,453.749 4,924,988.268 2,496,013.271 3,668,428.746JF China C (acc) - USD 309,143.828 2,385,902.761 1,072,361.908 1,622,684.681JF China D (acc) - USD 9,411,230.569 18,504,857.090 14,645,227.302 13,270,860.357JF China I (acc) - USD - 1,616,926.699 524,395.051 1,092,531.648JF China X (acc) - USD - 2,086,541.580 98,107.560 1,988,434.020

JPMorgan Funds - JF Greater China FundJF Greater China A (acc) - USD 2,263,602.362 2,725,767.575 2,919,342.527 2,070,027.410JF Greater China A (dist) - USD 17,545,691.601 7,665,939.482 8,961,725.298 16,249,905.785JF Greater China B (acc) - USD 1,182,225.820 126,718.228 1,217,773.130 91,170.918JF Greater China C (acc) - USD 2,372,097.036 2,179,374.203 2,096,711.107 2,454,760.132JF Greater China D (acc) - USD 5,327,111.376 3,548,431.241 3,479,580.530 5,395,962.087JF Greater China I (acc) - USD - 2,399,908.437 2,399,908.437 -JF Greater China X (acc) - USD 42,727.329 44,491.254 8,515.330 78,703.253

JPMorgan Funds - JF Hong Kong FundJF Hong Kong A (acc) - USD 279,424.162 1,396,362.322 1,021,428.415 654,358.069JF Hong Kong A (dist) - USD 1,800,970.915 1,553,572.031 1,455,795.643 1,898,747.303JF Hong Kong B (acc) - USD 21,000.000 7,385.524 26,299.072 2,086.452JF Hong Kong C (acc) - USD 12,827.370 125,706.000 129,475.400 9,057.970JF Hong Kong D (acc) - USD 441,696.471 537,701.939 512,955.867 466,442.543

JPMorgan Funds - JF India FundJF India A (acc) - USD 9,389,755.457 29,020,380.982 20,234,273.246 18,175,863.193JF India A (dist) - USD 35,581,405.692 21,971,735.949 25,975,781.563 31,577,360.078JF India B (acc) - USD 2,581,574.947 3,618,195.714 2,865,435.151 3,334,335.510JF India C (acc) - USD 4,812,033.055 3,495,638.453 3,927,567.946 4,380,103.562JF India D (acc) - USD 21,036,070.815 13,887,521.233 15,169,504.772 19,754,087.276JF India X (acc) - USD 121,009.046 2,109,735.051 297,434.766 1,933,309.331

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Equity FundJF Japan Equity A (acc) - USD 51,290,467.999 15,696,060.066 39,357,043.641 27,629,484.424JF Japan Equity A (acc) - EUR 251,889.169 615,761.485 308,140.785 559,509.869JF Japan Equity A (acc) - JPY 4,770,064.290 7,314,846.781 8,900,941.792 3,183,969.279JF Japan Equity A (dist) - USD 77,182,810.005 29,028,417.787 68,158,477.421 38,052,750.371JF Japan Equity A (dist) - GBP 327,056.610 59,919.543 77,074.016 309,902.137JF Japan Equity B (acc) - USD 2,722,552.515 185,780.668 947,326.156 1,961,007.027JF Japan Equity C (acc) - USD 25,534,724.866 3,111,997.308 22,407,932.495 6,238,789.679JF Japan Equity D (acc) - USD 22,698,395.273 9,565,932.326 19,438,487.143 12,825,840.456JF Japan Equity D (acc) - EUR 622.822 755,530.179 369,404.547 386,748.454JF Japan Equity J (dist) - USD 5,940,851.011 1,876,024.770 4,212,825.849 3,604,049.932JF Japan Equity I (acc) - USD 0.001 17,328,088.379 11,280,561.745 6,047,526.635JF Japan Equity X (acc) - USD 3,870,721.921 505,313.050 3,143,365.963 1,232,669.008

JPMorgan Funds - JF Japan Small Cap FundJF Japan Small Cap A (acc) - USD 2,079,520.415 3,966,092.521 2,713,525.633 3,332,087.303JF Japan Small Cap A (dist) - USD 13,869,069.353 4,999,268.328 7,417,332.090 11,451,005.591JF Japan Small Cap B (acc) - USD 440,676.261 70,567.723 110,574.048 400,669.936JF Japan Small Cap C (acc) - USD 2,004,201.932 1,382,231.945 1,009,906.715 2,376,527.162JF Japan Small Cap D (acc) - USD 2,994,034.019 1,478,953.367 2,443,063.773 2,029,923.613JF Japan Small Cap X (acc) - USD 453,392.598 3,375,177.860 681,080.288 3,147,490.170

JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Balanced FundJF Pacific Balanced A (acc) - USD 865,121.476 315,962.788 942,158.881 238,925.383JF Pacific Balanced A (dist) - USD 7,373,649.267 1,385,520.266 3,417,329.146 5,341,840.387JF Pacific Balanced D (acc) - USD 2,023,374.997 871,349.861 1,116,858.072 1,777,866.786

(6) This Sub-Fund was launched on 1 September 2006.


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

10. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2007 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - JF Pacific Technology FundJF Pacific Technology A (acc) - USD 613,682.762 300,711.866 696,242.574 218,152.054JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - USD 4,419,660.550 3,546,972.657 5,237,814.229 2,728,818.978JF Pacific Technology A (dist) - GBP 7,159.151 570.551 1,155.340 6,574.362JF Pacific Technology B (acc) - USD 129,291.470 - 129,291.470 -JF Pacific Technology D (acc) - USD 407,642.516 197,792.245 312,162.595 293,272.166

JPMorgan Funds - JF Singapore FundJF Singapore A (acc) - USD 995,597.359 8,241,425.543 4,366,007.950 4,871,014.952JF Singapore A (dist) - USD 4,509,553.720 21,009,259.300 15,500,392.486 10,018,420.534JF Singapore B (acc) - USD 20,259.189 1,068,517.985 76,383.506 1,012,393.668JF Singapore C (acc) - USD 998,810.116 1,123,968.421 1,144,098.845 978,679.692JF Singapore D (acc) - USD 1,210,955.038 4,840,686.645 2,608,495.024 3,443,146.659JF Singapore I (acc) - USD - 4,507,865.883 1,692,284.390 2,815,581.493JF Singapore X (acc) - USD 10,000.000 32,841.715 16,194.603 26,647.112

JPMorgan Funds - JF Taiwan FundJF Taiwan A (acc) - USD 6,217,417.582 13,801,551.010 7,887,699.067 12,131,269.525JF Taiwan A (dist) - USD 15,339,352.098 25,909,734.119 24,576,661.471 16,672,424.746JF Taiwan B (acc) - USD 144,587.850 - 114,291.498 30,296.352JF Taiwan C (acc) - USD 6,770,226.124 395,504.507 6,515,377.961 650,352.670JF Taiwan D (acc) - USD 2,717,541.439 1,484,666.801 2,124,250.617 2,077,957.623JF Taiwan I (acc) - USD 0.001 17,264,826.976 3,585,523.782 13,679,303.195JF Taiwan X (acc) - USD 160,061.802 63,985.189 86,200.106 137,846.885

JPMorgan Funds - Latin America Equity FundJPM Latin America Equity A (acc) - USD 1,918,114.362 8,165,835.489 4,790,701.865 5,293,247.986JPM Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 7,449,530.717 6,835,809.700 5,408,950.580 8,876,389.837JF Latin America Equity A (dist) - USD 2,405,480.811 11,331,287.761 7,338,686.497 6,398,082.075JPM Latin America Equity B (acc) - USD 3,457,728.199 1,143,607.565 1,954,607.539 2,646,728.225JPM Latin America Equity C (acc) - USD 9,165,261.509 1,660,257.197 9,073,228.332 1,752,290.374JPM Latin America Equity D (acc) - USD 3,735,483.153 3,896,341.999 2,796,401.842 4,835,423.310JPM Latin America Equity I (acc) - USD 5,515,171.024 23,232,264.732 4,425,174.772 24,322,260.984JPM Latin America Equity X (acc) - USD 3,016,255.232 155,346.365 500,813.619 2,670,787.978

JPMorgan Funds - Middle East Equity FundJPM Middle East Equity A (acc) - USD 2,237,966.202 3,608,203.259 3,815,921.210 2,030,248.251JPM Middle East Equity A (dist) - USD 8,373,495.442 9,517,236.409 9,274,628.300 8,616,103.551JPM Middle East Equity B (acc) - USD 6,300.000 554,510.234 - 560,810.234JPM Middle East Equity D (acc) - USD 5,440,163.096 1,795,073.895 4,099,452.778 3,135,784.213

JPMorgan Funds - Russia FundJPM Russia A (acc) - USD 3,026,166.472 10,882,969.896 8,167,116.884 5,742,019.484JPM Russia A (dist) - USD 5,526,749.246 6,713,674.964 6,280,221.391 5,960,202.819JPM Russia B (acc) - USD 427,830.018 587,710.061 53,000.000 962,540.079JPM Russia D (acc) - USD 326,660.741 7,747,791.764 2,992,555.930 5,081,896.575JPM Russia I (acc) - USD - 1,020,000.001 1,020,000.001 -

JPMorgan Funds - US Aggregate Bond FundJPM US Aggregate Bond A (acc) - USD 178,383.687 2,132,549.946 490,578.236 1,820,355.397JPM US Aggregate Bond A (dist) - USD 2,854,395.715 11,182,304.287 7,137,730.921 6,898,969.081JPM US Aggregate Bond B (acc) - USD 797,858.600 961,878.585 - 1,759,737.185JPM US Aggregate Bond C (acc) - USD 2,240,709.753 65,789.474 290,234.495 2,016,264.732JPM US Aggregate Bond D (acc) - USD 602,934.645 2,360,683.451 1,269,663.755 1,693,954.341JPM US Aggregate Bond X (acc) - USD 17,615,619.613 902,124.303 9,781,796.682 8,735,947.234

JPMorgan Funds - US Dynamic FundJPM US Dynamic A (acc) - USD 98,179,196.738 112,544,953.949 67,463,025.350 143,261,125.337JPM US Dynamic A (acc) - EUR 1,832,985.998 13,795,807.066 2,967,928.397 12,660,864.667JPM US Dynamic A (dist) - USD 138,272,807.910 107,586,396.412 96,054,494.911 149,804,709.411JPM US Dynamic B (acc) - USD 8,875,839.249 4,028,031.116 4,422,125.671 8,481,744.694JPM US Dynamic C (acc) - USD 66,622,657.227 55,969,083.656 45,102,646.274 77,489,094.609JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - USD 8,241,221.278 9,670,473.280 7,960,709.508 9,950,985.050JPM US Dynamic D (acc) - EUR 501.365 131,094.112 38,433.158 93,162.319JPM US Dynamic I (inc) - EUR - 64,815,236.185 32,407,618.092 32,407,618.093JPM US Dynamic I (acc) - USD 2,500,000.000 9,500,471.576 2,226,377.158 9,774,094.418JPM US Dynamic X (acc) - USD 22,339,544.970 48,421,902.343 45,861,245.404 24,900,201.909

JPMorgan Funds - US Small Cap Growth FundJPM US Small Cap Growth A (acc) - USD 337,233.538 1,225,111.846 1,314,943.632 247,401.752JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - USD 711,060.490 45,242.873 282,112.126 474,191.237JPM US Small Cap Growth A (dist) - GBP 215.514 - 64.611 150.903JPM US Small Cap Growth D (acc) - USD 384,172.501 1,915,183.855 313,270.118 1,986,086.238

JPMorgan Funds - US Strategic Growth FundJPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - USD 5,554,669.177 10,396,529.332 4,820,567.186 11,130,631.323JPM US Strategic Growth A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 3,376,594.381 1,509.436 3,375,084.945JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - USD 9,967,356.538 34,770,599.039 13,705,342.365 31,032,613.212JPM US Strategic Growth A (dist) - GBP 28,393.835 635.779 25,074.944 3,954.670JPM US Strategic Growth B (acc) - USD 1,143,551.797 941,487.880 349,613.643 1,735,426.034JPM US Strategic Growth C (acc) - USD 641,058.058 4,435,630.259 2,104,109.472 2,972,578.845JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - USD 432,730.237 311,179.912 307,646.225 436,263.924JPM US Strategic Growth D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 26,490.066 - 26,490.066JPM US Strategic Growth X (acc) - USD 3,711,013.447 5,435,332.359 529,036.120 8,617,309.686


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JPMorgan FundsAppendix - Unaudited Additional Disclosures (continued)

Shares Outstandingat the Beginning

of the Year

Shares Subscribed Shares Redeemed Shares Outstandingat the End

of the Year

10. Historical Statement of Changes in the Number of Shares - for the year ended 30 June 2007 (continued)JPMorgan Funds - US Technology FundJPM US Technology A (acc) - USD 178,419.945 1,180,352.223 970,527.312 388,244.856JPM US Technology A (dist) - GBP 40,163.033 1,753.184 8,545.158 33,371.059JPM US Technology A (dist) - USD 14,013,006.695 8,700,971.987 15,207,432.702 7,506,545.980JF US Technology A (dist) - USD 3,959,547.876 6,928,855.541 6,953,201.026 3,935,202.391JPM US Technology D (acc) - USD 3,425,483.037 2,461,818.928 3,090,447.571 2,796,854.394

JPMorgan Funds - US Value FundJPM US Value A (acc) - USD 17,525,395.184 40,906,758.343 30,685,347.005 27,746,806.522JPM US Value A (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 3,585,219.422 2,142,583.388 1,442,636.034JPM US Value A (dist) - USD 53,645,880.704 46,760,790.075 46,188,299.108 54,218,371.671JPM US Value A (dist) - GBP 39,901.555 21,411.794 2,716.678 58,596.671JF US Value A (dist) - USD 314,520.824 488,480.864 624,938.133 178,063.555JPM US Value B (acc) - USD 224,746.041 535,566.173 254,727.348 505,584.866JPM US Value C (acc) - USD 9,517,928.147 14,693,150.896 9,744,273.341 14,466,805.702JPM US Value D (acc) - USD 5,017,070.643 4,228,404.432 2,306,316.949 6,939,158.126JPM US Value D (acc) - EUR (hedged) - 268,507.456 29,282.885 239,224.571JPM US Value X (acc) - USD 3,155,183.098 6,464,554.694 1,912,520.818 7,707,216.974


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Page 200: JPMorgan Funds - Asset · PDF fileJ.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 United States of America JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited Tokyo
