John Paul College, Rotorua Whitworth Road, Rotorua. www.jpc.school.nz Ph: 07 3478 795 Fx: 07 3461 271 A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR THE JOHN PAUL COLLEGE COMMUNITY Term 2, Issue 21 26 th June 2017 Ma te pono Me te aroha Through Faith and Love 2017 School Theme : Facta non VerbaDeeds Not Words Dear Parents/ Caregivers Kia Ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa, Mabuhay, Greetings INVITATION TO JOIN THE JPC BAPTISMAL PROGRAMME John Paul College is proud to be a Faith Based College in the Catholic tradition. If you are considering joining our school family in 2018 you are warmly invited to join our Baptismal Programme, which will allow your child to more fully understand and participate in our Catholic character. As a State Integrated School, we must give priority to enrolling those families who have made an active commitment to be part of a faith-based education. If you would like to explore or discuss this option, please contact Paulene Walsh on [email protected] or phone 3478 795 xtn 8850, who will advise you of the lesson times. ENROLMENT PROCESS UNDER WAY FOR 2018 Following our successful Open Night, Sue Rowles, our Enrolments Secretary, has begun arranging interviews for next term. If you, or someone you know, would like to have their child at JPC in 2018, please download and complete the enrolment forms from our website www.jpc.school.nz or collect one from reception. An interview time will be offered once the completed forms are received. Close off date is 30 th June. SCHOOL REPORTS/PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Junior school reports were issued last Friday and the senior reports will be issued this Friday (7 th July). Interview booking instructions are on the report. I encourage you to attend the parent/teacher interviews (Juniors 28 th June and Seniors 26 th July) as they are critical to gaining a detailed understanding on how your child is progressing at John Paul College. Please find time to discuss the report with your child and the feedback from teachers. If you have any outstanding concerns contact their subject teacher(s) or Dean. Please note that school will finish at 2.50pm this Wednesday God bless Patrick Walsh Principal We sincerely thank our sponsors who supported the PTA Quiz Night on Friday 16 th . A successful, fun night was had by all and approx. $5000 was raised. Please support our sponsors

John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: [email protected] Jan Thompson – Careers

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Page 1: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

John Paul College, Rotorua Whitworth Road, Rotorua. www.jpc.school.nz Ph: 07 3478 795 Fx: 07 3461 271


Ma te pono Me te aroha – Through Faith and Love

2017 School Theme :

“Facta non Verba” – Deeds Not Words

Dear Parents/ Caregivers Kia Ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa, Mabuhay, Greetings INVITATION TO JOIN THE JPC BAPTISMAL PROGRAMME

John Paul College is proud to be a Faith Based College in the Catholic tradition. If you are considering joining our school family in 2018 you are warmly invited to join our Baptismal Programme, which will allow your child to more fully understand and participate in our Catholic character. As a State Integrated School, we must give priority to enrolling those families who have made an active commitment to be part of a faith-based education. If you would like to explore or discuss this option, please contact Paulene Walsh on [email protected] or phone 3478 795 xtn 8850, who will advise you of the lesson times. ENROLMENT PROCESS UNDER WAY FOR 2018

Following our successful Open Night, Sue Rowles, our Enrolments Secretary, has begun arranging interviews for next term. If you, or someone you know, would like to have their child at JPC in 2018, please download and complete the enrolment forms from our website www.jpc.school.nz or collect one from reception. An interview time will be offered once the completed forms are received. Close off date is 30th June. SCHOOL REPORTS/PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Junior school reports were issued last Friday and the senior reports will be issued this Friday (7th July).

Interview booking instructions are on the report. I encourage you to attend the parent/teacher interviews (Juniors 28th June and Seniors 26th July) as they are critical to gaining a detailed understanding on how your child is progressing at John Paul College.

Please find time to discuss the report with your child and the feedback from teachers. If you have any outstanding concerns contact their subject teacher(s) or Dean.

Please note that school will finish at 2.50pm this Wednesday God bless Patrick Walsh


We sincerely thank our sponsors who supported the PTA Quiz Night on Friday 16th. A successful, fun night was had by all and approx. $5000 was raised.

Please support our


Page 2: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

2017 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ….. June 28th Yr 12 Retreat compulsory July 5th International Food Festival

Term 2 Ends Friday 7th July TERM 3 July 24th PTA Raffle Books issued 26th Senior Report Evening 27th Australian Maths Comp 31-2nd/8 Yr 13 ABL Camp August 1st ICAS English 3rd Year 12 Parish Mass – compulsory 15th ICAS Maths 18th Year 7 Parish Mass - compulsory 18/19th Chanel Shield – Aquinas 21st Year 10 Careers Research for Options 24th-1/9th Snr Prelim Exams September 6th Senior Option Evening 5-6.30pm 14th CAT Algebra 18th Year 8 HPV Vaccination 18-21st ABL Camp 27th Dancing With The Staff

Teacher Only Day Friday 29th September


Please start returning the cups & trophies received in 2016.

We require them for stocktaking cleaning and engraving.

Please bring to the public reception

The Homework Centre is open to all

students on Mondays & Wednesdays

From 3.30-5.00pm

Following (provided) afternoon tea

UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday to Friday - 8.00am to 2.00pm

ON-LINE UNIFORM SHOP John Paul College now has an on-line uniform shop. You can purchase the school uniform via our website, just click on the Uniform Shop button on the home page at http://jpcshop.co.nz/. Select your items, pay on line with your credit card and then print out the receipt to pick up the uniform from the school uniform shop. If you are unsure of the size, select the closest and this can be changed when the item is picked up. JPC HOODIES JPC has a new school sports and group hoodie available to purchase from the uniform shop. The cost is $55.00 each. These are the 'official' JPC hoodie worn to represent the school and are not part of the normal school uniform. They can be personalised with the team name on the sleeve and students surname only on the lower back. The coach/parents are responsible for this. Contact Haylie, the Uniform Shop Manager for

more details on 347 8795 extn.8856 or [email protected]


Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th July 9.00am-3.30pm

Taupo Motorsport Park Register now at


2nd Hand Uniform Sale Thursday 29th June 3.30-4.30pm

McKillop Campus - Cash/ Cheque only

Page 3: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers


Welcome to current and new whānau. This is a group of parents and whānau who are interested in supporting and participating in their children's school activities which fall within Kaupapa Māori. This includes Kapa Haka, Manu Kōrero, pōhiri, domestic and international trips, Te reo Māori classes and Matariki celebrations. The group is also kept up to date with the overall academic achievement of students. Whānau are welcome to contribute your ideas and knowledge towards your child's experience of Kaupapa Māori at JPC. We look forward to seeing you on Monday. We usually have kai tahi (shared meal - pot luck). Any queries, please contact Cecelia via the school office. The Māori Department has an open door policy, so if you prefer, you are welcome to pop in while you are at school.

We congratulate Georgia Williams, Winner of the Trust Power Youth Community Spirit Award. Georgia receives $500 plus

$250 to a charity of her choice.


Information Evening Thursday 29th June 6.00-7.00pm

Rotorua Public Library 1238 Pukuatua Street

Come meet our team, bring your parents ad learn more about our overseas high school exchange

programmes www.youreducation.co.nz

RECIPES REQUIRED Year 12 student Madeline Snell is making a school community recipe book full of our school community favourite family recipes. As well as producing a recipe book that we can buy, Madeline will also be using the project to earn NCEA Level 2 credits in both Young Enterprise and Food and Nutrition. She has been requesting recipes for a few weeks but has only had 20 recipes given to her. She really needs about 100 recipes for her book to make it a worthwhile production, however she cant make any more progress until she has more recipes. She'd like any family favourite, tried and tested, good recipes please. Starters, mains, desserts, slow cooker, baking ... she'll take anything. If you are able to help Madeline by sharing a family recipe, please take a photo or scan it and email to me [email protected] or madeline at [email protected]. Madeline also wants to write a little bit about the background of the recipe so she will contact you directly.

YEAR 12 RETREATS Retreats will be held at St Mary's Parish Hall cnr Seddon and Ranolf Streets. Students will make their own way to the Parish Hall by 8.40am for roll check. Retreats will begin at 9am and conclude at 2.45pm. Students are allowed to wear suitable mufti to their Retreat and must bring a packed lunch for the day. Health and Safety requirements do not allow students to go off site to buy lunch. Students will attend their Retreat in their RST and FIA classes, however, if there is a course or appointment on the day of their Retreat, students are encouraged to choose another day and let their RST teacher know about the change! Retreats Dates and Classes Wednesday 28 June: 12.5 RST and 12 FIA - Veronica Aislabie & 12.2 RST - Bernadette Fredricksen Thursday 29 June: 12.1 RST - Veronica Aislabie & 12.4 RST - Bernadette Fredricksen Friday 30 June: 12.3 RST - Karen Bloomfield & 12.6 RST - Candy Stevenson Mrs B Fredricksen Campus Minister E: [email protected]

Page 4: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

GREETINGS FROM THE CAREERS DEPARTMENT Year 13 students need to be checking for scholarships, these are coming in thick and fast now. We will be putting them on the Facebook pages and in the newsletters, also check the webpages of the university that the student is enrolling at. Students also need to log into the Realme webpage www.realme.govt.nz so they can begin the process of applying for their student loans. We will be holding lunchtime help sessions early in Term 3 to assist students. NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING SCHOOL INFORMATION EVENINGS are in Christchurch on 26 June and 13 July. Students will get the opportunity to meet the tutors, tour the facilities, meet the current students and find out useful information on how to make a successful application. Please click here to register. RUSSELL MCVEAGH SCHOOL LEAVERS' SCHOLARSHIP Applications for this scholarship are open from Monday 3 July until 5.00 pm on Friday 21 July 2017. Applications will be available via our website. To apply, students will need to submit electronic copies of; · a 500 word cover letter outlining why they want to become a lawyer; · a school testimonial (you may send this separately as per attached letter); · a reference; · their CV; · their academic records to date; · a passport sized photo (optional).

Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: [email protected] Jan Thompson – Careers Assistant E: [email protected]

ARTICLE OF INTEREST This can apply to all sports, I’ve been there done that, greater in the knowledge that my child had the opportunity to have a go.

FROM A ‘SPORTING’ PARENT: One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your child to play sport?" Well I have a confession to make: I don't pay for my child's sports training or his/her kit, pads, gum shield or boots or even balls. So, if I am not paying for the sport, what am I paying for?

I pay for those moments when my child becomes so tired he/she feels like quitting but doesn't.

I pay for the opportunity that my child can have, and will have, to make life-long friendships.

I pay for the chance that my child may have amazing coaches that will teach him/her that sport is not just about game plays but about life.

I pay for my child to learn to be disciplined.

I pay for my child to learn to take care of his/her body.

I pay for my child to learn to work with others and to be a proud, supportive, kind and respectful team member.

I pay for my child to learn to deal with disappointment, when he/she doesn't get that try he/she hoped for, or dropped the ball despite having practiced a thousand times, but still gets up and is determined to do his/her BEST next time...

I pay for my child to learn to make and accomplish goals.

I pay for my child to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight.

I pay so that my child can be on the pitch instead of in front of a screen... I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for sport; I pay for the opportunities that sport provides my child to develop attributes that will serve him/her well throughout his/her life, and give him/her the opportunity to bless the lives of others. From what I have seen for many years, I think it is a great investment!

Page 5: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

New Massey University Undergraduate Scholarships 2018 - Closing 20th August 2018 Please see link below and details beneath: http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/admission/scholarships-bursaries-awards/high-achiever/high-achiever_home.cfm The details are: · 9 x Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarships

o 3 years o $7,000 per year o Available to full time or pro-rated for part-time

· 30 x Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers with Distinction Scholarships o 2 years o $5,000 in first year and $2,500 in second year o Available to full time or pro-rated for part-time

§ 10 to Maori students (arts or academics); § 5 to Pasifika students (arts or academics); § 5 to students studying arts (any cultural background); § and 10 to students studying arts or academics (any cultural background).

· 60 x Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers Scholarships o 1 year o $3,000 o Available to full time or pro-rated for part-time

NB: Unsuccessful applicants for the VC Excellence Scholarship will be automatically considered for the High Achiever Scholarship

· 25 x Sports Academy Scholarships o 1 year o $5,000 o Available to full time or pro-rated for part-time

http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/admission/scholarships-bursaries-awards/high-achiever/high-achiever_home.cfm The closing date is the 20th August 2017 for the above scholarships. Additionally, the following scholarships will also close on the 20th August 2017: · Up to 4 x Massey Accommodation Scholarships

· Up to 40 x Massey Business School Future Leaders Scholarships · Up to 8 x Albany Vice Chancellors Innovation and Academic Excellence Scholarship

Nga mihi Angelique Kouratoras | Student Recruitment Adviser Maori External Relations| Massey University | Albany Auckland P: 09 414 0800 ext: 49047 | M: 021 887 315 |

BOOKING PARENT/ TEACHER INTERVIEWS THIS WEDNESDAY Mid-year reports were given to all Year 7-10 students last Friday. It does not include reports on

Year 7 and 8 option subjects as these subjects will be reported on at the end of the term. Parents are advised that Junior Parent Teacher Interviews for students in Years 7-10 will be held

in the Edmund Rice Centre starting at 3.30 going through to 6.00pm on Wednesday 28thJune. Most Junior subject teachers will be available but interviews will be restricted to 5 minute time slots. Students are encouraged to come along with their parents to the interviews as well. Parents are asked to use the internet to book interviews using the following procedure:

Type in www.schoolinterviews.co.nz Type in school event code: rztfp Follow steps 1, 2 3 to make a booking

Bookings can be made as from 3.00pm Friday 23rdJune. Please note that if you make a booking and are no longer able to attend please follow the Reschedule and/or Cancel a booking process as outlined on the School Interview website.

Page 6: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

JUSTYCE MOALA ANOTHER SHAKESPEARE SUCCESS It has just been announced in Wellington that Year 13 drama student and actor Justyce Moala of Tongan heritage has been selected from over 6,000 young New Zealand secondary school drama students to attend the 2017 SGCNZ National Schools Production. Early in July 2017 John Paul College Head Boy Gus Dube departs with the Young New Zealand Shakespeare Company team traveling to England to visit Strafford-Upon-Avon and perform on the stage of the historic Globe Theatre in London. Justyce Moala joining NSSP will be a week-long intensive, residential course involving workshops, rehearsals and culminating in Shakespearean performances; it is held in the September/October school holidays during which 24 students are chosen for the 2018 SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company. Well done Gus Dube and Justyce Moala. Two outstanding nationally recognised actors and great ambassadors for John Paul College – Gabrielle Thurston HoD Drama

CHESS TOURNAMENT Students from all around the Bay Of Plenty played in a chess Tournament on Sunday. They played for about three hours. They had fun, meet lots of other chess players. Very keen to keep entering tournaments. Phoenix Winiata-Hill came second in the Tournament. Amazing Work. Finn Liley competed very well winning some very tight matches Mckenzie Swinburne played well and won some good games Jack Tauava-Humphrey played well in the competition, and won a great game.


Wednesday 5th July at lunch time The theme of the Cup Cake Competition is "Fairy Tales". Cakes will be judged on both their taste and their design. Entry is $3 on the day. You can also donate some cupcakes to sell as part of the Food Festival. This year we have stalls from both far and near including Spain, France, Germany, Thailand, Japan and China and many more! Remember to bring some money next Wednesday and buy

some yummy food for lunch!

Page 7: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

EPro8 Challenge 2017

Last Tuesday night John Paul College had 4 teams competing in the first round of the Year 7 and 8 Epro 8 Challenge. The 4 person teams faced a variety of open ended challenges using an array of 3D printed components to;

build large sized structures solve practical problems engineer using pulleys, motors, gears,

wheels and axles invent machines that can complete

simple tasks undertake unusual and fun experiments. construct basic electronic circuits. solve interesting problems using practical maths

The Y8 team that comprised of Will Field, Ivan Zaw, Jacob Snyman and Danyan Wang were the winners on the night and will go on to compete in the semifinals next Term.




Come to the workshop and see what percussion is all about! Learn some new musical skills and enhance your current ones! Workshops are for one hour, and suitable for children and adults. Cost is $20 per person. Numbers will be limited to maximise your experience. Workshops will be run by Jorge Meza Rivera, a talented percussionist and seasoned teacher in the field, who is also Conductor of the Rotorua Symphonic Band and Rotorua Percussion Ensemble, and Kate Redfern, timpanist with the Rotorua Symphonic Band, and a teacher of guitar and drums. Dates and Times Tuesday 11th July 10.00-11.00 11.30-12.30 and 2.00-3.00 Tuesday 18th July Same times as above Please contact me for more information and to book your session:

Kate Redfern [email protected] 021 123 5472

CHINA 2018 MEETING There is an information meeting for all current Year 12 students and parents who are interested in the Business Studies and Economics China trip in 2018 in M4 (at MacKillop) on Wednesday 28th at 5.30pm. If you are interested but cannot attend the meeting, please email me to let me know you're interested [email protected]

Page 8: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers


If you are having a clear out of books, we would appreciate receiving the following authors for our Accelerated Reader Programme. David Williams Anthony Horowitz Michael Grant Gabrielle Lord Cassanova Clare Geronimo Stilton Jacqueline Coilson Roald Dahl Eoin Colfer James Patterson Zoe Sugg Robert Muchamore Thank you in anticipation! Ms Julie Stevenson E: [email protected]

RUGBY 2017 The weather was not looking good for Saturday's games as the forecast had been quite dire, however the rain held off and rugby was played by all 4 teams. The WHHS/JPC U14's were the early game at RBHS and looked like they were had not got their timing right for the start of the game. They let RBHS get out to a considerable first half lead which was not able to be pegged back. The second half was completely different with tackles been made, running hard with the ball and playing some structure, they managed to win the second half. More to work on and with a bit more belief they have the makings of a team that may upset some of the others in the 2nd round. JPC U15's travelled to Te Puke. Suffering injuries and sickness, they were low on numbers and this didn't improve on the day. They were soundly beaten and now look forward to this weekend's upcoming game. The REP/JPC 2nd XV team played Rotorua Lakes High at their ground and were leading the game only to be beaten 19 - 10. Some good periods of play were evident and are something to build on. The 1st XV had an epic battle with RBHS 2nd XV which went down to the wire. Suffering a setback in the first 2 minutes with JPC starting prop Daniel Frost-Jones hobbling to the side of the field and unable to return to play, the team knew they were up against it. First points were to JPC with a well taken try followed by another. Both out wide leaving difficult conversion attempts. RBHS were never out of the game and came back hard, scoring 3 tries to go into half time 21 - 13 up. The half time talk was frank and to the point, we were still in the game! Two penalties early on and JPC were back to 19 - 21 and looking good. Deviating from the game plan let RBHS get their noses in front again, JPC replied with another try out wide. 31 - 24 RBHS were out in front and looking to close the game out, however they failed to communicate this to the JPC team who went over under the posts to put the score at 31 all. JPC were on attack for the last few minutes of the game and looked to have a penalty out in front, but the referee disagreed and the game ended 31 all. Not quite a win but a valiant effort for JPC. Thanks again to all those that came and supported the team. It was good to look around and see familiar faces urging the team along. This weekend 1/7/17 see the following games 1st XV John Paul College Vs Opotiki Midday @ RLHS 2nd XV Tarawera Vs REP/JPC Midday @ Tarawera College U15's Tauranga Boys 15A Vs John Paul College 10.30am @ TBHS U14's Mt Maunganui Vs JPC/WHHS 10.30am @ Mt Maunganui Richard Haigh

YEAR 9 MASS This Friday the Year 9 students will attend the 9am Parish Mass at St Mary's Church - Seddon Street. Students will need to make their own way to St Mary's Church by 8.40am where form teachers will take the roll. Following Mass, students will walk back to school with their form teachers. In case it is raining, I will book the JPC bus to shuttle students back to school. Students should be back to school in time for P2 classes. late bus students to St Mary's Church. I will put in a notice in the Daily Notices and Sue will also put a notice in the School newsletter and through the school app.

Page 9: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers

Advertise your business in this spot for $5 per week

TTThhheee SSSeeeaaammmssstttrrreeessssss Carolyn Constable Phone: 347 1346 Cell: 027 602 4239

Dressmaking alterations For JPC school uniforms Pick up/ delivery service

Mary Ann Paterson 027 55 111 49

For all your quilt top stitching needs

Page 10: John Paul College, Rotoruajpc.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Iss21_June26.pdf · Sheryl Hewitson - Careers Advisor E: Sheryl.hewitson@jpc.school.nz Jan Thompson – Careers