THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 17 1900 I TCD0V WILL TRY AGAIN Jttdfe Parker Confident resident Wants Third Term Birmingham Ala March 1C Jurlfro- AHoB B Parker who aMrr th- XUMlstJppi legislature pasted throuch city earoutE w North Carolina I as laterriew wish a rcprovctatlro- 9t the Ledger the expresidential cans laid I an convinced a far aa I am per Boaalljr cocceraed that Mr Ruoserelt will a k for the nomination of the Re pBbttcaa party for a third term this toed probably be disputed If wa reported te Washington or portions ef the eat In my own Bated I aaa satiated that at present thlt the tateatloa of the president of the fact that when his aomlna ttoa ta 1994 was aa asnred fact he the ttaie e t that under au coa AlUea vovM he acala be a candidate I believe that has Intended ak c ta gala a k for the t nomlna- Affaira ta the are prorlae of MMMerasIe tetereat Judge Parker when the was arnd I fear that the United will cottUaue to have trouble wHfc UM PUUB ta itatil aoaie dlaposl- ef tke Islands are made The leHtarli are teaablted by tribes that can titter be reeetBclled tatll such positire series are takes aa when the Aaaeri were coeapelled to deal with the bdtaao The ladiaa la a great deal letter dtlsea than the average Inhab ttaataftkePBlUppiBeUUftds No CM- kaa tier declared the ladles devoid of telellect the Hero la la my opinion sad the Indian t not the fanatic con ceralBff his rellRtoa or any other au ject aa ceapared to our sew aubjecti- Onrot Health Vigor and Tone HerfelM to a for affererg from MBtov Bf its 8 e th blood it- cjvtokljr rogeaevated the sole be tomet Bermal The droepioff itrength- to revired Tfc toafser Is dimiaUhed- Healtk Yip sad predoraiaate lire tad kappj activity results Mn B lle H Bhriel Midde boroaRh Ill write I troubled with lv rcoaaplaint aad poor blood and have rowed aothlac to b eeflt me like Herbiae I hope never to be without- it 1 hire withed that I had known of it in my hutbanda lifetime 50 teats field by W M Injured Man Dead Savannah Co March 1C Robert Lee Harper died Wednesday in the state asylum at Mlllcdgevtlle On Septeatber 27 he vaa Injured hero by a Central railway eoRine Suit was fenmght and a verdict for f 15000 ren- dered IB his favor and this was affirm- ed Js t a few days ago by the supreme ccwrt Mr Harper was born In Augus ta sad waa 34 yi ara old lie leaves- a widow and three children The tajttrtes he received la the accident caused hint to be sent to the asylum TIle body will be brought to Savannah Is Intenaeat Clears the Complexion Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimu- late the liver sad thoroughly cleanses tie spates and eleara the eoraplexioa of pimple sad blotches It is the best laxative for worn aad children a it mild and pleasant and does sot gripe or aiekea Oriao i much rlor to plllf aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics aa it do riot Irri- tate the tnmach and biweU J W Wc ollura Cu Moroccan Situation Unchanged AlKiCirax Spain March 1C The Moroccan IH iincliaiiKfl A complete deadlock prevaIN The cm terence U not holillng any Ke loni and It IH not known when the del gates will reacwmble The Interrup tlon of the discussions Is due to the lack of Haittlclty In the French and Well Known Minister Dead Atlanta March Rev D Shea la dead at bin home I Carn tf street after a short Illness Only few days alto on March i h had c l ebratud hire 7 birthday and wa In th point of iervlr p rbap tlio oii t- Methodlni mtnUcr In Ji r in He ordained In IS if 50 w Major Dead San Antonio Tex March l i Major Charles C CrcnHon l S A retired Is from an operation becau ot- a wound received In tho battle of let tysburg He onllxt d as a second tenant In the Sixty sixth IVnuiylvania Infantry Aug 2 1SC1 If the Baoy is Cutting sure and that old and well tried remedy Mr Winilowc Sooth- Ing Syrup for children teething It soothes the child snfteni the gums allays all pain cures wind colic sad ii the best remedy tor larrhoea Twv- ntjflve teau a bottle RAYS tall 4 date II Roosevelt tIt boos tea ire I Johnson tit ulon German lutruttuIiH Iii rhe W Cresson dead lien Teeth- E i ed i Ar While it- t In- Kier In- take sale sit 1 eestlaoed subject men IdastL I 2 tiles r I see t I f wed hate bees j i r 1e a r v j is sep h r t t was- p era o E use t4 t lr > > > ¬ < ¬ < > > < + = < HAMMOCKSFR- OM 100 to 500T- he prettiest lice ctrl town here lee Cream Freezers Refrigerators Garden Hose From lOt per fist up All- fHarantetd SEE US SAVE MONEY The S J THOMAS CO FLUKIIIA Min i j a Mird 1 Vs- icr Hilab hi x ir lju t n- arrite 1 at tin v x J fur hf jnnr- icr t i lant t n- nso Mrs IJiilaiil I a lniiicirr l the trip r il man urvl xtiuan Ti- arr s 4 wire mad by tfctlvvs The Chrisinus family fath- er mother and son were murdered at nlRht In their home about six ago Two negroes have also been held Cured Consumption- Mr B W EvaniClearwater Kan writer My husband lay sick for three month The doctor aid he had quick We procured a bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrup and it cared him That wa ix year o and since there we have always kept a bottle in the house W can- not do without it For cough and cold it hat no equal 5 5 c and f 1 Sold by W M Johnson Engineer Hurt in Sideswipe Atlanta March AH Atlanta nod V st Ioln jiasiiuii train No at ante in the curl of th terminal ta tlon at I orlixk let nlsht the n lnc- ldeKvp d a car left iamlltic at n switch KlIKllHtT lee I VlllJ who Itvis at t2 WIHMward avenue was standing mi running board of the locomoMvi and tenth ids le 3 wrrr badly rru biM Hi was taken to his horns by a hospital ambttluncr A Scientific Wonder The cure that stand to it credit make Itupkletiti Arnica i Ive n i n title wonder It i ured K K Mulford lecturer for the Inronn of Uayn boro lnof u di tri iny It heaU the wort harm or ii boil ulcers cute wound ehl- blnin sad sit rheum nly Joe at nil dnm tore Low Rates to Atlanta and Return via Atlantic Coast Line On account of Wheeler Memorial Piv March 7ih and sccund Annual Reunion of the JSliie and Bray hrh Sth and Mill the Atlantic wait Line will tell tickets from all itt on to Atlanta Ja ami return at rite of one fare plus JA cent for the round- trip Dates of tale March o end S with final limit 15 day in addition to date uf ale For futther information set nearest ticket acent ur cominani- cate with Frank C l I I A- Jacknonville Via Seaboard Parlor Cars The etboard Air Line operate but frt prlor earn telw en Waldo find Tampa on train leaving Waldo that connect with the morning train from Ganeirilie Jnf HOT WEATHER GOODS iU LtILLE Two to e 1 consumption II II II Ia lid r of Its > 5iTMOMAS CO Lre rrest art Ch i rna Pinker nn weeks w the Grady cast rills I slit ttl ¬ > > > > > > < > < + + + POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS F r Matt tttoni- ef t f- Civ i I rst I t- M KIVKH- s t re Jr A L ri tr r to bate of lie caster for i 1 ifu r aacoucce I rs u eae- lite cr o c of State Attorney for the Erf tit JjdlcU Circuit of lotLi tic ountie of A ctm lUer Uradrun- lLetr std Iutsisi I coaocve the c4 ecvriterc iitcbarY t r lJt of the ore to t a cored oblUauob to te stJt if the T t rr of circuit furor rae ts- tt r I i 4ie them ttit the Suttee Kjr i4 THOS IV KlELDINu NOTICE OF ELECTION Under snii by of authority Tr t d in m I W R Thom a Mayor of the City of Ga n Ti f Florida ilo hvrbj c tli an fUctirn to t held in city on Tuftdny the 10 b d y of April 1 6 fur jiiirpo of submitting to tn- elector qtiaiiflfd to vote at ih f i tion whether or not the prnio d nmfridmt in i rctlii 10 of th chnrt r i rnri iori of riiy by ordinance of ald city ap proved Fftruart Iftj6 h at said election b approved by the af- firmative of ai in arid bf ordinance provided and for the piirpnf of electing the follow- ing otfloer for said city to firod et out herein toit ne Mhjir one Clerk Treasurer tint one Tax Collector one Tax A or each to for the d of one year from the date of tieir election Three Aldermen to eve for B period of two year from the date of thtr Itcfi For member of the H mrj of Fnb lie Work the one receiving the high e t number of vote to hold office fur five j rat the one receiving the number of vote to hold ttiee for four the third rlghefct to hold ctlic three year h fourth bic t fr t rn und the fifth tiKhfit In hold offs for one year each to err for nth period fr m the Is day of June JJVfl The inliirg pUre for aid electirm hall be in tn rear of the Muntciptl- tuildmtc on Kn t M tin and Maotiir street The pnr shall oi eu at 8 oclorK a m tttid clo e at sundown of day W McDowell 1 A Ro Hrt on and A J DttCunin hereby appoint- ed inspector F X Miller clerk of election ilne m hand and real of paid City of Gaine viUe Florida this 6th day of March ltf- I KU V K TIIOMA Mayor Atiet J M I EM City MATKKS SAIK- Irdcr bv irtur of forevli- uIe of m rUMi itilf Ml rinOercil ott the tttiilvif Viriv A l j the Honor ie J T Vii J lw fire Jit Court KVlitli- J jtto crcJlt ol iluriiii In for Anhu- eojtiir In chwr erv wri rrin J K ljrr- wortl iH3i r tit ml H t M I i H- MolTiV TJ MII t fid Mtic Mofrr ir- ilrftrtrfiunt where I win ittoirit- iiMi Mn rr tn II 4e ill tUf Kn rtt- therft ileMrli I th r lrr tneil S eiU Muter vtiil Mi it t jioi KutiT ipfure the tourt h i diMtr t the Vt of Uaine vlc Ir AiaK oiuntr 1 irUI ur MomUv the hi- il of Ar A I bet em tixjrs of vii ihiH iiiorf rfii vHr ilit V Its the Mlft IB I t bt4ier therefor for fol- MIW ii ilcvrrnt tr Mrtv tonlt The S0itrt t iJAttT Ili of the Smith iiJftfr II nnl tins NUutli h i of the NiKtheat 4rt r the uthi t i luftrr of fi J TM t i Tiivtri bt- KJJM K n Nioe jj nith rod lt t- Hi AUit ii otiutitv l Kotklu iil 4o4 ti h1 a the iTUerv of th M i II M Mi T J M Cr Tbi tbd v V tl- r i V- or fot lditrt h l tw PUUueU t H iul MII I tfuirkt r me r MLX n thrct tei for i nri M of- lerntr tiM rate f n I i f thereafter t wr it- if a 1 iti f V V li t J H ln J C- l Ur w J VV II iinjcr IT I 1C I i f I iki A J Kl t Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger 2 H Est Malt All kind of oii e ni iide work prom it iy ntni neatly executed PAPER H NifINO and sIGN WRIT r I P c r or t tt I rl- c AUOtfoI i t t e J t ot o x f v i II c 0 rt dl d t t our t J l ut tae tt 7ctJ1 ut f- A I tot i ttf Jtf 00 SLT tte i It oJf t- tv t toe I 1 I 1I ee fJ- 810 lHvt ret ont the aid the COIL ut the attd or UICtJ r or LQtatetCe fir virtue aid a provided th for- th t IUd 1 rI I and nIt highest Jar I to hold till S ar lid j Clerk 01 Del 1 f fI 11 1 Itt 01 tit Cr root hr I net rIt t I I W tIt TI 00 bJ Ue4 Ih r Distal I or IflUrmftfl trJ lIft nor 14 rr I 1 and TtN Int 1 1 t t I t snACKflTon1 chit I a I I wh Zi et e- a tbier a r Cr r- V Vitae t err r tr ft of rtet s s- atetux taG C- I c fur toe titartr the I Fard w re s t9 N ev rG r Cr T e gar C tiP t u Pp tt LaG tar d tt L3 tr Jrt Hf JV ott Ire 4tc 1oere o ire FL C C f Prld- r t se tre tar ct I r tCr r1f tiretLlhe d- e e Lt dLr 1 vNt tJ TQet te- cu2st i 7 ptle Vet F J I I the the < ed- o tea J inter- est 5t ate hl no- tthtuJit rrtor the rnrt r- and raid the elec- tion raid cite aid said serve I ere each fir tear said said the rod deft I end r e Iii IP rust r t t P rte I r tT ud Itw h4 ruMICiD lice IPT It N Tu I 41 In r setM MI tat Ncrnulr r ttrrdur ti i7h tbN jsurI pw of arnther w tai end the w eel rut tPll trrriq thr rrtt rer t1J- twr tears q 1t niP rJtrt n ati- r rn t 1 PtvM ee a1 mirth 6jrr t r 1 1 t 1 1- S S LI M Iitiii Via A INt ptialty < > > > > > < > > ¬ > > > < > > > > > > < > > < > > > > > < > < > > > > > > < > > = < > + + + W HTDI Vic fPrrident THE FIRST NATIONAL THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ill A Capinl J5 ti Surplub and Undivided Profits MMMH no- HETAYL KCani r- eoanty Our manager lived in this county thirty year sued iathorcaghly conversant titles E FIkE ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE P stinting a number of prominent American and EnglUh companies REAL ANP CITY LOANS first conid for the investor Ton UN Etc THE ALACHOA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc r TA IlHK i Ktuj r4 rrijaule ervce of port ali K tr e Land Titie in the of Florida phrtic ar y lschiai ointy- AIMratNof lax ale earrkn of loiinlim Refer Tc Fir NatUiiai itank of ittir r vie H F Iittt nA o Banker Florida East Coast Railway Local Time Card No M In Effect January 9 IHiSO- UTHBOUNDMEAD DOWN UP No 0 No a5 No 7t No STATIONS N 7K Nn 7 4 3i hilly Idillj lully 6 I 4 29 4- i i 4 j 6 U I J7- I 4 7 u JSliLl- it i- n i B i6 1 jo it I J ft 1 i Ji r 10- I lu H- V j y 1 i- tljj i n v- ll T 4 II r a 4 6 7 a i S M a j i a u a- tll Ii a II S a 4A a- II U- t il a V J i W i i n 1 V II 11 i ii i i P i w i n 44- a 4 I 4 4 p 4 Vi- J W Oi- P 4j rrir- I i M j- I J 4 41 I i i 4 I t 4 a J t H 4 9 i 4 i 7 I 7 I p- I f i l I J I f I 41 t 4u l i r p i i 144kft lr 7 7 in Ui lv I ui I i S lv 4 IU 4 I liri 4 w t 4 I i 4 j 4- ttjtv I I v i nriMMft I i 4 i- 3 J f 4 IS I l irt ir ir Sit i t- NiW yrnii lv 3 j 3 M- Jr n n 17 tA 11 r i OtlilflM IV IJ34 j t 41 Muni HI 3 iin 5W i lHii iv a- Tirnul r p 2 I uifrl n j if i- i M A- rfMujf r iiS j i ii- lv 1ST i H KI iU e Until t 1 21i l Fii tniiw n i M tiriic llfl- vU ll T J a- I l i- t1 n- t C Ialm llruih Uu- I nor i iv- Muni Ar i a to- lv a li u 4 i i i- r ititrra- I io iil I t I i n Only Only M yport Hraineh No 18s- CW Coaacctlo Mate Mia wW S4ttHfclps p ft Q g Compel Havana Key West and Nassau No traasfcrf OUIIUI If I Lii 1IItlIX t L BANK OF GAINESVILLE Q I ellue ILCLrr t atoJ It 5otlr SGIIIII ate Parcen ortot L A ABSTRACT COMPANY Isioorporatedl EE VOYLE of Title and fall furnished regarding land la E VOYLE I tilt i Florida t- qurtiou try of of Tltlt the tat I ItIITIES bile I czt fur tllIJtIIIl1t land Lat 3 Sit SOl 1111 I I i j I I L I r I I t 11 r i I I 19 a I I u j I i I > t- I I I a r I r- I I I 1 i I I I I J > I 1 5 c I a N It I I I P I lilT > P 1 1 4 10 I i j a II a r I It 4- M 11 I I tat J a I I i I I I I i I I t II I M I jo I h tJ h I I t- TiMU 1 0 p I I I oJroP I ta j I I i r Ii p t r f II 1 1 111 1 I J I tU I I t I 4 IAr 0 f lhftI II 1 1 l hl1lrlllI- CIIt 1In4 I 1 CS SCIIBDI1t nrTtii to WI r I 27 No O3 93 is- I Dill Dat C1 MEa Dall I 1t I 1 3 I 0 1 I I I t 30 No 71 fO4 38 2S 9P 011 I Oat I Dalt oar 011 Olil 01 I SuitE Sun I DoO E 11 c lip at I II tr rt I oU 0111 c In SIt 1 Ii t Xn s- un I II l lit 1 I I J II II I I II p a At T 7 I I 1M p t II to I P a tl Ue bleh e I- PENINstUl AND OCCIlOOAL mSii r 3fttiu inrs Each Week tics n at unrai to strive a and Ialed I to LOCAL SEe THIS CH Otber Information At AGENT t PUt Art ST FLAtt laM Pre dent 7 t1L sl rr- veu A girl t a a DYa LtN aC Cta e79a to Ct r cannot rtereLacN rc L trrCht uT- Ntst casrrsrieree r1jttattactacedrrLr REALTY I MGR Abstracts informattoa t has G ai esville The ine era on 1 ate Uttnrr NORTH EOUNDREAD thinly I ally ally Lally n Jarg TILe t i i a 5 e a 1 JI Ilr > t1 Le tl a 1 it r p Lr a p U a it r r i s Sts I a- i a At i irr 74k J s a I li et l p j a a i 0 pta 7 p I U i < 11 a Ilea p tr p p a i S I r J merlin i p l va y l e n r I 11 j t ti p I a 9 I p Ir j a s a 1r is hr a a p 1 I a a P a- f i lr1eC Vii a bill t o p it p a p u t 16 p e It I ui t a- I e la a I Fists a t i1 watt J j Ithe tni 9 e J J tt a W t e I y 1r 11r t Pair h J i I 1c Iaiul lt aL IT S J in r I P a Kurt k real r a Ir nu1 ilIit I de- h I i atjCa j P a a tV trf Iv- Ik3Tet e- F 1111 fllE- uCalu TN No29r Ao 1110 a76 ta Dille Dai1t Dalt c 1t a99 ro 1 e Aron Daij Da E ea- IrSLt1 ywsum a i I ill 1r r n- SoRIunt No 7A No N 2 10 yo Va h 92 1 t r i El Daii Hall hi- 1rJa rt 7 1 a rtr l a o r Iar I irra F CatrwQrat r an td 11Ijr nn l- wanr I L i n I nutn nlr i I La Ar Pablo lkice as p 013 s PI1U7t0 a15 a5 a 1 L e I cos ciioosi at the S for Tnlta llacbarge skips sfde Tea Tie Sabha a1v Ns e aMoa- o bat Matra rar lea td drpa- lw u7et tauaatu Ire Ctf7 tt is TICKET e- At1NER ap1 AUGUSTINE tie d > > > > < > > > > > > > < > > < > > = = > = = = = + + + < + + + + + + > > °

Jnf 5iTMOMAS Lii NATIONAL BANK HOT WEATHERufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01426/00541.pdf · Atlantic Coast Line On account of Wheeler Memorial Piv March 7ih and sccund Annual

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Page 1: Jnf 5iTMOMAS Lii NATIONAL BANK HOT WEATHERufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01426/00541.pdf · Atlantic Coast Line On account of Wheeler Memorial Piv March 7ih and sccund Annual


Jttdfe Parker Confident residentWants Third Term

Birmingham Ala March 1C Jurlfro-AHoB B Parker who aMrr th-XUMlstJppi legislature pasted throuch

city earoutE w North CarolinaI as laterriew wish a rcprovctatlro-9t the Ledger the expresidential cans

laidI an convinced a far aa I am per

Boaalljr cocceraed that Mr Ruosereltwill a k for the nomination of the RepBbttcaa party for a third termthis toed probably be disputed Ifwa reported te Washington or

portions ef the eat In my ownBated I aaa satiated that at present thlt

the tateatloa of the presidentof the fact that when his aomlna

ttoa ta 1994 was aa asnred fact hethe ttaie e t that under au coa

AlUea vovM he acala be a candidateI believe that has Intended

ak c ta gala a k for thet


Affaira ta the are prorlae ofMMMerasIe tetereat Judge Parker

when the wasarnd I fear that the United

will cottUaue to have troublewHfc UM PUUB ta itatil aoaie dlaposl-

ef tke Islands are made TheleHtarli are teaablted by tribes that cantitter be reeetBclled tatll such positireseries are takes aa when the Aaaeri

were coeapelled to deal with thebdtaao The ladiaa la a great dealletter dtlsea than the average InhabttaataftkePBlUppiBeUUftds No CM-kaa tier declared the ladles devoid oftelellect the Hero la la my opinionsad the Indian t not the fanatic conceralBff his rellRtoa or any other auject aa ceapared to our sew aubjecti-

Onrot Health Vigor and ToneHerfelM to a for affererg from

MBtov Bf its 8 e th blood it-

cjvtokljr rogeaevated the sole betomet Bermal The droepioff itrength-to revired Tfc toafser Is dimiaUhed-Healtk Yip sad predoraiaate

lire tad kappj activity resultsMn B lle H Bhriel Midde boroaRhIll write I troubled withlv rcoaaplaint aad poor blood andhave rowed aothlac to b eeflt me likeHerbiae I hope never to be without-it 1 hire withed that I had known ofit in my hutbanda lifetime 50

teats field by W M

Injured Man DeadSavannah Co March 1C Robert

Lee Harper died Wednesday in thestate asylum at Mlllcdgevtlle OnSepteatber 27 he vaa Injured hero bya Central railway eoRine Suit wasfenmght and a verdict for f 15000 ren-dered IB his favor and this was affirm-ed Js t a few days ago by the supremeccwrt Mr Harper was born In Augusta sad waa 34 yi ara old lie leaves-a widow and three children Thetajttrtes he received la the accidentcaused hint to be sent to the asylumTIle body will be brought to SavannahIs Intenaeat

Clears the ComplexionOrino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimu-

late the liver sad thoroughly cleansestie spates and eleara the eoraplexioaof pimple sad blotches It is the bestlaxative for worn aad children a it

mild and pleasant and does sotgripe or aiekea Oriao i muchrlor to plllf aperient waters and allordinary cathartics aa it do riot Irri-

tate the tnmach and biweU J WWc ollura Cu

Moroccan Situation UnchangedAlKiCirax Spain March 1C The

Moroccan IH iincliaiiKfl A

complete deadlock prevaIN The c mterence U not holillng any Ke loniand It IH not known when the delgates will reacwmble The Interruptlon of the discussions Is due to thelack of Haittlclty In the French and

Well Known Minister DeadAtlanta March Rev D

Shea la dead at bin home I Carn tfstreet after a short Illness Onlyfew days alto on March i h had c l

ebratud hire 7 birthday and wa In thpoint of iervlr p rbap tlio oii t-

Methodlni mtnUcr In Ji r in Heordained In IS if 50 w

Major DeadSan Antonio Tex March l i Major

Charles C CrcnHon l S A retiredIs from an operation becau ot-

a wound received In tho battle of lettysburg He onllxt d as a secondtenant In the Sixty sixth IVnuiylvaniaInfantry Aug 2 1SC1

If the Baoy is Cuttingsure and that old and well

tried remedy Mr Winilowc Sooth-Ing Syrup for children teething Itsoothes the child snfteni the gumsallays all pain cures wind colic sad iithe best remedy tor larrhoea Twv-ntjflve teau a bottle



4 date








tit ulon

German lutruttuIiH

Iii rhe W









t In-






1 eestlaoed subject menIdastL

I 2


I see




hate beesj













p era o

E use

t4 tlr















100 to 500T-

he prettiest lice ctrltown here

lee Cream Freezers


Garden HoseFrom lOt per fist up All-





Min i j a Mird 1 Vs-

icr Hilab hi x ir lju t n-

arrite 1 at tin v x J fur hf jnnr-

icr t i lant t n-

nso Mrs IJiilaiil I a lniiicirr l

the trip r il man urvl xtiuan Ti-arr s 4 wire mad bytfctlvvs The Chrisinus family fath-er mother and son were murdered atnlRht In their home about sixago Two negroes have also been held

Cured Consumption-

Mr B W EvaniClearwater Kanwriter My husband lay sick forthree month The doctor aid hehad quick We procureda bottle of Ballard Horehound Syrupand it cared him That wa ix year

o and since there we have alwayskept a bottle in the house W can-not do without it For cough andcold it hat no equal 5 5 c and f 1

Sold by W M Johnson

Engineer Hurt in SideswipeAtlanta March AH Atlanta nod

V st Ioln jiasiiuii train No atante in the curl of th terminal tatlon at I orlixk let nlsht the n lnc-

ldeKvp d a car left iamlltic at n

switch KlIKllHtT lee I VlllJ whoItvis at t2 WIHMward avenue wasstanding mi running board of thelocomoMvi and tenth ids le 3 wrrrbadly rru biM Hi was taken to hishorns by a hospital ambttluncr

A Scientific WonderThe cure that stand to it credit

make Itupkletiti Arnica i Ive n i n

title wonder It i ured K K Mulfordlecturer for the Inronn ofUayn boro lnof u di tri iny

It heaU the wort harmor ii boil ulcers cute wound ehl-

blnin sad sit rheum nly Joe atnil dnm tore

Low Rates to Atlanta and Return viaAtlantic Coast Line

On account of Wheeler MemorialPiv March 7ih and sccund AnnualReunion of the JSliie and Bray hrhSth and Mill the Atlantic wait Line

will tell tickets from all itt onto Atlanta Ja ami return at rite

of one fare plus JA cent for the round-

trip Dates of tale March o end Swith final limit 15 day in addition todate uf ale For futther informationset nearest ticket acent ur cominani-cate with Frank C l I I A-

Jacknonville Via

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe etboard Air Line operate but

frt prlor earn telw en Waldo findTampa on train leaving Waldo thatconnect with the morning train fromGaneirilie





Two to e




II II Ia lid r





Lre rrest


Ch i rna

Pinker nn















< >



+ +


F r Matt tttoni-



Civ i I rst I t-


s t re Jr A L ri tr r

to bate of lie caster

for i

1 ifu r aacoucce I rs u eae-

lite cr o c of State Attorney for theErf tit JjdlcU Circuit of lotLi

tic ountie of A ctm lUer Uradrun-lLetr std Iutsisi I coaocve thec4 ecvriterc iitcbarY t r lJt of theore to t a cored oblUauob to te stJt

if the T t rr of circuit furor rae ts-tt r I i 4ie them ttit the

Suttee Kjr i4THOS IV KlELDINu


Under snii by ofauthority Tr t d in m I W R

Thom a Mayor of the City ofGa n Ti f Florida ilo hvrbj c tli anfUctirn to t held in city onTuftdny the 10 b d y of April 1 6fur jiiirpo of submitting to tn-

elector qtiaiiflfd to vote atih f i tion whether or not the

prnio d nmfridmt in i rctlii 10 ofth chnrt r i rnri iori of riiy

by ordinance of ald city approved Fftruart Iftj6 h atsaid election b approved by the af-

firmative of ai inarid bf ordinance provided andfor the piirpnf of electing the follow-ing otfloer for said city to

firod et out herein toitne Mhjir one Clerk Treasurer

tint one Tax Collectorone Tax A or each to forthe d of one year from the dateof tieir election

Three Aldermen to eve for B

period of two year from the date ofthtr Itcfi

For member of the H mrj of Fnblie Work the one receiving the highe t number of vote to hold office furfive j rat the one receiving the

number of vote to hold ttieefor four the third rlghefct tohold ctlic three year h fourthbic t fr t rn undthe fifth tiKhfit In hold offs for oneyear each to err for nth periodfr m the Is day of June JJVfl

The inliirg pUre for aid electirmhall be in tn rear of the Muntciptl-tuildmtc on Kn t M tin and Maotiirstreet The pnr shall oi eu at 8oclorK a m tttid clo e at sundown of

dayW McDowell 1 A Ro Hrt on

and A J DttCunin hereby appoint-ed inspector F X Miller clerkof election

ilne m hand and real ofpaid City of Gaine viUe Florida this6th day of March ltf-

I KU V K TIIOMA MayorAtiet J M I EM City

MATKKS SAIK-Irdcr bv irtur of forevli-

uIe of m rUMi itilf Ml rinOercil ott thetttiilvif Viriv A l j the Honorie J T Vii J lw fire Jit Court KVlitli-

J jtto crcJlt ol iluriiii In for Anhu-eojtiir In chwr erv wri rrin J K ljrr-wortl iH3i r tit ml H t M I i H-

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