John Crouse - ENTRANCES

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Experimental poetry by John Crouse

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text: © copyright 2009, John Crouse.

cover art: © copyright 2009, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen.


Abandon abandoned abase, abasement abashed abate. Abatement abbey

abbreviate, abbreviation abdicate, abdication abdomen abdominal, abduct aberrant.

Aberration abet.

Abeyance abhor abhorrent abide abiding ability. Abject abjure ablaze.

Able ablution abnegation abnormal. Abnormality abode abolish, abolition

abominable abominate. Abomination aboriginal abort, abortion abortive.

Abound. About above, aboveboard abrasion, abrasive abreast. Abridge,

abridgement abroad. Abrogation, abrupt. Abscess abscond. Absence absent

absentmindedness absolute.

Absolutely absolution absolve absorb absorbed, absorbent absorbing, absorbent

abstain. Abstemious abstention abstinence abstract. Abstracted abstraction. Abtruse

absurd. Absurdity abundance. Abundant abuse, abusive abut, abutting abysmal abyss.

Academic accede accelerate acceleration. Accent accentuate. Accept acceptable

acceptance accepted access, accessibility accessible accession accessory accident

accidental accidentally acclaim. Acclamation acclimatization acclimatize accommodate

accommodating accommodation, accommodations accompaniment.

Accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord,

accordance according, accordingly accost account. Accountability accountable,

accouterments accredit. Accredited accrue. Accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate


Accusation accuse accustom accustomed ace acerbic ache achieve. Achievement

acid acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgement acme, acolyte acquaint.

Acquaintance acquainted acquiesce acquiescent acquire. Acquirement acquisition.

Acquisitive acquisitiveness acquit acquittal acrid, acrimonious, acrimony acrobatics. Act

acting action. Actions activate active activity actor actual, actually. Acumen acute.

Acutely adage adamant adapt, adaptable adaptation, add addendum. Addict addiction

addition additionally additive address adduce.

Adept adequacy, adequate adhere, adherent adhesive adieu.

Adjacent adjoining, adjourn adjournment, adjudicate adjudication adjunct, adjust.

Adjustable adjustment administer. Administration administrative administrator,

admirable admiration admire admirer admissible. Admission admit. Admittance

admonish. Admonition.

Admonitory ado. Adolescence adolescent adopt adoption adorable. Adoration

adore adorn adornment adrift. Adroit. Adroitness adulation, adult adulterate advance.

Advanced advancement advances advantage, advantageous advent, adventitious

Adventure, adventurous adversary, adverse adversity advertise advertisement advice.

Advisability advisable advise, advisory advocacy. Advocate aegis affability.

Affable affair affairs affect, affectation affected, affecting affection.

Affectionate affianced affiliate affiliation affinity affirm. Affirmation affirmative

affix. Afflict. Affliction affluence, affluent afford.

Affray affront afoot aforesaid. Afraid. Afresh. After afterlife aftermath afterward

again against age, aged agency agenda agent ages.

Agglomeration aggravate aggravation aggregate aggression. Aggressive aggressor

aggrieve aghast. Agile agility agitate agitation, agitator agnostic ago, agog. Agonizing

agony agree. Agreement agriculture, aground ahead, aid ailing.

Ailment aim aimless air. Airily airing, airless airs airtight, airy aisle ajar, akin


Alarm alarming alarmist, alcohol alcove, alert alias, alibi, alien alienate alienation

alite, align alignment alike alimony alive. All allay allegation allege alleged allegiance,

allegorical allegory allergic, allergy. Alleviate alley alliance, allied allocate, allocation

allot, allotment allow allowable allowance, alloy allude, allure alluring allusion.

Ally almanac almighty, almost alone along aloof, aloud already. Also alter

alteration, altercation. Alternate alternative alternatively, although altitude, altogether

altruistic always. Amalgamate. Amass, amateur, amateurish amaze.

Amazement ambassador ambiguity, ambiguous ambition, ambitious ambivalent

amble. Ambush amenable, amend amendment amends, amenity amiable, amicable amid


Ammunition amnesty amok among amorous, amorphous amount ample amplify.

Amputate, amuse.

Amusement amusing analogous analogy analysis, analytical analytic analyze,

anarchic anarchist anarchy anathema anatomy, ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor

ancient, ancillary and anecdote, anemic anesthetic anew.

Angel angelic anger angle, angry angst anguish, angular animal animate.

Animated animation annals annex annihilate, annotate annotation announce,

announcement announcer annoy annoyance annual annually annul, anoint anomalous

anomaly anon, anonymous another answer, answerable antagonism antagonist.

Antagonistic antagonize. Antecedents antedate antediluvian anteroom, anthem


Anticipate anticipation anticlimax antics. Antidote antipathy antiquated antique

antiseptic antisocial antithesis anxiety, anxious any anyhow apart apartment apathetic.

Apathy ape aperture. Apex aphrodisiac apiece, aplomb apocryphal. Apologetic apologize

apology apostle appall appalling apparatus apparel apparent apparently apparition appeal

appear. Appearance appease appeasement, append appendage appendix appertain.

Appetite appetizer appetizing applaud. Applause appliance applicable. Applicant

application apply, appoint. Appointment apportion apposite appraisal, appraise

appreciable, appreciate appreciation appreciative apprehend. Apprehension apprehensive

apprentice apprise, approach, appropriate approval approve approximate.

Approximately approximation appurtenances apropos, apt aptitude aptness

aquatic. Aqueduct arable arbiter arbitrary arbitrate arbitration arbitrator arbor arc. Arcade

arcane arch archaic arched archer archetype architect architecture archives arctic ardent

ardor arduous area, argue argument argumentative, arid arise aristocracy. Aristocrat

aristocratic arm armada armaments armistice armor armory arms army aroma. Aromatic

around arose.

Arraign. Arrange arrangement arrant array arrears arrest arresting arrival arrive.

Arrogance. Arrogant arrogate arrow arsenal arson art artery artful. Article articulate

artifice, artificial artisan, artist artistic, artistry artless as ascend, ascendency ascendant.

Ascertain, ascetic, ascribe ashamed, ashen ashes ashore.

Aside asinine, ask. Askance askew asleep aspect. Asperity. Aspersions asphyxiate

aspiration. Aspire aspiring ass assail.

Assailant assassin, assassinate, assault, assay assemblage, assemble assembly.

Assent assert assertive assess. Assessment asset assets assiduous assign, assignation

assignment. Assimilate assist. Assistance assistant associate assorted assortment.

Assuage. Assume assumed assumption assurance. Assure assured astonish astonishing


Astound astounding astray, astringent astronaut astute asunder asylum.

Asymmetrical atavism atheism atheist athlete athletic athletics atmosphere, atom

atone atonement atrocious atrocity atrophy attach. Attached attachment attack, attacker

attain attainable attainment attempt.

Attend attendance attendant attention, attentive attenuated attest. Attic attire

attitude attract, attraction attractive attribute attrition.

Attune, auburn audacious audacity audible. Audience audit. Augment augur

august aura, auspices auspicious. Austere authentic, authenticate authenticity, author.

Authoritarian authoritative authorless authority, authorize autobiography autocratic

autograph. Automatic autonomy, available avarice, average aversion. Avid avoid, aware

awe awful awkward. Awry.


Bubble, babe. Babel baby babyish back backbiting. Backbone backer backfire,

background backhanded backing. Backlash backlog, backpedal backslide backslider

backward, backwards backwash backwoods bacteria.

Bad badge badger badly, baffle bag baggage baggy bail bake balance balcony,

bald balderdash bale baleful balk.

Ball ballad ballast, balloon ballot ballyhoo, balm balmy bamboozle ban, banal

banality band bandage.

Bandit bandy bane bang bangle banish banishment banisters bank bankrupt,

bankruptcy banner banquet banter baptism. Baptize bar barb barbarian barbaric,

barbarism barbarity barbarous barbeque bare barefaced, barely. Bargain barge bark barn

baron baroque barracks barrage barrel, barren barricade. Barrier barter base. Baseless

basement, bashful bashfulness. Basic basically basics. Basin basis bask basket, bass

bastard bastardize bastion batch bath bathe bathos, bathroom baton battalion. Batten

batter battered battery battle battlefield battleship batty bauble bawd. Bawdy bawl bay

bayonet bazaar. Be bench, beachcomber.

Beached beacon bead beads beak beam, bear bearable beard bearded bearer.

Bearing beast, beastly beat, beaten beatific beating, beatitude beau. Beautiful. Beautify

beauty becalmed because beckon become.

Becoming, bed bedclothes bedeck, bedevil bedlam bedraggled. Bedridden

bedrock beef, beefy beer beetling befall, befitting before. Beforehand befriend, befuddled

beg beget. Beggar beggarly begin. Beginner beginning begrudge. Beguile. Beguiling

behalf, behave, behavior behead. Behest behind. Behindhand behold. Beholden behoove

beige being belabor, belated belch, beleaguered belie belief.

Believable believe, believer. Belittle belligerent, bellow belly belong belongings

beloved below belt bemoan. Bemused bench benchmark bend beneath benediction.

Benefactor beneficial beneficiary, benefit benevolence, benevolent benighted benign,

bent bequeath. Bequest. Berate bereave bereavement bereft. Berserk berth beseech, beset

besetting beside besides besiege. Besmirch besotted bespatter bespeak best bestial

bestow, bet betoken betray. Betrayal betroth betrothal better betterment between. Bevel

beverage bevy bewail, beware bewilder.

Bewildered bewitch. Bewitched beyond bias. Biased bibliography bicker, bicycle

bid. Bidding big, bigot bigoted bigotry, bigwig bilge, bilious bilk. Bill billet billow

billowy. Bin bind binding.

Binge biography bird birth birthmark birthright bisect. Bisexual bit bitch bitchy

bite biting bitter. Bitterness bizarre blab black. Blackball blacken, blackguard blacklist,

blackmail blackout.

Blame blameless blameworthy. Blanch bland blandishments, blank blanket

blankness. Blare blasé blaspheme blasphemous blasphemy blast blatant. Blaze blazon

bleach, bleached bleak, bleary, bleed blemish blend, bless blessed blessing blight. Blind

blindly blink bliss blister blistering. Blitz blizzard bloat, blob bloc blockade, blockage,

blockhead blond blood.

Bloodless bloodshed bloodthirsty. Bloody bloom blossom. Blot blotch blow.

Blowout blowzy bludgeon blue blueprint blues. Bluff blunder blunt blur, blurred blurt

blush, bluster blustery board boast, boastful boat bob. Bode bodily body bog bogged

bogeyman boggle bonus bohemian boil boiling boisterous. Bold bolster bolt bomb

bombard bombast bonanza bond. Bondage bonus bony book. Bookish books boom

boomerang boon, boor boorish boost, boot booth bootless booty, bordello border bore.

Boredom boring borrow bosom, boss, bossy botch both bother, bottle bottleneck

bottom bottomless.

Bough boulder boulevard bounce, bouncing bound, boundary boundless bounds

bountiful. Bounty bouquet bourgeois bout bovine. Bow bowdlerize bowel, bowels bower

bowl, box boxer boy boycott, boyfriend. Boyish brace bracelet bracing bracket brackish

brag, braggard braid. Brain brains brainwashing, brainy brake branch, brand brandish

brash. Brassy brat bravado. Brave bravery bravo brawl brawn brawny bray brazen breach

bread breadth break.

Breakable breakdown breaker breakneck breakthrough breakup breakwater breast


Breathe breather breathless breathtaking breed, breeding breeze. Breezy brevity

brew bribe bridge. Bridal brief briefing briefly brigade, brigand bright. Brighten

brilliance brilliant, brim bring brink. Brisk bristle bristly brittle broach broadcast broaden

broadside. Brochure broil. Broiling broke. Broken. Brokenhearted broker bronze, brooch

brood brook, brothel brother brotherhood, brotherly brow browbeat, brown browse bruise

brunette. Brunt brush brusque, brutal brute bubble, bubbly buccaneer buck bucket buckle

bucolic bud.

Budding budge, budget buff buffer buffet buffoon bug, bugbear build building

buildup bulge bulk bulky bulldoze bullet bulletin bully bulwark bum.

Bumble bumbling bump bumper, bumpkin bumptious, bumpy bunch.

Bundle bungle bungling bunk, bunkum buoy, buoyancy, buoyant burden bureau.

Bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic burgeon burglar, burglary burial, burlesque

burly burn. Burning burnish burp burrow burst, bury bush, bushy business, bust. Bustle,

bustling, busybody, but butch butcher butchery butt buttocks button. Buttonhole buttress

buxom buy buzz buzzing by bygone bylaw bypass. Bystander byword.


Cab cabal cabaret, cabbage cabin cabinet cable cache cachet cackle cacophony


Cadaver cadaverous cadence café, cafeteria cage. Cagey cajole cake calamitous,

calamity calculate. Calculated calculating calculation, caliber call, calling callous, callow


Calumny camaraderie. Camouflage camp campaign can. Canal cancel cancer,

candid candidate, candle candor, candy cane canker.

Cannibal cannon, cannonade canny canon canopy cant.

Cantankerous canter canvass canyon cap capability. Capable, capacious. Capacity

cape caper capital. Capitalism capitalist capitalize capitulate caprice, capricious capsize

capsule captain caption. Captious captivate captive captivity capture car, carafe caravan

carcass card, cardinal care career careful. Careless caress caretaker cargo caricature,

carnage carnal carnival carol. Carouse carp carpenter carpet carriage, carry cart carton

cartoon, cartridge carve cascade.

Case cash cashier casino cask casket cast caste castigate castle, casual casualties

casualty cat catacombs catalog catapult contract. Catastrophe catcall catch catching

catchword, catchy catechize, categorical categorize category cater caterwauling catharsis,

cathartic catholic cattle catty caucus cause. Caustic cauterize caution conscious cavalcade

cavalier cavalry cave caveat caveman, cavern cavernous cavil cavity cease. Ceaseless

cede ceiling celebrate. Celebrated celebration celebrity, celestial celibacy cell cement.

Cemetery censor, censorious censure, center, central centralize. Ceramics cereal


Ceremonious ceremony, certain certainty certificate certify cessation chafe.

Chaff chagrin chain chains chair chalk chalky challenge. Chamber champion

chance. Chancy change. Changeable channel chant chaos chaotic. Chap chaperone

chapter char character characteristic. Characterize charade charge, charitable charity

charlatan, charm charming chart charter, chary chase chasm chassis.

Chaste chasten chastise chastity chat chatter chatterbox chatty. Chauvinism cheap

chimes. China chink chip. Chirp chitchat chivalrous. Chivalry choice choke choose,

choosy chop, choppy chore.

Chortle chorus christen chronic chronicle chronological chubby. Chuck chuckle

chum chunk church churlish churn. Cigarette cinder cinema. Cipher circle, circuit,

circuitous, circular, circulate, circumference, circumlocution, circumscribe, circumspect,

circumstances circumstantial. Citadel citation.

Cite citizen city civic civil, civilian civility civilization, civilize civilized clad

claim. Claimant clairvoyance clamber, clammy clamor clamp, clampdown clan.

Clandestine clang clank clannish clap claptrap clarify clash, clasp class classic. Classical

classification classify clatter. Clause claw clay clean cleanse clear clearance clearly

cleaver cleft clemency clench clergy, clerical clever.

Cliché click client clientele cliff. Climate climax climb. Clinch cling clinic.

Clinical clip clique cloak clock clog cloister cloistered close closet closure clot cloth

clothe clothes clothing cloud.

Cloudy clout clown cloy cloying club. Clue clump. Clumsy cluster clutch clutches

clutter coach. Coagulate, coalesce coalition, coarse coarsen coast. Coat coating coax cock

cocky coddle code. Coerce coffer, coffin cogent, cogitate cognate, cognition cognizant,

cohabit coherent. Cohort coil, coin coincide. Coincidence, coincidental, cold.

Collaborate, collaborator, collapse. Collar collate, collateral colleague, collect.

Collected collection collective college collide, collision colloquial collusion

colonize, colonnade colony colorful, colorless colors colossal column coma. Comatose

comb combat. Combatant combative combination combine combustible combustion

come comeback comedian comedown comedy, comely comeuppance comfort.

Comfortable, comforting, comic. Comical coming command.

Commandeer commander commanding commemorate commemorative

commence, commend commendable commendation, commensurate comment.

Commentary. Commentator commerce. Commercial commission commit commitment

commodious commodity common, commonplace commotion. Communal commune

communicable. Communicate communication communications communicative

communion. Communique communism community commute commuter compact.

Companion companionship company. Comparable comparative compare. Comparison

compartment compass compassion. Compassionate compatible compatriot compel.

Compelling compensate. Compensation compete, competence competent,

competition competitive, competitor compilation, compile complacent.

Complain complaint complement complementary complete. Completely

completion complex complexion complexity compliance complicated. Complication

complicity, compliment complementary compliments comply, component composed

composite composition compost composure. Compound comprehend, comprehensible

comprehension comprehensive compress comprise compromise compulsion. Compulsory

conjunction compute, comrade. Con concave conceal, concealed concealment concede

conceit. Conceited conceivable conceive, concentrate concentrated concentration


Conception concern concerned concerning concert, concerted concession


Conciliatory concise conclave conclude. Conclusion conclusive concoct.

Concoction concomitant concord concrete concubine concur concurrent concussion


Condemnatory condensation condense condescend condescending condition

conditional. Conditioned conditions condolence condom condone. Conducive conduct

conduit. Confectionery confederacy confederate confer.

Conference confess. Confession confidant confide confidence, confidential

confidentiality confine. Confinement confirm, confirmation confirmed. Confiscate

conflagration, conflict conflicting conform, conformation, conformist conformity


Confront. Confrontation confuse. Confused confusing confusion, congeal.

Congenial congenital congested congestion conglomerate congratulate,

congratulations congregate. Congregation congress conic conjecture, conjugal

conjunction, conjure connect.

Connection connive conniving connoisseur connotation conquer. Conquest

conscience conscientious. Conscious consciousness conscript consecrate consecutive

consensus, consent consequence consequent. Consequently conservation. Conservative

conservatory conserve.

Consider considerable considerably considerate. Consideration, considering.

Consign consignment consist consistency consistent consolation, console consolidate

consonant consort conspicuous conspiracy conspirator conspire constancy constant

constantly consternation constituent.

Constitute constitution constitutional constrain constrained constraint constrict

construct. Construction constructive consul consult consultant consultation consume.

Consumer consuming consummate consumption, contact contagious contain. Container

contaminate, contemplate contemplation contemplative.

Contemporary contempt contemptible, contemptuous contend content contented.

Contention contentious contentment contents contiguous. Continent contingency.

Contingent, continual. Continually continuance, continuation. Continue


Contradiction contradictory contraption contrary. Contrast contravene

contretemps contribute. Contribution contributor contrite, contrivance contrive contrived

control controls controversial controversy contumely contusion conundrum

convalescence convene convenience. Convenient convent convention, conventional

converge. Conversant. Conversation converse. Conversion convert, convey conveyance

convict conviction convince.

Convincing convivial convocation convoy convulse. Convulsion cook cool

cooperate. Cooperation cooperative coordinate cope. Copious copse copy cord cordial

cordon core, cork corn corner corny corollary coronation. Coronet corporal, corporate

corporation corps, corpse corpulent, correct. Correction corrective correctly, correlate

correlation correspond. Correspondence correspondent corridor.

Corroborate corrode. Corrosive corrugated corrupt. Corruption corset cortege,

cosmetic, cosmonaut cosmopolitan cost costly costs. Costume coterie cottage couch

cough council. Counsel counselor count countenance counter. Counteract countermand,

counterpart countless country countryman countryside county coup couple. Coupon

courage courageous, courier course court courteous courtesan courtesy courtier, courtly.

Courtship courtyard cove covenant cover coverage covering coverlet covers.

Covert covet covetous cow. Coward cowardly cowboy, cower coy cozen cozy

crabbed crabby crack cracked. Crackle cradle craft. Craftsman craftsmanship crafty. Crag

cram cramp cramped crane cranium cranky. Cranny crash crass crate crater crave craven

craving crawl craze crazed crazy creak cream crease crate.

Creation, creative credence credentials credibility credible. Credit creditable

credulity credulous creed creek creep creeper creeps. Creepy crescent crest crestfallen

crevice crew, crib crick crier cripple crippled crisis. Crisp criterion critic, critical,

criticism criticize, critique. Croak, crock crockery crony, crook crooked croon.

Crop cross crossing, crotchety crouch, crow crowd crowded crown crucial crucity

crude, cruel cruelty cruise. Crumb, crumble.

Crumple crunch crusade, crusader crush, crust, crusty cry crypt, cub cubbyhole

cube cuddle. Cuddly cudgel cue cuff cuisine culminate.

Culmination culpable, culprit cult cultivate. Cultivated cultural, culture cultured.

Culvert cumbersome cumulative cunning cup.

Cupboard cupidity, cur. Curative curator curb. Curdle cure curio, curiosity curious


Curly currency, current curse, cursed cursory, curt.

Curtail curtain curtsy curve curved cushion custody custom.

Customarily, customer, customs cut cutthroat, cutting cycle, cyclone cynic.

Cynical cynicism.


Dab. Dabble dabbler daft dagger daily. Dainty dais dally. Dam damage damages

dame. Damn damnable damnation damned damning damp.

Dampen, damper. Dampness damsel, dance. Dandy danger dangerous dangle.

Dangling dank, dapper dapple dappled dare. Daredevil daring dark. Darken,

darkness darling. Darn dart dash.

Dashing dastardly, data date dated daub daunt. Dawdle dawn day. Daybreak

daydream daylight days daze dazzle dead. Deaden deadlock deadly deaf, deafening deal,

dealer dealing dealings dean dear, dearly dearth death deathless.

Debacle debar debase debatable, debate debauched, debauchery debilitate,

debility debonair.

Debris debt. Debunk debut. Decadence. Decadent decamp, decapitate decay,

decrease deceased deceit. Deceitful deceive, decelerate decency, decent deception,

deceptive decide decided decidedly deciding. Decipher decision.

Decisive deck declaim, declamation declamatory. Declaration declare, decline

decompose. Decomposition décor.

Decorate. Decoration decorative, decorous, decorum decay. Decrease decree

decrepit decry, dedicate dedicated dedication. Deduce. Deduct deduction.

Deed deem deep deepen deeply deface. Defamation defamatory defame.

Default defaulter defeat defeatist defecate defect defection. Defective defector

defend. Defendant defender. Defense defenseless defensible, defensive defer. Deference

deferential deferment, defiance defiant deficiency. Deficient deficit defile. Definable.

Define definite, definitely. Definition definitive deflate deflect, deflection deform,


Deformity defraud deft defunct defy.

Degeneracy degenerate, degeneration degradation degrade. Degraded degrading

degree. Dehydrate deify deign deity dejected.

Dejection delay. Delectable delectation, delegate. Delegation delete deleterious

deliberate. Deliberately deliberation delicacy, delicate, delicious delight.

Delighted. Delightful delineate delinquency. Delinquent delirious. Delirium

deliver. Deliverance delivery. Delude deluge delusion, deluxe delve, demagogue demand.

Demanding demarcation, demean. Demeanor demented. Dementia demise democracy.

Democratic demolish.

Demolition demon, demonic demonstrable, demonstrate. Demonstration

demonstrative, demoralize. Demur. Demure den denial denigrate denizen denomination

denote. Denouement denounce, dense deny deodorant depart. Departed department

departure depend. Dependable dependence dependency dependent depict deplete.

Depletion deplorable. Deplore deploy. Deport. Deportation deportment depose deposit.

Deposition depository depot deprave. Depraved depravity depreciate deprecatory

depreciate. Depreciation depredation depress.

Depressant depressed depressing depression. Deprivation. Deprive deprived depth

deputation. Depute, deputy. Deranged derelict dereliction deride, derision derisive

derisory derivation derivative derive. Derogate derogatory descend. Descendants descent

describe. Description descriptive descry. Desecrate desert, deserted deserter, desertion


Deserving design, designate designation, designer designing desirability.

Desirable desire desired desirous desist desolate desolation despair. Despairing

desperado, desperate, desperately desperation, despicable despise despite despoil,

despondency despondent despot, despotic despotism destination destined.

Destiny destitute, destitution destroy. Destruction. Destructive desultory detach.

Detached detachment detail, detailed detain detection. Detective detention deter

detergent deteriorate. Deterioration determination determine determined determining,

deterrent detest, detestable detonate, detour detract. Detractor detriment detrimental

detritus devastate, devastating devastation, develop. Development deviant, deviate

deviation device. Devil, devilish devilry, devious devise, devoid devolve. Devote devoted

devotee devotion devotions devour devout dexterity. Dexterous, diabolic. Diadem


Diagnosis diagonal diagonally diagram, dial dialect. Dialectic dialogue diameter,

diametrical, diaphanous, diarrhea diary diatribe, dicey dictate. Dictator dictatorial.

Dictatorship diction.

Dictionary dictum. Didactic die, diehard. Diet differ. Difference different

differential. Differentiate difficult difficulty, diffidence diffident. Diffuse diffusion dig

digest, digestion dignified. Dignify dignitary, dignity digress. Digression dilapidated.

Dilate. Dilatory dilemma. Dilettante diligence. Diligent dilute dim dimension diminish.

Diminution. Diminutive din dine dingy. Dinky dinner dinosaur dint. Dip

diplomacy, diplomat.

Diplomatic dire direct. Direction. Directions directive directly. Director dirge dirt.

Dirty disability disable. Disabled disabuse disadvantage. Disadvantaged

disadvantageous. Disaffected disagree.

Disagreeable. Disagreement disallow. Disappear. Disappearance disappoint

disappointed. Disappointing. Disappointment disapproval. Disapprove disarm.

Disarmament disarming disarrange disarray. Disaster.

Disasterous disavowal disband disbelief. Disbelieve disbeliever disburse. Discard.

Discern discernable discerning discharge, disciple. Disciplinarian discipline disclaim.

Disclaimer disclose. Disclosure discolor. Discoloration discomfit discomfiture

discomfort. Discomposure, disconcert. Disconcerting disconnect disconnected

disconsolate. Discontent. Discontented discontinue. Discontinued discord. Discordant

discount. Discourage. Discouraged discouragement discouraging discourse, discourteous

discourtesy discover. Discoverer discovery discredit. Discredited discreet. Discrepancy

discrete. Discretion. Discretionary discriminate discriminating discrimination.

Discriminatory discursive discuss, discussion disdain, disdainful.

Disease disembark disembodied disembowel disenchanted. Disenchantment

disengage. Disentangle disfavor, disfigure. Disfigurement disgorge disgrace, disgraceful

disgruntled disguise disgust, disgusting dish. Dishearten disheveled dishonest.

Dishonesty dishonor, dishonorable disillusion, disincentive disinclination. Disinclined

disinfect. Disinfectant disingenuous. Disinherit disintegrate disinterested disjointed

dislike dislocate dislodge disloyal, disloyalty dismal. Dismantle dismay, dismiss

dismissal. Disobedience disobedient disobey.

Disobliging disorder, disorderly disorganized disown disparage disparity,

dispassionate dispatch. Dispel dispensable dispensation, dispense.

Disperse, dispirit, displace. Displaced display displease. Displeasure disposable.

Disposal dispose disposed. Disposition dispossess disproportionate disprove. Disputable

disputation disputatious dispute disqualify disquiet. Disregard disrepair disreputable.

Disrepute disrespect, disrespectful disrupt disruption disruptive dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfied dissect.

Dissection disseminate dissension dissent. Dissenter dissentient dissertation

disserve dissident dissimilar. Dissimilarity dissipate. Dissipated dissociate. Dissolute

dissolution dissolve dissonance dissuade distance distant distaste. Distasteful distended


Distillation distinct, distinction distinctive distinctly distinguish distinguishable

distinguished, distinguishing distort. Distortion distract. Distracted. Distraction distress.

Distressing distribute. Distribution district distrust. Disturb. Disturbance disturbed

disturbing disuse. Disused ditch diurnal divan dive.

Diverge divergence divergent divers. Diverse. Diversify diversion, diversity

divert, diverting divest.

Divide dividend divine divinity division.

Divisive. Divorce divulge dizzy do. Docile dock docket doctor doctrinaire

doctrine document documentary dodder doddering dodge doer. Doff dog dogged

doggedness dogma dogmatic doing doldrums dole doleful doll dolor. Dolt domain dome


Domesticate, domesticated.

Domicile dominant dominate domination, domineer domineering dominion. Don

donate donation done donkey donor doom doomed door dope dormant, dose dot dotage

dote doting double doubt, doubter doubtful, doubtless dour douse dovetail dowdy down

downbeat downcast downfall. Downgrade downhearted downpour downright

downtrodden, downward dowry doze.

Drab draft drag dragon drain drama, dramatic. Dramatist dramatize. Drape

draperies drastic draw drawback drawing drawl drawn dread dreaded dreadful dream,

dreamer. Dreamland, dreamy. Dreary dregs drench dress dressing dressmaker dribble

drift drill drink. Drinkable drinker drift. Drive drivel driver drizzle. Droll drone droop

drought drove drown drowsy drubbing drudge drudgery drug. Drugged drum drunk

drunken drunkenness dry. Dual dub. Dubiety dubious, duck.

Duet. Ductile dud dudgeon due duel dues dulcet dull. Duly dumb. Dumbfound

dummy dump dumps dunce dungeon duplicate, duplicity durable.

Duress during dusk. Dusky dust dusty, dutiful, duty dwarf dwell, dwelling

dwindle dye dying dynamic dynasty.


Each eager eagerness ear early earmark earn earnest earnings earth earthenware

earthly ease easy.

Easygoing eat. Eavesdrop ebb. Ebony ebullience. Ebullient eccentric, eccentricity

ecclesiastic echelon echo eclectic eclipse economic.

Economical economize, economy ecstasy, ecstatic eddy edge edgy edible edict

edification edifice edify edit edition educate. Educated education educational. Educator

eerie efface, effect effective. Effectiveness effects effectual. Effectuate effeminate

effervesce. Effervescence. Effervescent effete efficacious, efficacy efficiency.

Efficient effigy effluent effort, effortless effrontery. Effulgent effusion effusive

egg egghead ego. Egoism egoist egoistic egotism egotistic.

Egregious egress ejaculate.

Ejaculation eject ejection eke, elaborate élan, elapse elastic. Elasticity elated,

elation elbow elbowroom elder elderly elect election elector electric, electrify elegance.

Elegant, elegiac. Elegy element elemental elementary elements elephantine elevate

elevated elevation elf. Elfin elicit elite elixir, elliptical elocution. Elongate elope

eloquence. Eloquent elsewhere, elucidate. Elucidation elude. Elusive emaciated,

emaciation emanate, emanation emancipate.

Emancipation emasculate embalm embargo embark. Embarrass embarrassed

embarrassing embarrassment. Embassy embed embellish embellishment embezzle

embezzlement embitter emblazon emblem embodiment, embody embolden embrace

embroider embryonic emend.

Emendation emerge emergence emergency emergent emigrate, emigration

eminent eminently emissary emission.

Emit emolument, emotion emotional. Emotionless emotive empathize emperor


Emphasize emphatic empire empirical empiric employ employed employee

employer employment emporium empower emptiness empty enable. Enact enactment

enamored. Encampment encapsulate enchant, enchanter enchanting enchantment,

enchantress encircle. Enclose enclosure, encompass encore. Encounter encourage

encouragement encroach, encroachment encumber, encumbrance encyclopedic end.

Endanger endearing endearment endeavor ending endless endorse.

Endorsement endow endowment endurance. Endure, enduring enemy, energetic

energize energy. Enervate enfold. Enforce enforced enforcement. Enfranchise engage

engaged engagement engaging engender engine, engineer engrave engraving engross

engrossed engrossing engulf. Enhance. Enhancement enigma enigmatic enjoin. Enjoy

enjoyable enjoyment. Enlarge.

Enlargement enlighten. Enlightened enlightenment enlist, enliven enmity.

Ennoble ennui enormity enormous enough. Enquire enquiry enrage. Enraged enrapture

enrich enroll, enrollment ensconce. Ensamble enshrine enshroud, ensign ensnare. Ensue

ensure entail entangle.

Entanglement enter enterprise, enterprising entertain, entertainer entertaining.

Entertainment enthrall. Enthralling enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast, enthusiastic entice,

enticement entire, entirely entirety. Entitle entity entourage.

Entrails entrance entrant, entrap entreat, entreaty entrée, entrench, entrenched

entrepreneur entrust, entry entwine. Enumerate enunciate envelop, envelope enviable.

Envious environment, environmentalist. Environs envisage envoy envy, eon

ephemeral, epic, epicene epicure. Epicurean epidemic epigram epigrammatic epilogue

episode, episodic epistle. Epithet epitome epitomize epoch equable. Equal equality

equalize equanimity equate, equation equatorial, equestrian equilibrium equip.

Equipment equipoise equitable, equity equivalence equivalent, equivocal equivocate

equivocation era eradicate, eradication erase erect. Erection erode, erosion erotic. Err

errand errant erratic erring erroneous, error ersatz erudite. Erudition erupt. Eruption

escalate escapade escape, escapism eschew escort esoteric especial. Especially espionage

espousal. Espouse espy essay essence essential establish established establishment estate.

Esteem estimate estimation estrange, estrangement estuary etch etching eternal

eternally eternity ethereal, ethical.

Ethics ethnic ethos etiolated etiquette eugenics eulogize euphemism euphemistic

euphonious euphoria, euphoric euthanasia evacuate evacuation evade. Evaluate

evaluation evanesce evanescent evangelical. Evangelist evangelistic evangelize

evaporate. Evaporation evasion, evasive eve, even, Evenhanded evening event eventful,


Eventuate ever everlasting evermore every everyday.

Everyone everything everywhere, evict. Eviction evidence evident evidently evil

evince evocative evoke evolution evolve. Exasperate exact, exacting exactly exactness

exaggerate, exaggerated exaggeration exalt, exaltation examination examine example,

exasperate exasperation excavate excavation exceed. Exceedingly excel excellence

excellent except exception exceptionable exceptional except excess, excessive

excessively exchange.

Excise excitable excite, excited excitement exciting exclaim, exclamation exclude

exclusion, exclusive excommunicate excoriate.

Excrement excrescence excrete, excruciating excursion excusable, excuse

execrable. Execrate execute, execution executioner executive exegesis exemplar,

exemplary exemplify exempt exemption exercise exert.

Exertion exhaust exhausted exhausting exhaustion exhaustive exhibit, exhibition

exhilarate, exhilaration exhort.

Exhortation exhume exigency exiguous exile exist. Existence existent exit,

exodus exonerate, exoneration exorbitant exorcise, exorcism exotic expand. Expanse

expansion expansive expatiate, expatriate. Expect. Expectancy expectant, expectation

expectations expecting expediency, expedience expedient.

Expedite expedition. Expeditious expel expend. Expendable. Expenditure expense

expensive experience. Experienced experiment experimental expert expertise expatiate

expiate expiation expiration expire, explain explanation, explanatory expletive

explicable. Explicate explicit explode exploit, exploration exploratory explore. Explorer

explosion explosive exponent export, expose exposed exposition, expository expostulate

exposure expound. Express expression expressionless, expressive expressly expropriate.

Expulsion expunge expurgate exquisite, extant extemporaneous extemporary

extempore extemporize extend extended extension extensive extent extenuating.

Exterior exterminate external extinct, extinction extinguish extol. Extort.

Extortion extortionate extortionist extra extract extraction extradite, extradition

extraneous, extraordinary extravagance.

Extravagant extravaganza extreme, extremely extremist extremity extricate

extrinsic extrovert extroverted extrude, exuberant exude exult. Exultant exultation eye

eyeful eyesight eyesore eyewitness.


Fable fabric fabricate fabulous façade, face facet facetious, facile facilitate,

facilitates facility facing facsimile fact faction factious.

Factor factory factotum facts factual faculties faculty fad fade. Fail failing failure

faint faintly fair fairly fairy faith faithful faithfulness faithless faithlessness fake fall

fallacious fallacy. Fallen, fallible fallow false falsehood falsetto falter fame familiar.

Familiarity. Familiarize family famine famished famous fan fanatic, fanatical, fanciful.

Fancy fanfare, fantastic fantasy. Far farce farsical fare. Farewell farm farmer farming

farsighted farther, farthest fascinate. Fascinating fascination, fashionable fast fasten

fastidious, fat, fatal fatalism fatality fate fated fateful. Father fatherland fatherly fathom

fatigue. Fatness fatten fatty fatuous fault faultfinding faultless faulty favor favorable

favorite favoritism fawn fawning fear fearful fearfully fearless. Fearsome feasibility

feasibly feast feat feather. Feathery feature features feces.

Fecund federal federation fee feeble feebleminded feed feel feeler feeling feelings

feign felicitations. Felicitous feline fell. Fellow fellowship female. Feminine fence fend

ferment ferocious ferret ferry, fertile fertilize, fertilizer fervent.

Fervid fervor fester festival festive, festivity festoon fetch fetching fete fetish.

Fetter fetters.

Fettle fetus feud fever feverish few. Fiance fiasco fib fiber, fickle. Fickleness



Fictitious fiddle fidelity fidget, fidgety field fiend. Fiendish, fierce fight. Fighter

figurative figure, figurehead figures. Filament filch file filigree fill. Film filmy filter filth,

filthy final finale finality finalize finally.

Finance financial find finding fine finery finesse. Finger finicky finish finished

finite fire, firebrand fireworks firm. Firmament firmness first, firsthand fiscal fish,

fisherman fishy fission fissure fit fitful fitness fitted, fitting fix. Fixation fixture fizz.

Fizzle fizzy flabbergast flabby, flaccid flag. Flagon flagrant flagstone flair, flake

flamboyant flame flameproof. Flaming flank free freedom freely freeze. Freezing freight

frenzied frenzy frequency. Frequent frequenter, frequently fresh, freshen fret fretful

friction friend friendless. Friendliness friendly friendship fright frighten frightful frigid

frill frills fringe.

Frisk frisky fritter frivolity frivolous frolic front. Frontier frost frosty froth frothy

frown frozen frugal fruitful. Fruition fruitless fruits frustrate frustration fudge fuel

fugitive fulfill. Fulfilled full fullness fully fulminate fulmination fulsome fumble fume

fumes fumigate fun function. Functional functionary fund fundamental fundamentally

fundamentals funds funeral.

Funereal fungus, funny, furious, furnish furniture furor. Furrow further.

Furtherance furthermore furtive fuse fuss fussy, futile. Futility. Future fuzzy.


Gad, gadabout gadget gaffe gag gaga gaiety gain.

Gainful gainsay gait gala galaxy gale gall gallant.

Gallantry galling, gallivant gallop gallows galore. Galvanize gambit, gamble

gambol, game gamut.

Gang, gangling gangly gangster, gap gape, garb garbage, garble gargantuan garish

garland. Garment garner garnish garret. Garrison garrulity garrulous gash gasp gastric

gate gather. Gathering gauche, gaudy gauge gaunt gawk gay gaze gazette gear gelatinous

geld gelid gem. Geneology general, generality generally, generate generation generic

generosity. Generous genesis. Genial.

Geniality genius genre genteel. Gentility gentle. Gentlemanly genuine genus germ

germane germinate gestation gesticulate gesture. Get, getaway, ghastly ghost. Ghostly

giant gibberish gibe giddy gift. Gifted gigantic giggle gigolo gild gimcrack gimmick

gingerly gird girdle. Girl girth gist, give. Giver glacial glad.

Gladden gladly glamorous, glamour glance. Glare, glaring glass glasses glassy

glaze, gleam glee. Gleeful glib glide glimmer glimpse. Glint glisten glitter gloat global.

Globe globule gloom. Gloomy glorify. Glorious glory gloss, glossy glow glower glowing

glue, glum glut glutinous. Gluttony gnarled, gnash go goad goal. Goat gobble

gobbledygook. Goblet goblin, god, godforsaken, godless, godlike godly, godsend gold

golden, good.

Goodbye. Goodly goodness goods goodwill gorge gorgeous. Gory gospel

gossamer gossip govern. Government gown grab grace, graceful.

Gracious grade, gradient gradual, gradually graduate graft. Grain grand grandeur

grandfather grandiloquent. Grandiose grandmother grant granule graph. Graphic grapple.

Grasp grate grateful, gratify grating gratis, gratitude gratuitous, gratuity grave. Graveyard

gravitate. Gravity graze gray greasy, great. Greatly greatness greed. Greediness greedy

green greens greet greeting greetings gregarious grey grief grievance. Grieve grievous

grim grimace grime grimy grin grind. Grip gripe gripping grisly grit gritty groan groggy

groom groove grope gross. Grotesque ground groundless grounds groundwork group

grouse. Grovel grow growl growth.

Grub grubby grudge grueling. Gruesome gruff. Grumble grumpy guarantee

guarantor guard guarded. Guardian guerilla guess guesswork guest guidance. Guide

guideline guild. Guile guileless guilt guiltless. Guilty guise gulf gullet gullible. Gully

gulp gum gumption gun.

Gunman gurgle guru gust. Gusto gut guts gutter.

Guttersnipe guttural guy guzzle gypsy gyrate gyration.


Habit habitable habitat habitation habitual. Habituate habitue Hack. Hackle

hackneyed hag. Haggard haggle hail hair. Hairy halcyon hale half. Halfhearted halfway

halfwit, halfwitted hall hallmark hallucinate. Hallucination halo, halt. Halter halting halve

halves hammer hamper hamstring hand. Handbag handbill handful handicap handcuffs

handful handicraft handwork.

Handle handout handpicked hands handsome handwriting handy hang. Hangdog

handover hank hanker hankering haphazard.

Hapless happen happening happily. Happiness. Happy harangue harass. Harassed

harbinger harbor hard. Hardbitten harden. Hardened hardheaded hardiness hardly

hardship hardwearing hardworking hardy. Harebrained, hark. Harlequin harlot harm.

Harmful harmless harmonious. Harmonize harmony harness, harp harridan harrowing.

Harry harsh harvest.

Hash hassle haste. Hasten hasty hat. Hatch hatchet hate, hateful hatred haughty

haul, haunt haunting have.

Haven haversack havoc. Hawk hay haywire hazard, hazardous haze.

Hazy head headache heading headlong. Headquarters headstone. Headstrong

headway, heady heal.

Health healthy heap, hear. Hearing hearsay, heart heartache heartbreaking.

Heartbroken heartburn hearten heartfelt heartily heartless. Heartsick, heartwarming.

Hearty heat heated heathen heave heaven heavenly, heavily. Heavy heckle hectic

hedge, heed.

Heedful heedless heel heft hefty height heighten heights heinous heir helix hell

hellish helm.

Help. Helper, helpful, helping helpless. Helpmate, hem hence.

Henceforth henchman, henpecked, herald herd here, hereafter hereditary.

Heretic heretical heritage hermit, hermitage hero, heroic heroine, heroism

hesitancy hesitant hesitate. Hesitation hew heyday. Hiatus hibernate. Hidden, hide

hideaway hidebound. Hideous hie hiearchy hieroglyphics high.

Highborn highbrow highfalutin highland highlight highly hijack. Hike hilarious

hilarity hill. Hillock hilt hind hinder hindmost hindrance hinge. Hint hippie hire hiss.

Historian historic historical history hit. Hitch hither hitherto.

Hoar hoard hoarder hoarse hoary hoax hobble. Hobby hobgoblin hobnob

hodgepodge hog. Hogwash hoist. Hold, holder. Holdup hole holiday.

Holiness hollow, holocaust holy home, homeland homeless homelike. Homely

homeowner, homespun homicidal homicide homily homogenous. Homosexual, honest.

Honestly honor honorable honors. Honorarium honorary hood. Hoodlum

hoodwink. Hook hooked hooligan hoop hoot. Hop hope hopeful, hopefully.

Hopeless horde horizon, horizontal, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrify horror


Horseman horseplay horticulture hosanna hose. Hosiery hospitable, hospital

hospitality host hostage hostile, hostilities hostility hot.

Hotbed hotel hotfoot hotheaded hothouse hound, house household housekeeping

housing hovel hover however howl hub huddle hue huff huge.

Hulk hulking hull hullabaloo hum human humane. Humanitarian humanities

humanity. Humble humbug. Humdrum humid. Humidity humiliate. Humiliation

humility. Humorist humor humorous hump. Hunch hunger hump hunk. Hunt hurdle hurl

hurricane. Hurried hurry hurt hurtful husband. Husbandry hush. Husk, husky hussy,

hustle hut hybrid hygiene. Hygienic hymn hype. Hyperbole hypercritical hypnosis,

hypnotic hypnotize, hypocrisy. Hypocrite. Hypocritical hypothesis, hypothetical hysteria.



Ice icing icon. Icy idea, ideal idealist. Idealistic. Ideally, ideals identical.

Identification identity, ideology idiocy. Idiom idiosyncrasy.

Idiot. Idiotic idle. Idol idolatrous, idolatry idolize idyll if iffy ignite. Ignominious

ignominy ignorance, ignorant ignore ill. Illegal, illegible, illegitimate, illicit illiteracy.

Illiterate illness illogical illuminate illuminating illumination illusion illusive, illusory.

Illustrate illustration illustrative, illustrious image imaginable, imaginary imagination


Imagine imbecile imbecilic imbed. Imbibe imbroglio, imbue imitate, imitation

imitative, imitator immaculate immaterial immature immaturity immeasurable immediate

immediately immemorial immense. Immerse immigrant imminent immobile. Immobilize

immoderate immoderation. Immodest immoral immorality immortal. Immortality

immortalize imp impact impair. Impale impalpable impart impartial impartiality


Impasse impassioned impatience. Impatient impeach. Impeccable. Impecunious

impede. Impediment impel impending impenetrable impenitent. Imperative

imperceptible. Imperceptibly imperfect. Imperfection imperial imperil. Imperious

impermanent impersonal impersonate.

Impersonation impertinence, impertinent, imperturbable. Impervious, impetuous

impetus impiety impinge. Impious impish implacable. Implant implausible implement.

Implementation implicate, implication implicit, implicitly implied. Implore imply

impolite, impolitic import importance important. Importunate importune impose.

Imposing imposition impossible impostor impotence. Impotent impound.

Impoverished, impracticable. Impractical imprecation, imprecise, impregnable.

Impregnate impresario impress impression impressionable impressive imprint imprison.

Imprisonment improbable, impromptu, improper. Impropriety improve, improvement

improvident. Improvise improvised imprudent imprudence, impudent impugn impulse.

Impulsive impunity impure. Impurity impute in inability inaccessible. Inaccuracy

inaccurate, inactive inadequacy. Inadequate, inadmissible. Inadvertent, inadvisable.

Inalienable. Inane inanimate inapplicable inapposite inappreciable. Inappropriate inapt,

inarticulate inattention inattentive, inaudible inaugural. Inaugurate inauspicious inborn.

Inbred incalculable. Incandescent incantation incapable.

Incapacitated. Incapacity incarcerate, incarceration incarnate, incarnation

incautious incendiary. Incense incentive inception incessant incidence. Incident

incidential, incidentially. Incinerate incipient incise. Incision incisive incite. Incitement

incivility, inclement inclination, incline include.

Including inclusion, inclusive incognito incognizant incoherent incombustible

income incoming incomparable incompatible incompetent, incomplete incomprehensible

inconceivable inconclusive incongruity. Incongruous inconsequential. Inconsiderable.

Inconsiderate inconsistent inconsolable inconspicuous inconstant, incontestable

incontinent incontrovertible inconvenience, inconvenient incorporate incorrect


Incorruptible increase increasingly incredible. Incredulity incredulous increment

incriminate inculate inculpate, incumbent incur. Incurable incursion indebted indecency.

Indecent indecipherable indecision, indecisive, indecorous. Indecorum, indeed

indefatigable, indefensible, indefinable, indefinite. Indefinitely indelible. Indelicate

indemnify indemnity indent.

Indentation indenture independence, independent, indescribable. Indestructible,


Index indicate indication indicative indicator indict indictment indifference.

Indifferent indigenous indigent indigestion indignant.

Indignation indignity indirect. Indirectly indiscernible, indiscreet. Indiscretion

indiscriminate indispensable indisposed. Indisposition indisputable. Indistinct,

indistinguishable individual. Individualist. Individualistic. Individually indoctrinate

indolent, indomitable. Indubitable induce. Inducement indulge.

Indulgence. Indulgent industrial industrialist industrious industry inebriated.

Inedible, ineffable. Ineffective ineffectual inefficient inelegant ineligible inept.

Inequality inequitable inequity inert. Inertia inescapable, inestimable. Inevitable inexact

inexcusable inexhaustible. Inexorable inexpedient inexperienced inexpert inexplicable.

Inexpressible inexpressive inextinguishable inextricable, infallible. Infamous infancy

infant infantile infantry infatuated. Infatuation infect.

Infection. Infectious infer. Inference inferior, inferiority infernal. Infertile infest

infidel. Infidelity infiltrate infinite. Infinitesimal infinity, infirm infirmity inflame.

Inflamed. Inflammation inflammatory inflate inflated inflection inflexible inflict

infliction influence. Influential influx inform informal.

Informality information informative informed informer infraction infrequent

infringe. Infringement infuriate. Infuriating ingenious, inglorious ingrained ingratiate.

Ingratiating ingratitude ingredient ingress inhabit. Inhabitant inhale inharmonious

inherent inherit.

Inheritance inhibit inhibited inhibition inhospitable, inhuman.

Inhumane. Inhumanity inimical inimitable iniquitous, iniquity initial, initially

initiate initiation initiative inject, injection injudicious, injunction injure injured injurious

injury injustice.

Inking inky inlaid inland inlet. Inmate inmost inn, innate inner, innermost, inmost.

Innkeeper indolence. Innocent, innocuous innovation innuendo innumerable inoculate.

Inoculation inoffensive inoperative, inopportune, inordinate inquest inquire. Inquiring

inquiry inquisition inquisitive inroad insane. Insanitary insanity. Insatiable inscribe.

Inscription inscrutable, insecticide insecure, insecurity insensible. Insensitive

insentient, inseparable insert inside insides insidious insight insignia insignificant.

Insincere insinuate, insinuation insipid insist. Insistence insistent insolence insolent

insoluble insolvency insolvent, insomnia insouciant inspect. Inspection, inspector.

Inspiration inspire inspired instability install installation installment.

Instance instant instantaneous instantaneously instate instead instigate instigation

instigator instill. Instinct instinctive institute. Institution institutional instruct. Instruction

instructions instructive, instructor instrument instrumental insubordinate.

Insubordination insubstantial insufferable insufficient insular insulate insult.

Insulting insuperable, insupportable insurance insure, insurgent insurmountable,

insurrection intact, intangible, integral. Integrate integrated, integration integrity.

Intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligentsia intelligible.

Intemperate intend intensify intensity intensive intent.

Intention intentional, intentionally inter, intercede, intercept, intercession

interchange interchangeable intercourse interdict interest interested interesting interfere

interference interim interior interject.

Interjection interloper interlude, intermediary intermediate interment interminable

intermingle intermission intermittent intern.

Internal international interpolate interpolation interpose interpret, interpretation

interpreter interrogate interrogation interrogative interrupt, interruption intersect.

Intersection intersperse, intertwine interval. Intervene. Intervention interview,

interviewer interweave intestional. Intestines intimacy, intimate intimation intimidate.

Intimidation intolerable, intolerance intolerant intonation intone. Intoxicate

intoxicated intoxicating intoxication intractable, intransigent, intrepid.

Intricate. Intrigue, intriguer. Intriguing intrinsic introduce, introduction,

introductory introspective introverted intrude.

Intruder intrusion intrusive intuition, intuitive intumescence, inundate.

Inundation inure. Invade, invader. Invalid.

Invalidate invaluable invariable invariably. Invasion invective. Inveigh inveigle

invent. Invention inventive, inventor inventory inverse. Inversion invert invest.

Investigate investigation, investigator investiture, investment inveterate invidious

invigorate. Invincible, inviolable. Inviolate invisible invitation. Invite.

Inviting invocation involved invulnerable inward inwardly iota irascible irate. Ire

iridescent irk. Irksome iron ironic irons irony, irradiate irrational irreconcilable.

Irrecoverable irrefutable irregular, irregularity irrelevant. Irreligious, irreparable.

Irrepressible irreproachable irresistible irresolute. Irrespective irresponsible

irretrievable irreverent irreversible irrevocable.

Irrigation irritable, irritate irritating irritation island.

Isolate isolated isolation issue itch.

Itching itchy item, itemize iterate itinerant itinerary.


Jab jabber jack jacket jackpot jaded jagged jail jailer jam jamb jamboree jangle

janitor jar.

Jargon jaundiced jaunt jaunty javelin jaw jaws jazz. Jazzy jealous jealousy jeans

jeer jejune.

Jell jeopardize. Jeopardy jerk, jerky jersey jest, jester jet jettison jetty jewel

jeweler jewelry jib jiffy jilt jingle. Jingoism jinx jitter. Jittery job jobless, jockey jocular,

jocund jog join joint jointly. Joke joker jolly jolt, jostle jot journal. Journalism. Journalist

journey jovial, joy joyful, joyless.

Joyous jubilant. Jubilation jubilee judge. Judgment judicial, judicious jug. Juggle


Juicy jumble jumbo jump.

Jumpy junction juncture jungle. Junior junk junket jurisdiction just justice

justifiable justification. Justify justly.

Jut juvenile juxtapose.


Kaleidoscopic keel keen, keenness keep, keeper keeping keepsake, keg kernel

key. Keynote keystone kibosh. Kick kickoff, kid, kidnap, kill.

Killer killing killjoy kilter, kin kind kindle kindly. Kindness kindred king.

Kingdom kink.

Kinky kinfolk kinship kiosk. Kismet kiss kit. Kitchen kittenish knack knave

knavery, knead. Kneel, knell, knickknack knife knight knit.

Knob knock knockout knoll. Knot knotty know, knowing. Knowingly knowledge

knowledgeable known kowtow kudos.


Label labor labored, laborer laborious, labyrinth labyrinthine. Lace lacerate laceration

lachrymose. Lack lackadaisical lackey, lackluster laconic. Lad, ladder. Laden ladle, lady.

Ladylike lag.

Laggard lagoon lair lake, lambaste lame lament lamentable. Lamentation lamp

lampoon lance landlady landmark landscape landslide. Lane language languid, languish.

Languor lank, lap lapsed larceny larder large.

Largely largesse, lark lascivious lash lass last, lasting lastly latch late, lately

latent. Later, lateral latest lather latitude latter. Lattice laud laudable, laudation laudatory.

Laugh, laughable laughingstock, laughter launch launder. Laundry laurels, lavatory

lavish, lawbreaker lawful. Lawless lawsuit lawyer lax. Laxative lay layabout, layman

layoff layout. Layperson laze. Laziness lazy lead leaden leader, leadership leading leaf.

Leaflet league leak. Lean leaning leap. Learn, learned learner.

Learning lease leash, leather leathery leave leaven leavings lecher lecherous,

lechery lecture lecturer ledge ledger lee. Leech leer leery lees leeway left. Leftover

leftovers leg.

Legal legality legalize legate. Legatee legation legend. Legendary legerdemain


Legible legion legislate legislation legislative, legislator legitimate. Legitimatize

leisure, leisurely lead length, lengthen. Lengthy lenience leniency, lenient leper.

Leprechaun lesbian lesion less. Lessen lesser lesson lest let letdown lethal.

Lethargic. Lethargy letter lettered letters letup level.

Levelheaded lever leverage levitate levity, levy lewd. Lewdness liability liable

liaison liar libation libel, libelous liberal liberate.

Liberation, liberator. Libertine liberty, libidinous libido license. Licentious licit

lick licking lid lie. Liege lieutenant life.

Lifeblood lifeless lifelike lifelong lifestyle lifetime lift, light lighten lighthearted,

lighthouse lightly. Lightweight, like.

Likeable likelihood likely liken likeness, likes likewise liking lilt, limb limber,

limbo limelight limit, limitation limited.

Limitless limp limpid line, lineage lineament lined liner lines lineup. Linger

lingerie lingering lingo, linguistic lining link lion lionhearted, lionize lip liquid liquidate,

liquidize liquor list, listen. Listless litany literacy literal, literally literary.

Literate literature, lithe litigant, litigation litigious litter. Little liturgy live.

Livelihood lifelong, lively, liven livery livid, living load. Loaded loaf loan loath,

Loathe loathing loathsome, lob lobby local locale.

Locality localize, locate location, lock. Locker lockup. Locomotion lodestar,

lodge lodger lodging lofty, log loggerheads logic, logical logistics logo. Loiter loll lone


Lonely loner lonesome long longing, look.

Lookout loom loop loophole loose, loosen loot, lop lope, lopsided, loquacious.

Loquacity, lord, lordly lore lose, loser loss, lost. Lot lotion lottery loud.

Loudly, loudmouth loudmouthed loudspeaker.

Lounge, lousy lout. Loutish, loveable. Love, lovelorn lovely lovemaking, lover.

Loving low, lower, lour lowly loyal, loyalty lozenge lubricate lucid luck luckily luckless.

Lucky, lucrative, lucre ludicrous, lug luggage lugubrious. Lukewarm lull. Lullaby


Lumbering luminary, luminous lump, lumpy lunacy, lunatic lunch lunge, lurch

lure. Lurid lurk luscious. Lush lust luster lusterless, lustful, lustrous. Lusty luxuriant,

luxuriate luxurious. Luxury lying, lynch lyric lyrical. Lyrics.


Macabre. Mace macerate machete, machinations machine. Machinery machinist

machismo, macrocosm mad.

Madcap madden. Maddening madhouse madly, madman madness maelstrom

maestro magazine, magenta magic.

Magician magisterial, magnanimity magnanimous, magnate magnet magnetic,

magnetism magnification magnificence magnificent, magnify magniloquence

magniloquent, magnitude maid. Maiden, maidenly mail maim. Main, mainly. Mainspring

mainstay maintain, maintenance majestic, majesty major.

Majority make maker makeshift.

Making makings maladjusted, maladroit malady malaise malapropism

malcontent, male malediction malefactor malevolence malevolent malformation.

Malformed malfunction malice malicious malign. Malignant malinger mall malleable

malnutrition, malodorous malpractice maltreat, Maltreatment mammoth men manacles

manage. Manageable. Management manager mandate. Mandatory maneuver. Mange

manger mangle mangy manhandle manhood mania.

Maniac manifest, manifestation manifesto manifold manipulate. Manipulator

mankind. Manliness manly mannered. Mannerism mannerly manners mannish manse.

Mansion manslaughter. Mantle manual.

Manufacture, manufacturer. Manure many map. Mar.

Maraud, marauder, march margin, marginal marijuana marinate.

Marine, mariner, martial maritime mark marked. Markedly market, marksman.

Maroon marriage married marrow.

Marry marsh, marshal marshy martial martinet martyr, martyrdom marvel.

Marvelous masculine, masculinity mash, mask mass massacre, massage masses

massive mast, master.

Masterful masterly mastermind, masterpiece masterstroke mastery, masticate

masturbation mat, match matching matchless, matchmaker, mate material. Materialize

materially maternal.

Maternity mathematical, matrimonial, matrimony matted matter, mature, maturity

maudlin. Maul mausoleum, maverick, mawkish maxim maximum. Maybe mayhem maze.

Meadow meager.

Meagerness meal mean meander meandering meaning meaningful. Meaningless

meanness means meantime. Meanwhile, measureable measure measured measurement

meat. Meaty mechanical mechanism meddle.

Meddlesome mediate. Mediation mediator medicinal, medicine medieval,

mediocre. Mediocrity meditate. Meditation medium medley, meek meekness meet,

meeting melancholic, melancholy mélange.

Melee mellifluous, mellow, melodious. Melodramatic melody melt.

Member membrane memento memoir memoirs memorable memorandum

memorial. Memorize memory menace, menacing mend mendacious.

Mendicant menial, menstruation mental, mentality mentally mention mentor

mercantile mercenary merchandise. Merchant merciful, merciless mercurial, mercy mere

merge. Merger merit.

Meritorious merriment, merry mesh. Mesmerize mess message, messenger.

Messy metallic metamorphosis metaphor. Metaphorical mete, meteoric method.

Methodical, meticulous, metropolis mettle. Microscopic midday middle.

Middleman middling midget. Midnight midst. Midway mien miffed might.

Mighty migrant migrate, migratory mild. Mildness milieu militant. Military.

Militate milk, milksop. Milky mill millstone mime mince mincing mind mindful,

mindless mine.

Miner mingle miniature, minimal. Minimize minimum minion, minister.

Ministration ministry minor minstrel mint minute, minutely minutes minutiae miracle.

Miraculous mirage mire mirror mirth. Mirthful misadventure, misanthropist.

Misapprehend misapprehension misappropriate misbegotten misbehave, misbehavior

misbelieve. Miscalculate miscarriage, miscarry miscellaneous, miscellany mischance.

Mischief mischievous misconception.

Misconduct misconstrue miscreant misdeed, misdemeanor miser, miserable,

miserly. Misery misfire.

Misfit misfortune misgiving misguided mishandle, mishap mishmash. Misinform

misinterpret, misjudge mislay, mislead misleading.

Mismanage, misogynist, misplace misprint misquote, misrepresent misrule. Miss,

misshapen missile. Missing mission missionary missive misspent. Mist mistake.

Mistaken, mistakenly mistreat mistress mistrust, mistrustful misty misunderstand.

Misunderstanding misuse, mitigate. Mitigating mix mixed mixer mixture. Moan

mob mobile, mobilize mock mockery mocking model moderate moderately, moderation

modern. Modernize modest modesty, modicum modification. Modify, modulate mogul

moist. Moisten. Moisture moisturize mold moldy, mole molecule molest. Mollify

mollycoddle moment, momentarily momentary momentous momentum, monarch.

Monarchy monastery, monastic monetary, money, moneyed moneymaking.

Mongrel monitor, monk, monkey monologue, monopolize.

Monotonous. Monotony monster monstrosity, monstrous monument, monumental

mood, moody moon, moor moot. Mop. Mope moral morale. Morality morals morass

moratorium morbid, mordant more. Moreover, morgue moribund morning, moron

morose morsel mortal, mortality mortification mortify mortuary most.

Mostly mot, mother motherly motion motionless, motivate motivation motive


Mottled motto mound mount. Mountain mountainous mourn. Mournful mourning

mousy, mouth. Mouthful mouthpiece moveable. Move, movement. Moving, mow much

muck. Mud muddle muddled muddy muffle. Muffled mug muggy mull multifarious.

Multiple multiply multitude, munch mundane municipal munificence. Munificent

murder, murderer, murderous.

Murky murmur muscle, muscular muse, mushroom music, musical musing. Muss

must muster musty mutable mutation mute. Muted mutilate mutinous muting mutter

muzzle myopic, myriad.

Mysterious mystery, mystic. Mystical mystify myth mythical. Mythology.


Nadir nag, nagging nail naïve, naivete naked. Nakedness name named. Nameless,

namely, nap narcissism narcissistic, narcotic narrate, narration narrative, narrator narrow.

Narrowly narrows nascent nastiness, nasty nation, national. Nationalism

nationalistic, nationality nationwide, native nativity natty.

Natural, naturalist, naturalistic naturalize, naturally naturalness nature naught,

naughty nausea. Nauseate, nauseous, nautical navel navigable navigate navigation

navigator navy near.

Nearly nearness, nearsighted neat neatly neatness nebulous necessarily necessary.

Necessitate necessities, necessitous necessity necromancer. Necromancy necropolis nee,

need needful needle, needles needlework needy, nefarious negate. Negation negative,

neglect neglected neglectful negligence, negligent negligible negotiable. Negotiate

negotiation, negotiator. Neighborhood neighboring neighborly neither nemesis,

neologism, neophyte.

Nepotism nerve nerves nervous, nervousness nervy nescient. Nest nestle net.

Neither nettle nettled network neurosis, neurotic neuter neutral, neutrality neutralize


Nevertheless new, newborn newcomer newfangled newly news, newspaper next.

Nibble nice. Nicely niceness nicety niche nickname nifty. Niggardly niggle night,

nightfall nightly nightmare nihilism nil, nimble nip, nipple nippy. Nirvana nitpicking

nitwit, no nobility. Noble, nobleman. Nod node noise, noisome, noisy nomad, nominal

nominate nonaligned nonbeliever nonce nonchalance. Nonchalant, noncombatant.

Noncommittal, nonconformist. Nondescript none nonentity nonessential.

Nonetheless nonexistent, nonintervention nonobservance nonpareil, nonplus

nonsense, nonsensical nonstop. Nook noon norm normal. Normality, normally north,

nose nosedive nosegay nosh nostalgia. Nostalgic nostrum nosy, notability notable,

notably notation notch note notebook noted, notes noteworthy. Nothing nothingness

notice. Noticeable notification notify notion notional, notoriety notorious notwithstanding

nourish, nourishing nourishment novel, novelist. Novelty novice, novitiate now.

Nowadays noxious, nuance nucleus nude nudge nudity. Nugget nuisance null.

Nullify numb number, numberless numbing. Numbness numeral, numerous nuncio

nuptial, nuptials nurse nurture nut. Nutrition. Nutritious nuts nuzzle, nurse.



Oafish oasis oath obdurate obedience. Obedient obeisance obelisk obese. Obesity

obey, obfuscate obituary, object objection. Objectionable objective objectively.

Objectivity obligate, obligation obligatory oblige. Obliging oblique, obliquely obliterate,

obliteration oblivion, oblivious obloquy, obnoxious, obscene, obscenity obscure.

Obscurity obsequies obsequious observable, observance observant, observation

observes obsess. Obsession obsessive., obsolescent.

Obsolete obstacle obstinancy obstinate obstreperous obstruct. Obstruction.

Obstructive obtain.

Obtainable obtrusive. Obtuse, obvious. Obviously occasion. Occasional,

occasionally occult occupancy. Occupant occupation occupational. Occupied. Occupy

occur, occurance odd. Oddity. Oddment odds odious. Odium odor odyssey off offbeat

offend. Offended offender offense offensive offer offering offhand office, officer, offices

official, officiate officious offing, offload offset offshoot.

Offspring, often ogle ogre, oil oily ointment okay old, older omen ominous

omission. Omit omnipotence. Omnipotent, omnipresent omniscient, omnivorous, on

once, oncoming one. Onerous oneself ongoing, onlooker only onomatopoeic, onset

onslaught onus ooze opacity opalescent opaque.

Open openhanded opening openly operate. Operation operational operative

operator opiate. Opinion opponent opportune. Opportunism opportunity oppose.

Opposing opposite opposition, oppress.

Oppressed oppression oppressive, oppressor opprobrium opt optimistic. Optimum

option optional opulence. Opulent opus oracle.

Oracular, oral oration orator, oratorical orb orbit orchestrate ordain ordeal order.

Orderly ordinarily. Ordinary organ organic.

Organism organization organize orgy orient. Orientation orifice origin original,

originality originally originate originator ornament ornamental ornate. Orotund,

orthodox. Orthodoxy oscillate, oscillation ossify ostensible. Ostensibly ostentation

ostentatious, ostracism ostracize other, otherwise ounce oust out outbreak outburst

outcast outclass outcome outcry outdated. Outdistance outdo outdoor outer outfit,

outfitter outflow outlandish. Outlaw outlay outlet outline outlook outlying outmoded

outpouring, output outrage. Outrageous, outré, outright. Outset outshine outside, outsider,

outskirts outsmart outspoken, outstanding outward.

Outwardly outweigh outwit, outworn oval, ovation oven over. Overact overall

overawe overbalance overbearing overblown overcast overcharge, overcoat overcome,

overconfident overcritical overcrowded overdo.

Overdone overdue, overeat overemphasize overflow overlay overhaul, overhead

overindulge, overjoy overlay overload.

Overlook overly overpower, overpowering overrate. Overreach overreact

override. Overriding overrule overran overseer, overshadow oversight.

Overt overtake overthrow. Overtone overture overturn. Overweening overweight


Overwhelming overwork, overworked overwrought owe, owing own owner.

Ownership ox.


Pace pacific, pacifist, pacify pack. Package packaging packed, packet pact pad

padding paddle, paddock padlock padre paean pagan page pageant. Pageantry pain

pained painful painfully.

Painkiller, painless, pains painstaking paint, painting pair.

Pal palace, palatable, palate palatial palaver pale, pall palliate pallid.

Pallor palm palpable, palpitate paltry, pamper. Pamphlet pan panacea panache.

Pancake pandemónium pander, panegyric pang. Panic panoply panorama, panoramic pant

pants pap. Paper papers papery par parable, parade paradigm , paradise paradox.

Paradoxical paragon paragraph parallel paralysis paralytic. Paralyze parameter

paramount, paramour. Paranoid parapet paraphernalia paraphrase. Parasite parcel parched

pardon. Pardonable parent, parentage pariah. Parity park parlance, parliament

parliamentary, parlor parochial, parody paroxysm parrot parry parsimonious. Parsimony,

parson, part, partake partial. Partiality partially, participant, participate participation

particle particular, particularize particularly parting, partisan.

Partition partly, partner. Partnership parturition party parvenu, pass. Passable

passage passé. Passenger passerby passing passion, passionate passionless, passive.

Passport password past paste, pastel pastiche, pastille pastime.

Pastor, pastoral pastry pasture pat, patch patchwork, patchy patent paternal, path

pathetic pathological pathos. Patience, patient, patio patois.

Patrician patriot, patriotic patrol patron, patronage patronize, patronizing patter

pattern patterned paucity. Paunch pauper pause, pave, pavement paw pawn pay payable,

pavement peace peaceable. Peaceful peacemaker peak. Peaked peal, peasant peccadillo

peck peculiar, peculiarity pecuniary, pedagogic. Pedagogue pedant pedantic, pedantry

peddle pedestal, pedestrian pedigree peek. Peel, peep, peephole peer peerage, peerless

peeve, peevish peg pejorative.

Pellet pellucid pelt, pen penal. Penalize. Penalty penance penchant pencil.

Pendant pendent, pending penetrate penetrating, penetration penitence penitent,

penniless. Penny pension, pensioner pensive, penurious. Penury, people. Pep pepper

peppery perceive. Perceptible perception perceptive, perch perchance percipient.

Percolate percussion, perdition peremptory, perennial, perfect. Perfection, perfectionist,

perfectly perfidious.

Perfidy perforate perform. Performance, performer, perfume perfunctory, perhaps

peril. Perilous perimeter, period.

Periodic, periodical, peripatetic, peripheral, periphery periphrastic, perish, perjure.

Perjury perk permanence permanent, permanently permeate permissible, permission

permissive permit permutation pernicious peroration, perpendicular perpetrate perpetual

perpetuate, perpetuity perplex. Perplexed perplexing perplexity perquisite persecute

perseverance persevere persist persistence.

Persistent, persnickety, person persona personable. Personage personal,

personality personalize personally, personification personify, personnel perspective

perspicacious, perspicacity perspiration perspire, persuade.

Persuasion persuasive pert. Pertain pertinacious pertinent perturb. Perturbed

peruse pervade pervasive perverse. Perversion perversity, pervert perverted pessimism,

pessimist pessimistic, pest pester.

Pestilence pet peter petition, petrify petty, petulant phantom, phase phenomenal.

Phenomenon philander philanderer philanthropic, philanthropist.

Philanthropy philippic, philistine philosopher, philosophical phlegm, phlegmatic

phone, phony photocopy photograph, photographic phrase phraseology physical.

Physician, physique pick, picket pickle, pickpocket picnic pictorial. Picture

picturesque piddling pie. Piebald piece piecemeal pied, pier pierce piercing piety pig,

pigeon pigeonhole pigheaded. Pigment pile pileup pilfer, pilgrim. Pilgrimage pill pillage

pillar pillory pillow pilot pimple pin. Pinch. Pinched pine pinion pink. Pipedream

pipeline piquancy. Piquant pique piracy pirate pit pitch pitcher piteous pitfall pith pithy

pitiful, pitiless pittance, pity. Pivot, pixie, placard place, placid plagiarize, plague plain,

plainspoken. Plaintive plan plane plant plaque plaster. Plastic plate plateau platform

platitude. Platitudinous, platonic, platoon platter plaudits plausible play, playboy, player

playful playground playwright plea, plead pleasant pleasantry, please.

Pleased, pleasing pleasure, plebian, pledge plentiful, plenty plethora pliable,

plight plod plot plow, ploy pluck plucky, plug plum plumb, plummet plump. Plunder

plunge plus plush plutocrat ply poach pocket. Pod podium poem, poet, poetic, poetry

pogrom poignancy poignant point pointed pointer, pointless poise, poised poison,

poisonous poke. Poky polar polarity pole.

Polemics police policy polish polished polite, politic, political. Politician politics

poll. Pollute pollution pomp. Pomposity. Pompous pond ponder, ponderous pontificate

pool poor. Poorly pop, pope, populace popular popularity popularize porch. Pore

pornographic. Pornography porous port, portable portend portent, portentous porter.

Portion portly portrait portray portrayal poser, poseur posh position positive positively


Possessed possession possessions possessive, possibilities possibility possible,

post. Poster posterity postmortem postpone postponement. Postscript postulate posture

potency. Potent potentate potential potion. Potpourri pottery pouch.

Pounce pound pour pout, poverty powder powdery power. Powerful powerless

practicability practicable practical practicality practice.

Practiced pragmatic praise, praiseworthy prance prank prattle, pray, prayer


Preacher preaching preamble precarious, precaution precede, precedence

precedent preceding precept precinct, precincts precious precipice precise, precisely.

Precision preclude precocious preconception precondition, precursor predatory,

predecessor, predestine predetermined, predicament predict. Predictable prediction

predilection predispose. Predisposed predisposition predominance, predominant

predominate preeminence preeminent, preempt, preen preface, prefatory prefer.

Preferable, preferably preference, preferential preferment, pregnancy, pregnant

prehistoric prejudice prejudiced prejudicial preliminary prelims prelude premature,

premeditated. Premier premiere premise premises premium premonition preoccupation.

Preoccupied preoccupy preparation, preparatory prepare, Prepared preponderance

prepossessing preposterous, prerequisite prerogative presage prescribe, prescription

presence present, presentable, presentation presentiment, presently preservation.

Preserve preserves preside, president, press pressing pressure prestigious

presume. Presumption presumptive, presumptuous presuppose, presupposition pretend.

Pretended pretender pretense pretension pretensions preternatural pretext pretty


Prevailing prevalence, prevalent prevaricate prevarication prevent, prevention

preventive previous. Previously prey, price priceless, prick, prickle prickly pride.

Priest, prig, priggish, prim primarily, primary prime, primeval. Primitive primp,


Princely principal, principally principal, principles print prior. Priority priory

prison, prisoner pristine, privacy private privately privation privilege, privileged privy

prize prized probability probable. Probably probation probe problem, problematic

procedure proceed.

Proceeding proceedings, proceeds process procession proclaim, proclamation

proclivity procrastinate procreation, procure prod prodigal, prodigious. Prodigy, produce.

Producer, product production productive productivity profane, profanity profess.

Professed profession, professional, professor proffer, proficiency proficient profile profit.

Profitable profligacy, profligate profound. Profoundly profuse. Profusion progeny

program progress. Progression progressive prohibit, prohibition, prohibitive project.

Projectile, projection proletariat proliferate, proliferation prolific, prolix prologue

prolong prominence. Prominent promiscuity, promiscuous promise promising

promontory promote, promotion prompt promptly. Promptness promulgate prone

pronounce, pronounced pronouncement, pronunciation proof prop, propaganda.

Propagate, propel propensity prosper.

Property prophecy, prophesy, prophet, prophetic prophylactic prophylaxis

propinquity propitiate. Propitious proponent proportion, proportional proportions

proposal propose, proposition profound. Proprieties, proprietor, propriety propulsion

prosaic proscribe. Proscription prosecute, proselyte, prospect prospective prospects,

prospectus prosper.

Prosperity prosperous, prostitute, prostitution prostrate, protagonist, protean

protect, protection protective, protector protégé protest.

Protestation, protestor, protocol prototype protract protracted protrude. Protrusion

protuberance protuberant, proud prove. Proverb proverbial provide, provided provident,

providence provident, providing province, provincial provision, provisional provisions

proviso provocation. Provocative provoke prow, prowess prowl proximity proxy prude.

Prudence prudent prudish prune prurient pry prying psalm pseudo.

Pseudonym psych, psyche psychiatrist psychic psychological. Psychology

psychopathic psychosomatic pub puberty public. Publication publicity publicize publish.

Puerile puff, puffy pugilist, pugnacious pull pulp, pulsate, pulse pulverize. Pump pun

punch. Punctilio punctilious punctual, punctuality punctuate puncture punctured pundit

pungent, punishing punishment punitive. Puny pupil puppet purchase pure purely purge,

purity purist puritan puritanical purity, purport purpose purposeful purposely, purse

pursuance pursue.

Purvey pus push, pushover, pushy pusillanimous pussyfoot pustule, put putative

puzzle puzzled puzzling pygmy, pyromaniac.


Quack quaff quagmire, quail quaint quake qualification. Qualified quality qualms

quandary quantity quarrel. Quarrelsome quarry quarter quarters quash quaver. Queasy

queen queer quell.

Quench query quest, question questionable queue, quibble quick. Quicken,

quickly quiescent, quiet quietly, quilt quintessence.

Quip quirk, quit, quite quiver. Quiz. Quizzical quota.

Quotation quote.


Rabble rabid race, racial.

Racism, racist rank.

Racket raconteur racy radiance. Radiant, radiate radiation radical, raffish raffle


Ragamuffin rage ragged, raging rags raid. Raider rail railing, raillery rain, rainy

raise. Rake rakish rally ram ramble, rambler rambling ramification ramp, rampage

rampant, rampart ramshackle.

Rancid rancor, rancorous random range, rank rankle ransack ransom rant, rap

rapacious. Rape rapid, rapidity rapport rapt, rapture rapturous rare. Rarely rarity, rascal

rash rasp rasping rate, rather ratify rating ratio. Ration rational rationale.

Rationalize rations rattle. Raucous ravage, realize. Really, realm reap rear reason.

Reasonable reasoned, reasoning reassure rebate, rebel.

Rebellion, rebellious, rebound rebuff, rebuke rebut, recalcitrant recall. Recant

recapitulate recede receipt. Receive recent.

Recently receptacle reception receptive recess recession recipe reciprocal,

reciprocate recital, recitation recite reckless reckon. Reckoning reclaim, recline. Recluse

recognition recognize recoil, recollect recollection recommend.

Recommendation reconcile, reconciliation recondite reconnaissance. Reconnoiter

reconsider. Reconstruct record, recorder, recording recount. Recoup recourse recover.

Recovery recreation recriminate, recrimination recruit rectify.

Rectitude recuperate recur. Recurrent recycle red redden redeem.

Redemption redolent redoubtable, rebound redress reduce. Reduction redundant

reel refer referee reference, referendum refine. Refined, refinement reflect reflection

reflex reform refractory refrain refresh. Refreshing, refreshments refrigerate refuge.

Refugee refund refurbish refusal.

Refuse regain regal regale regard regarding regardless. Regards regenerate


Regiment region, regional register, regress regret, regretful, regrettable, regular


Regulation rehabilitate rehearsal. Rehearse reign rein reinforce. Reinforcement

reinforcements reiterate reject, rejection rejoice, rejoicing rejoinder relapse relate. Related

relations relationship relative relatively. Relax. Relaxation relay release. Relent.

Relentless relevant reliable, reliance relics relief, relieve religious relinquish relish


Reluctant rely remain. Remainder remains remark, remarkable remedy,


Remembrance remind, reminisce reminiscences, reminiscent remiss remission.

Remit remittance.

Remnant remonstrate remorse. Remorseful remote removal. Remove

remuneration, remunerative renaissance render rendezvous.

Renegade, renege, renounce renovate renown. Renowned rent renunciation repair.

Reparation repartee. Repast repay repel repeat repeated repeatedly repel. Repellent

repent. Repentance, repentant repercussion, repetition, repetitive replace. Replacement

replenish replete. Replica reply. Report, reporter, repose repository.

Reprehensible represent representation representative repress.

Repressed, repression repressive reprieve. Reprimand reprisal reproach.

Reproachful reproduce reproduction reproof reprove. Repudiate repugnance. Repugnant,

repulsive, reputable.

Reputation repute reputedly request. Require required requirement.

Requisite requisition rescind. Rescue research resemblance, resemble resent,

resentful resentment reservation reserve. Reserved reservoir reside, residence resident

residue resign. Resignation resigned resilient resist resistance.

Resistant, resolute resolution resolve resort resound, resounding resource,

resourceful respect. Respectable respective respects respite respond. Response

responsibility responsible, responsive rest restful restitution restive, restless restoration


Restrain restrained restraint, restrict restricted restriction, result resume resurrect

resurrection, resuscitate retain.

Retained retaliate retard, retch reticence. Reticent retire retirement retiring retract.

Retreat, retrench retribution retrieve retrograde, retrospect return reveal revel.

Revelation reveler revelry revenge, revenue reverberate revere. Reverence reverent

reversal. Reverse review, reviewer, revile revise.

Revision revival revive revoke, revolt revolting.

Revolution, revolutionary revolve.

Revulsion reward.

Rewarding rhetoric. Rhetorical rhyme. Rhythm ribald, rich. Riches richly rid.

Riddle ride, ridicule rife rifle rift, rig right, righteous, righteousness rigid rigor.

Rigorous rim rind ring rise riot. Riotous ripe. Ripen riposte, rise risk. Risky risqué rite.

Ritual rival rivalry road. Roam roar rob. Robber, robbery robe robot robust, rock rocket

rocky rod, rogue role roll romance. Romantic room rooms roomy root, rope roster

rostrum rosy rot. Rotary rotate rotation rotten.

Rotund rough, round roundabout, rounds rouse. Rousing rout, route routine row

rowdy, royal rub.

Rubbish ruddy rude, rudimentary rudiments rue, rueful ruffian, ruffle rugged ruin.

Ruinous rule ruler ruling ruminate, rummage rumor, rumple rumples, run runaway

rundown. Runner, running, rupture rural ruse, rush. Rushed rustic rustle rusty rut ruthless.


Sable sabotage, saccharine sack, sackcloth sacred sacrifice sacrilege sacrilegious.

Sad sadden sadness safe. Safeguard safekeeping safety sag saga. Sage sail, sailor.

Saintly sake salacious. Salary sale salient, Sallow sally salon. Salt salty

salubrious. Salutation salute salvage, salvation same. Sameness sample sanctify.

Sanctimonious sanction, sanctify sanctuary, sane sanguine sanitary sanity sap sarcasm

sarcastic. Sardonic satanic satellite satiate satire, satirical satirize satisfaction satisfactory.

Satisfied satisfy satisfying saturate, saturated sauce, saucy saunter savage save. Savings

savior savor savory saw, say, saying scaffold scale scaly scamp. Scamper scan scandal,

scandalize scandalous scant, scanty scapegoat scar scarce.

Scarcely scarcity scare, scared scarf scary scathing scatter. Scatterbrained

scavenge. Scavenger scenario. Scene scenery scenic scent. Scented schedule scheme

scheming schism, scholar, scholarly, scholarship scholastic, school schooling

schoolteacher science, scientific scintillate, scintillating scion scoff scold, scolding scoop

scope scorch. Scorching score scores scorn.

Scornful scoundrel scour scourge. Scout scowl scraggly scramble scrap, scrape

scraps scratch, scrawl scrawny scream. Screech screen screw scribble. Scribe scrimp

script scrounge, scrounger scrub scruffy. Scrumptious scruples, scrupulous, scrutinize.

Scrutiny scuffle sculpture scum scurrilous, scurry sea. Seal seam sear search, searching

season seasonable, seasoned seasoning seat, seating secede secluded. Seclusion second

secondary secondhand secondly seconds secrecy. Secret secrete. Secretion, secretive,

secretly sect, sectarian section sector secular, secure. Security sedate. Sedative sedentary

sediment sedition, seditious seduce. Seductive, see. Seed seedy seek, seem seeming

seemly, seep seer, seesaw seethe.

Segment segregate. Segregation seize. Seizure seldom select. Selection selective,

selfish. Selfless sell. Seller selling semblance send senile senior sensation. Sensational

sense, senseless sensibilities sensibility. Sensible, sensitive sensitivity sensual, sensuous

sentence sententious sentiment sentimental.

Sentimentality sentiments sentry separate. Separately, separation septic, sepulcher

sequel sequence sequester seraphic serendipity serene.

Serenity series serious, seriously, seriousness sermon serrated servant. Serve

service serviceable services servile serving servitude session set setback setting. Settle

settlement, settler. Setup sever several severe.

Severely severity, sew sex, sexuality sexy. Shabby shackle shackles shade shadow

shadowy, shady shaft shaggy shake shaky shallow sham. Shamble shambles shame

shamefaced, shameful, shameless shape shapeless, shapely shard share sharp sharpen

shatter shave sheath shed sheen.

Sheepish sheer sheet shelf shell shelter. Sheltered shelve shepherd shield shift.

Shiftless, shifty shimmer shine. Shining shiny, shirk, shirker, shiver shivery shock.

Shocking shoddy, shoot. Shop shore short. Shortage shortcoming shorten shortly

shortsighted, shot shoulder shout shove. Shovel show showdown shower showing showy

shred shrewd. Shrewdness shriek shrill shrine, shrink shrivel shriveled shroud shrug.

Shudder shuffle shun shut shuttle shy, shyness sick. Sicken sickening sickly, sickness

side. Sidelong sidestep sidetrack sideways. Siege siesta sieve. Sift sigh, sight sign, signal

significance, significant signify, silence silent. Silhouette silky, silly.

Similar, similarity similarly simmer simple, simpleton simplicity simplify

simplistic simply simulate simultaneous. Simultaneously sin sincere, sincerely sincerity

sinewy. Sinful sing singe singer single, singly singular sinister sink. Sinner, sinuous, sip

siren, sit, site situate, situation size skeleton skeptic.

Skeptical, skepticism sketch sketchy skill skilled. Skillful skim skimp skimpy

skin. Skinflint, skinny, skip skirmish, skirt skit. Skittish skulk, sky slab slack. Slacker

slake, slam slander, slanderous slang slant slanting slap, slapdash slash slaughter slave.

Slaver slavery slavish slay sleek. Sleep sleepiness sleepless, sleeplessness sleepwalking.

Sleepy slender sleuth slice slick slide slight, slighting slightly slim slime. Slimy sling

slink, slip slipper slipperiness slippery, slipshod slipup slit slither, silver slobber slogan,

stop slope sloping sloppy slot. Sloth, slothful slouch slovenly slow, slowly sluggish,

sluggishness slumber slump slur slut sly smack small. Smart smash smashing smattering

smear smell. Smelly smile smirk smitten smog.

Smoke smoky smolder smooth, smoothness smother smudge smug, smuggler

snack snag snap. Snappy snare snarl snatch. Sneak. Sneaking sneer sneeze, snicker sniff

snip snippet snivel snobbery. Snobbish snoop snooze. Snub snug snuggle soak. Soaking

soar, sob sober, sobriety sociability sociable social. Socialize society sodden soft.

Soften soggy soil sojourn. Solace soldier solecism solemn. Solemnity solicit.

Solicitous solicitude solid, solidarity solidify solitary. Solitude solution solve solvent

somber somebody someday somehow. Sometime sometimes. Somnolent song, sonorous,

soon soothe soothsayer sophisticated. Sophistication sophistry.

Soporific sorcerer sorceress sorcery sordid. Sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sort.

Sortie soul sound sour, source souvenir sovereign. Sovereignty sow space, spacious span

spank. Spar spare sparing spark.

Sparkle sparse spartan spasm.

Spasmodic spate spatter, spawn speak, speaker spearhead special, specialist

specialty species specific specification specify, specimen specious speck. Speckled

spectacle spectacular specter speculate. Speculation speculative speech speechless speed

speedy spell spellbinding spellbound spend spendthrift spent.

Spew sphere spherical spice spicy spike spill spin spine. Spineless spiral spire

spirit. Spirited spiritless spirits spiritual spit. Spite spiteful splash, spleen splendid,

splendor splice. Splinter split spoil spoils spoilsport spoken spokesman sponge sponger.

Spongy sponsor spontaneous spoonfeed, sporatic sport sporting sportive spot. Spotless

spotlight spotted spouse. Spout sprawl spray spread spree. Sprig sprightly spring springy

sprinkle sprinkling sprint sprite sprout. Spruce spry spume spunk spur. Spurious spurn

spurt spy squabble squad squalid. Squalor squander square squash squat squawk. Squeak

squeal squeamish squeeze, squire squirm squirt stab. Stability stable stack. Stadium staff

stage stagger stagnant, stagnate staid stain, stake stakes stale stalemate stalk, stall stalwart

stamina stammer, stamp stampede stance.

Stand standard standardize standing standoffish standpoint standstill staple. Star

stare stark start. Startle startling starvation starving state. Stated stately, statement static

station, stationary statue, statuesque stature, status staunch stave. Stay steadfast, steady

steal stealing stealth, stealthy steam steaming steel, steely steep steeple steer.

Stem stench stentorian, step stereotype. Stereotyped sterile, sterility sterilize

sterling stern, stew stick, Sticky, stiff. Stiffen, stifle stigma still stilted.

Stimulant stimulate, stimulating stimulus, sting stingy stink, stint stipulate.

Stipulation stir. Stirring, stitch stock. Stockings stockpile stocky. Stodgy, stoical.

Stoicism stolid, stomach stone. Stony stooge stoop, stop, stopgap stopover stoppage

stopper, store. Stores storm. Stormy story stout, stouthearted stove stow straddle. Strafe

straggle straight. Straighten straightforward, strain.

Strained, strainer strait, straitened straitlaced straits strand, stranded strange,

stranger strangle strap stratagem strategic, strategy stratum stray. Streak stream streamer

streamlined street strength. Strengthen, strenuous stress stretch strict stricture stride.

Strident strife strike. Striking string stringent strings stringy strip.

Stripe striped stripling, strive stroke, stroll strong. Strongbox stronghold structure

struggle, strut stub stubborn.

Stubby stuck student studied studio studious. Study stuff stuffing stuffy stultify.

Stumble stump stun stunning stunt stunted stupefaction. Stupefy stupendous stupid.

Stupidity stupor sturdy stutter style stylish, suave. Subconscious subdue.

Subdued subject subjective subjugate sublime submerge submission. Submissive

submit subnormal subordinate subscribe subsequent subservient subside. Subsidiary

subsidize subsidy subsist, subsistence substance substantial.

Substantially substantiate substitute subterfuge, subtle subtlety subtract suburb.

Suburban subversive subvert. Subway succeed. Succeeding success successful

succession, successor succinct succor succulent succumb.

Suck. Suckle sudden. Suddenly suds sue suffer. Suffering suffice. Sufficient

suffocate suffrage suffuse sugary suggest. Suggestion suggestive, suit suitable suitcase

suite, suitor, sulk. Sulky sullen sultry sum, summarily summarize summary. Summit

summon summons sumptuous sunder sunken sunless.

Sunlight, sunny, sunrise sunset sunshine, superb supercilious superficial

superfluous, superhuman superintend superintendent superior. Superiority superlative,

supernatural supersede supervise supervision, supervisor supine. Supper supplant supple

supplement. Supplementary suppliant supplicate, supplication supplies supply. Support,

supporter, supportive suppose. Supposed supposition suppress. Suppression suppurate

supremacy. Supreme, sure. Surely surety surface. Surfeit surge surly.

Surmise surmount surname surpass. Surpassing surplus, surprise. Surprised,

surprising surrender surreptitious surround. Surrounding, surroundings surveillance

survey survive susceptibility. Susceptible suspect suspend suspense, suspension suspicion

suspicious sustain. Sustained sustenance swagger swallow swamp. Swampy swap swarm

swarthy, swashbuckling swathe sway, swear swearing sweat. Sweaty sweep, sweeping

sweet, sweeten sweetheart swell. Swelling sweltering, swerve swift. Swiftness swill


Swimmingly swindle, swindler swing swirl switch swollen. Swoop sword

sybaritic sycophant. Sycophantic, symbol symbolize symmetrical, symmetry


Sympathize, sympathizer, sympathy symptom symptomatic.

Synthesis synthetic.

Syrupy system systematic.


Tab table tableau, tablet, taboo tabulate tacit. Taciturn tack tackle tacky tact,

tactful tactic. Tactical tactics tactless tag tail tailor taint. Take takeoff takings tale talent.

Talented talk.

Talkative talker talks tall tally. Tame tamper tan tang tangible tangle. Tangled

tank tantalize tantamount tantrum tap. Tape taper target tariff, tarnish tart task taste

tasteful. Tasteless. Tasty tatter tattle taunt taut, tautology tawdry tax. Taxing teach

teacher. Team tear tearful, tease technical, technique tedious. Tedium teem teenage.

Teenager. Teeter teetotalism, teetotaler, telegram telepathy, telephone telescope,

television tell. Telling, telltale temerity temper temperament.

Temperamental temperance temperate tempest, tempestuous temple temporal

temporarily, temporary tempt. Temptation tempting tenable tenacious tenacity, tenant

tend tendency tender, tenderness tenet tenor tense, tension tentative.

Tenterhooks tenuous, tepid term terminal terminate, termination terminology.

Terminus terms terrible terribly terrific terrified terrify territory terror. Terrorize terse

test, testament testify. Testimonial, testimony testy, tether text texture, thank thankful.

Thanks, thaw theater.

Theatrical theft theme, then. Theological. Theoretical. Theorize theory


Therapy thereabouts thereafter. Therefore thesis thick.

Thicken thicket, thickness thickset.

Thief thieve thin thing. Things, think thinker, thinking, thirst thirsty throng, thorn

thorny, thorough. Thoroughbred thoroughfare thoroughly, though thought thoughtful,

thoughtless thrash thread threadbare. Threat thereafter threatening, threesome threshold

thrift thrifty thrill. Thrilling thrive, thriving throat, throb throes, throne throttle through.

Throughout throw, thrust thrusting thud. Thug thumb thumbnail thump.

Thumbing thunder, thundering thunderous, thunderstruck thus. Thwack thwart tick

thicket tickle ticklish tidbit tide. Tidings tidy tie tier tight. Tighten till tilt. Timber.

Time timeless timely, timetable timid. Timorous tincture tinge tingle tinker.

Tinkle tinsel, tint tiny tip, tipsy tirade. Tire tired tireless tiresome tiring.

Tissue titillate. Titillating title titter titular toady toast.

Today toddle together. Toil toilet token tolerable. Tolerance tolerant tolerate.

Toleration toll. Tomb tombstone tome tomfoolery tone, tongue tonic too.

Tool top topcoat topic. Topical topmost topple. Torment torn tornado torpid.

Torpor torrent torrid, tortuous. Torture toss tot total totalitarianism totality. Totally totter

touch touched, touching touchstone touchy, tough. Toughen tour, tourist.

Tournament tousled tout. Tow toward tower. Towering town toxic toy. Trace

track tract. Tractable trade, trademark trader tradition, traditional traduce traffic tragedy.

Tragic trail train, trainer training trait traitor. Traitorous trajectory trammel tramp.

Trample trance tranquil, tranquilize tranquilizer tranquility transact. Transaction

transactions transcend. Transcendence transcending transcendent, transcendental

transcribe. Transcript transfer, transfix.

Transform. Transformation transgress transgression. Transgressor transience

transient transit. Transition transitional, transitory translate translation transmission,

transmit transparency.

Transpire transplant transport. Transports transpose transverse trap. Trappings

trash trauma. Traumatic travel. Traveler, traveling, travels traverse travesty treacherous,

treachery tread. Treason treasonable.

Treasure treat treatise treatment treaty trek trellis, tremble tremendous tremor,

tremulous trench, trenchant trend. Trepidation trespass, trespasser tresses trial. Tribe

tribulation tributary. Tribute trick. Trickery trickle. Trickster, tricky, tried trifle.

Trifling trigger, trim trimming, trimmings trinket trio trip. Tripe triple trite

triumph. Triumphant trivia trivial.

Triviality troop troops trophy. Tropical trouble, troublemaker, troublesome

trough. Trounce troupe truancy. Truant truce. Truculent trudge, true. Truly tramp.

Trumpet truncate truncheon trunk truss. Trust trustful trustworthy, trusty truth

truthful. Try trying.

Tuck tug tuition tumble, tumbledown tumid tumor tumult. Tumultuous tune,

tuneful tunnel turbulence. Turbulent turf, turgid turmoil. Turn turnout turnover.

Tussle tutor twaddle tweak. Twig twilight twin twine twinge. Twinkle twinkling

twirl twist, twit twitch twitter, tycoon type.

Typhoon typical, typify tyrannical, tyrannize tyranny, tyrant.


Ubiquitous ugly ulcer ulterior ultimate. Ultimately ultramodern umbrage umbrella

umpire umpteen unable unabridged unacceptable.

Unaccomplished. Unaccountable unaccustomed unaffected.

Unanimity unanimous. Unanswerable, unapproachable unarmed unassailable

unassuming. Unattached. Unattended unauthorized, unavailing unavoidable unaware,

unawares unbalanced unbearable. Unbeatable unbecoming. Unbelief unbelievable.

Unbeliever unbend. Unbending unbiased, unbind unborn, unbounded unbreakable

unbridled unbroken. Unburden uncanny unceremonious uncertain.

Uncertainty unchangeable, uncharitable uncharted uncivil, uncivilized unclean,

uncomfortable uncommitted uncommon. Uncommonly uncommunicative,

uncompromising unconcern unconcerned unconditional. Unconnected unconscionable


Uncontrollable unconventional uncoordinated uncouth uncover unctuous

undaunted undefined. Undemonstrative undeniable under underclothes, undercover

undercurrent undercut, underdog underestimate.

Undergo underground undergrowth, underhand underline. Underling underlying

undermine underprivileged. Underrate undersized, understand. Understanding understate

understudy, undertake. Undertaker undertone undervalue. Underwater, underwear

underworld underwrite undesirable.

Undisciplined, undisguised, undisputed, undistinguished undo. Undoing undone

undoubted. Undoubtedly undress undue. Unduly undying, unearth. Unearthly, uneasy

unemotional unemployed unending unenviable. Unequal unequaled, unequivocal

unethical, uneven.

Uneventful, unexceptional unexpected unfair. Unfaithful unfamiliar

unfashionable, unfasten unfavorable unfeeling unfit. Unflattering.

Unfold unforeseen unforgettable. Unforgivable unfortunate unfounded.

Unfriendly. Ungainly, ungodly. Ungrateful unguarded unhappy, unhealthy

unheeded. Unhinged unholy, unhurried unidentified unification uniform, uniformity unity

unimaginable. Unimaginative, unimportant uninhabited uninhibited unintelligible

unintentional. Uninterested.

Uninteresting uninterrupted. Uninviting union unique, unison unit unite. United

unity universal, universally universe.

Unjust, unjustifiable unkempt unkind unknown, unlawful unlike. Unlikely

unlimited unload unlock unloved unlucky. Unmanageable unmanly unmannerly

unmarried unmistakable.

Unmitigated unmoved, unnatural unnecessary unnerve unobtrusive unoccupied

unofficial unorthodox unpalatable unparalleled unpleasant unpopular unprecedented

unpredictable unpremeditated unpretentious unprincipled unproductive unprofessional

unpromising unqualified unquestionable unravel unreal.

Unrealistic, unreasonable unrefined unrelenting unreliable. Unrepentant

unreserved, unresolved unrest unrestricted unrivaled, unruly unsaid unsavory.

Unscrupulous unseat. Unseemly unselfish unsettle, unsettled unshakable.

Unsightly, unskilled unsociable, unsolicited unsophisticated unsound,

unspeakable unspoiled unspoken unstable, unstudied unsubstantial unsubstantiated

unsuccessful, unsuitable unsung, unsure.

Unsuspecting, unsympathetic untangle untenable unthinkable unthinking. Untidy

untie. Untimely untiring untold untoward, untroubled untrue, untrustworthy untruth,

untruthful unusual, unutterable unveil unwarranted unwelcome unwell.

Unwieldy, unwilling unwind unwise unwitting unwonted unworldly, unworthy

upbraid. Upbringing upgrade, upheaval uphill. Uphold upkeep, uplift upper. Uppermost

uppish upright, uprising, uproar uproarious upset upshot upstanding. Upstart upturn

upward upwards urban urbane. Urbanity urchin urge urgency urgent, urinate usable

usage. Useless usher usual, usually.

Usurp utilitarian utility, utilize utmost utter.

Utterance utterly.


Vacancy. Vacant vacate vacation, vacillate vacuous vacuum vagabond, vagary

vagrant vague. Vaguely vain, valedictory. Valiant, valid. Validate valley valor. Valuable

valuables value valued values. Vamp van vanguard.

Vanish vanity. Vanquish vapid variable. Variance variant variation varied

variegated variety various. Varnish vary vast vault. Vaunt veer vegetate, vegetation

vehemence. Vehement vehicle veil veiled vein velocity venal. Vendetta vendor veneer

venerable veneration vengeance.

Venial venom, venomous vent, ventilate venture veracious, verbal verbatim

verbose. Verbosity verdict verge verification, verify vernacular, versatile verse version.

Vertical vertigo verve very Wessel.

Vest vestibule vestige vestigal veteran, veto vex. Vexation, vexatious, vexed

viable. Vibrant vibrate vibration vicar vicarious vice vicinity.

Vicious vicissitude victim victimize victor. Victorious victuals vie view. Viewer

viewpoint vigilance, vigilant vigor vigorous. Vigorously vile vilify villain villainous,

villainy vindicate, vindictive vintage violate. Violence, violent virgin. Virginal, virile.

Virility virtual virtually virtue, virtuosity virtuoso, virtuous. Virulent visible

vision. Visionary visit, visitation visitor visual.

Visualize vital vitality vitriolic vituperate, vituperation vivacious, vivacity vivid

vocabulary. Vocal vocation vociferous. Vogue voice void volatile volition volley

volubility, voluble volume voluminous, voluntarily. Voluntary.

Volunteer voluptuous vomit, voracious vortex vote vouch, voucher vouchsafe


Voyage vulgar, vulgarity vulnerable.


Wad wadding waddle wade waft.

Wag wage, wager wages waggish. Waggle waif wail, wait, waiter.

Waive wake. Wakeful, waken walk, walker. Walkout walkover wall. Wallet

wallow wan wand wander. Wandering wane want wanting wanton war. Ward, warden.

Wardrobe warehouse wares warfare warily. Wariness warlike, warlock warm warmth

warn, warning warrant, warrantable warring warrior wary. Wash waspish waste wasted

wasteful, wastrel, watch.

Watchdog, watcher watchful watchman, watchword water, waterfall watertight.

Watery wave waver wavy. Wax way, wayfarer.

Wayfaring, waylay wayward. Weak weaken weakling weakness wealth wear

weariness wearing wearisome, weary weather weave web wed. Wedded wedge weed

weekly, weep weepy weigh. Weighty weird welcome welfare, well, wet.

Wharf wheedle whereabouts. Wherewithal whet whiff while whim whimper

whimsical. Whine whip whipping whirl. Whirlpool whirlwind whisk, whiskey whisper

whit, white whiten whitewash. Whittle whole. Wholehearted wholesale wholesome

wholly whoop. Whore widen wicked wide, widen widespread. Width wield wife, wild.

Wilderness wile will.

Willful, willing willingly willingness, willpower wilt wily win. Wince.

Wind winded windfall winding window, windy wing wink.

Winner, winning winnings, winnow wintry wipe, wiry wisdom wise. Wisecrack

wish wistful wit. Witch witchcraft withdraw. Withdrawal, withdrawn wither, withhold

within. Without withstand witness wits witticism witty, wizard wizened wobble woe.

Woebegone woeful, wolf woman, womanish, womanizer womankind. Womanly

wonder wonderful wont woo.

Wood wooded wooden woods woolgathering wooly word, words wordy work

workable. Workaday worker, working workman workmanship workout, works workshop

world worldly.

Worldwide, worn worried worry, worsen worship worst. Worth worthless,

worthwhile worthy, wound wraith wrangle wrap. Wrapper wrath wrathful wreath,

wreathe wreck, wreckage wrench wrest. Wrestle wretch, wretched wriggle. Wriggly

wring wrinkle writ.

Write, writer. Writhe writing wrong, wrongdoer. Wrongful wry.





Yap yardstick.

Yarn yawning year, yearly yearning yell.

Yet yield yoke.

Yokel young, youngster, youth youthful.


Zany zap zeal, zealot.

Zealotry zealous zenith zero.

Zest zing.

Zip zone.
