i MODKRS MIRACLE. Hen IBA street quite unerifttocrattu Her fether'a a plebian dealer ID gloe Their flat? the polite name that's used for am iMr- Is dlegy. and shabby's the furniture, too. On Fridays. I think, is her day for receiving. Tet nobody some* but the fourth story back. Or the butoher with bill*. and the baker, believing The hour'M propitious to make au attack. Tet now when wo glance inan evening newspaper 'Tie there her uame shines with the ton of the Hill Her pafturs are regal, her the *aper. Her jewels slone would a half colunr. All. The plebian parent, too. has a new s.*tt:ng: He's sai\ to write novels and verse on the sly; A passion for antique ceramics he's retting. And. ohl such a yacht he Is going to buy! Now, who do you think is this miracle-worker? Aladdin was certainly nowhere to hiiu Who into A nabob could change that old Turk, her Father, to move in the gay NOCIUI swim. The secret I'llwhimper, but mind that you keep it. Or all single women will copy the plan. And If at a bound into high life you'd leap it. Why, just get engaged to a ncwspAp r man! Harpt-r'a Bazar. GOLDEN LOCKS. NCE upon a time there lived in aT \Bohemia an old f king, a widower, . 1 J without children. V J Being no longer able to hunt or _ engage in wars, he spent his time' "'* la study, that he \u25a0 might become wise. He also publicly announced that auv one who would reveal to him any new science would be magnificently rewarded. Men came from all directions, who pretended to know marvelous things, but all proved to be without merit. A poor woman called one day with a little basket on her arm. The guard refused her en- trance. but finally yielded to her entrea- ties. When presonted to the king she said: '?! have a husband who is unable to work and several feeble children un- able to earn a living. A good fairy pitlod me and made me a present, which I wish to give you, and for which, she said, you would pay me well." As she spoke she drew from the basket a pretty littlejserpent with diamoud oyes, ahead green as glass, the rest, of "the body blue as the sky. "Ifyou will have this serpent cooked and eat the whole of it," said the woman, "you will be the sole possesor of a wonderful science. The poor woman's honest appearance so impressed the king that lie did not wait for tho result of the experiment, but ordered a large sum of money to be given her. Then he called an officer for whom ho had the greatest uffeetion and said to him: Stephen went ou until he caste to ? great lake. Upon the bank of thin twe fishermen were quarreling. "That fish is mine, eald one of them; It was caught in my net." "Without my boat what good would your net have been to you?" said the other. "Qlve me this fish ; the next one caught will he yours." "No, I will not wait." Stephen upproached and said: "Sell the fish to me, then you can divide the The fishermen consented and Stephen gave them all the money he had for the fish, which he then throw back into the water. Then he heard it say: "Thanks. If you are ever in need of me I will come to you." "Where are you going?" asked the fishermen of Stephen. "I am seeking for tho old king, my master, the princess with the golden locks, and I do not known where to find her." "You are nearly at your journey's end; she is tho daughter of tho king of the is- land which you see there on the lake. Every morning she coiubs her long locks und they make the clouds and the water glisten like gold. We will tow you to the shore of the island. But take care that you make no mistake. The king hAs twelve beautiful daughters; one alouo has the golden locks, and they will all appear before you with their heads covered with a veil." Stephen presented himself before the sovereign of the isle and requested the honil of the princess of tlie golden locks for his master, the old king. "Very well," said tho monarch. "I will give her to you if in three days you accomplish three tusks. Tomorrow you shall commence." Tho next day he said: "Mydaughter Zolotaska has a magnificent necklace of pearls, which, by the string breaking, are lost in the gruss: find them all, without leaving a single i ne." Stephen searched tho field from morn- ing until noon. "Ah !" lie cried, "if my ants were only here!" "Here we are," cried innumerable little voices, and the ants began to run in all directions. In a few moments they "HE CONDUCTED HER TO THE KINO," brought a great quantity of pearls. Stephen threaded them and was going to tie the string when an old ant who had been burned by the fire limped along with one more. Stephen thanked his tiny friends and carried the necklace to the king, who declared it complete. The next day he said : "My daughter lot. a precious ring fall into tho lake. You must find it." Stephen gazed into the waters of the lake, out they were so deep lie couldn't see the bottom. "Oh!"he said, "if ray fish were only here." "Here I am," replied a silvery voice; "what can I do for you?" "I want the ring the Princess Zolo- taska lost in the lake." Plunging into I tie water, the fish re- turned in an instant with the ring to Stephen, who gave it to the king. "Now," said lie to Stephen, "I have only one thing more to ask of you. (Jo seek A flask of the water of death and a flask of the water of life." "Stephen, I have a strange but most Important order to give you, which you must execute with great care. You will have this scrpcpt roasted by my head cook; see thnf flo ouo lastes it, aud when it is done bring it to me?understand? If any one tastes it he shall die." "Oh! oh!" thought Stephen. "Death f<?r so small a matter. There must he some mystery. I will find it out.' So as he brought in the serpent he placed his linger on it and slyly slipped a small piece into his mouth. That mo- ment, as lie entered the hall, whose win- dows were open, lie heard the birds talk- ing among themselves and relating the news of the da v. After dinner the king mounted his horse to take a ride, and Stephen ac- companied him. In the midt of a vast plain Stephen's lioise suddenly gave a great leap and said to Ids companion : "Oh. how light I feel! I could leap over that hill." "And 1 also." replied the king's horse. "Iwould willingly, but I carry an old man on my back, who might fall and break his neck." "Let him fall! You would then'have a young man instead of an old one." As Stephen listened ho could not re- strain a laugh. That betrayed him to the king. It was evident that he under- stood the language of animals, evident also that he must have tasted the ser- pent. Vexed at this discovery and un- easy at the disposition of his horses, the king returned to the city. As he alighted from his horse at the palace gates two birds flew toward him; one held in his beak three golden hairs, the other pursued him crying: "Ah!" said Stephen, "where shall I find a flask of this marvelous wator? If ; my crows wore only here." "Here wo are 1" cried the crows. "Wait a moment. You shall have them." They were gone but a short time and j returned with two Masks. Returning to the palaeo, on the web. i he threw a drop of the water of death i upon tho spider aud a drop of the water of life upon the My, who immediately re- vived and said to him : "Without mo you could not recognize Zolotaska among her sisters. I will point her out to you by alighting on her shoulder." When Stephen entered with his two flasks the king said: "You have dono well; I will permit you to take my daughter to your master. Come with me." The king led him into a vast hall, in the middle of which stood a long table, and seated at this were twelve beautiful young girls, wearing veils that com- pletely concealed their hair. How could he choose? Suddenly ho heard a buzzing sound; the fly had came to his aid, and soon rested on tho shoulder of the fourth girl. Her veil fell and her golden locks fell over her beautiful shoulders. Stephen gazed in amazement. How lovely she was! How happy he would have been had he been permitted to marry her. But ho could not forgot his duty. He conducted her to tho king, his mas- ter. The old king looked ot her with ad- miration, and listened with emotion to the story of Stephen's adventures; then, extending his hand, lie said to him: "For disobedienco I condemned you to death. I was wrong. You are brave and faithful, and merit a reward. You shall liavo it. I am too old to marry this beautiful girl; she shall be your wife. I have no children; you shall be my son and my succossor." The happy Stephen married the prin- cess of the golden locks, und after the king's death mounted the throne, and all bis subjects loved him. Canmr Trml by Electricity. Several cases of cancer havo boon suc- cessfully treated by I>r. Parson by pass- ing a powerfully interrupted voltaic cur- rent through the tumors. The growth as a whole does not entirely disappear, but remain as an inert mass, probably composed of fibrous tissuo. This the doctor thinks could not bo absorbed, but the remains of the growth could always bo removed subsequently by the knife if desired.?Exchange. A Rjmrrow lliaioi An Alllgutor. An alligator and an English sparrow were seen to engage in a battlo near Da- rlen, Ga., tho other day. Tho 'gator pro- vnked tho light by snapping at tho bird, which in turn flow furiously at its ugly antagonist, aiming with precision at the euurian's eyes. The 'gator finally gave up the contest, and sought 6afoty from tho sparrow's attacks by hiding' itself under water.?Savannah News. "A SERPENT WITH DIAMOND EVES." "Givo mo back my hairs; they belong to me; I saw them fall first when the princess combed her hair," and ho tried to take them from his companion. In the struggle one fell on the ground with a metallic sound. The king turnod to Stephen and said : "You know you are condemned to death for disobeying my orders, but I will pardon you if vou will go in search of the princess with the golden locks and bring her back with you so that I may marry her." Stephen, of course, glad to eseapo so easily, consented, but pursued his way sadly. Whereto look for the princoss, and when found how to persuade her to marry the old king?how accomplish this? "I will trust to luck," he said, as he went on. Passing through a forest ho saw a pile of brushwood which some one had set on tire. Near it was an ant hill which was in danger of being burned. "Save us I" oriedtho ants, "or we shall perish!" Stephen extinguished the lire with some moist earth. ? "Thanks," said the ants. "Some day we may be of service to you." A little further on Stephen saw two young crows crying at the foot of a pine treo. "Help us," they said, "we aro too small to find food for ourselves. If yon do not "give us something to eat wo will die." At th{itmoment a huge panther sprang from a'thlcket, growling at Stephen, who drew bis sword and burled it into the animal's heart. ".There Is a good meal fot&ow," ho said to tho little orows, and they replied: "Oft, thank you. Wiion you are in trouble we may perhaps be able to ren- a service. Rome Foollhli People Allow u cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often suy, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would im- mediately see the excellent effect after tak- ing the first dose. Price 50c and #I.OO. Trial /re free. At all druggists. cow Tax-I'ayer* Take Notice. Does prohibition prohibit? Wo claim it does not; the facts are on our sides Consult you friends in .I fatw, A'tww* anil Town. They will tell you it is a farce and increases taxes. Consult your own inter ests by ordering Win?* urul Ijiqipire direct from headipiarters. We sate yon moneys give you better and purer goods, fill orders more promptly, and prices are lower than elsewhere. Silver Age absolutely pure rye. endorsed by physicians, used in hos- pitals. Only #1.50 full standard quart, uueuenhetmer Pure Ityo. (t yr. out. : na quart | UlbsOll ?? II ?? Ido ?' \u25a0 overturn ?? a jni ?? J Finch's Hidden W editing it ?? ] <KI ?' I iti UUMi-s s.i. j Ports, Sherries. Brandies, Whiskies, (Jin. | etc., 50 cents quart, up. Goods shipped to 1 till parts of llie U. S., carefully packed. INo extra charge for packages. Sen I trial order. Write for complete Catalogue and | Price list. Mention this paper. MAX ICI.P.IN*. No b'2 Federal St..Allegheny. I'm. declfl-lv i \ DMINISTKIToIfS NO It'K. Y\ NOilet !-hereby glv ntli.it i eMersof Aii- | mliitstratlaiti.ilthee-iate at .ers. Meyg'e . ttr- I Uy, uueoi tin- jiirmtalt at oluistun'i.. county I efi uiiibrli: a tat Mat eat : cuiisylvi.tdu. deceased. I have been grained in .hunes is u'cont or. o( said j Imroogh. t" nlifiui all person- 1-mined to salu 1 estate ate ti'i;t;esietl m make n i viuetn. and i base having eialtij.s . t demanus alii mate !<nun tbe j same svb limn delay In the HIdetsl'teerl. at tbe olkee at ' at.nor bias, tea j-rauklli. slice , , Joiinstitait, la. d... i.s It. ii > NOP. July a Aiiiuliilstruior. uiit?;ti)? Tc. j LOOK 1 I if you a- .in' . gO'st slfi"'ton wl e Mtv ItttlM It I-Pts. 11. ?loelo ...It, N, v.. nstlies are la want m li inest am! ttp'-lvriit sales- men ta sell Illelr eltul.-e ails nutty v.eletles V I Nursery SUnsk-. Writer oa salary or ?\u25a0onuulsstot!. Many tew aat! s 'aabln \aiielles le ol.tr. . tt ? ? them ai once tor terms. r>!is.Alfl ,UUI TMWI-Iti'-S, 1 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS f!ED CROSS EIAMOND BRAND. A Original, only genuine and rcliuhto pill fur mile. Never Fall. Alt for Chichetter't A'tiylu/iyP Diamond Brand, > red me- lulltc boxes, sealed with blue rib- \wgtr , bon. At DruffKlit*. Accept \/ no other. All pllla in paste- v board boxen, pink wrappers, are a danger- OUR counterfeit- Soud 4e. (\u25a0tamp*) for particulars aud "Kelleffor Ladle*," in letter, by return mall. 10,000 teati- monlulnltoinLADIES who nave used them. Name Paper, it Chichester Chemical Co., JUdisun S<i.,l'hlla.,P*. DISEASE *. 3 i . .??\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .m.v!darnMlntbnrn ! .t.ip--, t \u25a0<**.*. .'??? 1 ? ? v.hut; >? nr "j'l r I ! -rl* ; ..f .? . F Vf.t". . il/Hndp'rn .-.cu l; : I ? v ? - -nl- .-if mm. I iStiniM m'f PI V .71 '?'. J.'nb lt..?;?*:/ JTarg i utyi l I rii'Jirßfl) lrnde ' n *?' parta, by II II fi 11 machines I 11 | p| J C' ??wing-machine* made ij S l th° world - wi,h *" lhc attachments nTm!i ! ls jJRoIJ Will alio aend free a rompiiia ral lM 11 ! I |yU|J|' in '' " f our cotly and valuable art ytjj~ ? ' ,l | r^yyN^;' I ''''' l ' 1 '' 9 * n return wc thl " .*°u L iL- i v call at your bor.ir.and after 2 v>rLa, * VV fi"' nn haall aball bec'itie your own I'll-after the Siiigei- paienta, M have run out: b< lore patenta m\V run out it aold forSUit. with Iho H. Beal.strongrat, most use. \u25a0 felrM IL JtC J" fftil mnrhino in the world. All i ? R*k& \u25a0 I lirlfree. No rapital required. Plain, I brief instructions given. l ho > who write to ua at once can so. cure free the best sewing-machine in the world, and the HOW IT WORKED. " Good morning, Jack ! why 1 haven't seen you for a month past. What in the world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Weil Phil, I have. Don't you remem- ber the last time I saw you, how misera- ble I was ? Sick and blue, anil iu that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when lie feels the most noble tiling in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so had as that, I hope ; at all events you didn't go that way, you are looking far too happy and hearty." " Thank goodness, no .' or rather, thank Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that day I saw you last, when you recommend- ed that remedy to me so persistently, and I was first vex aland then half convinced." 1 remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub- ject ; your looks tell me that you took the medicine." "No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks aud temper; but I must really tell you all about it. I got t lie old style, as you recommended, a in 1 didn't mind the hitter taste at all. I fin- ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that I determined to change off aud try the new style. " Well, how did you like it?" " You told me your wife preferred th new style, I believe; well, I must say lagre with her. I like the old style very much hut the new is a finer, smoother, more ex pensive preparation." " I believe it is ; in fact, I have heard si, and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it for the same price they do the old style, because it is really a very costly preparation." " A'eli, that dosn't concern us. Who was it said that people fancied themselves pious sometimes when they were only bilious ? No matter ! I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked wiien it is only their liver, or their stom- ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the body so nut of order they couldn't be good if tliey tried." " And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headache and the thousand and one ills that flesh is heir to would only take Vinegar Bitters, wiiat a happy world this would he 1 " " I should recommend the new style." " I never go back on the old style." " Weil, they'can nay their mo icy and take their choice, for both kinds work ad- mirably." Only Temperance Bltteii K.. r,ru. Tne Clreat Blood Purifier ?.ml Health Restorer. Cures all '.duds jf Headache vrithia thirty "ni mites?"~ry it. Tho only Temperance Hitters known. It stimulates the Brain and quiets tho Nerves, regulates the lln a -.s ami renders a perfect blood eireniu ion t ;rough the human veins, which is sure to restore perfect h"; !ii. h-T-.-V. beautiful book free. Addr-si.. li. 11. McI)ONAL ; ' DRUG GO., ml- ii asliingtoii street. New York. j'-nis IITANi El> .Yg'-uts ,ii every eity \u2666 t to v.i :\u25a0 'i! viHave or i caiisylv.oil'i"li r :h '? * Mil* :al ... ?il Aivl.luiiS sswiviiltloa. 0 I 111. . ? ie.ipe.st ..u.l bus: lucKleur a -so clo'u. ni-1 .*\u2666, I li s AVION. il Fir a aouiiie. cirtsliurui. pa. cure free the best sewing-machine in the world, and th-j finct line ofwork A of high art ever -.hown together in America. ' Tltl'C CO., Box 10| AugUMtu, Maine. | Jan Mr BHHB a r!£W" 5 ' iAllltimLiiJUKtKA.f*COTT,NuwVorkCity : I.i .> i(L ,i I ! *5.1 " > '.t . :i ii< ami I.OCu 11 % I-'-. ' \u25a0 "ti i.l . la' Sou is ... v. MAN- I cilA, C'l MvtMur. , vmay Kbit rm MUESS CURED by****?. B Jf A |"in,l.lbieTUßUlAß EAR CUSHIONS W0 fll B Whlsjiere heard distinctly. Comfort. I able. Sneecaafu I where ai 1 remedies fall. Ills.hook &proofs free. Addreniorcallou V. IllSt'OX. 303 Broadway, S. Y livv.'V' ' ISiy'fiiMßllrilvlllil | Resulting from the Errors of Youth, Folly, Vice, Ic- j norance, fcc., may he cured at home withoutfail or ; exposure. Infallible and Confidential. Large ; Treatise, 300 pages, only f 1 by mail, scaled, postpaid. Small book, with endorsements of the press, free. | Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, | or Dr. W.H. Parker, NoA Bulflnch St., Boston, Mass. /*3BsSfc FLINT GLASS BhHP MitK ' )OOT I loji l £' 'J Manufactured by - RETURNER nt iun PITTSBURGH, PA. I 1% V IN FOUR SIZES: ? j X A 11'iul, (juart JbGallon 'v- > WRITE FOR PRICES. manHMUu CATARRH, Catarrhal Daatnass ami riay Fevar. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence livingparasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eus- tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how- ever, lias proved this to be a tact and the I result is that a simple remedy lias been fov- i undated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay lever are permanently cured in from oiie to three simple applications made ? at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. 11.?For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this now treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. Dixon & Son, :uU West. King St., Toronto, Canada.?Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should tead tho abovecarefully. dec3s-ly HIftOERCORNS. ThAAD'y in-fur*forCornn. Ffopppll r,nip. Ensutva 1 Dl-i'.. lie.at !>iutnritd. IIIECOS cCo.,N.Y. 1 A- rotr OONS'Jr^PTIVE TTfivoyou Co- I. t'.?nrMti-. i-omro. I will -i.li.wl IV PARKER'i GINGER TONIC. 1 t linn cured I Iho worst CASES and fit TLIUBR;: rcuiedy Fr all illsarising i !? urn defective nutrition. TULEin lime. (WE. and IL.OU. R>T*%R PARKER'S HAIR 3ALSAIW iWßCle.insr'S and beautifies the hair. -§SI^ EVOR Fails to Rcxtoro Gray ? K , 1? rriDleCoated/Nif N E E , WHOLESALE ONLY 8V l\,oL' L LL THE TANITE CO., STROUDSBUMI PA UIDCC nineo VF HIRES' IMPROVED SSC § ROOT BEER! fflii IN LIQUIDNO BOILING EASILY MADE || THISPACKACE MAKES FIVE CALLONS '/TA/cFS- S/fj? CJ/tOeVS / hoo'f BEER Tho moat APPETIZING nnd WHOLESOME TEMPERANCB DRINK In the world. TRY IT. AAK your Druggist or Orocor for it. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. mayiMt SM jkCHIIMcr ASL W Aching Sides and Hack, inp, Kidney and Uterine Pains. lihoumaUc. Sclntlc sliarji and Weakening Pains, relieved In ONE JIINIiTE hy nmt Cuticnra Anti-Pain Plaster S only Instantaneous paln-kiUlng strengthening plaster. 2.1 els; sfrl. Al druggists, or 01 POT- TEII DIICO ANDCnEMICAL C'o? BOSTON. Ml'lmples, blackheads, chapped and nt pa oily skta cured by CCTICVRA SOAP, l hhl) mayMt WOOD.MOERELL&CO'S LIMITED, CELEBRATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is conceded to be the Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its clnss a the United States. Fot longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer- cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a rat' l beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than one hundred men." It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom- ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they have reason to he proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE! in their different Store Booms cau lie found a full and carefully-selected stock of every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which arc constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh aud new. In the wide range of goods car- ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, OVRPEIS. HOUSE FUKNrSHING GOODS, MILLINERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSI.MERES, IVOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWAI: QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WA, '. AND WOODEN WARE, IKON >M> NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, I'APER HANGINGS, FURNITURE. ETC. ETO. The Attention of Country Merchants Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying ever;.; m'icle iu demand by their customers, goods of all descriptions being ofli red WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA OR PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, tha management arc enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competition. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Boom fitted up witli every convenience for Shopping, a;.. 1 a Stock that will equal iu assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores iu the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also he found in this department for sale by the vaiil. Carpets. Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second floor, accessible by elevator. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and "long measure" guar- anteed. CLOTHING, MATS AN I) CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks arc carried, selected especially for the Johns- town trade. Ai! goods are warranted to he of the very best material, well m, !e stylish aud durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot ho excelled. ROOT \NI) SHOE STORE. From the Uop-iuiled and Wooden Shoes of the workitmman to the dainty Slip- pers of the huh. the stock iu thi* department is complete, and customers will have no di:li ulty in coining to an ?understanding." Only the- Dost of leatner is used in tho ma lufaelitre o these goods, an i tiiry will he found at :ioe stylish and durable, -Shoe- 'Shop nut! Lwalher Department. () \u25a0 lie second and third fin >rs. w'. li . m . den' entrance by hallway from Wash- ington street is the "Mine Snop an I L'lt.mr D.> irtment,where Fine : id Coarse Boots and Sno. s are made to ord r. a .! wa uv a l.u'r si >ea .if Shoe Fin lings of all kinds, and a tine a-son.u uof Upper .ad S >le Le itli is kepi constantly on hand. ivi'ocm'frs. Hardware, Etc The stock of Groceries, Provisions, E'e., is unsurpassed in quality, and is always fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars, Spices, Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably give "down weight" aud "heaping measure." The stock of Qiieenstvare is largo and varied, and "from the common 'Earthenware to the linesl Porcelain and China Ware the assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Yoge- table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is kept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, 1' i- >? Etc. In the rear of tho Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, aud the buyer is assured that lie will he offered the very bust goods at tho lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second ami third stories of the building?entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked witli Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a tine assortment of.the celebrated Woodvala Woolens, which arc without a rival in tho market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac- tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, and is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. Ihe slauglitcry is a model of neatness, is supplied with al! the modern improvements, and while tho Steaks and Boasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc.. iu thejjreparation of which the greatest possible care is exercised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. THE EEED STORE. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bius are filled with Meal of every description, for use iu the house or stable. The stock is always fresh aud good, FURNITURE. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and BedrooCS Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will he promptly, supplied with llousc Fnrnishing Goods of all descriptions. AOOOMMOD ATIN G CIjEHBLS. Our Entire Stores arc presided over by courteous gentlemen, who aro thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens aliko will have their wants at- tended to promptly and intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CUARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO., LIMITED. JoliDStowii, Pa., Nov. ID, IS7D.

Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Pa.) 1889-07-26 [p ] · An alligator and an English sparrow were seen to engage in a battlo near Da-rlen, Ga., tho other day. Tho 'gator pro-vnked

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Page 1: Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Pa.) 1889-07-26 [p ] · An alligator and an English sparrow were seen to engage in a battlo near Da-rlen, Ga., tho other day. Tho 'gator pro-vnked


Hen IBAstreet quite unerifttocrattu

Her fether'a a plebian dealer ID gloeTheir flat? the polite name that's used for am iMr-

Is dlegy. and shabby's the furniture, too.

On Fridays. I think, is her day for receiving.

Tet nobody some* but the fourth story back.Or the butoher with bill*.and the baker, believing

The hour'M propitious to make au attack.

Tet now when wo glance inan evening newspaper'Tie there her uame shines with the ton of the

HillHer pafturs are regal, her the *aper.

Her jewels slone would a half colunr. All.

The plebian parent, too. has a new s.*tt:ng:He's sai\ to write novels and verse on the sly;

A passion for antique ceramics he's retting.And. ohl such a yacht he Is going to buy!

Now, who do you think is this miracle-worker?

Aladdinwas certainly nowhere to hiiuWho into A nabob could change that old Turk, her

Father, to move in the gay NOCIUI swim.The secret I'llwhimper, but mind that you keep it.

Or all single women will copy the plan.And Ifat a bound into high life you'd leap it.

Why, just get engaged to a ncwspAp r man!Harpt-r'a Bazar.

GOLDEN LOCKS.NCE upon a timethere lived in

aT \Bohemia an oldf king, a widower,

. 1 J without children.V J Being no longer

able to hunt or_

engage in wars,he spent his time'

"'* la study, that he\u25a0 might becomewise. He also

publicly announced that auv one whowould reveal to him any new sciencewould be magnificently rewarded. Mencame from all directions, who pretendedto know marvelous things, but all provedto be without merit. A poor womancalled one day with a little basket onher arm. The guard refused her en-

trance. but finally yielded to her entrea-ties. When presonted to the king shesaid: '?! have a husband who is unableto work and several feeble children un-able to earn a living. A good fairy pitlodme and made me a present, which I wishto give you, and for which, she said, youwould pay me well."

As she spoke she drew from the basketa pretty littlejserpent withdiamoud oyes,ahead green as glass, the rest, of "thebody blue as the sky. "Ifyou will havethis serpent cooked and eat the whole ofit," said the woman, "you will be thesole possesor of a wonderful science.

The poor woman's honest appearanceso impressed the king that lie did notwait for tho result of the experiment,but ordered a large sum of money to begiven her. Then he called an officer forwhom ho had the greatest uffeetion andsaid to him:

Stephen went ou until he caste to ?

great lake. Upon the bank of thin twefishermen were quarreling.

"That fish is mine, eald one of them;It was caught in my net."

"Without my boat what good wouldyour net have been to you?" said theother. "Qlve me this fish ; the next onecaught will he yours."

"No, I will not wait."Stephen upproached and said: "Sell

the fish to me, then you can divide the

The fishermen consented and Stephengave them all the money he had for thefish, which he then throw back into thewater. Then he heard it say:

"Thanks. Ifyou are ever in need ofme I will come to you."

"Where are you going?" asked thefishermen of Stephen.

"I am seeking for tho old king, mymaster, the princess with the goldenlocks, and I do not known where to findher."

"You are nearly at your journey's end;she is tho daughter of tho king of the is-land which you see there on the lake.Every morning she coiubs her long locksund they make the clouds and the waterglisten like gold. We will tow you tothe shore of the island. But take carethat you make no mistake. The kinghAs twelve beautiful daughters; onealouo has the golden locks, and they willall appear before you with their headscovered with a veil."

Stephen presented himself before thesovereign of the isle and requested thehonil of the princess of tlie golden locksfor his master, the old king.

"Very well," said tho monarch. "Iwill give her to you if in three days youaccomplish three tusks. Tomorrow youshall commence."

Tho next day he said: "MydaughterZolotaska has a magnificent necklace ofpearls, which, by the string breaking, arelost in the gruss: find them all, withoutleaving a single i ne."

Stephen searched tho field from morn-ing until noon.

"Ah !" lie cried, "ifmy ants were onlyhere!"

"Here we are," cried innumerable littlevoices, and the ants began to run in alldirections. In a few moments they

"HE CONDUCTED HER TO THE KINO,"brought a great quantity of pearls.Stephen threaded them and was going totie the string when an old ant who hadbeen burned by the fire limped along withone more. Stephen thanked his tinyfriends and carried the necklace to theking, who declared it complete. Thenext day he said :

"My daughter lot. a precious ring fallinto tho lake. You must find it."

Stephen gazed into the waters of thelake, out they were so deep lie couldn'tsee the bottom.

"Oh!"he said, "if ray fish were onlyhere."

"Here Iam," replied a silvery voice;"what can I do for you?"

"I want the ring the Princess Zolo-taska lost in the lake."

Plunging into I tie water, the fish re-turned in an instant with the ring toStephen, who gave it to the king.

"Now," said lie to Stephen, "I haveonly one thing more to ask of you. (Jo

seek A flask of the water of death and aflask of the water of life."

"Stephen, I have a strange but mostImportant order to give you, which youmust execute with great care. You willhave this scrpcpt roasted by my headcook; see thnf flo ouo lastes it, aud whenit is done bring it to me?understand?Ifany one tastes ithe shall die."

"Oh! oh!" thought Stephen. "Deathf<?r so small a matter. There must hesome mystery. I will find it out.'

So as he brought in the serpent heplaced his linger on it and slylyslipped asmall piece into his mouth. That mo-ment, as lie entered the hall, whose win-dows were open, lie heard the birds talk-ing among themselves and relating thenews of the dav.

After dinner the king mounted hishorse to take a ride, and Stephen ac-companied him. In the midt of a vastplain Stephen's lioise suddenly gave agreat leap and said to Ids companion :

"Oh. how light I feel! I could leapover that hill."

"And 1 also." replied the king's horse."Iwould willingly,but I carry an oldman on my back, who might fall andbreak his neck."

"Let him fall! You would then'havea young man instead of an old one."

As Stephen listened ho could not re-strain a laugh. That betrayed him tothe king. It was evident that he under-stood the language of animals, evidentalso that he must have tasted the ser-pent. Vexed at this discovery and un-easy at the disposition of his horses, theking returned to the city.

As he alighted from his horse at thepalace gates two birds flew toward him;one held in his beak three golden hairs,the other pursued him crying:

"Ah!" said Stephen, "where shall Ifind a flask of this marvelous wator? If

; my crows wore only here.""Here wo are 1" cried the crows. "Wait

a moment. You shall have them."They were gone but a short time and

j returned with two Masks.Returning to the palaeo, on the web.

i he threw a drop of the water of deathi upon tho spider aud a drop of the waterof life upon the My, who immediately re-vived and said to him :

"Without mo you could not recognizeZolotaska among her sisters. I willpoint her out to you by alighting on hershoulder."

When Stephen entered with his twoflasks the king said:

"You have dono well; I will permityou to take my daughter to your master.Come with me."

The king led him into a vast hall, inthe middle of which stood a long table,and seated at this were twelve beautifulyoung girls, wearing veils that com-pletely concealed their hair. How couldhe choose?

Suddenly ho heard a buzzing sound;the fly had came to his aid, and soonrested on tho shoulder of the fourth girl.Her veil fell and her golden locks fellover her beautiful shoulders. Stephengazed in amazement. How lovely shewas! How happy he would have beenhad he been permitted to marry her.But ho could not forgot his duty.

He conducted her to tho king, his mas-ter. The old king looked ot her with ad-miration, and listened with emotion tothe story of Stephen's adventures; then,extending his hand, lie said to him:

"For disobedienco Icondemned you todeath. I was wrong. You are braveand faithful, and merit a reward. Youshall liavo it. I am too old to marrythis beautiful girl; she shall be yourwife. I have no children; you shall bemy son and my succossor."

The happy Stephen married the prin-cess of the golden locks, und after theking's death mounted the throne, and allbis subjects loved him.

Canmr Trml by Electricity.

Several cases of cancer havo boon suc-cessfully treated by I>r. Parson by pass-ing a powerfully interrupted voltaic cur-rent through the tumors. The growthas a whole does not entirely disappear,but remain as an inert mass, probablycomposed of fibrous tissuo. This thedoctor thinks could not bo absorbed, butthe remains of the growth could alwaysbo removed subsequently by the knife ifdesired.?Exchange.

A Rjmrrow lliaioi An Alllgutor.An alligator and an English sparrow

were seen to engage in a battlo near Da-rlen, Ga., tho other day. Tho 'gator pro-vnked tho light by snapping at tho bird,which in turn flow furiously at its uglyantagonist, aiming with precision at theeuurian's eyes. The 'gator finally gaveup the contest, and sought 6afoty fromtho sparrow's attacks by hiding' itselfunder water.?Savannah News.

"A SERPENT WITH DIAMOND EVES.""Givo mo back my hairs; they belong

to me; I saw them fall first when theprincess combed her hair," and ho triedto take them from his companion.

In the struggle one fell on the groundwith a metallic sound. The king turnodto Stephen and said :

"You know you are condemned todeath for disobeying my orders, but Iwill pardon you ifvou will go in searchof the princess with the golden locksand bring her back with you so that Imay marry her."

Stephen, of course, glad to eseapo soeasily, consented, but pursued his waysadly. Whereto look for the princoss,and when found how to persuade her tomarry the old king?how accomplishthis? "I will trust to luck," he said, ashe went on.

Passing through a forest ho saw a pileof brushwood which some one had set ontire. Near it was an ant hill which wasin danger of being burned.

"Save us I" oriedtho ants, "or we shallperish!" Stephen extinguished the lirewith some moist earth. ?

"Thanks," said the ants. "Some daywe may be of service to you."

A little further on Stephen saw twoyoung crows crying at the foot of a pinetreo. "Help us," they said, "we aro toosmall to find food for ourselves. Ifyondo not "give us something to eat wo willdie."

At th{itmoment a huge panther sprangfrom a'thlcket, growling at Stephen, whodrew bis sword and burled it into theanimal's heart. ".There Is a good mealfot&ow," ho said to tho little orows, andthey replied:

"Oft, thank you. Wiion you are introuble we may perhaps be able to ren-

a service.

Rome Foollhli PeopleAllow u cough to run until it gets beyondthe reach of medicine. They often suy,"Oh, it will wear away," but in most

cases it wears them away. Could they beinduced to try the successful medicinecalled Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on apositive guarantee to cure, they would im-mediately see the excellent effect after tak-ing the first dose. Price 50c and #I.OO.Trial/re free. At all druggists. cow

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it does not; the facts are on our sidesConsult you friends in .Ifatw, A'tww*anil

Town. They will tell you it is a farce andincreases taxes. Consult your own interests by ordering Win?* urul Ijiqipiredirect

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| mliitstratlaiti.ilthee-iate at .ers. Meyg'e . ttr-I Uy, uueoi tin- jiirmtalt at oluistun'i.. county

I efi uiiibrli: a tat Mat eat : cuiisylvi.tdu. deceased.I have been grained in .hunes is u'cont or. o( saidj Imroogh. t" nlifiui all person- 1-mined to salu1 estate ate ti'i;t;esietl m make n i viuetn. and i basehaving eialtij.s . t demanus aliimate !<nun tbe

j same svb limn delay Inthe HIdetsl'teerl. at tbeolkee at ' at.nor bias, tea j-rauklli. slice ,

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I Nursery SUnsk-. Writer oa salary or ?\u25a0onuulsstot!.Many tew aat! s 'aabln \aiielles le ol.tr. . tt ? ?

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Original, only genuine andrcliuhto pill fur mile. Never Fall.Alt for Chichetter't A'tiylu/iyPDiamond Brand, > red me-lulltc boxes, sealed with blue rib- \wgtr ,bon. At DruffKlit*.Accept \/no other. Allpllla in paste- vboard boxen, pink wrappers, are a danger-OUR counterfeit- Soud 4e. (\u25a0tamp*) forparticulars aud "KellefforLadle*," inletter, by return mall. 10,000 teati-

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HOW IT WORKED." Good morning, Jack ! why 1 haven't

seen you for a month past. What in theworld is the matter with you ? You seemto have renewed your youth."

" Weil Phil, Ihave. Don't you remem-ber the last time I saw you, how misera-

ble I was ? Sick and blue, anil iu thatsort of mood a man gets sometimes whenlie feels the most noble tiling in life is togo straight to the devil."

" Not so had as that, I hope ; at allevents you didn't go that way, you arelooking far too happy and hearty."

" Thank goodness, no .' or rather, thankVinegar Bitters. Do you remember thatday I saw you last, when you recommend-ed that remedy to me so persistently, andI was first vex aland then half convinced."

1 remember it perfectly, and youneedn't say another word upon the sub-ject ; your looks tell me that you took themedicine."

"No doubt of it: everybody remarksupon my improved looks aud temper; butI must really tell you all about it. I gott lie old style, as you recommended, a in 1didn't mind the hitter taste at all. I fin-ished the bottle in about two weeks, andwas greatly improved, so much so thatI determined to change off aud try thenew style.

" Well, how did you like it?"" You told me your wife preferred th

new style, I believe; well, I must say lagrewith her. I like the old style very muchhut the new is a finer, smoother, more expensive preparation."

" I believe it is ; in fact, I have heardsi, and 1 wonder the McDonald DrugCompany sell it for the same price theydo the old style, because it is really a verycostly preparation."

"A'eli, that dosn't concern us. Whowas it said that people fancied themselvespious sometimes when they were onlybilious ? No matter ! I was only going tosay that I believe people often seem wickedwiien it is only their liver, or their stom-ach, or some other cantankerous organ ofthe body so nut of order they couldn't begood if tliey tried."

"And if all the miserable dyspepsia,and victims of biliousness, headache andthe thousand and one ills that flesh is heirto would only take Vinegar Bitters, wiiata happy world this would he 1 "

" I should recommend the new style."" I never go back on the old style.""Weil, they'can nay their mo icyand

take their choice, for both kinds work ad-mirably."

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CATARRH,Catarrhal Daatnass ami riay Fevar.


Sufferers are not generally aware thatthese diseases are contagious, or that theyare due to the presence o£ livingparasites inthe lining membrane of the nose and eus-tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how-ever, lias proved this to be a tact and the

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Sufferers from catarrhal troubles shouldtead tho abovecarefully.


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Ml'lmples, blackheads, chapped and nt paoily skta cured by CCTICVRA SOAP, l hhl)




Mammoth Store,Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa.,

Is conceded to be the Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its clnss athe United States.

Fot longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer-cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a rat' lbeginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immensestocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than onehundred men." It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom-ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and theyhave reason to he proud of having made their guaranty indisputable.

TEN STORES IN ONE!in their different Store Booms cau lie found a full and carefully-selected stock of

every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which arc constantly beingmade, so that their stock is always fresh aud new. In the wide range of goods car-ried may be mentioned




The Attention of Country MerchantsIs invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying ever;.; m'icle iu demand

by their customers, goods of all descriptions being ofli red



Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, thamanagement arc enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfullydefy competition.

THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT.Ladies will find this spacious Store Boom fitted up witli every convenience for

Shopping, a;.. 1 a Stock that will equal iu assortment that of the most complete DryGoods and MillineryStores iu the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths,Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also he found in this department for sale by thevaiil. Carpets. Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second floor, accessible by elevator.None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and "long measure" guar-anteed.

CLOTHING, MATS ANI) CAPS.In this Department Heavy Stocks arc carried, selected especially for the Johns-

town trade. Ai! goods are warranted to he of the very best material, well m, !estylish aud durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot hoexcelled.

ROOT \NI) SHOE STORE.From the Uop-iuiled and Wooden Shoes of the workitmman to the dainty Slip-

pers of the huh. the stock iu thi* department is complete, and customers will have no

di:li ulty in coining to an ?understanding." Only the- Dost of leatner is used in thoma lufaelitre o these goods, an i tiirywill he found at :ioe stylish and durable,

-Shoe- 'Shop nut! Lwalher Department.() \u25a0 lie second and third fin >rs. w'. li . m . den' entrance by hallway from Wash-

ington street is the "Mine Snop an I L'lt.mr D.> irtment,where Fine : id Coarse Bootsand Sno. s are made to ord r. a . ! wa uv a l.u'r si >ea .if Shoe Fin lings of allkinds,and a tine a-son.u uof Upper .ad S >le Le itli is kepi constantly on hand.

ivi'ocm'frs. Hardware, EtcThe stock of Groceries, Provisions, E'e., is unsurpassed in quality, and is always

fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars, Spices,Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably give"down weight" aud "heaping measure." The stock of Qiieenstvare is largo andvaried, and "from the common 'Earthenware to the linesl Porcelain and China Warethe assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Yoge-table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries iskept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, 1'i- >? Etc. In the rear of thoGrocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, aud the buyer is assured thatlie will he offered the very bust goods at tho lowest prices.

Merchant Tailoring Establishment.The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second ami third stories of the

building?entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked witli Cloths,Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a tine assortment of.the celebrated WoodvalaWoolens, which arc without a rival in tho market Clothing will be made to orderpromptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac-tion is guaranteed in every instance.


This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, and is one of thebest regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection ofevery animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. Ihe slauglitcry is a model ofneatness, is supplied with al! the modern improvements, and while tho Steaks andBoasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages,Puddings, Etc.. iu thejjreparation of which the greatest possible care is exercised.Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season.

THE EEED STORE.Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bius are filled with Meal of every

description, for use iu the house or stable. The stock is always fresh aud good,

FURNITURE.In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and BedrooCS

Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will he promptly,supplied with llousc Fnrnishing Goods of all descriptions.


Our Entire Stores arc presided over by courteous gentlemen, who aro thoroughmasters of their business, and strangers and citizens aliko will have their wants at-tended to promptly and intelligently.


WOOD, MORRELL & CO., LIMITED.JoliDStowii, Pa., Nov. ID, IS7D.