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Adventures with mishka about an incubator

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By Nikolai NosovFOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSEMOSCOWOCR: HTTP://HOME.FREEUK.COM/RUSSICA2Translated from the Russian by Rose ProkofievaIllustrated and designed by V.Y. KonovalovPrinted in the Union of Soviet Socialist ReublicsIMPORTANT DECISIONThis happened when the steam-enine! whi"h Mish#a and I had t$iedt% ma#e %&t %' a tin "an! ()ew &p. Mish#a )et the wate$ in the "an ett%% h%t and it (&$st and the steam (&$nt his hand. *&"#+ '%$ him hism%the$ smea$eds%menaphtha%intment %nit $iht awa+. That,s aw%nde$'&) $emed+. T$+ it +%&$se)' i' +%& d%n,t (e)ie-e me. .&t (e s&$et% $&( it %n as s%%n as +%& (&$n +%&$se)'! %$ e)se the s#in wi)) "%me %''./e))! a'te$ %&$ steam-enine ()ew &p! Mish#a,s m%the$ w%&)dn,t )et&s p)a+ with it an+ m%$e and th$ew it int% the d&st-(in. F%$ a whi)e we"%&)dn,t thin# %' an+thin t% d% and it was aw'&))+ d&)).It wasthe(einnin%' sp$in. The sn%wwas me)tine-e$+whe$e.Thewate$$anin)itt)est$eamsinthe&tte$s. The($ihtsp$ins&nsh%ne in th$%&h the wind%ws. .&t Mish#a and I we$e in the d&mps./e a$e a '&nn+ pai$0we a$en,t happ+ &n)ess we,-e %t s%methin t%d%. And when we ha-en,t an+thin t% d% we sit a$%&nd and m%pe andm%pe &nti) we 'ind s%methin. :Oneda+I"amet%seeMish#a.and'%&ndhimsittinattheta()ep%$in %-e$ a (%%#! with his head in his hands. He was s% (&s+ $eadinhe didn,t hea$ me "%me in. I had t% (an the d%%$ ha$d (e'%$e he )%%#ed&p.1Oh! it,s +%&! 2i#%)ad3e!1 he said with a ($%ad $in.Mish#a ne-e$ "a))s me (+ m+ $ea) name. Instead %' "a))in me K%)+a)i#e e-e$+%ne e)se! he in-ents a)) s%$ts %' 4&ee$ names '%$ me s&"h as2i#%)a! Mi#%)a! Mi#&)a Se)+anin%-i"h! %$ Mi#)ha-Ma#)ai! and %n"ehe e-en "a))ed me 2i#%)a#i. E-e$+ da+ I ha-e t% answe$ t% a new name..&t I d%n,t mind s% )%n as he )i#es it.15es!1 I said! 1it,s me. /hat,s that (%%# +%&,-e %t the$e611A -e$+ inte$estin (%%#!1 said Mish#a! 1I (%&ht it this m%$nin at anews-stand.1I )an"ed at it. The tit)e was Poultry Farming. The$e was a pi"t&$e %'a hen and a "%"# %n the "%-e$! and %n e-e$+ pae the$e we$e dia$amsand d$awins and pi"t&$es %' "hi"#en "%%ps.1/hat,s inte$estin a(%&t it61 I said. 1*%%#s t% me )i#e a s"ienti'i"(%%# %' s%me #ind.11That,s what ma#es it inte$estin. This isn,t %ne %' +%&$ si))+'ai$+ta)es. E-e$+thin in he$e is t$&e. It,s a &se'&) (%%#! that,s what itis.1Mish#aisthe #ind %' "hap wh%insists %ne-e$+thin(ein&se'&)./hene-e$hehasa)itt)ep%"#etm%ne+he%esand(&+ss%methin&se'&) )i#ethis (%%#. On"ehe(%&ht a (%%#"a))edChebyshev'sInverse Trigonometric Functions and Polynomes.O' "%&$se he"%&)dn,t &nde$stand a w%$d! s% he de"ided t% p&t it awa+ &nti) he was")e-e$ en%&h t% $ead it. It,s (een )+in %n the she)' e-e$ sin"e! waitin'%$ Mish#a t% et ")e-e$.He ma$#ed the pae he was $eadin and ")%sed the (%%#.15%& "an )ea$n a)) s%$ts %' thins '$%m this (%%#!1 he said. 1H%w t%$aise "hi"#ens! d&"#s! eese! t&$#e+s! e-e$+thin.115%&,$e n%t thin#in %' $aisin t&$#e+s (+ an+ "han"e6112%! (&t I )i#e t% $ead a(%&t it 7&st the same. It t&$ns %&t +%& "anma#e a ma"hine "a))ed an in"&(at%$ that hat"hes "hi"#ens a)) (+ itse)'with%&t an+ hen.11Ha81 I said. 1E-e$+(%d+ #n%ws that. /hat,s m%$e! I,-e seen %ne )ast+ea$! when I was %n the 'a$m with M%the$. It hat"hed 'i-e h&nd$ed %$e-en a th%&sand "hi"#s a da+. The+ ha$d)+ had time t% ta#e them %&t.11Rea))+81 said Mish#a a)) e9"ited. 1I ne-e$ #new a(%&t that. I th%&ht%n)+ ($%%d-hens "%&)d hat"h "hi"#s. I &sed t% see )%ts %' sittin-henswhen we )i-ed in the "%&nt$+.11Oh! I,-e seen p)ent+ %' them m+se)'!1 I said., 1.&t an in"&(at%$ ism&"h(ette$.Ahen"an%n)+hat"had%3enesat atime! (&t anin"&(at%$ "an ta#e a th%&sand at a time.11I #n%w!1 said Mish#a. 1That,s what it sa+s in the (%%#. And he$e,san%the$ thin. A hen d%esn,t )a+ es whenshe,s hat"hin he$ "hi"#sand ($inin them &p! (&t i' +%& ha-e an in"&(at%$ t% hat"h the "hi"#sthe hen "an % %n )a+in es.1/e set t% w%$# t% 'i&$e %&t h%w man+ m%$e es the$e w%&)d (e i'a)) the hens )aid es instead %' hat"hin "hi"#ens. It ta#es twent+-%neda+s '%$ a ($%%d-hen t% hat"h "hi"#ens! and i' +%& "%&nt the time shespends )%%#in a'te$ them when the+,$e hat"hed +%& 'ind that it ta#esa(%&t th$ee m%nths (e'%$e she sta$ts )a+in aain.1Th$ee m%nths! that,s ninet+ da+s!1 said Mish#a. 1I' the hen wasn,t(&s+ hat"hin "hi"#ens she "%&)d )a+ ninet+ es m%$e a +ea$! e-en i'she %n)+ )aid %ne e a da+. F%$ a sma)) 'a$m with e-en ten hens thatw%&)dma#enineh&nd$edesa+ea$. Andi'+%&ta#es%me(i"%))e"ti-e %$ state 'a$mwitha th%&sandhens! +%&,dha-e ninet+th%&sand e9t$a es. Thin# %' it8 2inet+ th%&sand es81/e spent 4&ite a )%n time dis"&ssin the &se'&)ness %' in"&(at%$s.ThenMish#asaid:1Isa+!)et,sma#easma))in"&(at%$%'%&$%wnand hat"h a 'ew es.11H%w "%&)d we d% that61 I as#ed. 1I,m s&$e it isn,t an eas+ thin t%ma#e.11I d%n,t thin# it,s s% ha$d!1 said Mish#a. 1The (%%# te))s +%& a)) a(%&tit. Themainthinis t%#eepthees wa$m'%$ twent+-%neda+s'&nnin and then the "hi"#ens wi)) hat"h %&t (+ themse)-es.12%w! the th%&ht %' ha-in )itt)e "hi"#s %' %&$ %wn appea)ed t% met$emend%&s)+. I am -e$+ '%nd %' a)) #inds %' (i$ds and anima)s. Mish#aandI7%inedthe5%&n2at&$a)ists, "i$")eat s"h%%))ast a&t&mnandw%$#ed a. )itt)e with %&$ pets! (&t then Mish#a %t the idea %' ma#in asteam-enine and s% we st%pped %in t% the "i$")e. :it+a Smi$n%-! them%nit%$ %' the "i$")e! t%)d &s he w%&)d "$%ss &s %'' the )ist %' mem(e$si' we didn,t d% an+ w%$#! (&t we (eed him t% i-e &s an%the$ "han"e.Mish#at$iedt%imaineh%wni"eit w%&)d(ewhen%&$ "hi"#shat"hed %&t.1The+,)) (e s&"h sweet )itt)e thins!1 he said. 1/e "an 'i9 &p a "%$ne$'%$ them in the #it"hen and the+ "an )i-e the$e and we,)) 'eed them andta#e "a$e %' them.115es! (&twe,))ha-ep)ent+t%d%(e'%$ethat. ;%n,t'%$etitta#esth$ee wee#s '%$ them t% hat"h %&t81 I said.1/hat a(%&t it6 A))weha-et%d%ist%ma#ethein"&(at%$! the"hi"#s hat"h %&t (+ themse)-es.1I th%&ht it %-e$ '%$ a whi)e. Mish#a )%%#ed at me an9i%&s)+. I sawthat he was it"hin t% et t% w%$# at %n"e.1A)) $iht!1 I said. 1/e ha-en,t an+thin e)se t% d% an+h%w. *et,s ha-ea sh%t at it.11I#new+%&w%&)da$ee81Mish#a"$ied7%+'&))+.1Iw%&)dha-eta"#)ed it m+se)'! (&t it w%&)dn,t (e ha)' as m&"h '&n with%&t +%&.1UNEXPECTED HITCH1Pe$haps we d%n,t need t% ma#e an in"&(at%$. *et,s 7&st p&t the esin a sa&"epan and stand it %n the st%-e!1 I p$%p%sed.1Oh n%! that w%&)d (e n% %%d at a))!1 Mish#a "$ied. 1The 'i$e w%&)d% %&t and the es w%&)d (e sp%i)ed. The thin a(%&t an in"&(at%$ isthat it #eeps an e-en tempe$at&$e a)) the time0