apMHpflPPflHBH V , ywr'-f- VL .. ,TTt i$lfiftfrmiBW ftM AN MAAA.t,AW:-M- f J,fffMft I J BtsL&idffllising ZW Read the Medium. Bulletin CvVGNNG HI JLLCTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. II Reaches ALL the Veople. 75c. a month. otootooMottooot' Vol. III. N01 591. HONOLULU, H. I., THUJRSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897. PlUOE 5 Cents, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day oxcopt Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. SU119CIUPTIOX ItA.TES. Per Month, nnyvrbcm In the Hb- - wallnn Islands 3 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, pootpald to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, clhor Foreign Countries 13 00 Payable Invariably" lit Advnuoo. Telephone 250. V. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY; Manager. PureBlood is the source of good hoalth. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes puro blood, strengtbons tbo norves, sharpens the appe- tite, removes that tired feeling, and makes lifo worth living. Thousands of people havo testi- fied to the healing virtue of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thoir let-to- rs como in every post. Thero's no attempt at theory. They all assort tho groat fact, "Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured mo." Weak, Weary Women who havo been bod ridden, voxed vith a scrofulous taint, emaciated, nfflictod with riin-oas- eo common to their sex, wnto arr tefully of a perfect c'urf. If you wish to profit by their experience, and bocoine healthy and strong, take tho great strength giver and blood-purifi- er Sarsaparilla Dewars o( Imitations. The tumii Ayer'a SartnparlUa la prominent on tbo wrapper and blown la tLs gbu at cub bottle. WNN--W- AYER'S PILLS, EASY TOTAKE Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for the Republic of Hawaii. Grand Credit Auction Sale! Oil WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY April 21 and 22, 1897, -- or- TALOR1NG Such as Tweeili), Sultlngr, IhukbUius, Kunifj.mis, Doeskins, Trousering, Sergea, Flaunels, Linen anil Carton Duek. Coltonaile, Shirtinp, ijiuingj. ijeii- - iras, Cottono, Also, New Dress and Fancy Goods In Largo Quantity. r Ami Cloth ing, BhlrtH, Stocking, Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts, Towels, Cutlery, liootu auii Shoes, WHITE Machines - Sewing - On a Liberal Credit to tho Trado, fiTAT THE dTOUK OVJS& Von Holt Block, Kiug Street. JE-- I. G. BIA.IRT, 101J Tort Street. Jeweler axd Watcljinaeu ' Having houirht out the entire atook of J. E. Gomes I am prepared to furnish First-clas- s Jewelry at rea- sonable prices. WatrinnaMng and Repairing a Specialty. t&r Native Work of ail kinds. Also Wire Ornaments. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent CS, Office: 305 Fort street, Sprocket' Block, Itoom 5. ' Tlifflli fljjjrifltoLltftr VICTORIA'S LONG 'REIGN iiKinsii ni;sii)i:xTs wii.i, :i:r. ititATn i in: iiiatooku .ii'tii,i:i:. Adilron li tin, IMj'n llrjoli'liiur lirllclniK Nrlcc Miir- - L'l'Hlcil-.llcmol- lnl llunpllal Thoro was n very gratifying rosponso to tho cull of a meeting of British residents, at the Ar- lington Hotel yesterdny evening, to consider what steps should bo taken for tho propor colouration of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor of tho hotel und the front dining room were thrown together for the as- sembly, yet many persons had to find accommodation on' the ver- andas where they could be within sieht and hearing of thu chair- man's table. Among those present were the following: Sir Robert Horron, Tbos Rain Walker, F M Swanzy, Alex Young, John Phillips, Rev. Alex Huckinlobli, AiatauTAtk.u-son- , Robert Lishman, James Lylo, W F Wilson, Thos Lindsay, Tom May, DougluH Collins, John Lucas, D Logon, Thos Black, Q C Konyon, E 1$ Thomas, W O Roo, J O Cook, D McRao, T McMillon, T R Robinson, Arthur Harrison, W Horace Wright, Thos Nott, R A Jordan, Geo Harris, RS Scrim-geou- r, Clive Davies, O G Iiallen-tyn- o, J A Dower, Frank Kennedy ,Wm White, J W Luning.W J Gallaghor, Clareuco L Crubbe, ChaB Girdler, Fred Leslie, W F Reynolds, CM V Forstor, J Cattofl, David Haughs, W McKay, H Herbert, B F Beardmore, H Armitage, Thos Krouso, J W Bailey, O B Reynolds, R French, John Roth-we- ll, R L Auerbach, Ernest Ross, W Lishman, W Thompson, WW Wright, Harry Roborts and many othors. Thos. Rain Walker, British Vico Consul, was called to tho chair by acclamation, ond W. F. Wilson was elected secretary. Mr. Walker, in opouing tho meeting, said ho had never in more than a quartor contury's residenco hero seen so muuy British people assembled. Usual-j- y in references to thoir sovereign it was onough to say "Tho Quean" to awaken enthusiasm. A.P pluute. Such an event ns they wore now called to colobrato had never happonod before. God had giaie.l (Loir lliUlouo.!. . u.i a lonqoK. roigu thau any in tho history of the Etnpue. A friend told him that day that he had seou tho coronation of the Queon. Thoro wero fow living who could say that. Tho first time tho speaker saw Queen Victoria she whs riding with tho old Duko of Wellington, who has beou doad now for u long time. Morcov-w- , tho Queon's longost roigu had been also tho best in all history. Kings woro not in it by tho siao of Queen Victoria. Loud ap- plause. Thoy should do tho best thoy could to make their children lemombor Quoon Victoria's longost roign. Thoro was nono to be compared with her since Alfred tho Great. Tho chairman thou conveyed n message of rogrot from Commis- sioner Hawes that a previous en- gagement had piovonlcd his at- tendance, and the secretary read a noto from W. G. Irwin of similar purport in his caso. Mr. Swanzy boing called upon made a fow remarks introducing a plan of action. Ho said that tho great ovent must bo oolobrated woll. It had boeu tho subjoct of a great deal of thought with somo menus und discussed in manyv uomos. no suumittod n program for the colouration to facilitate the busiuess of tho mooting. 1. An address to tho Quoon to bo ongrossod. 2. On whatoYor day is choson some spoils fluid or nquutio or both -- should bo hold, and in tho evening a dauco aud firo works. 2. A porum ucut momonal to bo erected, its character to bo de- cided by that meeting. A very considerable amount of money would bo4 required to carry out tho ambitious ideas some of their friends ontorhiined. Mr. Young was henttily in sympathy with tho object, and ho approved of the memorandum roau by Mr. Swnuzy. It would bo just as much as thoy could woll carry out Mr. Phillips aid he did not know muoh about sports, but ho would say that beforo going into anything at all it would bo well to find out just how much money thoy should havo. Sports would take some monoy. A peimauenl momorial would tako a largo sum of monoy, and, if thoy could not havo tho sports nB well, lot tho sports go. lie uovorbuvt ou many British togothor horo before, and ho thought whilo their hearts were open was the timo to tap thoir pockets. ' Rev. A. Mackintosh, now that tho part of the program called "permanent" had come up, had a little to sny. Following tho exam- ple of their fuluro king he would suggest a hospital for consump- tives or incurables. If thoy should only mako the beginning of snch a hospital they should be doing Bomofhinp permanent Lot il Im said that in this country the British led tho way. Ho thought thoy could got a docout feiitn of money to begin with. The Queen's Hospital trustees, so long as it did not touch their pockets, he bolieved would help them in tho way of grounds. Tho doctors of tlmt institution would give thoir services until other arraugemouts wore made. They could keep thoir pockois tapped for maintain- ing tho proposed hospital. Tho schomo need not intorfere with sports. Mr. Gallaghor suggested a com-mitto- o to carry out tho celebration of tho holiday, so as to deal with ono item of the memorandum at a timo. This was lator adopted, as will bo soen. Mr. Atkinson suggested separ- ate finonco committees for tho holiday celebration and tho per- manent momorial. Mr. Swanzy informed the meet- ing of tho plan adopted in 1887, for raising funds to colobrato tho fiftieth year of tho Queon'u roign. Thoro wore soparato columns for the holiday and a fund for tho British Benovolout Socioty. They got a parmanent fund of about 3000, tho interest of which was now being used by the socioty. It thoy could uot do all they antici- pated, they must drop somothiug out. Ouo committee should bo enough and would avoid friction. mj,. drifted at times into desultory water, but through the slallul direction of tho chair dofimto re- sults wero reached as hereinafter recorded. Tho resolutions aro givon in thoir uatural ordor, fol- lowed by notes of tho discussions thereon. It was moved by G. 0. Konyon, seconded h Olive Dnv'f n,' .),! animously agreed to: "That the British Comiuuuity in Honolulu tako huitable stops for colobuiling Queen Victoiia's Dia mond Jubilee, aud that un Execu- tive Committao bo appointed by tho chair to draw up a programmo for the day,s colobiattnu and to carry out same. Such Committeo to have powor to appoiut sub- committees from thoir own num- ber and also to fix the day on which tho colobratiou shall take place, after consulting with thu IJritish Commibsioner. Tho Com- mittee to roport to u furtL- -i meet iug of British residents." Tho oxocutivo committeo wus elected bb follows: II Armitage, George Angus, B F Beardmore, O Crozier, AR Hatfield, George Harris Jr, Frod Harrison, H Hor-ber- t, Dr Murray, W H Pain, W Roo, R S Surinigeour, W L Stuu-lo- y, T M Starkoy, H E Walker, E II Wodehouso, Frod Whitney, II Wright, W W Wright, R L Auer- bach, O St J Gilbort, O Girdlor, J W Podmoro, W F Reynolds, T R It'ilii.ibon, W 0 HpmuU, E I) Thomas, Thomas. Wright, Aliituu " " Atkinson, T Black, Gcorgo Dall, TODnvics, Ed Giffard, Gcorgo Harris, A St M Mackintosh, H Mist, W McBrydo.R O Monteagle, J M Monsarrat, T McMilluu, Ernest Ross, D Shanks, W G Singlohurst, John S Walker, Sam P Woods, J Lucas, O G Ilalleu-tyne- , J C Cook, E W Jordan, M B Macfarlane, J U Sopor, Wray Taylor ' and DoudIhb Col lins. This committee will ap- poiut its owu sub committees to attend to such matters as sports, flagd, fireworks, salutes, dancing, etc. It was moved by W. F. Rey- nolds, u'oonded by Olivo Davies, und carried: "Thut a Committoo consisting of Sir R. Herron, W. G. Irwin, D. Loguu, 1. May, F. M. Swanzy and W. F. Wilson be appointed to draw up an address to H. M. Queen Victoria coucratulatinc her ou the completion of thu (JOth year of her glorious roign over tho Bri- tish Empire." It was moved, seconded and car- ried : "That a fund be formed for tho purpose of establishing a hospital, mainly for incurables of any nationality, as a permanent mem- orial of tho completion of theCOth year of tho reign of Quoon AMc-tor- ia, the coutrol of such fund and hospital to be at all times in tho hands of British pubjecls aud mirh hospital to be known n" 'Quoon Victoria Memorial HoBpi till.' " It was uioyp.I nud past-e- "That a Fiuauce Committee, with powor to add to their num- ber, be named by tho chairman of tho mooting; such Committee amonget its othor duties to can vass: 1st, for subscriptions for tho general cilobration aud for tho addroBS to the Quoon; 2udly, for fuudo co bo devoted to tho Per- manent Momorial. This Commit- teo to roport to tho Exooutivo Committeo tho amount available ,for tho general celebration, and also to roport to a furtbor meeting of British residents the amount of donations secured for the Per- manent Momorial." The finance committoo was choson bb follows: F M Swanzy, Robert Catton, JM Dowsott, CM V Forstor, J A Kennedy, William Lishman, II E Mclntyro, E O Macfarlane, J Rothwoll, Alexand er Young, JamoB Campboll, AV M Giffard, Dr Herbert, T 11 Key-wor- th, L B Kerr, T LucaB, Tom Ma' aud Dr McKibbin. Mr. Davies, in socondiug tho resolution for a celebration com- mittee, desired to bring beforo tho meeting ono thing that had not boeu mentioned. Ono special featuro in England would be re- ligious services. Thoro would bo a piocossiou to St. Paul's Cathe- dral to thanksgiving services in front of tlio fwljfinn lipid thorn on .uxouut oL Jiei lUiijfSty s physical disability from mounting tho stops. Tho feeling on tho occasion should bo not ouly of congratula- tions to thomsolvos for liviug un-d- or such a rulor, but of thuuks to God that a sovereign bo groat and good as Victoria had beon per- mitted to roigu longor thau auy of her prpppuBporH Mr. Davies opoLo with a folicity of diction that gave groat pleasnro to all who heard him, and was heartily applauded ns he concluded. Mr. Mackintosh expressed his gratification that a layman should have taken tho matter up so elo- quently. Tho chairmau hoped that St. Androw's Cathedral would bo available as tho conter of thanks-giving- s. Mr. Starkey gavo an opportuni- ty to havo it Htated that tho moot- ing was not considoring tho cele- bration oF theQu uV birthday. The chairman, in a ruforonco to tho pormanent memorial itom, said thoro woro at least four diffor-o- nt schemes proposed. One had been hoard. Ho suggested arapla discussion boforo decision. Mr. Mackintosh would liko to concentiato attention on tho ouo idoa of a hospital for oousump-tive- s, but did uot want it sottlod hastily. Mr. Young said pooplo would WRiit to know what tho objoot was Coittttiiri oh Stli I'ltye, '''"' '"'tfft'""'' IU I UMilfaMHtoll Nifti. fl(V' THE BOARD OF HEALTH cam: or iiiirriit:ui. ut:riHn.i 111 1IKS. IIOWAKD am vooi Dr. ;Uoiiiirrl' llrpiirt mi Tulifri n- - lul lr. Uo) .Hay Arriitiipuuy 11 United Nllltl'a l.xM-r- t In Jnpun. At the meeting of tho Board of Health yostorday afteruoon thoro wero presont Attorney-Genera- l Smith, Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, O. A. Brown and D. Koliipio, raembois, Agent Reynolds,Secretory Wilcox and Dr. Mousarrat. A letter was read from Henry E. Cooper tondoring his resigna- tion as president of the Boaid. On motion it was accepted and W. O. Smith was duly elected to fill tho vacancy. Tho minutes of the precodiug meeting wero read and approved. President Smith detailod tho substance of several conversations he had had with Dr. Wyman, tho Surgeou-Geneia- l of tho ITuitcd Status, while in Washington lola-ti- vo to ha.'iug a joint inspection of passengeis at Orieutul ports by ofllccrr nl:o wold represent bui'u the. United ' Stales aud Hawaii. Tim would eave n good deal of time and ipi uju to nil concerned. Dr. Wjmaii at first could not seo why tho ceitificates of United States officials could not be accepted by Hawaiian authorities but, upon boing shown tho largo numbor of vessels coming to Ho nolulu which did not go to San Francisco, looked upon tho idoa of joiut action in a moro favorable light. Joint action was necossa-r- y, according to Mr. Smith's ideas, to protect Hawaii from tho dangers of infection through cabin passengors, who wore book- ed through from Oriental ports to San Francisco. Thcso people wont ashoro at all tho ports on routo, mado purchases in stores and mingled with all sorts of poo- plo in tho hotels. It was no use luspoctiug steerage passengers if thoso in tho cabins were froo to como aud go as thoy pleased. Tho day boforo ho left AVashiugton ho had received a lettor from Dr. Wyman giving him tho gratifying iutelligeuco that tho United States medical authorities would dotail an export officer of the MarinoHos pitalSorvico to visit Yokohama and Hongkong and roport ou tho feasibility of joiut inspection. Mr. Smith thou gave the Board a description of tho quarantine station at Angel Island, San Francisco, and suggested tho I'lnption of s!v"t" improvoino-- " ou our present appliances for fumigation which ho had noticed thoro. Comiug down to local matters, Mr. Smith referred to tho present outbreak of smallpox at tho quar- antine station. Tho situatiou as he had looked into it dearly de- monstrated that our system of quarantine '8 inRnffi'Moiit. W" havo got to do something moro to guard agaiust smallpox, the plaguo and kindred ovils. In the present inBtauco it was possible that Dr. Graham, tho Hawaiian inspector at Kobo, did not do. his If he did and thore is no reason to boliovo otherwise, then oithor tho ship or tho crow woro infected or it might bo that tho infectiou was conccal-o- d iu somo of tho olothiug that to oithor passengers or crow. It was of tho utmost im- portance that wo should know that our health officers in tho Orient are doing thoir work thorouchly. Ho would iu this conuootiou offer tho suggestion that Dr. Day bo Bolcctou to tho Uuitod States medi- cal official on his trip to Japan and China. Tho ozponso would bo vory littlo and tho possiblo bonofits groat. Tho mattor had beou brought up in tho Exocutivo Couuoil and was favorably viowed. Ho would not ask the mombors to act on tho proposition now but would bring it up at a future meeting. MHHHHlin ' T slViM J"JWr IKH Subscription tMOtMOtO0MOtt0W GOODS, workHhorouglily. 1 iw, 1; ji Branching off to tho subject of vacciuo virus Mr. Smith said he had conferred with Dr. Wyman and others as to the use of Japan virus. Ho had endeavored to warn them against its use, tho making of tho virus being farmed out by contract by Japanese off- icials. He had told of tho good results from Now Zenlaud virus and advocated its uso in profor-ou- co to that mado anywhere else. Mr. Smith thou followed with details of an interview he had had with Dr. llidonhaur, tho quarau- -' tiue officer at Now York, and Dr. Salmon of tho Bureau of Animal Industry at Washington. From the latter official ho had learned much about the treatment of tub- erculosis in cattle iu the United States aud that tho authorities geuorally will not pay damages for condemned cattle but only for thoso in which a post mortem ex- amination showed a mistake had been mado in tho condemnation. Gottiug back to San Francisco again, tho Altorney-Genei- al next told of meeting tho ageuts of tho Pacific Mail aud Occidental aud Orioutal steamship lines and of a couforcuuu ho had had with thorn ou quarantine matters. The iu-tor- ests of these companion was identical with that of Hawaii in taking precautious against tho cholera and the plague, both of which might bo expected in Japan iq he "'jTjjMBr "inie on. Tbo agents had no particular couV- - plaints to make against Ha- waiian officials, 'buMhey thought that Dr. Eldredgo of Yokohama was somewhat of an alarmist. Dr. Mousarrat's roport from the Blauhgtor houses was read aud approved. Inspector Koliipio reported the arrival and inspection of 10,000 fish at tho market during tho last week. Dr. Myers reported G3 examin- ations uudnr iht) Act to Mitigate. Tho quartorly roport of tho Maulalani hospital was read and approved, also the report of tho Maternity Homo and tho payment of the usual subsidy ordorcd. Dr. Oliver presented a loug ro- port on tho Leper Settlement for the quarter ending March 31st. Dr. Howard in person reported to the Board tho caso of a threo-year-o- ld child which .had died whilo under an operation at 10 o'clock in tho morning at tho hands of Dr. AVood and himsolf. Tho child had beon ailing for two or three days but had receiv- ed no medical attontion uutil brought to Dr. Wood's office. It was deoidod that an operation must bo performed on tho spot to savo thu child's life, but that it had died almost immediately up- on tho tube boing placed iu its throat. The child had ovory symptom of diphtheria in an ad- vanced stee. H",bad saved nono of the secretions from iho child's throat aud submitted thom for bacteriological examination to Dr. Alvarez. Dr. Alvarez said that under tho microscope the germs in tho se- cretions showed ovory charnc-orist- io of diphtheria germs and his present opinion was that they worn puch. Ho was. cultivat- ing a number of tho germs but tho process would not bo com- plete boforo 3 o'clock today. At that timo ho could loll positively aud would roport to tho Board. President Smith gavo orders to Agont Reynolds to fumigate the liouso in which the child had lived and tako all necessary pre- cautious, as woll as to ascertain who had beon about tho child. Dr. Howard agreed to visit the houso daily for a fow days aud keop a good lookout for othor oases. Tho usual letter from Super- intendent Mover of the honor Sottlomont. His suggestion that an old kokua bo allowed to pawn tho romaindor of his days at tho sottloment was agreed to. Tho man was 85 yoars old aud had beon 1-- yoars a kokua. Ho also reported tho escape and subsoquont recapture of two pri-sou- ors confined in thu sottlomont jail for larcony. ShorilT Carter oout ovor threo samples of wator takou from tho nwiliwili ntronni, uinarling thut il was bo contaminated by tho ,)yimttttms MBH lor 1H( ' T I H 1 'il , " i ' t t .t.4 m h h t t p 'it ii umi"

J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor

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Page 1: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor




ywr'-f- VL .. ,TTt i$lfiftfrmiBW

ftM ANMAAA.t,AW:-M- f J,fffMft




ZW Read the

Medium.Bulletin CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN Evening Paper Published

you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.II Reaches ALL the Veople. 75c. a month.


Vol. III. N01 591. HONOLULU, H. I., THUJRSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897. PlUOE 5 Cents,


Published every day oxcopt Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

SU119CIUPTIOX ItA.TES.Per Month, nnyvrbcm In the Hb- -

wallnn Islands 3 76Per Year. 8 00Per Year, pootpald to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, clhor Foreign

Countries 13 00

Payable Invariably" lit Advnuoo.Telephone 250. V. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY; Manager.

PureBloodis the source of good hoalth.

Ayer's SarsaparillaMakes puro blood, strengtbonstbo norves, sharpens the appe-tite, removes that tired feeling,and makes lifo worth living.Thousands of people havo testi-fied to the healing virtue ofAyer's Sarsaparilla. Thoir let-to- rs

como in every post. Thero'sno attempt at theory. They allassort tho groat fact, "Ayer'sSarsaparilla cured mo."

Weak, Weary Womenwho havo been bod ridden,voxed vith a scrofulous taint,emaciated, nfflictod with riin-oas- eo

common to their sex,wnto arr tefully of a perfectc'urf. If you wish to profit bytheir experience, and bocoinehealthy and strong, take thogreat strength giver and blood-purifi- er

SarsaparillaDewars o( Imitations. The tumii Ayer'a

SartnparlUa la prominent on tbo wrapperand blown la tLs gbu at cub bottle.WNN--W-


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for the Republic of Hawaii.

Grand CreditAuction Sale!


April 21 and 22, 1897,-- or-

TALOR1NGSuch as Tweeili), Sultlngr, IhukbUius,

Kunifj.mis, Doeskins, Trousering,Sergea, Flaunels, Linen anil

Carton Duek. Coltonaile,Shirtinp, ijiuingj. ijeii- -

iras, Cottono,

Also, New Dress and FancyGoods In Largo Quantity.

r Ami Clothing, BhlrtH, Stocking,

Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts,Towels, Cutlery, liootu auii Shoes,

WHITE Machines- Sewing -

On a Liberal Credit to tho Trado,


Von Holt Block, Kiug Street.

JE-- I. G. BIA.IRT,101J Tort Street.

Jeweler axd Watcljinaeu

' Having houirht out the entireatook of J. E. Gomes I am preparedto furnish First-clas- s Jewelry at rea-sonable prices.

WatrinnaMng and Repairing a Specialty.

t&r Native Work of ail kinds. AlsoWire Ornaments.


Architect and Superintendent

CS, Office: 305 Fort street,Sprocket' Block, Itoom 5.

' Tlifflli fljjjrifltoLltftr


iiKinsii ni;sii)i:xTs wii.i, :i:r.

ititATn i in: iiiatooku .ii'tii,i:i:.

Adilron li tin, IMj'nllrjoli'liiur lirllclniK Nrlcc Miir- -

L'l'Hlcil-.llcmol- lnl llunpllal

Thoro was n very gratifyingrosponso to tho cull of a meetingof British residents, at the Ar-

lington Hotel yesterdny evening,to consider what steps should botaken for tho propor colourationof Queen Victoria's DiamondJubileo. Punctuality was wellobserved, too, it not having boontaken for granted, as bonifilimeshappens, that 7:30 moans half anhour later. Tho parlor of thohotel und the front dining roomwere thrown together for the as-

sembly, yet many persons had tofind accommodation on' the ver-andas where they could be withinsieht and hearing of thu chair-man's table.

Among those present were thefollowing: Sir Robert Horron,Tbos Rain Walker, F M Swanzy,Alex Young, John Phillips, Rev.Alex Huckinlobli, AiatauTAtk.u-son- ,

Robert Lishman, James Lylo,W F Wilson, Thos Lindsay, TomMay, DougluH Collins, JohnLucas, D Logon, Thos Black, Q CKonyon, E 1$ Thomas, W O Roo,J O Cook, D McRao, T McMillon,T R Robinson, Arthur Harrison,W Horace Wright, Thos Nott, RA Jordan, Geo Harris, RS Scrim-geou- r,

Clive Davies, O G Iiallen-tyn- o,

J A Dower, FrankKennedy ,Wm

White, J W Luning.W J Gallaghor,Clareuco L Crubbe, ChaB Girdler,Fred Leslie, W F Reynolds, C MV Forstor, J Cattofl, DavidHaughs, W McKay, H Herbert,B F Beardmore, H Armitage,Thos Krouso, J W Bailey, O BReynolds, R French, John Roth-we- ll,

R L Auerbach, Ernest Ross,W Lishman, W Thompson, W WWright, Harry Roborts and manyothors.

Thos. Rain Walker, BritishVico Consul, was called to thochair by acclamation, ond W. F.Wilson was elected secretary.

Mr. Walker, in opouing thomeeting, said ho had never inmore than a quartor contury'sresidenco hero seen so muuyBritish people assembled. Usual-j- y

in references to thoir sovereignit was onough to say "Tho Quean"to awaken enthusiasm. A.Ppluute. Such an event ns theywore now called to colobrato hadnever happonod before. God hadgiaie.l (Loir lliUlouo.!. . u.ia lonqoK. roigu thau any in thohistory of the Etnpue. A friendtold him that day that he had seoutho coronation of the Queon.Thoro wero fow living who couldsay that. Tho first time thospeaker saw Queen Victoria shewhs riding with tho old Duko ofWellington, who has beou doadnow for u long time. Morcov-w- ,

tho Queon's longost roigu hadbeen also tho best in all history.Kings woro not in it by tho siaoof Queen Victoria. Loud ap-plause. Thoy should do thobest thoy could to maketheir children lemomborQuoon Victoria's longost roign.Thoro was nono to be comparedwith her since Alfred tho Great.

Tho chairman thou conveyed nmessage of rogrot from Commis-sioner Hawes that a previous en-gagement had piovonlcd his at-tendance, and the secretary read anoto from W. G. Irwin of similarpurport in his caso.

Mr. Swanzy boing called uponmade a fow remarks introducing aplan of action. Ho said that thogreat ovent must bo oolobratedwoll. It had boeu tho subjoct ofa great deal of thought with somomenus und discussed in manyvuomos. no suumittod n programfor the colouration to facilitatethe busiuess of tho mooting. 1.An address to tho Quoon to boongrossod. 2. On whatoYor dayis choson some spoils fluid ornquutio or both -- should bo hold,

and in tho evening a daucoaud firo works. 2. A porumucut momonal to boerected, its character to bo de-cided by that meeting. A veryconsiderable amount of moneywould bo4 required to carry outtho ambitious ideas some of theirfriends ontorhiined.

Mr. Young was henttily insympathy with tho object, and hoapproved of the memorandumroau by Mr. Swnuzy. It wouldbo just as much as thoy couldwoll carry out

Mr. Phillips aid he did notknow muoh about sports, but howould say that beforo going intoanything at all it would bo wellto find out just how much moneythoy should havo. Sports wouldtake some monoy. A peimauenlmomorial would tako a largo sum ofmonoy, and, if thoy could nothavo tho sports nB well, lot thosports go. lie uovorbuvt ou manyBritish togothor horo before, andho thought whilo their hearts wereopen was the timo to tap thoirpockets. '

Rev. A. Mackintosh, now thattho part of the program called"permanent" had come up, had alittle to sny. Following tho exam-ple of their fuluro king he wouldsuggest a hospital for consump-tives or incurables. If thoy shouldonly mako the beginning of sncha hospital they should be doingBomofhinp permanent Lot il Imsaid that in this country theBritish led tho way. Ho thoughtthoy could got a docout feiitn ofmoney to begin with. The Queen'sHospital trustees, so long as itdid not touch their pockets, hebolieved would help them in thoway of grounds. Tho doctors oftlmt institution would give thoirservices until other arraugemoutswore made. They could keepthoir pockois tapped for maintain-ing tho proposed hospital. Thoschomo need not intorfere withsports.

Mr. Gallaghor suggested a com-mitto- o

to carry out tho celebrationof tho holiday, so as to deal withono item of the memorandum at atimo. This was lator adopted, aswill bo soen.

Mr. Atkinson suggested separ-ate finonco committees for thoholiday celebration and tho per-manent momorial.

Mr. Swanzy informed the meet-ing of tho plan adopted in 1887,for raising funds to colobrato thofiftieth year of tho Queon'u roign.Thoro wore soparato columns forthe holiday and a fund for thoBritish Benovolout Socioty. Theygot a parmanent fund of about

3000, tho interest of which wasnow being used by the socioty. Itthoy could uot do all they antici-pated, they must drop somothiugout. Ouo committee should boenough and would avoid friction.

mj,.drifted at times into desultorywater, but through the slalluldirection of tho chair dofimto re-sults wero reached as hereinafterrecorded. Tho resolutions arogivon in thoir uatural ordor, fol-

lowed by notes of tho discussionsthereon.

It was moved by G. 0. Konyon,seconded h Olive Dnv'f n,' .),!animously agreed to:

"That the British Comiuuuityin Honolulu tako huitable stops forcolobuiling Queen Victoiia's Diamond Jubilee, aud that un Execu-tive Committao bo appointed bytho chair to draw up a programmofor the day,s colobiattnu and tocarry out same. Such Committeoto have powor to appoiut sub-committees from thoir own num-ber and also to fix the day onwhich tho colobratiou shall takeplace, after consulting with thuIJritish Commibsioner. Tho Com-mittee to roport to u furtL- -i meetiug of British residents."

Tho oxocutivo committeo wuselected bb follows: II Armitage,George Angus, B F Beardmore,O Crozier, A R Hatfield, GeorgeHarris Jr, Frod Harrison, H Hor-ber- t,

Dr Murray, W H Pain, WRoo, R S Surinigeour, W L Stuu-lo- y,

T M Starkoy, H E Walker, EII Wodehouso, Frod Whitney, IIWright, W W Wright, R L Auer-bach, O St J Gilbort, O Girdlor, JW Podmoro, W F Reynolds, T RIt'ilii.ibon, W 0 HpmuU, E I)Thomas, Thomas. Wright, Aliituu

" "

Atkinson, T Black, Gcorgo Dall,TODnvics, Ed Giffard, GcorgoHarris, A St M Mackintosh, HMist, W McBrydo.R O Monteagle,J M Monsarrat, T McMilluu,Ernest Ross, D Shanks, W GSinglohurst, John S Walker, SamP Woods, J Lucas, O G Ilalleu-tyne- ,

J C Cook, E W Jordan, MB Macfarlane, J U Sopor, WrayTaylor ' and DoudIhb Collins. This committee will ap-poiut its owu sub committees toattend to such matters as sports,flagd, fireworks, salutes, dancing,etc.

It was moved by W. F. Rey-nolds, u'oonded by Olivo Davies,und carried:

"Thut a Committoo consistingof Sir R. Herron, W. G. Irwin, D.Loguu, 1. May, F. M. Swanzy andW. F. Wilson be appointed todraw up an address to H. M.Queen Victoria coucratulatinc herou the completion of thu (JOth yearof her glorious roign over tho Bri-tish Empire."

It was moved, seconded and car-ried :

"That a fund be formed for thopurpose of establishing a hospital,mainly for incurables of anynationality, as a permanent mem-orial of tho completion of theCOthyear of tho reign of Quoon AMc-tor- ia,

the coutrol of such fund andhospital to be at all times in thohands of British pubjecls audmirh hospital to be known n"'Quoon Victoria Memorial HoBpitill.' "

It was uioyp.I nud past-e-

"That a Fiuauce Committee,with powor to add to their num-ber, be named by tho chairman oftho mooting; such Committeeamonget its othor duties to canvass: 1st, for subscriptions fortho general cilobration aud for thoaddroBS to the Quoon; 2udly, forfuudo co bo devoted to tho Per-manent Momorial. This Commit-teo to roport to tho ExooutivoCommitteo tho amount available,for tho general celebration, andalso to roport to a furtbor meetingof British residents the amount ofdonations secured for the Per-manent Momorial."

The finance committoo waschoson bb follows: F M Swanzy,Robert Catton, JM Dowsott, C MV Forstor, J A Kennedy, WilliamLishman, II E Mclntyro, E OMacfarlane, J Rothwoll, Alexander Young, JamoB Campboll, AV MGiffard, Dr Herbert, T 11 Key-wor- th,

L B Kerr, T LucaB, TomMa' aud Dr McKibbin.

Mr. Davies, in socondiug thoresolution for a celebration com-mittee, desired to bring beforo thomeeting ono thing that had notboeu mentioned. Ono specialfeaturo in England would be re-ligious services. Thoro would boa piocossiou to St. Paul's Cathe-dral to thanksgiving services infront of tlio fwljfinn lipid thorn on.uxouut oL Jiei lUiijfSty s physicaldisability from mounting thostops. Tho feeling on tho occasionshould bo not ouly of congratula-tions to thomsolvos for liviug un-d- or

such a rulor, but of thuuks toGod that a sovereign bo groat andgood as Victoria had beon per-mitted to roigu longor thau auy ofher prpppuBporH Mr. DaviesopoLo with a folicity of dictionthat gave groat pleasnro to allwho heard him, and was heartilyapplauded ns he concluded.

Mr. Mackintosh expressed hisgratification that a layman shouldhave taken tho matter up so elo-

quently.Tho chairmau hoped that St.

Androw's Cathedral would boavailable as tho conter of thanks-giving- s.

Mr. Starkey gavo an opportuni-ty to havo it Htated that tho moot-ing was not considoring tho cele-bration oF theQu uV birthday.

The chairman, in a ruforonco totho pormanent memorial itom,said thoro woro at least four diffor-o- nt

schemes proposed. One hadbeen hoard. Ho suggested arapladiscussion boforo decision.

Mr. Mackintosh would liko toconcentiato attention on tho ouoidoa of a hospital for oousump-tive- s,

but did uot want it sottlodhastily.

Mr. Young said pooplo wouldWRiit to know what tho objoot was

Coittttiiri oh Stli I'ltye,

'''"' '"'tfft'""'' IU I UMilfaMHtoll

Nifti. fl(V'


cam: or iiiirriit:ui. ut:riHn.i111 1IKS. IIOWAKD am vooi

Dr. ;Uoiiiirrl' llrpiirt mi Tulifri n- -

lul lr. Uo) .Hay Arriitiipuuy 11

United Nllltl'a l.xM-r- t In Jnpun.

At the meeting of tho Board ofHealth yostorday afteruoon thorowero presont Attorney-Genera- l

Smith, Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, O. A.Brown and D. Koliipio, raembois,Agent Reynolds,Secretory Wilcoxand Dr. Mousarrat.

A letter was read from HenryE. Cooper tondoring his resigna-tion as president of the Boaid.On motion it was accepted andW. O. Smith was duly elected tofill tho vacancy.

Tho minutes of the precodiugmeeting wero read and approved.

President Smith detailod thosubstance of several conversationshe had had with Dr. Wyman, thoSurgeou-Geneia- l of tho ITuitcdStatus, while in Washington lola-ti- vo

to ha.'iug a joint inspectionof passengeis at Orieutul ports byofllccrr nl:o wold represent bui'uthe. United ' Stales aud Hawaii.Tim would eave n good deal oftime and ipi uju to nil concerned.Dr. Wjmaii at first could not seowhy tho ceitificates of UnitedStates officials could not beaccepted by Hawaiian authoritiesbut, upon boing shown tho largonumbor of vessels coming to Honolulu which did not go to SanFrancisco, looked upon tho idoaof joiut action in a moro favorablelight. Joint action was necossa-r- y,

according to Mr. Smith's ideas,to protect Hawaii from thodangers of infection throughcabin passengors, who wore book-ed through from Oriental ports toSan Francisco. Thcso peoplewont ashoro at all tho ports onrouto, mado purchases in storesand mingled with all sorts of poo-plo in tho hotels. It was no useluspoctiug steerage passengers ifthoso in tho cabins were froo tocomo aud go as thoy pleased. Thoday boforo ho left AVashiugton hohad received a lettor from Dr.Wyman giving him tho gratifyingiutelligeuco that tho United Statesmedical authorities would dotailan export officer of the MarinoHospitalSorvico to visit Yokohama andHongkong and roport ou thofeasibility of joiut inspection.

Mr. Smith thou gave the Boarda description of tho quarantinestation at Angel Island, SanFrancisco, and suggested thoI'lnption of s!v"t" improvoino-- "ou our present appliances forfumigation which ho had noticedthoro.

Comiug down to local matters,Mr. Smith referred to tho presentoutbreak of smallpox at tho quar-antine station. Tho situatiou ashe had looked into it dearly de-

monstrated that our system ofquarantine '8 inRnffi'Moiit. W"havo got to do something moro toguard agaiust smallpox, theplaguo and kindred ovils. In thepresent inBtauco it was possiblethat Dr. Graham, tho Hawaiianinspector at Kobo, did not do. his

If he did andthore is no reason to boliovootherwise, then oithor tho ship ortho crow woro infected or it mightbo that tho infectiou was conccal-o- d

iu somo of tho olothiug thatto oithor passengers or

crow. It was of tho utmost im-

portance that wo should knowthat our health officers in thoOrient are doing thoir workthorouchly. Ho would iu thisconuootiou offer tho suggestionthat Dr. Day bo Bolcctou to

tho Uuitod States medi-cal official on his trip to Japanand China. Tho ozponso wouldbo vory littlo and tho possiblobonofits groat. Tho mattor hadbeou brought up in tho ExocutivoCouuoil and was favorably viowed.Ho would not ask the mombors toact on tho proposition now butwould bring it up at a futuremeeting.





1iw,1; ji

Branching off to tho subject ofvacciuo virus Mr. Smith said hehad conferred with Dr. Wymanand others as to the use of Japanvirus. Ho had endeavored towarn them against its use, thomaking of tho virus being farmedout by contract by Japanese off-icials. He had told of tho goodresults from Now Zenlaud virusand advocated its uso in profor-ou- co

to that mado anywhere else.Mr. Smith thou followed with

details of an interview he had hadwith Dr. llidonhaur, tho quarau- -'tiue officer at Now York, and Dr.Salmon of tho Bureau of AnimalIndustry at Washington. Fromthe latter official ho had learnedmuch about the treatment of tub-erculosis in cattle iu the UnitedStates aud that tho authoritiesgeuorally will not pay damagesfor condemned cattle but only forthoso in which a post mortem ex-

amination showed a mistake hadbeen mado in tho condemnation.

Gottiug back to San Franciscoagain, tho Altorney-Genei- al nexttold of meeting tho ageuts of thoPacific Mail aud Occidental audOrioutal steamship lines and of acouforcuuu ho had had with thornou quarantine matters. The iu-tor- ests

of these companion wasidentical with that of Hawaii intaking precautious against thocholera and the plague, both ofwhich might bo expected in Japaniq he "'jTjjMBr "inie on. Tboagents had no particular couV- -plaints to make against Ha-waiian officials, 'buMhey thoughtthat Dr. Eldredgo of Yokohamawas somewhat of an alarmist.

Dr. Mousarrat's roport from theBlauhgtor houses was read audapproved.

Inspector Koliipio reported thearrival and inspection of 10,000fish at tho market during tho lastweek.

Dr. Myers reported G3 examin-ations uudnr iht) Act to Mitigate.

Tho quartorly roport of thoMaulalani hospital was read andapproved, also the report of thoMaternity Homo and tho paymentof the usual subsidy ordorcd.

Dr. Oliver presented a loug ro-

port on tho Leper Settlement forthe quarter ending March 31st.

Dr. Howard in person reportedto the Board tho caso of a threo-year-o- ld

child which .had diedwhilo under an operation at 10o'clock in tho morning at thohands of Dr. AVood and himsolf.Tho child had beon ailing for twoor three days but had receiv-ed no medical attontion uutilbrought to Dr. Wood's office. Itwas deoidod that an operationmust bo performed on tho spot tosavo thu child's life, but that ithad died almost immediately up-on tho tube boing placed iu itsthroat. The child had ovorysymptom of diphtheria in an ad-vanced stee. H",bad saved nonoof the secretions from iho child'sthroat aud submitted thom forbacteriological examination toDr. Alvarez.

Dr. Alvarez said that under thomicroscope the germs in tho se-cretions showed ovory charnc-orist- io

of diphtheria germsand his present opinion was thatthey worn puch. Ho was. cultivat-ing a number of tho germs buttho process would not bo com-plete boforo 3 o'clock today. Atthat timo ho could loll positivelyaud would roport to tho Board.

President Smith gavo orders toAgont Reynolds to fumigate theliouso in which the child hadlived and tako all necessary pre-cautious, as woll as to ascertainwho had beon about tho child.

Dr. Howard agreed to visit thehouso daily for a fow days audkeop a good lookout for othoroases.

Tho usual letter from Super-intendent Mover of the honorSottlomont. His suggestion thatan old kokua bo allowed to pawntho romaindor of his days at thosottloment was agreed to. Thoman was 85 yoars old audhad beon 1-- yoars a kokua.Ho also reported tho escape andsubsoquont recapture of two pri-sou- ors

confined in thu sottlomontjail for larcony.

ShorilT Carter oout ovor threosamples of wator takou from tho

nwiliwili ntronni, uinarling thutil was bo contaminated by tho



lor 1H( '

T IH 1




t t



h h

t t

p 'it



Page 2: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor

i' H

"W ., " '""H ' "" ' ' jf-- f -


The Manufacturing Harness Go.

Korl millTui-n-noN- 228.

SJPECIAJLTY ISFine Handmade Harness, Etc.

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MUSIC GOODSIn the IcIuihIh. A few o(Olir Ppl'l'lultieS

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CHICAGO COTTAOE ORG AXS,intone, beauty and con-

struction.REGINA MUSIC BOXES, the King

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everybody's instru-ment, a child can play it.

GUITARS, we carry the celebratedHenry F. Masan, Hurwoori andother make", from $4 up.

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ACCORD EONS, the celebrated "Im-perial" and other good lines.

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For all instruments.

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All instruments sold on easy month-ly payments.

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m . Fim&ZIV


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i 1. . .. - , . . i

Cn Q.H M

N r , , r i - m

31S C3N

N -

. a vsn

U TL1 it.

'i 3". .3 o --.


s -

'ri -- Ps. ,ijo';O 7 .

v ft;ejrtj' ''ft,,1!!


Kiiirj Streets.P. O. Box 322.

nnd sell no sroods except



;slfJ'?-.ii--?kJ- r


San Francisco and Yoko-

hama TransportationCompany.

The First Steamer

Hakusan MaruOf the above line will be due from

Kobe, Japan, on or about the

oucn kjv fvJ-'i-CJLL,

Ami will have dispatch for SanFrancisco.

W For particulars, Inquire of

G. E. 130AKDMAN.6S1-3- Agent.

Scotch TweedsAND

Blue SergesIn Suitings forSummer "Wear.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

....AT ....

J. P. R0D8IGUES14-- 2 Kort Street.


Tlie anterior!Barber glop


Best Tonsorial ArtistsIN" TOWN.

KORT STREET.Meeting Notice.

Tho Annual Meeting of tho AlohaColleo Company Llmltil ivlll InltP

on Sututuay, April jj, 1S97, at 1

o'clock p. in. S. S. PECK,Secretary.

JJonoiulu, April 10, 1897. 58l-2-

Mechanics and Teamsters.Anyone needluR the services of

Hrot-cla- ds Mechanics, Te.iimtor,Liiu.u,, etc., run liisupinied bv apply-IJ- f

" .1 M.r;.l "a;.,,,,, i.r t" rhHawaiian Hajjey Institute, Telephonem. WlLliUIiiOiN',

5b2 Iru Manager.

The Honolulu SanitariumlrfS2 King Street.

AQnirt, Iluinehku I'laeo, whore Trained?!".,"" "' J.' ""h

' ""'' SIJl.u.,m,IJalhs, Electricity and l'liynlcal Traiuingmjj bo obtnitieil.

v a. ki:li.ogo, m v., .Telil:ni)o O.W. Superintendent.




Tclf pUyuo ma, ttit No, 210 KltiKfihltho

'fW-WWT'- : ""J ')i'pppy j. i wmriwr J P1

EVENING HUJiIjETIN, APRIL 22, 1897.r io wmnw o a

inolnhsns nnd rnfuao from tho Lilino mill that it was unfit to drink.The Uourd after looking nt andBinolliug the contents of tho three"fcqutuo facets" submitted ruthoragreed with Sboriff Cartor butthought tho proper way was toBiibmit tho matter to Dr. Watt,the govorumout physician at thatplace, and havo him oxatnino intoand roport ou tho condition of iliawater and it was bo ordered.

President Smith tmvo tho Boardsomo rominisponcos of complaintsfrom tho saino cause some yearsago, whon tho wator got bo badthat oven the littlo fishes turnedup their littlo toos and died inpreference to drinking it.

It was decidedthat tho exponaesfor salaries, otc.,'of Drs.Sli.iw andMonsarrat in examination for is

in cattlo shpuld bo takonfrom tho appropriation known astho General Expense Pay Holl aslong as it lasted. President Smithsaid tho Board must bo carofulabout exponscB, as there was only6800 left in tho goueral fund tolast till January 1.

Dr. Monsarrat reported verbal-ly that tho inspectors had alreadyfound tli roo head of cattlo affectedwith tuberculosis. lie wished toknow if ho was to condemn themall or ono at a time. Tho Boarddecided that tho three headBhould bo aocrecated from theherd and ono of them killed. Ifthe postmortem demonstrated thattho inspectors woro right in theirdiagnosis thoy could then goahoad with tho others one at atirao. Tho inspectors were tonscertain tho valne of each nuiiualkilled nnd also put their own ap-praisement down. In nilcareful recordB of the pi.ice-ntia- b

wero to be bopt.President Smith shiM tli- - Dune

was liable to put in mi aprnruinseat any timo. hat would be donoabout cabin puMicngeiW Ho usinformed that umltur hadbeon already settled bya resolution pabsed in lm al.bf nc.Thoy would not b lHiw1 toland until flio full eriod of 18days had passed from tbn time ofleaving tho last infected port.

Tho attention of the Bnatdwas urawn to tno lact tost no reports had been received from Drs.Howard and Hildebrand on thovaccination of school children.Tho Board concluded it wouldliko to know something about itand the secretary was instructedto notify tho two physicians" toduuu iii lujjuna.

Tho matter of vacoinatine children in tho Kindergarten schoolswas also brought up but not actedon.

A lettoi from B. F. Dillinghamin relation to tho pvopoRod ceme-tery nt llalawa was road butaction defetrod until thorequired land has boon securedby the government.

President Smith then said:"There nro two or three littlomatters I would like to bring upin executive session," and, turn- -lOJT 1)18 Itfirl tnuMirrl th p.porleis, continued, "ou fellowswill have to leave." Upon ngoueial demuiror being put in bytho repoiteis Mr. Smith continued:"You fellows wouldn't kick if yousaw how nowspaperuton wero firedout of tho executive sossions oftho United States Souato." Astho principal matter to bo broughtup in bocret sossion had been al-ro-

published in tho EveninhBulletin tho writer did not feolvery bad ovor being fned out.

KiiMIi- - Hymn

We've ;ot tho mon, wa'vo gotthe shins

At least we think we've got 'om,For to tho hour ot going to press

.No more had hit tho bottom.

"ltiii't ho a funiij' insect'"' snidWull'o, looking nt tho contiperloas it wnlUcd ncroas tho lloor."Awful luiiny. Jjookslikeu pnindo,doesn't li0'" suici Mollio. "Vos,''replied Wullio. "Elct must linvobeen well diillod to mutch eowell."

"At lfnr," s.id Mm ono wliowas infilling with liini, "yon must..(1 lull iu.il ti.o ilvutugu or iuuuu-vit- y

is on tho increu-o.- '' "Ofoouifio," s.iid tho cuiifnnifrl j)oHi-mi- Ht.

"Tho pcoplo aro gotting ?oblnimd poor that thoy can't hiioductoiB."

'I don't IiuIipvd it if jod forJohn to CMiry it..cold lunch. !


you, uoctorr "What doos hecany?" Fivo Imrdbnilr-- ogRmid miiico pie." "That's ullriRht." "Don't you think a hints 9him to carry n luiu-l- i to sdwinW"

Xo. (jiirrvinc ll I, mini iu u......hint comes in."


Our shipment

of the


Garland and


Ranges and

Cook Stoves

from the


Stove Co.

of Detroit

have arrived.

In a fow da's we will

be rrcjmrocl to show tho public

the finest lino of thi class of

goods ever brought to this



Tholittlofollow's schoolBuitWill itlust tho Housonout? 'Home ninetyoddBiute,ft om 5 to S yours,anxioustofiud roughwearers.AtSix Dolluisthuy woro fair baigaina.At Th roo Dollarstlioy nro

"The Kash."Hotel Street : Waraloy Bloct

We Make Shirts to Orilor.

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Htcninors of the above Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC BAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, I). 0., nnd Sydney, N. 8. V nnd calling nt Viotorin, 13. 0.

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--A.I3E 3DTJ-- AT laronSTOLXJ-XjTJ- "

iOn or nbout tho dntcs below stated, viz.:

From Syilue ftiift Stivn, for Victoria nnd From Victoria nml Vancouver, It. Ctf CoVmicintTer. It. C.I Sinn And Silllnyt'

Stmr'MIOWCHA" April 2J Stmr "MIOWEKA" Mny 10btmr "WAKltlMOO" May 2 Btmr "WAWUMOO" Juuo 16Stnir "MIOWKKV" June 2 i Stmr "MIOWEHA" July ISStair "WA11KIMOO" Jnly 2 Sttur "WAltHIMOO" August 16

Tiirotigh Tlcltots issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States nntl Kurope.


D. SIoNtcoMi, Montrcnl, Cnnnda.ltonunT Knnit, Winnipeg, Cnnndu.

51. 31. Sikiin, Snn Francisco, Cnl.O. Hot. LnowN, Vancouver, H. O.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.i. . .

For San Francisco:

The New nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Conipnny willbe dne nt Horolnlu from Hjdney nndAuckland on or nliout

.April 1807.And will !ene for the nbovo port withMftUB mm l'nsjocgers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New nnd Fino Al Stce Steamship

" Moana "

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbo dno at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

May G, 1 897.And will havo prompt despatch withMails and Fasscngcrs for the above ports.

Tho undersigned are now preparedwuusuu

Through Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

tyFor furthor particulars regardingFreight or Pnesflge apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General AgcntB.

Oceanic SteamsMp Co

27xn.o TatoloLOCAL tZNE

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Fnnnlulu Lenv) Ilonolnlu

from U. h forS.F.April 27. 1897. May fi, 1S97Muy25, 1897.. .Jtmu2, 1837

T2SCUGH IKSFrom Snn Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Ban Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Moana. May 0, '07 I Alameda, Ap 29. "97Alameda, Juno 3, '07 Mariposa.My 27, '97


Always Get

My Clothes


Madeirosfc Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Porfeet Fit Guaranteed.


EST" For Freight nnd 1'nRRngo nnd nilGeneral Informntiou, npply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for thellnwnnnnTHlnnds.

Wife's Steamship Co's

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Prcs. 8. II. HOSE. Set.uapt. J. A. KINO, TortSupt.

Stmr. "KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave- - Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atsamo day; Mahukona Kawaihaffand

the followinB day, arriying atIlilo tho (.amo oveuiug.


Ttitsday .. .AmiI27 I I'ridny.. ...April 23

. .Jinjr in Moy 14triclay... .May 23 TnesJay ..May 25nAllirfltnn tll 1. mi

t. M.. toUcLlnir nf T.o...,!.-l- .- ....kona and Kawaihao aaiio day; ilakena

K "uuoiuiu mo at ernoonaof luesday Bnd Fridays.IJlr ca" at rohoikl, Tuna.OT"No Fieight will be received alter12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUBINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday atatKaJ""i. Ilamoaani'

Kipahnu, Iteturniug arrivw ,1HonolnluSundav morning.ofYa'ch Cmo1nthtUn KaUpo' on Moona "pP.n1aayoJafiilmp:U,l,0 " ""

This Company will reserves tho riant USvi oW lUe l'"uv ot Irtn and8(camt' without notice andIt will not bo responsible) for any conse-quences arising thorofrom.

OonsiBiioes must bo at tho LandiacsUF?MfUtlUt thiH

Lho stock only at owner's risk.Jills nnmnantr u.ili i i ...

for Money" or Valuables o7 'unless placed iu the care of 1'ursert

tickets beforo oiubarkmg. Thoo failinc todo bo will U subject to an additionalcharge of twonty-liv- e per cent.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

203 Merchant Street.

1X)U SALE.Uoute and Lot, 70x155 ft., on No. 71Vmng street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen

dining-room- , oto.Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots on hinan and l'iikoi streets.

TO LET.Furnished Itoonis within livo minuteswalk from the Tost 0fflce. Also otherKooms.House on Ttrnvtmiia ct.i t . ,

street; 4 rdoms.dlninc-rooni.kiteb-n- , bath- -

IIoubo ou tUttt; pillar, Buer.olb rooms, kltylin,, p,try. intlioiw andBtablo formerly occupied by Hon. W. H.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIbliiud Otdois aikuiltd to with (iisiuiich.

AH work carefully nnd nronintly ex.

fT ,",u ,' bmith t"r,)et wi"' KmnelKiiholookalani l'ua. Itesideuce: l'nlama

651 Otu

Hawaiian Suda Worksare prepared to furnish Privato Tami.

lies with a really Good, l'ure Sodaiu tho Keu lluttlus.

Belfast Ginger 'Ale.

t3i. Telephone 0U2, at Sunny South.601 1 in

5 .

CHAS.HUSTACE,Ju.,Real Estate and Commission



Btock llroker. 1'iro and Life

Campbell iilock, 'JOIJ Mwchnnl Strutt,

Page 3: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor


kIC "


new nooos :MTJTRATA. & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Any Style!

fr Cheapest in tho City, &Si


Claus Stoeckels. Wm. G. Inn in.



Bar FranclKo .igtntt The Neaiia Bans orSan Francisco.


an Fhancisco The Ncvuda Bank of SanFrancisco.

LoNnoi lUo Union Bank o( London, Ltd.NhW York American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOO Merchant National' Dank.Faris Comptolr National d'Etcompt de

Paris.Bciu.lN DrcsJncr Bank.HonoKONO and Yokohama Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nkw Zealand and Aostualia Bank of New

Zealand.Yictoria and Vancouver Bank of Mont-


Transact a General Banting ana Eidianse BnsliessDepoleta Received. Loans miulo on Ap- -

roved Security. CommTclal and TravelersJJredlta Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand anld.COLLECTIONS PnOMfTLT ACCOUNTED FOR.

.KktabliBhcd 1853


DA fM JVC. no.Trniisact a General Banking

and Exchange Business.Commercial and Traveler's

Letters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesf the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila S(h.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.

Estimotos given for house wir-

ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,"32-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WniiilKl on cut liuo uiiu ou tA- -

LAMA ROAD DPnr FortilizinRPlant.

These Lots aro Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near tho city andther Properties for salo.

f BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near KincG07. P. O. Box 821.

W. C . ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN- -

REAL ESTATEXjiT We will Buy or Boll Real Estate in

U parts of the group.X3T Wo will Sell rroportios on Reason-

able Commissions i

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

ConsoMatel Ma Water Co., LI

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

HOLL.STER & CO.,Agents.

A. C. WALL, D. D. S.f

DENTIST.Now Love's RnildiiiR, Fort Stroet.

TELtrnONU 431.



Nuuanu & 2 Hotel. Streets.

Koblnson Blook, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Strav.llats, 25c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

Ladies Kimonos, SI up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Roblnon Bloik, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Ten 12,000,000Paid Up Capital . ... Yen 4.600,000ResenoKund Yon 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spotie BankMRepiMlc Entiling, ill King st, Honolulu.


Wholesale Dealer in JapaneseWines.

Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.108 Kekoanooa Stroet. Telephono 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in tho verylatest style. . , ,

A. IPerfecfc FitGuaranteed


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

w. w.

Just ReceivedCrockory and Ivorywaro,Embroidored Funs,Shawls, Screens,Wicker nnd Steamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnann Street, Honolulu.

si-rcns-r loy,623 FortsStreet, Yce Sing Tai Building.

LadiHS DrBss MakBr.I3T" Fine work a specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-Gi- n

TOM CHUNG KEE,S13 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use tho beetmaterial. Ooods warranted towear well. 143--


A-ttorne-v at Law

14 Kaauumaau Street.

Telephono No. G32. 493-G-

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorokant Stroet, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Storo. my 18,


Just like Gold Coin,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that aroso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that enter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is porfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why oxperimont with someremedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown!

It has many rivals but noequal.

J8C Tho new 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollisier -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents tor the Islands.

New EwaPlantation Co.


In Blocks to suit pur-chasers. Will deliveraftor January 2, 1897.

K?" Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safo Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Stroet Honolulu


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Completeand Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latost Applicances for Fiuowork portatning to I'hotograpby,

5211 Fort St. Tol. 151

. LfP . IPI' fit 1 1 AII

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, olish!iig und asbortiiigoouoo, we are projuren 10 uuy anu cleancofftxi in tho imrthuiuut.


tM Apply to



Painter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Npntly done. All work promptly nnd rnrn.fully attended to. TelcpUpnu 810. Reidenct), Kuukini street. C23-0u- i


t:ii: tti:r, uriNiiox.

.Iloiln ir I'riiii'liil Srtlli mi Ml HintWhy llr Aliiit.t

On tho lfith iuBt. the LoudonTimes published tho followingdispatch from its AtheuB corres-pondent: The nub of tho situa-tion is tho presenco of ColonelVausos and his army in Crete.Tho powers insist on withdrawal,but noitlior King Georgo nor theGovornmout caios to comply.

It is believed, howovor, that thodifficulty may bo surmountod intbo following way: Tho first Btopwould bo tho withdrawnl of thoTurkish forces from Crete. Thiswould not only remme tho bus-picn-

of tho Cretans, but wouldmnko it possible for Co onol Vns- -

bos and the niiuy to toturn fromCrete with a certain amount ofprestige. Tho prior retirement oftho Turkish army would bo morooiTonsivo to tho Sultnu than thosimultaneous withdiawal of botharmies, inasmuch ob ho has in-trusted Crete to tho powers, andtho arrangement to bo reachedwould be one concerning him uudthem exclusively.

The order ior the recall of. thoGreek army from tho frontierwould immediately follow. Greecehaving thus abmi'loned hnr rotitu-maciou- u

uttitudo the powors mightintrust her with a mandate tooccupy Oroto in tho name of theSultan, as when Austria receiveda mandate from Europe to occupyBosnia and Horssegovinn.

Tims legally ompowored.Groococould send an anu undnr acoiuiimndor to Croto to occupy thointerior of tho island, whilo thointernational occupation unpportsmight continue uutil these mea-sures had beou taken for tho rep-aration, or pobtiibly tho einigra-fi-- n

of tlipAl-l- i , Kdnnicfii." c.Eventually tho Grook occupuueywould bocoroe general, the poworshaving in tho meantime decidedupon tho form of ti new Constitu-tion, with such guarantees asmight be demanded by Europo fortuo protection o tho Moham-medan minority, which would borouuily accorded by Greece.

m 9

fltlxrna Attention.

Theso aro days of considerableanxiety and perplexity to all whohavo possessions or other intoroBtsin tho Republic of Hawaii, and itis ii:20 that our citizens canio to amutual understanding on Bovoralimportant issues. Tho prospectsfor Annexation appear at presontvagno and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcortainty. Thoro aro those, also,who still fondly cling to tho hopoof a roturn to tho old ordor ofthings, nnd who cannot bo per-suaded otherwise, yet this out-look appears far moro hazy thanthat of Annexation oven to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy. But, foitunalely, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is solaco in tho fact thatBuffalo Boor has camo to stay andthat patrons of nil sorts andopinions may oqually share thbbniiPiifR of its invigorating nndsustaining properties. AVo aromoroovor assured that this favorito. .? - i

ed as heretofore at tho Boyal,Puuilio und Cosmopolitan Sa-



daily announces that l'rt ) Dluz,of Mexico, has been decora,.... Oj Em-Ion- ir

William with the jrrnna ross ofjjaiinv. .' ili-.lkl- ll 1.11.14 iSoUCj III

wlict to the effect that no beer exceptthe sparkling' "Rainier" bo. served Inpublic places, or on state oceasjons.

On tap or in ltottles at the Criterion.

Superior broakfast sausago is aspecialty at tho Coutrnl Market.King up 101.

Portraits onlargod from smallphotos and handsomely framedfor S10 at King Bros.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel....litnl TClllHitlll atvocta lrwlrvinrv llfT--,uv. uwwvvu, i"h,Mh "Jday, woek or month. Tornn: S5und ou ooath mi uigiu. ri, und$1.25 por weok.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro-par-ed

to qnoto prices on roofpainting. Ho uscb a composition ofcoal tar and cernont. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Printod ducks aro just as good,if not bottor than anything olsofor boys' Bhirt wniBts. Thoy washand wear woll, two vory importantconsiderations, Korr lme them ina largo variety of pattei us nl'oightyards for ono dollar.

,1? J Y W;nuzmamnBmmw im HBWBBPP " '

8 Jwi wwwpswwimw n in i. - -

i a W




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the Original" Recipe from tho Purest Ingredients.



527 Fort Street, corner . Hotel.

Tleo, H DVies Co.



Commission . Agents I

- Dry Goods,Hardware and

Groceries.EVERY - MiLN - HIS -



Horses, CalU?, Sheep,


The Marrolons Hair Kenedy which prevents

O- - "nT.






Dog?, Swine, and Poultry,

lira-- o-cro-:-

and Dealors in- -


Sole Agent, Honolulu. )

RT Nent pamphlet free n npidication. 1'. O. Rox 202, Telephone 20.

Hunoujiu, April 21, 1896,Jlr. O. w. JucFAnLANK: It affords me pleasure to recommend, to any ono uhow hair

is falllnR ont, the use of DK. 1'OITIE'S IIA1R OIL. Jly hair was coming oot at suchn rate ns led mo to behove tlmt I wonld soon becomo bald. After using tho oil for five weeksthis ccaHod entirely; none whaUrt er is now falling out. I consider it tho bent and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble and also recommend it as a stimulant to new growth.

605-- Tourstruly, J.H.DAN1KL8.



Plantation Supplies.

E HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.



Groceries, Provisions and FeelNew Goods Received by Every Packet from the Eastern B la tee and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PEODUOK BY EYERY BTEAMEBJAU Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

tart of the City FREE,







Page 4: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor





(- -

wwmip iMirii"Hi.',

KVKNINO ItULIilfiTJN, APUIti 22 1897.UmWMUW vi - Mr- k a fc


Irrigation Notice

Holik-t- s of wall r privileges, or thoopaying water rates", nro hertliy noti-fied that Hie hours for Irrigation pur-poses tiru from 0 to 8 o'ulock A. M. andfrom 4 to Ho'e-lm-- i. m.

ANUUUW miOWN,tfupt Hoiioiii'ii Water Works.

Approval J . Kim,, MinktirofInterior.

Honolulu, H. I., April 0, IS")".


Officii of Uoaiu) of Hr.AiritHonolulu. H I , April 21, 1S47. f

At a if Hie Pnird, held tliNdate, William O. Smith, rq , wholeciel President of the Hoard ofHeli)i, vk't Heniy K Cooper,rolnnt(l.

CHAULIM WILCOX,Hoeretarj of Po.wil of Health.

591 3t

51; Eveiir?$ Bulletin


1HUKSDAY, APKTL 22, 1897.


In addition to tho informationfoi wauled by the Hawaiian Gov-oimnon- lV

medical inspector inJapan rcirardinp tho etoppago ofku)i to Hawaii, thiR Gov-t'rtiin- ciit

h8 received advices otth cmno tenor from its Consul ntTokio. Minister Irwin was ab-

sent fi. m the capital. There wasgioat excitement in Japan overthe arrival of the steamer Shiushiufrom Honolulu with her hundredsof paibei.gers leftibed a laudingon Hawaiian territory. A report

n" published on April 12, withevidently ofHcial foundation, thattwo war vosels woro to bodispatched forthwith to Honolulu.On tho following day, howover, itwas announced that tho report waspremature, and the touo of thopieab indicated that it was doubt-ful if war vessels would bo sont atall for tho present. Tho Yokoha-ma English probe aio helping towuim up publui opinion againstHawaii, willing tho action of thisGovernment illegal. One signi-ficant statement is mado, as indi-cating tho class of some of theJapaneho sont here. Referring tothobP who came by tholafat fetoamer, the Kinai,niot of whom liavo been senthome by hei, it is said that thoycame mostly fiom IvumamotoPiefecture, and that fact is asource of iippioliousion to tho.lapauuse Oll'iec, "for," asone paper puis it, "thoy being ex-

citable and hotheaded may notquietly submit to i ejection at thohands of tho Hawaiian Customs.''As a matter of fact, thoy did notquite quietly submit last(Saturday, but thoy wentaboard tho steamer all thosame. To enow what a lot oftiouble lias been warded offwith danger of infection besides

- Ui . . I u, ii. njli'ai little,it may bo stated, from papers re-

ceived, that tho steamer Hakusantvas, prior to tho iutoulict on ouii-gratio- n,

dostiucd to sail for Hono-lulu with another ciowd iu thofitoorago. Also, that " tho Kobequarantine station in crowded withtwo thuueuiid uuigiuuts cither8eut back fiom Huwaiior woie about to btait for thatpluce." Aftfr the i' turn of thoShiushiu, emigiatiou ngouts,posted oh" with complaiuts lo thoGovoruiuent, woro agreeably Mir-prib- cd

on ai rival at 1'okio lo findthat tho Govorumout was tho-roughly alivo to tho occasion andhad ordered two war vossels toHonolulu. This older was count-ermanded later. Probably thoJapanese Govorumout concluded,upon coolur counsels, that a navaldemonstration in Hawaiian waterswould make a bousation at a capi-

tal a httlo east of Hawuii whichmight producoa surprising counter diveision iu this neighborhood.

According In tlio Yoiniuri, n

vurnaoiilar paper o Japait) "Mr.lloshi, the .liipimoao Minister utWashington, in loinpliinuco withthu instructions of tlio HomoGovornincnt, has carried out in-

quiries us to tlio attitude of tlioAniorieau people and Governmenton tho question ot Unwrfiinn

nnd Hint ho hits discovered, so fai ns ho can judge,that incorporation it) improbable."It in often the case that diplomatsare purposely kept mmo in thodark than other pooplo about mat-tor- s

in which thoii own countriesare either not directly interestedor havo an interest that is not inhaiuiony with tho policy of thoGoernniout to which thoy aioaccredited.

I It A I SltET Sr.sSION.

Vcr Hindi nl Humor iut Vnj l.litlnFuel Urouchl Out.

The little matters that Attorney-Gener- al

Smith had considered inthe socret session of tho Board ofHealth yesterday afternoon woretho reports mentioned in yester-day's Bulletin, which reflectedseverely on the manner in whichquarantine regulations woro beingobserved at tho Castlo promises.For all that was said and done iutho meeting it might just aswell havo been public, for at leasttWO 01 tlio lennltMR i nit worntired out knew more about theaffair than tho members, with oneexception.

C. A. Browu told the Boardwhat ho know of the way the qua-rantine was being conducted,somo things ho had observed himself and some that ho had heaid.Ho had soon Minister Cooper outin tho road onco on bin wImpI mulwanted to know why this wasthus. Ho also told of other mat-ters in tho nattiro ot personalgriuvnucos. It was settled thatwhen Dr. Wood paid his dailyvisit to the promisos ho should in- -torviow tllOn in miarnnfimt nn Mmmatters brought up. This Dr.Wood did last night with tho fol-lowing results:

That each and ovory personquestioned denied moat posi-tively having been outside thoquurontiue grounds with tho ex.CO:tinn of iIiliifnr Pnnr.ur iirli

i i .. . .oxpiameu mat no was learning torido a whool and that in comingdown the path leading to tho roadho had too much steam onfor a novice and had gone intotho reed in order to turn roundwithout accident. That ho sawno person in tho road at the limo,but Htinnnspil trom ulmt. Im ln.,1

since heard that C. A Brown hadbeen watching linn.

It is lMMtiw Iv lll'l.i.-i- l li tlintnin quaiantiue and by tlin "guaidsthat any outsjdtr has cutoie I thegroiimib siuoo tho visit ot Mr.lloynolds, the ngent of the Bo.ndof Health, with tho oxcoption ofDr. Wood.

It is positively denied that any-one of tho party has shakenhands with any outsider,moro especially President Dole,tho nearest approach to any-thing of tho kind being tho tlnow-in- g

of some cigars to ChesterDoyle over tho hedge by BertPeterson.

It is doniod Hint MitiictnCooper has hold any loveos onSundaV or other dava. PprRnnu. Ui'.l J, .k. ,'i l ) u 4 i llMa p!med tho tinio of day with thoso in-side and have occasionally stop-ped and outered into conversationbut it has always been at such adistance that tho transmission ofcoutaion would bo impobeible.

Tho above is tho Biibstauco oftho report mado by Dr. Wood totlio Atlopjoy-Geneia- l hiHt nighttutor his return.

'Ihis momiur C A. Hrmin .coivo a puckagu jli! a very &cuiriloiH letter, silDiirmod to h finnisomo patty or paities in thequarantined promises, which hasbe'ii laid befoi-- j the AttornoyUeneral and will hkoly lead tomom trouble ami investigation.

Costs nothing to find outwhether Schilling's Best


b.lcui iwiwfl.rflavtrltiK pstracl

na itatiare good enough for you.

Have YouAn Account?

This is a serious question,one nt which somo folks tnkootl'miFC, 3ct Hnlcstucu nro undertho necessity of asking it.Some folks de.tl near li"inc,settlo lnfroqucnt'y, never in-

vestigate to see whither theypay more than tliey sliould andtoo often allow their accounts togo Jong over due. If you don'tcare what tlio family expensesare it's a poor way to do if youwant to leave your children iuallluont circumstances whenyou nro irono. Now it is ouitoan advantage to have tin openaccount at a well-know- n house,who can execute vour orderprotupthy. Often persons saythev don't want an account nndwill pay in a few days. Butwe cannot koop memoranda ofcharges; it isn't safe or goodbusiness. The stock found inordinary stores is usually stale,uninviting and inferior, whilethe stock in our store is turnedso frequently and so caicfullywatched that it is at all timesfresh. Our stock in trade con-sists of the luxuries and delicacies from every civilized na-

tion. Send for our catalogueand prices and note the varietyoffered. Telephone u 2 joWe Mipply all natioiulit s.

LEWIS k CO., importersand exporters ot table luxurieswholesalers and rctail rs con-tractors to tho U. S. Navy,supplying U. S. and other nations jvien-ot-w- nr on the .Facifie Station.


Nuuauu Vulley, KhIIIiI ami Plain"''"I'y 10:30 a 3t.uml2,-.Su- i St.

Walkikl Mondays aud TMir-dny- x

2 30l-- .m.

f- l- Mail orders promptlyexecuted.

juewis o& uo,,OltOOKHS.,

Kort Struet,ii nn iiimnmii mm ism

pa ?2J5!




AVi) hau- - just iwf a i i lir.oof GRASS LINENS ofEX-TllEMEr- A

1TV and aie pafo in HayingIhey iito tlio fiumt e or un-polled here.

AJMiCEQafoss Linen

is much superior to silk inunimrri' cc mul f hof' IP no

coiupariou whatever in thowear. We have thorn in

White and Colors

f t?r4iU U WANotice.

Koticn 1j noitny n'vou llmt alliIuh the iiiiileri-iutie- il of KOUIt

MONTHS or loi.g-- i DtaiulliiK will liopluueil In tlio bumf), ut our attorneysfor collection, unless ftutneiliutvtltmimit 1h made.


Removal ITotice.

On iiml after April lnt, Dr. Cooper& l(Hyimnl will occupy the nfllccH ofI)r Mi.Orcw mi Hotel tttrt-et- . OMU--liniirM tniin H.'M) in 111 a in. 1 !tn ii. tmill 7 to H p. ui. Tii'ipiimm No. HI.

fiiO Im

r'iSjaup''ai' .m ;?StSa,(d

t vi.

THE NATIONAL FEED BOXis a perfect device for slowfeeding in the stables oronthe road and is a boon bothto the horse and his owner.It is the best, device yet in-

vented for feeding all kinds ofgrain, chopped food, bianmash, water or medicine.

It is made of steel, practical-ly indestructible. The follower slides on a malleable ironrod, riveted to the box, ourlatest invention. Finely gal-

vanized. Easily Cleaned. Ptueand Odorless. Light and 'Port-

able. The only box foi cam-

paigning. Used and approvedbv owners and drivers of thefastest hor:es in the world.Especially adapted the useof tire and police departments,stock farms, and public andprivate stables.

Owners and diivers of horsesentered" for the 11th of Juneraces should see that theiranimals are provided withthese feed boxes. They willbe sine wmuci if thev do.Betting men should not investa dollar en a horse that has.not been led from the Nation-al Feed Box. They will besine lobeis if they do.

Hoi semen generally andevery man, woman or childwho owns a horse is invited

call and see them at

THKHawaiian Hardware Co.


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Ophite Spreckols' Bank

TJrrnrt.rir'!rr'f-inrr'rr?frirn'rrff?-i-ir-,-- -i




I Still TheyI Gome 5Jvffil

& Eaoli day adds a nuinhor ofs members to our popular

Walcf? ClubsClub ouo and two drew last

Saturday. Club three is rnnld.ly filling up. Tho eanao on- -

m luuaiasm as ot oiu exists, allja classos aro nuxious to join, bo- -

cnuso it is a clear saving of

fne Doiiar

You Throw Away

Every Week.

Besides unolhor vital pointlo the populurily, auj (Imf

is tlmt wo do not mako itobliyalori lo tnko a wuleii, butallow you to select any one orujotl unifies iu tlio btoro, uomattor in what lino. Couldanything bo fairer to you?

Wo want lo oay right hoie,that wn will baok up any andovory nrticlo selected in ourclub with tho Bamo full andcompluto guaiantoe which goeswith ovory piece of goods soldin the store. You take no riskwhatever. fo tako it all.

I H. F.WichmanEvening Jhilleliv 76c per month. ' laiaaj3jHja'SEuaisara'Spja'aiarSEiai


iiiiL . NsSsCstAtt.


I mc; J?:.yis theBest &T


ROYAL BakingPowder never cakes

spoils, and useddirected always

makes delicious,pure, wholesome,perfect food.

Other bak-

ing powders.su win not noia

their leaveningstrength until re

quired for use. They may work oneday but fail the next. Such pow-ders are a vexation, and waste goodflour, eggs and butter. ROYAL

v works uniformly. The last spoonful in the can is good as the first.



'Qfi)Babbles or Medncstsareaparill.is." When you think of it how contradic-tory that term is. r there can bo only one best in an; thins onebest sarsipanUa, as there is one highest mountain, one lonceitriver, one deepest ocean. And that best .sarsaparillah

There's the rub You can measure mountain height and oceandepth, but how test sarsaparilla? You if you were chemists.But then do you need to test it? The World's Fair Committeetested it, and thoroughly. They went behind the label on thebottle. What did this sarsaparilla test result in? Every makeof sarsaparilla shut out of the Fair, except Aycr's. So it wasthat Ayers was the only sarsaparilla admitted to the World'sFair. 1 he committee found it the best. They had no room foranything that was not the best. 'And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa-parilla received the medal and awards due its merits. Rememberthe word "bust" is bubble any breath can blow; but there arepins to prirk vjf-- bubbles. Those others arc blowing more

lestsarsapaiilla" bubbles since the World's Fair pricked theold ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has the medal. ThePi!n !;cratcllcs lhe mc(al proves it gold. The pin that pricksthe bubble proves it wind. We point to medals, not bubbles.i.ncu nu oajr; xue UC5i sarsapainu is Ayers.

Hollister DrugCo.. Agents.

Universal Stoves 0 Ranges !

Tlio and llio Choapo.st !

Da.ndy Cook, No. 7, inch Holes, Oven 15x17. Price. ... S 00W , No. 7, 1 7 inch Holes, Oven 10 J.xl7. 15 00Piii.r. lUxoi:, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch lloien, Oven lSlf .

1'rico 23 00Wei.com i: Itanue, No. 7 -- 18, (5- -7 inch Holes, Oven lSxlS inelieVPnco 97 00Range, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holes, Oven 18.US ine'lie'sTrice ()Range, No. 7-- 18, 0-- 7 inch Hoies,' Oven18x18. Price 00


Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd-- ASK YOUR

Grocer fo- r-



&rt rtUJ vss

IhTy..KJ iS


Situated on thu luauka lde of Pro,pect Htreet, west of Hacklelil nrcel,tlioroiiRlily jftudeil ami walled, cou-tulnii- ic

mi are i of 2.1,710.75 Hpi.ire feetami "(UK! Mimiu r.t luMotlvi-li- .

These Lots coiuinniiil the llnest viewof tho oily, liurlMir and ouean of anIoIh in the hill. TurniH ensv. Apply lo

f'SS-l- w H. ii, DOW.

or ifas

1 1 t









V --S&fXltr&K i "I'JjmMS


isroTCcoa.Patrons are rept-etfull- rwiictwlto oner their mipply of Jco before 5

o'clock p. m., on week luVs, and be--.,"!., """"k ""on on Buuilnyi. amiHolliiiiVH ii oin of Tt.elimy lie iiIii.m i.fu i hlnv liotim,t No 697 Pun tania Btr 1 1, or at thePtoiuqe Hom ol the HawaiianUeotrlo Co.. ttm liourd ofII o'cliolc p.Nn. unit 11 o'clock p.m.fur cn-'- .i onlyPtOPLK'ri ICE & Il'K-- CO , 1ri).

,.11, HHiiAii.NN, Maiiittier.,?"' s"' m ilpn-i-iil- tjireet,Tel. No. IM p. O. Pox 307. m 3t


Jf It m

Page 5: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor


Jtlbtioii weok at Jordnn'u.Unltnliou drill lliia ovoning.

Co. A will drill tliiu ovoniu.l'nia plantation pnys a dividoud

tomorrow.Tho Dorio hnd only fivo cabin

prtHsongors for this port.Tho Young Utiwaiinn's lnntituto

will hold n mooting this ovoning.

Evarvbody is nnxious to hearthe Philadelphia band onco more.

Lnwia & Co. talk straight hohboto hoUHokcopora and catorors intheir column.

Ham. McKenguo has lost a vnlu-nbl- o

now carriagu horse fromWater on tho lungs.

ltov. Isouberg will hold Qormauservices at tho Y. M. 0. A. hall onSunday at 11 a. in.

Tho time of tho polico courtwas mostly occupied in tho hear-ing of infractions of tho licenselaws.

If you want to find out howcheap Jordan can sell ribbons,rend his advertisement on tho othpage.

Trunks, valises, gripsacks andflannel satchels almost jiven awayat tho Temple of Fashion closingout sale.

J. T. Waterhouso calls attontionto crockery, garden tools andkitchen utensils sold at lowerprices than before.

Qeorgo Angus returns on theMauna Lou ufter a six wooks'absence. Georgo will be sadlymissed on tho basobalbdiamondthis year.

Tho news that the Japanesogovomrmuit has sloppod all emi-gration to these islands for thepresent is received with generalsatisfaction.

Tho arreits today comprisothree cases of truancy, ono of dis-obedience to paiouls, ouo of ped-dling chofa tickots and two ofopium in possession.

It is reported that two police-men have got tho g. b. for roughhandling of a Chinaman in thoejectment performance at thoChinese thcator last night.

Preparation for the masquoradoat the llealani Club haB alreadycommonoed. Ono of tho featuresof tho ovoning will bo a song byono of our favorite singers.

Sliaw hats for men, noiuou andchildieu are goiny for 25c. eachat tho Temple of Fabhiou, thousual 25 per cent, reduction onthe original cost of all goods.

Robert Trim of the bark Semi-

nole will roturu to Pugot Soundon that vessel. Mr. Trim has en-

joyed his visit to Honolulu andhopes to leturn again in the nearfuture.

Tho boy who takes the horseLoul lhock out for his daily ex-

ercise will got into trouble if hocontinues the habit of using thoKing Btreot sidewalk as an exor-ci- so


At tho practise shoot for thecoining match of Company G withthe Police team, Chas. "Wilcoxscored 47 points at tho Kakaakobutt'i, which lowers the Policoteam's lecoid.

Whilo ono of tho sailors of thobark Semiuolo was out swimminglast night ho was taken withcramps, and had it not beou torapiKgiri" boat ho would undoubted-- 1

hdo Liuou drow Una.

Captain ilickehou of tho barkFortuna will give ouo of his ori-ginal boating partios this aftor-noo- n.

Tho paity will moot atBroker's wharf and sail aroundthe buy, returning ou board shipto tea.

The fVplnin and offianrs of thoU. S. S. Marion will recoivotheir lady friends on bnard chipto a danco tomoriow afternoon.The ship will bu Lmddoiualj de-

corated and an eujoyablo time isexpected.

A group of ouorgotic youngmen may bu been together at thoMyitlo Boat Club ovoiy ovoningand pull boats r.t a lorrilio speedaround tho harbor. It is hopedto matoh them against tho StateUniversity in tho near future

The jurv at the coroner's in-

quest regarding tho death of aChinaman at tho riot in Lihuorondou'd a unanimous verdict,that the lnna, II. Wnltors vn&entire! ju&tified in ubing his roYolver in soil" defense wheu at-

tacked by tho Chinaman.


u'iuai, mi.mimj or iiii: i:oa::oor iikai.iii.

Inimueaa Uovcriiinnit Una HliirilAll Kmlurnllotl lo llieaa lalitlidl

Voinllwr liirtlirnlliii.

Tho Occidental liner Doricmado her appoaranco off portshortly after (5 o'clock this morn-

ing. Sho was boarded by Dr.Day, tho port physician, shortlyafterward, and was found to havea clean bill of health. There wasno sickness of any kind on board.Tho vessel was allowed to comoup to tho wluwf in strict quaran-tine, pending notion by tho Boardof Health. The Doric had overBixty through passengers in hercabins, besides fivo for this portand 551 Chinese in tho stcciago.

A special meeting of tho Uoardof Health was convened shortlyaftor the vessel docked. Dr.Eldredgo roported that smallpoxin Yokohama and throughout thoEmpirowas rapidly decieasing.Fortho two wooks provious to tho de-

parture of theDorio thero woro only27 cases in Yokohama as against123 for tho two weeks bofore. Dr.Eldredgo also iuformed tho Boardthat the Japnueso Governmenthad peremptorily stopped all in- -migrutiou to Hawaii until uu mveutigation could le imuli into thociroumstaiu-- H attending the ro-

turu of iuniiitiaU on the Shin-shi- u

maru tiuii fcjukutu. luaru.In view of the fuot that many of

the 1) rie'- - Mumih o.k. ugeinhud hoarded the ejuel at Yoko-hama, (he Board decided thatuoiu of them could bo allowed tolaud here. The hvo passengersfor this purtjwero allowed to laud,aftei being fumigated on condi-tion that they report daily to Dr.Day as lonn as reqnirod. Theireffects will also bo fumigated be-

fore being givon to thorn.Through Dr. Day Captain

Smith of the Doric offered to re-

main in port until tomorrow if hispaasengere woro allowed to landbut tho Uoard could not soo itsway to granting the request. Thevessel will consequently sail atG o'clock this evening. Mailmust bo deposited in the post-ofiic- o

ono hour previously.

I iiKui-ii- i Kit ii K. Hull'.The following officeis of P. U.

Brooks Division No. 1, UniformRank, Knight of Pthias, wereduly installed in office last nightby 0. B. Gray, actinj; as installingofficer:

Captain Georgo P. Denison.Lieutenant -- Ed. Towse.Hei aid- - I'rank Barwick.Recorder S. J. Salter.Treasurer --V, B. OatGuard George L. Dall.Sentinel C. J. Fauouf.

"I never laughed so much iumy life," siiid tlio Kiug of Sinmabout Frank Lincoln's entertain-ment. Next weok.

In this issue will bo ton ml thobox plan notice for tho groatVaidis Twin Sistois, to appear atthe Opera House on Friday ovon-

ing of noxt weok.

Tho Emigration Agents' Unionof Japan, when Hie breeze aboutHawaii whiBilou up, patui"'iodtho Government to allow itn dele-gates take passage on tho warvosselsto be dispatched to Ilawaii.

Trninor 'S'st, Jim! I hev moeye ou wun ov do greutos' tiainin'gioun's for yor on do . JimTHwk TVbuM Trainer 'S'li!li'n do ia.iUi.noth cave. Ji.a T. vU

- Wot good is u cave for tannin V

Tiainor -- L o!: at da givat )jr.io-ti- so

yer'll Kt wid yor echo

Card of Thanks

Tilt' wlilow und rlildrpn of din IntoA. Ii. Chaves desire to expreHH thoirleopet tliuuki for the kind Hyinnatliy

extumliMl tliHin diirlfig thblr biwivn.ment. 591-- lt

Attention, Company A.

Ajokiuy CoMi'Asy A., N. O. JI.-- 1

Honolulu, Ajiril 22. lb!i7.JKvory Meml'i-- r of thin Coiuuinml in

A bproby onlereil to roiort nt tho DrillSUa THIS (Tlmrrtclii) 1 VK'INO,April --i at 7:.'iO o'clock, forDiill.

PAUL SMITH,nm-- Csiptulu Oouuunncliui;.



I gsibj k2n


B&KSNPOWDERAbsolutely Pure

Celi'brati'd for its rcfit Icnwnlnj; itrcncthnnrt lic.ilthrultii' - APMirv tin' food OKAln- -t

nlum nml ml forms n( adulteration commonto t ll. ll.- rnluln llOTll 1UKIM) 1'ITO- -

m.it Co, .Ntir miK.ii. ii in i iiwwi mmmmmemmmmm




Crockery, Tools j


Kitchen Utensils


Rocont arrivals from Eng-land und the United Stnteshave brought us everythingnecessary for the kitchen anddining room in the lino ofUtensils, Crockery and Glass-ware.


The quality of our goods can-

not bo questioned.

Stock is Complete.

We have nil kinds of Toolsand Agricultural Implementsused on tho lawn or in thegarden. Competition amongthe manufacturers and the ab-

sence of trusts enables us tosell at 25 percent less thanlast year.

Let's Have Your Custom.

J. T. Wfll mouseQueen. Sti-cofc- .


Friday, April 30th.Sensation of

Three Continents!



Tpi1 Elegant; dnmpani of


A High Clnsj Vauevlllo OrgauUu-tlu- n


You Can't Afford to Miss It!

HESKitVKD SEArS:Orchestra and Druta Circle $1.00First Row, Family Circle MM)

Family Circle 75Aiiminsion to Gallery 50

T Tickets at Wall, Nichols Co.'o.51)1 5t



0kicm SOS JUrehut)t Htreot, CimpUillBlotk rear of J. 0. Ojrter'n offlw. I. O,1)0x330




$2,853.00 to be GivenAway in 130 Prizes.

The Eastman Kodak Com-

pany have decided to awardtho above prizes to amateurphotographers for the bestPictures and Lantern Slidesmade from their TransparentFilm.

SomethingAll kodakcrs are entitled to

compete for the prizes. Thepictures will be exhibited andthe competition will bo decidedin London.

ForAll persons desirous of en-

tering the competition musthave specimens at Rochester,N. Y., before September 1,


Nothing.JUST For further information

call on us, and we shall bepleased to sorvo you.

Hollister Drug Co.,SOLE AGENTS FOR

Eastman Kodak Company


500 Pieces

Houssleopers, Attention



Extraordinary ValueIn Bed Spreads

A Full Sized Bed Spread, hemmed, readyfor use, at $1.25.

Extra Quality at $1.50 and $1.75.

t&r These arc now fresh goods, just opened nnd boughtdirect from headquarters.

N. S. SACHS,520 Fort Street rionoliiltij

Since We Must Eat to Live, Lcl's Have the 'Best.

Just Opened TJp anInvoice of

SeljpLUjfliq's Busy TesJapan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.QWo them trial. Mono back you don't like thsus. Also, just rctfeircJ

Choice Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, SmokedChoice Humboldt Potato"?, Etc., "Etc,'

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.

of Ribbon at 25c. the Piece.

23-- Those Ribbons hnvo from to !)( yards in

500 Pieces Assorted Ribbons at

K&. These Ribbons have from to 18 yards in



. . .


a !(





IV iwptUfMi mmmtm

V3"71 1?T

VHiHi nm

each piece. 2

45c. the Piece.

each piece, jgl

Wider Ribbons in Proportion !



A.t 2xcoccliiip;ly Low Xi'ioos.



--v7". aro3Fi.a3A.i?j's

m. 10-F- ORT STEEET STOBE-- Uo. 10



' i






Page 6: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor









V .


tm- -









Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by


&o Suffering 'During Treat-


(?(o Injurious After Effects.

5o Loss o Time from "Busi-


Improved physical condition,

absolute freedom from anydesiro for Alcoholic stimu-


Length ot time required foitreatment Three weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Strvjt,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad-


Secretary Hngoy Institute,Honolulu.

wr w wTj"w mm&ymm'

EVENING DUliTiKTlN, AtMtlli '22, 1897.

Tho Sunlight is

Glistening on

Those " Orange Rims,"

but uufortuuutoly for us it innot glistening ou them in thiscountry, ns our shipment ofSTEARNS wheels was put outho " W. H. Dimoml," so is notduo horo for n weok. OurCOLUMMAS also nro stillout ot wheeling rnui;o,n8 tliejgot to S. F. tho dny beforetho stcmnor sailed, nml nomorn frnijjlit would lie rocoivod, but they will comoalong noon, nml in tho menu-tini- o

wo wnnt you to knowthat wo recoived 97 11AM-13LER- S

by yestonrday'sBtcnnier, nuu can fit you outwith either a '9(! or '97 wheel,aud wo kuow wo can suit you.Tho 1696 RAMBLER is thobargaiu of tho yoar aud thochanco to buy a woll knownhigh grade wheel for $75 audIjbO iiii Luk luot loll),, t.J ViC

aro informed by tho makersthat this is tho Inst lot of '9Gwheels thev can furnish, for,as they write, "uur buIcb havebeen phenomenal, and youtook tho last '90 whools we hadin stock."

ISSi. "Wr rent bicycles by thohotir, day, wpek or month, and worent high grade now wheels, suchns RAMBLiiRS, STEARNS,and COLUMR1AS, so if youwant a lmrt rido or a long ride,want to tido bIuIo or wnut to ridedouble, drop iu and eoo how nice!we cau lit jou out. You will ei-- l

j"M good ii i.m I't' :f ou Mrphono uk, and wo will send yourwheel to jour Your chnuceto buy n 90 RAMBLER cheapwill only Inst u few days, don'tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,

Eagle :-- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

Mrs. Harry KlBmma, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions

Subscribers aro furnished with from fivetoslxljsni Hr week, giving an accuratereooid of all il(ds, niortgiifios, leahos,

powers of uttoiney, etc., etc, whichnro plucod on record. Also n list of nildistiut court judgments.

ii Price, V--00 iter Month.

A V RF.ARL'lOKuvbt, Honolnln


reantile Agency210 King street.


Difficult Collections a Specialty

C. . DWIGHTTakes rontriiets for all kinds of BTONK.

WORK, monument work, cement nndstona si'lownlks and curbing. I have onhand tho best UnwnlUu stone, Uhiuesogranite, etc. Fine stono for moimmentolwork. Estimates Riven aud lowest pricesnssivrod. Toloplionc 8.J3.



. Fort j. 1 d "' ots, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobber of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lnmbor and Coaland Building Matorials of allkinds.

Quoen Stroot, Uonolulu.


Tltr Irninp t'rlnlrr tlliln't Kit n Tlilnij totltn Wmitlvllta lllnuer.

When tliA alitor of tho WnodvllloBlower KOt Kick nml lind to lcavo townfor a WMk, ho got Randolph IlortouTaokor to get ont the paper. Wow, Mr.Tucker was not an oxpoii editor, but hecould write uloo llttlo ursos and wetKindling society Items and unit! hoconld umiiugA tho ofllco first nito. Howanted to aliow a llttln extra ontorpriso,to ho in mlo ii big spread on looal nowMid wroto up tho notices for tho Mirer-tiw-

In flno stylo. When ii copy wasnil in, ho went homo light hearted andhappy.

Hnt oIm and nlnckt Tho tramp print-er, who was tho foromnn, printer andpressiuuu mid who hud not boen fullyolicr for n month, got tho news mid

business notices nil mixed in milkingnp, and when Tho Hlowcr appeareditoniR like tlio following grtcted tho

citizens;"Go to Smith's for fresh Jersey bnt-to- r.

annrnnteod to bo strictly all wool. ""Wanted to exchange a flno dun col-

ored. Shorthorn piano, perfectly gisntlo,for nn upright cow In good tune, "

"Stnbbs & Tubbi, dealers in greenhides, rugs, tcrup iron, etc. Mi-ttl- s at allhours."

"Reward of $10 will bo paid for thoarrest and detention o nno of tho rantdosirublo rcsidcuco lots iu town. Whenlair, heard from, was working on asteamboat in Alabama."

"Got your monls nt tho Snide House,Freeh steak and hash every 00 days,mndo of tho finest corrugated etcol nndwiurauted to IuhI a lifetime."

"Somo rery artistic fresco work hasJust boon dono on tho interior of JudgeHnmp Rollins, who was again electedjustice of tho pcaco lost week."

The effect of this breezy iasus of ThoBlower was such as to cause Mr. Ran-dolph Tucker to abandon janmil!mnml toek the more congenial calling ofbook .tgent in nnotlier ttuto. AtluntaUiMtitution.

Wlirr- - ThnrkerA)- - Wrote "Vanity fHlr."Tliuukerny noxt. rvuioed to 13 Young

elrvi I, K'ji.1 ;tin (rrcbrlstciiwl now 10).Iiii fti.il.j !t:iir i vir fioiu l'axls tul.n'iilmus.1 for lilm Hl Itntn fripml, MrJurnes T. fields, Imi plvcn nn nniaslngji count of bl' llr;t vilt to It, 'lliaok-er.i- y

pbiyfullv tulU i. m to (jo down on IllskiiM-s- , n "Vanity. Fair" was writtentliero. My AM xlliiipro of the structurowrnf lufii-t- " tl.ls tlnw, on hl Liking posses-sion nud wlwm thut fnmous book was stillu iiiihryij. On turning to tho loft, com-

ing from n walk nloint tlio parks, out ofHigh street Into Young street, nnd sud-denly cutchlng sight cf tho two bulginghalf towors which flank tho central door-way, ho thought tlio hoimo had tlio air of ufondul eastlo, and oxolalmod, "I'll liavo afluiistaff put over tho coping of tho wall,and I'll hoist a standard up when I'm athome!" Ilyro Crowe, A. K. A., in Scrib-ncr'-

A lllg Knskc.Ono of tliu snako stories of antiquity Is

told of tho Ttonuin army underduring tho first I'unto war. Its courso wn?stojiiKl near n small (.troum In Africa bya serjH'nt 00 feet long, nnd tho doughtyRomans, though notafruklof the Cnrtlmginlans, wero dliiniyel by this Afriun."vunnlnt," which exceeded in slo anything they lmd mor wen. Mllltarj" viigluts weiv brought up, and the ci il i

deitmjiil. It- - .kin woa sent to II . iprvsrrrtd tlien In a tuiiiplcfomu'MUt.years.

Orauce .Tulrc.Singers consumo large iitinmlties el

oranges, the juice of this frnlt ln'liirf eonsldurcil Risilull guild fur t!n p! . If bknown thut it will nungo the lhln.t forlbpior, one niethoil of reform In some oftho inelirlnto uxyltiiiis being tho free

onuiKes whenever the desirofor intoxleunts Is felt

a voice from tjh: iiu:aciii:rs.Loe.il interest in the criekct g.unes

ns lelli-ute- from the "bhnUiora" ih

DuriiiE1 Saturday's gamestlie "bleachers" were particularly

una Jtcpl the puerf. under uruiming1 lire of good natuxed banter.One small boy brought down thecrowd by advising the bntsmnn to "gobuy a case of Rainier Reer and getborne life in you." The crowd applaud,ed tho remnrk, knowing that RainierReer is celebrated for itri invigoratingand strength-ghin- g propensities.

On tap or in 'jottles at the criterion.

Nicely furnished rooms nt tlioPopular House, ICi Fort stroot,from iSl.CO per weok up.

King Bros, lmvo just filled nnordor for 200 colored llawniinnphotos for n pnrty in America.

City Ourriuge Co., J. S, And.nulo, mnnngcr. If you wunt ahaok with good horso nnd oare--ul

drivor ring up Telophono 113,corner of Fort and Merchantitreetti. II aok at all hours.

Kroogor Pinuo8,swooto8t in tone,Jas.W. lJergstroni, solo agent, cashor installments. "Wnrorooms atG. West's, Masonic Temple. Of-fic- o

at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. IS" Tolo-phon- o


Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 mado and sold. High-e- st

awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, eaBO oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. B. Bergorsen, agont,1GJ Bothel streets.

J. S. WaJker,

Heal - Estate - Broker


Dealer inReal Property,Improved.

orUnimproved.Has fcr Salo and Lcnfo on

Liberal Terms.


1. Lnrge Lot, Mnklki street, fenced, 223feet frontKge,

2. Lot on Kinau streot between Alapaiand Knpiolnni streets 140 feet frontogo.

3. Lot on Liinnlilo street betweeu Alupninuu uucVfelu Htieeld.

4. 3 largo Lots on Prospect Btrect.5. Bouse and Lot on Qrccn street

Knpiolnni and Victoria.0. TheUnildingknownaBThomas'Blook,

2 stories and embracing C (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinan and 1'iikoi streets.8. ltice Lund at Waikano, Koolau.9. Lot on comer of lleula and Keean-mok- u

street", bcto.n residence of V. A.liowcn and lot of W. II. Giflurd, havingfrontage on Houln street 2C0 feet.

10. Lots b and7 with House, Kafia,Waikiki road.'ESEI

11. - Half Acre Lot in nilo Town.


1 .13 Cottages on Queen street near Funch-bow- l

street.2. 3 Cottages at Old Waikiki.3. Store and Dwelling, comer Wyllio

and Nuuiinu, ready for occupancy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Itichards


Properties Managed, Collec-tion, of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckela Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. Tel. 331.

John RIott,Importers and Dealers in

&Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.l'.'l iv, I S3 King btruct.


My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with beetquality, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. l'ipe, Chain andl'lug, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealers aro dumfouuded, pud resort to alltniiiutT nf Tin I. i. 1 Io j'i..

Bo not deceived, these Bath Tubs havebeeu sold for $14 until I roduced the price.

I nm prepared to do all work in my linennd guarantee satisfaction! Estimates fur.nished.

If you wnnt a Rood Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am youtmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith & Pluinbor


Carriage Manufactory613 to C21 Fort Street.

Carriage SuildarAND IlBFAtltEn.

Submitting ia All ItsBmck

W. W. WItlOUT, Propriptor.(Buooesror to Q. West.)


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Itichards Sts.


RT Carriages, Surreys anil Hucks at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.


HOLLISTER & CO,From the Factories of

La Intimidac,La Espanola,La A.fricana,Henry Olav & HBock & Co.

Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.iMxjTjirm 'aeww.mxm ja tcjnT'rti r-- m. .Hfci

Patent Shaft- - Sprincrs. ii r,BMgir. hum m

Invented nnd Putouled by W. W. WRIGHT.

It Obliterates All Horse Motion.This dovice can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

kJfc. For full particulars, call on or address

"W". "W. WRTT-TT- .sr'c-t- t Proprietor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort street, abovs Hslol.

CLUB STABLES,faw m lr mm tr m wm


HEA.R3STESS -:- - AJSTD -:- - SADDLEA specinltj'.



The best of attention ci en to animals lift with us. Carefulattendants, promptness. llaohH, Pnrrie.. Hrrtcs. EnKries.rhuetonB, VoKoiieu'es. P "'


-- : AT THE:- -,

(Corner nf Fort nml








AND -:- -

Ucrctatila streets.)

OFJf hZj






Hotol St., near Fort. Tel. 3C2.

for the Evening75 conts per

Main Office Telephone No. 53. V. O. Hoi No. 222 lirauch Office Telephone No. 838.

Oahts Lumber and Building Co., LULumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.

Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Buildors' Wall Papers andEtc. Manufncturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Jlain Offlco, LoUo( King stieet. Riumh Office un.. Plnmm; 41ill, corner Kliic andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Lelco and Lot near R. R. Depot. Private truck connect-ing Mitli O.K. JLL. Co. K. R. runs tlnouKh our jaids to R. R. wharf nnd any part ofEwa and Wnianae

Bulletin, 75c. der MonthJAS. MORGAN,


N. 45 Queen Btrcet.

Expert Appraisement of RoulEstate and Furniture,

The Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper "month.

Tel. 77LIVERY.

(Manager)Uudortakor Emlinimn



Subscribe Bul-letin month.



Page 7: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor



0. J. WALi.r.n Mavaokii.



Naw Contractors.

Refrigerated Poultry-- AND-

Fres? Salmon


Metropolitan Be&fi Co.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!77,e Central Meat Market

214 Nocanu Stbeet.

Foi' Your ClioiccOrder

The finestOF

ReMgetated .-

-. Me&

Always on Iland Or letspromptly and cure (u 11 aileud-n- l


HERBERT GARES,Solo Proprietor

Fresli Groceriesliy Each Steamer.

Table .'. DeMcacsesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,26 Berotania Street, Waring Block.

W&-- TELErnoNB G80 --TSU

Wholesale and Retail Qrocerios.

515 fe 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephonor 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds


CTj - . O Jt .. r, . J 1 a g a J LI.b.1. !.,ig vi uwrnuimo.

Ha lng been appointed and commissioned

i CominTsaloncroi Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and afllda-vit- i.

To take and certify the acknowledgment orproof ol powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, swats, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 2W. 210 Klu! Street.

Pioneer Building and

Assets July, 1896, $10645.16Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Batik for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Iubtallmont

Plan.Thirteenth Sorios of Stock now open.

Tor further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Booms,Office hours, 12:30 1:30 FiM. ,173-t- f


Itojnl Insnnnre CompanyAlliance Amuruuce liuuipuiiy.AHinnco Marine and General Ahsuruuuo

Company.Sun Life Assuranco Company of Canada.Wilholmn of Madgeburg insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union aud National Insurance


Uoom 12 Bpreckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CART WRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United Stale-- , for the HawaiianInlands,

Orinu'.i Merchant utreet, Honolulu.



Valuable Business Pioperly on

Nuuanu street, bringing u good


Sevoral Lots near Funohbowl

aud at Makilci, tho Choicest Resi-

dence Property in the city. A

porfect Tiew from Diamond Hoad

to Even, Honolulu nud Harbor.

Four Houses utul Lois on l'unoli-

bowl slroot, only five minutoH

walk from the Post Oilico.

We also Iutu Conifoilablo

Houses for sale on easy toima si-

tuated on tho foil wing streets,

Lunalilo, IClnau, Kukni, Haf-sing- er,

Boiotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Gioon, Thurston Avonue,

Puiuhou, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of tho

oity on the instilniont plan.

SoTorul well established Lodg-iug'Hous-

Cofltiu Lands on Hawaii aud a

Pinoapplo II inch with litnojand

rthr fruit treoa nou-- Honolulu.



210 Kin" Struct.



A. V. Gear 4 Co,

Olllce: 310 hlng Street.


general Business Agents

IioaiiH Negotiated nnd CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Aceouuts Adjusted,

Hills Bought and NotasDiscnuntHtl, ' .

Rub and Life InuUBncB Ageqfc



'T " '""; &? A fm PjpU


Itnnr Nirmiita lap. MmtiM lit, Mnilr,Thf wwpiiiifmip Humid nf (fiiiujmm

niHl It In nut lieiuitiful. U is ulniulur inslmpo mid ditiroly rovr-t- s thtihnlrof thonwefper. Il Ik purolr iitilllnrlnn It itliuul" of in.iteriiil Mnught pic-Ti-

tho (hint from lilterliiK throughTito waitress' cap may bo either ninarc

or triangular. In either oaiun tKiint Hpidirootly abovo tho middlo nf thu forohead of tho wearer.

Tho nurses' onp nro round, not on-lik- e

Iho nwnnpers' in rliiipa. They innketip for tlicir MmpliPity of form by tholtclnbornto niuturlnt.

How tn .links Drrllril Sunllnri.Tnko oino good sized sardines and

rnniovp the skin mid bones, pound themin a mot tar, with a littlo bttttor or nil,somo chopped parsley nnd tnrr.tgouleaves, n half pound of cloven, a bludoof niuco nnd n fow t hives. Stmon plen-tifull- y

with cayenno and u littlo saltmid servo either on hot fried toast or intiny mollis previously lined with alayer of fried bread crumbs sprinkledwith wurm butter Fresh oysters aredelicious deviled in tho samo way.

How to Clran Lamp Wicks.Wlion lump wicks becotno Imril, work

badly mid emit an offensive, odor, boiltliem In strong roup suds, nnao and wipodry.

When you wish to extinguish a light,turn it down quito low ; thou with alight breath from the top of tho chim-ney put It out. Thus you will avoiddanger and a disagrecablo odor.

How to Srlret filmdfn of Orcon.This color never should Lc chosen

without being eon by artificial light.Palo olive aud other shades of green aromuch nsed for wall papers, furnituretuff and draparics, but some of the col-

ors thut aro bcuutiful in the sunlightare a gloomy briny u simile at night.

How to Wiuh olUlolluAfter washing nilelotli and linoleum

be bum to dry it properly. If lifrilmup,it will speedily rot mul fliuilly bivoiuetotjlly FjiOllfd. It is a grvat mlstiil n toa-- f too lintoli wati r for waching it Tliealoth should be wruiu out and passedover tho surface.

n Knew vrtmt He V Aliout.Among tho storien told to tho

credit of mirh lawyers as havo noscruples ngaiust distorting and conceal-ing tho truth lu order to ehiolil personswhom thoy know or liavo every reasonto believe to bo gnilty tho following isentitled to a good place:

An attorney had occasiou to defend aman who was justly aocusod of counter-feiting paper money, aud ho manlpu-late- d

tho caso with such skill that hoscoured tho a.qnittal of the prisoner.When tho lawyer and lib client worealono together again, tho couutorfoitexoverwhelmed tho lawyer with thanks.

"And now" ssid he, putting hishand in his pockot.

"And now," the lawyer took up thoBentouoo, "I will havo my fee, and Iwill tako it in hard currency, not inbills, if you please. "Youth's Com-panion.

Company the Cunt.

JorieR Well, Dridet, why aro youleaving? Can't you mid your uiiftrceagree?

Bridget (son ow fully) Ah, yis, o,

soir, but Oi can't burfr thoon this bate. Uo to Df

Itrmiiiia AVIi).

There aro two reasons whypeople uro now paying car farenil fi,n ... o. A;i.;t-- ;

Pulnma Giocury and bank, ltcasou1. It i1? tho only place on thoIslands whore tho colobtated Sal-vntio- n

Army ton is sold. Iteason2. Aftor paying car faro bothways patrons find they aro raonnyin pockot by dealing at this "livoand M livo" establishment. Voalso delior goods between Dia-mond H.ad i: d llcanrvlua frco,

llAitn Cannon,Palama Grocery.

Opposite Railway depot, KingBtreot. Tel. 755.

That pifhiro in King Bros',window which lias attracted somuch nltoutiou iu not tho portraitof anyouo hero.

King I)roa; havo just received apow lot of tiasuo papor, windowhoIob, sash rods, attists' materials,piotuto Lames, otc.

Now suitings and pants patternsaro arriving by (jvery mail steam-er for L. B. Knrr. IIo sells a singloyard at wholosalo prices.

Torchon and Valencionnes lacesaro still in groat demand. L. B.Kerr has a choice lot, which ho issoiling at lowest pobsiblo rates.

AIMtlL 22, 18!)7.WMWMWt



I'e-l-l I'll tiirnof III" IHiile r.

UciilIh in Ki-- t

152 Beautiful iliue'-ittUiwn- a.

To)i)ruplilcal Map ol i'alestllioironi ri'ceni ami iucumiih Htirveysitmilo by Tbe Pale'tlnu rixplorallonFund nf London, glvlngevery Journeyniadn by tint Havlour frnm tlio illiihtInto Hgjpt to tho Ascension. Thebest a Id to Bible study ever od'ereiltho public. For wale at ilia


BAZAARElF" We aro now prepared to do

all kinds of

Copperplate EngravingWedding Invitations In the verylatest htyles, and Culling Cards aapecialty

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cut and Split (ready for the Stovo).Abo,



At Lowest Triees, delivered to any part ofthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

pftto&iifin Fertilizing

COMlJNlrrIs ptepared to furnisli

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for lSOfl.

In Quantities to Suit2JBf Orders solicited for a future d(.

tlvery.A F COOKE, Manager.

'"TT REDWflRrir

Contractor and Builder.

Ollkes and Stores fitted up andEstimates nhcn on

ii-iL- i Ji.iij Ux' UU'.iv.tST Otlleo anil Bliop: No lll Kort street,

aUjolnlug V. Wright's Carriagu Shop.

W. H. RICKARD,Gonoral Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

Uii iu luuLl.eu, woiAect.44iguud all Bnsincnn Mattoro

of IruEt.

All Business entrusted to himvill recoivo Prompt and CarefulAttontiou.' Otlico:

Hcnokan, Hamnkua, Hawaii.

A Now Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's oxpori-auc- e

in tho Abstract Bnsinesf., 1rtin projarod to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, aud onshort notice

F. AV. SIakinnet.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 18

Fort Street. 215-t- f

'' MSmL .

wniim Tim ing'WMi


r rants in ..


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, MattinrjB,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Port Street, .... Tclophono 20,

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManngerOlans Spreckels, - - .W. M. Oiffard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Portor, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAKD

Commission Agents.AOBNTS OF TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHanaliln Agricultural Company, Ononira SuiarCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WalliikaSugar Company, Walliet Sugar Company, MaliceSugar Company, HalcakalaTtanch Company ,

Rneh--PInler- Line San FrancljcoPackets, Chas. Brewer U Co.'a Line of BostonPackets -- .Agents Boiton Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or OmCERSt

PC Jonos, Presidentj Georgo H Itobortson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasnrer and

Col. W FAIIen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II TihtcrhoUBO, A V Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,II. J. KOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat alii nouns.


Cigars arid TobaocuAIitVAYS ON HAND.


T. ICro-a.se- , - - - Irop.Per Day fj 2.00Per Week 12.00

Epcloa ZiataalTits Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this Oity

SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1374.

King St. noar Thomas Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Plea

.V ' W i ,4J. i i W j rf M t

H. F. S1MGER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

b JLORNIB --A. 2C B IS "T 1

Hotel htrcet, uear Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fF""Tlio j"lleHt Imported and Ilonictmade Confectionery,

Real Hastate

lor Salo.1 Tuo Stores ou Nuuanu street.Z Lot on MaiMzlus Hill. IMiVJi lift.

commanding on excellent vlow of the cityand harbor.

a Lot ou IlickTcId street, SOxIM.4 A Choice Ufiliknce on Lunalilo street,

hiliu nit niodcru improvements. ,V lour Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

strict, all nnteil ut a monthly rental of tlXt.This prupcrty Is Silifeeton l'nnclibowl stnc,with a dejith of 'Hi feet ruiinliin to the drilltrrouuiU or armory, with a frontage on tamefor 4 or 5 more cottages. The central loca-tion of the propcrt makes It most atallable.

f i Fine itildeucc centrally located,contalulni; IS rooms Lot l'JOx'JOU ft. Twosmall cottages ou the lot bringing In (,'oodrental.

7 A Commodious Ilesldencc on Haslnitcrstreet, IHtcd with all modern com eulenos. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

8. A Hourc and Lot on Yoiinc street.U House anil Lot louiei n tori i anil

Ueretaula stn, ir o i oslte lljouia- - , iuk,house contains i rooms

10 House nd Lot on Vnntii; stmt nearthu resident ot the ltev Mr. Ildf Lot110x11(1. House iimtalns ciht tootns.

11 Pearl fit) I'ropertjIJ Desirable Tract of Colfec Land on Ha-

waii.13 A most Sc'Hir.tble Homo ou Thurston

avenue. Large giouudi and lieautiful flow.ergardon; house furnished throughout iahardwood with all lutest improvements.Excellent view of tho city and oeoan, andono which c.tunol 1m rut off.

14 A Largo Lot And Commodious Dwel-ling on Gidlu Strcctf commanding an un-obstructed icw of tho city nud harbor. Nichoicer residence is to bo had jn the cityeven by tho most fastidious.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights thiouiruout, bath, palrnt WC, senants' (juartcrs and stables. Out blue Itfrom ear line at I'uoahou.

1-0- Only 4 of UiOee Lots left nearschool.

17 Two Houses and Lots on l.lHha mnvt.IS A House and Lot i n IjWi -- trii-i.

l' A lieautKul IljllduiK Lot at KullIiL,llWif-- cleared, leneed nnd water laid on.

JO --A (icutlj loplni; Lot on Thurstiavenue, SlOxltiS, but Inst fron'sef on fln.cistreet of mi let, n.irt cm i to . a Nrd's-ey- e

't lew of I hi i it v j nil Lr rl r'JI Kleanl Ht nil Proper M V i it,,.21 Houce and hot ou

IIuu, imMlne (1 r"om Lot IIixllUit Dw, Unit Hoti-- e of tl rorin titled wrt

all ruodt rn eoiitenleiicci Lot 15x118

Situated at i'nlaraa.i!4 Vacant Lot on WalklKl Road, lOOxllb.--j limine uud Lot on Nuuanu street.

House contains ellil furnished rooms.Ver) conveni nlly located near tho businesstenter of the eitv

.'tt Elcwnt Residence at Punahon. House;ol 7 room with all modern coimnleueus.Lot Iihix'Joo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental trees.

27 12 Suit i of Furniture compli icdthe rental of the most desirable und

located Lidtaug Ilotiso iu the city.2S -l- 'liieapplu Itanch 2o,C00 frulthipt

plants, COO lime tries, CO Avocado ieartrees, oaeli trH uud Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, burn, etc. An Al iuestni(Ut.

2'lA Lodnlug House ou Fort street i;

of twenty furnlehi d rooms, all ccn-pl- td

by lodgers. A bargain for the rlhtjierson.

30 House and Lot, corner Wilder avenueand Kcwalo street, beantlful grounds, welllaid oat, an eicellcnt view of the mou.iUlix.The lot Is II 0 feet frout on Wilder aenue bya depth of 150 feet on Kcv do street. IIoujocontains el 'lit rooms uud outbuilding

Nonce Can Nicotinic Loans on anyolthe aboe prupertv lor pureliast rs dtvlflne:same at from SO to 73 per cent of the raise.

Hawaiian Business Agoncy,JIO Klnir street.

To Hy Patrons:"It givei me much pleasure

to announce that Mil. M. 11.

COUNTF.K, ono of tho mostHKitleil wuiuliin.ih.uiij evur iuthese Islands, j'b how nann;ingmy lvpaiiing deparlmont. Nowatch is so complex iu itsmechanism hut we can givo por-fect satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watches arohoir. W.itohes are delicatethings to handle. Wo guaranteethat they will recoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour store in perfect rojmir.


E. A. JACOBSON,WV7 Fort Strceti


For tho Equino Table in thoway of all kinds Firdt Class

HAY, $ FEEDAre on Balo by tho


138 Forfc St. Tel. 422.



The colobrated Entf.upiuseBkkh on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Quoen stroot, Honolulu, II, f, -

igkimtammrm nr mfthmm m iiiimpmi i



Page 8: J,fffMft CvVGNNG HIJLLCTIN · Jubileo. Punctuality was well observed, too, it not having boon taken for granted, as bonifilimes happens, that 7:30 moans half an hour later. Tho parlor




j w r


t-- iSKI.

f- -










mi-- ,

Ki'wkt'- '



IPecxple Know a"When Thev See



BULLETIN, Al'ltIL 122, 1897.




Temple of Fashion

Biggest Bargain Sale Ever Offered in Honolulu !

Percent Discount

On the Actual Cost!

This Means 50 Percent Less Than You Pay Elsewhere !

2! lie Stock Must Be Closed Out Regard-

less of Our Loss !



S3?" You can got any piece of goods in the store at this discount.

52 This. discount applies to all lines.

" Advertising a single leader in order to draw a crowd and then sell othorcheap goods at a big profit don't go in this store.

E Every article in my stock is a leader and you are allowed a reduction of 25per cent, on actual cost.

JKS" Everything marked in plain figures.

yp Don't get mixed. The Tenmle Of Fashion is the onlyplace in Honolulu where you can got good quality for a little monoy. Yours forbusiness only.

M. e.


ant on the









ictual Coat,




ins sri:,t.iiNiiif nniiiu fuo.hI TIIK OlIIt.NT.

a mill dh tiiuiir iiii Duciii iiicNlilp Nlltqilelinuuit Jfun Hue


Tho Kcmlwoilh begun loadingthis morning.

Tho steamer Likoliko sails at 5p in, with chief oflicor Baclis incommand.

Tho S 8 Doric's tirao from Yo-

kohama wbb 1) days 9. hours ami !)5

minutes.Tho steamers Mtuuin Lou mid

Noenu aro chalked up to sail at 10a m tomorrow.

A spare propollor for thoilearner Maitua Loa was landedfioin llio Archer thin morning.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 10:08pin; high tide small 10:10 am; lowtido largo 2:08 p m; low tiilu small4:25 am.

The outgoing mail per S SDoric cIobor at 0 p m today. Thosteamer leaves for San Franciscoabout G p m.

Tho G S Doric brought a minorthat two Japaneso warships woreon thoir way to this port. Thegonoral opinion is that thero is"nothing in it."

Tho inward cargo of tho AldonBosso will be all out in a couploof days. The Besso will load asquickly as possible and set sailfor San Francisco.

Tho big Amorican ship Susque-hanna is about 11 days out fromJapan. Sho is eagerly looked forby peplo on tho waterfront. Thob.,r j6ocl L coining bore to lonrlfor Now York.

Guy Kelly tho popular youngpurser of tho Iulor-lslan- d Steamship Co has been taken down sickand is now confined to his bod. It isto bo hoped ho will soon recover.

The S S Doric, Hnrry Smithcommander, arrived from thoOrient at daylight this morning.Sho loft Yokohama April 13. ForHonolulu thore woro five cabinpassongors and 551 Chinese, and1070 packages of merchandise.

Indian Orcau Sliurk.Although the waters of tho In-dia- u

ocean aro fiilud with turncious sharks, the inhabitants ofthe numerous islands near Coylouswim about in the water with im-punity, the sharks refusing tomolest them, while a straugorwould bo iustautly devoured.Exchange.

lliiltlc Willi Wrrrkrr.Philadelphia, April 7. Tho

Norwegian steamor Nuergly,which arrived hero tonight fromPort Antonio, Jamaica, landed atthis port Captain Oscar Ellolfonand niijo nie n, part of tho crow ofthe Norwegiun bark Prince Fred-erick, which struck on a coral reofab:iut 12 J miles west-nort- h westfrom Jamaica.

Thfa voa&d wn3 boatded by half-cla- d

savage wreckers, who threat-ened the lives of tho unfortunatecrew. For fum dajs ami ingmsCapti.iu E!!r!rii ar 1 Ins rostuck to tho wiuck and ivpi liedtho savagos at tho point of a pistolbut woro finally compelled to givoin aud allow Iho wreckers ouo-ha- lf

tho plunder.


From China and Jip-)j,pn- r S SDoiic, April 22 Mrs J H Potlio,Mies E W Pettie, Miss C II Pot-tie- .

Miss F E Griswold. Misa NStewart and o51 Chinese.

Orlulnul Uncle.

The Wnrrimoo that is expectedhero April 1G from Victoria willbring n largo consignment ofOriginal Dock 13eor for tho An-chor Saloon. 'While thoro hasbeen Bock Beor on tho Honolulumarket, it does not begin to oom-pa- ro

with tho consignment thattho Anchor will have on tap aftertho arrival of tho Wnrrimoo. Thoreason' for this is that tho Bookthat has already arrived is toofresh. Tho Bock Boer in theStates is made at tho first of thoyear and kopt till May 1. Tho con-signment lo arrivu is some of thooriginal boor and is guaranteed tobo better than any liock ovor iin-pott- od.

Wait for it. It will hoon tap nt the Anchor nftor thoarrival of tho Warrimoo.

The livening lluthtln, 75 willsper V'onth,



Wihsesiiai, April SI.

Btinr Katat, TTIIsou, from porta onOfttiu.

TiiunsuiT, April 2--

O it O 8 S Doric, Smith, from Jnpnnand Clilni.


Tiiuiisuat, April 22.

Sttnr Kavna, Wilton, Tor Walalun,Hlmr Krauliou, Thompson, for Kuloa,

Kminl,Stmr l.lKvllkc. Saclm, tor Olownhi,

(.oupnbochoc mill KuKnUu.


Stmr Mnutm Lnn, Slmcrsnu, (or Mnnl umlHawaii.


Ex Mmr Kicna-IV- K) !); cj;ar.



HUMS Wil(U hi. Napln, Kami, piillii.U 8 S l'hllaUclphln, Cottfln, o.tn Ulcj;". April

10.V 8 8 Petrel, Wood, S F, April 13,U 8 8 Marlon, Greene, 8nn Diego, March IS.

MBHClIANT3inV.(Coasters not Included In this Hit.)

Am thin Iroquois, Tojlor, San Tru lcoApril 7.

Am tcbr Alice Cooke, l'cnhallon-- , Port Oam- -cantlu, April l'J.

Am bk ycmlnolc, Wccdon. Newcastle, Apr 5.Am bktu N'eibov, MiillMnd, Nimmstl,

ApulIC.Am tehr Wm lionden, Kierem, Newcastle,

April 1C.Xor ok Fortunn, Mlkkelson, NcncastU,

April 10.Am ship Kcnllnorlli, Dakcr, 8F, April 111.Am bktn Archer. Calhoun, 8 F, April 20.Am bk (J D Hryant, Coll). 8 F. April 20.Am bk Aldeu , Potter, 8 F, April 20.Am uk Albert, UrlUltht. 8 F April IS.


Vciels Where trom DuoNle bk Dominion, ....Newcastle DupUcr bk Paul Ucubtri;....LUurpool line8chr Louis NewcastleSchr Novelty NewcastleAm ihlpllt(ipcr...NewcalluHMir OnMep imhSchr Kcho NewcastleHaw bk Iolanl New York .... Muy fllBk Nuuiuu New VorkAm SclirOccauIa Vance,.. Newcastle, ArrW)Kchr W 11 Talbot,. .NewtHstle Apr 30S 8 Australia 8, V Apr 3738 Doric Yokohama Apr 238 8 Mltmcra Sydney Apr 31BSAlamtda 8dney Apri 2"JAm bktn Amelia Puget Sound,....8 8 Amarapoora,....l'ui;ct Sound,Am schr Transit 8 F,Am bktn S n Ca.lle,... 8 FAm bk t'ejlon, l'UL'ft 8oundllawbkUPlllthU 8 FAm bktn li inward, 8 FAm bk Frenu, 1'ugit Soundllr ship Ddlcalmle Astoria DuoOrshlp U FOIade,.... Ilrcmen JulyUI


Hlir Mitlcrioii l'lljltt i'ic JtullrliryOlllco.

Cecil Brown, a creditor of E.B.Hondry, bankrupt, has filed anobjection to tho claim of Mrs. E.1. Hondry on the grounds that itis illegal, based on no valuableconsideration, fictitious, oto.

Tho Hawaiian Pork and Pack-ing Co. has filed a joinder in de-murrer in tho suit of E. 0. Win-ston against it.

Honry Smith has filed his finalaccout as trustoo for John SumnorEllis, a minor, with a petition fordischarge. Ito shows receipts of81U59.38, and paymonts ofS889.59, leaving a balauco of

109.79. Tho ward claims to bou ow of oge.

Judge Carter has approved thonreount of lliiymnnd Roves,guardian ol the. Aiauuuuo nunoiu,'K . lit B il n.. lo itooc

Keola ueo Macluido and JuliaMaohado, who havo como of nge,but lo retain tho property ofHenry aud Mary Ann Machado,still in their minority, and file uuew bond thoroforiu 81500. Thorois S1158.55 duo five children. Thoestate is valued nt $5000, consist-ing ol leal estate m xiuiioiulu.Adjudication now is on tho reportof D. P. Kellett Jr. as master.

J mlr" Carter yesterday aftor-- n

ooh derided in favor of tho re-spondents "tho now company"in tho Chinoso theater controver-sy for poeeeofiinu. A contractmade by Loo Chit Sam as a direc-tor of tho old compauy was pro-duced which settled tho inattorwith tho Court. Mr. Castlo forpetitioners noted an appeal. Mr.Magoon for respondents, with twopohcomon, acted on tho decisioulaRt night by taking posts'-i- ) oftho Thespian templo on tho spioymarshes of Aala.

Mirprtaril lllin.A surpriso party was tendered

to A. II. Jackson at his homo onPunchbowl street lust Saturdayovuning. Dsuoing was indulgedin until elovon o'clock, after whichrofrebhmoiits woro ooryod on tholawn. Those present woro MissFair, Miss Horn, Miss Ilrown, MissHobo, Hilary Momo, Fred AngiiH,Mr. Matthews and a number ofothoia,

VII'rultlA'M I.O.MJ ItMllA- y

Continual from Jut I'mjc,

to ba whun asked to aubsoribotoward tho memorial. Ho thoro-fo- ro

moved tho resolution for nhospital for incurablos. In argu-ing that it Bhould not bo limitodto British, ho told of a caso in Iu'bknowlodgo not far from tho plaooof meeting, of a man badly need-ing tho sholtor of such a hospital.Such casco ought to bo token intoconsideration. If tho resolutionwaH adopted he would put hisuamo dawn for $2500. Applaueo.

Tho chairmau told of tho greatinterest taken in tho matter by alady rcsidont, who had formerlyhad much experience ns a hos-pital nurse.

Mr. Tinker wanted to know ifit would bo a froo hospital. Ifso, might it not conllict with thoQuoon'B Hospital?

Mr. Thomas It is for incura-bles; thero will bo no competi-tion. Laughter.

Mr. McMillan urged that thodirectors should be exclusivelyBritish. This would never be aBritish country, and thero wasdunei ihat iu. hospital, uuiiorcortain circumstances, might losoits name

Mr. Eoe raised a roar of lnugh-i- eiby remarking that "this is a

British country run with tho as-sistance of Americans."

Tho chairman spoke in warmterras of Mr. Young's munificence.

At the conclusion of businessabout 9:30, a voto of thanks wascarried with applaueo for Mr.Walker's able services in tho chair.Mr. Krouso was also cordiallythanked on motion for tho use oftho rooms for tho meeting. Thofirst stanza of "God Save thoQueen" was suug, as tho m.'. tintJimmied snbjp- - to the call of

the chair.

no (tiuru is tit. Ki.riMtr

C'oloual l'ltlicr and .Uojnr Jonc jn.iioiiurn the llutmlluii VuiMlon


Major J. AV. Jones called on thoBulletin this morning and asked x

to be put on record as saying thatthero was absolutely no founda-tion for tho report iu tho morningpaper that tho officers of thoRogiment were talking over thomatter of giving each battalion oftho First Kogimont a vacation ofthroe months alternately. Thematter had never been discussedby any officer in his hearing.

Colonel Fisher was seen laterand corroborated Major Jones.He said that such an idea if car-- 'ried out would do away with alldiscipliuo and destroy the utilityof the regiment. No such orderswould ovor be given as long asho was at tho head of militaryaffairs.

Major McLcod srrid he hadheard nothing of any such propo-sition.

Isolation "I tlio IM ii git i.Health Officer Doty of Now

York received a roport lecontlyfrom tho agent appoiutod in

nn at the rSuoa canal from India.Tho roport says:

"Fr6m Bombay I learn of thoapparently marvelous manuer inwhich tho bubonic plague isolatesitself. Tho natives live mostlyiu a largo building, divided intoflats. Each flat consists of a, setof rooms divided by a passngo or

, r; i,., 'i , a,, i f r ., (,;,., ;s ncommon lavatory. It has boonknown, ovor and over agaiu, thatsovornl persons suffering from thophiguo have bean confined in ouoroom of allat,audyot not one otherindividual living in tho same iluthas caught the disease. 'FinallyI may mention that Piogors Pasha,inspoolor-gonor- al of tho sanitarydepartment of Egypt, has just re--turned from Bombay, having'mado n thorough study of thosuuitary condition of that city.Ho is of tho opinion that thoEgyptian authorities havo overyrtl.niiit of li. nig ulilt t j preventtho introduction of tho disoase."

Sister Why dnn't you marryhor? "Nrothor I'd like to butunfortuualuly sho has an impedi-ment in hor spooch. SistorWhat is it? Brother -- She can'tt,dy "Yes."

Tho Comedinn (on tho dofon-siv- o)

But you know thoro nroonly sovoii roul jokos in tho world,it is said. The Soubrotlo 1

know; what ptizzlos inn is tliutynii haul never hiippoiiod uponany of thoiu,

AA "


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