December 2017 Vol. 39, No. 12 Joy to e World! The Lord Is Come!

Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come! - Sagemont … intérprete español traducirá las conversaciones en vivo de 5:30 a 9:00. 5:30-5:40 Announcements and Introductions 5:40-6:10

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December 2017Vol. 39, No. 12

Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come!

from our pastor...A wise man once said, “Do not quit until you are finished.” Life comes at each of us

fast. Looking at the freeways of a major city from above reminds us of the fact that people are all going fast; just traveling in different directions. Looking at Sagemont Life, we discover all the possibilities we can consider and then prayerfully make right decisions to follow God’s plan for our life. My prayer is that we will do right and finish well.

Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Your Pastor,


January 226:30 - 8:30 pm • WC Lobby

featuringRachel Norris

“He Is the Potter,I Am the Clay”

Tickets: $10Available online beginning December 24 and at the

Women’s Ministry Booth beginning January 7.


Everybody, whether they’re aware of it or not, sees the world in a certain way. For those who think that philosophy is a waste of time—that’s a philosophy. Your worldview

is shaped by a number of factors including but not limited to family, culture, education, and experiences. To be a Christian is to believe that Christianity is the worldview that makes the most sense of reality.

PIECE BY PIECEWhen an individual’s ideas about the world rub up against reality, there are consequences. If those ideas match reality, the result is harmony. When false ideas meet reality, the consequences can be disastrous. Believe what you wish about gravity, but someone who believes human beings can sprout wings and fly is going to collide with the truth (not to mention the ground) when he or she tests that belief by diving off of the roof.

Think of assembling a puzzle. Pieces are piled on the table, and the goal is to get those pieces to fit together in such a way that the end result matches the picture on the box. Everyone has ideas about God, humanity, history, truth, knowledge, and reality that may or may not correspond to the picture of the world in front of them. Some still have their pieces in a pile, and have never given the bigger picture a passing thought. Some have pieces forced together that just don’t fit. Some are working with the wrong pieces altogether.

The person who carefully compares each piece to the picture is going to complete the puzzle successfully, and the end result is a coherent and beautiful whole. And, like the picture on the puzzle box, because we have reality in front of us, ideas can be compared to it to weigh their validity.

BE TRANSFORMEDThe gospel accounts reveal Jesus giving his disciples a new worldview. Jesus helped them to understand that the kingdom being proclaimed was greater than—and in many ways, the opposite of—any worldly kingdom they could imagine. It is evident that the good news about the resurrected King they proclaimed in Acts is not the king they understood at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

Paul tells Christians in the book of Romans to be transformed by changing the way they think about the world: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (emphasis mine). He even claims that the war we fight takes place in the realm of ideas: “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:4–5).

Christian, are you taking “every thought” captive to the obedience of Christ? Are you believing the truth? Doing so won’t make everything sunny and great, but it will help you make sense of the world, just as it will help you understand why you truly have a future hope.

As C. S. Lewis wrote in The Weight of Glory, “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


If someone were to ask you, “What is Christianity?” —

how would you respond? A religion? A relationship? A way of seeing the world? A


by Megan Almon

Megan Almon, a former University of Georgia gymnast, worked as an award-winning journalist until 2008, when she decided to pursue a career speaking and teaching about Christian apologetics — especially in the area of bioethics. She joined Life Training Institute in 2009, and earned a M.A. in

Christian Apologetics from Biola University in 2011.


Sunday Morning, January 7 Worship Center

9:30 Craig Hazen: Christianity and the Challenge of World Religions11:15 Craig Hazen: Christianity and the Challenge of World Religions Hughes Road Auditorium11:15 Christophe Du Pond: The Case for Christianity (en Español)

Sunday Evening, January 7A Spanish interpreter will be translating the talks live from 5:30 to 9:00.

Un intérprete español traducirá las conversaciones en vivo de 5:30 a 9:00.5:30-5:40 Announcements and Introductions5:40-6:10 Craig Hazen: mini-lecture on What in the World are We Afraid of?6:10-6:40 Megan Almon: mini-lecture on Lessons from Babylon6:40-7:10 Lee Strobel: mini-lecture on The Unexpected Adventure6:40-7:00 break7:00-8:00 Clay Jones: Why Does God Allow Evil?8:00-8:15 break8:15-9:00 Greg Koukl: Tactics in the Defense of the Faith

Monday Evening, January 8 A Spanish interpreter will be translating the talks live from 6:30 to 9:00.

Un intérprete español traducirá las conversaciones en vivo de 6:30 a 9:00.6:30-6:35 Announcements and Introductions6:35-7:20 Craig Hazen: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus7:20-7:30 break7:30-8:15 Megan Almon: The Case for Life8:15-8:25 break8:25-9:30 Lee Strobel: The Case for the Creator

APOLOGETICS CONFERENCEJanuary 7-8, 2018 • Sagemont Church

MEGAN ALMONMegan Almon, a former University of Georgia gymnast, worked as an award-winning journalist until 2008, when she decided to pursue a career speaking and teaching about Christian apologetics — especially in the area of bioethics. She joined Life Training Institute in 2009, and earned a M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in 2011.

LEE STROBELAtheist-turned-Christian Lee Strobel is the former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and best-selling author of more than twenty books. His classic, The Case for Christ, is a perennial favorite which details his conversion to Christianity. His recent release, The Case for Grace, just won the 2016 Nonfiction Book of the Year from the EPCA. For the last twenty-five years, his life’s work has been to share the evidence that supports the truth and claims of Christianity and to equip believers to share their faith with the people they know and love.

CRAIG HAZENCraig J. Hazen is a Professor of Comparative Religion and Christian Apologetics at Biola University and Director of the Christian Apologetics Program. He is the editor of the philosophy journal, Philosophia Christi. He has authored or contributed to range of scholarly works including To Everyone An Answer, Apologetics Study Bible and his novel, Five-Sacred Crossings. Hazen holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, a degree in Biological Sciences, and has studied International Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

CLAY JONESClay is Associate Professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University. He holds a D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School as well as a M.Div. and a B.A. in Philosophy. He is the former host of Contend for Truth, a nationally syndicated call-in talk radio program. Dr. Jones was the executive director of Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School). He has been on the pastoral staff of two large churches and has authored apologetics software as well as encyclopedia and journal articles.

CHRIS DU-POND Chris Du-Pond is a Systems Engineer with 20 years of experience in the high-tech industry. In 2016, Chris graduated with a Master’s degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University with highest honors. He is a member of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, The Evangelical Theological Society and the Christian Apologetics Alliance.

GREG KOUKLA central theme of Greg’s speaking and writing is that Christianity-if it’s not properly understood and properly communicated- makes the most sense of the world as we find it. He has spoken on more than 70 colleges and university campuses both in the U.S. and abroad and has hosted his own call-in radio show for 27 years advocating “Christianity worth thinking about.” Greg has written seven books, including The Story of Reality- How the World Began, How it Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between; Tactics- A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, and Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air. He received his Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, graduating with high honors, and his Masters in Christian Apologetics with honors from Simon Greenleaf University.



Sunday Morning During All Morning ServicesSunday Evening 5:30 – 9:00 pm • Monday Evening: 6:30 – 9:30 pm


Friday, December 15 & Saturday, December 167:00 pm • Hughes Road Auditorium

Sagemont en Español proudly presents Night of Miracles! This beautiful cantata written by John W. Peterson and translated to Spanish has been transformed into a musical production that includes theatrical performances, live music, people of all ages, and real animals. The musical will reenact the biblical story of Jesus’s birth and highlight the hope that was born that miraculous night! It’s a show for all the family and you don’t want to miss it!

Sagemont en Español se enorgullece en presentar ¡La Noche Milagrosa! Esta hermosa cantata escrita por John W. Peterson y traducida al español ha sido transformada en una producción musical que incluye representaciones teatrales, música en vivo, personas de todas las edades, y animales reales. El musical recreará la historia bíblica del nacimiento de Jesús y resaltará ¡la esperanza que nació en esa noche milagrosa! ¡Es un espectáculo para toda la familia y no te lo quieres perder!



Pop Rocks… have you ever tried this sweet tiny bit of candy that literally explodes like a firecracker in your mouth?  If you have, then you can most certainly relate to the

personality of Daneysa Berdejo!  For those of you who don’t know her, she is the Worship & Praise Minister for Sagemont en Español.  Daneysa came to our church in 2013 after having lived in the United States for only four years.  She is originally from Puerto Rico where she and her family were involved in all areas of ministry.  She came to Texas where, prior to acquiring her dream job with Sagemont, she worked in children’s music ministry.  

Not long after Daneysa’s arrival, she was asked to perform in her first role (Mary) in Sagemont’s Christmas story, Hope Is Born, in December 2013.  Two years later, she was asked to direct the Christmas story en Español.  She did so with so much flair that Brother Roy asked that she not only direct this year’s production, but also star in it, as Mary!  Daneysa said, “Who can turn down Brother Roy?  Besides, he is my boss!”  Then she became serious and said, “I accepted the position with pleasure and gratitude!”  So, while attending to her primary responsibilities as a wife and mother to two precious toddler girls, she is heeding her calling.  She agrees that she truly has the best of both worlds!

La Noche Milagrosa, the title of the Spanish ministry’s Christmas cantata, in English means “Night of Miracles.”  Daneysa and her ministry partner, music director Jonatan Reyna, after viewing the cantata decided to make a few changes to bring about a more contemporary feel.  They infused a Middle Eastern vibe of music with a little bit of Latin flavor.  The volunteers range in age from close to seventy-four down to the youngest (baby Jesus), who is a mere three months of age!  Daneysa credits the success of the production to amazing leadership, crew members and an absolutely incredible familial support system!  True to the Latino/Hispanic culture, the event is indeed a family affair! Daneysa’s mother is also a writer and drama director and is aiding her in the performance.  Her father plays bass in the band. Her sister and sister in-law are characters and choreographers, and they are helping with marketing. Daneysa’s brother is the voice of God. Her oldest daughter will be playing one of the sheep, her niece is a dancer, and her in-laws help care for her children.  Her

Pop Rocks ... ¿alguna vez has probado este dulce que literalmente explota como un petardo en tu boca? Si lo has hecho, ¡seguramente puedes relacionarlo con la personalidad

de Daneysa Berdejo! Para aquellos de ustedes que no la conocen, ella es la Ministra de Adoración y Alabanza de Sagemont en Español. Daneysa vino a nuestra iglesia en el 2013 después de haber vivido en los Estados Unidos por solo cuatro años. Ella es originaria de Puerto Rico, donde ella y su familia participaron en todas las áreas del ministerio. Ella vino a Texas donde, antes de adquirir el trabajo de sus sueños con Sagemont, trabajó en el ministerio de música para niños.

Poco tiempo después de la llegada de Daneysa, se le pidió actuar en su primer papel (María) en la historia navideña de Sagemont, Hope Is Born, en diciembre del 2013. Dos años más tarde, se le pidió que dirigiera la historia de Navidad en español. Lo hizo con tanto estilo que el hermano Roy le pidió que no solo dirigiera la producción de este año, sino que también protagonizara, ¡como María! Daneysa dijo: “¿Quién puede rechazar al hermano Roy? ¡Además, él es mi jefe!” Luego seriamente dijo: “¡Acepté la posición con placer y gratitud! «. Así que, mientras atiende sus responsabilidades primarias como esposa y madre de dos preciosas niñas pequeñas, ella está siguiendo con su llamado. ¡Ella está de acuerdo en que realmente tiene lo mejor de ambos mundos!

La Noche Milagrosa, el título de la cantata navideña del ministerio español, en inglés significa “Night of Miracles”. Daneysa y su socio en el ministerio, el director de música Jonatan Reyna, después de ver la cantata decidieron hacer algunos cambios para crear una sensación más contemporánea. Infunden un ambiente de música del Medio Oriente con un poco de sabor latino. Los voluntarios tienen edades desde cerca de setenta y cuatro hasta los más pequeños (bebé Jesús), ¡que tienen solo tres meses de edad! ¡Daneysa acredita el éxito de la producción a un liderazgo increíble, miembros del personal y un sistema de apoyo familiar absolutamente increíble! Fiel a la cultura latina/hispana, ¡el evento es realmente un asunto familiar! La madre de Daneysa también es escritora y directora de drama y la está ayudando en la presentación. Su padre toca el bajo en la banda. Su hermana y su cuñada son personajes y coreógrafas, y están ayudando con el marketing. El hermano de Daneysa es la voz de Dios. Su hija

by Rebecca Dawson


husband, of course, is her right hand man, beside her every step of the way, helping and supporting her in any ways that he can.  

The cantata is not only a church and family affair, but also a community event.  Children from the community will be playing roles as sheep, which will naturally draw in families that might not otherwise come to Sagemont, or any church, for that matter.  Brother Roy Guel’s experience previously as our church’s Missions Pastor has also opened many doors with local churches which have been invited to participate in the event as well. This cantata will indeed be grander than the first one, two years ago, for a number of reasons.  For one, the second time around almost always runs much more smoothly as kinks have been worked out. The first performance consisted of roughly 75 volunteers, and now there are roughly 120 whom participate and help out in one way or another.  The first performance lasted approximately half an hour and now, the performance is three times that in length! Attendees back in 2015 averaged 450 per night.  This year, with so much more community involvement, it is expected that the numbers will be significantly higher.

In addition to outreaches within the community, Sagemont en Español is also advertising the event via t-shirts, social media and newspapers.  In fact, if you would like to invite your Spanish speaking family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, pizza delivery guys or anyone else, you are encouraged to stop at the Spanish ministry booth, located in the lobby of the HRA to pick up invitations to pass out.  Now that is a novel idea for those of us who do not speak the, “Heavenly Language of Spanish” (as Brother Roy states) to minister to our local community!  I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!  For English speakers, I also must add that although the event will be in Spanish, it is an incredible gift to experience and be involved in other cultures ourselves, without even needing a passport!  

In an era where many people either perceive Jesus as residing in the manger or remaining nailed to a tree, the cantata offers a different picture - one Daneysa hopes is conveyed throughout the message -  that Jesus was indeed born in a manger, but then He grew up.  That in a world of chaos we can remember that Jesus is our hope, he is the Light of the world, that He indeed changed everything.  Just as Jesus was birthed in a manger, He also must be birthed in our hearts.

Performances will be located in the HRA Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16 at 7:00 pm  and is free to all and open to the public.  

mayor interpretará a una de las ovejas, su sobrina es bailarina y sus suegros ayudan a cuidar a sus hijos. Su esposo, por supuesto, es su mano derecha, junto a ella en cada paso del camino, ayudándola y apoyándola de cualquier manera que pueda.

La cantata no es solo un asunto de iglesia y familia, sino también un evento comunitario. Los niños de la comunidad interpretarán roles como ovejas, lo que atraerá naturalmente a las familias que de otra forma no podrían ir a Sagemont o a ninguna iglesia. La experiencia del hermano Roy Guel anteriormente como pastor de misiones de nuestra iglesia también ha abierto muchas puertas con iglesias locales que también han sido invitadas a participar en el evento. Esta cantata será de hecho más grandiosa que la primera, hace dos años, por una serie de razones. Por un lado, la segunda vez casi siempre se ejecuta mucho más tranquilamente, a medida que se han resuelto dificultades. La primera presentación consistió en aproximadamente 75 voluntarios, y ahora hay aproximadamente 120 que participan y ayudan de una forma u otra. La primera actuación duró aproximadamente media hora y ahora, ¡la presentación es tres veces más larga! Los asistentes a 2015 promediaron 450 por noche. Este año, con mucha más participación de la comunidad, se espera que las cifras sean significativamente más altas.

Además de llegar a la comunidad, Sagemont en Español también anuncia el evento a través de camisetas, redes sociales y periódicos. De hecho, si desea invitar a su familia, amigos, vecinos, compañeros de trabajo, repartidores de pizzas o cualquier otra persona que hable español, se le anima a que se detenga en el stand del ministerio hispano, ubicado en el vestíbulo de la HRA para recoger invitaciones para repartir ¡Ahora esa es una idea novedosa para aquellos de nosotros que no hablamos el “Lenguaje celestial del español” (como dice el hermano Roy) para ministrar a nuestra comunidad local! ¡Te animo a que aproveches esta maravillosa oportunidad! Para los hablantes de inglés, también debo agregar que, aunque el evento será en español, es un regalo increíble experimentar y participar en otras culturas, ¡sin siquiera necesitar un pasaporte!

En una época en la que muchas personas perciben a Jesús residiendo en el pesebre o permaneciendo clavado en un árbol, la cantata ofrece una imagen diferente (Daneysa espera que se transmita a través del mensaje) que Jesús nació en un pesebre, pero luego creció. Que en un mundo de caos podemos recordar que Jesús es nuestra esperanza, Él es la Luz del mundo y que Él realmente cambió todo. Así como Jesús nació en un pesebre, también debe nacer en nuestros corazones.

Las presentaciones se darán a cabo en el HRA el viernes 15 de diciembre y el sábado 16 de diciembre a las 7:00 p.m.


December 1-3The Lodge at Danbury

for all High School Guys

All high school guys are invited to our first Brotherhood Retreat. Your student isn’t going to want to miss out on this weekend. It’ll be a great time of teaching, worship, and fellowship. This year’s retreat will be held at Danbury Lodge. The cost is all inclusive! There are limited spots so don’t delay. Cost: $100 ($50 Deposit) Register Online Today!

Lord, Give Me a Heart for YouSundays 9:30 amJanuary 7 - March 11 • Devotional Workbook cost: $18. What does a heart for God look like when lived out in flesh and blood in the daily circumstances of life? The apostle Paul learned to rest in the God of all comfort and strength, despite deep physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of life.

In this study based on the book of 2 Corinthians, you will discover God’s answers to some of your deepest needs using a daily devotional book from the popular Lord Series. There is no video shown in this class.Register for this class through December 10.

I JOHNHow to Know You Have Eternal LifeSundays 9:30 amJanuary 28 - July 22 • Workbook cost: $28. How do you know if you’re really born again? What does it mean to be holy … to love God?

Spending time in God’s Word is essential to a deeper understanding of Him and His ways, and this Precept class will aid you in accurately discovering God’s intended message. This Precept class is designed so you can spend two weeks on each lesson, with class time alternating between discussion and a video that relates to the week’s lesson.Register for this class through January 7.



December 1-3Forest Glen, Huntsville, TX

for all High School Girls

High school girls are invited to our second annual Sisterhood Retreat! This year we will be heading to a new location in Huntsville, Texas. It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend growing together as sisters. We will study God’s word, worship, and fellowship together. Meals, transportation, and lodging are included in the price of this event! There are limited spots available so don’t delay. Cost: $100 ($50 Deposit) Register Online Today!


At Sagemont Church’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in June 2016, Executive Pastor Chuck Schneider announced a gift from the church to Southwestern Baptist Theological

Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, to commemorate Brother John’s legacy at Sagemont and in the Kingdom of God. The gift would establish the “John D. Morgan Classroom” inside the new Mathena Hall at the Fort Worth campus of the seminary. This building was designed to house the Roy Fish School of Evangelism and Missions along with the Scarborough College.

Since that announcement, construction on the building moved along and was completed in time for the beginning of classes in the fall of 2017 and its dedication ceremony on October 18, 2017. The beautiful three-story building contains classrooms of various sizes, offices, libraries and a small auditorium. Mathena Hall is named for its lead donor, businessman and part-time evangelist, Harold Mathena, and his family. A unique feature of the building is that each classroom was donated by or in honor

of a pastor, church, or ministry that has exhibited a commitment to evangelism and missions over the years. Each donor was allowed to contribute special design elements and memorabilia to highlight that ministry.

The John D. Morgan Classroom is the largest classroom in Mathena Hall. Located on the first floor, it features easy access and beautiful windows that open to a relaxing view of the park-like campus. With nearly 100 seats arranged in tiered theater-style rows with desks, seminary students will enjoy a first-class, high-tech venue for learning. Installed video cameras also allow classes to be streamed online for seminary students all over the world.

In early 2017, a design team from Sagemont was assembled to create the John D. Morgan Classroom. The team was led by now-retired Administrator, Jim Green. Team members included church members Sharon Green, Tara Morgan, and Betsy




Wilbanks and staff members Emory Gadd, Ron Ingram, and Jason Ryan. The task given to the team was to honor Brother John and Bethel while emphasizing his commitment to evangelism and to being debt-free. The team prayed that students now and in the future would learn from Brother John’s example and that his legacy would influence God’s Kingdom for years to come.

Certain elements of the room’s design were standardized throughout the Mathena Hall building. Carpet, chair and desk choices were made by the seminary’s designers. Sagemont’s team was able to contribute elements for the walls inside the classroom and on the outer wall in the hallway. Classrooms also had a standardized display cabinet in the hallway for the contributors to display items of importance.

With such a rich heritage and legacy, finding material for the room was easy for the Sagemont team. In the hallway outside the classroom, the team hung framed canvas prints of the Core Values paintings by Kobus Möller that hang in the church’s Lobby. The canvasses were printed at the church by printer Steve Jeter on the church’s large format printer and framed at a local frame shop. The display cabinet outside the classroom door was designated to be a personal tribute to Brother John and Bethel. The wood and glass, lighted cabinet was filled with personal items, mostly African artifacts and photographs, belonging to the Morgans.

Inside the classroom, the team focused on the ministry of Brother John and Sagemont Church. The front wall features custom vinyl

TOP: The large classroom features a stunning custom wood panel wall in the back that accents the arched windows and the beautiful view of the park-like campus outside. LEFT: This plaque is mounted just outside the door to the John D. Morgan Classroom. BOTTOM: The front wall of the classroom features a muted African landscape scene with Sagemont’s mission statement at the top. TV monitors and whiteboard are standard pieces throughout the seminary classrooms.


wallpaper with the church’s mission statement over an African landscape scene. TV monitors and a whiteboard hang on the front wall as they do in all the building’s classrooms. The left and right side walls focus on two Sagemont distinctives: our commitment to missions and to being debt-free. Each wall features custom wallpaper full of photos from the Sagemont archives along with wood panels with captioned photos printed on metal. The missions wall also features a large metal rendition of Sagemont’s cross-and-tomb icon. The rear wall of the room has a rich custom Alder wood paneling treatment that frames the arched windows and the view of the campus. All of the custom woodwork in the room, including baseboards and the photo panels in addition to the back wall, was done by Sagemont member Randy Boelsche with help from Allan Cizmar and Caleb Lenz.

The John D. Morgan Classroom already is home to classes each day at SWBTS. Professors and students alike have expressed their appreciation to Sagemont Church for the beautiful teaching environment where future pastors, ministers and missionaries will see the ministry of John Morgan and Sagemont Church.

A number of other notable features are found throughout the Mathena Hall building. At the entrance of the building, the actual home of 19th-century missionary Lottie Moon has been moved all the way from China and reassembled in the foyer. Inside the house, a museum-like display of Lottie Moon’s life and ministry gives future generations a glimpse into her important work in the Kingdom of God.

TOP: This wall emphasizes Brother John’s and the church’s commitment to missions over the first 50 years. In the wallpaper is a life-size photo of the Morgans at the first service of Sagemont Church, along with the Great Commission and a metal rendition of Sagemont’s cross-and-tomb icon. Photos in the wallpaper and mounted to the wood panels share more of Sagemont’s evangelistic efforts through the years. BOTTOM: This wall emphasizes Brother John’s and the church’s commitment to being debt-free. In the wallpaper is a life-size photo of the Morgans taken in 2016 along with a large photo of Sagemont’s cross and tomb. Other photos in the wallpaper and mounted to the wood panels share some of the debt-free projects and blessings we have experienced over the years.


Across the hall from the John D. Morgan Classroom is another large classroom furnished by the national Hellfighters organization and its founders, Richard and Gina Headrick. Its colorful, graphic photographs and messaging brings to light the great evangelistic work needed in the streets of America.

Other rooms in the building include tributes to Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Charles Stanley and others. It is a true honor for Sagemont Church to have her pastor named among so many great servants of God.

Outside the building on either side is a “Martyrs’ Walk.” In these

arched walkways are plaques mounted on the ground. Each plaque gives the name and circumstances of death of each missionary who died while serving on the mission field. It is a sobering sight to see so many who have given their all while serving the Lord around the world.

Most of us will never see the John D. Morgan Classroom in person. However, those who contributed toward this gift can know that the legacy of Brother John and Bethel and of Sagemont Church will influence church leaders for generations to come.

ABOVE: In the hallway outside the John D. Morgan Classroom hang canvas prints of the Core Values paintings by Kobus Möller that are in Sagemont Church’s Lobby. An explanation of the paintings also hangs nearby.TOP RIGHT: A display cabinet outside the classroom contains personal memorabilia of John and Bethel Morgan, including African artifacts and photos.BOTTOM RIGHT: The seminary commissioned paintings of the namesakes of the various rooms in Mathena Hall. This painting of Brother John hangs outside the door to the John D. Morgan Classroom.


ABOVE: The Missions wall features metal prints of evangelistic efforts through the years and around the world. Mission trips, bus ministry, preaching at home, baptisms, and missions through media are all represented.BELOW: The Debt-Free wall features metal prints of various projects through Sagemont’s history that were completed debt-free. Building projects, special projects in the community, and more are represented.Each metal print contains a caption that helps to share the Sagemont story with those who wish to take the time to read it. The custom wallpapers behind the metal prints also contain more themed photos taken through Sagemont’s history.

BELOW: Some of the other areas of the building include (l to r): the Hellfighters room with its colorful and graphic wallpaper, a room focused on child evangelism featuring a Lego map of the world, the Billy Graham room containing personal photos and memorabilia from one of the most recognized evangelists of our day, and the Martyrs’ Walk just outside the John D. Morgan Classroom that contains plaques memorializing those who died on the mission field.

Wednesday, November 22No Evening Service or Activities

Thursday, November 23 Thanksgiving Day

Church Offices Closed

Friday, November 24Church Offices Closed

Sunday, November 26No iCONNECT Bible Study

9:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Worship Center11:15 a.m. – Contemporary Service – Worship Center

11:15 a.m. -– Sagemont en Espanol – HRAPreschool care available, birth–three.

No Evening Activities

Sunday, December 17Regular Morning Schedule

Lord’s Supper Observed Corporatelyin All Worship ServicesNo Evening Activities

Wednesday, December 20Regular Evening Schedule

Friday, December 22Church Offices Closed

Sunday, December 24No iCONNECT Bible Study

9:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Worship Center11:15 a.m. – Contemporary Service – Worship Center

11:15 a.m. -– Sagemont en Espanol – HRAPreschool care available, birth–three.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services2:00, 4:00, & 6:00 pm

Monday, December 25Christmas Day

Church Offices Closed

Wednesday, December 27No Evening Service or Activities

Sunday,December 31New Year’s Eve

No iCONNECT Bible Study9:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Worship Center

11:15 a.m. – Contemporary Service – Worship Center11:15 a.m. -– Sagemont en Espanol – HRA

Preschool care available, birth–three.

Monday, January 1New Year’s Day

Church Offices Closed

church holiday schedule

SAGEMONT LIFE (USPS 585730) is published monthly by Sagemont Baptist Church, 11300 S. Sam Houston Parkway E., Houston, Texas. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SAGEMONT LIFE, 11300 S. Sam Houston Parkway E., Houston, TX 77089.


December Staff AnniversariesCongratulations to the following friends and co-workers who celebrate an employment anniversary with Sagemont Church during the month of December.

Rev. Emory Gadd38 Years

Assoicate Pastor/Membership Involvement

Ms. Amy PeryamThree Years

Media Ministry Assistant

Mr. Josh SebrenThree Years

Media Ministry Assistant/Video Content Producer

Ms. Amanda AkeyTwo Years

Girls’ Ministry Director

Mrs. Jennifer MabeTwo Years

Media Ministry Secretary

Just inside the Mathena Hall is Lottie Moon’s home, brought from China and rebuilt in the foyer of the building. Inside the house are exhibits relating to Lottie

Moon and her ministry to the people of China.

Sagemont Baptist Church11300 S. Sam Houston Pkwy E.

Houston, TX 77089

Also visitwww.sagemontchurch.org

Or call us at281.481.8770

M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Periodical Postage


Houston, TX



Sunday, December 242:00 | 4:00 | 6:00

Worship Center

All are invited! Come worship with your family!

Help us bless someone this Christmas!Nominate a special person in your life online at www.sagemontchurch.org/sharethejoy or at a

“Share the Joy” box at the church.

Share the Joy will culminate in the Christmas Eve Candlelight Services!