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Prepared exclusively for

Joel Demay

Interpersonal Style

© SGA Inc. 2012 Materials contained herein are proprietary to SGA Inc. (SGA) and may not be copied or redistributed

without permission. They are intended for use only by those to whom they have been distributed by SGA, and only in

connection with their activities on SGA’s behalf.

Page 2: Joel demay

© SGA Inc., 2012

Others see you as an “A4”

You are seen as very skillful at establishing and

maintaining productive relationships,

others respond favorably to your candid and

open approach. You are able to strike an

effective balance between the seriousness of a

task or project and the “softer,” human

component of business. Most see you as an

impressive persuader who can get thing

in the face of apparently insurmountable

obstacles. You respond well to incentives, and

you use your highly developed interpersonal

skills with proficiency in reaching your personal


In work situations, your persuasive manner

enables you to positively influence the thoughts

and actions of others. You are described by as

poised, calm, agreeable, adventurous,

competitive, assertive, and as open in


Your response group describes you as creating a

low level of tension in your interact

them, and the productive environment you

have created should assist you in the

achievement of your goals. Productive tension

does cause people to strive for results, but

when the tension becomes too great, people

may lose interest or turn-off. You should strive

to maintain your ability to others at ease.

“A4” Expressive

ou are seen as very skillful at establishing and

maintaining productive relationships, and

others respond favorably to your candid and

open approach. You are able to strike an

effective balance between the seriousness of a

task or project and the “softer,” human

component of business. Most see you as an

impressive persuader who can get things done

in the face of apparently insurmountable

obstacles. You respond well to incentives, and

you use your highly developed interpersonal

skills with proficiency in reaching your personal

n work situations, your persuasive manner

sitively influence the thoughts

and actions of others. You are described by as

poised, calm, agreeable, adventurous,

competitive, assertive, and as open in

our response group describes you as creating a

low level of tension in your interactions with

them, and the productive environment you

have created should assist you in the

achievement of your goals. Productive tension

does cause people to strive for results, but

when the tension becomes too great, people

u should strive

to maintain your ability to others at ease.

Your ambition, enthusiasm for work, and need

for recognition are assets to any organization.

You are socially lively and stimulating, and

people enjoy being in your presence. The

importance you place on motivation and results

constitutes an important aspect of your style.

You set your sights high and vigorously pursue

those goals that interest you most, which

normally have high visibility. However, in your

enthusiasm to accomplish your

may create unproductive tension with others,

especially with those that need more time or

information before committing themselves to

courses of action.

Your behavior is highly dominant with a

component of great emotional openness;

people of your style are described as:

� Assertive, outspoken, and resourceful

� Emphasizing of interaction and involvement

� Motivational, persuasive, and futuristic

� Tending to aggressively act ambitiously in

highly visible roles


our ambition, enthusiasm for work, and need

for recognition are assets to any organization.

You are socially lively and stimulating, and

people enjoy being in your presence. The

tance you place on motivation and results

constitutes an important aspect of your style.

You set your sights high and vigorously pursue

those goals that interest you most, which

normally have high visibility. However, in your

enthusiasm to accomplish your mission, you

may create unproductive tension with others,

especially with those that need more time or

information before committing themselves to

our behavior is highly dominant with a

component of great emotional openness;

our style are described as:

Assertive, outspoken, and resourceful

Emphasizing of interaction and involvement

Motivational, persuasive, and futuristic

Tending to aggressively act ambitiously in

Page 3: Joel demay

© SGA Inc., 2012 A4-H

Strengths and Growth Opportunities

Your self-assured stance is a definite asset.

People respect your decisiveness and are

readily willing to accept your direction.

However, when you push too hard in you

eagerness to accomplish your mission, you may

create tensions that cause people to withhold

their support and co-operation. You may fail to

notice this lack of support as you optimistically

press on towards your goal. You will build more

trust in your relationships if people become

aware that you want their feedback and that

you genuinely take notice of it.

You should further develop your listening skills.

Seek first to understand and then to be

understood. Learn to become a better

negotiator by creating options rather than

focusing on the most visible or highest risk


People see you as energetic and imaginative.

You excel in interpersonal situations. Career

ambition and personal image are high priorities

for you. However, your enthusiastic demeanor

may be interpreted as superficial, particularly

by those who are less demonstrative.

Even though excessive structure and routine

tend to bother you, try to be more tolerant of

organizational realities. Try to meet the needs

of those who require more detail and structure,

slow yourself down, and concentrate on the

process rather than just on the end product


Strengths and Growth Opportunities

You will probably find some aspects of this

analysis easier to accept than others. You may

even wish to accept some of the comments as

true of your style in general but not of you as an

individual. Remember that with regards to your

perceived style, it is perfectly normal and okay

to be as you are. There is no need for you to try

to make permanent changes in your behavior,

nor is it advisable. If you can come to accept the

description of your observed behavior - your

Interpersonal Style - you will better understand

your impact on others. Increasing the

effectiveness of your interpersonal interactions

is largely a matter of increasing your versatility.

To create productive relationships you must

demonstrate concern for other people - the skill

of Empathy - and behave in a manner that is

appropriate for them as well as for yourself.

Knowing how others differ from you (based on

an awareness of your own style) is a solid

foundation from which you may begin to make

appropriate changes in your interactions.

Page 4: Joel demay

© SGA Inc., 2012

Your Self-Profile

Your perception of your style is based on the same

list of adjectives your survey participants used.

Your Interpersonal Style "self report" appears in

the matrix above.

Most people see themselves in much the same way

as others see them. However, what you be

about yourself – who you “really” are or who you

are on the “inside” -- might be obscured from

others by your external, observable behaviors and

habits. Remember, the Profile reflects behavior

and actions, not personality, thoughts, or

intentions. The greatest significance of the

Interpersonal Style Profile is that it will focus your

attention on what others see and react to in you

that is, how you are perceived -- rather than on

your inner thoughts and feelings. To be sure, these

feelings are important, but our focus here is on the

perceptions of others.

The "self profile" will allow you to contrast the way

you are perceived by others with how you perceive

yourself. If others perceive you as you perceive

yourself, fine. On the other hand, if the two

are wildly divergent, you may want to consider

what is causing that difference.

Your personal responses indicate that you see

yourself as a B4 "Amiable-Expressive."

our perception of your style is based on the same

list of adjectives your survey participants used.

Your Interpersonal Style "self report" appears in

people see themselves in much the same way

as others see them. However, what you believe

who you “really” are or who you

might be obscured from

others by your external, observable behaviors and

habits. Remember, the Profile reflects behavior

and actions, not personality, thoughts, or

e greatest significance of the

Interpersonal Style Profile is that it will focus your

attention on what others see and react to in you –

rather than on

your inner thoughts and feelings. To be sure, these

tant, but our focus here is on the

he "self profile" will allow you to contrast the way

you are perceived by others with how you perceive

yourself. If others perceive you as you perceive

yourself, fine. On the other hand, if the two views

are wildly divergent, you may want to consider

our personal responses indicate that you see


People of the B4 style are described as:

� Assertive, outspoken, and resourceful

� Emphasizing of interaction and involvement

� Motivational, persuasive, and forward

� Tending to act ambitiously in highly visible


B4s are seen as people who easily gain acceptance

and endorsement from others. They use their

considerable social skills to build harmonious

relationships, and they are confident in their ability

to influence through the strength of their


Others describe B4s as agreeable, accepting,

supporting, adventurous, resourceful, co

operative, and as people who care how others feel.

Strengths and Growth Opportunities

B4s have the ability to make others feel

comfortable and accepted. They tend to foster h

morale among their colleagues and gain

endorsement through formal or informal

leadership. They may appear pre

maintaining good relationships, and it may prove

difficult for B4s to be demanding and formal when

necessary. They may benefit from putting greater

emphasis on technical competencies and from

paying more attention to detail.

When working with people with high control

needs, they should settle the specifics first and

then concentrate on selling themselves and their

ideas. They should also temper their enthusiasm

and try to become a little more business

their dealings with others, especially at first. B4

can always relax later on and bring things onto

more personal levels. If they concentrate on

balancing interpersonal nuance

of projects, they will become even more valued

members of any organization.


style are described as:

Assertive, outspoken, and resourceful

Emphasizing of interaction and involvement

Motivational, persuasive, and forward-looking

Tending to act ambitiously in highly visible

are seen as people who easily gain acceptance

and endorsement from others. They use their

considerable social skills to build harmonious

relationships, and they are confident in their ability

to influence through the strength of their

rs describe B4s as agreeable, accepting,

supporting, adventurous, resourceful, co-

operative, and as people who care how others feel.

Strengths and Growth Opportunities

4s have the ability to make others feel

comfortable and accepted. They tend to foster high

morale among their colleagues and gain

endorsement through formal or informal

leadership. They may appear pre-occupied with

maintaining good relationships, and it may prove

difficult for B4s to be demanding and formal when

rom putting greater

emphasis on technical competencies and from

paying more attention to detail.

hen working with people with high control

needs, they should settle the specifics first and

then concentrate on selling themselves and their

d also temper their enthusiasm

and try to become a little more business-like in

their dealings with others, especially at first. B4s

can always relax later on and bring things onto

more personal levels. If they concentrate on

balancing interpersonal nuances with the structure

of projects, they will become even more valued