JINDABYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 WEEK 10 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE – FELIX BACHMANN What an outstanding Semester 1 at Jindabyne Central School, not only are we currently the Australian Primary Snow Sports Champions, we also earlier this year for the first time in JCS history became the Australian Mountain Biking Champions. Along with a plethora of other sporting successes the achievements so far this year, in all facets of the school, have been outstanding. I thank all the people that continually work extremely hard every day at JCS to make these possible and congratulate all the students, parents and community that contribute to our achievements on a regular basis. Here are just some of the developments and improvements over the past 21 weeks: Countless Variations of Routine (VORs), camps, guest speakers and Excursions including Carnivals and Regional SRC (Student Representative Council) conferences. Extension of the JCS Agricultural Facilities that upgraded the Ag. Shed, created the addition of a greenhouse, more than doubled the amount of garden beds, upgraded a facility for chickens and installed/built an outdoor learning space to increase effective teaching time. Successfully gaining access and voice for our student leaders in the “Go Jindabyne” planning. An amazing School Musical production, “Footloose” Re-opening of Kalkite St and the addition of a new gate to create greater efficiency for students. Establishment of the Primary Learning Centre and sensory room, “The Haven”. Opening both the JCS digital library, with the support of the JCS P&C, and the Sentral Parent Portal. New and Updated signage across the entire school environment. Installation of modern and highly durable bicycle racks for student bikes and scooters. New Roof’s for the Secondary Learning Centre and Agriculture Shed, as well as new walls for the Ag. Shed. Increased cultural emersion, during NAIDOC week, which adds to the formal assembly There are so many more fantastic opportunities that occur here at Jindabyne Central School every day and again I want to thank the staff, students, parents, businesses & community that make this possible. During the holidays, we will also be working on a great deal of painting across the school, polishing the Gym floor and getting the new sound system installed within the Gym. I received several questions around the planned building works and with many people having seen the Development Approval (DA) for one of the two new planned buildings, which have been submitted to council by Schools Infrastructure NSW. The Tenders for the project have also been issued. Fantastic to see this progressing, and a great deal of work has gone in around this. The second planned building towards Snowy River Ave & Clyde St is still in final consultation around the shared community use. Once School Infrastructure and the Council have finalised these agreements, the DA for that build will also be submitted. With winter upon us, we see an increase in the amount of people and traffic in and around the Snowy Mountains. During the holidays and Term 3, we ask the entire school community to be mindful of this and travel safely. Our students are our most precious commodity and are likely to be making more errors than us. Let’s keep them safe!

JINDABYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL · Successfully gaining access and voice for our student leaders in the ^Go Jindabyne planning. An amazing School Musical production, Footloose Re-opening

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Page 1: JINDABYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL · Successfully gaining access and voice for our student leaders in the ^Go Jindabyne planning. An amazing School Musical production, Footloose Re-opening




What an outstanding Semester 1 at Jindabyne Central School, not only

are we currently the Australian Primary Snow Sports Champions, we

also earlier this year for the first time in JCS history became the

Australian Mountain Biking Champions. Along with a plethora of other

sporting successes the achievements so far this year, in all facets of the

school, have been outstanding. I thank all the people that continually

work extremely hard every day at JCS to make these possible and

congratulate all the students, parents and community that contribute

to our achievements on a regular basis.

Here are just some of the developments and improvements over the past 21 weeks:

Countless Variations of Routine (VORs), camps, guest speakers and Excursions including Carnivals and

Regional SRC (Student Representative Council) conferences.

Extension of the JCS Agricultural Facilities that upgraded the Ag. Shed, created the addition of a greenhouse,

more than doubled the amount of garden beds, upgraded a facility for chickens and installed/built an outdoor

learning space to increase effective teaching time.

Successfully gaining access and voice for our student leaders in the “Go Jindabyne” planning.

An amazing School Musical production, “Footloose”

Re-opening of Kalkite St and the addition of a new gate to create greater efficiency for


Establishment of the Primary Learning Centre and sensory room, “The Haven”.

Opening both the JCS digital library, with the support of the JCS P&C, and the Sentral Parent


New and Updated signage across the entire school environment.

Installation of modern and highly durable bicycle racks for student bikes and scooters.

New Roof’s for the Secondary Learning Centre and Agriculture Shed, as well as new walls

for the Ag. Shed.

Increased cultural emersion, during NAIDOC week, which adds to the formal assembly

There are so many more fantastic opportunities that occur here at Jindabyne Central School every day and again I

want to thank the staff, students, parents, businesses & community that make this possible. During the holidays,

we will also be working on a great deal of painting across the school, polishing the Gym floor and getting the new

sound system installed within the Gym. I received several questions around the planned building works and with

many people having seen the Development Approval (DA) for one of the two new planned buildings, which have

been submitted to council by Schools Infrastructure NSW. The Tenders for the project have also been issued.

Fantastic to see this progressing, and a great deal of work has gone in around this. The second planned building

towards Snowy River Ave & Clyde St is still in final consultation around the shared community use. Once School

Infrastructure and the Council have finalised these agreements, the DA for that build will also be submitted.

With winter upon us, we see an increase in the amount of people and traffic in and around the Snowy Mountains.

During the holidays and Term 3, we ask the entire school community to be mindful of this and travel safely. Our

students are our most precious commodity and are likely to be making more errors than us. Let’s keep them safe!

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Pick them up from the school gate, don’t call them across the road. Walk them around all the buses, not between

them. Hold their hand and teach them early about safe behaviours around roads. A good piece of advice is not to

leave your safety up to someone else’s behaviour, put in place protective behaviours. If another driver/rider/skier

or snowboarder makes a mistake, a lot of the time if you put in place the correct protective behaviours their

mistake will not impact upon you. It may be their responsibility or their mistake, but it will not change the fact that

someone may have been injured and it could have been avoided. A good example of this is when the chairlift stops

right up the top, when you are just about to get off, and you are stuck there for several minutes. You get off and

the run is clear! Sometimes it’s just better to wait and be patient. Think about the poor overtaking you see during

winter! We all need to remember this sometimes, as we are more important and our families are more important

than blaming someone else.

Enjoy the Winter Break,

Felix Bachmann

Proud Principal, Jindabyne Central School.


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Parents and carers are required to make school related payments throughout the year including fees, excursions, sports, camps and other items that contribute to their child/ren’s learning. At JCS it is preferred that all payments are made online either via the school website or via the JCS E News app on your phone. If necessary, credit card payments can be made in person at the Front Office however payment online is best.

Making an online payment via the website Go to jindabyne-c.schools.nsw.gov.au

Click on the link at the top of the home page to open the secure online payment portal hosted by Westpac.

The link opens to the MAKE A PAYMENT page below


RED ASTERISK and fill in Date of Birth.

CLICK on Next Section to proceed to

Contact Details.

Then click Next Section to Payment


Choose Payment Type

IMPORTANT – Type what you are

paying for in the Description

E.g. Gymnastics Program, K-2

Snowsports Program,

Add Amount and click Next Section

for Card Details and payment is now


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Making a payment via the E News App Open the E News app on your phone or device and scroll down to Sections. Click Make A Payment that links you to the secure payment portal on the JCS Website and follow

Making an online payment via the website steps as outlined above.

PARKING AREAS AROUND THE SCHOOL EXPLAINED Snowy Monaro Regional Council Ranger Gregory Foster has reported that there are a number of cars not adhering to parking restrictions around the school and on one Thursday morning recently he recorded 12 vehicles stopped illegally in the No Stopping zones on Park Road. JCS and Council Ranger Foster is taking this opportunity as a warning to those and other drivers and to explain the parking areas around the school zone and share details of fines applicable for not obeying parking signs. This is to ensure parents and carers are aware of the restrictions. The restricted parking areas around the school zone are shown on the map on the next page and include: No Stopping

To 'stop' a vehicle means to stop and remain stationary for even a short period of time. You must not stop or park your vehicle in any area where a 'No Stopping' sign or a continuous yellow edge line applies, even to pick up or set down passengers or goods.

No Parking

You must not park your vehicle in an area where a 'No Parking' sign applies, unless:

· you are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods · you do not leave the vehicle unattended - that is, move more than three metres away and · you complete the dropping off or picking up as soon as possible - in any case, within two minutes. Offence : DISOBEY NO STOPPING SIGN (IN SCHOOL ZONE) Penalty : $337 fine and LOSS of two demerit points from licence

The school Drop Off zone is the ‘No Parking’ area along the school side of Park Road approaching Kalkite street. See below map for No Parking, No Stopping and Drop Off Zone restrictions including times they apply around the school zone.

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JCS P & C NEWS By Lee Clarke, President JCS P&C

The Jindabyne P&C consists of parents, carers and community friends who contribute their ideas and skills to the school in a variety of different ways to support the school for the benefit of all students. During Term 3, the P&C have raised money from the following events:

Stall during Ski Sale – selling Jute bags and stickers We have the opportunity to sell our Jindabyne branded Jute Bags on Friday afternoon / nights at Nuggets Crossing (they make an awesome souvenir!). We are looking for parent volunteers, who can represent their children’s class and “take a Friday” throughout the ski season. If you can help, please email [email protected] for more information. (Thank you to those who have already offered your assistance). I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Claire Hanley for her contribution over the past three years with the Working Bees. Claire coordinated her last one on the 2nd June. 100’s of hours has been coordinated and given, to help ensure the school grounds look amazing, and the volunteers have been looked after. Claire, you have been an incredible asset to the P&C. Thank you!

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Upcoming events include: 7th August: P&C Meeting (6:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the JCS Library) So far this year the P&C have provided financial assistance in the following areas:

$6,000 – bus subsidy (this is the last payment that has been held in trust for the last 5 years)

$2,500 – digital library sponsorship. Digital library has now been rolled out

$200 – Life Skills Program

$1,000 – Footloose sponsorship

$550 – Bush Tucker BBQ – NAIDOC Week (new)

Not a member of the P&C? Membership Forms and payment can be dropped at the front office or uniform shop. Even if you can’t attend meetings, your membership and input into the P&C is greatly appreciated. We can be contacted by email: [email protected]

Another success school grounds tidy up at the P&C Working Bee The P&C held another working bee at JCS on Sunday 2 June and spent time on general tidying up with a focus on the rose garden and Park Road garden. Many thanks to the helpers that included, Pat Sullivan, Sasha Heath, Tavia and Ryker Williams, Mel, Kim and Jay McLean, Reggie Wright, Felix Bachmann and Kirsty Piontek.



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Cultural Walk to Curiosity Rocks for students celebrating NAIDOC As part of NAIDOC celebrations held at JCS on Thursday 4 July, interested secondary students went for a hike out to Curiosity Rocks and learnt about the cultural and spiritual significance of the site to the Ngarigo people. They were accompanied by Dan Nicholls from National Parks and Wildlife Service.

JCS debating team make JCS proud The Premiers Debating Challenge has the aim of developing the debating and reasoning skills of students from Years 5-12. The Challenge has commenced in our local area with schools competing against each other to become Zone Champions. In early June Jindabyne Central School’s (JCS) 9 & 10 team won their first debate that was held at Monaro High School. It was great to see a personalised welcome sign at the front of the school. JCS debated against the idea that home-schooling should be banned. The students did a fantastic job, spoke clearly, organised their points and rebuttals very well, and all round had a great presence about them. The four students represented JCS in exemplary fashion to then compete at Queanbeyan on Wednesday 19 June. With a 14 hour return trip door to door the Year 9/10 Team performed well in three debates, winning the first two debates with composure and great sportsmanship. The third and final debate represented a challenging topic and the team lost to Braidwood A. The team received helpful feedback from both adjudicators and demonstrated sound knowledge of current issues. The debate topics were ‘all under 12s sport should be mixed teams’ (JCS negative team) ‘broken election promises should result in another election’ (JCS affirmative team) ‘victims should get a say in the punishment of their offenders’ (JCS negative team)

The year 9/10 debating team consists of Lilly Wallis, Sienna Davies, Rowan Worsley and Zana Evans.

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“Going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo” – Kindergarten Zoo Excursion JCS Kindergarten students visited the Canberra Zoo last Friday on a spectacular winters day where they enjoyed interacting with animals and exploring the zoo grounds with their friends. The excursion was a culmination of their science unit “staying Alive” With a 7:30am departure time for the 47 students and parents, teachers were impressed that the bus left on time and there were no tears, from the kids anyway. On board the 2 hour journey to the zoo students sung along to their favourite songs and chatted with each other. The focus of the day included observing and interacting with the animals via the guided educational tour where the students split into groups and asked many questions. Students held a corn snake, fed emus and deer and walked the Adventure Trail around the zoo, visiting many animal enclosures and learned a few interesting facts along the way. After lunch and a play they students went on a self explore with teachers and parent helpers before heading back home on the bus. It was a great day and teachers were really happy with the way the students behaved and supported each other. The Canberra Zoo excursion was again a success after the initial excursion held for the first time in 2018.

Year 9 indulge in Edible bugs for lunch

As part of their study into sustainable biomes Year 9 indulged in a lunch prepared by Mrs Holmes demonstrating alternative sources of protein and iron as an option to meat.

The students were adventurous in trying tomato salsa crickets, hummus and mealworm and parmesan crisp tyrant ants.

Edible bugs are the highest source of protein and iron and take less resources to produce than beef however it was difficult for students to put aside their western bias even though the food was delicious.

Yr 7 learn about landforms and landscapes through a Rock and Fossil Exhibition Year 7 Geography Students participated in a Rock and Fossil exhibition during June that was developed by Mrs Holmes to introduce geography. The exhibition was a creative way to highlight geological specimens from across the globe and offered a snapshot of the different disciplines of geography. Students were inquisitive and practiced asking geographical questions and made clear and definitive observations which led to building strong connections in their learning.

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Yr 12 Physics students experience history making event at Snowy Hydro On June 13th, Year 12 JCS physics students had the privilege of receiving as special tour of the Guthega power station. For the first time in Snowy Hydro Scheme history, after 65 years of running, a generator has been replaced entirely. Our students were able to have a very close look at the individual components of the new generator and a unique chance to stand inside a stator and explore individual components of a rotor. The tour of the power station provided students with additional understanding of how electromagnetic concepts are utilised in these engineering marvels to generate electricity. Special thanks to Martin Grant and Adam Robinson for giving up their time for our students and providing an excellent educational tour and to Peter Heeley for providing transport and inspiring curiosity among our students.

4HY Fundraising Event Students of 4HY took the initiative to raise money for the RSPCA and during mid June the class baked and sold their items to other students during recess and lunch. Below is an article written by 4HY student Finley Stewart. 4HY held a fundraiser event to raise money for the RSPCA volunteer animal rescue service. On the morning of the 19/6/19 4HY went to the secondary school Food Tech room to decorate a range of delicious cakes, biscuits, slices and a lot of other things. We were selling the cakes on the basketball court to the secondary school first then we started selling to the primary. We all had a lot of fun trying to sell all of the cakes and tried to make up rhymes and jingles to try and get people to buy the cakes. On the day, we also held a Lolly Guessing Competition to help raise money. All up we raised $954 which will go to the RSPCA. There was a slight hitch in sales of the cakes, so we decided to have a second go at selling them the next day and sold every single left over cake.

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Yr 9/10 Ag raise chicks Year 9/10 Agriculture have been learning about Poultry Production this term and have been demonstrating their great animal management skills. The students witnessed the hatching of fertilised eggs and then had the task of raising their own baby chicks. The students this week moved all their chickens to the outdoor chicken enclosure. Well done Agriculture students!

Master Chef Challenge for Yr 7 TAS Year 7 TAS 5 & 6 participated in a Master Chef like challenge as part of their assessment task for the Dairy Delicious unit. The students had to create a nutritious muffin and present it for marking. Mrs Piontek judged the students on their skills in the kitchen, how the muffin turned out and of course how it tasted. Well done Year 7!

Yr 8 mixed materials project Year 8 TAS have been busy all term creating individual projects as part of the Mixed Materials unit. The students were to design and create a product that had at least two different materials. There has been a variety of materials used from timber, fabric, steel and plastic. A great effort Year 8.

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JCS students debate diplomacy issues in the UN Youth Australia Evatt Competition By Kyan Thomson (Year 9)

On Monday the 17th of June four JCS students took part in the United Nations Youth Australia Evatt Competition

from Years 9 to 12. Gil Perrin-Boxsell and Zara Gardiner represented Belgium, and Keely Green and myself attended

on behalf of the United Kingdom. The event was hosted by Monaro High School and attended by other students

from Monaro High and Saint Patrick's Parish School. Evatt is a Model United Nations Security Council diplomacy

competition for students from Years 9-12. More than 2,000 students from around Australia compete in the

competition each year. Teams of two students debate, amend and vote on prepared resolutions from the

perspective of their assigned nation. The Evatt Competition was run by University students from Canberra who are

part of UN Youth Australia.

Throughout the day students were tasked with debating on two resolutions, whilst representing their nations best

interests. The first topic on which we debated was ‘The Question of Climate-Induced Conflict’ and the second was

‘The Question of Venezuela’. In our debates we were required to critically think about the appropriate action to

take whilst upholding our countries values and best interests. During the debate were also tasked with voting on

making amendments to clauses, striking clauses and adding new clauses to the resolution proposed by other

countries, before making a final vote on the resolution. Teams were encouraged to negotiate with other countries

in the Negotiation Room and during the debates we were allowed to communicate with other countries via note

passing in order to discuss deals and alliances.

The process of the debate was highly structured and formal with all suggested amendments presented to the Chair

in the first instance. The Chair would then introduce the proposed amendments to the Security Council and all

participating countries voted on whether or not to debate the amendment to the clause. If the council voted in

favour of discussing the amendment, the country that proposed it was required to make an opening statement

about the intent of their proposal. The Security Council member nations were able to provide points of information

if they wished to discuss the proposal either in favour or against it. This process was repeated until the time limit

had been reached. This whole procedure made for a very informative learning experience. Being engaged in such a

realistic way was not only stimulating and challenging, it was also quite amazing to be able to put yourself in

another’s shoes and think as if you were seriously representing the interests of your country. I speak on behalf of

Gil, Zara and Keely when I say that this was a very enjoyable experience and something that we would gladly

participate in again.

The Evatt Competition was an amazing event to be able to participate in and something that I would strongly

encourage anybody with a passion for debating and an interest in world issues to involve themselves in. I would like

to acknowledge the effort and support of all teachers involved, as well as the UN Youth Australia for providing us

with the opportunity to participate in such a rewarding and inspiring experience.

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K-6 Gymnastics Program

Students in K-6 have been engaged in an 8 week Gymnastics program since May that involves 45 minute weekly sessions. The week 7 session for Years 1 & 2 included cartwheels and round offs, circuit work with tramp, beams and the pictured H-Bar with students from 2R. The program has been created especially to meet the syllabus Gymnastic requirements by teaching a range of skills including handstands, forward rolls, cartwheels and safe jumping and landing techniques. Students have had the opportunity to use gymnastics equipment including trampolines, horizontal bars, parallel rings, beams and more! Its great to see ex JCS Year 12 students Kirra and Rhianna Burke instructing the program.

JCS Student Recognition System awards first ever Kosciuszko Medal

Congratulations to Emmie Phillips, Marlee Diver, Lily Wallis and

Zana Evans for being awarded the highest achievement within

the schools Students Recognition System known as PBL.

The girls were recognised at a recent formal assembly receiving

the first ever Kosciuszko Award that requires 243

acknowledgements cheques to achieve. Acknowledgement

Cheques are given when students behave with respect,

responsibility and personal best in all areas of school including

cultural, community, academic and sporting. Well done to the


The system started 3 years ago and gives students a chance to be recognised when they succeed in other avenues

apart from academic. It teaches what behaviours are good behaviours and reinforces them with awards that aim to

encourage them to do those behaviours.

CAREER NEWS Lachlan McGregor attends UNSW Civil and Engineering Work Experience program Lachlan was chosen to join 90 other students from around NSW at UNSW Civil and

Engineering’s one week work experience program.

The program gave students a chance to experience engineering projects firsthand across six areas of the civil and environmental engineering field: Coastal and Port Infrastructure, Structures and Design, Construction and Project Management,

Water, Wastewater and Environment, Road, Transport and Geotechnical Engineering &

Surveying and Geospatial Engineering

Daily field trips were led by UNSW CVEN staff and supported by engineering professionals to

the range of engineering sites across Sydney.

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Country University Centre Visits JCS Year 12 students

Nadine Holland, Centre Manager at Country University Centre (CUC) located at Cooma spoke to our year 12

students about the opportunity of studying at a university while still living in the local area.

CUC is a not for profit organisation that is based on a model which delivers supported learning to students,

providing them with access to campus-level technology, facilities, tutors and a network of fellow students.

CUC vision is to improve equity in higher educational opportunities for rural and remote students.

Year 12 students hear about support pathways available to them after they leave JCS.

Jae Lear, Pathways Support Officer, provides support to our students who have left school and not working or


Our students can get case management support with access to short term courses, resumes & application


Jae spoke about the services he provides and is happy for any JCS student to access his support.

For more information please see Ms Green at the careers office for referral.


Bib Rolling raises funds for JCS

The winter season is off to a start, and JCS held the first of two bib rolling sessions in the Gym. Parents, teachers and students volunteered their time to roll bundles for the Interschool’s and for their efforts JCS will raise $1500 for the school across the two evenings this year. The second Bib-Roll is scheduled for Thursday 15th August.

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MTB on a Friday afternoon – YAY!

Approximately 16 students joined the Mountain Biking program in Term 2 that has seen them all improve their

skills to become more confident, competent

riders. The term saw two groups and the

intermediate/advanced crew pictured rode

solidly each week building endurance and

mileage to successfully riding many of the

technical Mill Creek trails. Last week saw the

students ride 3 Lions from the top and

performed well to ride in control on all features

on the downhill trail.

JCS primary students sporting achievements continue at District Athletics

JCS primary students continue to impress both teachers and their parents and carers with the continued great

performances both on the field and in sportsmanship this time at the District Athletics held at the end of May.

Teyvia Williams and Tessa Paxton became Age Champions and there were also many JCS place getters on the day.

Good luck for the next event.

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8th July

MasterChef Mystery Boxes

It’s time to get your chef on and cook up a storm.

To start we will make chef hats so we look the part and then the

Mystery boxes will be revealed.

Special guest judges will decide the yummiest creation.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks


9th July

Cost: $10

Movies & Games

We will start the day with popcorn and a movie to preserve our energy

before the “Winter Games” commence in the afternoon.

Prizes and bragging rights to be won.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks


10th July

National Pyjama Day (ahead of time)

It’s national Pyjama day next Friday so to celebrate we have decided to

stay in our PJ’s for the day and play.

We will be making soothing night time treats like bath bubbles and salts

and sleep masks to complete the Pyjama ensemble.

Yummy delicious snacks will also be made making this day a relaxed,

sweet smelling success.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks

Sleeping bags



11th July

Christmas in July

We will be bringing the festive cheer into Vacation Care today with

Christmas in July.

We will be making Christmas gifts for our Secret Santa and having a

Christmas feast for lunch.

Ho Ho Ho… Merry Christmas!

What to Bring



12th July

Cost: $3

Park & Pool

We will start the morning with a stroll to Banjo Patterson Park for a play

and morning tea.

We will then return for lunch and some free play and then venture to

the Jindabyne pool in the afternoon for a swim.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks




July— VACATION CARE 8th of July to 22nd of July 2019

7am to 6pm Cost = $66.35 per day + additional costs listed below

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15th July

Forget about Winter

Today we are ignoring winter and bringing back Summer.

We will be making Kinetic sand and ocean craft to make us feel like the

beach is at our doorstep.

Games will be played and then to top it off fish and chips will be served

for lunch.

What to Bring



16th July

Let’s get Physical

John Connors oval is our destination today for a day packed full of sport

and fun.

Bring your sports equipment to make the day as action packed as you

want but just remember you will have to carry it there and back.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks

Sports Equipment


17th July

Woodwork & Tie-dying Fun

Calling all builders and designers… It’s your day to shine.

The woodwork table will be in full swing today so come and build

something woody.

If woodwork isn’t your jam then slide on over to the tie-dying table to

create something psychedelic.

Lots of creative fun to be had by everyone.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks

An item to Tie-Dye


18th July

Cost: $3

Painting & Pool

We will be channelling our inner artists this morning as we take our Easels

and brushes down to the lake to create priceless masterpieces.

After we have exhausted ourselves creatively we will then head to the

pool to exhaust ourselves physically.

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks





19th July

A Day by the Lake

Today we will go on an adventure to ‘Curiosity Rocks’ where we will

explore the beautiful scenery our town has to offer.

Bring your snacks and a packed lunch as we will be there for the day to get

our daily dose of Vitamin D.

What to Bring

Good walking shoes

Warm clothes

Lunch & Snacks


22nd July

Cost: $10

Park Crawl

We‘re hitting the road today and checking out the new parks in the area.

We will start at Berridale for a play and Morning Tea and then through to

Cooma to check out the ‘BIG ONE’ at Centennial Park.

We will finish the day off with a Macca’s 50c cone—Penny’s treat!

What to Bring

Lunch & Snacks

Warm clothes


8th of July to 22nd of July 2019

7am to 6pm

Cost = $66.35 per day +

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SMCELC OSHC Vacation Care Information

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the program may be changed at short notice.


Bookings are Essential - 02 6456 2569 or [email protected]

Any cancellations or no-shows will still be charged the daily fee of $66.35

We aim to provide a fun and interesting vacation care that works within the family budget, SMCELC offers in-centre

activities and local excursions to ensure the holidays pass as they should – with a mix of fun and down time.

Vacation care will be held at the Jindabyne Central School in the small hall The Centre will be open from 7.00am to 6pm each day. Fruit is provided for Afternoon tea and some lunches will be provided by the centre e.g. BBQ’s and Cooking Day. NOTE: The OSHC enrolment form must be completed before enrolling in vacation care. Each day the CHILDREN WILL NEED TO BRING:

Snacks - The children eat all day so please make sure there is enough food so they do not get hungry.

Lunch (unless otherwise specified): Please note that our Centre is “Nut Free”. We have several children with severe allergies to nuts and nut products, therefore families are requested to ensure that children’s snacks and packed lunches do not include foods with nuts in them. We thank you for your co-operation in this important safety consideration. Your child will also need a Hat and Water bottle + any other requirements for a particular activity. (Please check the daily program.) Children MUST be signed in and out each day. Sunscreen will be provided at OSHC – if you prefer you can send your child with their own sunscreen. The staff will supervise children to ensure that they have adequate sun protection including a hat and clothing that provides adequate cover. Excursions into the community: Consent must be given in writing for each excursion. Please check approximate departure and arrival times for excursion days. Excursion permission form must be signed before the planned outing. A risk assessment will be provided to parents on request with the permission form. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE CHILDREN MONEY TO SPEND ON EXCURSIONS, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED


Please ensure children bring a hat and shoes suitable for walking and active play each day. The anticipated ratio of staff to children on excursions is 1:10.

There will always be a minimum of two staff. Please note that the program is subject to change dependent upon enrolment numbers.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at the centre on 64562569.

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WIM HOF AFTER SCHOOL SESSIONS If you’re aged between 16 – 18 years old and live in and around the Jindabyne area, come and give the Wim Hof Method a go.

WIM HOF METHOD The Method is categorised by 3 pillars; breath work, cold exposure, mindset and focus. It’s a simple tool but it takes commitment. Learn how to look after your mental health. Our mental health impacts how we feel about ourselves and therefore everyone else around us. When we’re in a good place mentally, we’re able to manage our feelings and everyday difficulties.

The method is a natural way to give you focus, awareness, presence, concentration and will power to help you study and be attentive throughout the day. The method will help you improve your sports performance. It helps us to train harder and longer, to recover faster and to create a mindset for pushing boundaries. The method exercises our nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and respiratory system, which is beneficial for our overall health. We focus on the inside. ABOUT WIM HOF SESSIONS Each week Leah will guide the group through the unique breathing technique followed by a talk on the science and theory behind the method and a short plunge in the ice tub. Leah will teach you how to produce endorphins naturally, with no side effects. She will talk about the effects of stress, anxiety and depression on our bodies and how the method will help you to build your mental resilience. The weekly youth sessions will start Tuesday 30th July from 4pm at the Jindabyne Yoga Shala. Contact Leah for more details.

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