Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication and Networked Control Systems Lin Xiao 1 , Mikael Johansson 2 , Haitham Hindi 3 , Stephen Boyd 4 , and Andrea Goldsmith 4 1 Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA 2 Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, KTH, SE 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden 3 Systems and Practices Laboratory, PARC, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA 4 Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Abstract. We consider a linear system, such as an estimator or a con- troller, in which several signals are transmitted over wireless commu- nication channels. With the coding and medium access schemes of the communication system fixed, the achievable bit rates are determined by the allocation of communications resources such as transmit powers and bandwidths, to different channels. Assuming conventional uniform quan- tization and a standard white-noise model for quantization errors, we consider two specific problems. In the first, we assume that the linear system is fixed and address the problem of allocating communication re- sources to optimize system performance. We observe that this problem is often convex (at least, when we ignore the constraint that individual quantizers have an integral number of bits), hence readily solved. We describe a dual decomposition method for solving these problems that exploits the problem structure. We briefly describe how the integer bit constraints can be handled, and give a bound on how suboptimal these heuristics can be. The second problem we consider is that of jointly allo- cating communication resources and designing the linear system in order to optimize system performance. This problem is in general not convex. We present an iterative heuristic method based on alternating convex optimization over subsets of variables, which appears to work well in practice. 1 Introduction We consider a linear system in which several signals are transmitted over wire- less communication links, as shown in figure 1. All signals are vector-valued: w is a vector of exogenous signals (such as disturbances or noises acting on the system); z is a vector of performance signals (including error signals and actu- ator signals); and y and y r are the signals transmitted over the communication network, and received, respectively. This general arrangement can represent a variety of systems, for example a controller or estimator in which sensor, ac- tuator, or command signals are sent over wireless links. It can also represent a distributed controller or estimator, in which some signals (i.e., inter-process com- munication) are communicated across a network. In this paper, we address the R. Murray-Smith, R. Shorten (Eds.): Switching and Learning, LNCS 3355, pp. 248–272, 2005. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication and Networked Control

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Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication

and Networked Control Systems

Lin Xiao1, Mikael Johansson2, Haitham Hindi3,Stephen Boyd4, and Andrea Goldsmith4

1 Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA2 Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, KTH, SE 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

3 Systems and Practices Laboratory, PARC, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA4 Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Abstract. We consider a linear system, such as an estimator or a con-troller, in which several signals are transmitted over wireless commu-nication channels. With the coding and medium access schemes of thecommunication system fixed, the achievable bit rates are determined bythe allocation of communications resources such as transmit powers andbandwidths, to different channels. Assuming conventional uniform quan-tization and a standard white-noise model for quantization errors, weconsider two specific problems. In the first, we assume that the linearsystem is fixed and address the problem of allocating communication re-sources to optimize system performance. We observe that this problemis often convex (at least, when we ignore the constraint that individualquantizers have an integral number of bits), hence readily solved. Wedescribe a dual decomposition method for solving these problems thatexploits the problem structure. We briefly describe how the integer bitconstraints can be handled, and give a bound on how suboptimal theseheuristics can be. The second problem we consider is that of jointly allo-cating communication resources and designing the linear system in orderto optimize system performance. This problem is in general not convex.We present an iterative heuristic method based on alternating convexoptimization over subsets of variables, which appears to work well inpractice.

1 Introduction

We consider a linear system in which several signals are transmitted over wire-less communication links, as shown in figure 1. All signals are vector-valued: wis a vector of exogenous signals (such as disturbances or noises acting on thesystem); z is a vector of performance signals (including error signals and actu-ator signals); and y and yr are the signals transmitted over the communicationnetwork, and received, respectively. This general arrangement can represent avariety of systems, for example a controller or estimator in which sensor, ac-tuator, or command signals are sent over wireless links. It can also represent adistributed controller or estimator, in which some signals (i.e., inter-process com-munication) are communicated across a network. In this paper, we address the

R. Murray-Smith, R. Shorten (Eds.): Switching and Learning, LNCS 3355, pp. 248–272, 2005.c© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 249

problem of optimizing the stationary performance of the linear system by jointlyallocating resources in the communication network and tuning the parametersof the linear system.

LTI System



w z


LTI System

w z



Fig. 1: System set-up (left) and uniform quantization model (right).

Many issues arise in the design of networked controllers and the associatedcommunication systems, including bit rate limitations [WB99, NE00, TSM98],communication delays [NBW98], data packet loss [XHH00], transmission errors[SSK99], and asynchronicity [Ozg89]. In this paper we consider only the first is-sue, i.e., bit rate limitations. In other words, we assume that each communicationlink has a fixed and known delay (which we model as part of the LTI system),does not drop packets, transfers bits without error, and operates (at least forpurposes of analysis) synchronously with the discrete-time linear system.

The problem of control with bit-rate limitations has achieved a lot of atten-tion recently. Much of the research has concentrated on joint design of con-trol and coding to find the minimum bit rate required to stabilize a linearsystem. For example, [WB99] and [NE98] established various closed-loop sta-bility conditions involving the feedback data rate and eigenvalues of the open-loop system, while [BM97, TSM98] studied control with communication con-straints within the classical linear quadratic Gaussian framework. Closely re-lated is also the research on control with quantized feedback information, see[Cur70, Del90, KH94, BL00, EM01].

Our focus is different. We assume that the source coding, channel codingand medium access scheme of the communication system are fixed and concen-trate on finding the allocation of communications resources (such as transmitpowers and bandwidths) and linear system parameters that yields the optimalclosed-loop performance. For a fixed sampling frequency of the linear system,the limit on communication resources translates into a constraint on the num-ber of bits that can be transmitted over each communication channel duringone sampling period. We assume that the individual signals yi are coded usingconventional memoryless uniform quantizers, as shown in figure 1. This codingscheme is certainly not optimal (see, e.g., [WB97, NE98]), but it is conventional,

250 Lin Xiao et al.

easily implemented, and leads to a simple model of how the system performancedepends on the bit-rates. In particular, by imposing lower bounds on the numberof quantization bits, we ensure that data rates are high enough for stabilizationand that the white-noise model for quantization errors introduced by Widrow(see [WKL96] and the references therein) is valid. This approach has clear linksto the research in the signal processing literature on allocation of bits in linearsystems with quantizers. The main effort of that research has been to deriveanalysis and design methods for fixed-point filter and controller implementa-tions, (see [Wil85, WK89, SW90]). However, joint optimization of communica-tions resource allocation and linear system design, interacting through bit ratelimitations and quantization, has not been addressed in the literature before.Even in the simplified setting under our assumptions, the joint optimizationproblem is quite nontrivial and its solution requires concepts and techniquesfrom communication, control, and optimization.

We address to specific problems in this paper. First, we assume the linearsystem is fixed and consider the problem of allocating communication resourcesto optimize the overall system performance. We observe that this problem isoften convex, provided we ignore the constraint that the number of bits for eachquantizer is an integer. This means that these communication resource allocationproblems can be solved efficiently, using a variety of convex optimization tech-niques. We describe a general approach for solving these problems based on dualdecomposition. The method results in very efficient procedures for solving formany communication resource allocation problems, and reduces to well knownwater-filling in simple cases. We also show several methods that can be used tohandle the integrality constraint. The simplest is to round down the number ofbits for each channel to the nearest integer. We show that this results in an allo-cation of communication resources that is feasible, and at most a factor of twosuboptimal in terms of the RMS (root-mean-square) value of critical variablez. We also describe a simple and effective heuristic that often achieves perfor-mance close to the bound obtained by solving the convex problem, ignoring theintegrality constraints.

The second problem we consider is the problem of jointly allocating commu-nication resources and designing the linear system in order to optimize perfor-mance. Here we have two sets of design variables: the communication variables(which indirectly determine the number of bits assigned to each quantizer), andthe controller variables (such as estimator or controller gains in the linear sys-tem). Clearly the two are strongly coupled, since the effect of quantization errorsdepends on the linear system, and similarly, the choice of linear system will affectthe choice of communication resource allocation. We show that this joint prob-lem is in general not convex. We propose an alternating optimization methodthat exploits problem structure and appears to work well in practice.

The paper is organized as follows. In §2, we describe the linear system and ourmodel for the effect of uniform quantization error on overall system performance.In §3, we describe a generic convex model for the bit rate limitations imposedby communication systems, and describe several examples. In §4, we formulate

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 251

the communication resource allocation problem for fixed linear systems, describethe dual decomposition method which exploits the separable structure, and givea heuristic rounding method to deal with the integrality of bit allocations. In §5,we demonstrate the nonconvexity of the joint design problem, and give a iterativeheuristic to solve such problems. Two examples, a networked linear estimatorand a LQG control system over communication networks, are used to illustratethe optimization algorithms in §4 and §5. We conclude the paper in §6.

2 Linear System and Quantizer Model

2.1 Linear System Model

To simplify the presentation we assume a synchronous, single-rate discrete-timesystem. The linear time-invariant (LTI) system can be described as

z = G11(ϕ)w + G12(ϕ)yr, y = G21(ϕ)w + G22(ϕ)yr, (1)

where Gij are LTI operators (i.e., convolution systems described by transferor impulse matrices). Here, ϕ ∈ Rq is the vector of design parameters in thelinear system that can be tuned or changed to optimize performance. To givelighter notation, we suppress the dependence of Gij on ϕ except when necessary.We assume that y(t), yr(t) ∈ RM , i.e., the M scalar signals y1, . . . , yM aretransmitted over the network during each sampling period.

We assume that the signals sent (i.e., y) and received (i.e., yr) over thecommunication links are related by memoryless scalar quantization, which wedescribe in detail in the next subsections. This means that all communicationdelays are assumed constant and known, and included in the LTI system model.

2.2 Quantization Model

Unit Uniform Quantizer A unit range uniform bi-bit quantizer partitionsthe range [−1, 1] into 2b

i intervals of uniform width 21−bi . To each quantizationinterval a codeword of b bits is assigned. Given a received codeword, the inputsignal yi is approximated by (or reconstructed as) yr, the midpoint of the in-terval. As long as the quantizer does not overflow (i.e., as long as |yi| ≤ 1), therelationship between original and reconstructed values can be expressed as

Qbi(yi) =round(2bi−1yi)


and the quantization error yri − yi lies in the interval ±2−bi.The behavior of the quantizer when yi overflows (i.e., |yi| > 1) is not specified.

One approach is to introduce two more codewords, corresponding to negative andpositive overflow, respectively, and to extend Qbi to saturate for |yi| ≥ 1. Thedetails of the overflow behavior will not affect our analysis or design, since weassume by appropriate scaling (described below) that overflow does not occur,or occurs rarely enough to not affect overall system performance.

252 Lin Xiao et al.

Scaling To avoid overflow, each signal yi(t) is scaled by the factor s−1i > 0 prior

to encoding with a unit uniform bi-bit quantizer, and re-scaled by the factor si

after decoding (figure 2), so that

yri(t) = siQbi(yi(t)/si).

The associated quantization error is given by

qi(t) = yri(t) − yi(t) = siEbi(yi(t)/si),

which lies in the interval ±si2−bi , provided |yi(t)| < si.

yi yri

[−1, 1]




Fig. 2: Scaling before and after the quantizer.

To minimize quantization error while ensuring no overflow (or ensuring thatoverflow is rare) the scale factors si should be chosen as the maximum possiblevalue of |yi(t)|, or as a value that with very high probability is larger than |yi(t)|.For example, we can use the so-called 3σ-rule,

si = 3 rms(yi),

where rms(yi) denotes the root-mean-square value of yi,

rms(yi) =(

limt→∞E yi(t)2



If yi has a Gaussian amplitude distribution, this choice of scaling ensures thatoverflow occurs only about 0.3% of the time.

White-Noise Quantization Error Model We adopt the standard stochas-tic quantization noise model introduced by Widrow (see, e.g., [FPW90, Chap-ter 10]). Assuming that overflow is rare, we model the quantization errors qi(t)as independent random variables, uniformly distributed on the interval

si[−2−bi , 2−bi ].

In other words, we model the effect of quantizing yi(t) as an additive white noisesource qi(t) with zero mean and variance E qi(t)2 = (1/3)s2

i 2−2bi , see figure 3.

When allocating bits to quantizers, we will impose a lower bound on each bi.This value should be high enough for stabilizing the closed-loop system (cf.[WB99, NE00]) and make the white noise model a reasonable assumption in afeedback control context (cf. [WKL96, FPW90]).

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 253

LTI System

w z


yr y


Fig. 3: LTI system with white noise quantization noise model.

2.3 Performance of the Closed-Loop System

We can express z and y in terms of the inputs w and q as

z = Gzww + Gzqq, y = Gyww + Gyqq,

where Gzw, Gzq, Gyw and Gyq are the closed-loop transfer matrices from w andq to z and y, respectively. From the expression for z, we see that it consists oftwo terms: Gzww, which is what z would be if the quantization were absent, andGzqq, which is the component of z due to the quantization. The variance of zinduced by the quantization is given by

Vq = E ‖Gzqq‖2 =M∑i=1



i 2−2bi


where Gzqi is the ith column of the transfer matrix Gzq, and ‖ · ‖ denotesthe L2 norm (see [BB91, §5.2.3]). We can use Vq as a measure of the effectof quantization on the overall system performance. If w is also modeled as astationary stochastic process, the overall variance of z is given by

V = E ‖z‖2 = Vq + E ‖Gzww‖2. (3)

The above expression shows how Vq depends on the allocation of quantizer bitsb1, . . . , bM , as well as the scalings s1, . . . , sM and LTI system (which affect theai’s). Note that while the formula (2) was derived assuming that bi are integers,it makes sense for bi ∈ R.

3 Communications Model and Assumptions

3.1 A Generic Model for Bit Rate Constraints

The capacity of communication channels depend on the media access schemeand the selection of certain critical parameters, such as transmission powers andbandwidths or time-slot fractions allocated to individual channels (or groups ofchannels). We refer to these critical communication parameters collectively ascommunication variables, and denote the vector of communication variables by θ.

254 Lin Xiao et al.

The communication variables are themselves limited by various resource con-straints, such as limits on the total power or total bandwidth available. We willassume that the medium access methods and coding and modulation schemes arefixed, but that we can optimize over the underlying communication variables θ.

We let b ∈ RM denote the vector of bits allocated to each quantized signal.The associated communication rate ri (in bits per second) can be expressed asbi = αri, where the constant α has the form α = cs/fs. Here fs is the samplefrequency, and cs is the channel coding efficiency in source bits per transmissionbit. This relationship will allow us to express capacity constraints in terms ofbit allocations rather than communication rates.

We will use the following general model to relate the vector of bit allocationsb, and the vector of communication variables θ:

fi(b, θ) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , mf

hTi θ ≤ di, i = 1, . . . , mh

θi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , mθ

bi ≤ bi ≤ bi, i = 1, . . . , M


We make the following assumptions about this generic model.

– The functions fi are convex functions of (b, θ), monotone increasing in b andmonotone decreasing in θ. These inequalities describe capacity constraintson the communication channels. We will show below that many classicalcapacity formula satisfy these assumptions.

– The second set of constraints describes resource limitations, such as a totalavailable power or bandwidth for a group of channels. We assume the vectorshi have nonnegative entries. We assume that di, which represent resourcelimits, are positive.

– The third constraint specifies that the communication resource variables(which represent powers, bandwidths, time-slot fractions) are nonnegative.

– The last group of inequalities specify lower and upper bounds for each bitallocation. We assume that bi and bi are (nonnegative) integers. The lowerbounds are imposed to ensure that the white noise model for quantizationerrors is reasonable. The upper bounds can arise from hardware limitations.

This generic model will allow us to formulate the communication resource al-location problem, i.e., the problem of choosing θ to optimize overall systemperformance, as a convex optimization problem.

There is also one more important constraint on b not included above:

bi is an integer, i = 1 . . . , M. (5)

For the moment, we ignore this constraint. We will return to it in §4.2.

3.2 Capacity Constraints

In this section, we describe some simple channel models and show how they fitthe generic model (4) given above. More detailed descriptions of these channelmodels, as well as derivations, can be found in, e.g., [CT91, Gol99].

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 255

Gaussian Channel We start by considering a single Gaussian channel. Thecommunication variables are the bandwidth W > 0 and transmission powerP > 0. Let N be the power spectral density of the additive white Gaussian noiseat the front-end of the receiver. The channel capacity is given by ([CT91])

R = W log2

(1 +




(in bits per second). The achievable communication rate r is bounded by thischannel capacity, i.e., we must have r ≤ R. Expressed in terms of b, we have

b ≤ αW log2

(1 +



). (6)

We can express this in the form

f(b, W, P ) = b − αW log2

(1 +



)≤ 0,

which fits the generic form (4). To see that the function f is jointly convex inthe variables (b, W, P ), we note that the function g(P ) = −α log2(1 + P/N) is aconvex function of P and, therefore its perspective function (see [BV04])

Wg(P/W ) = −αW log2

(1 +




is a convex function of (P, W ). Adding the linear (hence convex) function bestablishes convexity of f . It is easily verified that f is monotone increasing inb, and monotone decreasing in W and P .

Gaussian Broadcast Channel with FdMA In the Gaussian broadcast chan-nel with frequency-domain multiple access (FDMA), a transmitter sends infor-mation to n receivers over disjoint frequency bands with bandwidths Wi > 0.The communication parameters are the bandwidths Wi and the transmit powersPi > 0 for each individual channel. The communication variables are constrainedby a total power limit

P1 + · · · + Pn ≤ Ptot

and a total available bandwidth limit

W1 + · · · + Wn ≤ Wtot,

which have the generic form for communication resource limits.The receivers are subject to independent white Gaussian noises with power

spectral densities Ni. The transmitter assigns power Pi and bandwidth Wi tothe ith receiver. The achievable bit rates b are constrained by

bi ≤ αWi log2

(1 +



), i = 1, . . . , n. (7)

Again, the constraints relating b and θ = (P, W ) have the generic form (4).

256 Lin Xiao et al.

Gaussian Multiple Access Channel with FDMA In a Gaussian multipleaccess channel with FDMA, n transmitters send information to a common re-ceiver, each using a transmit power Pi over a bandwidth Wi. It has the sameset of constraints as for the broadcast channel, except that Ni = N , i = 1, . . . , n(since they have a common receiver).

Variations and Extensions The capacity formulas for many other channelmodels, including the Parallel Gaussian channel, Gaussian broadcast channelwith TDMA and the Gaussian broadcast channel with CDMA, are also concavein communications variables and can be included in our framework. It is alsopossible to combine the channel models above to model more complex commu-nication systems. Finally, channels with time-varying gain variations (fading) aswell as rate constraints based on bit error rates (with or without coding) can beformulated in a similar manner; see, e.g., [LG01, CG01].

4 Optimal Resource Allocation for Fixed Linear System

In this section, we assume that the linear system is fixed and consider the prob-lem of choosing the communication variables to optimize the system perfor-mance. We take as the objective (to be minimized) the variance of the perfor-mance signal z, given by (3). Since this variance consists of a fixed term (relatedto w) and the variance induced by the quantization, we can just as well minimizethe variance of z induced by the quantization error, i.e., the quantity Vq definedin (2). This leads to the optimization problem


i=1 ai2−2bi

subject to fi(b, θ) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , mf

hTi θ ≤ di, i = 1, . . . , mh

θi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , mθ

bi ≤ bi ≤ bi, i = 1, . . . , M


where ai = (1/3)‖Gzqi‖2s2i , and the optimization variables are θ and b. For the

moment we ignore the constraint that bi must be integers.Since the objective function, and each constraint function in the problem (8)

is a convex function, this is a convex optimization problem. This means that itcan be solved globally and efficiently using a variety of methods, e.g., interior-point methods (see, e.g., [BV04]). In many cases, we can solve the problem (8)more efficiently than by applying general convex optimization methods by ex-ploiting its special structure. This is explained in the next subsection.

4.1 The Dual Decomposition Method

The objective function in the communication resource allocation problem (8) isseparable, i.e., a sum of functions of each bi. In addition, the constraint func-tions fk(b, θ) usually involve only one bi, and a few components of θ, since the

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 257

channel capacity is determined by the bandwidth, power, or time-slot fraction,for example, allocated to that channel. In other words, the resource allocationproblem (8) is almost separable; the small groups of variables (that relate to agiven link or channel) are coupled mostly through the resource limit constraintshT

i θ ≤ di. These are the constraints that limit the total power, total bandwidth,or total time-slot fractions.

This almost separable structure can be efficiently exploited using a techniquecalled dual decomposition (see, e.g., [BV04, Ber99]). We will explain the methodfor a simple FDMA system to keep the notation simple, but the method applies toany communication resource allocation problem with almost separable structure.We consider an FDMA system with M channels, and variables P ∈ RM andW ∈ RM , with a total power and a total bandwidth constraint. We will alsoimpose lower and upper bounds on the bits. This leads to


i=1 ai2−2bi

subject to bi ≤ αWi log2(1 + Pi/NiWi), i = 1, . . . , MPi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , M∑M

i=1 Pi ≤ Ptot

Wi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , M∑Mi=1 Wi ≤ Wtot

bi ≤ bi ≤ bi, i = 1, . . . , M.


Here Ni is the receiver noise spectral density of the ith channel, and bi and bi

are the lower and upper bounds on the number of bits allocated to each channel.Except for the total power and total bandwidth constraint, the constraints areall local, i.e., involve only bi, Pi, and Wi.

We first form the Lagrange dual problem, by introducing Lagrange multipli-ers but only for the two coupling constraints. The Lagrangian has the form

L(b, P, W, λ, µ) =M∑i=1

ai2−2bi + λ


Pi − Ptot

)+ µ


Wi − Wtot


The dual function is defined as

g(λ, µ) = inf{L | Pi ≥ 0, Wi ≥ 0, bi ≤ bi ≤ bi, bi ≤ αWi log2(1 + Pi/NiWi)



gi(λ, µ) − λPtot − µWtot


gi(λ, µ) = inf{ai2−2bi + λPi + µWi

∣∣∣Pi ≥ 0, Wi ≥ 0, bi ≤ bi ≤ bi, bi ≤ αWi log2(1 + Pi/NiWi)


Finally, the Lagrange dual problem associated with the communication re-source allocation problem (9) is given by

maximize g(λ, µ)subject to λ ≥ 0, µ ≥ 0.


258 Lin Xiao et al.

This problem has only two variables, namely the variables λ and µ associatedwith the total power and bandwidth limits, respectively. It is a convex optimiza-tion problem, since g is a concave function (see [BV04]). Assuming that Slater’scondition holds, the optimal value of the dual problem (10) and the primal prob-lem (9) are equal. Moreover, from the optimal solution of the dual problem, wecan recover the optimal solution of the primal. Suppose (λ�, µ�) is the solutionto the dual problem (10), then the primal optimal solution is the minimizer(b�, P �, W �) when evaluating the dual function g(λ�, µ�). In other words, wecan solve the original problem (9) by solving the dual problem (10).

The dual problem can be solved using a variety of methods, for example,cutting-plane methods. To use these methods we need to be able to evaluate thedual objective function, and also obtain a subgradient for it (see [BV04]), forany given µ ≥ 0 and λ ≥ 0. To evaluate g(λ, µ), we simply solve the M separateproblems,

minimize ai2−2bi + λPi + µWi

subject to Pi ≥ 0, Wi ≥ 0,

bi ≤ bi ≤ bi,bi ≤ αWi log2(1 + Pi/NiWi),

each with three variables, which can be carried out separately or in parallel.Many methods can be used to very quickly solve these small problems.

A subgradient of the concave function g at (λ, µ) is a vector h ∈ R2 suchthat

g(λ, µ) ≤ g(λ, µ) + hT

[λ − λµ − µ


for all λ and µ. To find such a vector, let the optimal solution to the subproblemsbe denoted

b�i (λ, µ), P �

i (λ, µ), W �i (λ, µ).

Then, a subgradient of the dual function g is readily given by[∑M

i=1 P �i (λ, µ) − Ptot∑M

i=1 W �i (λ, µ) − Wtot


This can be verified from the definition of the dual function.Putting it all together, we find that we can solve the dual problem in time

linear in M , which is far better than the standard convex optimization methodsapplied to the primal problem, which require time proportional to M3.

The same method can be applied whenever there are relatively few couplingconstraints, and each link capacity is dependent on only a few communicationresource parameters. In fact, when there is only one coupling constraint, the sub-problems that we must solve can be solved analytically, and the master problembecomes an explicit convex optimization problem with only one variable. It iseasily solved by bisection, or any other one-parameter search method. This isthe famous water-filling algorithm (see, e.g., [CT91]).

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 259

4.2 Integrality of Bit Allocations

We now come back to the requirement that the bit allocations must be integers.The first thing we observe is that we can always round down the bit allocationsfound by solving the convex problem to the nearest integers. Let bi denote theoptimal solution of the convex resource allocation problem (8), and define bi =�bi�. Here, �bi� denotes the floor of bi, i.e., the largest integer smaller than orequal to bi. First we claim that b is feasible. To see this, recall that fk and hk

are monotone decreasing in b, so since b is feasible and b ≤ b, we have b feasible.We can also obtain a crude performance bound for b. Clearly the objective

value obtained by ignoring the integer constraint, i.e.,

Jcvx =M∑i=1

ai2−2bi ,

is a lower bound on the optimal objective value Jopt of the problem with integerconstraints. The objective value of the rounded-down feasible bit allocation b is

Jrnd =M∑i=1

ai2−2bi ≤M∑i=1

ai2−2(bi−1) = 4Jcvx ≤ 4Jopt,

using the fact that bi ≥ bi − 1. Putting this together we have

Jopt ≤ Jrnd ≤ 4Jopt,

i.e., the performance of the suboptimal integer allocation obtained by roundingdown is never more than a factor of four worse than the optimal solution. Interms of RMS, the rounded-down allocation is never more than a factor of twosuboptimal.

Variable Threshold Rounding Of course, far better heuristics can be usedto obtain better integer solutions. Here we give a simple method based on avariable rounding threshold.

Let 0 < t ≤ 1 be a threshold parameter, and round bi as follows:

bi ={ �bi�, if bi − �bi� ≤ t,�bi�, otherwise. (11)

Here, �bi� denotes the ceiling of bi, i.e., the smallest integer larger than or equalto bi. In other words, we round bi down if its remainder is smaller than or equalto the threshold t, and round up otherwise. When t = 1/2, we have standardrounding, with ties broken down. When t = 1, all bits are rounded down, asin the scheme described before. This gives a feasible integer solution, which weshowed above has a performance within a factor of four of optimal. For t < 1feasibility of the rounded bits b is not guaranteed, since bits can be rounded up.

260 Lin Xiao et al.

For a given fixed threshold t, we can round the bi’s as in (11), and then solvea convex feasibility problem over the remaining continuous variables θ:

fi(b, θ) ≤ 0hT

i θ ≤ di

θi ≥ 0(12)

The upper and lower bound constraints bi ≤ bi ≤ bi are automatically satisfiedbecause bi and bi are integers. If this problem is feasible, then the rounded bi’sand the corresponding θ are suboptimal solutions to the integer constrained bitallocation problem.

Since fi is monotone increasing in b, hence in t, and monotone decreasing in θ,there exists a t� such that (12) is feasible if t ≥ t� and infeasible if t < t�. In thevariable threshold rounding method, we find t�, the smallest t which makes (12)feasible. This can be done by bisection over t: first try t = 1/2. If the resultingrounded bit allocation is feasible, we try t = 1/4; if not, we try t = 3/4, etc.

Roughly speaking, the threshold t gives us a way to vary the conservativenessof the rounding procedure. When t is near one, almost all bits are rounded down,and the allocation is likely to be feasible. When t is small, we round many bitsup, and the bit allocation is unlikely to be feasible. But if it is, the performance(judged by the objective) will be better than the bit allocation found using moreconservative rounding (i.e., with a larger t). A simple bisection procedure canbe used to find a rounding threshold close to the aggressive one that yields afeasible allocation.

4.3 Example: Networked Linear Estimator

To illustrate the ideas of this section, we consider the problem of designing anetworked linear estimator with the structure shown in figure 4. We want toestimate an unknown point x ∈ R20 using M = 200 linear sensors,

yi = cTi x + vi, i = 1, . . . , M.

Each sensor uses bi bits to code its measurements and transmits the coded signalto a central estimator over a Gaussian multiple access channel with FDMA.The performance of the estimator is judged by the estimation error varianceJK = E ‖x − x‖2. We assume that ‖x‖ ≤ 1 and that the sensor noises vi are


Multiple AccessEstimator




SS−1y yr x

Fig. 4: Networked linear estimator over a multiple access channel

IID with E vi = 0, E v2i = 10−6. In this example, the sensor coefficients ci are

uniformly distributed on [0, 5]. Since ‖x‖ ≤ 1, we choose scaling factors si = ‖ci‖.

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 261

The noise power density of the Gaussian multiple access channel is N = 0.1,the coding constant is α = 2, and the upper and lower bounds for bit allocationsare b = 5 and b = 12. The total available power is P = 300 and the total availablebandwidth is W = 200.

The estimator is a linear unbiased estimator

x = Kyr,

where KC = I, with C = [c1, . . . , cM ]T . In particular, the minimum varianceestimator is given by

K =(CT (Rv + Rq)−1C

)−1CT (Rv + Rq)−1 (13)

where Rv and Rq are the covariance matrices for the sensor noises and quan-tization noises, respectively. (Note that the estimator gain depends on the bitallocations.) The associated estimation error variance is

JK(b) =13


s2i ‖ki‖22−2bi + Tr



where ki is the ith column of the matrix K. Clearly, JK(b) is on the form (3)and will serve as the objective function for the resource allocation problem (8).

First we allocate power and bandwidth evenly to all sensors, which resultsin bi = 8 for each sensor. Based on this allocation, we compute the quantiza-tion noise variances E q2

i = (1/3)s2i 2

−2bi and design a least-squares estimator asin (13). The resulting RMS estimation error is 3.676 × 10−3. Then we fix theestimator gain K, and solve the relaxed optimization problem (8) to find theresource allocation that minimizes the estimation error variance. The resultingRMS value is 3.1438 × 10−3. Finally, we perform a variable threshold roundingwith t� = 0.4211. Figure 5 shows the distribution of rounded bit allocation. Theresulting RMS estimation error is 3.2916 × 10−3. Thus, the allocation obtainedfrom optimization and variable threshold rounding gives a 10% improved perfor-mance compared to the unirform resource allocation, which is not very far fromthe performance bound given by the relaxed convex optimization problem.

We can see that the allocation obtained from optimization and variablethreshold rounding give a 10% improved performance compared to the uniformresource allocation, and is not very far from the performance bound given bythe relaxed convex optimization problem.

Note that with the new bit allocations, the quantization covariance changes— it is not the one that was used to design K. We will address this issue of thecoupling between the choice of the communication variables and the estimator.

5 Joint Design of Communication and Linear Systems

We have seen that when the linear system is fixed, the problem of optimallyallocating communication resources is convex (when we ignore integrality of bit

262 Lin Xiao et al.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120








160Always rounding downVariable threshold rounding

Number of bits






Fig. 5: Bit allocation for networked least-squares estimator.

allocations), and can be efficiently solved. In order to achieve the optimal systemperformance, however, one should optimize the parameters of the linear systemand the communication system jointly. Unfortunately, this joint design problemis in general not convex. In some cases, however, the joint design problem isbi-convex: for fixed resource allocation the controller design problem is convex,and for fixed controller design and scalings the resource allocation problem isconvex. This special structure can be exploited to develop a heuristic methodfor the joint design problem, that appears to work well in practice.

5.1 Nonconvexity of the Joint Design Problem

To illustrate that the joint design problem is nonconvex, we consider the problemof designing a simple networked least-squares estimator for an example smallenough that we can solve the joint problem globally.

An unknown scalar parameter x ∈ R is measured using two sensors that aresubject to measurement noises:

y1 = x + v1, y2 = x + v2.

We assume that v1 and v2 are independent zero-mean Gaussian random variableswith variances E v2

1 = E v22 = 0.001. The sensor measurements are coded and

sent over a communication channel with a constraint on the total bit rate. Witha total of btot bits available we allocate b1 bits to the first sensor and the b2 =btot − b1 remaining bits to the second sensor. For a given bit allocation, theminimum-variance unbiased estimate can be found by solving a weighted least-squares problem. Figure 6 shows the optimal performance as function of b1 whenbtot = 8 and btot = 12. The relationship is clearly not convex.

These figures, and the optimal solutions, make perfect sense. When btot = 8,the quantization noise is the dominant noise source, so one should allocate all 8bits to one sensor and disregard the other. When btot = 12, the quantization

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 263

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80.1







0 2 4 6 8 10 120.05










Fig. 6: Estimator performance for b1 + b2 = 8 (top) and b1 + b2 = 12 (bottom).

noises are negligible in comparison with the sensor noise. It is then advantageousto use both sensors (i.e., assign each one 6 bits), since it allows us to averageout the effect of the measurement noises.

5.2 Alternating Optimization for Joint Design

The fact that the joint problem is convex in certain subsets of the variableswhile others are fixed can be exploited. For example (and ignoring the integral-ity constraints) the globally optimal communication variables can be computedvery efficiently, sometimes even semi-analytically, when the linear system is fixed.Similarly, when the communication variables are fixed, we can (sometimes) com-pute the globally optimal variables for the linear system. Finally, when the linearsystem variables and the communication variables are fixed, it is straightforwardto compute the quantizer scalings using the 3σ-rule. This makes it natural toapply an approach where we sequentially fix one set of variables and optimizeover the others:

given initial linear system variables φ(0), communication variables θ(0), andscaling factors s(0).k := 0repeat1. Fix φ(k), s(k), and optimize over θ. Let θ(k+1) be the optimal value.2. Fix θ(k+1), s(k), and optimize over φ. Let φ(k+1) be the optimal value.3. Fix φ(k+1), θ(k+1). Let s(k+1) be appropriate scaling factors.

k:=k+1until convergence

264 Lin Xiao et al.

Many variations on this basic heuristic method are possible. We can, for ex-ample, add trust region constraints to each of the optimization steps, to limitthe variables changes in each step. Another variation is to convexify (by, forexample, linearizing) the jointly nonconvex problem, and solve in each step us-ing linearized versions for the constraints and objective terms in the remainingvariables; see, e.g., [HHB99] and the references therein. . We have already seenhow the optimization over θ can be carried out efficiently. In many cases, theoptimization over φ can also be carried efficiently, using, e.g., LQG or some othercontroller or estimator design technique.

Since the joint problem is not convex, there is no guarantee that this heuris-tic converges to the global optimum. On the other hand the heuristic methodappears to work well in practice.

5.3 Example: Networked Linear Estimator

To demonstrate the heuristic method for joint optimization described above,we apply it to the networked linear estimator described in §4.3. The design ofthe linear system and the communication system couple through the weightingmatrix Q in (13). The alternating procedure for this problem becomes

given initial estimator gain K(0) and resource allocations (P (0), W (0), b(0)).k:=0repeat1. Fix estimator gain K(k) and solve the problem (9) to obtain resource

allocation (P (k+1), W (k+1), b(k+1)).

2. Update the covariance matrix R(k+1)q and compute new estimator gain

K(k+1) as in (13) using weight matrix Q(k+1) = (Rv + R(k+1)q )−1.

k:=k+1until bit allocation converges.

Note that the scaling factors are fixed in this example, since neither the bitallocations nor the estimator gain affect the signals that are quantized, hencethe scaling factors.

When we apply the alternating optimization procedure to the example givenin §4.3, the algorithm converges in six iterations, and we obtain very different re-source allocation results from before. Figure 7 shows the distribution of roundedbit allocation. This result is intuitive: try to assign as much resources as possibleto the best sensors, and the bad sensors only get minimum number of bits. TheRMS estimation error of the joint design is reduced significantly, 80%, as shownin Table 1. In this table, rms(e) is the total RMS error, rms(eq) is the RMSerror induced by quantization noise, and rms(ev) is the RMS error induced bysensor noise.

We can see that joint optimization reduces the estimation errors due to bothquantization and sensor noise. In the case of equal resource allocation, the RMSerror due to quantization is much larger than that due to sensor noise. After

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 265

RMS values equal allocation joint optimization variable threshold rounding

rms(eq) 3.5193 × 10−3 0.3471 × 10−3 0.3494 × 10−3

rms(ev) 1.0617 × 10−3 0.6319 × 10−3 0.6319 × 10−3

rms(e) 3.6760 × 10−3 0.7210 × 10−3 0.7221 × 10−3

Table 1: RMS estimation errors of the networked LS estimator.

the final iteration of the alternating convex optimization, the RMS error dueto quantization is at the same level as that due to sensor noise. Also, becausethe in the relaxed problem, most bits are integers (either b = 5 or b = 12; seeFigure 7), variable threshold rounding (which gives t� = 0.6797) does not changethe solution, or the performance, much.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120






120Always rounding downVariable threshold rounding

Number of bits






Fig. 7: Joint optimization of bit allocation and least-squares estimator

5.4 Example: LQG Control over Communication Networks

We now give a more complex example than the simple static, open-loop estimatordescribed above. The situation is more complicated when the linear system isdynamic and involves feedback loops closed over the communication links. Inthis case, the RMS values of both control signals and output signals changewhen we re-allocate communication resources or adjust the controller. Hence,the alternating optimization procedure needs to include the step that modifiesthe scalings.

Basic System Setup First we consider the system setup in figure 8, where nocommunication links are included. The linear system has a state-space model

x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + B (u(t) + w(t))y(t) = Cx(t) + v(t)

266 Lin Xiao et al.

w z


v++ LTI System


Fig. 8: Closed-loop control system without communication links.

where u(t) ∈ RMu and y(t) ∈ RMy . Here w(t) is the process noise and v(t) isthe sensor noise. Assume that w(t) and v(t) are independent zero-mean whitenoises with covariance matrices Rw and Rv respectively.

Our goal is to design the controller that minimizes the RMS value of z = Cx,subject to some upper bound constraints on the RMS values of the controlsignals:

minimize rms(z)subject to rms(ui) ≤ βi, i = 1, . . . , Mu


The limitations on the RMS values of the control signals are added to avoidactuator saturation.

It can be shown that the optimal controller for this problem has the standardestimated state feedback form,

x(t + 1|t) = Ax(t|t − 1) + Bu(t) + L (y(t) − Cx(t|t − 1))u(t) = −Kx(t|t − 1)

where K is the state feedback control gain and L is the estimator gain, found bysolving the algebraic Riccati equations associated with an appropriately weightedLQG problem. Finding the appropriate weights, for which the LQG controllersolves the problem (14), can be done via the dual problem; see, e.g., [TM89,BB91].

Communications Setup We now describe the communications setup for theexample. The sensors send their measurements to a central controller through aGaussian multiple access channel, and the controller sends control signals to theactuators through a Gaussian broadcast channel, as shown in figure 9.

The linear system can be described as

x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + B (u(t) + w(t) + p(t))yr(t) = Cx(t) + v(t) + q(t),

where p and q are quantization noises due to the bit rate limitations of thecommunication channels. Since these are modeled as white noises, we can include

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 267

the quantization noises in the process and measurement noises, by introducingthe equivalent process noise and measurement noise

w(t) = w(t) + p(t), v(t) = v(t) + q(t),

with covariance matrices


= Rw + diag



32−2ba,1 , . . . ,





= Rv + diag



32−2bs,1 , . . . ,





Here ba and bs are number of bits allocated to the actuators and sensors.The scaling factors can be found from the 3σ-rule, by computing the variance

of the sensor and actuator signals. Hence, given the signal ranges and numbersof quantization bits, we can calculate R

wand R

v, and then design a controller

by solving (14). Notice that the signal ranges are determined by the RMS values,which in turn depend on the controller design. This intertwined relationship willshow up in the iterative design procedures.


Multiple AccessChannel


LTI Systemw z


ur y




S−1a Ss


Fig. 9: Closed-loop control system over communication networks.

Iterative Procedure to Design a Controller with Uniform Bit Alloca-tion First we allocate an equal number of bits to each actuator and sensor. Thismeans that we assign power and bandwidth (in the case of FDMA) uniformlyacross all channels. We design a controller for such uniform resource allocationvia the following iterative procedure (iterate on the scaling factors and the con-troller):

268 Lin Xiao et al.

given βi = rms(ui) and estimated rms(zj).repeat1. Let sa,i = 3 rms(ui) and ss,j = 3 rms(zj), and compute R

wand R


in (15).2. Solve problem (14) and compute rms(ui) and rms(zj) of the closed-

loop system.until stopping criterion is satisfied.

If the procedure converges, the resulting controller variables K and L of thisiterative design procedure will satisfy the constraints on the control signals.

The Alternating Optimization Procedure Our goal here is to do jointoptimization of bit allocation and controller design. This involves an iterationprocedure over controller design, scaling matrices update and bit allocation. Thecontroller and scaling matrices designed for uniform bit allocation by the aboveiteration procedure can serve as a good starting point. Here is the alternatingoptimization procedure:

given Rw, Rv, βi = rms(ui) and rms(zj) from the above iteration designprocedure.repeat1. Allocate bit rates ba,i, bs,j and communication resources by solving a

convex optimization problem of the form (8).2. Compute R

wand R

vas in (15), and find controller variables K and L

by solving (14).3. Compute closed-loop system RMS values rms(ui) and rms(zj), then

determine the signal ranges sa,i and ss,j by the 3σ rule.until the RMS values rms(zj) and bit allocation converges.

The convex optimization problem to be solved in step 1 depends on the commu-nication system setup and resource constraints.

Numerical Example: Control of a Mass-Spring System Now we considerthe specific example shown in figure 10. The position sensors on each mass sendmeasurements yi = xi +vi, where vi is the sensor noise, to the controller througha Gaussian multiple access channel using FDMA. The controller receives datayri = xi+vi+qi, where qi is the quantization error due to bit rate limitation of themultiple access channel. The controller sends control signals uj to actuators oneach mass through a Gaussian broadcast channel using FDMA. The actual forceacting on each mass is urj = uj +wj +pj, where wj is the exogenous disturbanceforce, and pj is the quantization disturbance due to bit rate limitation of thebroadcast channel. The mechanical system parameters are

m1 = 10, m2 = 5, m3 = 20, m4 = 2, m5 = 15, k = 1

The discrete-time system dynamics is obtained using a sampling frequency whichis 5 times faster than the fastest mode of the continuous-time dynamics. The

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 269

Multiple Access Channelto Collect Sensor Data

Broadcast Channelto Send Control SignalsController

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

y1 y2 y3 y4 y5u1 u2 u3 u4 u5

k k k k k

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5

Fig. 10: Series-connected mass-spring system controlled over network.

independent zero mean noises w and v have covariance matrices Rw = 10−6Iand Rv = 10−6I respectively. The actuators impose RMS constraints on thecontrol signals:

rms(ui) ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , 5.

For the Gaussian multiple access channel, the noise power density is N = 0.1,and the total power available is Pmac,tot = 7.5. For the Gaussian broadcastchannel, the noise power density at each user is Ni = 0.1 for all i’s, and thetotal power available for all users is Pbc,tot = 7.5. All users of the multipleaccess channel and the broadcast channel share a total bandwidth of W = 10.The proportionality coefficient α in the capacity formula is set to 2. Finally, weimpose a lower bound b = 5 and an upper bound b = 12 on the number of bitsallocated to each quantizer.1

First we allocate power and bandwidth evenly to all sensors and actuators,which results in a uniform allocation of 8 bits for each channel. We then designeda controller using the first iteration procedure based on this uniform resourceallocation. This controller yields rms(ui) = 1 for all i’s, and the RMS-values ofthe output signal z are listed in Table 2.

Finally, we used the second iteration procedure to do joint optimization ofbit allocation and controller design. The resulting resource allocation after fouriterations is shown in figure 11. It can be seen that more bandwidth, and hencemore bits are allocated to the broadcast channel than to the multiple access

1 To motivate our choice of lower bound on the bit allocations, note that our systemis critically stable and that the lower bound for stabilization given in [WB99, NE00,TSM98] is zero. In general, if we discretize an open-loop unstable continuous-timelinear system using a sampling rate which is at least twice the largest magnitude ofthe eigenvalues (a traditional rule-of-thumb in the design of digital control systems[FPW90]), then the lower bound given in [WB99, NE00, TSM98] is less than one bit.The analysis in [WKL96] shows that bi ≥ 3 or 5 is usually high enough for assumingthe white noise model for quantization errors.

270 Lin Xiao et al.

RMS values equal allocation joint optimization variable threshold rounding

rms(z1) 0.1487 0.0424 0.0438rms(z2) 0.2602 0.0538 0.0535rms(z3) 0.0824 0.0367 0.0447rms(z4) 0.4396 0.0761 0.0880rms(z5) 0.1089 0.0389 0.0346

rms(z) 0.5493 0.1155 0.1258

Table 2: RMS-values of the output signal.

1 2 3 4 50







the broadcast channel

1 2 3 4 50






12the multiple access channel


Fig. 11: Joint optimization of bit rates and linear control system.

channel. This means that the closed-loop performance is more sensitive to theequivalent process noises than to the equivalent sensor noises. The joint opti-mization resulted in rms(ui) = 1 for all i’s, and the RMS-values of the outputsignal z are listed in Table 2. At each step of the variable threshold rounding, wecheck the feasibility of the resource allocation problem. The optimal thresholdfound is t� = 0.6150. Then we fix the integer bit allocation obtained with thisthreshold, and used the first iteration procedure to design the controller. We seea 77% reduction in RMS value over the result for uniform bit allocation, andthe performance obtained by variable threshold rounding is quite close to thatof the relaxed non-integer joint optimization.

6 Conclusions

We have addressed the problem of jointly optimizing the parameters of a linearsystem and allocating resources in the communication system that is used fortransmitting sensor and actuator information. We considered a scenario wherethe coding and medium access scheme of the communication system is fixed,but the available communications resources, such as transmit powers and band-widths, can be allocated to different channels in order to influence the achievablecommunication rates. To model the effect of limited communication rates on theperformance of the linear system, we assumed conventional uniform quantizationand used a simple white-noise model for quantization errors. We demonstratedthat the problem of allocating communications resources to optimize the sta-

Joint Optimization of Wireless Communication 271

tionary performance of a fixed linear system (ignoring the integrality constraint)is often convex, hence readily solved. Moreover, for many important channelmodels, the communication resource allocation problem is separable except fora small number of constraints on the total communication resources. We il-lustrated how dual decomposition can be used to solve this class of problemsefficiently, and suggested a variable threshold rounding method to deal with theintegrality of bit allocations. The problem of jointly allocating communicationresources and designing the linear system is in general not convex, but is oftenconvex in subsets of variables while others are fixed. We suggested an iterativeheuristic for the joint design problem that exploits this special structure, anddemonstrated its effectiveness on the two examples: the design of a networkedlinear estimator, and the design of a multivariable networked LQG controller.


The authors are grateful to Wei Yu and Xiangheng Liu for helpful discussions.


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