,iS0'I5.6:>H. NEW-YORK, SIWDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, l889.-...Gim:i:\ PAGES. PRICE FIYE CENT8* V0LXLIX.. "the xkws in london. DOCK OOMPABIB VkWm*& VIELD TO 'their men- OF WAGES AFTliR CONCFIMNG TBX "£^ ',._ sTRIKtR_ RETURN TO «OKK w* TUE OFPi:B BEJECT1-U. ..Tbe couipromise sugRfsted London. BapB. a (>,_.___ Manmn. WB8 by the Lord M«>o aad JJ^ ^ r^To tbridrLcrs. The terrns of tha com- »_. that tbe incwaaed rate of wages Pr°mJdd bT V-'" ^'<11 * *~*** trom JaauaVl. lt<90' on condmon that ail lhe strikers r«._n*e work on' next Monday. Meser*. __rns and Tllletts. on beha-lf of the oen at BBBI aaatftBd tha tertns. Subse- quently BatBBBB. Burus and Tilletts, after _aa> aulting witb the Strike Committi., aunounced tbat they oould not guarante* tbat the me.n would resume work on Monday. They explained that, before giving a tinal reply they would have to BaBBBlt with the ^ctioual comnutt.es of tho atrikera. London, Sept. 8.-The Strike Committce has iasueil a rnanife.ito stating that the strikcrs will not 88BBB8 the dock coinpanies' terms, namcly,' an jucrea>.c ot wa^e* from January 1, 1890, ou conditiou that the men return to work on Monday next. The aituation is therelore unchanged. The great atrike which has paralyzed the ship- ping of London begun with the dock kiborers twenty-four days ago, and Bubs-e queully sprcad to the sallors, liremeu, oarinen, Thames iron work- ers, gs^s stokers and kindred trades uutil the number of men out was estimated to be K'O,- 000. The men clemanded IS insU-ad of 10 cento au hour, a minimum hiring of four hours aud Uie abohtion of piece work. The compaules replied that the increa_e would cost them lialf a million dollars a year, which they could not aflord. They ooncoded the four hours* minimum; but tnaisted that tbe abohtion of pirce work was an .ffort to ct'iupel them to |>ay good and bad men tfce same wft_e.. During the atfike tiie men b.»ve hs-ld _iotn*tor meetings and parud.-s, but. hnve not been guilty of any grrat, violcnce »r ou torea k. Ia sonx* cases, where LB88BTB au<l other* were workim; for rhe eBBBPBBlea, the men piwwed the boun.ls of lcpality aml aaaaulted tbe workmen wlu> took their placcs. ln one ot these Baa*al_i a itrlker waa Bred on and kilh-d i'.\ tJae poliee Tiie Btrikera have beea led by John Ttiirns. a well-knowB lahor ajrjtator, while tba eompanics hav be.-n lepieeeated chiefly by Charles Morg.in Xorwoi.il, chainnan of the dock cun- paniea' committce. The companies, aftor B brief _tni.rgle, eonceded thi- pieee-work demand, but ina. le n Mn.il stand on the matter ol pay ing six- ponce an hour._ BALFOURS IR1SH UNIVERSITY STIR CAUSED BY THE sciieme THEOUGH- OUT THE KINGDOM. OPPOSITION SIIOWN- B\" TIIE GOVERNMENT RAKK ANT) FILE-LOHD R. C.II rKCIULL IN WALKS-THE TRADES UNlON CON. CRESS - MR. BVRXS, THE 60 CIAL1ST LEADER-PERSONAIi AXD THEATR1CAL. [BT CA11LE TO TTIF. __¦____.] Oopvrigkt; 1889 : By Tl* Botf Tork Tribune. _______ p-rpt - } \ B V ::.'s .nivemlty Bcheme for Irelan d, tliough dimly susr- peated, caused uo small stir among tbe constituencies. I have car.Iully noted ,),.. Ofa_dor_i of BWBBty or thirty le;iding provincial papera, aad all aeoepl tha prnn:ipie oi an aadowed Irish Catholle Dalveraitp with aaora or Uaa rather laaa.ajraBN), Sume aaaka no eoaoeaaaieBl ot their 'hs- like of the probahilirv of Mr. Balluur's accom- pH_aJ_g what Mr. G_M__tOf_a failed Bl. The only oppositi.,u aaflaaa Craaa tba Gtovwnmenl rank und flle. I refer to the Oraugemen and the Dublin nnd [_t_aaa__re Toriea, 'li"- geaeia] admiaaloB la thal deu<,miiiiiti,,nal edaoation has greatiy prograaaed ia raeaat paara* tbal tba Qiiet'n's colleges io Ire- l;.nd have failed. and that tuis BObJeot would be aiaaiburly treated by taa Brat I'.uJiament to meet in College t,r.-en. Mr. QlaiaBton, ia s.ltiit. on the ta)pic, but the 611-pestion that he will oppOBB ti.e proposal is not far WNBip, His line is likely to b. that lo pruviile BBoaej frcm tha Iin]icrial E\- chi'quer is a veiy ililfei.-nt thin^' truin h-aviug the aubject to an lrish lK.uliament to tleal with ia ils ova-n w«y and out of its own t} nds. Mr. ____&. berlain's nrlhesiiin to tliis BeKeme is not unex- Baetad. B*-si,ies beisg a anpporter of the Gr_tvapj_- ment. it is reeallwl thal he voted lor The O'Con- ii,ir Don's motiou tefl year-, ago, 1 lo _M_ured Bl Birmingliam thla week that he d_aUkaa .lenoiniii:). t),,nal edu.'ar.ioii a_ ninrh as ever, but that if ihe rroie.st.sni.s were unwillin? to surrenrler denomi- national endu\vmeii1_ in Lii£.lan_, he could not ob- .< rl to the CaBthoUea makiBg a similar de__a_d in Ireinnd. Of more lmpos_aaea was Mr. ( hamber- la:n's surgcstii't) that the 6oaa_B_MB_l ihoald in- trodnce their Irish land |B_fUBB__l by B roBylotioB, withotit BtaUBg their existen'.-c thereon, BBbBB (fiently introducJiig a hilL It is t__o_fhl tliat _Ja hlea is intended for a feeler for next aaaaiOB. I tiav point out t].at iu t_king thi.s step the Gov- rrnment would he adopting one of Mr. 6_aa_B)_De_ methode, as whaa he was atUnnntnii' to create a Catholic university. Lord Iiindolph Chunliill has hegun liis Welab campaign »t Neararrant, iI s Baood Uur4 aJgh! was not tbat of the "enfant urrihle" whom we miw at Walsall. It was n.ore in line with the bmlk nf the Conix-rvative parap, and " The Btandard." v.l.i.-h is m.'Stly an unfavorable critic, is good enouuh Uj express itself as content to feel that Lord Baadalph has now plneed himself oi. common ground of Convrvative polemhs. His aiaech coiiUkiued the usual similariiy wtth Mr. fbamberlain on Iriah nanedial laajUataOB. and lV-rd liandolph alBo putg la,nd purchase beion- local government.. But, unlike Mr. Chaaiberlala he boldly advooated the partial use of Englisli credit. Lord ltondolph's defence oi the blaader* of the Government at the last aessioo u_ _j_ favorable raataiBB about the new Tithe* I'ill havo be<n a real surprise to his old Conserv.nnv fnenda. The Tradea-Union Congre»« pnssed their usu.il rt-solutJon in favor of th»> uationuli/ation of laul, and refui»e<l to BdveOBBt the lnovement f.,r aa llght hours day or to indorso tiie r__al«t__n* mauy of thrm rJBgarl with S.ciaUsiT., paaaad bjr the Inlernaiion.il Tr.idea Ca___eaa ai luiis. The n.oit liDportant isaue related to the new doBBBBd ©f the lahor rlass for au eight hours hmitaiion. The oouimittee ou this Ful.jertt lasued 1,888 circu- lara of inquuy, and thirty-three replies were re- eeived (roai s.,cieties repres -nting 188,840 men. Of «hese 88.888 voies w.re in favor of eight hours and _.',s-3 aeaJnet; the remainder were ftlent The Longress vote was eighty-eight againat and aixty-five for eight hours. Mr. John Burns. the workingman whose name bas become promineiit in conneerion a_8_ the 6trti:e, is a BOaaaarhat ieap_____bla paajajoaBafa, Ba ls t«elf-educat«-d, and his tuatl.v fiirnish.d BO0B0 in *laM_n__ has a large Lbrary of books, chiefly on pohtieal eeonouiy and work* of referene.. He hae beon a Jifelong t4.u>taler and non-Miioker, and his ehi.f hobi>ies are books and Sodalisrn. Ir ls not many ye*r>. >ine«. he wa« BflBMOBtdl 0J I r Charles ataaaeO fer atiret nots, aml a_oa*a r'teutiv 1-e w.,s f_Baaj_aaaaaJ for sk ajnajtha foi raalatiBi th. poho. in TnafaJgar _aiU.t-e. Notwithstanding |ua praseot preatige, ha canuot be clled u leuder of men. In his street rictin^ he only li.llowrd that wiid poaaa, Mr. ihradauia: in T_mfaJ_Bi Squan? he wns und'-r the leadership of Mr. viininghain U-ahanie; and now, in tlie B_8l End riot_, his leader aml inst ipiilor is Mr. Chani- pion, an cx-artillery ofheer and a well-known Socialist. Mr. Chumpion is a remarkable persoii- age, of maglenl |.er.stia.sive inlluenoe ovor every one he appr.iachca. lle hatos the CflMltlWllBB purty, for whieh quality he 1ms reecived a larga privaip support from the J.ilieral-l'nionista towiird lm nc.wspaper, "Tlie L.-.bor Elector." This, is one of the sniartest or^Tins in London, and one of Ihe bitterest a?ainst tlie tnides-utiionisis. It is a reniarknble feature of tho present .trike Ihat Mr- Burnss most useful ally is Mr. John Lafone, the Tory wha.ftngcr. The theatrienl world has been very qtiiet., and many Wc# End tlu-att-s ar.- clused* Prorncnade c(-icerl_ are the mosi apnroved fonn of entertainment. Within the last few dnys we have Imd a slight, sp«.rkliiig comic o|>en., " Love's Trvaehery," at the Lyrio Theatre. The musie, by Mr. Iviti Caryll, is tuneful. A Boucioaultian drarna by Mr. Hahefl O'Grarty, enriuled " The Feni.-i.-i," has bei-n broti_;hT, out a. thi- tStandard. It is strong fare, but its political a_prets make it ro well. " Buy Blas and tlne Bla«e Bone" is going tlirougli provineial rehearsais before being siibr mitted to the London critics. The book is writn-n l.y Mr. Fred Loslie, and has more plot than inost, works of this kind. Mr. Meyer Lutz's music is ex.eEent. Mrs. Lanstry begin.s her provincial tour nexti Monday at Woiverhnrapton in Mr. Gmndy's " Ksther la_.tas." Arratii/emi-n s ai-c pffldlng whieh may __?. Mrs. Lungtiry commiind of a London _uatra, Mr. Val l.ir.sep, the well-known A. B. A., luvs written a BOveL It is his lir.st stot-y. aml ex'-.itim much Inttnati It will appeaa Ib '* Longmans' Mngaziiic'' 111 Jnjiuary, and ruii lor tAvelvc nwnt_. SPF.FCHES BY T\vo EKGUSH LBADBBS. London, Sopt. 7..I.orrt Hartlnitron, spealilnp ar Bradford to-iiight, said that while 1.. dld not favor a fBaJaa oi r.donists and Coaeerrattree, he ihaaght I i.-li a coalitl.'n mipht be a.lvisalil'- at some (atan time. Ho reici-i-.i u> A-Battoaa aalecaarda agaiaat a chango ol Coaatttatlon a- an examp!'- lor Bagland ln dcaling with Iroland. and n.^ial the OaaBlWiaaal to adopt an actlve constnictive poUojr. Loi_ l.andi.lpli -hurchlll, in a spoech ar Macl.yulletli, Wales, expirs-ed himself a> stmnply oppoaed to Welab Beiaa Bala and to u.e Maaetab li.-l.m'-iit ol Uie Chureh in Wale-,. lle was oonfldent, he said. tha. there was no unlveraal demand Inr alther the one or the other. lle beUavad tba Ooa- eerratlve an>i Chureh party eouM ca,ily regr.in the aacendaaey in Waie- by reapeettai ajid laluatertng to tho Wt-lsh national fcollug. MR. OLAIWTOHK ASCKN1»S TTIR F.1FFF.L TOWBB. Londou, Btmt, 7..Mr. QBrttrPwr aaeaaalad the EBM T^iwci- i.iiiav. Ho wa_ eaaorted by m. Eiif.-i, u.e, bullder of tbe tn4»t*r. Premior Tlrard, M. .inlos Btmon, M. Leba sar _nd a iii.ii.i,'-.- of other tUetJngulabe. men _av..- a bi thi' evenlng In hoaar ol Mr. Oladetone M. I.t-.m -iv jiropo«od tbe healrh of Mr. Glad^tonn ln a flattertng t-i ... h. Mr. Uladatone replled n> l reneb, He ooagratulatad Franee upon ber i:.-;it __:¦ hii'iti'in, whleb be sai.i imi glven a remarkable im- pui-o t,. Paria liio. witii rwerance to pollttoe, be tejtifle.l from hK own knowle.lp. to the aldlity i.f .'t'-ni-li state«men and Ihelr i-eal frleridihlp tor F.og. lan 1. lle U'..st,-»i1 that thla Iiii-mllv f.-'lin. wmii-l ahva.vs continue and that Franee woub) aluaya be ln lha Bral raah of the nattoaa of Barope. .-?- OOM1NG TO PI_\Y IN AMEBICA. London, i>ept. 7..Mr. Terrlss a.ul Miss Millwanl, wiih an American company. wlll lall on the ataaaaet F.ms to-moirow Iot N'ow-Ym-k. They will prr-rnt a n^-w dram er..'t "Bafer I.i Baoaa," at Nlblo's Theat-re. POL1CF. LRF.AK 11' A I.OXOON CLUB, London, Sept 7..Tho poijce made a " i-ald"1 on the Nrwrnarli.-t Club, in tlie Mrand, to-nlrrht, and air.-t.-d lilty paraoaa. THE KsQIIMAILT BABBOB nisPITF. Ottawa, (;nt.. Sej.t. 7.-The oflinal .locuinei.is jn tho dlsj.uto between tba (....-ni.a.i n.er.iiani reasel aml lha BrMab Adialral ai Kmiilmaalt, li. C, liave reaclieU tho Mlnisti-r of Justice. .-? nrrnsn tuadk BTATisTica, London, Sept. 7..Tl.e leturns for AiiK.ist lssued by the Board of Ttade, abow that tha tmporta ta. 000.000 pouadB, aml tbe axporta taeraaaed nu.ooo poonda as eomparad aflrb Anfint of laal year, VELLOW FEVKB RAGOra 1\ A BPA5_8H TOWH. Madrld, Sept. 7..TeQow fever Is ragtng at \l_-o, a aaapaii town on tiio Atlantle ooaat, in tho Provinco of l'ontevedra. A SriCTDE ON' DOABD THE FMHRIA. Q.ieenstuwn, Bapt, 7..A saloon paaaBBfef naincl F. Toolo oa board ihe ('imard Une ataamer Daibrla, v.hlcli to.ich'd li re th's nona-Bgi roiiiTiiii.el suicido during iho voya^-o by catting his throat with a razor. The passenger list of tho linbrla Whao she sailed fi-om bere rontained tle nune F. Toolo. Notblng ls liuuwn lu this city aboui blm. IHE WIDOW OP BBVOLUTIOBABl S07.DIBB. St. l'..i.i, Bept, 7 (Bpecla0. Hra. EUxabllfe UTalUnf- fo.-'l. bettcr known as " (irandiiiother" or "Jiettv" H'ellliiglatil. died at Maahato, Idaa., last nipht, a.,- iiiti. ty-.iiree. uu July _5. 1--0, -he was the only .>-i\i\1ng wlrtrfiw In th!s Btate of a sol.Iier oi the li.roi.ition, aud was tha aUesl exoepl ooe in the t nlted Btataa Bhe aaa Btanrlod in 1819 to Joaathao Wallliigfords ihen lifty yeais old. He enllated in ih-- t-cvoiiitioiiary anuy ar tbe ap-- of elgbteen, an.l weal LUrougli wltlioul |njui baa ten cl I She came to Mankat.. ln bad re Mad there alaea. bhe wa* boui in Bew-Hunpablra. GiWV JIBLD FBOM FBOBTBV TY1IEAT. aa Faiis, Mi.in.. Bept " (Btwolal)..Laaf sprlng them was a good rteal of disci.sNion about Ihe ad- vlsi»billty of sowlng fioste.l wl.eat. A gi-eat many look a strong stand npalnst It, some of Ihe ohjeeton belng experiit.'-.-d wheal n.en. Tha o_leera of the State r-ipeiimontal fann advlsed tbe BOWlog of .. frosted wheat. C. II. QOOdsell, s.lpci li.teii'l'-nt of the Mtaaeaota Borthara Llaa ol Bloratora \4ax in I'oik C'oiin.y durtag tlie anadlllg. A farn.er w_s sowlng fr..4:ie.I wheat M ahmahBO Ihat It wa^ hanUy con. eelvable II arouM grow. iln told tbe bumer he wa* oa/.\. an.l brou.tit a aa_.ple of the aaed to Mlnneapolla. He i.as Just M-i-e.viyj a tanrple ol the prodnet. and ir i. .. I.,,,. ;ni-i plump «. wa, ever grown. Hoih yi_d ai.d quall.y are ars good as lf li-oni s.-.o-'ed sced. THE BAXPIT EOEALBB CUPTCBBD, Loa Ai.gel.--, Bapt 7.-Sylvr,t«ro Moralea, the oil- :aw. who L-s tor M.i.ie Uaaa lanorisad Ui" Bouthern I'.n of thia Btata, waa eaptarad yealarday. Uocaloa v,as aaan to emerge from tha breah near lha baad of Alarnltos T.ay by ( oautable \\ ilson, oi Oaaaa Slde, an.l imi deiuifle,-. Thejf cnercd blm Wlth thafc rHaa as he was ataoplag to wash h.s ha-ids in tha wa'er. of the bav, a.-l ii.aii" him prteotu-r. In lh_ v.4^ found Ihe girl. Nymphla Brown, whiin Moralea abdueted from her home abont a niot.ih aad who has alaee ar.-onipan.eil him ln his i'.unioys. she refnses lo siat^ WBOther willlnglv W not. The couple ^ero taken to San L"i_ Rey, wheie the ulrl *111 be mttorad to her parmiti., ao'i Moralae 44 111 be Mi) to aiisw.-r on the eharge uf murdarlaf tlie wcalthy raocl.cr. llrrny ( hailes. TOVED GVILT1 OF MVBDEBJSG THE M'COJS. I.oul4vilie. Ky., Sept. 7..-The shetill of Plhc Co.infv, Ky.. airived at Irai.liloit lo day wlth fiv*; pritoners coiivleted at Plhevllle for the miirder of tbe Mi-f.,v, ln Ihe McCoy-Hatficld InierMate fend. They *ru Kili.oii Moui.ts, who w to hang; Valenilno IIaiflel.1. Aleiaadar Mr»ser and " !><,.." ,-,:),| I'lvman ¦ajrhora, eaeb aantmmckA to uie baprleoamaaU It ls heped ihe Miiivlrtlona wlU .-nd n,» f,..,|, .l0UK_ UlBT M ()f wui Urginla men by a Baataefej eaurt I_.»NiTob_/..s-' rABBB BrOBBABBP. Biadiug, Peim.. Sept. 7.-The IlrfHik* Iron Company BMaharo, u.is eoaalj, today aaVaaaad lha wagea ..1 lt- p.iddlcrs from |BM to #:i f.o per ton, begliuiln; ne.\l Woi.day. Nearly MM hands are BfBetad. Al i. a a. uiiic'i Lroaworfcara' waajaa hava Le.-n ralaad :n a .i.iylkni \ allev within thu past two weeltt. lt la aaWllta- her. that lAtOO p-.ldima have had thelr wa.<s iju-ieasijl in \)iax tioti, uoj -Ivaiu-e aiao atfi ctiiig S.O00 men cu.ploya- Ui other d«p_m_e_U. AXTWERR STILL BUBNING. FIKLMLN, POPULAOE AUD M1LITAK.Y UNABLE TO POT OOT THK i'L._tl_S. ONB HUNDRKD AM) SIXTY DF.AD AND 5M WOUNUKJ) IS THK l.ATrWT KSTI.MATE. H-Al'S OT CHABJUBD FKAU- MEN'TS Of BODIE3 J. 0 H I). Antw.rp. Sept. 7..Tba flre is BtflD rnsrln*. B_ cfTorts of the lircmcti, assisted l.y tl.e military nnd papolaee, t«. q.."]i it bariag so far proved unavailing. The doeka and shippinir are nn- tOBOhed by the Samea, as the diic.tion of tl.e wind has been toward the town .ontinuo.islv. It is .-.-!.i.i;it<-d that th- Dtnabec of .u-i.ths by yesTenl.iy's disis-er will n.it. exc-ed 1 BO. Two hundred and iifty persons were seri.ni-lv and BOO slighfly injured. The lirem.-n and feoopB work'-d throagh the entire ni_h! on hotirly ghifts. Many of then sin.-eiiiiilied 10 tha heat, nnd smoke. and hnd t-.. be conveyod to hospitnls iiiM-tisibJe, ol. sttvtrhers. All Il.e W-Tfcara lieve hlaeken'-d Ijkcs, and baai eridenoee of the atehwlng effeets of the di-ise smoke whieh eloffged their ellortis. Work is now entirelv eonliin-d to hawping lha lii-e from apaeadJng hcyon.l _M sheds aud faotories within rhe drydo.-k. Six million litna of P-ttoleaa are in fli.ni.-s. Tlie oil, it, is expeetrd, will continue to hurn at least, tinhl Motiday. At, the monient ol the explosion many of the workni.-n Jamped Into Mm Behehtt in th.-ir fright, and were dnnvii.-d. A BOmbez ol sailors and customs oflii-cis w,ie k.ll.-'l .rn boaxd shipa bp th»- Bjtng inill'-i.--, and ahipa were ri.ldle.l by 1.'. missil.-s. It is (-.stniiiii.-il ih.it. 1,000 tona ol oartridgea exploded. The noisc wu beaad ii.in.v mil.-s away. Tlie smoke whieh lilled Ifcft air was prreattT in volum.- t.h.ui tl.at of « greafl bat.& Uuin..n headl and other parts of l.odies were found half a mile away froni tl.e .cerie of tho disnster. One hundred and tbirty whole bodies- lie in the nn-V-.i'-s, and cUirr.-d bcapa of li.iin.'.a fra^inrnts rcpn-si-nr- an unknmvn niimher of .bail. The Bral oibr.-r ol tbe Bed Star steamcr Zealand was tcrTit.ly wo.itided on board his ahlp. The populaoe watehed the Bantea all night The noise of the Otplodhlg harroN ol oil and tha f.'H- ing of ruins evaet.lv Meeubled the sminds of a i.attle. Thaaa arho have beaa deprived of their honi.-s by the l.re an- encamped upon tl.e river bai.ks. The WBtet worka, whieh eost. r.0,000 pounds,' are three parts deetroyed. A judieial Inqutrjr has been ordered into the oritrin of the exploaion. The Minisler of the Interior h.s visited the scene of tbe i-xpiosini.. ihe King and Queen bave t ¦...- giaphed, expr"ssing symptithy with tbe sutf, r.-rs. Babaerlp.ona have been opaned foi the reli.f of tliose rendcrjd deat-tate t.y iln- disaster. MUN INTO ASD 8UBML A T-r.BOAT BCCCUMBfl To A FKIUIYBOAT OFF WBITEBALL-T. Aa the ferryboal Bontl Brooklyn waa learlng her «*!ip st ih>- foot of Whltehall-at. on ber bail pa 7 o'clock iiip la-t ni-ht =.1,.- came into colliaion wltb tha tug Blehard Garratt, Injuring tbe t..p ao aevecalv n.at ahe sank arlthla three mtnutee. A. tl.e time of the aeoMenl tlie fcrryboal bad aome huadred pae- ple ahoard of her, and lor a sii rr tlme a sn.all panlc e_I "-d. The eoolncs*! of iho odScera, bowover, qtstoklv allared .-ul eoafaatoa, ar.,i when fbaad that abe wa< not injured ahe eoatbnied on her way. The Rlebard Oam tt is a large ... jtolng I ig owned by rtrown Flemlag, dolng baulnea al Bo, T.'!» Bread-t., and nt tbe tlme ..f the aeeidenl -..- eoialBg bi." the illp at Pler No. :;. whlch f"rm.> a p<>r. t;.,.. of tbe terry illp, io tle ap for the ni^ui. Jual wblcb boai waa in faull it la impoaalble to np, m botb Captain Bdward Uoore, of the Bouth Brooklyn, and Captain Augu t Rliodee, .,f tbe Oai n tt, i".-iii\eiy refaaed to talh. Ihe Garratt was Btraeh on the pon aMe jnsr abr-.-.st of tha pllol hooee, b Ing cul down t.. tbe water-llne, ber ni.s cruabed In, and an opening made through whieh tbe water ponred ln vo-umea, Olling tbe Bre-roon aml axtlngidablng tl.e flree. Tba creu- c:i\-r,i nothtng, eapla | wlth Um Ir llvea. The lag wben stmck by tbe Saatb BroohlTti wa torued eom^etely a.o'iiui and drtvea agabial the pler, lu whleb plae. tbe waal .town. Laal nlght llne Ie fa-r tn the Ing rnt. t.i the io'-... hol ng e ln her n .i. tbe pon s,|.. ol h'-r l-iii.i. ]ubi above the water, and wlth tho red port llpl t brlghtlj burnl ig.i Ib m murh *___. ¦ -- 'i b «a In "i learn, bul ¦¦ ',.. tevere 1 be ownera ... tbe Garrett wlll at on. a menti to have h.-r ralaed. SOT TO TF. 0AVQE1 WITH CHIOAOO CHAFF. I ba t (Speelal). .,- real eetata men. botel-heepera, r-staoratetua aad laloon-kaepera who bave Ineorporated as the "( bicaxo B'orld'a Palr A m," and ara mahlng fraatle attempta to boom ai the proper locatlon for Ihe VTorld'a lair th made buaoua bjr tbe Haymarkel ma-aaere an.l the ¦' .' ! now dtrectlng thelr attention to meurlag a Uttle adverti ing oal of the bame of Bdwaid i. Jeffrap, ihe rallroad manajror. To a man who in- ti general of the 9 orl!'- Exp flrlo Ooamlttee baa been bard work, and Mr. .icfirey waa aome weal p.-p-iiiiitoriiy oalled npon bj the i eharge of the a_alr. 'i general mai ratam dld not apj e however, to devoto bia energlea t" a bop and a- dall. atel] .. ttmatad thai if bl geatlona were de .u'si of at.y ratoe bj tbe ootrunltti -. lld glve the piatultoiu hlnt that. lt w.mld be amjiie tlme to bealn manlpnlMlng the rountr, al larau wben b a irklng fund of a few hundred t ousand dol- b.r-, haehed 'y «ub«erfbed st,., :. to n.*»eui of ¦6,0004)00, bad been '¦.-u.-.-'i. Mr. Jeffrey r.-t.. i"- ,,...' bj ehaff, aml t,i e\.-rv Bdvuroe nf tbe ¦...,. repllei tbal the tlme baa came for uhlng a vacatlon, and lhal be wlll ptobably _a!l for Europe nezi week or oezl nonth. HBJBBBa TO l EJ88ISG LEOACY. Chleago, Bept 1..Bome daya ago Chlef of roiiee Bubbard reeefved a reqaeal from j..-. .i. ii. i; of sioux City, loua, for the full naatea aad addtesaaa of all the Adaaaaee ln Chleago. About -.-. ntj : apo a n.au tiamod Andn-ws elopad Wltb Miiis \iola Adama, i!.*¦ danghtnr ol a wealthy realdenl ..f Chleago. itbor cast i,i- -ii-iL-!...i nir. Tha rauag buabaad snon begaa ,(l txtkt bia v if" baiahly ami Onally sh>- lefl h.iu ai.d i-n.rni-d to bar fa'her, brtoglng bc. babj aangbter win. bar. Babaeg.latty the ehfld wa ¦tolaa and aii aaTorta m BbA bar were Baavaillng. Tl.e paadfatfaer l.-fi Ihe mlailng ahOd a legaei of B40.000. lt m app ara thai --I." waa itolen (ather, aho plaeed i..-. In tbe bVmlly ol i Korweglan aamed Nel*on, m Deg Molma, lowa, abere sin- pr.-w uii as thelrdaughter. Recentlj Dr. i(r>--A'-i dl covered the fbeta ... ii>- .-as,. ond aoeurad a confeaelon from the (ather, arbo bad bea playlng tbe role ol a frinn-l of tl.e Sehon famiiy. it irat ala :..t.-.iii".i t<> ta_e ibe pirl to . blrago and eecure U.o legacy for ahnaelf. ¦;.-.' la.ly ls now wldi ln. Brewer'i tamlty ln Blonj . it] Hnd ihe doctor la endeavoring lo iiud ht-r C hlcapu telativi-s. .vor A JVMOB TB1 TB THF OEOEJE CASE. Chleago, Bept t (Speelal). The aecond week of the Oronln trlal closed to d_y wliho.it a sincle re»ult to mark piopaat in lha eaaa. "4-r oaa bnadfed lai mn. tiave I.eeQ exaniln^-d, and not a n.au Ua.s yei been fi.n.i.i who was aeeoptaMa t<> i»oth sid.-H as a faror. Twenty-three of ihe r.-nipto.-y ofeaOengaa "f tba .1''- frn.-e bava beon »_ha.i_U-l, whllo th" .¦.taie li.i. <".. iiimed altnoet an expial nunibe/. At thU iau- of Bf» I It would take sevei, 4A,-k> ba_afa a Jury eoaM be aalaetad, aa it arould s.'-.n tba' a Jary arlll ba leloctod oala after rh.- peremplorj of both -iii. - an- r_ha.-.ie,t a.iri it baeome. no im.- -. . j.u-ur oxoepi apaa eridaaee n !. ^»i dB quaUlication._ ABED PEOPLE KU.l.l'l' ">' A Tlt.llS. Whealteg, w. Va.. _4*h- **-* latitda aaeMead of- curi-ii aear Maaaiavflta. abanl laaalae atBea bai ^ i,,.,,- oi, t.i,. Ohle i:.v.-i RaUraad, Ihh evaolng, bj v.i,i, i, two ii\ . m. ra i" Blag 0 dl aad alfa, both aaad UJ "" BdlrBad Iraei ln a t»- !".; rben n- noithbouod ivunded a earve a...i ati-.rh the. earrlaga_^Uirowlng the ocupanu 00 the uack. Mr. autil Mra. Oatta mcrt both iii-ia'.'l' kiliBd, ' AN EXPEN61TB BLAZK. OVER A MILLIOX DESTKOYED. FLAMES DEVOCR A LARGE 8UGAR REFINERY IV Wir.UAMSBlRG-TIIE ORIGIN OP TIIE FIHK UNKNOWN'. Tbe stijrar refincrics of th.- Dick Sc Meyer Com- pBBBr, which front on tlic Kast. Kivcr, batwaea North SevenUi and North Eighth stw.. Brooklyn, w.-rr- destroyed by lire yesterday afternoon. At ahout 1:15 o'aloek, just after Gustuv l*rost. haa su|).-.rintend.-tit of the works, came back from baoebaaa. ba h.-ard a loud axaleaiaa aa the fifth floor oi rh. n.w nflaery. ld r_abad into tiio b_Jldi__ an-l f.mnd the tifrh flo.* __bB__C. II"- fiamea ihot apward U_roagb tlu: elevator BhafB. and aoaa Bha apper i>art of the structure araa baraiac. Pfceai tnraed on the waBer B_aiaa thM were la th,- baildiac, but, the lir.- had alr. ady oba_fned aoo good a suirt to be put out ia thia way. (J__ 0f (].. vvorkmen sent out tiie alarm of f"«', nnd afterward, aa tha ln apraad to bha adjoinini; buildiaajB, two more alarius WBTC sent,. Borae thirty ar_rka_ea were m ihe reahiery when thi- lir,. stMrted, but ni,,si ol nh<-ni eBBBped Withottl 'lillitiilty hy going into tl*- old _.fln-ry, which adjoiaed, and thence going dowa tha ataira. Bevera] of the nieu, BOWeVBf, had narrow rsiapes tt' tn being huni.'d no dratth, two ol them reoeiving aligbt injiiriis arhlle heiag faan Bhe buildlBfa Maiiin Bohaaidt, el rto. 21 Koaafa Eighth-at., was buaned aboat tba fjaea, aad Joha Kell.-r, of No. ii B_»p-e__ v.as Beveretj burned aboat rhe bead and liands. Gooraja BwaUar, of No. 77 Vaa Cotb- ave., another workmaa, altarward had his hand cut by it briek tron a balhng walL The atabalaaoe Burgeoaa from Bt, Cht_a___a_ aml th- Eaatera DiaBriat Hoapitala took tha injared men home and di.'seed theil woiiuds. ln the ni'iiniime the lire had passcd from the aew to the (,i.i refinery, and thence to ihe fiiter- haBfle in North Baventh st. ,\t aboat £ :80 o'clock ihe rool and w___ of the new n-liniry fell Ut, and then the Ilriines eonriiiiu-d their march toward the river, and 8000 had set¦aliln/e ihe Ui'n-h.'iise, the enginc and hoiler houses and three large tiltcr- bxmaea. The Breboat s th Loa and aome ball do/i-n taga begaa to pbty oa the laatea, aad '>rc- veiited their adraneing all the way to the water's eii^-.', thtis aariag a few iheda. Bereotcen engiBca had beea inflUBoned by the Meoearirc aatrnsa, bnl rhe Bremea, who were on- tler i-,,iniii:ind ol Fire ChJef N'.-viiis, could do littlc i.tit prevenl the Baoaea apreadiaf beyoad tha build- inL's of the refinery, At Brat H aeemed that the waif house eonfaming 8,000 barn-la of siiLtir, whiob was leparated from ihe refiaery pro|ier by a oar- row alh-y, eould be aaved, but al about 4 o*eloek BBBOka begBD (o pour OUl of the witidows ot the war&hosae, aml in a few hours tta oontenta were .1 1 .'.il loss. Tii.- lire Inirn.-d hrightly w.ll into the night, and will pmhahly stnoulder for x-verul daya. The origin of the tire is not kuown. as Bobodjr was in the room when it atarted. The Bfth floot of the new refinery ooataina two large maohlnea which grind tbe granulated Into powdered lugar. and it is aurmieed thal the fine uartii lea oi d - wbicb li.l'd the air were explodcd by a spnrk eauaed bj the oruahing of aome foreign Bubatancc in the mach The detaik ol the loaa and inaurance eould nol ba learned, hi ilic office of the comne ly, which is ai, N,,. 110 Wall-st., wa* choed yi terdtg aftt.- noon. Jolin 11. Meyer, who la conneoted with th- company, however, thoughl tbal the loaa would nol fall far :-h'>rt ,,f gl,500,000 There were In the varlooa buildinga altogether bbbm 13.000 bar- arfiaet. augpp. aad 4.01 P barrala ta it.e pra- ol reunTng. .11 <>r whieh were worth nome maohinerr, which included thirty large horizontal tubular boilera and twenty-eight .., is ihe greateal ii<-u. pf loaa, as ir is ex> cBedlnguy aompl1ra_lj_ aon expenaive; Aa all ol it v. ,s d_at_oy__ or raiaed, tlic damage will not t.-.ll far ehorl 1800,000. The loaa on rh,' build¬ inga will foot up t.. ti. ii 1 \ 1300,000, ;,s ti_>re were oeurly a doien different itructurea, of them froui seven to eleven atonea higb. Th amonnl of tho Insurnnce coald aol be learn. d. bul it waa aaid by a peiBoa cotmceted with the company ti i 8 damaga would be more than hali eovered bj lt* ., ih,. Brm oi Dick «v Meyer waa onranized ilx- te.-ii year* ago on ¦ Bmall boais, and the buainess nnlj] ,..,,, rmni ng Brticlea of Incorporataon , ..<.-rt .1 il aod ih new reflner. and fllter- 'i Dick, who HvejM nt ]..li,, |, j |i nreatdent "f the company, 1 ird Mryer la rioB-pre*ident, and .1. H. Dick la se.-n- t;,i \ and treaaurer. ,_.__., :... the refinery, when rnnrdBB at its foU niwitr. fmnlora bo ";1 '". *,,',in'"< 1,000,000 P..nds of sngar a day. When the conflngrotion place the works were ruoning only ai nui their full eapneity, and not more than 120 men v.cr, employed. The olficiala of the oomnany .y whether they would re- bnild :.t obi or not r__ipi_r_ t i.w.'t.r ranra ro nra rrr.ur rtow-Haeaa, Bepi 7 (8peelal). Mra. BBbb m. Gtt- for. ffiad at har h«me la thla city thla toroi.a. By ,th B600.000 *rBl aoaa* Into the po*ea*aloB ol ,-i.y aad Bsata ¦ ¦ " "nis ~'"v rtrlna halr ol PhUlp Morott, a rrenehman wh. ., <i,i. elty iu 188. fi"". Bo*ton. He died u ¦. I a forta.f aw 8700,000 i" Brual to his wlfe __d ___gbi.r to be dlelded ai th. d ,,. ., ^ Bjr :i. roUowa: Onoflfu ta ihe Con- ,. tjoapttal BoetOty, Ibe Ineome to be used lor keeptng frea bedi; one-flftli to the cltj of New- Haren. tbe bat .me to be ased for Indlgent, aged aud ia,,-iii persoaa, a .1 pau] era; one Bfth to y*le < ol- -.. th. tiieoaa. to ba a ad l r achoUu»l.lps bi Uie olcal department; one-teiith to ihe »ew ornhaii ABJIum; OBBtenth m BT. I. n- i- r- pban Aayrum; one-tenth to ti,.' citr of N *:"«v«l ,. for tliis ',...,,,' Men's Instliute or anj other Krary, and « --'"' "' ""." '/"ut t., ie":,- ror the lupporl ol aa Imtitutton (or ldlots aml Imbeellaa._ grjrw I.vprivi sciiooi. vook< ro BBfBTBD. [DdhtnapoUa, Bept 7 (Bpaclab^ JtaJga WaofU, of __ Unitad Btatea Dtetrlel Court, lo-das d>;ld«d that IndlaBB'a aew Behoolbooka eannol ba preeentod lotog h.to bm, aud tha rwtralDlng order i ,,,,i., gehool i'"t"»"-st""-.s aaaad by ..,.., BUkeaiu 8 Co.. a- plalnttl! wngnUju ichoolbook publlshei wa d nied. He did ., bowever, dosW upon tbe donstltutl.n_UtJ of iha uw. Thal bnmB b«t Bettted h real --?-¦ A TUFST I.Y FOVXDATTOB BT0XB8. Chleaga fr pt 7 ppaelal). X_e gnal atoBa trnat, .Btbrarlng ta IU o_»r8ok>Ba tha aortbern lllJnole quarry nalcVt, i no longer In donW aad ta. anaerreri eraUe. bo iiui- exeltameal amoag Bofldera an-l ouottoeUuo. Quarrj awoon aad iIbbb drab-rs are not j lhat fhe aacral of Ihalr or_BttBaalBBi haa baaa 0M- eorerarl poal wfil hara i e.pBal ataek ol ,000. Ma.ly Bll the ownara around Umonl el hav,- slenltted U)elr wllllngne* o go hJto ', or fv.,.1" :.e. Tbe aaM,is'i..i wUTembraee in the .niarrlea aroiiiii |_BM plaroa aud lt will artwt only tae bcbm of BMiadattaa Btaoa. THF. KJCBAFOOi HFFFSF TO THFAT. Waablngton, -sept. 7,-The fJammlaBloii appoint"d with ihe Pottowatomla aad Ki.KaiKw Indiana iii KBBBB. for Uie bUbsBBBBI Ol pau ol tbelr U.ds ln severalty and the ssie of th- lurplwi r**artad io tlw Indlan Offloe that thaa far ir haa h_-n iiiisiiece»fiil ln its «or.. The <'.mii.Ksloner. ... BOW in \Misl.in_t.i. aud have bran '"'t'"^',0 o,.,...,'¦ their re|.u.t in writ.n., witb sucti rercm- etla-lon, as they thlnk wlll ov,..'..rue tbe du_- "ultles ln the way of au ultimaie *_r*enient. l(.¦idk.yt.it.lt fcHor asi> WLLLXV HBatMLF. l...k Haveti, rei:..., Sept. 7- -.lei.u:.- Mi.'i.U. * If* _j .rg. IL,ii'l. .. voiiiiK farni-r _T_N1 BBBT here. ..,., ,i.",r.iiv siot haraaM tbrjaajh haa beari Ba. tuoni- .__, .__ _M .t.t:,.ti'.. n..t rostaa eottpt* bad |^uat _*__.«. aud Mr. H..nek ^a- eZaaaUtlBg tue rerolver, WBail II was tmOBOtdf dl-etiargud. . - WJM MBJLD 'TT OFF BT A BA1LBOAD TKAJK. Atlantl.' City. B, J-. I pt- 7. I.rfor* BB8 l""8 traln ... ,-mpi ,v--s .f th<- MfirsBaaa Prlal u,,ris. ,,i ii,- oi. Paaa., h*«i aoaaa n » ratl bait il.l iiioruiiifc'. at iho ITaal H .* i BBBBBBB, I-aJ**-' A. m klrui.g. a_e *l_bt.*li. on* of Uio party. Jubi_k_1 irom Ut* piaiiuim. Ha wa* tai***!) uader tbe wh**** and kllled In.tantly, his bea<l belng serered from the body. IIls two brother. and two slstors wltnessed the honlble accldent. FOUR MEX IX A PIT OF FIRE. BURNED BY GAS IN A SEWEB. PULLED OUT BY ROPKS THIUJUGH THE _______ MANHOLE-CARELESS USE OF A CANDI.E. There was an explosion of gns in the sewer in East Sixteenth-st. yeaterday afternoon, and four men who were at work in manholes nfteen feet l>elow the street pavement were burned, two of them seriously. The men are Patrick Daly, of No. 23.1 laal Soventy-si.-th-at.; Pet.r Annis, of No. 501 East, Thirty-flrst-st.; Tliomas Brennan. of No. 209 East One.hundred-ind-eleventh-sU, and Thomas M.-Caun, of No. IS< Cherry-st, They had been set to work to clean and repair the sewer in Sixteenth-st., hetween Third.ave. and Uutherford Place, near St, (ieorge's (iiureh. There are two manholes there, one near Third-ave., aud the oth.-r about 100 feet enst of the lirst. After working in the forenoon the men teok an hour for dinner, and resumed work at 1 P- m- Daly and Annia went down into the manhole near Third.ave., and Annis carried a lighted cnndle in iiis liand. Brennan and MbCbbB went down the ladder to the bottom of the other manhole at tha sj.nie time. They had not, been at workt many seconds when the explosion 0. eurr.-d. Columus of Han.e shot up from each maniiole. Jaaaea Qaffney, tui mspector of sewers, wa* near one ol the manholes at the time. lle was seared M badly that he dld not. know what t*. do, and he ran iibo.it, iheiltlng for help. Ihe tlt- from the BBWC. eoiitnnied to make a show for aevcral Beo- otids. As a crowd wn_ pthaffing Atini> suddenly appeand. lle ettaabed up tl.e laddea from the manhole as if from a blazing furnace and fell f iint- ing on thc pavement. His clothes were biirnin- .uid the men in the street made hiuste to tear th<-m liom his body. His hair had bej'ti burned from his head, and his face and hands had been scorehed so badly that tbe sktu wii* p«lin_ otT in pHt-heti. As Annis was bemg carried into St. GcflBfB- Hnll closc by, some men in the street threw a rope to Daly, who wa.s still at the bottom of the manhole. Daly caught hold of the rope and was dtafB-d out. He was hurned about as badly hs Annis wa.s, and the men carried him into St. George'a Hall after putting out the iire in his dotluug. , . lireiiuan and Me.Cann soon climbed out, of tbe other manhole. They had been knoeked down by ilie explosion, bat had escaped with slight barna on their handa ai.d boea. An alam. bad called the lin-men, liut, tlie e-.t.s in the sewer had eeaaed to bnra. Tbe tiremon, bowever, snn.- nii'ii.'.l an ambulanee by telegrupb, and pnu.ed i-il on Anola aud Daly before the anib.ilar.i.-e ar- rived Annis and Daly were rem.ned to U.e New-York Hoapit-l, ana the surgeuus there _nd thai the men probably would recover. Brt-imuu and UoCann went to their hoim-s C 11. Babanok, Inspeeinr ot We|»irs to Sewers said that ltis from the Slandnrd Qft&llght COB- pany'a mafn in Butherford Plaoe ptohably had leaked into the sewer. An odor of escpiuii gas bad been noticed thete for daya. 81EFB* BBODW8 ALLEGED FEAT. A fc-ORY THAT HE WF.XT OVER BIAOABA FALLS IH X BUBBEB st IT. Xlagira Falls, Ont., S-pt. T.."Whm* B.ndie. tl.e Brooklyn Bridge faaaper, arrived in-r* reetee* iiay nornlng with Braeat .lamiid. of Bew-Toak; John MeCaithy ar.d Jni.n Ladger, a amaiher of tho Life- Savlng Carpe from Stathm No. .19, Ilrlghron Bearh, coney Island. Tl.ey wre. met by W. B. Harding, al New-York, who had been visr.lng tihe falr at Toronto. Tho whole party registered under 00- tltlous names at tl.e Waverly Huii.o at I'ds place. Thla mo.-nln- tl.e party wallied up to the f-alls on the Canada side, and procured Brodie's nihber sult, if bavlng bei-n senr up lasl evenlng ai.d s.creted. \. 8:30 r.rodie, lt ls said. donned Ihe sult, and, tislng two paddlee, ' Mtdted hlfnaelf our into th« rlver aboat 800 laal ebove the Haraeehne PaOa aad tloated down over the Falls, accordlng to the s.ory told. at about 5 :":>. Bt was taken out of fhe rlvet ¦boat 900 fi -. below the Falls at a iioint knowa as Baaa Boek Bddy. He waa M.-edlrg from the B_outt_ ln deaeifbtag his experfenee, h- aaja tl.at af.or he entered the rtve. h>- weakened aml wonld have glven anythlng ta the world lf he could have reaehed terra Brma oace i..ore. ih etteawtad t.> get a--l.oi-o by usltig bia paddlee, wbea th.- awtft ennaal jnrapi blm baek and tumed bia teal toward the b.ink of the cataraet. wie-n ha aaw ti,at it, was bapoecMe to gal out he f'-lr tl.e same aa a man that was to bath and prajted for dear life. JllBl aa he came to tbe brlBk Of Ihe Falls he beeame uncntisciou- througb frlght a..d pamataed s.. untii ho siruck tha watet ehnrned into f am at tha baaa of the Falls, when be wbj temperarfly brought to by the lorce wlth whlch he ai-uek the wairr. Then he agata .naclonaaeea and knew no more until he found f lylng .... l.ls rabber auli ar tae w_ter_ adne. Ledger was plaeed at tho ba«e nf the Falls. Ho iprang int- tae rlver and swatn out to Hro.lle ai.d t.,w.d him to shon-. The party then d.i.ve down to U.e waveriv House. ridef IfeDoagall, of the Ontarlo pollc«4, ari4»st"4l Brodte ai tlie firand Trunk Statlon flil.s afte.noon. as i- ariouf to tahe ihe I p. ni. tnln foi- B-W-York. He ls ebaraed with at.emrtii.tr si.i.-i.u by golng over ihe Falls thl- mornlti-. lle will havo a haarlng hetoio l'nll.-e Hagiatrate Hlll. nrri.vi; BBBWBBXB- IB the xorthwfst. si. I'a.il, Sept. 7 i»p.-clal)..It ls understoDd throtlgh private dlapatehee by cable reeetved in »t. I'aul to- iiav tbal Ihe sale of iiaium's Brvwary aad other hrewary lataraita in thla eltg was eoaaumaialed la london yeaterday. The j.i.n-i.a e. ii i- sai'i. Inelndea Ihe Hainnis lianholzer anl Stahlmaa hrewary plant. ihe sale nf tbe K..--ll«l. s\ udicart: ha\lnh- bOOO oinliii-lod pei -onallv by old Ilamm, who is now In I.ondon. 'iln- priee pald for the latter*a lateraal B said to be ta the aelgbborbood of 9000,000, ti.o teraaa betog oaa- lialf ra-h, th'- balance to be t«k>-u by .Mr. Mainni In sii'.-k in ti..- eooeam. n is further andefatood that Mr. ilatiim ls to be the maaMger "f the Borthweal .rn ryndleatB ar a aalaiy ol from pr.000 to tK..ooo a year. Tha icheme k "f tbe rreateat magnltuda, having ln \|en' the purebaae and conirol of all tho larjest liewerles ai.d BMlt-houaee ta ihe Borthwaet, ? THF VBIOB PROHIH1TOHY IMASVB Barrlahurg, r, ni... Bept 7..The flrst Htatfe Con¬ vention nf the r.ii'.i ProhBrftory ieague win bo heM lu Harriaburg, rS.>ptember 'J«l. It m aal the purpose of thla aaw orgaalaaaln piac« candi.ia.es ta th^ ti.'lil, bul to coiipt'iate wlth the exUtinj; poUMeal parllea ln plaetag ana in ..m.-e who aga Cavorable to anl will iiso their infloence in flie enforccinent of tbe t.rohil'llot> measui-..s of existlog laws relatlng to tha ll.i.ur i.attlc, and tl.e oarlv enaernieut of n.or,- ,- Brtl i.r and prohlbitory statutes wlth adequat. penaltr--. _ PHOPOSFP OBBMABJLBBBIOAB TIOUPAY. Chleago, Bept, T. a diapetoa fran MUwauhee says: " A Uern.an d.uly of this city will to day dev.te a page to the oplnlon* of lha 'eriiian pross of the countrv «n tho niu.h aglta.e.1 que.floii of a National (;em.an- Amerlcan hollday whlch lt proposod to celsbrale ainii.l?; by the (,-rman Ami-rlcans _U over the eoun¬ try. The paper sent out elghty-tw., cipmiIais to (ier- man dalllea Iti all parts of the lii.t.-d .States, and tl.e antw.i. rccelv.-d il.uw tha. a great rnajorii} of theai are ln f»vor of surh a bollday, al.hou_a aome of t_s pionilutut paper* are opposed to lt." ARBF.STEP O.V A CHARGE OF UTBPER. Bethleheni, Penn., Sept. 7.-Wllll*m H. Bartbolo- mr-vr aaa arresr«d la*t nlght on -iisplolon of betng eoneerned m the murder of the farmer, Dllliard, at I.rt.r<rilte, on Thuraday nlght, The aeouaed Is a widower, and th« mnr>lere<l man and fanuly llved wlth blm ln his house for several years. A few months ago, on accoun. of Bartiiwlomew's allene*! ntlinacy wlth his wlfe. Dilliai-d removed from _i bouae. liartl.oiomew waa lookcd up ln the eounty {aal. Ari'or.vTM-.vra ^r gbxeral aloeb. Detrolt, .Mlch., bept. T.-_eneral K. A. Alger. (..minaiider-lii cbi.-f of the Qrand Armv of the Republlo, this evriilng N.iieil general ordris aaauuuiig tlie cxim- iii.i.i-l and annoiincing the followlng statr appoini ui,.,..,c A.IJuf.iiii -general. GOOTfe II. Ilopkuis, ol i-ii..it, Mi.-h.; gaaiaaaaaaaaaNgaaaeaL John rayi".', "i Fhtlade'lphia, ius|-.. n>r genei-al, Le*ia E. UrlMIth, ol lYuy. li. V., J .__o BUrec-te-geuerai, U. &. Auitto, Of Tolodo. Obiu. NO NEWS OF D. 1). DANA. HIS SON ALSO REPOKTED TO I3E MISSINCL LIABILITIES OF THE DOL'iiLAS AXE CO!_PAN_j SA1D TO BE FVLLY HALF A M1M.IO.V uolr LARsj-KKIFNDS OF THE DEFACLTIXO- j _____._____ ASTOUNDKI). ibt Ba__aB__rai to m_ tbib.>a_i Boston, Sept. 7..No tidiugs have as yet beaal received from Denfson 1). Daaa, the missinsr treaa* urer of the Douglas Axe Works. His B888 waB taken in hand this moruin^ by the il_»ton Dolica. * A warrant was secured charging the niissing man witli .inbe/./.lmg _*88.88. BBBB the c.iiii.aiiy. Thia is not regnrded as more tlian a siuall parl of what he aciually took, but it was _eee_BBaTf that m particubaC sum should be spt .irh-d, and the lactj were not at hand to __BBB_B_taa8B an all,-g!it..»n u_ to the whole amount. The case is in tha special care of I_a_BBBBBB Dugan, and he telephoned this uiorning to the lactory at Doiigla* iu ordet U) couimuificate with the tr.-asur. rs BBB. Wilhamj Dana, who i.-> uiauager at thal point. '1 he an_wej received WBO that he had uot I«> n thero since Tueeduy. As this was the day of his fath.r'l __B_BjBB__a_aa. the police atlaeli great Aaai of siir.uiti.aiKe to the circuiu_t*n.:e. He m twentyi four years old. .Mr. Dana i> si\ty-two years old, about mediuaB height and weight, and has g__j ____ __,: i_u*riiehe_ but uo beard. Atlable iu inaiiner, coUMdcrai. tq his enipiiiyet, and _.-r\anl_, aud courtvoua to all. he was persoiially pe_Bsla_, A d'Voteil huabanj and father, he wu_ much beloved in tue homa eircJa. Iha BHnily oooaiata oi Mrs. Dana, tw_ daoajhaBBB und three aoaa, rVlilhua, Bkhaai auo. Charles. rVi_BB_B is BUUaBfBB Bt Doii.laa of tha company of whieh his laih.-r is tr. BBBtaP, ani Knhard is in New-.lersey. Mr. Duna al.s.0 brought up and educat.-d l_e«,rj.e l£.,_ei_, who i.s a cl-rk iu the ___t_BBB>4B_ ofJice of the company. Mr Unu* was prouiiuent in ehureh WOth. to B_Ueb _a de* voted a greut Jeal of hi.s time outside oi h.-> b.,_w neaaand his faaally, lic was,» daaeaB ba tha Haa. vard Street (Jotigregational Chureh, of llro klinc. of whlch the Itev. Dr. Ihoina* is BBBtar, aud wa* B teacher iu li.. Sunday-school. 11* ('onir.but.i-d li'neraily. 11_ was luoked BBOB by the coinmunitj. in whieh he livad as a atoal upright man, and thej report of hia downfall wa.s so BJMBt a Bhaak b> tliosa who knew him that they could ucareely cr. dii it. imiartat that ho was one of tha la.s. uien whom they would suspect ol auy wrongdmng, und 88_Ka8B_Bg the l._f that he had uot ruu away; or, it ha had, that he would ocrtainly return and face the storm. ln his dealings with employes and ser« vauts he was just, and was scrupulously carelul to sce that they reciv.d every c«-nt due them. but no more lhau wao their due. lle did not owit a yucht or laat hoi_e, aiul, so far as is known, wa. uot addicted to any follies or mcliucd to uny ex* travagauce which would dnve hiui lulo linaucial diihruhics; noe has it yet beea brought to l.ghi that ba aacenlatad in stocks, or arent mto any rentua outside ol hi.s lcgitimute busimss. lle is said to have been regulnr iu all hi* hahits and td have gone daily to his busiuess in town bbIbbb pre* vented lroni so doiug by illue*s. He has not kept up two eatahliahments, bu. throughout the year has, with bia Iniuily, li\edj iiliou his haudsome eatata. This is siiuuu-.l m Freenian-st., Lougwood, between I'owell and Sfe L'aul _t_. The hou.se is a handsotue structure, fao* ing Powell-st., with a broad, open vcrautUt exiend- iug uiong most of it_ Irout, aud with a heau_f_| lawn, upon which are heveral J.'ir_,c potted iil.ints,1 sloping dawa to the street. Ihe stable is iu tho rear, on the St. __,__-__ side af the residencea Mr. Dana lorm'-rly kept a huudsome span, but solj one of ilio palr about two year. ago, and ha. _iuce kept ouly one hurse. Ihe grouuda sur4 ro_B_ia_ tho house are beautiliilly aud t.isieiuiij. laui out. Up. Daaa,. taa bill la suid to ha^e Beea] about iil.OUO, iudiouUn_ proiierly valued al aboul .100,000. Whether or not there are any grounda of crinaa inal proccdure a.uinst. the Biilinf treasurer l* not a> yet known. lt was __fl_a_a_ iu the Street yesterday aftarnaon that he had raiaad moncy oa lorged payer. L'p to laal Bight. bow.vtr, u<i ahboiut. evidenoe ol any auob a>a, h.id baea .h*. covetadi but the '" oka ol tbe company aaa la bad shape, and lt IS _B_M_.lbkl to I-dl WBJlt tba BBBflBs inauon oi the expert. who ia al work uixxi u..__ maybrJnf to light, H is kuo^n thal ou Ju._ ¦¦>>, i --ii, ba uiude oath thal tha UabUiaiaa oi tue Unu were ouU B llttle OVOT |100,000, When the tTBth \\.,s, BB siuce discov.crd, that «it lhat tnnc U..J oiiisiaiiding iiabi.iues were over $_uo,0uu. Iho liatiililies of the ijoinpany at the pceBBBt iiiue ara probably between .joo.ooo anu .000,000. lt is claimed by UaOBB N\ho ought. to know, tbat Mr. D__a has ColuUlUU-d olleii, es lor uun.ii he BM bt. extraditad. a proBtiBsuit lawyer givea 11 hia oiuniou that, under ihe BOW Cauadiau law, um. bezzienient is au txiraditahle otfaBoa. lo many p>-upi»- tbe moai prooabia explanatioa of the .son's abaenea waaaaa to ba that ms tather _c_uaioted hlm witb hia inten.ied _apaa_a_a. aud iu.it tbe tbougbl of the diagraoe that uuti foliov* was to., mueh lor iiu- youug iaaa ui i,tce alaaa. At the offlea offne oompany int. Bdrtltioaal intoiniatiou was olii.ii.ialiie. liie ilire,t.,rs met) liii.s morniag. but the __ee_l__ w..s na inforuud obm. and more lor tbe purpoae of taiklng over amttera ihan oi taJcina deijute actfoa. iuc iBaaaveaayi piooefdinga arill taiui their oourae, and tha luturo .,.-) j.,11 ol tiie fBUB_a*uy as to olo*iug or earry ma on its worka arij. dBfaAd l.ugeiy on tha raanit ol the oourt proceediBga, A.I preaeat tba warka ai« loeed. Th. ooaipaoy has had u_ apa and downa. Uke other iuanufacturiiif.' eonoern*, bul the louiary dlvtdanda ..i t par eent have usualiy baaai declared. tbougb Bererai weat paaaad som. timo ,,_,,. Ihe aiiiiual l.usiiu-as bBB ranged trom 1,1.10,000 to .1,0.10,0011. rhe prioa pf the aaaak of the eompany on January a ol thia reur was 88 1-4. li tooobed To before tha and of utat month, auo. since that time h;:s been Bjene__ls| below the laat Ugure. The rangeaJnc. Jaaaaif 1 ha* been ha 1-4 to 7o 1-4. 1\m. weeka ago tha «_uo_ttion w;ia ii7 l-_, with no anles; while tha la.1 time the etoclc w:is oilered uo bkl waa obiaiaed, Auotioneera aaj it baa baen (iiilicult to ohtum a quutatiea oa the atoek Lately. iiu- eviaeaea "f any atoek apeculatlooa on the parl ol rreaaurar Dana nol forthcomiBg. ti.ough tbere teems i.» be Couudatiou for the atutemeai of iiiti'iesied partiea tbat be ha I lar a Boaneial ttan- sai-tlolls H itii Wllllam .M. laldwi I, an U. II. D.itia aV- i ,,., oi New-York, Bia eredil waa aaad ai rho banka, and they were anzioua to bbqum the aoaaa pany'a paper. rhe Blaasachoaettii Home Hiaaiaai Bry Bociety la boI amang tba atockboldera of tho Uougiaa A:.e Uompany. At tha eloae of the B_eaa> lllg ol the diraotota to-day, 1 .eaident Pa_B_Ba aaid to a reporter: " The lettet wniteii bj Daaa, aaddna t., have tha dtrectora* naeetdng poalpoBed to Inuraalay l.sat, waa evideatijr ;. raaa to give bim an oaaartuaiy to gvt off, and the whole thiog look, 1 _s if it bad b «-n oarefuUy planBed beforehand.'' .. Do you tlinilr the toUmOOt »f f."0,000 Ls a f.ur ,,ne of the exta-nt of the. liabilin.s, Mr. rVrkiiis'.'" ____ -I do init thlak it is as B8fh>aa umt," aaid Mr. I'erkins. " I an. BUTC it la not, but wiih tiie iriiormatioii al our illapraaai ai preaeal n ia not jxassioie ta sav deflaitely bow mueh :t ia." Mr. ferkina added that tha eapttal st.^k of the eompaiiv only amaanted to M00.088, and Mr. Dana had uo riuhr 01 |>-.wer to place |«|er t.> m Kmitcr e.vtent tnan 1884,.», or at niost B'.MT,- 000. Itnr esxeaded rhai amoaot, lle lieheval thal Dana did niosl. if aol all. of ir rhrou.h a atoek broker, who, be tbought, mlgbl baea ex- ereised » little more dis. reiion iu th. inaiter. Mr Parktea Baaaa* thal the trr_*uri-r isBue«t pai^r al.out whiab rhe lirin knew nothin?, s,,m* nf four and sit motiihs, bai It is pr,,liati!e that all those who held ir will lu.w OSBBO 111, thnugh H slnv'h- sti all btoekhold'-r has not yet put in BB appear.uoe. A Foru-UASTF.n OOEOOaam i.irsrttrri. Bo_ llaveu, 088-U BOBt. 7. Tl.- four 111 Ml*. .rhoonm- UeoraT M. tlrwit, the Urge_t srhooner ever bnllt In th* Sew Kngl*nd Ktalea tl-'a sid-- of IloaUn. wa* launched at Weat llav.n _a_ mortiing ln th* pr**en'«j of 3.000 s|>rrt*toni. 11,-r .litnenston. ar* 111.1 f-w ke<-l. :iJ"> f«-i ,.\.-r Baa, 41 f«>«-t t'fiim, and 18 fe«'t rt»-]Uh o! baM, wlth a ra.rw | (BBB ,t\ if j._,»j BBB >.- i.an.al |uiii.-i|i«ll> hy ILnrf (. Snlli.n. of thl* elty, and BBfll *04,ihii). s>.r __| 1... ,., ,. .., ,j fcy i apialu A. H V**ber. At the u>u .okiag, w_u_.-« G MuB*on, a earpenter. w_a Int h> a flynif tliubet and bla spiaa waa lujurad aad hia coUa^bo*_ broaaa.

JJ^ r^To tbridrLcrs. JaauaVl. Pr°mJdd bT r«. n*e€¦ · hours and _.',s-3 aeaJnet; the remainder were ftlent The Longress vote was eighty-eight againat and aixty-five for eight

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Page 1: JJ^ r^To tbridrLcrs. JaauaVl. Pr°mJdd bT r«. n*e€¦ · hours and _.',s-3 aeaJnet; the remainder were ftlent The Longress vote was eighty-eight againat and aixty-five for eight

,iS0'I5.6:>H. NEW-YORK, SIWDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, l889.-...Gim:i:\ PAGES. PRICE FIYE CENT8*V0LXLIX.."the xkws in london.DOCK OOMPABIB VkWm*& VIELD TO

'their men-OF WAGES AFTliR



TUE OFPi:B BEJECT1-U...Tbe couipromise sugRfsted

London. BapB. a(>,_.___ Manmn. WB8

by the Lord M«>o aad W» JJ^^r^To tbridrLcrs. The terrns of tha com-

»_. that tbe incwaaed rate of wages

Pr°mJdd bT V-'" ^'<11 * *~*** trom

JaauaVl. lt<90' on condmon that ail lhe strikers

r«._n*e work on' next Monday.Meser*. __rns and Tllletts. on beha-lf of the

oen at BBBI aaatftBd tha tertns. Subse-

quently BatBBBB. Burus and Tilletts, after _aa>aulting witb the Strike Committi., aunounced

tbat they oould not guarante* tbat the me.n wouldresume work on Monday. They explained that,

before giving a tinal reply they would have to

BaBBBlt with the ^ctioual comnutt.es of thoatrikera.

London, Sept. 8.-The Strike Committce has

iasueil a rnanife.ito stating that the strikcrs willnot 88BBB8 the dock coinpanies' terms, namcly,'an jucrea>.c ot wa^e* from January 1, 1890, ou

conditiou that the men return to work on Mondaynext. The aituation is therelore unchanged.

The great atrike which has paralyzed the ship-ping of London begun with the dock kiborerstwenty-four days ago, and Bubs-equeully sprcadto the sallors, liremeu, oarinen, Thames iron work-

ers, gs^s stokers and kindred trades uutil the

number of men out was estimated to be K'O,-000. The men clemanded IS insU-ad of 10 cento

au hour, a minimum hiring of four hours aud Uie

abohtion of piece work. The compaules repliedthat the increa_e would cost them lialf a milliondollars a year, which they could not aflord.They ooncoded the four hours* minimum; but

tnaisted that tbe abohtion of pirce work was an

.ffort to ct'iupel them to |>ay good and

bad men tfce same wft_e.. During the atfike tiiemen b.»ve hs-ld _iotn*tor meetings and parud.-s,but. hnve not been guilty of any grrat, violcnce

»r ou torea k. Ia sonx* cases, where LB88BTB au<lother* were workim; for rhe eBBBPBBlea, the men

piwwed the boun.ls of lcpality aml aaaaulted tbeworkmen wlu> took their placcs. ln one ot theseBaa*al_i a itrlker waa Bred on and kilh-d i'.\ tJaepoliee Tiie Btrikera have beea led by JohnTtiirns. a well-knowB lahor ajrjtator, while tbaeompanics hav be.-n lepieeeated chiefly by CharlesMorg.in Xorwoi.il, chainnan of the dock cun-

paniea' committce. The companies, aftor B brief_tni.rgle, eonceded thi- pieee-work demand, butina. le n Mn.il stand on the matter ol pay ing six-ponce an hour._BALFOURS IR1SH UNIVERSITY








[BT CA11LE TO TTIF. __¦____.]Oopvrigkt; 1889 : By Tl* Botf Tork Tribune.

_______ p-rpt - } \ B V ::.'s .nivemltyBcheme for Ireland, tliough dimly susr-

peated, caused uo small stir amongtbe constituencies. I have car.Iully noted,),.. Ofa_dor_i of BWBBty or thirty le;iding provincialpapera, aad all aeoepl tha prnn:ipie oi an aadowedIrish Catholle Dalveraitp with aaora or Uaa ratherlaaa.ajraBN), Sume aaaka no eoaoeaaaieBl ot their 'hs-like of the probahilirv of Mr. Balluur's accom-

pH_aJ_g what Mr. G_M__tOf_a failed Bl. The onlyoppositi.,u aaflaaa Craaa tba Gtovwnmenl rank undflle. I refer to the Oraugemen and the Dublin nnd[_t_aaa__re Toriea, 'li"- geaeia] admiaaloB la thaldeu<,miiiiiti,,nal edaoation has greatiy prograaaedia raeaat paara* tbal tba Qiiet'n's colleges io Ire-l;.nd have failed. and that tuis BObJeot would beaiaaiburly treated by taa Brat I'.uJiament to meetin College t,r.-en. Mr. QlaiaBton, ia s.ltiit. on theta)pic, but the 611-pestion that he will oppOBB ti.eproposal is not far WNBip, His line is likely tob. that lo pruviile BBoaej frcm tha Iin]icrial E\-chi'quer is a veiy ililfei.-nt thin^' truin h-aviug theaubject to an lrish lK.uliament to tleal with ia ilsova-n w«y and out of its own t} nds. Mr. ____&.berlain's nrlhesiiin to tliis BeKeme is not unex-

Baetad. B*-si,ies beisg a anpporter of the Gr_tvapj_-ment. it is reeallwl thal he voted lor The O'Con-ii,ir Don's motiou tefl year-, ago, 1 lo _M_ured BlBirmingliam thla week that he d_aUkaa .lenoiniii:).t),,nal edu.'ar.ioii a_ ninrh as ever, but that if iherroie.st.sni.s were unwillin? to surrenrler denomi-national endu\vmeii1_ in Lii£.lan_, he could not ob-.< rl to the CaBthoUea makiBg a similar de__a_d inIreinnd. Of more lmpos_aaea was Mr. ( hamber-la:n's surgcstii't) that the 6oaa_B_MB_l ihoald in-trodnce their Irish land |B_fUBB__l by B roBylotioB,withotit BtaUBg their existen'.-c thereon, BBbBB(fiently introducJiig a hilL It is t__o_fhl tliat _Jahlea is intended for a feeler for next aaaaiOB. Itiav point out t].at iu t_king thi.s step the Gov-rrnment would he adopting one of Mr. 6_aa_B)_De_methode, as whaa he was atUnnntnii' to create aCatholic university.

Lord Iiindolph Chunliill has hegun liis Welabcampaign »t Neararrant, iI s Baood Uur4 aJgh! wasnot tbat of the "enfant urrihle" whom we miwat Walsall. It was n.ore in line with the bmlk nfthe Conix-rvative parap, and " The Btandard."v.l.i.-h is m.'Stly an unfavorable critic, is goodenouuh Uj express itself as content to feel thatLord Baadalph has now plneed himself oi.common ground of Convrvative polemhs. Hisaiaech coiiUkiued the usual similariiy wtth Mr.fbamberlain on Iriah nanedial laajUataOB. andlV-rd liandolph alBo putg la,nd purchase beion-local government.. But, unlike Mr. Chaaiberlalahe boldly advooated the partial use of Englislicredit. Lord ltondolph's defence oi the blaader*of the Government at the last aessioo u_ _j_favorable raataiBB about the new Tithe* I'ill havobe<n a real surprise to his old Conserv.nnvfnenda.

The Tradea-Union Congre»« pnssed their usu.ilrt-solutJon in favor of th»> uationuli/ation of laul,and refui»e<l to BdveOBBt the lnovement f.,r aallght hours day or to indorso tiie r__al«t__n*mauy of thrm rJBgarl with S.ciaUsiT., paaaad bjrthe Inlernaiion.il Tr.idea Ca___eaa ai luiis. Then.oit liDportant isaue related to the new doBBBBd©f the lahor rlass for au eight hours hmitaiion.The oouimittee ou this Ful.jertt lasued 1,888 circu-lara of inquuy, and thirty-three replies were re-eeived (roai s.,cieties repres -nting 188,840 men.Of «hese 88.888 voies w.re in favor of eighthours and _.',s-3 aeaJnet; the remainder wereftlent The Longress vote was eighty-eightagainat and aixty-five for eight hours.

Mr. John Burns. the workingman whose namebas become promineiit in conneerion a_8_ the6trti:e, is a BOaaaarhat ieap_____bla paajajoaBafa, Bals t«elf-educat«-d, and his tuatl.v fiirnish.d BO0B0 in*laM_n__ has a large Lbrary of books, chiefly onpohtieal eeonouiy and work* of referene.. Hehae beon a Jifelong t4.u>taler and non-Miioker,and his ehi.f hobi>ies are books and Sodalisrn. Irls not many ye*r>. >ine«. he wa« BflBMOBtdl 0J I rCharles ataaaeO fer atiret nots, aml a_oa*a r'teutiv1-e w.,s f_Baaj_aaaaaJ for sk ajnajtha foi raalatiBith. poho. in TnafaJgar _aiU.t-e. Notwithstanding|ua praseot preatige, ha canuot be clled u leuder

of men. In his street rictin^ he only li.llowrdthat wiid poaaa, Mr. ihradauia: in T_mfaJ_BiSquan? he wns und'-r the leadership of Mr.viininghain U-ahanie; and now, in tlie B_8lEnd riot_, his leader aml inst ipiilor is Mr. Chani-pion, an cx-artillery ofheer and a well-knownSocialist. Mr. Chumpion is a remarkable persoii-age, of maglenl |.er.stia.sive inlluenoe ovor everyone he appr.iachca. lle hatos the CflMltlWllBBpurty, for whieh quality he 1ms reecived a largaprivaip support from the J.ilieral-l'nionistatowiird lm nc.wspaper, "Tlie L.-.bor Elector."This, is one of the sniartest or^Tins in London, andone of Ihe bitterest a?ainst tlie tnides-utiionisis.It is a reniarknble feature of tho present .trikeIhat Mr- Burnss most useful ally is Mr. JohnLafone, the Tory wha.ftngcr.

The theatrienl world has been very qtiiet.,and many Wc# End tlu-att-s ar.- clused*Prorncnade c(-icerl_ are the mosi apnroved fonnof entertainment.

Within the last few dnys we have Imd a slight,sp«.rkliiig comic o|>en., " Love's Trvaehery," atthe Lyrio Theatre. The musie, by Mr. IvitiCaryll, is tuneful.A Boucioaultian drarna by Mr. Hahefl O'Grarty,

enriuled " The Feni.-i.-i," has bei-n broti_;hT, out a.

thi- tStandard. It is strong fare, but its politicala_prets make it ro well.

" Buy Blas and tlne Bla«e Bone" is goingtlirougli provineial rehearsais before being siibrmitted to the London critics. The book is writn-nl.y Mr. Fred Loslie, and has more plot thaninost, works of this kind. Mr. Meyer Lutz'smusic is ex.eEent.

Mrs. Lanstry begin.s her provincial tour

nexti Monday at Woiverhnrapton in Mr. Gmndy's" Ksther la_.tas." Arratii/emi-n s ai-c pffldlngwhieh may __?. Mrs. Lungtiry commiind of a

London _uatra,Mr. Val l.ir.sep, the well-known A. B. A., luvs

written a BOveL It is his lir.st stot-y. aml ex'-.itimmuch Inttnati It will appeaa Ib '* Longmans'Mngaziiic'' 111 Jnjiuary, and ruii lor tAvelvc nwnt_.

SPF.FCHES BY T\vo EKGUSH LBADBBS.London, Sopt. 7..I.orrt Hartlnitron, spealilnp ar

Bradford to-iiight, said that while 1.. dld not favora fBaJaa oi r.donists and Coaeerrattree, he ihaaghtI i.-li a coalitl.'n mipht be a.lvisalil'- at some (atantime. Ho reici-i-.i u> A-Battoaa aalecaarda agaiaat achango ol Coaatttatlon a- an examp!'- lor Baglandln dcaling with Iroland. and n.^ial the OaaBlWiaaalto adopt an actlve constnictive poUojr.

Loi_ l.andi.lpli -hurchlll, in a spoech arMacl.yulletli, Wales, expirs-ed himself a> stmnplyoppoaed to Welab Beiaa Bala and to u.e Maaetabli.-l.m'-iit ol Uie Chureh in Wale-,. lle was oonfldent,he said. tha. there was no unlveraal demand Inralther the one or the other. lle beUavad tba Ooa-eerratlve an>i Chureh party eouM ca,ily regr.in theaacendaaey in Waie- by reapeettai ajid laluatertngto tho Wt-lsh national fcollug.

MR. OLAIWTOHK ASCKN1»S TTIR F.1FFF.L TOWBB.Londou, Btmt, 7..Mr. QBrttrPwr aaeaaalad the EBM

T^iwci- i.iiiav. Ho wa_ eaaorted by m. Eiif.-i, u.e,bullder of tbe tn4»t*r.

Premior Tlrard, M. .inlos Btmon, M. Leba sar _nda iii.ii.i,'-.- of other tUetJngulabe. men _av..- a bithi' evenlng In hoaar ol Mr. Oladetone

M. I.t-.m -iv jiropo«od tbe healrh of Mr. Glad^tonnln a flattertng t-i ... h. Mr. Uladatone replled n>l reneb, He ooagratulatad Franee upon ber i:.-;it __:¦hii'iti'in, whleb be sai.i imi glven a remarkable im-pui-o t,. Paria liio. witii rwerance to pollttoe, betejtifle.l from hK own knowle.lp. to the aldlity i.f.'t'-ni-li state«men and Ihelr i-eal frleridihlp tor F.og.lan 1. lle U'..st,-»i1 that thla Iiii-mllv f.-'lin. wmii-lahva.vs continue and that Franee woub) aluaya be lnlha Bral raah of the nattoaa of Barope.


OOM1NG TO PI_\Y IN AMEBICA.London, i>ept. 7..Mr. Terrlss a.ul Miss Millwanl,

wiih an American company. wlll lall on the ataaaaetF.ms to-moirow Iot N'ow-Ym-k. They will prr-rnt a

n^-w dram er..'t "Bafer I.i Baoaa," at Nlblo'sTheat-re.

POL1CF. LRF.AK 11' A I.OXOON CLUB,London, Sept 7..Tho poijce made a " i-ald"1 on the

Nrwrnarli.-t Club, in tlie Mrand, to-nlrrht, and air.-t.-dlilty paraoaa.

THE KsQIIMAILT BABBOB nisPITF.Ottawa, (;nt.. Sej.t. 7.-The oflinal .locuinei.is jn tho

dlsj.uto between tba (....-ni.a.i n.er.iiani reasel aml lhaBrMab Adialral ai Kmiilmaalt, li. C, liave reaclieUtho Mlnisti-r of Justice.


nrrnsn tuadk BTATisTica,London, Sept. 7..Tl.e leturns for AiiK.ist lssued by

the Board of Ttade, abow that tha tmporta ta.000.000 pouadB, aml tbe axporta taeraaaed nu.ooopoonda as eomparad aflrb Anfint of laal year,

VELLOW FEVKB RAGOra 1\ A BPA5_8H TOWH.Madrld, Sept. 7..TeQow fever Is ragtng at \l_-o, a

aaapaii town on tiio Atlantle ooaat, in tho Provincoof l'ontevedra.

A SriCTDE ON' DOABD THE FMHRIA.Q.ieenstuwn, Bapt, 7..A saloon paaaBBfef naincl

F. Toolo oa board ihe ('imard Une ataamer Daibrla,v.hlcli to.ich'd li re th's nona-Bgi roiiiTiiii.el suicidoduring iho voya^-o by catting his throat with a razor.

The passenger list of tho linbrla Whao she sailedfi-om bere rontained tle nune F. Toolo. Notblng lsliuuwn lu this city aboui blm.

IHE WIDOW OP BBVOLUTIOBABl S07.DIBB.St. l'..i.i, Bept, 7 (Bpecla0. Hra. EUxabllfe UTalUnf-

fo.-'l. bettcr known as " (irandiiiother" or "Jiettv"H'ellliiglatil. died at Maahato, Idaa., last nipht, a.,-

iiiti. ty-.iiree. uu July _5. 1--0, -he was the only.>-i\i\1ng wlrtrfiw In th!s Btate of a sol.Iier oi theli.roi.ition, aud was tha aUesl exoepl ooe in thet nlted Btataa Bhe aaa Btanrlod in 1819 to JoaathaoWallliigfords ihen lifty yeais old. He enllated in ih--t-cvoiiitioiiary anuy ar tbe ap-- of elgbteen, an.l wealLUrougli wltlioul |njui baa ten cl IShe came to Mankat.. ln bad re Mad therealaea. bhe wa* boui in Bew-Hunpablra.

GiWV JIBLD FBOM FBOBTBV TY1IEAT.aa Faiis, Mi.in.. Bept " (Btwolal)..Laaf sprlng

them was a good rteal of disci.sNion about Ihe ad-

vlsi»billty of sowlng fioste.l wl.eat. A gi-eat manylook a strong stand npalnst It, some of Ihe ohjeetonbelng experiit.'-.-d wheal n.en. Tha o_leera of theState r-ipeiimontal fann advlsed tbe BOWlog of ..

frosted wheat. C. II. QOOdsell, s.lpci li.teii'l'-nt of the

Mtaaeaota Borthara Llaa ol Bloratora \4ax in I'oik

C'oiin.y durtag tlie anadlllg. A farn.er w_s sowlngfr..4:ie.I wheat M ahmahBO Ihat It wa^ hanUy con.

eelvable II arouM grow. iln told tbe bumer he wa*oa/.\. an.l brou.tit a aa_.ple of the aaed to Mlnneapolla.He i.as Just M-i-e.viyj a tanrple ol the prodnet. and iri. .. I.,,,. ;ni-i plump «. wa, ever grown. Hoih yi_dai.d quall.y are ars good as lf li-oni s.-.o-'ed sced.

THE BAXPIT EOEALBB CUPTCBBD,Loa Ai.gel.--, Bapt 7.-Sylvr,t«ro Moralea, the oil-

:aw. who L-s tor M.i.ie Uaaa lanorisad Ui" BouthernI'.n of thia Btata, waa eaptarad yealarday. Uocaloav,as aaan to emerge from tha breah near lha baadof Alarnltos T.ay by ( oautable \\ ilson, oi Oaaaa Slde,an.l imi deiuifle,-. Thejf cnercd blm Wlth thafcrHaa as he was ataoplag to wash h.s ha-ids in thawa'er. of the bav, a.-l ii.aii" him prteotu-r. In lh_

v.4^ found Ihe girl. Nymphla Brown, whiinMoralea abdueted from her home abont a niot.ih

aad who has alaee ar.-onipan.eil him ln hisi'.unioys. she refnses lo siat^ WBOther willlnglv Wnot. The couple ^ero taken to San L"i_ Rey, wheiethe ulrl *111 be mttorad to her parmiti., ao'i Moralae44 111 be Mi) to aiisw.-r on the eharge uf murdarlaftlie wcalthy raocl.cr. llrrny ( hailes.

TOVED GVILT1 OF MVBDEBJSG THE M'COJS.I.oul4vilie. Ky., Sept. 7..-The shetill of Plhc Co.infv,

Ky.. airived at Irai.liloit lo day wlth fiv*; pritonerscoiivleted at Plhevllle for the miirder of tbe Mi-f.,v,ln Ihe McCoy-Hatficld InierMate fend. They *ruKili.oii Moui.ts, who w to hang; Valenilno IIaiflel.1.Aleiaadar Mr»ser and " !><,.." ,-,:),| I'lvman ¦ajrhora,eaeb aantmmckA to uie baprleoamaaU It ls heped iheMiiivlrtlona wlU .-nd n,» f,..,|, .l0UK_ UlBT M ()fwui Urginla men by a Baataefej eaurt

I_.»NiTob_/..s-' rABBB BrOBBABBP.Biadiug, Peim.. Sept. 7.-The IlrfHik* Iron Company

a» BMaharo, u.is eoaalj, today aaVaaaad lha wagea..1 lt- p.iddlcrs from |BM to #:i f.o per ton, begliuiln;ne.\l Woi.day. Nearly MM hands are BfBetad. Al

i. a a. uiiic'i Lroaworfcara' waajaa hava Le.-n ralaad:n a .i.iylkni \ allev within thu past two weeltt. ltla aaWllta- her. that lAtOO p-.ldima have had thelrwa.<s iju-ieasijl in \)iax tioti, uoj -Ivaiu-e aiaoatfi ctiiig S.O00 men cu.ploya- Ui other d«p_m_e_U.







J. 0 H I).

Antw.rp. Sept. 7..Tba flre is BtflD rnsrln*. B_

cfTorts of the lircmcti, assisted l.y tl.e militarynnd papolaee, t«. q.."]i it bariag so far provedunavailing. The doeka and shippinir are nn-

tOBOhed by the Samea, as the diic.tion of tl.ewind has been toward the town .ontinuo.islv.

It is .-.-!.i.i;it<-d that th- Dtnabec of .u-i.thsby yesTenl.iy's disis-er will n.it. exc-ed 1 BO.Two hundred and iifty persons were seri.ni-lvand BOO slighfly injured. The lirem.-n and feoopBwork'-d throagh the entire ni_h! on hotirly ghifts.Many of then sin.-eiiiiilied 10 tha heat, nnd smoke.and hnd t-.. be conveyod to hospitnls iiiM-tisibJe,ol. sttvtrhers. All Il.e W-Tfcara lieve hlaeken'-dIjkcs, and baai eridenoee of the atehwlng effeetsof the di-ise smoke whieh eloffged their ellortis.Work is now entirelv eonliin-d to hawping lhalii-e from apaeadJng hcyon.l _M sheds aud faotorieswithin rhe drydo.-k.

Six million litna of P-ttoleaa are in fli.ni.-s.Tlie oil, it, is expeetrd, will continue to hurnat least, tinhl Motiday.

At, the monient ol the explosion many of theworkni.-n Jamped Into Mm Behehtt in th.-ir fright,and were dnnvii.-d. A BOmbez ol sailors andcustoms oflii-cis w,ie k.ll.-'l .rn boaxd shipa bpth»- Bjtng inill'-i.--, and ahipa were ri.ldle.l by 1.'.missil.-s. It is (-.stniiiii.-il ih.it. 1,000 tona ol

oartridgea exploded. The noisc wu beaad ii.in.vmil.-s away. Tlie smoke whieh lilled Ifcft air

was prreattT in volum.- t.h.ui tl.at of « greafl bat.&Uuin..n headl and other parts of l.odies were

found half a mile away froni tl.e .cerie of thodisnster. One hundred and tbirty whole bodies-lie in the nn-V-.i'-s, and cUirr.-d bcapa of li.iin.'.a

fra^inrnts rcpn-si-nr- an unknmvn niimher of .bail.The Bral oibr.-r ol tbe Bed Star steamcr Zealand

was tcrTit.ly wo.itided on board his ahlp.The populaoe watehed the Bantea all night The

noise of the Otplodhlg harroN ol oil and tha f.'H-ing of ruins evaet.lv Meeubled the sminds of a

i.attle. Thaaa arho have beaa deprived of theirhoni.-s by the l.re an- encamped upon tl.e riverbai.ks.The WBtet worka, whieh eost. r.0,000 pounds,' are

three parts deetroyed.A judieial Inqutrjr has been ordered into the

oritrin of the exploaion.The Minisler of the Interior h.s visited the scene

of tbe i-xpiosini.. ihe King and Queen bave t ¦...-

giaphed, expr"ssing symptithy with tbe sutf, r.-rs.

Babaerlp.ona have been opaned foi the reli.f oftliose rendcrjd deat-tate t.y iln- disaster.



WBITEBALL-T.Aa the ferryboal Bontl Brooklyn waa learlng her

«*!ip st ih>- foot of Whltehall-at. on ber bail pa 7o'clock iiip la-t ni-ht =.1,.- came into colliaion wltbtha tug Blehard Garratt, Injuring tbe t..p ao aevecalvn.at ahe sank arlthla three mtnutee. A. tl.e timeof the aeoMenl tlie fcrryboal bad aome huadred pae-ple ahoard of her, and lor a sii rr tlme a sn.all panlce_I "-d. The eoolncs*! of iho odScera, bowover,qtstoklv allared .-ul eoafaatoa, ar.,i whenfbaad that abe wa< not injured ahe eoatbnied on herway. The Rlebard Oam tt is a large ... jtolng I igowned by rtrown Flemlag, dolng baulnea al Bo,T.'!» Bread-t., and nt tbe tlme ..f the aeeidenl -..-

eoialBg bi." the illp at Pler No. :;. whlch f"rm.> a p<>r.t;.,.. of tbe terry illp, io tle ap for the ni^ui.

Jual wblcb boai waa in faull it la impoaalble tonp, m botb Captain Bdward Uoore, of the BouthBrooklyn, and Captain Augu t Rliodee, .,f tbe Oain tt, i".-iii\eiy refaaed to talh. Ihe Garratt was

Btraeh on the pon aMe jnsr abr-.-.st of tha pllolhooee, b Ing cul down t.. tbe water-llne, ber ni.scruabed In, and an opening made through whieh tbewater ponred ln vo-umea, Olling tbe Bre-roon amlaxtlngidablng tl.e flree. Tba creu- c:i\-r,i nothtng,

-¦ eapla | wlth Um Ir llvea. The lag wbenstmck by tbe Saatb BroohlTti wa torued eom^etelya.o'iiui and drtvea agabial the pler, lu whleb plae.tbe waal .town.

Laal nlght llne Ie fa-r tn the Ingrnt. t.i the io'-... hol ng e ln her n.i. tbe pon s,|.. ol h'-r

l-iii.i. ]ubi above the water, and wlth tho red portllpl t brlghtlj burnl ig.i Ib m murh *___.¦ -- 'i b «a In "i learn, bul ¦¦ ',.. tevere1 be ownera ... tbe Garrett wlll at on. amenti to have h.-r ralaed.

SOT TO TF. 0AVQE1 WITH CHIOAOO CHAFF.I ba t (Speelal). .,- real eetata men.

botel-heepera, r-staoratetua aad laloon-kaepera whobave Ineorporated as the "( bicaxo B'orld'a Palr A

m," and ara mahlng fraatle attempta to boomai the proper locatlon for Ihe VTorld'a lair thmade buaoua bjr tbe Haymarkel ma-aaere an.l the

¦' .' ! now dtrectlng thelr attentionto meurlag a Uttle adverti ing oal of the bame ofBdwaid i. Jeffrap, ihe rallroad manajror. Toa man who in-ti general

of the 9 orl!'- Exp flrlo Ooamlttee baa beenbard work, and Mr. .icfirey waa aome wealp.-p-iiiiitoriiy oalled npon bj the ieharge of the a_alr. 'i general mai

ratam dld not apj ehowever, to devoto bia energlea t" a bopand a- dall. atel] .. ttmatad thai if blgeatlona were de .u'si of at.y ratoe bj tbe ootrunltti -.

lld glve the piatultoiu hlnt that. lt w.mld beamjiie tlme to bealn manlpnlMlng the rountr, al larauwben b a irklng fund of a few hundred t ousand dol-b.r-, haehed 'y «ub«erfbed st,., :. to n.*»eui of¦6,0004)00, bad been '¦.-u.-.-'i. Mr. Jeffrey r.-t..i"- ,,...' bj ehaff, aml t,i e\.-rv Bdvuroe nf tbe

¦...,. repllei tbal the tlme baa came for uhlnga vacatlon, and lhal be wlll ptobably _a!l for Europenezi week or oezl nonth.

HBJBBBa TO l EJ88ISG LEOACY.Chleago, Bept 1..Bome daya ago Chlef of roiiee

Bubbard reeefved a reqaeal from j..-. .i. ii. i;of sioux City, loua, for the full naatea aad addtesaaaof all the Adaaaaee ln Chleago. About -.-. ntj :apo a n.au tiamod Andn-ws elopad Wltb Miiis \iolaAdama, i!.*¦ danghtnr ol a wealthy realdenl ..f Chleago.

itbor cast i,i- -ii-iL-!...i nir. Tha rauag buabaadsnon begaa ,(l txtkt bia v if" baiahly ami Onally sh>-lefl h.iu ai.d i-n.rni-d to bar fa'her, brtoglng bc.babj aangbter win. bar. Babaeg.latty the ehfld wa

¦tolaa and aii aaTorta m BbA bar were Baavaillng.Tl.e paadfatfaer l.-fi Ihe mlailng ahOd a legaei ofB40.000. lt m app ara thai --I." waa itolen(ather, aho plaeed i..-. In tbe bVmlly ol i Korweglanaamed Nel*on, m Deg Molma, lowa, abere sin- pr.-wuii as thelrdaughter. Recentlj Dr. i(r>--A'-i dl coveredthe fbeta ... ii>- .-as,. ond aoeurad a confeaelon fromthe (ather, arbo bad bea playlng tbe role ol a frinn-lof tl.e Sehon famiiy. it irat ala :..t.-.iii".i t<> ta_eibe pirl to . blrago and eecure U.o legacy for ahnaelf.

¦;.-.' la.ly ls now wldi ln. Brewer'i tamlty lnBlonj . it] Hnd ihe doctor la endeavoring lo iiud ht-rC hlcapu telativi-s.

.vor A JVMOB TB1 TB THF OEOEJE CASE.Chleago, Bept t (Speelal). The aecond week of the

Oronln trlal closed to d_y wliho.it a sincle re»ult tomark piopaat in lha eaaa. "4-r oaa bnadfed laimn. tiave I.eeQ exaniln^-d, and not a n.au Ua.s yei beenfi.n.i.i who was aeeoptaMa t<> i»oth sid.-H as a faror.Twenty-three of ihe i» r.-nipto.-y ofeaOengaa "f tba .1''-frn.-e bava beon »_ha.i_U-l, whllo th" .¦.taie li.i. <"..

iiimed altnoet an expial nunibe/. At thU iau- of Bf»I It would take sevei, 4A,-k> ba_afa a Jury eoaM

be aalaetad, aa it arould s.'-.n tba' a Jary arlll baleloctod oala after rh.- peremplorj of both-iii. - an- r_ha.-.ie,t a.iri it baeome. no im.- -.

. j.u-ur oxoepi apaa eridaaee n !. ^»i dBquaUlication._

ABED PEOPLE KU.l.l'l' ">' A Tlt.llS.

Whealteg, w. Va.. _4*h- **-* latitda aaeMead of-

curi-ii aear Maaaiavflta. abanl laaalae atBea bai ^i,,.,,- oi, t.i,. Ohle i:.v.-i RaUraad, Ihh evaolng, bjv.i,i, i, two ii\ . m. ra i" Blag 0 dl aad alfa,both aaad >¦ UJ "" BdlrBad Iraeiln a t»- !".; rben n- noithbouodivunded a earve a...i ati-.rh the. earrlaga_^Uirowlngthe ocupanu 00 the uack. Mr. autil Mra. Oattamcrt both iii-ia'.'l' kiliBd, '




TIIE FIHK UNKNOWN'.Tbe stijrar refincrics of th.- Dick Sc Meyer Com-

pBBBr, which front on tlic Kast. Kivcr, batwaeaNorth SevenUi and North Eighth stw.. Brooklyn,w.-rr- destroyed by lire yesterday afternoon. Atahout 1:15 o'aloek, just after Gustuv l*rost.haa su|).-.rintend.-tit of the works, came back frombaoebaaa. ba h.-ard a loud axaleaiaa aa the fifthfloor oi rh. n.w nflaery. ld r_abad into tiiob_Jldi__ an-l f.mnd the tifrh flo.* __bB__C.

II"- fiamea ihot apward U_roagb tlu: elevatorBhafB. and aoaa Bha apper i>art of the structurearaa baraiac. Pfceai tnraed on the waBer B_aiaathM were la th,- baildiac, but, the lir.- had alr. adyoba_fned aoo good a suirt to be put out ia thiaway. (J__ 0f (].. vvorkmen sent out tiie alarm off"«', nnd afterward, aa tha ln apraad to bhaadjoinini; buildiaajB, two more alarius WBTC sent,.Borae thirty ar_rka_ea were m ihe reahiery whenthi- lir,. stMrted, but ni,,si ol nh<-ni eBBBped Withottl'lillitiilty hy going into tl*- old _.fln-ry, whichadjoiaed, and thence going dowa tha ataira.Bevera] of the nieu, BOWeVBf, had narrow rsiapestt' tn being huni.'d no dratth, two ol them reoeivingaligbt injiiriis arhlle heiag faan Bhe buildlBfaMaiiin Bohaaidt, el rto. 21 Koaafa Eighth-at., was

buaned aboat tba fjaea, aad Joha Kell.-r, of No.ii B_»p-e__ v.as Beveretj burned aboat rhe beadand liands. Gooraja BwaUar, of No. 77 Vaa Cotb-ave., another workmaa, altarward had his handcut by it briek tron a balhng walL The atabalaaoeBurgeoaa from Bt, Cht_a___a_ aml th- EaateraDiaBriat Hoapitala took tha injared men homeand di.'seed theil woiiuds.

ln the ni'iiniime the lire had passcd from theaew to the (,i.i refinery, and thence to ihe fiiter-haBfle in North Baventh st. ,\t aboat £ :80 o'clockihe rool and w___ of the new n-liniry fell Ut, andthen the Ilriines eonriiiiu-d their march towardthe river, and 8000 had set¦aliln/e ihe Ui'n-h.'iise,the enginc and hoiler houses and three large tiltcr-bxmaea. The Breboat s th Loa and aome balldo/i-n taga begaa to pbty oa the laatea, aad '>rc-veiited their adraneing all the way to the water'seii^-.', thtis aariag a few iheda.

Bereotcen engiBca had beea inflUBoned by theMeoearirc aatrnsa, bnl rhe Bremea, who were on-tler i-,,iniii:ind ol Fire ChJef N'.-viiis, could do littlci.tit prevenl the Baoaea apreadiaf beyoad tha build-inL's of the refinery, At Brat H aeemed that thewaif house eonfaming 8,000 barn-la of siiLtir, whiobwas leparated from ihe refiaery pro|ier by a oar-row alh-y, eould be aaved, but al about 4 o*eloekBBBOka begBD (o pour OUl of the witidows ot thewar&hosae, aml in a few hours tta oontenta were

.1 1 .'.il loss. Tii.- lire Inirn.-d hrightly w.ll intothe night, and will pmhahly stnoulder for x-veruldaya.

The origin of the tire is not kuown. as Bobodjrwas in the room when it atarted. The Bfth flootof the new refinery ooataina two large maohlneawhich grind tbe granulated Into powdered lugar.and it is aurmieed thal the fine uartii lea oi d -

wbicb li.l'd the air were explodcd by a spnrkeauaed bj the oruahing of aome foreign Bubatanccin the mach

The detaik ol the loaa and inaurance eould nolba learned, hi ilic office of the comne ly, which isai, N,,. 110 Wall-st., wa* choed yi terdtg aftt.-noon. Jolin 11. Meyer, who la conneoted with th-company, however, thoughl tbal the loaa wouldnol fall far :-h'>rt ,,f gl,500,000 There were Inthe varlooa buildinga altogether bbbm 13.000 bar-

arfiaet. augpp. aad 4.01 P barrala ta it.e pra-ol reunTng. .11 <>r whieh were worth nome

maohinerr, which included thirtylarge horizontal tubular boilera and twenty-eight

.., is ihe greateal ii<-u. pf loaa, as ir is ex>cBedlnguy aompl1ra_lj_ aon expenaive; Aaall ol it v. ,s d_at_oy__ or raiaed,tlic damage will not t.-.ll far ehorl

1800,000. The loaa on rh,' build¬inga will foot up t.. ti. ii 1 \ 1300,000,;,s ti_>re were oeurly a doien different itructurea,

of them froui seven to eleven atonea higb.Th amonnl of tho Insurnnce coald aol be learn. d.bul it waa aaid by a peiBoa cotmceted with thecompany ti i 8 damaga would be more thanhali eovered bj lt* .,

ih,. Brm oi Dick «v Meyer waa onranized ilx-te.-ii year* ago on ¦ Bmall boais, and the buainess

nnlj] ,..,,, rmni ng Brticlea of Incorporataon, ..<.-rt .1 il aod ih new reflner. and fllter-

'i Dick, who HvejM nt

]..li,, |, j |i nreatdent "f the company, 1 irdMryer la rioB-pre*ident, and .1. H. Dick la se.-n-

t;,i \ and treaaurer. ,_.__., :...the refinery, when rnnrdBB at its foU niwitr.fmnlora bo ";1 '". *,,',in'"< 1,000,000P..nds of sngar a day. When the conflngrotion

place the works were ruoning only ai nui

their full eapneity, and not more than 120 men

v.cr, employed. The olficiala of the oomnany.y whether they would re-

bnild :.t obi .¦ or not

r__ipi_r_ t i.w.'t.r ranra ro nra rrr.ur

rtow-Haeaa, Bepi 7 (8peelal). Mra. BBbb m. Gtt-for. ffiad at har h«me la thla city thla toroi.a. By

,th B600.000 *rBl aoaa* Into the po*ea*aloB ol

,-i.y aad Bsata ¦ ¦ " "nis ~'"v

rtrlna halr ol PhUlp Morott, a rrenehman wh.., <i,i. elty iu 188. fi"". Bo*ton. He died u ¦.

I a forta.f aw 8700,000 i" Brual to his

wlfe __d ___gbi.r to be dlelded ai th. d,,. ., ^ Bjr :i. roUowa: Onoflfu ta ihe Con-

,. tjoapttal BoetOty, Ibe Ineome to be used

lor keeptng frea bedi; one-flftli to the cltj of New-

Haren. tbe bat .me to be ased for Indlgent, aged aud

ia,,-iii persoaa, a .1 pau] era; one Bfth to y*le < ol-

-.. th. tiieoaa. to ba a ad l r achoUu»l.lps bi Uieolcal department; one-teiith to ihe »ew

ornhaii ABJIum; OBBtenth m BT. I. n- i- r-

pban Aayrum; one-tenth to ti,.' citr of N *:"«v«l,. for tliis ',...,,,' Men's Instliute or anj otherKrary, and "¦ « --'"' "' ""."

'/"ut t., ie":,- ror the lupporl ol aa Imtitutton(or ldlots aml Imbeellaa._grjrw I.vprivi sciiooi. vook< ro BBfBTBD.

[DdhtnapoUa, Bept 7 (Bpaclab^ JtaJga WaofU, of

__ Unitad Btatea Dtetrlel Court, lo-das d>;ld«d that

IndlaBB'a aew Behoolbooka eannol ba preeentodlotog h.to bm, aud tha rwtralDlng order i

,,,,i., gehool i'"t"»"-st""-.s aaaad by..,.., BUkeaiu 8 Co.. a- plalnttl! wngnUju,¦ ichoolbook publlshei wa d nied. He did

., bowever, dosW upon tbe donstltutl.n_UtJ of ihauw. Thal bnmB b«t Bettted h real


A TUFST I.Y FOVXDATTOB BT0XB8.Chleaga fr pt 7 ppaelal). X_e gnal atoBa trnat,

.Btbrarlng ta IU o_»r8ok>Ba tha aortbern lllJnole quarry

nalcVt, i no longer In donW aad ta. anaerreri eraUe.

bo iiui- exeltameal amoag Bofldera an-l ouottoeUuo.

Quarrj awoon aad iIbbb drab-rs are not jlhat fhe aacral of Ihalr or_BttBaalBBi haa baaa 0M-

eorerarl poal wfil hara i e.pBal ataek ol

,000. Ma.ly Bll the ownara around Umonlel hav,- slenltted U)elr wllllngne* o go hJto

', or fv.,.1" :.e. Tbe aaM,is'i..i wUTembraeein the .niarrlea aroiiiii |_BM plaroa aud lt will artwt

only tae bcbm of BMiadattaa Btaoa.


Waablngton, -sept. 7,-The fJammlaBloii appoint"dwith ihe Pottowatomla aad Ki.KaiKw

Indiana iii KBBBB. for Uie bUbsBBBBI Ol pau ol tbelr

U.ds ln severalty and the ssie of th- lurplwir**artad io tlw Indlan Offloe that thaa far ir haa

h_-n iiiisiiece»fiil ln its «or.. The <'.mii.Ksloner.

... BOW in \Misl.in_t.i. aud have bran '"'t'"^',0o,.,...,'¦ their re|.u.t in writ.n., witb sucti rercm-

etla-lon, as they thlnk wlll ov,..'..rue tbe du_-"ultles ln the way of au ultimaie *_r*enient.

l(.¦idk.yt.it.lt fcHor asi> WLLLXV HBatMLF.l...k Haveti, rei:..., Sept. 7- -.lei.u:.- Mi.'i.U. * If*

_j .rg. IL,ii'l. .. voiiiiK farni-r _T_N1 BBBT here.

..,., ,i.",r.iiv siot haraaM tbrjaajh haa beari Ba. tuoni-

.__, .__ _M .t.t:,.ti'.. n..t rostaa eottpt* bad |^uat_*__.«. aud Mr. H..nek ^a- eZaaaUtlBg tue rerolver,WBail II was tmOBOtdf dl-etiargud.

. -

WJM MBJLD 'TT OFF BT A BA1LBOAD TKAJK.Atlantl.' City. B, J-. I pt- 7. I.rfor* BB8 l""8 traln

... ,-mpi ,v--s .f th<- MfirsBaaa Prlalu,,ris. ,,i ii,- oi. Paaa., h*«i aoaaa n » ratl bait

il.l iiioruiiifc'. at iho ITaal H .* i BBBBBBB, I-aJ**-' A. m

klrui.g. a_e *l_bt.*li. on* of Uio party. Jubi_k_1 irom

Ut* piaiiuim. Ha wa* tai***!) uader tbe wh****

and kllled In.tantly, his bea<l belng serered from thebody. IIls two brother. and two slstors wltnessedthe honlble accldent.




MANHOLE-CARELESS USE OF A CANDI.E.There was an explosion of gns in the sewer in

East Sixteenth-st. yeaterday afternoon, and fourmen who were at work in manholes nfteen feetl>elow the street pavement were burned, two ofthem seriously. The men are Patrick Daly, ofNo. 23.1 laal Soventy-si.-th-at.; Pet.r Annis, ofNo. 501 East, Thirty-flrst-st.; Tliomas Brennan. ofNo. 209 East One.hundred-ind-eleventh-sU, andThomas M.-Caun, of No. IS< Cherry-st, Theyhad been set to work to clean and repair thesewer in Sixteenth-st., hetween Third.ave. andUutherford Place, near St, (ieorge's (iiureh. Thereare two manholes there, one near Third-ave., audthe oth.-r about 100 feet enst of the lirst.

After working in the forenoon the men teok an

hour for dinner, and resumed work at 1 P- m-

Daly and Annia went down into the manhole near

Third.ave., and Annis carried a lighted cnndlein iiis liand. Brennan and MbCbbB went downthe ladder to the bottom of the other manhole at

tha sj.nie time. They had not, been at workt manyseconds when the explosion 0. eurr.-d. Columus ofHan.e shot up from each maniiole.

Jaaaea Qaffney, tui mspector of sewers, wa* near

one ol the manholes at the time. lle was searedM badly that he dld not. know what t*. do, and heran iibo.it, iheiltlng for help. Ihe tlt- from the

BBWC. eoiitnnied to make a show for aevcral Beo-

otids. As a crowd wn_ pthaffing Atini> suddenlyappeand. lle ettaabed up tl.e laddea from themanhole as if from a blazing furnace and fell f iint-

ing on thc pavement. His clothes were biirnin-.uid the men in the street made hiuste to tear th<-mliom his body. His hair had bej'ti burned fromhis head, and his face and hands had been scorehedso badly that tbe sktu wii* p«lin_ otT in pHt-heti.

As Annis was bemg carried into St. GcflBfB-Hnll closc by, some men in the street threw a

rope to Daly, who wa.s still at the bottom of themanhole. Daly caught hold of the rope andwas dtafB-d out. He was hurned about as badlyhs Annis wa.s, and the men carried him into St.George'a Hall after putting out the iire in hisdotluug. , .

lireiiuan and Me.Cann soon climbed out, of tbeother manhole. They had been knoeked downby ilie explosion, bat had escaped with slightbarna on their handa ai.d boea. An alam. badcalled the lin-men, liut, tlie e-.t.s in the sewer hadeeaaed to bnra. Tbe tiremon, bowever, snn.-

nii'ii.'.l an ambulanee by telegrupb, and pnu.edi-il on Anola aud Daly before the anib.ilar.i.-e ar-

rived Annis and Daly were rem.ned to U.eNew-York Hoapit-l, ana the surgeuus there _ndthai the men probably would recover. Brt-imuuand UoCann went to their hoim-s

C 11. Babanok, Inspeeinr ot We|»irs to Sewerssaid that ltis from the Slandnrd Qft&llght COB-pany'a mafn in Butherford Plaoe ptohably hadleaked into the sewer. An odor of escpiuii gasbad been noticed thete for daya.




Xlagira Falls, Ont., S-pt. T.."Whm* B.ndie.tl.e Brooklyn Bridge faaaper, arrived in-r* reetee*iiay nornlng with Braeat .lamiid. of Bew-Toak; JohnMeCaithy ar.d Jni.n Ladger, a amaiher of tho Life-Savlng Carpe from Stathm No. .19, Ilrlghron Bearh,coney Island. Tl.ey wre. met by W. B. Harding,al New-York, who had been visr.lng tihe falr atToronto. Tho whole party registered under 00-tltlous names at tl.e Waverly Huii.o at I'ds place.Thla mo.-nln- tl.e party wallied up to the f-alls on

the Canada side, and procured Brodie's nihber sult,if bavlng bei-n senr up lasl evenlng ai.d s.creted.\. 8:30 r.rodie, lt ls said. donned Ihe sult, and,tislng two paddlee, ' Mtdted hlfnaelf our into th«rlver aboat 800 laal ebove the Haraeehne PaOa aadtloated down over the Falls, accordlng to the s.orytold. at about 5 :":>. Bt was taken out of fhe rlvet¦boat 900 fi -. below the Falls at a iioint knowa as

Baaa Boek Bddy. He waa M.-edlrg from the B_outt_ln deaeifbtag his experfenee, h- aaja tl.at af.or

he entered the rtve. h>- weakened aml wonld haveglven anythlng ta the world lf he could have reaehedterra Brma oace i..ore. ih etteawtad t.> get a--l.oi-oby usltig bia paddlee, wbea th.- awtft ennaal jnrapiblm baek and tumed bia teal toward the b.ink ofthe cataraet. wie-n ha aaw ti,at it, was bapoecMeto gal out he f'-lr tl.e same aa a man that was to

bath and prajted for dear life. JllBl aa hecame to tbe brlBk Of Ihe Falls he beeame uncntisciou-througb frlght a..d pamataed s.. untii ho siruck thawatet ehnrned into f am at tha baaa of the Falls,when be wbj temperarfly brought to by the lorcewlth whlch he ai-uek the wairr. Then he agata

.naclonaaeea and knew no more until he foundf lylng .... l.ls rabber auli ar tae w_ter_ adne.

Ledger was plaeed at tho ba«e nf the Falls. Hoiprang int- tae rlver and swatn out to Hro.lle ai.dt.,w.d him to shon-. The party then d.i.ve downto U.e waveriv House.

ridef IfeDoagall, of the Ontarlo pollc«4, ari4»st"4lBrodte ai tlie firand Trunk Statlon flil.s afte.noon. as

i- ariouf to tahe ihe I p. ni. tnln foi- B-W-York.He ls ebaraed with at.emrtii.tr si.i.-i.u by golng overihe Falls thl- mornlti-. lle will havo a haarlng hetoiol'nll.-e Hagiatrate Hlll.

nrri.vi; BBBWBBXB- IB the xorthwfst.si. I'a.il, Sept. 7 i»p.-clal)..It ls understoDd throtlgh

private dlapatehee by cable reeetved in »t. I'aul to-iiav tbal Ihe sale of iiaium's Brvwary aad otherhrewary lataraita in thla eltg was eoaaumaialed lalondon yeaterday. The j.i.n-i.a e. ii i- sai'i. InelndeaIhe Hainnis lianholzer anl Stahlmaa hrewary plant.ihe sale nf tbe K..--ll«l. s\ udicart: ha\lnh- bOOO oinliii-lod

pei -onallv by old Ilamm, who is now In I.ondon.'iln- priee pald for the latter*a lateraal B said to be tathe aelgbborbood of 9000,000, ti.o teraaa betog oaa-lialf ra-h, th'- balance to be t«k>-u by .Mr. Mainni Insii'.-k in ti..- eooeam. n is further andefatood thatMr. ilatiim ls to be the maaMger "f the Borthweal .rnryndleatB ar a aalaiy ol from pr.000 to tK..ooo a year.Tha icheme k "f tbe rreateat magnltuda, having ln\|en' the purebaae and conirol of all tho larjestliewerles ai.d BMlt-houaee ta ihe Borthwaet,


THF VBIOB PROHIH1TOHY IMASVBBarrlahurg, r, ni... Bept 7..The flrst Htatfe Con¬

vention nf the r.ii'.i ProhBrftory ieague win bo heMlu Harriaburg, rS.>ptember 'J«l. It m aal the purposeof thla aaw orgaalaaaln r» piac« candi.ia.es ta th^ti.'lil, bul to coiipt'iate wlth the exUtinj; poUMealparllea ln plaetag ana in ..m.-e who aga Cavorableto anl will iiso their infloence in flie enforccinent oftbe t.rohil'llot> measui-..s of existlog laws relatlng totha ll.i.ur i.attlc, and tl.e oarlv enaernieut of n.or,-,- Brtl i.r and prohlbitory statutes wlth adequat.penaltr--. _

PHOPOSFP OBBMABJLBBBIOAB TIOUPAY.Chleago, Bept, T. a diapetoa fran MUwauhee says:

" A Uern.an d.uly of this city will to day dev.te a pageto the oplnlon* of lha 'eriiian pross of the countrv «n

tho niu.h aglta.e.1 que.floii of a National (;em.an-Amerlcan hollday whlch lt i» proposod to celsbraleainii.l?; by the (,-rman Ami-rlcans _U over the eoun¬

try. The paper sent out elghty-tw., cipmiIais to (ier-man dalllea Iti all parts of the lii.t.-d .States, and tl.eantw.i. rccelv.-d il.uw tha. a great rnajorii} of theaiare ln f»vor of surh a bollday, al.hou_a aome of t_s

pionilutut paper* are opposed to lt."

ARBF.STEP O.V A CHARGE OF UTBPER.Bethleheni, Penn., Sept. 7.-Wllll*m H. Bartbolo-

mr-vr aaa arresr«d la*t nlght on -iisplolon of betngeoneerned m the murder of the farmer, Dllliard, atI.rt.r<rilte, on Thuraday nlght, The aeouaed Is a

widower, and th« mnr>lere<l man and fanuly llvedwlth blm ln his house for several years. A fewmonths ago, on accoun. of Bartiiwlomew's allene*!ntlinacy wlth his wlfe. Dilliai-d removed from _ibouae. liartl.oiomew waa lookcd up ln the eounty{aal.

Ari'or.vTM-.vra ^r gbxeral aloeb.Detrolt, .Mlch., bept. T.-_eneral K. A. Alger.

(..minaiider-lii cbi.-f of the Qrand Armv of the Republlo,this evriilng N.iieil general ordris aaauuuiig tlie cxim-

iii.i.i-l and annoiincing the followlng statr appoiniui,.,..,c A.IJuf.iiii -general. GOOTfe II. Ilopkuis, oli-ii..it, Mi.-h.; gaaiaaaaaaaaaNgaaaeaL John rayi".', "iFhtlade'lphia, ius|-.. n>r genei-al, Le*ia E. UrlMIth, ollYuy. li. V., J .__o BUrec-te-geuerai, U. &. Auitto, OfTolodo. Obiu.




ibt Ba__aB__rai to m_ tbib.>a_iBoston, Sept. 7..No tidiugs have as yet beaal

received from Denfson 1). Daaa, the missinsr treaa*urer of the Douglas Axe Works. His B888 waBtaken in hand this moruin^ by the il_»ton Dolica. *

A warrant was secured charging the niissing manwitli .inbe/./.lmg _*88.88. BBBB the c.iiii.aiiy. Thiais not regnrded as more tlian a siuall parl of whathe aciually took, but it was _eee_BBaTf that mparticubaC sum should be spt .irh-d, and the lactjwere not at hand to __BBB_B_taa8B an all,-g!it..»nu_ to the whole amount. The case is in thaspecial care of I_a_BBBBBB Dugan, and he telephonedthis uiorning to the lactory at Doiigla* iu ordetU) couimuificate with the tr.-asur. rs BBB. WilhamjDana, who i.-> uiauager at thal point. '1 he an_wejreceived WBO that he had uot I«> n therosince Tueeduy. As this was the day of his fath.r'l__B_BjBB__a_aa. the police atlaeli great Aaai ofsiir.uiti.aiKe to the circuiu_t*n.:e. He m twentyifour years old.

.Mr. Dana i> si\ty-two years old, about mediuaBheight and weight, and has g__j ____ __,: i_u*riiehe_but uo beard. Atlable iu inaiiner, coUMdcrai. tqhis enipiiiyet, and _.-r\anl_, aud courtvoua to all.he was persoiially pe_Bsla_, A d'Voteil huabanjand father, he wu_ much beloved in tue homaeircJa. Iha BHnily oooaiata oi Mrs. Dana, tw_daoajhaBBB und three aoaa, rVlilhua, Bkhaai auo.Charles. rVi_BB_B is BUUaBfBB Bt Doii.laa of thacompany of whieh his laih.-r is tr. BBBtaP, aniKnhard is in New-.lersey. Mr. Duna al.s.0 broughtup and educat.-d l_e«,rj.e l£.,_ei_, who i.s a cl-rk iuthe ___t_BBB>4B_ ofJice of the company. Mr Unu*was prouiiuent in ehureh WOth. to B_Ueb _a de*voted a greut Jeal of hi.s time outside oi h.-> b.,_wneaaand his faaally, lic was,» daaeaB ba tha Haa.vard Street (Jotigregational Chureh, of llro klinc.of whlch the Itev. Dr. Ihoina* is BBBtar, aud wa*B teacher iu li.. Sunday-school. 11* ('onir.but.i-dli'neraily. 11_ was luoked BBOB by the coinmunitj.in whieh he livad as a atoal upright man, and thejreport of hia downfall wa.s so BJMBt a Bhaak b> tliosawho knew him that they could ucareely cr. dii it.imiartat that ho was one of tha la.s.uien whom they would suspect ol auywrongdmng, und 88_Ka8B_Bg the l» l._fthat he had uot ruu away; or, it hahad, that he would ocrtainly return and face thestorm. ln his dealings with employes and ser«

vauts he was just, and was scrupulously carelulto sce that they reciv.d every c«-nt due them.but no more lhau wao their due. lle did not owita yucht or laat hoi_e, aiul, so far as is known, wa.

uot addicted to any follies or mcliucd to uny ex*

travagauce which would dnve hiui lulo linaucialdiihruhics; noe has it yet beea brought to l.ghithat ba aacenlatad in stocks, or arent mto anyrentua outside ol hi.s lcgitimute busimss. lle issaid to have been regulnr iu all hi* hahits and tdhave gone daily to his busiuess in town bbIbbb pre*vented lroni so doiug by illue*s.He has not kept up two eatahliahments, bu.

throughout the year has, with bia Iniuily, li\edjiiliou his haudsome eatata. This is siiuuu-.l mFreenian-st., Lougwood, between I'owell and SfeL'aul _t_. The hou.se is a handsotue structure, fao*ing Powell-st., with a broad, open vcrautUt exiend-iug uiong most of it_ Irout, aud with a heau_f_|lawn, upon which are heveral J.'ir_,c potted iil.ints,1sloping dawa to the street. Ihe stable is iu thorear, on the St. __,__-__ side af the residenceaMr. Dana lorm'-rly kept a huudsome span, but soljone of ilio palr about two year. ago, and ha._iuce kept ouly one hurse. Ihe grouuda sur4ro_B_ia_ tho house are beautiliilly aud t.isieiuiij.laui out. Up. Daaa,. taa bill la suid to ha^e Beea]about iil.OUO, iudiouUn_ proiierly valued al aboul.100,000.

Whether or not there are any grounda of crinaainal proccdure a.uinst. the Biilinf treasurer l*

not a> yet known. lt was __fl_a_a_ iu the Streetyesterday aftarnaon that he had raiaad moncy oalorged payer. L'p to laal Bight. bow.vtr, u<iahboiut. evidenoe ol any auob a>a, h.id baea .h*.covetadi but the '" oka ol tbe company aaa la badshape, and lt IS _B_M_.lbkl to I-dl WBJlt tba BBBflBsinauon oi the expert. who ia al work uixxi u..__maybrJnf to light, H is kuo^n thal ou Ju._ ¦¦>>,i --ii, ba uiude oath thal tha UabUiaiaa oi tue Unuwere ouU B llttle OVOT |100,000, When the tTBth\\.,s, BB siuce discov.crd, that «it lhat tnnc U..Joiiisiaiiding iiabi.iues were over $_uo,0uu. Iholiatiililies of the ijoinpany at the pceBBBt iiiue ara

probably between .joo.ooo anu .000,000. ltis claimed by UaOBB N\ho ought. to know, tbat Mr.D__a has ColuUlUU-d olleii, es lor uun.ii he BM bt.extraditad. a proBtiBsuit lawyer givea 11 a» hiaoiuniou that, under ihe BOW Cauadiau law, um.bezzienient is au txiraditahle otfaBoa.

lo many p>-upi»- tbe moai prooabia explanatioaof the .son's abaenea waaaaa to ba that ms tather_c_uaioted hlm witb hia inten.ied _apaa_a_a. audiu.it tbe tbougbl of the diagraoe that uuti foliov*was to., mueh lor iiu- youug iaaa ui i,tce alaaa.

At the offlea offne oompany int. Bdrtltioaalintoiniatiou was olii.ii.ialiie. liie ilire,t.,rs met)liii.s morniag. but the __ee_l__ w..s na inforuud obm.and more lor tbe purpoae of taiklng over amtteraihan oi taJcina deijute actfoa. iuc iBaaaveaayipiooefdinga arill taiui their oourae, and tha luturo.,.-) j.,11 ol tiie fBUB_a*uy as to olo*iug or earry maon its worka arij. dBfaAd l.ugeiy on tha raanit olthe oourt proceediBga, A.I preaeat tba warka ai«loeed. Th. ooaipaoy has had u_ apa and downa.Uke other iuanufacturiiif.' eonoern*, bul thelouiary dlvtdanda ..i t par eent have usualiy baaaideclared. tbougb Bererai weat paaaad som. timo,,_,,. Ihe aiiiiual l.usiiu-as bBB ranged trom1,1.10,000 to .1,0.10,0011. rhe prioa pf the aaaak ofthe eompany on January a ol thia reur was 88 1-4.li tooobed To before tha and of utat month, auo.since that time h;:s been Bjene__ls| below the laatUgure. The rangeaJnc. Jaaaaif 1 ha* been ha 1-4to 7o 1-4. 1\m. weeka ago tha «_uo_ttion w;iaii7 l-_, with no anles; while tha la.1 time the etoclcw:is oilered uo bkl waa obiaiaed, Auotioneeraaaj it baa baen (iiilicult to ohtum a quutatiea oathe atoek Lately.

iiu- eviaeaea "f any atoek apeculatlooa on theparl ol rreaaurar Dana i» nol forthcomiBg. ti.oughtbere teems i.» be Couudatiou for the atutemeai ofiiiti'iesied partiea tbat be ha I lar a Boaneial ttan-sai-tlolls H itii Wllllam .M. laldwi I, an U. II. D.itiaaV- i ,,., oi New-York, Bia eredil waa aaad ai rhobanka, and they were anzioua to bbqum the aoaaapany'a paper. rhe Blaasachoaettii Home HiaaiaaiBry Bociety la boI amang tba atockboldera of thoUougiaa A:.e Uompany. At tha eloae of the B_eaa>lllg ol the diraotota to-day, 1 .eaident Pa_B_Ba aaidto a reporter:

" The lettet wniteii bj Daaa, aaddna t., have thadtrectora* naeetdng poalpoBed to Inuraalay l.sat,waa evideatijr ;. raaa to give bim an oaaartuaiyto gvt off, and the whole thiog look, 1 _s if itbad b «-n oarefuUy planBed beforehand.''

.. Do you tlinilr the toUmOOt »f f."0,000 Ls af.ur ,,ne of the exta-nt of the. liabilin.s, Mr.rVrkiiis'.'" ____

-I do init thlak it is as B8fh>aa umt," aaidMr. I'erkins. " I an. BUTC it la not, but wiihtiie iriiormatioii al our illapraaai ai preaeal n ianot jxassioie ta sav deflaitely bow mueh :t ia."

Mr. ferkina added that tha eapttal st.^k of theeompaiiv only amaanted to M00.088, and Mr.Dana had uo riuhr 01 |>-.wer to place |«|er t.> m

Kmitcr e.vtent tnan 1884,.», or at niost B'.MT,-000. Itnr h» esxeaded rhai amoaot, lle liehevalthal Dana did niosl. if aol all. of ir rhrou.h aatoek broker, who, be tbought, mlgbl baea ex-ereised » little more dis. reiion iu th. inaiter.Mr Parktea Baaaa* thal the trr_*uri-r isBue«t

pai^r al.out whiab rhe lirin knew nothin?, s,,m*

nf four and sit motiihs, bai It is pr,,liati!e thatall those who held ir will lu.w OSBBO 111, thnugh H

slnv'h- sti all btoekhold'-r has not yet put in BBappear.uoe.

A Foru-UASTF.n OOEOOaam i.irsrttrri.Bo_ llaveu, 088-U BOBt. 7. Tl.- four 111 Ml*.

.rhoonm- UeoraT M. tlrwit, the Urge_t srhooner everbnllt In th* Sew Kngl*nd Ktalea tl-'a sid-- of IloaUn.wa* launched at Weat llav.n _a_ mortiing ln th*pr**en'«j of 3.000 s|>rrt*toni. 11,-r .litnenston. ar*111.1 f-w ke<-l. :iJ"> f«-i ,.\.-r Baa, 41 f«>«-t t'fiim, and 18fe«'t rt»-]Uh o! baM, wlth a ra.rw | (BBB ,t\ if j._,»j

BBB >.- i.an.al |uiii.-i|i«ll> hy ILnrf (. Snlli.n.of thl* elty, and BBfll *04,ihii). s>.r __| 1... ,., ,. .., ,jfcy i apialu A. H V**ber. At the u>u .okiag, w_u_.-«G MuB*on, a earpenter. w_a Int h> a flynif tliubetand bla spiaa waa lujurad aad hia coUa^bo*_ broaaa.