John F. Kennedy Administration

John F. Kennedy Administration

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John F. Kennedy Administration. Election of 1960. Republicans nominated Richard Nixon to run for President As Vice President, he had gained a reputation as a statesman. He stood up to Khruschev in the “Kitchen Debate.” He was 47 years old and an excellent campaigner. Election of 1960. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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John F. KennedyAdministration

Election of 1960• Republicans nominated Richard

Nixon to run for President• As Vice President, he had gained a

reputation as a statesman.• He stood up to Khruschev in the

“Kitchen Debate.”• He was 47 years old and an

excellent campaigner.

Election of 1960

• The Democrats nominated John F. Kennedy, a youthful 43 year old Senator from Massachusetts

• Major Obstacles• 1. Youth• 2. No Catholic had

ever been elected President of the US.

Election of 1960

• JFK was helped by the televised Presidential Debate.

• He seemed vigorous and comfortable, while Nixon appeared to be pale and tense.

Election of 1960

Domestic Issues• JFK was tremendously

popular to many Americans.

• His wife, Jackie, and young family, seemed to symbolize the turning over the country to a new generation.

• The press loved his witty press conferences.

• He chose his younger brother, Robert, to be his Attorney General.

The New Frontier• JFK called for:• Increased Federal Aid to education• Federal support of health care (especially for the elderly)• Urban Renewal• Civil Rights• Increase in Minimum Wage• Major Tax Cuts• JFK had difficulty getting his programs passed by

Congress• Small margin of victory in 1960• Also, while Congress was controlled by Democrats,

many of these were Conservative Southern Democrats who had little interest in JFK’s liberal policies.

The Peace Corps

• Established to send college graduates to undeveloped countries to try to bring education, irrigation, power development, and other technical aid to these peoples

Bay of Pigs Invasion• This CIA planned

invasion of Cuba by Cuban refugees failed.

Cuban Missile Crisis

• U-2 Spy Planes brought back pictures of nuclear missile bases being built in Cuba by the USSR

Cuban Missile CrisisThreat to the US

• These missiles could reach the US in a matter of minutes

Quarantine of Cuba

Security Council

“Waiting for Someone to Blink”

JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination

• JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

Johnson Sworn In

Oswald and Ruby

Lincoln and Kennedy Parallels• Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. • John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. • Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. • John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. • The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. • Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. • Both their wives lost their children while living in the White House. • Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. • Both were shot in the head. • Both were shot in the presence of their wives. • The Secretary of each President warned them not to go to the theater and to

Dallas, respectively. • Lincoln's Secretary was named Kennedy • Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln. • Both were assassinated by Southerners. • Both were succeeded by Southerners. • Both successors were named Johnson. • Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. • Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. • John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. • Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. • Both assassins were known by their three names. • Both names comprise fifteen letters. • Booth ran from the theater and was captured in a warehouse. • Oswald ran from the warehouse and was captured in a theater. • To cap it all off, Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

Lyndon B. Johnson’sAdministration

• LBJ was an excellent politician and had been a devoted follower of FDR’s New Deal.

Goals for LBJ

• Johnson attempted to accomplish 3 things during his administration

• 1. Space Program

• 2. Fight Communism in Southeast Asia

• 3. The Great Society

LBJ and Congress

Civil Rights Act of 1964• LBJ got Congress to pass an expanded version

of Kennedy’s civil rights bill.

1964 Election

• LBJ defeated Republican candidate Barry Goldwater by a landslide, taking 61% of the popular vote!

• The election also led to a Democratically controlled Congress.

War on Poverty/Great Society

• Formation of the Office of Economic Opportunity which included Job Corps and Head Start

• Medicare• Medicaid• Elementary and Secondary

Education Act• Department of Transportation

and Department of Housing and Urban Development

• Increased funding for public housing and crime prevention

Criticisms of LBJ Policies

• Massive centralized welfare state

• Some say it was inefficient and very costly

• Difficult to carry out domestic policies while carrying out the space race and the war in Vietnam

• Higher Taxes

• Inflation

Space Race

• Yuri Gargarin, a Russian cosmonaut, became the first man in space.

• In the Spring of 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in space.

Space Race

• In February, 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth.

• As part of the Gemini program, Ed White became the first American to “walk in space.”

Apollo Disaster

• On January 27, 1967, the first Apollo capsule caught fire and killed all 3 astronauts on board, Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee.

Apollo 11Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on

the moon on July 20, 1969

Near Disaster: Apollo 13

The Warren Court