Journal of Technology Management Innovation Issn 0

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  • 7/25/2019 Journal of Technology Management Innovation Issn 0


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    and Author guidelines.

    Article January 2005

    Source: DOAJ



    4 authors, including:

    Claudio Narvaez

    Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial, C6PUBLICATIONS 27CITATIONS


    Tomas Bas

    Universidad de Talca26PUBLICATIONS 201CITATIONS


    Sergio Esteban Diez-de-Medina

    Universidad Andrs Bello



    Available from: Sergio Esteban Diez-de-Medina

    Retrieved on: 26 June 2016
  • 7/25/2019 Journal of Technology Management Innovation Issn 0


    Journal of Technology Management & InnovationJOTMI Research [email protected]

    ISSN (Versin en lnea): 0718-2724



    Claudio Narvez / Toms Bas / Sergio Diez de Medina / Jeannette Soto / RodrigoCorts / Alejandro Jimnez



    Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, December, ao/vol. 1, nmero 001

    JOTMI Research Group

    Santiago, Chile

    Red de Revistas Cientficas de Amrica Latina y el Caribe, Espaa y Portugal

    Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Mxico

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  • 7/25/2019 Journal of Technology Management Innovation Issn 0


    JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT & INNOVATION:(ISSN: 0718-2724). Editorial Policy and Author guidelines.

    Claudio Narvez, Toms Bas*, Sergio Diez de Medina, Jeannette Soto, Rodrigo Corts y Alejandro JimnezUniversidad De Talca, Qubec # 415

    Esquina Condell, Providencia, Santiago de Chile.*Professor and Research, Business School, Innovation and Technology Management;

    Center of Innovation & Technology University Adolfo Ibaez.

    [email protected]

    Focus and Scope


    The objectives of Journal of Technology Management& Innovation (JOTMI) are to develop, promote andcoordinate the science and practice of TechnologyManagement & Innovation. It also aims to helpprofessionals that are working in fields as, engineeringand business educators and policy-makers tocontribute, to disseminate information and to learnfrom each other's work. In particular, the journal willfocus on the managerial issues and challenges (andways to address them) brought about by theprotagonism of the global technological advancement.

    This international dimension is to accentuate in orderto promote greater exchange between researchers ofdifferent cultural and national backgrounds, thuscontributing and enriching our knowledge in the fieldsof Technology Management & Innovation, withparticular emphasis in the transformation ofknowledge and technologies into useful products andservices in biotechnological industries, as a key driverof economic growth. JOTMI publishes originalpapers, review papers, technical reports, case studies,conference reports, management reports, book

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    Professionals, policy-makers, government officers,

    academics, researchers, and managers in Technology& Innovation.Subject Coverage:

    Coverage includes the following areas of technologymanagement and how they impact upon the areas ofmarketing, human resources, accounting and financeand the supply chain:

    Government innovation policy, and regulation forinnovation. Process and product innovation and diffusion.

    Technology strategy, collaboration and competition. Managing and commercializing intellectual property. Technology transfer, and innovation supportorganizations. Research in management and commercialization. Cross-cultural management and innovation. Team building and team management. Managing creativity and creative teams. Managing virtual teams and environments forinnovation. Managing organizational learning, knowledge andtechnological change.

    Selection criteria:

    Criteria for the article selection includes: that thearticle need to be novel, relevant, concise, practical,informative and useful to readers of the respectivesections of the Journal: Articles, Review, Currentopinion, News & Announcements, Letters to theEditor etc


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