Johan Larsson Industrial Design Portfolio 2014

Johan Larsson Industrial Design Portfolio 2014

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A selection of five industrial design projects conducted between 2012 -2014

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Johan LarssonIndustrial Design Portfolio 2014

My curiosity, empathy, and analytical mind propelled me into the world of design. Making a positive impact and providing fresh perspectives is what continues to drive me. For me design is not about putting more products out there, it is about making the world a better place, creating solutions that help people extend beyond their normal grasp.

Johan Larsson

KayakProduct Design

GlassProduct Design

Augmented RealityUser Experience

Ubiquitous ComputingUser Experience

Robotic Vacuum CleanerProduct Design

FISKGJUSEN StællaTangiball

KIYOKO 1 Tangiball

Team of threeDate: 2013

Duration: 10 weeksClient: Midnight Composite

Skill: Product Design

FISKGJUSENKayak for the Scandinavian fishermanFishing from kayaks in lakes and streams is a growing trend, increasing the need for practical and pleasurable fishing kayaks suited to the fisherman’s specific needs. Fishing kayaks are traditionally made from polyethylene, making them heavy. Carbon fiber could cut weight by 30%.

Fiskgjusen - Project #1

To develop a kayak primarily for the Scandinavian fisherman, who wishes to navigate quietly and discretely, close to nature. With a design associable to the Scandinavian nature and car-bon fiber as the main material, the kayak should be light and portable on land, safe and stable in water and meet the user’s need for space and equipment.

Mission Statement


Recreational fishing is one of Sweden’s biggest hobbieswith a yearly turnover of 2 Billion Swedish crowns

Thomas Marklund, 42Hard working family man that likes the solitude of natureHome Single family house, close to natureFamily Wife, two kids, and a dogOccupation Independent contractor, carpenterEducation Trade school, carpenterIncome High incomeSocial life Socialize with family and neighborsPersonality Problem solver, calm, strong quite type Attitude Do it yourself attitudeLifestyle Working hard, family life, likes nature over cityHobbies Fishing, hunting, snowmobilingMedia habits TV, local paper, hunting and fishing magazines Needs High quality equipment for a perfect day in natureFrustrations Low quality equipment runining the experienceMotivation Fishing trips,hunting season,paycheck, family

1 out of 3 Swedes goes fishing at least once a year900 000 are fishing more than 20 times a year450 000 call fishing their most important hobby

Competitor analysisMapping and analysis of competing kayaks

Kayak testingLifting, carrying, entering, paddling

Ergonomic AnalysisMock up model, testing and measuring

Easy to store

Easy to transport by car

Easy to lift and carryLightweight for transport

Stable for entry and exit

Sufficient storage space

Easy transition between paddling and fishing

Easy to bring in the catch

Design Requirements• Safe in water• Easy to paddle at low speeds• Stable and maneuverable in the water• Easy to handle on land• Lightweight compared to competition• Simple functional solutions• Support the user’s need for equipment

IdeationExplorative sketches, moodboards

Clay modelingExplorative clay modeling, 3D scanning

Testing and finishWater testing, finishing of final model

ManufacturingClass A surface model, CNC milling, carbon fiber casting

FISKGJUSENFiskgjusen lets the user navigate quietly and discretely close to nature. With a design inspired by the Scandinavian nature and carbon fiber as main material, the kayak is light and portable on land, safe and stable in water while satisfying the user’s need for space and equipment.

ISO 25 mm Aluminum tubefor mounting equipment and easy handling

Covered packing space

Packing space

All measurements in centimeters

Easy access storage

Grip for pulling and carrying

Support rods and adds strength

Rubber bumper for durability

Smart packing space

Ergonomic grip

Removable table

Detachable table with storage









13 90-110

SpecificationsFeatures and measurements

Physical Model1:4 Scale model in carbon fiber

Stælla - Project #2

Team of fourDate: 2012

Duration: 10 weeksClient: Entrepreneurial

Skill: Product Design

Handblown Crystal GlassWe wanted to create a glass that could be used without a table, a glass that rests comfortably next to you on the sofa.


Photo: Johan Hisved Photography

IdeationNeed-finding, moodboard, sketches

PrototypingSketch-models in clay, prototypes in glass

Stælla is a handblown crystal glass crafted in the north of Sweden. With its wheat pad coaster Stælla can be placed on an uneven or soft surface, such as the sofa.


Keep beverage warmMicrowave the coaster in order to keep your beverage warm for a longer period of time

Keep beverage coolRefrigerate the coaster to keep your beverage cool for a longer amount of time













No coaster

No coaster

Photo: Johan Hisved Photography

Team of twoDate: 2013

Duration: 6 weeksClient: Western Washington University

Skill: User Experience

ACE - Project #3

Augmented Construction EquipmentThe task was to find a relevant area to apply aug-mented reality, and we chose the construction indus-try. We identified several problems within this field of work and applied augmented reality within a head mounted display to create a design solution.

What is the field of construction like?

High risk and low profitThe field of construction is highly competitive with large and dangerous projects.

Complex line of communicationBig construction projects often involve many actors making communication challenging.

StressfulConstruction is very stressful due to the intense deadlines.

CommunicationOral communication under difficult circumstances may lead to errors.

SafetyLack of awareness results in dangerous situations.

EfficiencyA lot of time is spent walking back and forth to the site office to get information.


Since we are constantly under pressure a lot of misunderstandings happen.


A lot of time is wasted on locating the right persons at the site and to find the tools we need.

We rarely have enough time to properly go through every phase of the work with the construction guys.


Safety GearWe had to design a product that could be used with a hardhat, ear pro-tection, safety glasses and gloves.


Tough EnvironmentConstruction work is tough and the environment can be very challenging and dangerous.

To improve work site efficiency and safety through better communication and information sharing.


ExperimentationTested different types of controls with work gloves to figure out the best solution for product interaction.

Sketch modelsWe made a lot of quick models to test how different solutions worked with the safety gear and to try out size and proportions.

SketchingSketched on mannequins to get right proportions and sketched out different solutions and scenarios for the user experience.


Complaints from the main office

Complaints gets passed along to the crewCrew and foreman are stressed

The foreman is trying to figure out a plan to meet the demands from the main office

The foreman presents his ideas for work site efficiency improvements

They forgot what length to cut the beam

One of the guys heads back to the foreman office But the foreman is helping some other guys

Time goes by, and the deadline is tight

The crew gets their task list, which is one of the new approaches

The crew walks out to work, with the task clear in their head

But the crews memory starts to fade

Heading back empty handed

The beam is too short and falls down

One of the guys gets injured

How is the foreman supposed to meet the deadline with one guy short?

Time is precious so they decide to take a chance and cut the beam

Next morning the foreman sees a bright light from his office

Someone put Augmented construction equipment on his desk

Now the crew can easily measure distances

Overlay blueprints to know what parts to use

Communicate with the foreman and other crew members

Manage files and get information at the loading dock They deliver in time and finally the foreman has happy news for the main office

Augmented Construction Equipment3 pieces form the unit

#1 Charge DockInductive charging and interactive surface for file management and customization

Indicator light

Inductive charging slots

Interactive surface

Cut pipes

WindowsWire outlets

DrywallClean 2nd floor





File managementThe charge dock functions as the main hub for information sharing on the site. The individual headpieces only hold need-to-know information to limit distractions during the work day. When the crew meets up at the site office they share information and get updates.

#2 HeadpieceTactile button works easily with gloves, flip-up screen, HD camera and dual lasers

Dual lasers

HD camera

Smart LaserBy combining GPS and gyroscope with triangulation technique, the smart lasers can be used to measure distances and plot points on the walls.

Optimal mic position

The MicrophoneThe microphone is placed on the inside of the headpiece to reduce noise from the construction site. It also measures the noise level and the system can warn the worker if it is too loud.

Fold-up functionThe headpiece is easily turned off by flipping it up and moving it away from the line of site.

Tactile navigationIn addition to voice control, the headpiece also has a tactile but-ton for navigation. The tactile navigation is easy to operate with work gloves.

Lens inspired security

Comfortable padding

Bone conduction

Easy attachment

#3 Hard Hat ClipA clip that attaches to the lining in the hard hat, equipped with bone conduction hearing device and camera lens inspired durable attachment.

Push to release

CommunicationThe crew and foreman can communicate through pic-tures, videos and voice. The foreman can send the crew the next task when the first is completed.

Parts informationParts can be analyzed with the camera and lasers to make sure they are correct and to size for their intend-ed use.

Task listsWhen the crew receives a new task they can check out materials needed, reference blueprints and get started with a detailed list of instructions.

SafetyThe headpiece can sense the environment and tell the worker of dangers present and co workers can tag warnings and notifications at specific locations to pre-vent injury. Also the Mic registers the noise level during the day and notify the user if they work in too noisy of an environment.

https://vimeo.com/68418831Please check out video at Vimeo

Team of threeDate: 2013

Duration: 5 weeksClient: Luleå University of Technology

Skill: Product Design

Kiyoko - Project #4

The task was to analyze the form and design lan-guage of a given brand and apply this to the design of a robotic vacuum cleaner. A prototype of the de-sign was made using CNC-milling, 3D-printing and vacuum forming.

Design of a robotic vacuum cleanerKIYOKO 1 Vacuum

KIYOKO Vacuum Cleaner PJE-13 JapanYOSHIKIN





Clay ModelWe worked in clay to get a feeling for the proportions. The model was 3D scanned and the surfaces were refined in Alias.

ManufacturingCNC milling, sheet molding. The top surface was sanded in a circular pattern to simulate brushed metal.

Final TouchesHoles for the exhaust were drilled and aided by printed out templates. A special color was used to get the metal look.

Individual Project, Master ThesisDate: 2014

Duration: 20 weeksClient: COMPEIT, EU-research

Skill: User Experience

Tangiball - Project #5

Conveying presence over distanceThe purpose of this project was to develop a product that can convey and communicate a sense of being together when the users are at different locations.




NeedMany people live away from family and friendsPeople’s increasing mobility, the growing amount of single householdsand the aging population leads to more people living separated from friends and family.

Connectedness between remote locationsThe increased number of people living away from family and friends creates a growing need for connectedness between remote locations.

There are many services for communicating over distance...There are currently a great variety of services and tools available that allows users to communicate over geographic distances.

...But none of them focus on subtle communicationAvailable communication services focus on the transmission of explicit information, neglecting the subtle and emotional communication that is important for close relationships.


?How can the feeling of social presence be portrayed and communicated by a product?

I just came home

I am making dinner

Watching the game

Expressivity The product should support the user to express feelings and emotions by, for example, allowing the user to develop their own language or to use language in an ambiguous way.

AwarenessThe product should let the user share different types of ambient information about current activities or moods.

Joint actionThe product should support the users to carry out actions together, which usually requires being physically collocated.

ScenariosSeveral scenarios have guided the design process.

Design WorkshopsSeveral work shops were held using prototypes of different fidelities.

The idea

Influence color

Create moodShow internet feedVisualize facebook

Direct light

Leave messages

A stationary unit and a mobile deviceThe concept would consist of a stationary unit combined with wearable units commu-nicating with each other. It is redundant to introduce a new wearable device since it is evident that most people already carry around a smartphone, which is full of sensors and quite capable of communicating.

Core values of the concept• Ambient Presence• “Silent” communication• Communication between two parties that know each other well• Part of a network• Communicating emotions• Animations, colors and movement

Experience PrototypingDifferent mock-ups were used to prototype the experience.

PrototypingMany iterations of prototypes

• Ambiguity diminishes the feeling of being monitored

• Users want to create their own messages• Should be unobtrusive unless user’s attention

is required• Should support ambiguity and abstract

language• Social interactions should not be imposed on

users• Should express just enough meaning – not too


Key insightsTotal average score


Ease of use

Ability to convey emotions

Ability to convey presence

User satisfaction







User TestingUser tests with different user groups

Two devices and an appThese components form a network in which they all communicate with each other. The system is also capable of communicating externally through Internet connection.


TangiballTangiball is a system of two intelligent lamps combined with a web application that helps geographically separated users to feel connected.

Final Concept

Conveying a sense of presenceTangiball allows the user to capture video from one location and portray it abstractly with light and color at the other location. The abstract visualization of the video data creates ambiguity, which reduces the sense of surveillance and provides an implicit communication that is important for close relationships

Mobile communicationFrom the web application, the users can create and send their own custom light and color messages as well as sending pre-made emotional animation.

Tangible interactionTangiball also gives the users a new way of expressing their mood and emotions using color and light animations.

How it works

Visualizing internet feedsThe Internet feed function lets the user map different feeds from the Internet to Tangiball’s lights. The feeds from the Internet are represented using light and color.

Sensing the user’s locationBy sensinging the user’s location through the smartphone, Tangiball can for example give notice when a friend arrives home from work.

The DesignThe white sphere embraced by the brightly colored stand sym-bolizes closeness, with the two “arms” hugging around the ball. The two arms in combination with the three buttons on top cre-ates a frame around a circular light that only becomes visible when it is activated.

The ButtonsThree touch-sensitive buttons can be customized from the app

CameraIn the center of the “face” of the device a small video camera is placed that can capture data from one location in order to present it as light animation at the other.

TangiballThe Physical Device

Arduino YunArduino Yun is an open-source, programmable microcontroller for electronics that can be con-nected to a wide range of sensors and actua-tors, for example lights, speakers, and motors.

Video camera

NeoPixel Ring

LED Strip

TangiballThe App

Main interaction The web application is Tangiball’s primary platform for inter-action, from which the user can control different light set-tings, animations, and communication services.

Set the color of the light

Access Tangiball’s functions

Adjust brightness of the light

Set the functions of Tangiball’s buttons

Emotional AnimationsLets the user send emotional light and color messages to the physical Tangiballs. The circular menu contains different emoti-cons that represent different emotional states.

Preview The user can send light and color animations that represent emotions to one or two Tangiballs by clicking on the desired emoticon. The user can also preview the animations on the app before sending the light message.

Internet FeedThe Internet feed function lets the user map different feeds from the Internet to Tangiball’s lights.Presence light

The presence light allows the user to sense a pres-ence from the room where the other Tangiball is lo-cated. One Tangiball is capturing video with its built-in camera. This video is live streamed to the other Tangiball where it is represented by abstract light and color.

Animation editorIn the animation editor, the users can create their own custom light and color messages.

“What If” Scenarios

Aid in therapy sessionsTo visualize different colors and lights on Tangiball might help children and adults to express their emotions.

The Hospital EnvironmentTangiball could be a valuable asset in the hospital environment. For example if a child is hospitalized for a longer period it is almost impossible for the parents to constantly be present at the hospital.

MSc. Industrial Design Engineering, Product Design 2014Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, SwedenExchange Studies, Industrial Design 2013Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USABA Business Administration (Expected) 2015Mittuniversitet, Östersund, Sweden (online studies)Upper secondary school, Media Communication 2000Anderstorpskolan, Skellefteå, Sweden


Service Design Workshop 2014Led by Simon Clatworthy in Luleå, SwedenInternational Human Centered Design project course (7,5 hp) 2012Executed in Luleå in collaboration with Mapua Insitute of Technology, Manilla, PhillipinesConcept Art (15hp) 2010Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (Online Studies)

Independent Coursework

Design Consultant 2012 -Sole proprietor and part of a network of 13 designers, Designpool NorrbottenDesign Consultant, Designteam 2012 2012Centek, Luleå, SwedenVarious Employments while pursuing passion for snowboarding 2000 - 2008Sweden, Canada, and Norway

Work Experience

Improv Theatre Workshop 2014Unghästen, Skellefteå, SwedenIntensive Spanish Course (10 weeks) 2011Lacunza International House, San Sebastian, SpainFreediver and Advanced Freediver course 2010Apnea Total, Koh Tao, ThailandSSI Open Water Diver and Adventure Diver 2008Manta Dive, Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia


Business idea and business plan nominated for Venture Cup 2014 Product Featured on industrialdesignserved.com 2013Project featured on canvas.pantone.com 2013Winner of 6 Hour Race (design and innovation competition) 2012



Swedish - NativeEnglish - Full professional proficiencySpanish - Intermediate skills

• Alias Automotive• Rhino 3D• Maya• Keyshot• Final Cut Pro

• Solidworks• NX• PTC Creo• MS Office• SPSS

• Experience Prototyping• Model Making • Photography• Product Animation• Rapid Prototyping

• Service Design• Sketching• Storyboarding• Usability Testing• User Experience

• 3D Visualization• CAD• Class A surfaces• Design Research• Ergonomic Evaluations


• Illustrator• Photoshop• InDesign• After Effects• Premiere Pro


• Product designer with a MSc in Industrial Design Engineering and extensive coursework in business and marketing

• Holistic design thinker with the ability to find, combine, and analyze insights from different areas in order to solve the real issue with a given design problem

• Capability to mix the design of service, product, and digital to create innovative products that are user-centered, purposeful, and easy to use

• Ability to clarify complex processes by visual communication, both analog and digital in 2D and 3D, as well as with 3D animation and video


Key projects

Designed a product for an international research project (20 weeks) 2014Master Thesis Project, worked independently for the European research project COMPEIT

• User experience design of an Internet connected product and web application• Built a functional prototype together with two Computer Science PhD students • Moderated several design workshops and conducted usability testing• Presented work at international research conference in Helsinki

Designed Kayak for the Scandinavian fisherman (10 weeks) 2013Active designer and project manager in a team of three in a project for Midnight Composite

• Competitor analysis, identified market segment, design requirements from user studies• Created a carbon fiber scale model (clay model, 3D Scanning, 3D printing, CNC milling)• Designed marketing materials (3D visualizations, booklet, poster, logo)• Created production ready CAD files (class-A surface model)

Designed and introduced new glassware into the market (Ongoing) 2012 -Entrepreneurial project together with two fellow designers

• Developed a high-end glassware from idea to finished product• Established relationship with producer and introduced product to market• Created material for marketing (product photos, web material, logo, display space)

Johan LarssonMSc. Industrial Design Engineering

Contact: +46(0)[email protected]

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