"" •' ^ :: - "-y--r:"-- '. :J .' '-.-• -.':^' ; -- :^v^n THE IRISH STANDARD, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY :-?M t V- HEWS FROM IRELAND 'Coafesslonal. (After the manner of Rudyard Kipling.) God of our sires who hither fled Across the strange and stormy sea, Who suffered exile, toiled and bled To make themselves and children free, God of the pilgrims, smite us not! We have forgot! We have forgot! How runs the story? Far away We hear the epoch-opening gun Fired by our minute-men at bay Upon the green at Lexington! But, far and faint, we heed it not —Lord God of Hosts, we have forgot! The bill of rights our fathers signed And sealed with shot and saber- •stroke Their just appeal to all mankind, Their prayers sent up through battle smoke, Their faith humane, without a blot, Lord God of Hosts, we have forgot! got! Ah! if, where sun-set islands lie, Thy brave, brown men their blood shall spill, Shall strike for liberty and die, Slain by the heirs of Bunker Hill, Thou wilt remember! wilt thou not? Though we, thy people, have forgot! We have forgot! A Roman lust Profanes our ancient, holy things; We trample justice in the dust; We have the rabies of the kings! The scarlet rage of gun and sword! Have mercy on thy people, Lord! Amen! —Dr. Howard Taylor. .. !• r The British Lion. The lion is loud in liis kingly roar, And he mingles in every fray; His whelps are bullies on every shore For plunder and lust and prey.. The lion's brood—a blood-stained brood With armies great and strong— Who pray for good in saintly mood, And always fight for wrong. The lion's lands are alien lands Far away from his lair so small, All stolen lands on foreign strands, Trampled and plunder'd all. The lion's march is death and war Wherever his standard waves, Or near or far his armies mar With sepulchres and graves. The sun sets not on his banners red, For he seeks to grasp the world, And his tyrant tread is over the dead Wherever his flag's unfurled. His ships traverse the oceans wide; Their sails whiten sea and stream, And their pirates glide on every tide With death in their sabre's gleam. The lion crushes the weak and frail, And treads with ponderous paws; With his troops in mail he may never fail To slay for the lion's laws. He comes with a smile on his visage broad, And calls your land his own; And the curse of God seems to blight the sod Where he plants his blood-stained throne. —Charles J. Beattie. /A On the Road to Kimberley, The following appears in the London "Star:" We are marching to relieve you, Cecil Rhodes. Honour will not let us leave you, Cecil Rhodes. Seven thousand men in kliarki— Gunners, horse, and foot—but hark ye: Do you know the price we're paying, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes? All the lives and all the treasure, Cecil Rhodes? Do you hear the rifles calling, Cecil Rhodes? Brave and honest men are falling, Cecil Rhodes. Bursting shell and shrapnel flying, Strew the earth with dead and dying. Do you think that you are worth it, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes? Is their blood upon your conscience, Cecil Rhodes? We have broken their defences, Cecil Rhodes. We have swept tfhem from the trenches, Cecil Rhodes. But at fearful cost we fought them, Breast to bayonet we fought them. They were fighting for their country, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes. They've a dreadful right to curse you, Cecil Rhodes. There are many graves a-making, Cecil Rhodes. There'll be smitten hearts a-breaking, Cecil Rhodes. There'll be bitter, hopeless sorrow In full many a home to-morrow, When they read the news in England, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes. And the lists of killed and wounded, Cecil Rhodes. —Bertrand Shadwell. i # J ANTRIM. General Sir F. Carrington, on hand- ing over the temporary command of the forces in Ireland to the Duke of Connaught, again took charge of the Belfast Military District. CORK. Cork has just lost, in the death of Professor Stephen O'Sullivan, M. D., one of its most distinguished citizens. Dr. O'Sullivan was for many years on the Council of the Royal University, and was a lecturer in surgery in the Queen's College. He was also a mem- ber of the Council of the latter institu- tion, and held the position of President of the Cork Medical Society. He was "64 years of age, had a brilliant collegi- 3, 1900. ate career, and took the degree of M. D. in 1862. In 1866 he qualified at M. Ch., and in 1880 he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. CARLOW. We regret to- have to record the death of Mr. Patrick Lennon, which took place at his residence, Eden Vale, Cas- tlebridge, on Jan. 7, after a week's" ill- ness, of pneumonia. Mr. Lennon was a native of St. Mullins, County Carlow, but spent nearly all his lifetime in Wex- ford. Until his retirement, a few years ago, he had been principal teacher in Castlebridge schools, and was regarded as one of-the foremost in his profession. He was father of the Very Rev. John Lennon, superior of the House of Mis- sions, Enniscorthy.- On Jan. 11, the solemn obsequies took place in Cross- abeg church, after which the remains were interred in Artarmont burial ground. DERRY. On Jan. 4 the impressive ceremony of profession took place in the convent of Our Lady of Mercy, St. Peter's, Lon- donderry. Most Rev. Dr. Doherty, bishop of Derry, officiated, and a large number of the local clergy were present. Among the young ladies who had the happiness of receiving the black veil on the occasion was Miss Christina Hig- ginbotham, second youngest daughter of Mr. William Higginbotham, Parnell street, Wexford. DONEGAL. On Jan. 6 a great meeting of Nation- alists, under the auspices of the United Irish League, was held at Letterkenny, the Right Rev. Dr. McGlynn presiding. A stirring National letter was read from Most Rev. Dr. O'Donncll, bishop of Raphoe, and speeches were delivered by Mr. William O'Brien, Mr. Swift MacNeill, and others. DUBLIN. On Jan. 11, owing to an accident to the pumps at the electric power house, Ringsend, the whole electric tram serv- ice of Dublin became paralyzed at about 10 minutes to 10 o'clock The cars proceeding into the city, and from it, stopped at the points which they had reached at the moment, and remained stationary, and people proceeding to business had to foot it, till about I o'clock, when the trams began to run. About 4 o'clock the cars over the en- tire system again came to a standstill, and remained so for several hours. The whole system, with the exception of the Clontarf section, was paralyzed un- til about 7 o'clock, when traffic was .again resumed. It is now said that duplicate machinery will be put in, so as to prevent such a blocking of travel in future. DOWN. The announcement has been made, in the Tory-Unionist Press, that "the Newry District Orange Lodge, num- bering over 700 members, have unani- mously adopted a memorial to the sec- retary of state for war, asking permis- sion to form a volunteer corps." But there is a "string" attached to the leg of the offer. The "Loyal" Newry vol- unteers are only to be used for "home service," and not to be required to ex- pose their precious anatomies to the dangers of impact with Boer bullets. The proposition forcibly recalls the pe- culiar character and composition of the Orange yeomanry of the period pre- ceding the Insurrection of 1798,—who as the English viceroy of the period felt compelled to declare, "were formidable only to their unarmed and peacefully inclined neighbors." FERMANAGH. At the last meeting of the Fermanagh county council, a letter was received from the local government board, in Dublin Castle, fixing and designating the salaries to be paid to the officials of the county board. On the reading of the Castle mandate, the following reso- lution was proposed by Mr. J. Jordan, M. P., seconded by Mr. E. Mitchell, and passed unanimously: "We hereby protest in the strongest possible manner, against what this council considers the most high-handed action of the local government board, in fixing the salary of the secretary of the council at £500 per annum, £190 over what this council after- due deliber- ation, thought was quite sufficient, and in granting him £40 over our decision for bringing the act into operation, and that we hereby refuse to accept their decision in the matter, and resolve by every means at our disposal to resist it." KING'S COUNTY. A Birr telegram says the Earl of Huntingdon, while riding with his own hounds, on Jan. 12, sent his horse at a stiff fence, and encountering a hidden post, the animal reared back, striking - Tiis rider, who sustained a fracture of the nose and knee-bone. The Earl was under orders for active service with his regimept. KILKENNY. The regular meeting of the Kilkenny urban district council was held 011 Jan. 9. in the assembly room, Thorsel, Mr. P. E. Wall in the chair. There were also present Aid. E. Nowlan, Messrs. P. Lennon, Edward O'Shea, John Pem- broke, P. Hoyne, and Joseph Purcell. Mr. P. M. Egan, J. P., borough treas- urer, and acting town clerk, was pres- ent. Mr. Cleere, executive sanitary officer, was not present when the coun- cil organized, but came in subsequently, and refused to make a report, as Mr. Purcell had taken possession of his books, as well as those of the borough treasurer and town clerk, Mr. Egan. After an excited discussion Mr. Egan was declared suspended, as he had not filed his bonds, and Mr. Gaskin was asked to act as town clerk, pro. tem., which he did. The council, soon after, adjourned. "" KERRY. Mr. Arthur Hilliard, Catherslea; Mr. Henry Hewson, Tubrid; Mr. Darnley Phibbs, Ardfert; Mr. Cecil Orpen Peet, Arabella, and Mr. David Roche, solici- tor, Castleisland. having been-accepted as volunteers, have left Tralee to join the Imperial yeomanry corps and pro- ceed to the seat of war in Africa. LIMERICK. The board of fishery conservators, at a private meeting, presided over by Lord Massey, have resolved to oppose the scheme of the Shannon Water and Electric Power company, seeking par- liamentary authority to utilize the waters of the Shannon, near Lough Derg, to provide power for the estab- lishment of works by electricity. Lord Dunally wrote that the scheme would interfere with the canal and the pro- posed railway between Dromineer and Nenagh. Mr. Crossley wrote that the Shannon Development Syndicate would appeal. A resolution was passed, and copies are to be sent to M. P.'s and the county councils that have guaranteed the lake steamers, calling upon the chief Secretary and the board of works to refuse to sanction the scheme. LOUTH. A letter has been received, in Dro- gheda, from a soldier in the second bat- talion of the Royal Irish Rifles, .named Owens, who is a prisoner of war in Pretoria. He says that the Boers are treating them well, and their food is good. With him, as fellow-prisoners, are two young soldiers of the same regiment from Diogheda, named Campbell ar.d Tilly. LONGFORD. On Jan. 7, a splendid demonstration in support of the principles of the United Irish League was held at Long- ford, and was addressed by Hon. Ed- ward Blake, the member for the divi- sion, and Mr. J. P. Farrell, M. P. The meeting was the largest and most en- thusiastic demonstration ol the kind which has taken place in the county for a great number of years. SLIGO. A sad accident, which brought sor- row to the family of Mr. O'Dowd chairman of the Sligo county council occurred at Buninaddtn, a few days ago. His little daughter, aged seven years, while playing in the kitchen of the family residence, upset a kettle of boiling water and got scalded over a large portion of her body. Dr. Flan- nery was in immediate attendance, and everything that care and medical skill could devise was done for the little suf- ferer, but she passed away on Jan. 9, from the effects of the shock. TIPERARY. For the vacancies in the Cashel cor poration, the following candidates were nominated, there being six vacancies: Messrs. Patrick Cunningham, John Darmody, James Hanly, John street; James Hanly Green, Dr. Laffan, Corne- lius Ryan, John Brennan, labor candi- date; Edmond Davin, labor candidate; Matthew McNamara, labor candidate; Christopher Connors, Thomas Costello, Patrick Foley, Richard Looby, John Ryan, and Michael Ryan. The first- named six are those of the officials seeking re-election. TYRONE. At the petty sessions, in Cookstown, on Jan. 5. before Capt. Welch, R. M. (in the chair), and Messrs. James H. Staples, J. P.; Samuel Ekin, J. P.; and W. D. Smith, J. P. (all Tory-Union- ists), Sergt. Mulderry, R. I. C., charged Henry McAnespy with having, in the public street, on the 26th of December last, shouted —"Go on, the Boers!" The "loyal" magistrates, of course, were horrified at the expression of such "disloyal" sentiments by an Irishman, —though much stronger expressions of opposition to the Tory war-policy have been uttered—even by members of par- liament—on English public platforms. The "Bench" were only divided in their estimate of how much they would fine the defendant, as it was stated that he was a poor man. The chairman, how- ever, solved the difficulty by declaring that the defendant was "rich enough to be disloyal;" and he was, accordingly fined "one pound sterling and costs." A similar penalty was ordered to be im- posed on Daniel McGeown, who was also declared to be "disloyal," as far as the war in Africa was concerned,—the chairman of the bench declaring that the expression of such- sentiments amounted to "absolute treason." WEXFORD. The announcement of the death of Sister Mary Xavier Richards, of the Convent of Mercy, Wexford, which took place on Jan. 8, was received with the deepest regret. Sister Xavier had spent 46 years in the convent, and dur- ing that lengthened period had applied herself with zeal and earnestness to- wards establishing the success of the many charitable works undertaken by the institution. The deceased nun fell a victim to the prevailing epidemic of influenza, on Christmas Day, and passed peacefully away. She was the daughter of the late Captain Loftus, Richards, of Clonard, an officer of the Forty-fourth regiment, who dis- tinguished himself in the Peninsular war. WICKLOW. The announcement is made of the death on Dec. 30, at her residence, Car- new, County Wicklow, after a short ill- ness, of Mary, relict of the late Philip Loughnan, aged 96 years. She was interred in the family burial ground, Tomacork, on Jan. 1, 1900. High Mass and office took place on the 2d of Jan- uary. Business Notices. John M. Gleason, undertaker, I4 Sav entk street, south. Telephone, stori (539-L; residence. 489-J. So. J. R. Corrigan and W. H. Boras lawyers, 540 Temple Court Telephone 2488 J-i. Beautiful Society Badges. We have secured the agency for the Whitehead & Hoag Company's hand- some and complete line of badges for every Catholic society in the North- west, including A. O. H., C. O. F., Holy Name, Young Ladies' Sodality, Rosary Society, all French, German. Polish, Bohemian societies, and in fact can furnish badges for any society of any nationality. We have a full line of samples of these handsome badges at our office. Call and see them and be convinced that, we have just what you want. Out of town parties can se- cure any information desired regarding badges by writing us. All of these badges are of exquisite workmanship and design and are just what every so- ciety needs for the membership. THE IRISH STANDARD. 51 Fourth street S-, Minneapolis, Minn. JL 0. H. DIRECTORY tnvsnip ov 'KRKTIAH NATIONAL OFFICERS. John T. Keating, National President, Chi- cago. 111. •fumes E. Dolan, Vice President, Syra- cuse, N. T. Jnnies P. O'Sullivan, Natlomil Secretary. Philadelphia, Pa. NATIONAL DIRKCTOUR. P. T. Moran, National Treasurer, Wash- ington, D. C. P. J. O'Connor, Savannah, fin. M. J. Burns, Indianapolis. Tml. F). J. SI a Her y. So. Framlngltp.m. Mas*. Patrick O'Neill, Philadelphia. Ph. 8TATB OFFICE!!*—MIN \ KSOTA. President—C. J. O'Brien, Owntonna. Secretary—Thos. Connolly, K2S Penn ay N.. Minneapolis. Treasurer—J. F. McGlnnla, Hralnerd. President of Insurance Fund—R. J. Clarke. St. Paul. Vice President—T. H. Mnrphv. Brat nerd. Secretary of Insurance -John A. O'Shaughnessy. Stillwater. Treasurer of Insurance—John Sheehy, Montgomery. State Medical Director—Dr. M. W. Buck- ler. St. Panl. Directors of Insurance Fond- PI. F. Kelly, Phleldsyllle: J. I). O'Brien. Minneapolis: M. HefTron, Rochester; J. J. Pa ley. Minne- apolis; J. W. Holloran. Glenme. State Board of Audit—John T. McGowaa, Minneapolis: Austin Kennedy, Rochester; John Kennedy, Minneapolis. STATE OFFICBRS-LADIKS AUXILI- ARY. President—Mra. J. 3. Daley, 1804 Central IT. Minneapolis. Vice President—Mr*. Hair Itellly, Braln- erd. Secretary—Klla Keating, 147 Pleasant BT. St. Panl. Treasurer—Anna Stanton, Lanesboro. Board of Directors—Mr*. J. Haley. 81 Paul: Arnes Rellly, Stillwater: Susie Col- lins. Minneapolis: Arnea Hlckey, Grace- rllle: Gertie Fahey. Hastings. Insurance Secretary—Miss II. B. Grady, Stillwater. Insurance Treasurer—Marr Snlllraa, Rochester. State Medical Director—Dr. H. W. Buck- ley. St. Paul. MINNEAPOLIS, H1INNBPW COUNTY. Co. Pre«.—N. C. O'Connor, 82t Main at NH. Co. See.—J. T. Bortan, 18M 14 ar 8. Co. Treaa.—M. P. walla, 830 Wash, ar H Plr. No. 1.—President, U. ff, Hon*. 341B 18 ar 8. * Vice Pres.—G. 3. Molan, Ml? « at If*. Recording Sec.— 1 Thos. O'Neill, MM 11 ar 8. Fin. Sec.—M. 8. Conlln. 02.14 at 8. Ins. See.—J. J. Fitzgerald, Plymouth Clothing House. Tress.—W. B. Barley. Meets second Sunday afternoon and fourth Monday night of each month at MA 1 av 8. niT. No. 2.—President, Thoe. Dunn, 1B0B 4 st H. Vtee Free.—J. J. Regan, Hill Kth st 8. Recording Bee.—Felix McNainee, 1B#T 0 st fl. Tress.—.Tamos Kellr. 205n IS sr ft. Fin. Sec., M. H. Jennings. 609 12th Aye. S. Ina. See., John O'Grady, 2(111 lTth Are. S. Meets (Irst Monday evening snd th.rd Sin dny afternoon of month at Labor Temple, corner 8 a* R. and 4 St.. Plr. No. 3.—President, It. J. Hayes, 138 8th ave. N. ID. Vice Pres.—-C. A. T>sley. 1 *04 Central ar. Rec. Sec.—W. A. Mslone. 114 8 ay NR. Fin. Sec.—Pan O'Connell 1B00 8 at NH. Tress.—John Morsn. BOB 27 ay NR. Ins Sec.—J. J. Daly. 1K04 Central ay. Meets the first Sunday afternoon at 3:8ft and third Thursday even In a of month at 7:80 at A. O. U. w. hall, 225 CentTal ay. Ptr. No. 4.—President, John Meagher. tWfl Fremont ay N. Vice Pres.—John J. Poran. 40P It ar W. Ree. See.—Geo. F. Murray, 14% 16th Ay*. N. Fin. Sec.—H. H. ITelln, 1*21 2 st If Ins. Sec.—P. Mitchell. B2T Plymouth ay. Tress.—J. F. Mitchell. K27 Plymouth ay. Meets first and third Tuesdays of month st T:S0 p. m.. Odd Fellows hail, corner Tenth ar N. and Washington. Dir. No. B, Bdlna.—President, Michael Gleeaon, Kdtna. Vice Pres.—n. J. Ryan. Cahlll P. O. Rec. Sec.—James Darcr. Cahlll P. O. Fin. Sec.—A. Kyte. Bdlna. Treas.—James Delsney. fablll. Ina. Sec.—T. J. Morlarlty. Cahll!. Meets second Sunday of each month at 7:30 p. m.. In school house. Cahlll. Dir. No. «—Pres.. J. T. Tloylan, 1R28 14th are. S.: rice prea., 3. R. Hitckley. 2SRS 18th aye. S.: ree. aec., F. 15. Oil (Tin, 2108 Bloom- Ington aye.: ftn. see., Dennis Bow, 21110 17th aye. 8.: treas., J. J. McCarthy, 2924 17th aye. S.; Ina. see., M. F. Crahen, 2646 16th are. 8. Meet eyerr second Thursday and fourth Snndny at Forester Hall, 1500 East Frank- lin ave. nir. No. T.—President. M. 3. Allen, 401 10 ptf ff. Vice Pres.—J. F. Lyons. H14 T ay N. Rec See.—J. S. Foley. 713 Osk Lake BT. Fin. See.— J. McHugh. 1417 6th at. N. Treas.—J. F. TTanllr. 23«; Fremont ay If. Ina. Bee.—T. •. Boyle. *21 Oak Lake Ave. Meets second snd fourth Thursdaya ef month at Klstler's hall, corner 6 ay N. and Lyndnle, at 7:30 p. m. .JU'i Wp S.—President, J. H. Nightingale. In20 7 st SB. . Vice Pres.—J. V flylnnd, 274B Ifleol- let ay. Rec. Sec.—T. J. Ftynn. 324 Nicollet ar. Fin. Sec.—J. yr. Vanderhoof, Central Ifar- IC*t. Ins. See.—J. C. Sheehan. Gannon Grocery Co. Tressurer. H. C McMshnn. 222 6th St. N. Meets third Thursday of month, cor. Nic- ollet and 3rd. 8 p. m. HIBWRNIAN HIFLHB. Capt.—J. F. Walsh. *1fl 4 st M. 1st Lieut.—F. B. Kesly. 2d Lieut.—J. J. Poran. Rec. Sec.—Wllllsm Mslone. Fin. Sec.—T. A. Os1la?tier. Tress.—A. Breen. WBTfNFPIN COTTNTT L. A. 2™•l4 T, , r 7s!" ,t •-" r •• M H C"" ^s M,M Vice Pre*—Miss Nannie Lyons,"614 7th are. N. Rec. See.—Miss Minnie Qutqn, 1*21 Ith It. n, st"n. Sec.—Miss Mary fiarvey, 1201 lat Treas.—Mlsa Sadie Mcnnlre, TH Brad- ford aye. N. Ins. See—Mlaa Nellie Cnrran, M6 lltb aye. S. Meetings first and third Mondaya of each month at 703 Nicollet are Ladles' Anxlllsry. Hennepin Co., Dly. Jfo. 2—Pres.. Mra. P. L. Collins, 14S 6th aye. N. B. Vice Prea.. Mra. R. Hayes, 188 8th aye. N. ». Rec. See.—Mra. Frank Snillyaa, 7S9 Waah- Ington st. N. B. Fin Sre —Mrs. Mary Turner, 1218 Jeffer- son st N. R. ^TWii.-Mrs. Mary C. Klnnane, BOO 3d at las'. See.—Mlaa Motile Callahan, 7W Washington at If. B. Meets aecond and fourth Thursday erea- Inga of month at A. O. C. W. Hall, 23S Cen- tral ava. Dir. Ttu. President, Mra. Jkmes Beat. 628 B at If. Vice Ptt« —Mrs. J. H. Benson, 715 at M. Treas., Mrs. W. Harold; Fin. Sec., Margaret Coakraa. Recording 8ec., Mary Beusoa. Ins. Sec., Mrs. M. McGInty. Meeta second and fourth Tuesday eraa- l?,** St each month at corner of 10 ay N. and Washington. gau'^iasV^rT 1 " 1 - M '" AB °* ""N- 16 v JeegPree.-M!ss Mamie Ftaharaa, Rec. Sec.—Mra. Mary O'Rourke, Bloomlngtoa ay. ay'S' 8ec-—M1m n®' Brodertck, 2441 11 Treaa.-Mra. M. Lynch, 5301 16 ay S. ay S M1b * Annie Callahan, 272# 17 Meeta first and third Thursday eyenlnga of each month at A. O. H. hall, MU Blooinlngton ar. 727 *20 ar g _PreBident ' Mr « M B. Molan, Vice Prea.—Mrs. Bdward Walsh, 416 M A? N. Rec. See.—Mrs. R. Mullen, 2511 James •v N. ar"'!?' Sec.—Mrs. Lizzie Sulllran, 808 17 Treas.-Mra. John Sulllran, 244 18 ar N Ins. Sec.—Mrs. S. Roardman. 1811 4 st N Meets first aud third Monday erenlags of month at 2118 Washington ay N. Dir. No. 6, L. A., A. O. H.—Prea.—Brld get Flaherty. 1U21 Btb St S. Vice-Prea.—Mra. Welch. Minnehaha Park. Rec. Sec.—Jnllet Dunn. 100« 4th St. 8. Fin. Sec.—Susie Moore. 1608 6th St S. Treas.—Mrs Julia Regan. 1213 Bth St. 8 Ins. Sec.—Msry Byrne. B27 13th Are. S Meets the first Tnesdsy of eyery month at Labor Temple Hall. RAMSRT COHNTT. J - Cannon, 324 Globe Bnlldlnc. 3l" 1 M»rHn 1 sr Pr ''""" ,nt - T,,0 •• W " MCO0,T ' Vice Pros.—John R. DcmpKcy. Rec. Sec.—John It Pewters. (HIT Wahs slia st. Fin. Sec.—John Costello. R«0 Rursess st Treas -M. J Pore. R1 Gsrflcld st Ins. Sec.—Owen McFnener 41« Parrot! Meets on first snd third Wednesday eren Ings nt Central hall, corner fi snd 7 sta Plv. No 2.—Meets on second and fourth Tuesday evenlncs. at Centrsl hall, corner 6 and 7 sts. No. 3.—President. James R. Hlckey. 233 Kndlcott Bide. Vice Pres.—Michael Sen n I on, 54« Missis Hipp! fit. Rec. Sec.—James F. MCNSIIt. 487 Broad- way st. Fin. Sec.—Wm. Coreny. 71 Atwatcr st. Treas.—Michael Mnllane. flfl? Burr St. Ins Sec.—Thomas McMnhon. 323 S Franklin st. Meets on first find third Frldsr erenlnw st Cretin Hall. Plr. No. 4.—Meets on first and third Frl day eyenlnes at Central-hall, corner 6 and T sts. Alex. J. McCar thy. 312 Smith sr. Vice P-es.-J J McDonnell. Merrlsm Pk Rec. Sec.—Michael J. Foler. Merrlsm Pk Fin. Sec.—Pstrlok R. Clark. Men-lam Pk Treas.—James Pooler. 1WW Charles st. Ins. Sec.—Tlmothr J. Poyle Meets on third Friday erenlnes at hall, corner of nnlvernlty and Prior ars. Plr. No. 6.—Meets on second and fonrth Tuesdsr evenings st Central hall, corner 6 and 7 sts. Plr. No. 7.—Meets on second snd fonrth Friday erenlnsrs at St. Michael's hstt. Plr. No. a.—Meeta second and fourth Tuesday erenlnga at A. O. O. W. hall. 8 and w »hasha sts. T 0—President, R. J. Clsrke. 107 TJtcnfWfl nt. Vice Pres.—W. J. Lone. IW Litchfield at Rec. Sec.—John Loohey. 034 Osnltler at Fin. Sec.—James Peensn. 11B Manitoba Ina. Sec.—J P. Connelly. TM) Par* are. Treas —John M. White. 117 Manitoba. W'/nlST meetlnrs sre held on the first and third Wednesdsrs of the month, at Hed man's Hall. 01S Rice at. LAm*"' AFTIL1ABT. A O TT . RAMSBT. Mlaa Mary L. A. Smith, acting Co. Praa.. 460 Cllntoa Are. Wj- Wo. 1—Pres.. Mra. Mary McGoey. BIB Martin St.: Vice Prea., Mrs. Mary Pfr Isn. B68 Decatnr St.: Ree. Sec., Mrs. Fran- ces Harmon. 2H7 Jenka St.: Fin See.. Mra. Anna Neweomhe. 147 Pteaesnt Are.: Treaa., Mlaa Hannah Rearden. BB8 St Pet er St.: Tne. See., Mra. Sarah Donobne. 8KB Case 8t. Meeta on the Brat and third Tneadsy of each month at Central Hall, cor. Btb and 7th Bta. IMy. No. S—Pres.. Mra. Wary McDonald. BM Burgess St.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Annie White. 117 Msnltoha Aye.: Rec. See., Mlaa Mamie Hartnett. 48 Lyton St.: Fin. See., Mlaa Cecilia Cnrrlgan. B1 W. Cook St: Treaa.. Mra. Mary H. Smith. 03 Sycamore St.: Ina. Sec., Mra. Sheehan. 902 Conrt- land St. Meets on the second and fonrth Thursday at Hedman'a Hall. Plr. No. 8—Prea.. Mlaa Josephine Cook, IfiB Vslley St.: Vice Pres.. Mra Johannah McPonald. «R0H Selhy Are.: Rec. Sec., Mrs. Nellie Sessions. 892 Chsrles St.: Fin. Sec., Mrs. Brldeet L. Keeran, SOS Jackson St.: Treaa.. Mrs Winifred Mitchell. RSI Selhy Are.: Ins. Sec.. Mrs miasheth Kelly. 334 St. Anthony Are. Meets on the Aral snd third Monday at Central Hall. Plr. No. 4—Pres., Mrs. Helen McGrsth. 6B0 Oakdale Are.: Vice Prea., Mra. Mar- garet Lamb. 280 B. RoWe St.: Rec. Sec.. Mlaa Msry L. A. Smith. 4W> Clinton Are.; Fin. Sec., Miss B. Foley. 391 B Wshssha St.; Tresa., Mrs. Jane Grant. 367 Andrew St.: Ina. Sec., Mrs. Rose Oallsrher. 137 B Conrress St Meets on the seennd and fonrth Wednesday at Union Star Hall, cor. State. Plr. No. B—Prea. Mlsa Rose Daley. B8S Mendota St.: Vice Prea., Mra. Margaret Norton. 913 Freemont St.: Rec. Sec.. Miss Rarbsra McPononeh. 1048 B. 4th St.: Fin. Sec., Miss Berths Sister. 733 Conwsy St.: Treaa., Mra. Marearet Hawkins. 193 Maple St.: Ins. Sec.. Mrs. Nellie J. Sister. 788 Conway St. Meets on the seennd and fourth Moudsy at Odd Fellows' Hall, eor. 7th and Reaney Bta. Dir. No. 6—Pres., Mra. Mary Bllen Mnr- phy, 77 Front St.: Vice Pres., Miss Cath- erine Melaldy, 830 Sherburne Are.; Ree. See., Mra Hannah Connetl, Garfield 8t.; Fin. Sec., Mrs. Msrgaret Scott, B8B La- fond St.; Treaa., Mrs. Nellie Dixon, 4T7 TTnlrerslty Are.; Ina. Sec., Mlaa Marg. W. Tnohy. 2877 Bllla St.. Merrlam Park. Meeta on the aeeond and fourth Monday at Twin City Hall, cor. Wabasha and Dnlrerslty Are. Dir. No. 7—Pres., Mra. Msry Waters, STB St. Anthony Aye.; Vice Prea., Mra. J. A. Williams, eor. Grand and Snelllng Are.; Ree. Sec., Mlsa Nellie Harerty. 12B Igle- hart St.; Fin. Sec., Mlaa Mary B. Kelly, 14T neassnt Are.: Treaa., Mra. D. F. MeCar- thy, 147 Pleaaant Are.; Ina. See., Mra. A McDonald, 26# Carroll St. STILLWATRR. WASHINGTON CO. Co. Pres.—R. W. McGarry. Prea.—T. W. Welsh. Vice Pres.—P. F. Poyle. Rec. Sec.—Philip Ryaa. Pin. Bee.—Thou. Cnr!«y. Tret*.—J. W. Cltftix Ins. Sec.—Dsnlel Rrennan. . afert ererr Monday erenlng at A. O. •. hall. In Grand Opera House bnlldlnjB. Danghtera of Erin.—Co. Prealdent, Mra. James Forcela. Pres.—Mrs. T. H. Cnrley. Vice Pres.—Mrs. P. Connors. Rec. Sec.—Mrs. M. Donalds. Fin. Sec.—Miss A. K. Rellly. Ins Sec.—Miss M. Grsdy. Tress.—Mrs. Geo. Gowan. Meet second snd fonrth Friday arealBBs of month at Opei® hall. MORRIS. STRVBNS COUNTY. Co. Prea.—Wm. Rlordan. Prea.—D. Hennessr. Vice Pres.—J. 8. Wslsh. Rec. Sec.—T. F. McCsnney. Fin. Sec.—T. A. Callaghan. Treaa. and In«. Sec.—Timothy Mnrahy. Meet first Sunday of month. McHngh A "*" , " ry -Co - President, Mlaa M. President of Dir.—Miss Nellie Moraa. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Alice See. Rec. Sec.—Miss Msrgaret Csllshaa. Fin. Sec.—Miss Nellie McHngh. Tress.—Mrs. Fllzaheth Mahonsy. Meet at Morrla, Minn. DAKOTA COUNTY. Co. Prea.—T. P. Moran. Dir. No. 1, Hastings.—President, Patrick Cnroiiin. Vice Pres.—D. McNamara. Rec. Sec —J. F. Sterena. Fin Sec.—Thos. McShane. Treas.—W. B. Fshy. Ins Sec.—J. F. Csranangh. Meet aeeond an fonrth Tuesdays at month. Ladles' Auxiliary.—Co. Prealdeat, Mlaa Gertrude Fshey. Pres.—Miss Theresa Conley. Vice Pres.-Miss .lulls Thorna. Rec. Sec.—Miss Anns McShaaa. Fin. Sec.—Miss M. Mnlamphy. Treas.—Mrs. J. J. Cnrrler. Ins. Sec.—Mrs. J. Pettlnglll. Meet on the first and third ThnraAan ef the month at A. O. H. hall. Moran N °" *' Rowmo,,nt -~ Pl * ,,a **t, •. P. Vice Prea.—J. O. Ryaa. Ree. See.—Wm. Carroll. Fla. Sec.—A. Cstn. Ins. Sec —B. O'Hsra. " r 'en«._T u r>erltt. Meet on second snd fonrth Tneadays of month. Daughters of Hrln, Rosemoant.—PrM- di-nt, Miss Mary Garry. Vice Prea.—Mlsa Nellie Moraa. ttec. See.—Mlaa Anna Delaaer. Treaa.—Mra T. B. Derltt. Ina. Sec.—Mlaa Katie Fallon. Flo. Sec.—Mlaa Maggie Keller. Meet on Brat Sunday of month at BIB a m. and third Wednesday at 7 *. «£ ST CLOUD. STBARNS COUNTY. Co. Prea.—T. C. Bcollan. Dir. No. 1, St Cloud.—Meetlaga third Tuesday of month at M. W. A. halL ••». stlger block. DULUTH. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. Co. Pres.—John Flood. Dir. No. 1.—President, John Flood. Vice Pres.—Patrick M'Cehe Rec. See., A. J. Beers, 1110 Garfield Are. office' Sec.—A. Murphy, Jr., HeraM Treas.—J. H. Sulllran. ... flr "' Wednesday erenlng aad third Sunday afternoon In each month Is Oitholle association h»li. Plr. No. 4, West Pnhith.—President, Wm. Mnrnlan. Vice Pres.—S. C. Roller. Uec. Sec.—James Connelly. Treas. —Thomas Povle Fin and Ins Sec.-Oeo. Coleman. . » "V Bnrt Ni'rrt Tncsdars of month st 7-an o clock p. m.. A. O. U. W. hall. T>auirTiters of Erin, Plr. No. 1.—Co. Prea. Mr« J H. Sulllran. Pres. - Mrs P P McPousld. Vice Pres.- Mrs R r Ronlrer Rec. See.. Mlsa Mse Murphy, BOB Lyeeaa BI4|, Mf«* F. Jordan. Pin 8*p.--MtaR M norm*! J'" Wv* .Wmw iMlNhdn, flnt and third Wednesday tfMllfi of month In Knlamnsoo Block Hall. PTVistnv \o 5 pPoft.—Mra J P Hfimmfll Vice Prea.—Mra. O. A. Oolemaa. 1Too Soo . ^frfl .Tnneph and To* .7 Clnie. Mr« XTdllnni Onvuffftn. Mootlne* flrnt Sunder nfternoon and third nvonlne of month tn A. O. V. W nn 11. WASFPA. WARKfA COTTNTT Thn« Potirher. —.Tytn. ConwflT. Vl<v» Y>rpn - M Tiflmhert. fW Chna ^nlllnna Pfn - n .T T,Mlv. Tna - T> rVKoefp. Trofts.— p MrT.r»r»n<>. Meets first Sunday and third Thursday of month Ladles' Auxiliary.—Co. Pres., Mra. KM CV»ti WOT. P** 0 * - MLOFL TTWTP VW Ppoh.-.Mw. Thn« Urnn. Pf»o T.rnrh. Pin fW.—Mm P M/»T.rtone." Tn* -Ml** Mnrv MM,none. Treaa. —Mr* P O'Ki»ofo Meet aeonnd and laat Aatnrday nlaht of earh month 7 PTPPSTOMP rnnNTT. Po Pro*.—P |ij pnnchert? Plr No 1.- Prealdent P. POWOT*. Vlre prea.—Onn McOanraT. Pe^ —Pdw CARROLL. Pin Poc - ,T Rarrett. Tna Ree. - P P Poncherty. Trena—M TTeffmn. Meet* ftrot Snndnr of month. Addreas Pot 11^. Plpeatnne nt? T.TON CnpNTT. Ladles' AuTlllary.—Co. Prealdeat, Mn Fmma MoPlrnln Pre*. —Mra Marearet White. VIre Prea.-Mra PUfcahoth Cahlll. Pee See.—Mra Marr Ynnnt. Pin Ree.—Mlaa Annie Kennedy. Tna. Ree.—Mra Mary Martin. Trea*.—Mr« Thereaa Marrnn. Meet flrat Snnda? of month. MeT.FJAP COPNTT. CA. Prea.—TO. ,T. Rnrlte. Plr No. 1, Olencoe.—Prealdeat, J. W. Holloran. Vice Pres.—.7. M. O'Ponnell. Rec. Sec.—Thos. Holloran. Fin Sec.—Jos Csrer . Tus Sec.—J W Holloran. Tress —PI. McFllleott. Meets first snd third Snndaya ef Matt In church ascrlaty. FTLLMORW COUNTY. Co. Prea.—John Oalllran. Dir. No. t Laneaboro.—Praaliaat, Ma Scanlan. Vice Pres.—J. O'Hsrd. Rec. Sec.—.T nslVrsn. Fin. Sec.—Jsmes Lynch. Tna. See.—James Oalllgaa. Treaa.—D Thornton. Meets on first and fonrth Sunday* bnsaktN Bank. Plr No 1, Psughtera of H(1b. Laa ro.—President. Mrs. S. Sntllana. Vice Prea.—Mra PI. T.rneh. Rec Sec.—Marie MePorwIefc Fin. Sec.—Nellie RsSTerty, Tress.—Msrrle Rslterty. Tna. Sec.—Mrs Frsrne. STWRLF COUNTY. Co. Prea.—C. J. O'Brien. O'Rrten" 0 ' ° wll,onn "-—^Prealdeat, Xaa. Vice Prea.—Thomas Cashmaa. Rec Sec.—W n Kilty. Fin Sec.— W. H Llehe. Tna Sec.—Oeo. Toher Tress.—M J. McOrsth. Plsee of meellnar. Owatonna, Tuesdar of each month. Ladles' Auxiliary, Owatonna.—Ca. Praa Mrs C. J. O'Rrlen. Prea.. Mrs. C. J. O'Rrlen. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Jas O'Rrlen. Rec Sec.—Mrs. J. T Clsrke. Fin Sec.—Mrs J. P Perlny. Ins Sec —Mrs J. PJ Mslone. Tress.—Mrs. M. J. McOrath. .. n l T 'J fo - 2 - "looming Prairie.—PreaMeat. M J. Reenan. Vice Prea.—P. F. Hollywood. Rec Sec.—Fd. Fltsirerald. Flu. Sec.—O O'Connor. Ins. See.—Fid. O'Connor. Tress.—T. J. Hanlon. Plsce of meeting. Blooming Prairie, ant Sunday of month. NORWOOP. CARVPIR COUNTY. Co. Prea.—J. W. Craren. Norwood. Plr. No. 1.—Pres. W F. Nugent Vice Pres.—Kd Msngsn. Ree ,T. Pnwera. Fin. Sec.—F. F. Nil pent. Tna. See.—J. W. Craren. Time of meeting, aeeond Sunday ef asaartfe. NORLRS COUNTY. Co. Prea.—W. M. Flnley. O'r'oiinor ® ll,wortb -— : Prealdeat, Patriek Vice Prea.—T. Carey, Jr. Rec. Sec.—M. Rnrke. Jr. Fin Sec.—W. M, Flnley. Ina. See.—M. R. Rnrke. Treaa.—M. Onlnsn. Meet on flrat Snndny afternoon and fearth Thuraday erenlng of month la A. O. •. nail. Indies' Auxiliary.- Co. Prealdent. Mlaa m. Keddy. Pres.—Mrs. M. Holloran. Vice Prea.— Mrs. F. J. Aah. Rec. Sec.—Miss N. O'Connor. Fin. Sec.—Mrs. C. A. Rlrd. Treas.—Miss M. Rnrke. Ins. Sec.—Miss A. O'Connor. Meet on first Thursday erenlng aad third Sunday afternoon of month at A. O. H. hall. ICIIaworth. ' _ ROCK COUNTY. Co. Pres.—P. R. Kelty. Lurerne. Pres—Jas. McKeon. Vice Pres.—Martin Ryan. Rec. Sec.—Jas. Fltxgernld. Fin. Sec.—J. T. Coreny. Treaa.—P. R. Kelly. ROCHFSTRR. OLM8TBD COUNTY. Co. Pree.—M. Heffron. Plr. No. 1.-Prealdent, J. HI. WcOevefB. Vice Prea.—Kdw. Fitzgerald. Fin. Sec.—James Peenon. Rec. Sec.—Wm. Kelly. Ins. Sec.—T. J. Lawler. Treaa.—P. J. Cndmore. Meet first and third Tuesday erenlnga ef month at K. P hall. Lsdies' Auxiliary.- Co. Prea., Mlaa Aaga- llne Pnrcell. " Prea.-Mlaa Margaret B. Snillyaa. Vice Prea.—Mrs. R, M.-rrsy. Ree. Sec.— Mlas M. Hartley. Fin. Sec.—Miss Katie Pf.Tioraa. Treas.—Mrs. J. M. Norton. Ins. Sec —Miss Clara Kennedy. Meeta aeeond and fourth Taeadaga of month at K. P. hall. ANOKA COUNTY. Co. Prea.-T. M. Sulllran. Prea.—H. J. Ponnellr. Vice Prea. —Michael Tlgne, Ree. Sec.—J. H. Colllua. Fin. Sec.—P. T. Stsck. Tns. Sec.—D. W. Shannon. Trees.—John McPonsId. Meetings second Sunday of each aiall at O. A. R. hall. Second arenne. SWIFT COUNTY. Co. Prea.—P. F. McPermott. Clontarf. Plr. No. 1, Clontarf.—Prealdent, Wm. Kenna. Vice Pres.—John Oossen. Rec Sec.—.Tns, O'Ponnell. Fin. Sec.—M. W Conlogne. Tress, and Tna. Sec.—Patrick Foley. Meet In is first Sunday of month la town hall. Dir. No. 2.—President, J. C. Collins, Vice Prea.—James O'Connor. Wee Sec.—T TT Ponnellr. i Fin. Sec., T. H. Ponnelly. Ins. Sec.. M. McShane. Treas.—R. Hohnn. Senrt.-at-Arms. Chsrles Qulnn. Address, Renson, Minn. Meet aecotid Sunday of month. WINONA COUNTY. Dir. No. 1—President—Hoa. P. rick. vice Prea —Jsa. PI Rnrk Ree Sec.—Jno. Rowan. Sr. Fin. Sec.—J. T. Rowan. Baa.—Geo. Forkena. •ml.—IL J. Ryan. IMpUar meetings are held on tta H aad third Tuesday erenlnga of tha aM at 8t Thomaa Hall. - Dir. Mo. 2, Witoka.—Prealdeat Lnka MB •le. Vlee Prea.—Wm. MeCaCrey. {tea. 8ec.—J. M. Mohaa, Rushferd ». Ol laa. 8M.—Jeremiah Moraa, 8a. Meet aeeond Snnday of aaeath at Daughtara of Brla, Wlaeaa.—~ Mlsa May McDonnell. Vice Prea.—Mlaa Aaale Tlriaa Rec. Sec.— Mlae Reae Dciaahoe. Fin. Sac.—Mlaa Nellie Btacka. Treaa.—Miss Nellie Foekeaa. Ina. Sec.—Mlaa Annie MeOnaa. of Co. Prea.—Miss Nellie Hanley. >aa<Ur Meeta flrat and third Wedne_ r month at St. Thomaa' hall. MORTON, RBNVILLR COVKVC. Ca Prea.—T. H. McGlnty. Dir. No. 1.—Prea., J. H. F Vice Prea.—M. A. Donloa. Ree. Sec.—C. J. Reagan. Fin. Sec.—D. F. Keefe. Treas.—T. M. Keefe. Ins. Sec.—A. H. Keefe. Meet second Sunday of aaeh meath M ft . m. RBAINHRD, CROW WINS COBB1I. Co. Prea.—J. F. McOlaala. Prea.—Wm. Barron. Vice Prea.—'Thoa. Rnaaell. Rec Sec.-Jaa. Ctillen. Flu. and Ina. See.-T. H. Mnrphy. Treas.—J F. Russell. Me^t aeeond Wednesday ayaalaar at 9 o clock nnd fonrth Runday At 9 p. m. month In McKay'a hall, ColaaRkta " Ladles' Anxlllary.—Co. PrMtdMt, Kathleen Early. Prea,-Mra Roaa Clark. Vice-Prea.—Mlsa Nellie Bnma. Rec. Sec.-Mra. Jennie Hawktna. Fin. 9ec.~Mlaa Sadie Rellly. r Traaa.—Mlaa Mnmle Carney. The Division meeta flrat and tfelrt Wednei.d*ys In the month. In Columbian nail. RLrrn karth county. Co. Prea.-T R. Mntangh, Msdlsoa Laha. Ply. No. I. Msnknto.- Pres., M. J. CaMr. Vice Pres.—C. r. Olhlen. Ref, flee.—Patriek Rennay. Fin. Rec.—Panlel ronghlan. Treaa.—Thoa. Con^hlan. Ina. Sec.—Jno. Mrr«n. Meeta aeeond flnnday at 9 m. m. tmC Monday at 8 p. to. at A. O. K. Mfl. ?»02 8. Front at. Rollert nd&sn Maa "' 0n Vice Prea.—C. T. McCarthy. Rec. Sec—J. J. McCarthy. Fin. Sec.—J. J. Rrown. Tna Sec.—John White. Treas.—John McNamara. J «?a , * PCOn ' , fourth Bnndaya of moatk at nthemlnn hall. Ledlea* Anxlllary.—Co. Prealdent. Mln nafay Donsrherly. Mankato. niv No. 1, Mankato.-Prealdent. Mra. Ju. nomrhertr. Pres.—Mrs. Anna Dougherty. Vice-Prea.—Cecelia ConRhlaa. Rec. Sec.—Laura Kelly. Fin. Sec.—Mrs. Nora Rnrk. Tna. Sec.—Mrs. Lydls Ballanger. Treas.—Mrs. Anns Riley. Meeting nlrhts, first snd third Mendare of each month. Lsdies' Ancillary. Madison Lake.—Preal- dent. Mrs. Msry Ollbrlde. Vice Pres.-Mrs. Brldeet Smith. Rec. Sec.—Mrs. ICstle Msdlrsn. Ins. Sec.—Mrs. Mariraret Porsn. Tress. —Mrs. Rst.le McNsmara. Serreant-st-srms. Mrs Ratle Bhehaa. Sentinel. Mrs. Msry Porsn. Meeta aeeond and fonrth Snndaya al month at p. m., Hlhernlan hall. ORACRVILLB, RIO STONR COUNT*. Co. Pres.—M. J. MePonnell. Prea.—Wm. Cregan. Vice Pres.—Hurt Helly. Ree. Sec.—P. H. Cawler. Fin. Sec.—Rer. M. O'Ritea. Treas.-P. McNsmara. Tna. Sec.—Rer. M. O'Rrlen. Meet flrat Snndny of month. Dauirhtera of Rrln. Gracerllle.—PrealflMt. Mrs. M. W. Strong. Vice Prea.—Mlaa Maggie Cestelle. Rec. See.—Mra. M. I. IVaonaa. Fin Sec.—Mlsa Nellie Pnwna. Tna. Sec.—Mlaa Orace MrDannalf. Treas.—Mrs. A. Boetcher. Co Pres.—Miss Agnaa Hlckey. Meeta aeeond Friday and fonrth Bandar of month. _ AVOCA. MURRAY COUNTY. Co. Pres.—J. H. Mahoney. Dly. No. 1.—Prealdent. M. Cnllaa. Vice Prea.—P. Rrsdy. Ree. Sec.—John O'Ponnell, Areea. Fin. 8ac.—T. Mnrray. Treaa.—P. Dwyer, 8r. Tna. Sec.—P. Wynne, Aroca. Meet flrat Sunday ef month. Dir. No. 1, L. A.—Co. Prea, Mra. Kennedy; prealdent, Mra Aaale rice prea., Mra. Mary Farrell: Ma Mra. Catherine Crowley; fla. aee., Mia. Mahoney; Ina. sec., Mr*. Jalla PeL treaa., Mra. Mary Rrady. Meet third day of month after maaa. Dir. No. 2, Cnrrle.—Prea., J. •. KaaiV. Vice Pres.—John Donnelly. Rec. Sec.—M. Fsrrell. Fin. Sec.—O. Prlnrllle, Tns. Sec.—W. Sweetmsn. Trens.—P. R. Oalrln. Meet seennd Sunday of each month at Oaa- rle's hall. Lsdies' Auxiliary, Plr. 2.—Pres., Mra. •. McArorr. Vlee Pres.—Mrs. P. Cauley. Fin Sec.—Miss Susie Sweeny. Rec. Sec.—Miss Mnry F. Oormaa. Treas.—Mrs. Joseph Rrrnes. Tns. Sec.—Miss R. MeCormlefc. LR SnmUR COUNTY. Co. Pres.— Rngcne Oshorn, Le 8near. Plr. No. 1, St. Thomns.—Pres., ©. W. Rnrna. Vice Pres.—C. Klldnff. Rec. Sec.—W. H. Rnrns. Fin. Sec.—Jsmes Ronsyne. Ins. Sec.—J. S. O'Ponnell. Tress.—J. J. O'Nell. Meet first Sunday In month it I r p. m. at St. Thomas hnll. Dir. No. 2.—Pres., M. Skelly. Fin. Sec.—Rugene Osborne. Treas.—R. Dorsn. Meets first Snndsy of month. Le Sueur. Plr. No. R, Montgomery.—Meet istaad Snnday In month. SIRLRY COUNTY. County Pres.—W. T. Fahey, Qreaa "' la. Dir. No. 1, Green Isle.—Prea., Daatal Mr- era. Vice Pres.—M. McMaboa. Rec. Sec.—Frsnk Coserore. Fin. Sec.—W. T. Fahey. Treas.—Thos Morrln. Tns Sec.—M McMahon. Meets first Sunday of month at 3 p. a)., nnd llilrd Thursday nt 8 p. m., at St. Brea- dnn's hall. Auxiliary.—Co. President, Mlaa K. K. Litchfield. Pres., Mrs. John S. McMnhon: Ylce-Prea., Mrs. Frank Cosgroye; Rec. Sec., Mra. T. P. Mnrtln: Fin. See.. Miss ITnnna Brick; laa; See., Mrs. Chas. Purcell. Pres.—Mrs. Wm. Msrtln. _ Vice Pres.—Mrs. H. H. Litchfield Rec. Sec.—Miss Fmma K. Litchfield. Fin. Sec.—Miss R. Fsbey. Treas.—Mrs. Thos. Polan. Tns. Sec.—Miss M. It. Fltapatrlek. Meet second Snnday of month at B p. BL SCOTT COUNTT. Co. Prea.—F. J. Leonard. Jordaa. Dir. No. 1, Belle Plalue.—Pres., Dr. •. B. Moloney. Vice Pres.—James O'Neill. Rec. See.—H. R. Conlon. Fin. Sec.—P. M. Carannngh. Tna. Sec.—Wm. Fttegereld. Treas.—Panlel Callahan. Meet nrst Snnday of month. RICH COUNTY. Dir. No. 1, Farlbanlt.—Place of id set! Faribault. Dly. 2, Shleldsrllle.—Meet third BwHr ef month. LEGAL DIRECTOKY. PARTIAL LIST OF RRLIABLB ATM4 NBVS OF MINNRAPOLTS, WITS LOCATION OF OFFICB8. Abell, Ace P., 801-2 Rank of Com. Bite Arctander, Lndrle, Temple Conrt. Ankeny, A. T„ Btn Globe Bldg. Rleecker, Oeo. M., 831 Boston Bit Brlce. A. L., Guaranty Loan. Byrnes. T. ft., Ron Kasota Bldg. Dnrenport A Thlan, Phoenix Bid#. Darellua, A. B„ 020 N. Y. Life Bite, Peutscb, Henry. S2A Guaranty Lou. Donahue, W. H., 28 Waah. Are. 8. Fortln, Geo. H., 402 Globe Bldg. Gallagher, Chris. A., B8T Guaranty L Garrlty, T. A., «22 N. Y. Life Bite. GJertsen * Rand, Tll-718 N. Y. Ufa Hertlg, Wendell, N. Y. Life Bids. Noyea, A. IT., 4(fa Globe Bldg. Hobba, F. E., 2SB Temple CT Jelley, C. S„ 80S Globe Bldg. nrt. Lane A Nanta. Oneida Rtk. Lawrence. Jaa. W., 841 Boatoa Blh. Leary, W. C., Temple Court. Mnnro, Weed, N. Y. Life Rldg. Mahoney. Stephen. 802 Guar. Loaa Bids, McHale. John J., 801-80B B'k of Ceea. BMft Nlckell, J. H.j SMI Lumber Rxehaage, Nye, Frank u., Gnaraaty Loaa. O'Brien, J. BOB Oneida Blk. Pllgram, W. H. H., BIB Temple Ceart. Rea A Healy. Temple Court. Smith, Oea. «1B Boataa Blk. Steele, John U.. T10 Phoenix Bldg. Stetler. jL H.. BUT Olehe BMg. Yonne. H. w„ 4fi2 Olohe Btdg. Van Fnssen * Frost. R80 Gnaraaty Loaa. ^Pelch A Hnhschek. B'k of Com. BMf.


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HEWS FROM IRELAND 'Coafesslonal.

(After the manner of Rudyard Kipling.)

God of our sires who hither fled Across the strange and stormy sea,

Who suffered exile, toiled and bled To make themselves and children free, God of the pilgrims, smite us not!

We have forgot! We have forgot!

How runs the story? Far away We hear the epoch-opening gun Fired by our minute-men at bay Upon the green at Lexington!

But, far and faint, we heed it not —Lord God of Hosts, we have forgot!

The bill of rights our fathers signed And sealed with shot and saber-

•stroke Their just appeal to all mankind,

Their prayers sent up through battle smoke,

Their faith humane, without a blot, Lord God of Hosts, we have forgot!


Ah! if, where sun-set islands lie, Thy brave, brown men their blood shall

spill, Shall strike for liberty and die, Slain by the heirs of Bunker Hill, Thou wilt remember! wilt thou not? Though we, thy people, have forgot!

We have forgot! A Roman lust Profanes our ancient, holy things; We trample justice in the dust; We have the rabies of the kings!

The scarlet rage of gun and sword! Have mercy on thy people, Lord!

Amen! —Dr. Howard Taylor.

.. !• r

The British Lion. The lion is loud in liis kingly roar,

And he mingles in every fray; His whelps are bullies on every shore

For plunder and lust and prey..

The lion's brood—a blood-stained brood With armies great and strong—

Who pray for good in saintly mood, And always fight for wrong.

The lion's lands are alien lands Far away from his lair so small,

All stolen lands on foreign strands, Trampled and plunder'd all.

The lion's march is death and war Wherever his standard waves,

Or near or far his armies mar With sepulchres and graves.

The sun sets not on his banners red, For he seeks to grasp the world,

And his tyrant tread is over the dead Wherever his flag's unfurled.

His ships traverse the oceans wide; Their sails whiten sea and stream,

And their pirates glide on every tide With death in their sabre's gleam.

The lion crushes the weak and frail, And treads with ponderous paws;

With his troops in mail he may never fail

To slay for the lion's laws.

He comes with a smile on his visage broad,

And calls your land his own; And the curse of God seems to blight

the sod Where he plants his blood-stained

throne. —Charles J. Beattie.


On the Road to Kimberley, The following appears in the London

"Star:" We are marching to relieve you,

Cecil Rhodes. Honour will not let us leave you,

Cecil Rhodes. Seven thousand men in kliarki— Gunners, horse, and foot—but hark ye:

Do you know the price we're paying, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes?

All the lives and all the treasure, Cecil Rhodes?

Do you hear the rifles calling, Cecil Rhodes?

Brave and honest men are falling, Cecil Rhodes.

Bursting shell and shrapnel flying, Strew the earth with dead and dying.

Do you think that you are worth it, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes?

Is their blood upon your conscience, Cecil Rhodes?

We have broken their defences, Cecil Rhodes.

We have swept tfhem from the trenches, Cecil Rhodes.

But at fearful cost we fought them, Breast to bayonet we fought them.

They were fighting for their country, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes.

They've a dreadful right to curse you, Cecil Rhodes.

There are many graves a-making, Cecil Rhodes.

There'll be smitten hearts a-breaking, Cecil Rhodes.

There'll be bitter, hopeless sorrow In full many a home to-morrow,

When they read the news in England, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes.

And the lists of killed and wounded, Cecil Rhodes.

—Bertrand Shadwell.

i # J

ANTRIM. General Sir F. Carrington, on hand­

ing over the temporary command of the forces in Ireland to the Duke of Connaught, again took charge of the Belfast Military District.

CORK. Cork has just lost, in the death of

Professor Stephen O'Sullivan, M. D., one of its most distinguished citizens. Dr. O'Sullivan was for many years on the Council of the Royal University, and was a lecturer in surgery in the Queen's College. He was also a mem­ber of the Council of the latter institu­tion, and held the position of President of the Cork Medical Society. He was

"64 years of age, had a brilliant collegi­

3, 1900.

ate career, and took the degree of M. D. in 1862. In 1866 he qualified at M. Ch., and in 1880 he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

CARLOW. We regret to- have to record the death

of Mr. Patrick Lennon, which took place at his residence, Eden Vale, Cas-tlebridge, on Jan. 7, after a week's" ill­ness, of pneumonia. Mr. Lennon was a native of St. Mullins, County Carlow, but spent nearly all his lifetime in Wex­ford. Until his retirement, a few years ago, he had been principal teacher in Castlebridge schools, and was regarded as one of-the foremost in his profession. He was father of the Very Rev. John Lennon, superior of the House of Mis­sions, Enniscorthy.- On Jan. 11, the solemn obsequies took place in Cross-abeg church, after which the remains were interred in Artarmont burial ground.

DERRY. On Jan. 4 the impressive ceremony of

profession took place in the convent of Our Lady of Mercy, St. Peter's, Lon­donderry. Most Rev. Dr. Doherty, bishop of Derry, officiated, and a large number of the local clergy were present. Among the young ladies who had the happiness of receiving the black veil on the occasion was Miss Christina Hig-ginbotham, second youngest daughter of Mr. William Higginbotham, Parnell street, Wexford.

DONEGAL. On Jan. 6 a great meeting of Nation­

alists, under the auspices of the United Irish League, was held at Letterkenny, the Right Rev. Dr. McGlynn presiding. A stirring National letter was read from Most Rev. Dr. O'Donncll, bishop of Raphoe, and speeches were delivered by Mr. William O'Brien, Mr. Swift MacNeill, and others.

DUBLIN. On Jan. 11, owing to an accident to

the pumps at the electric power house, Ringsend, the whole electric tram serv­ice of Dublin became paralyzed at about 10 minutes to 10 o'clock The cars proceeding into the city, and from it, stopped at the points which they had reached at the moment, and remained stationary, and people proceeding to business had to foot it, till about I o'clock, when the trams began to run. About 4 o'clock the cars over the en­tire system again came to a standstill, and remained so for several hours. The whole system, with the exception of the Clontarf section, was paralyzed un­til about 7 o'clock, when traffic was

.again resumed. It is now said that duplicate machinery will be put in, so as to prevent such a blocking of travel in future.

DOWN. The announcement has been made, in

the Tory-Unionist Press, that "the Newry District Orange Lodge, num­bering over 700 members, have unani­mously adopted a memorial to the sec­retary of state for war, asking permis­sion to form a volunteer corps." But there is a "string" attached to the leg of the offer. The "Loyal" Newry vol­unteers are only to be used for "home service," and not to be required to ex­pose their precious anatomies to the dangers of impact with Boer bullets. The proposition forcibly recalls the pe­culiar character and composition of the Orange yeomanry of the period pre­ceding the Insurrection of 1798,—who as the English viceroy of the period felt compelled to declare, "were formidable only to their unarmed and peacefully inclined neighbors."

FERMANAGH. At the last meeting of the Fermanagh

county council, a letter was received from the local government board, in Dublin Castle, fixing and designating the salaries to be paid to the officials of the county board. On the reading of the Castle mandate, the following reso­lution was proposed by Mr. J. Jordan, M. P., seconded by Mr. E. Mitchell, and passed unanimously:

"We hereby protest in the strongest possible manner, against what this council considers the most high-handed action of the local government board, in fixing the salary of the secretary of the council at £500 per annum, £190 over what this council after- due deliber­ation, thought was quite sufficient, and in granting him £40 over our decision for bringing the act into operation, and that we hereby refuse to accept their decision in the matter, and resolve by every means at our disposal to resist it."

KING'S COUNTY. A Birr telegram says the Earl of

Huntingdon, while riding with his own hounds, on Jan. 12, sent his horse at a stiff fence, and encountering a hidden post, the animal reared back, striking-

Tiis rider, who sustained a fracture of the nose and knee-bone. The Earl was under orders for active service with his regimept.

KILKENNY. The regular meeting of the Kilkenny

urban district council was held 011 Jan. 9. in the assembly room, Thorsel, Mr. P. E. Wall in the chair. There were also present Aid. E. Nowlan, Messrs. P. Lennon, Edward O'Shea, John Pem­broke, P. Hoyne, and Joseph Purcell. Mr. P. M. Egan, J. P., borough treas­urer, and acting town clerk, was pres­ent. Mr. Cleere, executive sanitary officer, was not present when the coun­cil organized, but came in subsequently, and refused to make a report, as Mr. Purcell had taken possession of his books, as well as those of the borough treasurer and town clerk, Mr. Egan. After an excited discussion Mr. Egan was declared suspended, as he had not filed his bonds, and Mr. Gaskin was asked to act as town clerk, pro. tem., which he did. The council, soon after, adjourned. ""

KERRY. Mr. Arthur Hilliard, Catherslea; Mr.

Henry Hewson, Tubrid; Mr. Darnley Phibbs, Ardfert; Mr. Cecil Orpen Peet, Arabella, and Mr. David Roche, solici­tor, Castleisland. having been-accepted

as volunteers, have left Tralee to join the Imperial yeomanry corps and pro­ceed to the seat of war in Africa.

LIMERICK. The board of fishery conservators, at

a private meeting, presided over by Lord Massey, have resolved to oppose the scheme of the Shannon Water and Electric Power company, seeking par­liamentary authority to utilize the waters of the Shannon, near Lough Derg, to provide power for the estab­lishment of works by electricity. Lord Dunally wrote that the scheme would interfere with the canal and the pro­posed railway between Dromineer and Nenagh. Mr. Crossley wrote that the Shannon Development Syndicate would appeal. A resolution was passed, and copies are to be sent to M. P.'s and the county councils that have guaranteed the lake steamers, calling upon the chief Secretary and the board of works to refuse to sanction the scheme.

LOUTH. A letter has been received, in Dro-

gheda, from a soldier in the second bat­talion of the Royal Irish Rifles, .named Owens, who is a prisoner of war in Pretoria. He says that the Boers are treating them well, and their food is good. With him, as fellow-prisoners, are two young soldiers of the same regiment from Diogheda, named Campbell ar.d Tilly.

LONGFORD. On Jan. 7, a splendid demonstration

in support of the principles of the United Irish League was held at Long­ford, and was addressed by Hon. Ed­ward Blake, the member for the divi­sion, and Mr. J. P. Farrell, M. P. The meeting was the largest and most en­thusiastic demonstration ol the kind which has taken place in the county for a great number of years.

SLIGO. A sad accident, which brought sor­

row to the family of Mr. O'Dowd chairman of the Sligo county council occurred at Buninaddtn, a few days ago. His little daughter, aged seven years, while playing in the kitchen of the family residence, upset a kettle of boiling water and got scalded over a large portion of her body. Dr. Flan-nery was in immediate attendance, and everything that care and medical skill could devise was done for the little suf­ferer, but she passed away on Jan. 9, from the effects of the shock.

TIPERARY. For the vacancies in the Cashel cor

poration, the following candidates were nominated, there being six vacancies: Messrs. Patrick Cunningham, John Darmody, James Hanly, John street; James Hanly Green, Dr. Laffan, Corne­lius Ryan, John Brennan, labor candi­date; Edmond Davin, labor candidate; Matthew McNamara, labor candidate; Christopher Connors, Thomas Costello, Patrick Foley, Richard Looby, John Ryan, and Michael Ryan. The first-named six are those of the officials seeking re-election.

TYRONE. At the petty sessions, in Cookstown,

on Jan. 5. before Capt. Welch, R. M. (in the chair), and Messrs. James H. Staples, J. P.; Samuel Ekin, J. P.; and W. D. Smith, J. P. (all Tory-Union­ists), Sergt. Mulderry, R. I. C., charged Henry McAnespy with having, in the public street, on the 26th of December last, shouted —"Go on, the Boers!" The "loyal" magistrates, of course, were horrified at the expression of such "disloyal" sentiments by an Irishman, —though much stronger expressions of opposition to the Tory war-policy have been uttered—even by members of par­liament—on English public platforms. The "Bench" were only divided in their estimate of how much they would fine the defendant, as it was stated that he was a poor man. The chairman, how­ever, solved the difficulty by declaring that the defendant was "rich enough to be disloyal;" and he was, accordingly fined "one pound sterling and costs." A similar penalty was ordered to be im­posed on Daniel McGeown, who was also declared to be "disloyal," as far as the war in Africa was concerned,—the chairman of the bench declaring that the expression of such- sentiments amounted to "absolute treason."

WEXFORD. The announcement of the death of

Sister Mary Xavier Richards, of the Convent of Mercy, Wexford, which took place on Jan. 8, was received with the deepest regret. Sister Xavier had spent 46 years in the convent, and dur­ing that lengthened period had applied herself with zeal and earnestness to­wards establishing the success of the many charitable works undertaken by the institution. The deceased nun fell a victim to the prevailing epidemic of influenza, on Christmas Day, and passed peacefully away. She was the daughter of the late Captain Loftus, Richards, of Clonard, an officer of the Forty-fourth regiment, who dis­tinguished himself in the Peninsular war.

WICKLOW. The announcement is made of the

death on Dec. 30, at her residence, Car-new, County Wicklow, after a short ill­ness, of Mary, relict of the late Philip Loughnan, aged 96 years. She was interred in the family burial ground, Tomacork, on Jan. 1, 1900. High Mass and office took place on the 2d of Jan­uary.

Business Notices. John M. Gleason, undertaker, I4 Sav

entk street, south. Telephone, stori (539-L; residence. 489-J. So.

J. R. Corrigan and W. H. Boras lawyers, 540 Temple Court Telephone 2488 J-i.

Beautiful Society Badges. We have secured the agency for the

Whitehead & Hoag Company's hand­some and complete line of badges for every Catholic society in the North­west, including A. O. H., C. O. F.,

Holy Name, Young Ladies' Sodality, Rosary Society, all French, German. Polish, Bohemian societies, and in fact can furnish badges for any society of any nationality. We have a full line of samples of these handsome badges at our office. Call and see them and be convinced that, we have just what you want. Out of town parties can se­cure any information desired regarding badges by writing us. All of these badges are of exquisite workmanship and design and are just what every so­ciety needs for the membership.

THE IRISH STANDARD. 51 Fourth street S-, Minneapolis, Minn.

JL 0. H. DIRECTORY tnvsnip ov



John T. Keating, National President, Chi­cago. 111.

•fumes E. Dolan, Vice President, Syra­cuse, N. T.

Jnnies P. O'Sullivan, Natlomil Secretary. Philadelphia, Pa.

NATIONAL DIRKCTOUR. P. T. Moran, National Treasurer, Wash­

ington, D. C. P. J. O'Connor, Savannah, fin. M. J. Burns, Indianapolis. Tml. F). J. SI a Her y. So. Framlngltp.m. Mas*. Patrick O'Neill, Philadelphia. Ph. 8TATB OFFICE!!*—MIN \ KSOTA.

President—C. J. O'Brien, Owntonna. Secretary—Thos. Connolly, K2S Penn ay

N.. Minneapolis. Treasurer—J. F. McGlnnla, Hralnerd. President of Insurance Fund—R. J.

Clarke. St. Paul. Vice President—T. H. Mnrphv. Brat nerd. Secretary of Insurance -John A.

O'Shaughnessy. Stillwater. Treasurer of Insurance—John Sheehy,

Montgomery. State Medical Director—Dr. M. W. Buck­

ler. St. Panl. Directors of Insurance Fond- PI. F. Kelly,

Phleldsyllle: J. I). O'Brien. Minneapolis: M. HefTron, Rochester; J. J. Pa ley. Minne­apolis; J. W. Holloran. Glenme.

State Board of Audit—John T. McGowaa, Minneapolis: Austin Kennedy, Rochester; John Kennedy, Minneapolis.


President—Mra. J. 3. Daley, 1804 Central IT. Minneapolis.

Vice President—Mr*. Hair Itellly, Braln-erd.

Secretary—Klla Keating, 147 Pleasant BT. St. Panl.

Treasurer—Anna Stanton, Lanesboro. Board of Directors—Mr*. J. Haley. 81

Paul: Arnes Rellly, Stillwater: Susie Col­lins. Minneapolis: Arnea Hlckey, Grace-rllle: Gertie Fahey. Hastings.

Insurance Secretary—Miss II. B. Grady, Stillwater.

Insurance Treasurer—Marr Snlllraa, Rochester.

State Medical Director—Dr. H. W. Buck­ley. St. Paul.

MINNEAPOLIS, H1INNBPW COUNTY. Co. Pre«.—N. C. O'Connor, 82t Main at NH. Co. See.—J. T. Bortan, 18M 14 ar 8. Co. Treaa.—M. P. walla, 830 Wash, ar H Plr. No. 1.—President, U. ff, Hon*.

341B 18 ar 8. * Vice Pres.—G. 3. Molan, Ml? « at If*. Recording Sec.—1Thos. O'Neill, MM 11

ar 8. Fin. Sec.—M. 8. Conlln. 02.14 at 8. Ins. See.—J. J. Fitzgerald, Plymouth

Clothing House. Tress.—W. B. Barley. Meets second Sunday afternoon and

fourth Monday night of each month at MA 1 av 8.

niT. No. 2.—President, Thoe. Dunn, 1B0B 4 st H.

Vtee Free.—J. J. Regan, Hill Kth st 8. Recording Bee.—Felix McNainee, 1B#T 0

st fl. Tress.—.Tamos Kellr. 205n IS sr ft. Fin. Sec., M. H. Jennings. 609 12th Aye.

S. Ina. See., John O'Grady, 2(111 lTth Are. S. Meets (Irst Monday evening snd th.rd Sin

dny afternoon of month at Labor Temple, corner 8 a* R. and 4 St..

Plr. No. 3.—President, It. J. Hayes, 138 8th ave. N. ID.

Vice Pres.—-C. A. T>sley. 1 *04 Central ar. Rec. Sec.—W. A. Mslone. 114 8 ay NR. Fin. Sec.—Pan O'Connell 1B00 8 at NH. Tress.—John Morsn. BOB 27 ay NR. Ins Sec.—J. J. Daly. 1K04 Central ay. Meets the first Sunday afternoon at 3:8ft

and third Thursday even In a of month at 7:80 at A. O. U. w. hall, 225 CentTal ay.

Ptr. No. 4.—President, John Meagher. tWfl Fremont ay N.

Vice Pres.—John J. Poran. 40P It ar W. Ree. See.—Geo. F. Murray, 14% 16th Ay*.

N. Fin. Sec.—H. H. ITelln, 1*21 2 st If Ins. Sec.—P. Mitchell. B2T Plymouth ay. Tress.—J. F. Mitchell. K27 Plymouth ay. Meets first and third Tuesdays of month

st T:S0 p. m.. Odd Fellows hail, corner Tenth ar N. and Washington.

Dir. No. B, Bdlna.—President, Michael Gleeaon, Kdtna.

Vice Pres.—n. J. Ryan. Cahlll P. O. Rec. Sec.—James Darcr. Cahlll P. O. Fin. Sec.—A. Kyte. Bdlna. Treas.—James Delsney. fablll. Ina. Sec.—T. J. Morlarlty. Cahll!. Meets second Sunday of each month at

7:30 p. m.. In school house. Cahlll.

Dir. No. «—Pres.. J. T. Tloylan, 1R28 14th are. S.: rice prea., 3. R. Hitckley. 2SRS 18th aye. S.: ree. aec., F. 15. Oil (Tin, 2108 Bloom-Ington aye.: ftn. see., Dennis Bow, 21110 17th aye. 8.: treas., J. J. McCarthy, 2924 17th aye. S.; Ina. see., M. F. Crahen, 2646 16th are. 8.

Meet eyerr second Thursday and fourth Snndny at Forester Hall, 1500 East Frank­lin ave.

nir. No. T.—President. M. 3. Allen, 401 10 ptf ff.

Vice Pres.—J. F. Lyons. H14 T ay N. Rec See.—J. S. Foley. 713 Osk Lake BT. Fin. See.— J. McHugh. 1417 6th at. N. Treas.—J. F. TTanllr. 23«; Fremont ay If. Ina. Bee.—T. •. Boyle. *21 Oak Lake Ave. Meets second snd fourth Thursdaya ef

month at Klstler's hall, corner 6 ay N. and Lyndnle, at 7:30 p. m.

.JU'i Wp S.—President, J. H. Nightingale. In20 7 st SB. . Vice Pres.—J. V flylnnd, 274B Ifleol-let ay.

Rec. Sec.—T. J. Ftynn. 324 Nicollet ar. Fin. Sec.—J. yr. Vanderhoof, Central Ifar-

IC*t. Ins. See.—J. C. Sheehan. Gannon Grocery

Co. Tressurer. H. C McMshnn. 222 6th St. N. Meets third Thursday of month, cor. Nic­

ollet and 3rd. 8 p. m. HIBWRNIAN HIFLHB.

Capt.—J. F. Walsh. *1fl 4 st M. 1st Lieut.—F. B. Kesly. 2d Lieut.—J. J. Poran. Rec. Sec.—Wllllsm Mslone. Fin. Sec.—T. A. Os1la?tier. Tress.—A. Breen.


2™•l4T,,r7s!",t•-"r•• M H C""


Vice Pre*—Miss Nannie Lyons,"614 7th are. N.

Rec. See.—Miss Minnie Qutqn, 1*21 Ith It. n, st"n. Sec.—Miss Mary fiarvey, 1201 lat

Treas.—Mlsa Sadie Mcnnlre, TH Brad­ford aye. N.

Ins. See—Mlaa Nellie Cnrran, M6 lltb aye. S.

Meetings first and third Mondaya of each month at 703 Nicollet are

Ladles' Anxlllsry. Hennepin Co., Dly. Jfo. 2—Pres.. Mra. P. L. Collins, 14S 6th aye. N. B.

Vice Prea.. Mra. R. Hayes, 188 8th aye. N. ».

Rec. See.—Mra. Frank Snillyaa, 7S9 Waah-Ington st. N. B.

Fin Sre —Mrs. Mary Turner, 1218 Jeffer­son st N. R. ^TWii.-Mrs. Mary C. Klnnane, BOO 3d at

las'. See.—Mlaa Motile Callahan, 7W Washington at If. B.

Meets aecond and fourth Thursday erea-Inga of month at A. O. C. W. Hall, 23S Cen­tral ava.

Dir. Ttu. President, Mra. Jkmes Beat. 628 B at If.

Vice Ptt« —Mrs. J. H. Benson, 715 • at M. Treas., Mrs. W. Harold; Fin. Sec., Margaret Coakraa. Recording 8ec., Mary Beusoa. Ins. Sec., Mrs. M. McGInty. Meeta second and fourth Tuesday eraa-

l?,** Steach month at corner of 10 ay N. and Washington.

gau'^iasV^rT1"1- M'" AB°* ""N-16

vJeegPree.-M!ss Mamie Ftaharaa,

Rec. Sec.—Mra. Mary O'Rourke, Bloomlngtoa ay. ay'S' 8ec-—M1m n®' Brodertck, 2441 11

Treaa.-Mra. M. Lynch, 5301 16 ay S. ay S M1b* Annie Callahan, 272# 17

Meeta first and third Thursday eyenlnga of each month at A. O. H. hall, MU Blooinlngton ar.

727 *20 ar g_PreBident' Mr« M B. Molan, Vice Prea.—Mrs. Bdward Walsh, 416 M A? N. Rec. See.—Mrs. R. Mullen, 2511 James

•v N. ar"'!?' Sec.—Mrs. Lizzie Sulllran, 808 17

Treas.-Mra. John Sulllran, 244 18 ar N Ins. Sec.—Mrs. S. Roardman. 1811 4 st N Meets first aud third Monday erenlags

of month at 2118 Washington ay N.

Dir. No. 6, L. A., A. O. H.—Prea.—Brld get Flaherty. 1U21 Btb St S.

Vice-Prea.—Mra. Welch. Minnehaha Park. Rec. Sec.—Jnllet Dunn. 100« 4th St. 8. Fin. Sec.—Susie Moore. 1608 6th St S. Treas.—Mrs Julia Regan. 1213 Bth St. 8 Ins. Sec.—Msry Byrne. B27 13th Are. S Meets the first Tnesdsy of eyery month

at Labor Temple Hall.

RAMSRT COHNTT. J- Cannon, 324 Globe


3l"1M»rHn1srPr''""",nt- T,,0•• W" MCO0,T' Vice Pros.—John R. DcmpKcy. Rec. Sec.—John It Pewters. (HIT Wahs

slia st. Fin. Sec.—John Costello. R«0 Rursess st Treas -M. J Pore. R1 Gsrflcld st Ins. Sec.—Owen McFnener 41« Parrot! Meets on first snd third Wednesday eren

Ings nt Central hall, corner fi snd 7 sta Plv. No 2.—Meets on second and fourth

Tuesday evenlncs. at Centrsl hall, corner 6 and 7 sts.

No. 3.—President. James R. Hlckey. 233 Kndlcott Bide.

Vice Pres.—Michael Sen n I on, 54« Missis Hipp! fit.

Rec. Sec.—James F. MCNSIIt. 487 Broad­way st.

Fin. Sec.—Wm. Coreny. 71 Atwatcr st. Treas.—Michael Mnllane. flfl? Burr St. Ins Sec.—Thomas McMnhon. 323 S

Franklin st. Meets on first find third Frldsr erenlnw

st Cretin Hall. Plr. No. 4.—Meets on first and third Frl

day eyenlnes at Central-hall, corner 6 and T sts.

Alex. J. McCar thy. 312 Smith sr.

Vice P-es.-J J McDonnell. Merrlsm Pk Rec. Sec.—Michael J. Foler. Merrlsm Pk Fin. Sec.—Pstrlok R. Clark. Men-lam Pk Treas.—James Pooler. 1WW Charles st. Ins. Sec.—Tlmothr J. Poyle Meets on third Friday erenlnes at hall,

corner of nnlvernlty and Prior ars. Plr. No. 6.—Meets on second and fonrth

Tuesdsr evenings st Central hall, corner 6 and 7 sts.

Plr. No. 7.—Meets on second snd fonrth Friday erenlnsrs at St. Michael's hstt.

Plr. No. a.—Meeta second and fourth Tuesday erenlnga at A. O. O. W. hall. 8 and w»hasha sts.

T 0—President, R. J. Clsrke. 107 TJtcnfWfl nt.

Vice Pres.—W. J. Lone. IW Litchfield at Rec. Sec.—John Loohey. 034 Osnltler at Fin. Sec.—James Peensn. 11B Manitoba Ina. Sec.—J P. Connelly. TM) Par* are. Treas —John M. White. 117 Manitoba. W'/nlST meetlnrs sre held on the first and

third Wednesdsrs of the month, at Hed man's Hall. 01S Rice at. LAm*"' AFTIL1ABT. A O TT . RAMSBT.

Mlaa Mary L. A. Smith, acting Co. Praa.. 460 Cllntoa Are.

Wj- Wo. 1—Pres.. Mra. Mary McGoey. BIB Martin St.: Vice Prea., Mrs. Mary Pfr Isn. B68 Decatnr St.: Ree. Sec., Mrs. Fran-ces Harmon. 2H7 Jenka St.: Fin See.. Mra. Anna Neweomhe. 147 Pteaesnt Are.: Treaa., Mlaa Hannah Rearden. BB8 St Pet er St.: Tne. See., Mra. Sarah Donobne. 8KB Case 8t. Meeta on the Brat and third Tneadsy of each month at Central Hall, cor. Btb and 7th Bta.

IMy. No. S—Pres.. Mra. Wary McDonald. BM Burgess St.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Annie White. 117 Msnltoha Aye.: Rec. See., Mlaa Mamie Hartnett. 48 Lyton St.: Fin. See., Mlaa Cecilia Cnrrlgan. B1 W. Cook St: Treaa.. Mra. Mary H. Smith. 03 Sycamore St.: Ina. Sec., Mra. Sheehan. 902 Conrt-land St. Meets on the second and fonrth Thursday at Hedman'a Hall.

Plr. No. 8—Prea.. Mlaa Josephine Cook, IfiB Vslley St.: Vice Pres.. Mra Johannah McPonald. «R0H Selhy Are.: Rec. Sec., Mrs. Nellie Sessions. 892 Chsrles St.: Fin. Sec., Mrs. Brldeet L. Keeran, SOS Jackson St.: Treaa.. Mrs Winifred Mitchell. RSI Selhy Are.: Ins. Sec.. Mrs miasheth Kelly. 334 St. Anthony Are. Meets on the Aral snd third Monday at Central Hall.

Plr. No. 4—Pres., Mrs. Helen McGrsth. 6B0 Oakdale Are.: Vice Prea., Mra. Mar­garet Lamb. 280 B. RoWe St.: Rec. Sec.. Mlaa Msry L. A. Smith. 4W> Clinton Are.; Fin. Sec., Miss B. Foley. 391 B Wshssha St.; Tresa., Mrs. Jane Grant. 367 Andrew St.: Ina. Sec., Mrs. Rose Oallsrher. 137 B Conrress St Meets on the seennd and fonrth Wednesday at Union Star Hall, cor. State.

Plr. No. B—Prea. Mlsa Rose Daley. B8S Mendota St.: Vice Prea., Mra. Margaret Norton. 913 Freemont St.: Rec. Sec.. Miss Rarbsra McPononeh. 1048 B. 4th St.: Fin. Sec., Miss Berths Sister. 733 Conwsy St.: Treaa., Mra. Marearet Hawkins. 193 Maple St.: Ins. Sec.. Mrs. Nellie J. Sister. 788 Conway St. Meets on the seennd and fourth Moudsy at Odd Fellows' Hall, eor. 7th and Reaney Bta.

Dir. No. 6—Pres., Mra. Mary Bllen Mnr-phy, 77 Front St.: Vice Pres., Miss Cath­erine Melaldy, 830 Sherburne Are.; Ree. See., Mra Hannah Connetl, 7» Garfield 8t.; Fin. Sec., Mrs. Msrgaret Scott, B8B La-fond St.; Treaa., Mrs. Nellie Dixon, 4T7 TTnlrerslty Are.; Ina. Sec., Mlaa Marg. W. Tnohy. 2877 Bllla St.. Merrlam Park. Meeta on the aeeond and fourth Monday at Twin City Hall, cor. Wabasha and Dnlrerslty Are.

Dir. No. 7—Pres., Mra. Msry Waters, STB St. Anthony Aye.; Vice Prea., Mra. J. A. Williams, eor. Grand and Snelllng Are.; Ree. Sec., Mlsa Nellie Harerty. 12B Igle-hart St.; Fin. Sec., Mlaa Mary B. Kelly, 14T neassnt Are.: Treaa., Mra. D. F. MeCar-thy, 147 Pleaaant Are.; Ina. See., Mra. A McDonald, 26# Carroll St.

STILLWATRR. WASHINGTON CO. Co. Pres.—R. W. McGarry. Prea.—T. W. Welsh. Vice Pres.—P. F. Poyle. Rec. Sec.—Philip Ryaa. Pin. Bee.—Thou. Cnr!«y. Tret*.—J. W. Cltftix Ins. Sec.—Dsnlel Rrennan.

. afert ererr Monday erenlng at A. O. •. hall. In Grand Opera House bnlldlnjB.

Danghtera of Erin.—Co. Prealdent, Mra. James Forcela.

Pres.—Mrs. T. H. Cnrley. Vice Pres.—Mrs. P. Connors. Rec. Sec.—Mrs. M. Donalds. Fin. Sec.—Miss A. K. Rellly. Ins Sec.—Miss M. Grsdy. Tress.—Mrs. Geo. Gowan. Meet second snd fonrth Friday arealBBs

of month at Opei® hall. MORRIS. STRVBNS COUNTY.

Co. Prea.—Wm. Rlordan. Prea.—D. Hennessr. Vice Pres.—J. 8. Wslsh. Rec. Sec.—T. F. McCsnney. Fin. Sec.—T. A. Callaghan. Treaa. and In«. Sec.—Timothy Mnrahy. Meet first Sunday of month.

McHngh A"*","ry -Co- President, Mlaa M. President of Dir.—Miss Nellie Moraa. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Alice See. Rec. Sec.—Miss Msrgaret Csllshaa. Fin. Sec.—Miss Nellie McHngh. Tress.—Mrs. Fllzaheth Mahonsy. Meet at Morrla, Minn.

DAKOTA COUNTY. Co. Prea.—T. P. Moran. Dir. No. 1, Hastings.—President, Patrick

Cnroiiin. Vice Pres.—D. McNamara. Rec. Sec —J. F. Sterena. Fin Sec.—Thos. McShane. Treas.—W. B. Fshy. Ins Sec.—J. F. Csranangh. Meet aeeond an fonrth Tuesdays at


Ladles' Auxiliary.—Co. Prealdeat, Mlaa Gertrude Fshey.

Pres.—Miss Theresa Conley. Vice Pres.-Miss .lulls Thorna. Rec. Sec.—Miss Anns McShaaa. Fin. Sec.—Miss M. Mnlamphy. Treas.—Mrs. J. J. Cnrrler. Ins. Sec.—Mrs. J. Pettlnglll. Meet on the first and third ThnraAan ef

the month at A. O. H. hall.

Moran N°" *' Rowmo,,nt-~Pl*,,a**t, •. P. Vice Prea.—J. O. Ryaa. Ree. See.—Wm. Carroll. Fla. Sec.—A. Cstn. Ins. Sec —B. O'Hsra. "r'en«._T u r>erltt. Meet on second snd fonrth Tneadays of


Daughters of Hrln, Rosemoant.—PrM-di-nt, Miss Mary Garry.

Vice Prea.—Mlsa Nellie Moraa. ttec. See.—Mlaa Anna Delaaer. Treaa.—Mra T. B. Derltt. Ina. Sec.—Mlaa Katie Fallon. Flo. Sec.—Mlaa Maggie Keller. Meet on Brat Sunday of month at BIB a

m. and third Wednesday at 7 :» *. «£ ST CLOUD. STBARNS COUNTY.

Co. Prea.—T. C. Bcollan. Dir. No. 1, St Cloud.—Meetlaga third

Tuesday of month at M. W. A. halL ••». stlger block.

DULUTH. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. Co. Pres.—John Flood. Dir. No. 1.—President, John Flood. Vice Pres.—Patrick M'Cehe

Rec. See., A. J. Beers, 1110 Garfield Are. office' Sec.—A. Murphy, Jr., HeraM

Treas.—J. H. Sulllran. ... flr"' Wednesday erenlng aad third Sunday afternoon In each month Is Oitholle association h»li.

Plr. No. 4, West Pnhith.—President, Wm. Mnrnlan.

Vice Pres.—S. C. Roller. Uec. Sec.—James Connelly. Treas. —Thomas Povle Fin and Ins Sec.-Oeo. Coleman. . » "V Bnrt Ni'rrt Tncsdars of month

st 7-an o clock p. m.. A. O. U. W. hall. T>auirTiters of Erin, Plr. No. 1.—Co. Prea.

Mr« J H. Sulllran. Pres. - Mrs P P McPousld. Vice Pres.- Mrs R r Ronlrer Rec. See.. Mlsa Mse Murphy, BOB Lyeeaa

BI4|, Mf«* F. Jordan.

Pin 8*p.--MtaR M norm*! J'" Wv* .Wmw iMlNhdn,

flnt and third Wednesday tfMllfi of month In Knlamnsoo Block Hall.

PTVistnv \o 5 pPoft.—Mra J P Hfimmfll Vice Prea.—Mra. O. A. Oolemaa. 1Too Soo . ̂ frfl .Tnneph

and To* .7 Clnie. Mr« XTdllnni Onvuffftn.

Mootlne* flrnt Sunder nfternoon and third nvonlne of month tn A. O. V. W


Thn« Potirher. —.Tytn. ConwflT.

Vl<v» Y>rpn - M Tiflmhert. fW — Chna ^nlllnna

Pfn - n .T T,Mlv. Tna - T> rVKoefp. Trofts.— p MrT.r»r»n<>. Meets first Sunday and third Thursday of

month Ladles' Auxiliary.—Co. Pres., Mra. KM

CV»ti WOT. P**0* - MLOFL TTWTP VW Ppoh.-.Mw. Thn« Urnn. Pf»o T.rnrh. Pin fW.—Mm P M/»T.rtone." Tn* -Ml** Mnrv MM,none. Treaa. —Mr* P O'Ki»ofo Meet aeonnd and laat Aatnrday nlaht of

earh month 7 PTPPSTOMP rnnNTT.

Po Pro*.—P |ij pnnchert? Plr No 1.- Prealdent P. POWOT*. Vlre prea.—Onn McOanraT. Pe^ —Pdw CARROLL. Pin Poc - ,T Rarrett. Tna Ree. - P P Poncherty. T r e n a — M T T e f f m n . Meet* ftrot Snndnr of month. Addreas

Pot 11^. Plpeatnne nt? T.TON CnpNTT.

Ladles' AuTlllary.—Co. Prealdeat, Mn Fmma MoPlrnln

Pre*. —Mra Marearet White. VIre Prea.-Mra PUfcahoth Cahlll. Pee See.—Mra Marr Ynnnt. Pin Ree.—Mlaa Annie Kennedy. Tna. Ree.—Mra Mary Martin. Trea*.—Mr« Thereaa Marrnn. Meet flrat Snnda? of month.

MeT.FJAP COPNTT. CA. Prea.—TO. ,T. Rnrlte. Plr No. 1, Olencoe.—Prealdeat, J. W.

Holloran. Vice Pres.—.7. M. O'Ponnell. Rec. Sec.—Thos. Holloran. Fin Sec.—Jos Csrer . Tus Sec.—J W Holloran. Tress —PI. McFllleott. Meets first snd third Snndaya ef Matt

In church ascrlaty. FTLLMORW COUNTY.

Co. Prea.—John Oalllran. Dir. No. t Laneaboro.—Praaliaat, Ma

Scanlan. Vice Pres.—J. O'Hsrd. Rec. Sec.—.T nslVrsn. Fin. Sec.—Jsmes Lynch. Tna. See.—James Oalllgaa. Treaa.—D Thornton. Meets on first and fonrth Sunday*

bnsaktN Bank. Plr No 1, Psughtera of H(1b. Laa

ro.—President. Mrs. S. Sntllana. Vice Prea.—Mra PI. T.rneh. Rec Sec.—Marie MePorwIefc Fin. Sec.—Nellie RsSTerty, Tress.—Msrrle Rslterty. Tna. Sec.—Mrs Frsrne.

STWRLF COUNTY. Co. Prea.—C. J. O'Brien.

O'Rrten"0' °wll,onn"-—^Prealdeat, Xaa. Vice Prea.—Thomas Cashmaa. Rec Sec.—W n Kilty. Fin Sec.— W. H Llehe. Tna Sec.—Oeo. Toher Tress.—M J. McOrsth. Plsee of meellnar. Owatonna,

Tuesdar of each month.

Ladles' Auxiliary, Owatonna.—Ca. Praa Mrs C. J. O'Rrlen.

Prea.. Mrs. C. J. O'Rrlen. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Jas O'Rrlen. Rec Sec.—Mrs. J. T Clsrke. Fin Sec.—Mrs J. P Perlny. Ins Sec —Mrs J. PJ Mslone. Tress.—Mrs. M. J. McOrath.

..nlT'Jfo- 2- "looming Prairie.—PreaMeat. M J. Reenan.

Vice Prea.—P. F. Hollywood. Rec Sec.—Fd. Fltsirerald. Flu. Sec.—O O'Connor. Ins. See.—Fid. O'Connor. Tress.—T. J. Hanlon. Plsce of meeting. Blooming Prairie, ant


Co. Prea.—J. W. Craren. Norwood. Plr. No. 1.—Pres. W F. Nugent Vice Pres.—Kd Msngsn. Ree ,T. Pnwera. Fin. Sec.—F. F. Nil pent. Tna. See.—J. W. Craren. Time of meeting, aeeond Sunday ef asaartfe.

NORLRS COUNTY. Co. Prea.—W. M. Flnley.

O'r'oiinor ®ll,wortb-—:Prealdeat, Patriek Vice Prea.—T. Carey, Jr. Rec. Sec.—M. Rnrke. Jr. Fin Sec.—W. M, Flnley. Ina. See.—M. R. Rnrke. Treaa.—M. Onlnsn. Meet on flrat Snndny afternoon and fearth

Thuraday erenlng of month la A. O. •. nail.

Indies' Auxiliary.- Co. Prealdent. Mlaa m. Keddy. • Pres.—Mrs. M. Holloran.

Vice Prea.— Mrs. F. J. Aah. Rec. Sec.—Miss N. O'Connor. Fin. Sec.—Mrs. C. A. Rlrd. Treas.—Miss M. Rnrke. Ins. Sec.—Miss A. O'Connor. Meet on first Thursday erenlng aad third

Sunday afternoon of month at A. O. H. hall. ICIIaworth. '

„ _ ROCK COUNTY. Co. Pres.—P. R. Kelty. Lurerne. Pres—Jas. McKeon. Vice Pres.—Martin Ryan. Rec. Sec.—Jas. Fltxgernld. Fin. Sec.—J. T. Coreny. Treaa.—P. R. Kelly.

ROCHFSTRR. OLM8TBD COUNTY. Co. Pree.—M. Heffron. Plr. No. 1.-Prealdent, J. HI. WcOevefB. Vice Prea.—Kdw. Fitzgerald. Fin. Sec.—James Peenon. Rec. Sec.—Wm. Kelly. Ins. Sec.—T. J. Lawler. Treaa.—P. J. Cndmore. Meet first and third Tuesday erenlnga ef

month at K. P hall. Lsdies' Auxiliary.- Co. Prea., Mlaa Aaga-

llne Pnrcell. " Prea.-Mlaa Margaret B. Snillyaa. Vice Prea.—Mrs. R, M.-rrsy. Ree. Sec.— Mlas M. Hartley. Fin. Sec.—Miss Katie Pf.Tioraa. Treas.—Mrs. J. M. Norton. Ins. Sec —Miss Clara Kennedy. Meeta aeeond and fourth Taeadaga of

month at K. P. hall.

ANOKA COUNTY. Co. Prea.-T. M. Sulllran. Prea.—H. J. Ponnellr. Vice Prea. —Michael Tlgne, Ree. Sec.—J. H. Colllua. Fin. Sec.—P. T. Stsck. Tns. Sec.—D. W. Shannon. Trees.—John McPonsId. Meetings second Sunday of each aiall

at O. A. R. hall. Second arenne. SWIFT COUNTY.

Co. Prea.—P. F. McPermott. Clontarf. Plr. No. 1, Clontarf.—Prealdent, Wm.

Kenna. Vice Pres.—John Oossen. Rec Sec.—.Tns, O'Ponnell. Fin. Sec.—M. W Conlogne. Tress, and Tna. Sec.—Patrick Foley. Meet In is first Sunday of month la town

hall. Dir. No. 2.—President, J. C. Collins, Vice Prea.—James O'Connor. Wee Sec.—T TT Ponnellr. i Fin. Sec., T. H. Ponnelly. Ins. Sec.. M. McShane. Treas.—R. Hohnn. Senrt.-at-Arms. Chsrles Qulnn. Address, Renson, Minn. Meet aecotid

Sunday of month. WINONA COUNTY.

Dir. No. 1—President—Hoa. P. rick.

vice Prea —Jsa. PI Rnrk Ree Sec.—Jno. Rowan. Sr. Fin. Sec.—J. T. Rowan.

Baa.—Geo. Forkena. •ml.—IL J. Ryan. IMpUar meetings are held on tta H

aad third Tuesday erenlnga of tha aM at 8t Thomaa Hall. -

Dir. Mo. 2, Witoka.—Prealdeat Lnka MB •le.

Vlee Prea.—Wm. MeCaCrey. {tea. 8ec.—J. M. Mohaa, Rushferd ». Ol laa. 8M.—Jeremiah Moraa, 8a. Meet aeeond Snnday of aaeath at Daughtara of Brla, Wlaeaa.—~

Mlsa May McDonnell. Vice Prea.—Mlaa Aaale Tlriaa Rec. Sec.— Mlae Reae Dciaahoe. Fin. Sac.—Mlaa Nellie Btacka. Treaa.—Miss Nellie Foekeaa. Ina. Sec.—Mlaa Annie MeOnaa.


Co. Prea.—Miss Nellie Hanley. >aa<Ur Meeta flrat and third Wedne_

r month at St. Thomaa' hall. MORTON, RBNVILLR COVKVC.

Ca Prea.—T. H. McGlnty. Dir. No. 1.—Prea., J. H. F Vice Prea.—M. A. Donloa. Ree. Sec.—C. J. Reagan. Fin. Sec.—D. F. Keefe. Treas.—T. M. Keefe. Ins. Sec.—A. H. Keefe. Meet second Sunday of aaeh meath M ft . m.

RBAINHRD, CROW WINS COBB1I. Co. Prea.—J. F. McOlaala. Prea.—Wm. Barron. Vice Prea.—'Thoa. Rnaaell. Rec Sec.-Jaa. Ctillen. Flu. and Ina. See.-T. H. Mnrphy. Treas.—J F. Russell. Me^t aeeond Wednesday ayaalaar at 9

o clock nnd fonrth Runday At 9 p. m. month In McKay'a hall, ColaaRkta "

Ladles' Anxlllary.—Co. PrMtdMt, Kathleen Early.

Prea,-Mra Roaa Clark. Vice-Prea.—Mlsa Nellie Bnma. Rec. Sec.-Mra. Jennie Hawktna. Fin. 9ec.~Mlaa Sadie Rellly. r

Traaa.—Mlaa Mnmle Carney. The Division meeta flrat and tfelrt

Wednei.d*ys In the month. In Columbian nail.

RLrrn karth county. Co. Prea.-T R. Mntangh, Msdlsoa Laha. Ply. No. I. Msnknto.- Pres., M. J. CaMr. Vice Pres.—C. r. Olhlen. Ref, flee.—Patriek Rennay. Fin. Rec.—Panlel ronghlan. Treaa.—Thoa. Con^hlan. Ina. Sec.—Jno. Mrr«n. Meeta aeeond flnnday at 9 m. m. tmC

Monday at 8 p. to. at A. O. K. Mfl. ?»02 8. Front at.

Rollert M°nd&snMaa"'0n

Vice Prea.—C. T. McCarthy. Rec. Sec—J. J. McCarthy. Fin. Sec.—J. J. Rrown. Tna Sec.—John White. Treas.—John McNamara. J «?a ,*PCOn', fourth Bnndaya of moatk

at nthemlnn hall. Ledlea* Anxlllary.—Co. Prealdent. Mln

nafay Donsrherly. Mankato. niv No. 1, Mankato.-Prealdent. Mra. Ju.

nomrhertr. Pres.—Mrs. Anna Dougherty. Vice-Prea.—Cecelia ConRhlaa. Rec. Sec.—Laura Kelly. Fin. Sec.—Mrs. Nora Rnrk. Tna. Sec.—Mrs. Lydls Ballanger. Treas.—Mrs. Anns Riley. Meeting nlrhts, first snd third Mendare

of each month.

Lsdies' Ancillary. Madison Lake.—Preal­dent. Mrs. Msry Ollbrlde.

Vice Pres.-Mrs. Brldeet Smith. Rec. Sec.—Mrs. ICstle Msdlrsn. Ins. Sec.—Mrs. Mariraret Porsn. Tress. —Mrs. Rst.le McNsmara. Serreant-st-srms. Mrs Ratle Bhehaa. Sentinel. Mrs. Msry Porsn. Meeta aeeond and fonrth Snndaya al

month at — p. m., Hlhernlan hall. ORACRVILLB, RIO STONR COUNT*. Co. Pres.—M. J. MePonnell. Prea.—Wm. Cregan. Vice Pres.—Hurt Helly. Ree. Sec.—P. H. Cawler. Fin. Sec.—Rer. M. O'Ritea. Treas.-P. McNsmara. Tna. Sec.—Rer. M. O'Rrlen. Meet flrat Snndny of month.

Dauirhtera of Rrln. Gracerllle.—PrealflMt. Mrs. M. W. Strong.

Vice Prea.—Mlaa Maggie Cestelle. Rec. See.—Mra. M. I. IVaonaa. Fin Sec.—Mlsa Nellie Pnwna. Tna. Sec.—Mlaa Orace MrDannalf. Treas.—Mrs. A. Boetcher. Co Pres.—Miss Agnaa Hlckey. Meeta aeeond Friday and fonrth Bandar

of month. _ AVOCA. MURRAY COUNTY. Co. Pres.—J. H. Mahoney. Dly. No. 1.—Prealdent. M. Cnllaa. Vice Prea.—P. Rrsdy. Ree. Sec.—John O'Ponnell, Areea. Fin. 8ac.—T. Mnrray. Treaa.—P. Dwyer, 8r. Tna. Sec.—P. Wynne, Aroca. Meet flrat Sunday ef month. Dir. No. 1, L. A.—Co. Prea, Mra.

Kennedy; prealdent, Mra Aaale rice prea., Mra. Mary Farrell: Ma Mra. Catherine Crowley; fla. aee., Mia. Mahoney; Ina. sec., Mr*. Jalla PeL

treaa., Mra. Mary Rrady. Meet third day of month after maaa.

Dir. No. 2, Cnrrle.—Prea., J. •. KaaiV. Vice Pres.—John Donnelly. Rec. Sec.—M. Fsrrell. Fin. Sec.—O. Prlnrllle, Tns. Sec.—W. Sweetmsn. Trens.—P. R. Oalrln. Meet seennd Sunday of each month at Oaa-

rle's hall. Lsdies' Auxiliary, Plr. 2.—Pres., Mra. •.

McArorr. Vlee Pres.—Mrs. P. Cauley. Fin Sec.—Miss Susie Sweeny. Rec. Sec.—Miss Mnry F. Oormaa. Treas.—Mrs. Joseph Rrrnes. Tns. Sec.—Miss R. MeCormlefc.

LR SnmUR COUNTY. Co. Pres.— Rngcne Oshorn, Le 8near. Plr. No. 1, St. Thomns.—Pres., ©. W.

Rnrna. Vice Pres.—C. Klldnff. Rec. Sec.—W. H. Rnrns. Fin. Sec.—Jsmes Ronsyne. Ins. Sec.—J. S. O'Ponnell. Tress.—J. J. O'Nell. Meet first Sunday In month it I r

p. m. at St. Thomas hnll. Dir. No. 2.—Pres., M. Skelly. Fin. Sec.—Rugene Osborne. Treas.—R. Dorsn. Meets first Snndsy of month.

Le Sueur. Plr. No. R, Montgomery.—Meet istaad

Snnday In month. SIRLRY COUNTY.

County Pres.—W. T. Fahey, Qreaa "' la. Dir. No. 1, Green Isle.—Prea., Daatal Mr-

era. Vice Pres.—M. McMaboa. Rec. Sec.—Frsnk Coserore. Fin. Sec.—W. T. Fahey. Treas.—Thos Morrln. Tns Sec.—M McMahon. Meets first Sunday of month at 3 p. a).,

nnd llilrd Thursday nt 8 p. m., at St. Brea-dnn's hall.

Auxiliary.—Co. President, Mlaa K. K. Litchfield.

Pres., Mrs. John S. McMnhon: Ylce-Prea., Mrs. Frank Cosgroye; Rec. Sec., Mra. T. P. Mnrtln: Fin. See.. Miss ITnnna Brick; laa; See., Mrs. Chas. Purcell.

Pres.—Mrs. Wm. Msrtln. _ Vice Pres.—Mrs. H. H. Litchfield Rec. Sec.—Miss Fmma K. Litchfield. Fin. Sec.—Miss R. Fsbey. Treas.—Mrs. Thos. Polan. Tns. Sec.—Miss M. It. Fltapatrlek. Meet second Snnday of month at B p. BL

SCOTT COUNTT. Co. Prea.—F. J. Leonard. Jordaa. Dir. No. 1, Belle Plalue.—Pres., Dr. •. B.

Moloney. Vice Pres.—James O'Neill. Rec. See.—H. R. Conlon. Fin. Sec.—P. M. Carannngh. Tna. Sec.—Wm. Fttegereld. Treas.—Panlel Callahan. Meet nrst Snnday of month.

RICH COUNTY. Dir. No. 1, Farlbanlt.—Place of id set!

Faribault. Dly. 2, Shleldsrllle.—Meet third BwHr

ef month.



LOCATION OF OFFICB8. Abell, Ace P., 801-2 Rank of Com. Bite Arctander, Lndrle, Temple Conrt. Ankeny, A. T„ Btn Globe Bldg. Rleecker, Oeo. M., 831 Boston Bit Brlce. A. L., Guaranty Loan. Byrnes. T. ft., Ron Kasota Bldg. Dnrenport A Thlan, Phoenix Bid#. Darellua, A. B„ 020 N. Y. Life Bite, Peutscb, Henry. S2A Guaranty Lou. Donahue, W. H., 28 Waah. Are. 8. Fortln, Geo. H., 402 Globe Bldg. Gallagher, Chris. A., B8T Guaranty L Garrlty, T. A., «22 N. Y. Life Bite. GJertsen * Rand, Tll-718 N. Y. Ufa Hertlg, Wendell, N. Y. Life Bids. Noyea, A. IT., 4(fa Globe Bldg. Hobba, F. E., 2SB Temple CT Jelley, C. S„ 80S Globe Bldg.


Lane A Nanta. Oneida Rtk. Lawrence. Jaa. W., 841 Boatoa Blh. Leary, W. C., Temple Court. Mnnro, Weed, N. Y. Life Rldg. Mahoney. Stephen. 802 Guar. Loaa Bids, McHale. John J., 801-80B B'k of Ceea. BMft Nlckell, J. H.j SMI Lumber Rxehaage, Nye, Frank u., Gnaraaty Loaa. O'Brien, J. BOB Oneida Blk. Pllgram, W. H. H., BIB Temple Ceart. Rea A Healy. Temple Court. Smith, Oea. «1B Boataa Blk. Steele, John U.. T10 Phoenix Bldg. Stetler. jL H.. BUT Olehe BMg. Yonne. H. w„ 4fi2 Olohe Btdg. Van Fnssen * Frost. R80 Gnaraaty Loaa. ^Pelch A Hnhschek. B'k of Com. BMf.