Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1843367 COOPERATION AND STATUS IN ORGANIZATIONS CATHERINE C. ECKEL University of Texas ENRIQUE FATAS University of Valencia RICK WILSON Rice University Abstract We report the results of experiments designed to test the ef- fect of social status on contributions to a public good, with and without punishment. The experiments are conducted in four-person groups in a “star” network, where one central player observes and is observed by the others. This imposes a social structure on the game, and gives the central player a leadership role in the group, simply by virtue of being com- monly observed. We further manipulate status by allocating the central position to the person who earns the highest, or the lowest, score on a trivia quiz. These high-status and low-status treatments are compared, and we find that the effect of organizational structure—the existence of a cen- tral position—depends on the status of the central player. Higher status players are attended to and mimicked more systematically. Punishment has differential effects in the two treatments, and is least effective in the high-status case. Catherine C. Eckel, School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 ([email protected]). Enrique Fatas, University of Va- lencia, Campus Tarongers, 46022 Valencia, Spain ([email protected]). Rick Wilson, Department of Political Science, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 ([email protected]). This research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation, SES-0318180, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (SEJ2007-66581 and ECO2008-04784), and the IVIE. Vishal Chanani provided excellent research assistance. The paper was completed while Fatas was a visiting scholar at the Center for Behavioral and Experimental Economic Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. Thanks to Rachel Croson, Chetan Dave, Lise Vesterlund, and two anonymous referees for valuable comments. Received January 27, 2009; Accepted January 29, 2010. C 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 12 (4), 2010, pp. 737–762. 737

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Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1843367


CATHERINE C. ECKELUniversity of Texas

ENRIQUE FATASUniversity of Valencia

RICK WILSONRice University

AbstractWe report the results of experiments designed to test the ef-fect of social status on contributions to a public good, withand without punishment. The experiments are conductedin four-person groups in a “star” network, where one centralplayer observes and is observed by the others. This imposesa social structure on the game, and gives the central player aleadership role in the group, simply by virtue of being com-monly observed. We further manipulate status by allocatingthe central position to the person who earns the highest,or the lowest, score on a trivia quiz. These high-status andlow-status treatments are compared, and we find that theeffect of organizational structure—the existence of a cen-tral position—depends on the status of the central player.Higher status players are attended to and mimicked moresystematically. Punishment has differential effects in the twotreatments, and is least effective in the high-status case.

Catherine C. Eckel, School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texasat Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 ([email protected]). Enrique Fatas, University of Va-lencia, Campus Tarongers, 46022 Valencia, Spain ([email protected]). Rick Wilson, Departmentof Political Science, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 ([email protected]).

This research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation, SES-0318180, theSpanish Ministry of Science and Education (SEJ2007-66581 and ECO2008-04784), and theIVIE. Vishal Chanani provided excellent research assistance. The paper was completedwhile Fatas was a visiting scholar at the Center for Behavioral and Experimental EconomicScience at the University of Texas at Dallas. Thanks to Rachel Croson, Chetan Dave, LiseVesterlund, and two anonymous referees for valuable comments.

Received January 27, 2009; Accepted January 29, 2010.

C© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Journal of Public Economic Theory, 12 (4), 2010, pp. 737–762.


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738 Journal of Public Economic Theory

1. Introduction and Motivation

Social status plays a complex role in human interaction. Previous work pointsto social status shifting prices in markets (Ball et al. 2001), boosting fundrais-ing (Kumru and Vesterlund 2005) and solving coordination problems (Eckeland Wilson 2007). The provision of public goods is sometimes seen as a coor-dination problem, with participants willing to do their “fair share” if othersalso contribute (Sugden 1984). This manifests itself in “matching” behavior,where subjects are said to match others’ contribution levels (Bardsley andSausgruber 2005, Croson 2007). If agents have a strong preference to matchothers’ contributions, the problem is transformed from a social dilemma toa coordination game (Harrison and Hirshleifer 1989, Mcelreath, Boyd, andRicherson 2003, Guillen, Fatas, and Branas-Garza 2008). In this study, we askwhether social status serves as a useful mechanism for solving public goodsproblems. Status can act as a coordinating device, as it does in pure coor-dination games, with higher-status individuals more likely to be mimicked(followed) by others. In addition, in a setting with costly punishment, socialstatus may enhance the effectiveness of punishment and reduce antisocialpunishment, enhancing overall efficiency.

We present the results of laboratory experiments that explore the im-pact of social status on behavior in pubic goods games with a specific networkstructure. The network has a central player that is observed by a set of periph-eral players who, in turn, observe only the central player. Status is awarded bythe experimenter using scores on a general knowledge trivia quiz that is un-related to the experimental game. The central position is given to either thehigh scorer (high-status treatment) or the low scorer (low-status treatment).Subjects play two games: a standard linear voluntary contribution mecha-nism (VCM) and a VCM with costly punishment. We find that higher-statuscentral players are more likely to be “followed” in the key situation when theperipheral player is contributing less than the central player. We also findthat high-status central players punish less, and peripheral players are moreresponsive to punishment by a higher-status central player.

2. Background and Hypotheses

Beginning with Becker’s theoretical formalizations of discrimination (Becker1971) and professional distinction (Becker 1974), economists have recog-nized the importance of status and status competition. Social status enterseconomic decision making in at least two respects. First, status is a motive initself. Frank (1985) argues that the “quest for status” is as strong a motivationas the quest for monetary compensation, so that individuals engage in manyactivities in order to acquire and display status. Along the same lines, Veblen(1899) notes conspicuous consumption as a way of trying to signal status.1

1We distinguish status from earnings. Social status is often thought of merely as socioeco-nomic status, and formalized as relative earnings (Quint and Shubik 2001, Allgood 2006).

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Cooperation and Status 739

Second, high-status agents may have a strong influence on others, as othersseek their company and guidance, affecting choices and decision making bylower-status individuals. Thus high-status individuals are more likely to bemimicked or deferred to (Ball et al. 2001, Kumru and Vesterlund 2005). Im-itating or learning from higher-status exemplars can help solve coordinationproblems (Eckel and Wilson 2007); the behavior of the higher-status individ-ual provides an example that is observed and can be followed by others. It isthis second effect of status—the influence that high-status individuals haveon the behavior of others—that we examine here.

Gil-White and Henrich (2001) argue that attending to and mimickinghigh-status individuals is a valuable strategy in a world where successful in-dividuals may have superior information. Cultural transmission is enhancedwhen higher-status, successful individuals are copied by others. Copying suc-cessful individuals has evolutionary payoffs, so that humans may have evolveda preference for paying attention to and learning from high-status agents(see also Boyd and Richerson 2002, Boyd et al. 2003). Bala and Goyal (1998)capture the essence of the idea of attending to a high-status agent in a modelwhere the presence of a commonly observed agent, which they term the“royal family,” can have a significant impact on which among multiple equi-libria is selected. Here high status consists of common observation alone, andthe information provided by this observation can lead to a better outcomefor the population of players. Our experiments include these two compo-nents of status: observability, and the manner in which the observable statusis attained.

Experimental research confirms the tendency of individuals to mimichigh-status agents. Eckel and Wilson (2001) show that a commonly observedagent can influence equilibrium selection in a coordination game. Becauseany commonly observed signal can act as a coordination device, we inducestatus differentials by allocating this role based on a score on a general knowl-edge trivia quiz. This allows us to distinguish whether our results are dueto status or to a focal point (Schelling 1960). One treatment allocates therole to the high scorers, and the other to those who score the lowest onthe quiz. Thus we manipulate the relative status of the commonly observedagent directly. These findings show that subjects are more likely to imitatea commonly observed agent who has high status than one that has lowstatus, where status is determined by the experimenter in a domain thatis unrelated to the game the subjects play. Imitation makes the popula-tion of subjects more likely to reach a Pareto-superior, but risk-dominated,equilibrium, an outcome that rarely occurs otherwise (Cooper et al. 1990).Kumru and Vesterlund (2005) show a related result, with high-status

Experimental studies highlight the importance of relative earnings as a motivating factor(Bolton 1991). But status also can be based on rank with respect to other characteristicsaffecting the esteem of others, such as education, attractiveness, skill, etc., that may beonly weakly correlated with earnings.

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first-movers more likely to be mimicked in a two-person sequential voluntarycontribution game. In their setting, high status enhances the ability of lead-ers to increase total contributions.2

Social psychologists have long noted the relationship between status andinfluence (see Webster and Foschi 1988, for an overview.) They have de-veloped the concept of a “status characteristic”—an identifiable character-istic of a person that indicates higher status. A status characteristic impliesknowledge or expertise, and is either specific or diffuse. Specific status char-acteristics are derived from specialization and expertise and are relevant toa specific domain. For example, having a PhD in political science impliesspecialized knowledge about politics. Status is conferred because of the cre-dential, and others will defer to this person for topics having to do with poli-tics (whether justified or not). Diffuse status characteristics are not related tocredentials, but rather with aspects of individuals—such as ethnicity, sex, orattractiveness—that may be grounded in stereotypes and imply knowledgeor expertise more generally. They are nevertheless influential.3 In addition,status in one arena can spill over into another; a person with status in onearena may be influential in another, unrelated arena.

Consider the specific case of a VCM public good game. For a personto have influence, her action needs to be observable by others. In addition,others must attend to and mimic her actions. In a coordination-game set-ting, any strategy chosen by a commonly observed player can serve as a focalpoint for coordination (Schelling 1960); a commonly observed agent canserve a similar function in the public goods game if agents desire to recip-rocate (or match) others’ contributions (Croson 2007). That said, there isno guarantee that a commonly observed agent will lead a group to higherlevels of public good production. Those who observe the central agent mayignore her example. If the mechanism for selecting the agent—that is, forconferring status—is unrelated to the task, then status is “diffuse,” implyingno specialized skills, and the agent may not be mimicked. Furthermore, thepresence of an influential, commonly observed player could “lead” the out-come to any common level of donations to the public good. The commonlyobserved agent herself may not choose a strategy that, if copied, would leadto higher production levels of the public good. If the commonly observedagent is a high contributor we would expect contributions to be higher thanin the absence of such an agent. If a high-status individual fails to contributeat high levels, that individual can still be imitated, but group contributionswill not increase. This leads us to our main hypothesis:

2Chaudhuri, Graziano, and Maitra (2006) examine a different form of social learning inpublic goods games, intergenerational advice between rounds.3See Ridgeway and Erickson (2000) for a rich discussion of the way in which status iscreated and spread.

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H1. Peripheral players are more likely to mimic the behavior of higher-status central players.

There is a second feature to some public goods games where status may playa role: costly punishment. Punishment can be a useful mechanism for raisingthe levels of contributions in the VCM (Fehr and Gachter 2000). If subjectsare allowed to observe one another’s contributions and pay a fee to punishothers, they will do so. This results in higher levels of contributions over timeand an increase in group outcomes, though not necessarily an improvementin social welfare net of costly punishment. Costly punishment is a second-order public goods problem since individuals have to bear the cost to enforcea group norm (Boyd et al. 2003).

The presence of a high-status agent can interact with punishment in sev-eral ways. First, the leadership of a high-status, central agent may obviatethe need for punishment, making the status of the leader a kind of substi-tute for punishment. Second, high status may enhance the effectiveness ofpunishment: punishment by a high-status player may have a greater impacton subsequent play merely because it comes from a source that is seen asmore legitimate or respected. Third, other agents may be less likely to pun-ish a higher-status group member, whether for prosocial reasons (punishinglow contributions) or antisocial, retaliatory reasons (Herrmann, Thoni, andGachter 2008). Taken together, these factors imply that making costly pun-ishment available in the public goods context may not have the same effectwhen subjects differ in status. This leads us to our second hypothesis:

H2. Peripheral players will be more responsive to punishment by a higher-status central player, and high-status central players will receive lesspunishment.

We employ a star network structure in which there is a central player whois observed by all other group members, and these peripheral players are ob-served only by the central player (Fatas, Melendez, and Solaz 2010). Thus,by being observed, the central player inherently has high status: he is the“royal family” in the sense of Bala and Goyal (1998). We also vary the statusof the central player. Following Ball et al. (2001) and Kumru and Vesterlund(2005), we allocate the central role based on scores on a general knowledgetrivia quiz. As in Eckel and Wilson (2007), in one treatment the high-scoringsubject is given the central role, and in another the low-scoring subject is allo-cated to the central position. This design allows us to compare the influenceof the central agent for different status levels. It also allows us to distinguishbetween a pure coordination effect, resulting from the mere existence ofany commonly observed strategy (Schelling 1960), and leadership, resultingfrom a situation where the identity (status) of the central player determinesher influence.

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Figure 1: Star network: player 1 is the commonly observed player.

3. Design

The experiment is a repeated public goods game, conducted in a four-person“star” network with one central player and three peripheral players (seeFigure 1). The network structure imposes an information structure on thegame. One agent is observable by—and observes—all of the others. For con-sistency the commonly observed agent is referred to as the “central player”and the other agents as “peripheral players.” In each round, subjects areendowed with 50 Experimental Currency Units (ECUs), and must decide(simultaneously) what portion of the endowment to contribute to a groupaccount, ci . Each ECU contributed to the group account yields a payoff of 0.5ECU to each of the four members of the group. Each ECU not contributedby the subject is credited to the subject’s private account. Therefore, in aparticular round, individual i’s earnings (in ECU) are given by the followingequation:

πi = (e − ci ) + bn∑


ci , (1)

where the notation (e = endowment, c = contribution to the public good,b = marginal per capita return, n = group size) and parameter values (b =0.5, n = 4) are standard. The MPCR of 0.5 makes the game easily computablefor subjects. Group composition is randomly determined at the beginningof the session and remains unchanged throughout. Subjects interact via acomputerized interface.

At the end of each round, each subject observes his own earnings andthe decisions of those he is connected to. Thus the choices of the centralplayer are observed by all other players in the group, and the central playerobserves the decisions of each of the other players, but the peripheral playersdo not directly observe each other. Average play can be inferred from payoffinformation, but the specific decisions of others cannot.

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Table 1: Punishment cost structure

Punishment points (p pj i ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Punishment cost (p ci j ) 0 2 4 8 12 18 24 32 40 50 60

The experiment is a 2 × 2 design, varying status (high and low) andgame (VCM without and with punishment). Subjects are assigned to a highor low-status treatment, and within a session, subjects first play 20 rounds ofa standard VCM. After a surprise restart in period 21, subjects are given theoption to punish. A player can punish any agent who is connected to him—so again, the central player can punish anyone, but the other players canonly punish the central player. Punishment is implemented as in Fehr andGachter (2000), in a proportional way. Each punishment point received by asubject diminishes her profits by 10%.4 The cost of punishment is presentedin Table 1.

Following Fehr and Gachter (2000) and Fatas, Melendez, and Solaz(2010), if a central player received more than 10 punishment points fromperipheral player in any given round, at most 100% of their earnings couldbe wiped out. A subject could achieve negative earnings for a round only byincurring punishment costs in excess of (net) earnings; thus losses could beavoided. Profits in the punishment game (PUN, thereafter) are calculated as

πi =[

(e − ci ) + bn∑




10 − min



p pj i






p ci j , (2)

where p ci j is the punishment cost of the points sent by subject j to subject i,

and p pj i is the number of punishment points received by subject i from

subject j.5 The punishment points received by subject i reduces her prof-its by 10% (up to a maximum of 100%, as explained) and the cost of thepunishment points sent follow Table 1.

Subjects’ scores on a trivia quiz determine who is assigned to the centralplayer position.6 There are two treatments. In one, the high-scoring player is

4We chose this punishment scheme to adhere as closely as possible to the original designby Fehr and Gachter (2000) and by Fatas, Melendez, and Solaz (2010). Given that thesame punishment mechanism is implemented in all treatments, treatment effects shouldnot be affected by this specific design choice.5Note that only the central player can receive points from more than one other groupmember; peripheral players receive punishment only from the central player.6The procedure and trivia quiz are adapted from Ball et al. (2001) and Eckel andWilson (2007) to the Spanish subject pool. All 15 questions were relatively easy for col-lege students: the average score was 9.78 (std. error 1.74, max 14 and min 4). Subjects

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assigned to the role of the central player (high-status treatment, thereafter);in the second, the low-scoring player is assigned the role of the central player(low-status treatment).

All experimental sessions were conducted at LINEEX (Laboratory forResearch in Experimental Economics), at the University of Valencia. Weelectronically recruited 80 subjects, mainly business and economics under-graduate students, all inexperienced in public good games experiments ornetwork experiments. Specifically, 40 participated in each treatment, pro-ducing 10 independent groups for each. On average, a session lasted around90 minutes, including initial instructions and payment of subjects, and theaverage payment was around $37. The experiment was computerized usingZ -TREE (Fischbacher 2007).

4. Results

4.1. Aggregate Results

Table 2 reports aggregate results treating average behavior by an individualas an observation. In the VCM without punishment, subjects allocate on av-erage between 22 and 25.6 out of a possible 50 tokens to the public account.There are no statistically significant differences in average donations acrossstatus treatments or position in the VCM. When punishment is introduced,contributions increase in both treatments. However, the increase is signifi-cant only in the low-status groups. While the standard errors are higher inthe low-status treatment, the differences in variances are not statistically sig-nificant.

Figure 2 plots the mean contributions for the central and peripheralplayers for the VCM. The first row plots distributions for the peripheral play-ers, and the second row for the central players, by game. These distribu-tions illustrate the mean and the 95% confidence interval (standard error)across all periods, and show the higher variability of the low-status data. Asis common in VCM studies, Figure 2 shows that the peripheral subjects be-gin by contributing about half of their tokens to the public good, and con-tributions deteriorate over time, with a more marked deterioration in thelow-status treatment. Differences in contributions appear only in the finalrounds, where contributions are sustained under the high-status treatment,while they drop considerably in the low-status treatment. The high-status cen-tral players have more stable contributions than low-status central players,which deteriorate in the last few periods of play.

Figure 3 shows that low-status contributions increase after punishment isinstituted but not in the high-status treatment. However, the low-status distri-butions are more variable.

were paid €.30 for each correct answer. No single question was related to the experiment,even indirectly. The quiz is available upon request from the authors.

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Table 2: Average contributions by treatment (standard deviation in brackets)a

Number of VCM VCM with PunishmentSubjects (Rounds 1–20) (Rounds 21–40)

High status Central players 10 23.90 25.62(10.00) (13.24)

Peripheral players 30 25.63 26.28(9.80) (12.88)

All players 40 25.20 26.12(9.75) (12.80)

Low status Central players 10 22.63 33.58(12.42) (14.59)

Peripheral players 30 22.01 29.09(11.86) (14.81)

All players 40 22.16 30.21(11.84) (14.70)

aAn average contribution was calculated for each subject, and we report here the standarddeviation of that set of values. All statistical tests used these values.The tests below report comparisons across means and in brackets is the reported p valuefor a ratio of variances test where the null hypothesis is that the variances are equivalent.HS peripheral players v. LS peripheral players (periods 1–20): t = 1.29, p = .20, df = 58,[p = .31].HS central player v. LS central player (periods 1–20): t = 0.25, p = .80, df = 18, [p = .53].HS peripheral players v. LS peripheral players (periods 21–40): t = 0.78, p = .44, df = 58,[p = .47].HS central player v. LS central player (periods 21–40): t = 1.28, p = .21, df = 18, [p =.78].HS players (peripheral and central) v. LS players (periods 1–20): t = 1.25, p = .21, df =78, [p = .23].HS players (peripheral and central) v. LS players (periods 21–40): t = 1.33, p = .19, df =78, [p = .39].The following are within subject tests comparing no punishment and punishment games(periods 1–20 v. 21–40):HS central players: t = 0.47, p = .65, df = 19, [p = .42].HS peripheral players: t = 0.33, p = .74, df = 29, [p = .15].LS central players: t = 4.17, p = .002, df = 19, [p = .64].LS peripheral players: t = 3.36, p = .002, df = 29, [p = .24].HS all players: t = 0.54, p = .59, df = 39, [p = .27].LS all players: t = 4.69, p = .00, df = 39, [p = .07].

Recall that status can affect both the level of giving and punishment bythe central player as well as his influence on the other players. Understand-ing these results requires a more detailed analysis that controls both for thebehavior of the central player, and the response by the peripheral players,and explicitly models the dynamic interactions among the players.

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Figure 2: Plots of means and standard errors by period for contributions. Themeans are represented by dots while the standard error bars represent the 95%

confidence interval around the mean. The top row represents the initial 20periods with no punishment for the peripheral players. The left panel representsthe high-status condition and the right panel represents the low-status condition.The bottom row represents the initial 20 periods with no punishment for thecentral players and the left and right panels display the high- and low-status

conditions, respectively.

4.2. Contributions to the Public Good

Regression models are estimated for the individual contribution decisionsin order to test whether the decisions by the central player affect the playof the peripheral players, and if those effects differ across status treatments.We employ tobit regressions with clustered standard errors.7 Table 3 reportsmarginal effects for the peripheral players. The first includes only treatmentdummy variables (high status, punishment, and their interaction, as well asa linear trend (period number) and a separate trend for periods 21–40. Two

7Using Stata’s xttobit routine produced unstable estimates using random effects, which isnot unusual for this finicky estimator (see Stata online documentation for a discussion).Fixed effects tobit regressions produced results similar to those here and are available onrequest. Clustering by subject roughly doubled the estimated standard errors, so we seethis as a relatively conservative approach to the estimation. See Ashley, Ball, and Eckel(2010) for a more extensive discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the randomand fixed effects tobit estimations for repeated VCM data.

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Figure 3: Plots of means and standard errors by period for contributions. Themeans are represented by dots while the standard error bars represent the 95%confidence interval around the mean. The top row represents the second 20

periods with punishment for the peripheral players. The left panel represents thehigh- status condition and the right panel represents the low-status condition. The

bottom row represents the second 20 periods with punishment for the centralplayers and the left and right panels display the high- and low-status conditions,


results are evident. First, punishment has a positive main effect, and this ef-fect is offset for the high-status treatment as shown by the negative coefficienton the HS × PUN interaction. Second, contributions decline significantlyover time, and this decline is again offset by the punishment period variable,indicating that no such decline occurs when there is punishment. This con-firms the results in the graphs: there is no main effect of high status, andpunishment only affects the low-status level of contributions.

However, our main hypothesis concerns the relationship between thecentral player’s example and the peripheral player’s behavior. To examinethis we need to model the dynamic patterns in the data. Model 2 includesvariables that capture the feedback that an individual subject receives ontheir computer screen during the game. This includes the subjects’ con-tribution in the prior period, and two variables that capture the centralplayer’s action. Following Ashley, Ball, and Eckel (2010) we introduce two

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Table 3: Tobit regression results (marginal effects). Dependent variable =peripheral player contributions in tokens. Standard errors clustered on the

individual subject

(1) (2) (3)

High status (HS) 3.613 −0.028 0.201(1 = High Status, 0 = Low Status) (2.739) (1.466) (1.446)Punishment game (PUN) 13.360∗∗∗ 7.074∗∗∗ 7.430∗∗∗

(1 = Yes, 0 = No) (2.921) (1.738) (1.830)HS × PUN −7.164∗ −2.465 −3.209#

(2.860) (1.491) (1.642)Period (1–40) −0.561∗∗∗ −0.253∗∗∗ −0.251∗∗∗

(0.113) (0.069) (0.069)Punishment period 0.496∗∗ 0.0001 −0.002(1–20, beginning in period 21) (0.186) (0.110) (0.110)Lagged own contribution, ci ,t−1 0.959∗∗∗ 0.960∗∗∗

(0.055) (0.056)Lagged contribution above central player −0.392∗∗∗ −0.392∗∗∗

|ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1| if ci,t−1 ≥ c∗,t−1, 0 otherwise (0.050) (0.050)Lagged contribution below central player 0.071 0.091|ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1| if ci,t−1 < c∗,t−1, 0 otherwise (0.097) (0.084)HS × Lagged cont. below central player 0.232# 0.200(Interaction of HS and previous variable) (0.132) (0.123)Lagged punishment received −0.673

(0.552)HS × Lagged punishment received 1.643


Observations 2400 2280 2280Number of subjects 60 60 60

Pseudo R2 0.006 0.099 0.099Log likelihood −8133.2 −6991.2 −6988.9

Marginal effects; Standard errors in parentheses, #p < 0.10, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p <


variables to allow for an asymmetry in the response of the subject to the cen-tral player’s example.8 The first variable is the difference between own andcentral player contributions when the own contribution is above the centralplayer contribution, and the second is the same difference, but when the owncontribution is below the central player contribution. Both variables are de-fined as positive: Lagged Contribution Above is calculated as the subject’s

8Ashley, Ball, and Eckel (2003, 2010) show that asymmetric responses to information aretypical, so that it is important to specify models in this way.

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own contribution in the previous period ci,t−1 minus the central player’scontribution c∗,t−1 when this difference is positive; the correspondingLagged Contribution Below variable is the absolute value of the difference|ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1| when own contributions are below the central player’s. Thesevariables allow us to test whether peripheral players pay attention to the cen-tral player. Note that if a player is strictly following the central player’s lead,the coefficients on these two variables will be minus one for the first and onefor the second.

Model 2 adds these two variables, as well as an interaction of LaggedContribution Below with the high-status treatment. The interaction betweenhigh status and Lagged Contribution Above was near zero and insignificantin all specifications, and was dropped from the analysis. The result shows thatwhen contributions exceed the central player’s in the previous round, con-tributions fall by about 40% of the difference. But when contributions arebelow the central player’s, there is no corresponding upward movement forthe low-status treatment. Only when the interaction is also considered (theoverall effect in the high-status treatment is the sum of the coefficients onthe lagged-below variable and the interaction) is there a significant upwardmovement (likelihood ratio test, chi-square (2) = 12.06, p = 0.0025). We seethat only the high-status central players are able to “lead” the peripheral play-ers to actually increase their contributions, by about 30% of the difference.

Model 3 adds the punishment tokens received, and an interaction withthe high-status treatment. Though the variables carry different signs, neithercoefficient is different from zero. However, a likelihood ratio test indicatesthat they have some explanatory power (chi-square (2) = 4.33, p = 0.097),providing weak evidence that punishment by high-status central players ismore effective. Thus the primary effect of the punishment treatment is dueto the possibility of punishment, and not to the variable effectiveness of dif-ferent levels of punishment.

Table 4 contains similar regressions for the central players. We againreport marginal effects for tobit regressions with standard errors clusteredon the individual. The variables are similar to those in Table 3. Model 1includes only treatment variables and the period variables, as before. As inthe previous table, the model shows that punishment increases giving, butonly in the low-status treatment. Punishment again offsets the decline overtime seen in the first 20 rounds.

Models 2 and 3 model the dynamics. In this regression we define LaggedContribution Above Average as the central player’s contribution c∗,t−1 mi-nus the group average c t−1 when this is positive, and 0 otherwise. Symmetri-cally, Lagged Contribution Below Average is |c∗,t−1 − c t−1 − | conditional onthe central player’s contribution being below group average. As before, wesee considerable stickiness in play, with positive coefficients close to one onLagged Own Contributions. When the central player is above the group av-erage, he tends to lower his contributions, shown by the negative significant

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Table 4: Tobit regression results (marginal effects). Dependent variable = centralplayer contributions in tokens. Standard errors clustered on the individual subject

(1) (2) (3)

High status (HS) 1.590 −1.105 −1.137(1 = High Status, 0 = Low Status) (4.630) (1.889) (1.841)Punishment game (PUN) 11.530∗∗ 3.184 4.766(1 = Yes, 0 = No) (4.039) (2.116) (3.035)HS × PUN −10.200∗ −2.805 −3.070

(4.459) (2.233) (3.249)Period (1–40) −0.525∗∗ −0.241∗ −0.239∗

(0.194) (0.119) (0.120)Punishment period 1.025∗∗∗ 0.505∗∗ 0.450∗

(1–20, beginning in period 21) (0.304) (0.185) (0.184)Lagged own contribution, ci,t−1 1.073∗∗∗ 1.068∗∗∗

(0.097) (0.099)Lagged contribution above average −0.509∗ −0.506∗

|c∗,t−1 − c t−1| if c∗,t−1 ≥ c t−1, 0 otherwise (0.218) (0.219)Lagged contribution below average 0.521∗∗ 0.546∗

|c∗,t−1 − c t−1| if c∗,t−1 < c t−1, 0 otherwise (0.198) (0.226)HS × Lagged cont. below average 0.089 0.104(Interaction of HS and previous variable) (0.267) (0.291)Lagged punishment received −0.432

(0.529)HS × Lagged punishment received 0.023


Observations 800 760 760Number of subjects 20 20 20

Pseudo R2 0.013 0.112 0.113Log likelihood −2687.3 −2281.8 −2281.0

Marginal effects; Standard errors in parentheses.(d) for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1.∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.

coefficients on Lagged Contribution Above. When below average, the centralplayer tends to increase contributions. The interaction term is insignificant,indicating that both high and low central players respond similarly to beingabove or below the average of their peripheral counterparts. Model 3 showsno additional effect of the punishment tokens received by the central player.

As noted above subjects in the high-status treatment seem to follow thecentral player more closely, especially when their own contributions are be-low the central player’s. It appears that the reason the high-status treatmentis not successful in increasing contributions over the low-status sessions isthat central player chooses contribution levels that are no higher to start

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with, and so does not inspire higher contributions by the peripheral play-ers. Part of this is due to the fact that high-status central players tend tocontribute about half their tokens, and exhibit less variance than their low-status counterparts (see Figures 2 and 3).

These data point to the fact that while peripheral players will imitatehigh-status central players, those central players do not change their initialstrategy to take advantage of peripheral players who are willing to follow.9

Hypothesis 1 is correct in that peripheral players are taking their cues fromhigh-status central players. Those central players, however, are not increasingtheir own contributions to the public good and as a consequence, neither arethe peripheral players.

4.3. Punishment

We next turn to an analysis of punishment behavior by peripheral and cen-tral players. As shown in Table 5, punishment varies by player type and status.The low-status treatment exhibits highest average punishment behavior byboth the central and peripheral players. Below Table 5 we report statisticaltests of differences in average punishment behavior assuming one observa-tion per subject (average punishment for all rounds). Using this measure,there are no significant differences in punishment sent or received by treat-ment, role, or game.

Further detail is provided by Figure 4, which shows histograms of pun-ishment tokens sent. The top panel shows punishment by the central players,and it appears that there is considerably more punishment by the low-statusthan high-status central players, especially in the middle rounds. This is con-firmed by a distribution test, comparing the distribution of punishment lev-els for all rounds for low and high-status central players (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 =48.17, df = 2, p < 0.001). The bottom histogram shows punishment by pe-ripheral players. Again, there appears to be more punishment by low-statusplayers. A test comparing the distribution of punishment over all rounds sentby the high- and low-status peripheral players is again significant (Kruskal-Wallis, χ2 = 83.78, p < 0.001).

9Another question we might address is the relationship between the scores of the partic-ipants and their contributions. If high scoring individuals are more intelligent, for exam-ple, they might be more likely to “figure out” the game and so contribute less. While we seeno evidence of this in the comparison of treatments—contributions by central players inthe high-status treatment are not significantly lower than in the low-status treatment—wealso estimated random-effects regressions including the test score. Interestingly, higher-scoring peripheral subjects contribute significantly larger amounts in the high-status case,where a high-scoring subject occupies the central position, but a higher score is associatedwith significantly lower giving by subjects in the low-status treatment. Among the high-scoring central players, a higher score is associated with lower giving. There is no effect ofscore on giving by low-status players.

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Table 5: Punishment rates by status manipulation (standard deviation betweenbrackets)

Number of Punishment PunishmentSubjects Sent Received

High status Central players 10 1.10 1.79(1.77) (1.56)

Peripheral players 30 0.59 0.37(0.82) (0.60)

Low status Central players 10 1.91 2.32(2.21) (1.10)

Peripheral players 30 0.77 0.64(0.62) (1.19)

Statistical tests assuming one observation per subject:(i) Punishment sent and received by central subjects is NOT significantly different be-tween High- and Low-Status treatments (p-value = .38 and .39, respectively).(ii) Punishment sent and received by peripheral subjects is NOT significantly differentbetween High- and Low-Status treatment. (p-value = .35 and .27 respectively).

Is there a systematic pattern to punishment? We first estimate the periph-eral players’ willingness to punish the central players using random-effectslogit regression, as shown in Table 6. In this model, the dependent variableis 1 if the peripheral player chose to punish the central player. We includeas independent variables dummy variables for status, the period to model atime trend, and an interaction of the time trend with high status. We alsoinclude by now familiar measures of the behavior of the central player thatmight inspire punishment by peripheral players. These measures are the dif-ference between the central player’s contribution and the group average,|c∗,t−1 − c t−1|, conditional on whether the central player is higher or lower.We also include as a variable the punishment received in the previous periodby the peripheral player to attempt to capture retaliatory punishment. Thelikelihood of punishment declines with period. In both treatments periph-eral players are attentive to the central player and are more likely to punish ifthe central player’s contribution is below the average. The major differencebetween the treatments is that peripheral players retaliate (at a significancelevel of p < 0.1 only) when they have been punished previously by a low-statuscentral player. This is not true of high-status peripheral players, as shown bythe negative coefficient on the interaction. (Though this interaction is notsignificant, it is enough to wipe out the marginal significance of the maineffect.)

The second model is a random effects tobit regression of the numberof punishment tokens sent by the peripheral players. Again we see that theperipheral players are attentive to the central player’s behavior and pun-ish below-average contributions. There is also clearer evidence of retaliatorypunishment, again only for the low-status peripheral players.

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Figure 4: Histogram of average punishment tokens sent broken out by blocks offive periods. Panel A is for central players and represents the average number of

tokens sent to all peripheral players (divide by 3 to get tokens per peripheralplayer). Panel B represents the average number of punishment tokens sent by

peripheral players to the central player.

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Table 6: Punishment of the central player by peripheral players. Marginal effectsare reported. Model 1 is estimated using random effects logit (Stata’s XTLOGIT

estimator) and Model 2 is estimated using random effects Tobit (Stata’s XTTOBIT)

(RE LOGIT) (RE TOBIT)Peripheral Player No. of PunishmentPunished Central Tokens Sent

Dependent Variable Player (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (0–10)

High status (HS) −0.683 −0.190(1 = High Status, 0 = Low Status) (0.659) (0.233)Period (1–40) −0.054∗ −0.008

(0.021) (0.008)HS × Period −0.051 −0.018

(0.034) (0.012)Central player contributions above −0.024 −0.003

group average (0.023) (0.008)|c∗,t−1 − c t−1| if c∗,t−1 ≥ c t−1, 0

otherwiseHS × Previous variable 0.0052 −0.015

(0.053) (0.020)Central player contributions below 0.088∗∗∗ 0.036∗∗∗

group average (0.019) (0.007)|c∗,t−1 − c t−1| if c∗,t−1 < c t−1, 0

otherwiseHS × Previous variable 0.052 0.027#

(0.042) (0.014)Lagged number of punishment 0.141# 0.061∗

tokens received by the peripheral (0.079) (0.030)player

Interaction HS × Previous variable −0.088 −0.049(0.151) (0.055)

Observations 1140 1140Pseudo R2 .10 .06ll −494.2 −1076.5

Marginal effects; Standard errors in parentheses.(d) for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1.#p < 0.10, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.

What about central players? Table 7 contains similar regressions for thecentral players. On the right-hand side we include the period and the periph-eral player’s deviation from the central player’s contribution |ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1|,again divided into two variables depending on whether the peripheral playerwas above or below the central player. Finally, we include the extent to

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Table 7: Punishment by the central player of peripheral players. Marginal effectsreported. Model 1 is estimated using random effects logit (Stata’s XTLOGIT

estimator) and Model 2 is estimated using random effects Tobit (Stata’s XTTOBIT)

(1) (2)Central Player No. of Punishment

Punished Peripheral Tokens SentPlayer? (1 = yes, 0 = no) (0–10)

High status (HS) −0.055 0.062(1 = High Status, 0 = Low Status) (1.305) (0.378)Period (1–40) −0.063∗ −0.012#

(0.025) (0.007)HS × Period −0.014 −0.006

(0.039) (0.010)Peripheral player’s contribution −0.016 −0.003

above central player (0.014) (0.004)|ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1| if ci,t−1 ≥ c∗,t−1, 0

otherwiseInteraction HS × Previous −0.082∗∗ −0.020∗

variable (0.031) (0.009)Peripheral player’s contribution 0.113∗∗∗ 0.039∗∗∗

below central player (0.013) (0.011)|ci,t−1 − c∗,t−1| if ci,t−1 < c∗,t−1, 0

otherwiseInteraction HS × Previous 0.032 0.003

variable (0.027) (0.006)Lagged number of punishment 0.063 0.017

tokens received (0.090) (0.022)Interaction HS × Previous 0.137 0.038

variable (0.157) (0.035)

Observations 1140 1140Pseudo R2 .10 .08ll −380.1 −758.8

Marginal effects; Standard errors in parentheses, (d) for discrete change of dummy vari-able from 0 to 1.#p < 0.10, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.

which a particular peripheral player punished the central player in theprevious period, which allows us to check for retaliatory punishment. Boththe likelihood of punishment and the punishment tokens sent fall overtime. When the peripheral player’s contributions are above average, there issignificantly less punishment sent to them by high-status central players, butnot for low-status central players. When the peripheral players contributions

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are below there is more punishment by both high- and low-status central play-ers. There is no evidence of retaliatory punishment. Taken as a whole, thesefindings are consistent with Hypothesis 2—peripheral players are responsiveto high-status punishment and high-status central players use punishmentsparingly.

4.4. Efficiency

Many experiments beginning with Fehr and Gachter (2000) find sanction-ing mechanisms to increase public good provision. At the very least, thebaseline trend of decay is substantially mitigated by punishment (see Page,Putterman, and Unel 2005, Carpenter 2007). This happens under a variety ofconditions, even when punishment imposes no material harm, as in Mascletet al. (2003). (See also Yamagishi 1986, 1988). In this section, we providetwo measures of efficiency. First, we measure the effectiveness of punish-ment as a contribution-enhancing mechanism in the different status con-ditions. Second, we extend the analysis to welfare. Given that punishmentis costly for both punishers and punished individuals, welfare gains requirethat higher public good profits exceed the losses associated with punishingbehavior.

We first compare donations in the first 20 periods with those in periods21–40. Figure 5 plots the contribution gains associated with punishment. Forevery subject, we compute the difference between her individual contribu-tion in every round of the punishment game and the same contribution inthe same period of the earlier VCM. By inspection, and in line with our pre-vious findings, contribution gains are significantly different from zero onlyin the low-status treatment.10

Studies vary widely in the efficiency of punishment.11 In line with Sefton,Shupp, and Walker (2007) and Page, Putterman, and Unel (2005) our sec-ond analysis measures efficiency as actual group earnings as a percentage ofmaximum possible earnings. This measure ranges from 0 (if all subjects earnzero) to 100 (if all contribute 100% and do not punish.) Figure 6 plots the

10We run a Wilcoxon signed-rank test at the group level to compare contribution levels.Recall there are 10 independent group-level observations for each treatment and statuscondition. The test suggests that contribution in the second block is significantly largerthan in the first one for the low-status treatment (p = 0.035), while no significant differ-ences are found for high status (p = .870).11See Carpenter (2007), Botelho et al. (2009), Fehr and Gachter (2002), Ostrom, Walker,and Gardner (1992), Sefton, Shupp, and Walker (2007), Carpenter and Matthews (2009),and Anderson and Putterman (2006) who find negative effects on earnings, and Bochet,Page, and Putterman (2006), Page, Putterman, and Unel (2005), Nikiforakis (2008) andvan Soest and Vyrastekova (2007) who find no effect.

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n of






21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

High statusContribution gains






n of






21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Low statusContribution gains

Figure 5: Provision gains(Contribution in punishment treatment—contribution in no-punishment), by status.

average efficiency of the punishment game per round, by role and status.Clearly earnings are higher for peripheral players, and are similar for thoseplayers regardless of status. On the other hand, central players earn morein the high-status condition. For low-status central players, gains in contri-butions are more than offset by losses due to punishment. While Fehr andGachter (2000) find that efficiency increases over 10 rounds, in line withPage, Putterman, and Unel (2005) we find that the dynamics of earnings arerather flat, and again mediated by status and roles. Players’ performancesdo not improve over time, suggesting that efficiency is independent of thenumber of repetitions.

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n of



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Non central subjectsHigh Status







n of



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Central subjectsHigh Status







n of



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Non central subjectsLow Status







n of



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Central subjectsLow Status

Figure 6: Earnings in the PUN game(Includes public good provision less punishment costs).

5. Conclusion

Status matters. The decisions of a central, commonly observed player affectthe decisions of peripheral players: central players serve a leadership role.Our results support our hypotheses, in the sense that peripheral players aremore likely to mimic the behavior of high-status central players and high-status central players punish and are punished less. But our findings pointout that higher status of a central player does not automatically lead to supe-rior outcomes in the form of higher contributions. Our experiment analyzesto what extent the efficiency-enhancing role of status in other games is re-produced in a social dilemma. This game is played in fixed groups where theleading role of the central player is determined by a score on a trivia quiz.We believe that this relatively weak status-inducing mechanism generates astrong test for the role of status in repeated games. The score on the test isa kind of ‘diffuse’ status characteristic that influences how subjects play thegame.

The role of the central players is reinforced by the network structureof the team (a star network). The central player alone has individual infor-mation about all the other group members. In our experiment, all subjectsparticipated in two subsequent games: a linear public good game based onthe voluntary contributions to the public good and a variant of this game

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in which subjects can punish at a cost, as in Fehr and Gachter (2000). Thiscommon sequence makes it simpler to understand the effect of status in twosimilar settings with very different behavioral patterns.

On average, induced status does not generate significant differencesacross treatments in the first game (VCM). At the individual level, however,we do observe that the peripheral players imitate high status more than low-status central players. High- and low-status leaders contribute the same (be-ing a central player does not make a difference on average), but with greatervariability among low-status central players. More interestingly, peripheralplayers always follow their leaders when those leaders contribute less thantheir own contributions. But they only follow the central players upwards(increasing their contribution) when the status of the leader is high.

These decisions are consistent with the existence of deferential behavior.Subjects are more attentive to high-status central players. Subjects are def-erential only to high-status central players. Even though this weakly salientcommonly observed signal should not matter in the repeated VCM, it does.This pattern fits with the results obtained in the punishment game.

Our results suggest that punishment, while important to enforcing co-operative norms in many social dilemmas, does not boost contributions inall instances. Punishment is used more readily by low-status groups, and in-creases overall contributions only among low-status groups. However, thisseems to be primarily a main effect of the punishment institution, as there islittle evidence that punishment tokens levied actually increase contributionsin low-status groups; indeed there is weak evidence that the response to pun-ishment is greater in high-status groups. Retaliatory punishment of centralplayers is seen only in the low-status groups.

An unexpected consequence of these differences is that punishment isnot efficiency-enhancing when the status of the central player is high. Costlypunishment is used less in these groups, but contributions are not higherthan without punishment. This generates a flat contribution pattern, and nodifferences between the VCM with and without punishment opportunities.At the other extreme, low-status central players punish and are heavily pun-ished, and make significantly less money in the experiment than any othertype of subject. But the reaction of low-status groups to the new environmentgenerates a significant increase in the provision of the public good.

This research provides insight into leadership and the circumstances un-der which central players as role models can have a strong influence on ag-gregate play. In a team, the existence of a central role is not sufficient tocreate effective leadership: the status of the leader—the way in which theleader is chosen—clearly determines the extent to which the rest of the sub-jects follow. In teams with high-status central players, subjects are more likelyto go along with the central player, but the leader does not necessarily seta good example. The main result of this work is surprising and novel. Onthe one hand, a high-status leader must be willing to risk making unilaterallyhigh contributions to the public good, in the expectation that peripheral

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players will follow. On the other hand, low-status leaders need punishmentin order to be effective, while their high-status counterparts do not.


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