f ilm iilJJ MJilI jjiJi i II I ijf III iI ji w- I < JI r l 1H SURURBAr CITIZEN SATWWAY FEBRUARY 17 1900 Instruction t Subscribers ForrAOE The postage to all parts of the Gaited Statec and Is paid by the fkubliaher- gHfinmNozg of small sums mny be made with comparative safety la letter one or more must registered letter or moat y order Ihfrfflsc we cannot responsible lor same CfaiKae or ABDIIMO Subscribers their nddri88 obaunod must invariably former as well os new address Mis into NnwBEns It occasionally happens that numbers of our paper sent to lost or stolen in the In case you Al not receive number when due write nJ a duplicate of the number MuiS IMPORTANT or every letter that write us never tall to give your full address plainly written name poitoffioo- woiity as u AMONG THE DAIRIES r Items of Interest to All Lf gitimati Dealers Mr Plumer has lonscd Dal Bhreves place and will move dairy plant to tbe now premises March let A BUSINESS rOLYlBH Sevoral Washington merchants are Afraid to invite the trade of suburban Veoplo for fear it migU4 offend acme idcr it the proper thing to be soon Ji a store with country want the cash of country people when the same can be secured without any outward sign of a desire to reach out for it One of the largest hardware firms in the recently refused to advertise in the columns of the Cm tEN and gave the following reason Were not out after suburban busi- ness for the reason that wo consider of the of Virginia and Maryland not particularly desirable Gustavo the hardware man of 609 and Oil H Street N E is of a different opinion He wants the trade of country peoplo and he is getting it When you deal with him you are deal Ing with a square business man and o mend Dec 104 The City Mission of Washington D 0 Is in need of cost off and other articles helpful to the poor and suffering Careful distribution- to worthy applicants regardless of creed or color Please address THE 0m MISSIONARY tf 118 Florida Ave N W Character In lied Ilulr women are ardent and vivacious especially if with it they hove hazel eyes in which case they Lave n bright and quick intelligence They have a great deal of natural felic- ity for study and good memories Bed hair with f blue eyes shows tho same warmth of character but not so muoh intelligence bright golden hair of a rich deep color and of a crisp and waving texture growing thickly on the head and somewhat low on the brow shows an ardent poetio and somewhat nrtistio temperament It is tho signature of Apollo the sun People with hair which in very thick and redder over the and at the temples than on tho head aro courageous and energetic This sort of hair gives sense of in painters force of language and elo in poets power in musical composition Womans Home Corn Cork as every one knows is one of tho best nonconductors of heat or flouriM That it has not been more widely used in building is due chiefly to the diflluulty of obtaining it in an unadulterated form A product called cork tiling has recently been placed upon the market which is made of what is known to the trade as virgin cork ground compressed nnd other wiso treated by a patented process and which is free from the cement and glno employed to hold tho particles together We are that tiles made this pure compressed cork form au admirable flooring besides being noiseless waterproof warm nnd germ proof is hard usage By varying tho of and modify- ing the slightly sheets of cork different in color and density are obtained which when sawed and finished in tho form of panels can bo used for wainscoting nlono or in connection with cork floors Scientific American SOUTH AMBIUOAN WAn CLOSED llollYla MnUos a Dcmnnil Upon Brazil Tlie Cutiio of tho Trouble Bio Janeiro By Cablo The Bolivian minister hud a conference with tho oflloluls of tho ForolKU Oftlce and again demanded that the Brazilian government should re atoro authority of tlio Bolivian ofllnlmv- In Acre alleging that the state KOYerninoiu of Amnzonas Is ruaponslble for the trotiuif which has occurred Brazil will limit nation to sending a squadron of guubonta tu protect Brazilian property I wishing their ate C4a postal cord and wo will cheerfullY fur ALLIn L A J his I f Jf their city customers who dont con Ii They- i 1 j FI I Hi h Rrth Ill Wall tell insures reel brown eArs nian cork Floor I1su the 1Y k of besent omce a > i 41 H 1 i 11 t u i Red haired I i l f i I r of- t with- standing I manufacturing lot 0 1 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ μ + ° THE CARP IS UNPOPULAR Esteemed Neither by ruiiemien Vltl- CulturlfU Nor Flat Eaten Carp as every ono who does any fishing knows is esteemed neither bj fishermen nor fish cat ers Tender mouths which tear when pressure is applied to tho hool make them unpopular with tho A voracious appetite Whicl only tho spawn and o other fish will satisfy makes fish cul- turists disliko them Meat that it tough making it necessary to parboi the fish makes them unpopular will cooks A lack of flavor accounts for their unpopularity with the gourmet 80 they have become as unpopular at denizens of the water as have the English sparrows as residents of the fields At a store the other day says the Now York Times a group ol fishermen rejoicing over the fact tint the recent lowering of streams and ponds hereabouts owing to the drought resulted in the destruc tion of many thousands ot tho fish In the waters near Rochester when tho water was drawn from the canal early in December more than three tons of German carp were taken in a couple of days in the cleaning up pro- cess and wero given as payment for the work done to the parties cleared the stretch of water Game Protector who had super- vision of the job saved from the mass of other fish taken about 3000 Oswego bass bullheads suckers and a tow game flan besides tho bass which wore transferred to the Geneseo River at points where there aro no carp and where the fish will have a better chance to thrive Prom tho South Norfolk Conn reservoir the Water Commis- sioners of tho city removed more than two tops ef carp and there are stories that large quantities of these fish have been taken from ponds on Long Island and in Western Connecticut where their presouco has prevented other fish from thriving Down Mary- land and Virginia way thero line also been a raid on tho carp under State direction and fly fishermen believe that the result will ho beneficial in that it will givo game fishes such n chance to thrive as they havo not had for years In Southern Pennsylvania and West Virginia tho quantity of carp stripped from some of tho streams was so great that tho fish woro spread on the ground for fertilizing purposes af- ter every ono who wanted carp been all they could UMO for eating purposes Corp look well in an aquarium but do not seem to be popular Jocor Scene at n French Fire I happened to see the start of in Paris said F D Higbee- It was a rather blaze in a throe story building I thought tho de partment would never get there and stood jumping up and down and cuss ing the French firo fighters for their slowness however my anxious gaze was rewarded by the sight of a small platoon of gendarmes cleaning tho street as if they ware preparing for a big procession Then along came the firo company up in lino in front of the build ing The engine and a hose cart como lumbering along behind and then there was a pause tho entire company standing at attention In a few minutes tho Real Thing in tho shape of the captain of tho company appeared Ho had on white gloves and a fierce uniform The wholo company saluted solemnly and then advanced upon tho had been raised to make a hose coupling or do anything else until that august captain with those love ly white gloves had arrived and been properly saluted But what said I was happen- ing to the building during tho timo of this pleasing ceremony Oh it burned down But tho fire department made a noble show- ing Mr Higboo It was a most successful operation as tho doctors say but the patient died Buffalo News Popularity of Italy Monarchs The secret of tho popularity of the and Queen of is not hard to understand Almost bourgeois in tho simplicity of their everyday life they keep fresh in their hearts tho and sympathy for tho poor and it is an open secret that the King has frequently denied himself pleasure that he may givo moro widely to the needy and afflicted The Queen once a most beautiful woman is Htill handsome though too stout Hor regular features nro aet off by the masses of chestnut hair which she always wears most be comingly arranged She is fond of English and Americans showing them quito a special courtesy at the Roman court their charities and when the opportunity occurs talking in a friendly uncon- ventional manner with tho members- of both colonies whom she happens- to know Tho Queen has a graceful easy and pretty of greeting her subjects which especially charms tho English She is often seen to come out on her in Rome flutter handkerchief and nod pleasantly- to the people just as if wero a personal friend of every man and woman tho crowd The Now Xionilnn llliipoilronifl The now hippodrome in London seems likely to rank with Westmin- ster Abbey Mme Tussanda among tho citys sights It is said to bo full of wonders One wanders through it as a dream Tho circus ring can bo changed into a lake of water ornamented with electric fountains at a moments notice Also it can be inside into a perfectly safe performing cage for tho Tho grand Raton is fitted np like tho of a ship brass port holes and all while the attonddfits wear naval uni- forms The exhibition hall is largo and beautiful fish oulturists out wore h t1 Wellman an- drew fire I Not b her she fisher- man a- fire ahand good hoarted work ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GIBSON COBEYS COLUMN Weekly News Stems o Great Importance to Readers of this v J i have two stores one at 320 1211 Street N E between 0 and D Streets the other at 1246 G Street N E Corner 13th and G Streets If you come to either store you will get treated right and when your have been made you will be satisfied that you never got such bar gains before We are not in business for tho fun of tho thing but we are satisfied to handle standard goods on a small margin of profit Parties traveling the road or the Uladensburg road either should stop at our 13th and G Street store since it is only ono square from H Street and only onehalf square from Maryland Avenue Among other STANDARD goods wo handle Lofllers smoked hams Lofllers corned hams LoNers smoked sau sage goods that are acknowledged by everybody to be the very best We arc having a large run on a special brand of elegant flour that is superior to other more expensive brauds Largo sack 50 cents half size 25 cents By using this flour your bread will cost you less than 2 cents per loaf When you learn our price by the barrel you will want about two barrels at a time Our choice roast beef from 8 cents to 12 cents per pound will do you good Our steaks run from 10 cents to 18 cents per pound but they arc first class v Soap starch and soap powder are way down in price In the matter of canned gooda wo can usually save you from 1 cent to 3 cents per can Wo guarantee to please By that wo mean we guarantee to please YOU in the matter of as well as in the matter of price Wo deliver all orders within a reas- onable distance and deliver them promptly What wo save in tho matter of low rent yon get the benefit of in thp shape of low prices A trial order will convince you of this Cash Grocers 325 f2th St N E 1245G St N E POPULAR Tile popular notion that tho blind possess a more acute sensibility for tactile impressions is not supported by the numerous carefully made observations of Professor Greisbach of Basle Selffertile plants or varieties are those which do not require pollen from other plants or varieties in order to produce seeds or fruit Solfstcrilo plants or are thoso which do require pollen from other plants It has been assumed that the depth of unvarying temperature in the soil increases from one foot at tho equator to seventy odd feot at the poles n shaft in northern Siberia has reached n depth of 1000 feet without getting through the frost A Western mining engineer explains that this may not disprove the theory as tho deep freezing may be a result of annual of sediment on un thawed ground Barometric readings reduced to true atmospherics pressure are now re by the Weather Bureau tho approximate corrections for gravity to all barometric read- ings This correction applies to all mercurial barometorA and is nearly constant at any one station The cor- rected reading is a standard measure of atmospheric and can be compared to similar corrected road ings made at any place in the world Hormnguilla a beautifully resonatt wood of Peru Ecuador and Bolivia is made by the Quichua and Amayra Indians into n remarkable musical in- strument an invention that seams o be an heirloom from prehistoric civil- ization The instrument resembles in principle the xylophone with the addition under eachpieco of a sound ing box of a size corresponding to the note Some of tho instruments mounted on stands have ns many as fortyfive tones and arc played by four or five operators Tile tones nro not short and sharp like thoso of tho xylophone but are sustained by tho sounding boxes in an organlike melody The reputation of being tho driest spot on earth is fur Payta in Peru a place about fivo degrees of the equator on n coast that has risen foot in historic times Professor David G Fairchild n re- cent visitor reports having reached thoro in February just after n rain of more than twentyfour hours tho first For eight years Tho average interval showers is seven years aro common Of about nine species of plants noticed seven wero annuals and thoir seeds must have dormant in the ground for Right years Tn spite of the lack of rain the longrooted Peruvian cotton- is grown in tho driedup riverbed tarnishing crops that yield substance to tho natives 0 l Paper- We vice G BSON COBEY r between two Se fogs pur- chases AND I SCIENCE ncoui nations re- mained ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Who want the trade of the people of Northeast and the outlying Suburbs and the rea why J NORTHEAST WASHINGTON BUSINESS MEN cr sons Wash- ington = = FOOD FOR REFLECTION A Few Thoughts in Relation ti Northeast Washington SOME TERSELY TOLD TRUTH By Ono of tho Foremost London of Thought in That Soctloi That Will Amply Justify a Caro full Perusal To SununnAK PEOPLE Tho object of tho following lines ii to attract the attention of the subur ban people to tho many superior ad- vantages offered by the northeast sec tiou of Washington na a place o residence If you live in tho suburbs and con template making n change como t northeast section of Washington look around It is a section that will lear closest scrutiny- It is a section that otTers the cst possible inducements to moderato moans It is n section dotted with homos peopled by ordqrly nh thirfty people It offers to tho tenant low rent am- a comfortable home It offers to the purchaser numerous houses at very low cost Among tho thousand and moro ad- vantages offered by every well ordered city you will find in Northeast The very finest schools Ample police protection Excellent firo protection Rapid transit to all parts of tho Dis triot of Columbia for one paved streets Well lighted streets Good sidewalks- A complete and perfect sewerage system Churches of all denominations- A good market A temple where many differon lodges meet Societies of all kinds Theatres within easy access In short everything that makes fo the comfort poaco and well boinj of mankind In thomatter of healthfulness Washington is tho banner secUoi of tho District If you havo been unfortunate ehougl homo situated remote from the comforts of life anti are over for- tunate enough to sell come to North cast Washington and wo will put you in close touch with the good things ol this life Do you suffer from Poor roads Poor sidewalks Poor police protection Poor lire protection Poor social surroundings Poor church advantages Poor municipal government If so symptoms indicate that a change would bo Relief from all tho above troubles may be had in Northeast Washington Respectfully Louisa CiurrEfc 822 H St N 1- 5NotoWo have known MrOhappel for a number of years and it is no mont to other mon of ability in North east Washington neither in it any re- flection on them to say that ho stands out conspicuously aa tho ono man whoso opinion is most frequently sought and most highly valued lie camo to tho Northeast section of Washington in 1872 with 17000 whioh he invested thoro and he has resided in the same locality contin- uously over sine His faith in tho section and its fu- ture was strong in 1872 and it has continued uninterruptedly over since being today stronger than over has built more than one hundred and twentyfive and possibly n many as QUO hundred and fifty houeoa in the Northeast section and they have all been well built substantial struc tures that have found ready sale Ho is ono of tho largest if not the largest holder of real property in his section and n man whose word no ono disputes Ho is a member of tho Board of Trade aud au active member of tho Northeast Washington Citizens besides being connected with organizations that mako for progress Ills success has not warped his judgment so that partloa seeking his advice can rely absolutely on what ho lays Suburban people who for any hose desire to make u change will Ind in the reflections over Mr 3htfppols signature much food for thought and wo commend them to our readers Editor Suburban Citizen Urlok ns nTarm or KiiUoanncnt A correspondent talks to us of our error in de the term of endearment brick from tho well rod undergraduate Fho real origin of tho word it seems tho proud reply of a king to an in railing enemy mocked at his un walled towns My troops are my ho answered and every sol ior is a brick London Globe nUll the buy a Asso- ciation other seri- ously is walls rest lan abiding weh built Wash- ington fare- Well North- east to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SS30SXKBffiffi8 GUSTAVE HARTIG DEALER IN Builders and Coach Hardware i Bar Iron Steel Blacksmiths Supplies Etc WEATHER STRIPS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS PAINTS OIL GLASS Colors Dry and in 011 j ITBLBPHONB gpa sQP and 511 H Street N E SSXBSXm ESTABLISHED 1883 WH H ERNEST ij JIANUFACTUnEJl OF I Standard Flower Pots 5 Jugs Mllk Pots Butter Jars Pitchers Staw Pans Milk Pans Spittoons Bean Pots Churns Pipkins Stove Pipe Pots I Flower Pot Saucers and Fern Pans r28th and fll Streets N E WASHINGTON D ESTABLISHED 1873 WILLIAM T BETTS DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL FEED HAY GRAIN AND STRAW I Office 913 H Street Northeast Sj Ono of the oldest established Wood and Coal Dealers in the Northeast Section A discount of 25 cents per ton on coal allowed subscribers to tho Subur ft bun Citizen Special Prices on Kitchen Utensils Granite Ware Tin Ware Coftco and Ton Pots 29o AU Jolly Cnko Pans 6c Lot Sauce Pans Ito 10inch Boiler with loW y 1qt boon Pudding Pans Bo lug handles 80c it Toa 4Bo C S Out Meal Boilers 2o biuch Steel iJMuch Extra Largo Wash Basins loo lug Pans V- Qeo N Holland 1500 H Street N E I I GXiXX GXXiXE- m XXXXIXOOX3CXiXX00XXD0CX XOO XE03 fj Pans c GXOOX3- COOXIX xroxDroa XiXOO03X COOYDCDCOOXD5XOOXCO- OXDr lJ- r l t l Plntqs Fry Iii Li Hardware and Housefuroishin Uoodseb- t Cr t t9fl c m amm uxthxaxmm t Aux 15x1 OL9 OtfXstixss t 1 stabs S 0 Cold bnudlod 0 14 < > < + > + PRACTICAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 82G lOtllSt N E Repairing done Work ready promised Their Names Mtaleadlne It is quite generally known through out Orange County Now York that the Goshon Independent Republican- is a Democratic paper tho Democrat is of tho Republican faith That this fact is not known by everyone in evident tho following from the Independent Republican There came into olflco the Independent Republican not long since a gentleman who desired to have his name enrolled upon its list of sub- scribers But as tho new subscriber took his departure he was moved to remark One of tho things I have no use for is a Democratic paper Evidently ho had been deceived by the name of the paper Tho joko seemed good enough to tell to Brother Will Mend of tho Democrat who chuckled and said Thats nothing weve had orders lately for worth of work from a moo who said hod never give n Republican newspaper a cents worth of work if ho could help Hex Wanted n Tie Sadly Children get queer associations of Ideas in their heads attunes A little lad on Capitol Hill has a playmate of his own ago in the son of n poor neighbor The sou of toil visited his richer friend tho other day wearing n gorgeous red tie son of wealth eyed the tie enviously for a whilo and then asked Bonny where he got it My mamma dyed it for mo for a birthday present lisped Benny After Bonny went home Rex played listlessly nbout for a time and then leaned on his mothers knee thought fully studying the pictures in tho fire Mamma ho said finally tie was awful pretty wasnt it Yes dear Mamma wont you kill mo a tie like Bennys when I got a birthday Washington Star rrw m m n Un L7 JI 260 It I WOOD r Go- shen ¬ ¬ A Perfect Cure Purely Vegetable Tabiets Speedy and permanent euro or The only inter- nal known to science Jtidorsoa by physicians and recommended grate who have been cured tried external remedies and cal operations and secured have thousands o from well known people in nil parts of the country who 100 postpaid can not get it from your write plrect to iuo J r Donald Yu1laco Co le rlHIl Medical advice and freT For Sale by Hubbard Co Bonn lag D C W H DUNN DEALER IN Fine Groceries Teas Coffees Etc Stalls IB 35 Northeast Market- A Fine Line of Canned Goods IEHRY C UUBACH Upholsterer AND Cabinet Maker- No 64 H Street Northeast All work entrusted to me Is done In tho very best style I make a specialty of repair work Every Job guaranteed DR W E BRADLEY Dentist 810 H St N 0 Washington 1C monov ox If Booklets ooxXOOXixooxooxxx xootl I I i GXOOl IXooxxD3XOOXf iZ- U o2- a FJ au iUZZ guaran- teed tempo- rary tee d y tl1u e CIQiD0 t t1xBCxD ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > >

jjiJi w- iilJJ II I III I...f ilm iilJJ MJilI jjiJi i II I ijf III iI ji w-I < JI r l 1H SURURBAr CITIZEN SATWWAY FEBRUARY 17 1900 Instruction t Subscribers ForrAOE The postage to

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Page 1: jjiJi w- iilJJ II I III I...f ilm iilJJ MJilI jjiJi i II I ijf III iI ji w-I < JI r l 1H SURURBAr CITIZEN SATWWAY FEBRUARY 17 1900 Instruction t Subscribers ForrAOE The postage to


ilm iilJJ MJilI jjiJi i III ijf III iI ji w-








Instruction t SubscribersForrAOE The postage to all parts of the

Gaited Statec and Is paid by thefkubliaher-

gHfinmNozg of small sums mny be madewith comparative safety la letter

one or more mustregistered letter or moat y orderIhfrfflsc we cannot responsible lor same

CfaiKae or ABDIIMO Subscriberstheir nddri88 obaunod must invariably

former as well os new address

Mis into NnwBEns It occasionally happensthat numbers of our paper sent to

lost or stolen in the In case youAl not receive number when due write

nJ a duplicate of the numberMuiS IMPORTANT or every letter

that write us never tall to give your fulladdress plainly written name poitoffioo-woiity as u


Items of Interest to All Lf gitimatiDealers

Mr Plumer has lonscd DalBhreves place and will movedairy plant to tbe now premisesMarch let


Sevoral Washington merchants areAfraid to invite the trade of suburbanVeoplo for fear it migU4 offend acme

idcr it the proper thing to be soon

Ji a store with countrywant the cash of country people whenthe same can be secured without anyoutward sign of a desire to reach outfor it One of the largest hardwarefirms in the recently refused toadvertise in the columns of the CmtEN and gave the following reasonWere not out after suburban busi-

ness for the reason that wo considerof the of Virginia and

Maryland not particularly desirableGustavo the hardware man of609 and Oil H Street N E is of a

different opinion He wants the tradeof country peoplo and he is getting itWhen you deal with him you are dealIng with a square business man and o

mend Dec 104

The City Mission of WashingtonD 0 Is in need of cost offand other articles helpful to the poorand suffering Careful distribution-to worthy applicants regardless ofcreed or color

Please addressTHE 0m MISSIONARY

tf 118 Florida Ave N W

Character In lied Ilulrwomen are ardent and

vivacious especially if with it theyhove hazel eyes in which case theyLave n bright and quick intelligenceThey have a great deal of natural felic-

ity for study and good memoriesBed hair with f blue eyes shows thosame warmth of character but not somuoh intelligence bright golden hairof a rich deep color and of a crispand waving texture growing thicklyon the head and somewhat low on thebrow shows an ardent poetio andsomewhat nrtistio temperament Itis tho signature of Apollo the sunPeople with hair which invery thick and redder over theand at the temples than on tho headaro courageous and energetic Thissort of hair gives sense of inpainters force of language and elo

in poets power in musicalcomposition Womans Home Corn

Cork as every one knows is one oftho best nonconductors of heat orflouriM That it has not been morewidely used in building is due chieflyto the diflluulty of obtaining it in anunadulterated form A product calledcork tiling has recently been placedupon the market which is made ofwhat is known to the trade as virgincork ground compressed nnd otherwiso treated by a patented processand which is free from the cement andglno employed to hold thoparticles together

We are that tiles madethis pure compressed cork form auadmirable flooring besidesbeing noiseless waterproof warmnnd germ proof is

hard usage By varyingtho of and modify-ing the slightlysheets of cork different in color anddensity are obtained which whensawed and finished in tho form ofpanels can bo used for wainscotingnlono or in connection with corkfloors Scientific American


llollYla MnUos a Dcmnnil Upon BrazilTlie Cutiio of tho Trouble

Bio Janeiro By Cablo The Bolivianminister hud a conference with tho ofllolulsof tho ForolKU Oftlce and again demandedthat the Brazilian government should reatoro authority of tlio Bolivian ofllnlmv-In Acre alleging that the state KOYerninoiuof Amnzonas Is ruaponslble for the trotiuifwhich has occurred Brazil will limitnation to sending a squadron of guubonta tuprotect Brazilian property





C4a postal cord and wo will cheerfullY fur



A Jhis


fJf their city customers who dont con

Ii They-






h Rrth


Wall tell


reel browneArs

niancork Floor




kof besent












iRed haired



















µ +



Esteemed Neither by ruiiemien Vltl-

CulturlfU Nor Flat EatenCarp as every ono who does any

fishing knows is esteemed neither bjfishermen nor fish caters Tender mouths which tearwhen pressure is applied to tho hoolmake them unpopular with tho

A voracious appetite Whiclonly tho spawn and oother fish will satisfy makes fish cul-

turists disliko them Meat that it

tough making it necessary to parboithe fish makes them unpopular willcooks A lack of flavor accounts fortheir unpopularity with the gourmet80 they have become as unpopular atdenizens of the water as have theEnglish sparrows as residents of thefields At a store the other daysays the Now York Times a group olfishermen rejoicing over the fact

tint the recent lowering of streamsand ponds hereabouts owing to thedrought resulted in the destruction of many thousands ot tho fishIn the waters near Rochester whentho water was drawn from the canalearly in December more than threetons of German carp were taken in a

couple of days in the cleaning up pro-cess and wero given as payment forthe work done to the partiescleared the stretch of water GameProtector who had super-vision of the job saved from the massof other fish taken about 3000 Oswegobass bullheads suckers and a towgame flan besides tho bass whichwore transferred to the Geneseo Riverat points where there aro no carp andwhere the fish will have a better chanceto thrive Prom tho South NorfolkConn reservoir the Water Commis-

sioners of tho city removed more thantwo tops ef carp and there are storiesthat large quantities of these fishhave been taken from ponds on LongIsland and in Western Connecticutwhere their presouco has preventedother fish from thriving Down Mary-land and Virginia way thero line alsobeen a raid on tho carp under Statedirection and fly fishermen believethat the result will ho beneficial inthat it will givo game fishes such nchance to thrive as they havo not hadfor years In Southern Pennsylvaniaand West Virginia tho quantity of carpstripped from some of tho streams wasso great that tho fish woro spread onthe ground for fertilizing purposes af-

ter every ono who wanted carpbeen all they could UMO

for eating purposes Corp look well inan aquarium but do not seem tobe popular

Jocor Scene at n French FireI happened to see the start of

in Paris said F D Higbee-It was a rather blaze in a throe

story building I thought tho department would never get there andstood jumping up and down and cussing the French firo fighters for theirslowness however myanxious gaze was rewarded by thesight of a small platoon of gendarmescleaning tho street as if they warepreparing for a big procession Thenalong came the firo company

up in lino in front of the building The engine and a hose cartcomo lumbering along behind andthen there was a pause tho entirecompany standing at attention In afew minutes tho Real Thing in thoshape of the captain of tho companyappeared Ho had on white glovesand a fierce uniform The wholocompany saluted solemnly and thenadvanced upon tho

had been raised to make a hosecoupling or do anything else untilthat august captain with those lovely white gloves had arrived andbeen properly saluted

But what said I was happen-ing to the building during tho timo ofthis pleasing ceremony

Oh it burned down But thofire department made a noble show-ing Mr Higboo Itwas a most successful operation astho doctors say but the patientdied Buffalo News

Popularity of Italy MonarchsThe secret of tho popularity of the

and Queen of is not hardto understand Almost bourgeois intho simplicity of their everyday lifethey keep fresh in their hearts tho

and sympathy for thopoor and it is an open secret that the

King has frequentlydenied himself pleasure that he maygivo moro widely to the needy andafflicted The Queen once a mostbeautiful woman is Htill handsomethough too stout Hor regular featuresnro aet off by the masses of chestnuthair which she always wears most becomingly arranged She is fondof English and Americans showingthem quito a special courtesy at theRoman court theircharities and when the opportunityoccurs talking in a friendly uncon-ventional manner with tho members-of both colonies whom she happens-to know Tho Queen has a gracefuleasy and pretty of greeting hersubjects which especially charms thoEnglish She is often seen to comeout on her in Rome flutter

handkerchief and nod pleasantly-to the people just as if wero apersonal friend of every man andwoman tho crowd

The Now Xionilnn llliipoilroniflThe now hippodrome in London

seems likely to rank with Westmin-ster Abbey Mme Tussanda amongtho citys sights It is said to bo fullof wonders One wanders through itas a dream Tho circus ringcan bo changed into a lake of waterornamented with electric fountains ata moments notice Also it can beinside into a perfectly safe performingcage for tho Tho grandRaton is fitted np like tho of aship brass port holes and allwhile the attonddfits wear naval uni-forms The exhibition hall is largoand beautiful

fish oulturistsout


h t1




fire I Not







good hoarted












Weekly News Stems o

Great Importance toReaders of this v


have two stores one at 320 1211Street N E between 0 and D Streetsthe other at 1246 G Street N ECorner 13th and G Streets

If you come to either store you willget treated right and when your

have been made you will besatisfied that you never got such bargains before

We are not in business for tho funof tho thing but we are satisfied tohandle standard goods on a smallmargin of profit

Parties traveling the roador the Uladensburg road either shouldstop at our 13th and G Street storesince it is only ono square from HStreet and only onehalf square fromMaryland Avenue

Among other STANDARD goods wohandle Lofllers smoked hams Lofllerscorned hams LoNers smoked sausage goods that are acknowledged byeverybody to be the very best

We arc having a large run on aspecial brand of elegant flour that issuperior to other more expensivebrauds Largo sack 50 cents halfsize 25 cents By using this flour yourbread will cost you less than 2 centsper loaf When you learn our priceby the barrel you will want about twobarrels at a time

Our choice roast beef from 8 centsto 12 cents per pound will do yougood Our steaks run from 10 centsto 18 cents per pound but they arcfirst class v

Soap starch and soap powder areway down in price

In the matter of canned gooda wocan usually save you from 1 cent to 3cents per can

Wo guarantee to please By thatwo mean we guarantee to please YOU

in the matter of as well as inthe matter of price

Wo deliver all orders within a reas-onable distance and deliver thempromptly

What wo save in tho matter of lowrent yon get the benefit of in thpshape of low prices A trial order willconvince you of this

Cash Grocers325 f2th St N E

1245G St N E


Tile popular notion that tho blindpossess a more acute sensibility fortactile impressions is not supportedby the numerous carefully madeobservations of Professor Greisbachof Basle

Selffertile plants or varieties arethose which do not require pollenfrom other plants or varieties in orderto produce seeds or fruit Solfstcriloplants or are thoso which dorequire pollen from other plants

It has been assumed that the depthof unvarying temperature in the soilincreases from one foot at tho equatorto seventy odd feot at the poles nshaft in northern Siberia has reachedn depth of 1000 feet without gettingthrough the frost A Western miningengineer explains that this may notdisprove the theory as tho deepfreezing may be a result of annual

of sediment on unthawed ground

Barometric readings reduced to trueatmospherics pressure are now re

by the Weather Bureau thoapproximate corrections for gravity

to all barometric read-ings This correction applies to allmercurial barometorA and is nearlyconstant at any one station The cor-

rected reading is a standard measureof atmospheric and can becompared to similar corrected roadings made at any place in the world

Hormnguilla a beautifully resonattwood of Peru Ecuador and Boliviais made by the Quichua and AmayraIndians into n remarkable musical in-

strument an invention that seams obe an heirloom from prehistoric civil-ization The instrument resemblesin principle the xylophone with theaddition under eachpieco of a sounding box of a size corresponding to thenote Some of tho instrumentsmounted on stands have ns many asfortyfive tones and arc played byfour or five operators Tile tones nronot short and sharp like thoso of thoxylophone but are sustained by thosounding boxes in an organlikemelody

The reputation of being tho driestspot on earth is fur Payta inPeru a place about fivo degreesof the equator on n coast that hasrisen foot in historic timesProfessor David G Fairchild n re-

cent visitor reports having reachedthoro in February just after n rain ofmore than twentyfour hours tho firstFor eight years Tho average interval

showers is seven yearsaro common Of about nine

species of plants noticed seven weroannuals and thoir seeds must have

dormant in the ground forRight years Tn spite of the lack ofrain the longrooted Peruvian cotton-is grown in tho driedup riverbedtarnishing crops that yield substanceto tho natives








between twoSe fogs




ncoui nations












Who want the trade of the people of Northeastand the outlying Suburbs and the rea






Wash-ington =



A Few Thoughts in Relation ti

Northeast Washington


By Ono of tho Foremost Londonof Thought in That SoctloiThat Will Amply Justify a Carofull Perusal


Tho object of tho following lines ii

to attract the attention of the suburban people to tho many superior ad-

vantages offered by the northeast sectiou of Washington na a place oresidence

If you live in tho suburbs and contemplate making n change como tnortheast section of Washingtonlook around

It is a section that will learclosest scrutiny-

It is a section that otTers thecst possible inducements tomoderato moans

It is n section dotted with homospeopled by ordqrly nhthirfty people

It offers to tho tenant low rent am-

a comfortable homeIt offers to the purchaser numerous

houses at very low costAmong tho thousand and moro ad-

vantages offered by every well orderedcity you will find in Northeast

The very finest schoolsAmple police protectionExcellent firo protectionRapid transit to all parts of tho Dis

triot of Columbia for onepaved streets

Well lighted streetsGood sidewalks-A complete and perfect sewerage

systemChurches of all denominations-A good marketA temple where many differon

lodges meetSocieties of all kindsTheatres within easy accessIn short everything that makes fo

the comfort poaco and well boinjof mankind

In thomatter of healthfulnessWashington is tho banner secUoi

of tho DistrictIf you havo been unfortunate ehougl

homo situated remote fromthe comforts of life anti are over for-tunate enough to sell come to Northcast Washington and wo will put youin close touch with the good things olthis life

Do you suffer fromPoor roadsPoor sidewalksPoor police protectionPoor lire protectionPoor social surroundingsPoor church advantagesPoor municipal governmentIf so symptoms indicate that

a change would bo Relieffrom all tho above troubles may behad in Northeast Washington

RespectfullyLouisa CiurrEfc

822 H St N 1-

5NotoWo have known MrOhappel fora number of years and it is nomont to other mon of ability in Northeast Washington neither in it any re-

flection on them to say that ho standsout conspicuously aa tho ono manwhoso opinion is most frequentlysought and most highly valued

lie camo to tho Northeast section ofWashington in 1872 with 17000whioh he invested thoro and he hasresided in the same locality contin-uously over sine

His faith in tho section and its fu-

ture was strong in 1872 and it hascontinued uninterruptedly over sincebeing today stronger than over

has built more than one hundredand twentyfive and possibly n manyas QUO hundred and fifty houeoa inthe Northeast section and they haveall been well built substantial structures that have found ready sale

Ho is ono of tho largest if not thelargest holder of real property in hissection and n man whose word no onodisputes

Ho is a member of tho Board ofTrade aud au active member of thoNortheast Washington Citizens

besides being connected withorganizations that mako for

progressIlls success has not warped his

judgment so that partloa seeking hisadvice can rely absolutely on what holays Suburban people who for anyhose desire to make u change willInd in the reflections over Mr3htfppols signature much food forthought and wo commend them to ourreaders Editor Suburban Citizen

Urlok ns nTarm or KiiUoanncntA correspondent talks to us

of our error in dethe term of endearment brick

from tho well rod undergraduateFho real origin of tho word it seems

tho proud reply of a king to an inrailing enemy mocked at his unwalled towns My troops are my

ho answered and every solior is a brick London Globe



buy a







lan abiding

weh built














Builders and Coach Hardwarei Bar Iron Steel


PAINTS OIL GLASS Colors Dry and in 011 j

ITBLBPHONB gpa sQP and 511 H Street N ESSXBSXm



I Standard Flower Pots5 Jugs Mllk Pots Butter Jars Pitchers Staw Pans Milk Pans

Spittoons Bean Pots Churns Pipkins Stove Pipe Pots

I Flower Pot Saucers and Fern Pansr28th and fll Streets N E WASHINGTON D




I Office 913 H Street NortheastSj Ono of the oldest established Wood and Coal Dealers in the Northeast


A discount of 25 cents per ton on coal allowed subscribers to tho Suburft bun Citizen

Special Prices on Kitchen Utensils

Granite Ware Tin Ware

Coftco and Ton Pots 29o AU Jolly Cnko Pans 6c

Lot Sauce Pans Ito 10inch Boiler with loW y1qt boon Pudding Pans Bo lug handles 80c

it Toa 4Bo CS

Out Meal Boilers 2o biuch SteeliJMuch Extra Largo Wash Basins loo lug Pans V-

Qeo N Holland 1500 H Street N E







COOXIX xroxDroa


OXDr lJ-

r l tl




Hardware and Housefuroishin Uoodseb-


Cr t t9fl

c m amm uxthxaxmm


Aux 15x1 OL9


t 1



0 Cold bnudlod

0 14








82G lOtllSt N E

Repairing done Workready promised

Their Names MtaleadlneIt is quite generally known through

out Orange County Now York thatthe Goshon Independent Republican-is a Democratic paper tho

Democrat is of tho Republicanfaith That this fact is not known byeveryone in evident tho followingfrom the Independent Republican

There came into olflco theIndependent Republican not longsince a gentleman who desired to havehis name enrolled upon its list of sub-scribers But as tho new subscribertook his departure he was moved toremark One of tho things I haveno use for is a Democratic paperEvidently ho had been deceived bythe name of the paper Tho jokoseemed good enough to tell to BrotherWill Mend of tho Democrat whochuckled and said Thats nothingweve had orders lately for worthof work from a moo who said hodnever give n Republican newspaper acents worth of work if ho could help

Hex Wanted n Tie SadlyChildren get queer associations of

Ideas in their heads attunes A littlelad on Capitol Hill has a playmate ofhis own ago in the son of n poorneighbor The sou of toil visited hisricher friend tho other day wearing ngorgeous red tie son of wealtheyed the tie enviously for a whilo andthen asked Bonny where he got it

My mamma dyed it for mo for abirthday present lisped Benny

After Bonny went home Rex playedlistlessly nbout for a time and thenleaned on his mothers knee thoughtfully studying the pictures in tho fire

Mamma ho said finallytie was awful pretty wasnt it

Yes dearMamma wont you kill mo a tie

like Bennys when I got a birthdayWashington Star




Un L7 JI










A Perfect Cure Purely Vegetable Tabiets

Speedy and permanent euroor The only inter-

nal known to science Jtidorsoaby physicians and recommended grate

who have been curedtried external remedies and

cal operations and securedhave thousands o

from well known people in nilparts of the country who

100 postpaidcan not get it from your writeplrect to

iuo J r Donald Yu1laco Co le rlHIlMedical advice and freTFor Sale by Hubbard Co Bonn

lag D C


Fine Groceries TeasCoffees Etc

Stalls IB 35 Northeast Market-

A Fine Line of Canned Goods


Upholsterer AND

Cabinet Maker-No 64 H Street Northeast

All work entrusted to me Is done Intho very best style I make a specialtyof repair work Every Job guaranteed


Dentist810 H St N 0 Washington 1C


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