JflUfJS U A* ACT U KES* TSSBK?SSXSSf& ty andGeariag Castings made from T«©y IVmndry. R8 IMVIBC taken theToundry formerly are prepared to exe- ICii Gearing, All Machine- ry new pattern*. ~' AUfo.VT—-ACQ. West Troy Machine Shop. JL ^tor/Wort^PHBra IWdMTMiliwiight Work. Also, rcwOrtof Hl«h M d l / n r Pressure a_«inea. Steam Boilers, Ac. Afi work promptly attended to, and a ahare of patronage eolVd- ^ a ^ M a c l t o e Shop in connection with the West Troy fteadTj^We*Troy,Jaaiaiy«,l8a7. tm4t QROOTyBianOCTAPAIJ*_3t. T. Hardaway 'TO DVTORM hia friends and m that he has opened a firstclaae IY AND ICE CREAM SALOON 1tosupply all orders of Ice Cream in forma, i Da Roans, Ac AH ordera to hia linaof buai- received and promptly attended to with neat- ; and other parttee supplied at ahort actios. Alha-y-aL,Troy. ]_*_ Plain and Fancy Carting*. fj T»& ofia betatg^raet^deaign; «-» an elegant URN for Lawns and Garder_f „ . _ ^ , ™ ™ Attention la Invited to a new atyle of CHARCOAL FXTB- S E, very light and adapted to any size veaaeL The Trade i for CAST IRON WORK of every ktod executed In ^TROY _ IROH FOUNDRY, earner of Tint and Jefferson street*. Eagle Foundry. gort Caaiitoon Furnaces and K*tUe», Cook. Parlor and Heating Stoves, Sammer Ranges, Store Columns, Window Caw, Door Gaps and 8111*, aad moat everything to the line of Iron Castings. I have one of the largest and 'best assortment* of Machinery Tmmmmt aide of New York, Including the Patterns of the late firm oi Chollar, Sage A Dunhamf. i I f f i • JAMKSTORRANCK, Proprietor, "Rive Office No. 865 River street. Furniture, Ac. GlJBlSBflet^WS^ chaaed the entire stock In trade of leonard Smith at the above stand, would moat WflPectMlr mfotmoM customm and^oto- aretawantof ITJRNTTURK, that they are now prepared to iarhiah tkem on the moat reasonable tamui. We now have,and «h*n constantly keep. Center, Card, extension, Pier and Dining Tables, Bureaus, Solas, Chain, Lookteg^Jlassea. Bedsteads of all «__n7Faa_Mra, Ootts, Ac, Ac., at wholesale and retail, and at thelowaat possible prices. We tenet by giving atrlet personal attention toDuemeas to merit and receive a share of the public AM kinds of Repairing done at theJbortoatnol^andonm GR—XNMAvN « SHAW. iesses, Trunks, &c. A NOTHER RKVOLUTIOY, BUT NO POWDER BURNID.—Having become satisfied that my former store was Inadequate to accommodate the great crowds who visit my establishment, and who, to these hard times. And it necessary to spend their meney to the beat advantage, (of course they come to the great Emporium,) I have removed my store from 74X to 7% Oongiteas street, comer of Third, andfittedit up to compare with any other establishment, where, by having a sales room en thefirstJoor, also occupying the second floor of the entire buhc. tog an a sales room, and the whole of the third story as a mane. tactory, I am prepared to exhibit one of the largest assortment s of Coach, OigJWagon, Lumber and Cart Harnesses, Ladies' and Ctanthmim'aTfedrgg Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Horse Covers, Sheets. Traveling Trunks, Valises, Bags, Ladles' Satchels. Dress Trunks, and every article ever kept to a similar establishment. AH Of the above goods will be sold lower than they can be bought aianyotheritoretotaectoor State. WM. B. JONES, * my96 fj Congress street, corner of Third. MUSICAL. Piano Fortes. T H1I SUBSCRIBER H AVIN« PURCHASERiW Grow A Hulakamp their entire stock of PIANO FORTE*, wtil sell the same on favorable terms. The Pianos may be seen anil examined at No. 117 River street, and may be purchased of theTObscriber,at his office. No. 73 Second street. "~" M7-M ' JOHN B. GALE. l_7_opk_as, 244 River Street. CJHEET MU8IO-A11 the New Music received as soon as a j published. A MELODEONS—Of the vary best makers, all styles. GUITARS—Twenty different patterns and prices. CANES—Of even- description, for young or old, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—A complete assortment. REPAIRING done neatly, the only stop in town. ap26 Piano Fortes and Melodeona. »500Qmr!&§ l&hhlSgSiJfZ aiKosrn-HAsro PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. These Instruments have been purchased fox CASH, and can be sold twenty per cent. less, than the usual prices; all of which are from the best manufacturers in New York and Boston. Also the usual sunffiy oTttaLLirrf, DAVIS A CO.'S PIANO FOETID aJHTPfi-LONPETS MELODEONS, together with the largest stock of sheet music kept by any cars DXAJJM in Troy. I Persons wishing to purchase anything in the Music trade, can ted things to theft aatiafactiem " calling at au8 both in price and quality, by H. I. PEASE'S. Rand's HaJL Trov. N. Y. New Piano Forte Manufactory. /3.BITNER, BEHN8 A O S S E N K O P would respectfully I T latem the public of their NEWLY ESTABLISHED PIANO FORTE MANU FACTORY, at 186 River street, Tiov. Grand and Upright Pianoe oonstantiy on hand and made to or- der in the most complete modern styles, ail our instruments are coastoscted with iron frame, ana warranted for three years. Please call at our store, NO. 136 RIVER STREET, and you will find .Panes not to _bejmrpasaed.^An experience ot many year* at Warsaw, Poland, Paris, New York, Ac, enables aa to torn wot the VERY BEST INSTRUMENTS. None better made in the United Statu. New and secondhand Pianos will be hired out. All tuning aad repairing of Pianos, Organs and Melodeons will be attended to by a well experienced tuner. Remember the Manufactory No. 186 River street. je22-6m* NEW YORK ADVTS. $600 Reward. TEFFRIE'S -%NTlDOTEv-A specific mixture, for the «w case of gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, and similar disorders.— S mages a speedy cure without the least restriction of diet, drinx, exposure, or change to application to business. Our ob- ject ia to notify where it can be h&d; and the proprietor chal- lenge* a single case of recent gonorrhoea which the mixture will not cttre. Repeated experiments and long experience have proved that it will radically cure any case which can be pro- duced. This destmble result Js obtained in from two to ten days, and as it neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and renders unnecessary any deviation in diet or interruption to usual pursuits, sound sleep or healthy digestion, the nuisance is thus removed as speedily aa Is consistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Its ingredients are entirely able, and no injurious effeoL either constitutionally or lr> oally, can be caused by itause. Price #1 per bottle. Soil Agent for New York. C. H. RING. W. L. JEN1S0N, agent for Albany. For sale at H. C. SHELDON'S, 384 River at, aad at 10 State st. , nor36-ly To A DVERTISJE k DVIRTIBE A D D JJ AEE (yROCERIESa &C. ONE Yi Advertisers in Troy. N * KWSFAPER ADVERTISING.- S. M. PETTINGILL & CO. are agents for nearly all the Newspapers In the United States (including California) and the British Possessions. Some 2 0 O 0 different Papers ate received and filed at their offices, No. .119 NASSAU smuorr. Nxw YOBS, an* No. 10 6TAT« srmxEr, BOSTOIC. They presenttothe E ubhc greater inducements than anv other ouse In the country. Thev attend to their business and see that it is done in the BS&T manner, to the Baar Papers, at the LOWIST aaxs. They have arrangements with many Papers such as no other Agent can have, and they give cuatoraera this benefit. Advertisers can save Moanrr.Traa and TaovBLB by giv- ing S. M. PaTTTENGILL & CO. their ad- vertateg, as their oid customers will testify. Merchants are invited to call at our orBcts, where all in&miiatloa wiB be given that will enable any one to advertise judiciously, and make money thereby. iaSO AUCTION STORES. — The suiacribers have this day ned a co-partnership for the transaction of a Genera] i and Commission Business, at the old store ot Ackley A , 2*t River street, where they *re now receiving a large jnt of French, English. German ahd Domestic Goods; kiao Clocks, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, .Bedsteads, Looking Glasses, and other Furniture; Books, Blank Bouka, Paper, Envelopes, Ac, Ac. BaT* Auction sales ever,' evening, •jiberal advanceamade on consignment. P. ACKLEY, __ sgto , W. E. MARSTON. S B. <k W . A1XENDORPH, AUCTION AND COM- • MISSION MERCHANTS, 313 River at., Troy, N. Y., tters and- Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods, i Beaten) to Shell, Bom, Ivory, Rubber and Metal -French and German Accordeona, Violins. Table and ~ Iktry, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold ami Silver Pen- Olocka, Portmoniea, Perfumery, Brushes, Plav'rg is and Needles, Hooka and Eyes, Pocketbooks, Sus- rhalebone, Raaors and Strops, Spring Balancers, OD , Spoona, Spectacles, Thread, Shirts and Collars, Ac.—Yan kee aotions without anmber—goods, in facL from which eveiy- body will find something to suit; cheap Jewelry and Plated Ware, and avery variety of Fancy Goods—Pearl-irdaid* Writing Deakf. Fancy Boxes, Pistols, Caps, and everything else in this line ; Furniture, Trunks and Valises, together with a large as- aortmant Books and Statioatrv. Envelopes. i»ap*r Han^iriKs. The atttation of Merchants ana Pedlars ia particularly mvtted to this large and elegant assortment, which will be sold for ca.-h at leas than New York credit prices. Dont be gulled any longer •srheaj'ou can save 35 per cent, upon the soot. BeT*NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE bought and sold. Cash advanced on all consignments. Auction every evening. No. 318 River at. mhl4 JEWELRY. Look Well at your Time. r A T C B K S , j ^ A T C I t f i » 1 AAD JEWELRY! - L. C CHAMPHE\,«o. 8 Albany street, opposite the ^? J^E^^+J 111 ?,,, 01 * bao<l alarge and well selected of FINE GOLD WATCHES, Hunting Cases and open , which we weU regulated and warranted to keep good , together with a fine rtock of Gold Guard, Vest, Fob and etotne Chaiis. rid Keys, Seals, Gold Hunting Lockets, GoM Spectacles, s and Pencil rases. Chain, link and Band Bracelets, Ladies* Pens and E-r Drops, (Cameo Mosaic,) Sleeve Buttons, Sttuiv Gold aad Silver Thimbles, Coral Necklaces, Snaps, Eye Glasses*" Ac.-, Ac. Silver Tabl?. Tea, Su*ar, Cream, Salt. Mustard and Dessert Spoons, Soup Ladles. Silver warranted equal to coin. Also, a fine article of Silver Plated W*re, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Port Monies, Spy Glasses, Fancy Boxes, Perfumery Sodps, China Ornaments, Clocks of all descriptions,—all of which will be sold as low aa at any other house, and warranted as recommended. N. B. Persona! attention will be paid to cleaning and repair 'ngplain and oooy licated Watches. Having an extensive .-ett ofTools for Jeweling and making any partVne feels confident of ghing perfect satisfaction. AH work will L* warranted. lfl» T~ L.qCjtlAMPNSY. Geo. H. Hjewls, : BfAK£R. SILVERSMITH AND JEWELER anston uottj*. Troy. A general assortHwnt of a. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Pen and andFancv Ankles for sale. i of every description adjuatod and warranted. Clocka Music Boxes and Jewelry pwperty repaired. WOOD AND COAL. Bolton & Anthony, HOLflPAUE AAD RETAIL DULLER* IN LE- heiab, Lackamna. tmch Orchard, Locust Mountain, Camberlaad, and S'cianton Coal. Office and Tard,SSS> River st Troy, near Railroad Tiridge. Orders lilled -rar d«.patch. and delivered Ttith EDWARD BOLTON, AARON C. ANTHONY. kid Wood at Reduced Prices! i W E D TO ANY LENGTH TO SUIT Cnatomera.- Sawed bymaehinery. Kindling Wood, hard or soft, by 1 or ltd. Wood delivered to any part of the city, in auanu- tias from an eighthat* a oordlWtoa tot load. BT* YARD m NORTH THIRD STREET. myT •; W. H. JACKSON A CO. and Store Wood. . om hand aad win do- _ WOOD, whkh ia mamifactnred Itisbattarand cheaper than charcoal tot khv M d and delivered at 80 cants a barrel. ptians of hard wood, not and tpKt if desired, at tied, aad wood dailrared to any part of the a*j a y Yard, or at Ensign's Grocery Ob_ pale and dark, Bisquit, T - pal«,A-8eignBe,r^ea»dd^»art«m, pale and dark, a. Bernard A CofTpate and dark, United Prop^etoraip^e. andlark. St. George's Rochelle, pale and dgrk, Ohto » « p d y , dark, White Brandy, Cherry Brandy, CWer Brandy, Raspberry Brandy. Peach Brandy, american Brandy. ^ M r x ^ ^ r ^ E n g e n i e Pale. D. G. Gcrden, pale, Lmperi- aL pale. Queen Isabella, pale. Anchor Brown, Anchor Pale. <fi*IOS£dert^^ Itoe^ppleT^ektam Schnapa, American. _ RTw^Antlqna, Jamaica, St. Crtgi, Conmaon, Chany. WaiBxnTa^-iriaX Scotch, Old Bourbon. JVHorlne, Ham- I ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ w t a l L ^ ^ V k ^ Catawba, Loomis* extra Still Catawba, Loomia' Catawba, Currant, Rasp- ^ManiSil^Wrjrji.—Wetah Brothers Old Reserved, Abrea's Extra Pale S, Side, Abrea's Pale S>: Side, Rose, Ingham A Co., and Sicily. CHAMPAOHaa.—Longwcrth'a Heidaink, Crown Grape, Phomix, Da Mercer. F a n Wmraa.-OJd London, AMo Dure, Duke Oporto, Gal- jneren'a Pure Juice, Daaton, St. Martinis. , _ * OLAjuoa-fit. Juien, St. Medoc, Chateau Pribau, Sautame Beiieie. Wild Cherry, Cnmnt Joice, Curranl Juice, Raepberry Juice. Anaa—Falkirk's Scotch, Moir A Son's Scotch, Byaaa* London Porter. -v Oi«AJ».-Cmtodoonan, Rio Hondo, Habana, Lafayette R«g»- Ua. La Minerva. « ' ^WTnes and rhandieam Bottles arid Oaaea. norl» m A R E NOT1CE.-WHYLANX B A DATER take "Ids J. method ot informing their Mends ami the pubhc generally that they have erertedaine building for a FAMILY GROCE- RY STORE, where the very best of GROCERIES may be found at all times. It is attached to our fine Livery Establish- ment, and we are resolved to keep up with the tines, and to be behind no one in enterprise. Our establianmentB are unsur- passed by any other in this city; and we are confident of our ability to give perfect satisfaction to our customers. Also in con- nection with the building is a large, commodious Yard and Shed. City Hay Scales, Ac, and we Invite all our friends to call and take a look at the place, as no expense has been spared to render it commodious and complete in all its departments. Messrs. WHY LANDS would tender thanks to their city and country friends for their liberal patronage while formerly en- caged in the Grocery Business, and pledge themselves to please ilTwho will give them a call at 184,188 and 188 FIFTH ST., a few doors below Congress street, where you can find a new and choice supply of GROCERIES, which we can sell aa low at the lewat. WHYLANDS A DATER. /^©-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this day \J formed a co-partnership under the name of Alden A Hunt, for the purpose of carrying on the Family Grocery bushiest. We have purchased the entire interest of William Holmes in the Grocery hitherto kept by him, at Nos. 1 and 2 Harmony BuildiBgs, and shall at all times keep on hand a full supply of choice Family Groceries and Furnishing Goods. Mr. Holmes' former customers are Invited to continue their trade at the oid stand, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully solicited.—Dated Troy, March 10,1S66. J. J. ALDEN, maris S. P. HUNT- W ~M. HENRY, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVI- SIONS, FRUITS, Ac, No. 36 Division street, TroVjN. Y This may be appropriately styled a complete VARIETY STORE. Everything to the fine of GROCERIES, fresh, nice, and cheap ; of PROVISIONS, the best the market affords, in- cluding FRESHENED MACKEREL; of FRUIT, foreign and domestic, the choicest to season—with WILLOW-WARE, and HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES innumerable. Every- thing, almost, that a householder wants, will lie found in tins store. Prices t'«rjr°tow, aad cash-required. maris W^LCTlONT^T^e~coliiarto«abip nereiofore existing between the subscribers under thefirmof W. S. A G. C. GREENWOOD, ia thia day dissolved by mutual consent, C. O. Greenwood retiring from the business. W. S. Greenwood ia alone authorised to use the name of the firm to sign in liquida- tion, and will continue the business at the old stand. Thankful Xor past favors, he respectfully solicits a share of the public pat- ronage, which haa heretofore been so liberally bestowed.—Troy, October 34th, ISM. W. S. GREENWOOD, - - C.C.GREENWOOD. N OriCE 18 H E R E B Y G I V E * that the undersigned "have this day formed a co-partnership under the name and firm of Russell A' Brannan. for the transaction of a general FLOUR, GROCERY and COMMISSION business, at the store formerly occupied by Jas. Arnold, No. 817 River st., where may be found itt all times the very best brands of WESTERN FLOUR for family use; also, a general assortment of FAMILY GROCER- IES, which will beapld for CASH only, at the lowest market price—February 1,1858. A.RUSSELL, feg-tf __ \ _i P. MiANNAN. ( ^O-PARTA'riRSlBP.—The undersignad having entered j into a co partnership for the purpose of carrying on the Grocery and Provision buanesa ia all its branc'ies, have taken the old established stand formerly occupied by Chas. G. Wain- wright, south-east corner of Second and Division streets, which they have overhauled and refitted in good style,-and where they wouM be happy to meet their friends and the public—April 1st, 1866. O. M: ROBINSON, ap27 EDGAR BALLOU. C* CUBMUWHAW - , (aucceasor to D. W. Sickles,) k% corner North Third and Federal streets, would respectfully inform tne public that he has taken the above stand, and will keep constantly on hand a choice and general assortment oi GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBU XATWs TO CASH COTTOMKtia. Call and ex- amine. ~ 8. CLEMINSHAW, fel7-tf and corner North Third and Federal sts. C O^PXRT"iTO'R6Hi r Pr^- The^nbecrib^t^haVelhis'Tav formed a co partnership under the name of Battershau, Graves A Van aistyne, for the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery and Commission business, at Nos. 221 and 228 River st., (opposite the Troy Housed—Troy, March 1,18ft8. LUDLOW a. BATTERSHALL, AARON H. GRAVES, mhl-tf WILLIAM L. VaN ALSTYNE, D ISSOLCTIOX.—The co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and firm of Mathews A Gregory, was dis- solved on the 11th of March by mutual consent. The business will be settled by H. Mathews. H. MATHEWS, G. II. GREGORY. The business cf the above firm will be continued at the old stand, No. 110 Congress street, by H. MATHEWS. Troy. April 8,1B5T- > _ ap9 M eCOVIHE <fc CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and IM- PORTERS of Brandies, Gin, Wines, Ac, No. 187 River street, Troy, N. Y.. invite the attention of the trade to their large stock of GROCERIES, which they will continue to sell •jpon the most favorable terms. marlO BOOTS AND SHOES. Removal—Boots and Shoes. J A M B S S L T T O N , A g e n t , has removed his stock of Boots and Shoes to No. 75 Congress st„ where ha will be happy to serve his old patroH and manv new oa^a. A first-rate stock OT land, and prices at the very lowest figures. Work promptly tionft and warranted. Orders solicited. * nAMf • JAMES SUTTON, Agent, 75 Congress st. ___ , , , . _j _L___ +,—_ , Summer Goods. CUMMER STOCK.-MELVIN'S Mammoth Boot © Shoe Store, Rauci's Hall, Congress streetl is n w filled with an Immense stock of Summer Goods, of every description to be found in the Shoe business, of best quality. Tnose -in want of any thing in the Boot or Shoe line, will find it to their advan- tage to call at this extensive establishment, as the assortment of goods to be found here Is not to be equaled in this part of the country. The prices, as usual, will be put at the very lowest —afr Wholesale and retail. Je4 F. MELVIN. New Boot and Shoe Stored i\TO. 370 RIVER STREET, (near the Bridze.)-The JLI subscriber has orened this new store, has furnished it with a'ar*e stock of BOOTS. SHOES, and all other goot s pertain- ing to the trade, and is prepared to sell good jsoods. of all the latest patterns, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. EXAJI- rm ABD Jt*DGaTOEyotTESELVEs. Oustom-work promptly done in the very best styles, and WAKBASTK0. Work ready when promised. A share of public patronage solicited. J 61 -*!— _WVH. FiKE, JHO. K70 River st. 2* 1 A A i l A WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES AAT> yPAUeUU'J RUBBERS received this day at 125 River street, corner of Ferry, opposite the St. Charles* Hotel. Thia is the largest and best assorted stock of Boots, Shoes and Rub- bers this side of New York. This stock has be-m purchased for •ash, much below the manufacturers' prices, which will enable the undersigned to anderiell any other establishment in thia dty. The public are invited to call and examine for then> •selves. __! '^ E ~ »00'l>AAlJ*ROES,—J.FAULKNER, No.348 River 9 street, invites attention to Ma large stock of fashionable BOOTS and SHOES, embracing a complete assortment cf all lescriptlona adapted So the season, and "many nice articles for tidies and chi'ilrec'a tvear not usually found in retail establish- meats. From long etoerience, Mr. F. is enabled to make suita- ble selections and of the best material and workmanship. He *lso manu&ctnrea to order, wturantihg excellent fits, the heat of stock and superior workmanship. Prices at the ioxiKtt cash rates, and such as cannot Tail to give wttisfadJon. Better pre- pared than ever to uerve his frienda and the pnblic, Mr. F. soli- d a a share of their generous patronage, at No. 248 River-st. j25 P ACWLARD'S BOOT, SHOE AAD RUBBER EM- PORIUM, WHOLXSAIJS AST> RXTAIL, S3 CouGBasssraxsr, TROT, N. Y.—The subscriber having re-Duilt and re-opened hia new store, which has been finished » nd furnished in the most modern style, and stocked with the largest and complete assort- ment of^Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ever before offered to the public this side of Ne^r York, comprising every variety of style and Quality. I have manufactured a large share of my goods, and being weekly in receipt of the best quality of Eastern work, which I buy fur cash ait less prices tban can be bought for credit, enables rne to ofter inducements to those in wsnt of any articles a aim line, to «Ji where they v.-iil find it their interest to pur- mase. at the oheap Cash Store. I have taken great painstoob- lain the bwt manuiactured Rubber^ in market, which I have iucceeded in, and can safely recommend them to my customers, %nd warrant them net to tear or break out, which I will sell at •educed prices, as any motto will be—large sales and small profits. The pubdc are suifcited to examine mv stock, as all goods will >:• shown with pleasure and a good fit obtained. I am also pre- pared to m t i e to older any kind of Custom Work from the best yf materials and finished workmanahip. Repairing neatly and WhUwdtnlrj done. Je38 MECHANICAL. M AG.YETO-ELKtTRIC MACHINES FOR MEDI- CAL P L RP08SS, sold at recucetl raUa by W.AL.E.GURLEY. D RAHlrVtt IMSTRUME2WS OF A LL KJADS AM» QUALITIES—A complete assortment, with T. Rules. Drawing Boards and Triangles, kept always on hand and sold at rates of importers in New York and Philadeluhla, by oc29 __^ W. & L. E. OURLBY. R ICHARD CARTER. »5 5 RIVER STREET, OPP. THE MANSION HOUSE—Sign of the Broad Axe and Plane—Manu&eturer of Planes and Tools. Machine Stretched Leather Beiting, and Wood Mouldings, and tierler in all descrip- tion* of Mechanics' Tools, India Rubber Belting, Hose and Steam Packing Belt, Picker and Lace Leather, Roller Skins, Belt Clasps, Hooks and Rivets, Cotton Waste Hemp, and all other kinds of Steam and Water Packing, with a large variety of goods and materials wanted by Railroad Companies, Ma- chlni.sta, Maaulacturers, Mill Owners and M.-chanics generally. Orders by cxpretu or mail promptly executed. Any thing In uurltoe made to crder at short notice. Your patronage is ic- RICHARDCARTER, 255 Rivernti-eet, Troy, N. Y. licited by my7 Qas, Steam and -Water Pitting. 1 MOST RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the m nauuanta of Trey and vicinity to the fact that I am now pre- pared to execute all orders for the above kinds of work, which, for workmanship and moderate charges, will not fail to meet the approbation of tie public. fceoaiiM-tionwil-ithea^ve.Ihave fitted up a department where ^1 kmda ot Brass *S\ ork wil be nmie to order, repaired or rennisbed to gUt, silver and bronze; old Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Uiraisuolta, and ah kinds of Mantle Omameats, made equal to new. rartictslar attention paid to refirdshing Regalia, Theatrical and solitary Ornament ; also, all kinds of Orna nenta In Cast Iron, &!EC Ac, eronzed, plain or antique, all of which will be war- ranted to give satisfaction, and on most reasonable terms. . x up on i. Ail klndsof Glass and Paper Shades"constantly on hand.-i These requiring anything ia the above line, will do well to call at my estoblishmfciit oafijro going elsewhere. The public pa- tronage is respectftiUy s o h c i t e d r i * "1 Work done in any part of the coantry. All work war* TIMOTHY QUINN. f l« ConjDreas street. Troy, N. Y. NTS. ranted. ap» DENTISTRY. ' , ^T5cru8lo^ ,,,l Yard No. mm* atreet. Dentistry—The Teeth. D %Mk i^^^W^ h «»J«>ten rooms at Wo. 8 4 ihrrd, corner of Congress street, over ihe office of Dr. M. fo^nw?' a ^l^ i P et n M ' T n- te ' M - e P W* Professional services to ffi^^ 111 * Teeth-Filling, Teeth-Extr&cttoK, and r^I*^m^^r ^ i^ a^ Jltr: '' execlIte,1 in «» m «* carelht'and $%££,£???*'?'$ aA , tl8 »'»cTiois WAEBAm-XD. All the recent tST^pSSS* 8 ° f tile J? ec,al VoUviviare introduced in my prac- Aibare(rfpatrtnagetore»r»ctfully aoiicite*t, at No. 94 Third 5S35 —__ ap9 Dira. Ross dv Prapch, OF BLOCK. AWO K,afowdoorabeloif axrxsio V T. O. Brmamade, M. D^ R. B. Bontecca. M n H Wnt. kym M. I> John c a PP V n Sffi g^g- g * CSxA, M. D_ B. Starbuck, E. WatervDrogS Trov 7 F B Lectikrd, M. D , 0 . V. W. Barton, M?D^ LenSiamaih'- P T HearttTwatcrfed: M. A. Cashing, M X ^ H ? 'if H* ' taTvt! H * b^M>, "** °°' : a ° B * Rerp0 ^ lallnV Bentdng^ »w* Dental Stock oonatantly oc band. M Fire Insurance Agency. M ETROPOLIAN FIRE LVSLRAYtE CO., OP raSciTYOFNEWYOR-. [ OaahCapltol, WOCOOO. i Jama Loanixa GBAHA-, President. E. A. STANSBtrar, Secretary. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CQ- OFHAHTFORD, CONN. ^ Cash Capital, «500,000. H. HtnriniGTOM, President. C. B. Bowna, Secretary. J NORTH WESTERN INSURANCE CO^ OF OSWEGO, K. Y. Cash Capital, #150,000. " ! .* JAMES P t a i r , President. 8. B. LUDLOw, Secretary. ALBANY INSURANCE CO- OF ALBANY, N. Y. Cash Capital *125,000. JT TXUH_ VAH Vxoanor, PresldenL 8. GXOXSBXCK, Secretary. NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, T ^ OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $300,000. J A—ss G. Boia—a, J. A. WALLAOX, Secretary. The above Companies issue policies at their Agency in Troy, where their losses under such policies will be promptly adjusted and paid. Office 338 River atre^^prgdtoTj^House. ?SSIkS^»i"cl ¥ -^b T «ffi U&3K QTM: RARWOOD,) A -_ bL J. W. CIPPERLY, J A* 6111 ** TO IfL OOMPANY, Paciflc Bank Building, comer of Broadway i Grand streets. Branch Office, NoTsOWall street. New York. Cash Capital, 1300,000, with a large surplus. Insures Dwel- lings, Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furniture, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and other property, against loss or dam- age by fire, n favorable terms. Kuosaae. Amos F. Hatfield, Divid L. Ycnngs, Joseph H. Williams Thomas Jeremiah, HenryWeniel, John W. Sagemaa Charles B. White, John Kerr. Barman Blauvelt, •Wm. Tilden, Wm. Smith, Nathan Roberts, Jesse A. Marshall, James D. Flah, Jacob Campbell, jr- Allan Hay. H.N.Wlla, Xbenezer Beadlestone, HenryBruner, Wm. B. Landame, George R. Jackson, Jedediah Miller, Major Thompson, John A. Merritt, Nathan C. Ely, John T. Dodge, Jamet Robinson, Charles E. Grant, George P. WeU. , AMOS F. HATFIELD, Presiden-.. A. L. Scaaxa, Secretary. The bustoeas of the above Company for this city will be trans- acted hereafter thredgh the snbacriber, who will be happy to at- tend to their calls for Insurance in a Company that INSURES to pay in case of loss. E. BABCOC—, ap» cor, aibahy and River sts.. over House Telegraph Office. O OME L\S t RAACE COMPABIY.-Capltal $500,080. XlOiflce No. 10 Wall street. This Company insures Buildings, Merchandiae, Household Furniture, Ships in port and their car- goes, and other property, against loss or damage by fire, on rea- «nable terms. maaamm. Cephas H. Norton, Charles J. Martin, William G. Lambert, Gaerge C. Collins, pftnford N. Barney, Lucius Hopkins, Tuomas Messenger, WilliampL Mellen, Charles B. Hatch, Wm.T. Hooker, R. Waljson Bull, L. Atterburv,jr„ Lucien D. C'oman, Homer Morgan, Levi P. Stone, James Humphrey, George Pearce, Ward A. Work, James Low, Isaac H. Frothingham, Charles A. Bulkley, Richard Bigelow, George D. Morgan, Theodore McNamee, A. F. WtutAain, Sec*y. se?? Oliver E. Wood, AmosR.Eng, Alfred S. Barnes, George Bliss, RoeLoekwood, John G. Nelson, , Lyman Cooke, Llvi P. Morton,! Curtis Noble, John B- Hutchinson, Stephen PauL Charles P. Baldwin, H. Gilbert Ely, Amos T. Dwight, Henry A. Hnrlbttt, Jesse Hoyt, Wm. 8torgia),tt, Th08.W.WUliams, 3d John R. Ford, Geo. T. Stedrhan, Sidney Mason. CHAS. J. M_BT_', Prest. . TILLINGHA8T, Agent No. 191 River street, Troy. B RIDGEPORT FIRE AAD MARINE lASCRAACK CO., Bridgeport, Conn.—Incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut. Capital $300,000. This Company is prepared to Insure against loss or damage bv fire, on BUILDINGS, MER CHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other PER S©NAL PROPERTY, on as favorable terms aa other responsi- ble Companies. All losses will be honorably and promptly adjusted and paid. DiaacTO&s. E. R. Mason, 0 Joseph Richardson, Wm. H. Noble, A. W. Thompson, O ]-.6ilS6V T. E. COURTEN AY, President. H. W. CHATFIELD, V. President J. H- WABHBtrHN. Secretary. NEW YORK AND ERIE FIRE INSURANCE CO- Of liddletown, Orange Co.. N. Y. Capital $130,00a EL1SHA P. WHEELER, President. K. S. MOSHXS, Secretary. mhai WM. HAGEN, Agent. T. E. Courtenay, H. W. Chatfleld, W. S. Knowlton, liathaniel Greene, aPRlYGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE © COMPANY, Springfield, Mass.—Capital #150,0007 Insures Real and Personal Property against loss and damage byfire,on reasonable terms. EDMUND FREEMANTresldent. WM. CoMHna, Jr- Secretary. Applications for Insurance may be made to X. BELL, Agent, at his office. No. 14 Museum Bunding, Troy. WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE COMPA- NY.—Office, Bank Row, Pittsfield. Capital stock #160,000.— This Company will insure Real and Personal Property against loss or damage by fire, on reasonable terras. GARUSC. DURNAP, President. J. C. GOODEIOH, Secretary. John T. Lamport, Esq_ having relinquished the agency ef this Company to the undersigned, he would inform his friends tiiat he will continue the business of such agency at his office, No. 14 Museum Building, Troy. Jal8 _J] E. BELL, Agent. P HIEA'iX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BROOKLYN. RUTGERS' FIRE INSURaNCSCO.,OF I*EW YORK. AMERICAN FIRE INSU RANGE CO., OF PROVIDENCE. ATLANTIC FIRE & MARINE INS. CO., OF MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF ROGER WILLIAMS' INSURANCE CO., OF " PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INSURANCE CO.. of." UNION MUTUAL LIb'E INSURANCE COL, OF BOSTON. UNITED STATES INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. tW J. C. COLE, Agent of the above first-class Insurance Companies, at 253 River street, Troy. au23 FIRE AND Cash Capital F i Marina Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, r #300,000. Incorporatedto1856. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital $150,000. The above Companies (having complied with the laws of the State of New York) are duly authorized by the Comptroller to transact the business of Fire Insurance to said State, and will insure Buildings, Household Furniture, Merchandise, A c , to Troy and vicinity, against loss or damage by fire, on reasonable terms. Apply to B. A. TILLINGHAST, Agent, rah-34 Office 191 River street, Troy, N. Y. New Insurance and Real Estate Agency, AT O. 3 8 2 RIVER STREET, Market Bank Building. IN. —GILBERT GEER, Jr., is the authorised Agent for the Hanover, Beekman, and several other New York city and East- ern Insurance Companies for this city and vicinity. Life Insurance can be procured through this] Agency only in the _STNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. RICH- Ann tiLose, M. D., Medical Examiner for this Agency. Mr. G. will also give his attention to the Sale and Exchange of Real Estate, Renting and Collecting of Rents, Ac. mhlS I "'l^lraANCk-FRAN_IJirFlRJJ INSURANCE CO., Philadelphia. Capital and Assets, $1,761,468. Fanners' and Mechanics' Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of Phila. Capital and Assets. $611,383. Orient Mutual Marine Ins. Co., N.Y. Assets, #905,904. British Commercial Life Ins. Co. Capital, #3,000,000. Insurance effected to the above Companies on application to G. PARISH OGDEN, Banking and Insurance Agent, _myll$ Albany street, Troy. aDTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD" _3_ —Incorporated to 1819—Charter perpetual. Cash Capi- tal, $1,000,000. Insure against loss and damage by Are, on terms adapted to the hazard, and consistent with the laws of compen- sation. B. A. TILLINGHAST. Agent for Troy, N. Y„ and vicinity, se28 Office No. 191 River street "^NEVVnBOOKsi &C. , 1-3 Secret Sorrow! Certain Help! D R. LA C R O I X , from twenty years' practical experience, is enabled to treat with the utmost certainty of cure all diseases arising from excesses or infection, as spermatorrhoea, stricture, syphilis, &c, without the use ot those dangerous me- dicines mercury, copaiba, Ac. His Dispensary is now capacious and replete with every con- venience which modern improvement can suggest, such as hot and cold water,—the apartments are warmed by means of a hot- air furnace, and lighted with gas. It is accessible to strangers, from its close proximity to depots of Central, Western, Hudson River, Harlem and Northern Railroads, (all of which are at the terminus of the street) as well as the principal Hotels. The Dispensary is commodiously arranged with separate apartments, (the whole building being used for the purpose,) and is well adapted to facilitate the restoration of the patient without fear of exposure, as they will not come in contact with any one but the Doctor. Pa—near SAXIOOAXD AttAiNsr QOAC—BST.—The cheapest book ever published 1—250 pages and 180 plates—Price only 35 cents a copy, or 5 copies for #1—Mailed free of pastage through- out the United States—entitled DR. LA CROrxSPRTVATE MEDICAL TREATISE, as PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEWS OF MARRIAGE.—80ni EDITION—100.000 corns SOLD ANSTJ- AILY.—A popular treatise on the secret infirmities of youth, and matunty, arising from genital diseases in both sexes, with one hundred and thirty colored and plain lithographs and engra- vings, illustrating the Anatomy, Physiology and diseases of the Sexual Organs, their Structures, Uses and Functions, and the various injuries produced to them by Solitary Habits, Excesses and Infection. Causes, Symptoms and bauefui effects of Vene- real Diseases. Together with plain directions for the perfect cure of Syphilis, Gleet, Strictures, Ac., without mercury! .To which are added very extensive practical observations on sexual debility, arising from nocturnal seminal emissions, or constitu- tional weakn ess, and its attendant sympathies. The whole illus- trated from Dr. La Croix's private practice. X ANOTHER NEW BOOR. V. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY.-The most wonderful astoniahtog and curious work ever published in the English language, entitled MATRIMONY MAT>E EASY s On How TO Wnt A Lovna. The secret principles of Love, inter- spersed with directions for the preservation and exaltation of personal beauty and loveliness, and for prolonging human life healthily and happily to the very longest pefTod-of human ex- istence. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED ON STEEL. The singled Married, and the Married happy. The Lights and Shades of Married Life. Brief exposition or the nature and treatment of the contagious and other diseases of the urinary and sexual organs, and their remedies. a Lecture on Love to Married Ladles end Gentlemen. How to remedy impotency, sterility and barrenness—how to beget off- spring—the danger of excesses, and the terrors of absolute con- tinence, etc. Together with a vast amount of useful informa- tion, aptly termed " Knowledge for the Million'"—embracing handreds of recipes which have been kept secret from the world by those who have made millions out of them. The reproductive organs of females, illustrated. Menstrua- tion, Irregularity, or the entire suppression of the Menses, how to remedy; pregnancy, illustrated by plates, at different stages of gestation; how to prevent i t ; how to determine when H ex- ists ; the diseases attending it, and their remedies, by M. B. La- Croix, M. D., of aibanyVN. Y. The above two books will be mailed free of postage, on the re- ceipt of fiftv cents in money, or Post-Office stamps, if addressed,' to Dr. M. B. LaCroix, aibanj, N. Y. SECRET DISEASES—Weaxness, oea of organic power, pain to the lotos, disease of the kidneys, affection of the head, throat, nose and skin, constitutional debility, and all those hor- rid affections arising from certain secret habits of youth, which blight their most brilliant hopes and anticipatiens, rendering TH***SijicW>G_LvAiiia Paomrnvn*—For married ladies whose health will not admit, or who have no desire to increase theirfiurdly,may be obtained aa above. It Is perfectly safe, and has been extensively used during the last eight years. Pricere- duoedto#10. F a m e - FmcA_a P——a—Ladies who wish for Medicine, the effkacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and ne- vag failed to effect speedy cures without any bed results, will use nlbe but Dr. De Laney's Female Periodical Pills. The only e recantion necessary to be observed is, ladles should not take iem if they have reason to believe that they are in certain situ- ations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. , Price #1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the Uni- ted States. _i - 1 . . PERSONS AT A DISTANCE may consult Dr. La Croix by tatter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicines securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied with fall and explicit directions for use. Commu- nications considered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, ao that patients never see any one but the Doctor himself. Attendance c—ly, from 8 in the morning till 9 tt Affie»^?LA^OlX(orBrat 6 5T9».OJ Mo.81 Maiden Lane, aibany, N. Y. apM K ITCHEN dk HENDERSON'S Hair PrrseryaUvr- For preserving, cleanaiBg, curling and beautifying the hair, completely eradicating scurf, dandruff, and other diseases of the akin. Will positiveiy change the harshest hair into the most soft, glossy and healthy state, also imparting to it a darker color. For sale by B» L. AG. DRAKE, lylft v 841 River street. FINA_TCIAL. Troy Savings Bank. SitotiiePoatOltoa. in the AtheMBum, and is opeeed daihr, for the transaction ofbustoess, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M., and &X o'clock P. M. to 5 o'clock P. M-, (Sundays and Holidays excepted,) and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Depositors wishing to draw money should do so between 10 o'clock a. M. and 3 o'clock P. M. INTEREST 5)< PER CENT.-The first Mondays of Jairaa- ry, ApriL Jnly and October, are quarter days. Money deposited on any day before a quarter day will drawfnterest from the next quarter day. * Interest will be computed on the lint Monday of April and October. Money may be deposited by any person for the benefit of a minor or other person and not iubtoet to be witwb»wn,lf so ordered at die time of depositing. Deposits made subaeqnent to March, 18B0, by married women, may be drawn by the Deposl- tor without the husband joining to the receipt A_~_ INVlsTMENT OF ITSFTOTOS.-TwoWdred and eighty- five thousand dollars is invested to the bondsof the city of Troy, a small amount is invested in bonds and mortgages, the balance is deposited equally to the following Banks, via: Farmers'Bank, Rank of Troy/M^rchanta' MKT Mechanics' Bank, Troy City Bank, and the Union Bank. For the security of the deposits in these Banks is pledged their entire capitals, amounting toi the aggregate to #1,550^100, and also the personal liability of their President, Directors and Stockholders-a security tor greater than that of any single Bank of circulation. omens. J ARED S. WEED, President. _ _ _ ' JAMES VAN SCHOONHOVEN, First Vice President, GEORGE VAIL, Second Vice President. CHARLES B. RUSSELL 8ec*y and Accountant George Vail, John A. Grtewold, Benjamin M»»-h^H, DTThomasVail. Philander Wells, Joseph M. Warren, Robert D. Sllliman, Charles H. Merritt, George Gould, John The Mayor and Recorder James Van Schoonhoven, Hanford N. Lockwood, Joel Mallarv, John T. McCoun. Townsend M. Vail, L. A. BattershalL Silas K. Stew, Jared 8. Weed. George B. Warren, L. Thompson, of the city of Troy, ex-oaa—O. Manufacturers' Savings Bank of Troy, OIAER OF RIVER AND RLVG STREETS.- CHARTERED 1857.-INTEREST SIX PERCENT.- C . OHARTERED i857.-INTEREST This Bank is open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays and Holidavs, at 10 o'clocktothe morning. In- terest SIX PER CENT. PER aNNUM. a l l deposits made on the first day of each month In the year, will commence drawing interest from that time. On all deposits made after theifirstday of each month. Interest will commence on the first day of the succeeding month. Interest will be computed, at the above rate, on the flist of January aad July to each year, and when not drawn out will be added to the principal, which will also draw totetest. omens. * ROGER A. FLOOD, President THOMAS SYMONDS, Vice President. , C. M. WELLINGTON, Treas. and Secy. TXUSTXX3. .1 Roger A. Flood, Thomas Symonds, John Thomas, John M. Mott, Titus Eddy, Henry fi. Weed, Jefferson Gardner, Joshua Bailey, R. D. Bardwell, David Cowee, Joseph Hillman, Jacob Jacobs, _ _ _ ^ J. H. Jackson. ^ apSO For Deposits of Savings. S TATE SAVINGS BANK OF TROY, SOUTH EAST corner of First and State streets. CharteredJL856. Open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays and Holidays, at 10 o'clock to the morning. Interest five and one-half per cent. Interest will commence on all Deposits made on the first day day of each month in the year, on that day. On all Deposits made after the first day of each month, inter- est will commence on thefirstday of the succeedingmonth. ALFRED WOTKYNS/President. HEHBY LvesAH, Vice President. TSUSTKES: Alfred Wotkyns, Henry Ingram, Ralph J. Starks, Alfred B. Nash, John Hitchtos, James Wager, 1 v Philip S. Dorlon, J . F . Simmons, David Carr, Lyman R. Avery, Geo. D. Wotkyns, Charles Warner, Eleazer Lockwood, Joseph Stackpole, . L. R. Graves. myl Wii—ABD GAT, Treasurer and Secretary. . . i _ . _ Central Savings Bank of Troy. C HARTERED 185T.—Open every day for the transac- tion ofbustoess, except Sundays and Holidaya,atlO o'clock in the morning. Interest FIVE AND ONE-EALF PER CENT. _ _ On all deposits made on the flrsbday of each raftnth, Interest will be computed from date. On all deposits made after the first day of each month, inter- est will commence on the first day of the succeeding month. J. L. VAN SCHOONHOVENTPresident JOHN B. KELLOGG, Accountant. TBU8TXE8. SamuelS^SargeiBt, Troy. ^ J.L.Van Schoonhoven,Troy. V. Richmond, Hoosick Falls. Troy, Ralph Hawley, Jason J.Gillespy, Giles B. Kellogg, Peter McDoual, George O. Burdett, ap-26 Martin I. Townsand, L.VanValkenburgh, " C. H. Rising, John Rankin, " Lucius M. Cooler, Hoosick. Auto Thayer, Jr, Mutual Savings Bank of Troy, N ORTH-EAST CORNER OF FOIST AND STATE STREETS—CHARTERED 1857.-Open every day ex- cept Sundays and Holidays. Money deposited on or before the fourth day of any month will draw interest from thefirstday of the same month. Money deposited after the fourth day of the mouth, will draw interest "ftpm the first day of the* next succeeding month. JONAS C. HEARTT, President. ELIAS ROSS, Yice President. TBTJST—BS. t . John G. Buswell, Joseph U. Orvis, Abram B. Olin, James Morrison, Jr., Nathaniel Potter, Jr. GEO. A. STONE, SecV andf Treas. Jonas C. Heartt, EliasRoss, Calvin Havner, John P. Albertson, ap27 X * Commercial Savings Bank. r iCORPORATED BY A SPECIAL CHARTER granted by the Legislature of the State of New York, in April, 1866. INTEREST 6K PER CENT. DI—BCTOBS. Benjamin Marshall, Char'esJEl. Richards, John D. Willard, Elias Plum, Abram Nash, Israel R. Catlin, Chas. H. Kellogg, Daniel Robinsoh, Russell Sage, Frederick Leake, James Forsyth, Stephen C.Darmott, Stephen S. Barnes. ELIAS PLUM, Prflgdent. BENJ. MARSHALL, Vice do. F. LEATVE, Treasurer. my4 _j L!___ I',. " ___J_1_ ' Jfc • . STOVES, &0 Stoves and Ranges. T HE PROPRIETOR now offers for sale cheaper than ever, the Capitol Cook'Stove, which is one of the best Bakers in the world. Also the Victor Range, for Summer use, beautiful in design and perfect in operation, and is considered by good Judges to be the best Range in market. Alio Tin, Japan- ned and Hollow Ware. Yon are respectfully inftted to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, at mylS-v. J. R. HYDE'S, 114)f Congress at. UTO COPPER, SHEET-IRON AND JOB _ BING STAND.—The undersigned would itspectfully an- nounce to his customers and the public generally, that he i. pre. pared to execute all orders pertaining to his business with neat ness and dispatch. Stoves, Tto-warejcjapannedand plain) Hol- low-ware, Furnaces, Brass Kettles, Enamelled Saucepans and Kettles, Sad Irons, Spoons of all kinds, Knives aad Forks, and a general assortment of Housekeeping articles, kept constantly on hand. Also, he has on hand the latest improved Summer Range for cooking or baking, warranted. No 108 (formerly 73) Congress street. mylJ W. W. JOYCE, Agent M OT AIR FURNACE8.-WE CALL THE ATTEN. tion of the public to an examination of Boynton's new t and Portable Hot Air Furnaces. We have now on hand a full assortment of the above Furnaces, which we are prepared to put up to the city or country at the shortest notice, and in the most approved manner. Persons in want of a Famace will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. For reference as to the operation of said Furnaces, call on Benjamin Starbuck, John T. Davy, Jason Osgood, William Bar- ton, William S. Earl, Gardner Howland, Troy, and Thomas Stantial, Green Island. We have Soap Stone and Registers or all sizes, and of the most approved patterns. Particular attention paid to cleaning andrepairingFurnaces of all kinds. mylo BUSSEY A MAGEE, 889 River at. STOVES AND HEATERS SOLD VERY CHEAP AT j o 881 River street, closerby the Long Bridge, Troy N. Y.— The best Baking Stoves, of all sizes and kinds, for wood or coal; Ovens, very large, and warranted to bak*. Hyde's New Cook Stove—The Capitol—a beautiful Stove aid an excellent baker. Parlor Stoves for wood or coal, warranted to work welL Parlor Cook Stoves, various kinds, excellent for baking. Sanford's Mammoth White Globe Stoves—Taree Styses, Nos. I. $ and 8. This is a beautiful and durable Stove, warranted to give more heat than any other Stove of the same size; used for Stores, Factories, Saloons, Offices, &c. Cast and Sheet Iroa Cy- linder Stoves; Stanley and other Coal Burners. HEATERS.-Whltney & Sanford's Celebrated Hot Air Hea er, 5 sizes. A size no larger than a Stove wUlheat a room which will require three Stoves to heat. HF*Tin-Ware, Japan Ware, Glass Ware, B'ittania Ware. Ac Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Jobbinzdone with dispatch. noy?-tf PRATT" BEEBE A MoDOWALL. W ILLIAMSON'S VICTOR STOVE STORE, AND TnCcOPPER AND SHEET IRON JOBBING SHOP No. 401 River street, nearly opposite Manufacturers' Bank where may always be found a large and well selected assortment of Parlor, Cook, Hall and Office Stoves, for » o^ J or Coal* among which may be found Wager's New Victor, _pie's New CapitoL and the New Welcome Cook Stoves, which have all of the modern improvements of the day, andforelegance in de- sign, economy and durability, they cannot be beat in this mar- ket. Also, the Union Parlor Cook and Stanley's Celebrated Coal Burners, and a variety of other kinds of Coal Burners.— And at this establishment may be found at all times the largea and best assortment to the city of Plain Tin, Japanned, Britan- nia and Hollow Ware, Ranges, Clay and Iron Furnaces, Brass and Enameled Kettles, Sad Irons, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tea Trays, F'eather Dusters, Brushes, Table Mats, and a general assortment of House-Keeping Articles, kept constantly on hand. N. B. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Leaders made, and all ktod» of Jobbing pertaining to the business done at abort notice, witt neatness and dispatch, at Victor Stove Store and Tin Jobbin Shop, 401 River street seS CALEB WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. HAIR-DRESSINO, &C. Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. J AMES H SCHUYLER having taken tie shop in Rand's new building, (up staira) lately occupied by Mr. Steen- bergh, respectfully Invites the patronage of the public SHA- VING, HAIR-DRESSING and SHAMPOOING executed in theaaeatest manner and to the best styles. Children's hair cut promptly and weU. A continuance or old custom solicited, and new patrons may rely upon being served mostaatisfactoniy. teaa JAMES H. SCHUYLER. H.SCHI looms. Union Street Bath R< T HIS NSW EMPORIUM BATHING SALOON, fit- ted up wiin all the modern improve—enta, is now open to the pnblic. No pains have been spared to make it the best es- tablishment north of New York. The roomapre all neatly fur- nished and well ventilated. The public are invited to call at No. 3 Johnson's Block. Also HAIR DRESSING BALOON, weB fitted up, good workmen employed, and sAiiorAcrios WAMUarrnp. jel2 aLBERT PaRKER. Bathing, TTa'v Dressing. &c. npHE UNDERSIGNED HAS LEASED for a term of J. years Mr. Rath's Bathing and Hair Dressing Saloon, No. 8 Third st., and handsomely refitted and refurnished the same, rendering it one of the most commodious and elegant establish- ments ofthe kind in the State. Open from I A . M.to9 P. M.; on Saturdays until 11 F. M.; on Sbndays from 6 A. M. to 13 M. Bathing in all styles—every thing neat-Hooiite attention to customers, and satisfaction warranted. Hair Dressing, Shaving, Shampooing. Particular attention to cuttiru children's hair. GEO. T. STEENBERGH, No. 8 Third st. P. 8. Six Balking Tickets for one dollar, or 86 cents for single Bath. mhitO TABLE EXTRACTS. -+- Dr. Philleo's Highly Concentrated SYRUPS, CUSTARDS, SAUCES, AC.-Tiese Extracts are prepared with great care, under the direction* of a Physician and Chemist of thirty years* experience, and will retain their flavor for any length of time, if excluded from a strong light— One trial wlB »atisfy the most skeptical thai they are destined to supercede every thing ofthe kind in market. They will be sold tor ecuh only. Wholesale and retail deal- ers supplied at the lowest possible prices. They will be sold at manufacturer*! prices by wholesale dealers throughout the United States. All orders (inclosing cash) directed to E. B. Hastings, Utica, N. Y„ or to C. H. Garrison, Sateatos Manojasturer, 414 River at, Troy, wiUbewomptly attended to, and -oods forwarded an^nrecied. iL B:HA8T1NGS, Sole ManmacUirer, eUM-sm nl Geneaae atreet Utica. T LN, SHEETIBION, dfC-500 boxes Tin Plates assorted. 550 boxes Canada Plates. 3000 bales English and American Sheet Iron. 100 * Russia Sheet Iron, sel* J. M. WARREN* 00. H .. "'"-. \ MEDICINES. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. T HIS WELL-KNOWN PREPARATION HAS effected to many WONDERFUL CURES, and restored so many sufferers to health, that it is cherished by all who have experienced its virtues, as THE INFALLIBLE RFMEDY, S for the INSTANT RELIEF and CERTAIN CURE of £ "OUGHSt SPITTING OF BLOOD, « i BRONCHITIS, S$ 9 CROUP, ac £ PAIN m THE BREAST, m 9 WHOOPING COUGH, > H ASTHMA, F LIVER COMPLAINT, And every other form, however severe, of K $ PULMONARY COMPLAINT. 5 Discovered by a distinguished Physician—containing no min- eral or deleterious ingredient but everything agreeable, it has, by the wonderful cures tt has effected, been constantly appre- ciating in public favor, and is now firmly established as the GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY for the cure of every minor disease of the THROaT, LUNGS and CHEST, as well as the most fell and fatal of all, CONSUMPTION. The following letter from Rev. Henry Wood, late Consul to Beyroot Syria, and formerly Editor of the Congregationaliat, Concord, N. H., and now Chaplain U. S. Navy, is of like tenor of thousands in our possession: CONCORD, N. H., March 2. Messrs. SETH W. Fownn A Co.—Gentlemen: Two years ago a sudden and violent attack upon my lungs confined me to my bed for several weeks, and when I recovered, I was so much op- pressed by difficulty-to breathing, that I was often unable to sleep or rest upon a bed by night. The suffering was extreme, and iudgtog from thetoefficacyof the remedies used, I suprx sea the disease incurable. Being persuaded to try a bottle of WIS- i, TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, without the least i confidence in its efficacy, I found the t ifflculty almost entirely removed before one bottle was, used up. Having a mortal aver- sion to medicine, and seldom using it in any form, sympathy with my fellow-sufferers induces metomake this statement, and recommend the article to others similarly afflicted. <j With respect yours truly, HENRY WOOD. It has been used with like success by SAMUEL A. WALKER Auctioneer, Dr. WM. A. SHAW, Washington, N. G, Alderman PERKINS, And by numerous Physicians in their practice, as their Certifi- cates testify. ; BE WISE TO-DAY! Neglect not a Cough—Defer not the nse of a Timely Remedy, within the reach of all. S. W. FOWLE & CO., Proprietors, No. 18 Tremont st., under the Museum, Boston. W. E. HAGAN A CO., 10 State st.. Agents for Troy. ,1el4 FBROTiA^lrrRUP: PROTECTED S0LUTI0N0F PROTOXIDE OF IRON, COMBINED. TTAVING SUCCESSFULLY PASSED THE ordeal JJL to which new discoveries to the Materia Medka are subjected, must now be received as an established Medicine. ITS EFFICACY IN CURING DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia Bronchitis and Con- sumptive Tendencies, Disordered State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, and the Prostrative Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all diseases requiring a Tonic or Alterative Me- dicine, is now ' BEYOVD QUESTION. The proofs of its efficacy are so numerous, so well authentica- ted, and of such peculiar character, that sufferers cannot reason- ably hesitate to receive the proffered aid. The PERUVIAN SYRUP does not profess to be a cure-all, but its range is extensive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and, proceeding from one cause, may be cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides a cure is precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses are accessi- ble, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those who may wish for an opinion from disinterested peri sons respecting the character ofthe Syrup, cannot fall to ba sat- isfied vnth the follbwtog, among numerous testimonials to the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community of Boston, and of the highest re- spectability. : CARD. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial effects of the " Peruvian Syrup." do not hesitate to recommend it to the attention of the public. From our own experience, as well as from the testimony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are altogether unques- tionable, we have no doubt o( its efficacy to cases of lncipiont Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liven: Complaint Dropsy, Neuralgia, etc. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit- nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony, as we do ours, to itsrestorativepower. John Pierpoht Thomas C. Amory, Thomas A. Dexter, Peter Harvey, S. H. Kendall, M. D., James C.Dunn, Samuel May. NOTICE. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Protoxide of Iron is lost by even a brief exposure to air. and that to MAIHTAIS a solution of "Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is attained by OOMBINATIOH EBT A WAY HKFOKJ! UHXNOWN ; and this Solution may replace all the proto-carbonates, citrates, and tartarates of the Materia Medica. A. A. HATXS, M. I)., Assayer of the State of Mass., Boston, U . » . A . N. L. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, Boston. 5id to Troy wholesale and retail by S. O. GLEASON. No. 814 River street. fel2 L A BOOK OF Thrilling Interest for the Young! THE PREMATURE DECAY OF YOUTII! TUST PUBLISHED B Y D R STONE, PHYSICIAN •J TO THE TROY LONG AND HYGIENIC INSTITUTE, A TREATISE ON THE EARLY DECaY OFAMEEIOAN YOUTH: THE VICE OF SELF-ABUSE. AND ITS DIRE- FUL CONSEQUENCES ; SEMINAL WEAKNESS, NER- VOUS AND SPINAL DEBILITY, aND OTHER DIS- EASES OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS IN BOfH MALE AND FEMALE. The above work is one of most thrilling interest to the Young of both Sexes; detailing some of the most striking cases and imidents to the practice ofi the Author, po-nting out the great causes for such early decline and decay of American Youtn. The Book is written in chaste language, and should be read by every Parent and Guardian that has the least solicitude for the weil being of offspring and youth. It will he sent by mall n a sealed envelope to any part of the country, free of charge, p receipt of two (3 ccnt> stamps for postage. In view of the awful destruction of humaiaJife and health, by marasmus or premature exhaustion and ttlm of the nervous system, caused by sexual d'seases, such as the vmx of Self-abuse, Seminal Weakness, Spermatoirhcea, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and virulent affections, GUet, Impotence, Leucorrhoea and Sterility, and organic diseases of the Kidneys, and to view of the decep- tions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacks and base pretenders, the Directors of the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute have instructed their attend- ing Dhysic* an to treat this all-prevailing class cf modern mala- dies", so productive of Pulmonary Consumption. The Institu- tion is provided, to order to insare the utmost speedy success, w.th the aids of the most improved practice of Franc, England and the Oriental countries. The most scrupulous regard to confidence and fidelity will be guaranteed every patient or ap- plicant. The meclctoes used by the Institution are entirely free from Mercury, Minerals and Poisons of every nature— whicb will be vouched for. The most approved Medicines, of recent di?cr very, imported from India and Japan—and concen- trated in the form of Extracts ana Alkaloids, are alone used.— Our remedies will not expose, nor sicken, nor debilitate under £toy circumstance. The Institution has the honor of treating as f atients some ofthe most distinguished citizens of the United tetes. Patients can at all times be treated by letter and cut ei at home, on receiving a full statement of their symptoms, and medicines can be sent by mail or express to any part of the United State* and the Canadas. YOUNG MEN suffering from these direful ilia will receive for 45 a series of Health Rules and perfect Chart of cure, which will be to them a true Polar Star through Life. TO FEMALES.—The Monthly Pills, prepared by the Insti- tution, are a never failing remedy for Suppressions of every na- ture. Will be sent by mail to any part of the country on the receipt of $1, with ample mstructions for ufce, under all eircum- H F Ac-dress Dr. ANDREW STONE Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, 'throat and Lungs, 96 tifth street, Troy, N. Y. Troy, July 27,1858. aulO-ly F^LTITTOYSTERS, &C. At A. & J. Goodseil's O YSTER AND F R U I T S T O R E , Union street, west side of Union Depot, can be found a choice article of Pine Apples in Syrup, BO prepared as to retain all the flavor of that most delicious fruit in its natural state. For sale by the case or single can. mh27-tf F " RUIT r AND~ OYSTTHRTITEPOTS NOTJ T^rd^s-eeL Troy, N. Y. The undersigned has constantly on hand, and is receiving daily from first hands to New York OYSTERS of the choicest varieties; FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS and PICKLES of all kinds; DOMESTIC FRUITS, the best the country affords, to season, Ac, Ac. All which will be sold at wholesale to country merchants and city retail dealers, on the most favorable terms. Goods will also be sold at retail. B. F. THOMPSON, 9 Third street. F RUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, NORTH WING OF FULTON MARKET, TROY, N.Y.—The undersigned has constantly on hand, and is receiving daily from first hands in New York, Oysters and Clams of the choicest varieties, foreign and domestic Fruits, Nuts and Pickles of all kinds, all of which wiil be sold at wholesale to country merchants and dty retail dealers on the most favorable terms. Connected with this establishment is an EATING SALOON, where warm and cold meals, oysters and other luxuries, are Berved up promptly to order on the New York Cheap Plan. Giver e a call J i . A M. MILLIGAN, «*k « n/wtn -wine of Fulton MM*«* TVrw GUNPOWDER. Powder. J J. GILLESPY dfc CO., Agents forithe: saleiof W. .Russell A Co.'s BLASTING and SPORTING POWDER, manufactured at Bennington, Vt., are prepared to deliver it promptly in any part of the city, in all the variety of Packages —Kegs, Half andfOuarter Kegs, Pound. Half and Quarter Pound Canisters, at the manufacturers' prices. Also Agents for the celebrated ORANGE GUNPOWDER, manufactured at New- burgh. N. Y„ by Rogers A Co. mh90 Gun Powder Agency. T HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN appointed Agents for the SCHAGHTICuKE MILLS, will keep On hand at their Magazine near the city, a fall assortment of SPORTING, MINING AND BLASTING POWDER, which they are prepared to sell to large or small quantities, at MANUFAC'rURERS' PRICES. Also, HAZARD'S KEN- TUCKY RIFLE, to Kegs, Canisters and Flasks, SAFETY and WaTER FUSE. _. BATrERSHALL, GRAVES A VAN ALSTYNE, mhlft-tf 391 ond 238 Rtvar afreet. ~SLLVER PLATING. Silver Plated Ware at Wholesale Prices. T EA SPOONS, 4 oz. plate, 63c to $1.76 per sett; Table Spoons,4 OE. plate, $l.S0"to $4.00 per sett: Castors, heavy plate, »3.50 to $18.00 each ; Tea Setts, heavy plate, at $90.00 to $46.00 per sett, 6 pieces, and all other goods in proportion, at C. H. KIRKLAND A CO.'S, Manufacturers of Silver Plated Ware. je5 No. 543 Broadway. Albany, N . Y . Silver Plating Establishment. TOHN McRINNEY, Ascent, Nos. 803 and 806 River eL, •J opposite the Museum Building, Troy, N . Y . Gold, Silver, Princes' Metal and Brass Prating. Fine Sliver Plated Door and Number Plates, Bed Pulls. Door Knobs and Butta, Stair Rods. Ac. Metallic Saab for Snow Windows, Cases, Ac. GALVANIZING.-Fine Plated Sadlery and Coach and Ha» ness Trimmings, Coach Lamps, Ac; Firemen's Trumpets, Belt Plates, FigureSjLetters, A c , A c , on hand and made to order at short notice. Work promptly done and warranted. Patrona;': respectfully solicited. JOHN McKINNEY, mh6-tf Nos. SOS and 80S Riw street, up stairs. MARKETS. Fonda's Center Market. T HE New aad wen-managed Center Market, corner of Se- cond and State streets, has been re-opened, and the snhaerl' oer la asadn prepared to furnlah nunillea with the very beat Freak, 8moked and Sated Meats, Poultry, Game, Ac, to be found in the city. The most particular attention paid to thelsetection of gc^onea*. ^ f ^ f ^ g ^ g ^ 4*1 e <¥wrww HJVYWWI mA TNDIAN QUEEN PLUG TOEACrO-Of fine^ajor aad JLquaHty.at S^CLIIMIHBHAWS, sela corner North Third and Federal streets. TUST BECETYED-At C. WILLIAMSON'S, 401 River •J st- a huge lot c/small Tin Oilers, for Sewing Machines, a prime article for that use. anx7 T HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT of (^dren^ Shoes U******* To*, tf J ' rAU ifBS. sleet. MEDieiNBS. A STANDARD REMEDY—SURE CURE. Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. l i f R. KENNEDY, ofRoxbury, has discovered to oneof our 1TJL pasture weeds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMORJ'rom the wont Scrofula to a common Pimfle. He has tried it to over eleven hundred oaseaand never ndled^ except to two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his" possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sere month. One tothree bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of bdea. Two bottles are warranted to cure the wont canke In the month and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst cane of One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the earn and Matches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt aad running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to rare the worst cases of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate canes of rheumatism. i Three to four bottles are Warranted to cure salt rheum. ,->Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of sx*rofula. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBTTBY, Mass, Da&B MADA_ : The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kinds of humors, is so well established, by the unani- mous voice of all who have ever used it. that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skillful physicians and the most careful druggists in the country are unanimous in its praise In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do tt with a full knowledge of Its curative powers, to relieving all, and curing most of those diseases to which you are unfortunate- ly so liable. That most excruciating disease to an affectionate mothe^—Nursing Sore Mouth—is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to Its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet dumberv and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessings to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of Canker, it extends to the rtom- ach, causing Dyspepsia, which is nothing but canker on the stomach: then to the intestines and kidneys, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an indifference even to the cares of your family. Your stomach Is raw and inflamed, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, ar d even of that your sys- tem'does not get half the nourishment it contains, as the acri- monous fluldof the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and becomes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed.— Then fellow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to cure: Palpitation ofthe heart, paintothe side, weakness ofthe spine and small of the back, pain to the hip-joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and, also, the most excruciating of diseases—the Piles. How many thou- sands of poor women axe suffering from this disease, and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure." In the Medical Discovery, you have both the preven- tive and the cure, with this great anS good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you an injury. Yours, truly, DON ALP KENNEDY. Price |1,00. Manufactured, by DONALD KENNEDY, 110 Warren street, Roxbury. Wlllson A Thurman, No. 831 .River street, General Agents, Troy; McClureACo., General Agents, Albany; also for sale by R. L. A G. Drake, No. SU River street; W. E. Hagan, No. 10 State street; H.C.Sheldon, 4HO. 334 River street; E. W. Stoddard A Co. 89% Congress street; S. J. Peabody & Co~ No. »6 Congress street; S. O. Gleason, No. 814 River street; W. C. Badeau, No. 101 Consreaa street; Hawley A Co., No. 219 River «t,n*>.t. "v«l1 THE LIVER INVIQORATOR, PR SPARED BY DR SAYFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM UUMS, I S ONE O F T H E BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathar- tie, easier, milder and more effectual than any other medicine known. It. is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom- ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the .painful feelings ex- perienced to the operation of most 'Catharticf. It strengthens toe system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. K O H < O > r" '"N M a - to c a ao principal regulators of the performs its functions w ^U, fully developed. Thestom- pendent on the healthy no- proper performance of its ach is at fault, the bowels system suffers in conse- Liver—having ceased to do of that organ, one of the rtudy, to a practice of more some remedy wherewith to rangements to which it is is at last found, any person plaint, in any of its forms, conviction is certain, morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to di- blood, giving tone and ery, removing the cause ical cure. cured, and, what Is bet- casional use of the Liver sufficient torelievethe stom- from rising and souring, retiring, prevents Night- night, loosens the bowels ness. meal will cure Dyspepsia. fuls will always relieve male obstruction removes makes a perfect cure, ly relieves Cholic, while a sure cure for cholera of Cholera. to throw out of the system a long Hckness. Jaundice removes all sal- from the skin, time before eating gives makes food digest well, cures Chroute Diarrhoea SumrnerandBowel Corn- first dose. attacks caused by Worms surer, safer, or speedier rem- fails. "Dropsy, by exciting L the commending this medicine and Ague, Chill Fever, tous Type. R operates sands are willing to testify The Liver is one of the human body ; and when it the powers ofthe system are ach is almost entirely de- tion of the Liver for the functions; when the stom- are at fault, and the whole quence of one organ—the its duty. For the diseases proprietors has made it his than twenty years, to find counteract the many de- Uable. To prove that this remedy troubled with Liver Corn- has but to try a bottle, and These Gums remove all the system, supplying to of bile, invigorating the gest well, purifying the health to the whole machln- the disease—effecting a rad- Bilious attacks are ter, prevented, by the oc- Envigorator. , One dose after eating is ach, and prevent the food Only one dose taken before mare. Only one dose taken at gently, and aires Costtvf- One dose taken after eaph One dose of two teaspoiin- Sick Headache. One bottle taken for fe the cause of the disease, and Only one dose immediate- One dose often repeated is Morbus, and & preventive Only one bottle is needed the effects of medicine after One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose often repeated to n worst forma, while plaints yield almost, to the Onte or two doses cures- in Children ;' there is no edyto the world, as it never |ar* A few bottles cures absorbent*. We take pleasure to re- as a preventive for Fever and all Fevers of n Bil- with certainty, and thou- to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. EaT* Mix Water in the mouth with the bivigorator, and swallow both together. The Liver Invigorator IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily working cures almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to acommonHcud - ache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. rates onx DOLLAB PXR BOTTUB. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor; 346 Broadway-New York. §**r Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by B. C. SHEL- DON and S. O. GLEASON, Troy, N.Y. ap2-ly 5 Ayer's IPills A RK PARTICULARLY ADAPTED to derangements of the digestive apparatus, and diseases arising from lBipu- r^ty ofthe blood. A large part of the complaints that afflict mankind originate to one of these, and consequently these Pills are found to cure many varieties of disease. Subjoined are the statements from some eminent physicians of their effects in their practice. AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. - [From Dr. E. W. Cartwiight, of New Orleans.] "Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent quali- ties surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the dailv treatment of di.-ease." FOR JAUNDICE AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. [From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York city .J f Not only are your Pill6 admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the [Liver very marked indeed. They have to my practice provedjniore effectual for the cure of bilious ccmplaints than any onerfltoedy I can mention. I sincerely rejo.ee that we have at l e v ' purgative which is worthy the confidence of the professl the people." DYSPEPSIA-INDIGESTION. [From Dr. Henry J. Knox, of St. Louis.] u The Puis you were kind enough to send me have ased in my practice, and have satisfied me that they are trul J an extraordinary medicine. So peculiarly are they adapted to the diseases of the human system, that they seem to work upon them alone. I have cured some cases of dyspepsia and indiges- tion with them, whicn had resisted the other remedies we com- monly use. Indeed, I have experimentally found them to be effectual in almost all the complalnta for which you recommend them." DYSENTERY—DIARRHCEA—RELAX. [From Dr. J. G. Green, ot Chicago.] " Your Pills have had a long trial to my practice, and I hold them to esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses. lor bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children." INTERNAL OBSTRUCTION-WORMS—SUPPRESSION [From Mrs. E. Stuart, who practices as a Physician and Mid wife in Boston.] '* I find one or two large doses of your Pil s, taken at the pro- per time, are excellent, promotives ofthe natural secretiOB wneu wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They fire so muca the best physic we bave, that I recommend no other to my patients." CON<sTIr*ATION-OOSTIVEKESS. [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] "To much car not be soid of your Pila for the cure of Cc*- tiveness. If others of our fraternity have found them as effica- cious as I have, they should join me to proclaiming it fer the benefit ofthe multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although tad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease." IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD-SCROFULA-ERYSIP- ELAS-SALT RHEUM-TETTER-TUMORS— RHEUMATISM—GOUT—NEURALGIA. [From Dr. Ezekiel Ha'L Philadelphia.! * You were right, Doctor, to saying that vour Pnls purify the blood. They do that. I have usedlhem of late years to my practice, and agree with your statements of their efficacy They stimulate the exeretories, and carry off the impurities that stagnate in the blood, engendering disease. They stimulate the organs of digestion, aid infuse vitality and vigor into the ay* tern Such remedies as you prepare are a national benefit, and you deserve great credit for them." FOR HEAD AC dE—SICK HEADACHE— FOUL STOM- ACH-PILES-DROPSY-PLETHORA-PARAL- YSIS—FITS-AC. [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] " DIAK Dn. ATKK : I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic to my daily contest with disease, and be- lieving as I do that your Pills afford U3 the best we have, I of course value them highly." Most ofthe Pills, in market contain Mercury^vihich, although a valuable remedyln skillfuUiands, is daneerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequently follow its in- caut ions use. These contain 'no mercury or mineral substance whatever. w I , AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Has long been manufactured by a Practical Chemist, aid every ounce of it under his own eye, with invariable accuracy and care. P is sealed and protected by law from connterfcius, and consequent y can be relied on as genuine, without adultera- tion. R supplies the surest remedy the world has ever known for the cure of all Pulmonary Complaints; for Coughs, Oclds. Hoarsenefs, Asthma, Croup. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, In- cipient Consumption, and for the relief of consumptive patients in the last stages of the disease. As time makes these facts wider and better known, this medicine hat gradually become tbt best reliance rf the afflicted, from the log cabin of the Ame- rican peasant to the palaces of European kings. Throughout tills entire country, In every State and city, and indeed almost every hamlet it coi tains. Cherry Pectoral is known as the best of all remedies for diseases of mt Throat and Lungs. In many torei?? ^mdrtes it is extensively used by their most totelligent physicians. If there is any dependence on what men of every nation certify it has done for them; If we can trust our own senses when we see the dangerous affections ofthe lungs yield to it; if we can depend ou the assurance of toteUige' t pbysi clans, whose burinese is to know; in abort, if there fii any reli- ance upon asythtog, then is it irrefutably proven that this me- dicine does cure the dtm of diseases it Is oeetgned jar, beyond any and all other remedies known to mankind. Nothing but its Intrinwc virtues, and the amnistakahie benefit conftrrea on thousands of sufferers, could originate and maintain the reputa- tion which it enjoys. White many fofaricr remedies have been thrust upon the community have failed, and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, aad produced cures too numer- ous and remarkable to be forgotten. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY1R, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. And sold by ail Druggists everywhere. aull-Qm D MIftraeriHG SOLUTION «r Chloride ef Wod»_ For destroying contagion, decomposing pestilential effluvia, preserving provisions against decay, and neutraliateg strong or offensive odors. Foraalaat JyIS S. CGLEASON'S, SU and Second Train—10,00 A. M Third Tram—4,10 p . M . bV Tickets can be procured at flee. Express Tram. Hudson River Railroad Of- myat Hudson River Railroad. C ARS LEAVE TROY FOR JW5W YORR-Express Trains 4^0 A. M. and and 4^0 P. M. Mail Train 10JO A. M. Acconmicdatton train 8#) P. M„ except Sanrdaya, until further notice. Trains leave Albany a few minutes later than Troy. Oara leave New York tor Albany and Troy—Express Traits 6,00 A. M. and 6,00 P. M. "W ay Train 1L80 A. M, connecting with Northern and Western Trains. Accommodation for Alba- ny and Troy leaves at 10.30 P. M. auSt A. F. SMTTH. Bnyt. New York Central Railroad. S UMMER ARRA.YGEME.YT.-OTi and after Monday June 7th, until further notice. Trams will ran as follows: PASSENGER TRAINS. ecme WXST. Leave Troy at 7.00 A. M n Morning Express, 1L00 " New York^ 4 "0,86 P. M. Night Express. •otaaxjjo*. Leave Schenectady at 9,10 A. M., Cin Ex. 1.46 P. M., Aooom. A Freigh 4,10 P. M„ Ruflalo * N Y Y TJO P. M„ Steamboat Ex NO TRAINS ON SUNDAY. rxneHT TUAJHS. Leave Green Island at Arrive at Green Island 10,16 A. M. 9,30 A. M. 6,00 P. M. 8,lfl P. M. THOS. WALLACE, Aast Bupt. Troy, June 7,18&8. je7 Troy and Greenbush Railroad. A LBAUfY AND TROY, via. BOSTON AND HUDSON RIV ER RAILROAD FERRIES. Fare 15 Cents. Passengers are requested to procure Tickete at the Tlcke Offices ofthe Hudson River Railroad, north-east corner of Deau atreet and Maiden Lent. Albany, and Union Depot, Troy.— Packages of Eight Tickete for tL can be purchased at either 0 f the above offices. On and after Wednesday. July 28,186S, and until further no- tice, the Trains will run as follows ; LOCAL TRAINS. raon TBCT. raoM ALBX» r Union Passenger Depot. Boston Railroad Ferry. 7,45 9,00 10,05 LOO: 3.80 4.10 6,00 *? roc* raor. Union Passenger Depot. 4,S0A7M. 10.9S " 4,30 P. M. 8,00 1146 L25 . 8,00 X 4.46 HUDSON RIVER TRAINS. 8,10 A. M. 9,90 » P M. « raoxanaaaT. Hudson River Railroad Ferry 7,00 A. M. 10,40 " 64K) P.M. 10.16 Local Trains will stop for passengers at station comer Adam •nd Third street, Nail Factory and Bath, 0B signal. New York trains will not stop between Troy and Albany. je2 E. S. MORGAN, Agent, Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad. G REAT KORTHERY MAR. AYD PASSENGER ROUTE BETWEEN TROY AND MONTREAL, BY THE RENSSHLAER AND SARATOGA AND SARATOGA AND WHITEHALL RAILROADS AND LAKE STEAM- ERS.—FARE al.00 LES THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.-CHANfflE OF HOUR. On and after Sept. 20, la&a^Traial will run daily, (Sundays excepted.) as follows: ecmc SOUTH. Liave Troy Union Depot, in Sixth street, at 7,80 A.M., Mail and Express to Saratoga Springs. Whitehad, Castleton, Rutland. Burlington, Ogdensburgh and Montreal; also for Bellows Falls, Brattleborough. Keenc and Boston. 10.20 A. M., Freight and Accommodation from Green Island to Whitehall. passengers from Hudson River, to baratoga Springs, Whitehall Lake Champlato, Montreal and by which passengers who leave Troy to the evening, can reach Bur- rgh, Montpelier, St. Albana> and and Ogdeasburghto dine, without !,00 P. M., Express, wi Boston aad Springfield Castlaten, Rutland, ports Ogriensburgh %3T This is the only lto New York after 6 A M-, or lington. Port Kent, Piattebi Montreal early next mornin loss of sleep. •otBaanaasju Leave Saratoga Springs 8,40 A. M. 5.00 P. M. to Oraen Lslan*. 6,45 P. M. Through tickets are furnished and baggage is checked through. All ticsets must be purchased before entering the cars. No through tickets will be sold except at the Company's office. For further information apply at the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad once, in the Troy Depot, ss!8 L. H. T U P P E R Superintendent. Troy and Boston Railroad. S UMMER ARRAYGEMEA'TS-Commencing Monday, May 10th, 1868 Great Reduction in Rates! Fare aa low aa by any other route. v Cars leave Union Railroad Depot— 7,'Ki A. M., with passengers from Hudson R. R. Evening trains and night steamers: also, from Express train from West, connecting at Eagle Bridge with Rutland and Washington R. R, and at Rutland with train leaving at 12,30 P. M. for Bellows Fails, Brattieboro', Keene, Fitohburg, Lowell, Nashua and Boston, ar.iving same evening. And also with train for Bur- lington and all points north. 11,-20 A. M., Express, with passengers from 6.00 A. M. Hud- son River train, and also from Cincinnati express, leaving Buf- falo at 1L&0 previous evening, due at Rutland at 2,80 P. M., Burllnrton at 5,00, Rouse's Point at 7,80, and Montreal at 9,80 same evening. Passengers taking this train will arrive at all points north of Rutland at same time as by any other lines leav- ing four hours earlier, and at the SAMI PXICS. This train also connects at Castleton with train for Whitehall. 6,50 P. M., Mail, with passengers from Hudson River R. R. leaving at 11,30 A. M„ and from Buffalo express train leaving at 6.15 A. M., due at Rutland at 9,S0 same evening : lodge, leave next morning at 6,00 for ail points east and north, due at Bur- lington at 9, Rouses' Point 11, Ogdensburgh 5,80, Montreal 2,80, same evening. Tne 5,601. M. train connect at Schaghticoke with stages for Galesville, Easton, Argyle and Fort Edward; at Cambridge with stages for Union Vdlage. The 11,20 A. M. train connects at Hoosick Falls with Stages for PownalL Williamstown and Adams. The 5,50 P. M. train connects at State Line with trains of Western Vermont R. R. for Bennington, Arlington, Manches- ter, Danby/Walltogford, Ac Also with stages at Cambridge for Union Village. / BT" This is an ALL RAILROAD ROUTE, and thd Fares are as low as by the slower water lines. l FARE FROM TROY TO Burlington *3 OOj Montreal $6 60 Rouses'Point 4 501 Ogdensburgh 6 75 Trains are due at Troy ao follows: 9,45 A. M., from Rutland same morning, by R. A W. and W. Vt. Roads. , 4,25 P. M., from Montreal same morning. 7^ P. M~ from Boston same morning. - NOTICE.—Ogdensburgh and Montreal passengers will find this the most desirable route, and fare as low as by any other route. No charge for transferring Baggage. Through ^Tickets and Checks furnished at Troy and Boston Railroad Ticket Office, Union Depot, Troy. Troy, May 10,1BC8. ruylO L V. BAKER Supt. * National Express Company. E XPRESS r¥OTICE.-NATIONAL EXPRES8 COM- PANY (formerly Pullen, Virgil A Co.) wili carry all kind* of Freight to and from New York, at REDUCED PRICES, by their Hudson River R. R. Express. All goods delivered free of cartage. \ Our Express runs twice daily to all parts of Northern New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Canada. mySl E. H. VIRGIL Bupt. STEAMBOATS. Evening Line of Steamers to New York. T HE SPLENDID STEAMER FRAYCIS SKIDDY. L. SMITH, Commander, will leave Troy for New York, from the foot of Albany street, everv MONDAY, WEDNESDAY dt FRIDAY, at 7 X P . M. The Steamer COMMODORE, C a p t i c . W. FARNHAM. will leave every TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, at TJi P. M.. an SUNDAY at tt F. M. Csv- Baggage taken free of charge to and from Boats to Cars. For Freight or Passage, apply on board or at the office, on the Wharf^ _ mh24 l _u R. P- CLAPP. Agent^ Day Boat for N e w York, L AYDIXi; AT COXSACRIE. HIDKOX, Catsklll. Bristol, Kingston Point, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, West Point, Caldwell's Grassy Point, Nyack, Tanytown. Yonkens, arriving to New York at 4 P M. Breakfast and Dinner on board. A Baggage Wagon will always be in attendance at the Depot to convey Baggage to the Boat rsxE The superior Dav Steamer, METAMORA, Capt. JOHN F. TALLMAN. will leave the pier foot of Hamilton street, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M, connecting at Catsklll with stages to the Mountain House; at New York with steamers to Newport and Boston. Also with cars to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and with steamers to Cape May and Philadelphia. N. B. Halsted'sltoe of Omnibuses leave Troy at 5H o'cloek A. M_ and will arrive in Albany in time to connect with the above Boat. J. ELMENDORF, Agent, je2 at the Julian Milla 128 Pier, Albany. Day Boat for N e w York, L ANDING AT COXSAIRJE, HUDSON, Catsklll, Bristol, Ktogston Point, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh. West PointjGrasiy Point, Tarrytown, Nyack, Yonkers, arriving in New York at 4 P. M. Breakfast and Dinner on board. The fast and commodious Steamer ARMENIA, Capt. I. P. SMITH, will leave the Pier foot of Hamilton st., Albany, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M_ connecting at Catskill with Stages to the Mountain House; to New York with the Steamers to Newport and Boston ; also, with Oars to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and with Steamers to Cape May and Philadelphia. , N. B. Halsted's line of Omnibuses leave Troy at 6)£ o'clock A. M.. and will arrive in Albany to time to connect with the above Boat. _ J. ELMENDORF, ap!7-tf AgenL at the Julian Mil's. 128 Pier, Aibany. Packet Oregon—Troy to Schuylerville. T HE SUBSCRIBER has purchased and neatly fitted up the above Packet, which will be run for passengers between Troy and Schuylerville, as follows; Leave Troy Steamboat Landing TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS and SATURDAYS, at 9 o'clock A. U. Leave Schuylerville fur Trov MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week.'at 8>4 o'clock A. M. Will connect with the middle train of cars at Mechanicville. and will stop at all intermediate places along the line of canal both ways. FARE FIFTY CENT8. * All express business attended to to a prompt and satisfketor manner. my«-7m* S. VANDENBURGH. Captain. N HOTELS. Troy Honae. Troy, N. Y. rWARLES H. JONES, PROPRlETpR-This Howe \J is conveniently located on the comer of Rive* and First ste- near the Steamboat landing, and fifty rods from Union Railroad Depot. It hasrecentlybeen enlarged and entirely rebuilt, witk alllhe modern Improvements added, and is perfect to all its de-^ partmenta; it is also newly furnished throughout to the moat expensive and luxurious style, Mr. JONES hopes, from hia en- perience as a Hotel keeper, and the faculties he has, to give •»- tire satisfaction to all his guests. |*ar Carriages to attendance to convey passengers to and from this House free of charge. •J J ' ' 1~ • •• n—™— BELLS. Troy Bell Foundry, J ONES «% IX)., successors to Jones A Hitchcock, mannttc tare and keep constantly on hand— Bells for Churches, , Belle for Factories, Bells for Steamboats, . Bells for School Houses, 1 Bells for Plantations, Bella for Locomotives, Bella for Hose Carriages, BeltofwSMTAaim^Fog Bella Hung with Patent Rotary Yokes. Wheel Frames, ToOteg Hammers, Ac complete and warranted. my4 , _ _ _ _ _ _ fpHE LARGEST FOUNDRY LN T H E WORLD, and X the best assortment of Bells on hand, including thoee for Churches, Factories, Steamboata, Locomotives,^Steamabrpa. Plantations and Yachts. The patterns at this eatab__n_at have been improved upon for the past thirty year*, and the beds cast from them are acknowledged by competent Judges to be superior to point of tone, oom__a« also an extraordinary vibra- tioa, to any other maanfaetured to mis country. Nearly 10,000 bella have been cast and sold from tn_ foundry which Is the beat evidence cf thetr susatfailu ; aad we bam ewrteen GoM and Silver Medals which have been awarded foe " tee best bells ter STX_ro-_esB aad purity ef toe*." The improved manner of easting with broncaatiai adopted - t h i s eatshr-hment, and Is found to be a prove—eat. _We can ehro to say receipt of order. Cs_p*~fb»< pact payment tat new oaea^or j •M6-1V* i beUa taken in TVOTTHTY. Napkia lei< """fekSS 9 * K f w e a l e ^ 1 M j M _ » River street. "^"^ )*_. BATTa_y_LAi^GJUVtt*VA_ALIIXTB«. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

JflUfJS U A* ACT U KES* FINA TCIAL. MEDICINES. MEDieiNBS.fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Troy NY Daily Times...make money thereby . iaSO AUCTION STORES. — The suiacribers have this

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Page 1: JflUfJS U A* ACT U KES* FINA TCIAL. MEDICINES. MEDieiNBS.fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Troy NY Daily Times...make money thereby . iaSO AUCTION STORES. — The suiacribers have this


TSSBK?SSXSSf& ty andGeariag Castings made from

T«©y IVmndry. R 8 IMVIBC taken theToundry formerly

are prepared to exe-ICii Gearing, All Machine­

ry new pattern*. ~' A U f o . V T — - A C Q .

West Troy Machine Shop.

JL ^ t o r / W o r t ^ P H B r a IWdMTMiliwiight Work. Also, rcwOrtof Hl«h M d l / n r Pressure a_«inea. Steam Boilers, Ac. Afi work promptly attended to, and a ahare of patronage eolVd-^ a ^ M a c l t o e Shop in connection with the West Troy f t eadTj^We*Troy ,Jaa ia iy« , l8a7 .

tm4t • QROOTyBianOCTAPAIJ*_3t .

T. Hardaway ' T O DVTORM hia friends and

m that he has opened a firstclaae IY AND ICE CREAM SALOON

1 to supply all orders of Ice Cream in forma, i Da Roans, A c AH ordera to hia linaof buai-received and promptly attended to with neat-

; and other parttee supplied at ahort actios. Alha-y-aL,Troy. ] _ * _

Plain and Fancy Carting*.

f j T » & ofia betatg^raet^deaign; «-» an elegant URN for Lawns and Garder_f „ . _ ^ , ™™

Attention la Invited to a new atyle of CHARCOAL FXTB-S E, very light and adapted to any size veaaeL The Trade

i for CAST IRON WORK of every ktod executed In

^TROY _ IROH FOUNDRY, earner of Tint and Jefferson street*.

Eagle Foundry.

gort Caaiitoon Furnaces and K*tUe», Cook. Parlor and Heating Stoves, Sammer Ranges, Store Columns, Window Caw, Door Gaps and 8111*, aad moat everything to the line of Iron Castings. I have one of the largest and 'best assortment* of Machinery Tmmmmt aide of N e w York, Including the Patterns of the late firm oi Chollar, Sage A Dunhamf.

i I f f i •

J A M K S T O R R A N C K , Proprietor, "Rive Office No. 865 River street.

Furniture, Ac. GlJBlSBflet^WS^ chaaed the entire stock In trade of leonard Smith at the above stand, would moat WflPectMlr mfotmoM customm a n d ^ o t o -aretawantof ITJRNTTURK, that they are now prepared to iarhiah tkem on the moat reasonable tamui. W e now have,and «h*n constantly keep. Center, Card, extension, Pier and Dining Tables, Bureaus, Solas, Chain, Lookteg^Jlassea. Bedsteads of all «__n7Faa_Mra, Ootts, A c , Ac., at wholesale and retail, and at thelowaat possible prices. W e tenet by giving atrlet personal attention toDuemeas to merit and receive a share of the public

AM kinds of Repairing done at theJbortoatnol^andonm GR—XNMAvN « SHAW.

iesses, Trunks, &c.

ANOTHER RKVOLUTIOY, B U T NO P O W D E R BURNID.—Having become satisfied that my former store

was Inadequate to accommodate the great crowds who visit my establishment, and who, to these hard times. And it necessary to spend their meney to the beat advantage, (of course they come to the great Emporium,) I have removed my store from 74X to 7% Oongiteas street, comer of Third, and fitted it up to compare with any other establishment, where, by having a sales room en the first Joor, also occupying the second floor of the entire buhc. tog an a sales room, and the whole of the third story as a mane. tactory, I am prepared to exhibit one of the largest assortment s of Coach, OigJWagon, Lumber and Cart Harnesses, Ladies' and Ctanthmim'aTfedrgg Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Horse Covers, Sheets. Traveling Trunks, Valises, Bags, Ladles' Satchels. Dress Trunks, and every article ever kept to a similar establishment. AH Of the above goods will be sold lower than they can be bought aianyotheritoretotaectoor State. WM. B. JONES, *

my96 f j Congress street, corner of Third.

MUSICAL. Piano Fortes.

TH1I SUBSCRIBER H A V I N « P U R C H A S E R i W Grow A Hulakamp their entire stock of PIANO FORTE*,

wtil sell the same on favorable terms. The Pianos may be seen anil examined at No. 117 River street, and may be purchased of the TObscriber, at his office. No. 73 Second street. "~"


l_7_opk_as, 244 River Street. C J H E E T M U 8 I O - A 1 1 the N e w Music received as soon as a j published. A

MELODEONS—Of the vary best makers, all styles. GUITARS—Twenty different patterns and prices. CANES—Of even- description, for young or old, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—A complete assortment. R E P A I R I N G done neatly, the only stop in town. ap26

Piano Fortes and Melodeona. »500Qmr!&§ l&hhlSgSiJfZ aiKosrn-HAsro PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. These Instruments have been purchased fox CASH, and can be sold twenty per cent. less, than the usual prices; all of which are from the best manufacturers in New York and Boston. Also the usual sunffiy oTttaLLirrf , DAVIS A CO.'S PIANO FOETID aJHTPfi-LONPETS MELODEONS, together with the largest stock of sheet music kept by any cars DXAJJM in Troy. I

Persons wishing to purchase anything in the Music trade, can ted things to theft aatiafactiem " calling at


both in price and quality, by H. I . PEASE'S.

Rand's HaJL Trov. N. Y.

N e w Piano Forte Manufactory. / 3 . B I T N E R , BEHN8 A OSSENKOP would respectfully I T latem the public of their NEWLY ESTABLISHED PIANO FORTE MANU FACTORY, at 186 River street, Tiov. Grand and Upright Pianoe oonstantiy on hand and made to or­der in the most complete modern styles, ai l our instruments are coastoscted with iron frame, ana warranted for three years.

Please call at our store, NO. 1 3 6 RIVER STREET, and you will find .Panes not to _bejmrpasaed.^An experience ot many year* at Warsaw, Poland, Paris, New York, Ac , enables aa to torn wot the VERY BEST INSTRUMENTS. None better made in the United Statu.

New and secondhand Pianos will be hired out. All tuning aad repairing of Pianos, Organs and Melodeons will be attended to by a well experienced tuner. Remember the Manufactory No . 186 River street. je22-6m*

NEW YORK ADVTS. $600 Reward.

T E F F R I E ' S - % N T l D O T E v - A specific mixture, for the «w case of gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, and similar disorders.— S mages a speedy cure without the least restriction of diet, drinx, exposure, or change to application to business. Our ob­ject ia to notify where it can be h&d; and the proprietor chal­lenge* a single case of recent gonorrhoea which the mixture will not cttre. Repeated experiments and long experience have proved that it will radically cure any case which can be pro­duced. This destmble result Js obtained in from two to ten days, and as it neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and renders unnecessary any deviation in diet or interruption to usual pursuits, sound sleep or healthy digestion, the nuisance is thus removed as speedily aa Is consistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Its ingredients are entirely

able, and no injurious effeoL either constitutionally or lr> oally, can be caused by itause. Price #1 per bottle.

Soi l Agent for N e w York. C. H. RING. W . L. JEN1S0N, agent for Albany. For sale at H. C. SHELDON'S, 384 River a t , aad at 10 State st. , nor36-ly






O N E Y i

Advertisers in Troy.

N* K W S F A P E R A D V E R T I S I N G . -S. M. PETTINGILL & CO. are agents

for nearly all the Newspapers In the United States (including California) and the British Possessions. Some 2 0 O 0 different Papers ate received and filed at their offices, No. .119 NASSAU smuorr. Nxw YOBS, an* No. 10 6TAT« srmxEr, BOSTOIC. They present to the

Eubhc greater inducements than anv other ouse In the country. Thev attend to their

business and see that it is done in the BS&T manner, to the Baar Papers, at the LOWIST a a x s . They have arrangements with many Papers such as no other Agent can have, and they give cuatoraera this benefit. Advertisers can save Moanrr.Traa and TaovBLB by giv­ing S. M. PaTTTENGILL & CO. their ad-vertateg, as their oid customers will testify.

Merchants are invited to call at our orBcts, where all in&miiatloa wiB be given that will enable any one to advertise judiciously, and make money thereby. iaSO

AUCTION STORES. — The suiacribers have this day

ned a co-partnership for the transaction of a Genera] i and Commission Business, at the old store ot Ackley A , 2*t River street, where they *re now receiving a large jnt of French, English. German ahd Domestic Goods;

kiao Clocks, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, .Bedsteads, Looking Glasses, and other Furniture; Books, Blank Bouka, Paper, Envelopes, A c , Ac. BaT* Auction sales ever,' evening,

•jiberal advanceamade on consignment. P . ACKLEY, __ sgto , W. E. MARSTON.

S B. <k W . A 1 X E N D O R P H , AUCTION A N D COM-• MISSION MERCHANTS, 313 River at., Troy, N . Y., tters and- Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods,

i Beaten) to Shell, Bom, Ivory, Rubber and Metal -French and German Accordeona, Violins. Table and ~ Iktry, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold ami Silver Pen-

Olocka, Portmoniea, Perfumery, Brushes, Plav'rg is and Needles, Hooka and Eyes, Pocketbooks, Sus-rhalebone, Raaors and Strops, Spring Balancers, OD

, Spoona, Spectacles, Thread, Shirts and Collars, Ac.—Yan kee aotions without anmber—goods, in facL from which eveiy-body will find something to suit; cheap Jewelry and Plated Ware, and avery variety of Fancy Goods—Pearl-irdaid* Writing Deakf. Fancy Boxes, Pistols, Caps, and everything else in this line ; Furniture, Trunks and Valises, together with a large as-aortmant o£ Books and Statioatrv. Envelopes. i»ap*r Han^iriKs.

The atttation of Merchants ana Pedlars ia particularly mvtted to this large and elegant assortment, which will be sold for ca.-h at leas than New York credit prices. D o n t be gulled any longer •srheaj'ou can save 35 per cent, upon the soot.

BeT*NEW A N D SECOND-HAND F U R N I T U R E bought and sold. Cash advanced on all consignments. Auction every evening. No . 318 River at. -» mhl4

JEWELRY. Look Well at your Time.

rATCBKS, j ^ A T C I t f i » 1 AAD J E W E L R Y ! -L. C CHAMPHE\,«o . 8 Albany street, opposite the

^ ? J ^ E ^ ^ + J 1 1 1 ? , , , 0 1 * bao<l alarge and well selected of FINE GOLD WATCHES, Hunting Cases and open

, which we weU regulated and warranted to keep good , together with a fine rtock of Gold Guard, Vest, Fob and etotne Chaiis.

rid Keys, Seals, Gold Hunting Lockets, GoM Spectacles, s and Pencil rases. Chain, link and Band Bracelets, Ladies*

Pens and E-r Drops, (Cameo Mosaic,) Sleeve Buttons, Sttuiv Gold aad Silver Thimbles, Coral Necklaces, Snaps, Eye Glasses*" Ac.-, Ac.

Silver Tabl?. Tea, Su*ar, Cream, Salt. Mustard and Dessert Spoons, Soup Ladles. Silver warranted equal to coin. Also, a fine article of Silver Plated W*re,

Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Port Monies, Spy Glasses, Fancy Boxes, Perfumery Sodps, China Ornaments, Clocks of all descriptions,—all of which will be sold as low aa at any other house, and warranted as recommended.

N. B. Persona! attention will be paid to cleaning and repair 'ngplain and oooy licated Watches. Having an extensive .-ett of Tools for Jeweling and making any partVne feels confident of ghing perfect satisfaction. AH work will L* warranted.

lfl» T~ L.qCjt lAMPNSY.

Geo. H. Hjewls, : B f A K £ R . SILVERSMITH A N D J E W E L E R anston uottj*. Troy. A general assortHwnt of a. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Pen and andFancv Ankles for sale. i of every description adjuatod and warranted.

Clocka Music Boxes and Jewelry pwperty repaired.

WOOD AND COAL. Bolton & Anthony,

HOLflPAUE AAD R E T A I L DULLER* IN LE-heiab, Lackamna. tmch Orchard, Locust Mountain,

Camberlaad, and S'cianton Coal. Office and Tard,SSS> River st Troy, near Railroad Tiridge. Orders lilled


d«.patch. and delivered Ttith



Wood at Reduced Prices! i W E D TO ANY LENGTH TO SUIT Cnatomera.-Sawed bymaehinery. Kindling Wood, hard or soft, by 1 or ltd. Wood delivered to any part of the city, in auanu-

tias from an eighth at* a oordlWtoa tot load. BT* YARD m NORTH THIRD STREET. myT •; W. H. JACKSON A CO.

and Store Wood. . om hand aad win do-

_ WOOD, whkh ia mamifactnred Itisbattarand cheaper than charcoal tot khv M d and delivered at 80 cants a barrel.

ptians of hard wood, not and tpKt if desired, at

t ied, aad wood dailrared to any part of the

a* j a y Yard, or at Ensign's Grocery

Ob_ pale and dark, Bisquit, T - pa l« ,A-8e ignBe ,r^ea»dd^»art«m, pale and dark, a . Bernard A CofTpate and dark, United Prop^etoraip^e.

andlark. St. George's Rochelle, pale and dgrk, Ohto »«pdy, dark, White Brandy, Cherry Brandy, CWer Brandy, Raspberry Brandy. Peach Brandy, american Brandy. ^ M r x ^ ^ r ^ E n g e n i e Pale. D. G. Gcrden, pale, Lmperi-aL pale. Queen Isabella, pale. Anchor Brown, Anchor Pale.

< f i * I O S £ d e r t ^ ^ Itoe^ppleT^ektam Schnapa, • American. _

RTw^Antlqna, Jamaica, St. Crtgi, Conmaon, Chany. WaiBxnTa^-iriaX Scotch, Old Bourbon. JVHorlne, Ham-

I ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ w t a l L ^ ^ V k ^ Catawba, Loomis* extra Still Catawba, Loomia' Catawba, Currant, Rasp-

^ManiSil^Wrjrji.—Wetah Brothers Old Reserved, Abrea's Extra Pale S, Side, Abrea's Pale S>: Side, Rose, Ingham A Co., and Sicily.

CHAMPAOHaa.—Longwcrth'a Heidaink, Crown Grape, Phomix, Da Mercer.

F a n Wmraa.-OJd London, AMo Dure, Duke Oporto, Gal-jneren'a Pure Juice, Daaton, St. Martinis. , _ *

OLAjuoa-fit. Juien, St. Medoc, Chateau Pribau, Sautame Beiieie.

Wild Cherry, Cnmnt Joice, Curranl Juice, Raepberry Juice. Anaa—Falkirk's Scotch, Moir A Son's Scotch, Byaaa* London

Porter. -v Oi«AJ».-Cmtodoonan, Rio Hondo, Habana, Lafayette R«g»-

Ua. La Minerva. « ' ^WTnes and rhandieam Bottles arid Oaaea. norl» m A R E NOT1CE.-WHYLANX B A DATER take "Ids J . method ot informing their Mends ami the pubhc generally

that they have erertedaine building for a FAMILY GROCE­RY STORE, where the very best of GROCERIES may be found at all times. It is attached to our fine Livery Establish­ment, and we are resolved to keep up with the tines, and to be behind no one in enterprise. Our establianmentB are unsur­passed by any other in this city; and we are confident of our ability to give perfect satisfaction to our customers. Also in con­nection with the building is a large, commodious Yard and Shed. City Hay Scales, Ac, and we Invite all our friends to call and take a look at the place, as no expense has been spared to render it commodious and complete in all its departments.

Messrs. WHY LANDS would tender thanks to their city and country friends for their liberal patronage while formerly en­caged in the Grocery Business, and pledge themselves to please ilTwho will give them a call at 184,188 and 188 FIFTH ST., a few doors below Congress street, where you can find a new and choice supply of GROCERIES, which we can sell aa low at the lewat. WHYLANDS A DATER. /^©-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this day \J formed a co-partnership under the name of Alden A Hunt, for the purpose of carrying on the Family Grocery bushiest.

We have purchased the entire interest of William Holmes in the Grocery hitherto kept by him, at Nos. 1 and 2 Harmony BuildiBgs, and shall at all times keep on hand a full supply of choice Family Groceries and Furnishing Goods.

Mr. Holmes' former customers are Invited to continue their trade at the oid stand, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully solicited.—Dated Troy, March 10,1S66.

J. J. ALDEN, maris S. P. HUNT-

W~ M . H E N R Y , DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVI-SIONS, FRUITS, A c , No. 36 Division street, TroVjN.

Y This may be appropriately styled a complete VARIETY STORE. Everything to the fine of GROCERIES, fresh, nice, and cheap ; of PROVISIONS, the best the market affords, in­cluding FRESHENED MACKEREL; of FRUIT, foreign and domestic, the choicest to season—with WILLOW-WARE, and HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES innumerable. Every­thing, almost, that a householder wants, will lie found in tins store. Prices t'«rjr°tow, aad cash-required. maris

W^LCTlONT^T^e~coliiarto«abip nereiofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of W. S. A G. C.

GREENWOOD, ia thia day dissolved by mutual consent, C. O. Greenwood retiring from the business. W. S. Greenwood ia alone authorised to use the name of the firm to sign in liquida­tion, and will continue the business at the old stand. Thankful Xor past favors, he respectfully solicits a share of the public pat­ronage, which haa heretofore been so liberally bestowed.—Troy, October 34th, ISM. W. S. GREENWOOD,


NO r i C E 18 H E R E B Y G I V E * that the undersigned "have this day formed a co-partnership under the name and firm

of Russell A' Brannan. for the transaction of a general FLOUR, GROCERY and COMMISSION business, at the store formerly occupied by Jas. Arnold, No. 817 River st., where may be found itt all times the very best brands of WESTERN FLOUR for family use; also, a general assortment of FAMILY GROCER­IES, which will beapld for CASH only, at the lowest market price—February 1,1858. A.RUSSELL,

feg-tf _ _ \ _ i P. MiANNAN.

(—^O-PARTA'riRSlBP.—The undersignad having entered j into a co partnership for the purpose of carrying on the

Grocery and Provision buanesa ia all its branc'ies, have taken the old established stand formerly occupied by Chas. G. Wain-wright, south-east corner of Second and Division streets, which they have overhauled and refitted in good style,-and where they wouM be happy to meet their friends and the public—April 1st, 1866. O. M: ROBINSON,


C* CUBMUWHAW - , (aucceasor to D. W . Sickles,) k% corner North Third and Federal streets, would respectfully inform tne public that he has taken the above stand, and will keep constantly on hand a choice and general assortment oi GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBU XATWs TO CASH COTTOMKtia. Call and ex­amine. ~ 8. CLEMINSHAW,



corner North Third and Federal sts.

C—O^PXRT"iTO'R6HirPr^- The^nbecrib^t^haVelhis'Tav

formed a co partnership under the name of Battershau, Graves A Van aistyne, for the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery and Commission business, at Nos. 221 and 228 River st., (opposite the Troy Housed—Troy, March 1,18ft8.



DISSOLCTIOX.—The co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and firm of Mathews A Gregory, was dis­

solved on the 11th of March by mutual consent. The business will be settled by H. Mathews. H. MATHEWS,

G. II. GREGORY. The business cf the above firm will be continued at the old

stand, No. 110 Congress street, by H. MATHEWS. Troy. April 8,1B5T- > _ ap9

MeCOVIHE <fc CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and IM­PORTERS of Brandies, Gin, Wines, Ac, No. 187 River

street, Troy, N. Y.. invite the attention of the trade to their large stock of GROCERIES, which they will continue to sell •jpon the most favorable terms. marlO

BOOTS AND SHOES. Removal—Boots and Shoes.

JA M B S S L T T O N , A g e n t , has removed his stock of Boots and Shoes to No . 75 Congress st„ where ha will be happy

to serve his old patroH and manv new oa^a. A first-rate stock OT land, and prices at the very lowest figures. Work promptly tionft and warranted. Orders solicited. *

nAMf • JAMES SUTTON, Agent, 75 Congress st. ___ , , , . _j _ L _ _ _ +,—_ ,

Summer Goods. C U M M E R S T O C K . - M E L V I N ' S Mammoth Boot © Shoe Store, Rauci's Hall, Congress streetl is n w filled with an Immense stock of Summer Goods, of every description to be found in the Shoe business, of best quality. Tnose -in want of any thing in the Boot or Shoe line, will find it to their advan­tage to call at this extensive establishment, as the assortment of goods to be found here Is not to be equaled in this part of the country. The prices, as usual, will be put at the very lowest —afr Wholesale and retail. Je4 F . MELVIN.

N e w Boot and Shoe Stored i \TO. 3 7 0 R I V E R S T R E E T , (near the Bridze.)-The JLI subscriber has orened this new store, has furnished it with a'ar*e stock of BOOTS. SHOES, and all other goot s pertain­ing to the trade, and is prepared to sell good jsoods. of all the latest patterns, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. EXAJI-rm ABD Jt*DGa TOE yotTESELVEs. Oustom-work promptly done in the very best styles, and WAKBASTK0. Work ready when promised. A share of public patronage solicited.

J61-*!— _WVH. FiKE, JHO. K70 River st. 2* 1 A A i l A W O R T H OF BOOTS, SHOES AAT> y P A U e U U ' J RUBBERS received this day at 125 River street, corner of Ferry, opposite the St. Charles* Hotel. Thia is the largest and best assorted stock of Boots, Shoes and Rub­bers this side of New York. This stock has be-m purchased for •ash, much below the manufacturers' prices, which will enable the undersigned to anderiell any other establishment in thia dty. The public are invited to call and examine for then> •selves. _ _ ! ' ^

E~ »00' l>AAlJ*ROES,—J.FAULKNER, No.348 River 9 street, invites attention to Ma large stock of fashionable

BOOTS and SHOES, embracing a complete assortment cf all lescriptlona adapted So the season, and "many nice articles for tidies and chi'ilrec'a tvear not usually found in retail establish-meats. From long etoerience, Mr. F. is enabled to make suita­ble selections and of the best material and workmanship. He *lso manu&ctnrea to order, wturantihg excellent fits, the heat of stock and superior workmanship. Prices at the ioxiKtt cash rates, and such as cannot Tail to give wttisfadJon. Better pre­pared than ever to uerve his frienda and the pnblic, Mr. F. soli-d a a share of their generous patronage, at No. 248 River-st. j25


TROT, N. Y.—The subscriber having re-Duilt and re-opened hia new store, which has been finished » nd furnished in the most modern style, and stocked with the largest and complete assort­ment of^Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ever before offered to the public this side of Ne^r York, comprising every variety of style and Quality. I have manufactured a large share of my goods, and being weekly in receipt of the best quality of Eastern work, which I buy fur cash ait less prices tban can be bought for credit, enables rne to ofter inducements to those in wsnt of any articles a aim line, to «Ji where they v.-iil find it their interest to pur-mase. at the oheap Cash Store. I have taken great pains to ob-lain the bwt manuiactured Rubber^ in market, which I have iucceeded in, and can safely recommend them to my customers, %nd warrant them net to tear or break out, which I will sell at •educed prices, as any motto will be—large sales and small profits. The pubdc are suifcited to examine mv stock, as all goods will >:• shown with pleasure and a good fit obtained. I am also pre­pared to mtie to older any kind of Custom Work from the best yf materials and finished workmanahip. Repairing neatly and WhUwdtnlrj done. Je38


CAL P L RP08SS, sold at recucetl raUa by W . A L . E . G U R L E Y .

DRAHlrVtt IMSTRUME2WS OF A LL KJADS AM» QUALITIES—A complete assortment, with T. Rules.

Drawing Boards and Triangles, kept always on hand and sold at rates of importers in New York and Philadeluhla, by

oc29 _ _ ^ W. & L. E. OURLBY.

R ICHARD C A R T E R . » 5 5 R I V E R S T R E E T , OPP. THE MANSION HOUSE—Sign of the Broad Axe and

Plane— Manu&eturer of Planes and Tools. Machine Stretched Leather Beiting, and Wood Mouldings, and tierler in all descrip­tion* of Mechanics' Tools, India Rubber Belting, Hose and Steam Packing Belt, Picker and Lace Leather, Roller Skins, Belt Clasps, Hooks and Rivets, Cotton Waste Hemp, and all other kinds of Steam and Water Packing, with a large variety of goods and materials wanted by Railroad Companies, Ma-chlni.sta, Maaulacturers, Mill Owners and M.-chanics generally. Orders by cxpretu or mail promptly executed. Any thing In uurltoe made to crder at short notice. Your patronage is ic-

RICHARDCARTER, 255 Rivernti-eet, Troy, N. Y.

licited by my7

Qas, Steam and -Water Pitting. 1 M O S T R E S P E C T F U L L Y call the attention of the m

nauuanta of Trey and vicinity to the fact that I am now pre­pared to execute all orders for the above kinds of work, which, for workmanship and moderate charges, will not fail to meet the approbation of t i e public.

fceoaiiM-tionwil-ithea^ve.Ihave fitted up a department where ^1 kmda ot Brass *S\ ork w i l be nmie to order, repaired or rennisbed to gUt, silver and bronze; old Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Uiraisuolta, and ah kinds of Mantle Omameats, made equal to new.

rartictslar attention paid to refirdshing Regalia, Theatrical and solitary Ornament ; also, all kinds of Orna nenta In Cast Iron, &!EC A c , eronzed, plain or antique, all of which will be war­ranted to give satisfaction, and on most reasonable terms.

. x up on i. Ail klndsof Glass and Paper Shades"constantly on hand.-i

These requiring anything ia the above line, will do well to call at my estoblishmfciit oafijro going elsewhere. The public pa­tronage is respectftiUy s o h c i t e d r i * " 1

Work done in any part of the coantry. All work war* TIMOTHY QUINN. f

l« ConjDreas street. Troy, N . Y .

NTS. ranted.



' , ^ T 5 c r u 8 l o ^ , , , l

Yard No. mm* atreet.

Dentistry—The Teeth.

D%Mk i^^^W^ h «»J«>ten rooms at Wo. 8 4 ihrrd, corner of Congress street, over ihe office of Dr. M.

fo^nw?' a^l^ iPetnM'Tn- te'M-eP W* Professional services to ffi^^111* Teeth-Filling, Teeth-Extr&cttoK, and r^I*^m^^r ^ i^ a ^ • J l t r : ' ' e x e c l I t e , 1 i n « » m « * carelht'and $%££,£???*'?'$ aA,tl8»'»cTiois WAEBAm-XD. All the recent t S T ^ p S S S * 8 ° f tile J ? e c , a l VoUviviare introduced in my prac-

Aibare(rfpatrtnagetore»r»ctfully aoiicite*t, at No. 94 Third 5S35 —__ ap9

Dira. Ross dv Prapch, OF BLOCK. AWO

K,afowdoorabeloif axrxsio V

T. O. Brmamade, M. D^ R. B. Bontecca. M n H Wnt. kym M. I> John c a P P V n S f f i % £ g ^ g - g * CSxA, M. D_ B. Starbuck, E. W a t e r v D r o g S Trov7 F B Lectikrd, M. D , 0 . V. W. Barton, M?D^ LenSiamaih'- P T HearttTwatcrfed: M. A. Cashing, M X ^ H ? ' i f H*

' taTvt! H*b ^ M > , "** ° ° ' : a ° B * R e r p 0 ^ lal lnV Bentdng^ » w * Dental Stock oonatantly oc band. M

Fire Insurance Agency.


OaahCapltol, WOCOOO. i Jama Loanixa GBAHA-, President.


CONN. ^ Cash Capital, «500,000.

H. HtnriniGTOM, President. C. B. Bowna, Secretary. J


Cash Capital, #150,000. " ! .* JAMES Pta ir , President.


Cash Capital *125,000. J T TXUH_ VAH Vxoanor, PresldenL


T ^ OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $300,000.

J A—ss G. Boia—a, J. A. WALLAOX, Secretary. The above Companies issue policies at their Agency in Troy,

where their losses under such policies will be promptly adjusted and paid. Office 338 River atre^^prgdtoTj^House.

?SSIkS^»i"cl¥- bT«ffi U&3K QTM: RARWOOD,) A - _ b L

J . W . C I P P E R L Y , J A*6111**


IfL OOMPANY, Paciflc Bank Building, comer of Broadway i Grand streets. Branch Office, NoTsOWall street. New York.

Cash Capital, 1300,000, with a large surplus. Insures Dwel­lings, Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furniture, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and other property, against loss or dam­age by fire, n favorable terms.

Kuosaae . Amos F. Hatfield, Divid L. Ycnngs, Joseph H. Williams Thomas Jeremiah, HenryWeniel, John W. Sagemaa Charles B. White, John Kerr. Barman Blauvelt,

•Wm. Tilden, Wm. Smith, Nathan Roberts, Jesse A. Marshall, James D. Flah,

Jacob Campbell, jr-Allan Hay. H.N.Wlla, Xbenezer Beadlestone, HenryBruner, Wm. B. Landame, George R. Jackson, Jedediah Miller, Major Thompson, John A. Merritt, Nathan C. Ely, John T. Dodge, Jamet Robinson, Charles E. Grant,

George P. WeU. , AMOS F. HATFIELD, Presiden-..

A. L. Scaaxa, Secretary. The bustoeas of the above Company for this city will be trans­

acted hereafter thredgh the snbacriber, who will be happy to at­tend to their calls for Insurance in a Company that INSURES to pay in case of loss. E. BABCOC—,

ap» cor, aibahy and River sts.. over House Telegraph Office. O OME L\S t RAACE COMPABIY.-Capltal $500,080. XlOiflce No. 10 Wall street. This Company insures Buildings, Merchandiae, Household Furniture, Ships in port and their car­goes, and other property, against loss or damage by fire, on rea-«nable terms.

maaamm. Cephas H. Norton,

Charles J. Martin, William G. Lambert, Gaerge C. Collins, pftnford N. Barney, Lucius Hopkins, Tuomas Messenger, WilliampL Mellen, Charles B. Hatch, Wm.T. Hooker, R. Waljson Bull, L. Atterburv,jr„ Lucien D. C'oman, Homer Morgan, Levi P. Stone, James Humphrey, George Pearce, Ward A. Work, James Low, Isaac H. Frothingham, Charles A. Bulkley, Richard Bigelow, George D. Morgan, Theodore McNamee, A. F. WtutAain, Sec*y.


Oliver E. Wood, AmosR.Eng, Alfred S. Barnes, George Bliss, RoeLoekwood, John G. Nelson,

, Lyman Cooke, Llvi P. Morton,! Curtis Noble, John B- Hutchinson, Stephen PauL Charles P. Baldwin, H. Gilbert Ely, Amos T. Dwight, Henry A. Hnrlbttt, Jesse Hoyt, Wm. 8torgia),tt, Th08.W.WUliams, 3d John R. Ford, Geo. T. Stedrhan, Sidney Mason.

CHAS. J. M_BT_' , Prest. . TILLINGHA8T, Agent

No. 191 River street, Troy.

BR I D G E P O R T F I R E AAD MARINE lASCRAACK CO., Bridgeport, Conn.—Incorporated by the Legislature of

Connecticut. Capital $300,000. This Company is prepared to Insure against loss or damage bv fire, on BUILDINGS, MER CHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other P E R S©NAL PROPERTY, on as favorable terms aa other responsi­ble Companies.

All losses will be honorably and promptly adjusted and paid. DiaacTO&s.

E. R. Mason, 0 Joseph Richardson,

W m . H. Noble, A . W . Thompson,

O ]-.6ilS6V T. E. COURTEN AY, President. H. W. CHATFIELD, V. President


liddletown, Orange Co.. N. Y. Capital $130,00a EL1SHA P. WHEELER, President.

K. S. MOSHXS, Secretary. mhai WM. HAGEN, Agent.

T. E. Courtenay, H. W. Chatfleld, W. S. Knowlton, liathaniel Greene,

a P R l Y G F I E L D F I R E AND MARINE INSURANCE © COMPANY, Springfield, Mass.—Capital #150,0007 Insures Real and Personal Property against loss and damage by fire, on reasonable terms. EDMUND FREEMANTresldent.

WM. CoMHna, Jr- Secretary. Applications for Insurance may be made to X. BELL, Agent,

at his office. No. 14 Museum Bunding, Troy. WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE COMPA­

NY.—Office, Bank Row, Pittsfield. Capital stock #160,000.— This Company will insure Real and Personal Property against loss or damage by fire, on reasonable terras.

GARUSC. DURNAP, President. J. C. GOODEIOH, Secretary. John T. Lamport, Esq_ having relinquished the agency ef

this Company to the undersigned, he would inform his friends tiiat he will continue the business of such agency at his office, No. 14 Museum Building, Troy.

Jal8 _J] E. BELL, Agent.



Companies, at 253 River street, Troy. au23 FIRE AND Cash Capital Fi

Marina Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, r #300,000. Incorporated to 1856.

CITY F I R E I N S U R A N C E CO., of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital $150,000.

The above Companies (having complied with the laws of the State of New York) are duly authorized by the Comptroller to transact the business of Fire Insurance to said State, and will insure Buildings, Household Furniture, Merchandise, A c , to Troy and vicinity, against loss or damage by fire, on reasonable terms. Apply to B. A. TILLINGHAST, Agent,

rah-34 Office 191 River street, Troy, N . Y.

N e w Insurance and Real Estate Agency, AT O. 3 8 2 R I V E R S T R E E T , Market B a n k Building.

IN. —GILBERT GEER, Jr., is the authorised Agent for the Hanover, Beekman, and several other New York city and East­ern Insurance Companies for this city and vicinity.

Life Insurance can be procured through this] Agency only in the _STNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. RICH-Ann tiLose, M. D., Medical Examiner for this Agency.

Mr. G. will also give his attention to the Sale and Exchange of Real Estate, Renting and Collecting of Rents, Ac. mhlS

I" ' l ^ l r a A N C k - F R A N _ I J i r F l R J J INSURANCE CO., Philadelphia. Capital and Assets, $1,761,468. Fanners' and Mechanics' Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of Phila.

Capital and Assets. $611,383. Orient Mutual Marine Ins. Co., N . Y . Assets, #905,904. British Commercial Life Ins. Co. Capital, #3,000,000. Insurance effected to the above Companies on application to

G. PARISH OGDEN, Banking and Insurance Agent, _myll$ Albany street, Troy.

a D T N A INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD" _ 3 _ —Incorporated to 1819—Charter perpetual. Cash Capi­tal, $1,000,000. Insure against loss and damage by Are, on terms adapted to the hazard, and consistent with the laws of compen­sation. B. A. TILLINGHAST.

Agent for Troy, N. Y„ and vicinity, se28 Office No. 191 River street

"^NEVVnBOOKsi &C. , 1-3

Secret Sorrow! Certain Help!

DR. LA CROIX, from twenty years' practical experience, is enabled to treat with the utmost certainty of cure all

diseases arising from excesses or infection, as spermatorrhoea, stricture, syphilis, &c, without the use ot those dangerous me­dicines mercury, copaiba, Ac.

His Dispensary is now capacious and replete with every con­venience which modern improvement can suggest, such as hot and cold water,—the apartments are warmed by means of a hot-air furnace, and lighted with gas. It is accessible to strangers, from its close proximity to depots of Central, Western, Hudson River, Harlem and Northern Railroads, (all of which are at the terminus of the street) as well as the principal Hotels. The Dispensary is commodiously arranged with separate apartments, (the whole building being used for the purpose,) and is well adapted to facilitate the restoration of the patient without fear of exposure, as they will not come in contact with any one but the Doctor.

Pa—near SAXIOOAXD AttAiNsr QOAC—BST.—The cheapest book ever published 1—250 pages and 180 plates—Price only 35 cents a copy, or 5 copies for #1—Mailed free of pastage through­out the United States—entitled DR. LA CROrxSPRTVATE MEDICAL TREATISE, as PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEWS OF MARRIAGE.—80ni EDITION—100.000 corns SOLD ANSTJ-AILY.—A popular treatise on the secret infirmities of youth, and matunty, arising from genital diseases in both sexes, with one hundred and thirty colored and plain lithographs and engra­vings, illustrating the Anatomy, Physiology and diseases of the Sexual Organs, their Structures, Uses and Functions, and the various injuries produced to them by Solitary Habits, Excesses and Infection. Causes, Symptoms and bauefui effects of Vene­real Diseases. Together with plain directions for the perfect cure of Syphilis, Gleet, Strictures, Ac., without mercury! .To which are added very extensive practical observations on sexual debility, arising from nocturnal seminal emissions, or constitu­tional weakn ess, and its attendant sympathies. The whole illus­trated from Dr. La Croix's private practice. X


wonderful astoniahtog and curious work ever published in the English language, entitled MATRIMONY MAT>E EASY s On How TO Wnt A Lovna. The secret principles of Love, inter­spersed with directions for the preservation and exaltation of personal beauty and loveliness, and for prolonging human life healthily and happily to the very longest pefTod-of human ex­istence. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED ON STEEL. The singled Married, and the Married happy. The Lights and Shades of Married Life. Brief exposition or the nature and treatment of the contagious and other diseases of the urinary and sexual organs, and their remedies.

a Lecture on Love to Married Ladles end Gentlemen. How to remedy impotency, sterility and barrenness—how to beget off­spring—the danger of excesses, and the terrors of absolute con­tinence, etc. Together with a vast amount of useful informa­tion, aptly termed " Knowledge for the Million'"—embracing handreds of recipes which have been kept secret from the world by those who have made millions out of them.

The reproductive organs of females, illustrated. Menstrua­tion, Irregularity, or the entire suppression of the Menses, how to remedy; pregnancy, illustrated by plates, at different stages of gestation; how to prevent i t ; how to determine when H ex­ists ; the diseases attending it, and their remedies, by M. B. La-Croix, M. D., of aibanyVN. Y.

The above two books will be mailed free of postage, on the re­ceipt of fiftv cents in money, or Post-Office stamps, if addressed,' to Dr. M. B. LaCroix, aibanj, N. Y.

SECRET DISEASES—Weaxness, oea of organic power, pain to the lotos, disease of the kidneys, affection of the head, throat, nose and skin, constitutional debility, and all those hor­rid affections arising from certain secret habits of youth, which blight their most brilliant hopes and anticipatiens, rendering

TH***SijicW>G_LvAiiia Paomrnvn*—For married ladies whose health will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their fiurdly, may be obtained aa above. It Is perfectly safe, and has been extensively used during the last eight years. Pricere-duoedto#10.

F a m e - FmcA_a P——a—Ladies who wish for Medicine, the effkacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and ne-vag failed to effect speedy cures without any bed results, will use nlbe but Dr. De Laney's Female Periodical Pills. The only

erecantion necessary to be observed is, ladles should not take iem if they have reason to believe that they are in certain situ­

ations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. ,

Price #1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the Uni-ted States. _i - 1 . .

PERSONS AT A DISTANCE may consult Dr. La Croix by tatter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicines securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied with fall and explicit directions for use. Commu­nications considered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, ao that patients never see any one but the Doctor himself. Attendance c—ly, from 8 in the morning till 9 ttAffie»^?LA^OlX(orBrat65T9».OJ Mo.81 Maiden Lane, aibany, N. Y. apM

K ITCHEN dk HENDERSON'S Hair P r r s e r y a U v r -For preserving, cleanaiBg, curling and beautifying the

hair, completely eradicating scurf, dandruff, and other diseases of the akin. Will positiveiy change the harshest hair into the most soft, glossy and healthy state, also imparting to it a darker color. For sale by ™ B» L. AG. DRAKE,

lylft v 841 River street.

FINA_TCIAL. Troy Savings Bank.

SitotiiePoatOltoa. in the AtheMBum, and is opeeed daihr, for the transaction ofbustoess, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M., and &X o'clock P. M. to 5 o'clock P. M-, (Sundays and Holidays excepted,) and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock.

Depositors wishing to draw money should do so between 10 o'clock a . M. and 3 o'clock P. M.

INTEREST 5)< PER CENT.-The first Mondays of Jairaa-ry, ApriL Jnly and October, are quarter days. Money deposited on any day before a quarter day will drawfnterest from the next quarter day. *

Interest will be computed on the lint Monday of April and October.

Money may be deposited by any person for the benefit of a minor or other person and not iubtoet to be witwb»wn,lf so ordered at die time of depositing. Deposits made subaeqnent to March, 18B0, by married women, may be drawn by the Deposl-tor without the husband joining to the receipt A _ ~ _

INVlsTMENT OF ITSFTOTOS.-TwoWdred and eighty-five thousand dollars is invested to the bondsof the city of Troy, a small amount is invested in bonds and mortgages, the balance is deposited equally to the following Banks, via: Farmers'Bank, Rank of Troy/M^rchanta' MKT Mechanics' Bank, Troy City Bank, and the Union Bank. For the security of the deposits in these Banks is pledged their entire capitals, amounting toi the aggregate to #1,550^100, and also the personal liability of their President, Directors and Stockholders-a security tor greater than that of any single Bank of circulation.

o m e n s . J ARED S. WEED, President. _ _ _ ' JAMES VAN SCHOONHOVEN, First Vice President, GEORGE VAIL, Second Vice President. CHARLES B. RUSSELL 8ec*y and Accountant

George Vail, John A. Grtewold, Benjamin M»»-h^H, DTThomasVail. Philander Wells, Joseph M. Warren, Robert D. Sllliman, Charles H. Merritt, George Gould,

John The Mayor and Recorder

James Van Schoonhoven, Hanford N. Lockwood, Joel Mallarv, John T. McCoun. Townsend M. Vail, L. A. BattershalL Silas K. Stew, Jared 8. Weed. George B. Warren,

L. Thompson, of the city of Troy, ex-oaa—O.

Manufacturers' Savings Bank of Troy, O I A E R OF RIVER AND RLVG S T R E E T S . -CHARTERED 1857.-INTEREST SIX P E R C E N T . -C . OHARTERED i857.-INTEREST

This Bank is open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays and Holidavs, at 10 o'clock to the morning. In­terest SIX PER CENT. PER aNNUM.

al l deposits made on the first day of each month In the year, will commence drawing interest from that time.

On all deposits made after thei first day of each month. Interest will commence on the first day of the succeeding month.

Interest will be computed, at the above rate, on the flist of January aad July to each year, and when not drawn out will be added to the principal, which will also draw totetest.

o m e n s . * ROGER A. FLOOD, President

THOMAS SYMONDS, Vice President. , C. M. WELLINGTON, Treas. and Secy.

TXUSTXX3. . 1 Roger A . Flood, Thomas Symonds, John Thomas, John M. Mott, Titus Eddy, Henry fi. Weed, Jefferson Gardner, Joshua Bailey, R. D . Bardwell, David Cowee, Joseph Hillman, Jacob Jacobs,

_ _ _ ^ J . H. Jackson. ^ apSO For Deposits of Savings.

ST A T E SAVINGS BANK O F T R O Y , SOUTH EAST corner of First and State streets. CharteredJL856. Open

every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays and Holidays, at 10 o'clock to the morning.

Interest five and one-half per cent. Interest will commence on all Deposits made on the first day

day of each month in the year, on that day. On all Deposits made after the first day of each month, inter­

est will commence on the first day of the succeedingmonth. ALFRED WOTKYNS/President.

HEHBY LvesAH, Vice President. TSUSTKES:

Alfred Wotkyns, Henry Ingram, Ralph J . Starks, Alfred B . Nash, John Hitchtos, James Wager,1 v Philip S. Dorlon, J . F . Simmons, David Carr, Lyman R. Avery, Geo. D . Wotkyns, Charles Warner, Eleazer Lockwood, Joseph Stackpole,

. L . R. Graves. m y l Wii—ABD GAT, Treasurer and Secretary.

. — . — i _ . — — _

Central Savings Bank of Troy.

CH A R T E R E D 1 8 5 T . — O p e n every day for the transac­tion ofbustoess, except Sundays and Holidaya,atlO o'clock

in the morning. Interest F I V E A N D ONE-EALF P E R CENT. _ _

On all deposits made on the flrsbday of each raftnth, Interest will be computed from date.

On all deposits made after the first day of each month, inter­est will commence on the first day of the succeeding month.

J. L. V A N SCHOONHOVENTPresident JOHN B. KELLOGG, Accountant.

TBU8TXE8. SamuelS^SargeiBt, Troy. ^ J.L.Van Schoonhoven,Troy.

V. Richmond, Hoosick Falls. Troy, Ralph Hawley,

Jason J.Gillespy, Giles B . Kellogg, Peter McDoual, George O. Burdett, ap-26

Martin I. Townsand, L.VanValkenburgh, " C. H. Rising, John Rankin, " Lucius M. Cooler, Hoosick. Auto Thayer, J r ,

Mutual Savings Bank of Troy, NORTH-EAST CORNER OF FOIST AND S T A T E

STREETS—CHARTERED 1857.-Open every day ex­cept Sundays and Holidays.

Money deposited on or before the fourth day of any month will draw interest from the first day of the same month.

Money deposited after the fourth day of the mouth, will draw interest "ftpm the first day of the* next succeeding month.

JONAS C. HEARTT, President. ELIAS ROSS, Yice President. TBTJST—BS.

t . John G. Buswell, Joseph U . Orvis, Abram B. Olin, James Morrison, Jr.,

Nathaniel Potter, Jr. GEO. A. STONE, SecV andf Treas.

Jonas C. Heartt, EliasRoss, Calvin Havner, John P . Albertson,

ap27 X * Commercial Savings Bank. riCORPORATED B Y A SPECIAL C H A R T E R

granted by the Legislature of the State of New York, in April, 1866. INTEREST 6K PER CENT.


Benjamin Marshall, Char'esJEl. Richards, John D . Willard, Elias Plum, Abram Nash, Israel R. Catlin, Chas. H. Kellogg,

Daniel Robinsoh, Russell Sage, Frederick Leake, James Forsyth, Stephen C.Darmott,

Stephen S. Barnes. • ELIAS PLUM, Prflgdent.

B E N J . MARSHALL, Vice do. F . LEATVE, Treasurer. my4

_ j L ! _ _ _ I',. " _ _ _ J _ 1 _ ' Jfc • .

STOVES, &0 Stoves and Ranges.

TH E P R O P R I E T O R now offers for sale cheaper than ever, the Capitol Cook'Stove, which is one of the best

Bakers in the world. Also the Victor Range, for Summer use, beautiful in design and perfect in operation, and is considered by good Judges to be the best Range in market. Al io Tin, Japan­ned and Hollow Ware. Yon are respectfully inftted to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, at

mylS-v. J . R. HYDE'S, 114)f Congress at. UTO C O P P E R , SHEET-IRON AND JOB _ BING STAND.—The undersigned would itspectfully an­

nounce to his customers and the public generally, that he i. pre. pared to execute all orders pertaining to his business with neat ness and dispatch. Stoves, Tto-warejcjapannedand plain) Hol­low-ware, Furnaces, Brass Kettles, Enamelled Saucepans and Kettles, Sad Irons, Spoons of all kinds, Knives aad Forks, and a general assortment of Housekeeping articles, kept constantly on hand. Also, he has on hand the latest improved Summer Range for cooking or baking, warranted. No 108 (formerly 73) Congress street. mylJ W. W. JOYCE, Agent

MOT AIR F U R N A C E 8 . - W E CALL THE ATTEN. tion of the public to an examination of Boynton's new

t and Portable Hot Air Furnaces. We have now on hand a full assortment of the above Furnaces, which we are prepared to put up to the city or country at the shortest notice, and in the most approved manner. Persons in want of a Famace will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.

For reference as to the operation of said Furnaces, call on Benjamin Starbuck, John T. Davy, Jason Osgood, William Bar­ton, William S. Earl, Gardner Howland, Troy, and Thomas Stantial, Green Island. • We have Soap Stone and Registers or all sizes, and of the

most approved patterns. Particular attention paid to cleaning and repairing Furnaces of all kinds.

mylo BUSSEY A MAGEE, 889 River at. S T O V E S AND H E A T E R S SOLD VERY CHEAP AT j o 881 River street, closerby the Long Bridge, Troy N. Y.— The best Baking Stoves, of all sizes and kinds, for wood or coal; Ovens, very large, and warranted to bak*. Hyde's New Cook Stove—The Capitol—a beautiful Stove aid an excellent baker. Parlor Stoves for wood or coal, warranted to work welL Parlor Cook Stoves, various kinds, excellent for baking.

Sanford's Mammoth White Globe Stoves—Taree Styses, Nos. I. $ and 8. This is a beautiful and durable Stove, warranted to give more heat than any other Stove of the same size; used for Stores, Factories, Saloons, Offices, &c. Cast and Sheet Iroa Cy­linder Stoves; Stanley and other Coal Burners.

HEATERS.-Whltney & Sanford's Celebrated Hot Air Hea er, 5 sizes. A size no larger than a Stove wUlheat a room which will require three Stoves to heat.

HF*Tin-Ware, Japan Ware, Glass Ware, B'ittania Ware. Ac Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Jobbinzdone with dispatch.



No. 401 River street, nearly opposite Manufacturers' Bank where may always be found a large and well selected assortment of Parlor, Cook, Hall and Office Stoves, for » o^ J or Coal* among which may be found Wager's New Victor, _pie's New CapitoL and the New Welcome Cook Stoves, which have all of the modern improvements of the day, and for elegance in de­sign, economy and durability, they cannot be beat in this mar­ket. Also, the Union Parlor Cook and Stanley's Celebrated Coal Burners, and a variety of other kinds of Coal Burners.— And at this establishment may be found at all times the largea and best assortment to the city of Plain Tin, Japanned, Britan­nia and Hollow Ware, Ranges, Clay and Iron Furnaces, Brass and Enameled Kettles, Sad Irons, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tea Trays, F'eather Dusters, Brushes, Table Mats, and a general assortment of House-Keeping Articles, kept constantly on hand.

N. B. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Leaders made, and all ktod» of Jobbing pertaining to the business done at abort notice, witt neatness and dispatch, at Victor Stove Store and Tin Jobbin Shop, 401 River street


HAIR-DRESSINO, &C. Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon.

JAMES H SCHUYLER having taken t ie shop in Rand's new building, (up staira) lately occupied by Mr. Steen-

bergh, respectfully Invites the patronage of the public SHA­VING, HAIR-DRESSING and SHAMPOOING executed in theaaeatest manner and to the best styles. Children's hair cut promptly and weU. A continuance or old custom solicited, and new patrons may rely upon being served mostaatisfactoniy.


looms. Union Street Bath R<

THIS N S W EMPORIUM BATHING SALOON, fit-ted up wiin all the modern improve—enta, is now open to

the pnblic. No pains have been spared to make it the best es­tablishment north of New York. The roomapre all neatly fur­nished and well ventilated. The public are invited to call at No. 3 Johnson's Block.

Also HAIR DRESSING BALOON, weB fitted up, good workmen employed, and sAiiorAcrios WAMUarrnp.


Bathing, TTa'v Dressing. &c. n p H E UNDERSIGNED H A S LEASED for a term of J . years Mr. Rath's Bathing and Hair Dressing Saloon, No. 8

Third st., and handsomely refitted and refurnished the same, rendering it one of the most commodious and elegant establish­ments ofthe kind in the State. Open from I A . M. to 9 P. M.; on Saturdays until 11 F. M.; on Sbndays from 6 A. M. to 13 M. Bathing in all styles—every thing neat-Hooiite attention to customers, and satisfaction warranted. Hair Dressing, Shaving, Shampooing. Particular attention to cuttiru children's hair.

GEO. T. STEENBERGH, No. 8 Third st. P. 8. Six Balking Tickets for one dollar, or 86 cents for single

Bath. mhitO


Dr. Philleo's Highly Concentrated

SYRUPS, CUSTARDS, SAUCES, AC.-Tiese Extracts are prepared with great care, under the direction* of a Physician and Chemist of thirty years* experience, and will retain their flavor for any length of time, if excluded from a strong light— One trial wlB »atisfy the most skeptical thai they are destined to supercede every thing ofthe kind in market.

They will be sold tor ecuh only. Wholesale and retail deal-ers supplied at the lowest possible prices. They will be sold at manufacturer*! prices by wholesale dealers throughout the United States.

All orders (inclosing cash) directed to E. B. Hastings, Utica, N. Y„ or to C. H. Garrison, Sateatos Manojasturer, 414 River at, Troy, wiUbewomptly attended to, and -oods forwarded an^nrecied. iL B : H A 8 T 1 N G S , Sole ManmacUirer,

eUM-sm n l Geneaae atreet Utica.

TLN, S H E E T I B I O N , dfC-500 boxes Tin Plates assorted. 550 boxes Canada Plates.

3000 bales English and American Sheet Iron. 100 * Russia Sheet Iron,

se l* J. M. W A R R E N * 0 0 .

H .. "'"-.. \



TH I S WELL-KNOWN P R E P A R A T I O N H A S effected to many

WONDERFUL CURES, and restored so many sufferers to health, that it is cherished by all who have experienced its virtues, as




LIVER COMPLAINT, • And every other form, however severe, of K

$ PULMONARY COMPLAINT. 5 Discovered by a distinguished Physician—containing no min­

eral or deleterious ingredient but everything agreeable, it has, by the wonderful cures tt has effected, been constantly appre­ciating in public favor, and is now firmly established as the

G R E A T AMERICAN REMEDY for the cure of every minor disease of the THROaT, LUNGS and CHEST, as well as the most fell and fatal of all,

C O N S U M P T I O N . The following letter from Rev. Henry Wood, late Consul to

Beyroot Syria, and formerly Editor of the Congregationaliat, Concord, N. H., and now Chaplain U. S. Navy, is of like tenor of thousands in our possession:

CONCORD, N. H., March 2. Messrs. SETH W. Fownn A Co.—Gentlemen: Two years ago

a sudden and violent attack upon my lungs confined me to my bed for several weeks, and when I recovered, I was so much op­pressed by difficulty-to breathing, that I was often unable to sleep or rest upon a bed by night. The suffering was extreme, and iudgtog from the toefficacy of the remedies used, I suprx sea the disease incurable. Being persuaded to try a bottle of WIS-

i, TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, without the least i confidence in its efficacy, I found the t ifflculty almost entirely

removed before one bottle was, used up. Having a mortal aver­sion to medicine, and seldom using it in any form, sympathy with my fellow-sufferers induces me to make this statement, and recommend the article to others similarly afflicted.

<j With respect yours truly, HENRY WOOD.

It has been used with like success by SAMUEL A. WALKER Auctioneer, Dr. WM. A. SHAW, Washington, N. G, Alderman PERKINS,

And by numerous Physicians in their practice, as their Certifi­cates testify. ;

B E W I S E TO-DAY! Neglect not a Cough—Defer not the nse of a T ime ly

R e m e d y , within the reach of all. S. W. FOWLE & CO., Proprietors,

No. 18 Tremont st., under the Museum, Boston. W. E. HAGAN A CO., 10 State st.. Agents for Troy. ,1el4

F B R O T i A ^ l r r R U P :


T T A V I N G SUCCESSFULLY P A S S E D T H E ordeal JJL to which new discoveries to the Materia Medka are

subjected, must now be received as an established Medicine.


Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia Bronchitis and Con­sumptive Tendencies, Disordered State of the Blood,

Boils, Scurvy, and the Prostrative Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility,

and all diseases requiring a Tonic or Alterative Me­

dicine, is now ' BEYOVD QUESTION.

The proofs of its efficacy are so numerous, so well authentica­ted, and of such peculiar character, that sufferers cannot reason­ably hesitate to receive the proffered aid.

The PERUVIAN SYRUP does not profess to be a cure-all, but its range is extensive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and, proceeding from one cause, may be cured by one remedy.

The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides a cure is precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses are accessi­ble, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible.

Those who may wish for an opinion from disinterested peri sons respecting the character ofthe Syrup, cannot fall to ba sat­isfied vnth the follbwtog, among numerous testimonials to the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community of Boston, and of the highest re­spectability. :

CARD. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial effects of

the " Peruvian Syrup." do not hesitate to recommend it to the attention of the public.

From our own experience, as well as from the testimony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are altogether unques­tionable, we have no doubt o( its efficacy to cases of lncipiont Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liven: Complaint Dropsy, Neuralgia, etc. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit­nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony, as we do ours, to its restorative power.

John Pierpoht Thomas C. Amory, Thomas A. Dexter, Peter Harvey, S. H. Kendall, M. D., James C.Dunn,

Samuel May.

NOTICE. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Protoxide of

Iron is lost by even a brief exposure to air. and that to MAIHTAIS a solution of "Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible.

In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is attained by OOMBINATIOH EBT A WAY HKFOKJ! UHXNOWN ; and t h i s Solution may replace all the proto-carbonates, citrates, and tartarates of the Materia Medica. A. A. HATXS, M. I).,

Assayer of the State of Mass., Boston, U . » . A . N . L . CLARK A CO., Proprietors, Boston.

5id to Troy wholesale and retail by S. O. GLEASON. No. 814 River street. fel2


Thrilling Interest for the Young! THE PREMATURE DECAY OF YOUTII!


The above work is one of most thrilling interest to the Young of both Sexes; detailing some of the most striking cases and imidents to the practice ofi the Author, po-nting out the great causes for such early decline and decay of American Youtn.

The Book is written in chaste language, and should be read by every Parent and Guardian that has the least solicitude for the weil being of offspring and youth. It will he sent by mall n a sealed envelope to any part of the country, free of charge, p receipt of two (3 ccnt> stamps for postage. In view of the awful destruction of humaiaJife and health,

by marasmus or premature exhaustion and ttlm of the nervous system, caused by sexual d'seases, such as the vmx of Self-abuse, Seminal Weakness, Spermatoirhcea, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and virulent affections, GUet, Impotence, Leucorrhoea and Sterility, and organic diseases of the Kidneys, and to view of the decep­tions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacks and base pretenders, the Directors of the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute have instructed their attend­ing Dhysic* an to treat this all-prevailing class cf modern mala­dies", so productive of Pulmonary Consumption. The Institu­tion is provided, to order to insare the utmost speedy success, w.th the aids of the most improved practice of Franc, England and the Oriental countries. The most scrupulous regard to confidence and fidelity will be guaranteed every patient or ap­plicant. The meclctoes used by the Institution are entirely free from Mercury, Minerals and Poisons of every nature— whicb will be vouched for. The most approved Medicines, of recent di?cr very, imported from India and Japan—and concen­trated in the form of Extracts ana Alkaloids, are alone used.— Our remedies will not expose, nor sicken, nor debilitate under £toy circumstance. The Institution has the honor of treating as

fatients some ofthe most distinguished citizens of the United tetes. Patients can at all times be treated by letter and cut e i

at home, on receiving a full statement of their symptoms, and medicines can be sent by mail or express to any part of the United State* and the Canadas.

YOUNG MEN suffering from these direful ilia will receive for 45 a series of Health Rules and perfect Chart of cure, which will be to them a true Polar Star through Life.

TO FEMALES.—The Monthly Pills, prepared by the Insti­tution, are a never failing remedy for Suppressions of every na­ture. Will be sent by mail to any part of the country on the receipt of $1, with ample mstructions for ufce, under all eircum-

H F Ac-dress Dr. ANDREW STONE Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, 'throat and Lungs, 96 tifth street, Troy, N. Y.

Troy, July 27,1858. aulO-ly

F^LTITTOYSTERS, &C. At A. & J. Goodseil's

OY S T E R AND F R U I T S T O R E , Union street, west side of Union Depot, can be found a choice article of Pine

Apples in Syrup, BO prepared as to retain all the flavor of that most delicious fruit in its natural state. For sale by the case or single can. mh27-tf

F" RUIT rAND~ O Y S T T H R T I T E P O T S N O T J T^rd^s-eeL Troy, N. Y. The undersigned has constantly on hand, and

is receiving daily from first hands to New York OYSTERS of the choicest varieties; FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS and PICKLES of all kinds; DOMESTIC FRUITS, the best the country affords, to season, Ac, Ac. All which will be sold at wholesale to country merchants and city retail dealers, on the most favorable terms. Goods will also be sold at retail.

B. F. THOMPSON, 9 Third street.


constantly on hand, and is receiving daily from first hands in New York, Oysters and Clams of the choicest varieties, foreign and domestic Fruits, Nuts and Pickles of all kinds, all of which wiil be sold at wholesale to country merchants and dty retail dealers on the most favorable terms.

Connected with this establishment is an EATING SALOON, where warm and cold meals, oysters and other luxuries, are Berved up promptly to order on the New York Cheap Plan. Giver e a call J i . A M. MILLIGAN,

«*k « n/wtn -wine of Fulton M M * « * TVrw


J J . G I L L E S P Y dfc C O . , A g e n t s forithe: s a l e i o f W . .Russel l A Co.'s BLASTING and SPORTING POWDER,

manufactured at Bennington, Vt., are prepared to deliver it promptly in any part of the city, in all the variety of Packages —Kegs, Half andfOuarter Kegs, Pound. Half and Quarter Pound Canisters, at the manufacturers' prices. Also Agents for the celebrated ORANGE GUNPOWDER, manufactured at New-burgh. N . Y „ by Rogers A Co. mh90

Gun Powder Agency.

TH E SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN appointed Agents for the SCHAGHTICuKE MILLS, will keep On

hand at their Magazine near the city, a fall assortment of SPORTING, MINING AND BLASTING P O W D E R , which they are prepared to sell to large or small quantities, at MANUFAC'rURERS' PRICES. Also, HAZARD'S KEN­TUCKY RIFLE, to Kegs, Canisters and Flasks, SAFETY and WaTER FUSE. _ .

BATrERSHALL, GRAVES A VAN ALSTYNE, mhlft-tf 391 ond 238 Rtvar afreet.

~SLLVER PLATING. Silver Plated Ware at Wholesale Prices.

TE A S P O O N S , 4 o z . p l a t e , 63c to $1.76 per sett ; Table Spoons,4 OE. plate, $l.S0"to $4.00 per sett: Castors, heavy

plate, »3.50 to $18.00 each ; Tea Setts, heavy plate, at $90.00 to $46.00 per sett, 6 pieces, and all other goods in proportion, at

C. H. K I R K L A N D A CO.'S, Manufacturers of Silver Plated Ware.

je5 No . 543 Broadway. Albany, N . Y.

Silver Plating Establishment. T O H N M c R I N N E Y , Ascent, Nos. 803 and 806 River eL,

• J opposite the Museum Building, Troy, N . Y . Gold, Silver, Princes' Metal and Brass Prating. Fine Sliver Plated Door and Number Plates, Bed Pulls. Door Knobs and Butta, Stair Rods. Ac. Metallic Saab for Snow Windows, Cases, Ac.

GALVANIZING.-F ine Plated Sadlery and Coach and Ha» ness Trimmings, Coach Lamps, A c ; Firemen's Trumpets, Belt Plates, FigureSjLetters, A c , A c , on hand and made to order at short notice. Work promptly done and warranted. Patrona;': respectfully solicited. JOHN McKINNEY,

mh6-tf Nos. SOS and 80S R i w street, up stairs.

MARKETS. Fonda's Center Market.

TH E New aad wen-managed Center Market, corner of Se­cond and State streets, has been re-opened, and the snhaerl'

oer la asadn prepared to furnlah nunillea with the very beat Freak, 8moked and Sated Meats, Poultry, Game, Ac, to be found in the city. The most particular attention paid to thelsetection of g c ^ o n e a * . ^ f ^ f ^ g ^ g ^

4*1 e <¥wrww HJVYWWI mA

TNDIAN QUEEN P L U G T O E A C r O - O f fine^ajor aad JLquaHty.at S^CLIIMIHBHAWS,

sela corner North Third and Federal streets. T U S T BECETYED-At C. WILLIAMSON'S, 401 River

•J st- a huge lot c/small Tin Oilers, for Sewing Machines, a prime article for that use. anx7

TH E L A R G E S T ASSORTMENT of (^dren^ Shoes U * * * * * * * To*, tf J ' r A U i f B S . sleet.


Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. l i f R . K E N N E D Y , ofRoxbury, has discovered to oneof our 1TJL pasture weeds a remedy that cures E V E R Y K I N D OF HUMORJ'rom the wont Scrofula to a common Pimfle.

He has tried it to over eleven hundred oaseaand never ndled^ except to two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his" possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston.

Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sere month. One tothree bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples on the

face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of bdea. Two bottles are warranted to cure the w o n t canke In the

month and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst cane of

One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the eyes.

Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the earn and Matches among the hair.

Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt aad running ulcers.

One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. T w o to three bottles are warranted to rare the worst cases of

ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate

canes of rheumatism. i Three to four bottles are Warranted to cure salt rheum. ,->Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of sx*rofula.

A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and • perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken.

ROXBTTBY, Mass, Da&B M A D A _ : The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in

curing all kinds of humors, is so well established, by the unani­mous voice of all who have ever used it. that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skillful physicians and the most careful druggists in the country are unanimous in its praise

In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do tt with a full knowledge of Its curative powers, to relieving all, and curing most of those diseases to which you are unfortunate­ly so liable. That most excruciating disease to an affectionate mothe^—Nursing Sore Mouth—is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to Its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet dumberv and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessings to your husband and household.

In the more advanced stages of Canker, it extends to the rtom-ach, causing Dyspepsia, which is nothing but canker on the stomach: then to the intestines and kidneys, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an indifference even to the cares of your family.

Your stomach Is raw and inflamed, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, ar d even of that your sys­tem'does not get half the nourishment it contains, as the acri-monous fluldof the canker eats it u p ; then your complexion loses its bloom and becomes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed.— Then fellow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to cure: Palpitation ofthe heart, pain to the side, weakness ofthe spine and small of the back, pain to the hip-joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and, also, the most excruciating of diseases—the Piles. How many thou­sands of poor women axe suffering from this disease, and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure." In the Medical Discovery, you have both the preven­tive and the cure, with this great anS good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you an injury.

Yours, truly, D O N A L P K E N N E D Y . Price |1,00. Manufactured, by DONALD K E N N E D Y , 110

Warren street, Roxbury. Wlllson A Thurman, N o . 831 .River street, General Agents,

Troy; McClureACo., General Agents, Albany; also for sale by R. L . A G. Drake, No . SU River street; W. E . Hagan, No . 10 State street; H.C.Sheldon, 4HO. 334 River street; E . W . Stoddard A Co. 89% Congress street; S. J . Peabody & Co~ No . »6 Congress street; S. O. Gleason, No. 814 River street; W. C. Badeau, No . 101 Consreaa street; Hawley A Co., No. 219 River «t,n*>.t. "v«l1



IS ONE OF T H E B E S T P U R G A T I V E AND LIVER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathar-

tie, easier, milder and more effectual than any other medicine known. It. is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom­ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the .painful feelings ex­perienced to the operation of most 'Catharticf. It strengthens toe system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity.

K O H <



r" '"N




to c a


principal regulators of the performs its functions w U, fully developed. Thestom-pendent on the healthy no-proper performance of its ach is at fault, the bowels system suffers in conse-Liver—having ceased to do of that organ, one of the rtudy, to a practice of more some remedy wherewith to rangements to which it is

is at last found, any person plaint, in any of its forms, conviction is certain, morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to di-blood, giving tone and ery, removing the cause ical cure. cured, and , what Is bet-casional use of the Liver

sufficient to relieve the stom-from rising and souring, retiring, prevents Night-night, loosens the bowels ness. meal will cure Dyspepsia. fuls will always relieve

male obstruction removes makes a perfect cure, ly relieves Cholic, while a sure cure for c h o l e r a of Cholera. to throw out of the system a long Hckness. Jaundice removes all sal-from the skin, time before eating gives makes food digest well, cures Chroute Diarrhoea SumrnerandBowel Corn-first dose. • attacks caused by W o r m s surer, safer, or speedier rem-fails. "Dropsy, by exciting Lthe

commending this medicine and A g u e , Chill Fever, tous Type . R operates sands are willing to testify

The Liver is one of the human body ; and when it the powers ofthe system are ach is almost entirely de-tion of the Liver for the functions; when the stom-are at fault, and the whole quence of one organ—the its duty. For the diseases proprietors has made it his than twenty years, to find counteract the many de-Uable.

To prove that this remedy troubled with Liver Corn-has but to try a bottle, and

These Gums remove all the system, supplying to of bile, invigorating the gest well, purifying the health to the whole machln-the disease—effecting a rad-

Bilious at tacks are ter, prevented, by the oc-Envigorator. ,

One dose after eating is ach, and prevent the food

Only one dose taken before mare.

Only one dose taken at gently, and aires Costtvf-

One dose taken after eaph One dose of two teaspoiin-

Sick Headache . One bottle taken for fe

the cause of the disease, and Only one dose immediate-One dose often repeated is

Morbus, and & preventive Only one bottle is needed

the effects of medicine after One bottle taken for

lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short

vigor to the appetite, and One dose often repeated

to n worst forma, while plaints yield almost, to the

Onte or two doses cures-in Children ;' there is no edyto the world, as it never

|ar* A few bottles cures absorbent*.

We take pleasure to re-as a preventive for Fever and all Fevers of n Bil-with certainty, and thou-to its wonderful virtues.

Al l w h o use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor.

EaT* Mix W a t e r in the mouth wi th the bivigorator, and swal low both together.

The Liver Invigorator IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily

working cures almost too great t o believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of L iver C o m p l a i n t , from the worst J a u n d i c e or D y s p e p s i a to a c o m m o n H c u d -

a c h e , all of which are the result of a D i s e a s e d Liver . r a t e s onx DOLLAB PXR BOTTUB.

DR. SANFORD, Proprietor; 346 Broadway-New York.

§**r Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by B . C. SHEL­DON and S. O. GLEASON, Troy, N . Y . ap2-ly

5 Ayer's IPills

AR K P A R T I C U L A R L Y A D A P T E D to derangements of the digestive apparatus, and diseases arising from lBipu-

r ty ofthe blood. A large part of the complaints that afflict mankind originate to one of these, and consequently these Pills are found to cure many varieties of disease.

Subjoined are the statements from some eminent physicians of their effects in their practice.

AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. -[From Dr. E . W. Cartwiight, of New Orleans.]

"Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent quali­ties surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the dailv treatment of di.-ease."

FOR J A U N D I C E A N D ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. [From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York city .J

f Not only are your Pill6 admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the [Liver very marked indeed. They have to my practice provedjniore effectual for the cure of bilious ccmplaints than any onerfltoedy I can mention. I sincerely rejo.ee that we have at l e v ' purgative which is worthy the confidence of the professl the people."

D Y S P E P S I A - I N D I G E S T I O N . [From Dr. Henry J. Knox, of St. Louis.]

u The Puis you were kind enough to send me have ased in my practice, and have satisfied me that they are trul J an extraordinary medicine. So peculiarly are they adapted to the diseases of the human system, that they seem to work upon them alone. I have cured some cases of dyspepsia and indiges­tion with them, whicn had resisted the other remedies we com­monly use. Indeed, I have experimentally found them to be effectual in almost all the complalnta for which you recommend them."

DYSENTERY—DIARRHCEA—RELAX. [From Dr. J. G. Green, ot Chicago.]

" Your Pills have had a long trial to my practice, and I hold them to esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses. lor bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children." INTERNAL OBSTRUCTION-WORMS—SUPPRESSION [From Mrs. E. Stuart, who practices as a Physician and Mid

wife in Boston.] '* I find one or two large doses of your Pil s, taken at the pro­

per time, are excellent, promotives ofthe natural secretiOB wneu wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They fire so muca the best physic we bave, that I recommend no other to my patients."

CON<sTIr*ATION-OOSTIVEKESS. [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.]

"To much car not be soid of your Pila for the cure of Cc*-tiveness. If others of our fraternity have found them as effica­cious as I have, they should join me to proclaiming it fer the benefit ofthe multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although tad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease." IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD-SCROFULA-ERYSIP­


[From Dr. Ezekiel Ha'L Philadelphia.! * You were right, Doctor, to saying that vour Pnls purify the

blood. They do that. I have usedlhem of late years to my practice, and agree with your statements of their efficacy They stimulate the exeretories, and carry off the impurities that stagnate in the blood, engendering disease. They stimulate the organs of digestion, aid infuse vitality and vigor into the ay* tern Such remedies as you prepare are a national benefit, and you deserve great credit for them." FOR HEAD AC dE—SICK HEADACHE— FOUL STOM­


[From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] " DIAK Dn. ATKK : I cannot answer you what complaints I

have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic to my daily contest with disease, and be­lieving as I do that your Pills afford U3 the best we have, I of course value them highly."

Most ofthe Pills, in market contain Mercury^vihich, although a valuable remedyln skillfuUiands, is daneerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequently follow its in-caut ions use. These contain 'no mercury or mineral substance whatever. w

I , AYER'S C H E R R Y P E C T O R A L Has long been manufactured by a Practical Chemist, aid

every ounce of it under his own eye, with invariable accuracy and care. P is sealed and protected by law from connterfcius, and consequent y can be relied on as genuine, without adultera­tion. R supplies the surest remedy the world has ever known for the cure of all Pulmonary Complaints; for Coughs, Oclds. Hoarsenefs, Asthma, Croup. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, In­cipient Consumption, and for the relief of consumptive patients in the last stages of the disease. As time makes these facts wider and better known, this medicine hat gradually become tbt best reliance rf the afflicted, from the log cabin of the Ame­rican peasant to the palaces of European kings. Throughout tills entire country, In every State and city, and indeed almost every hamlet it coi tains. Cherry Pectoral is known as the best of all remedies for diseases of mt Throat and Lungs. In many torei?? ^mdrtes it is extensively used by their most totelligent physicians. If there is any dependence on what men of every nation certify it has done for them; If we can trust our own senses when we see the dangerous affections ofthe lungs yield to it; if we can depend ou the assurance of toteUige' t pbysi clans, whose burinese is to know; in abort, if there fii any reli­ance upon asythtog, then is it irrefutably proven that this me­dicine does cure the dtm of diseases it Is oeetgned jar, beyond any and all other remedies known to mankind. Nothing but its Intrinwc virtues, and the amnistakahie benefit conftrrea on thousands of sufferers, could originate and maintain the reputa­tion which it enjoys. White many fofaricr remedies have been thrust upon the community have failed, and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, aad produced cures too numer­ous and remarkable to be forgotten.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY1R, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.

And sold by ail Druggists everywhere. aull-Qm

DM I f t r a e r i H G SOLUTION «r Chloride e f Wod»_ For destroying contagion, decomposing pestilential effluvia,

preserving provisions against decay, and neutraliateg strong or offensive odors. Foraalaat

Jy IS S. C G L E A S O N ' S , SU


Second Train—10,00 A. M Third Tram—4,10 p . M. b V Tickets can be procured at


Express Tram.

Hudson River Railroad Of-myat

Hudson River Railroad. CA R S L E A V E T R O Y F O R JW5W YORR-Express

Trains 4^0 A. M. and and 4^0 P. M. Mail Train 10JO A. M. Acconmicdatton train 8#) P. M„ except Sanrdaya, until further notice.

Trains leave Albany a few minutes later than Troy. Oara leave New York tor Albany and Troy—Express Traits

6,00 A. M. and 6,00 P. M. "W ay Train 1L80 A. M , connecting with Northern and Western Trains. Accommodation for Alba­ny and Troy leaves at 10.30 P. M.

auSt A. F. SMTTH. Bnyt.

N e w York Central Railroad.

SU M M E R ARRA.YGEME.YT.-OTi and after Monday June 7th, until further notice. Trams will ran as follows:


Leave Troy at 7.00 A. Mn Morning Express,

1L00 " New York^4

"0,86 P. M. Night Express.

•otaaxjjo*. Leave Schenectady at

9,10 A. M., Cin Ex. 1.46 P. M., Aooom. A Freigh 4,10 P. M„ Ruflalo * N YY TJO P. M„ Steamboat Ex


Leave Green Island at Arrive at Green Island 10,16 A. M. 9,30 A. M. 6,00 P. M. 8,lfl P. M.

THOS. WALLACE, Aast Bupt. Troy, June 7,18&8. je7

Troy and Greenbush Railroad.


Passengers are requested to procure Tickete at the Tlcke Offices ofthe Hudson River Railroad, north-east corner of Deau atreet and Maiden Lent. Albany, and Union Depot, Troy.— Packages of Eight Tickete for t L can be purchased at either 0 f the above offices.

On and after Wednesday. July 28,186S, and until further no­tice, the Trains will run as follows ;

LOCAL T R A I N S . raon TBCT. raoM ALBX» r

Union Passenger Depot. Boston Railroad Ferry. 7,45 9,00

10,05 LOO: 3.80 4.10 6,00


roc* raor. Union Passenger Depot.

4 , S 0 A 7 M . 10.9S " 4,30 P. M. 8,00

1146 L25

. 8,00 X 4.46


8,10 A. M. 9,90 »

P M. «

raoxanaaaT. Hudson River Railroad Ferry

7,00 A. M. 10,40 " 64K) P.M.

10.16 Local Trains will stop for passengers at station comer Adam

•nd Third street, Nail Factory and Bath, 0B signal. New York trains will not stop between Troy and Albany. je2 E. S. MORGAN, Agent,

Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad.



On and after Sept. 20, la&a^Traial will run daily, (Sundays excepted.) as follows:

ecmc SOUTH. Liave Troy Union Depot, in Sixth street, at 7,80 A.M., Mail and Express to Saratoga Springs. Whitehad,

Castleton, Rutland. Burlington, Ogdensburgh and Montreal; also for Bellows Falls, Brattleborough. Keenc and Boston.

10.20 A. M., Freight and Accommodation from Green Island to Whitehall.

passengers from Hudson River, to baratoga Springs, Whitehall

Lake Champlato, Montreal and

by which passengers who leave Troy to the evening, can reach Bur-rgh, Montpelier, St. Albana> and

and Ogdeasburghto dine, without

!,00 P. M., Express, wi Boston aad Springfield Castlaten, Rutland, ports Ogriensburgh

%3T This is the only lto New York after 6 A M-, or lington. Port Kent, Piattebi Montreal early next mornin loss of sleep.

•otBaanaasju Leave Saratoga Springs 8,40 A. M. 5.00 P . M. to Oraen Lslan*. 6,45 P . M. Through tickets are furnished and baggage is checked through. All ticsets must be purchased before entering the cars. N o

through tickets will be sold except at the Company's office. For further information apply at the Rensselaer and Saratoga

Railroad once, in the Troy Depot, ss!8 L. H. T U P P E R Superintendent.

Troy and Boston Railroad.

SU M M E R A R R A Y G E M E A ' T S - C o m m e n c i n g Monday, May 10th, 1868 Great Reduction in Rates! Fare aa low

aa by any other route. v Cars leave Union Railroad Depot— 7,'Ki A. M., with passengers from Hudson R. R. Evening

trains and night steamers: also, from Express train from West, connecting at Eagle Bridge with Rutland and Washington R. R , and at Rutland with train leaving at 12,30 P. M. for Bellows Fails, Brattieboro', Keene, Fitohburg, Lowell, Nashua and Boston, ar.iving same evening. And also with train for Bur­lington and all points north.

11,-20 A. M., Express, with passengers from 6.00 A . M. Hud­son River train, and also from Cincinnati express, leaving Buf­falo at 1L&0 previous evening, due at Rutland at 2,80 P . M., Burllnrton at 5,00, Rouse's Point at 7,80, and Montreal at 9,80 same evening. Passengers taking this train will arrive at all points north of Rutland at same time as by any other lines leav­ing four hours earlier, and at the SAMI PXICS. This train also connects at Castleton with train for Whitehall.

6,50 P . M., Mail, with passengers from Hudson River R. R. leaving at 11,30 A . M„ and from Buffalo express train leaving at 6.15 A. M., due at Rutland at 9,S0 same evening : lodge, leave next morning at 6,00 for ail points east and north, due at Bur­lington at 9, Rouses' Point 11, Ogdensburgh 5,80, Montreal 2,80, same evening.

Tne 5 ,601 . M. train connect at Schaghticoke with stages for Galesville, Easton, Argyle and Fort Edward; at Cambridge with stages for Union Vdlage.

The 11,20 A. M. train connects at Hoosick Falls with Stages for PownalL Williamstown and Adams.

The 5,50 P. M. train connects at State Line with trains of Western Vermont R. R. for Bennington, Arlington, Manches­ter, Danby/Walltogford, A c Also with stages at Cambridge for Union Village. /

B T " This is an ALL RAILROAD ROUTE, and thd Fares are as low as by the slower water lines. l

FARE FROM TROY TO Burlington *3 OOj Montreal $6 60 Rouses'Point 4 501 Ogdensburgh 6 75

Trains are due at Troy ao follows: 9,45 A. M., from Rutland same morning, by R. A W. and W.

Vt. Roads. , 4,25 P. M., from Montreal same morning. 7 ^ P. M~ from Boston same morning. -NOTICE.—Ogdensburgh and Montreal passengers will find this

the most desirable route, and fare as low as by any other route. No charge for transferring Baggage. Through ^Tickets and Checks furnished at Troy and Boston

Railroad Ticket Office, Union Depot, Troy. Troy, May 10,1BC8. ruylO L V. BAKER Supt.


National Express Company.

EX P R E S S r ¥ O T I C E . - N A T I O N A L E X P R E S 8 COM­P A N Y (formerly Pullen, Virgil A Co.) wili carry all kind*

of Freight to and from New York, at R E D U C E D PRICES, by their Hudson River R. R. Express. All goods delivered free of cartage. \

Our Express runs twice daily to all parts of Northern New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Canada.

mySl E. H. VIRGIL Bupt.

STEAMBOATS. Evening Line of Steamers to N e w York.

TH E SPLENDID S T E A M E R FRAYCIS SKIDDY. L. SMITH, Commander, will leave Troy for New York,

from the foot of Albany street, everv MONDAY, WEDNESDAY dt F R I D A Y , at 7 X P . M.

The Steamer COMMODORE, Capt ic . W. FARNHAM. will leave every TUESDAY AND T H U R S D A Y , at TJi P . M.. a n

SUNDAY at tt F . M. Csv- Baggage taken free of charge to and from Boats to Cars.

For Freight or Passage, apply on board or at the office, on the W h a r f ^ _ m h 2 4 l _u R. P- CLAPP. Agent^

Day Boat for N e w York,

LAYDIXi; A T COXSACRIE. HIDKOX, Catsklll . Bristol, Kingston Point, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, West

Point, Caldwell's Grassy Point, Nyack, Tanytown. Yonkens, arriving to New York at 4 P M. Breakfast and Dinner on board.

A Baggage Wagon will always be in attendance at the Depot to convey Baggage to the Boat rsxE

The superior Dav Steamer, METAMORA, Capt. JOHN F. TALLMAN. will leave the pier foot of Hamilton street, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M , connecting at Catsklll with stages to the Mountain House; at New York with steamers to Newport and Boston. Also with cars to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and with steamers to Cape May and Philadelphia.

N. B. Halsted'sltoe of Omnibuses leave Troy at 5H o'cloek A. M_ and will arrive in Albany in time to connect with the above Boat.

J. ELMENDORF, Agent, je2 at the Julian Milla 128 Pier, Albany.

Day Boat for N e w York,

LANDING A T C O X S A I R J E , HUDSON, Catsklll , Bristol, Ktogston Point, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh. West

PointjGrasiy Point, Tarrytown, Nyack, Yonkers, arriving in New York at 4 P. M. Breakfast and Dinner on board.

The fast and commodious Steamer ARMENIA, Capt. I. P. SMITH, will leave the Pier foot of Hamilton st., Albany, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M_ connecting at Catskill with Stages to the Mountain House; to New York with the Steamers to Newport and Boston ; also, with Oars to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and with Steamers to Cape May and Philadelphia. ,

N. B. Halsted's line of Omnibuses leave Troy at 6)£ o'clock A. M.. and will arrive in Albany to time to connect with the above Boat. _

• J. ELMENDORF, ap!7-tf AgenL at the Julian Mil's. 128 Pier, Aibany.

Packet Oregon—Troy to Schuylerville.

TH E S U B S C R I B E R has purchased and neatly fitted up the above Packet, which will be run for passengers between

Troy and Schuylerville, as follows; Leave Troy Steamboat Landing T U E S D A Y S , THURS­

DAYS and S A T U R D A Y S , at 9 o'clock A. U. Leave Schuylerville fur Trov MONDAYS, W E D N E S D A Y S

and F R I D A Y S of each week.'at 8>4 o'clock A . M. Will connect with the middle train of cars at Mechanicville.

and will stop at all intermediate places along the line of canal both ways. F A R E FIFTY CENT8. *

All express business attended to to a prompt and satisfketor manner. my«-7m* S. V A N D E N B U R G H . Captain.


HOTELS. Troy Honae. Troy, N. Y.

r W A R L E S H. JONES, P R O P R l E T p R - T h i s Howe \J is conveniently located on the comer of Rive* and First ste-near the Steamboat landing, and fifty rods from Union Railroad Depot. It has recently been enlarged and entirely rebuilt, witk alllhe modern Improvements added, and is perfect to all its de-^ partmenta; it is also newly furnished throughout to the moat expensive and luxurious style, Mr. JONES hopes, from hia en-perience as a Hotel keeper, and the faculties he has, to give •»-tire satisfaction to all his guests.

|*ar Carriages to attendance to convey passengers to and from this House free of charge. • J J ' ' 1~ • •• n—™—

BELLS. Troy Bell Foundry,

JONES «% IX)., successors to Jones A Hitchcock, mannttc tare and keep constantly on hand—

Bells for Churches, , Belle for Factories, Bells for Steamboats, . Bells for School Houses, 1 Bells for Plantations, Bella for Locomotives, Bella for Hose Carriages, BeltofwSMTAaim^Fog Bella Hung with Patent Rotary Yokes. Wheel Frames, ToOteg

Hammers, A c complete and warranted. my4 , _ _ _ _ _ _

f p H E LARGEST FOUNDRY LN T H E W O R L D , and X the best assortment of Bells on hand, including thoee for

Churches, Factories, Steamboata, Locomotives,^Steamabrpa. Plantations and Yachts. The patterns at this eatab__n_at have been improved upon for the past thirty year*, and the beds cast from them are acknowledged by competent Judges to be superior to point of tone, oom__a« also an extraordinary vibra-tioa, to any other maanfaetured to mis country.

Nearly 10,000 bella have been cast and sold from tn_ foundry which Is the beat evidence cf thetr susatfailu ; aad we bam ewrteen GoM and Silver Medals which have been awarded foe " tee best bells ter STX_ro-_esB aad purity ef toe*."

The improved manner of easting with broncaatiai adopted - t h i s eatshr-hment, and Is found to be a prove—eat. _We can ehro to say receipt of order. Cs_p*~fb»< pact payment tat new oaea^or j

•M6-1V* i beUa taken in TVOTTHTY.

Napkia lei<

"""fekSS9* K f w e a l e ^ 1 M j M _ » River street. "^"^

)*_. B A T T a _ y _ L A i ^ G J U V t t * V A _ A L I I X T B « .

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
