Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran

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  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


    5/3/13 Jesus (PBUH) did not die according to Quran

    Meaning oftawaffa:


    Ibn Taymiyya said:

    "Al-tawaffa in the Arabic language means: to exact fully or take in full. It takes three forms; the first: to

    take in sleep; the second: to take in death; and the third: to take the body and soul all together." (Al-Jawab Al-Sahih 2/83)

    In Kulliyat Abu Al-Baqa it is stated:

    "Tawaffa is putting to death and extracting the soul in common usage while in the classical usage it is

    'taking in full and 'exacting the due right.'

    2-Quranic usage:

    The Quran also reveals that taking a persons soul does not always imply death. For instance, another verse usestawaffaa to refer not to a persons death, but to taking his or her soul while asleep:

    "Allah fully takes away (yatawaffaa) the souls (of the people) at the time of their death (mawtiha), and (of)

    those who do not die (lam tamut), in their sleep. Then He withholds those on whom He had decreed

    death (al-mawt), and sends others back, up to an appointed term. Surely, in this, there are signs for apeople who ponder." (Quran 39: 42)

    The word here translated as taking back is the same as that used in Quran 3:55 and 5:117: tawaffaa. Since aperson does not actually die during the night, the word yatawaffaa here refers not to death, but to taking the soulat night. Iftawaffaa were being used in the sense of death, then that would mean that all people would bebiologically dead during sleep. Thus, Jesus (PBUH) would have died every night of his life. Such an assertion isboth irrational and illogical.

    3-Explanation from Hadith:

    Another instance in which sleep is regarded as a kind of death, but which does not refer to biological death, is t hefollowing Hadith:

    Narrated Huzaifa: When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) moved to his bed (to sleep) he would say; All praise isfor God, Who has made us alive after He made us die [sleep] (Al-hamdu li Al lah illazi ahyana bada maa

    amatana; wa ilayhi al-nushoor). (Sahih Bukhari Hadith 5837)

    No doubt, he used these wise words not to refer to biological death when one is asleep, but rather to a sleepingpersons soul being taken.

    4-Jesus (PBUH) was given a kind of sleep:

    Ibn Kathir, the famous Islamic scholar and commentator, used this Hadith, along with many other proofs in hiscommentary on Surah Al-Imran, to explain that tawaffaa refers to sleep. In addition, he indicated the wordsmeaning in other verses where it appears.

    Ibn Kathir gave his opinion using a Hadith handed down by Ibn Abi Hatim: Ibn Abi Hatim says that: My father toldus

    } : {

    ... from Hassan that the meaning of the verse I will take you back is this: Here it means that I shall

    kill you with the death of sleep.' In other words, I shall cause you to sleep. So, Allah raised Jesus

    (PBUH) to the heavens while he was asleep." (Ibn Kathir 2/47)

    Infact there is a Hadith which clarifies beyond all doubt. It goes as;


    Hasan (RA) narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to the Jews, 'Jesus has not died, he will returnto you before the Doomsday.'" (Al-Tabari H.7133)

    5-Antonym ofHayat(Life) in the Quran?

    Further we know that in the Holy Quran only the word mawt (death) is used in contrast to hayat (life) e.g. See

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  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


    5/3/13 Jesus (PBUH) did not die according to Quran

    Quran 67:2, 25:3, 2:260, 30:19, 2:164, 16:45, 45:5, 3:49, 42:9. But not even once has the Quran used tawaffaagainst hayat. This is strong evidence that to the Author of the Quran tawaffa is not the opposite ofhayat.

    6-Views of leading learned scholars:

    Islamic scholars agree that mutawaffeekameans that Jesus (PBUH) did not die, but that he was raised to Allahspresence and will return to Earth. For example;

    Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari, the famous commentator and scholar , stated that mutawaffeeka is used in the sense ofremoving from Earth and interpreted the verse in the following terms: "To me the soundest opinion is to takethis word in the sense of 'to take into one s possession', 'dra w (aw ay) from Earth.' In that case, the

    meaning of the verse is: 'I shall take you from Earth and into the heavens.' [This is] because of the

    multiple ways it has been narrated from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that Jesus son of Mary will

    descend, kill Anti-Christ (Dajjal)..." (Al-Tabari 3/51)

    The great Islamic scholar Ibn Taymiyya stated that Quran 3:55 indicates that Jesus (PBUH) did not die, but mostlikely experienced a kind of sleep death. He then wrote: This verse is proof that the death of Jesus (pbuh) isnot being referred to The word al-tawaffa [the infinitive form of the word mutawafeeka used] in the

    verse requires the death of the soul without that of the body, or of both, but with the existence of

    another piece of evidence explaining the circumstances in this sense. The meaning may be the death

    of sleep (as in Quran 6:60). The words at the end of the verse, to the effect that: I shall separate you

    purified from the unbelievers, are also along these lines. Had Jesus (PBUH) body been separated from

    his soul, then his body would be in the ground, as with the other prophets. (MajmuFatawa 4/322-323)

    So in the light of the Quran, Hadith and the views of learned scholars the meaning of mutawaffeeka is 'to take infull' i.e. with both body and soul.

    7-Ibn Abbas's (RA) view on Mutawaffeeka:

    Now coming to the view of the pious Companion Ibn Abbas, we see that many people often quote a saying of himto confuse the whole case. It is quoted in Sahih Bukhari without any chain,

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    Ibn Abbas (RA) said: "Mutawaffeeka is 'I'll cause you to die.'" (Sahih Bukhari 14/149)

    The complete narration along with chain is found in Ibn kathir 2/47, Al-Tabari 6/457, Ibn Abi Hatim 3/14 Hadith3630.

    But we ought to consider other narrations of Ibn Abbas (RA) to understand his actual position on this issue. Thefollowing one clarifies his stand point;

    { }

    Narrated Az-Zahaak from Ibn Abbas that the verse ' Inni Mutawaffeka wa rafiuka' means: "I will raise you

    to myself then I'll cause you to die near the End of Times." (Durr Al-Manthur 2/347)

    It is enough to show that even according to Ibn Abbas' (RA) view Jesus (PBUH) is alive yet and the verse to himrefers only to his death in the End of Times after his descent.

    One may say how can the order be changed i.e. how can rafa (raising) precede tawaffa (death as per Ibn Abbas'view) while it is mentioned later according to the make up of the sentence. This is no problem as its common inQuran that something mentioned later in the sentence precedes what's mentioned before it. A perfect example isQuran 3:110.

    "You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid

    the wrong and believe in Allah."

    One can see that belief in Allah comes first but its mentioned after the mention of enjoining what is right andforbidding the wrong.

    Ibn Abbas (RA) believed in the physical ascension of Prophet Jesus (PBUH). This fact also refutes any notion ofattributing Jesus' (PBUH) death to him.

    . . . :

    Ibn Abbas said, "When Allah intended to raise Jesus (PBUH) to the heavens, he went to hiscompanions,...Jesus (PBUH) ascended to heaven through an opening in the top of the house."(Ibn Abi Hatim 4/431 Hadith 6266, Ibn Kathir 2/449. Ibn Kathir called it Sahih)

    This detail is enough to maintain that even the opinion of Ibn Abbas (RA) in essence goes with the establishedopinion of other Sahaba and later Muslim generations.

    And it'll be nothing less than sham and hypocrisy to take one narration of a person and reject the other for noreason.


  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


    5/3/13 Jesus (PBUH) did not die according to Quran

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    shaney786 March 18, 2010 at 3:19 PM

    mashallah great find


    Rizwan May 11, 201 0 at 10:28 AM

    JazakAllah Waqar bhai,

    This specific refutation helping a lot.


    Anonymous February 25, 2011 at 9:31 PM

    Good work brother !


    yacoobtalib August 11, 2011 a t 8:04 AM

    What a mess.This can never be correct.Since there is no spiritual guidance man will always be in the

    wrong.This by the grace of Allah the Promised Messiah and Mahdi came to save us from such ignorance.The

    Holy Prophet was right that a time will com e when the Holy Quran will be black and white,we are seeing this.May

    Allah save us from thi s ignorance.


    sherkhan August 16, 2011 a t 7:22 PM

    Please refer to them as q adayanis and not ahm ediya there are the umm at of ghlam ahm ed and have nothing to

    do with our beloved prophet pbuh only Allah s wt can guide them


    HAROON KHAN November 17, 2012 at 8:31 AM

    mash allah alham dullilah .. may allah give you jannah in the akhira ameen great work


    Anonymous March 20, 2013 at 2:08 AM

    So, what's the m eaning this ayah?

    21:34 And We did not grant to any man before you eternity [on earth]; so if you die would they be eternal?


    Waqar AkbarApril 12, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    The verse does not oppo se the idea of 'Eisa (AS) being alive for all Muslims believe he will die after

    his des cent. He will taste death and the one who d ies is not eternal.
  • 7/27/2019 Jesus (PBUH) Did Not Die According to Quran


    5/3/13 Jesus (PBUH) did not die according to Quran


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