r ?' wc is" . ' ; t&4. i""i - Jl- W v "V wwwpyy i.iWill. ' . v. m Jk 4A I nt 1r ? V W HIS 1 1 I $ H-- III ! .f$r ST Z' r r . r o ' M -- .. sv &( J" l $ ar Vol. Xril. No 2100. HONOLULU, n. I., SATURDAY EVENING-- , NOVEMBER 21, 1888. CO OENTB 8UB80RIPTION PEB MONTH F. tf ff J- - ie'-- - Si ? V" & ? fc . UAr - X w y '. pft r ( :'' t u THE DAILY BULLETIN Is pnuted and published at tha office, Quoen Htroot, Honolulu, II. I., ovory aftornoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cants par Month. Address all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensure insertion, should be handed in before ono o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terras. Hell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 " THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island Nows. It is the best papor Dubllshcd in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Meronants. IT JXA.OJBCIT.I3.LiD Sc Co., General Commission Agents, . 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MAC2ABLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, ... Honolulu. H. I. 1048 BBBWfiS & COMPANY, .'. (Limited) (iKNKUAL aiEHCAMTIIiE AND Commission Aoents. A LIST OP officers: P. O. Jonkb, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oaiitbb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary DiuKCTons: "lion. C. U. Bishop. S. C. Allen, II. J33ly T. Watekhouse, John Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castle.-- J, B. AthCrton-- G. P. Castle 8s OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Doulersin Ueneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu 1 Clans Spreclcols. Wm. Q. Irwin. IKWIN 5S COMPANY, WG. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 --JXtriLDER as CO., YV ' Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General'Mer- - okundiso aud Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 1124 California street, Ban Francisco, Cal. It. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. M. Oooko. ewers & Cooke, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) mporters Qpil Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu, 1 Win. O. Atwater, Agent to Grant Marriage licenses. Office, : Honolulu Iron "Works Co. 8opt-29.1- y ' GONSAIiVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 80 Beaver Ulock, Honolulu. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 King Btrcet, opposite the Old Station House. Mutual Tolepliono No. 87 tf Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclimaker Has removed to ono of the Now Stores in tho ThouitiH JUloclt, King Street, Three doors from Castlo & Cookcs', Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. Alfred Maooon, J . ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly T H.BOPBB.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgoon, S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Not Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 V. SAMUEL K KAEO, .A.t;t;ojrxi.ey atXaw. Ofllcc, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street, op J. M. RflOIMSARRAT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of New York, Cali- fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gnzctto" Block, Honolulu, H. I. junc.9 83 JPIONEJEJEt STEAM CANDY PAGTORY A.jVX BVICEIfSr. F. HORN, Practical" Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 8235" Telephone 74 u. if. BKNsorr. a. w. smith. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocricko & Seechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, 'Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., . Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. L WEMER & CO. JSannfbctux'lns Jewellers, NO. OS ITOItT 8TBEET. Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, ( F. I. CUTTER, "ui"""- u- Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80. Residence Telephone No. 202. Gon'l 33acxrosslnp: 3fc Xra.ylriK Piano and Furniture moving n specialty. Wagons meet all incoming stunners. july.25 ly MBS. M. B. CAMPBELL, DrcssmaldnB, ito., S:o.t Has commenced tho business of Dress, making, Cutting and Fitting, at kcr.rcsi-denc- No. 73 Berctania street, opposito the Hotel. The patronage of tho ladies is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sopt-O-l-y Alex. Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel st., next to General Peat Offlco, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes &. Scales ropaired. Also, SowlncMnclilnes at reason-uul- o rates. Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400. Mustace & Robertson, DRAYMEN. a ll orders for Cartago promptly at. A tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping" of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest prices. Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 10. . .,.. . ........ M.I Ill - II FOR SALE. Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked 0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 8 feet deep: 8 feet wide; 222 feet Surf Boats; 1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger, 10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 Feet 0 inches deep, with mast and sails all Complete; 1 2i feet Balling Scow, with mast auiLsails all complete? Apply to. E. R.RYAN. Boat'Bullder and General Jobber. 01 tf TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, J. advcrtleo in theJDAiLY Bulletin. Beaver 4, Saloon Tho Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooffee at 4H Hours Tho Finest Brand of Cigars, J&. Tooacco on liana. II. J. JVOtTJB, Proprietor. House Restaurant King Street Hear Alakea. Itonril 84 CO Icr AVoclc. MIiirIo aienl ati Cents Kncli. A first-clas- s Cook has been engaged to succeed the ouo heretofore employed. Tho Tables are Mnrble top and Clean; tho Waiters attentive. C. CHUN HEE, 2072 3m Proprietor. Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, ITisl, Vogretalbles, Scc, Ssc. Always on hand at tho HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcss), No. O queen 8t., : : Fish aiarlcct, Honolulu, H. I. CSTFamily and Shipping Oidcrs care- - fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 TXI33 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Botail Butchers and NAVY COiNTRACTOHS. 1717 ly JOS. TINKER, UUTCIIKR. itv Nuuanu Street. Beef, 3ffij veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.' ALSO- Cambridge Pork Sausages I Fresh Every Day. CSyHis noted Sausages aro made by tho every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will be delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices aro as low as unywhero in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages.-- a oct-- 88 WRIGHT BROS., Fort Street, next Lucas1 Mill, Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage Building & Repairing. Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-cla- ss manner and executed at short notice. Having secured the service of ono of the best Painters in tdwn. iJooil Carriage I'alntlnjr 1h Uunrau. teed ; llxoellent Trimming uIho done. CSrMutual Telophone, No. 575- -a ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from the other Islands solicited. my.23-8- 8 Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal and a generul assortment of 415. Bar Iron. NOTICE. MUSIC furnished for balls, parties serenades by I'alratr'a String Hand, Orders lift at O. E. Williams1, or ring up Mutual Telephono SWO. 74 tf IF YOU WANT A SITUATION JL advertise in the Daily Bulletin. ;tampedhdtstam PED A Good Assortment Just Received AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. rc s. sojBCfc, Stamped JLinen Sideboard Scari's, Stamped JLinen Splashers, Stamped Linen Tray Covors, STAMPED LINEN TIDIES ! Stamped Linen Doylies, assorted sizes; Laundry Bags, Linen Floss, in all colors. b -- ALSO A VARIETY OF- - Chenille Fon-Po- ns and Tassals ! Fancy Metal Ornaments, Fancy Furniture Fringes. Como curly, nnd Hf HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. No. 85 FORT STBEET. H0N0LTJL. Gciioral ARonte Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Life Insuranoe Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exohango Brokers. Departments of Business: Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. , Collctions will recelvo special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general. use u this Kingdom. Beat Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safoly insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected, Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with aoonracy and dispatch. Loans nogotlatod at lavorablo rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. Inter-Islan- d Orders will recelvo particular attention. 3?jrojviet;o:r have first choice. WATE i E2T All Dullness entrusted to our cars will recslvo prompt and faithful attention at moderate charges. Having had an ostcnsivo business experience for over twcnty.flvo yearsMn New York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to nil business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nnd respectfully solicit atrial. BclltTelephono No. 274. Jnrtwvnilnn X2iisinos Affeiicy. Jan. 7.88 Just Received at Hollister & Go.'s A. largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising tho well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LUjNTDBOEGrS, LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, . EASTMAN'S ALOHA, HOYT'S COLOGNE FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. For Sale at 3E.esonhl 3Prieer mh-2- ij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87 AERATED Steam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki, J. E. BROWN &, CO., - - Proprietors- - Dopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Iblanda. o OAVAOITV l.OOO DOZIIN l'KU)A.Y. O- - Tho Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, Sarsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PURE, STRONG; EFFERVESCING PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved Machinery and 1'nlent Glaas-vnlv- o Bottles. TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Offlco Box, 469. Ordora delivered to any part of tho city, Ieland orders solicited, ,ffS ApriH3-8- 8 dSl i.t . Royal Insurance Company, Accumulation of Fundi, $28,602,205.00 Flro ri'ks tnken nt current rales and settlement made In Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 20 88-l- y Union A. Marine Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire nnd Marine risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july 2G.88.ly BXJPf Insurance o. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 2C.88.ly MIECOODEBTJItG General Insurance Company. Marino risks ok Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent July 2fi.8S.ly THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Go. Strictly Mutual Organized 1815. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 Tho actual (not estimated) results of its matured Tontine policies exceed those of any other Company issuing similar policies. Tho Xonforfcltlnc Free Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividend (returning nil premiums in addition to face of policy should death occur during tho Tontine period) us issued by this Company the advantages of Tontine accu. mulatioh, guaranteed options at the end of Tontino period nnd perfect ficcdom after two j ears as to residence, travel and occupation, except servico in war. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years- - EFor full particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to C.O.BE RGEIRi, Honolulu, Genoral Agent Hawaiian JulyJ Islands. 21-8- Honolulu ieon "Works, Steam engines, sucar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at'short notice. 1 WALKEB & EEDWABD, Contractors Ss XSulltiers. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to, 10 King street. Bell Tolo-pho- ne No, 2. P. O. Box, 423. up-5-l- riEORGE LUCAS, a Conti actor fi9HiiZi!?& nnd Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jaspla nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attanded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other ds solicited NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. E AInkcn, ncnr iieen St. Telephone 55. J. O. MARCHANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-hoo- k Manufacturer. Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono. 02 lulu. tf rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribe JL lor is the "Daily Bulletin." 60 cents per month. A. II. RASEMANN, Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank- - hook Manufacturer, No. 18 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs. y THE ONLY PAPER read by all X olusses "Tho Dally Bullotln.'1 60 cents per uioath. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE, Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Aseots, $5,288,0(0 Commercial Insurance Co. (Firo and Marine) Asseta, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporati a (Fire and Marina) Capital, paid up, $2,600,01 0 South British Firo ami Marino Ins. b Capital, $10,000,61 0 Now York Liib Insurance Co. Assets, $85,ee0,0( 0 C.O.BERGrEI! HONOLULU. Genoral Agent, Haw'n Islands. lG53 1y Lie Assurance Society, or tixo nmtoa states. THE LEADING COMPANY. Now Business in 1887 $138,023,1 JS Applications roftwod for 23,729,817 Total Inoomo 23,240,5 10 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,3)5 Gain in Atiott during year 8,068,4 12 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the abovo and most Important po nt thoICquitablo heads the list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHY, General Ascent ror H&TV&Uaa Island. June CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insur'ee Agoi to. agents yon Tho New- - England MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Fire Insurance C o. of Hartford, Qnn. Tit Ualoa "lr and Marine insurance (. of San Franclsct, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National InsurancQ Comp'T HSTJlnUSHE IMS, Capital, 8,00t,OQ9 Rofstuw-.-t- a THE undersigned, kanng be tp. agent of tho abovsCnt my for tho Ilavailan Islands, is prepay I to accept risks, against Fire, on BuIUi (m. Furniture, Merchandise, produce, Bi J Mills etc,, on tho most Favorable T tds Uues Promptly Adjsried and PayabV Honolulu. H. niBMINBOHNIID t, Jy-8- 7 ly Wilder & ( s. Pioneer Shirt Facto y Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma . Tho undersigned bogs to Inform the publio of these Islands that he is ma) isg BltlrUt by Moawureme fc I Directions for lelf.meajuremont w .1 be given on applicatltn. White Shirts, OnrsHrts A Him Go ju A fit guarantee by making a sai pie Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Boll Teltphm 110 60 ly A. M. MJfcULIH. a i, iy v

Jk 4A nt 1r .f$r r o - University of Hawaii...Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. J.Alfred Maooon, ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street

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Page 1: Jk 4A nt 1r .f$r r o - University of Hawaii...Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. J.Alfred Maooon, ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street


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$ arVol. Xril. No 2100. HONOLULU, n. I., SATURDAY EVENING-- , NOVEMBER 21, 1888. CO OENTB


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Is pnuted and published at tha office,

Quoen Htroot, Honolulu, II. I., ovory

aftornoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 cants par Month.

Address all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensure insertion,should be handed in before ono o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorableterras.Hell Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNows. It is the best papor Dubllshcdin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Meronants.

IT JXA.OJBCIT.I3.LiD Sc Co.,General Commission Agents,

. 070 ly Honolulu



Queen street, ... Honolulu. H. I.1048

BBBWfiS & COMPANY,.'. (Limited)


Commission Aoents.A

LIST OP officers:P. O. Jonkb, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oaiitbb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


"lion. C. U. Bishop. S. C. Allen,II.


T. Watekhouse,John Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castle.-- J, B. AthCrton-- G. P. Castle8s OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and DoulersinUeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu 1

Clans Spreclcols. Wm. Q. Irwin.IKWIN 5S COMPANY,WG. Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

--JXtriLDER as CO.,YV ' Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General'Mer- -okundiso aud Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

1124 California street,Ban Francisco, Cal.

It. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. M. Oooko.

ewers & Cooke,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)mporters Qpil Dealers in Lumber and all

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu, 1

Win. O. Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage licenses.Office, : Honolulu Iron "Works Co.

8opt-29.1- y


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants80 Beaver Ulock, Honolulu.



81 King Btrcet, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Tolepliono No.87 tf

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclimaker

Has removed to ono of the NowStores in tho

ThouitiH JUloclt, King Street,Three doors from Castlo & Cookcs',

Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturoall ilnds of Jewelry. 00


Alfred Maooon,J . ATTORNEY AT LA.W.

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgoon,S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Not Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23



.A.t;t;ojrxi.ey atXaw.Ofllcc, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street,


J. M. RflOIMSARRAT,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States of New York, Cali-fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gnzctto" Block, Honolulu, H. I.

junc.9 83



F. HORN, Practical" Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- 8235" Telephone 74

u. if. BKNsorr. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricko & Seechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,'Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. L

WEMER & CO.JSannfbctux'lns Jewellers,

NO. OS ITOItT 8TBEET.Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, (F. I. CUTTER, "ui"""- u-

Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80.Residence Telephone No. 202.

Gon'l 33acxrosslnp: 3fc Xra.ylriKPiano and Furniture moving n specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming stunners.july.25 ly


DrcssmaldnB, ito., S:o.t

Has commenced tho business of Dress,making, Cutting and Fitting, at kcr.rcsi-denc-

No. 73 Berctania street, oppositothe Hotel. The patronage of tho ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sopt-O-l-y

Alex. Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel st., next to General PeatOfflco, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes &. Scales ropaired.Also, SowlncMnclilnes at reason-uul- o

rates.Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400.

Mustace & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.a ll orders for Cartago promptly at.A tended to. Particular attention

paid to tho

Storing & Shipping"of goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit nt lowest prices.

Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 10.

. .,.. . ........M.I Ill - II


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 8 feetdeep: 8 feet wide; 222 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 Feet0 inches deep, with mast and sails allComplete; 1 2i feet Balling Scow, withmast auiLsails all complete? Apply to.

E. R.RYAN.Boat'Bullder and General Jobber. 01 tf

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. advcrtleo in theJDAiLY Bulletin.

Beaver 4, Saloon

Tho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Ooffee at 4H Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Cigars, J&. Tooacco

on liana.II. J. JVOtTJB, Proprietor.

House Restaurant

King Street Hear Alakea.

Itonril 84 CO Icr AVoclc.MIiirIo aienl ati Cents Kncli.

A first-clas- s Cook has been engaged tosucceed the ouo heretofore employed.Tho Tables are Mnrble top and Clean;tho Waiters attentive.

C. CHUN HEE,2072 3m Proprietor.

Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,ITisl, Vogretalbles, Scc, Ssc.

Always on hand at tho

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcss),

No. O queen 8t., : : Fish aiarlcct,Honolulu, H. I.

CSTFamily and Shipping Oidcrs care- -

fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8



Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Botail Butchers




itvNuuanu Street.

Beef, 3ffij veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.'


Cambridge Pork Sausages I

Fresh Every Day.

CSyHis noted Sausages aro made bytho every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will be deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices aro as low as unywhero in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages.--a

oct-- 88


Fort Street, next Lucas1 Mill,

Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a first-cla- ss

manner and executed at short notice.Having secured the service of ono of

the best Painters in tdwn.iJooil Carriage I'alntlnjr 1h Uunrau.teed ; llxoellent Trimming uIho done.

CSrMutual Telophone, No. 575- -a

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Orders from the other Islands solicited.

my.23-8- 8

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coaland a generul assortment of

415. Bar Iron.NOTICE.

MUSIC furnished for balls, partiesserenades by I'alratr'a String

Hand, Orders lift at O. E. Williams1,or ring up Mutual Telephono SWO. 74 tf

IF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertise in the Daily Bulletin.

;tampedhdtstam PED

A Good Assortment Just ReceivedAT THE

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

rc s. sojBCfc,

Stamped JLinen Sideboard Scari's,Stamped JLinen Splashers,

Stamped Linen Tray Covors,


Stamped Linen Doylies, assorted sizes;Laundry Bags,

Linen Floss, in all colors.b


Chenille Fon-Po- ns and Tassals !

Fancy Metal Ornaments,Fancy Furniture Fringes.

Como curly, nnd



Gciioral ARonteExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Life Insuranoe

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exohango Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. ,Collctions will recelvo special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general. use u this Kingdom.Beat Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safoly insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected,Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with aoonracy and dispatch.

Loans nogotlatod at lavorablo rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will recelvo particular attention.


have first choice.


E2T All Dullness entrusted to our cars will recslvo prompt and faithful attention at

moderate charges.

Having had an ostcnsivo business experience for over twcnty.flvo yearsMnNew York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to nil business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nnd respectfullysolicit atrial.

BclltTelephono No. 274. Jnrtwvnilnn X2iisinos Affeiicy.Jan. 7.88

Just Received at Hollister & Go.'sA. largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of




For Sale at 3E.esonhl 3Prieermh-2- ij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87

AERATEDSteam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki,

J. E. BROWN &, CO., - - Proprietors- -

Dopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Iblanda.o


Tho Only Apparatus making High Class


Sarsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PURE, STRONG; EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved Machinery and 1'nlent Glaas-vnlv- o Bottles.

TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Offlco Box, 469.Ordora delivered to any part of tho city, Ieland orders solicited, ,ffS

ApriH3-8- 8

dSl i.t .

Royal Insurance Company,

Accumulation of Fundi, $28,602,205.00

Flro ri'ks tnken nt current rales andsettlement made In Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 20 88-l- y

Union A. Marine

Insurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire nnd Marine risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july 2G.88.ly


Insurance o. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 2C.88.ly


General Insurance Company.

Marino risks ok Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, AgentJuly 2fi.8S.ly


Life Insurance Go.Strictly Mutual Organized 1815.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

Tho actual (not estimated) results of itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof any other Company issuing similar


Tho Xonforfcltlnc

Free Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (returning nilpremiums in addition to face of policyshould death occur during tho Tontineperiod) us issued by this Company

the advantages of Tontine accu.mulatioh, guaranteed options at the endof Tontino period nnd perfect ficcdomafter two j ears as to residence, traveland occupation, except servico in war.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years- -

EFor full particulars and estimatedresults based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

C.O.BE RGEIRi,Honolulu, Genoral Agent Hawaiian

JulyJ Islands. 21-8-

Honolulu ieon "Works,Steam engines, sucar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at'short notice. 1


Contractors Ss XSulltiers.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to, 10 King street. Bell Tolo-pho- ne

No, 2. P. O. Box, 423. up-5-l-

riEORGE LUCAS,a Conti actor fi9HiiZi!?&

nnd Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jasplanado, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attanded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other ds



AInkcn, ncnr iieen St.Telephone 55.

J. O. MARCHANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-hoo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono.02 lulu. tf

rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribeJL lor is the "Daily Bulletin." 60cents per month.

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank- -

hook Manufacturer,

No. 18 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs.y

THE ONLY PAPER read by allX olusses "Tho Dally Bullotln.'1 60

cents per uioath.


MARINEINSURANCE,Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Aseots, $5,288,0(0

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Marine)Asseta, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporati a(Fire and Marina)

Capital, paid up, $2,600,01 0

South British Firo ami Marino Ins. bCapital, $10,000,61 0

Now York Liib Insurance Co.Assets, $85,ee0,0( 0


Genoral Agent, Haw'n Islands.

lG53 1y

Lie Assurance Society,

or tixo nmtoa states.


Now Business in 1887 $138,023,1 JS

Applications roftwod for 23,729,817Total Inoomo 23,240,5 10

Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,3)5

Gain in Atiott during year 8,068,4 12

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the abovo and most Important po ntthoICquitablo heads the list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHY,General Ascent ror H&TV&Uaa



CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marino Insur'ee Agoi to.

agents yonTho New-- England


The iEtna Fire Insurance C o.of Hartford, Qnn.

Tit Ualoa "lr andMarine insurance (.

of San Franclsct, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurancQ Comp'T

HSTJlnUSHE IMS,Capital, 8,00t,OQ9 Rofstuw-.-t- a

THE undersigned, kanng be tp.agent of tho abovsCnt my

for tho Ilavailan Islands, is prepay I toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuIUi (m.Furniture, Merchandise, produce, Bi JMills etc,, on tho most Favorable T tdsUues Promptly Adjsried and PayabV


H. niBMINBOHNIID t,Jy-8-7 ly Wilder & ( s.

Pioneer Shirt Facto yOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma .Tho undersigned bogs to Inform the

publio of these Islands that he is ma) isgBltlrUt by Moawureme fc I

Directions for lelf.meajuremont w .1be given on applicatltn.

White Shirts, OnrsHrts A Him Go juA fit guarantee by making a sai pie

Shirt to every order.Island order solicited Boll Teltphm 110

60 ly A. M. MJfcULIH.a i,


Page 2: Jk 4A nt 1r .f$r r o - University of Hawaii...Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. J.Alfred Maooon, ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street



School Vacation Notice.The regular Chriulinns vacation of

all public schools in tlio Kingdom,will extend from PllIDAY, the 21stof Decombor, to TUESDAY, the 8thof January, 1889. In future, the

.vacations at Lahainaluna Seminary,will bo at tho same time as those ofall other Government schools in theKingdom.

By oulor of the Board of Education.Vf. JAS. SMITH,

Sceietary.Education Ofllce, Nov. 21, 1888.

101 3 81-- w

4 n jTn i

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1888.


The Alameda's failuic to arrivethis morning according to expecta-tion was a gieat disappointment' allround. Everybody was in readinessat day light, but the steamer, withtho baseball players, was not on

hand. Business lias been suspendedmost of the day about as much asif the steamer had come. Hope wasentertained by many until the majorpart of the forenoon had gone, thatthe steamer would yet bo in timefor a baseball exhibition this after-

noon. But everybody is "lioka."It is expected, however, that whatthe community had calculated forto day will be icalised on Mondaynext.


SCHOOL HpUSES.The Board of Education has

adopted an expedient which hasbeen tried and found to work well insome other countries ; viz. , to allowclergymen of any denomination theuse of Government school housesfor the purpose of giving religiousinstruction to children, after theregular school hours. The Boardhas instructed the School Agentsthat they "may ariango with theclergymen of any religious denomin-ation to allow them the use of thepublic school houses after 2 o'clock,p. ni., for a time not exceeding onehour once a week for each deno-

mination applying, for the religiousinstruction of such scholars as maychoose to attend with the consent ottheir parents."

This is a perfectly fair and equalproposition, giving no one deno-

mination the advantage of others,and allowing all an opportunity toimpress their religious beliefs upontho minds of those disposed to le-cei-

them. Some objection maybe raised against the shortness ofthe time permitted only one hourin each week to each denomination ;

but probably the Board will not holdvery tenaciously to this point, if itbo shown that the time is insufli-cien- t.

Tbo Board provides for the entireyouth of the country, of all classesand creeds, tho rudiments of a secu-

lar education teaches them to read,write, and cipher, and endeavors toinstil into their minds the principlesof morality. No form of religion is

included'in the curriculum, for thegood and sulllcicnt reason that in acommunity where several religiousbeliefs obtain no one of the numbercan be acceptable to all, and it ismanifestly unjust to force upon a

child a creed which is obnoxious to

the conscience of the parent. Andyet tho Board docs not interfere with

parents bringing up their childrento any religious belief they maydeem best, but allowB full liberty of

conscienoo, even permitting itsschool houses to bo used as schools

of religion out of regular school

hours. This is precisely what iB

done in tho Australian colonics andsome other countiies, and is, in ouropinion, all that tho various religiousdenominations can reasonably re-



to tako care of child 4 yearsAGIKL Apply at "CottuRC," Dr.WcGrew's yard. 105 21

STRAYEDthe premises ofON Captain J. II.

Brown, Two Ilorew.Owner can ' Imvo tho

r-- . yzzso - same on hoylng forir r

ib advertisement?, - 100 It


Editok Humxtix : Dr. I. "Wcl-gc- rt

lias discovered a cure ofby inhaling ovei heated

dry air and Dr. L. Halter has simul-taneously proved this thcoiy to botrue by his experience. ' Accordingto Dr Koch the tubcicula baeillacannot live in a temperature of IIdegrees Celsius, but Dr. Woigertconstructed an appatatus by whichdry air is heated as high as 100 de-

grees Celsius.It is a remarkable fact such im-

portant discovery has been madesimultaneously by two doctors, whohad no connection with each otherwhatever. This discovery will be agreat blessing to suffciing humanity.



Eihtoii Bulletin: I happenedto get hold of a stray HonoluluDaily Advertiser the other day, ofNov. 5th, and in it I found quite alengthy editorial against Bossism iaHawaii Nei. In one part he says :

"Thus far in our 'history' we in Ha-

waii, can hardly bo said to haveever known what it was to have aboss." Then again he says, "Buthowever that may be, and howeverthe present may differ from thepast, we don't want any boss in Ha-waiian politics.; and wo dont intendto have any if we can help it.""What gall 1 Does he not know thatthe Islands fioin Hawaii to Niihausince our little unpleasantness, hasbeen under boss rule? and howabout the last Legislature! "Was itnot under a complete control of thebosses? and what a mess they madeof it. Also about the Advertiser.Is it not under boss rule? How cauit be otherwise, when unfortunatelyfor the good of the country it isowned and controlled by a selectfew of the bosses. I give the Ad-

vertiser clan timely warning that thepeople arc in no mood to be trifledwith a second time. But if thou artreally in for reform, and determin-ed to be honest and consistent inthe future, thou must cut the cordof tho bosses, that thou art so en-

tangled ,vith, and commence on thocwa side of Queen street in Hono-lulu, ,Jand quickly too,"' and strikeout boldly and manfully against bossrule, and for true reform this time."For by thy deeds, not words, shalt3fe be judged in the future."Don't bother yourselves about ushere we will take care that Hawaiiand the whole country in fact goesright for ti ue icform next time. Idon't know, but I uin afraid the"Advertiser' is not sincere in hisharrangue about boss rule, but fearsa change ot bobses. Possibly hemay be sincere, the worst of mensometimes reform, but we shall see.

, Ai.oiia.Hnuiakua, Nov. 17th.


Editoh Bulletin: In commonwith other lcsidents at the Mraikikidistrict I observe with much interestthe progress now being made in theconstruction of the tiamway in thatdirection.

The laying down of the rails isnow completed for a distance ofnearly a mile beyond the turningnear Mr. Jaeger's residence, or,about three miles from town. Notbad work when the kinds of laborand materials at the disposal of thecontractor is considered, but of verylittle service so far as cither thopublic, or the tramway pioprictorsarc concerned, until the road oncither side of the rails is so far com-

pleted as to enable the tiam cars tobe used. As they arc at the pre-sent time, and, judging from therate of progress made during thepast few months, the oxisting roadis not only a positive nuisance, butan absolute menace to public safety,more especially at night time, forcarriage tralllc. In places the railsstaml up 8 or 12 inches from" theroad on either side, making it quiteimpossible for a carriage to crossover, and, since the road in manyplaces is so narrow, it is a mosthazardous matter to pass vehiclescoming from an opposite direction.

Tho rainy season must now beclose at hand, and I, for one, pro-test most strongly against a systemthat will grant a concession to laydown a lino of lails along a much-use- d

highway, and yet neglect touse the most ordinary precautionsfor making it safe for ordinary traf-fic. If tho Government were notpropaied to put King street in suff-icient good order to make the roadsafe, it would have been better forall concerned to have deferred thelaying down of the rails until theywere.

By putting on a strong foice ofmen tho road might yet be put in aa decent condition before tho inevi-table rainy weather makes road worknext to impossible, but 1 fearstronger arguments than my feeblepen can use, will bo needed to in-

duce our much extolled "ReformGovernment" to hurry this import-ant woik. Waikiki.

The beet-sug- ar manufacturers ofSaxony met on Sunday. October2l8t, and unanimously passed reso-lutions declaring that the SugarBounties Convention wns incompati-ble with their interests, and likelyto injure the Jiect-sug- ar industry.

Tho Bombay police have discov-ered a secret tralllc in guns, revolv-ers and ammunition, sent fi om Bom-bay in bales of goods to the Afgltnnfrontier tribes. Four Afghans havehcen convicted and sentenced to two'years' imprisonment each,

Telepfllc !

San Francisco, Nov. 17. TheAlameda docs not leave to-da- y onschedule time. Delayed by thoEnglish mails. But sho will stay atHonolulu to give the baseball play-ci- s

an opportunity to play, all thesamo.

This telegram, although datedthe 17th inst., did not, for some un-

explained reason, reach tho Bulle-tin olllce until this afternoon. It isin time, however, to set at rest alluncertainty.

DOOMED.A Chinaman Sentenced to be


Tho steamer Lchua which arrivedthis noon brought a Chinese, Ahopalias Ah Hapa, heavily handcuffed,lie was tried at tho present term ofCourt at Waimca, for the murder ofD. Kapahec, the school teacher atl'una, Hawaii, a short time ago, andbeing found guilty was sentencedto death by Mr. Justice Bickerton.The prisoner is now in Oahu jail.The sentence will be carried outsometime in February.


The sad news of the death of Mrs.U. S. N. Emerson at about 3 this a.m., from old ago, was conveyedacross the wires from Waialua,Oahu. In Mrs. Emerson is takenaway another of those whoso wholesoul was devoted to good woiks.Tho prime of her life, the pride ofher health and strength and her oldago was a glad, continuous offeringto her Saviour.

She was born Sept. 27, 180G, atNelson, Now Hampshire, U. S. A.She was married to Kcv. J. S. Em-erson in 1831, and the same year,with her husband, started with thereinforcement of missionaiies, ofwhich Alexander Armstrong, layman, liitcncocK, uiarK anil otnerswere members, for these Isl-

ands. They left New Bedford,Mass., on Nov. 28, 1831, and arriv-ed in Honolulu May 17, 1832.

The story of their voyage hither,their privations and haidships afterai rival, the glorious success of theirendeavors among the natives, arcall matters which make many pagesin the hibtory of thib nation. Thosewho knew Mrs. Emerson could butlovo and admire her: patient, gen-tle, kind, foigetful of self, everready to assist m times of trouble,with a firm and unfaltering trust inGod, whoso nromii.es she tested sowell she uulcaicd hetsell to all withwhom she came in contact. Shewas the true fiiend of the natives,helping them in all ways she could,excusing t.iuir shoi trainings as doesa mother those ol her children.

She will he buiicdSunday, the 25th inst., in the ceme-tery at Waialua, beside her belovedhusband who pieceded her in 1800,and 2 of her ehildicn. She leaves 5sons: Samuel N. Emeison of Waia-lua, Dr. N. B. Emerson, Pi csident ofthe Board of Health ; Dr. Justin E.Emerson of Detroit, Michigan; J.fc. Emerson, Civil Engineer; andKev. Oliver 1 Emerson of Peace-dale- s,

R. I., U. S. A. ; to mourn herincalculable loss. They have thehoarlfelt sympathy of all. Her lifewas a glad, gloripus triumph, herend a sudden and peaceful victory.

The steamer Kuala leaves forWaialua this evening at 5 o'clockwith a few invited friends.

A singular legacy has recentlybeen left to the town of Dresden byJean do Block, a Court Councilor..It consists of a collection of bootsformerly belonging to Emperors,Kings, Queens and celebrated cha-racter who have lived in recenttimes.

The Steamer 'lehua'

Will fcmil onMonday, Nov. 26th, at 4 p. m.For Manluea, Maltena, Mnhtikouu aii'l Kawalhuo; returning to Hono-lulu, Saturday morninjr, Dec. iBt.10) it WILDER'S S. S. Co.

fat Arrivals New Goods

-- ur mi:-


-r- ompri&iii-

.English Ryo Grass (Seed),Bed Top Grass,

aroimtiilii White aiolou Heed.Cantaloupe, Turnip, Carrot,

In fact all kinds of Faim GardenSeeds.

3Eg"Sr IF'ood. Etc.The usual assortment of

California Fresh Fruits on Ice,

Island Fruits and Bweet Potatoesalways on hand.

100 BIG- - TURKEYSBoiling Fat.

Call and seo them going for ther dallytorn In tho poultry yard adjoin.

lug tho Fruit Market.taut'tml Tolojiliono, 78.tar Ordori from tho other Islands

promptly tilled. Address;1 . OAMAICINOS,

IOC lm Cor. King & Ahilcca sts.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Sale of GlottisOn WEDNESDAY, Nov. 28, '88,

AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31..I will sell at Public Auction, n Largo

anil Varied

Assortment of Fmicy ClothsComprising

Black Diagonals, Blue Serges,

Fancy Trouserings,Lawn Tennis Cloths,

Twilled Worsted,And a Pino Asboi Uncut of

Single SuitAND

Parst Patterns,OF

Now Patterns antl Styles.Just the tiling for Christians

aud New Year Sails.CSTGoods on view Tuesday, Novum,

bcr 27th.

Romomber that all tho Suit Piecesmust bo Sold at Any Price.

JAS. F. MORGAN,10i 4t ' Auctioneer.

UMTJtU Lh1,'110XHonolulu, li. I , .Nov. .;.!, 1 as.

HPHE President ol tin- - Lulled StubsX of Amorttsi hivnij;TllUlteim , Hie .U'h iutl., ua a (lay otThanksgiving untl Piujei witli tiiccom.nu'mlniiun ihnt it be observed by thepeople in returning thnnks to (Jod lorthe enntintixnce ot His i'lotecllon undBuumeous ilk'soiugs

heit-foi- I invito nil American tillzens sojourning on these1 Islands tonviko an observance of THURSDAY,the 29th inst , us a day ot 'I huiiksgiviujjand Piaiso in harmony with the peopleot tho Uuited Suite


Services vv ill be held at Ccntial UnionChuii.h and M. Andrew'.-- , Catludril duouotleu of whirli v ill be .lvon mid agcnciul iuvil.uiim it. eviended M liupublii; to p.ulicipilc ihfiun. 105 tf


TIIIj undcrsignul lming been dulviippniniLd ndmiuiH'iiii"! o' ibe

Estate ot Manuel Vici-i.l- o Jr., laic ofMukawtui, deci'iictd, notice is hen bygiven U : 11 pi'i-o- ns to pie-su- I tlu-i- r

cUims ag ihiM the ist.Ue- - ol mill MinuetVicimie, .li., duly authentic ilul, vvliitheisecond by morig.igu oi olhoiwisv, tothe undttoicnud ai tlmoillcol'll Backfeld & Co., Honolulu, w iiliin i mm tli'ifiom the dale hereof, r ihu.v will beforever bin ltd; und all pi rsons" inchto mid e'tiiU' :ue hi-io- icqneste.) tomake immeiliatu lmvmiiil.

J. F. HAOKFELD,Adiiriuixtin'orot the of Manuel

Vlcoi lo, Jr., drunfpd.Ho olul i, Ni v. 21, '8:K 103 Stcmv

For Salc- - TaroLi in id.

LAND off Lilih-- i sired, ill.e

n Black iii il Cnik piuniM-4- ,

consisting ol liui'ilin lot andthree larjje taro p in In, an a

aliout Jf ucr(". Thoie is u le.uo uponthis l.uul which lias lime yenic more U

niu, at an annual rent 1 of $ 00, pa.ahie teiiii.auniially in tidvHueu on the 1stday of July and Jdiinaij. Li'M,eoj pintaxes and at r nit.-i- . This piope twas formed owned by K'dini K ..u.Viucynrd sreit v ui 'o li i.ilp will,after croihlng Lilllia ittyii. nn lo uIhe makai fiitic ot tlii- - jinie-i- liv.iiuit a fiontaiio on ti.u btreut. This jiro-l.crt-

i now leacliod by a lune liiriiiingfrom the Eva hide ot Lilllia ttnet.Tlllo perfect. For fiuthpr piiiticiiluisenquiieof J. 5L MONSAIIKAT.


Norwegian Citizenship,


Honolulu, Nov. 22, 1868. y

EXTRACT from Norwegian Law, re.Norwegian titate-citl- z ;cn.

ship dated April U1,1HB8:Any Norwegian state citicn hiulng

left Norway, and lmv ng the rights of aNorwegian bom state oiti.en fii virtueof l2 of tho Constitution, may retainIds rights as a Norwculan stiue.eitl.enby making a declaration of his inten-tion to remain as such, bcfoio Ihe localNorwegian Consul prevlots loApiil21.If 8 3, or within ono ycat after his depar-ture from Norway.

This deehuatlon shall be valid for thospace of ten years, within thoexpinv.tlon of vhlcli term it may Lo renewedfor u i mllur period.

In all catcs In which Fitch right Is re.tallied, if applies likewise t') thu wifeand to his or lier ohildiun uiulei ago,who rcsido with their pureui, or aroeducated and provided for by them.

Any Noi vM'glau iiot complying1 willithe abovo verbally or in writing, willloso his state citizenship.

II. W. SCHMIDT,101 lw Connul.

Scrub Exterminator !

rrUIE 'tSCRUB EXTERMINATOR" Is aX specific recently dltcovored andpatited, which will most CompletelyDestioy all Noxious Weeds or Scrub towhich it may bo applied, and will notinjure the fertility of tho ground norprevent oithor vegetables oi seeds ofany kind from growing immediatelyafter eradicating tho weeds or scrub.Its extensive use in other parts of theworld has been attended with great suecess, and It is certain to nrovo of greatvalue to tho luud ovtneisof thesolslauflswhose propei ty Is Infested by luutana orother scrub or weed.

Tho manner of using tho "SCRUBis very simple, being

merely to sprinkle it over tho leaves orapply it to tho stumps in liquid form,

Tho first shipment of this preparationbeing small, early application for asupply Is necessary.lOlk TIIEO. II. DAVEIS & CO.

Auction Sales by Lewis J, Lovey,

A Rare OiiiioiiliilT !


Under instiuolion from the Hon. II. A.Wklotnniin. 1 will ollor for sale

at Public Auction, atmy Sili'sroom,

On Monday, Nov. 26,AT IX O'CLOCK XOOX,

If not provlously disposed of at prl.vnto tale, that certain pro-

perty known as

"THE PAU LANDS," Waikiki,

Comprising i!7 Acres, more or Icesin Flo Simple. About 12 Acres of theabove aro set out In Fish Ponds nud nroplcntifylly stocke-- with Mullet, Awaand Caip, which aro now ready formarket. Of the remaining Li nils about8 Acre a-- planted with Manlcnio Gratsfrom which a oiops nro harvested an.nuiilly, j lolding upon an average flO tonsper year. Tho place i3 well providedwith Mowing Machine?, Ihiy Presseswagon, etc, nnu oveniiung mat

well equipped faun; there is

A One-Stor- y Frame Building,Upoo tho premises (nearly new , con.taiiiing 3 Rooms with nil conveniences,and at present occupied as aniimageisresidence. In addition to the nlmvothere t a Lcnseliold of about 1Acri", with Buildings thereon, in therear and iuum diatelv adjoining the pro.perty. which is nl present well stockedwlili Pigs and Poultry, for which pur-pos- e

it i'i peculiarly adapted.On account of Its nmrhess nnd easy

acrc-- to Honolulu, and the early com.pletion of tho Tramways to Waikiki,this pi opei ty offers unusual inducementsto paitits wishing a safe and piofltubleInvestment.

Tilde are numcious onthe pictures.

ZSf For further particulars apply toF. YV. Maofarlane, or to

LEWIS J. !LEVEY,rSvv td.101 lw-- d Auctioned.

rvosoju.rpiIIS is to ur ify that te Large audJL Commodious Dining Booms of the

Cosmopolitan? Restaurant

Will lo cMni-ho- h iiHero-'- ,

hrely g' eater foivi-n- t !e- - unl com.fort will 1)0 ailonlcil to I'.uicns, whileIbo tol les will lie rupplitd wiiii cvi'iyhiMiij obtainable nt tin. in.fl ot, toircihti with, Ihe vcrv le-- t of I'e is andOolite. 2-- Tirm, fi pn vivl.

irx 11 KK88 2-- l'ioi!sr'oi.

TOYS, DOLLS,Christmas & New Year Cards,


TBEO. H. DAVIES & CO.'S.' 5 S.W .

For 30 Days. For SO Days.

j i:

Mis3 Chlllburg will hold a Clearing Salefor P0 days to make loom for

Hew Holiday GoodsTo arrive shortly.

Ladies' $20 Hat will be sold... for $8 00" 15 " " " ..." 0 00" 10 " " " ... " 5 00" 5 " " " ... " 2 no

$12 Ostrich Tlunics " ..." 7 00ITips " " ... " 1 50


The above llati aro all New and of theLatest Blyles, and Trimmed with

the very .best materials.

iss CHBLLBURC031 I'nrt lm

oniioisseiirsJust received a small consignment of

Choice French Clarets,From tho well.known firms of Dubos

r'rercs, and l.anusse & 1'tincol,Bordeaux, Franco:

IBfetloo Monopolo,GJmtcuei Xjiiroso,

Clmtcnn JUuovllle,niurtfiinrc.

1 Inert Itrlon,Gliutuivu Xiailto,

Also, from tho collars of Ilomuns & Co.,London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(In Quarts & Magnums)

Clinmbot-tln- , 1KU4:Cliiuuliertln, 1B71;

Chateau It'Vaueiii, 1H5H;Dry Cm-uruii- , H Veui-- Old:

Vliuteuu Inrcuux, 1H77;Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811,

tfTho abovo comprises tho Choicestlliands of Wines and Llquois cvorlm.ported to this market.

--von hali: iiv--

MACFARLANE & Co.nov40.89


C2T BARGAINS "?J flow Lino of JHBT BA1UI INS -- I

L-mps-, Chandeliers $; Lanterns,

At Lower Pi lees than ever before. New inuilco of

h-- Jim Hcoeived- -

IVovclLiCM anel ITuncy Goodw, T JCurjjo Vurloty.nug.ivw

See B.F.Ehlers&Co.'s Stock-- or-


Toys &C iOollraJ,

G-LOV-E & HANDKERCHIEF BOXESAnd a few Choice Carved Ornaments.

In future, Mrs. E. SmallCutting and


osU'VEit s-vii- e;



18 & 30 Chambers

Which have pi over) a great mirnsii ill Hill, i Sugar C ,Lihite, ITanamnulu, Kekalm,AVkhnc.i, K iiot I ul alra I iiupiii no, (to., nml which r

Hie piowrtol i li the litest Improvement'.



U'iltei Olotili:o:


nbovo New,led ami

Pffft 'd,JLIQJXOr.UX-.TJ- .



bo prepared lo doPitting:.



-- n-

& 30 Chambers







Ficth nnd of tho Latef-- t havini?weio oxiucbsly for tho trnele.



H. HACKFELD & CO., Agenjs.S3 lm

On kmim of mtmnl






Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,In Plush & Leather; GIusb it I'm inn AVnio, Opora &

MlllillO GlllBbCS, ToleECopcH,

BJCusie Boxes, rJS?oy w, JBoolcw, --A.lliims9Anil other things too numerous to mention. All tho above

Goodu will ho oU'oied lit the


'Tho GooiIh mobeen impoi ex iceoiit arrivals



lor tlxo


-- COMl'llIBINQ-


ST 03P3ESW ESVEJIVIIVO --saW.H. &RABIHAL&H001 lOO ITort Sti'eot, Honolulu.





r i





f-- a f.t', .,

Page 3: Jk 4A nt 1r .f$r r o - University of Hawaii...Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. J.Alfred Maooon, ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street


ft .

t.Lr-- s

gjl J-




r.wh -




Hack stand : Merchant nncl FortBtreot. Telephones, 335.



gailt, $tt!tfiSATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1888.

AHMVALS.Npv Hi- -fi8 Alameda from San Francisco

Bktno S N Gastlo from San FranciscoGcr Brig Mutautit from II awl mil IslandStrar Walalcalo from KauaiStmr Lchua from Hawaii anil SlnuStmr .Tas Makcc from KapaaStmr Mokolll from MolokalSchr Llholiho from KauaiSchr Kaalokal from Kauai


Bgtno Conanclo for San Francisco


Stmr Lchuti for Slant and HawaiiStmr Mokolll for Molokal.at 5 p inStmr Kaala for Walalua and Walanao

" at 0 a mStmr J A Cummins for Konlau


From Walanao and Walalna, per stmrKaala, Nov L3 J Defrics, J Dean, and15 deck.

From Walmanalo, per stmr.I A Cum-mins, Nov 2a Hon .1 A Cummins andfamily, Princess Jaunlta.

From Kauai, per btmr 'Waialealc, Nov24 II W Dlmond, Mr Cliapmau, 0Walters and 5 others.

From San Francisco, per bktno ' S NCastle, Nov 24 Mrs B Underwood and

' 3 children, J Taylor, J Burk ami JDunn.


Stmr J A Cmnmtus 1,000 bags sugar.Stmr Kaala 1,400 bags rice.Stmr Waialealo l,3u0 bags sugar,

bags paddy aud 30 bags rice.


The bktno S N Castle arrived thismorning, 18 days from San Frauclsco.Capt uiiDUard reports lair weatner.The Castle brought 851 hogs for MessrsBurk & Winston.

.The brigantine Consuelo sails

The German brigantine Matantu,Capt J J Najee, arrived this morning,37 days from Howlatid, with 115 tons ofguano for Davits & Co.


Mrs. U. S. N. Emerson, widow ofRev. John S. Emerson, at Walalua,Oahu, Nov. J24th Inst., at 3 a. in., aged82 ye.irs, 1 month and 23 days. A nativeof Nelson, New Hampshire, U. S. A.Iu God weltest.


Plenty of rain on Kauai.

"Music at tho rink

Two horses have been found.

No Band concert at Emma Squarethis afternoon.

The Silbon Troupo played at theChinese Theatre lust evening.

A notici: respecting the sailing oftho Lehua appears elsewhere.

.Tiiehk will bo no performance attho Opera House this evening unlessthe steamer comes..

Citizens aro requested to decoratetheir places of bubincsa in honor oftho basuballists.

A nativk named Palau died on thesteamer Kaala yesterday betweenWninnuo and Honolulu.

Major W. II. Cornwell is in town..Tho littlo Major lias come from 3Iaui

to see tho baseball games.

Elder Matthew Noall lectures atthe Mormoli Church this evening, on"Truo versus Modern Christianity."

The Calfornia Fruit Market givesparticulars of new goods in anothorcolumn. Thoy have fat turkeys forsale.

The schools at Waimea and Lihue,Kauai, havo closed for a short timeowing to tho prcvalcnco of whoopingcough.

The Inter-Islan- d Steam NavigationCompany havo put up notices re-

questing porsons to keop oil' gang-planks while passengers aro beinglanded.

Jim Crow, was yesterday fined $500and sentenced to imprisonment athard labor for Unco months, for sell-

ing liquor without u licenso. It was-- his second ofl'uuao.

Hon. J. A, Cummins gnvon dinnerpnrty at his residonco 4att evoningto His Majesty tho King and, thomombcrB of tho committeo who havotho lunu to tho baseballists in charge

The Hon. Sam. Pnrkor and Mr.Geo. W. Smith treated tho bandboys to breakfast and lunch at thoBeaver Saloon Tho 'firstnamed also handed cigars round tothoboys. Tho latter enjoyed them-selves immensely,

At a second mooting of tho credi-tors of W. II. Grnenhalgh held yes-tord-

aftornoen, tho action decidedupoo at tho first meoling was an-

nulled. Nothing will bo done untilDecember 21st, when Mr, Grucnhalghwill probably lie heard from,


Tho Oceanic Company's brigan-tine Consuelo sails for Sun Franciscoon Sutiday and will carry a mailfrom tho Post Olllco which closes at9 a. iu. As sho has twenty-si-x daysin which to reaoh the Coast beforotho next steamer It is a good oppor-tunity for letter writors.


BY I,. J. mvuv.At 12 o'clock noon, that certain

property known as "the Pan lands,"at Waikiki, full particulars of. whichappear elsewhere.

oHTiWerTRoast duck, apple sattco and ice

cream for dinner, nt "Harry's" to-



Em You nrc misinform'd thebnnka ate not bust'd nt the solicita-tion of our friends. Wo only drawenough to pay for Philadelphia Beer.O'Grady wo pay after alcction.



Saturday, Nov.Six Chinese charged with gaming

were rcmandod to the 20th.M. Kanney, charged with drunk-

enness was remanded to tho 2Gth toenable him to sober up.

'.I" 1'. IL JI1-J-


It was decided this morning tohold tho luan intended for tho base-ball visitors at 0:30 o'clock thisevening, as it was thought the eat-ables would not keep. Arrange-ments having been made for theirpreservation the lunu has been post-poned until after the arrival of thesteamer.


Yesterday afternoon, while. Mr.A. A. Montauo was hunting pigs inManoa valley his gun exploded, thocharge shattering his left arm. Onbeinr taken to the" Queen's Hospitalit was found necessary to amputatethe arm a little below the elbow.Drs. Kobt. McKibbin and "Woodperformed the operation, and thepatient is, at latest accounts, doingwell.


AboutS o'clock this morning some-one entered the premises of FrankLudsviko on Queen street with theintention of carrying. off three littlepigs. The thief or thieves foundthe animals securely lied by thelegs, and in attempting to loosenthe cords made considerable noise,awakening the inmates. Mrs. Luds-viko went out into the yuid whenthe intruders made good their vhcape, but not before bulling a rockat her which, however, missed its



Up to the time of going to pressthere is no sign of the R. M. S.Alameda with the baseballists onboard, and the result of the Presi-dential election.

It looks as if the steamer wasthe English mails. In that

case she will probably be along Sun-day evening or early Monday morn-ing. If she does not arrive until Mon-day the arrangements for the recep-tion of the baseball teams will be thesame as announced for to-da- y. Atthis time of tho year the mail steam-ers arc frequently delayed iu leaviLgSan Francisco on account of themails.

The Hawaiian Band was at theBeaver Saloon by daylight thismopning and waited there until10 :30 when it gave a concert infront of Spreckel's bank, which at-

tracted a large crorfd of listeners.


Parisians havo been very nearlyenjoying the sensation of a. genuineand actual female duel. Two vounswomen really confronted each otherin the wood of Mcudcu, providedwith rapiers, and all ready to usotheir weapons to the best of theirability and address. It happenedin this way (says tho correspond-ent of the "Daily Telegraph)." Oneof tho aforesaid fair ones was on in-

timate terms with a gay Parisian, towhom, in a weak moment, sho intro-duced the friend who was afterwardto face her on the ground. Thefriend took a fanoy to her protector,he reciprocated the sentiment, andit ended by tho gontlcman biddingadieu to the old lovo and taking upwitli tho new. Bitter feelings rankl-ed in tho bosom of tho discardedflame, and, chancing to meet herfalse friend in tho street, sho treatedthe girl to a sound bos; on the car.An encounter was hastily arrangedbetween the women, in spite of thoremonstrances' of tho gentleman, audin tho afternoon tho rivals repairedto tho wood nt Mcudon to fight theirquarrel out. Ihey had, however,reckoned without their host. Thegentleman, determined to avertbloodshed at all costs, adopted theheroic measure of reporting thewhole affair to the police. So justas tho two girls wcro stationed,rapier in hand, on a convenient bitof greensward all ready for tho fray,the gendarmes pounced upon them,disarmed them, and marched themoff to the polico magistrate, whoread lliem a severe lecture. Theiryoapoii8 were confiscated, and the

duel, nipped in the bud, fell throughaltogether. Homo News,

A Glasgow minister of a promi-nent church has been detected us-

ing tho sermons of eminent pulpitorators in tho United States.

II is reported that tho King ofUganda, Africa, has 1,500 wives.In order that ho may keop his ha-

rems filled witli novelties, ho hasnow flvo queens executed everymorning.



Should tho Alameda bo hero onMonday to allow thereof, tho fol-

lowing programme will bo carriedout:

1. Tho Royal Hawaiian Band willmeet at the Beaver coffee saloon at G

o'clock a. in., to accompany theparty of welcomo outside the har-bor.

2. An invited party consistingof large subscribers to the fund,leading ball players and patrons oftho game, etc. will be notified 03'telephone if the S. S. Alameda issignalled before G o'clock-whc- n

they will embark on the Governmenttug Eleti or somo available steamer,l meet the mail steamship this sideof Diamond Head. The Port Phy-sician will go out for his inspectionon board tho tug, so that tho partymay go on board tho Alameda,whero Mr. Simpson will introducethem to Mr. Spalding and tho tour-ing players generally.

3. After serenading the incomingtourists, the band will be landed onthe wharf iu advance of the Ala-meda's docking, there to play dur-ing the landing of the passengers,

4. From the dock the visitors willbe convoyed to the Hotel in carriagesdistinguished by being draped withthe American Hag.

5. After breakfasting at the Hotelthe party will at 10 o'clock be pre-sented to His Majesty the King.

G. At noon a light lunch will botaken by the players at the Hotel.

7. The whole party will assembleat tho Makiki recreation grounds at12:30, when tho teams will havepractice of fifteen minutes each.

8. At 1 o'clock sharp the game willbe called between tho Chicago and

ca teams, and at the closeof the match game a of prob-ably livo innings will bo played bythe winning team in the above anda picked local team.

'J. A grand lunu tendered thotourists and-resid- ent invited guests,by His Majesty, lions. John A.Cummins, Saml. Parker, John lijna,and Mr. George C. Bcckley, will beheld upon Her Majesty's premises,Luakaha, corner of Queen andPunchbowl streets, at such hour inthe evening as will prove most con-

venient.10. Wind and weather being fa-

vorable, there will bo a balloon as-

cension fioin Makiki grounds bj' askilled aeronaut, who will ascend(rue thousand feet and from that aw-

ful height leap to the earth with theaid of a parachute.

Score cards will lie for sale on thebaseball grounds', the same kind ofcauls as are used on the Chicagogrounds,at 10 cents each. Mr. J. W.Winter will be the ollicial scorer forlocal purposes. There are four ex-

pert ball scorers among the pressmen with the expedition.

The grand stand belonging to theball grounds is reserved lor ladies.

Mr. Lucas has put up a stand forwhich a charge will be made for ad-

mission.Admission to the grounds will be

free.Merchants arc requested to close

at 12 o'clock noon, and also to dis-

play flags.Parties in carriages arc requested

to head their horses towards thofence.


Tho Japan ''Gazette" of OctoberCtli, says: "There is an undefinedrumor running about Yokohamathat there is some trouble betweenthe Americans and Chinese. Thelocale is variously stated. One phaseis that there was a row betweenChinese rpid American salors inKorea. Another statement is thatthere had been an attack on Ameri-can residents iu Canton, and still athird that the American Minister atPeking had been insulted or assault-ed. These rumors connected withthe sudden movements of the UnitedStates war vessels, namely theOmaha and Marion, havo set peoplethinking and talking."


A peculiar play occurred in a re-

cent baseball gamo iu Portland.Both nines wcro tied, and it was iutho last half of the ninth inning. Aplayer mado a base hit and readiedfirst safely. The pitcher threw theball to first to catch tho runner nap-ping, but did not succeed. The firstbaseman deftly put the ball in hispocket, and the pitcher made a bluffto deliver the ball. Tho base-runn-

danced off first, nud tho firstbaseman tried to get the ball out ofhis pocket to touch tho runner, butit would not come. Tho base-runn- er

seeing the predicament the firstbaseman was in, started around thebases with the first bnsoman in closepursuit, the latter all the time try-ing to extract the ball from hispocket. He didn't, and the runnerscored the winning run ninid greatapplause. Kockland (Me.) Cour-ier.

A Pittsburg chiropodist has 1,000patients who pay him .810 a yeareach to keep their feet in repair.

The tall electric light masts inUnion and Madison. Squares, NewYork city, havo been ordered down,

Hudson, N. Y., has a StingyClub, whoso members pledge thorn-selv- es

neither to treat nor to accept atreat,

The German military budget con-tains an item pf 35,000 marks forthe breeding, training and mainten-ance of carrier pigeons.


Y. J!. C. A. Gospel Praise Serviceat 0 :30 l'. M. Come and bring a friend.

ICAUMAKAl'IM Cuuroii. "Rev. J.Walamaii, pastor. Services at 11 a. 111.

Kawaiaiiao Chukch. Rev. II. II.Parker, pastor. Sunday school at 10A. m. Preaching at 11 A. m.

Seventh Day Adventist MissionHai.e Service at 7:30 p. 111.

Mormon Church. Services In Ha-waiian nt 10 a. m. Services Iu Englishwill be held at 2:00 p.m. All arc in-

vited.Qufen Emma Halt,. Gospel and

song service for Hawallans who speakEtiglUh nt at:i p. m. Good singing.Short talks. Everybody welcome.

Japanese Skuvick : Gospel andSong Services at 11 a.m.; lllblc Class7:30 p. m., In tho.Jnpancso Y. M. C. A.Room, Queen Emma Hall, corner tBerouinlii aud Nuuauu streets.

Ckntkal Union Church. Rev. E.G.Beekwlth, D. D., pastor. Sundayschool and Bible class at 0:45 a. m.Sciviccs at 11 A. m., aud 7:30 P. m

Roman Catholic Cathedral.G and 7A. m., low mass with Holy Com-munion. Services In Engtigli at 7 a.m.; and at 10 a. m., high mass, with.sermon cither iu Hawaiian or Portu-guese, alternating according to thethroe principal different nationalities ofthe church; 2 p. m., rosary and cato-tls-

4:30 r. M., instruction and bene-diction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Chinese Church. Fort street, nearcorner Ucrctaula. Mr. Kong Shui Keeevangelist. Chinese Sunday school,9:110 a.m. Chincsoand English Sun-day School, 2:30 P. m. Preaching 11A. m. mid 7:30 p.m. Bible class luChinese Y. 31. C. A. Hall, 0:30 P. m.

St. Andrew's Cathedral. Firstcongregation will have service atC:30aud 0:30 a. m.

Hawaiian Evensong at 3:30 p. m.Evening prayer with sermon at C

o'clock p. in.Second Congregation Rev. Geo.

Wallace, pastor. Services on Sunday:Morning prayer and sermon at 11 :15 a.m. Evening prayer aud sermon at 7 :30r. m.

Holy Communion on the First Sundayof the mouth at 11:15 a. in.

Divine Service on Wednesdays nt7:30p. m.

Chinese Congregation, Rev. IT. H.Gowen iu charge. Moruiug prayer,with sermon, at 11 :15 a. m. Sunday-schoo- l,

at 10 a. sr. Evening prayer,with sermon, at 7:30 p. m.



object in writing is two-fol- d :

to exprcss'my gratitude for agreat behclit, and to tell a short storywinch cannot fail to Interest thefeelings of many others. It is allabout myself, but I have remarkedthat when a man tells the honesttruth about himself he is all themore likely to be of use to his fellow--

creatures. To bogin, then, youmust know I had long been more orless subject to attacks of bronchitis,a complaint that you are awaro isvery common and troublesome inGreat Britain iu certain seasons ofthe year. Some months ago I hada very severe turn of it, worse, Ithink, than I ever had before. Itwas probably brought on by mycatching cold, as we aro all apt todo when we least expect it. Weekspassed by, and my trouble provedto be very obstinate. It would notyield to medicine, and as I also be-

gan to have violent racking pains inmy limbs and back, I became great-ly alarmed. I could neither cat norsleep. If 1 had been a feeble, sick-ly man, I should havo thought lessstrangely of it ; but as, on tho con-trary, I was hearty and robust, Ifeared somo new and terrible tilinghad trot hold of me, which miclitmake my strength of no avail againstit. I say, that was the way Ithought.

Presently I could not even liedown for tho pain ail over my body.I asked my doctor what he thoughtof my condition, and he frankly,"I am sorry to havo to tell you thatyou are getting worse 1" Tins sofrightened my friends, as well asmyself, that they said "Thomas,you must yo to the Hospital; itmay be your only chancefor life!"

But I didn't want to go to thehospital. Who docs, when hethinks ho can possibly get alongwithout doing it? I am a labouringman, witli a largo family dependingon mo for support, and I might al-

most as well be in my grave as tolie laid on my back in a hospitalunable to lift a lmud for months,or God only knows how long. Rightat this point I had a thought Hashacross my mind like a streak of sunshine in a cloudy day. I had heardand read a good deal about MotherSeigel's Curative Syrup, and I re-

solved, before consenting to betaken to tho hospital, I would trythat wellknown remedy. On this Igave up the doctor's medicine andbegan tukmg tho Syrup, Mark thewonderful result 1 I had taken butthree doses within twenty-fou- r hourswhen I was seized with a fit ofcoughing, and throw up the phlegmand mucus off my cho3t by themouthful. The Syrup has loosenedand broken it up. Continuing witlitho Syrup, tho racking pain, whichI believe came from tint bitter andpoison humors in my blood andjoints, Bonn left mo entirely, and Ifelt like going to sleep, imd I didsleep sound and quiet. Then I felthungry, with a natural appetite, andas I ate I soon got strong aud well.

I felt I could leap throwjh theair VfHh deliyttf

In a week 1 was ablo to go to mywork ugain. It doesn't seem possl-bl- o,

yet it is truo, and tho neigh-bours know it. There aro plentyof . witnesses to prove it. And,therefore, when I gay I preach tho

good news of tho groat powor ofSeigol's Syrup to cure pain and di-

sease Jar and wide, nobody willwonder at mo.

Thomas Canning.75, Military-roa- d, Canterbrry,

Kent.Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup

is for snlo by all chemists and medicino vendors ; and by tho Proprie-tors, A. J. White, Limited, 35,

London' E. C, Etijr.Jan. 13-88- -1


JfHoet undtr thii htd ar chergtd 10 emit

fr Uv for thtfirtt imtrlitn, and I ccn ptr linteven additional inttrlifn.

rpHEFiratofthsJL Scnson I

Extra FinoMinoo PicsUOJiOlULU.


r At the "ELITE.'100 It


Fat Turke100J ITCMR. SALE. lm

2- - E-- -2

Everything MUST andWILL bo


To make room for the

Largest-- AND-


Elegant StockQ

Ever imported into this King-dom, personally selected by

Mr. Chas. J. Fisliel.

Dress Remnants-- AT-

People's Own Price

Ar the Btoro is overstocked withthe same.



For the HAltGAINH at

The Leading

Millinery House-- 01'-

CE-IA- S. J. FISHEL.Corner of Fprt & Hotel Streets.

July 17-8- 8

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma M.

The undersigned tees to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is making

BlilrtH l" MeaMiironieut !

Directions forself.inc&surrment will"be given on application.

White Shirts, Overstilrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by makiug a f ampleBhlrt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone- - 410

60 ly A. . MELIiI.

3'v ,. - K-- U.

' ' 44&4&1L.A jj' -- ' ''' L.zi-- -


tt TCplpl P OF


New Goods ! "So o8 New Goods ITho ladies arc invited to inipcat our

NEW STOCBC of IHtY GOODS & FANCY GOODSEecoived by luwt steamer aud personally selected by Mr. S. Ehrlich. Tl o

stock comprises many novelties in every department.Prices are Bed Bock. A large assortment of

Dress Goods in all JTov Shades !

Embroideries, Laces k Oriental Lace, Flouncing,Fancy Flannels, Flannelette, Tricot ifc Ladies' Cloth, etc.

Largo Assort. In Dross Ginghams, Seersuckers, Linen, Cliambray & Cheviot '.

3Siv jVoveltlcw iu Latllcs', Berlin. Skivwln ILadies' Casscmcro Scarf Shawls iu all shades,

Hosiery, Corsets fc Underwaro at low priws

Fancy Surrah Silk and Fancy Velvets !Wo call particular attention to our Shoo Departaiont.

A Full T.ine of Ladles' French Kid Button (Shoes,A Full Line of Gent's Nlinen.

Children's French Kid Shoes at Bed Rock Price .

DRLiooons- - K.JCD3B01VS


In all Widths, Colors & Shades. Great Bargains in

Boys' and Children's Clothing !Cent's Bathing Suits at $1.50 a Suit.


S. EHRLICH,I 63 & G5 Fort Btreet.

--3 THE BMr






Fancy Soofls SuitaWe for Hie Hay SeastnSUCH AS

Satin Tabic Scarfs, Shaded Plushes, Velvets, Sural is,Liico CurtaliiH, Htamped Tlillew, llioe Soicb, 3Gtc.

Fall Lino of Embroidery Material, Chenille, Arrasene, Tinsel, Pon-Pon- s, I tc.

We call particular attention to our fine telectiou in

Cnstom-mafl- e Cloli for Guilts, Yoiis & Cilm!Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises,

Hats &. Caps, Etc., Etc., Etc.

An Immense Assortment in Neckwear,Latest Style If you want something very fino in

Lais' k Misses' Boots, Slioss & iprs k Gents' Haiti rsCall on us beforo going elsawhcro.

Scs STTWaPJIIVcSTMrs. E. C. Howe's beautiful work in

Sept -17

TO LETA NEAT Cottage o Font' i Idioms, Bath-roo- m In

the House, and Out-bouse- s,

near llie Jlonuons Church, now occu- -pled by Mr. Vogcl. Apply to Mr.Vogel, ut Hoffscliliicgcr & Co.'s. 07 tl


ANEW Cottage of 3 Largenud Kitchen, pa.

pared ami palmed, and eltu- -

ulcd miiultu of Punchbowl sticctover.looking the lictul of Emma street. Thisbuilding is placed on leasehold landtho having bcvcmI years to run.Will be sold choip for cab. Apply to101 lw J. E. BROWN & CO.

TO LET on LEASEFURNISHED MansionA delightfully situated at

the corner of King aud ICeeau.moku Plrcets, aud containing 4 Rooms,Kitchen, Until. house, Stublo, Carriagehouse, Clc. There is also a lino gardcuand large backyard. The buildings arinew and in excellent order. Applv to102 lw J. E. KROWN & CO.


fTMIE House and PremiersX lately occupied by W. S.

Luce, Ken., situate- on Unionstruct and Adams Lauo. Tho Ilousecontains parlor, !t bedroom;, 2 dressing,rooms, hall wuy, dining foom. pantry andkitchen. Tluic is also a Cottage In thegrounds witli 3 rooms, stable, carriage,liouso aud sorvant's room. The place isin perfect order. Possession given atonce. Apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,87 tf No. 27 Merchant Btreet.

Tax Collector's Notice.

tho accomodation of Tax-paye-

FOR this district who cannot con-veniently call ut the Collector's Oflleeduring business hours, tho olllco willbo open for tho receipt of Taxes (In ad-

dition to tho usual hours during tkoday.) from 7 to 9 o'clock In th yve-nlu- g,

from tho 19th Inst., to Deo. 1st1888, both dates included.

Any Tax-pay- er In this district whowill leave his name and address at theColleger's Olllco, Intimating that hodcblres to pay his taxes, will recelvo histax receipt by messenger, as eorlythereafter us possible, to whom ho cangive tho iiui'iiiut, thereby avoiding thoannoyance of delay ut the Tux Ofllee luwaiting for the logulur turu.

CJAS. T. GULtOK,Tax Collector, Honolulu, Oahu.

08 8t--


XXXP'OE'gPoint Laces on exhibition hero



ETIETJENS will attend to my usl.my absence fron the

Kingdom. A. JAEQK t.Honolulu, Nov. 20, 18SI. 10 , lw

FOB, SALETY the Trustc of the Estate of Jno.JL Board man, deceased, 12 Shar s ofBlock in Hawaiian. Agricultural i 'om.pany. 9 shores in Wilder's 8. 8. Co and1 Uulldinc Lot at knuului. on wh 'h arental of 400 per annum is receive i

Q. E. BOARDMAN101 lw Trust


fir aSUITABLENo re-

versibleTWgy child's w Idle- with bridle. All 'om.

pleto. Apply at Hawaiian Hotel Stn ales.99 tf


AT tho Kine'a' 8 tide.x3l ion Kinir stree Fa.lama. C cood work! ulesand Harness all com leto.

well broko; also G head of god A uerl.can Horses; also 1 fresh young JerseyCow, well broke to milking; 1 tin yearold Norman 'Stallion, with a good iedl.grec, a sure foal gcttor, and an) ladycan drive him, fears nothing. Ai onewishing to purchase pleaso cal andexamine stock. I havo owned tho Ucksqmctimo and have raised some of iton my own ranch in Bn Matoo Cc mty,Cal. HENRY WORMINGTi N.

84 3w

Whale Boats.- -

TN answer to several euqulries eon- -jl cernuig wuaio jjoac vrehavo now in course ot constru tlom3 Whalo Boat Frames 74 feet by 3 1 feetlong. These frames aro bent It onepiece of oak, and held to shape thusrenulrlug littlo tact to set them u andbuild. The full frame foreucli ota,Including cants, 4G sections lu nu ilier,is sold ut ft'28; with largo atoms ot keel,mid ready to plank f40. Thoy a i notintended to bo clinker built, uor i thefrail imported whale boats prope , butare Intcuded for rough use und di abi-lity, yet light withal, for llshlnp audtrading purposes. Wo havo exj jrtedthese inline and liitend doing s , andiniike this offer to amateurs aud Iheradesirous of trying their hand, withplenty of leisure and small cash to makea business. Will bond frames t anygiven model from 0 to 25 tons., A 10 onhand for sale Surf and Pleasure .oats.Stems, Knees aud Timbers, a utuslTelephone No 325.

DOWEK&SQr.7a tf Bout Built M



Page 4: Jk 4A nt 1r .f$r r o - University of Hawaii...Whoro ho Is prepared to mauufacturo all ilnds of Jewelry. 00 Professionals. J.Alfred Maooon, ATTORNEY AT LA.W. 173 42 Merchant street

fl&:.- -

' :.;.. I '


.. !.&'V ....








Groceries. Provisions and Feed,ISA-- CORNKH FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods re olvcd by every Packet from tlio Eastern Stales and EuropeFrosb. California P.ducoby overy Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to

Goods delivered to any part of the city freo of charge. Island orders eoli." cltod. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Offlco Box 145. Telephone No. 93 nov-4-8- 5

' Telephone 940.- - -


Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Games and Vegetables on ICE by eachstoamcr ot the 0. S. S. Co. A comploto lino ol Crosso & Blackwell'sund

J. T. Morion's English Canned Goods always on hand.

,' fcS lEJW GOODSRidges' Infant Food, French Mushrooms in glass, Gllnardelli in tins, GroundChocolnto, Crosse As Bluckwoll Fresh Fruit Jams in glass, Bluffed Olives inglass, Walnuts, Almonds, Filbert, Pcacan & Brazil Nuts, Foiled Sausage,

Cat. Mild Cream Cheese, Eastorn Chooso, Oregon Cream Choose, Young American Choose,Swiss Cheese, Edam Choose, Topo Can Creamery Butter in 31b tins,

.Kegs Germam Salt Pickles, Pctaluma Table Fruits in glass jars, Finest DchesaTable Raisins, Crystal Wave Mackerel in 51b tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, AmericanCranberry Sauce, Cape Code Cranberries, 21b Blocks Codfish, Anderson Cele-brated Mince Meat in glass jars, Jacob Dold's Buffalo Hnms, Whittakcrs StarHams, Old Reliable Ham & Bacon, fresh lot of Garden Seeds, Oicily Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips, Parsnips, Now Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Buttffr,


ap-1- 6 Island. Orders Solicited.JS8- -


HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef , .Buffalo Ham

Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,Mild 'Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereolinc Flakes,

CA.PJS, COD CRA.NI5JEIie,IKS,Tomato. Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Euta Bagns Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot, and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.nb.-9- J Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- a 86

Telephones, No. 175.


ITT, IB. 8 KiBhRnm


Civil and

Fort Street, : : : Honolulu.

HorseIn First-Clas- s Style, by Expcrl-enco- d


- tt& By laCaua OlipporM "&aAt tho Pantheon Btablcs.

--85, WORK lm


PER in Kingdom "TheDally Bulletin." 60 cents per month.


For Halo ChcuiAT

MILL,8CJ ... Queen .Street. lm

PAPER00 cents

per mouth.


House and

At Qayford' Hhoplutf WIioji.f No. 81 : i King Street.

)3 lm'


t. t. ,';


aojs?" --P. O. Box 297.




CCor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

.-- " JW J u




FOR SALETho Entiro Plant of

illJ .U.U11U.IUJ

Is offered For Sale. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair of Boilers Gx20,1 Double Effect G and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan 6 feet with Blake .Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine

Together with the usual assortment of

ClaflflerSj Pans,.Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of


Cuno Carts & Qon'l PlantationImplements,

Delivery will bo given after next cropIihr been harvested, "say about July 1,1689.

37 For further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii,


YOU FIND ANYTHING,auvertl o It in tho Daily Bulletin,

. . -


Granite, iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,VLTJMBING, TIN, COPi'EB



Engineer Surveyor,








MI'Fresco Painters






ALL persons who want to communiwith tho Poitugueso, olthor

for business, or for procuring workmen,BcrvantB or any other holps, will find itihomo.st profitable way to ndvcrtlse intho Luso Jfawaiiauo, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which Is pub.llsliotl on liotol street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements.

CHAS.KLE!WMEDesiro to inform his many friends and

the publlo of Ilonolulu In general,that ho has purchased tho


No oxpenso has been spared in com-pletely renovating this establishment.

White labor only will bo employedU9 much as possible.

Strict attention will bo paid to wash,ing, so ns to prevent all Rough Wear orUsage while undergoing tho cleaningprocess.

Special terms for Families, Hotels,Restaurants, Lodging-house- s and Ship,pine:. Small repairs will bo done freoof charge. Washing will bo called forand delivered freo of cha'rgo at any partof Honolulu.

Guarantees satisfaction and no morecomplaints to be heard from patrons.

Give us a trial and bo convinccdjbatwo mean business. Bell Telenhono 100.

Olllcc, Queen street', Waikikl side ofHackfcld & Co. Bull Telephono 303.

84 1m

Certificate of Registration of Copy


Dei'autmknt op the Interior, )Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. )

all Men by these Presents,KNOW in accordance with the pro-visions of Section 2, Chapter 8, of theSession Laws of 1888, J. M. Macdonaldlias Hied in the oilico of the Minister oftho Interior an application for a Certifl.cato of Copyright for a book entitled"The Honolulu Business Directory, be-

ing a professional commercial and iradoaddress book of the cily nnd suburbs,corrected up to date of issue," whichsaid application is accompanied by theoath of tho said applicant that he ib thooriginal and first author of said book.

Now, therefore, this Certificate is togrant unto tho said J. M. Macdonald, hislieirs or assigns for the term of TwentyYears, from the Tenth Day of October.One Thousand Eight Hundred andEighty-eight- , the exclusive right toprint, t, publish, use and vendthe said book throughout the HawaiianKingdom.

In Witness whererf I have causedthis Certificate to bo issued at Honolulu,this 11th Day of October, A. D. 1888and tho Seal of the Department of theInterior to be hereto affixed.

JONA. AUSTIN,Minister of the Interior, ad interim.

70 2m

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Ruo do Dunkerque, - - Paris.

.Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers .Lowest Price's.

Commission, per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents j or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and BilvcrLace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shocsabs, andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jowellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods.Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c.,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c, &o.

180 ly 8.

THE ONLY LIVE PAPER in'TUe Daily Bulletin.

50 cents per month.

Itell Tel. 4H. JJutunl Tel. 1UO

I O. Ilox 415.Offlco - . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

'General Business Agency.


Convoyanclnn a Specialty Records search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general use iu the King,dom.

Custom llouso urokorago FIro and LifeInsuranco rcceiyo prompt uttcntion.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

DRLeal hastatebought, sold and rented.

Several valuablo properties in andaround tho city now for sale on epsyterinR.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and near tho city to let orieuso at reasonable rates.

Employment Wantod by several men andboys, who will mako themselves use-ful in performing tho various officesand chores required by private fami.lies.

Full particulars givon on applicationat tho ugency,

Ordeis from tho other Islands promptly attended to.

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X,2b columns, puroly local matter-Ma- iled

to foroign countries, $5 perannum.







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' ". '

- .


SELLING OUT AT COSTAs thoy quit business on January

1, 1888.




,Wo havo

Largest Stock of Holiflay Godtlsto

In Ilonolulu, and want ovorybody tosec them before purchasing.




Arrivo at Ilonolulu from San Francisco.

Alnmoda. . . , November 22Australia Dooember 11

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco.

Zcalandia , . .December 1GAustralia. December 18Alameda. . . .(1889') January 13

Australia! fail Service.

FOR SAN ERA.NCISCO,The new and fine Al. Bteel steamship

" Zealan'dia,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be, due at. Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

'December 16, '88.And will lcavo for tho abovo port with'malls and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having BUlTEKIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WE Q. IEWIN & CO.. Agents,

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and flno Al steel Htcamship

"Alameda,"Of the'Occanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

November 22, '88,And will havo prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the abovo portsr.JoiFor Passa80, having 8TJPEUIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

37 WE 0. IBWIN & CO.. Agents.


Life Insurance Co.,OF NEW YORK.

Cash Assots, December 31, 1887$118,800,851 88

Those who desire safe and profitableLife Insuranco are invited to apply to

- s. n. ROSE,Honolulu, General Agent, Hawaiian

Islands. y

.'. - -


Holiday Goods

imii whimi! iiiiw iwnniiipin i iwiiiiiii mum ilWil WMMWIWIMIIWi Hill tiUHWiNl Hi li n miii aicK"'i. &ifc;iife!fc.,'


tjio- -




Practical Watchmaker & Sepairernov-0-8-

MANUEL NUNES,No. 4G Hotel Street.

Guitars & String InstrumentsOf all kinds Made & Repaired

JJ6T Inlaid Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 2070 3m


Can bo found next door to the P. 0. A,Office, Merchant ttrtet.

Hacks Nob. 18, 37, 66, 75, ISOWngonotto XIO.

Mutual 590aTELEPH0NES33' Boll 204Sept-24-8- 8







A Hpcciftc for

RHEUMATISM,Scrofula, Bnlt Jtlieuiu,

NcurnlKl.il. Itlnir Worm,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Regulates the

Cures Indigestion, and all Diseasesarising from an cnfccblod con-

dition of the system.

Dr. Marline, of London, tho eelobratedspecialist, says of PAHDEE'S REMEDY:"I havo used it for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such as Scrofular, SaltItueum, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it loo highly,"

Tho Ilev. Dr. Thomas, of Hone Kook,China, says; "PARDEE'S REMEDY Is awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihavo prescribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in timo italways cured the patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will never break out onpersons who tako PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and 1 adviso all persons JJv.ing lu countries whero leprosy is pre.valent to take PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive."

fiSTFor Sale by all Drunnitlsln Honolulu.

rak& '&& a

Richard Cay ford,VETEKlAIlY

7 &. 81 Kins Street.Shooing, from $1.50.

Horses and Cattlo Treated foiall .Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain House, nextKnwainhno Church.

3?. O. BOX 4t).BciiT.ic1,i.jg;;;1 881.

icuco, 358.

Yosemite Skating

KlSf82 BINK-- S

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Streois.

Will be open every evenlug from 7 to9:30 r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturday?"evening for tho Public in General.

THOMAS IS. AVA1;L,1001 Proprietor. "lyr

Corrugatefl Iron !

Best Crown Brand.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Feet LengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockermouth"

For Sale in, Quantities to Suit.

Also, COO Bbls. White Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates.

wblder & co.08 tf



"--T- HE

DIM Mb & Lock Co.,

Of Canton, Ohio, U. S. A.

Having established an Agency in thisCity for the eale of their manu.

factures, which are

Surpassed by MoneIn their line iu the world, an opportu-nit- y

is oH'ured to all requiring protec-tion of their Valuables from Fire andTheft to supply' themselves on termswhich defy competition. ,

B5F For particulars inquire at -- a

Culick's Agency,No. 88 Merchant at., Honolulu, H. .

sept-24-8- 8


llopp&Oo.,74 King st. --md 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORNICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHA4RS TO REN T.apr-10-8- 8

Honolulu LibraryAN

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alakcu Streets.Open every Day and Evenings

Tho Library consists at tho presenttimo of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withabout ilfty of the leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor is provided for conversationtind games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents amonth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required In joining exceptsigning the roll,

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands are wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected, that residentsof Ilonolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesaud become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGIIT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vlce-Presld- en

II. A. PA1J1IELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. BODGBBS, M.D.

Chairman Hall and. Library Committee,


M-- i

- '.'.jt'





xmW' w


. t eft:a
